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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1903)
CONVICTS BATTLE TTOFMCmS FROM FOLSOM 7P THE OREGON " &. ; "5mC - Ton,ht n Wdnday, .' Mr; Wr" JpV northerly wind . , lp? f O'clock 0 Edition g vol. n. NO. 120. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY f8, 19f3. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DESPERA TE CONVICTS BA TTLE WITH OFFICERS WHO w m A w t r i at m i ti r 41 r r- irv -a t r r ht-v r 1 j tti n r v r-i J n r v 1 ir w in rk r w r 1 b- DESPERADOES WILL DIE FIGHTING FOLSOMj July' 28, Never has such excitement prevailed in this community as that occasioned by the desperate escape of "convicts yesterday. This afternoon a posse of 150 armed men, including the Placerville company of the National Guard, have 11 murderous fugitives surrounded in Black Diamond Canyon, near Pilot Hill, 15 miles from this place, Early this morning a posse composed of 100 men, nearly surrounded the des peradoes in the river bottom of the south fork of the American River, four miles from Pilot Hilli The pursued criminals, however, managed to escape, In a pitched battle last night this posse succeeded in killing J, J, Allison and seriously wounding Seavis, the negro, The desperate men told the guards whom they let go free that they would die fighting, If this Is so there will probably be several lives sacrificed among the pursuers, as the convicts are heavily armed, with ample ammunition for a longfight, STOREY'S "FIENDS" ESCAPES WONT BE TAKEN ALIVE They Are Well Armed and Cannot Be Captured Without a Bloody Strug gle with Their Pursuers. (Journal Special Service.) PLACERVILLE. July 28. That the 11 remaining desperate convicts are sur rounded in Ihe Black Canyon of the American River m now certain, and new of bloody conflict la momentarily expected. The entire country north of the South Fork of this river la being guarded by men determined to capture the desper adoes. Ranchers- living in lonely and unpro tected sections of this district are leav ing with their families for the- towns, they fear an attack from the out laws. At 3 o'clock this afternoon 100 picked men under Sheriff Bosqult of this place .have taken a position near the mouth of the canyon and will head oft the con victs should they attempt to escape by this rote. The two Placerville citi zens captured by the convicts were lib erated last night after tneir clothes had i been taken. NEVADA. Cal.. July 28. Company C has been at the armory here Under waiting orders Blnce 4 o'clock yester day afternoon, and a special train is steamed up and held at the Nevada Nar row-Gauge Depot. Fifty-five members of a company which includes some of the hardiest 'mountaineers and best rifle men on the Pacific Coast can be moved at a half-hour's notice. THEY TAKE OATH ' ' TO STAND TOGETHER SACRAMENTO, July 28. AUV captive uards have been released by the con- cts. J. Kensenaorn nas returned to Folsom and others are expected .this afternoon". The outlaws have taken an oath to stand together, the penalty -of violation being death. In spite of this one of them, R. M. Gordon" a 45-years . mart from SacraT mento, escaped from them and Is at large. At noon the convicts were still surrounded. They have abandoned1 their wagon and are hiding among the rocks. It is' hoped by the pursuers that they will stick together. Guard Brown, who was reported dangerously wounded, ia unhurt. the American River and thence to El dorado County. After going a short way they came across two men who were hauling wood in big wagons with four horses. They took th men, Ben Bchlot man and Joseph Foster, prisoners, and pressed the wagon add horses into use. In this they traveled about 15 miles to Ptlot Hill, plundering ail farms on their way. After ' reaching that place they entered a store and took complete pos session of it, helping themselves to gro ceries. They spent about two hours there, taking things very leisurely, as they had done all day, stating that they would have to fight some time and that it might as well be there. They left the store about 6 o'clock in the evening and had. not gone far when the first, encounter with free- men took place. A poBse of about 30 men had taken positions of vantage on the upper side of the road.- When tne convicts discovered them they opened fire, which was Immediately returned. The con victs shielded themselves by holding their captives in front of them. ' The men in ambush kepi up the fire killing two of the horses driven by the convicts and one of the convicts, Joe Murphy, he being shot in the head and through the- heart The range was about 200 yards and about ISO Bhota were fired altogether, the convicts exhibiting very poor skill In shooting, none of the posse being in jured. After the horses were shot down the convicts left the wagon and made for the hills. It belng'too near dark to follow them. It Is said that all officers and guards held in captivity by the des perate men have befti released. If this is so, capture of the men is almost cer tain, as it will be almost Impossible for them to escape the large posses If mem bers of the latter are free to shoot. It is not expected that any of them will be taken alive. .4 a n v Mtxirn lirU M J Mi 1 l M J a k fa ' tr f Hf 1 1 i ft CET DOPE Through Laxity of Sheriff and Jailer Morphine and Cocaine Are Carried Into County Jail and "Hop" Heads in Clover, Archie Ray, the Dean of the "Dope". Colony, I ells How Dream Food Is Secured, De livered and Use'd, SIR CHARLES DILKE Says System of Confinement Is a Farce County Bastile Paradise for Drug Users Ge Food, Shelter and Clothing Since the visit of Lady Mlnto to New port recently, society is unqualifiedly singing her praises and she has been deluged with Invitations from the lead ers of the 400 to come again. Lady Mlnto Is the wife of the Governor-Gen eral of Canada, and one of the most beautiful women in the colony. PRINTERS WIN FROM SPOKESMAN-REVIEW POSSE SAID TO'BE " SURROUNDING THEM FOLSOM, July 28. The greatest ex citement prevails In this vicinity and throughduft this section or the country. Probably 260 man hunters are abroad this afternoon within a distance of 20 miles of tlte state prison. ' A posse of 150 men, including the Placerville,'. National Guard, have the convicts surrounded In the Black Dia mond Canyon, near Pilot Hill, IS miles froth Folsom. After leaving the prison tlie men made their way with seven guards in capture to a bridge crossing OONVTCTROTFAHEY . WELL KNOWN HERE Among the desperate criminals who escaped from Folsom penitentiary, Cal ifornia, yesterday, was Charles Phillipps alias Roy Fahey, a young desperado who is well known in the police circles of Portland. With R. M. Gordon, also known as Fraiflc Enrlght, Fahey was convicted of highway robbery at Sacramento, July 27, "1901, exactly two years prior to the daring escape. Fahey was sent up far life, while the other men, received 45 years, both being sentenced under the habitual-criminal act by Judge E. Hart whom Enrlghjt . roundly cursed after having his desert meted out, to him. ' Fahey served two years in the Wash Ington atate penitentiary at - - Walla Walla., WWJo there confined he and his pals made the finest set, or ecrewa ana Orders Received Today State that Publishers Have Given Up the Fight, SPOKANE, July 28. Members pf tje local Typographical Union who 'are on strike against the Spokesman-Review and Chronicle received notice from President Lynch of the International (Continued on Second Page.) stock markets " Growing stronger (Journal Special Service.) . NEW .YORK, July 28. A more confident air Is felt vln Wall street today than for some time past Among other stocks which advanced was Jthe Southern Pacific. . - . , It is now a foregone conclusion that a panic will not occur. Jamea Keene substantiated his statement mode yesterday that there is no danger of further trouble, by saying this morning that he believed that within a week the markets would be stronger than at any time for months. - At the close of the stock market today a feeling of security was felt all down the line. .." . Typographical Union at Indianapolis with instructions to return to work on the papers at the new scale. Cowles the owner of the papers, at the confer ence In Indianapolis, gave up the fight 1 SPOKANE, July 28. It is stated late this afternoon that conditions stipulated by Lynch have not been fulfilled and there was no prospect of settlement at noon. No issue of the papers was made today. - ALL QUIET ALONG PANAMA. ISTHMUS Fear of Further Trouble Sub sides The American Consul General Asks for a Leave. WASHINGTON, July 28. A cable gram this morning from Consul-Genera Gudger at Manama reports that all is qutet along the Isthmus. He asked for a 6 0-day s leave of absence which the State Department refused to grant SPRING WHEAT POOR ' WASHINGTON, D. C, July 281 Tha weekly crdp report says the condition of spring wheat Is generally unfavor able, especially ovr the northern por tion of the spripg wheat region. HEARING POSTPONED ALBANY. N. Y.. July 28. The prom ised hearing in the petition for a re ceiver for the New York Building, Loan ft Banking Company, said to be the largest concern of its kind in the' world, was postponed until Saturday 1 A small colony of "dope" fiends are doing time at the county Jail. They have been sentenced from the Munlclpa Court for violating the laws prohibit ing me use or cocaine, morphine or opium. Their terms range from 30 dny to six months. During the period of in garceratlon the county provides a place to sleep, feeds them and furnishes suf flcient clothing to cover their nakedness The object of the confinement Is to place the nerve-shattered wretches where temptation is removed, where demoral Ming drugs cannot be secured, and to give the "Mends" opportunity to recove from the ravages of the habit to which they are slaves. Get Plenty of "Hod." -Life for the "hop" heads at the county Jail Is not that torturing siege of total proniDltlon which causes shadows to assume weird and terrible forms In the distorted imagination and strikes shud dering terror to the hearts of the pitiful victims of dream food. On the other hand, the county Jail Is a veritable paradise for the sojourn of the erratic 'dope" absorbers. At the "county" they have no trouble In securing the drug which wafts the spirit from the gloom of utter despondency to the most exhil arating heights of Joy. The advantages or vismng with Sheriff Storey are many, as compared with the existence of the outsiders who are addicted to drugs. Those who stop at the county Jail overcome the necessity of hustling ior rood ana lodging. No sooner is a victim discharged when he again makes plans to re-enter the Salmon-Htreet home for evildoers. He finds no more diffi culty In breaking into jail than the criminals who shy at the rockpile pro gram do in breaking out. Trusties Boy Drugs. Under the non-vlgllant eye of the sheriff and the Jailer, trusties are al lowed the freedom of the city and to carry drugs to Inmates of the Jail who desire it. One of the- active purchasing and delivering agents of the county "hop" colony is Archie Hay. His long experience with the drug makes him a valuable man n his place. Ray is con sidered the best hustler in the bunch, and always makes the raise of the price of drags r when he goes out after them. He will beg, steal or plead for the stimulant. He has many acquaint ances who knew him in the days gone by, when he was clean, honest and in dustrious", who pity the fallen man, and for old times' sake dqnate a piece of money to relieve the misery tempo rarily. 1 Bay Makes a Statement. Archie Ray, the dean of the local hop" heads, is serving a term at the county Jail. He has the freedom of the city and uses it to the best advantage. Sunday afternoon he was fnnnri shambling; 'down Fifth ataeet. His first words .we're: "Give me a dime, so that I can get some ammunition for my gun.'' To a series of questions he made the following statement about his own case and conditions at the county Jail: 'Most of my time for the last twelve years has been spent at the Jail, where one is supposed to be unable to get drugs. This theory Is a wrong one and the custom of putting us fiends In Jail to keep us.awy from the drug Is a farce. In all the time that I have been confined there, there has never been a day passed but what I got my 'shot,' either with or without the knowledge of the guardians of the bastile. This applies, to all of them. We have things so organized that all the 'fiends' work in harmony, and there is an unwritten law among us which makes it cus tomary for each one to use his influ ence and resources in getting stuff for those who are not in a position to help themselves. There are always some of the "push' on the outside 'Who throw their feet for those on the inside and deliver the goods. . Take my case, for an example. I am a trusty -and can go about town most any time I like. 1 carry a 'gun' all the time and don't have much trouble in getting dope, for my self and those up at the jail. Sheriff Storey Dont Care. "The sheriff and his Jailer know that none of us are suffering from a lack of the drug. While we are warned not to '. ':-,V The great tariff question that Is now being hotly debated In England has nroused the attention of the whole world. Both sides are upheld by statesmen of the highest order and patriotism. Prominent among those who oppose Cham berlain's radical proposition Is Sir Charles Dllke, one of the government's mast powerful opponents. sum HAS RICH SCANDAL Officer of Law and Prominent Citizen Break Bank of Game of "Twenty-One" All Kinds! ot Trouble Ensues. Win $900 and Are Paid ini Check, but Proprietor ot Game Stops Payment Wheni Money Is Demanded at Bank T Enraged-Winners Pounce Upon bambler and After Beating Him Take His Money Away' They Are in Jail. MAKING READY FOR ELECTION OF POPE Great Preparations in Progress in Rome Cardi nal Gibbons Receives Much Attention A Compromise Candidate in Field - (Journal Special Service.) ROME, July 28. There are now in this city '62 cardinals who will take part In the' conclave to meet Friday for he election of the new Pope. Only two of the high officials of the Sacred Col lege are absent Cardinal Moran of Sid ney will not be able to reacli Rome In Ime for the conclave, and Cardinal Ce- esla of Palermo is too ill to attend. Cardinal Gibbons is still receiving much attention and seems greatly touched with the kindliness of his col leagues. He will be the only English- peaking cardinal present at the elec tion, with the exception of Cardinal Michael Logan, archbiBhop of Armagh, reland. The Vatican is a beehive of Industry today. All preparations for the secret meeting are being pushed with great fer vor. Even the glass of the windows of the chamber wherein the conclave will be held ve receiving coats .of paint early to the top of them, in order that no means of. viewing from within or without may be had. 'The strongest , candidates- for the honor of being elected Pontiff are at present Cardinals Oreglla, Gottl, Ram- polla and Vannutellt. It Is now said on excellent authority that Cardinal An gelo di Pletro, pro-datary to the late Pope, is announced as a compromise candidate should there be a deadlock In electing any of the four named. (Journal Special Service.) BAKER CITY. July 28. A sensation. of the most decided nature made ita appearance this morning when Justice of the Peace Evans and M. Kline, two prominent citizen v were thrown in Jail! at Sumpter. It appears that these two men broke the bank at a game of "Twenty-one,' and afterwards compelled Jack Pearson, running the game, to cash the checks ha (Parson) had Issued. Evans and Kline; played Pearson's game and lost heavily' last night. Later they won and broke the bank for the sum of about 1900, The payment was made in checks. Thlg morning Pearson tried to stop the pay, ment of his checks at the bank when they. were presented by Kline and Evana.; He shouted to the cashier as the two i" winners stood receiving their money . not to pay a cent. The cashier obeyed. Kline and Evans then Jumped onto. Pearson and beat him up and took all the money he had in Ills clothes away"" from him. As a result they are in Jail, and are seeking a bond. (Journal 8peclal Service.) LONDON, July 28. Requiem mass was held for the late Pope in the Bromp ton oratory this morning befoTe a dis tinguished congregation. Many rrtem bers of Parliament and diplomatic corps and the entire American legation were present. PROTECTION TO BE GIVEN WITNESSES Case of Jett and White CreaK ing Great Interest Kentucky. u I PARIS. July 28. Memorial services were held for the late Pope Leo in Notre Dame today. They were attended by the Cabinet, a large assemblage of legis lators and diplomatic corps. I DI BY IS STOLEN RICH BANKER (Journal Special Service.) CYNTHIA. Ky.. July 28. When tha, Jett and White case was called this I morning the defense ' filed prayers for a -continuance, claiming that the presence ' of the militia created a feeling tending;, to unjustly influence the minds of the ! Jurors against their clients. The Court overruled the motion and issued notice ' that any witnesses desiring military -r protection might have the same on apt plication. .'. CHRISTIANS ARE BEING PERSECUTED Two Young People from Stockton Create Mid-! night Sensation in the Business Dis trict of San Francisco (Journal Special' Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. Shrieking In terror. Miss Ethel Relbenstein, a vis itor from Stockton, was dragged across O'Farrell street at 1:30 o'clock this morning by Harry Hewlett, a rich banker of the same town who Is here spending a hilarious vacation. The girl, partly dressed, was taken to Hewlett's room and locked in. When men apparently see or hear nothing. While a bluff is made at discipline on these lines to give the establishment a severe tone to the outsider, yet it is understood on the Inside to be simply a matter of form. The officials know, or at least should know, all about the con ditions, but they do not go out of their ways to Investigate the system or stop the drug habit among the men under their control. Locking up the fiends does not do them any good under -the circumstances. In fact, thla la Juat ex actly what they want, aa they get food and shelter without any effort, and yon C"uld not keep soma ot them away from use it or to bring any to the Jail. thejcJ the lock-up with a club. The system al nave what they want and th watch-j la wrong. It never cured anyone of the neighbors came to her rescue the girl was compelled by choking to answer that she was there of her own volition, Hewlett came out of the room and knocked Leopold Jordan down for Inter ference. Jordan is a Call reporter. The girl returned across the street to where she is visiting" this morning. Her father swears vengeance against Hewlett. the . habit to lock them up In Jail, when they are released they go back to the evil. Others that are far gone Ilk myself cannot get along without It, and are provided for by the county doctor whenever we get bad and cannot get a 'shot' from other sources." Reports Made to Austrian and Russian Governments of Conditions, j KILLED IN A WRECK (Journal Special Service.) HtiUNUfiuuA v a., juiy iws i collision of th limited and a work train on the Southern "Railway thla morning. Postal Clerk Woodward and Fireman Bechtold .were killed and three others were seriously Injured, - . (Journal Special Service.) VIENNA.. July 28. The Uskub eorro spondent of the Diezeit writes hi paper that Austrian and Russian consul having made a tour of inspection of, Macedonian districts reported to their ambassadors that fearful atrocities hav j been committed on Christian Inhabitant I of those districts. FATAL GAS EXPLOSION (Journal Special Service.) COLUMBUS. July 2S. -A natural ra explosion this morning wrecked a tw story building on North High stree. ' and Mrs. Lewis is believed to be deed, , beneath the debris. Bdwln Bala, Charles Wetg and Charles Jacht war buried, but ye re rescued alive but se verely lnJieftd. A number of women, were plnlawied in the ruin and , wer j removed with but alight injuries. : SAIL0RS.WELL TREATED WASHINGTON; July IS. A. abl from Admiral Cotton today givea-tr' detail of the reception of American .f flcar by h king and quern nf I r tugal and shows that grttt a'!,r:';-ii was given th Americana. Tomorrow ! night there is a banquet in1 the M . Visit the flagship on Eat an:..! jr. ; i