ARE W Ton!ht and Thursday fairs north-, V- AX S O V TTTrFfc--- V AMI V V U' WVlv V ' & Q V P?s-f t4-t-a VOL.. Ht. VUg 121. V v ' PORTLAND, OBEGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 29, 1003.- TRICE FIVE CENTS, mo MONTHS' RECORD A POLICE OF CRIME SHO WS THA T THE DEPARTMENT IS STILL DOING NOTHING MAYOR WILLIAMS IS MISINFORMED Highwaymen and Other Vicious Classes Have Made Portland Unsafe for the Average Citizen Coun cilman Sharkey Will Demand an Investigation.' Mayor Williams and Chief of Police Hunt both deny that there is crime In Portland.. The Journal ha a shown that ctlcall nothing la being; dbne to pu atop to the feign of terror now In 'rogue. That this la not a atatement nade for the purpoae of creating- a elm pie sensation, the following facta and j figures demonatrate: ' Xeoeat Crimea In Fort land. Hey il YeacoaTer ear held up and pasasngers robbed. Kay 27 Ssllwood oar held np and robbed. -Vane 4V Xlrhwaymea operate on the Wbitehoaae road. 1 Tune 8 Zrfmla Bender victim of hold' Bpa. Jane 10 Couple rlotlma of highway' men. Ton 11 W. T. Xdllla rlctbnof bold npa. Jan 14 Tour men held up and robbed ob Hall street. Jan 80 Attempt to hold up Sellwood June 81 Vancouver ear held up and 1 passengers robbed. i June 2 Max Calof fatally ahot dur ing holdup of hie eon. July 1 Till robbed la Seaman 'a loom. July 8 Holdup of p. W. Oarlaon oa rourta and Da via streets. July Kra. XoOaU of 514 East Davis street held up and robbed ef 881. July aire. A. Keeuas meld up and robbed of til. July e Bob "rattsrsoa held up roabd"6f 8306 'diamond pla. July 8 reer Schmidt of 658 Tint .Street held up and robbed of $90. July 8 B. T. Morrow of 538 Baa Ba- fael street bald up and robbed. July 8 T. O. Bum wait disappeared supposed to hare been robbed and mur dered. July 8 Winchester rooming' houee robbed. July 11 Incendiary fire os Monroe Street. July 11 Incendiary lira on Thirteenth ad Alneworth atreete. July 13-Bobbery at Bhose'a Park. July 13 incendiary fire at ZloTenth find rremont etreets. July 13 Znoendlary fire at Eleventh and Xaeon streets. July 13 George Petereon robbed of 91,000 bill In Worth End resort July 13 a. T. Beat held up and robbed f $1T. July 14 Sellwood oar held up and Fred Bay shot; 30 passengers robbed. July 15 Znoendlary fire at BeTeath mad Ollsaa streets. July 15 Fred Bohlerel robbed of 9400 la Worth End resort t July 15 Burglars enter house at 886 Twenty-first street. July 15 Burglars rob St Johns Hotel. t July 10 Burglars enter aouso ox a. i. Billon. 188 King street Xwnilin,'Bl North Fifteenth street. Mt 16 J. A. Anaersoa ronaea at International Hotel. July 16 Burglars enter Lynch Bros.' tore at 864 First street. July 16 Burglars rob horns of X F. Xrftmere, 868 Clay street. July 16 Burglars enter house of H. itanaon. 66 Worth Sixteenth street. July 16 Burglars enter houae at 84 Worth Sixteenth street. July 17 George xirkwood drugged and robbed by bunco men. July 17 Burglars loot a -houae on Forter street in South Portland. July IS Firebugs attempt to burn house at 503 Mill street. July is Znoendlary fire at Third aad Fine streets. July 80 Burglars rob house of W. Xjamar. South Portland. Jtfj 81 Boom of W. H. Amgel robbed aVfraS Jefferson street. SfJvlT 88 Saloon on Hawthorne avsnue July 83 Harry McBae brutally as saulted aad robbed by footpads. July 83 Three eases of pocket pick ing at the Woodman Carnival ground. July 84 F. Sampler robbed of 950 ia the Worth Bad. July 84 J. W. Putney of 131 Oread avenue held up aad robbed. July 84 XJoyd Hlboa attacked by xoorpaas ana slashed with a dirk. July 89 TIU of the Elfla Creamery wompaay at bbj TamhiU street robbed. July 86 Attempt to burn Clinton Kelly soboolhouse on Bast Side. July 8 E. BurdeU held up aad robbed oa seeond aad Madison streets. July 88 H. K. Baaoroft held up aad robbed at Sixteenth aad Flanders. There were no .convictions In these cases and very few arreata Arter perualng the foregoing llat it la up to Mayor Williams and the Po lice Commlaaionera to determine what shall be done. The hold up of H. H. Bancroft at Six teenth and Flanders streets last night is a vivid reminder that vicious charac tera are dally walking the atreeta of Portland without any apparent fear o Interference on the part' of the Police Department SHARKEY WILL DEMAND THAT MOVE BE MADE So far as action by the Police Com mlaaionera la concerned I am greatly disappointed." said Councilman J. P. Bnarxey. speaking in relation to the charges of corruntfon and neo-Uct of duty filed by himself and C. B. Fields sguthst City Detective Frank Snow, three days ago. He war emphatic, aa ne continued: I do not think so grave a matter and one or such vital Importance to the people In general should be lightly passed over or whitewashed. It will never be dropped with my consent, and If the Police Commissioners fall to take sctlon I shall make a canvass of the council with a view to cruising the adoption of a resolution demanding a complete and thorough investigation. "I may do this at the special council meeting to be held this afternopn," The opinion is general that the delay of the Police Commissioners In investi gating the charges made by Messrs. Sharkey and Fields Is moat untimely. and prominent business men are com plaining that If such grave' accusations, emanating from a council member and a legitimate business man had been filed gainst an official of any other city in the country immediate suspension would have followed, and the one whose integ rity was thus brought into question would have been forcibly retired from duty pending complete investigation. Folios Commissioners Absent Both C. F. Beebe and Sig SLchel, mem bers of the Police Commission, are ab sent from Portland today, -and nothing has as yet been done toward substantiat ing or disproving the charges brought against Detective Snow by Sharkey and Fields. Mr. SIchel will, return to Port land tomorrow and Beebe Is. expected home Saturday. Until then, at least, nothing can be done by the commission ers, but at the council meeting this afternoon decisive action is likely to re suit. "There are 11 Members of the Portland council," said Mr. Sharkey this morn ing, "and I have the promise nf seven votes to revoke the saloon license of John Fritz, who is on the city records as proprietor of the Favorite resort at Fourth and Everett streets. If the councllmen do as they have said they would, there will be no trouble about closing up the house." Mr. Sharkey was asked whether he would take action against any other of the alleged "crooked" resorts In the North End district he said: "Just at the present time I have none in mind, ,but there have been several persons come, to me with complaints since I announced myself as against Bob Patterson's celebrated dive. I have not investigated any of these charges and do not know that they are' true, but am ready to announce right here and now, and to DacK up me aeciarauon all times, that If . there are any more saloons In Portland as bad ' as the I l&iliifc i$M&Xci'ti ''4'iik ' MANGLED BODIES STREWN ABOUT Fearful Destruction of Life and Property Caused by Explosion of Powder and Dynamite Magazine, Thirty Buildings Wrecked and 22 Persons Killed Plate Glass Windows Broken at Andover, 14 Miles Awayt THE RELIANCE Beautiful Vessel Chosen to Defend the American Cnp After Thorough Trials of Proficiency. DESPERADOES MAY SOON BE CAPTURED BY MAN HUNTERS (Journal Special Service.) LOWELL, Mass., July 28. No such excitement has ever been experienced In this community ss that which appears today, occasioned by the awful explosion of the powder magaslne of the United States Cartridge Company's works In this city. At last reports 30 houses are wrecked, 22 persons killed and many injured, some fatally. The explosion occurred at 9:16 o'clock this morning when all were at work In the cartridge factory, which was a mile nd a half from the storage magazine. where the powder ignited. In the storage building, which Is a large stone structure, was Immense quantities of dynamite which exploded with terrible efTeot The concussion was heard 30 miles away and buildings two miles distant were wrecked. It cannot be ascertained, snd prob ably never will be, how the explosion occurred, as not an atom of the powder .magazine remains' nor a vestige of the half-dozen men and two boys who are believed to. have been working in the building st the time. Many lives were lost In other buildings shattered by the terrlfif forces. The greatest excitement prevails here, and the police are having more than they oan do in keeping frantic people from rushing. Into the ruins In search for missing friends and relatives. .At noon today the work of searching for the injured and dead is progressing rapidly. Seven bodies have been taken from the ruins and 1 persons seriously Injured have been taken to the various hospitals. Fragments of bodies have been found as far as a half a mile from the wreck. The hand of a man was picked up In the yard of the Wigglnsvllle school house. The Wigglnsvllle Mission Chapel and the school buildings were destroyed by the blast. Reports received this afternoon from surrounding towns show that great dam age was done for many miles distant from the scene. At Andover, 12 miles away, many plate glass windows were broken by concussion. A powder magazine, In which were also stored, great quantities of dyna mite, exploded atiheUniR ed States Cartridge Com pany's Works at Lowell, Mass,, this morning caus ing death and destruction. For miles around build ings were shattered, and the force of the terrific blast was heard and felt 30 miles from the ill-fated point of disaster. Fragments of bodies were found at great' dis tances from the main wreck and many persons are blown to atoms. The actual cause for the calamity may never be known as notm'ng remains of the storehouse where the explosion occurred, or of the persons working therein at the time who were blown into ten thousand atoms. (Continued on Seeond Page.) BOGUS COIN MEN MAKE APPEARANCE; SEATTLE. July 9. Captain Bell of the secret service agency here has notified the officials of the Treasury Department at Washington that a large gang; tf gold cots counterfeiters are working in the Northwest and confine their operations between the Columbia River and the British Co lumbia line. " Captain Bell thta morning, while on trail of the gang, from a clue re ceived last night unearthed S5 counterfeit five-dollar piece In ene 'stump " on Queen Anne Hill. .''.'' '':''"..;.'' , ' ' "' " It Is believed that- the Seattle headquarters of the gang Is located lna Vicinity of the place whera thai coins were found. The" other main field of operation, orrnanufacturev Is believed to be In Portland, although It may be proved that the "queer" la made there aha passed here. -.."'- .." ' 7 - ' ' Vis ! ........... . LOTUS, Cal., July 29, Great excitement prevailed in this town this afternoon when couriers arrived from the vicinity of Greenwood Creek bottom or Canyon, about 10 miles from Pilot Hill, where the fight with the desperate convicts took place Monday night, Thfe news was sent by Sheriff Bosquit, who' says that he with his pickets apprehended the convicts as they attempted to emerge from the jungle In the canyon where they had beeen hiding since yesterday. The attempt to escape was made at 1 1 :30 o'clock this morning, and the Sheriff and his pickets opened fire at once and drove them back into the canyon. - From the report they are now well hemmed in with hardly a chance to escape. The Sheriff says that posses surround the place and are waiting for reinforcements and the militia, which will arrive late this afternoon, . Nine of the Outlaws Who Broke from the Folsom State Prison Attempt to Escape, from Canyon in Which They Are Hiding and Are Driven Back by Battle with the Pursuing Posses, AWFUL DETAILS OF CALAMITY A later report at 4 o'clock this after noon states that 11 are known to be dead, 15 are reported miislng and are probably blown to atoms, and 43 are more or less Injured. The explosion completely wiped out of exJslence seven buildings; seven others were destroyed by fire, which followed, and 21 others are practically ruinea, aiinougn seme- have partial walls standing. One large house was blown 100 feet from its foundation. . the cartridge works and It Is supposed they were careless. Blown to Atoms. The drivers of two two-horse trucks. together with the horses, were blown to atoms. The men's names are unknown. Four local companies of militia , wera ordered out In order to maintain order and protect property. In Lowell, two miles away, scarcely a whole pane of glass Is left. Fifteen of the -Injured have been brought to St John's Hospital and IT to the Emergency Hospital. Six of the latter will die. Most all of the Injured are suffering; from broken limbs or terrible wounda from flying debris. Five mon are miss ing who were supposed to be working In the plant. One other similarly em. ployed was picked up a block a Way, critically Injured, eyeless and speech less. - SPOKANE PRINTERS RETURN TO WORK Get Raise Demanded by Unionr out contract Is Held Up at Chicago, "A boy's heart was picked up 1,500 feet from the scene at a place where several other boys were swimming when the explosion occurred. Physi cians declared that the vital organ had been as clean cut as with a knife. It is now proved that he was one of five boys who were in swimming and all were killed. Their names are Johft Gal loway. William McDermot. Michael Rog ers. William Flynn and James McRey nolds. Head Blown Off. Catherine Rlggs was killed in a near by residence, and Millie Rlggs. a 7-year-old girl playing near by, had her head completely blown off Its body and hurled 600 feet. A partial list Of the badly injured Is Clarendon Godwin, James Grady, Charles Richards, Aimed Belanger, Robert Rlggs. Henry McMaster. Albert Labrand. Mrs. Gilllneau, Mrs. Pellltler, Tessle McDer- mott, Edwin Perrous. One theory of the cause of the ex plosion is that teamsters were loading dynamite at the magazine to convey to (Journal Special Service.) SPOKANE,' July 29. Members-of the Typographical Upton employed on the Spokesman-Review and Chronicle in this city returned to work last night and this morning the. former paper appeared on the streets and this evening the latter will be published. The 'printers are working under ' truce. While the mon receive the scale asked for by the Union, they have not got. thecontrac desired. This matter will be adjusted at Chicago where a conference Is now being held by the executive council of the Typographical Union, the American Newspaper Pub lishers' Association and W. H. Cowles, proprietor of the Spokesman-Review. DETROIT STRIKERS ' LOSE THEIR FIGHT (Journal Special Service.) DETROIT, July 29. The entire street railway system of this city wss tied up this morning by a strike of the firemen, oilers and watertenders in the power plant, who. went out at 8 o'clock. The company sprung a surprise by starting the machinery almost at once with strong force and power by which the system can be operated for at least eight hours. The firemen are now try- (Journal Special Service.) " FOLSOM PRISON, Cal.. July 29. Frrafi",ail Indications now appearing it is believed that the murderous convicts will be taken either dead or alive be fore many hours are passed. Reports received' here at 2 o'clock to day from the vicinity of Greenwood Creek canyon, where the desperadoes went Into hiding last night state that an attempt was made near noon today by the convicts to escape by the south ern side of the canyon. They were in tercepted by Sheriff Bosquit and his pickets of Eldorado County. The officer states that he first observed two men crawling np a bank not 209 yards from where be was stationed. '- Soon seven ethers appeared creeping through the buahea. They were very cautious. . When a range could be found through the bushes several of the posse were given orders to fire. Following this volley a score of shots came from the convicts, who qiiicaly took to shelter. As quickly were the guards given command to follow in pursuit but after going S00 yards no. trace of the outlaws could be found. As Sheriff Bosqult's forces are small he decided to surround the place as best he could and send couriers into Loftus for the re-enforcements promised yesterday. It Is reported that It is -next tox Im possible for the band of criminals to emerge from the canyon in a body. It Is feared, however that they will dis band and break in rough the lines as Individuals, which could be"- accom plished, as the timber and Jungle la so J dense In the place where they are hid ing that a single man could break through a guard stationed 20 feet apart It is now believed certain that there are only nine left of the 11 who re mained yesterday of the body that broke prison. This would indicate that the men are breaking their oath of standing together and. will escape from one an other at the first opportunity, j It was believed by Sheriff Bosquit this morning, who is in charge of the posse, that the convicts bad spilt ia three gangs, traveling through : the - dense brush along Greenwood Creek towards Greenwood, where Sheriff Keena has a posse. : ThV desperate men are short ef food 'and ammunition and will have to show up somewhere very soon for sup plies. ( .v. 1o:yi LOSS TO ONE S GAIN TO ANOTHER ; (Journal Special Service.)!- ' GLASGOW, July, J9. The gloomy fact la now announced that the Scotch harvest wilt be almost a tptal failure, whtch brings consterna tion to farmers and grain dealers generally Xensumere are already 'questiOnlna- the probability. great raise' In price of- food stoffs for at least two years to come. ';:'"14 - The cropa will be the poorest In 1 years. anl the loss to agrlcuttu.- will be at least $15,000,000. ' ; , ' There seems to be no question that the demand , for Amcr!or r; 1 and cattle will probably exceed that of all previous yearg. .