THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND; SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST , 1, 1003 A'-MGEf-OiR ' THE HOME - D" fcESSMA RE WHITE FOR LATE SUMMER COLORED LINENS SUPERSEDING WEAR i ' mi imi u i v - i m imur' -x. x v v - r - ( : v Miim.ihf lit titt i i mm mil n k,.i sVjr Jrm. "V iiwy i i i va " i h v .v.-v i it-1 . m ft : r inir . i: isjrju ,j a ir. n i i . tvri i m ii in m 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 - ii V v i iii mi ur - . j v . w 3,.' , , jm.. in it ii milium iiiiiimir a i w mi mm a r milium i w- Mrwii.w m at w a v iu ai v ' .w w w miiiiiii ir "W ' m mHTjrwi -at .nrVii: m - .i .1 .m 1 1.1 11 11111 n . I TW I ' -V :. 1 1 h imXS-JVSJL' I "jFdi IP ' I III ' I . uTTkH If iisrQlh I H I nil. I Jf: I HI 1 r I I 09 f T'ASHION'S corner in white has apparently I V H broken at last. S ' i I 1 JL Unmistakable signs of a return to the V y 4,1 ,V , long prohibited colors, are seen on every Little Innovations, ONE of these new house coats in pongee would mako a birthday gift which the man of the house would appreciate. The material is in atural color, with frogs, piping, and cord and tas lel of pale blue. ONE of our smartest shops is reviving the old fashioned shawl of Shetland wool All of those shown are in white and fine enough apr parently to be drawn through a finger ring. Prices range according to size. NEW kind of baby hammock both strong and cool is built upon a wane iron irame. xne hammock part is of meshed tape in pale pink . pr blue. Ornamental as well as useful. SUMMER FRUIT A FRUIT fair la a new suggestion for any season ot the year and one which allows of Infinite variation. The decoration of the halt may be made entirely lovely, by using white painted lattices through which climb artificial grape vinea; by tropical fruit trees, artificial or real. In tubs; by painting of fruit; by old fashioned epergnea overflowing with Nature's delicacies. . Only fruit la sold at a fruit fair, but every table In the hall is different from the others. Until a woman worka lor or attends a bataar of the kind she will not Quite rgize how many forms the motif can take. t There should be a booth at which baskets or fruit ara rered for sale. At another home-made preserve are Bold. ' Foretan fruits would make an interesting feature and could be labeled "The Expansion Market Basket." Glaceed fruit and other forms of fruity bonbons make up .the stock In' trade in a third stall. Home-made fruit wines and flavoring extracts, because of their purity, are aura of many enthusiastic purchasers. Fruit fake in charming boxes will not remain long unsold. The refreshment room offers among other attractions cut fruit with cream, cake, ice cream and soda water In fruit flavors. Jewelry, desk and bureau trappings,' fancy work, sofa pillows and the BOSTON BEAN ArA wo TW York girls entertaining a Boston friend I -Invented a bean party in her honor, which could X be imitated by other girls In search of a bright ' idea, with or without a guest from the Hub. The frolic consisted ot a number of games played with .beans, all of them being of the lively, active sort which young people of any age would enjoy. Dried beans . both red and white should be on hand ' .before the game begins in generous quantities. Nothing 1 else is necessary that cannot be secured in an household lat a moment's notice, with the exception of the prises ad candy tonga. For the first game arrange two small tables at the . extreme ends of the room ana move the parlor chairs kack against the wall. ' Place six beans on one of the tables, and on the other none. The player first to begin is obliged to carry the beans one by one to the other tables, and then, also on by one, back again. Each person tries this In turn, he or she who accotn rllshes it ih the shortest time winning the' priss. The . hqstess times each contestant by watch, or clockv It tws . This tendency is especially noticeable in end-of-4 season srowns and coat suits. The colored linens of which we hate been hearing all summer in French and English correspondence are now an established fact with us. . Pink, pale blue and lavender tfre predominating colors. Of the three lavender ia the most worn. It is used in some specially smart tailored gowns, with toque or one of the new high-crowned sailors match ing in color, and chiffon veil of the same tint. Broderio Anglaise has come so simultaneously into favor here . and abroad that it is difficult Worth While, FASHIONABLE coachmen are rejoicing in the new high hats of straw. The change is one dictated by consideration and common sense. Every woman who wishes to be a little in advance with a good fashion should see to it that her groom is fitted out as to headwear in this way. A LOVELY pair of -slippers shown is in pale old rose Suede, with velvet rosettes in the same tone. The velvet used is of very fine quality, having an exquisite sheen. GIRLS' Panama hats have become very popu for end of the season wear. They are not greatly different in shape and general ap putrance from those of the men. FAIR IS A NEW like, decorated In a design of fruit are offered. Still life pictures of fruit in water-colors or otla artistically framed are other temptations. Children are provided for by papier tnache bonbonnleres in fruit forms filled with crystallised fruits. An Ingenious charity worker with an eye for the pic turesque hit upon the mat If of the American Indian for a large church baaaar on day last month. Each feature of the sale in some way suggested the uncivilized redman, and the whole proved one of the most successful fairs ever 'held in the Western city in which it was given. The booths were just as varied aa those of the fruit fair described above. At one table the attraction was leather goods with fringe tit slashed buckskin, beads and pyrographlo deco . ration. At another those effective Indian photographs were offered in color or platinum tint, framed or unframed. Blrchbark and imitation blrchbark desk fittings caught the eye at a third stall. Indian sweet grass baskets lined and unllned, of every stse and trimmed for every possible use, found ready purchasers. Moccasins, pouches, belts trimmed with wampum, peace pipes and snow shoes were other ideas. Books upon the Indian Question and the PARTY IS THE or more persons accomplish the feat in the same number of minutes, and are ahead of the rest of the company aa to time, these two or three decide the prise by drawing lot for it. For a second exciting game attach a short cord to the chandelier in the centre of the room and tie to the end of . the cord a small basket. The basket should be of a build without a cover. . This gam also is played by turns. The player whose turn it is to try his luck receives twenty-five beans, five of which are red and the rest white. He takes up his stand at one end of the room and the basket is made to awing on the cord. The player has three minutes in which to loss his beans. Each white bean lodged in the basket counts on point. Each red bean two points. The man or girl winning most points receives a pretty gift in ap preciation of the dexterity displayed. Another suggestion: Secure from the confectioner or tinsmith as many of those tin bonbon tongs (such as com in candy boxes) as you have guest. They are very Inexpensive, especially if bought la quacUt. Hav ou to say whether we have convinced Paris and London of its charm or they us. In Paris the-liking for it has reached flood tide- It is used on all kinds of ' fabrics. On percale and calico for the informal out-of-door gowns which go under the general head of garden party costumes; on linen, especially a flex ible new weave known as crystalline; even on voile .and taffetas. It is used with practically every tone and tint of these materials. Not only the various shades of white cream. Ivory, plasteir but on pink, yellow, red and even black. This last is not by any means the least suc cessful combination, We have seen little or nothing of foulard during the last season or two; but the useful figured pat terns are undergoing a revival in Paris. Which the Wide ONE of the most recent innovations in straw sailors is from Paris. It is of satin straw, very smooth, with rather high bell crown. The brim is rolled and narrow at the back. It has a band of white leather, enameled in pale colors, such as pale blue, pink, pale olive, etc. The design ia not Oriental but suggestive of mosaic NEW boxes for delivering flowers are in cool looking silver paper with satin finish. The sill vcr is painted over with a design of green leaves. The effect is very fresh and novel. Just what the eye craves in a summer gift. THE newest white veils (intended for wear with white hats) have large embroidered dots. SUGGESTION FOR THE CHURCH OR CHARITY Many New Plans for Arranging It, Either Indoors or Out, Have Been Discovered of Late early Indian Wars, the Leather Stocking Tales, Ramona, etc., had a prominent place. While the Indian basaar is bold and effective and suit able for large rooms and many tables, the shell fair, an other newcomer, ia dainty, opalescent and suited to smaller occasions. Here also the widest variety can be introduced. The walls are hung with pearly, white and pink. Portieres of seashells divide the rooms. One table is devoted to mother-of-pearl articles, real and Imitation, to suit the variances of purses. Tortoise-shell toilet In struments prove equally popular. Cake and candy are LATEST HOME Two Bright Girls Entertaining a Guest From the Hub Originated a Merry Game Easily Copied . hand also as many penny baskets, thero are to be play ers. Seat the company around the dining table, in the centre of -which a quantity of these beans has been heaped, and give each person a pair of tongs. At a given signal all begin to fill the baskets with1 the beans, using the tongs for picking them up. One bean only may bo picked up at a time. The" player who la first to fill his basket (a certain number of beans should be decided upon for this) wins the prise. This new frolic is warranted to amuso a second Diogenes if the company should include so unhappy a The woman who has a dress in it laid away as hopelessly "out of style" will probably be able to take it out and make it over on a modern pattern be fore long. Some lovely evening gowns in the light shades of this material are among the latest Paris shipments. One of these was in figured foulard of a very pale pink shade trimmed with scalloped lace. The skirt had three narrow superimposed flounces, also trimmed with the laoe. The blouse had vertical tucks running from shoul der to waist and applications of dark pink taffeta, in addition to the lace which formed collar and etocL 4 Those checked materials which make such smart and altogether desirable travel gowns give every indication of continuing in favor, through the early - Awake Shopper C OME of the new bonbon boxes have yachting mo tifs appropriate to the season. A specially pretty kind is of white water color paper hand painted to represent a yacht scudding through the waves. Other boxes of white and tinted paper were decorated in shamrocks. CLEEVELESS lingerie and neglies are a devel opment of the present season. Nightgowns for merly made with elbow sleeves or shoulder puffs are now finished at armhole and neck with a ruffle of the material. Some of the latest dressing sacques embody the same idea. Lovely ones seen were of dotted Swiss, decollete and sleeveless. Ruf fles of Valenciennes outlined neck, araholes and waist. found In pink and white boxes fluted like seashells. Bas kets of conchologlcal specimens tempt the children. China . silk, lace and table linen with shell pattern are displayed. There are books on shell lore and marine picture frames covered with the treasures of the shore. Charming note books bound in linen and silk are decorated with shells and seaweed. Soft pillows are embroidered or painted In the required design. A basket sale Is yet another of the unique Ideas which have come out of late. Perhaps no other la capable of a wider development. Mattings and curtains of woven grass are the approved wall coverings. Basket chairs are placed here and there to receive tired shoppers. Baskets of chrysanthemums, rotes or greens beautify the hall. Every imaginable species of basket allures the purchaser; from the wee thing In sweet grass lined with satin and meant to hold a lady's watch to the huge hamper designed for soiled linen. There are baby hampers exquisitely fitted out. Also basket trunks and perambulators. Glove, hand kerchief and veil cases in various vegetable fibres are of fered, as are also sewing baskets, market baskets, clothes baskets and the like. FROLIC FOR YOUNG OR OLD mortal. - All the pulse in the room 1 gathered together before beginning It, and placed In a large bowl the cracked ice bowl for the dining-room will be found convenient for the purpose. Each player in turn dips into the bowl, fills his hand with the beans, and runs with the handful tbus obtained entirely around the room. At the end of his progress the beans he ha succeeded in retaining are counted by the hostess, who keeps score of each player's strccess la that ' line. No beans dropped while running oount anything to wards the game. . .. Two prises are necessary here, on for the most suc cessful gentleman and another for the luckiest lady. A man's hands are ordinarily so 'much larger than those of a woman that It would not be fair to put them in com- petition. ' :y -. c ; " .' - ' - An empty bottle with 4 long neck is the piece d re slstance in this feature of the fun. The opening of the bottle must b large enough to admit ot the entrance of a beaa and should not be too sauco larger. fall months at least Eed and white, brown and white, blue and white and green and white are among the most popular combinations. A smart toilet worn en route for the mountains " last week was in brown and white check. The skirt was of a length to clear the ground, neatly finished at the hem with three narrow bands of brown taffeta. The little coat bodice had a brown taffeta collar inserted with motifs of very coarse lace. It was) worn over a brown wash silk shirtwaist, with a cream silk turnover and cuffs. , The hat worn with it was a brown willow stra toque trimmed with grapes and pomegranates. A pretty brown taffeta wrap to throw over the suit as occasion required completed the costume, The hood of the cloak had a lining of coral pink. , Will Ask' to See ORAL and turquoise are latest and most pop ular choices in the neck beads so much worn" at present The strings are of a size to fit closely around the collar. They add j touch of colof that is very desirable with a white costume. . j A VERT smart suit of white linen has the eoaf almost entirely covered with artistically ar ' ranged bands of Honiton lace. The skirt is o round shape, kilted, and has one band of the lace -occurring above the hem. , A N ODD little paper weight for the desk" lake! the form of three small and very realistic- looking volumes moulded from metal and coV ored to represent leather. Of course refreshments are served a la basket. FlftJ cents purchases a pretty, wicker work receptacle contain lng a delicious lunch for one. One dollar buys a doubla.. lunch served for two people Tea, coffee or chocolate la served free of charge to all purchasers of these lunches. Surprise baskets, each containing some toy or trinket, ar prepared for children and sold at ten cents. These arc ' bought with contents still shrouded In tissue paper and mystery. They are not exchangeable. A linen basaar, all In snowy white or in white flecked -here and there with pale shades of pink and violet, is also sure to prove exquisite If confided to clever hands. The very word linen suggests the almost endless resources of. this Idea. There might be bed linen and table linen. Lines . towels, linen collars of every shape and handkerchiefs. Linen carpet coverings and curtains. Embroidered bags, boxes, baskets and fancy work of all kind appear in th appropriate material. Linen note paper should not ba forgotten. Children's toy books printed upon linen. Linen parasols and linen neckties. Linen aprons. Baskets for ' soiled linen. Linen outfits for bureau and chiffonier. And, if the season is the right one, linen shirtwaists. Olve each man or girl five beans, four whit and ona red one. Th sport consists in dropping " these into tha bottle through the narrow aperture at the top. Accord ing to th rule of th game, the dropper may not lea a over th bottle or try in any "way to guide hi beaa into it He must stand erect.- holding th ana straight out from the shoulder. A pretty cut glass vas or. bottl tnlght reward th most skilful competitor. The trophies may or may not b sufrtrestlv of beans, according to the convenience of the hosier. Hr are a few of the articles that could be chosen to carry out th beany idea of the affair: Stick pins with bean-shaped stone fr be'U: th popular neck chains with oblong, rounded brad; a j.'""1'' silver or china dish forrving Boston bearm; a !o.i ut serving them; box of candy, the bonbons ct . r resemble a bean-In shapo. . . '. ' Of course, any hostess who fliv's a spim!- prli N each gam too great a drain tipn hr fimni i i simplify matters by giving a "pol"t" i" " !,.( greatest number of point to o"t a f.nai ps i.