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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1903)
TIIE OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1003. li 'f- . ')., , AK KALI XXL WAVTZS.' ft m banbb co.. nuPLorMitry aot. : v - M Norts Seoond st. . . v ; Offloee I Praacteee asd tM iH Cat-1 Or dee and Siwkane. T Hslp free to employers. Free baggage room ad legtstratloa. Work secured few applicants . . er w nwrf' OTABLtftHtD 1W.' " - , HBADQPA KTER8 TOK MEN FOB B. R. ND OTHER ODTSIDB' WORK. DAILY HiridRNTS TO NEVADA for the big S, r . R. tunnels i NORTH on th, m R. R, work la Waehlnpton! BAST eomnanr lad aontraet workj BOOTH la Oregon, and bud ether points., rttl FARR oa aU H, H. tfci! tlANSE! A CO. $8 Bart td St , Batehet-aetter, rut-off aawrer, mtllmaa. yard d awn. BOnkteadera, tlmberfallers, backers. 4 career, ewempere. leananera. via. H f awrer, small aillU soar eltjr, 83.60. Bora for boa factor la dtp. Wa ha a large tlat of work la all Unas f lumbering, la and nt ol tti several job ; , i ewi pi air nn m nouee rant ( Offloa fee (or eominoa labor, 60 casta, . - Offloa' spaa evenings. Phone. Black SOU. Bandar. to 11 FACIrJO COAST MTLLMeif' LABOR BUREAU. SoSVt Morrleoa at SKILLED ME! OF CHARACTER. energy aad ability, to r eepreaeut the baat eavlnga Inreetment propoai. ' tloa la tha Northwest: anaaual Inducements lor food men. SlO-Sll McKar BMg. , - WANTED Traveling Blent salary $80.00 pat Bwnth. all etponeeai 128.00 eaah Boenrlty re quired. Cell or addreea L. D. Abbott A 00 Templeton. SOSH Flrat St.. Roam 4. t ' f AXJUITRT. ATTENTION. Toa, Every On of Tea. tt la Absolutely aad Poeitively FREE FRBR . 'It I Fall to Do aa I Claim.) I maiS a aoUmn aath to toll roa raora as aoloU facta la rUOoa to aot oblf Uia paat but tba praaaot aad fatara of Tour Ufa, aa trail aa arary bopa. faar or ambition of rf Hfa wltboat taking yon a qaaatlna. Tola I will do Cor roa, and Dora tbaa any otbar tlalr ttyaot, palmtet or aa-aallod fortaaotoUar Id tba world eaa do for yoo. I flra apodal itln aa mlnlnr. bualaaaa traaaaetiooa of - aU aU klada la fact tbora la aotblnf that yea bar waot to know wi I eaa boi ii yoa. ik atbar elalrroyaBta aad palmlata to do aa I arrra a aj, u way aaa wui a'uw 5.000. ' w TKOF. 1HILDON. T TBI COfiMOa." rat. fourth and Morrlaoa ata. Ronma TT. aw. w inn m. SITUATION WANTED AdrortlMOMBta loaartad la THR JOORNAL Two Time FREE 1 PHONR. MAIN 600. EXPLOSION OF GAS WRECKS A STEAMER s Iron Pyrites Caused Generation of Substance that bet Ship on Fire. NEW YORK. July The, tramp ireatrv waa Met An flra by the explosion of sulphurio acid pjas. caused by Iron pyrites in ner hqio u mrn Ins. Her decks were bsdly twisted. Twenty rnen aboard her Jumped Into the waiter and swam to the. docks. Fire .,1., ne.tre.nte.ri- thn flames' spread to - - - - , other vessels. . . A MEMORY RESTORED The following Incident took place In the cafe of a local hotel. The starter of the conversation was a well-known prac tical Joker who had wagered a din ner with a rriena mat in " i" Joker) had never been In Baltimore be fore he could make the negro waiter remember" having aecn mm " conversation was llite inis. "Walter, here." - Was, boss, yassah." "Do you remember met" "Dat I don't boss; 'deed I don't" ' "What! Never saw me before V xr..v, .oh' fn' Diwil: no sah." V'You meen to tell me you don't re member two weeks ago ;ast night when I came In and sat at this very table, a,nd you waited on mer Wn uh hntin: 'deed I don't." "Come. now. Rack your memory Don't you recall the man wno camo in with two handsome ladlest" "No sah. boss; I don't rtckollect dat a tall, sah." . . , j''And don't you remember I ordered fwo portions or terrapin you r . greai WnJtet It you uon l remeroucr inn. - st A?. tinaa- T done) tlnk It muS' V been some odder nlggah dat wait on you all." "And I sent you Into the hotel ofllee for a B. A O. folder. Now, how about itr :- "Bouse me, boss; but I guess you tt miia 'a' hon o-1renmln'." et out anu uuv jrww . diu-.iu-. "O.- yessan yessan, sno nun, you an defn bu-ful ladles you an naa wia yo Ev'thlng all right an' to you all's tantA todav. boasT Yessah, yessah! My. dem was bu'ful ladles!" And the rrlend paid for the dinner- Baltimore American. TRIPS YOU'LL REMEMBER jUonf the Columbia, to 'The. Dalles and to XIwmo .on. Tos Potter. Visitors to Portland liave two trips that are memorable along the Columbia from Portland to The Dalles, and down the Columbia to Astoria and Ilwaco. The beauties of the Upper Columbia are best seen from the O. R. & N. Com pany's "Chicago-Portland Special," which .ves the Union Station every xorenoon :20. arriving at" The Dalles af 12:36 noon). Returning, the train leaves The Dalles at 1 p. m.. arriving at rortiana st v. m T V i1groit roturn from The Dalles can be made by boat The palatial O. R. ft N. river steamer leaves Portland dally (except Sunday and Mon day) for Astoria and North Beach, the popular North Pacific Coast resort. For particulars about these and other de Jlghtfuv trips out of Portland ask at ths O. R. & N. City Ticket Office. Third, and Washington streets. V BEDTJCXD RATXB TO THB BBAJLHOma. Oo to Newport on . Taquina Bay an Ideal beach. It is becoming very pop ular with the' Portland people. The low rate of 13.00 has been, made by the Southern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvallis ft Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip from Pert land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday, i ... A delightful ride through the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up one side of the Willamette Klver. returning 'the other. " Ask any Southern Pacific Company or Corvallls ft -Eastern Railroad agent for J, beoutlfully illustrated booklet dene rl le nt the seaside resorts at Taaulna. . Samuel R.vCox died near Bristol,'' Pa., st the age of 82 in the house wherein be was bornT never, having been absent one sight from the "old homestead la all these days. ' , FOR SAII OX RENT. FOR BALI OR RENT Party trnmedUtrly. taka 41-acra farm; plowad, cropa loi l.btid aa aortad fruit troaa: barna, cblokrna. Ulo Bonaaa, ric.t rity nmita. r, rara jonrnii. XOVSXft FOB RUT. fl.M PER WEEK, larra faraUbad hooackaap. iof raonu with aaa of lnoadry, batbt rurDlabad eociacaa, rnp. lira, vaorn, im anarmaa at. , BUtlMESI CHANCIi. A BrRINEfld cornrr for t atoraa and roomlnf . boaaa, H.au0; (1.000 eaah. bOt Ooldamlth at. BATHR. MAIMAaR, Tarklah, BuaaUa batbaj- Battla Crack auraaa. POO Oraf onlaa Kf, Pbooa Mala POO AND SO RIB HOIfXTAL, DR. R. 2. CARNEY., yatartaary aarcaoa. ISO N loio. I' Dona mib lH4. Kea. nanna, mmi iw. FOR RENT. ilOKi, (M Vnloa aa.. 115 jm axnlfc! mad locatloa. Portland Ttuat Cooipanr or wra foa, lop Third at. MVi BTABK T., alcaly foralabad roa ma: ' aoaaoia raat: vtBaianta aoiicjtaa. . . ri OAIR REOISTERS FOB A ALB. ONI UALLWOOD rub raplatar at kaM artoa. call atata alarkat. Pint aa BalBiaa. FOB RAUL TWO BITS A DAT will bay a HaM'a Baft, tha on final, ma boat aara auaa; larprai atori la altyj arar 00.000 lba. walht aa floor. Nor Ma Bafa A Lock Company. TO "Flrat ak Maka ao mlatake In bbbm or number. FOR ALB 6-room boaaa, lot WtlOO) lawa a 04 fruit trara. SIS. aat Twaotlitb at., aaar Clinton Rally Reboot; Woodatock car. FOB BALB Two work bar aaa, aara aaa aad warB I fraah eowa wirb ealraa. Call Sear btecka waaftraln atatlon, Woodatock. FOR BALI A faw hlrb-frada typrwrltrra, $M aaca. aaa M. Aiaiasaar, m inira a. EINOBBDRX PIANO for aala, cheap. roarta au . ATTORRETB. EXMONB A EMMONB, attoraaya at law. Ma worcaatac bldp. A B. RIOOIN, Attornay. aod Conaeellor-at- ui notary, mm Amngvm diu. PAXTON. BEACB A SIMON 10 Cbambar at vomatarca. I. t. TACOHER Uoom IB, Alaaworth Balldlaf- B. B. DICKINSON. Attoroey-at-Lew aad Na tar Pabllc an Onmaiarrlal hMr. IS OK WORKS. PHOENIX JRON WORKS Knplnaara, aaao- rartorara of manna, mtnlnp, fcxniap ana aaw mill machlnrry; prompt attention to repair work. Phone Eaet 2f. llaartborne are A B. Ad. MEDI0AL. THR SPRIN0STEEN MEDICINE CO., SU Dekom. Curee woman a complalnta; quickly. Prince to tislt 1 mm IW : - 1 atm 1 UrXeV. 1 ;if 1 'rtZr' I ..11 riV, U.-.I "."ll I 1 tv C-V irJ f Prince Adalbert, third son of Kaiser Wllhelm is coming to this country, according to recent Berlin dispatches. He will probably choose as the time for his visit the opening of the St Louis Exposition next year. It Is said that the Kaiser expects that the visit of his boy will cause even a warmer pro-German feeling in America than did the visit of Prince Henry. ABSENTMINDEDNESSS During the latter portion of his life Emerson seemed to live much in the .world of souls, and came back with difficulty to take cognisance of physical affairs. To illustrate this these incidents are narrated: At the time of the Millerlte excite ment he was walking one day down Bromfleld street- Boston, when he met one of his friends, who remarked: This Is the day'when the world is to come to an end, according to the Millerites.' The Sage of Concord looked reflectively at hla friend for a- moment, -and- replied: 'Ah, well, we can do without it.' It is also told of him that one very hot day Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was standing at the Corner of Tremont and School streets, mopping his brow, hold ing his hat In one hand, with the mouth up. Emerson, coming along and seeing a venerable man with his .hat thus out stretched, droppeu a quarter tn It and walked on. without recognising the genial autocrat of the breakfast table. -Everybody's Magaxlne- ; - REMOTE KIN - Kind lady: "How many are there tn the family besides yourself!" Little Amy: "Four mamma, papa,' sister a.nd a distant relative,, That Is only three. The distant rela tive is not a member of the family.' : "Oh. yePw he is. He is my brother." . ourbrotherl Tben. JjeJart't. dis-4 tant relative.. . , r- ." ' "Yes, ros'flm-he In the. ' pines." -New York Daily News. . . . Cri-f Sof Nk Patlbiy Lue Quick y Service Becaua Tab Journal reaches people who have B.Want Sure Results Because it covers tha field you want ONE CENT Cnargszgsrtggsxisixgssizzi rstzzsizsicBtsiscEsuczsa 0 AJLF ENTERS AND BtOLSXBB. J. ' F. LPCT. enccaaaor to Ooraaa Mfg. Ob.. earpaater, bolldar, general eeotraetor, boaaa remeoeling. aitaratlona, ate. 1 earn net arara and Jobbing a apeelaltyt coaator ahalrlag. lee boiea, etc. ; atore aad afflce Sxtarcet ap-to-date and orlgloal carpenter work of ell klodai nothing toa large er toe amall for ear Immediate atteoMoat aa tiea aa net we maka and pat ap tha baat By eereeoa la Portland. Shop. foot of TamhllV at I phone. Black SWT; reaManea. T4T Beat Stark I raalderee phone. White fit. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder. SOT tara at. I amca aaa etare aitnraa naiii aaa remedeledt altering aad repair boaaea. Pbeaa Mala 11. . F. CLARK, carpenter and bnlloVrt repaliiag aad fobbing; onVe flxtorea. Keeloaaea phone, Weat TSS; abop. Mala aOSH Waab. at AUTHORS, carpenter and.balldar! repairing and jobbing; atnra and ofllee fliturea pant. BDop ata) Columbia. Pbona Clay 1NB1. CI0ARS AND TOBAOOO, K8BEKU-UUNHT CiOAR CO. Dlatrlbatar ot FINB CIGARS. Portland, Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS, LOO AN BUILDIN0, 1USH Ualoa are. Elagaot rooma ror nonaeeeemng or iraniieni, uramw er nnfnrnlahed: rarea reaeefiable. CHIROPODY AND MAXIOURIHO). i THIS DUTENVS, tba only acleotlBa eblrapodlata 1 In tba dty; parlora S01 -A AUaky bldg.j tbla la the long-haired geotlemaa yoa waot to aee. Grant IS. L. MITCHELL, Chtmnodhri bldg.. Pbona Black tBSL T03 Maraoam This Country AN EARLY BREECHLOADER That there Is very little new unjer the tjun has once more been proved at Tob ermory Bay, Mull, where Captain Bursa of Glasgow has, with the permission of the Duke of Argyl. been searching for relics of the Admiral of Florence, one of the vessels of the Spanish armada, known to have been blown up in 1588 In that far-away, water. With the aid of an old chart the diver went down into 12 fathoms and came across a bronze breechloading cannon four and a half feet long, eight Inches In diame ter at the breech and bearing the date "1563." The diver also discovered a pistol heavily encrusted with lime, a sword blade and a kedge anchor. The relics will be exhibited at the Glasgow Royal Exchange on an early date. Breechloading In artillery and amall arms is popularly supposed to be an in vention of the middle of last century, but such is by no means the case. In a" Dublin gunsmith's shop, at Cork Hill, is on view a 'breechloading rifle offered to the British War Office at the (lose of the eighteenth century, and, rejected, as, it was considered to need too much ammunition, ,' v The governor general of Canada has presented to Miss Georgtnd Pope the royal -red erased tireeegnltien-f her nursing service in South Africa. She is the first woman In Canada to become the recipient of tbla boner. XXorr - i - f At a Minimum of Expense and a Vy cin L Maximum of Certainty Througli THE OREQON DAILY JOURNAL Do You Want Help? Do You Want a New or Retter Position? Do' You Want to Sell Something? - Do You Want to Sell 4 or Buy a Business? Do You Want to Rent a House? Do You Want ANYTHING ? A WORD EACH CREAM AVD CBXAJIZRT BUTTER. BKST creamery batter and pore cream promptly Sell re red to all parti ot tba city from Mona tala View Farm. Oreaham. Oraaoa. Apply to W. W. Cotton. 314 W or collar Bldg. Tele phone, Mala B58. CORNICE SKTLI0KTS. MBTAL 6KXLIOUTS. galvanlaed Iroa aur al re. I, a Bayer. SOS Second at. 0AFXS. FATES' PLACE. SM Waablngton at.. Pbona 8. Mala TT1, J. W. Tilbott. prop. Partlaad. Or. CASH REOISTERS. HALL WOOD CASH ' REOTPTP.Ia PM Ptaek at. HOTELS. ' WELL TENTILATKD alngla rooma. 1N, tn, and a night; bade, 10c. Tba Everett Honee. cor Second and Da via. 00 AL AND WOOD. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Daalara In aU klnda at eoaL aoka and charcoal. Phooe I01A T CLOAK COAL CO., wbo'.eaala dealara beat eoala; foundry and amelter coke ELECTRICAL WORK. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office SOI Stark at DTEINO AND CLEANINO. C1TT 8TEAM DYEINO A CLEANINO WORKS. Hermaa Inkle, proprietor. Phone Mala 1113. No. S5 Stb at.. Bear Plae. Portland. Or. IBW TODAY. BRONAUGH'S Addition Is a sightly location and the owner wishes it to become one of the choice residence dis tricts. Lots will be sold at prices from $400 to $709 and only to persons who agree. to build sight ly houses within a reasonable time. Terms will be made to suit. EAST 24th STREET Is graded, sewered and sidewalks laid. The property is on both sides of this street from East Ev. erett Street to the Sandy Road. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 839 Stark Street TELLING THE TWINS APART "Faith. Mrs. OHara, how d'ye tell thlm twlna apart?" "Aw, it's alsy-i-I sticks me finger In Dlnnls' mouth, an if he bites I know it rw it 1 in tne Molke." The best grade of Spanish fillers United States Is grown in the Miami val ley of Ohio. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS L. T. Bono et a I. to R. E. Bryan. B feet off anutn elde of lot 2. block 2. Goldamltli'a Add S 250 F. 8. Motrin to Oregon Water Power A ' and Railway Company, - right of way (ae deed) 1 31 A. Hill to Albert Hill, 1 aire Jamea Jobna l. L. f 1 George W. and C. Kenny to R. Beadle, 21 arret aertlon 10, townehtp 1 eootb, range S eat 2,000 Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Company tn L. Wlnalow, lot 16. block 13, Sunny aide 800 A. Wlldman and wife to Conrad Wyaa, lot 2. block 1. Cole'a Add 300 W. 8. Heachroat and wife to Clement Hu bert, 15 acren E. Johnson'! I. L. ('., 'o. (12, and S arrea aectlona 11 and 14. townahlp 1 eoulh. ranre 2 each 2. TOO H. C. Wort man and wife to W. C. 8ea chreat. 15 acres Kara Jobnaon'a D. L. C, No. 52. and 3n feet rlprht of way 1 Gerrifrje Vernteeg et al to Dirkje Storey, - west M block 1 and eaat fc block I. VeratecE'a Add and Dart block 9. Wat- aon a Add 1 Henry W. Frlee and wife to Jamea w. Kvan. lota ft. 8, block 241). Conch ... . 3,000 William Sherlock Company, Inc., to C. M. Martin and wife, lot 12. block 18. fiherlock'e Add 900 Charlce A. Woodward and wife to Will iam Kcldt. lot . block 1. Virateeg'a Add , .Tv 1,200 M. A. Keller ami wife to R. U ZCIler. nndlvldt'd 1-3 lot 1. Mod 2. Mt. Tabor Central Tract 1 n. 8. McCormack et al. to Albert Klein, East 60 feet lot 8. block 19T. East Portland . . , 1,500 Dora A. Dre tr to Charlca and Bertha Nordhorit. lot 10. block 54. Rellwood . . Eliza A. Habrreham to M. Klrkela. lota 10 and 11. block 3. Park Arid to Al- blna 200 Eneene Itnedy to R. R. Iliilme. lota I, 3. block 2. Davis High land: also pnr ccl north of .lot 1. block 2. Da via High land Sherman V. Short and wife to Ellis C. Morr Is. wnut K lota 7 and 8. block 2. Nicholson's Add 1,450 N. P. Sorcnson et al. to Charles and Ror ths Nordhorat. lot 10. block 54. Sell- wood 200 Carrie J. Ralmenen and hnshond to Victor Lend Comnsny. lot H, block 12, Center Add to East Portland Gertrude K. and J. J. Chambrean to Wr ant C. Dunning, north 38 1-3 feet lot 3. block 122. Conch 4.5O0 Gavin E. Caukln and wire to Clifton E. (illlls. ota 12. 14. 10. block 4. High land Park 208 Get vour title insurance and abstracts to real estate from the 'i Guarantee A Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING PERMITS To D. J. Byrne, eonetniet two-story flat on East Twelfth street, between Eaat Ankeny and Eaat Bnrnslde atreeja; S3.000. To C. Wise, erect one-story dwelling on East Twelfth street. between Powell and Cole afreets: g-m. To W. C. Snow, construct two-etory dwelling on Wllllame avenue, between Preaeott and SkMmr. streets: $2 1V. BIDS WANTED TOG ETHER with advance reports dally on all bnlldinga. water and aewee svstems. railroad eBarrctlti, raatoer and togging camps and Rmpoaala fine new ateehtnery. covering entire ortnweat. Address Pngat Bonne Prrsa Clip ping Boreas, Inc. Time Blilg., . Seattle. f INSERTION KizzccEnzsEiEsizuBxxmiS DRVOOISTS. a RANK J. STUklRTo. draga. toUat arOolea. rjrtjimje4tWth CEREAL MILLS, ACM It 'MILLS CO., Minnfadurera Kalatua Aeme Cereili to anil W North Front et. JEWELERS. TUB U. UK1TKEMPKK CO.. lJrejeTaiJPJlilorrlaonat waaufavturlag FRATERNAL iHSURARCE. URDEH OF WAUHlVQfoN Foremoat frater nal aorlrty ef North weat; protecta the liv ing. I. L. Mitchell, aupreuBe eecretary. SIS and SIB Marqaam bldg., Portland. Or. Tel ephone Mala S4S. FREE SHINES. CLOTHKS CLEANED aad preaaad II pet aunta. uniqaa Tailoring V.. sar waablng ton ,ab A. INSURANCE. J. PHILIP KENNEDY. Ineorancei raaldent agent Norwich Cnlea Fire Inaurance Bodat. Pbona Booth 1M1. 4a Hamlltoa bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employera' Uablllty and In dividual accident; aurety bcada ef all klada. Phone 4T. Concord bldg. B. T. B ARTELS COMPANY. Fire Inanrance, 441 Sherlock bldg. Oregon pbona. Clay 120. ISAAC L. WlflTR. are Inaoranea, 2B aberlock bldg. Oregon phone. Main Bn. MLVINO AND MINE 'PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining aad mine pre- mrn. nooni a. t namner er uommerca. LOCKSMITH. A. L. Tii-oETTS. 2SS Yamhill, near Second: 12 yeera with J. Barbey. HXW TODAY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY Henkle & Baker 219-221 ABINCTON BUILDING, -Portland, ... Oregon 60 ACB.XS Nice improved farm, well fenced and cross-fenced, nice or chard; splendid, up-to-date- modern barn. Cement cellar, comfortable house, nice outhouses, land nearly an cuiuvatea and in crop; good water system, piped Into house and barn: 11 miles east of Portland, on fine, level road; one of the best- located farms about Portland. 74 ACKES Nearly ail rich creek bot tom land, watered by beautiful stream; fenced and cross-fenced; house, barn, orchard; 15 acres cul tivated, balance nearly all seeded to pasture; 8 cows, 2 horsea, har ness, wagon, farming Implements; crops now In; distance of about 300 yards to school, P. O., store, cream ery; 8 miles to Vancouver, Wash.f pood, level road; owner very anx ious to sell. CITY PROPERTY. 5-BOOat neat cottage, large hall, nice bath, basement, cement walk, iron fence, nice lawn, screens on win dows and doors, gas lights; only 12 mlrtute car ride from Third and , Morrison sts. ; J1.600. A TERT PBETTY suburban home, on good car line and not far out; 6 room, up-to-date- cottage, large grounds, choice fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, lawn, 100 va rieties of roses; if you want some thing about right, see this. 6-BOOM cottage, hall, basement, bath. toilet, closets, fireplace, marble man lei, all In nice order: 50-foot front jot. on two car lines; choice West Side location; want to sell; owner leaving town. SrZCIAXi BABOAZB7 New 6-room plas tered house in nne. growing neigh borhood ; 5 blocks to good car ser vice: new line to be within one block; bathroom; pantry, china closet and basement; corner lot 60 xlOO; cheap. HETKB ft BAKER, 919 Ablngton Bldg-, Portland, Or. REAL, ESTATE JOHN E. DAY 834 MLAZB STSXET. A FINE DAIRY 1,600 ACBES, 1,000 of the finest bottom land, 3V& miles of river front; dally boat service; B. B. runs through, place; large buildings; one of the finest dairy and stock ranches in Oregon or Washington at a little over $20 an acre. a MAOirrriCErr oppobtumiti for the right man. A BBAND HEW house. 7 rooms. 100x100 lot: less than cost. 40 AOBXS of heavy fir timber: $300. IS ACBBS, 6-room house, 10 miles from Portland; $660. 40-ACBB farm. $1,000. Homesteads Zioeated. Relinquishments Cheap, mall Acreage Bear Car XJne. JOHN E. DAY. 234 Main. WANTED A mill site. 1 section of heavy fir timber. 4 acres, improved, near city. Income-bearing city property, yielding a good rental. . - A rooming house for 120 acres land. Acreage for property in Ashland. Any kind of property In exchange for equina &ay iota. JOHN E. DAY. 234 Main. Fine Home For Sale $5250 - Ho. S45 VwentT-third. east froat, aaw modern 8-rooaa notiee; easy terms: lot 40x100. Xalixs BEBO St BAT. LIB, fit lrot, .- . . , . - BABOXBS) AND tiaSTXRIIBv ' ONKOON ROUND LUMBER CO., 11 Bore elite at Phone flraat I1T1. M0XXT TO LOAN. FRED II. BTRONO, FINANCIAL AO INT. Money to loaa. No aommlaaloa. ' t am to a poaltloa to maka Immediate leana "aa Improved real aetata or tot building par pueeet any amoant; moderate Interact. Wa approra loaBa from plana and advance moae aa bnlldlne prnfraaaaa wbaa daalrad. Optloa w rrnavinc arter ma rear. FRED A. BTRONO, rinandal Arwit 10B Second at., near Star. 101H Third at., la tba reeocnlaad bank ot iuv wiivvrnrr. rva idtiihv mvir iv taamatera, tralamen, ebepman. BMtnrmaa, coBdnetora, etc, wlthoat mortcapa, andoraer or rollaUraL Amoant Month I H Monthly. Weekrv lino repay mm or SIR nn or Inm M repay IK M or I S MI or SI M Its rape I S SS or j 8 5 or II. So rieeieaaa ronn1entul. ifo anpleaaant Inqnirr MONEY TO LOAN ea real, nerannal aad col lateral eeonrlty; apedal attention to chat tie mortgagee; aotee bought C. W. Pallet SIS tmmmrreial blk. I bone Grant BnTj MONEY TO LOAN, amall amonnta. abort or long time. J. H. Rawlay. S Cham, ef Cum. MONEY TO LOAN en dty Iota and Improved farme. W. A. Shaw A Co.. B4S Stark at. LOANS on anbarban mortgagee; low rates. Ward. 123 Alliky Bldg. MODEL MAKER. FOR riRST-CLABS REPAIRING ga to Andy Frlta. marhlnlat and model maker. 110 Stb. PERSONAL. MR. ELMORB RICE Vlollnlat and teacher; alao piano harmony: room 1, y.O.U.W. Bldg.; boure I to B SO dally; phone. Union. P4S. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and reaaonably tiled at EreeeU'e Pharmacy, m alorrla-n at., bet. Klrat and Second ata. i'tl STORIRB and novela for anmmer read Ing. 10 rente. Jonea' Book Store. gl Alder CAPB KRATE. 122 SliU at A toe lunch eerved at all koui. RIAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS--Improved farma for aala la all parte of OregoB aad Waablngton: pa 7 men te made to " enlt purrbaaera. For fall partlcutare aa to varloui pro pert lee apply to Wat MaoMaator, 111 Worceoter bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room S. Chamber of Commerce bldg. MABIAOE. MDMB. U. B. ELY. oermatologlat ma electric treatment!. 1B.1H Pint at. NORTHWEST HOTELS. ' Hetal Per'tlaad, Amir loaa plaai , par any Semmera Hotel, La Orande; travilirt' borne. Belvaderai Buropeaa plan; Btb and Alder at St. Oharlea. lret aad Marrlaea ata.. Fort land BTBW TODAY. Choice Residence Sites 9100O Buys a fine lot overlooking the 1806 Fair grounds. We have 8 such lots for sale. 83800 100x100. on East Seventh and Flanders, or an inside lot ad joining fl.000. $3800 100x100, northwest corner East Fifteenth Rand Yamhill. 9 680 100x100. northeast corner East Thirtieth and Clinton on new car line. 9 350--76x100, East Eleventh and Going; terms. 93800 100x100, East Nineteenth and Stark. 9 90060x100, Garfield, near Mason, 1 block from car lln. 9 650 Fine Vk acre on Eaat Thirty fourth st. I BOO One acre on car line between Ken 11 worth and Ivanhoe; good soli. Bargains in Houses SHOO 6-room cottage, frescoed walls lot 60x100; near the Ankeny line. S1000 Cottage on Minnesota ave. 93300 -room new modern house, cor ner Front and Abernathy sts... 91900 Neat home In Kenllworth, also a splendid home for $1,800; lots of fruit. 91000 5-room house and S lots at Oak Grove, near Oregon City line. 91000 6-room cottage; full lot; fruit; near Union ave. car une. Compton & Gibson, PKOVB BLACK 989. aoa wABxrjroTOBT bt. William G. Beck REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-LOANS and FIRE INSURANCE $1000 $1100 New 6-room cottage, corner lot, 50x100, on Shaver st. New 6-room cottnge, with lot 60x100, East 11th st. North. New 5-room cotfage and bath; gas fixtures, and lot 50x100, East 2 2d St. New 6-room cottage, with bath: lot 50x100; West Side. $1700 $2300 CfrtfA 6-room cottage, 36x50, West eiww u Side. $1600 100x100, Holladay, East 10th. tiftnn 8-room house, lot 50x100, on iStlg st.( West side. Five acres for rent, East 41st st. and Section Line road. 33i Morrison St., Cor. Sixth FOR SALE A neat 7-room eottage, with . large lot, fnult trees, In Tremont- $1,100 A small mount cash down, balance In stallments. A neat modern 5-room house, with 3 lots, in Tremont $1,300 Part down, balance Installments. A good 2-story house, 7 large rooms, small barn, with a large lots, la Tre mont Place 91.600 This la very desirable; 16 bearing fruit trees. A very desirable large vacant lot in Bell wood, situate on Third street, near Spokane street, and close to the new mill . . $380 I have some fine acreage for sale on the O. W. P. car line, a little way be yond Gresham. It is very desirable and a bargain. J H. Hawley 3 Chamber of Commerce Building. Best Creamery, 50c Dairy butter ... , , .40c, 45c Ranch egga, 2 dosen .. i ...... . .. ,45c 5- pound pail lard, compound. ...mi .600 6- pound pail pura lard. .too Best ham'......... , ...lie Picnic i ham '. . . . . . . ............. , ,.12c 80c tea. pound 80c -All goods retailed at wholesale price. - rs .' -t '..... ...l .'v- . La Grande Creamery j. - 864 TaanfclU RTtrsst. L0DBTN9 HOVSKS. fUB CoSMOaW-laartb and Morrteua. furaunrl boaaekeeplnc anltaa. Balls aad alugle reemn M par wees and an. ; . . ... fHCATfTi;Taahl iwa al l - gentlejjwnkMalentT OTXRAXLA ' - J . , BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERAIAJ aad Biechaa Ira' eWthlng. Unlea made. Mauatadtar Braa Mfgra.. Portlaad. Or. .U1-.-LJ-.J REMOVAL. DR. FRANK B. FERRIS, DR. BRRTktbA I. Lamberaoa. Daallala. removed to MaeleeJt kidg . arts door. ?S5-5a? P ROPE. PoH'fLANO CORDAUB CO., eer. Feurteaata) aod Nnrtbnip eta., Portland. Or. - PIANO LESSORS. W. OIFFOKD NASH, lilt loth atl toraaa epplleatlon. Berlnnera taken. FLUMBEBA DONNERftERO A RADBMACHRR, plambeca removed to S4 Foartb at. Both phone. BTORAOB AND TRANSFER. U . PICK, edMO SS Flrat at, between Stars aad Oak at.; phone SOS; planna aad rural tore moved and parked for ablpplngt aexa. modlona Breproof brick wnraaoaae. Fraal and Clay ata. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES ef J. I. Davie; year re-, palra and Inchoate aefely done. SS Third at SLOT MACHINES, thanhcontinenIaL machInb do, tw machlnaa. B. B. Park aad Oak. Bate) Main IM. SPECIAL DELITEBT. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Na. 2WJ4 Waeb-. Ingtoa at. rhonea, or.. Mala box, ueu. aoi. WHOLESALE HARDWARE, Tk. HASKLT1NN A CO.. Iran. Heel, coal aad bleekamltb'a ennpllee. 4(Vol Second at WHERE TO DINE. STKOUSBS RESTAURANT; Brat-claaa beat aervlce. 228 Waahlngtoa at WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MOROAN WALL PAPER CO.. IS4-1M Seaoad at, bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE OROCIRS, WAUHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocera, nan. facturera and aammiaaioa meraaaata, aa aa 64 Front at ALLEN A LEWIS, waoleaaJe grocara. Perl- land. Or. MASON EHRhbAN A CO.. wholeeale N. w. ear. second aaa nee eat. LANG Sj CO.. Pint end Ankenr eta. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHfeLESALB CROCKERY AND 0tA8SWARB. Pagel Hegele A Co.. 100 to 10S rga. cor. Surg rarAVOYAXt Ladd & Tilton, Bankers BaUbllihed la ISneV : INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Cslleetlnne made at atl polnta ea faverable terma. Letters of credit leased available la Europe and all polnta la tte United States. flight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold In Naw York. Waahlngtoa, Chleage, St. Louie, Denver. Omaha. San rraBelaea aa4 Mea Una and British Colombia. exchange Bold Frankfort. Hong and Hnnelnla. en London. Paris, Kong, Yokohima. Bern a. Manila United States Naf I Bank or poiTLssD oRzooar. , JfORTHWXST COR. THIRD AJfD OAK STS. TRANSACTS A OEKERAL BUTXIBa Btrsnfrss. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la all cities ef the United States and Europe, Hang Kong aad Maalla. Collections Made on Favorable Terms President .....1. 0. AlNsWORTH Vice-President W. B. HTKlt Assistant Caahler ...R. W. SCWMEFR Aaalatant Caahler A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. , ' CHAMBER OP COXWERCZ BTttUKVV THIRD ABB STARK STRUTS. , Bead Ofllee 88 Old Broad street. Loodoav- Thla bank trans seta a general banking boat Dree, makes loans, dlsccnnts nllle and lasses letters ef credit available for travelers aa4 for the rarehaee of merchandise In an rite of tba world. Deals 'a .orlgn and doaKsrip exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. , W. A. MACK AH. Manager.,. Merchants National Bank' PORTLAND, 0AEO0R. ' Prank Wataon L. Durham.... ...... President ,.,.TIoe-Preel'lcrt Caahler Aseratast Cashier - R. W. Hort..... Oeo. W. Hort Transacts a General Banking Bnstasss. Drafts and latere of credit fanned arallaMs to all parts of the world. Collections s specialty Gold 8st bought!. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN roccaaaors te ' B0SRIS h WHITXBZAD. BARXXRS. riRST AND ALDER 8TSEBTS. PORTLAND. OR. BEYXBBHCXS. Ladd A Tilton. Portland; V. S. National Bask. Portland; Bank of California. Baa Fraa- : ' Cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National t Bank, San PrancUoo. , Bolton, deltiiyter & Co. Chicago Board of Trado, Saa Francisco Pre duce Exchange, 8an Fraocleeo Stock and Bond Exchange. O RAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. San Francisco Offloa 490 California St. 10S THIRD ST, PORTLAND OS MORTOAGE UOAJNS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstncta tarnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. JTOTXCB BAT.AB.TXD BBOTTsB Do jon need moner before par da1 CaB on na. We eaa advance axmey en roar wages on short notice. Yoo pay back toonthlr. aaoaV month It or weehlv. , . TBB SJTAB LOABT CO, S10 McKar Bldg.. Third and Stark its. New York Loan Office Ttoti-it Rf M Miller, hm. ' - Laane on eallateralet low rateat aa , redeemed pledgee for aalej watch sad Jewalap - repairing. Phone. Had OST. : . ,. , SCOBTBY ADYAJrCBO. ' Salaried -toyle. taa maters, eta,, wltbae tori Itr. easy pernei-i largast bnsluaae re 4S . principal rltlea. - , r , -.. j ; OXJMLlT. tSB AblagtoTj Bldg'. ItOBTCrAOB S.OAB. Oa In peeved dtp sad farm preperty. st lass. , eat surreal ratrei building loaa lasUllSMat loans. , , v ..'- Vo. RfaeMaster, ail Wnreeetee VM. If You Want A partner ta poor bnalseaa; If to want enp tkiag sdvarUae fog It la TUB jURSAX. j ; & J