The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Market at Present in a Strong
Condition and Indications
Now Point to an Eariy and
Large Advance.
I Prospects for the 1903 Yield
Are Excellent New Acreage
Makes Up for Conditions of
ifHli, 13.00: bananas. S2.a5tt3.00 per bunch
do per ll; cherrica. Dull. (0
Krked. gooeeberrlee, 8Vi4c
i buckalherrlee. 14e par lb:
cote, TScftf 1.00 crate: lemon, atandarda, $3.00
fancy,; um. Mexican, uw
per loo; peaches, 65nwc; pineapples
,300(t.UO; Im, black, Sl.oo; white, fl.uuaj
1.20; plume, pocofi.oo; raapiwrnee, ft. to cratej
grapea, Yum, currants, woo boil
cantaloupe. I1.76W2.00 per dm: not.
nirri. . 76085c ner ' doa: watermelona.
l&lie per lb; Bartlrtt penni. $1.60 per box;
b ackberrlea. nor crara. ll.TokZZ.O0: hlackcane.
$1,764)2.00; Loganberries, per crate, $2.00g2.25;
VeuETABLM Turnip.. $1.00 eackt carrots,
$I.2S; beets. $1.25 per aack; radlehee, 12Vf
10c doa; cabbage, Oregon, IKtflttc lb; let
tuce, head, 16c per doa; bflthouea. 11.24 boi;
(reen peppera, 20e lb; boraeradlah, 8e lb; eelerr.
1.00 per doa; beaaa, airing, yellow. IHflk lb;
green, 4tt4fyAc lb; aaparague, $2.00 25-fb box;
Kk.Hk 1 fk. ...- I . , 1 1 , 1 . ... La,
I I .... 'n I V , lrK 111. . Ill B l.-w, 11,11, Ulfli l" - ,n,.
, 11 ow; uregnu, ft.)! l.ou; noinoiu., .a.uui par- i i n , r- 1- i
Show "-if Eugene Tries to
r - - a - iii i r n i
TaporatMi, ot hnnn o n pmq n nor Mnptt
- T ' " r ' .
Fore Part of Period Warm and
Showery-While Latter Is
Cool at MghV .
Cannery Products
a Shortage During Present LyfcL&
Season Eggs Not So Strong KfttM
i.,!4U I ai nrv,onrl Hc; do. white. Tv4o tb; pluma.
wiin ucoo uciuanui
Pit Was Strong Early and afthe
uiose uuoiations were a
of 1902 Many Holders Lose
The local sugar market la flmar
today aal all Indications ar bow
pointing to aa arly m wall m
aharp adranoe In existing cjuotav-
; peacbra, flaw m;
Italian. 4HtlM4 l:
a maeae, c
PltUd. Bfl
flri raisins, aeeded, fancy 1-tb cartons, 60 pack
age, to eaee. Ht oaa : aeeaeo. .x-ob canons.
TViej looaa Muacatellea. no-lb box, OVtUTVaO I
id; London layers. fi.70az.oo.
Qrooarlae, Vats, Eta.
St'OAR "Back baala:" Cab. SS.B7U: bow-
fr&nft'AirtJr!Ix!f!?-9il-t?iti:ln Eugene trying to get control of
V, flW-$47?l( UUltlfTB , SMI. Wet SB , Ual f I CM, ivii 7
ETJQENE, Or.. Jaly 28. CI
Fitchard, a hop buyer of the valley, 1
barrela. 2Sc: bote. 60e adranc oa aack baala.
leaa 26o par cart, tor caah. 15 daa; mapla. Hit
HONTtT 1516e per frava.
COKrEB Oreen Mocha. 2iaz3ei Jara. fancy.
2dia,t2c: Java, arood. 20O2flc: iara. ordinary.
miawc; UMta Hica, ranry, ivqzuci ixiaia
Rica. aood. 18(31Ac: Coata Itlca. ordinary. 101
12c per lb; Columbia roaat. $10.6.1; Arhuckle7,
that th $11.13 llat: Lion. $11.1$ llt: Cordova. $11.18
l aa uoioni, oineraoi yraaea, siuoaci
ane;. Enciian Breatraat.
dltreraat aradea, !24Qoc: Holder Lc,
There la every Indication
local augar market will .how aome ouw'SjHsv
plrHed advancea aoon. Quotations on different aradea.
all grade of raw material are ahow-1 colored Japan, soosoci free a
BUT , -1 W an, M fA
fa pan, vary
lng ateadlnesa and several
have been noted In that line
last rise In the finished
porta from all the augar
munltlea show a remarkable
and alnca all the product la practically $13.50.
controlled by two Anna, .higher prices . GRAIN BAGS Client ta, $5.T58o.OO par 100
may be expected to prevail at all tie iTLV7'.,Ti: w. . ...
coast points. Dealers, In anticipation of u7: rw Sd.'
uch an event, are now filing heavy or- BREAKFAST food Halt rita. $4.50: pit-
dera for stocks, and all are advising
huge lot of hops, which have been stored
here alnce laat season. The Iota are
being held awaiting the advance in
price which haa been looked for ao many
long weeks.
When hops were 25 cents, SO centa
was exDected. When the weather and
the brewers Were found working to
gether the hopa dropped a little and
have been going down, down and down
The result at present is that if some of
the Eugene speculators would sell the,
hops they purchased at 2S cents, ex-
Bine mot table, dalrr. Ana. Me: 10(ia. 74c: lfflooeted Lie- I . .v.-.. ,..i,i ,in
product. Ra- ernml 60a. 49c; looe. Me; tU: $1.85. - 1. Jli k! Vtx nVn .X tVl
-producing com- ..""an half .Itronnd 100.. per, tea. " -- , " 'IV' - "I"
v.nn .A 1 eiv.uv. mn, per sua, eia.ovj iirerpooi, iniiiif, i uau uri ins uniinBiu
nortaKS, I . . in aa . . a. . 1- ii aa. iwu 1. . . 4 . . .
V -u , i.w. ito, 1 nops. lie nas nearly an 01 inem aioreu
their retail customers to do likewise, In
- order to get in on the ground floor.
Cannery rack WDi Be Ihort.
As haa been told before in The Jour
nal, this year's product of the canneries
' will ahow a large shortage the short
age In peaa being especially
nounced. Peaches are not in such a
large supply for canning purposes as
aome have been led to believe, and a
"- majority of the. concerns will not make
any contracts this year for certain de
liveries. Tomatoes, as they now ap
pear, will be in fair supply, but it Is
' not expected that the yield win attain
Its normal output. String beans tn this
state at present are In large supply, but
' the entire yield .will In all probability
. Do snorter man previous seasons, mer
ries during the season have shown a
marked falling off in growth . and the
quality of the stock that reaches the
market la hardly fit to be called flrst
claaa. The season for strawberries is
over and the yield ia not nearly aa great
, aa . during former perioda Higher
prices are predicted on all grades of
canned goods.
Tamer on ronltry
The poultry market," aaya W. T.
. Turner A Co., "la excellent. Old hens
' are ' scarce and the demand Is acute.
Springs'' are more plentiful, with the
demand fair. Ducks are In fair call,
, with demand for geese and poultry very
amall and quotations on these articles I
are nominal.
JTo't Sating o Many Sgj-a.
"Efgs are ranging from 20 centa for
the larger ordera to Zl centa zor the
alngle cases. The demand la not ao
great aa It haa been on account of the
weather Jt being too warm lor exten
elve use." - '""
Other dealers on Front street are
ranging their egga from 1 to 22 cents,
although today figures at the . latter
Dolnt are not quite ao strong aa they
were yesterday a fair quotation In the
egg market today ranging from 20 to
22 centa, according to quality and size
of the purchase.
Today'a Ball Xeoelpts.
Today's receipts per rail from the
South constated of one car of water'
melons and one car of mixed fruits,
mostly peaches, All fruits are now
arriving In abundance and sales are
fair. California grapes are more plen
tiful and quotations today stand at $1.50
a box. Huckleberries from California
are coming and are cringing 14 cents a
Sealers Scurry Tor Hops.
Hop dealers are getting anxious to
purchase stocks and the market today
Hooka a trifle better than yesterday.
1 There are ao few balea remaining in the
atate unaold that those who sold short
and there are large numbers of deal
ers In this fix are making desperate
efforts to fill their orders at the lowest
Meats Vot Bo Plentiful.
Fresh meats on Front street are not
ao plentiful today and demand is spir
ited, with quotations held stronger.
Packed meats are the same as re
ported yesterday.
Salmon recelpta are smaller, but
there Is still plenty of stock to suit all
call. Fish prices are unchanged, with
the market ruling dull.
- CreamerTTratTeT-lB- gli ghtl y b t ro n per
today receipts not peing quite so large
as they have been. Store and dairy are
The market, however, shows a firm
ness that is encouraging. Before the
next crop comes on there will be a de
mand that will have to be met; 1902
hons will have to so. and. while the
J-tb talla. $2.0: fancy 1-Tb nata. $1.85; H-ro , may wander bnck to 20 cents, and
fancy Data. $1.10: fancy l-tb oral. $2.5n; Alaaka L,-K K.x.r it 1. ihnnrht that
talla. pink. 80c: red, $1.80; l ib talla. $2.00. maybe 2 cents better. 1' is thought that
ine marxei win nin hkhiii icawu tuc
Minute. 12.50; Force. $4.50: H-0 oata. $3.15.
SALMON Colombia Hirer, l ib talla. $1.70;
COAL OIL Caaea: 22c ner ml. tanka: Water
White. Iron bbla. lflUc. wooden. 18c: Uuad-
llaht. caaaa. 24c. Iron bbla. lTUe: a-aaollue. Iron
bbla. Z3c. caaea. ZAtye.
LINRKKD OirPnr. raw. In hhla. 44c: aenn
Pro" line kettle, boiled, caaea 51c; hhla 46c; pure raw,
In caaea, 48c: aenulna kettle. In caaea. 63c.
8J! Oea caaea 22c, Iron bbla lHc.
0A80LIKE dec caaea 28Vte. Iron bbla
TTJRPEKTTNB In caaea TOc. wood bbla
894c. Iron bbla 67c, 10-lb naae lota 72c.
DEANS Small wblte 4tf4Ue. larae white
$3.8644.00, pink I3.7&42S.WO, bayou $4.75. Llmaa
NUTS Peannts, 64tTc per lb -or raw, 9 10c
nnta. !4Hil5c per ttS; pine outa. ioil2V4c it be a hot wind or rays of sunshine
per lb; hickory nuta. 10c per lb: cbaatnnta
Eaatera. 15tlec ner lb: Bra ill nnta. 14c per
lb; Albert a. Isolde per lb: fancy peeana, H4J
toe par n; aimonaa. 11a 10c per id.
Kaata and Trorlaions.
FRESH MEATS Inaneeted: Reef. nrlme.
7c; cowa, fi'rtSUc; mutton, dreaaed, 6(28c;
lamba, dreaaed, 7c.
FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef, prime.
7c; bulla, 4)4V4c; cowa, SR4c; pork. 741
Tfcc,' yeal, 7HSc; mutton, dreaaed, SUSc;
lamba, dreaaed. DHateuc.
HAIiS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local)
bama. 10 to 14 lba., 10c; 14 to 16 lba 16Vtc;
breakfaat bacon. 15V4e20c: nlcnlca. lOtte: cot-
tate. l Ut; aalted aldea. 12c Tb; amoked
eldee. 18Wc: dry aalted backa. 1141c: bacon
hacka, 12c; butta, aalted, wVk; amoked, lOVie
16c: orer 14 lba, lKKc: fancy. 15(itl6Vc; pic
nlca, 11c; ahoaldera. 11c; dry aalted aldea,
nnamoked, 11 Wc; breakfaat bacon, lefilSc;
fancy, 20c.
LOCAL BRANIV-Kettle leaf. 10a. 10Tc: 5a,
11c; 6e, 16e; 50-lb tlna, lV4c; ateam rend
ered, 10a, lOfce; 8a, 10Hc; 60a, 10c.
EASTERN LAKD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tlna,
IlUc; 5a, ll,c; 50-lb tlna, llc; ateam rend
ered. 10a. 10c; 6a. lOftc; 60a, lOe.
A bora packing bouae prlcea ara net caah, 15
F18H Rock cod, Tc; floandera, 6c; halibut,
te; Hog cod. 7c; craba, $1.60 doa; raaor clama,
6c per dux; atrlped baaa, lZie; aalmon,
ehlnook, 8c; eummer ateelbeads, 7c: aolea,
8c: ahrtmpa. Puaet Baand. lie: catflah. 5c:
abad, 6c; allrer amelt, 6e lb.
Hew Tork Summary.
NEW YORK. July 28. Americans in
London are heavy, H to 94 below parity.
No further financial trouble Is antici
pated. Eighteen roads for June show
an average net Increase of 1S.3S per
cent; 36 roads 'for the third week of
July show an average gross increase of
16.51 per cent. There is a good demand
for stocks in the loan crowd, and espe
daily New Torw Central, Canadian V&-
clflc and Atchison preferred. It is re
ported that the Rock Island now holds
control of Des Moines & Fort Dodge.
Crop news and labor outlook continue
faborable. Western roads are prepar
ing for very heavy business this fall.
The banks gained from the Sub-Treas
ury since Friday $960,000. Twelve In
dustrials advanced 1.03 per cent; 20 ac
tive railroads advanced 2.00 per cent
mark which It did last fall,
Should Store Hopa,
"These valley hops lose a whole lot
of their value In the manner they are
stored,' said Mr. Fitchard. "They
should be kept In cold storage In hot
weather. While, they were fresh they
smelled like hops, and npw they smell
like sawdust. The outside hops are all
ruined by being stored In a hot ware
house, with nothing but a few boards
between them and the weather, whother
spoils the value of hops. In the- East,
where all these things are looked after,
big cold storage warehouses are pro
vided In the cities and the hops keep
as fresh in one of these as If they were
freshly picked."
Hew Crop Xooks Good.
The crop of hops in Lane County Is
in prime condition. About the usual
yield will be reported, although, on at
count of the high price in hops last au
tumn, there has been a greater acreage
than Is usually planted. Some of this
new land and new setting has not
thrived, but the remainder will make
. (By Edward A. Seals.)
The. fore part of the week waa warm
and a'howery, while tha latter part was
clear and cool, aspeclall at night The
ahowera were not heavy enough to be of
benefit to corn and pasturea, and In
anma ttt thai Aiuit wiuntlaH hv lntr.
Shade Easier Reactions Afr "ridw"iiJr5; . !b. .h"v"t:i?
, 1 . ' 1 iiww wen Mwvarcea, Bum in me sumnern
ter AdVanCe,. sections many farmers have finished cut
ting ineir secona crop .or airaiia. i na
hay crop, as a whole, will be less than
' 1 1 I sou 11 win inn aiianuy peiuw
roreicn Marts Are uu with bx- lh vr 'r th im "-
CeDllOn - Ot PflriS .attPr S contlnoea good in tba mounulna.
1 1 J pi 1 11 r Li I 'Tn weather haa been very favorable
UD Onarpiy On UntaVOraDle Iforfllllng and ripening grain. Tha heads
ara vi aX"! aiao ana vno unrvj im piump,
but the stand la thin, and consequently
the yields are falling below tha average.
Tba grain harvest has become .general
(Special Permlsalon of Bolton, da Bnyter A Co.) ln tha Columbia River Valley -and In
CHICAGO, July 28. liogan & Bryan 1r.,"lrT7 aua w.u wrwa
advise: Tha arhe.r m.rk.e .. .,,, Willamette Valrty. Oata promiaa better
early, and closed a shade easier. After " r
three days advancing market a reaction The cloudy weather during the fore
waa due. There la nothing new In the Pr of week caused Ilea to increase
conditions or the tendency of advances. ,n nop yaraa. and some apraying
Fnreirn iMrv.i. Hii t.' I has been done. Hopa continue thrifty,
which la up aharply o'n unfavorable nd no "erloua damage from vermin haa
weather. Uroomhall also reports unfa- occurrea. i n. crop is not so iar aa
vomhia w.ath.r tn h. TTt5 vmnm vanced as usual at this aeaaon of the
Spot wheat la a little easier in Kansas ,.mna'om?
Citv and a iitti. ttr in an Tm. that it will not mature before tha fall
The tetnrlnnC'V nf tha nn allna I rains urgin.
main nnnhsna-e th.K' rotaioes ana garaens are aomg nneiy.
lng returns throughout the whole winter but B,tt" hav 00 cx 'or
wheat belt and complalnta of deterlora- corn t0 maka rapid Jtrowth, and this
tion in the Northwest are arriving. The crop n?a" raln-, ,7,a on. n" V.
lattar era itnt ..,,.,.nnn, frv, repuriea 10 oa enriu J in kuuu ounai-
a good deal of profit taking on the early "J"-, "l,fcouf1 J" few pIac' th,y are.
advance, but it hardly Indicates any . . ,
chnnir in ..nim.nt w. .in r-i .k. A short crop of peaches ia being mar-
.ht h,,i4 k- tU.h tk keted, and plums are beginning to ripen.
spots, and that prices will ultimately go P7 'nd pear" cnt.lnu t0 reak
nigner. . v.... ..,-,
iaa wen. jappiea ara uneven, anu an av-
nuiu. miu. Tuw. I rvo.t klh ln. In th. riren
TACOMA. July 28. The Washington.
0,-. 1 l T . ,
01.010 iiinyei-iur rcjiuru iiin.1 me i green fruit to drop.
mio iiiil wiiiub in me vvaiia waiia ais
trlct may Injure wheat ln that locality,
While your family b away enjoyingttalrvacation;
to have your home, wired and equipped with
ELECTRIC LIGHTS, to as to be prepared for the
Ions Winter nights.
Portland General Electric
Plant Is "Curling" with the
Ground Hard and Dry
Wheat Prospects Are Bad,
Three Weeks Late, but Small
Shipments Will Arrive
This Week,-
(Special Permlaalon of Bolton, de Barter A Co.)
CHICAGO, July 28. A special to the
Record-Herald from Topeka, Kan., says:
The Southwestern Oraln Growers'
Asspclation had reports from 20 points
In the Kansas belt today. Hot winds
prevailed over two-thirds of the state
and corn is reported to be seriously " VI w..v,i,
rrv.. Vi .v.. i. ,' Oregon and Washington.
up for the districts where late frost has of the ground I Is verv hard There tnat no 8Ucn amount of STln. w1' reaCh
. iun ...r. Th. vir,. ot .IROe.or lne Srouna is very nara. mere t aouna or anv other point for sev-
Representatlves of the Pacific Elevatori
Company state that Portland during the
past three years has received wheat from
Interior points far in advance of any
other city on the Coast, and they dis
credit the report that three cargoes of
wheat have already been aent to Puget
Sound. A member of the- firm aaid:
"All told, there have not been three
cargoes of wheat threshed so far In both
That would
mean 200,000 bushels, and I am sure
r. x. talcott. x. s.
Beery contracted dfaaaaa, la attended
br (rare danfere that nothing leas
than a thorough and abaolote car. eaa
remove. To take area th. allfbtnet
chance Is aocb caaea la to mrlt. life
long mlaery. Man do not reallae life
aa tbey ahould. A partial cure la fol
lowed by a chronic etage, with all Ita
horrora, the aam. aa though tha die
eaa. had not been treated at all. Wa
positively will not diamine a patient
until eterr poaalblllty of relapee la re
aaoved. By oar aatem of treatment
eery patient la aonndly cored, and
made aa free from dlaeaaa taint aa be
waa before th. ailment waa contracted.
DK. TALCOTT 00., aM Alder 81
We rive 'written niaraate with
every engine Tor one year, andf I
are right cere to back It up. PatrodV I
Ize home Induatry by buying fronlV I
the manufacturer.
330 and 232 Oak St, Portland, Or
r ; -.- - -.-1
-;!! Hill IP"'
The largeat and most complete un
dertaking establishments theCoast.
F. 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder,
corner East Sixth. Both phones.
Calls promptly answered to any part;
of the city.
caused a little damage. The vines at
present are growing rapidly, warm
sunny weather being the general rule.
They are healthy and climb up the
strings as If ln haste to reach the sum
mit and be plucked. Lane County will
be on hand this autumn with her share I jame8 . Patten
or hops.
runaway wheat market any day," said
To 1 b 1 r wq
1. i ? H
description. : : : :
unchanged in either tone or price.
Today's quotations, as revised, are as
Grain, Flour sad Feed.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c; blneetem,
BZc: Taller. 777BC.
1 n T W V 1 HAM. nlti4 t4A M
DA HUE, A V cctj, ,1I. 'V ,, Tu.wAA.W.
OATS No. 1 white. fl.l7Ml-20; gray. 1.10
CI -1TH-
FLOUE Eastern Oreri
4.10; atralgbta, $3.50; Valley, $3.60(33.80; era
Anaconda Mining Co
Amalgamated Copper Co
Atelflson. common
Am. Car k Foundrr, com
Am. nugar, common
Am. Smelt., common ...
Baltimore & O., com....
Brooklyn II. T
Canadian i'ac, common.
Chicago Alton, common.
Chi. i Great W., com. .
Chi. Milwaukee ft St. P.
Chi. A Northwpat., com.
Chi. Terminal Ky
Cboaapcakn & Ohio
12.1V, 12.S1-4
1BV4 lff
141W 140H
-Eaatera Oregon: Patent., $3.95(3
. bam. Ua. 13.15: 10a. $3.55.
MrLLSTTJKFS Bran. $22.00 per ton; mld-
dllnra. $26.00: aborts. 122.00: ebon. 118.00.
HAT Timothy. $16.0017.00; eloTer. $16.00
tjl7.oo; canrornla, gram tu.DO.
Hopa, Wool and Hidea.
HOPS 1601654c for choice 1003; contracts,
WOOL Taller, lBQlfl'c. coarae; medium to
fair, 16916c: fine, 17(Tf 17Hc: Eaatera 'Ore
: gon. 10 15c; Idobatr, nominal, 35i37c. -
SHKBI'SKiKS Shearing. Uilltte; abort
' wool. 22 (4 23c; medium wool, 30c; long wool,
0cA$1.44. each.
TALLOW Prime, per lb, 45c; No. 2 and
greaae. 2dj(2e.
HIDES Dry hide, No. 1, 16 pounds and
ap. 15c per lb; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 lba,
(12c; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 lba, 15c: dry
aalted, bulla and ataga. 1-3 leaa than dry
flint; aalted hidea, ateer. aound, 60 pounde or
-, neer. , 7 8c: 50 to 60 tba. 7Q8c: under 50 lba
, and cowa. 67c: ataga and bulla, aound. 5c;
' alp. aound. 15 to 80 lba. 7c; aoand. 10 to
14 lba. Tc; calf, aoond. under 10 lba, 8c; green
tunaaiteo), ic per ID leaa; cuua. ic per id
leaa; hnrae hldea. jMlted. each. $1.2a31.T5; dry,
, eaeh. 1.001.60; eoHa' hldea, each. 2550c;
goat aklna. commoa. each. 1015c; Angora, with
v wool oa, each. 25cQtl.00.
'i v t ' Butter, Egga and Poultry.
BUTTER Kxtraa, - 22c; creamery, 21 0
- dairy, lsexoc: etore. 17c.
EOOS fYeab Oregon, 206 22c.
CHEESE ull cream, twin. 14c: Toung
America. 15c.
IHJILTRT CUckens. mixed. lltJlSc per lb;
beaa, 12'jl2e; rooatera, 10c per lb: broll
era. 160:17c per lb; fryara, 15316c per lb;
dock a. 86e per Tb: geeaet 7T8c per lb: torkeva.
lire, aMntaal: dmaed. 12J4c, nomlnaL
Fruits sad Vegetable..
POTATOES New. $1; buyer' prlcea. 7590c.
. . ONIONS California1. aUrerakiua, $125; garlic.
Sfflioe. '
I KESH rariTS Apples, fancy Oregon. $1.00
mM; sew Calltorata. $I.50j!i.75 boa; oranges,
1. f ViUiHu alAa hn. .
Standards to Zmpvowe Tlrat.
NEW TORK. July 28. Judging from
current gossip And opinions the stocks
which will be first to Improve are the
standard Issues which, despite the divi
dends they pay, have been unduly de
pressed by local troubles having no
bearing on traffic or earnings. The most
favored among these are Missouri Pa
cific, Baltimore & Ohio, Atchison and
Union Pacific; of the higher-classed
stocks, the best are believed to be Penn
sylvania, New York Central; Illinois
4-Tentral-and- Chicago Milwaukee Sl St I
Paul. The favorites among speculative
Issues, are Southern Pacific and Read
ing. There is talk ln professional cir
cles that, owing to the heavy losses
many speculators have suffered, ".Im
provement In stocks must be very slow.
Bradatreeta' Grain Beport.
CHICAGO, July 28. Bradstreets' re
port: Wheat east of the Rockies In
creased 139,000 bushels: Europe and
afloat, decreased 100,000 bushels. Total
increase. 39,000 bushels. Corn decreased
808.000 bushels; oats increased 887,000
bushels.. 8
Contract Wheat ln Chicago.
CHICAGO. July 28. Stocks of grain
in regular warehouses are. wheat, 1,077,
000 bushels; decrease 137,000 bushels;
corn, 3.149,000 bushels; decrease, 146,000
bushels; oats. 1,666,000 bushels; Increase,
678,000 bushels.
Chicago Cash Business.
CHICAGO, July 28. The cash busi
ness was; Exporters bought 120,000
bushels of wheat, mostly at Gulf, and
40,000 bushels of earn. There were no
Canada Southern 61
Colo. Fuel A Iron. com..
Colo. Southern, common.
Delaware & Mudann . . .
Delaware. I.. A Weat...
Den. A KIo. 0., com....
Erie, common
Illlnola Central
Loula. ft Naahrllle
Met. Traction Co
Manhattan Elerated ....
Mexican Cen. Ky
Mexican National
Minn., Bt. P. ft Ste. M..I
MlHaonrl Pacific
Mo., Kan. ft Tex., com
N. Y. Central
Norfolk ft Weat., com..
North American
N. Y., Ontario ft Weat..
Penn. Hallway
PebDle'a Oaa. L. A C. Co
Creased Steel Car. com.
Pacldc M. S. Co I
Reading, common
Republic I. ft S.. com..
Rock Island, common ..
South. Knilway, com. . .
Southern Pacific
St. L. ft S. W.. com...,
Texaa Pacific
Tcnn. Conl ft Iron
Toledo, St. L. ft W. com
I'nlon Pacific, common
U. S. Leather, common.
IT. S. Rubber, commoa.
tr. S. Steel Co., com...
Wheelltig ft L. E.. com.
Wis. Central, common .
West. Union Telegraph
Wabash, common
Money IV. per cent.
Sales 640.000.
83 U
14 y4
has been no general rain for twyweeks. er8j weeks yet The crop la fully three
The weather observer here says lndlca- week, ,aU thu We are expecting
tions point to continued dry and hot ft few t0 arrlve the atter part
weather for several days. fhl. v hut not nnnrh to amount
"I should not be surprised to see aL, much"
Pit .J'AlMifiAna.
The disappointments A .nj .k.e. or. kinw in.
ln regard to the outcome of this crop stalled on the new steamer Telephone
"Ul "v ttr" um at the Willamette Iron Works. It will
from good sources, the news of dlsap- v0k, k. t c mnntha hefnr th
pointing threshing returns In Kansas Bhpcarpenter8 complete their work on
and Nebraska and the reports of a blight the vessel. Where the Telephone will
from South Dakota and Southern MInne- k. nin(..,i in pnmmialon la causina- much
132 14
133 V
22 Va
63 Vi
20. 20
122 4!ll
23 V.
sota. It has been a year of disappoint
ment in wheat and evidently the disap
pointments are not over. As for corn,
I think It Is within -the possibilities that
our yield this year will be as small as
1.600,000.000 bushels. It makes no1
difference whether we have hot winds or
escape, them. With the corn tassellng
at a height of three or four feet It
means nubbins and not ears."
Wheat Prospects do to Pieces.
"Never has wheat prospects gone to
pieces as has this year," says William
T. Baker. "I believe the harvest will
not be lees' than 16 per cent under last
year. We never had the Increase in
area the agricultural department
started with. The crop condition has
been dropping ever since that freeze in
"When I started out 11 days ago,
said a local crop expert who has been
covering the corn belt. "I had the im
pression that the corn crop would come
out all right if we had a late fall and
favorable weather in the meantime. In
traveling over the larger corn-producing
sections of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska
and Southern Iowa, I have been dis
abused of this idea. The strange fea
ture to me is the slow progress of the
crop. It was planted two to four weeks
late and it is still that far behind. I
have been af a lobs to account for it.
because the plant Is of good color. Apr
parently the ground was cold, wet and
water-logged for such a long time dur
ing June that it has been deadened.
soured or made wrong In some way.'8
speculation among river men, s did the
steamer Arrow, prior to her completion."
They are both owned by the Arrow Navi
gation Company.
Leelanaw Chartered.
The steamship Ieelanaw has been
chartered by the Northwest Warehouse
Company to take a cargo of wheat from
Portland to ' San Francisco during the
early part of next month. The vessel
will carry about 2,600 tons. She Is now
In the pay City loading general cargo
for Tacoma.
7441 75
San Franeiaoo Stocka.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 28.-10:30 a. m.
Bid. Asked.
Jfo Outside Speculation.
NEW YORK, July 28 There is a
marked absence of outside speculation
and speculative buying, and this may
lead to a dull and sagging market until
the financial situation Improves.
Close of liverpool Markets.
LIVERPOOL,. July 28i Close Wheat.
September. 6-3, higher; December,
6-34. higher.
Corn September, 4-6. k higher.
Uverpfol Cotton ower.
LIVERPOOL. July 28 Close Cotton
closed 10 points lower with futures 1 to
6 points lower than! tha 12:80 session.
Contra. Costa $0.60
Spring Valley ....$0.84
Central Light ft Power .05
Pacific Oaa Imp. Co 52V4
Mutual Electric Llcht Co 13 .13
8. F. Gas ft Elec. Co .66 .68
S. F. Oaa ft Elec Co., Ctlfa 65 .67
Rank of California B.75
Olant Powder 70 .72
liana Plantation .15
Hutcblnaon .15
Makawell .24
Onomea Sugar 22 .24
Alaaka Packer. 1.48 1.50
Cal. Fruit Cannera , ..90
Oceanic S. 'S. Co 07,
raclflc Auxiliary Fire Alarm. .02 .03
Private Elevator Stocka.
CHICAGO, July 28. Private elevator
stocks show:
Wheat 2,164,000 bushels, Increase of
102,000 bushels.
Corn 3,280,000 bushels, decrease of
611,000 bushels.
Oats 1,271,000 bushels. Increase of
137,000 "bushels.
Stocks ln all positions are:
Wheat 8,582,000 bushels, decrease of
Ta.uuo Dusrteis.
Corn 6,738,000 bushels, decrease of
737,000 bushels.
Oats 2,728,000 bushels, decrease of
sua, uoo bushels.
Wheat car lots today were:
Cars. Grade. Est
wneat 141 60 145
Corn ....263- 26 245
Oats , 468 167 460
Marina Votes.
Local shippers have been notified that
as soon as the German ship Alice, now
due from Hong Kong, arrirves at the
mouth of the Columbia River she will
receive orders to proceed to Royal
Roads, presumably to take on Iumaer.
Testerday the British ship Blyths
wood, Captain Pritchard, reached Astoria
after a passage of 27 days from Hono-1
mm, Dringing a part cargo or coal to
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. To Honolulu she
came from Newcastle, Australia.
The Indrasamha Is expected, to sail
on Friday for the Orient. Her outward
cargo is about completed.
United States Inspectors Edwards and
Fuller Inspected the river steamer Har
vest Queen today and tomorrow will in
spect the Oriental liner Indrasamha.
Ziocal Stock KeCiplpts.
July 28. Receipts of live stock at the
local yards today consisted of 25 cattle
and 100 sheep. Ruling prices are as Louisville & Nashville, unchanged; Mex
American Stocka Zn Xiondon.
LONDON, July 28.-2 p. m. Ana
conda Copper, advanced 2; Atchison
declined ; preferred, unchanged; Balti
more & Ohio, advanced : Canadian Pa
cific, declined ; Chicago & Alton, ad
vanced ; Chicago, Wilwaukee & St.
Paul, declined ; Denver preferred, de
clined ; Erie, declined ; first, de
clined ; Illinois Central, declined V4 :
Cattle Best, $3.76 4.00; medium,
Hogs $5.6006.66.
Sheep 23c,
Lambs 3c. ""i
Paris Wheat Higher.
PARIS. July 28. Close Wheat 1
centimes higher for spot and 2
centlmeshlgher -for futures. Antwerp
closed unchanged.
San Pranclsoo OraiXL
SAN FRANCISCO, July 28. Wheat
December, $1.46.
Barley December, 1.00.
The atom of hydrogen ia the smallest
Of the "ultimate atoms ot the chem
ists," but it Is 1.780 timesas large as
the corpuscles which have recently been
demonstrated as the elements of the
lean Central, declined ; Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas, declined ; Mexican Na
tional, unchanged; New York Central,
advanced ; Ontario & Western, un
changed; Norfolk & Western, declined
;Pennsylvanla, advanced Reading,
declined ; first, advanced ; Southern
Pacific, declined ; preferred, advanced
; (Union Pacific, declined pre
ferred, unchanged; United States Steel,
declined ; preferred, declined ;
Wabash, declined ; preferred, un
changed; Consols, declined .
Clearlng-Honse Report.
The report of the Portland Clearing
House for yesterday shows: a
Exchanges . . ...$5(5,602.05
Balances . , 75,244.47
' . - . ...".-" , :
' ' - .' . ' ' . 1
A r.j i;,, i e. y'-t--- , r, y ,;
John and Rosa Martello to L. Decrlato-
foro, part lot 4, block T3, Caruthere'
add to Caruthere. S 400
a. M. ana v. w. Crocker to Jamee Hum
phrey, lot 14. block 80. Sellwood ' 1
L. T. Peery et al. to Oeoire Smith, lot
7 and 8, bloak 12, M. Pattohe' add to
Alblna BOO
E. J. and Johd Almeter to Edwin Fen-
wick, lot 8, block 15, Hawthorne lat
add 2.100
J. W. 0. Coffran by Sheriff to H. T.
Bankln, lota 13 and 18, block 11 Park
add to Alblna, 4
B. B. and C..A. Dotaon to W. J. Peddl
cord, lota 9 to 12, block 0, Park add to
Alblna 400
W. J. Peddlcord and wife to B. B. Dot
aon. lota 10 to 13, block 8, Portsmouth
Villa Extended 800
Minnie Wilson to William M. Gregory,
lot 8, block 62, Caruthera add to Ca
ruthera 60
Orlu Abel et al. to B. . H. McGregor,
northwest 14 of northwest Sec. 15.
T. 2 N. K. 2 W 40 acrea 820
Portland Trust Company to Mary Lay
cock, lota 20 and 21. block S. WlUIama
Arenue add 860
H. M. and J. M. Ackley to Mrs. M.
AcklPT. lot 2. block 121. Gravers' add. . 250
The Hawthorne Estate to J. B. Bead,
west Vt lota 7 and 8. east 8 feet lota 1
and 2. block 830. Hawthorne Park 4.400
oak i'arx Lana company to nose a.
Anson, lota 18 and 19, subdivision block
6. Oak Park add
Columbia Real Estate Company to Annie
Masters, lot 9. block 2. Peninsular add
No. 2 87
Frank C. Sellwood to Mary E. Sellwood,
lot 11, block 8, Burneld add 1
Get your title Insurance and abstracts
to real estate from the U le Guarantee
aV. "Truat Co., Chamber of Commerce.
A Coat or Two of Publicity
Will sell a bouae quicker tbas a cat of paint.
JOURNAL publicity spread, wall and soaka la
' Is called great be- ,
causa his wonderful
curea ara ao well
known throughout
the United States,
and because ao many
people ara thankful,'
to, him for saving
their Uvea from
Ha treats any and
all dlseaaes wit,
powerful Chines
herbs, roots, buds,:
barks and vegetables
that ara entirely ua
known to medical aeienoe i IB t thia ooun.
try. and through th these harm,
leaa remedies. Tala fameua doctor know
ii." . J -t. g.aa different remedies "
that V haa aueeaafully a4 in different
xi...? ir .utraftteea t cur catarrh.
aethma, lung troubles, rheumatism. ner
veutness, atamaca. ivr, ain,j, "V?"?T
trouble and all trlvt diseases. HuiJ
dreda of testimonials. CoAxgea moderate, -Call
ana ae him.
Patients out of the city write for blanl -
and circular. Inclose stamp. Address
ihi Alder street. Portland, Of. Man
tion this paper. .
w 1 f v y. ,
The Kind Ton Have Always Boaght, and which has been
in use lor over SO years has borne the sljrnatnre of
' -' nnd fiaat liAAn majlannilcv Ti vmk
Oo to Newport on Taaulna Bar an
Ideal beach. It ia becoming very pop
ular with the Portland oeoDle. The low
rate of $3.00 haa been made by the
Southern Pacific Company ln connection
with the Corvallia A Eastern Railroad
tor the Sunday round trip from Port
land, tickets arood aroint: Saturdav. n.
turning Monday.
A delightful ride through the beauti
ful Willamette Valley, with nrivlleve of
going up one ' aide- of , tha Willamette
River, returning the other.
Ask any Southern Pacific Comnan ap
Corvallia A Eastern Railroad agent for
a Deaumuiiy iiiustratea oooKjer oescrio
lng th seasld resorts at Taqulna, j
fyfc7j fonal sapervision since its Infancy.
'"CtAtMZi Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bus
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Ohlldren Experience against Experiment
Gastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Id
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The .Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Hie Kind Touto Always Bought
' ' . . . In Use For Over 30 Years.