-4, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, :rORTLAND, JMOND AT EVENING, JULY 27, 1903. TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD I WILL SOON ISSUE . . THE FERRY BONDS PRICES CHANGE IN LOCAL HARTS With an Insufficient Supply Arriving Eggs Are Quoted Some Higher for the Guar anteed Stocks. Local and Eastern Lard Is Down : l-Cent While Salted and Smoked Meats Drop $-Cen Market Weak. UMMMXTB Or AUT WEEK. .Irr prkM fclgfeer. rooltrj trougr with demand larger than supply. rreak, BWti better. Beef dOWB. Sutwa and" IomI lard down tt-eeat. Jry mU A amoked iUn down Kt. Oregon cantaloupes arrive. Xndlnf of op mm, ....... FRONT STREET, July 17. During . the first three day of the market week I erg price have been held rather tiff With arrivals during the main portion of that time insufficient to suddIv the demand . except at prices slightly ad . , . vanced over those of the preceding three ' days. On Saturday a large number of ales of the candled stock were made at 11 cents, although today the quota - tkms may-be said to range from 11 to . 11 cents, -with many sales being made at both figures. : Hot rnontfh Poultry Coming. The arrivals of poultry within the three days of the week have not been very large, and all stock was cleaned tip on Saturday at the very highest rul ing quotation. Ducks' and geese are . slow sellers, and the quotations for both live and dressed turkeys may be considered nominal as the demand for this grade of stock Is so small that .: dealers are unable to name a certain price. On the whole, turkey price are ' weak, with every tendency to go lower.' v with .' the exception of the price on . ducks quotation In the poultry line art unchanged during the period, -' loft on rresh Keats. "Business In the fresh meat market . on Front street," says John Toft, of Toft, Hln A Co., "may be said to be lm .' ... proved oyer the , same period a week ' ago. Demand In all lines is better and even with the much larger receipts of . the past few days all sale made were at prices more satisfactory to all con cerned. Hogs are especially good and prices are held firm for the better grades." Salt Heats Are Lows. The quotations of both the local and Eastern salt and amoved meats, ac cording to the Union Meat Company and the" -Cudahy Packing Company, are , -cant lower, with the market 'showing added weakness. Both local and East , era hams are quoted quite firm with no changes In today's quotations. The same concerns have lowered the quotations on both kettle leaf and Bream rendered Jard -cent with ' the market ' showing " very litue tendency uner for. steadl nessor further weakness. Oregon Cantaloupe are In. The first Oregon canteloupes of the . season arrived this morning from The Dalies and are selling fairly well, .with quotations at 11.75 per crate of 45 , melon. - California canteloupes .and watermelons are in large supply and prices are likely to drop during the week. Tomatoes from both California and this state are In larger supply and quota' tlons are weaker with a probability that lower prices will prevail within the next week, Peaches are plentiful but quotations for the better grades of stocks axe higher. . Today's Sail Seoelpts. The receipts per rail from the South today consisted of one car Of bananas, one car or melons and one car of oranges. urauges vox tne Better grades are career and ruling prices are stronger, witn every tendency for an early Ad' .vanca In ths growing centers, . " . Sod Market About to Clone." With only about 2.600 bales of last year's crop of Oregon hops remaining In the state In the hands of both grower ana aeaier, the market here Is showing 'tip stronger, and it is quite likely that a slight advance will be felt In a short time. .Holders of stocks are now deter mined not to sell at prevailing quota tlons, and as a result those brewers. who are short of old stock will be. forced to come to the terms of the holders . Some fairly large sales have been re ported within the past three day at prices ranKin irom le to le Mr tt bore hlrin: Mlted, each. ll.aBOl.TS: dry. 1 per Ift ); eolle. , . F . , . . k a, ok nnalt4), lane: hni-M Mob, I.OO1.&0; cvlta' hlt, cli, 86SOc; toat iklu. common. each. lOUlBc; Angora, wtU wool oa, each, Krfttl.OO. Butter, Eft aid oltry, BUTTE BKitra. 32et ramrjr, HO dairy. 1820e; atora, ITe. ' KOOS I'r-ah Oreon, 21822e. " CHKE8E rull cream, twin, 14c; Toots America, 15c. POILTRY Chicken. BiIt.iI, llQllc par Tl! bene, 12'ri2Wc; meter., 8 (8 If l-r lb; broil- era, ioj7c per lb; rryara, lSffliec per lb durka, (nc par lb; free, Tflft par lb; turkey, lire, nominal; (lrmuwd, 12ttl4 nominal. Fnitta and v.r.ubla. rrTAT0E8 Jtw. 11.60(1.1.65; buyer' price, TOWKtc. ONIONS California, allrarakloa. S1.2S: carUc, 8(9 10c. KHIS1I FRUITS Apple, ranry Oregon, 11.00 eri.BO: new California, l.fiO1.7B box; orange, lata Valenclue; $400 box; Mediterranean aweeta. 13.00: bananae. $2.25a3.5) per bunch oc per id; cnerriea, bulk, ffgoc packed, TftSc; gooeebente. SHft4c lb; aprl rota, 73cl ai.00 crate; Inmona. etatularoa, aa.oo fancy, 4.0B.(H; llmea, Mexlcaa. .esc r iuu: peacne. mmwic: pineanniea, 3.R0Q4.OU; flga, black, ll.BO; wklte. fl.OOiJ .; ploma, POcCll.00; ra srapca. uma. 12.50; cantuiounc. 11,7502.00 per doas not mem. "BigaJic per do; watermelon., istle per lb; Bartlett pear, $1.50 per box; hlackberrlea. per crate. 11.76412.00: blackcapa. 1.75(-t2(0; Loiraoaerrlm, per crate, I2.oofc2.25. V8UKTABLK8 Turnlpa, 11.00 aack; carrota. 11.25: bceta, $125 per aack: radian, 12U lbc doa: eabbue. Oreron. iuoiiuc m; let- toe, bead, l&a ner doa: botboua. 11.15 box: rreea petper. ZOe ro: boraeradlab. 8C lb: celery. 11.00 ner do: bean, atrln. yellow. s4c ID: tree. t4tq3c n; aamrasua, i.uu ju-id nox; 11.50: Orcron. il.26Ul.50: botbooae. 18.00; par' antpi, fl.T6; peaa, 8Q4e; enenmbera, 1. 0041.28 per box: corn. 85e per do: plant, loc in. PKIEu ritUITB Apple, araporatea, 04J7C lb; apricot, 1 Q 10c lb; peacnei, dM lb luuan, a'iezoe id la black. I. CHICAGO WHEAT peara, reocb, 06H ipncoo, IftWlUC BDj i. IHe lb; priiaca, I H4Ht lb; tin, c; do. wblt. THCfte Callfornli lb; pluma, pitted. 'i oo. won, f id; iiuuia, piwv, vu 6e; ralatne. aeeded, fancy 1-Ib carton. 50 pack- aaa to eaae. Hue nif : aeeoea. ,x-oa carrou. T. m. . i , ..f i in n, iUAfu. inniriir. wwiw want V7v,7pw w, lionooB uyan, i.iovit.w. " Oreoeriaa, Vat. It. Bt'Q AH "Back baala:" Cub. IS.HTU: pow- aerea, n.72H; dry (ranaute. a.2M extra 0, Ift.iau; Golden C, t5.02H; barrel," lOe; H barrela, e; boiea, 50c tdrana aa aack baala. lea no par cwt. (or cub, la oaya; mapia, ij iac in. HON ET IbSIoc par train. " COFFEB Oreen Mocba. 2ia2Vt Xm. fancy. isaa2c; Java, sood. 20 Q 25c; lava, ordinary. lniaiuc; uoata nice, laocr. iwc; ui Rica, sood. leaiSc: CoaU Rio, ordinary. 10l 12c per lb: Colombia roaet. 110.68: Arbackle. 111.18 llat: Lion, 11.18 11. t; OordaT. $11.18. TEAS 6olon. different (rade. 2S(t5e; Onnpowder, a8lj)32i835c: Bnillab Breakfaet. different irade. 12t65c: Sulder Les. colored Japan, SOQaOc; trees rap, Tory carce, 8oOe. ALT Bale. 3. Si, 4a, Ba. 10a. $2.10: Bn table, dairy, 50a, 8c; 100. 74c; Imnortea Ut rpool Boa. 45e; 100. Mc; 224. $1.85. BALT Oearee balf troirad, 100a, per ton, $14.00; 50a, per ton, $14.50; Lifer pool, lomp, a.wv per ton; ou-id roc, an.uu; mm. RAIN BA08 Calcntra, $S.763.00 per 100 rock 16M cents. Contracts are being freely sought after vj ueaiers ai 10 cents, ana some rew have been made for the coming crop at this figure, Wew Potatoes Sot So Oood. . Receipts of new Oregon potatoes are fair, but the stock as it now arrives Is not of the very best quality and ship pers say that the average per cent of good shipping- stock is about 1 sack In 10. Buyers' prices range from 75 to 90 cents, according to grade. Oood Demand for Flour. There Is an excellent export demand now existing in the flour market at prices slightly higher. No contracts for new stocks have aa yet been made, but prices are expected to open up in about two weeks, when the harve'st season Is-more advanced. All indica tions now point to the present rulings as the opening figures for the new sea son. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: $13.60. una for Ana-oat dellrerr. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 6 Tie; No. . lc: New Or leant head. sc. BREAKFAST )-! Mult.' Vita. S4.U); n.e- Mlnute. $2.60; Force, $4.50; H O eata, $8.15. SALMON Columbia Rlrer. l ib talla. $1.70: lb tails. 12.40: fane l ib data. tl.SS: U-lb fancy flat. $1.10: fancy 1-lb oal. $2.60: Alaaka talla. pink. 80c: red. I (.SO: lb talla. $2 00. t UAL oib Caaea, 22c per tnh tanka; watw Whlto. Iron bhla. l,c. wooden. ISc: Ilead- licbt. eaae. 24c. iron bbl. 17Uo: aaaollu. Iron bbl. 22c. caacf, 2NHe. LINHEKD OH. Pure raw. In bhla. 4e: ronll- lne kettle, boiled, cam Me; bbl ettc: pure raw. In raaea. 49c; irennln kettle, In canes, 53c. BENZINE 43 de caees 22c. Iron bbla 15Ue. GASOLINE M dec eaaea 28 Uc Iron bbk 22c. TurpENTiNB la eaae 70c. wood bbl 6Hc, Iron bbl 67c. 10-lb case lot 72c. BBANB Small wblte 4iS4Uc. irn wblta :i.Krti4.00, pink $3.7503.90. baron $4.75. Ltuaa $5.00. NUTS Peanut, 837e per lb for rw, 910c ror roaatea: coco. tint., saeruoc. per aoa: wai itwigioe per id; per in: nw Eaatern, 15 lb; nlherta. Isolde per lb;, fancy pecan, 14 loo per id; aitponaa, i4nioc per id. ' atwft and Prviipns. " FBE8F1 MEATS Inaneeted: Beef, prime, tc; cows, B'tfOe; mutton, dreued, 5 (if 8c lamoa. oreaaed, 7c. FREXH MEATS front rreet Beef." Prime. Te; sells.' 44Ke: .cow. .c; pork, 7t ?c; real, 7H8c: mutton, areaaed, 6U5HC Unihi. dreaaed. 5Vi?6Uc . i HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) nam, iu to i. im ibc; h to is in., uue breakfast bacon. 15H5l20e: picnic. lOttc: cot aited aide. ize m; cmokeo STRONGER AGAIN Pit Closes Some" Higher, Par tially' on Smaller rWorld's Shipments -1 han ; Had Been a l ift txpected Liverpool ( up ; r I. Corn Fractionally Higher nd ActiveOat Market Better in Sympathy with Firmness i in Other Grains. ; .. SPECULATION AS TO City . Auditor Devlin Arranging to Secure hunds tor Sell LOSS IN CORN CROP, i v wood, Steamer is nearly large enough to admit finger to turn the bolt' f ' As orr studies the two depositories ths Imagination travels quickly hack to ths time when ths Itankv ot vtios, out of which ths First National Bank Is a growth, was organised. It was in 1911, even -while the soenes in the Mohawk Valley wr disturbed Often witn rumors of war with England and troops were moving across the country and patsing A LIGHT GRAIN CROP THIS YEAR Agricultural Official JSmJljrni'. moving across tn country ana passing n- TU!--. if 11 i u I. through the. border settlemsnts bound Un9. If) I ng reCUliar AOOUl It IS that Some Fields . Produce Heavy Yields "While Others Are 'Failures, , tor ths lakes. . The Maws of this bank provided that four directors should be present at every meeting for dlocounting and ballot upon every ap- Dllcatlon: one negative, even without reason, was deemed sufficient to exclude an applicant. ' Ths meetings were con ducted .with all tn dignity ana a- of a parliament, for, among New-Crop Wheat Already Mov ing to ruget Sound and Nrsl Are Not-So -Much, but Others Differ. .J "C t 1 1 ;,(' (Special Permlaalo of Bolton, s Kujrtar aV C.) CHICAGO, July J7.A special-to the I Record-Herald from Topeka, KanM says. I J. C, Mohler, Assistant Becretary ori the Kansas Agricultural Department, says that the report of damage to corn "This department has I certain uiai inera wm uo l"u 'Z, I r -7 N"tern uregon ana Washington, and tna i not been nottfled of any damage."- v- he operatsa n ins Atoms j " '" TLt," f161 production will be considerably jf (Special Perhilaaloo of Bolton, d Boy tar a; Co.) CHICAGO, July ST. The wheat market was again strong and higher. Liverpool was up ' to , partly on smaller world's shipments than' had been ex pected. ' Primary receipts are about half of last year, and the vislbla irp- prdposed ' Sellwood ferry. Hw adver tisements wilt be published, at required by law, and the paper disposed of to loorura the highest bidder, t It will be of ths other things, the by-laws provided that ciasa known as io-year 5 per cent, . i the speaker aaaress ins presiaeni. tna- There is stiu some question regara-1 ing, ana toroaa any memoer spaaKi VCUl.r A p i J ing .ths' Beliwood ferry achems. The mora thaa twlca to the earn question I "v onipmeniS J(Q tXDQClQQ they will gt the boat now used for the One custom, however, which-was not sol IICIO OllUmi Jiioina vranic i ma,-' nvwvvar, i nut i ovnuuuiv w uww,u,, wi . muvii ,, - . . i likely, .aocordlng to thosa la a posiUon I those times was looked upon as both I i J y , , l 1,1.- If la lnnit nivirioF and ndvlaahl. th uniform I irrr-' j . ... ' Mtiiwn, - , . ..... - - - i ui thiwi im unuer xuii dju( in to bull prices. , This department has csriain yai tners win un i wm JZ." 1 1" V k-, , i ..a.M .,. r onratada the Alblna reuta. r Thesa I svery , meeting lof tha board. aald."and these raports wers sent, for will'ba ths present boat and tha steamar earlier board waa rgelr dV'0." UKoHer th la year than last." said D. Mr tha purpoaaof atimulatlnt prices. , He which Is yet to be constructed. ' i ?nl"rh flS ?2&fl?M PttJlof local agent of tha ahlppimf ssya the corn Is. In. good condition and ina.commmea is iu wr..vu w -." " r Zi- I or uauour. outhrle Co., who ;uu can withstand dry apell of 10 days. A tha Alblna proposition, yna memoers te . .p '"""" ""j: jurt returned to Portland from an ex Corn haavnow attracted sufflcient. at- are not unanimous, by any means. OnJrnn b ,dJ ff tended trip In that section of tha coun- all quarters to guarantee is said to favor tha shipping Interests money ta th assistant taymaaters to try active speculative altalrl which are agalnsutwo feirlesi another I enable them to pay off tha troops. I tentlon from Its being an for a long tlma to coma. The .bullish sentiment seems ,ts pervade allsela of traders and tha publlo at large, thus giving that side of tha market aa Im mense advantage, but at tha same tims this nartv. and another that,, and whether they can all three fix upon one definite proposition Is a question. New Tork Tribune. I il v shows a small deorea aralnat an I subjecting It to , tha usual dangers when- Inf. nvar i.ooo.Aoo hnha inat I ever the radical .. sentiment results ia year. Show, In his crop report, falls '' advances. ; THE WALKING HABIT WOMEN AS PREACHERS To a keen sens of humor lira. Anni ! Ford Eastman owes much of her popu- Tha crop situation this year Is a most peculiar one," continued If r. Pattullo, "Some crops that I aaw thrashed durlna my trip are making heavier yields than tha same land waa aver known to pro- due before. " On tha 'other hand some crops, In tha asms locality,- are almost total failure. It ia tha most mixed con dition of affair I aver saw, and no on The walking habit Is one of the most laritr as the successor of Rev, Vt, intn line vith th. rv.mm.Kiii ..tim. fa I - Tha very light movement or corn io valuable that one can acquire. na man Thomas k. ueecner to ma pastorate ot seems to ba able to ariva a Batlsfactor by saying that threshing returns show market adds further to tha buyers! sd- who keeps his legs In condition Is doing tha First Congregational Church, of explanation of tha matter. Union and a large falllng-off from expectation, vantage.- Thia movement and tha much to keep his nerves and hia brain Elmlra, N. T. She tell this story of a Umatilla Bounties, In Oregon, and tha Th yield of winter wheat la no larger weather will ba tha points in tha speou- in condition, and ha will probably be man who visited her church. Ills wife paiousa and Big Bend counties In Wash than last year. Ha also sava that ltors' minds until ths crop situation able to measure hi degree of vigor by had the reputation f being rather lngton I think will make fair yields and spring wheat la no mora than holding n" Pretty thoroughly determined, observing the strength of his kneea-it pino to "curtain Jecturing." .'- I will probably average np pretty wall its own, - and that tha rainfall Is badly distributed. Caah demand is still mod erate, but with practically no stocks, of wheat; selling pressure is slight. Corn Tractlonally Xlf-her. Tha Corn market waa active and frac tionally higher. The ,Wet and the South are still without rains. Temper ature in the Southwest are rather high. Complaints of need of rain are In creasing. Sno-w says the progress for July has been only normal. There has been no catching up; tha crop la still three weeks late and does not promise News of hot winds, of dry weather, or is true, says an English authority, that! -How did you Ilka the sermon T" h I with the production of former years. of a firing of the- crop will have unusual walking ia not tha ideal exercise, from I was .afterward asked weight, no matter from what source.it the anatomical point of view. It ia net- friend, comes, and it a foregone conclusion ter thsn cycling, for it allows of that! "Um-er-now, don't say this to any of course that under such speculative I half swing of the pelvis at the advance I body," . aald ths benedict, cautiously. condition there will be plasty of such of ths leas alternately which Is want news forthcoming. I ins in the cyclist's seat; and It gives much better play to the arch of tha foot and to the ankle. The chief de merit of pedetrlanlsm is that it gives no exercise for the arms and shoulders and not much for the loins. The kind of walking which fulfills every end Of Xot Weather a Strain on Oora. A special to The Tribune from Abl line, Kan., says that a full week of 100 degrea weather has been a severe staain on the corn in Central Kansas. Many complaints ate coming in of by a curious but I hear a woman preach six days a week, ana on tne sevenin i prerer a good, long day'a. rest" New Tork Times. DEATH RATE LOWERED luau vvii ibiiivo ni v wriaa. i . . . At, I4W I . . .v y, . , tha terrlne heat Aereage plants are exercise is that which one takes with a Wherever Americana hava free and making little headway now, and if the "This week about three cargoes of new crop, wheat were shipped from Franklin County, Wash to Puget Sound, tha first grain to reach tha aeaboard this year. Bhrpmenta are expected to reach land next week. ; ' The charter market stDl remains quiet. Shipowners are asking 11 d to oamr cargoes to tna unitea Kingdom, but there are no takers, Ud to data thara. hava only bean 10 charters reported by local exporters. Shippers are waiting ax pectmg a i conaiderabia decline in tha rata. Tha grain tonnaga an route to Portland Is S4.T74; Uiat tn lha harbor U golf club In. hand 'round a links. The nrtKnnlrarl MAPttml rinvn gfAaagi that A ! better than two billion bushels. Cash ,arnjer. d0 not get nln ,nde the next swkig of the body in wielding the club .,t WM reduced extenslvafy tn siiuauoa is mooeraie ana stocxs snow i , ,m nn n,,m The rnn 1 1 a variety or muscular exertion wnicn i D , t .-a n rsh. t t. .!.,. imi - w . " r i. . , i - w. -vy " " I u. owru wr ua iioro w m (n southern Kansas, in the lower part on down In tha Philippines. Uncle Sam the corn belt is in even a worse condl- p".. wi ,bhora iUth, decay, shlftleasnesa and tioa times nave remaraearmv wrwm group pestilence. When ha takes . hold any rt - m a..,t... or ni mil tine must da comDaraiiveiy i ., i, ,k. . , say the eorn is showing signs of curl- unexercised In ordinary, from the stiff- defatJgaMe doctors and .anitarlan. I ioul JzJ nff rym Ka liut wMh funArtAH I nvoll WflltJIl 110 JCCIB all HICHl a, to, IIW .jAn,., Mntouul AvatAma .e w m I " " "' good deal of profit-taking on tha firm ness today, but on the whole tha local speculative situation is unchanged. Oats Is Sympatky With Others. The oat market Is strong in sympathy with corn and wheat. Receipts are fairly liberal and stock for the week show a liberal Increase. Cash demand is about fair. The cash situation,, how ever, Is still obscured by the July ma nipulation. Provisions Heavy and XVower. vzsTToma to Kmnjura to be as high as 10S degrees yesterday. In the northern counties the conditions are not so sever. A good big rain would do wonders in helping the crop out at this time. There is wide difference in the various fields, some corn Is six-feet high with other stalks scarcely two feet off the ground. The situation is due val; fid among them are the the loins and flanks. It may to be -a sound principle, needing no proof, that the better the condition of the muscular walls the safer the state of the organs contained within them. Boston Post long Inter- ZaaJL 1 ZZa r -nLr. Leaving Portland daily at file a. nu, muscles of i?A d,ralnae nd Performs wonders. by th4 W0n Railroad Navigation .av wwowoavai ia- wuw KJK VUIUiUUlB by daylight, arrlvlngaf The provision market was again heavy to the wet spring and the floods and the imiini i-rn rr- witimii"" River are seen by daylight MU MULI I n Ur Vnl bnll Cascade Locks at U:06 a. m.. and "The uaiies ai it.oa poon. natuming, ina train Imvm Th Fiallaal a 1 -A n Speaking of engineering feats of this Cascade Locks at 1:4 p. in- arriving at cnaracter, iv wuuiu u iiiwrcaiint: ' le I roruanu e.i v.sv and lower. The price suffers constantly from dullness both in speculative sup port and the cash demand. Tha large packing interests are offering very lit tle aid and the . tendency BTlll seems lower. NEW YORK STOCKS necessity of planting a late crop. American Stocks In Xiondon. LONDON, July 27.-2 p. m. Ana- BANK'S STRONG BOX On top of the vault of the First Na tlonnl Bank, which has lust been en- know what -means were used lq trans-1 porting the giant monolith of the Vatican from Egypt to Rome. It is" S3 feet high and weighs 721,000 pounds. Cali gula had it brought to the Eternal City i D. m. If desired, raw turn can ba made by river ateamar from Cascade Locks on the way up, arriving at Portland about p. m. Return can also be made from The Palle by boat The T. J. Potter leaves for Astoria and uwaco every aay in tne week, except eonda Copper advanced 4V4; Atchison h"i '".I "2, .tro, box A. D. 88. Some 1.600 years later Sunday and Monday. Partioulara at unchanged.Ppref erred advanced $ ; Chi- llTTtJrL lt Z Pope Slxtus V had it erected by Montana 2 "Lii0 fflo Thlrd " Waabint 1 a.i.ak Dlaaaa UAta -Ta mma ds I '-vea 111 i,iJ9 aaxvBB va, kj i- vj t av iuut aw 1 25 feet and set it upon Its pedestal cost $44,000. Id nut. 10I&12U lb: btcknrr nnta, lflc ser It): ebeatnuta, iloe per lb; Bra all sat. 14c per "V; Uiie; , c;'l urj Hiim nni'KS. iivi hcvb btt, salted, vMii amoked, 10 lie taxe, aide. naeka. a. EABTERW-PACKUD HAMS TTnder 14 Rie, lOe; over 14 lbe, 1514c; fancy, 15 eiavie;' ple- nlca.-llo; abonldera, 11c: , dry aalted aide. animoked, 11 He; breakfiuit bacon, 16 18c fancr-. ie. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, HUc; Ba, He: 6. lB4c; 60-lb tin. UUe: tcm rend' red, 10. lov&e; 6, lOfte; 50a, 10c. r EASTEKiv uard Kettle leal, io-mnn(, liyc; fia, lltc; 50-16 tina. uc; ateaoi rend ariul. ina. IftlV.C! Ba. lOUc: Klla. lOUc Abor packing boo price r set cash, 15 oara, , FlSa Rock cod, Tc; flounder. Be: hallhot 6Uc; nnc cod, Tc; eraba, 11.50 do; raaor clama. e per do; atrlped baaa, 12H: almon, Chinook, 8c; aummer ateelbead. Tc: cole. Be: (brlmna. Facet Bobi. . lie: catnaa. c: had, Ac; illrer smelt Be lb. APPLE CROP WILL SHOW EXTRA YIELD A, S, Bliton of Medford Talks About Rogue River Valley Crops and Outlook. A. 8. BHton, editor of the Medford ZpBTLASS WH0XESA1E PBICES. - v. Oratn, Flour and Feed. WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c; blueatem. 80Q RTc: alle, 77T8e. BABLBT JTeed. $19.00; roUed, I20.5021.00. JAT8 No. 1 white. l.lTttQ1.20; (ra;. H ia 174. "LOUR Baetern Oregon: Patcnta. IS.DSia etralghta, S&80; Valley, f3.603.S0: era- ., ,' T1: 10,$S55. , IILLSTOFFS Bran, $22.00 per ton; mld n $29.00: nrt. $22.00; chop, $18.00. MAVTlmothf, $18,01)17.00: clorwr. $16.00 4, .:.; California. rto 1T 50. , - Hope, WmI aad Hide. , Hors leeifltfe ft choice 1903; contract. Hi-. - - . ; -r : luir. !HrieHc: one. ifwuc; Kaatera ore- fm. I Ufa 15c; Mohair, somiDii, 85sTe. KHKKl'KKINa nearuic. 1H ool, t2&23c: Budlun wool. SOo; Surtl.44 each.' ' .... TALLOW I'rUD,' per lb, 4(S5c; K. 1 and areaae. ttt'2H. ' '. F ' .- B1IR& Dry bldea, Na. 1. Ift pound end en. 1 5e per- m; dry kip. No. 1, 8 to 18 lha, 12c; dry calf, . Wo. 1. aoder -8 Ita, le: dry ailed, bell aed atairm. 1-8 eea than dry Slut; aalled hide, steer. nond. SO poond or r, ?38e: RO to 80 lb. TCSc: adder 80 lb 4 we, $07: uit d Mil, eoend. 6c; klo, .und, 15 to 80 tbe, Te: eoaod. 10 to at, ici emir, eoane, osaer 19 o, ttc; k19cl iort loos wool. Mall, says Southern Oregon will have the heaviest crop of apples and pears it has ever produced. The grain and hay crop 1$: far behind the average and the latter commodity will be scarce next winter. , Mr. BHton is in touch with every section of the Rogue River Valley and in speaking of the outlook yesterday said: "The apple orchards of Rogue River valley will produce the heaviest crops this year they have ever borne. Most of this fruit will be shipped to Europe, though some of It will find Its way to Australia. General business conditions are good but trader- is not very active at present. The failure of the hay and grain crops, caused by the late rains and cool weather in the spring will be offset to a great extent by the extra amount of corn that will be raised Many localities which have always pro duced hay and grain, planted tfae acre age In corn, which is doing nicely. "The placer mines are nearly all cleaned up and the output is far in ad vance of tiny recent year. This wasi caused by the extra. amount of preclpl tation during the winter and spring, giving the miners plenty of water with which to work. The Condon Power & Water Company is completing Its dam at Tolo and In a short time the entire valley will be furnished with electric power. "Quite a number, of strangers from the East are buying homes throughout the valley and many of the . large ranches are being ut Into small tracts. Some few timber claims are being taken up. tout the best of such land has been secured. Nevertheless there Is plenty of good land left In Jackson County and tne outlook is very, encouraging." l In addition to being the owner and editor or the Medford Mail,' Mr. Bliton ia United States Commissioner for his district He left tot the South last night ' r DESOEIPTIOX . Anaconda Mining Co ...l eom 74 Amalgam tad Copper Ool SSHI 0 AtcblMn, common . .... .1 83 I 65 Am. Car A Foundry, com 80 ' I 88 Am. Sugar, cemmon .....1114 -118H Am. Smelt, common ...I 41 Baltimore m who, com. .1 bivii ss Brooklyn B. Transit..,, 41 U SU. Canadian Pacific, com.. .121 I123T. -Chicago A Alton, com.-.. I Soft 22 Chi. A Grett Weat. com. 14tt 18 Chi., Mil. ft St. Pnl.., lS9 142U Chicago A Nerth., com. 1181 mi81 CM. Terminal ay ,.i, 10 . il Chepeake A Ohio......! 81. 82 col. Fuel a; Iron, com. .1 40 148 Col. Southern, common.. IHT1 4 Del., Lack, ft Weat. I. . . . . Denver A E. 0., com.... 21 Brie, common .........II 27 IlllnoU Central 128 lxut. at Na6Tllle......102 Met. Traction Co .......Ilia Manhattan Elevated .... 181 Mexican Central By....l 18 Mexican National I..... M St P., A 8te. M... 61 .Uasonri Paclflc . 68 Mo., Kan. A Tex, com. 20' N. Y. Central ......... 118 Norfolk A Weat. com.. 80 North American ...... .171 j N. Y Ontario j Weat.. I 22 Penn. mkhf ..120i23 raopi r- u. a v. uo.i vz PreasedjSteel Car, com. .1 40 Paclflc Vail S. Co...... I 18 Reading, common I 47 Repnblle f. A B., com... 104 Rock laland, com 21 South. Kallvy, com.... 20 Boot. Paclflc I 40 St. Loula A 8...W.. com. 14 Tex raclflc .......... 24 Tens, Coal ft Iron ..... 38 Toledo, St. L. A W., com 18 Union Paclflc, common..! 74 II. 8. Leather, common.. I ?, fj. S. Robber, common..) 7' n. B. Steel Co., com.... 22 Wheeling A L. B., com. .1 14 Wia. Central, com I 17 Weatern ITnlon Tel..;... 81 5 Wabh. common Money 2 per cenC Sale 898,200. 20 28 29 132 104 118 188 '13, B8" 88' 20 120 82 74 28I 84, 44 20 00 11 24 20 , .14 26 40 10 78' 10 24 14, 17 83 22 88 37 62 80 118 88 81 41 121 20 13 188 101 8 81 40 11 21 27 128 102 "2 131, 12 00, 10 118 60 TO. 21 120, 82 40 48 10 21 20 40, 18 24 88 18 72 6 7 22' 14 18 82 A1l0, yanced ; Chicago. bank when(Jt vag flr8t organised In Milwaukee A St. Paul advanced ; Den- m, The contrast between the modem ver & Rio Grande common advanced; h,, ., m, Imn w 1. . Erie declined H, first declined ; IIll- markable. and the old safe, with Its num vcuiina umunni t . hura locK and severe Dlnlnne. is bnrcuv I journal inenas ana reaaera wnen I WTWBTnn rnn T,, ero Nashville advanced ; Mexican Cen- interesting than the burglar-proof traveling on trains to and from Port-J Langdon Dunham, Connecticut's oldest BIRTHDAY PARTY AT 103 tral .advanced vJLMlasourl, Kansas & sltair, with its confusion of intricate land should ask news agents for Thai centenarian today oelebrated the lOSdl Texas advanced ; Mexican - National log and doors. - The old strong box Journal and Insist upon being supplied I anniversary of her birth at her home la unchanged;. New York Central advanced may be lifted by one . ordinary strong with thla paper, reporting all failures la j Bouthlngton. by entertaining the men? 4 ;- Ontario A. Western unchanged; Nor- mfin. m.v he carried bv two men. obtaining it to the office of Publication. I hra Huft enllr J. , Waataim irlvm,.! Li- p.nnvl. .. . . . . , . ... . , . . . I . IPV. T....l B.l.a 1 .. ww....., . , r n il a an immanaa, Kf-T. nnn ma krvh mi tuumni m ahw auwiua. rviuwiu, vi Tna m mpnf.. ti HimtiiiriAn af u.ma am vanla advanced 1; Reading declined , ' i 1 - - 1 1 72 40 first 'unchanged; Southern Paclflc ad I .nMMAa kz , rriAM vnuucu ' 7B vIVAOSSV- wjTauteu 79, uiiiuii Paclflc declined . . .preferred advanced United States Steel declined pre ferred unchanged; '. Wabash preferred declined ; Consols declined , lis 41 82 44 128 22 14 141 164 11 82 43 18 3BH J il 108 116 in 20 Prune Crop Is Shorter. SALEM, July 27, Saturday afternoon, prunegrowerS' from all over the Willam ette valley and many other points the Northwest met here to discuss crop and market conditions. The crop is not considered as large as two years ago, and it ta decided that this year's fruit should not set for less than 2 -cent basis 4 cents for 40s to 60s. f. o. b Ore ton ahiDnina notnta. Over 4 000 i2 I of prunes wererepresented at the meet ing, 81 98 20 20 61 73 22 122 94 43; 20 4 11 24 21 43 14 28 Iilverpool Oraln Hlrhr. LIVERPOOL, July 27.4-Uose: Wheat, July. 8-6, up September, 6-3, higher. Corn July, 4-8, higher Septem ber, 4-5, Id higher. k:i 18 78 7 9 23 14" 17 88 u Ziocal Hogs Are Betterv .' PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, July 27. Today's receipts of livestock in' the local yards consisted of ISO cat tie and 200 hogs. Hog prices are look ing better with, the demand more active. Cattle are quiet and sheep are dull, with the following quotations ruling: Cattle Best, S3.754.00; medium, I3.OO03.BO. ' r' . Hogs 5.B08.65, I , , Sheep 2H8c .(5'''.! Lambs Jo. -, , a a MHnitWIMIi v NEW YORK. Julv 87 Th wnrlrt'a grain shipments are: Last week, 7,286, 000 bushels, against 10,824,000 bushels last year. 'Previous week, , 6.941.000 bushels; last week, corn, 5,499,000 bush el, against 5,270,000 bushels last week Chicago Hog Again Lower, CHICAGO, July 27 Receipts of livestock In .'were?1 f f . coontry and 4.296,000 'bushel last year. HogliT fJattle.' Sheep. Chicago ......45.000 28.000 28,000 Kama city ......... ,ju .ii.ww z.uuu Omaha , 2.000 2,700 12,000 Hog opened ateady, 10 to 15 cent lower, with. 2,400 left orer from Saturday. Receipta a I year ago were 28,000. Ruling price are: Mixed. t5.30t5.80; good. $5.60285.80: rouah. 84.00l95.25: llht..5.30ffl5.70. caitlb Beat, steay; omen, 10 to is cent lower. SHEEP -10 to 20 cent lower. . Cash Wheat Prices. , . CHICAGO, July 27. Cash' wheat prices at noon were: No. 2 red, 78 78 o; No. 8 new, 7877o; Na 1 hard winter, 77 aimed; No. 1 Northern spring, 8394 c; No. 9 spring, 76 80c. Jan. Feb, ." ! raui flslble Bnpply. , -f-CHICAGO July S7.-JT!e grain visible supply is; Wheat, decrease 117,000 bushels; corndecrease 308,000 bushels; oats. Increase (73,000 bushels. ' New Tork Cotton. . (Special Permission of Bolton, fle Rnyter ft Co.) upen. nign. ixrw. Close. 9.75 9 9-60 0.71 9.62 9-74 9.68 18.38 18.00 12.40 12.10 10,85,- 10.52 9.02 9.76 9.80 9.68 9.77 9.60 ... 9.78 .... 9.70 March 9.74 July , 12.00 Aneust ..... 12.30 Sept 10.82 Oct. .0.01 Nor. .... ,, 9.70 Dec. ..... .. 9.74 9 9.60(381 .62a84 9.63369 13.10gl5 12.1012 10.82(358 Olearanoes and Bbipmeats. NEW YORK, July 27. The clear ancea were: Wheat and flour, 125,000 bushels; corn, 86,000 bushels; 'oats, 32, 000 bushels. Primary receipts were: Wheat, 698,000 bushels; Corn, 855,000 bushels. Shipments were: Wheat, 306, 000 bushels; com, 688,000 bushals. San rraaolseo drain. SAN ; FRANCISCO, July 27.-12:30 session Wheat. December. 146V: bur. 9.65(gi67 hey, December, 984. 0.60861 r. ' Ilforthwest Oraln Oars. LIVERPOOL, July 27.-Cotton opened Wheat cars a year ago were: Minne apolis, 866; Duluth, 12; Chicago, 231. quiet to 2 points lower on near and 1 point lower on distant and at 12:30 p. m. was unchanged to point lower on near and 2 to 2 - points higher on lata Spots are unchanged. , Sales are,, 8, 000 bales. American . 1.000 bales; receipts. .American none, . - Exports , l.oao . bales, 1.0 W ATJOtTST BATES. O, m. 9 . Again otrea onr-Tline stmlt v ' and toTer.ff i.ii. August 18, "19, 26-and 2;the O. R. A .mo wo um bum, againsi jM.again sens--long-tune w ticket jo i,i mien 4ui w Dc usu',pvu uaie aiisc l yutitta iu 'io'Jl,av wii.n viopover pnvi- yt-ar. The closing price , was 9 points leges, j Particulars at city ticket office, down On the Old cron and 5 DOlnte dnwnl ,a.. uingwn.si.reeis.. on winter opuuns, coroparea WIta oat' T" urdays close. Why not make the. trip to' the famous luiownon -nauonu jraraT- you can aa rranolsoo Stocks. SAN FRANCISCCJuly 2710:30 a. oo-ao at a very moaerate expense. Spe cial excursion tickets are on sale dally at the Northern Pacifto ticket office. No. 265 Morrison street This Is the best 85 86; S. F, das & Eleci. 6611270: 0 ih."Trk i.VoUMnn IS'fi tlflcates, 668; Vigorlt, 4 bid; Ha1 to take car of all tourists desiring to Saae in irip. mi av tne omce. No, Z6S orrlson atreet, for Park literature and 28: Paauhau. 15 (5)17- Alas Vil ilia I iuu pariiomara. ai arrangements will 3-0verland TrainsT DaiIy-3 2 -Daily Through Trains to the Beautiful Twin GitieS-2 Minneapolis and SL Paul -OVERLAND TRAIN DAILY 1 VIA.. THE . . . Northern Pacific-Burlihgton Route. .. .TO., 1DENVER;. LINCOLN, NEB.; OMAHA; NEB.; ST JOSEPH,MO.i KANSAS CITY; ST. LOUIS, AND 'ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST ' ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE FAMOUS . . . , ' " , Yellowstone National Park (0 m0 THE OLD RELIABLE ... ., Pioneer Dining Car Line EXCELLENT THROUGH CAR SERVICE Your Baggage can be Checked Through to i Destinatioa Union Depot Connections. S TRY THE "North Coast Limited ; , . , . ' ' ELECTRIC LIGHTS-ELECTRIC FANS THE CRACK TRAIN OF THE NORTHWEST : : A. D. CHARLTON, . I -,'. "' Assistant General Passenger Agent - 255 Morrison St, cor Third, Portland, Oregon i