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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1903)
1.8 THE OltEGON DAILY JOTTHNAL, POIiTL AN D, Til PjRSDjyY EVEN IKO, J ULY 30, 1 903. r CP! ; ' ,( ,. ; .1 J - ', ... v ; ... . 1 . 1 - M6WS While your fam'ly is away enjoying their vacation, to have your home wired and equipped with ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to be prepare! for ths -Ions Winter nights. REMEMBER, WE ONLY CHARGE YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE...- Portland General Electric Co. SXVENTH AND ALDER STRUTS o; spices, o COFFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, HJWBOTG EXTRACTS UfsIurtPuriry, RnesIfl.Yor, Ort&rcst Shmih, fiezksorvle frices. CLOSSETaDEYERS ? r't PORTLAND, OREGON.1 C. GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR la called great be cause tola wonderful cure Are so welt . known throughout the United State, and becauae so many people are thankful to him for saving their lives from OPERATIONS "J He treats any and all diseases- wiis l A powerful Chines, yj nerrjs, roois, vuam, ! barks and vegetables kvi,lT ' barks sJqJ that are entirely un -known to medical science ta -this coun . -.j .kM.,.K th uaa of these harm loss remedies. This famous doctor know. the action or over euw aiuryv that he has successfully used in different . . v . a jftee a. a AS, Vol Vv fea aiseasea. Me grua"1""" " Z, 11. Csthma, lung troubles, rheumatism. nej ouanesa, stomach itrer. kidneya. Xemsie (trouble and all private diseases. Hun- Idreds of testimonials. viur uiwvibv, Call and see him. . OOATiaiiTATZOX TUTU. i Patients out of ths city write for blank s.nd circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C Ucc.'WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. H4 AlUir street. Portland. Or. Men lion this paper. -. ! DOIVT BUY A OASOL.I1NE ENOINE - UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR ENGINES v - - AND OPT OUR PRICES We give a written guarantee with very engine, for one year, and we re right here to back it up. Patron ize home Industry by buying from tne manufacturers. A. J. GILL & CO. 030 and 333 Oak St,, Portland, Or Every Woman 4. Ialafaaia.1 and ahonld know about tbe wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray ThenewrHnunrna,.- Jnsn- noa ana euent. otmtw eat mom lanrenteni. , '' laeuaua, Sat aw nwrt r H. If he eannot aiiDulr th BtAaWKI accent no other, bat aend aump for II luaixaied book It giret full narUcuiaraaad dlretloni In. alusMe to ladlSL NABt'KI, CO.. Iiaaml6H.TlmaaBldr.. N.wTorh. ser saia far W00BAAD. CLAXKE CO. WE CURE MEN! Tr X. TAXCOTT. X, D. ' - ' C0VTB.ACTED DISORDERS. - Erery anntravted dlaeaae Is attended ky grare dangers that nothing leae . than a .thorough and absolute cure can remoes. - To take erea tbe sllgbteat . chance la each cases 1s ts rarlte life- leag misery. Mea 60 not- realise ll fe es they afaoald. A ..partial .cers la fol lowed by a chronic intc, with all It. t serrors. the aama aa tboogh tha dta. eaa. bad. sot bees treated at alL W. will sot . diamlaa a - patleat mil eearr poaalblllty of relapa la re- Kr oar . aratem - of treatment aatUnt ta - amtndly eared, and ' natoe aa free frnrn. diaeaae taint aa he ( waa before the ailment eras contracted. SB. TAXCOTT CO.. 80! Aider St, V "1 A"'W.t'a1 THE TIME -,liMii.,l.iiiMii i ".'''JV11 "-"" The largest and most complete un - dertaklng establishment on the Coast. P. 5. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder, corner East 5lxth. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. SIMPSON & CO HOUSE AND SIQN PAINTINa PAPER RANGING. KAUOMINING STRICTLY UNION WORK 348 First St. Phone Clay 545 for Unnatural Claahar,,, Btrloturea, kdinM-lallr in old eases where doctors fall, see . MH-nniuMw. Mtihl. i:l!RK foe ulceration and inflammation of tha mucous membrane of the uretha, a piirate urinary niaeaaea anal -Tv m .n1 wnmn ZT-MO OT7AR- ANTEZD TO CUBE OX M0VET BEFTBDED. Curea new caaeaAn 48 honrs witnout pain. E.necUllr adriaedrfor old. obatlnate caaea. Dnur glata, or aent postpaid, $1. Addreaa Dr. Day t Co.. No. 109 Praa-er Bide. Boaton. Maaa. u medical adrlce alren. Write for book sent sealed FREE. ZY-MO Bold In Portland by The Lane-Darts Drug Co., 8d and Yamhill its. I HAY FEVER. CATARRH Oppression, Suffocation, Neuralgia PROMPTLY CURED BY Espic's Cigarettes, or Powder L roUGCRA A CO, New York, sad all DrseolsU 1E0AX NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby glren that there la pending In the office or the Auditor 01 tne city or PnrtUnil . netltlon for the Taction of the nnrtlnn of tha atreet, hereinafter lieacribed I and that at the regular meeting of the Couh- I ell of aald City of Portland. Multnomah I County, State of twegon, to be neia on yvea neadar. the- 2d day of September. 1908, at tbe regular 'hour and place, aald petition will be presented to aald Council by the under Blgned praying fur tbe racatlon of all that nart nf North Eighteenth atreet In aald City of Portland Included between the north line of Vaughn atreet extended acroaa aald nortn Klxhteenth atreet and tbe. south line of WlUon atreet extended acroea aald North Eighteenth atreet. excepting therefrom the right of war or tne nonnern racinc uerminai Comoanr: also all that part of Wilson atreet In said City of Portland between the weat line of North Rerenteenth atreet and the east line of North Nineteenth atreet. ex- repting therefrom, howerer, eucn portion or lit .treet aa la owned, uaed and occupied by tbe Northern Pacific Terminal Company; alao that part of Wllaon atreet Included between the weat line of Nortn wineteenin street ana .. line drawn acroaa Wtlaon atreet connect ing the easterly line of block two (2) In Sherlock's Addition and block fourteen (14 in Blacklstnne'a Addition. MACLEAY ESTATE COMPANY, By E. L. Macleay, president. MACLEAY ESTATE COMPANY, By R- Lirlngatone, secretary. NOTICE. SEALED BIDS will be recelred at the School clerk', office, cttr Hall, ho to 12 o'clock m Saturday. AuguHt 1. 1903, for plumbing In the High School Building. I'lann and apecl flratlona for the same can be Been at the School Clerk's office. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of tbe bid roust accompany the same. The repair committee of tbe School Board reacrres the right to reject any or an iiium. mourn, i. uuvb, architect, Portland, Or., July 28, 1903. SEALED BIDS will be recelred at the School Clerk , office. City Hall, up to 12 m. aai urdar. Augunt 1. 1003. for painting the Fall- lllK DCIlOOl DUIIUIUK. 11' 1 11, n I HI 11" I'M 1 1, r I same au be seen at the School Clerk', of- flee. A certified check for 10 per cent, of the amount or tbe Old miiat accompany the ame. The renalra committee of the School Board reeerrea tbe right to reject any or all bids. Thomaa J. Jones, architect, Portland, Dr.. July 28. 1!3. MAUMEE CHAUTAUQUA (Journal Special Service.) DKFIANGB. O.. July 30. The Mau- mee Valley Chautauqua, the only sum- mer assembly of Its kind in this part of the Btate, opened today and will con tinue for 10 days. This is the second year for the association, which la con ducted under the auspices of the Chris tian denomination. A program bristling with interesting features in the way of music, lectures, speeches and evangel- istlc addresses has been arranged. One of the prominent speakers will be Mayor I Tom L Johnson ef Cleveland and It Is nrnhahla that annthar -arlll ho Tnhn T. I Zimmerman of Springfield, the leading I candidate for the Democratic guberna-1 torlal flomiaatloa 1 CTTT BOTICII. ' HMi AMinjAi bipobt or r. z. wzblkiv. CITT MEASURE TOM. THX IUX BE0IB. VIVO JAVUABT 1 AVD INDIBO JVHt M, 1808. Balance la' Treaenry December 81. U)i2.$ 188,619.88 Balance la New J or It December SI, 10u2. Balance In Ladd 18,625.00 Tlllon December 81. 19o2..r 125,488.87 RwtlH from all aonrcee fHaburaed 1,018,043.88 f 620,168.55 Balance la TrMmn, Hvlance In New York. Balance In laM A Tlllon (order of Council) KVI TU.1 1 48,707. 1.845.tTT.O. $1.84,8TT.06 GENERAL FUND, BalaiK a Mr report December SI. ' IBtfj 8S.OTT.84 Kerelpte Oeneral llrenaea BO.Sln.M Dog HreSM 22M.OO BuTlding permlta tmO.UO Hou 11. W flnee, etc., Municipal Court 12,844.40 Roed f. W., Pound fees M9.S8 Ii-llnmicnt taxte, aandry fears 944.T1 ripot. TS I0 allarellaneeua coata 0. r. Hodman, nae of road roller.... 6 28 Terllfled mplea of ordinance. Sn.TB Hepalra to aidemma mii.ou Coala and engineering at reel, and aewera rarlflc Hlatea Telephone Oompaay aa per Ordinance No. 12,890 Premium, on bond. 4,781.10 Uonaldaon A., for. old material told from ( Ur Bara Ilulme T. R., eiamlulng plumbers.. UcNarr L. A., retnrned fee 4.50 I mere. t on not otberwtae ac counted for 1 K18 M Elliott W. C. repairs to newer 8.00 Cook C. J., cleaning .treet... ritaserald E., redemption of property, timtae 8., preparlpg Itat of fran- SB " 60.00 eniaea lor soutnern r-arine nanr 25.00 20.39 Weat Side A Rnburban Railway Com- Danr. adrertlalns rranenlaa Transferred to fire le- rartment Fnnd S IS.000.00 Transferred to Police De partment Kund 10,000.00 Tranaferred to Lighting Kund T.2S0.00 Tranaferred to Street Repair Kund 2.800.00 Tranaferred to Street Improrement Fund ... 854. 5T Tranaferred to Improve ment bond Intereat B.000.00 Tranaferred to Improre ment and Rcwer In tereat 800.00 Warrants paid and re turned 102.878.85 Balance 17.H80.70 $158,883.82 $158,883.82 FIRE DEPARTMENT Ft'ND. Balance aa per report December 81. 1902. $ 8.S2T.T0 80,113.96 Retired account uiea, Becelred by tranafer rrom uenerai tuna... Waranta paid and re 12,000.00 turned $ 48,671.26 60,870.40 Balance $100,441.08 $109,441.88 POLICE DEPARTMENT FUND, Balance aa per report De cember 81. 1002 Recelred account taxes etc Recelred br tranafer from General Kund Waranta paid and returned$3S.683.1T $ 8,800.01 71,144.11 10,000.00 Balance 64.125.85 $89,811.02 $80,811.02 STREET REPAIR FUND. Balance aa per report De cember si, ihuz $ 2.554.56 Recelred account taxes. etc K... 83,838.48 Recelred by tranafer from Oeneral Fnnd 2,500.00 Warrant, paid and re turned $ Balance 27,600.78 838.893.04 $38,893.04 nnvnrn l vnirnTEnKFHS 1MTKRE8T FUND. Balance aa per report December 81, 1902 $ ",700.83 Recelred account taxea etc nnoraaal us,iri.B I Tranaferred from Water Fund T (W no Tranaferred to New York . , account Blair to.... 800.00 I Transferred to New York - account name at wj. . Tranaferred to New York 7,500.00 account Cbaae National Bank 1 . 1.600.00 . Tranaferred to New York account LUemlcai ! tlonal Bank 16.700.00 Dl.buraed. rouchera re turned herewith sn.i3H.30 Balance 02.131.90 $124,270.81 $124,270.81 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS INTEREST FUND. (New York Account.) Balance Chase National Bank aa per report December 81, 1002 $ 90.00 BaUnce Chemical National Bank as tier remit December SI. 1WX Balance Harrla N. W.. A Co. aa per rannrt December 81. 19o2 L110.00 Forwarded from Bond Indebtedneaa In terest Fund to cna.e national Hank 1,500.00 I ( nnn4 ln.M.HnM In. ..rn.,ii.nilirini 800.00 Forwarded from Bond Indebtedneaa In- tereet Fund to cnemicai national HUM - .w, . w.vv rorwaraea ironi wmo Mimnruin u- - . . , . . , I . , tereat Kund to N. W. Han-la st co.. T.ow.oo Coupon, returned from Cbaae National Bank $ 1,560.00 Coupons returned from Chemical National Bank. 17,365.00 Conpons returned from Harris N. W. A Co 8,100.00 Coupone returned from Blair A Co ow.uu Balance Chase National Bank w-w Ralanc Chemical National Hank 16,700.00 Balance returned Harria A Co 420.00 ,.1 oon no aox on m.uu.w n.v.w LIGHT FUND. ' I n.lanee aa ner reDOrt De- I ' cember 31. 1902 $0,188.24 Recelred taxea. etc 250.05 I Warranta paid and retiirned.$4.433 96 Tranaferred to Lighting Fund 2.004.33 $8,438.29 $6,438.29 LIGHTING FUND. Tranaferred Knnd ... from Light v "'"' Tranaferred from General wen An Kund Recelred taxea. etc. 59 082!l9 Waranta paid , $22,826.24 Balance 45,060.28 $88,286.52 $68,286.52 FIREB0AT FUND. ... Received taxea I00'0"0-" Balance $58,803.04 FUND FOR THE REPAIR OF STREETS AND BRIDGES. Balance a, per report December 31, 1002 $211.88 nnrrsnia w.iu r I Balance tuv.oa $211.38 $211.38 1 num., nnn ivTrnniT "itvr Balance as per report De- .' ftaian -1 . ' , . . .... ... . ....... 1 cemtier si, inn ,io,iou.uu r,lnnn, redeemed and re turned $71,950.00 Balance 4,200.00 $76.150t00 $70,150.00 street improvement FUND. Balance aa per .report December 31, 1902 $ 4,523.52 Recelred Street lmprore- I nA"l "XL V' Tr,n'lTrred fr om aen l i.,rt.i.o i S54 W , " ',. '. ii a L Waranta paid and re- turned $102,960.52 I Balance zu.ittW.tH I $123,341.16 $123,341.16 SEWER FUND. Balance as per report De cember 31, 1002 Recelred Sewer-' Aaaea,- $ 1,065.83 16,218.36 nients Warrant, paid and re turned $15,176.81 Balance '. 3.002.40 $18,179.21 $18,179.21 STREET EXTENSION FUND. Balance aa per report Decem ber 81. 10O2 .... . S1.B08.SO Recelred Street Extension v Assessments ..... 4.798.82 .n,l;,o 0:ll ' ! ', , $6,666.67 86.666,67 STREET AND SEWER INTEREST FUND. Balance as per report Decern- . ' ber 81. 1902 ...4 $ 405.18 iTJ",OT"L" .,. Tr.uaferred from -General Fund . . pou.uu - CITT BOTICti.' Dl.buraed w.,.. AKO.M Balaoos .......... w T28.10 ll.41T.43 ll.41T.4l IMPROVEMENT FUND. Balance Ladd At Tllton December 81. 1902.... 1123,08.1 Recelred UHHiirau..: gS.UoS.1T Halanea Ladd As Til ton. ,$14.T07.77 Balance xrsaaury , . v.7 , $149,841.04 9140,841.04 IMPROVEMENT BOND INTEREST FUND, Balance a per report De- 7l Jv... 4.827.68 . 17X59 Tr inferred from General B.000.00 TT On, dob, VrdetBMd & Vol L. I T ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 : SSl; $15,800.22 115,800.22 IMPROVEMENT BOND SINKING rX'ND. Ralaneai aa nee rennet lie eember SI, 1902 $12,407.19 Receleed aandry eollee tloia 9,018.88 Bonus redeemed and re turned , $15,600.00 Balance 8.925,62 $21,425.62 $21,428.52 WATER FUND, Reeeleed L. A. Low I., Treaaurer Water Commlaalon S0.S18.01 Reeeleed from r. T. lM.ao3.0o i iwuge, Boperinieuneni. 1 .onn.oo Tranarerrea ta vnnd in 2,850.90 drbted neM Intereat Kund to redeem Inter- TOAOO eat coupons. K. P $ 7,500.00 70. oe Waraita redeemed and returned M.TM.B1 Balance 150,677.80 faiO.WOB.Ol $210,988.61 POLICE AND riRl DEPARTMENT BELIEF FUND. Balance a per report Decem ber 81. 1902 Recelred (andry collect to na. Warranu paid aad returned. $ 829.48 Balance 1.827.9T 726 $2.l5T.42 $2.15T.42 PARK FUND, Recelred from Park Board $ .off wSaiu .d and reiu;ned$ 6.O0T.8T " Balance 19.6T8.20 $24.T75.8T $24.TT5.8T FUND FOR REDEMPTION OF BONDS.. Recelred from aala of bonda $58,500.00 Bonda redeemed and re turned $58,500.00 GENERAL REDEMPTION OF WARRANTS FUND. Balance aa per report Decem ber 31. 1902 Warranu paid and returned. $ S2.S00.85 8 Balance 2.889.53 $2,890.35 $2,800.35 PARK CONCERT FUND. aiwmA n r. Brown Sx. 407.50 lance 2.f8T.ou ine loiiuwinx lunu, an " "g? v Litigation Fund 1.82 Fnnd for renarment 2 mill tax.... Willamette Hirer 4 . . riJ Kaat Hide Water Expenae Fund.... lire badge redemption Kaat Portland water Bopicrard 217.77 Free Bridge GENERAL SUMMARY i.ww.iu Ba'YS l" Tre"ur' M. $550,708.78 Ra la nee In In ' ew York.. 17,210.00 Balance tn La del A Til ton Improrement Kund 148.707.77 Credited aa follows neneral Kund S 17 880 70 ! Fire Department Fund.. HO.K7O.40 Police Department Fund. Street Repair Kund Bonded Indebtedneaa In 54.125.85 27.Ouo.T3 tereat Fund. Treaaurr Bonded Indebtedneaa In- I .tereat rund, Rew xors 1T.210.00 Llabtlng 45,960.28 run(, (or 'the' 'to of el I .. atreeta a nd bridges ... . WM bond interest .... 900 m 4.soo!oo I iuiirvTauiiut 20.880.04 . helr Mrrf Street extenalon O.IKIU.Sl Street and aewer Interest Improrement Kund, Ladd A Tllton Improrement Fund, Treasury Improrement bond Inter eat Improrement bond .Ink ing Water Police and Fir. Depart ment Belief r, l. 728.10 148.T0T.TT 933.27 8,038.27 D.0ZO.DZ 150 77 80 1.82T.9T 'n .j' ' Vlmn.tan 19.678.20 warranta Park concert 2,497.50 litigation Kund for repayment 2- mill tax : ........ 1.02 STl niuameiie nirer Beat Side water expenae. 1 00 Fire badge redemption. 75.00 10.35 Eaat Portland water. Roulerard 1 Sm'to 1'UBW I" Free bridge $716,711.53 8716.711.53 I All of which 1, respectfully submitted, b. wbklkin. I V. 1 1 J .IC.WCI, I . . ... ..... . . 1 1 nereny certiry mat tne anore la a correct copy.' of the .cml-annlal report of the city rreaaurer iqr tne oait year ending June 30, luoa. THUS. C. lltVlyl.N. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland) Oregon, July 80, 1908. PROPOSALS FOB IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITT OF PORTLAND. OREGON. ,1, in k. k. ,k. undersized at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, Oregon, until Monday, August 17, at 2 o'clock p.' m.. for tbe sale, st not than par ralne and accrued Interest, of lmprore ""t bonda of the City of Portland, Oregon, ai fh .hull ha anrhnriaiMl to ha taaued for the whole or any part of one hnndre'd thouaand dollar,. Raid hnnria will ha lunafl In ifannmln,. tlona of Ore hundred dollars each, to be dated when nfKp4..w1 mv.1,1. in hwm Aaa bearing Interest' at the rate of per cent I'l-r uiiuuui, piraoie aemi-annuaiiy. iniere.1 ana cl Psysble In United SUtes Sold coin, at Oregon. Prbnded that the City of Portland re- .v.. .ik. ..w. bonds, upon the payment of the. face ralne tnereor, witn accrued intereat to the aate 01 Pyment- ny semi-annual coupon period at : ' . .1" oaiu nonaa are isanea unaer euuioniy 01 an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, Pea renruary l.-utlM M Wl. 1 unjrmB mr me imuance 01 oonaa tor l lie iai- prorement of streets and tba laying of aewers in Incorporated cities, and for the payment of coat of such improrement, and laying of eewera taSirs' oTthst.'te of" February 28. 1001, entitled: "An act to amend sections 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6 .and T, of an act en- titled: 'An act to proride for tbe Issuance of honnn for the Imnrnwmnnf nf atreet and lar- ,ng of Bewerl j incorporated citle,. and for the psyment of the cost of sorb improTement, and invitis nr siAwJ'nr'ti nf l n at 1 1 1 mon vti n I oil in T n si I j;" ' . . . nmre nr in, Mecrainrr or Mnr, .enrnarr. zz. 1 1803." and the proceeds thereof are to be nsed or tne payment in part for the Improrement of streets or construction of sewer, as the aald I improrements shall be duly authorised snd com- pieted. I e raiimty or the act or the i lyegisiarure E?."J J'ZZZL 07 " DU"reB,e Said bond, will be Issued and delivered aa tne .naU direct. hh ha ramilrail tn uhmlt a flat hM I i - i without conditions, except as 'to the regularity Z.fch ."J. T?' na 1 ?h!nl .y1"". Portland, Oregon, equal to 5 per Cent of the aggregate amount 01 tne ma, payeDie to me Mayor of tbe City of Portland, aa liquidated damages in ease such bidder withdraw, bis bid or falls or neglects to enter Into contract to take and pay for Mid bonds according to the terms of hla bid and this notice. The right to reject any and all bins la hereby reserved. Blda should be addressed to the committee on ways and means of the Council, care of Thoa. C. Derlln, Auditor of the City of Portland. By order of the' Council. B.'P. CARDWELL, H. R. ALBEE. D. T. 8HEBRETT, Committee on Ways snd Means. Portland, Oregon, July 28, 1903. Btnui cmxa roa ptxeb. Itching plies produce moisture and causa itching, this. form, as well ss BllndL. Bleeding or Protudlng Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rraedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 0o a Jar. at drugs-is ts, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Writs me about Four cass. Dr. Bosanke, PbU'a Pa, . REVOKE LICENSE OF THE SALOON Council takes Away Permit is sued To the Favorite Bar In North End of the City at Spe- ciai oession, - Anticipated Fireworks, on Po lice Scandal Question Did Not Materialize and Was Probably bmotnered. . The anticipated fireworks at the spe cial session of the City Council yester day afternoon failed to materialise and the affair dwindled down to a very medl- ocre display. The license of ths Favor its saloon at 40 Nortn Fourth street, officially aaaigned to John. Frits, but reputed to belong to -Bob" Patterson, was revoked after a scathing arraign ment of the proprietor by Councilman Flegel, but the great Interest centered In the reputed Intention of washing some police linen. The members of ths coun- ou apparently reached s private under- I standing to keep quiet on that subject snd when Merrill tried to bring up some mattee tiAft rflrenflv eAnneeteA with the 50 llcn" question he was squelched In stanter. All the councllmen voted In favor of rescinding the license otoept Merrill. H. -,ked to h -xcu.el and Uted that ka waa avaraa tn talclnor n such ac tlon without riving the owner A hearing. Frits, though, was not to be found and apparently had no desire "to explain whv" Ha could not he. located and .fter one ot the moat gcathlng arralgn- ment heard In the chamber for months. fVnm Vlaa-al. the license was voted out of i . - - - existence. Councilman Merrill took the view that tne council was exceeding us jusi pre rogatives in taxing away a license wun- out conferring with the police. "We don't know this man Frits." he Stated "hut tha nollo.a do. and they are the ones who should report on such a mat- ter." The councilman suddently took an- other tacit. "Tne roDoery was noi com' miuea ln-me saioon. anyway, ii uu 1 nend ln Bharkev's hoteL Why not take swav his licenser' Thla wraa inn munh for tha sedate w,th glee." Even Mayor Williams smiled broadly at the thrust and Sharkey him- self turned as red In the face as a beet. When the merriment had subsided Ts!oo Councilman Sharkey explained his reso 16 85 lutlon to rescind the license. He told 1 nt the recant notorious robbery in the ,aco an1 now When he and Councllmen Bentley and Foeller had demanded or Patterson that he give up the woman who had committed the deed, ths wily resident of the North End had disclaimed any knowledge of her, but that later he had found the guilty party under threat f having tne license taicen away, -inis, me BDBHuer aeciareua. miu.ou nm was in hand and glove with ths dim Inai da.. anri waa not a fit person to have a saloon license In any city. Before the nnal vote on the resolu tlorl was taken Councilman Flegel made . very lucid and startling series of charges against the man Patterson, "Thief." "harborer of thieves." and other choice terms, many of which would n0t look weji m print, made up a lurid background of color. As a listener re . , .... ... , . KIJ 1 rnnrneu 11 1110 uiu uc.u wu Patterson's ears must have been singed close." riegel Makes lUtement. During his peroration the irate coun- cilman said: "Regarding this saloon license, the 1 . 1 -. , n,,n.,ll I "inner ubi ucvii uy wivtc .no wmmv. Deiore. ino place w run or auw Patterson and about the first of the year the question of allowing the license was considered very carefully by tne com mittee and denied, for the reason that Patterson was repuiea to run mo mum nntnrimi. dive in the cltv. and a tklace wnere lawbreakers habitually gathered. 1 no man wan a unci iuuibcu bored thieves. He kept his place filled with fallen women, and robberies there were of nightly occurrence. It is a mat ter of record that the place was a no- torlously disreputable dive. I "Whenever a robbery waa committed I n the place Patterson would go to the I .1 A. fc, n Air . n A HI V A I DMllUe BlllllUJl KI1U HUB MOVH UIO UIV1KI I ... . , , . K- ,,km' m "' v"u,u " ."" -k any other way, and that would generally be an end to the case. Tne victim, as Is natural, would much rather have the return of the money and be allowed to leave the city than to lose the money and be thrown In Jail as a witness. At this time some .considerable Influence I was used upon the members of the committee and five members of the council voted in favor of the license, However, six opposed granting It and the desired permit was refused. Then Patterson resorted to new tac tics.- For what I understand was the sum of $10 per month he employed Frltl to get a license and allow him the I ...... r hl.nama xrrtrawjraa elVAII tha nenae hv three, memhers of tha com- 1 ut. .hn nin nnt know that, ha wna , ' .fence. tor Patterson. And it seemed very propitious that tne very 1 first man robbed In the lolnt was the I real owner. 11 was mo more ueuiimiu from the fact tnat ne lost a vaiuaDie diamond. There was probably a thief who had not received tne proper instruc 1 . . ,m4nnM.jl. waa nminnil ".n. an4 he undoubtedly, was promptly , (al 1 v . . . K . . - --- I for a very simple matter: the revoca tlon of this license, one that would never j,ave been granted' In the first Xn should cumstances. The man Patterson should bo driven Out Of tOWfl or put to work on the rock pile. Unfortunately, ;the rnlr vlla waa a hnllahafl- nrorianiv to) re. nVe the City prisoners from the dire neceBslty Of exerting their Strength In . nr other wav exceDt eatina ana eieeD- : . - In. He Will be compelled to go some time, ana men 11. win ne a case 01 ria- dance or Dea ruDDisn. mere seems xo be a good chance of his landing In jail soon, the very place that has been walt- , for hl preseneo for some time." Following this forceful display of Ian- gruage a roll call was requested on the resolution and Merrill was the only matnhar riaHr vntlnar aval Ha arnlalned his position, as stated, and was excused. v - - " It had been broadly hinted that the police trbubles were to be aired in some manner at the meeting, but If such had been the Intention, the councllmen changed their minds. Merrill started In with reference to some police matter, but was "smothered" as being out of order, amidst the laughter of the other councllmen, Previous to the open ses sion the members held a star-chamber meeting in an ante-room and It is Said killed off any possible show of bringing up the police question. Detectives Kerrigan and Snow, the two officers against whom charges were made, looked In at the proceedings for a ' moment, but when they . found that their flkmes ,had not been mentioned they tried to slip away Unnoticed.- , ;. ' - -1 sr -i i ii journal friends - and , readers when traveling on trains to and from .-Portland should ask news agents for The Journal and Insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining it to ths offlce of publication. addressing The Jovrnsl Portland, Ore, $650,900 COURTHOUSE 4 Journal SDeclal Service. ELIZABKTH, N. J.. July 80. Speeches and other ceremonies accompanied the laying of ths cornerstone today of the new-$660,000 .' court house .. for . Union county, -The laying of the stone was con ducted by ths Masonlo Grand LAtVge New Jersey, and speeches appropriate to the- occasion -were delivered by United States Senator John Keen, former Gov. Foster M. Voorhees and others. - The , new edifice Is designed to be one of most magnificent and costly structures i of Us kind In the entire country. . , BIRTHS July 28. to Mr. and Mrs. W. Doan. 88 North fiierenta atreet, a aoq. - July 27, to Mr, and Mrs. p. A. McEareharn, 814 Whealer street, a aon. Jnlr 14. to Mr. and Mrs. If. McCormle. 04T nortnrop atreet. a aaiignter. .. July 22. to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCormlck, 414 uoucs street, a sen. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, Julr 20.- Harry Adamson. 858 Lincoln atreet I tmhold fever. ' July 29. Ethyl Bolen. T80 Bait Twenty-ninth treei; typnoia rerer. .,' . . ' - - . DEATHS; - - July 38. Cbrlatnla Deler,, aged TS, it Dlrlalon atreet; old age. Interment Ml. uarrary Cemetery. July 23. Joseph Gloar. aged 17, St nilUboro, Or. i accidental gunahot wound of atotnack and heart Interment Mt. Calrarr l.metery. July 27, J. w, Nye, aged so, at oooo na marl tan HoiDltal: Djelltla. . Interment at Leb anon. Or. - July 28, D. Wakeglm,, aged 43, Japanese, at Astoria. Interment In Lone Fir Cemetery. Julr 28. Thomaa F. Collins, ased 48. at ilM North Third atreet; pneumonia. Interment in Lone Fir Cemetery. Julr 29. Louis iionteraetetu. ages so. at sc. VI.m.1'1 llMnlt.l ma a.,rHI tl. tntrmflt Pendleton, Or. V..1- Ai . Jll S..alw tll.u a.ajl AA alUlT Jcual. bllSBJl y-VU KA4B) Si itsas. sbsj-u W b St. Joaeph'a Home for the Aged; carcinoma. Interment Mt. Calory Cemetery. j. t 'ja Rah linen, at nn Nortn Eiavanu street. Interment Ixrne Kir cemetery. .- Ths Bdsrard Holmaa Uadsrtaklnar funeral olrsetors and embsUmsrs. m& T"" "'- nou B07, J. r. Plxder aad Son. fa&srsj dlrsoiors and smbaOmers, hsvs ramovad to thai, new ostabUshmsnt, oornar Third aad Madison strssts. . Both pMasa bo. 9. Oramatorliim. oa Oregon City o 11m, saajr sjellwoodi mod am,' aolsatlflo, somplet. Ohsxgss Aatuts, asoi Area, $90. Visitors s to p. m. PortUad Orsmauoa Association, roruaaa, or. BTTXB TXBW CITMBTHBT. tna-1 arravss. Bio., JPamlly lots from 75 to Ths only osmstary la Portland whioh perpetually maintains and earea for lota. Tor fall Information apply to W. a. Maoksnsla, Woroosts Block, city. w. sc. XAdd. prsaidsat, Clark Bros, for flowers, f.89 at orris oa strsot. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS H. J. Maler and wife to Frederick Hast ings, lot 8, Cloaaet, Derer, A Labbe', Suhdlrlalon block F, Albina Homeatead.$ Paul Labbe st al. to Frederick Hast ings, lot 8, Cloaaet, Derer, A Lab beV BubdlrUlon block F, Albina Home stead Rrerdlne A Fnrrell tn M. C. Bnuffln. lot 6, block 3, Center Add 1ST R. J. Linden and wife to Ollrer Durant, block 3. nart block 20 and lota 1 to 10. 15 to 28, block 25, Portland Park Add. 8,100 Jamea and R. L. Humphrey to School Dlatrlet Nn. 1. lnt 14. block ST. Bell. wood 865 Sellwood Real Estate Company to Alice Lo Fore, lota 14. IT. block 86. Sell- wood ...... j. 425 Elisabeth and Jnaenh Doff to A. 8. Bllla. lot 1. block 10, Willi. ma Aranne Add., 850 D. S. Munmr snd wife to Andrew G. Horberg. lot 1, block 121, Conch 4,000 Central Trnat Inrestment Company to Werner Peterson, lot 6. block 5. Central Add TOO C. W. Gay and wife to William E. Braln- ard, lot a, Eaat Z5 feet lots s snd 4. block 14, Hanson', Second Add , Set vour title Insurance and abstracts to real estate from ths 'x le Guarantee ft Trust Co.. Chamber or commerce. BUILDING PERMITS To L. Reward, construct two-story dwelling at Eaat Kigntn ana t-rescoci; i,ooii. To J. Duff, construct two-etory dwelling at East Salmon and Kaat inirtietn; fz.uou. To J. II. Bartlett. construct one-story cot tare at Monroe and Kir by atreeta: $400. To R. A. Shartle. erect two-etory dwelling at Twenty-second and Overton; $2,875. To J. Knapp, erect two one-atory dwelling! at East Tblrty-orst ana uiaaatone; sz.oou. To T. P. Hansel!, construct one-atnrr cottage at Twenty-eighth and Ilslsey streets; $800. To E. C. Morris, construct two-story dwelling on Eaat Ankeny- between Eaat Sixteenth and East Serenteenth atreeta; $4,000. Prsfarrsd Btock Oannsd Oooda. Allen at Liewls' Best Brand. BIDS WANTED TOGETHER with adrance reporta dally on all ouuainga,. water ana sewer aystem,, railroad conatrurtlon, lumber and logging camp, and Rropoaala for new machinery, corerlng entire orthwest. Addreaa I'.nget Sound Preaa Clip ping, inc. Times jsiag., Seattle, waan. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. , Trfl BTttT OP KVtSfYTHtWQ CKLY HOURS PORTLAND TO IsHIECASp via the 6. K. K. & N. Co, bregoa Short line, Union Pacific and Tw( trains a day, with throngh Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). J ; ; connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luiurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. I- , Be ssrs yottr tickets read over tha . ( , Clwt ft MottlrWsStSlak AV. a 8ARKCR, OliTk AOX aft N-W. KV. tss Trsno at, pomjmo, cml '. ; RAILROAD TIMETABLES. of the 1 tTTm t a a m V a ' . Oregon 3 TRAINS td theTtAST DAILY 1 Tbrongh Pollmas susdaurd and rsarwt aleaa. Ing ear, daily Is Omasa, Chicago, Spokaael tourlat sleeping ear. dally Is Kaasas Ottrl tnrough Pullmaa tourist sleeping ears ( Parana, ally conducted) weekly to Ctileaga, fceaeia City; recllulng (hair car, (aaata free) to the Eaec oaiiy. PWI04 DEPOT. Laa res. Airless. CHICAOO-PORTLANO 1:20 a. Sk. 4:80 s, at, SPKCLAL. Daily. .Dally,. For tbe kaat via Beat- ; In, ton. -. . .. ; j gPOKANg FLT1B. 6:00 s. St, T:SB a. mt For Kaatsrs Washing- bail, . Daily, V ton. Walla Walla. Lew. ,, latoa . Coaot o'AUos - i aad Great , AJoribere pilnts. ' - -- . ' '- ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 p. av 10:80 a. av rot tbe East vts lluat- Dally. . Dally. tngtoa. ' , . OCEAJT Alp BITES; SCHXPPH. . FOR BAN FRANCISCO. I From ;' 8:00 f, m, B. B. Geo. W. Elder. Alaaka July 1. 1L SI, Sl Docs, g. Columbia ;0C p. sv July 6, 16, as. ,. 863 1 Collar hta Blear JMvwlea. ",. a. I Mllltjtw MUgti BAT Wltaa :00 SB. ttOO p. ax, , ex. Sunday, About "- . , , -w ""J; tr Uwses and I i. w 7ti!5r ueny. x Sunday Baturday i - - ww. io:uu a. m. POTTER SAILING DATES (Aah St, Dock! July 28, 9:00 s. m.; July 29, 8:00 s. m. July 80, 9:00 a. m.i July 81, 9:00 a. m. Augnst 1 (Mtaroayi, iku b. m. TT Tsmklll Blvs Boats. FOR DAYTON. Oregon City and Yamhill Blrar 7:00 a. av Tuesday, Thursday, 8a turd.. point., ,tr, aumora, Aah-SL dock. ' (Water permitting.) Snake Blrar Boats. FOB LEW18TON, Ida., ihd way points, from Blnarla. Waaku. ataana. 4:05 a. m. Daily. - Sat. About 6:00 B. aw uairy x. Friday. srs Bpokaae aad Lew la tea. TICKET OFFICB. Third and Waahlagtss. Tats pnoos ataia lis. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. U. r.knk.M. ana tin. a Wah a M. m f w .- uvhh, vamna R 1 Robs. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking fralehi via connecting atesmars for aUalla. Port Arthas and Vl.diro.tock. IBDRASAMHA BAXLI AB0TXT JTLT t$. For rates and full teforraatton can aa as aa. arses officials or a genu of the 0. B. A N. Co, EAST via. SOUTH OVERLAND BXPRMM train, for Salem, Boa, I ours, saniana. Basra J . annu, ugaen. Baa daco. Mo Jar., Xo, , galea. El Paao, New baas aad tba Eaat. manto, Ogden, Baa trasH TrAS a. Sa AsH Ur4 At Woodborn dally (except Bandar I . moraJ Ins train for ML Au- at, gel, Bllrartovs BrownaJ T!00 p. Si V rills, Sprlngfl.ld. WooW ting snd Matron. Hswa. ss.! Albany paaaengar, eoJ sects at Wsoburn with 19:10 a. Mt Angel sod SUrar-l ton ocai CorvalUs paasancsr.,.. 7:80 a. av 6 jtjo p. m. S:S6 a. at 1(40 p, mJ 8barldaa passenger.... Dally. (iDally exrept Sandaj. rsrtlaad-Oswags Ssborbaa Barrio, aad Taaabil iMviaios. -' Depot root of 'sffsrssa 8 treat. -Lssvs Portland daily for Oaweao T:80 k. aa.t 18:60, 2.06, 8:25, 65, 6 25, 8:80, 10:10 P. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:80, 6:80, 8:86, 10u m. a:uu, p. m. nunaay only, p:o ta. Hernrnlne from Oawero. arrira Portland dall a. On m m . i .u . ,na 4. ok a.fa .n. o.x 11:10 p. m. Daily (except Sunday) 6:29, 7:26, :B0, 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Exwpt lSondaT.2 a. m. eunaay otiiy, iu:uu a, m. bears from same depot for Dallaa BBaoiats points aauy (except nunaay j Anire Portland 10:20 a. m. The . Independanca-Monjnouth - Motors Lias perates dally to Monmouth and Airlla, ooa eotlng with Southern Pact 0c Companj'a tracks St Dallas and Independence. FIret-cUas rebate tickets oa aals from Por land to Bacramento and San Frandsoo, . Net rats $17.50, berth $5; far $15. without rebate or berth aecond-claas bsrtfe 82.50. Tlcksts to , Em tern points and Europe, sjas anan. China. Honoluln and Auatralla. City Ticket Offes eonar Tbtrd and Waasisg Sbb atrssts. Phone. Mala 712. - V 0. W. BTIN0ER, W. n. OOMAJf, es" "n. rsa.;j TRAINS PORTLAND: Puset Sound Limited. Daparta. Arrlraa. 6:80 p. m. for Tscoma, Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and . Gray '8 Barber 8:30 a. m. points. North Coast Limited. for Tacoma, ' Seattle, Q ... a. d.hi uin. 8:00 p. m. 7:00 a. m. nea polls, Chicago, New York, Boston and polsts East snd BoutbeasL Twln-Clty Expresa, for Tacoma, ..Seattle, Spo kane. Helena. St. Paul. Minneapolis -Chicago, 11:48 p. m T:00 p. ntm York, Boston and all Points Eaat and Sootbeaat. Paget Sound . Kansas Clt St: Louia Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denrer. Omaha. Kin.,. 8:80 a. m. 7:00 s. City. St Lou la and all points Eaat and Booth. east All trains dall except an Booth Band oraoco. , . . A. D. CHARLTUn, - Aaatatfln. n... i , - S28 Morrisoo 8t. corner Third, PortUsd. Or, Astoria & Columbia a. M River Railroad Co. - IMpTtaV Monday, WednasdaJlX Friday. VlH trjn0sTI)gP0T. I AlSJarsa; j LaaTas. CNION DEPOT. Arrlvss. For Maygera. Balnlef. DaD ' v Clatakanlo. Waatport. - a.n" . .. . ' Clifton. Astoria, War- .M . Til??. rentes 7 Flersl. Ham- lM Dally. mond Fees Sterens. " ? ' 2:80, p. m. Bearhart Para, Beaelde. i::- -, Sat only. Astoria and Seashore U--Expresa. Daily. .. . 8"1 - Astorts Exprsaa, ; $:40p.. O. F. SSd P. A. Astoria. Os. ' B. L. LEWIS. ComsMreisl Agaut, 1UH Aide St, . - raoae auua sua, i f.-.f-- . SWT IS akTWII V I,