TOE- OREG Ofr DAILY- JOUIiyATi.-rORTLAin)r THURSDAY' rgyisimro; J ULT -30." 100X" SAY ORDINANCE Sick and Helpless BDUCATXOVaX. ' - Come Unto Me DIED A-60RMN' i. ' 4 t I Si Claim Is Made that the Coun cil Committee Will Pigeon- Hole the Proposed Meat In spection Measure. Spite Against State Health Of ficer Dr, Woods Hutchinson Said to Be at the Bottom of the Trouble. I Hive Discovered (he Marvelous Secret of Life and I Give it Free to You. My Mission on Earth is to Heal the Sick rind Cure the Maimed Come Into Me and I Will Give You Health and Life and Youth. My Yltal Life rinld, the Moat Marvelous Compound Ith Dlaoovered, Z Send to You Tree foe the Aaakinf I have .Uncovered the marveloua se cret of life and I can make you live, for I can make you well, no matter wnai your sickness: I can make you strong nd welL no matter how weak or crlp- It look to those who claim to have Pd you are. With my Vital Life Fluid. ... . the aecret of which la known only to-me. "Inside" Information, that the proposed t cur y-ry known miimtnt or 'the hu- ordlnance providing meat Inspection for man flesh. Cripples throw down their thla city has "died a "bornln" In the I crutches ann want away wen and nappy; banda of the health and police commit- - tee. That committee has had the mea- sure In consideration for the paat month and Is aald to have apparently forgot ten that It was meant to become a city . statute. At least, they have Uken no ' - action In the matter, and even should It be reported back to the Council It p thought that the law will be killed there. The famous meat ordinance raised ' considerable discussion while It was be i fore the public eye. The Board of ; Health drew up an ordinance originally and thla was Anally superseded by. an i ordinance Introduced by Councilman Zimmerman. Each proposed measure, however, met with much ' opposltioa 'from the butchers and others In their . original form, so the last ordlnanoe was supposed to) be changed In several par ticulars by the committee and then re ferred back to the Council. The claim - Is now being made that the committee does not Intend to do thla, but that they , will let the ordinance quietly reat In . the pigeon hole and there die the death ; - of many other njopoaed laws which have! He Xaa XHaoovered the "Secret of Ufa," arousea similar antagonism. I rvw m.m vures au viseaaee wiu sua niiutlifiMini iimanfl BCaireloaa TltaJ life Tluld. There are some of the officials who are ih V, ' 1 I 130 Sixth St. 130 Sixth St. Visit Our Store Is All We Ask-Our Prices Will Do the Rest I ELEGANT . SOLID GOLDEN . OAK SECRETARY old everywhere for for $20. Our price only $17-300 BEAUTIFUL PILLAR EXTENSION TABLE full quarter sawed and pol-t ished, heavy claw feet, in square only Everybody knows this bed, very heavy Butterfly pattern.any color, reg. 13, we make it to you far '$9.75 This heavy bed, with ex tended foot, regular price $6.00, now only $28.00 FOR ROLL-TOP DESKS we excel everybody- COUCHES all grades and patterns; our prices are the lowest MENTION . THIS AD. WHEN YOU COME i.-: ARK OTH WILL PINT Wbeia' devoted to a thorough -course ta ouf school. We give private or elaas Instruc tion In common school studies, the com mercial branches, penmanship, business forma, correspondence, shorthand, type writing, etc it pays to attend our School i-we have had more calls for help, for months past, than we have been able to meet ' Open all the rear; students ad ml t ted any timet illustrated catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEQE PARK AND WASNIN0TON A, K ARMSTRONO, LL.B., PRINCIPAl PEACOCK ESCAPES CALLOWS. (Continued from Page One.) not exactly satlaned with this program ' tak UP e'1" beds and walk. . j, There la no 111 or aliment under the sun .'I.';; K -.TI"' which my marvelou. VlUl Life Fluid signed the petition addressed to me for health 'mmrlftttk evVr7or a'SS ?!.t!0BJ 1 'TTV""0" unfortunate sufferer. Uw.u, . I do not seek to demonstrate a theory. McClallon, L. M. Woods and William I have no time for that, for I am ac- g, Cary. wuiiiiiiiBiiiii iicii. a am curing khiu Sanas who had riven un all hone of life. I am bringing Joy and happfneas Into For and Against. "Arerumenta for and inlnit the na. nunartraa or nomea. ir you auner rrom tltlon have been addreaaed to me by Os kidney and liver dlaeaae. luna- and atom- . . . .. " ach or heart trouble, conaumntlon. con- iuiiiiiiia i ueinnu larly la thla so with several members of the Board of Health. "I am satisfied that the ordinance will never be en acted.' said one member today, "and also that it will possibly not get any farther than the committee. At least I judge so, from the circumstancea, - It is a sname. too. ne conciuaea. "Tor I re-1 sen or neart trouble, conaumm lleve the law a very necessary one for atlpatlon, rheumatlam. neurali-ia, blood ant. and J. N. Hart, representing the thla city." nd k'n dlaeaaea,. catarrh, bronchitis. BUte. I have given this case the most .r? 5' ih,f.CHrJh! Pa.? ftynervouebri.tylnySmnl.,1 blood rsful con.lderatlon and have on two ...... - i. ,1 "u poison, enemia, female weakness and all-1 occasions visuea ine oonaemnea man antagonism which several bold against ments ecsema or salt rheum, headaches, ftd apent a conalderable time in confer- ;V ",.k"k k.T .V ".I" lZZ'ZrAZirMl with htm at the prison. I have ness or tne vital organs, come unto me " mui-n - patience wnn a piea oi in and I Will cure VOU and make VOU Well. I aunftv ilafanBa tn rrlma an4 nrill. Lht' topTewhTm" rhdavC.ry.n"af slderable to do with fostering the mea sure, and who was also accused by the chairman of the committee "of wanting a Job." This, however, he denies in toto from the very Jaws of death and have with the verdict of a Jury or the and when the ordinance was up before I lifted up and given strenrtfi and health sentence of a court where the defense T!: "i0wr""n" SUiTlSV. r?." :V.n:.rK. rf presented and disposed of ad tween the Health Officer and Councilman J and mX veloun remedy BI1 tersely to dfendant, but in the present oiir systems and all diseases are alike. It 4 rase I feel that I would be a party to a Olgiei. milt,rl tint tins Inns' un. h.v Knar. I ...... . . ... . . . . .nf.ilj. ii .r. " i. v juaiciai muraer n i reiusea to uiiererere afflicted; It matters not how hopeless ufc , and helpless you may be; It matters not w,tn th Imposition of the death pen- what doctors have said or what reme- alty. Defendant Is a physical and mental dies have failed to cure you: it matters degenerate, as is evidenced not only by Life Fluid 1- fcfe Itself and banlJheVali th the physician, but by aiseaae. .From the very r edge . of the appearance oi ine man nimseii. a grave, by the aid of this mysterious more horrlble, misshapen and deformed compound, I have brourht them bnck to ncirBi of humnnltv mv h.v life and none need perish, for I will send Bpec,ni5n1. ? " V myt y " m rrrrT buh nrr numn or my precious I ' ' v . ..u - uuusa Vital Life Fluid abolutely free. That back, his shoulders being elevated al WALL STREET LOSS . ; MES A FAILURE First National Bank at Doyles ton, Pa., Closed by Govern ment This Morning, is my dutv. and it will perform Ita ml- racuious cures oerore your own eyes. Write and tell me what vou wish to he cured of. and I will cure you. I will send you the marvelous Vital Life Fluid that will make you as strong: and healthy as ir-aisease nad never touched' ' you. Write me today. Never mind the scof- flngs of your friends. Tour life mav be at stake and you not know It Thev ' (Journal Spealal'Servlce.) ' WASHINGTON,' July SO. The comp- . fVll1aaff J? 4"tlai4P - tfe tat vnamiIn asl. ..v..w. w uiviiiin wi- i t . .. I i ween ine poini or mm oreasi ai dered the Doyleaton. Pa.. National Bank i wm ,f Stt will onlv let me Mr p"l- highest point on the hump of hi ' cioBoa. us omcers usve oeen specuiat-1 vaie naareas is ur. kj, Hargent Ferris, . ing on Wall street The resources of 046 Strawn Building. Cleveland, Ohio, the bank at the last statement- was II,- . 600,000. RUSSIAN STRIKERS ' KILLED BY TROOPS and I personally assure every person who writes me, be he rich or Door, a prompt and courteous answer and enoutrh of mv nreclouS Vltni T,!f lnnM free to convince them that I have truly discovered tne secret of .long life and perrectnBaiin, Twenty-Eight Were Shot Down During Riot at Tiflis . I I oday. . LOWELL'S FEARFUL ACCIDENT, ( Continued from Page One.) (Journal Special Service.) , - ST. PETERSBURG, July 10. There was a strike riot at Tiflis today. The strikers attempted to stop a train" but !were confronted by a force of troops who flred into the crowd, killing and heard; then another and even another. -wounding 28, All happened within 10 seconds. At the first crash the drum of my right ear MTADIV Dim TH nrATU was broken and Goodwin, who was at quantity from the can when it began to smoke and I saw, to my horror, that it was nitric acid that the can contained. Gave the Alarm. "I at once gave the alarm, and Goodwin and all hands and myself ran for our lives. Goodwin and I fell into existed, a hole about 200 yards from the maga zine Just as a terrific concussion was most as high as his head, but he has what is termed a "pigeon breast" which protrudes In front of htm out beyond his chin, so that his head sets vir tually between his shoulders and his breast, hardly resembling when stripped human being, whilst the distance be tween the point of his breast and the back Is almost as great as the distance from a point of his shoulder to his hlpjoint In height he is only about four feet whilst his weight does not exceed 110 pounds. I question if he Is heavy enough to dislocate his neck if he were dropped from a scaffold, unless a weight were tied to his feet. Besides all this, his limbs are deformed, and whilst he appears to be bright, there Is no ques tlon In my mind from evidence before me that he was constantly haunted by the idea that deceased was conspiring both to injure him and to take his life. Though these was absolutely no motive for the commission of the crime, yet to him in his diseased condition of mind, the taking of the life of the deceased was as necessary and the provocation as real as though the necessity actually HOLDUPS ATTEMPT MURDER. (Continued from Page One.) at the corner of Cleveland and Alns- worth streets, was driving to the Irv ington track with a fast and nervous hors'e hitched to a two-wheeled cart It was about 8 o'clock, and the shadows from the woods made the road dusky, but not so dark but what objects could be plainly distinguished at a distance of several rods. When in the most isolated place he noticed a man loom up In the middle of the road and another atandlng near by in the bushes. Shot to Stop Horse. The man standing in the road shouted "Hold up, you At the same time he flred his revolver in the air to stop the horse, which was going at a fast trot The animal became frightened and reared on its haunches and at the aame time shied to the right and almost landed on the second highwayman, who was standing by the side of the road. He made a reach to seise the bridle. which so startled the horse that it plunged directly forward. In the effort to get out of the way the robber in the road stepped back, stumbled and fell. He quickly recovered his feet and. with scrlptWn of his assailant a voiiey - oi oatns, sen two - outlets whistling near the bead of Mr. John son, who was fast disappearing in the darkness. One of the bullets grased the top of his hat and but for the fact that he was stooping forward trying to get control of the horse, the bullet would have hit Ita mark, and another mur- came from a f00 ln th lSl" der would have been added to the list at 835 rlr8t street' over the notorious under the Influence of liquor when they left the place to go to a German saloon which the strange man had suggested and to which Wagner readily agreed. The blacksmith and his "friend" walked down Second street and finally turned into First street When they reached the corner at Gllsan street the strange man suddenly turned on Wag' ner and dealt him a stunning blow on the head with the butt-end of a revol ver. An ugly gash was inflicted and the dazed man dropped to the ground. While he was lying ln the street the thug went through the victim's clothes. taking all the money he had, f 21, Before the search was completed Wag ner recovered his strength and, leaping to his feet, he determined to capture the man, if possible. The two struggled for few minutes during which both men lost their hats. The highwayman finally escaped, but he took Wagner's hat and the latter helped himself to that of his false friend. Wagner's injuries on the head gave him much pain this morning when he appeared at police headquarters to tell his story. It is not believed, however, that they will result seriously. The blacksmith related his story at length, but wan unable to give an accurate de- He thinks that he is a German, olioeman's Xfeglect of Duty. Last night about II o'clock great ex citement was caused ln the Vicinity of First and Market streets by the ' loud cries of ""help" and "murder" which Deformity of Body. Taking the history of the life of the defendant Into consideration, his de formity of body, the circumstances at tending the killing of the deceased and my side, was rendered unconscious. His the opinion of physicians who have ex left arm. whlrh was nhovn irrniinil was amined him. I cannot but believe that While splitting wood at the Kellogg broken in two daces. The next thina- T defendant was irresponsible at the time House, on Sherman street, between nmomVu..- t wa tn thi. hnmii.i anA i nt h commission of the crime: that of crimes which are causing conster nation among the people of Portland. Story Told by Johnson. When Mr. Johnson was interviewed y The Journal this morning he told the following story: "Yes, an attempt was made to hold me up last night on my way to Irvlngton track. I don't know whether they were endeavoring o rob ma or were after the horse and cart. It may have been that they ln- saloon where Gugllelmo was recently stabbed to death. A large- crowd gath ered and listened to the terrible cries of a woman who was being beaten or murdered. No one made a move to go t the rescue, but an effort was made to get a policeman. Finally when the cries of murder were being choked from the lips of the woman and the sounds were but gurglings and groans, several men went to the room and tried to gain ad mlttance. The voice of a man on the tended to olmmlt some other crime and 4nBlde called out that he would kill the were aiier a guuu norse to get out or first person who entered. The rescue oarty returned to the street. A few moments afterward policeman came along. The cries had ceased, but a large crowd was yet pres ent. He was told of the occurrence, but went on down First street without in vestlgatlng the case. ROCK PILE IN OPERATION town with. They picked out an ideal place for their work, and that they were not successful was due to the nervous ness of the horse, which became unman ageable after the shot was flred ln front of it and was startled a second time by the figure ln the brush suddenly rush ing toward her head. I probably would have stopped, but the horse gave me no choice ln the matter, but plunged on down the road. The two shots flred at me came too close for comfort, but a miss is as good as a mile. The cloud of dust kicked up by the horse, and the darkness made the aim of the road agent uncertain and probably saved my life or a serious wound. Description of the Ken. "In the semi-darkness I could not " " for th8 Dast 10 ' a kuuu ni uiv iijcii. iuc uue wiiu Front and Hood streets, M. C. Gothaff ner severed an artery in his left arm about 9 o'clock last night The ax slipped, striking the man on the arm. The wound bled profusely and had not Dr. J. Stott arrived promptly the roan might have bled to death. The wound was sewed up and no serious results are anticipated. HONORED THE DEAD ' i (Journal Special Service.) CINCINNATI, July 80 For 10 minutes this morning not a wheel turned or an Instrument clicked on the Norfolk & Western Railway out of respect for the memory of the late President Kimball, whose funeral services began at that hour. find I have a broken arm, ln addition to by broken eardrum." Not a remnant of the drays or the horses have been found, except small fragments of 'the Iron used in the con struction of the vehicles. The men who were engaged In load ing the powder and two carpenters were blown to atoms. Within half an . hour after the ex plosion the Fire Department of Lowell was on the scene and did valient work ln extinguishing the fire that was con suming many small residences near the place. Merchants' Lunch. Served at the Winter Garden, Third and Morrison, dally 11:30 to 2 p. m. .Price. 26 to 35 cents. Bill of fare changed dally and a musical program Tendered. FAITH IN GRAY (Journal Special Service.) MOBILE, Ala., July 30. The miners, on hearing that Gray accepted the posi tion of arbiter, immediately agreed to return to work next Monday. TheyHmve Implicit faith ln his fairness, as shown ln the anthracite hearing. CARRIE NATON S IN VERY ILL LUCK (Journal Special Service!) BCRANTON, Pa.. July 20. For the second time within 24 hours Carrie Nation is behind the bars. She visited the Superintendent of Po lice this morning and opened the conversation by saying to the superin tendent: ... , "You're a great big,, beefy slob." " Before the words were fairly finished the superintendent assisted by a patrolman, seised her and hustled her into a cell, where she Is now awaiting a hearing. 1 Carrie, the axe woman, is meeting strenuous life in Pennsylvania, and the expression is made today that even her vigorous constitution might not be able to live out the strain. he acted upon circumstances which, to his mind, Justified the taking of human life, and even at this time he claims that he was Justified and Is apparently without remorse. "It is unfortunate that there Is no provision made by the laws of this state for the confinement ln a proper place of the criminal insane. The de fondant, ought to be confined ln uch a place. His type of insanity Is incur able, and ln case of commutation of his sentence he must be confined either ln I prison or ln the asylum. "After giving the defendant's case my most careful consideration I feel that It is my duty to commute his sen tence of death, and because of the fact that there Is no place for the proper confinement and treatment of the crim inal Insane and because of the recom mendation of a . majority of the physi cians named above, whose opinions were asked ln the premises, I have con eluded that the defendant should, he confined for life in the penitentiary of the state." For the rirst Time City Prisoners Break Stone for the City Snglaeer Today. The 16 prisoners who are working out their sentences by decree of the Munici pal Court did not go to work this morn Ing grading Kelly street as they have The grading is being done on the side of a hill and It was decided that owing to the rain it would be inadvisable to con Lh a leather band around the outside . . , (V, , . , . , , . . . prisoners were ordered toMhe old rock It. From the passing glance I had of " , M h drove the patrol wagon, was put in charge of the gang. The men are pro tected against the elements at this place as they work under a canvas roof. Sanderson Bead's Case. Sanderson Reed, a lawyer with offices at 730 Chamber of Commerce Building, was he unlucky victim of the highway men who also held up H. H. Bancroft Tuesday night, as stated by The Jour nal yesterday. The robbery was committed by two daring and skillful footpads who did stood in the middle of the road seemed to be a medium-sized man who wore a white cowboy hat with a wide, stiff rim, with of him as he was lying ln the road as I passed, he had a broad or round face. His revolver had a long barrel, and from the rapid succession in which he flred the two shots at me must have been a double-action gun. The man who stood at the side of the road and made a rush to seize the head of the horse had on a slouch hat and wore either a sweater or a flannel shirt' with the collar, turned up. He was tall and wore a beard, which I think was false, as it appeared to be peculiar and not fit right On driving back I noticed two men whom their work quietly . and expeditiously. I took to be the same that I had met Although he might have been murdered earlier in the evening, going down to " en' had he not quickly com- ... . , . not inclined to blame the police force, crosses SuUIvan s Gulch. , I did not take but rather the Clty of PorUand for not me irouuie w nuiujr iua pum-tr, mi having sufficient men in the depart Impressed Mr. Reed and he compiled at onoe, stating that he was willing to be good. The Dig man round so oenta in the attorney's trousers and a bunch of keys which Mr. Reed wishea the high waymen to return. to The Journal office, as he needs them badly. A pocketbook containing valuable papers was taken, but returned after Mr. Reed had begged for them. In, spite of the protests of the little man, the tall thug struck Mr, Reed ln the jaw. He fell to the ground in a groggy state, but soon recovered and lumped to his feet He started to walk off, but saw the big fellow reach for the loaded stick and the victim sprinted. The thug followed, but was dlatanced and Mr. Reed stopped. He saw the big thug Join his pal and the two ran up Nineteenth street Mr. Reed is of the opinion that his assailants were skillful men at their bualneas for tbey did their work with no noise or confusion. In fact they worked with such neatness and dispatch that Mr. Reed thought it almost a pleasure to be held up by them. The blows on the head left no permanent in-1 Jury. rollos Wot to Blame. 'There are only It policemen on duty at night" aaid Mr.' Reed, "and there la no need to blame the police force for not protecting the streeta. Under the circumstances It simply cannot be don. There is no question that the men who robbed Mr. Reed are the same who held up H. H. Bancroft -at Sixteenth' ' and i Flanders streets a short time later the same evening. Their methods were somewhat similar) and Mr. Bancroft had heard that some one else had fallen vic tim after -he was stopped. ' . v There Couldn't Be Anything Better . Than our offer. We practically educate you for business and assist you to get a position when competent There you are, started wen in life. ' Sit right down now and writs for our catalogue. It explains ererything- so you will know just how to proceed. BehnRe-Walkcr Business College1 PORTLAND. OREGON Txmouax tbasv sebtzcb HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Dr. J. W. Hill. Prlnoipal. 24th & Marshall St a.. Portland. Or. A Private Boarding and Day School for Boys and Young Men. New buildings, modern and com plete. Manual training, military discipline. Boys successfully fitted . M"'w vi iut uuoincss lue. i ; Principal of twenty-five years' ex perience in Portland. Boys of any age admitted at any time. ' Write for catalogue. " " " Fall term opens September 15. ' Between Vortlaad and AH Clatsop I wb roui.z, on ana aims - Saturday, July IL Beginning Saturday, July 11, and ev ery Saturday thereafter during the sea son, the popular Portland-Seaside Flyer will leave Portland at 1:10 p. m.. arrlv- . a a - .is . ing ai Anona ai :ov p. m., uearhart I 1:40 and Seaside (:60 p. m., making di rect connection at Warrenton for FlaveL Round trlD season excursion tinirsta rrom roruana to an ciaiaop and North Beach polnta sold at rate of $4.00 fori round trip, and Saturday special round inp iicKcm osiwnn same points, good returning Sunday evening, at $2.50 for rui-id triD. Season commutation tiw... I kuuu iur uve round trips oeiween Fort land and all Clatsoo and North Rmm. points sold for $15.00. Beach excursion tickets Issued by the water lines are Interchangeable and will be honored on the trains of this company In either di rection between Portland and Astoria. . Additional Information will ha a-lail furnished upon application to Mr. E. U Lewis, commercial agent 24$ Alder street Columbia University Conducted by the CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY CROSS And Affiliated With the UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. . HONOR FOR TORRES HERMOSILLO. July SO. Gen. Luis Torres, Governor of Sonora and conqueror of the Yaqul Indians, has been given the War portfolio by Presi dent Dlas for his splendid military reo ord. Standard Academic four-year Courses in Classics, Kngllsh and Science. One-year and four-year Commercial Courses. Regular Collegiate Courses in" Classics, English, General Sci ence, History and Economics, Finance and Commerce, Cini Engineering, Mechanical Engl neerlnn. and Electrical ing. 1 "7" The scholastic year, beginning September 7, 1903, ends June IS. 1904. Catalogue sent free on annlt- catlon. Address, REV. M. A. QUINLAN, C S. C, university Park, Oregon. Wffl It Pa SERIOUS LONDON FIRE (Journal Special Servloe.) LONDON, July SO. A disastrous fire on the Grimsby docks this morning I wipea out tne storage sneds and caused a loss of $500,000. 5r wT I J NO TIME WASTED rompt Action Is Pleasing Many Portland Citizens. OFFICERS OF ARMY FOUND BLAMELESS Lyon Glove Contract Investiga tion Also Exonerates Con - gressman Littauer." (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON, July SO.-rlt Is under stood eeral-offlclally that the investiga tion by the. War Department Into the Lyon glove contract completely exoner ates Congressman Littauer as1 well as all army officers - connected. - thelr past actions I did not think they would take the trouble to investigate the case, and even if they had that nothing would come of it." Assaulted and Bobbed. Thugs still ply their' nefarious call ing in all parts of the city and the po lice look on idly and helplessly. The usual occurrence did not fail last night for this morning A. Wagner, a blacksmith who works in logging camps near Portland, appeared at police head quarters battered and -bruised. Besides his Injuries he had $21 less than before he made the acquaintance of the brutal highwayman who did his best to kill him. Wagner is a hard-working man who. at present is staying at the Western lodging . house, ; Second and Bumslde streets. He was about town last night and finally - dropped into Erlckson's saloon to get a glass of beer. There he met a stranger, who seemed very affable and Who' did the honors by purchasing several rounds of drinks. The two be came quite friendly , but neither was ment Mr. Reed, however, is highly Indig nant at a morning paper which printed what purported to be an account of the holdup. This story made light of Mr. Reed's experience, although . without question both men were of desperate nature and the victim's life was at stake. The lawyer was wending his way homeward at 9:45 o'clock and when on Gllsan street between Nineteenth and Twentieth, streets,- a man stepped in front of him. At the scene of the oc currence a atone wall Joins the walk and thare are thick shade trees on both sides of the walk. It was extremely dark, and when Mr. Reed almost ran Into a man he thought it was a Joke. He could barely distinguish a small man holding a gun at him when a, very tall man seised him. turned him around and be gan to search his pockets. The affair was. almost a pantomine, for the thugs spoke tn low whispers. The victim was tapped - on the bead three times with a' loaded, "billy" as he was ordered: "Hands up.? . . Saw Business Was Meant. The seriousness of the , matter then Get down to the cause of everything. Bad backs are caused by sick kid neys. Cure the kidneys, you cure backache. Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidneys only. " ; ".v : No time wasted trying iS cure other troubles. , . Portland people endorse their merit , Mrs. A. M. Hollabaugh, wife of A. M. Hollabaugh, proprietor of shoe repair shop at 191 Third street, place of resi dence 328 Grant street says: , "For two or three years I had kidney disorder and Inflammation of the bladder . There was not so ' much backache, the principal symptoms being In connection, with the kidney secretions, which were much too frequent and accompanied by pain. Learning about Doan's Kidney Pills, I called at the Laue-Davia. Drug Co.'a Store, corner" of Yamhill ' and Third streets, and got a box. Before Z had completed r it I felt the beneficial re sults In every way. I hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills and can cheerfully recommend them." Foster-Milburtt Co.. Buffalo, . N.- Y sole agents for the United States. , Remember the name Do"' -and take no other. . CERTAINLY! Our Employment Department Has more calls ,V.' j , for competent BOOK-KEEPERS and STENOGRAPHERS Than it can supplyENTER NQW.' Holmes Business College TASTSXU AJTD XI.EYSWTS Mrnirii nroiDTisraiT v III 1.11 Vr. ILrnlt I ITILIll OT THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON . Seventeenth annual session ; begins September 1, 1903. , - .,Adr?8" S- K; JOSEPHI. M, D.,' Dean, 10 Dekum Building, Portland. r PORTLAND ACADEMY - . AS ZVGXJSH AND C1ASSICAL BOHOOI TOB Ftta both for Eaitum rvilimr,. Hrim Grammar Gradea Included. A ball for (iris, with the aDDolntmenta anA: .nn.,.lalnn earefal bom. Location ln on ot tbe moat beaaUfol reatoM of tba Padfla Coart. Climate mild and bralthfal. For eats Incite addraaa yOaTLAWO ACADEMY, fortUnd, Oraran. OJuoov. POBTX.AH2). ST. HELEN'S HALL Home school " for arlrla. . . Idaat lrv. tlon. Expert teaching ln all depart ments: . Outdoor exercise. Illustrated book of Information sent on application. EXBAWQ TEBBBTTS. Principal . The moat delightful trio aefoae'.r. eontlnent la - via the Denver a m. Grande, the seenie lln of the world. -Apply at 114 Third sL. Portland.- . rates, ' Preferred stock Canned Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. ... 14