The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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...... i '. ,'i ii ' v. i. n.
Eastern1 Firms Are Eager to Buy
'Short-Term School Bonds at
Low Prices and Pay Big Pre
mium. : ' V-,
Annual Session Held In Oregon
, City Election pf Officers
; Transpires. v' ,r.
Bonds" Repaid In Eight Years,
Were Plenty.
OREGON CITT, July '.. Tha Oreat
Council of Red Men for the Stat, of
Oregon met In annual aeaalon in - thla
olty yesterday. There ara preaent about
Tt delegates from various parta of the
state. The annual election of offlcera
r "rt-ll x a n r , . r. .' I lo piaoe yesterday ancrnoon, who am
Sell at .4 Per Cent to State oiiowm r.uit.:
i - J r nij Grand Sachem, George M. Orton of
LUIIU UUIllKllSSIOnerS DlaS Portland; Great Senior Sagamore. Dr.
Henderaon of Astoria; Great Junior Bag
amore, W. H. Conyera of Clatakanle
Great Prophet, U B. Reader ofPendle
ton; Great Chief of Record, R. W. RItt
( Journal Snecfal Karvl.-a , I ner of Pendleton; Great Keeper of Warn
VANCOUVER, Waah.. July 19. Th. J,5 Rach of Portland. For
nhnnl A I I - , . i ......... ... u uw
opened bide for the Issue of 1 14,000 In tlo City, L. B. Reeder of Pendleton and
.bonda which haa been authorised by a W. C. A. Pohl of Astona were chosen,
recent election for erection of a new Among the vlaitlng delegatea ara tha
building. Tha members of tha board following Abram Smith. Jacksonville;
tmnniiMvmi- ,. ,. - - Harry Curr, El J. Hyland, I Carten
Clarke County la very good, even to the Xn"ch. John J. Englebartj and
far. parta of the country, for aeveral f: J?1" 1 PorthLnA; Charlea Dahl-
Cheaso flrma were wlllln to nav , urgui, u ja. xoiwr, xiarry donei ma
nremium fnr th... k. I A. I MoCroskey of Aatorla; W. H. Con
star acceptthe,a at Iow rau " KendTeaUn S?S3lA
ntrrA t vVVh-V..,rvrrK- Penut0B: J- w- Buckley and John H.
SSJUf..0---.. !?U? ,'.b0Bf! i of Baker City; Jamea Park and F.
.V; , J -VX. Tlctjen of Sumpter; Marlon Irwin of
v. ,r,f,a. ..... .'m:m ixiha - 5aan' Oeorge R. Holman. La Grande;
.... . ... -'""' - I Wtltnr Hnntar anil C" r R-nwlar nnhla-
year, beginning In 1901, thla bid of the
commissioners waa - conaldered unus
ually low and waa accepted aa the beat
proposal offered. -
One local bualnesa man. J. w. P. An-
erson, bid per cent for 12,000 to
d the longeat term of yeara, and hie
bid waa the next beat, but the directora
dealred to dispose of the entire laaue
to one party if it couM be done to
advantage. Chicago firms were In the
fold In numbers, three being eager for
$ha bonds. These were the Royal Trust
Company. S. A. Kean and C. N. Ellln
wnod A Co. The Royal Trust Company
offered to take the bonda at SH per
cent and to pay $25 premium, the Kean
firm would take them at 0 per cent and
pay SS4 premium, and Ellin wood & Co.
offered a. premium of $101 and a per
cent of - W. V.- Perkins A Co. bid 5
per cent on the issue.
T. S. Waddell and Thomas Lunde, Clif
ton; E. A. Wilson, Cottage Grove; Oliver
Knotts and E. F. Beitel. Pilot Rock; A.
E. Miller. Seaside. The Oregon City
delegatea are C. W. Kelly, II. Baxter
and Walter Little,
The business of the meeting will be
completed tomorrow morning when the
delegatea will return to their homes.
Simple-loaded Xd.
OREGON. CITT. July 29, John Rex,
a lad of 17, waa brought to thla city
today charged with having entered a
house and purloined a rifle. The boy
waa brought in from Marquam and is
simple minded. He waa remanded to
the Jail for aafe-keeplng.
Soldier. "Up la tha Air."
OREGON CITT, July 29. The mem-
A bid waa offered for the glass and Dr" f be dlaorganlaed company of
glaslng work on the new building by
Fuller A Co. of Portland, their bid be
ing SS7(, which waa accepted by the
Department of Columbia Will
Hardly Have Funds Enough
for.General Muster,
militia In thla city are -up in the air"
aa to Just what they are going to do
with the property they have on hand.
Some want to aell it and distribute the
money among the Individual members;
others are anxloua to organize an ath
letic society and rent the armory for a
clubroom. Others would form a theatri
cal troupe and give entertainments, while
there are still othera who do not care
Just What they do. The company, when
disbanded, had property on hand valued
at about 1600, Including a fine piano.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 29. It la
rather and Boa Arrested.
SALEM, July 29. Mathlaa Springer
and Jamea V. Springer, father and aon,
were arrested late last night, at their
farm home, aeven miles north of Salem,
and brought here on warrants charging
them with aaaault and battery, alleged
(believe- department heath) tmrtPR 1 nave -.Deerv commuted on J osepii la
n; m mat mere wju w w genom moo i - " " " J . ...
villaatJttn of militia and regulars the Sprlngera had rented a piece of ground
coming fait and that even the troops Ior a r crP "om La ronett. and
. i. a . , 1 1 , . . I whan fMittlnr th Vi v lf f nm 2A
vi Ljic ui-uh 1 1 niru L win iiul ue uruercu ' ' - - " I . r , . . ow r,.M
into a general camp on the Sound. ?fr uncut Springer. Jr.. it
Attorneys for William " P. Pea-
1 a ana i
, cock,- condemned Murderer,
Have Presented Their Case
. Before State Executive. ,
Lane County Possesses Many
Summering Places Popular
With the Public.
(Journal Special Service.)
EUGENE. July 29. The vacation aea
on for bualnesa mea clerks, people of
leisure and people of work la almost
Mr. Chamberlain Conversed coixnt v,jy .prr,.on co"nt ist
iwm lurwtni fcw 111 V i o TT T. tit: rm wu.,.
can be devoted to careless exlatence in
the wllda of aome of tha canyona of the
with' Prisoner - Himself and
T. . i. r-'-i rv il I I tne wu
IO0K niiai UeCISIOIl Unuei county, on one of the numerous flahlng
streams or la a shady nook where heat
doea not penetrate and where there la
nothing preaent but comfort
Thia happens about the first of Au-
(JoumJ Rrvaclel Service.. guat In Lane. The condition brings to
SALEM. Jul? 2 Late yeaterday the the minds of all the varioua reeorte
attorney for William - P. Peacock, who wnicn me county naa. Moat or inem
u .w.itinr -rmition for murder, en. are of the mountains, although at Elor-
peared before Governor Chamberlain and the variety of aeaslde recreation,
formaUy argued the application for oom- "w '"r lu D,a "J"7-
ncjv.ensie oriusje uihub urmi in mo
list of Lane attractions. This place la not
mutation of the Polk County hunchback.
who la aontttnrori tn Ai on Aumit 1.
Oscar Hayter, a Dalla attorney, repre- exceeded on the Coast for exqulalte
aented the petttlonera, while District At
torney J. N. Hart of Dallas appeared i
against the application and presented a
scenery and actual benefits aa a place
to camp and Uay for a few weeks.
Aa to the scenery, the exuberant youth
strong remonstrance from the people at might aay that tha Almighty ..elected
Parkers, where the murder of Alex. 8. at part of Lane county aa the apot
Kerr waa committed by Peacock on May UP hlch ,h f,eclde1 ? maa
1 last terpiece in landscape. And not only in
ti,. e n, the excellence of scenery doea McKensle
Dra. J. F. Calrbeath, W. T. Williamson. Bridge eatiefy the tourist but the flsh
I. v. nrimth of the insane aavlum. Dr. hunting about the place are un-
t t -.,i..H nt excelled.
th. .Vrlun,.' and Dr. W. A. Cuslck. late "Uncle George" Frissell. proprietor of
before the Governor. These physiclana .? th mountalna. He cornea to
k.H m.rta a mtirai -ramlnaHon of Pea- "town" but once in a great while and
cock and all of them united declaring in enough provlaions to last him
Fine Crop in View Much of
the Fruit Finds Its Way
Into Portland.
the man insane on the subject of per
secution, and that he was not account
able for the crime committed by him in
killing Kerr.
After the Governor had heard the
and hla houaehold a long time. Then
he hlea back to the haunta where he
lovea to hook the finny beauties from
the sparkling, babbling waters of th
cold McKensle. He fishes in aeaaon and
attorney., he announced that he would ol 'aeaaon. hunt, when , s-t-ry
himself visit the hunchback and exam
ine him, and he would make hia decision
known in a few days. During the after-
and is a man of wonderful vivacity for
his age. He haa made tha resort famous
and a visitor to Eugene in the summer
non Governor Chimberial TV.Ued the J'1 h !"'
fn. r..rlv an hotir hMd ran. v.auin anu n.uj in. uu.piuuiv, ui
... tj...1i, rrv,. "Uncle George.
VT-IBHII.MI TTllll A I r... .V 1 A V. MV.n.l.
did not say what the result of hla In- '".T ,yil
vcstlgatlon was, but it ia generally be- - .
Ueved that he will Incline to tha- side of J. tYi'r ' Tl ZZ;. mor. Yn
ry;1.ZZntpeacock'' "entence JSJSSJSiZ
to lifo imprisonment -i, . .h. .n. r,w. e th.
Ktstored to CltUenahlp. mountalna. Foley Hot Sprlnga la a
The Governor laat evening restored to r,)ee of health and a haoDy comoanv Is
oltlienshlp Charlea Rose of Wendllng, alwaya found there in the heated daya
Lane County, who was discharged from 0f August
the penitentiary on June last after Boswell Hot Snrinirs. Jn the Southern
completing a two years' sentence from pacific line Is more easily reached than
Benton County for larceny. The pardon either McKensle Bridge or Foley's. Many
was granted for the purpose of restoring Sunday, ara spent there by .those whose to citizenship, and is based on business cares in the city are ao ardu-
hle excellent prlaon record, good record 0us that more time cannot be taken
beforo his crime waa committed, ana from them..
excellent behavior since being liberated,
and it is' done unon the request of a
number of influential citizen, of Ben
ton and Lane counties, who speak in
high terma of the young man.
'(Journal Special Service.)
8ALBM. July 2. Five county sup
erintendents yeaterday afternoon filed
their annual reports, showing the condi
tion of the schools in their respective
counties. They were those of Lane,
Kitson Springs are also on the list and
other places too numeroua for special
mention. Lane county ia well supplied
with places of resort. The ooast at
tracts those who like the ease of travel
and elegance of existence, but the sturdy
climb of the mountalna and the enjoy
ment of nature in Lane la far more pop
ular than the aeaslde.
With the close season for deer now
past for a short time the resorts expect
to be the headquarter, of many hunting
Pioneer woman Bead.
EUGENE, July 29. Mrs. Mary Phll-
Ippi. aged S3 yeara, died In this city
yesterday morning. She was an old resi-
(Journal Special Service.)
GRANTS PA88, July 29. The warm
weather la on In good shape here at
preaent, after a comparatively cool sea
ion, and the watermelon growers, of
which there are many in Josephine
County, report that the crop of melons
for thla year will be large. Down be
low the city on the bottom landa along
Rogue River melons are grown in fields
of 40, 50 and even 80 acrea. Over theae
fields the big melons are already smil
ing in the sun. and In a few weeks more
will be gathered up by the wagonload
and brought to this city. Only a very
small part of them are consumed by
the local demand. Portland geta many
Grants Paaa melons, aa does Tacoma and
all Sound points. Here they are very
cheap 10 or 16 cents will buy one large
enough for a whole family of melon-
eatera. Some 600 acres are planted in
melona in Josephine County this year.
Some men engage In the business ex
clusively. Fifty or more car. will be
ahlpped from here this year.
A Strike Soon Settled.
GRANTS PASS. July 29. A strike
that was soon settled occurred at the
sawmills of Hobbs. Wall & Co., near
Crescent City, a few days ago, and waa
brought on by the poor food served to
the men at the messhouse. The men
had reaaon to believe that the food wa
not given to them in quantity nor In
quality sufficient to justify their pay In
the price for board demanded, and when
one of the waltera In passing a mince
pie declared It waa made from scraps
picked from the waste barrel, the last
straw was broken and the men formed
in line and marched to the office of the
superintendent. They made known their
troubles, and the boss agreed to see that
better food waa given them.
Too SCany Bapida.
GRANTS PASS, July 29. The Apple
gate Boom A Lumber Company, whose
mills are located on Applegate River,
thla county, and who tried for the flrat
time the experiment of floating logs
down the Applegate, did not meet sue
cess in their undertaking. On account
of the many raplda and the audden fall
of the river a great part of the logs
were nung up on the bars and riffles
They are being gathered up and hauled
to the mills by team. The same expert
ment haa been tried on the Rogue,
without success.
The Demand for More Reslden
and Business Houses Is
Quite Strong.
Regiments may go together, but noth- IO,a Ja ronett tney would not cut the """" ,UUU,J ""-ident here and leave, a family of aeven
lna- like a e-enaral muster will he at- nay, ao the latter, not wlehlng to loao reporxs. .. . Children.
tempted hl Interest in the Crop, hired two men Lan County Total enumerat on, s.-
Some time Wo it seemed evident that to help him In harvesting the crop. 295; pupila enrolled, M12i enrolled un
the militia of Washington. Oregon and ?hen the younger Springer assaulted dfr six yeara of age, 68. teachera em-
.Idaho would not Join with the soldiers rouett A nght too place and tha t0"'"" w' " Tti; Z V
. .. . . .. . . inni, a i.. - schooL 1.326: whole number days at-
me varioua siaiea.1 1 . k"b m. r , . ... .... , ...
.Of the army, because the varioua states
did not have sufficient funds to provide
for the heavy transportation bills, nor
could the volunteers all leave their
various pursuits at the same time. Now
it seems that even the government is
nrh an,t .kin t Voiwt tnnv hi m tendance. 667,696: numoer aistricis, iow
weapon away from the old man, the vuioia. ., . -
son rushed tn the house, aefiuxi a r,m new booka bought, 237; cash recelpta,
and thratni to ahnn Tji kvh.t . 112(1,202; disbursements, 174,419.76;
anu inreaienea lu inooi IjO. roil ell un- I . . i ... j I ntt ... Ii r i r i rs.
less he left the place. Byatanders in- value of school property. 1103.878; fur- Q, Ug Re nor Clink, NeW SaW-
Bhy of funds for It. troop, and they terfered. taking the gun from the en- I'" ?? m1 CrtxtA A MinTo
iiiiii iioui.yu anu i vi i moo
Are Being Developed,
may have to take their fall maneuvers
' in small doses.
Department authorities point out the
raged man and thua averted what might 55;E50; average monthly salaries paid
have- become a tragedy. maIe teachers' 138-70; female, 232.14.
The e1dr Rnrinnr than In nrriar t Clatsop county 1 otai murawwon,
,eiOft yupiis wiiruiicu, 4,110, qiuuucu uii-
of any other in the land. That large latter W joiie t .t one, came f aiar-hrf. .umhar dav. at.
nnipm ann worn niir wa rrnnti Tnr tn i - -
tendance. 250,754; average dally at-
k tl
numbers of men would have to be trans
ported great 'distances and that tha
Zsually large number of forts in the
. artment means that many small
bodies of men would have to be cen
tralized at considerable expense. In
the East the work Is easy and, accord-,
lng to reports, it would appear that
three Eastern department, could be
gathered Into one camp easier than the
men in this department could be placed
fri three or four central grounds, let
alone the question .. of making one
gathering of the entire force.
Salem and swore out warrant, for the
arrest of the two men. They were ar
raigned this morning and released on
their own reoognisance, and their trial
will probably take place thia evening.
tendance, 1,777 H; number districts, 34;
Greater Salem Club.
SALEM. July 29. The Greater Salem.
Commercial Club met last night, and
appointed ex-Sheriff Frank W. Durbln
a committee of one. with power to ap
point any assistants required, for the
(Journal Special Service.)
MYRTLE CREEK. Or., July 29.
Myrtle creek la booming and the boom
l i .... i onn. K.v n. uu "f uiiuBum ouiivny in me
new books bought 700; cash receipts. nWni of on iT. S thl ' 1h n
$78,415; disbursements, $61,885.38; value il.??.?!!". 5?5?,eIW?
of achool property. $115,000; furniture
and apparatus, $18,000; Insurance, $60,-
teachers, $76.25; female, $48.
Columbia County Total enumeration.
purpose of raising - subscription of employed, 114; children not attending
i,ouo ror tne ureater Halem stake of ary school, 66v; whole number days at to be offered at the state fair tendance. 150,206; average dally attend
this' fall. Salem always provldea one lance, 1.181; number districts, 57; legal
rr. v. u . m . 1 1 1 .. .
rZPfSXSPSLZ Pald male traVel to a 'th of" Vbo feet? andP ex-
perls say that indications are good for
. anA flstm ff nil k.(n. ,.,. .1. tTl.-.
7 ;V "", 1 work of sinking this well is being
' ' . - i rii..vlftT . ( 'nnf ra rfr,r Hryilth vhn haa
erewa at the boring machine for 18
hours, a day. Inside of 30 days the
depth contracted for will be reached.
Within the next week the lumber plant
2,610; pupil
under six years
n Bandy. Baa sees cneatea oy
Death and rire and Wishes
Court to Aid Sim.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 29. In a
petition to clear his title to a quarter
section of Clarke County land, filed in
the Superior Court here, John Sandy.
relates a hard luck story.
' half the purse for the best racing event voters, 1,428; library booka. 1.809; new of JohMon Comoanr will be ready
- of the state fair on Salem Day, and thla booka bought. 1.101: cash receipt.. $34,- 2 i nn. Sre fore f men u
by year $1,000 will be subscribed by the 6S68; disbursements. $26,429.24; value ",Z r i??. i5rR,5?5! J!
citizens for that purpose.
Fanny Davenport Arraated.
SALEM, July 29. Fanny Davenport,
a woman of ill repute, waa arrested last
night on the charge of disorderly con
duct She la accused of cursing and
of school property $35,350; furniture and mmTor converaTo inio lumber. The
apparatus, insurance. payroll at the mill will run all the way
average Monthly aalarlea paid male from u 000 t0 $4 000 a monthi and thla
teachers, $40.77; female, $34.75. alone la etd within aix mnntha s
Sherman County Total enumerated. ,- ii w,..i. n.i.
1.803; pupUs enrolled. 1,009; enrolled un- t0 at least 1 000 people
der six years of age. 49; teachers em- There are 40 or more mlna In tha
Mr 8,nd v. states that veara aa-o he abusing the police officers, while she 10"?' A5:. "i i!!!?'"! " vclnlty of this place, the principal ones
rmrchasnd from W. A. Sandvs a half of was under the influence of liquor. The ""OJi. w""'" "u'i'u.,L "1 "i"' the present time being the Chieftain.
onartr section: that the deed was case la set for hearing in the recorders .Y.' . Continental. Legal Tender, Halls. Two
not made out because the brother died court at S o'clock oh Thuraday after- f; IZvlV nSw hooS rlV'JJ
(Journal Special Service.)
COTTAGE GROVE, July 29. John
Pau) Jones, traveling passenger agent
for the Southern Pacific, is In the city
today for the purpose of stirring the
citizens up to the necessity of provid
ing homes for the many settlers who are
coming here from the East and have no
place to stay while they are looking
around. The tide of newcomera la so
great that It is a fact that the town
aadly feels the need of more residences,
aa well aa business houses, aa there la
not a vacant house of any kind in
the city and Inquiries are made every
day for such. Only a few days ago a
prominent Eugene merchant made in
quiry for a store building for the pur
pose of putting in a stock of goods
here, but he could not find a vacant
Business property on Main street 1.
not high in price by any meana, and it
would be the best paying Investment
here for anyone to buy and erect busi
ness houses for rent, aa they are very
much in demand.
The Oregon A Southeastern Railroad
made such a success of Its excursion to
the end of the road last Sunday that
the management haa decided to make
regular excursions every Sunday for
awhile and provide some amusement
for those who avail themaelves of the
The business property recently pur
chased by Mrs. Fields on Main street Is
being entirely remodeled for an up-to-date
storeroom. A second story is be
ing added and a plate glass front on the
lower floor Is being Installed. The lower
room will be used by Mrs. Fields for
net book store.
.oon 'after making the bargain and re
ceiving the money.
After the death of W. A. Sandys, it la
alleged, John Sandys and three nephews
of the deceased. H. L. Sandys, Samuel
Sandys and Matties Sandys, were, with
the petitioner, John, made heirs of the
estate, which consisted of the disputed.
. - 11172. 1 thro rv rinnlra q 1 n ' tiaw rinrilro 1 . , . , .. , . n .
noon, and the woman has retained an r' .'V -Vi. ...h -IiVta tie oa 71. un Mcn or lne8" mine worn is wing
attorney and will fight the case. This M.IV-- 5tTa ifi.".. i rushed wlth 411 P"lbl P and there
-"-"-"- . ' v- 1 ara a rt&i manv airinnri in tnia
will necessitate the employment of an
attorney by the city, aa Salem has no
City Attorney; and the case promises to
be a warm one. The woman la out on
cash bail.
Thia ia the flrat instance in a number
scnoni propeny, 40,vi, lurnimnj niu i vIMnttv Mum n riff other nrnnArti..
apparatus, $6,036; insurance. $11,180; with a view to purchasing them and un
averago monthly ealariea paid male dertaklng their development Recently
teachera, $63.36; female, $42.35. the Rattler changed hands at a hand-
Curry County Total enumeration. ,ome figure, San Francisco capitalists
the VhrTw of yean 7iin m llftltrnt PP rolled, 610; enrolled under lMng the purchasers. A number of mini
quarter section. Later the three other 01 years wnere a .me aisiurDance 01 ine . ve.r. are. 11: teachers emDloved. -. , -..,
Mra re said to have deeded their por- Pace naa occU children not attending any idiW rrU t a " w
and interest in the quarter to John, usuauy oeing very oraer.y, ana xne - ,-, whole number day. attendance. 27.- tham thamaalvaa bafor nlaHn than,
neprn nronoaa to nusn inn caaa rn tiiaj .... .... .. . ... i r -"
bitter end, in order to prevent a like
recurrence In the future.
before he could make a town trip
and have the instrument recorded, a
fire burned the deed and no record was
left of the other transaction. Now the
plaintiff prays that the court clear up
his title to the quarter section and ao
arrange matter, that neither death nor
Neat School Pamphlet.
SALEM, July 29. The Attorney-General
haa arrnnrprl a. apt rt ruloa an,.
fire cap. dispose of hi. right to the land blank forma, for the use of school dis
twice purchased. trict- officers desirous of issuing bonds
and selling them to the State Land Of
Bid. Comrades Goodbye, . I flee. The epmpilation is published in
750; average daily attendance, 285; num- the market
ber dlstricta, 28; legal voters, 603; cash! The prune ehipplng Industry is one of
receipts, 1a.343.01; lurnuure ana ap-1 importance In this section of Oretron.
paratus, $2,150; average monthly aalar- and for several yeara 1,000.000 pounds
les paia mae leacners, mo; lemaie, iu. of thl. fruit have been handled
Big Suit Over Calf.
(Journal Special Service.)
SALEM. July 29. F. Goffln. the Fair-
field farmer who recently brought suit
against L. Aral and Mary Aral, his
annually. Thla amount will be consld
I erably exceeded thl. aeaaon.
Bather. Most TTse Tub.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 29. The
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 29 The pamphlet form and can be had free, on neighbors, for the possession of a calf LffBetion for muddy water will no
, ' . . . .nniiniiDri at tha Rtata T.snH DffiAa Tt I a i ki. .1 j anecuon ior muaay water, wau no
longer disport, themselves before the
knustcal program rendered at the post application at the State Land Office. It j claimed by both parties, and which waa
hall for the enlisted men and their gives complete airecuuns 10 scnooi awarded to the Araia, yesterday after
friends last night waa unusually good boards a. to the steps to be taken in is- neon filed his notice of appeal and he
suing bond, for sale to the State Land will have the case reviewed in the Clr
Office, and under the new law all dis- cult Court. The testimony at that time
trict toonds must no nrsi orrerea to mat showed that the calf was worth about
office, and when refused, may be .old to $15. and tha coata taxed against Mr.
other Investors. The directions Just I Goffiu aggregated $94. Both parties are
Issued will avoid errors and delays, and well-to-do farmers, have plenty of
will greatly facilitate the transaction mean, to fight the case and long and ex-
4n. waa hnnnrnhlv dianhnra-Mi. rn tha of business between tne scnooi district, pensive litigation ia in Droaoect. with
last night of hi. service he .poke to nd the State Land Office. If followed I the probability of the case winding up
hi. comrades In a hearty, sympathetic I by school boards wnen preparing to la-1 in the supreme Court, at a coat to the
.train that -touched the men that had ua onas. i ultimate joser or at leaat ii.aou. xne
' 1 1 -I. i ii , I case promise, to rival tne ramous iowa
IOW AUOVtrx BlTXI. calf case, wherein a heifer, valued at $4,
was In th courts for-nine year, and
and pleased -those present more than
any of the former occaaiona. The fea
ture of the evening waa the Impromptu
farewell . talk given by private N. M.
Young, of Company E, Nineteenth In
fantry. Mr. Young haa been" In the
service for three year, and thl.. morn-
marched and fought with him as noth
ing but the heartfelt word, of a com
rade could. The selection, rendered by
Mia. Florence Chaffee were greaUy ap- O. B- $ K. Ag Otvlonr-Tlm. xamlt cost the original plaintiff $2.800..
ralata Kt tha audience. 4, -I; ... ??f!-V .1 ' 1 1 . ' .". -
-r- Women love - -elear, 1 healthy- corns
. . 1 J - 1. . I . T.. A -
piexion. rura uiuyu uiun it. uuww
Bitter, manes pur. Biooa -
. piexlon
u-ust 18. 19. 26 and it the a R. A
M. : a rain sells lonsr-time tickets to
points in tne casw stopover
leges. Particulars at city ticket office,
intra .ana waaaingion a tree is.
The most delightful trio serosa nia
continent is via, - the -- Denver - A Ria
Grande, the acanlo Una of the world,
Apply at 124 Third, sL. Portland, for
ratesv , - ., -
public gaze-arrayed in the slenderest of
wardrobes. The edict of the City Mar
shall waa today announced and from
this time on no swimming will be al
lowed from the docks, wharfs or other
frontage resorts, hitherto patronised by
Vancouver youths. It has been, the
common practice for boys and young
men to usurp any bit of vacant wharf
or dock for natatorial purposes, and of
late so bold have the swimmers become
that streets near the ferry and boat
landings wars miniature - , beaches,
where nude youths held sway. Immed
iate arrest is promised for future of
fenders. , i
Ten thousand demons rnawlnr swav
at-ae's-ttalai-couldn't' be -much -worse
than tha tortures of Itching piles. Tat
there's a cur. Doan's Ointment never
Tha TSmpqna Is to Be Made Wavigable to
Bafts by Xjaxge Timber
ROSEBTJRG, July 29. Relative to an
application made several weeks ago by
the Oregon Boom & Timber Company
for a franchise to use the North Umpqua
River for booming timber, an agree
ment has been reached with the County
Court by the applicants' agent, Fred
J. Blakely. whereby the company will
make extensive Improvements on the
stream from the present western bound
ary of the Cascade Forest Reserve to
Winchester, five miles north of Rose
burg. As soon as the company flies the
required, bond for the performance of
the agreement which Is only a matter of
a few days, the franchise goes Into
The stream after being improved is to
be open to all parties for floating: tim
ber upon payment of specified tolls for
the use of said improvements.
This transaction is one of far-reaching
importance lo the industrial future
of Douglas County, for it signalizes
the first step toward the utilixatlon of
her vast bodies of idle timber. The
Oregon Boom & Timber Company is
composed of Eastern capitalists whose
operations in this county are Intended to
be gradually extended to all localities
where opportunities are afforded for
tha profitable maintenance of sawmills.
Their first mill will be erected at Win
chester 'during the next year and la to
have, a daily capacity of 100,000 feet
r ''fop v . ;;W,;
' ' ,V a I 'V4-;
Before Treatmeat.
'After Treatmeat.
Absolute photographs of the same person, treated by Madame gaze. Oss
show, the faoe of the aged womaa, wrinkled by deoay and laek of ears.
The other, her eonatenanoe after aha had taken a coarse of my dersaa
tologlcai treatment.
There la a wide difference, isn't there? I took this lady, as yo sea
her in the first plctpra. After taking my wonderful treatment she left'
me aa you see her in the second. As a matter of fact, there Is ao a
blemish of the physiognomy, no matter what it may be, or from what
oanae It originated, that Z oannot speedily remove without tha ass of
electricity, snrgery or massage.
Smallpox plttlngs. freckles, pimples, moth patches, scars, birthmarks,
ecaema. wrinkles any affliction of the skin Is quickly eradicated by my
always on exhibition at the
Saxe Institute of Dermatology
5oVaot.'aaB,rto,, wd M Abiogton Buildinj;
While your family Is awty enjoying tbdrvtcBitoq.'
to have your home wired and equipped with
ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to be prepared for the
long Winter nights.
Portland General Electric Co.
voarivAjrs, obsooy.
gxoo re xar
aaa tTawarC
Spselal rates mads to famines aaa aingto aai
will be pleased at all ttxaas to show rooms and gts-a rooa.
Turkish hath taMi.hw.sai ta tha hotel.
X. a
l Billiard and Pool Tables 1
W0 giv you b0ntfit manufacturer's prices EM OUCH SAID
I The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. I
L - i- a sl a a a a a a a. a a. a. a. a. J
w. q. Mcpherson company
warnv aaa-aaaass-asaw w . - 11 "SJ ---aawaSB--r
To New Warehouses, Shops and. Offices, Corner t
a. T . , fl 1 11 Ml A. Tf. .
iineieenin anu wuson oirecis. ian.c
. Sixteenth Street Ciy.
Wew Powder ICafaalaa.
VANCOUVER. Waah., July 21. A
boaM of thre officers has been selected
by the post commander to choose a new
site for the garrison powder house.
The members of the board are: Mai.
Dyer, commanding- officer field artillery.
rCapt Walton, quartermaster Nineteenth
Infantry, and Capt Craila, Twentieth
Infantry, j Th. preaent powder mag
sin. is an old structure and not suf
ficient for the needs of th. growing
post; and its location, near tbe river. Is
Japanese Got Srnnk.
SALEM. July 29. S. Nakata, a Jap-
aneae employed at the flax farm of Eu
gene Bosse near here, who was sent to
town by his companions to cash 'a check
for 150.78 belonging jointly to the crew
of workmen, .became intoxicated and
spent a portion of the money, when he
was arrested and placed in Jail. As the
officers yesterday- discovered that he
owned an undivided interest In the
money he was released aa he could not
be prosecuted for hia action, and he re
turned to the flax farm. He la the first
Japanese ever seen Intoxicated In Salem,
and he attracted considerable attention.
Lloyd's Veterinary Hospital.
amui cruma rom nun.
Itching piles produoe moisture and
cans. Itching, this form, as wall aa
Blind. Bleeding or Frotudlng piles ara
cared by Dr. Bo-ssit-ko's Pile Remedy.
Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu
mors. SO. a Jar, at draga-ists, or seat
by mail. Treatise frea. Writ, ma about
your easa Dr. Boaanke. PhU'A, Pa. -;
V:. " ' ?- Merchants' laaolv j.! ' -Served
at tha Winter" Garden. Third
and Morrlaen, dally U:t0 - to p. - ta.
Prtca, . IS to ,SS cents. Bill rof far.
changed daily and a musical program
108 North Slxtt) St.. twraeaa riaaders aad
GtUaa. Portlaod, Or. '.-
Doctor T. J. Lloyd. Tetertittry Stirsaaa sod
SpaciaUal. trtMts all li tod alluamta U.l
bane. ,4of asd eUxf uaU4 tuimtta ate
tvlr to. , -I
faaaa a rail and enmfitate tt cif t.-n-
sorirical b4 daaUl tnatmoi.Dtt ncS tm - n
parfara. aay vparauoa fcoova to turn tute .
adH. - ' -
BpvHal attantioa ta I' I . ..,.. , i. ,
Hon Ctraiko and - '.
all call phomr'iy ' tr t u