'"e , THE OREGON DAILY JOtTRNAL .PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1903. 0 NITROGLYCERIN IS fA "FEATURE. IN CRIME ' i r i . 1 -J" Yegg' Hen'; Spread tjie Knowledge of This Up1 ?:itO;Date Safe Opener Throughout . Uhe United States I V t i. bee "Mai ljr . (Journal Special Service.) . WASHINGTON, JX O. July 14 It nitroglycerin that loomi ,up now aa tha paramount problem In police and uimuii drums. 4 rut, mere la nomine new in tne oar zact tbat "nitro" li used by expert cracksmen. But tha com monest, raggedest, dtrtleat "yea man. or tramp thief, now handle it wall nigh aa reanessiy aa ne aoaa hie piston "Practically all racant 'Joba' have been the work of "yegg man.' " said "Big Man nnaerton me otner day. "Theee rlmlnala reproduce like tha lower or- nlsms of. animal Ufa." the deteotlve elef want on to aay. "Suppose there be one who la familiar with tha ex plosive. Ha la Joined by four othara who aaalat and watch while ha works. Each obaervea how tha nitroglycerin la uaed and goes from, tha Job ready. to tackle one on hla.own account, and ao becomes 4 saw leader and a new teacher." But tha yegg men eonflne their oper ation to tha email towns. In theaa aummer months they ara traveling In gangs of four to six. camping In the wooda on the outaklrta of village. la tha daytime they aeattsr, paddling shoe strings, braaa Jewelry and worthless trinkets among tha villager Inci dentally they ara spying out possible "Joba." They ara well armed, ara dan gerous and will shoot to kill. After cracking a safe they will ride out of a district on tha bumpers or In freight cars. They ara as fleet and wary aa fleas. Whan ona la caught It Is too of Impossible to make out a caae gainst him. After being held as a vagrant ha la discharged. Diagnosing "Tegf" Jobs. f It Is easy to diagnose a "yegg" nitro w wivnarin lfin - i nn nrnraiBiainnBi - rw. men," "peter-men" and ""gopher-men" by all thesa names tha aafe-cracker la n called In criminal lingo use Juat enough of tha explosive to open a safe or vault n without unnecessary nolae or destruc tion. Tha yegg safe-blower will use f I enough "oil" or "grease" (nitroglycerin) io tear everyming in near radius to spllntereens. Then, too, his careless ness . sometimes results In his being hoisted by his own petard. At Benton, Wis., an unidentified man lately at tempted to break Into a creamery with tha Intention of obtaining tools where with to rob the Bank of Benton. A bottle of nitroglycerin fell from his pocket, tearing oft bis. right leg and dls a emboweling him. It Is now a war of wits between the professional safe-blower and tha ex pert safemaker. That the latter has the lead at preaent la evidenced by this vary fact that most of the "Jobs" ara being dona by tha "yeggs" In the small towns. The banks of the large cities are equipped with the latest aafea of the eafetnaker'a art; the old-fashioned aafea have been relegated to tha coun try counting-houses. The old aafea are comparatively frail affairs and can be opened sometimes with ordinary tools and a little powder. One or two of the moat expert "box-men" some years back by simply' placing their ears to the old Combination safea could hear the tum blers drop. They thus opened them without tools or explosives of any kind, As tha old locks were Improved the next stag was to drul a hole. Insert a heavy puncn, striae me nog wnicn noias the tujnblers In position and hammer It loose. After the saiemaaer naa made still another advance, a drill was applied around the lock and ,the latter was Blown open. uui tne manuraciurer has now so Improved on the locking mechanism of the modern strong box that lock-blowing Is fruitless. Tha Modem Method. The modern "peter-man" drills a hole In the top f the safe, stops up all door cracks with soap. Inserts a funnel, pours In the nitroglycerin the minimum be ing estimated to a nicety inserts an in sulated wire .properly capped at the lower end and wraps tha safe up In felt or wet cloth, if ha rn work entirely around it. Tnls wrapping deadena tha shock and?preventa. the scattering of Iron and streel fragments. Everything being ready, the long Insulated wire Is attached to a portable electrlo battery, previously deposited in ' another room. I The button is touched, tne saie aoor flies off without unnecessary noise and the J'swag" is in easy reach. Thexactltude with which the profes stonal "gopher-man" measures out his nitroglycerin is such that a pal van often remain In the. room with tha ex plosion without Jeopardising life or limb. In the recent hold-up at Savan- ah. 111., the express messenger effected return to his car, arriving wiinin tne k . a ' . , i . i - . csskipartmeni'von mining aslhe latter exploded, tie was anocaea completely 6ft bis feet, but was unm lured. In the professional train hold-ups dynamite Is often thrown at the door of the combination mail ana express car. This often results In the blowing Wt of panels Tindh smashing of class windows. But unless antra has to be thus forced an express car Job can be done aa neatly; as a bank job, without damage to'the car proper. The express train Jobs are usually the work of hardened professionals desper ate men with genius, though ill-directed this genius be. Such- explelts are planned with true military forethought - After the Great Northern hold-up at Carlisle. Minn., the bandits in their re treat through Fergus Falls stopped to damage the electric power house, thus leaving the whole town in aaraness ana Irgftierlng pursuit Impossible. yf he safe-blower's kit is receiving new jyadditlons from month to month. What jf the professional "box man" may have at tlal inventory of stock found at the es tablishment of Ed Burns, alias "Pap Jones," a veteran safe-blower and burg lar, lately discovered to be operating in' Chicago and to be Incidentally con ducting the business of a Jobber of burglar's supplies. In his room was found, In wholesale quantities; almost every appliapce known to skilled "peter men" -eutomatlo drills, revolvers, alee trio pocket flash lights.'" rubber "sneaks" (slippers), sledges, Jimmies, wedges, dy namite caps, ruses, Insulated wire, saws, screws, braces, drills, flies, electrlo bat tar tea. soap, nitro-glyoerln, eta The flncat kit of tools known to the polio of this country was captured not long since from Jerome Markle, alias "Dutch Weber," alias "Will lam Myers,1 at Colorado Springe. Markle Is an ex pert safs blower and tool manufacturer. His kit consists of 1(1 pieces and a gooaiy supply of nitro-glycerin. The Mysterious Tool Maker. ' The saajorlty of burglars tools rased la the Middle West are believed to be manufactured by a mysterious person age known la police circles as "the tool. maker of Illinois," He Is said to be aa old man who lives In an out-of-the-way hamlet of that state, and who. while to au appearanoes a good, honest clusen, earning a precarious living at his forge, m in reality a tool maker to safe blowers and burglars throughout the neighboring states. No one In police or detective circles has as yet discovered his place of abode. The stamp of hla handiwork la found on almost all burglars' tools cap tured in that region. In the safe blower's vernacular the term "tool" refers to what In reality Is many pieces of finely finished steel. It is. In fact, a set of tools deelanod to drill and blow open safes. One of theee kits lately captured Is estimated to be worth I00. It consists of a plate with four legs, a set of drills, a blow pipe. oil can, mallet and monkey wrench. When In parts this "tool" may be easily carried in tha pockets of a man's clothes, but, set up. It could not be con tained in a large-slsed grip. The daring of the safe blower Is best et forth la this" story told by an old detective: A safe was so placed by a banking house that a blight light shone on It at night, and It was thuSMn full view of the policemen every trra he passed by the building on his beat. At least SO times esch night he peered through the window of that lighted room. One morning the aafe waa found wrecked and rifled. A. counterfeit aafe a flimsy structure of laths and canvas, painted to resemble the original was found In the space always occupied thitherto by the real strong box. The latter had been wheeled In a back room and rifled at leisure The substitution was effected while the watchful "copper" waa pacing toward the farthest limit of bis beat and back again. nectrlelty Mis erramt,, That the professional "peter man" is pressing electricity into his service is well illustrated br a recent robbery In St. Petersburg., which will no doubt be imitated In this country before many months. The strong room of a wholesale tobacco ahop In the Russian capital waa broken Into In January, 8,000 rouble be ing stolen from the safe, which had been guaranteed as burglar-proof. A large hole waa found melted entirely through me steel aoor. The burglars had torn down the elec trlo wires of the building and used the powerful current to fuse the metal of the safe. Only skilled electricians with elaborate apparatus could accomplish such a feat, of course, and It was a neat Job. The blow pipe hae been enlisted Into the service of the English bank bura-lar! Not long ago a safe in the postofflce In to Perform an Ocean Test of Speed Which Ended Yesterday .. i P ywtM.v. i 4im".4S viwis ai .ejefar-r " : ' V : .i'"r' rv-f9M tf.-sA'- 'ei f tiw,er --r essri ..1. lit'- '.-v.? KrV'i v 'U'i :' 'AU'- '.j I. j. ; V-". JWsf ' - ' mm -sss, " , w . A' V, '--- - v enr notiois. rxorotix) or BAurr The United States flagship Kearaarge, Captain Hemphill In command, erosaed the ocean at highest speed pos sible with natural draft. This Is the first time an American battleship ha been subjected to such a severe test In time of pesce. The test wss ordered by Mr. Moody at the request of Admiral Melville. The trip haa great bearing upon the . settlement of the Impending boiler question before the Navel Board of Construction. TWO FAIRS MAY BE POSTPONED A Prominent Exposition Worker Cfaims St. Louis Display-Will Delay Until 1905 at the Earliest. Would Force Lewis and Clark Directors to Defer Opening for at Least a Year Later Than DaterNamed, Th probable postponement of the Louisiana -Purchase Exposition, at Bt. Lout until 1P05 and the consequent necessity of delaying the Lewie and Clark Fair aC Portland, is told or by Edwafd Everett Toung, a resident of this city and one of the original com missioners for the big Northwest show Mr. Young said: T have information that leads me to believe that the Fair at St. Louis muat be put off for a year, because HOW TO READ THE NEWSPAPER The Scientific Way of Perusing the News in Your Daily, In talking about newspapers not long ago a college professor Is reported to have said that 30 minutes a day waa all that one ought to give to newspaper reading. It Is to be feared that euch advice will fortify tne skipper and the akirrfrner In their helter-skelter habits. Not that there la no Justification for skipping and skimming. There cer tainly Is. The perfect, ne plus ultra reader ia the one who can adjuat his speed to the Importance of the matter which Jie 1 . perusing, weie can float lightly over passages which do not con cern him,? and plod conscientiously"! tnrougn pasagea which do concern him, who has acquired the.power of rapid subjects survey without losing power, when ever It is necessary to exercise It, of accurate Insight. This kind of reading machine, capable of being adjusted to any required velocity, and to any re quired degree of thoroughness, will do more work In a day than any other kind of reading machine that can be devised. It remain! trfle, however, that most people skip and aklm unlntelligently. They fall into ways which are fatal to mental health. They beoome Woo cur sory. Such people should gife their paper more than 20 minutes a day. They need not read everything that the paper contains. The headlines will enable them to pick out those articles which are of particular value to them. Other people will pick out other articlea. That Is the plan on which the dally paper Is constructed. It Is not meant In all Its parts for, all people. What It attempts to do Is to give, each of Its readers the things which he Is Interested In. When he has' fAund-those things he should read them carefully. Unless he does he will find that hip acquaintance with current events is -exceedingly unsatis factory. The farmer who plows through the columns of his paper with much more care than, speed Is, of all men In the country, the best Informed on many of political moment. The nmOTnmrf TlXZT. Notice I hereby rlvaa tbat at th SMt!ng f t Council of the 'It of Portland. Or aoa, hld oa the Utn day of Jul, lOuS, tee following rtenlutlos vu sdnptM: IUhM Tbat the Coamll of tb CMy of Peciland, Oreiua, droma It oxpedUnt and pro. boms te Improvo UalM strMt from th Mit una r Beat BloTonth trt to th wt Un of iiolladir Park Addition to Portland, Oregon, by sading th stroot full width with fall In tor action to th proper Mb-frale, th pac of th CITY VOTICXa. pac to b IS feat la width, oa each aid of win itreet. aid lmorovmnt to b mad IS ecorfanm wy tb charter and ordinance of tb City of Portland tnd th plan. prclOratluni and Mtl mat of th Cltv Enclnmr fllod In th ofllr of th Auditor of th Cltr of Portland on th 3Tth day of June. 1U03. Indrsd: "City Kn ainr' plan and spuclflcatlnn for tha tin provraMBt of Ilauw (trt from th t lln f East ElTnlh (Crt to th wt lln of Holllday Park Addition ind lb tlBit of th work to b don tnd tu probabl total Stat thereof." The ont of utd ImproTament to b aed provided by the cUj charter upon th prop erty (peclall benefited thereby and which M hereby declared to be 11 the lota, part of lot and parcels of lsnd 1lnc between a lln 1O0 feet north of and parallel with tb north tin of Dilec street sod a line luO fet south of and parallel with tb south lln of liaise street, and between the cast lln of East Eleventh street sad tb west lln of Ilolladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon. The Knclner's estimate of tbe Drobable total ot of tb Improvement of said street la fitto.OO. The plans, speclnrttlnns ana estimsto oi th city Engineer for th Improvement oi aia llalaer street are herebv edonted. HeeolTed. That th Auditor of th City of Portland be tnd b Is hereby directed to ie otic or th proposed Improvement or said wt rovlded by the dt charter. . monatrtor against the soot Improv. mt mar b filed In wrltlna with tb uuor signed within SO daa from th data of th arst pabUcauon of this notice. By order of th CoutiMl. THOS. C. DIVLIJt. Auditor of th Clfy of Portland. Jul IT, 1UC3. pre Ren FBOroBEO nukormzxT or goHirrxzi ' ITKIIT. Xotlc I herehr given tbat at tha meeting or tb Council of tb Cltr dt Portland. Ore. son. held on th lAth da of July, leoS, th following resolution wss adopted: Keaoived. That tb Cooncll of th City of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- poa to Improve Schuyler street from the st lln of Esst Thlrty-nrst street to tb wt lis of the count road east of Fernwood, la th following manner, to-wit : first By grading th stmt fall width with roll intersections to the established grid. Second By eo Detracting wooda sidewalks 10 feet la width with sli-foot covering plnks. Said ImDrovetnrat to he md In accordance with th charter and ordinance of tba city of Portland and the plans, tpectncatloa and estimates of tb Cltr Engine filed In th etoc of th Auditor of tb City of Portland on b 17th day of Jon. lBos, Indorsed: "tut Engineer plan and peeiDtie rot tbe Improvement of gcbnler street from th Est lln of East Thlrty-nrst street to th west lln of conntr road st of Kern wood, nd th estimates of the work to be Aon and tb prob able toul cost thereof." Th cost of said Imtarovement to be assessed ss provided by tb city charter upon tbe prop erty aperlally he net! ted thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lot tnd parrels of land lying between a lln 100 feet north of and parallel with, tb north Ho of Sehoyler street, and a lln 100 feet outh ef and parallel with th sooth lin or ocony ler street, snd between th east lln of East Thirty first street and tb west Un ef the county rosd esst of Fernwood. Th Engineer estimate or to prweni tniai t for the Improvement of said Sob ay ler street la il, 947.00. Th clan specineanona and estimsie or to City Engineer for tb Improvement ef said Schuyler street sre barby adopted. Unsolved. That the Auditor or ta taty or Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notlc of th proposed improvement of aald street aa provided by tba city ebartar. Kemonstrsnr against toe aoov lmprovemenT. mar be filed In writing with tb ndenlgncd within 90 dss from tb data of tb first pub- llratlon of this none. By order of th Council. THOS. C. DEVUH. Auditor of th City of Portland. July 17. 1903. thing we need Is, perhaps, not that newspaper reading should be leas ab sorbing, but that It should be more discriminating. Chlcasrn Trlbun M0F0IZ9 XMIOTXaOOrT Of wTIDtim TkXXT. j . Notlc It hereby glvaa tbat at the snttng Of tb Council of tb City ot Pnrthind, Vrm. son, bald on tb 18th aay ef Jul, lVuS. tb following rseolutlon wse adnntsd: absolved. That the CmbcII ef th City of Portland, Oregon, deem It ipdtmt Sad seo bom to Improv Weldle Street troea tb wa ter lit f East Twentr-etrbth trM e tk west Us ef of Et tTiirty-Brst Btrt la U following manner, to-wlt: rirst By grading tb trt lull width Wtttl full Intersections to proper gTd. Secnnir-B eonstraetlog aldvralfcs tws 'feet wide with six-roel covering plants ana woodsn resewslks eurb. Tlilrd By ennstmctlng six feet In width. Held Imomvenient to be tnad In se with tb charter and ordinance ef tb Cltr of Portland and tbe plan, specification an) te mtte of tb City Itnglneer Sled In tb efflee of the auditor of the City ot Portland oa tba arth dsy of Jan. lOOX. ladoreed: "City Es glneer's plans and speclflcatlona for tho las pmrement of Weld ler afreet from th center Itae of Test Twenfy-clfhfh street to tb Wee 11 u of Kast Tblrty-Srst street, and th eatUnate of tbe work to be done and th probabl total coat thereof " The cost of ssld Improvement to be saaaa4 ss provided by tbe city charter upon th Stv erty spcclslly benefited thereby aud which ta hereby declared to be til th lots, part of tote snd parcels of land lying between th eaat line of Esst Twenty-elabth street and .he wt line of Eaat Thtrty-flrst street snd between a line 1IM feet north of and parallel with tb oath lln of Weld ler street tnd I line 100 feet eoat of tnd parallel with tb south Un et WelsUse street. Tb plan, specification and estimate et th City Engineer for th Improvement et IS Weldler street sre hereby adopted. aeaolved. That tne a no i tor oi tb city o Portland. Oregon, be and he ta hereby dlret4 to civ nolle of tb proposed Improvement ml ssld street ss provided by the city rhtrt The Engineer's estlmste of th probabl total cost for th Improvement of said street as $1,.7J.00. Remonstrance against th above Imprwve ment ma be filed In writing with th an4t signed within 90 dart from th date of tb first publication of this notice. By order of tb Council. ' thos. c. rmvLtif, Auditor of th City of Portland. . July IT, 1808, PE0POIED raaOTZltZjTT TWTXrTH ITXtXT, Or XAMt City Engineer, Ssld lmnrovemnt to b a ace with tbe charter and ordinance f th City of Portland and eat Notice I hereby given that at th meeting of tb Council f the City of Portland. Ore- ton, held on th loth day of Jul, UMS, tae ollowlng resolution wss adopted: Uesolved. Tbat th Cooncll of th City eg Portland. Orecoa. deems It iDdlnt and sr pose to Improv East Twelfth street from e point 19 feet north of th south un of East Taylor to point 19 feet sooth of th north Un of Hawthorne avenue by eanstraetlng trtlflcUl stone sidewalks la teeordtnee with the plans, pclfktton and estimates ol the made la accord- d and the nlana. SDeciflcattoM tlmatee of tha City Bnaineer filed la the offlr ef th Aadltnr of the Cltr of Port land oa th 18th day of July. 108. lnaored: tit tnnneer s nuina ane apccincwxioo tor tb Improvement of Kast Twelfth ttrt from t point 19 feet north ef tb eouth lln ef Eaet Ttyk street to t point 19 feat south of th north line of Hawthorn arena, and th eetl rhaUt of th work t h done and tb nerdashle total cost tbsreef." Tb eost of said Improvement te S ae ssed aa nravlded b the cltv chart BSOS tb oroDertr anedallr benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared to. be all th Vote, part of lota and farcl ef land lying betwn a Una 19 feet north of and parallel with the aoath Un of East Taylor street and th north Una of Hawthorn arena tnd between a Une 100 feet weat ef and parallel wit US wee I Un of Eaat Twelfth street and a Un 100 faet east of and parallel with th aat line ef ' East Twairta street. Tb EiLslneer'e estimate of th nrobebl total eost of th improvement ot aald Cut Twelfth street I '2,977.00. Tb Diana. eaMlfleatlona and estimate ex tne City Engineer for th Imprevasncnt of eald Est Twelfth street ar hereby adopt. Resolved. That th Auditor of the City ot Portland be and he la hsrebr directed to stew notlc of th proposed improvement ot said street as provided by tb city charter. Kemonatranc against tb aoov improve ment may be filed In writing with th under signed within 20 daya from th date of tbe nrat publication of this notlc. By order of tb Council. THOS. C. DBVLIW. Auditor ot th City ot Portland. July 17. 1808. the foreign exhibltora will not be ready Tottnh.m e v.. in lime, ana insi ui.j w... iev..uu " ' ww, ewea-ba fwaae vysuou ! I na. T 1 .. 1. s-a annAUNriA tftaa Trmt means of the Intense heat which can.be vv" r"ir?W."uiln our own Exposition. I , f, "I " . ' . can give only my own personal views, dl l rubber tubing and cylinder of cxyi h thouht lt would bf fonthfga.Tehte tVSJ Tni A J SL 1 ? nM.int . . . ..,; . ,i ana mat ivwgiu pw wwi .. vw,.wa Bp tvuitviSlkHlff tUUt.lClll ItJI the steel of a battleship. One reason why the '"nitro Joba" are now moat frequent In the rural territory of the "yegg men" cannot be Overlooked. The American Bankers' Association. hich Includes practically all of the Important banks of the eitiea. haa rer- fected arrangements with a noted detec tive agency by which all members are guaranteed Special protection. When one of these banks Is made the victim of a burglar or forger men are immediately pui on me case with orders never to done." Toting Ooes Bast. Mr. Young leaves In a few days for the East, and will visit the gt. Louis Fair officers to look up some questions pertinent to the Oregon enterprise, such as methods of entertaining the public In hotels. He expects to leave next week. Being pressed for a reason for tho belief that the St Louis Fair was to be Dostponed. ho replied: "President Francis, of course, would cease until the guilty parties are run at present deny such Intention, but the down. As proof of the fact that the 'elnS there, according to my Informa tion, is tnat an e&ponniuu -vmu uw well during a presidential year, a view that appears to have reason in lt when carefully considered. guns' of the country are fearful of this combination stand the' statistics. Only three attempts have been made to rob the banks of the association since the compact was made. In one case tnat of tbe Scandinavian-American Bank of Bt Paul the "swag" was returned with a reproachful note blaming the of ficers for not displaying In the public lobby the usual -badge of membership' id the association. 'n the future." read the note, "nleaae keep your sign where honest grafters can see It, as the American jankers' As sociation is too tough for poor grafters, four respectfully, John Tegg d Co." --tarsrtait 1 And. finally, as to tha star "nster msn " What has become of them? ' Edward tweiiy, alias "Big Mead," is now at lib erty. In his prime he carried scales SHERIFF SAVED THE DAY Opie Read, the novelist, was telling of hie experience aa a-journalist in Ken tucky some years ago, "There was a good deal of news," he said, "euch as shootings and knifings. but this news was not regarded as lm portant and little attention was paid tq lt. I remember once when a local leua broko out afresh, when members of the opostng elder met at the county seat" "There were hot words, a blow was struck, and weapona were drawn, when the sheriff Interfered. He loudly an nounced that he would not tolerate any began shooting. "I forget whether he killed eight or nine, but I know that in describing the Incident in my paper I commended the sheriff for his prompt action and bravery and added tha paragraph "There is no doubt but for the prompt action of the sheriff there would have been bloodshed." which would locate the Interior locking ri0,!0 mechanism of modern safes of every' d. and n9.n hl" order- wer not byd be . .. . - tcrea, enntvinar scnpiion. jim uuniap.vwnose rant- trot away with .'fcwag" amounting to 13,000,- ooo, was recently retaken In Chicago. The greatest haul of Dunlap's gmng was the Northampton, Mass., robbery, when $1,600,000 was captured in a lumr Dun- lap helped 'the Pinkerton agency recover over $1,000,000, and when released from prison called on William Pinkerton with the pledge that he would break away from his old associations and start life anew on the s '.'straight and narrow." Plakertoa lent him moral and financial aid with which to start in honest busi ness, joui no many .monins ago he fm,.. r..,K . . v. was caught with a kit of burglar tool. V""'" JV Z""""S.uZ -ITITI .Vri " A ., i ,, , I or the load caused a smash, and driver. j:..Pf remained on a huge .u iv......u-v auai, m uienui k i ma nckA with..,, enr van an Ke.u uunuuu saxAiiuiiaurw, living la retirement and a connoisseur of art. JOHN ELFRETH W ATKINS, Jr. A thrilling adventure on' an tee floe is reported from Lagersdorf, on the Dan ube. Where a farm laborer was aent by ! his employer with a two-horse wain for a load of wood. Having to cross the a strong body of men with grspplers could a raw tne noe to tne bank. . TOO SMALL TO OBEY The intermittent- discussion about the propriety of the word '.bey'Vta he bride's part of the .marriage service re minds City Magistrate Crane of a story. 'When a certain couple were married the wife was 16 years old and big and buxom. The husband was two 'years her Benlata but slim te thinness, snd not up tor the average in. height Ten years passed and the couple got along as wen a many coupies ao, out the wife was .hard to manage. With the flight of time she became larger, while her theoretical lord and master added not an Inch to his stature nor an .ounce to his weight One day he wanted her to do something and she refused, at first quietly, then vehemently, and finally a-., plosively. ; , "l U not do iC she de-j dared, "and I'd like to See you make ma" . ''But, Maria," expostulated the hus band, "when you married me, didn't you promise to obey me?" "I did." she replied. Then sising up his- dimunitive proportions, she' added: "But I expected you'd grow. - Every educated Russian knows three languages besides bis own, and many of them four. Knowledge of the English. wau ynuna WU(USai ISf - sldered necessary to cultura A-. family I r rnw. - -1 .T-tlzL TTi havtna- email hflrtrev. .l "W"W four govern-ei.;-:-f"rVm omt!S mm tee,. jutM a.. I BiOuTHX8mtCSXXsIlMllTKin sfe taught the more dlfflcnlt Russian. 1AUAT CtW WOtD COXJCC. and mis command or language makes pos- I " orm remeay for, "DIAXKEfSA. Bold by sible the fact that Russians have a bet- Dnwrists la trecrv oart vf tha mtwVL ter knowledge of the world's affairs than lad ask for "Mm. w.v-. any other people. I IsyltasMseotlsarklad. TvvitZZZLZL Hers! Tifothers!! Mothers!!! Krs. WmWs Scatfeing Sjnrj Ass bee seed lew ever Kxn THaJll be ifn jr2 rP j&Sf y jej For a Recruit Cigarthe best 5c smoke in the World, and. you. Will be in v i The 'Bands on these famous Cigars entitle you to an interest in our $142,500 offer. Two Sands from Recruit Cigars are equal to one tag from Star Tobacco in securing presents. , SAVE THE BANDS i As the dealer for f ,1 V 1 J X J .11 Li ,', V""