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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JOTJItXAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY JSVENINO, AUGUST 1, 1003. If POPE mm OFTIIE BRIDGE ACCIDENT (Continued from Pare. Two.) 'Brown, 'Mra., , Eaat Sixth and. Raw thorn: brulaed. . Broaa, M. N., East Twtntr-iertnth apralned and elbow hurt. Royce, Mra. EfTa, Third and TamhlU. Reach John, faca cut, . Rogua Mlaa F., Third and Yamhill. Rothschild, James. . , North Paclflo Sanitarium; Internally. . Raymond Mra, , Eugona. Sunnyalda, aut-ntiy orulaed. ; . 8ohro-der Mra. Frederiok, 411 But Davla, light hip fracturad and law broken; left wrlat broken, at Bt.. Vln eent'a Hoapltal. . .. Shank Eddie, l5 Second, aged SI, drowned. Seyler Mra, fOtf North Oraad avenue, foot injured. . i . Shuman Oliver. Mount Tabor, wrlat and YamhllL Bell.' Mra. M- 4414 Eaat Burnalda treet; shoulder dislocated. Bell, uoyd; badly brutaad. ". - ' Baker, Charles A., 174 Burnalde; sub merslon.. " i Bueey, Fred, 174 Burnalde; not hurt Somera Alfred, not hurt Stanard Mra. EL 3 Eaat Thirteenth. ' Smith 31, (colored) ahoulder dlalo- cated, at Oood Samaritan Hoapltal. 1 Swlnnlngton Mra.W. C. 414 Bast Burnalde. and daughter, alight - Seydell Mrs. B. J, 10 ft North Grand Anxious Thrones Gather About Poore xAA, Atoh; 4ho LW al.ter- l'f avenue, foot Injured? ' I i & ii , SiSf'-i". ,..-J.wo p."l " Thomas Lewis, waiter Hotel bisnne napei wnerein me -;oncave(.!$ in bession tA-4. yooa Bunirmn jionpiuu. . ' . ,.h(, .hftuM. hmk.n. at Oood rUmaj-. Becker, o. H., from Elgin, or.; in-:r"7 ' a: I f lA Puff of Yellow Smoke Gives Disappointment as It Tells hat the Morning Ballot Was Unsuccessful. - lUn Hospital. Tracer C W," It ribs fractured. Tribou Mlas V., 70 Bast Sixth street Bast Fourteenth, Not Believed that a Long Meet ing Will Be NecessaryAd- vices State that Rampolla Is irr the Lead, (Journal Special Servloe.) jured about back; at St Vincent's Hos pltaL v . Beede, Oeorga, rooms at If Plaasan An Uiuaa. Um nA ti at. rf. t4iaa DaIinii, 11A V a , ftalr.. Hmlaaul anil I North, badly brulaed. ' I Thomas Louis, (colored), waiter at Bock. C Perkins Hotel; lef injured; Hotel Portland, broken ahoulder. . ..rn... I Tribou Mra. Mary. Carney. John. 117 Oante'nbeln; leg In Thoburn Bennett Thirteenth and Bast itirad. - I Fine, brulaed. Croeby, Jamas, Union avenue; badly Tauacher Ambroae, 14 .years. East bruised. - I Twenty-drat and Oregon, bruised, at Carae, Miss Agnea, Bast Ninth and I Oood Samaritan Hoapltal. j Stark: back injured. I Vailely V. H-. 140 Sixth, bruised. Calvin, Mra. W. H.. III Grand ave-l . wens Clarence, iw joaat Anxeny, nue. . ' I oacx wrencnea Worrell Mrs. A. aL, eOVi Grand av enue North. Webb Emory, East Thirty-fourth, leg fractured. Wyaa Mra. C I Eaat Sixth North, In ternal injuiiea. i weper Mrs. Fannie a- its jcaai Colvln, Clayton, aged 1; knees and lower limbs painfully brulaed. Clark. Mrs. J. P.. IS4 East Washing ton; bruised about the back. Collins. Oscar (colored), Laurel House; rib hurt Cronln, John B-. from Elgin, . Or.; I slight Injury to head: at St Vincent's a niranw hrt.u. ROME), Aug. l. BuMuea excuemen. Hospital. ; Wilson. 14 yeara, son of W. Wilson, . naa possession oi iuuy. mi unmnocx, amea, sue ub jurnteemn i gjxth and College, back Injured. giopuiace expecta an eany eiecnon oi me street; nose rracturea ana rwe ana legal webb, Emery, 741 Eaat Thirty-fifth; hre gathering this afternoon In se- Cornelllus, Miss Hattle, t0 Market ciuestered places of the city In holiday street: limbs crushed. kltlre awaltlna- the news from the iwbv. D. C Columbia Hotel: hurt . "om,l" I i ' s gathered in aolemn conclave. I pital. I 'Karly thla morning fuUy 1,000 per-1 Duff, H. H., BIS Couch street; left arm I afTkona are gathered under tne snaaea bruised. lfof the Collonade of Bt. Peter'a Dalton. Mra 718 East Tamhtll; badly leg broken above knee. Miscellaneous. Woman, 124 North Tenth street 1 Boy. sged 11. Union avenue near Hoi laday, thigh hurt and Internal Injuries helped home by firemen of Chemical Woman, room tl. Barber Block.- East Washington street and Grand avenue, leg hatching the atoveplpe protruding from bruised. the roof of the Slstlne Chapel. At Duncan, Harry. years old, Kenll-1 ay.a. 11 rt'f nnlT m mifT atr VAlmW i A1IIa a n It I A f PB raw iwavnaaa. smoko came from thf pipe. The great Elliott C R., 415 Eaat Ankeny; leg jcrowd waa disappointed, aa the pipe fractured. heads to a small atove In the room where Eymon, Mra. Daisy, 124 Grand avenue; the conclave la In progress. When sn face scratched. 'unsuccessful vote Is taken -the ballota Fellowa, Duane, West Park and Alder; are thrown into the atove ana con-1 silently brulaed. t .aiimawt watt mirtkmr tvftlnar a 1 art nuul. I TTiiltnn Dllva Aatrtrla hrnladaj Fucha, Mra. George, Eaat Twentieth eence of amoke would be taken aa an and Blast Morrison; back wrenched. indication that a new Pope had been Glides. Mrs. L.. 1(1 North Grand ave- rhAin I una' m n A ahAilMAf Inflirarfl Workmen today began removing the Glldea, Miss Blanche, 162 North Grand Station that they had lost property at framework of wlndowa over the portico avenue; Internal injurlea. ln cen8 ln c"aoV, . . from which the new Pope will bleas the Gregory. Miss Sophia, 10 Eaat Elev- ,Ma'r' M1" 5e,.h.a'J44 S!?5?01"' people. - enth atreet: legs bruised. Clark. Mrs. J. P. .84 East Washington; Guerln. Frank. 47 East Fourteenth: n'ra. a. jnurpujr. x. xx.. uru- LONDON. Aug. 1 Evening Exchange ankle sprained and knee hurt lngton. W. C; Dunlap. W. .; Eyman, telearama from Its Rome eorresoond- ftnlvMti n. J.. St Pnul Honu: allchtlT I Mlsa Daisy; MoAtee, Klrby; Bluman. T. ent state that two cardinals were too hurt w- woman. 748 East Ankeny; woman, 111 to leave their cells and participate GUdden. V..O. P. G. C Company; Eleventh and East Alder, back Injured; In the morning a voting and appointed badly bruised. fenny juiae. other cardinals as proxies, who car-1 Gilford, Mrs.. Grand avenue and East Woman, 21 H Union avenue, hurt In ternally. . Woman. 84 A atreet badly hurt Girl, 84 A street seriously Injured In ternally. Man. 11 Eaat Fourteenth street near Burnalde, several ribs broken. Woman, (00 East Ankeny, back broken. Ziost Fropeftr, The following reported to the Police ' rled their votes to the Slstlne Chapel. Washington streets. The Rome correspondent of the. Cen-I Gelloway, Minnie, 191 U East Morrl tral News states that on the first bal- son; back Injured. ' lot Rampolla received the greatest ' Hall. E. T S94 Benton; light knee number of votes, followed by Bu Vann Injured. Atelli, Oreglla, Gottl and Gibbons, who Hartmua, G. B., 27 East Ninth, North; . LUTZ IS HORRIFIED . OVER RESULT OF SWIM received two votes. 'The Morrison street bridge disaster badly bruised. , yesterday waa a horrible thing," said Holdart, Mra. C. F.. and daughters, I Clarence A- Luts, the armless' wonder. t wn waar Won 207 East Third street; bruised. "Had I known beforehand what the ter- 7 l7 '.TIT . i u i Humphrey.. Mra. K. O, Osborn Hotel, mlnatlon of my swimming feat would ROMBt Aug. l-r At S:10 p clock; yel- Hayirorth, George D. 416 Eaat Burn- would have been all the wealth In Port- fjow smoke again issued from the Vati- g,de. fracturl and dislocaUon of right land would not have been sufficient to KIL J" J J " shoulder. induce me to give an exhibition. Hart Ira (colored), 75 North Fifth; "When within about eight feet of the back hurt boathouse Miss Matilda Canuto waa tak- Hlcks, Mrs., 114 North Tenth; head lng a snapshot of me. I looked up and bruised badly. noticed that the sidewalk of the bridge Harder, Louis! was giving away, and a moment later a Harder, Carrie. 70 East Third. solid mass of humanity began falling. Harder, Alma. My blood seemed to freeze in my veins. Harder, Edith. I but In some manner I managed to climb Hugh son, R., 14 East Fourteenth; up the ladder which had been arranged for me. a moment after the first peo- Hainea. Frank, aged 9, 108 Fourth; I pie fell I saw eight or ten others waver slightly bruised. for an instant and they, too, went Harding, Alfred, Highland. tumbling aown into tne river. In this Hickman, Mrs. J. W., 600 Second; last group was a young lady who was bruised. falling head downward and a bicycle was Hueon. Wilbur, East Pine and East ust above her which she waa trying to Ash; not Injured. , clutch. A man hung on to the girders Happnyer, S. H. for a time and. finally managed to get listen: seriously Injured. I back on the bridge. Johns. Miss, 456 Esst Oak; Injured I "The accident was caused by four men shoulder. who were cutting up antics in a small Johnson, three boys: injured. I rowboat near the pontoons. They were Johnson, Miss Dora, 758. East Oak; Jumping Into the river and throwing a I Pope on the second ballot (Journal Special Service.) . ROME,' Aug. .1. A report is current here this svenlng, which Is said to havo 'leaked from the Vatican that Cardinal Gibbons has proposed Martanelll, the fformer delegate at Washington, as a compromise candidate for Pope, and that Rompolla Is practically out of thebru,BA ' corneal. THOUGHT BRIDGE UNSAFE Multnomah County Owns Mor rison Street Structure, bu Had Never Condemned I Since Securing Controls, Yesterday's Accident Was the First Serious One Occurring While Aquatic Sports Were in Progress. County Is Liable for Damages If It Is Shown that f-ootwalk Was Not Safe on Account of Weaknessr RUSSIA CLOSES GRIP ON CHINA Years, , , ., n ij Johnson, Miss Dora, 758. Eaat Oak; Jumping into the river and throwing nChUna HaS Been U OSed ankle and shoulder Injured; at 8t Vln-1 water on each other. The people on the - !-.,! J ( I C!w I COnt S Hospital. u"us graii jam 10 acq mem. Or 3 rer OQ 0I SI LeaSI O X Johnson. A.. Piedmont: bruised. and the structure gave way. Johnson, Thomas (colored), broken was tne most ternDie sight I ever leg; at Good Samaritan Hospital. witnessed, and I felt out of place on the Kane, Frank, 18 years. Thirty-seventh "tags Ust night When I tried to smile and Powell; arm slightly Injured. cold feeling seemed to creep over me. Kennedy, Miss Hattle, 123 Market; 11 w,n Probably, be months and even back bruised. I years Derore i win do aoie to Danish the Kruse. Elmer: badly bruised. Impressions from my mind that I re- Klein, J. H., 16S East Couch; right leo1vd yeaterdsy. , (Journal Special Service.) BERLIN, Aug. 1. The Cologne Ga- jseUe today reports that Russia has ItlatLtaned her t1d' on Manchuria, and 'ha nrAnriA all fnrfilrnera to remain out I fractured. I of the country at present Klein. Arthur, same address: bruised. Y The Gazette adds that at the end of . Jtrumpe, wune, oso jBiisaDetn; leg m vuh whan Dtiaaia. ArnAfa in hnvA I hurt Wk.""" ' TJr,, lA-estored order in Manchuria, tne coun 'ar will be opened to . free commerce. ii8ia has formally notified China of Klahn. F. C. 231U Market Konnkolly, Miss. 224 Market Kenealy, Miss Hattle, 123 Market; NO TIME WASTED ' order. back injured; at st Vincent's Hospital! Prompt Action Is Pleasing Many ' Xussla Is Beady. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 1. That Russia is preparing to meet any trouble regarding Cores was manifested today bruised. when It waa announced that two Of the biggest battleships, two cruisers and four torpedo boats had been ordered to proceed immediately to the Far East Llndhard. Mrs. Marie, 150 East Thirty-flfth; back hurt; at St Vincent's Hospital. " Love, Frank, Grand avenue; bruised. Lucas, Eva, Prosser, Wash.; face Portland Citizens. NEWSBOYS REFUSE TO SELL PAPERS -the Venders on Strike, Get down to the cause of everything. Bad backs are caused by sick kid neys. Cure the kidneys, you cure backache. Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidneys only. No time wasted trying to cure other Portland people endorse their merit Lynch, Cosmos rooming house; linger broken and face lacerated. Llttlejohn. Mrs. J. H., 120 Vs Grand avenue. Leadbetter, C. W., Oak-street dock. Martin, Mrs. F. H., Lambert Block; back Injured. Meyer, Miss M., 109 East Twelfth; leg troubles. badly bruised. . Murohv. Miss Mary. 1 East Ninth: arm and neck hurti Mrs. A. M. Hollabaugh, wife of A. M, Miller. Mary. 353 Vt Yamhill; bruised. Hollabaugh, proprietor of shoe repair McCumsev. Mra. Emmav and . Hattle. I ... . . ?an Frnnrkrn Ha Nnt HflH 862 Morrison; slightly injured. "mp ,,."n; p -J, an rranCISCO naS INOl nau Mitchell. Mrs. -C. 4At..East Burn- denc 128 Gfant treet- aya: For two reet SaleS TOr I hree WeeKS side: b,nilBe: at Good Samaritan Hos- or three years I had kidney disorder and . ... innammation or tne bladder There was Moore, Clifford and Harry, 131 East . . . . . .. , , Twelfth ; badlv hrtld. I not uch backsxhe, the principal Murphy, Mary, 611 East Alder. symptoms being In connection with the j McKee, Clarence, S3 Logus Building; kidney secretions, which were much too bruised. I frequent and accompanied by oaln. Mende. Carl, Upper Alblna; right arm Learning about Doan's Kidney Pills, I (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1. Not an evening newspaper nas been sold on the streets Of this city for three weeks for the . reason ' that . all newsboys are on strike. The trouble all arose because pub- -t Ushers want 6 cents for two papers and M the boys offer 8 cents for three. . Pub lishers refuse to arbitrate and the boys a1, Jhti refuso to sell and state they are In po- "UT- J. 1 fi"" E Ue.e? 1J ff0m "elIln ThJ' lngton? foot brulsod." ! p aa aa a 1 Oakley, Nela, 84 Corbett 1. ' fractured. Xritlaa HlTaa R4 1Z V..m McCarthy, A., Fulton; bruised side "OT eorr of Tamhlll and .Third called at the Laue-Davls Drag Co.'s and head. Nlnlnger, Amos, (Ashland.) Nelson, J. Nicholos, Whorton, Portland Heights, O'Brien, Mrs. John, 383 East Wash- 8t. Loula SEERS Th Hlxheat Priced but th Sat Qualltr. , - - ' - uro-T Trrrm a rieekeaatela Umrtr Compmmrn Parker, Mrs. Ada, 426 .East Morrison, bruised. Plebuch, Adolph, 886 Kelly, foot sprained. Harris, Mrs., slightly hurt. Rapp, Charles. 1321 Esst Ash, 11 years, four broken ribs, at Good Sa maritan Hospital. 'V Rothschild, James, 53 Third street 13 years, badly bruised. . Ross. Mra 1. L.. 1!4 Grand avenue. : Raymond, Mrs. E. R. 1051 East -Taylor, seriously bruised. Rowley, Mrs. E. M., 1000 East Mor rison, slightly hurt i " Richardson, Mrs. - Q.' H, 84 ; East Ighth, and daughter, fcrulsed. Rowe, Mrs. ' Harry.. 433 Holllday avenue, root injured. Reddlngton.. Mrs. .East.: Thlrty-flfUi and East Alder, badly bruised, v streets, ahd got a box. Before I had completed it I felt the beneficial re sults In-every way. .1 hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills and can cheerfully recommend them." Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. ' T. sole agents for the, United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. HENRY WEINHARD irepslsvot of the CITY BREWERY &arre and Kest Oosavtoto , 'i Brewery tm the STorihwest. - Bottled Beer Specialty Oaea isth aad rses vti TQMTZJLMl, ouaoi. Ths Morrison street bridge Is owned by Multnomah County and not by the city. The accident yesterday was the most serious one that ever happened during aouatlo sports on ths Wll lamette River, and the only one that excelled In fatalities was the mem orable plunge of a loaded car through the sates of the Madison street bridge and Into the river in the rail or ii. Br that accident several lives were lost But there the cause wss a foggy morn ing and an Icy track, and the car simply carried away the gates and went over the bridge, after the motorman baa re versed the power. Since that time there has not been an accident of unusual Importance on any of the bridges, but during river sports when a crowd waa upon ths structures the police have (before Chief Hunt's time) enforced stringent, rout step regu lations and enforced them strongly on the steel bridge four years ago when the sidewalks swayed with the steady step of the crowd. Considered Dangerous. The Morrison-street bridge haa at different tlmea during the past 10 years been considered dangerous by travelers. but no County Court haa ever declared it unsafe for traffic. When the city ourchased It at a cost or tne bridge was then thought to be so unfit even for pedestrlana that the price was considered extravagant. It was later turned over to the county. Repairs were made by the sellers, the Willam ette Iron Bridge Company, and the structure was placed In a fairly good condition. Was Bepalred, Three yeara ago more repairs were mado and among them waa the sidewalk that fell with lta human load. The walk, which Was only an extension or the former comparatively narrow pas safteway, was built to accommodate the increasing traffic between the two sides of the river, and when it was con structed it waa generally remarked that in event of a throng passing even in rout step the supports could not sus tain it and Its human weight The same sort of extended walka were also added to the Madison-street and steel bridges, but the supporting tim bers are, as the bridges are of a later date of construction, stronger and newer. Question of Liability. District Attorney John Manning asked this morning what effect the Morrison-street bridge accident was liable to have upon the county, Inasmuch as the 'structure Is the property of Mult- noman county. "As the matter is liable to be sub mitted to me by the Board of County Commissioners, : said Mr. Manning, would rather refrain from making any Statement just at the present The ques tion of the liability of the county in the matter Is a serious one and It is one that will require extensive Investiga tion before Z am ready to give out any thing." There seems to be no question that the management and control of the Morrison-street bridge rests In the county. But In any litigation which may arise as the result of yesterday's disaster It may be Important to deter mine whether thla bridge is a part of "a legal county road." The Legis lature of 1903 passed a statute provid ing that any person who, when passing over a highway, or bridge upon such highway, the same being "a legal county road,' Is Injured in consequence of the defective construction of such bridge or highway, may recover damages In a sum not exceeding 32,000. Recovery is barred of course where the Injured per son is guilty of contributory negligence, or had previous knowledge of the de fects or dangers of the bridge or high way. . If the Morrison-street bridge Is a part of a "legal county road," then the vic tims of yesterday's catastrophe will be limited In the amount of damages they may recover to 32,000. There Is some doubt however, whether this law applies to this case. Some of the injured will probably seek to recover much heavier damages than this amount and an In teresting legal .conflict may result In the absence of a statutory provision there Is no limit to the amount of damages that might be recovered by persons injured in the' disaster. There seems to be no question that the county la liable, and the only point of serious doubt Is as to the possible limit of Its liability.' A a FRONG , VIGOROUS MAi !! Liable io Break Down Pe-ru-na is Sure to Restore. . " LjM t 111 Han. Prank Dana, Alderman TwentyFourtb District? writes from 232 East FlftyElghth Street, New York Cltyt The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.: Gentlemen: "There is no remedy tor a broken-down system that I know of which will so effectually reston health as Peruna. Wbenever 1 am overworked or suffer from the consequences of a cold a few doses of Peruna builds me up again more quickly than anything I ever tried. I find it especially valuable for catarrh. Three bottles cured me three years ago of catarrh of the stomach and i have never had the least symptoms of it since." Very truly, PRANK DUNN, Alderman 24th Dlst.,N. Y. City. ATONIC If a medlolna that flraa tool to torn part of tho ystem. There wo different kinds of tonics, bal ths tools most needed In. tills ootntrj, whero -catarrh Is to preralent, is a tomlo that operates on tho mucous mem branes, ; ( Peruna is tonlo to tho mucous mem j brans of the whole body. It gives ton ; to tho capillary circulation which con stitutes these delioats msmbrene. Peruna la a speciflo In 1U operation 1 upon tho mucous membrane. It Is fl : tonlo that strikes at tho root of all eo ; tarrhal affections. It rives tone to the minute blood veasol and tho terminal nerre fibres. Catarrh cannot exist long j whero Peruna U used Intelligently, ; Peruna seeks out catarrh la all tho hid i den parte of the body. , Paul Landrnm writing from Atlanta, ' Oa-jsejai y "In January last I began the use ol your Peruna and Manalln for what was termed organlo heart trouble. At that time Z could scarcely walk to my place of business without stopping to rest and on arrival felt completely exhausted Ead severe pains in my heart and general ' rtliirtnfHu. After using the first bottle of Peruna I began to improve and today X . feel that X am a sound man and X work r fourteen hours a day without any bid J feeling." Paul Landrum. i' A. M. Ikerd. an employee of tho C Xt &Q.R.IL, West Burlington, la, writes t WI had catarrh of the stomach and small Intestines for a number of years. I went to a number of doctors and got no relief. Finally one of my doctors sent me to Chicago and I met the same fate. They said they oould do nothing for me, that I had cancer of the stomach and there waa no euro. X almost thought. the same, for my breath was something awfuL I could hardly stand It, It waa so offensive. I oould not eat anything without great misery, and X gradually grew worse. .: i flMnallv T trrit nna Af Won TwiVa.' uiA concluded I would try Peruna, and thank; God, X found a relief and a euro for that dreadful disease. X took-flre bottles of Peruna and two of Manalln, and I now ! feel like a new man. There Is nothing better than Peruna, and X keep a bottle' In my house all the time." A. M. Ikerd, If tou do not derlro prompt and satia factory results from the use of Peruna,' write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will I be pleased to give you his valuable ad ' vice gratis. m Address Dr. Hartman, President of ' The Hartman Sanitarium, Coluznbav Ohio. i I O. SPICES o COFFEE,TEA DAMHGKJWDERo FlTCinOEXTnACTS JMufeffcrihr. flrofflivori CL05SET 5 DEYERS ' PORTLAND CtTXOOM. lift IttfrM I ! It'-s Easy to Trace the WHOLESOME GOODNESS or 5HIELD BRAND Harries, Breakfast Bacon and Lard The use of Shield Brand Goods insures good health to all who consume them. Made from Oregon wheat-fed hogs and government in spected. For sale by all first-class grocers. mammvnanm 1-i , 1 WW 9 r ell w UNION MEAT CO. f The largest and most complete un dertaking establishment on the Coast. F. 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East Sixth. Both phonea. Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. lor CnatuiJ Siaoherres, IMottuea, Ecpeclally In old eatea where doctor tail, nae a non-noiauraoiu. TtseUble CURB (or ulceration and Inflammation of the mncooa membra na of the oratba. all private urinary aiaeaa ana WMkmeee ol mm ana women, ii-mu uuu. ANTEED TO CUKE OK XOflSX aSTUJIDED. Cnrea new caaea la 48 honra without pain. Especially adrlaed (or old, obattnate caaea. Drag lata, or lent postpaid. $1. AddKaa Dr. Day I Co., No. 100 Praaer Bids.. Boston, Man. rrata medical adrlce atTvn. Write (or book eent aealed FREB. ZT-MO sold in Portland by The Latne-DaTla Prug Co., M and Yamhill its. Foe Kidney" vs iMauwi troubles. Cures In 40 Hours j URINARY discharges; C I Iirjf II nil I HUffHUI W -WathaaaincayPgq lift nnftB Afinr - - '-SSSSSSmmI WE CURE MEN I T. L. TALCOTT, Jt D. CONTRACTED DI80RDZRS. Wrrj contracted dlaeaaa la attended by frara dancer that nothing lea : than a thorough and abaolute cure can reiaoT.' To take even, th allghteal chance In each caaee la to invite life long mteery, Ilea, do . not reallae life- as they ahoold. A partial car Is fol lowed by a chronic (tage, with alt It horror, the aame a though the dis ease had not been, treated at aU. We poaltlrely will pot dlamlea a patient until tterr poealblltty ' o( relapae la re-, mo.ed. By our syatani of treatment every .'patient Is souadly cored, and Bade aa free from dlaraee taint a he was before the ellaent waa eontraotrd. SS. XALOOTT CO., Aide at. s ' 'I I Harness Goods of all kinds. Hundreds of styles to select from. Call and see our stock and prices before buying. SECOND AND TAYLOR STS., Portland, Or. FAMILY ROOMS GENTLEMEN'S RESORT LOUIS DAMMASCH COODNOUGH BUILDING, 161VI70 IKTH STRTCT. . Opposite Postoffice Cold Lunches - - Schlitz Beer cr - I