THE OIIEGON DAILY. JOURNAL; PORTLAND, r "WEDNESDAY ' EVKNTG JULY 29, 1003. t '''" l' ' I 1 ' '' I" mrm U f I aI l4Ae IVsr Dncw of 10- Both companies will engage In I toil I o ui ldui illicit iui uuoithe mercantile, business, Journal Readers. - WEATHER FORECAST, ' B. A. and Xesaon Smith have begun suit ' against Jessie Burneu and B. F. Cook for 1348.70 for faUa represents tlon mada by the.defendant In regards to in location 01 aom umDer lanav . gbowsre and tbanderstorms bar eecarrsd la I that th plaintiff wished to purchase. the Mlsoorl Vslley and In British Columbia, and the weathsr la cloudy along lb aaitra ? Take Beffalatoa- Una ataamar. for Tha In t North' Pacific flutes sessonsbk. tern- nd, tf41" """I perstures prevail, but la California and Is I at Lyle with Columbia River A North Minnesota and tba Dakntss, it it cooler tbn I am Hallway for uoldendale ana Kllckl- Ull m in i irmn o, me nir. To Indications ara (or (air wsather (his district Thursday. ; " HOTEL ARRIVALS tat Valley point. Alder-street wharf dally (exoept Sunday) T a. m. Phone, Main 114. Spokane) llaa P. C. foster, Cincinnati; C. H. I help that, .. Basinaw; M Keller, Dulutb; W. v.mhlll cue, Kanaas City; Miss M. a. Hall, mn" Wa aU tha Tary thing you need for your ' coaat or mountain vacation rood. Much of It la ready cooked and pal atabl that your appetite for It will be likely to bankrupt you. But we can't I Grande creamery, iff street - tTtAVD Mrs. J. K. Smith. 0. W. tUnbora and wife, J. L. White. Astoria; J. Btelnhart, San Kr a nelson; Miss t. G. risrer, uiu r. Dana.' it.. C. A. Jamb. Jr.. Nsw York! . ftrsri. unaton; B. 0. Wright and wife, Kan sq. 1 Outlaw may tin Maoomoauuea, aire. W. r. Lnalson. Han rrasjelsco: I wVipvu mnA iinnAmnlail hulMInn hut that reapect and the only one of It H. . Iiottrlnlrre and wife, Qnebset M. Boseo baam, citjr; G. II.' Hunt, Philadelphia; 11. D. Phllllpe, I'aducah; i. L. Coke, Honolulu; 8. Baker, TortUnd, lie.; I)r. 1. Schneider and Wife, M. Grlehach, Milwaukee; p. S. Bradley and wife, A. S. Hilt and wife, lira. H. V. lioodley. Mia H. Moodier, New Haven ; J. W. Marshall, Denver; T. II. Curtle. Astoria; B. Burkhardt, Vancouver; W. A. Wllllama. fl. cafn; W. A. Battel. U.S. A.t Mr. and Mre. i. A. Calqaboon, Del Monte; lire. O. A. Wll ton, Adrian, Mich.; Mre. i. A. Petrldae, Red dlnfl C. L. Poet and wife. Battle Creek, Mich.; John i. Wyatt. Martsslte, A. T. W. E. Burn fcsm and wife, R. B. Bnrnham, Norwich, Ct. ; Osorra W, BanboHi and wife. Aetorla; W. W. Parker and wife, Taoomai W. R. Reynolds and wife, Jackson; L. B. Goodrich and wife. lowa; M. Jensen ana wire, Topria; a. u. Mavnea and wife, San rTancleco; Mrsi O. A. Kuhne. Kdna Kuhne. Council BluSa: Mlae Weld. - Tnmoa; John L. Hand and wife, Joseph Bar kind In Portland. Union Laundry, See ond and Columbia, "X aont how they rU any other kind of flour' the wife of a newafcaper man aald to her huaband thla morning. She wa born In Oregon and didn't know that. North Dakota No. 1 hard wheat flour 1 the beat that miller erer Backed. She know now. Nottingham ft Co., distributor. Front and Alder. The fttnejKl of Ruth, the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Roy A. MoAyeal, took place from Dunning undertaking par- lora at 10 o'clock thla morning. The ton. Baker City; Mra. H. T Outhrldjra. May child wa two year and 11 month old .'i-attereoa. Pocatelloj W. ft Blcbarda, Bumpier. aB(, WM found d9ad ,n ye,terday lKlIBlaX Julia Beldner. 0, BU. , Baker- City; W McCon- morning at the family residence, 174 Grand avenue. Death wa due to heart ll., Baker City; W. K. Fusch. Burns; J. U. , kfon, Pendleton; H. Wise, Astoria; Mrs. B. Iauur' barren. Astoria; O. f. O'Connor, city; I. Fran- Tun rV i 3 i inF P wT w"lA,rn,w were hJ1 yrl morning at Toner! aerriee for Mr. Elisabeth J. Z, Homael. Stella Thornton, Bain; R. W. was In Lone fir Cemetery. Mra. Ag- :. p"ito,S?i ' lJ??'i.uS- iSlIS' "w wa y"-r of age and I survived rrJrV'l) cf Straw T.m.L R. H. y husband and aeven children. She i. Salem; Frank Hire, Sllets; A. fc. Oreen died Sunday at her home. 61S East Mrrariana. umustiiio: eesie w. soeiun. I u.n.i.i k....t. xr- tewn: Mi.' Wckir. Indlinanoila: Mii! o. i Eighteenth and Tlbbett treet. Rev. d 11 d..(-. w D IP ff Rpaan effr im fad Tka Is piaiv uav sa a vvuw . n a jJav, sx , a . uuian, 1 e- vvh viui. a a av an c s iitoii v Salem; Z. Homael. Stella Thornton, Bain; R. W. was In Lone Fir Cemetery. Mra. Ag gavn-livr. I.I.M.e c p. r ai.b.M and wife. 8a Pranctseo; 0. V. Brown. O. Wnt, I Elflrhth atreL Cijcorja; jv. u. uxiow, hhwdotoi b. m. xuiidd. Mre. Cberiee Ceear. Rose Hluaaer. Maude NeaL POlal Saturday aad Snaday VOOad tiwtrude Honshton. Mrs. S. 8. Homer, Esther trip of the Regulator Line palatial steam iniaaTer. AOeiu cain, ttotee, iiuae; Mrs. ier Bailey Oatsert to Colllna Hot Springs, RIih.,,r!f 2:.' a Btr?' r?Eii: 8i!m Captain Belcher1 new health resort on the Howard, Spokane; f. O. Leuer, Gllmore, la.; TTr. r-ni.M. tm. Vt altar Ilsltin. R. C. Roea. I hi ho Is Is.: P. W. - m bi Ron and wife. Bolee: Mra. R. 8. Rherldan. Lone cellent Opportunity to view the glorlou Ksrb; Pan P. Smyths, Arlington; Mra. J. (J. I scenery of the Columbia River as far KrvTk; V7e7'Wl.Wu;wB r.Ve"WTi dy" Sc.o'lh." n it r... nrf wir. Tkn... ui T.mhi body n chance to aee how the govern Forest Grore: Mrs. Jackson. Baker Cltr: Irene ment's $4,000,000 locks at the Cascades Jamps, Salem; M. A. Marks, San Francisco; work. Passengers can go up Saturday ts.-u, dtviic, unn as. ureeaier. ne i mnrnlnr ir fh rtalM nl rtii,n a,i. IN NEW PLAY ,i::,-;y; j;;-.. .V. '.1 SEEKS 'DEATH IN THE WILLAMETTE Mrs,' H. Zillinger, While Tem- poranly Deranged, Jumps from Madison btreet Bridge Into River Below, Saved by Men in -a Rowboa and Taken to Police btation Where She Fights Against Those Who Help Her. During the coming season Mis Mar garet Barry will Interpret the charao .0f.r.b?!f..!'e rJ! Zlllg.r deliberately climbed over Her mind temporarily clouded by physical ailments, Mrs. H. Zillinger, wife of a saloon-keeper at seven cor ners, Division and East Twenty-first streets, nearly lost her life last night by leaping Into the Willamette River from the Madison-street bridge. Timely assistance alone saved the would-be suicide from a watery grave. After being taken to the police station It wa aome time before ah could be fully resuscitated. Mra. Zillinger is 12 year of age. It is said that aha suffers temporary de rangement at tllhea, these spells being due to illness. Taking her 12-year-old daughter with her, the woman wandered away from home last night Slowly the two walked toward the river. Upon reaching the Madison-street bridge about 11 o'clock, the mother told the little girl that she might go home. Then play, "The Quality of Mercy." The new production is esgerly awaited by all those who admire the great French nov elist. brsska. Baseball Tomorrow. Ladles' Day. San Francisco vs. Browns. All your friends Will be there. . Game starts at J:S0. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. The Callfornltes Ara fast ball players. They ar In Second place. The Browns Are playing great balL See the game Tomorrow Ladles' Day. Free to grounds and grandstand. Si. O. Blaaay, 207 Aliaky Bldg. 22. Bt. Hoc rehouse j Co, ej' Seventh and Alder. Telephone, Main 1341. day evening, thereby enjoying one day' bathing at the aprlnga Steamer leavea Alder-street wharf Saturday, 8:10 a. m Sunday 9 a. m. Special round-trip ticket, II. ou. r none. Mam 14. Baseball Tomorrow, Ladles' Day. San Francisco vs. Browns. AH your friend "Wlll be there. Game starts at 1:10. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn street a. The Callfornltes Are faat ball players. They are in . ' ' Second place. The Browne Are playing great ball. See the game Tomorrow. . Ladles' Day. Free to ground and grandstand. The Savoy, Max Smith's coffee house and bakery, 166 Fifth. That It. PERSONALS. Ziong Beach aad Seaview Provisions at reasonable rates, straubei Bros. R. B. Dyer, a timber man from A- torla, 1 In Portland. Rev. James Hullne and daughter of Vine Day! Buy Meredith' umbrella. Oakland, Cal., are In Portland. Repairing, recovering, wash, ana sutK . Miss Mabel Ayers of Portland has gone to Seaside to spend the Sum mer. Roy W. Rltner, a prominent young man or i'endieton, is registered at the Imperial. J. N. Teal returned over the South Br. P. K. Band Betorned. 601 The De- ern Paclflo thla morning from a 10- kura. Telephone: Office, SS6; residence, days' trip to Coos Bay. J 66. James CaJquhoun. a California mlntns: man, accompanied by hla wife, is regis- od at the Portland from Del Monte, Best coif, best service, best every- thing. Max Smith. Savoy, 166 .Fifth. X. D. Boyer, Gentlemen's and ladles' tailoring, 606 Goodnough Bldg., Opp P. O. Portland Club, ISO Fifth street. A I palatable lunch served every evening r, from I until 11 p. m. -. major n. J. G. de Lothblnlere, a vrwh Ursula, Tafper begun a suit against wealthy resident of Quebec, Canada, ao Patrick Murray to quiet title to a part I companled by Mrs. de Lothblnlere, la of block 7, Carutljer" Addition. registered at the Portland. Rev. I. F. Ghormlev. Daator of the Moat "Complete, up-to-date- hook bind-In rat Christian Church, ia vleltlnar In ery in Portland and our prices are southern Oregon. During his absence right. Lovejoy & Lincoln, 128 First nv. ri. a. notson win nmun- v vr- TVt i ir.n a IT npt a rwn m l.nt nttAm, ite Spray" le the best flour in the Lh wnn i. J city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement San Franciac0 at the Portland-Hotel. B .a w,u"e"aio Mr. Bert has many friends In Portland flgent, 254 Front street. and ,g hera on buine and pleasure. t The Boyal Bakery and Confectionary, Frank Pesolt, topographical engineer, Park and Washington streets. If you from Chicago, who la engaged on a geo- - haven't lunched there you you ought detlc map of the Columbia River, ha re- to be ashamed of youraolf. It's fine. turned from a sketching trip in the vl- ' cinity of Fort Canby. Tomorrow he will The if orthwet Bug Company, manil- go up the river, racturers or new rugs rrom old oar- Mr. and Mr. William H. Benefleld, pets. Free cleaning and delivery, S0 0f Weston, Or., who have been visiting East Morrison street. 'Phone, Union ,t the home of Deputy United States 31- Marshal P. A. Worthlngton for the past -7" month, returned home this morning. i Tgne ascB-niasor una at earner . tmuey Dale Worthlngton accompanied them. IT . -r, . - a T i.- JLa . I. . ...V., J- W. Blain, of the firm of Grlndstaff WrM-i t i TI. reon.ilr LtMrn.e Blata, has returned from Hot Lake af Friday, July 81. Take regular steamer tef ft protractej Ktltr tor & beneflt of V ' " his health. He is feeling greatly im- ... I rtrfArsf m im Ait A t fw ara In ait tha, fir Kistrel Company, the Modern Brother- Chart Hotel, of which he is one of frA tT A mnrlnn f n a nAl I frh trill fOf " v Park. Saturday. August 1. Kt UKNtU M SS UNAK fcS LETTER-CARRIERS HERE Mr. Bdyth Toslar Weatharred Working to Sfeeur Convention la Portland Two Team Xsooal Mrs. Edyth Tosler Weatherred. presi dent of the Portland Women's Depart ment Lewis and Clark Exposition, li working to secure the 106 convention of the National Letter Carriers' Associa te calling and Jumped to the deep river many feet below. Frightened almost Into hysteric, the child ran frantically to a pedestrian on the bridge. The Flea of the Child. "Mamma' Jumpet into the river," ho creamed a she tugged at hi coat. pleading for him to go to the rescue. O, there s a policeman; ne u neip you," was the stern reply or me renow, who evidently thought that there was nothing to it. But there was no officer in sight. The splash in the water, the woman s screams and the actions of the child at tracted attention and help was almost Two young men tlon for this city. The New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia carriers have immediately at hand expressed themselves as favorable to irfa boat rapidly rowed out to where the the Portland conventipn. woman waa struggling with the adverse Tne meeting this year is to De ueia current and with much difficulty they at Syracuse. N- Y.. August 21 to Septem- raised her from the water, for she is a ber 6. Mrs. Weatherred has addressed iar(re WOman. They brought her to the WILL CONSIDER I NEW ORDINANCE City Council Expected to Pass a Law Governing the Cutting Down of the City's Splendid Shade Trees, Another . Measure Will Also Regulate the Actions of the Hawkers and Peddlers and Their Vehicles, a letter of invitation In behalf of this city to the delegates at the coming con ventlon. In part the letter is: "Among the galaxy of beautiful and lntereattng cities that will Invite you to visit them In 1905, Portland, the Queen of the Northwest, comes In all her rose shore, and notified Patrolman Heiiyer, who sent her to the station in the patrol wagon. The woman struggled violently wnen she reached the women's quarters. She was nearly dead from cold and it waa neceasary for Matron Simmons to cut bedecked dory and open-hearted hospl- her cIothe. rrom her. After receiving tallty. to cordially lnylte you here to atUnton ,he becarn. more rational and dwell for a while amid God'a greatest told her name and addreaa. I1,.,. "I" ...T . ! Following her ineffectual attempt to capped mountain. , wider, .pierce the heav- rlnatenn.e darkne .he traveled the where "tree, of Tr. .-a k.i.v.. oi, The husband, frantic with apprenen slon. started out to find his wife, hoping and extensive height make one wonder for a hundred miles up the lordly Co- against hope that she had not been imr.i th.t -.-. irrr.nn r.n. drowned. Great was his Joy when he . . I found her safe at the station. ucui, nidi pnu wuu u vi m unj uwii . . . . . L . i , this picturesque and sublime river. Mr. Zillinger this morning wanted to whose garlanded shores and craggy take hi wife home, but Chief Hunt peaks rival all Swltserland, on to the would not consent. the-.wo1ron Pacinc, where bathing, aalmon barbe- migni aasiu "."' u.,v,. cues, clam bakes and all tne dell- pnyaiuiiin " .. . cades of the sea are served in palat- was removed to coes eaniiariurn. able abundance. While Mrs. zjiungers conumun w "Come and go with us far Into the somewhat improved today she was far nnnfii.ins tn tha ans-iors' pnrt tho hunt.) from being right mentally, itowever, it ers' paradise. Catch the large, speckled is expected that skillful treatment and trout, and fell the fatted pheasant Come rest wm restore nor iu ner .u aiw Two new ordinances are being consid ered by the City Council this after noon. One regulates the cutting down of shad trees and another measure re lates to the hawkers' and peddlers' busi ness. Ths proposed shade tree statute makes it necessary to aecure a permit from the City Knglneer before any tree can be cut down on any street, boulevard or avenue within the city limits, other than cottonwoods and poplara, which are exempted. For violation of the ordl naiicu a .fine or Imprisonment or both may he imposed. . The hawkers measure Is practically an amendment to the law now In ex lstence. It is in effect that no hawkers' or peddlers' wagon shall stand in any one place more than Ave mlnutea nor In any one block more than to mlnutea. This is a result of a general complaint agalnat the fruit vendors standing their vehicles along Morilson and inird streets. The shade tree ordinance 1 as fol low: An ordinance regulating the cutting and removal of trees from the streets, boulevards and avenues of the city, and providing that permits shall be granted therefor. The City of Portland does ordain as follows: Section 1. That before any trees ex cept cottonwoods and poplars sre re moved from any of the streets, Douie- ards or avenues of the city application therefor shall be made to the City En gineer who. if he deems It advisable that the same shall be removed, will iasue a permit in writing therefor. Seo. 2. Any person or persons cutting or removing any tree or trees except cot tonwoods or poplars from any of the streets, boulevards and avenues of the city without a permit therefor as re quired by Section 1 of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof by the Municipal Court shall be lined not less than 25 nor mou than $100, or Imprisonment in the City Jail not leas than three days nor more than 60 days, at the discretion of the court STATE APPOINTMENT FOR DR. HUTCHINSON Reason Given Why the Utah Position Will Not Be Ac cepted from Government, & Olds, Wortman i King fifth and Washing Strtttj. BUT 3 DAYS REMAIN OK THE ' 1 ' ;:ift'; Great Store. Mill and Factory Sale Which positively closes at 6 p. m. closing time on Saturday, when the greatest saving opportunity in years will have, passed into mercantile history. Every bargain advertised this week will be on sale for three days more only. We make mention today of but three Bathing Salts, Underwear and Hosiery. Ladies' Bathing Suits Sink Deep down in the Seething Swirl of Wonderful Bargains Drawn Into the Vortex of the GREAT STORE, MILL AND FACTORY SALE Hart you been to the hor yet? Are you going? Cheaper and certainly more sanitary than hir arc these bathing suits. Not these surf costume arc all extremely LOW CUT in PRICE. Read on. Indies' navy bin Bathing Salt, all cotton, with white braid trimming, $1.60 regular, now fl.l Ladle' navy bin or black S. S. Mohair Bathing Suits, sailor collar, whit braid trimming about collar front walat and skirt, 12.00 and M-SO each. XAdl' black Worsted Bathing Salt. The bloomer and body are of th black worsted. The skirt and trimming ara of black Mohair. Regu lar l 00, now M.M Bait Ladles' high-grade fclaek or bin fine Mohair with fancy braid trlm mlngs, elegantly mad. Prlcea were $160, 10.00 and 111.60. Price now are . nd .7S Sept forget our sal of Ladle' W hit Lisle Sleeveless Union Suits, 60c quality now M each' Sam with long sleeve, 78c quality, now 47 Men Ladle' black lac lots, SSo quaflty, now 1S pall Children' 85 Cotton oe, GOOD - ITo pair EisinHiBsnRRasXaSsn CITY FLOODED WITH GREEN GOODS NOTES Hundreds Arrive Every Day Of fering Chances to bet Rich Quick, and let us take you through miles of orchards, where you may feast to your All on delicious, fruits and berries. Portland, the beautiful summer re sort of the Northwest! Fine water from the springs of Mount Hood excellent hotels perfect transportation service from all parts of the globe, with rates to the convenience of all. No true American wilfully alights any portion of his own country which God created for his enjoyment. The Oregon country is for you as well as for us." tal state. DEATH CAME FROM STRANGE INJURIES Benjamin x. runw, a dentist. na Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock Mrs. r,le f Petition In bankruptcy In the jennle McCownell . and Miss Nora uHuro, oiai viBinci n. churchman, returned missionaries from bllities amount to $4,142 and his assets to $705 and are claimed as exempt. India, will srlve a recital of their labora and adventure in" tfi'at land, at Olive Bourslon boat leavea foot of Taylor Branch - Bote street at 8:30 and 11:30 a. m., and 3 and 6:16 p. m.. every day of the week for Oregon City and Willamette Falls Steamer Leona. Fare. 48 cents round trip, Bert Kerrigan and Edgar Xrank made a canoe trip from Bonneville to Port land, a distance bf 67 miles, Sunday in 10 H hours.. It Is believed that 'this feat haa never before been accomplished by white men. . Boad Supervisor Bimmons of the St Johns District says that he will have the Improvements to the boulevard connecting Portland with Its northern suburb completed by Monday. - The work haa been. In .progress some time. Article of Incorporation of the Tar bo t Mercantile Company have been filed with the County Clerk by Charles , J. Schnabel. J. J.CNell and M. M. Cavan augh with a capitalisation of. $10,000, and of the Nathan Werthelmer Com pany by A. E. Nathan and S. K. and D. Is Werthelmer, with a capital stock : were there during th famine of 1900, and helped in the distribution of many .bushels of the corn donated by Ameri cans to the famine sufferer. They have had broad experience In mission work in India, and will be interesting speak ers. Both will appear- In native costume, and will speak and sing In the native language. Everybody invited. CABS Or TSAITXS. We desire to return our sincere thank to the lodge and our many friend for their kind assistance given us during our late bereavement, and to all for the sympathy extended by attending the funeral of my husband, our father, father-in-law and grandfather, Henry Chf 'MRS. H. CHRIST AND FAMILY. . Journal friend and reader when traveling on train tov and from Port tend should ask news agent, for Th Journal and insist upon being supplied with thii paper, reporting all failure in obtaining It tdj the office of publication, addressing The Journal, Portland, Ore, WILL SWIM THE RIVER Lata, th Armless man Will Olv an Ex hibition rrlday After noon at 9:30. Carl Luts. a man who from his baby hood has had no arms, will swim the Willamette River on Friday afternoon at :80 o clock and will also give a free ex hibition of fancy swimming and high diving. Spectators on the Madison or Morrison street bridges will have an ex cellent view of this performance. Luts lost both his arms when still an Infant, It being found necessary to am putate them at the shoulders. His mother used to give him a baby's rattle to play with and having no hands, the crippled child learned to handle It with his feet He kept in training all his life and has now acquired a marvelous foot development. He adapted the vau devtUe stage as a mean of livelihood and 1 now playing an engagement at the Empire Theatre here. Luts has always been fond of the water. In June, 1901, he entered the St. Lawrence River at Montreal and swam two miles down stream through the roughest kind of water. Later he attempted a 15 mile swim at Long Beach In California, very few swimmers in the world can accomplish this feat, but Luts would probably have been success ful had not a strong wind arisen before the entire distance had been traversed. This made the water so rough that the boat could not follow-him. Engineer Receives a Slight Wrench and Death hollows Two Months Latert CEDAR PARK Prof. Bingler Will Give a BUgh-ClaM Athletio Entertainment on Thurs day Evening. Prof. Rlngler is announced to give a high-class athletic entertainment at Cedar Park en Thursday evening. Among the attractions will be Henry Living stone, the noted baton swinger; Bailey ft Svlckey, acrobats; Prof. Wood's peril ous high-wire act; Owen, king of club swinger; the Ronaldos. horizontal bar trio; Gerard, In hla sensational slide for life, and dancing platform that will be free to all. City ft Suburban cars will be provided to accommodate all who may attend, and every effort will be made to further the enjoyment of every- body. There are 600 electric lights at Cedar Park, so that the beautiful place will be well illuminated. CAMP MEETING The annual camp meeting of the Port land Diatrlct of the Free Methodist Church will be held from July 28 to August t at Central,' near Mount Tabor, on West avenue, three blocks north of the Montavllle car line. W. O. Hanraer of 'Illinois, who. 1 general conference evangelist will be In charge, assisted by the preacher of the district A wheelman' fool. bear Isn't complete without a bottle of Dri Thomas' Electric Oil. Heal cut, bruise, stings, sprains. Monarch: over pain. v .. . t As a result of injuries of a most pe culiar character, W. H. Thompson, a steam engineer, died In the Good Samaritan Hospital on Saturdajr even- in. The man was engaged at his pro fession In the employ of the Standard Box Manufacturing Company and about two months ago he slipped in a hole in the floor. One limb went through wie aperture and it was at first thought that he had only been strained and bruised. However, as he grew worse he was removed to the hospital and there his case baffled the physicians. Death Anally resulted on Saturday evening and the interment was held the following day. The attending physicians are said to be of the opinion that the wrench which the man received dislocated some of the internal organs, causing Injuries which resulted fatally. AIR TROUBLES IN COURT Kan Bell and Wife Have Seance Be fore Judge Hogne Husband Pined S40. In the Police Court this morning, Max Bell and his wife, Kate, told their troubles to the police Judge. Bell had been arrested charged by his wife with assault and battery and in turn he filed Information against the woman, alleging that she had endangered his lire with a deadly weapon. Mrs. Bell exhibited a badly bruised and swollen face and mouth, caused, she said, by her husbana s abuse. In his own behalf the man claimed that Mrs. Bell had returned home Intoxicated and chased him with a large butcher knife. The coart ruled that even If. the wife were drunk the husband had no right to assault hr. He was fined $40 and the case against the woman dismissed. L, MONTERASTELLI DEAD Louis Mohtorastelll, formerly man ager of the constriction of St Joseph's Academy building, which is being erected at Pendleton, died this morning at St Vincent's Hospital, following a surgical operation. . Mr. Monterastelli was 36 years old and leaves a widow and two children at Pendleton, also a brother who is at pres ent at Walla Walla, Wash. The remains were taken to Holman's undertaking parlors and from there will be shipped to Pendleton ror Duriai. FUNERAL OF T. F. COLLINS The funeral of Thomas F. Collins, formerly manager of Frits' Theatre, who died yesterday, took place from the Holman undertaking parlors thla morn ing, service being held at 1Q o'clock at St Mary Cathedral. There were many beautiful floral tribute sent by friend. The" interment wa at Lone r Ceme tery. . ... . - It was learned today that one reason for tho decision of Dr. E. N. Hutchlnaon. until recently Inspector for the Federal Bureau of Animal Industry at Portland, to remain In Portland, is that his friends have importuned him to apply for and tha state board to appoint him to the office of state veterinarian, vice Dr, Mc- Laln. The rints that anything rests against the oof tor in the nature of allegation discreditable to him. la dismissed as nonsense by those who have Investigated the matter. The sum and substance cf the whole affair is that there were dif ferences between him and the owners of the packing houses, and his findings were sustained when a special repre sentative came out from Washington to look into it Backed by Prominent People. In the tseition of pressure upon the doctor to make the race for the state veterinarian, lettera have been sont to Salem from most of the representative livestock raisers of the Northwest, jind support has been offered from influential railroad officials. His high standing In that line of work haa never been ques tioned, and It appears to be especially desirabia that he be prevailed upon to become state veterinarian, In the event the state board would appoint hfm. I Action by the state board Is expected soon In the premises, and If Dr. Hutchin son be named some alterations In the policy of that office might be looked for. It Is known that the endorsements given voluntarily to Dr. Hutchinson are most flattering. Seldom have any such strong letters been written In behalf of any candidate for a state appointment BREAW CASE BEING CAREFULLY PROBED The business men and working people of Portland are. flguatlvely speaking, be ing ll(tUed with "green goods" literature that Is sent out from New Tork. Hun dreds of these letters are received every day, and a large number of them are turned over by the recipients 10 lut Delivery Superintendent Barrett of the Postofflce, and by him to the Postmaster General. All the letters make the same gei- rich-qulck offer. A dipping from a newspaper, with no date or place of pub lication, tella a tale or a man wno naa stolen dates from the Government printing office and who was prepared to issue and sell paper currency ai a jiriuw ess than the Government could print it. He was to be addressed by telegram onlv as C. A. Benton, 740 East street. Aichibalt. Pa., and the message was to contain simoly the word. "Wish more Information." The sending of such a message, Mr. Barrett says, would make the sender an accomplice of the counter feiter. Benton says he will not sell less thsn ifioo worth of his goods at one time. nor to more than one person In a single district for fear that his customers mleht get rich too fast and arouse the nsnicions of the officers. This, Mr. Barrett says, is sn old story, but It has led many persons to lose tneir money and iso to risk terms in me pennon tlary. AM USEHE WTS. mm THEATER Cth and Morrison Phone, Main 7d WEEK gTAHTINO MONDAY, JIXT It. 9 STAR ACTS Headed by LVTZ BROTHEBS, IMrert from the Orpkeaaa, FRED WAPDELL. ROBINHON AND GRANT. GEORGE W. MOORE. LORRAINE AND HOWELL. WALDRpN BROS. DILOES. and the BIOBCOPE. ALLAN J. SHAW, EMEPEROS OF COINS. ETpnlnc, 80r. Sfte, Ifte; matinee, tne. 10s. Matlnoet Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. SHIELD'S PARK 13th and Washington 1,300 seats. Summer Vaudeville SUNDAY NIGHT BROKE ALL RECORDS. BREATHING BOOM WAS AT A PREMIUM. HUNT'S POO AND MONKEY CIRCUS, KARL AND DE ELMER. HAPPY HOOLIGAN, Aad la tact all of the 10 big sets trsmendoualy. AMATEURS FRIDAY NIGHT. GENERAL ADMISSION 10c. THEATRICAL OFFERINGS Agent Hallock's Dismissal from 0, R. & N, Employ Likely to Be Permanent. "Mr. Hallock is no longer in the em ploy of the O. R. & N." Is the statement made this morning by Auditor E. 8. Ben son of the Oregon Railroad & Naviga tion Company, when asked what action the railroad waa taking In regard to the alleged irregularities in the office at Baker City. Mr. Benson admitted that Hallock had left the company on account of the alleged embezzlement of George Breaw, O. R. & N. cashier at Baker. "No one would accuse Mr. Hallock of being a forger or an embezzler," said Mr. Benson. "The merchants and busi ness men at Baker City seem terribly wrought up over the removal of Hallock but the road cannot afford to allow Ir regularities to exist. We are checking up the Baker City office -and making a thorough investigation of the matter." Breaw's ball has been increased rrom 1500 to $1,000. Hallock Is said to be very popular In Baker City and has al ways borne an excellent reputation. WANT STREET IMPROVED W. J. Bergman and others today filed a petition with the City Council asking for the improvement of Lownsdale street, from Alder to Washington, by graveling the roadway the full width and constructing sidewalks. ' ALL THE CREW RESCUED - (Journal Special Bervloe.) PENZANCE, fing.. July The Crui ser Malumpu collided in a fog with the big collier Ruppera off 8cilly Isle today inking th collier. . The crew was rss- ghlelda' Park. Karl and De Elmer perform ome re markable feats at Shields' Park this week, dong turns usually only attempted on a flying trapeze, yet their apparatus is stationary. This Is but one of the manv strong feature acts which Man ager Shields offers this week. The fun niest monologue heard on i local stage this season Is told by Edward Poulter. Who appears as the ever-raggea out amusing Happy Hooligan. Then there ia Professor Hunts aog ana monaey how. which is a magazine or mirtn ana humor and. besides, there comes a long array of sterling vaudeville act. Th Empire. The Empire Theatre la proving to be an exceptionally cool and attractive re sort during the hot weather, and the en tertainment offered this week Is most amusing. Robinson and Grant, the mid get comedians, do a killing act with a wad of dousrh almost as large as tnem selves. One of the most startling tricks seen, on a local stage is performed by Carl Lutz of Luts Bros., who shoots a lighted candle from the mouth or nis brother while the lights of the theatre are turned out. The German comedians, Waldron Bros., provoke much mirth by their parodies, the one on 'The Holy City" being especially good. CONCERT TONIGHT The following program will be ren dered by Brown's Park Band at Park and Jefferson streets at 8 o'clock to nlarht: March "Captain Steele" Carlton Waltses "Tale from Vienna Woods" Strauss Dvorture "A Journey Out of Luck' Suppe Mviie "The Mill in the Forest Ellenbers Medley of popular songs Mackle Tnt.rm Inatnn 10 minutes. Oriental Dance "Sultana" Voclker Selection from "King Dodo" Luders twi ii aalon "SleeDlnsr Beauty ... Moses Scene from "The Ameer". . . . . .Herbert "Can't Lose Me" "Hiawatha ....Mont fimrlAs Brown, conductor. Friday evening a concert will be given In Holladay Park East Biae). TO REPLEVIN HORSES James M. Abbot, as guardian of Ar thur McKenaie Bsown and Ruth Brown. minors, has begun a suit against Sheriff W. A. Storey for the recovery of is head of saddle horse which. o the complaint alleges, had been unlawfully seised by the Sheriff. The horse have been in the possession of the plaintiff a the manager- of th roruana wains uun. having stable at 4 Eleventh street and they were taken by the Sheriff In the suit of W. O. Brown against the com plainant Brown assert that he owns the horses which have a market -value tlon of fS.100. The plaintiff aak ror the recovery of the animal and also for damages In the sum of Silo. A boon to travelers. Dr. Fowler" Ex tract of Wild Strawberry. Cure dysen tery, diarrhoea, seasickness, nausea. Pleasant to take, 1'erf Jctiy harmless. , CEDAR PARK Thursday Eve.. July 30 nor. jUITOX.BB'S ATHXJDTZO TEBTAIVXXXT. HZJTBY tlTIHOSTOirE, Baton Swinging. BAXXET STZCUZ, Acrobat. nor. wood's Perilous High-Wire Act owzir. King of Club-Swlnger. v TUB BOVAXSOS, Horizontal Bar Trio. OSsUBB, to HI 8ensatlonal Slide for Life. DAHOZVO PBEB. , endld Program Arranged for Sunday. Dancing Afternoon and Evening. . "THE ARCADE" ... Amusement Resort . ' 330 Washington St, Bet 6th and 7th Open from 10 a. m. till 11:30 P. M. ' For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children CONCtKT BAIX BLAZIBB BROS. V CONCXBT EVk"b T NIGH. MX-MS BDRNSIDB Ansley Printing Co. Csmmereial aad Society PRINTERS Lewis Clark EnTSlopss. New Location, 12-14 Colombian Building 8, E. Co. 3rd aad Oak Sis. Tourists' Curios WE CABBY THE LARGEST STOCK W Japanese and Chinese e u R.IOS IN TBE CITY ; Consisting of fine Ivory Carvinr. Bronze and Cloissoni Ware, Chi nese Ebony Furniture, Silk and Satin Embroideries, Fin Decorated Porcelain Ware, ; Matting, Rug eta, atapeciai prices. P Tourtatt tn cordially invited to call and inspect our magnificent line of ORIENTAL CURIOS.-. AridrevKcncCo. . . Ccr.4'Jur.J f::rrL:.iS:j, T