THE OTlEQON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TIIUItSDAY' EVENING, JTTLY 30, 1003. 6 The : Different S;WORTMAN.(KING Fifth end Washington Streets Store" ' Items of Local Interest for Busy i . I n.a J ' t . v i . - journal neaaerst , ; ; I WEATHER FORECAST Rbowere and thonderetorina hit ocenrred la Kaneae, Nebraeaa, MUaomi Ullnola, ' Northern " Montana, Britten Columbia and Alberta. ' Tha . weather la Uia Pacldo Coaat Bfatea la eloatly 'and eomewhat threatening, but no rata vf coneeo,upiice baa occurred. "; II la much cooler In Nehraaka, Iowa, tlllnoia. , Wfwoneln, Mlnnt-eota and tha Dakotaa, and light 1 warmer Id Nor thorn Nevada, Nortbera ," t ub, Iilabo, Eaetern Oregon, Nortbeaatero Washington and extreme Weetern lioataaa. Tbe Indlretlone are for generally (air .' weather la tbla dtatrlct Friday, with no marked ebauf e la temperature. - HOTEL 'ARRIVALS , .- . . , IMTIILIAL-J. W. Boa to, Seattle) Mra. A. W. .Turner, DaTenport; George W. ColTlg end fern- 1U, uouuia; 4. B..wjatt. aauaallto) J. jonu eon, Han Fraacteco) D. J. Leah, Portland; jaa i. t-aimer, laatmi an. u. M. Pavla, Ja Ci aire. A. Bummer, lire. Lena Blum, La nde W. T. Cwlck, Seattle i P. II. Orand- atfbm, Denver; Mra. B. Alexander. Peadletua: lea cream. Than "fill your tooth"' with f success from the day of ita inoeptlon. noma of Ita enticing Aldon candies. I Goods hava baaa sold at prices greatly Maybe youVdon'tknow that theaa are j below ordinary values, and tha public tha CMst-cAndles Tbey art. old In ' Portland. Take B.rnlator Una ataamar. for Tha Dallea and all way landings, connecting at Lyla with Columbia River North' haa taken advantage of thaaa opportun ities to lay In supplies for tha montha to come. Tomorrow la tha regular Fri day coupon doubla reduction sale. To aecura tha advantage of tha bargains to be offered, purchaser muat preaent the am Railway for Ooldendale and KUckl-1 coupon that appeared in last Saturday's tat valley pomta. . Aiaer-atreai wnari I white Comer page advertisement In dally (except Sunday) ft, m. Phone, (The Journal, when an extra 10 per cent Main I14.; - v t. J, lent from ordinary July reduction prlcea will ba accorded tha nutMiiir. Thla A. T. BtOln states that he finished the meana a eavlna of an extra IS rants an collection of eherrlee that will form a .very dollar expended In the ator to part of the Oregon fruit dlaplay at the morrow. Don't neglect the opportunity. St Louis Imposition. Hs is now col-1 It not --..i- lecting tha specimens Of plums for the exhibit Mr. .Miller has several- Very fine samples of oats and vetches to be added to the Oregon St Louis agricul tural aispiay. The final report of the administrator or the estate qt Akin Copeiand ahows a balance on hand of $MS. County Judge Webster has ordered that It, SIS. It 1-1 be given to each of the re- alduary legatees. William C and Joelah P. F. Hynd. William Hrad, Mlaa A. Hn4 r " r TM.Vn O, 7 Vintr Hepnneri H. D. Mdoler, Seattle; A. B. Johneoa, C'?,Bd. Toledo, Or., and William H. Wllaoo, gan rraorlaeo; C. W. Knovtra, Br- Miller Of Portland. . . . . aide) L. P. liouck and wife, lodlanapoUaf H. n. uipeiana, nn. oopeiana, iiareaee uopeiaaa. Kanaaa; . aire. I B. Allen, B. 11. Eldorado; rwwma, noiae: a. a. woeierr, lone; 0. 4. Ooldmaa. Baa rraarlaeorG- 6. Klder. Mra, Klder, Tacoma; II. L. Kemp. J. S. Moody, Bt. Panl; II. O. Moody, Bt I'anl; V. II. llrhne. ona i nrran, uottaire Urove; Mra. W. a. Blinr, AUmeda: 0. A. Wllllama. A. K. Bradford. Wla- eonaln; B. M. Bradford, r. R. Wullama, Kew-J port; Mra. Hanaea, Aberdeen; Cbarlea T. Brown, Aatorla; 0. Hanaen, Portland; O. L. IMrk. O. B. Johnaoa, Aatorla; O, U. Barlow, Hlllibore; W. rrledUnder, Portland; iobn T. Coo noil, Haa yraaelaoo; Jay Andrewa, William Smith. ltr: Emar Uoldberc. Seattle; C. I. Btrattoa and wife, a A. Smith, New York; Mlaa Adelaide Brandt, Da Ten port; i. T. Morer, t UT D C k. L. . A I eVrwjH n . VT OIHVaUSayr ami W e A svuiuaj a C.i. Drain, Drain : A. L. Brown, Baleta; B. P. De Haven and wife. MlnneapeJlaj U Lewla, Beatua; v. s. vaa uanaen, la uranoa. The Or agon Information Bureau haa just received a number of exhibits of farm products from Clackamas County. From all appearances Clackamas County now leada In exhibits at the Bureau, and other counties of the state will have to make a great effort to outclass the Clackamas County exhibit SasesaU Tomorrow, Ladlea' Day. ; San Francisco ' . VS. ' Browns. AH your friends Will be there. Oame atarta at 1:10. ' Twenty-fourth and Vaughn Streets. e The caiirornrtea Are fast Jball playera, . They are In - J . Second place. Tbe Browns Are playing great balL Sea the gams Tomorrow. Ladiea' Day. Free to grounds and grandstand. 15th Grand Friday Economy Sale Tomorrow 8 BIG SPECIALS--8 In addition to the thousands of bargains advertised and readvertised for this last week of the GREAT STORE, MILL, AND FACTORY SALE . This great sale has indeed been A TRADE TRIUMPH. An eventful, week, signalized by stupendous successes! A masterstroke of merchandising in which the potency of VALUE proved irresistible. The magnetic force of a real "BARGAIN" in the best sense of that abused word never fails to attract the purchasing public. In this instance our special offers of worthy merchandise met with an im mense and immediate popularity. Never before here or elsewhere have equal values been possible. We can not promise their continuance after this week, and should the present constant demand be unequal to the supply, many who coo template purchasing will be unable to secure these superb bargains. Stocks now are at their best I Selection now means the most satisfactory choice. In all grades in all styles the largest, most attractive assortments. Pronounced good values in every line. If there are better bargains elsewhere, where are they ? B Pjr, Aitor U ; I. Jobn- V Hr. eu i . SlBln aaalV W I4.W, A BUT, yOBIXAJTD R, on, V, B. A.: A, Tea. : O. Cnrren. la: H. Boyle. Cblrafo; J. B. torreecb, Halt ; E. H. Colllna, Cblcafo; M. Carlton, Cbl- O. B. French, n. B. C. B. : O. W. Sand- era and wife. O. R. Handera. Baa Antonio: A. W. Wiry and wife, Mlnneaota: B. O. Men enaon, Sedalla; C H. Tucker. Bt. Louie; 1. rt. Ban rranrlaco; L. Campbell, Tacoma; a Harea. wife and daughter. Ban rran- Cieco; H. True, Marlon, O.; W. K. Wrlfbt. V. fl. A.; L. E. Hunt, M. A. Newman. Ban Fran rlaco; O. F. klnc. New York; S. H. Friendly, Eugene; J. II. Dwyer. New Tork; 0. E. Mc Broom and wife, Spokane; J.' W. Judge. Ban Kranclaoo; B. UdseU, U. 11. Edaell, New York; W. E. Bement, Lenalnc; P. Ulocfa. Parle; F. F. Rockwell, Baa Franclaco; W. D. Benaon, Seat tle; J. 8. Kemp and wife. Mlnneopolia; C. W. HlnchcUffe and wife. Loa Anaelni: T. 1. Oome, Seattle; E. fc. Cockrell. Waablnrton; D. E. Cameron. New York; Mlaa K. A. Tay lor. Baltimore; J. B. Moody, H. O. Moody. Ta coma; i. B. Forreat, New York; I. A. Finger, Baa Franclaco; T. W. Nottingham, Seattle; F. h. Elmmerman, city; P. ilolbronk. New York; F. A. Poor. Chicago; L. Wickbam. W. B. Cowen, Bt. Lnula: U. 8. McLaren, Seattle: H. M. Hnnter, E. J. Kllpatrtck. New York; H. J. Echleelnger, B. f. Stern, Milwaukee; A. I. MrTler. Bolae: Laura K. Bnrreaa, Nancy L. Batten. Dr. and Mra. Galloway, San Fran claco; A. HIH. Saginaw; C. A. Cbrlatlan. Mra. Chrlatlan, Waahlngton: Oenrge B. Boewell. Mre. Boewrll, A. C. Boewell, Edith Boewell. Walter Boewell, Plttaburg; C. F. Allen. CUrkeon; II. 8. Orlgga. Tacoma; Richard Smith. Spokane; L. F. Anderaon. P. L. Andereon, Walla Walla; C. A. Clark. Montreal; C. 8.. Jonea. Philadelphia; Charlea I'hllllpa, Chicago; A. L. Andrewa, Beat tie; E. K. Maaeee. (J. S. A.; Joaephlne Pierce, J. H. Waterman and wife, San FraDelacofcDr. H. F. Hamilton, Boaton; H. B. Newrttab, New oYrk: W. F. Keeney, Grand Raplda; J. Heakee and wife. New Orlrana; W. D. Oormena, v.ouage rore; a. h. Wblte. Grant Paaa; Jacoi) Bcbroeder, Cincinnati: M. J. Barbour. CblrVgei E. M. Warde, Duluth. Svarybody Should Xold Up On aend Ing their linen to a laundry that does pot employ a steam-heated Ironer. The mlaerable old style fire-heated oonoern damage the linen by weakening . the fibre, aa well as "yellowing" tlfe gooda. Ours Is the only steam-heated ironer in town. Union Laundry. Second and Co lumbla. PERSONALS. t Another Lot of Those Splendid Wrappers Values to $1.75 see them in window go on sale tomorrow, on the 2d floor,' at each t 69c Serena larre. bandies of Oregon lit erature were sent by tbe Board of Trade thla morning to partlea realdlng In In dlana and tbe Indian Territory, who had written for the same. It la thought that the Indiana people are going to move to this state within ihe next few weeks. Tour breakfast blsoutt or breakfast roll will be delightfully appetising If made from "Plllabury's Beet" North Dakota No. 1 hard wheat flour. Tour grocer ought to tell you about the excel lence of thla flour. He probably would if he knew you were Interested. Not tingham & Co.. Front and Alder, dla trlbutors. Tha AttanUoa. you giye to your clothes is time weli spent But for $1.00 per month we call for. clean, preas and deliver one suit each week and give you eight free shines a month at our bootblack atand. Your clothes will always look new and bright with no trouble to you at alL Call us up. Both phones. Unique Tail oring Company, 147 Washington street. near Seventh. Adam Arend, a Spokane merchant Is I in rortiana. Stats Senator John L. Rand la in Portland from Baker City. L. N. Roney, a contractor of Eugene. is registered at the Perkins. J. A. Woolery. a merchant of Ions, la registered at the Portland. Charlea Green, a Saginaw. Mich., tlm- berman, is 'at the Portland. A. H. Comstock, a Deluth timber man. is registered at the Portland. State Representative Vf. Both of Rain ier was in Portland yesterday. C D. Drain, a prominent resident of Drain. Or, Is registered at the Imperial C. L. Gilbert superintendent of the Wasco County schools, is in Portland on business. State Superintendent of Public In struction f . H. Ackerman Is In Portland from Salem. R. F. Hynd of Heppner la in Portland. Mr. Hynd's wife and child were drowned In the Heppner flood. Traveling Passenger Agent C. Q. Gray. of the Northwestern, returned this morning from a trip to Shanlko. H. L. Slsler, general agent for the Northwestern, with offices in Portland. haa gone to Walla Walla on business. Miss Bessie Snipes of The Dalles, who has been visiting friends In Portland for the past three weeks, returned home to day. Mr. and Mra. sraczAX no. l (rirst rio-) Pretty Summer Jewelry at Friday Bargain Prices Dainty, Pretty and Durable French Pearl Jewelry, suitable for tha at thla shirtwaists and summer dresses, especially at time, needed at ...I A v.. " - nuius, ysuuu uijuy w ' "' Or., are registered at the Perkins. Mr, Ernest Hacheney, aged i rears and youngnet son of Frank Hacheney, at the beach Tuesday evening. The .lad was playlngtball with several companions when he received a ball hot from the bat In his right eye. The optic bled Baseball Tomorrow, Ladles' Day, Ban Francisco vs. Browns. .AH your friends Wlll .be there. Game atarts at J:S0. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. The Callfornltes Are fast ball players. They are in JSecond place. (The Browns s f playing great ball. ' See the game Tomorrow. Ladles' Day. Free to grounds and grandstand. Dr. O. a BUney, 207 Allsky Bldg. profusely and the .boy was brought to trlct Wallace la engaged in the hotel busi ness. John Curren and V. H. Behne of Cot tage Grove are at the Imperial. They are engaged In mining in the Bohemia Dls-I all seasons In the ladles' jewel boxes, reduced for Friday only. The lot includes Brooches, Lace or Scarf Plna, Bar Pins and Belt Seta. Heavily gold-plated. 25c, 29c and 35c values. Friday only...-18c 45c and 50c values, Friday only 27c 60c, 65c and 75c values, Friday only....42c rXXDAT SraOZAX Wo. a (Third moor, take elevator.) 70c Coffee or Tea Pots, 25c Nickel-plated Tea or Coffee Pots, aires S, 4, 6 and 6-plnt These always needed, .useful household utensils, the regular atore values of which are 6.0c, '60c, dSc and 70c, have been selected as a special to- (? morrow and you may choose, from all sises and gradea at Xjfj one price, vis Wi will sell but one of above to a customer and BOOT to dealers. Our specials are for our customers. rBXDAT BPBCXAX. go. 3 (Third Floor, take elevator.) 60c Raisin Seeders. ISc Landers, Frary & Clark's make. These useful articles, needed in every kitchen, Nos. 1 and 2, which well, respectively, for 50o and f (? 0c each, tomorrow only, you r choice I jP for One to a customer none to dealers. rXXDAT srzCXAX Bo. 4 (First Floor, Men's Shop.) Men's 50c Underwear,. 38c As the long, cool evenings come on and autumn months wait Just around the corner. Men's Underwear thoughts revert to the medium weights. We offer ns a special Friday value tomorrow, 50 dosen Men'a Medium - weight Merino Shirts and Drawers, in camel-hair ) J shade, finished eeams and ribbed bottoms; the 75c value of JQC most stores, Friday only FBXDAT irzCZAX. Bo. 0 (First Floor.) 15c Lawns and Dimities. 7c Yd. 2,000 yards of Summer Wash Fabrics go on sale tomorrow, for the day only, or until sold, 12Vc and 16o values, new goods and pretty pat terns, scrolls, figures and stripes, in lace effects, dark, me- f dlum and light shades, not an old style In air the lot tomor- row only, per yard FBZSAT SPBCXAXi Bo. S (rirst Floor.) Ladies' $1.50 Sun Umbrellas, 98c Our most desirable Black 8un Umbrellas, usually retailing at $1.60, two makes In the selection, one a silk-mixed taffeta, the other a twilled florla, both have natural wood handles, steel rods and paragon ramea. These Umbrellas are equally serviceable for protection from the rays of "Old Sol" or the downpour of ' Jupiter Pluvlus" sun or rain. An extra Umbrella Is always needed for tbe house or fQ store, or perhaps the outing you hava In mind choose to- WtC morrow only from this lot at each . . ..C,. FBZSAT SFXCXAX. Bo. T (First Floor,) Misses' 25c Hosiery, lie Pair Misses' Black Lace Hoae, splendid quality, spliced heel and toe; f the usual 20o values In sises J to 7V; and 25c valuea In alsea I If 9 to Vt all sises. tomorrow fjnly at, per pair FBXDAT irZCXAXi Bo. (First Floor.) Boys' $1.00 Shirtwaists, 25c Boys' Percale Shirtwaists, Including the celebrated "Mothers' Friend" make, light or medium shades, pretty patterns, striped and figured. In pink, blue, lavender and black, collars attached or. separate, a very swell line and values to 75c and R&c. These are laundered and all sixes no old goods or odd lots, also white laundered Waists Mf 1A plaited front, linen collars ana cutis; usual 7 be and 11.00 jJjP f jr Portland for treatment. The physician saya the eyesight will not be Impaired by tha accident R. J.- Ginn Is in Portland from Mora Mr. Ginn wae a member of the Lower House at the last session of the state I iegisiatura. valuea, tomorrow for choice, only , Vtf'ift.Va'jfA.V: It is almost past belief, the changes Herbert C. Smith, chief deputy county raiu .u yuu"""'" l" clerk for the Circuit Court division, has logical skill of Madame Gertrude Saxe, tha talented lady occupying parlors at 417 Ablngton Building, this city. Oc ular proof of this la every day in evi dence at her place, and Interested men and women are cordially Invited to call and see for themselves Just what won ders she is able to perform. Any face af flicted with smallpox pittlngs, wrinkles, returned from his annual outing and has resumed his duties. Louis F. Anderson, professor of Greek and Latin at Whitman College, Walla Walla, accompanied by his daughter. Miss Pauline L. Anderson, Is at the Portland. W. 8 THEATRICAL OFFERINGS Tha Bmnira. A bill that is etrong from beginning1 to end is being produced at the Empire Theatre this week. The Luts Brothers Moore, a nrom Inert attnrnnv furnished some genuine novelties. One moth patches, scars, freckles, eruptions, of Beaver, Pa., Is visiting friends In this of them is without arms but does some birthmarks or any ofcthe hateful an- city. He has Just returned from Nome, wonderful things with his feet. He uses noyance that- makes life a misery, are speedily eradicated by her system of scientific treatment She is a marvel In her work. Special Saturday and trip of the Regulator steamer Bailey Gattert Springs, Captain Belcher's new health resort on the Upper Columbia. This will be an excellent opportunltylo view the glorious scenery of the Columbia River as far up as Wind Mountains, giv ing everybody a chance to see how the government's $4,000,000 locks at the Cascades are operated. Passengers can go up Saturday morning. If they desire, and return Sunday evening, thereby en Joying one day's bathing at the springs. im.AAllA mania Q.a. m r- t,V.l A'Mai-- Sr. S. H. Baud returned, 602 The De-1 . ,. B.rrf.v -n m A.m. kum. Telerne: Office. 275; residence, day , ft m, special round-trip ticket 21.60. 'Phone, Main This Is the last week of the White Corner's trreat July reduction sale B. X. Koorehouse ft Co st Seventh and Alder. Telephone, Main 1242. The Savoy, Max Smith's coffee house and bakery. 168 Fifth. That's it lose Beach sad Seaview Provisions ar BOnable rates. Straubel Bros. Vine Day I Buy Meredith's umbrellas. RefMirmg. recovering. Wash, and Sixth. V , Best coffee, best service, best every thing. Max Smith, Savoy, 16 Fifth. Alaska, where he spent several weeks 1th his brother, United States District Judge Moors. A party ' composed of Mr. and Mrs.,! G. W. Whitehouse. Mrs. F. Abel. Mrs. Suaday round F. Newman, Paul Whitehouse and Miss Line palatial Lulu Paul of Walla Walla, are In the to Collins Hot city en route to the Coaat. Mr. White a trombone in a way mat makes must clans who have the use of both bands envious, and does some expert shooting with a rifle. Robinson and Grant, two Lilliputian comedians, do a side-splitting act with a wad of dough, and 'George W. Moore Hoes a monologue turn which eVokes storms of applause. A dog, which house is engaged in the manufacture of punches a bag with all the enthusiasm Portland Club, 120 Fifth street A tlatable lunch served every evening IMfrannui n p. m. kAfet complete, up-to-date, book bind' ary in. Portland ana our prices are right "Lovejoy & Lincoln, 128 First street . dressed lumber and is chairman of the Board of Directors of the Walla Walla I Fruit Fair. FORESTERS' PICNIC p. m. Round trip, 26 cents. No liquors sale that has been a most unqualified on ground. CI t liens invited. Park free. "White Spray" is tbe best flour in the city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement Bros. Co. G. W. Church, wholesale agent 254 Front street A reception will be given at the River- , side House Friday, July 21, at 7 p. m. In honor of President L. Zimmerman of the Riverside Driving Club. - The Borthwest Bug Company, raanu , facturers of new rugs from old car : pets. Free cleaning and delivery, 206 lgsst Morrison street' 'Phone, Union m . - Tka Bortb Pacific Brewlnsr Comoanv hnrfoeun a suit against Frits Warren vayforaclose a chattel mortgage for $1,- on saloon fixtures at 191 Third 'Cstreet' .Excursion boat leaves foot of Taylor street at 8:SQ and 11:20 a. m.. and 2 and :6 p. m., every day of the week for Oregon City arid Willamette Falls. Steamer Leona. , Fare, 45 cents round .: The Bsrulatov Hue steamer "Bailey Gatzert". will not make her usual dally trips Jo Cascade Locks and" return until Friday; July 21. Take regular steamer at 9 s. m. r Creorgs Bnaiamau, an accountant of La Grande, haa filed a petition in bank- ruptcy In the United States District Court. His liabilities' amount to $622 ana nis assets to ss. . Nettle Kllpple has ; vorce against Jame gun a suit for dl- P. Kllpple on the ground of . desertion. They were mar- rimi iii di jaa in ioit, una nave one ' child, who la with the mother. ; . Thlel Detective Sarrloe Co Estab lished 20 yea re, 206 Cham, of Commerce, . Portland. N. T Chl&. St Louis. St Paul. ' Kansas City, Denver, City of Mexico, Montreal. Seattle, Bpotjana, Baa Fran. , V Try a luooheoa at the BJtyal Bakery ..and - Confectionery, "Washington and 'Park streets,rsnd a dlBh of its delicious of a pugilist, is a clever attraction in the sketch offered by Loraine and How ell. ' Best Week at the Empire. A comic conjuror, a magician who makes his audiences laugh in addition to A grand family outing will be given mystifying them, heads the posters for at Magoon s aunaay August next week at the Empire Theater. lie 2. Concert by the band; dancing, rinnine- on Monday. August 2, Frederick lawn tennis, croquet, swings ror tne ill- the wonderful wlzara, will Degm pur tie ones; general good time for all. Ics sling local theater goers. Next to this cream;, all. kinds of soft 'drinks; cakes; clever performer on the bill stands sandwiches. Three steamers Dixon, the team of Martin and RIdgeway, the Altoona, Pomona leave root of Taylor wire walker and the clown. The work street every hour from a. m. to 10 0f this team combines real Interest in the wire walker's perilous feats with merriment at the clown's futile attempts to duplicate them. All the remaining acts on the new bill will be changed. W. H. MARKELL & CO, ...GRAND AVENUE AND EAST ALDER... ...A BIG. Wrapper Sale For FRIDAY and SATURDAY Newest Style. Perfect Fitting. Well Made. Good Quality Wrappers, All Reduced. Every Wrapper at bale Price. 75c, 85c Wrappers at 58c 75c 88c $1.08 '. s, - 75c White Batiste Corsets at 38c The newest Style extended hip f Corsets. A perfect light weight 'Corset,' all sizes. - $1.00, $1.15 Wrappers, at : $1.25 Wrappers at km $1.50 Wrappers at. Voder the Sky with Shields. Of course people want to be com fortable when they attend an entertain ment In the summer and this is pro vided at Shield's Park. There Is always a breeze in the park and the program is of the hot weather variety, cool and fresh. The bill is exceptionally strong this week and contains some of the best vaudeville acts presented here this sea son. .Tnere is every son or attraction nnn wants to see from trained animals to skilled performers. There are $ne artists and excellent singers ana com edlans who know their business. In short. Shields' Park is the place where the blues are chased away most effect lvely. MEAT RETAILERS MAY LOSE CARDS Differences Between the Butch ers' Union and Association Likely to Bring Trouble. BUY MINJNG MACHINERY In order that they may have the very best machinery with which to work their Malheur County mine, Alexander Mil ler. W. C. Miller and M. U. Oortner are in the city interviewing local dealers in mining tools. The gentlemen from the Southeastern Oregon county have James Weston, secretary of the Port land Butchers' Union, says that 26 or 30 of the meat markets in this city are very likely to lose their union cards if they do not exercise more caution. Cards have been removed from several of the shops by the union, he states, because the proprietors were falling to live up to their signed contract with the labor organization. "In many of the shops," said Mr. Wes ton, "non-union men are being employed contrary to the agreement which was drawn up by the proprietors them selves and we signed It at their re quest. They are also permitting former members of the union to work who are not now in good standing, which la also violation of the signed agreement dic tated by the association. They will either have to change their tactics or give up their union shop cards, and that very soon, too." Preferred Stock Canned (roods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. UPSET Best Week at Shields. The bill which Manager Edward Shields Is selecting for the coming week rjromises to surpass' anything he has yet offered to his many patrons. There will be many new faces and some genu ine novelties are assured. The popular ity of Shield's Park does not wane and this Justifies the enterprising manager in hustling for the best vaudeville acts now on the market. The new bill will be presented next Sunday night that be ing the regular aay ror cnanging me program at this resort On Your Summer Vacation IN ordering your smoking from B RICH, your wants will have the a Some Lively Upsetting that Mas Benefited Piano Buyers and Given Eilers Piano House the Leadership in the Western Piano Business. B. same attention ss you would get in a B. B. Rich Cigar Store. Our Mail Order Department is complete. Send your pipe to be rs p aired wewill send it back by return mail. Ws pride ourselves on our promptness that's how our . business has grown. to auch an enormous proportion. the habit of trading at a B. B. Rich Cigar Store and your smoking troubles art ended. SEVEN STORES." Get We have upset all the old-time, anti quated traditions concerning piano sell ing. We have dismissed the idea that any thing but the truth should be spoken of the Instruments we sell. We have cut out the system of knock ing our competitors' goods. We have exploded .the belief that the possession of fine pianos involved an outlay which placed them beyond the reach Of all save those of ample means. We have banished cheap makes at high prices. We have established a high standard Of business dealing. We have assembled a strong line of leading pianos, and other standard key instruments, and we have inaugurated a small-profit, quick-sales, easy-payment system which enables any one to pos sess the Instrument of their choice. This is what makes our establishment the largest leading and moat reliable piano concern In the Northwest. Tne strongest A.-ray 01 investigation mav be turned unon the Instruments we carry, and also upon our business meth ods. This can be done either by con sulting any of the thousands of our more than contented customers, or by ascertaining our business standing. Either course will disclose the facts just as ws have stated them. Eilers Piano House Dealers in Kimball. Chtckertng and Weber, and also 23 other makes of fine pianos: the Pianola. Aeolian, Aeolian Orcheatrelle. the finest church and par lor orrans. electric pianos, and the great Kimball Plr Organ. Large stores. Washington street cor ner Park. Portland, Or.; No. 6(1 Market street- San t Francisco.- Cat; - No. 05 Sprague avenue, Spokane. .Wash. Ninth and J streets, Sacramento, CaL. . ji I re ii VI III 11 r Just Arrived A train - load of "Colonists" in search of . dwelling bouses. ( Those who get located will be looking around for garden hose, sprinklers, mow ers and other implements. Strangers are cordially Invited to make our store their headquarters and to use our staff as an informa tion bureau. We mean it, Warranted Garden Bose S4.0Q Lawn Mowers $3.00 Screen Doors, complete with hinges, pull and catches... .f 1.00 formed an organization known as the Manhattan Mining Company and propose to fit up their property with the latest machinery. ... i The men state that the mine which they are planning to work on a large scale has a 100-foot vein, and that they already have $200,000 worth of ors on the dump awaiting the arrival of the machinery in order that the metal may be worked into a marketable condition. The members of the company expect to remain in Portland for several days. AJaTTBXStSsTTa. THEATER Eth and Morrison Phone, Main Heal dent Manager. 0 BIO BEN8ATIONS 0 Headed by tha 30tb eentary marvels. Dayton Hardware Co. FIRST kNi TAY108 STi. At tha Sitm of tha Big Padlock. LtTTZ BBOTHER8. DON'T FORGET! DON'T FORQBTT Clarence tuts, the armleaa wonder, will awla the Willamette Blver Friday afternoon at 1:80. Don't fall to aee thla wonderful performance. SHIELD'S PARK IStb and Waahlngton 4,200 stats. Summer Vaudeville SUNDAY NIGHT BROKE ALL RECORDS. BREATHING ROOM WAS AT A PREMIUM. HUNTS DOO AND MONKEY CIRCUS. KARL AND DB ELMER. HAPPY HOOLIGAN, And la fact all of the 10 big acts tremendonaly. AMATEURS FBIDAY NIGHT. GENERAL ADMISSION 10c A Perfectly Equipped Optical Department We are prepared to offer you the best optical service possible to obtain whether paid for or got ten for nothing; ' All examinations are made free of charge. : CEDAR PARK Thursday Eve., July 30 nor. inroiEiv atbxztzo TUTAXYMEVT. aw-, KZKST UTTjrOSTOJrX, Baton Swinging. St XTICXXT. ' Acrobats. nor. wood's Perilous High-Wire Act, OWS XT, King of Club-Swingers. TKB BOWAXJ) OS, Horizontal Bar Trio. OBBASD. In His Sensational Slide for Life. tjawcebto nza. Splendid Program Arranged for Sunday, "THE ARCADE" ' U Amusement. Resort ' . . 330 Washington St. v &t M aal 7lii Open from 10 a, asv till 11:30 P. M. ;iti.;J-'i t'.i.. ', .' - - - For ; ladles, Gcntlcnea anl C"l::i COkCA-UT aiAUU- . BunsaTBir. - conckbt ivTat fci'