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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1903)
TOE OREGON -DAIIiY JOUItHAL, rOHTLA10, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1003. i i i ' -! 'i " ' A TRACY BLOODHOUNDS ON CONVICTS' TRAIL (Journal Special Service. ri-ACERVILLE. Cel.. Aug. J. C. C , renett arrived here thla afternoon with ' two bloodhounds which are the Mm ! which trailed Tracy through tha wilds of Washington and Oregon. The docs will be oil the freshest scent "obtainable. DUTCH FLAT. Cal.. Aug. . Sheriff Keena and three deputies arrived here at I o clock thla morning and nave been looking over th ground of laat nlght'a fight. They found no trace of tha con- -victs. who have without doubt escaped. There la no truth In the report that one convict waa kiuea. BAD GANG OF BOYS , HAS COME TO GRIEF Four of the Crowd Arrested Within a Few Days forCom ' mitting Burglary, SOUTHERN PACIFIC LOOKING FOR BOERS Offering $114 Rate from Cape town to United States for Colonists, The members of the notorious Laberge gang of youthful thieves.' who have In felted the Kaot Side for a long time, are 'gnidually having Justice meted out to jthem. Three of the bold young bandlta iar now awaiting the action of the grand iury. Albert Leggy and R. C. Nelaon. each IS yeara of age, were arreated at Oregon City Sunday for the robbery of the office i of the Holmes lee Coal Company laat ; Thursday night. The thieves got about $i0 in cash. Suspicion waa attracted to the lada at Oregon City by tha fast that they had many dlroea In their possession and Chief Burns held them for the Port land police. Detectlv Hartman brought them back to thla city and thla morning both were arraigned before. Judge Hogue. Examination waa waived and both were held to the grand Jury in 1 1.000 ball. The boys admitted their guilt to the i police. Legge formerly worked for the ' Arm which occupied th office now used ,by the Holmea company and retained a set of keys with which he easily gained : entrance to the place. He Implicated lLaberg but said that Nelson waa not 'guilty. Legge' home la at 381 East Pine street, his father being employed lln the City Engineer' office. Nelaon Uvea at 412 Ernst Morrison. Joe Laberge, the alleged leader of the rang, who waa arreated while attempt Ing to break into an East Bid atore last week, was alao held to the grand Jury today In 11.000 ball, i George Seavy, who waa with Laberge, ha a been turned, over to the Boya and Girla' Aid Society. BIG LABOR TROUBLE NOW ON IN SPAIN jTroops Ordered Out and Strik- ers Are Fired on by the Guards, ' t Journal Special Service.) MADRID. Aug. I. The long-threatened general atrlke among the trades union began today In many of the large cities. Including Barcelona and Cadis. Immediate steps, will b taken to rein force the troops. The strikers demand th release of tha Tabor ltaders who .were thrown Into prison In connection I with th recent strike. Guards have been doubled! and th troop are out In 'many localities. At Alcha hot were exchanged when the Mayor" residence waa attacked by striker. THREE' VERDICTS ILL AND VOID Supreme Court Handed Down Trio of Reversals at Salem Before Taking Recess for the bummer, (Journal Special Service.) NEW ORLEANS. Aug. J The Bouth em Pacific la extending' Its Immigration Bureaus to almost all countries of the world, and I expending large uma to colonise the rice, and tobacco land of Louisiana and Texas. Through trans. port at Ion haa been arranged from Cap Town, and a rate of $114 haa been mad to encourage th Boer to recolonlx. CONTRACT MAY GO TO SEATTLE FIRM Committee Meets Today to Award Construction of Portland's Fireboat. The committee of the Executive Board to award the contract for Portland'a propoaed fireboat at a meeting to be held this evening. The name of the bidder' and th amount of their bids have already been published, and It Is aid to be almost a certainty that Moran Broa. A Co., of Seattle, will be the lucky firm to receive the Job. Their offer la thought to be In every way more advan tageous than th others, and provide for a boat exactly on the plana and spe cifications of th Board, constructed en tirely of steel. It waa the Intention of th local labor organisation to have committees pres ent to protest against awarding the Se attle firm the work, but In conversation with a member of th Board he aald It would be th height of folly to disre gard th offer of the Seattle people. "I want to gee the work go to a home firm a much a any one," he remarked, "but they all had an equal opportunity of figuring on the work, and If our rivals on the Sound can do It cheaper than we can here, why, then I do not see our way clear to disregard them. It would not be business policy, to say the least. It will probably be nine months, and perhaps a. year, before the fireboat can be commissioned for service. It will take at leaat six months or more to con struct the vessel. CHAMBERLAIN TO ACT i (Journal Special Service.) LONDON. Aug. . In the House of Commons today Secretary Chamberlain I a greed to lay before the House the ad dress presented by the Canadian Parlia ment to King Edward favoring home rule for Ireland. 1 GOOD WILL MESSAGES V . . . ' (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON, Aug. J. Prealdent Roosevelt and th King of Portugal have exchanged message of good will. The king sent him from Lisbon, where he breakfasted on board the Brooklyn, n American warship. SHIPPING AT THE BAR (Journal Special Service.) ASTORIA, Or., Aug. J. The barken tln Katie Fllcklnger arrived yesterday evening from Port Loa Angeles In bal last. The ateamer Columbia haa arrived from San Francisco with a full freight and passenger list. The pilot schooner, the steamer Besburg for Tillamook and the Heather, on a cruise, sailed today. The steamers Indraaamha for Hong Kong, the Tottenham and Dalnya will sail this evening. Forget to Have Your Piano Overhauled and Repaired Before the Winter Season DIVER FINDS i BODIES IN RIVER Fruitless-Effprt Was Made To day to Raise Corpses I nought to Be at the ' Bottom of the Willamette River, Nothing Was Found to Support Theory that Other. Persons Lost Their Lives in.Morflson- btreot bridge Catastrophe, For thre hour this morning Thomas Elllngson. a diver, explored th bottom of th Wlllamett, In th vicinity of th MoaTlson-street bridge accident, to And, If posslbl, th bodle of victims who were thought to hav been lost Th. search waa unsuccessful. Th submarine worker went down from th boa thou and h carefully covered th ground under this struc- PriceS for this WOrk by US are tur. a many believed that bodies had .uers nano piored th bed of th river under th The Celebrated J, I, Marshall Damage Suit Must Be Tried Again Before Multnomah Courfty Judges. (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Or., Aug. I. Tb Supreme Court this morning handed down four decisions, after which It adjourned for th summer recess. Th decisions are: i Matthew Geldard. appellant, va J. I. Marshall, respondent, from Multnomah, Fraaer, Judge; reversed. Opinion by Justice Bean. This was a suit for damages to th plain lift who sustained InJurlea while engaged in building an elevated road-1 lowest right flOW. a I M lUliac. WW 1SI lal lar lliii nil L. 1X11 I " ' ""I ww. .... me aw I ' o " I .. k. ik ..x.e ,. m mm Men's $9.75 Outing; Suits for A GOOD CHANCE TO FINISH UP THE SUM MER WITH ONE OVs THESE NICE SUITS GREAT J-INE MEN'S SHIRTS; ' , " 50c, 75c, $1.00 Eih. You save ase on your shirt If you buy of THE AMERICAN CLOTHIER 231-333 MORRISON, Corner FIRST ST. W'ELG n charged by the plaintiff, and Park. WILL TAKE THREE MONTHS TO FINISH fense urged neglect of a fellow servant. . . . . . . I . , th plaintiff appealed. Th Appellate CISCO, CU., Spokane, WSSQ., and court hold, that a offtiv sop was Sacramento, CaL broke, causing the Injury. The opinion also holds that the plaintiff did not as sume a -risk when taking employment On these grounds the case Is reversed and remanded for a new trial. State of Oregon, respondent, v Thomaa J. dlbson, appellant, from Jo sephine. County, Hanna, Judge; re versed. Opinion by Justice Wolverton. The defendant was convicted of mur der In the first degree. He had plead self-defense In the killing of IS. Schon- bachtler and the trial court Instructed the Jury that if the defendant had been able to retreat when threatened, th plea of self-defense would not stand. On thla Instruction the Appellate Court reverses th caae, and orders a new trial. A Salmon Cass. Reid, Murdock A Co., appellant, vs. Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company, respondent, from Clatsop, McBride, Judge; reversed. Opinion by Justice Bean. This was an action to recover daro- iarge awrcs m on bodies are in th water. Tull & Gibbs Say Firm Will- Have Best-Equipped House in the West. During th morning, th diver went down several Una, but h announced that ther waa nothing to b Man. H did not vn locat any of th property lost by trio who took an Involuntary bath at th time of th Urrlbl cat- troph Friday. Th Morrison-street bridge I again opened for traffic, and la thought to b safe. However, th oollapsed portion of th sldawalk ha not yet been re placed, because th sawmills hav been unable to furnish th needed timbers to make th repairs. Unless these ar- OBVIOUS BLUNDER- OF THE LAY-DOWNS .- (Continued from Pag One.) 1 W will hav one of th best- equipped furniture stores In the West," said P. D. Tull of the firm of Tull & Olbba, house furnishers, this afternoon. Mr. Tull ha Just returned from a visit to Orand Rapids, Mich., and Chicago, where he purchased extensive supplle tor th big store recently opened in this city. Tha Tull A mhhs establishment is at ag for breach of contract to deliver Second and Morrison streets, and oc 2,600 cases of salmon.' The" defendant M- cuDies four floors. The fourth floor is but a th river had been thoroughly dragged Saturday no further attempt wa mad with th grappling Iron Sun . I ...... .111. I Dn.ll.. mnA If T It waa believed that another body "-''. ''Til cured Judgment, and the plaintiff ap pealed. The court reverse th de cision becouse of instructions to th Jury that. he contract was Impossible to carry Into effect, and order a new trial. A. F. Backhaus, appellant, va. F. W. Buells ct al., respondents, from Marlon Cpunty, Burriett, Judge; affirmed. Opin ion by Chief Justice Moore. This was a suit to recover 44 bales of hops, valued at $2,433, and f 1,500 damages. The hops were not delivered according to contract by Buells when the same were seised by the sheriff and delivered to the plaintiff, who shipped them. Buells claimed that the plaintiff refused to live up to his contract and did not furnish money for harvesting the crop, when, the contract was re scinded. The trial resulted In Judg ment for Buells, In the sum of (2,500 and $40.71 damages, and the plaintiff appeals. The Appellate Court finds no error In the charge and affirms th Judgment. NINE WERE KILLED rUATTi VOOOA Aur S.-4n nririltinn to the three reported killed In the Cln clnnatl & Southern wreck near Cumber land Falls Saturday night It was learned tnrlav that Frank Fletcher, fireman: Glenary, brakeman, Charles Somerset and John Simpson and two white tramps were killed, making a total of nine dead. Walter Powers, another brakeman. Is fa tally Injured. Ladles' and Gents' Bathing Suit for Rent w . "uu ju -.n..un.-. u a Ui Reasonable Family Ratea Fine View of the Ocean. Excellent Cuisine. JUU ,.,:rtf THE NEWTON VXWTOir STATXOsT. JTw Zmprorement stsw Maaagement BATES $8.00 rSK DAT. J. O. Wlckham, Proprietor. Mr. W. H. Kenslt. Hostess. XOVa BBAOBC, WASH. ria Surf Bathlxur. Centrally Located with Beautiful gurrou aalnjr- 75hQ Hackney Cottag'e Home Comforts. Excellent Table Board end a Most Desirable Place for Famlllea. Spacious Sitting-room. SEA VIEW, WASH. Second stop after leaving Ilwaco. Poatoffle address, ILWACO, WA8H. f : lilt y THB LEADING BEABIDB KESORT OS THB NOUTU UEACIL EUROPEAN PLAN Rooma 60c npwurda per day Kentauraut a la Carte The Portland E. HANNEMAN, Prop. LONO BEACH. WASH. SEASIDE, OREGON Mrs. O. McGuire. Prop. McQu ire's Hotel Open All the Year 'Round-Rates Reasonable. This Popular Hottl Is new and clean and beautifully located on the Bank of the Kecanlcum. within five minutes; walk of CLATSOP BEACH. Th Most Pleasant Seaside Resort on the Northwest Paolfle Coast- CLAIM COURT ERRED IN ITS DECISION Ground of Appeal from Mu nicipal Judge in Habeas Corpus Case. The habeas corpus proceeding In the case of R. C. Gossman, accused of ar son, were argued before State Circuit Judge Cleland this afternoon. ' Goss man was arrested for arson and burg lary, alleged in an attempt that he made to see his former wife, Mrs. D. C. Burns. The allegation of the petition of the writ are that'errora were made in the Municipal Court Attorneys Ed. Mendenholl and B. M. Smith, for the de fendant, assert that the court violated the law in not keeping a record of the testimony when Oossman was bound over in the sum of $200 to keep the peace, and that such record should have been kept and signed as required by law. IN A SOLDIER'S MEMORY Order Issued By General Oantnbtn Zn Honor of th Z,at Lieu tenant Orimn. The following order have been Issued by Gen. Gantenbeln in honor of the late Lieut. C. W. Griffin, of Eugene: General Order Ho. 10. Headquarters Oregon National Guard, Adjutant-General s iraice. Portland Or., Aug. 1, 190J. With deep regret the Commander-in- Chief announces the accidental death of Second Lieutenant Charles W. Grif fin. First Separate Battalion of In fantry, which occurred at Eugene, Or., July 20, 1903. His record or seven years in tne ure- on National Guard and In the Second i re eon United States Volunteer In fantry, was faithful and painstaking, Mm health havinar been seriously and permanently Impaired as the result of his arduous service wuu inn rcaiuieni In the Philippines. . . As a mark or respect, me omcers or the First Separate Battalion infantry Just undergoing extensive repairs, and. will give the store an added floor space of 10.000 feet. Increasing tfi entire pace to 60,000 square feet "We are negotiating" aald Mr. Tun, "the purchase of a warehouae on the terminal tracks, which will give u 10, 000 sauar feet more of floor space. The entire building will be overhauled and refitted. It will take at least three montha to get the store In ahap and then we will hold a grand opening. This will be torn time in October." The first floor will be devoted" to fancy furniture, etc. It has not been fully decided what the color scheme of this floor will be, but Mr. Tun be lieve he will hav it done In deep red. The second floor will be in green. 1th straw-colored trimmings. Car pets, draperies and bedding will be on this floor. . The third floor walls will be in Tar key red. with straw-colored celling. This will be the bedroom furniture de partment The top floor is in green and cream. Parlor Koodn. tables and fancy stuff Is In this department. Decorators and carpenters have been at work three weeks on this floor. The plan of light ing the top floor is so arranged that ev erv lamo is controlled by a switch board. Office furnishings will be In an annex back of the main store. Messrs. Tull and Glbbs hav a store In Spokane. Mr. Glbb Is In charge of the Fall City house. The local store haa been In op eration a little over a month. . SCHOONER SWAMPED IN 'FRISCO HARBOR Captain and Crew Had Barely Jime to tscape in bmail Boat. . will wear a knot of black crepe upon the the date of this order. sword hilt for a period of aO days from By order of the Commander-in-Chief, f It ailUTEVRKlV Adjutant-General. E. M. Grimes, Proprietor. The New Grimes HoteF Free Bus to and From Hotel. Rales Furnished on Application CLAfSOP BEACH Only hotel overlooking the ocean. View of the se from nearly t-very room. SEASIDE, OREGON REAL ESTATE DEALER S. J. HUBBARD Cottages for rent and sale. A good cottage to exchange for unimproved lots In suburbs of Portland. . . A few rare birgalns In ACREAGE. TIMBER LANDS. CHICKEN . RANCHES, CITY PROPERTY-AND r'L'MMBP. COTTAGES- . . artnesAxs. ssaszob; obsqov.. OLD HOME" WEEK (Journal Special Service.) LONDON, Ont, Aug. S. Today ushered in "Old Home week In this city, for which preparations have been making for several montns. it is esti mated that at least 10,000 visitor will be here, among them large delegations from Chicago, Detroit. Toledo, Cleve land, Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse and New York city. " SVBB OTOE TOB FIX.XS. Itching piles produce molstur and cause itching, thia form, a well a Blind. Bleeding or Protudlng Pile ar cured by Dr. Bo-an-ko' Pile Remedy. Stops itching and bleeding. 'Absorbs tu mors. SOc a Jar. ' at druggist,' or sent by maiC Treatise free. 'Write me about your ease. Dr. Bosanke. PhlTa.. pa. The lock to be placed In the Danube Oder canal will bo 1S1 feet high, and the highest In the world. The Austrian Minister of Commerce has offered prise of 100.000. 75,000 and 60,000 crowns for the best plans for it. . (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3. The seow schooner Prospero, running from reta luma to this city, was waterlogged en route, Capt Henry Thompson, his sick wife and Mate Frank Guttner having barely time to escape In a small boat between Angel Island and the Berkeley inore. 'Every detail of the accident was similar to a foundering at sea The scow was loaded with crushed rock. The bay was choppy and .the schooner shipped more water than it could pump out. While the. captain stood at the helm the three got to the small boat Just before the scow turned over. 'ETITION NOT WITHDRAWN The opinion generally prevalent that the Empire Construction Company's telephone petition and franchise request had been withdrawn from theClty Coun cil is erroneous, according to Local Agent Stowe, of the company, who states that the matter will come up for consideration at, the next Street Cop mlttee meeting. At the last session' it was given out that the corporation hod discontinued Its efforts to secure a fran chlse, leaving the Impression that no further move would be made toward that end. However, this is strongly de nied by Mr. Stowe, who claims that it was simply tabled until the next session of the committee. The records of the Street Committee do not 'show that the application for the franchise waa withdrawn. no hesitancy to tay In th public print what I hav said tv these gentlemen her." Dr. Gelsy took th train for th South today, and will be absent far two weeks In California. He wa conversing with several other physician and business men at th tlm and hi proposition wag rlv aoon, It 1 posslbl, that th bridge Undoraed by all who were present carpenter will har to lay" off tomor-1 ..j am glven tj understand," eon row. Itln,, rtr A)av 'that It la not mi. Th great interest aroused by the I ' ,. .. , K.w. terrlbl accident waa shown by the " crowd of curiou who viewed the .cene rcnt rrval according to th nl- of the accident yesterday. The carpen- versai practice oy pouc xoroe in oioer ter had worked o rapidly that the citie. . Tnt may account ror in xaci street car service over tha structure that practically no arrest ar mad waa resumed late yesterday afternoon, her, In face of the flood- of criminal Incident that hav filled the page of I local history of late. Certainly, som radical defect la In th theory of police Just Stop and Think How favord you ar in th great - Northwest Many thousands of people are Im migrating her (to th land of plenty); but you were "born her. All you hav to do I to stretch out your .hand and take hold of your opportunity. Sit down today and writ for our catalogue. W give you a practical bu. inea education and aasltt II to get you a position wheiKll competent Tou couldn't be-J gin at a, better tlm' now in nign tia ox prosperity. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Portland, Oregon. wa In the river, as two boatmen, while dragging the bottom, brought up a rub ber boot from a dark object in the water. Th object, believed to be body, gqt away from the men and haa not lnce been brought to tne sur face. The diver could not find it, and If there are other corpses In the water. It is now thought that the current car ried them down stream. District Attorney Manning is consid ering the legal phase of the matter, and la of the opinion that some one will be held liable for damages. He Is not in a position at present to discuss the matter In detail. ' Coroner Flnley has concluded that nothing Is to be gained by an Inquest, and therefore none will be held. Although some people have com pulsed that there wefts no police on the spot at the time of the bridge col lapse, the officer were on the scene In short order. Driver John Price of the patrol wagon made a record-bVeaklng run with his horses and during the af ternoon he took 12 injured person to their homes, establishing a record for this vehicle. No one cquld have done better than the - policemen on the be such radical defect, they ahould be corrected at once. If Chief Hunt be Incompetent an other man should be given hi position. I regard it as a duty, of the Mayor to act vigorously in the premises, and a 1 said before, would be willing to head a petition to the administration asking for Immediate action." LONG LIST OF CRIMES WHICH 60 UNPUNISHED robbed at Sixteen h and OUsan. July 89 Attempt to hold np and mar dr Oorg Johnson nar Irving-ton rac track. July U A. Waraor robbed and bru tally beaten on Seoad. and Bnmsld.' July SO 3. Whitney aald up oa Thir teenth and Alder. July 30 Perl saloon. Third and Ash, atrd and robbed. July 31 Winter Q ardent Third and ICorriaon, robbed. Aug-oat 1 Elliott Farkhurt robbed and beaten oa Tenth and Salmon. CASE MAY GO TO A HIGHER TRIBUNAL Sailor Boarding House Com- missioners Appeal from tlje. . Circuit Court. wagon. At th Hospital. All the victims of the Morrison-street bridge accident that were taken to the different hospitals are Improving rap- Idly except Mrs. Fred Schroeder of 426 East Davis street. Mrs. Schroeder had one hip fractured, Jaw fractured, wrist broken and bruised terribly from head to foot. Owing to her being 67 year of age, there is doubt of her recovery. Miss Dora Johnson of 7SS East Oak street, who had her ankle and shoulder broken by the fall, 1 resting easy to day at St. Vincent's Hospital. Mrs. Cushlng Mitchell was able to return to her residence, 464 V East Burnslde street, yesterday. Mrs. Mitchell had her back wrenched in the accident but it wa found not to be serious. Walter Bernard, 1C years old, of 204 V4 Stark street is Improving rapidly at the Oood Samaritan Hospital. His leg was broken and he wa considerably bruised. Ey Glass round. A pair of. nose glasses which were found by a letter-carrier soon after the accident were turned over to City De livery Superintendent Barrett this morning and by him to the Chief of Police, who will hold them, awaiting claimant. LEHMAN SENTENCED (Journal Specll Service.) ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8. Julius Lehman, at whose house the $47,000 was divided as the spoils from the Doodling Council, was today sentenced to seven years. Sentence was deferred in the- cases of Kelley, former Speaker, and Delegates Bersch and Dennis, at the request of Folk, who desire they be tried on other charges at the October term. ALMOST A- MURDER (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK, Aug. J. The wife of Congressman Ketchum waa nearly mur dered by a thief whom she surprised in her apartments on ' her return from a shopping expedition. He struck her over the head with a poker, broke her collar bone and caused numerous scalp wounds. He got IS in cash. BACK FROM CALIFORNIA IT. J. ITiiison Betarns Prom a Trip In Interest of th Iwia and Clark Six position. N. J. Levinson, recently elected as chief of the Press" and Publicity Bu reau, returnedthis morning from a sev eral weeks' visit in California. He waa in the Golden State in the interest of the coming Lewis and Clark Expos I tlon, and it is reported that he meet with much encouragement from Ore gon's southern neighbors. Mr. Levinson visited San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose, and many other large cities bf that state. He Interviewed the California St. Louis and Lewis and Clark Expositions' Clm missioners. They all seemed to be of the oninlon that the Legislature of the Ooldfcn State would vote more funds for the California display at , the 1005 world's fair. During his visit Mr. Levinson was visited by representatives of the lead ing daily papers of the Sunshine state, and through interviews did o great deal of advertising for the Portland Ex position. The people throughout that commonwealth seem to be glad thaf Portland is to have a large fair,- and nearly all who talked of the fair stated that they expected to visit it two yeara hence. XIN THE POLICE COURT Professor J. C. Morris, also known a Mars, an aeronaut, wno had trouble last week with Julius Kline, for whom he made several ascensions; was today ar raigned in the Police Court on a" charge of assault and) battery sworn to by Oeorgo Dowling. The latter was placed on guard over some of Mars' parapher nalia on which Kline claimed to have an attachment' and Mars Is said to have struck Dowling. The case will be heard tomorrow. In the meantime the profes sor is at liberty on 25 bail. C Fulton, a lad of IS, who claims he comes here from Stella, was' In court charged with roaming he ' street. He told a straightforward story about ar riving late la the cty and 'desiring to see the sights. , The court admonished him and held hi ease until tomorrow. In th Circuit Court this afternoon, W. T. Hume, attorney for Smith and White Bros., against th Stat Board of 8allor Boarding-House Commission era filed findings of fact and asked that a license to the petitioner under the peremptory writ of mandamus granted by the court Saturday, be allowed. For the defense. Attorney McOtnn filed a hill of exception, and a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court and argument on both aide are being made this afternoon. WW Here is a list of crime recently com mitted in Portland, to which 'the Ore gonlan, Police Department and the Evening Telegram (evening eaition oi Oregonlan) are respectively referred: Bont Crime in roruana. Kay al Tanconver car held up and passenger robbed. May ar nauwooa ear aut np & robbed. Job 4 Highwayman operat oa the Whitahon road. Jons 8 Zioui Bandar victim, of hold up. job 10 Conpl viotunso ox nign way- men. Jun 11 W. T. zailia victim of hold- up. jnne 14. roar men aia np ana robbed on Hall street. Jun 80 Attempt to hold np Sellwood ar. Jan 81 Vancouver oar held np aad passengers rortibed. -. Job 93 Max Calof fatally shot dur ing holdup of hi son. July 1 Till robbed la Beaman' o- loon. July 8 Holdup of J. V. Carlson oa Fourth and Davis street. July 6 Mrs. acaOaU of S14 Bast Bavl street held np aad robbed of $51. July 6 Mrs. A. BCoCun held ap and robbed - of Sll. Jaly 6 Boh Patterson held ap and robbed of 9300 and diamond pin. : July 8 Peter Schmidt of 656 Pint street held ap and robbed of $60. Jaly 8 B. . Morrow of 638 Baa Ba fal street held np and robbed. July 8 T. O. Sam wait disappeared! supposed to hav been robbed, and mur dered. . f Jniy 9 Winchester rooming houss robbed. ' $ July 11 Znoen diary ar on Monro street. ' ijj July 13 Bobbery at Bho' Park, - July 13 Incendiary fir t Xlvnth and Freznqnt atreat. - vi July 13 Incendiary flrer art Eleventh and Mason street. July 13 Qeorff Ptrson robbed, of $1,000 bill in vortb End reaort July 13 K. P. Best held ap and robbed of 17. July 14Sellwood ear held np aad Pred Bay shot; 30 passeng-ers robbed. Jnly ' IB Incendiary nr at 8evnth aad OUsan trta. Jnly 15 Prd Sohlerel robbed of 8400 Lin North Bnd resort. July 15 Burglars enter hous at 886 Twenty-first tret July 15 Burglars rob St. Johns Hotel July 16 Burglars ntr hous of H. A. Dllon, 198 King street. July 18 Burglars rob hous of B. PrankUn, 81 Worth Plfteenth street. July 16V J. A. Anderson robbed at International Hotel. July 18 Burglars enter Lynch Bros.' store at 864 Pint atrt July 16 Burglar rob horn of IV. P. Imere, aea Olay strt. - July 16 Burrlars enter houaa of K. Hanson," 86 Worth Sixteenth street. July 16 Burglar ntr hous at 84 Worth Sixteenth street. July 17 Oorf Xlrkwood drugged and robbed by bunco men. July 17 Burglar loot a hous on porter street, in soutn rortiaaa. , - July 19 rirebug attempt to hum hous at 503 Mill strMt. , , Jaly 19 Incendiary fir at Third and Pin treats. " July 80 Burglars rob hous of W. unar, South Portland. July 81 Boom of W. H. Angel robbed at 888 Jefferson street. Jnly 88 Saloon on Hawthorn avnu burglarised. - v July 83 Harry McBa brutally aa- aulted and robbed by footpads. July 83 Three caae of pocket-plck- lng at th Woodman Carnival grounds. July 84 P. xmplv robbed of S50 la th Worth Sad, h, , arenu. held np and robbed. , - flf WinefftwV VftfrtflinO SttTim July 84 Uoyd Blboa . attacked hy "' smiwwii a vmuuiiiiq viidu footpads and slashed with a dirk. na been msed for arer SIXTY YBA&S b Mtt. July 85 Till of th Elgin Creamery 1 1 ynwa t unnra .m,;: Company at 353 Yamhill street robbed. Yy. nimmtt. cXX-r. July - 28 Attempt to : burn ; Clinton ,.T;" VT. . - 7, . rrr Bally schoolhous on Bast Sid. - WTTl TT JrZJir Jnl 07 n. BnrdaTI haJA m an robbed 1 iwraa vvw wuiu WUC and on Second and Madison streets. t - t beat rtniady for DIARRBCEA. Sold by . July uobl. ,ja. auuuirvis awiu n mu i u wwxrj wmn mh uk woria. B9 mum robbed at Sixteenth and Plaadars. . tad ask for "Mr. Wiaslow soothlasi Srran," Jaly tSrr-Saadarsoa Xd hl ap and j aaduhaaaathar kind. Twaatosiveia. hneny JEFERSON-MYERS HOME . Baturn This Morning from a Toar Through Southern Oregon Conn ti Oon a Week. , , Jefferson Myers,, president of the State Lewis and Clark Exposition Com mission, returned this morning from a trip through the southern part of Ore gon, where he had gone In the Inter ests of private business and to boom along the 1905 Fair. "I hav found the people In the southern part of the state very much interested In the Lewis and Clark Fair," said Mr. Myers. "They are not only anxious that the Exposition be a great success, but they seem to want to help all those connected with It to make the work of advertising It thorough as possible. I -talked many or tne southern oregonians, jo told ma that they had been wrltttav of the 1905 World's Fair to their fuTends outside of this state for the past six months. " , , "I also met many housekeepers, who said that they expeoted to put up fruit next year for the Exposition that would mane me nouuu ui every tiiioiein vis itor water. There ttt great Interest be ing show!? among both the stock and timber men of the state. 'The mining interest of Oregon will be handsomely represented at the Fair." HEALTH BOARD MEETS The Board of Health held its regular monthly meeting Saturday at the City Hall, but there was nothing" of any Im portance up for dtsoussiSn. The session was held principally' for the purpose of auditing the monthly accounts, vffne question of paying for dead rats left open for a future meeting. WATERBOY WON RACE (Journal Special Service.) - SARATOGA, Aug. 8. Waterboy won tha $10,000 Saratoga handicap this after noon. Hunter Rain second; Caughne waga third. A Hers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! f. . i. v -' ... ,- --.- :.. -'V. ;-.. ,r 1 ? Jf-t V -: ' , Jv - i ' ' J'-- " '' ' -;v ; f : ?-f , .'. - v .''V,' - '.-V, '