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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1903)
1' - -.A..,-"-. . iTIIE OltEG ON DAILY r J OUBNAL, 4 PORTLAND, - 'MONDAY JSVENTOGi JULY " 27 1003. Uems of Local Interest forpusy ; Journal Readers. - r ; ; -.-j ? tiic timrfp hPAl .'.: : , -.-j- ... :, St Paul w also being repainted. . . 1 11L 1 llUDLlV lLAI , -YVtAJhtK. rUKtCASh; -vf CLARK IS. ; THE COLUMBIA . Kit Dr. XdttlAld . was -remoyed to her horn at TOO E. Burnsld strsst Heavr showers hare occurred In th Bed River I yestsrday, Mr. Llttiafleld bad been ; Valley of tba North, and light local rains are I rated on for appendicitis at the Qood reported In portions of Montana and la Booth- Samaritan Hoapltal and is Improving rn New Meslcs. Fair weather prevails In tha very much lrf health. Paeifle Ooeet sutes, with tempemsm sUgbtly V. . ,V: ', V below normal. t ; , , . ' Taa Mss-alains Una itMnur. fo Tha The Missouri Congressman and His Party Taken as Far as the ') Cascade Locks and Business W. Cornanof Southern .Pa, ; Opportunities Explained clfic Says Reported Com . bine Is News to Him. , ... AXtbto&t xSU'"4 Wings. eonnetlt woamer m mis gurnet lueaaay. , . - , , I at LyU wKh ColuJlbla Rlvr A North. ; 9-HOTEL. ARRIVALS . Psrtlsa.. . '.;..'.' O. U. Lawrence, Baa rranelaco; r. J. Btaet and wife. Ban Franelaco: T. Oilman. Kw Yarki V W. K Upper. New Xorkj Mrs. H. V. Kelts, Beaa rj monti Mrs. f. Long, Beaomoat; lira. U. O. Kim. , Waco; W. King, Waea) P. Maneeth, Spoaene; A. Rob If, Baa Franeiaco) T. H. Trov nd famMr, Toledo) J. B. Pollock and wife. B. C.i W. J. Hardy, Baa rranelaco; r. B. Loop, San rranelaco; Dr. J. B. Matbtesoa and wlfa, Bt. Mary a; D. M. HitbUaoa, St Marya; lira. Allen. Bldoradoi B. Clark and wlft,. Bpokanai Mlaa E. Clark, potto; Mies Clark, Spokane, rn Railway for Ooldandala and KllckM T'l know nothlny or tha reported deal LUt Valley point. Alder-etreet- wharf I between UIU, liarrlman and Weyer-I iailr (except Sunday) T . m, Phone, I hauaer for the. control of the lumber Mala. 111. -vf .....',,. ;,;'(. : ior me jNonnweat," a&ia w. jc uoman. - i. : t . v ifcneral freight and paaaenger agent for . autev weal, cannier or the Traaera tu orea-on diyiaion - of the Botitbern national uanx In Portland.' He He , Promises to Use His Influ ence to Secure Governmen Aid for Commercial Advance ment A'ong the Stream. The JournaL-throuch the courteay of mt Spokane, la a rlaitor Pacific, who returned yeeterday from a the C R. N. Company, gave a Columbia is accompanied by his trip to San VrancUeo. "That la out of River excursion on Sunday to Hon. Champ wife and stopped off In Portland for a few days en route home from Whatcom., where he was attending the annual eon yen t Ion of the Bankers' Association. ' BBttaBaaaaaaaanaV v -J risheav as maater of the tow- A my line. My trip to -San Francisco was Clark and family, and Frederlo J. Has on. regular business and all I know un. newspaper syndicate correspondent. about, tha reported lumber, deal Is what asking Mr. and Mra. C K. Bitton. former I have read In the papera." (townspeople of Mr. Clark now residing in xnatiact tnat a. i craig. general Portland, to asalat in the entertainment nassenser aa-ent. and R. B. Millar, ren-1 thi it)na-iilahMl amenta from Mia- Inar ataamer L.lnala owjtad bv Oamrm W. 1 i ,..ukt . .u. I . mv. , . i . SSilTstatXsl hE i5l Taylorbegan a suit,ln libel against the road A Navigation Company. wee in Portland Sunday morning on the Bailey Bpokanei O. Ilarmaa anS wii, Ban rranciacei Jsm1 . this morning. ...He alleges thM San Francisco at the time Mr. Coman Oatsest and went) Cascade Locks, re 8. Bernana, Ban rraneiaee; o, Bermana, Baa he has spent In the payment oz was. there. Is said by both Coman and turning In time for the eaatbund evening v n iruwrijrai( h re merely a ooinciaence. . i train on the O. R. A N., which train the nu tor orumary . repam ana nr 'xr coarse," sitia Mr. coman, "we ciarks took en route to Pocatello, Idaho, tnat toe sum be returned to htm, -t ... 1 transacted certain business there that am Impressed with the beauties of ' ' wJ7ITaM- 1 oU,,rw,M WDUld hv bn ttenled the river, as of course anyons would be snnasi , TaoattoB TnpvReal as-Ik, sorrespondence.'' ,a. .ni ih th nn'mmercial IlghtfUl launU for the summer day -I. Mr. Crate- raturnod homa H,ira I "",..,..-' v..- nnM it Cincinnati; g. Uoyd, cblcago; . E. Biawett, Jone svary night IUUe erpenaa-. and Mr. MUlsr is expected In Portland Shall have -been opened-to navigation. nasi city? M. U. Bay tram, nan mncuee; r, rwuiw o niuamaiw ajia ana yre- 1 tomorrow.' Certainly " said Mr Clark UDOn his re- X-?0XXUTM B;. ttS! fsnii!r '"SSZZ " PP-rea I'couMdono Pes. "the? to say to pleasure u at any time, it snau come within my power to perform any servlcs to thsm In connection wjth the Federal Improvement of this great river. It is a mttv nt aitrnplaa that it haa not been Fitfgerald Is down from Pendle- opened before this. The empire that lies beyond the Celllo obstructions ana its B. Everltt of lone Is In Portland enormous productiveness warrant tha rranctaeo: Mra. O. W. Blue. Ban franelacoi C. . Bume, Ban franclaoo; . D. McMillan, San rranctaeo; W. n Hupp, Ban yrsndaco; H. M. Copeland and wife, , WlrhlU; C. ' Copeland, WlcbaUr J. W. BoUkm, PltUborg 1 W. B. Le vel I and wlfa, Idaho) r, 8. PaTla, Baa rran elaco; y. B. Va Vordea, Tba Dallas; M. Plant, hi Aldrlcn and wife, elty; M. W. punnlfan, Antleck; w. B. wngntman, New xorai i. Bamary , and wife, EUenbnrg; T. I, Oorman, Baattle; 1. Medline, Ban rranelaco: MIsa'Mc daaa.vgaa ataaciaco; WvCeok. Dan Tar; 0. A. Brawn, and wife, city; L. Cooper. Baa Praa- ; a. Belaa, Cbtoasoi V. a. Jordia, SUB- rd: M. 0. Devla. Seattle; P. O. Taylor. W. B. turnback, CU P, Placbar, IL B. Bcorel, 0. . B. Cnrtlaa, Ban rranelaco; P. B. Itelpa, Edwin Oeodale, A. A. , Brownlee, W. D. ' Oage, B. L. DeCanp, New Torki P. W. Vallla. eitri B. S. Tearaler, Bpokaae; P. B. Barrta, Aabland; Mr. and Mra. B. D. Dleklnaoo, New Jeraan M. By nun, Cairo, 111. ; Mra. Jeaa K. Moore, Dan rar; Mrs. P. N. Murphy, Mlaa Irene Mnrpby. L 4rande; Mra. N. W. Oeatyeld, Mrs. A. A. Pran eiacua, it., Chlcaro; Frank M. Pettt, Mra. PotU. Belea Pott a, eU potts. Atlanta, Ga. ,W. 8. Otafke, cUy. a o'clock. Ticket Interchangeable with 1 Mld. eiectno cars. The length of the term in the medical department of the Oregon State Univer sity has been increased from six to I T. seven months, adding 110 laboratory I ton. hours to the year's work. After Jan-1 - y PERSONALS. uary 1. igi, it is announcea tnai in or- today. expenditure of any sum needed to build tfl?! !!. S itiSj F. E. Harris of Ashland Is at the the canals and overcome the present bar- in T Portland. rlar that prevents navigation tnrougnout wm be required. v.i.. 1. t ih it- ts entire stretch of navigable water." w ; " . , AMMw,.. " KaJ'"n to ,n th citr Inasmuch as Mr. Clark l. -now accred- Sr. Xanrjr Irrtng Bt formerly on business. Demoorata In pastor of ths Grace Methodist Church, H. C. Gist of North Yamhill Is a ht HouM 0f RepresenUtives, his pledgs Imperial. an absence of several years. He gave an address in his former pulpit yester day morning. Dr. Rasmus Is pastor of the south Park Avenue Church or cni- I . . . .Jaai . Ilia rtTCIIISW UMUtVII ws. a " - - " " - - . , f- S3 !torUi 3 rt?Tl-; ?"k" easo, which is one of the largest Metho- "" registered at the Imperial. t&naylTeaia- c i w' jlmea ' Baai-- B. m! d,Bt Churches of that city. He is on F. R Wsite. a prominent Banda. Vancouver; C 8. Irwin. Vanco'nrer; B. his vacstlon at present Of Roseburg, Is at ths Perkins. romana visitor. - has a value even greater than it would Attorney A. A. Jayne of Hood River bear without that position of seml-ofa Is spending the day here. cial authority. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Mulkey of Vale Mrs. Clark expressed nerseir as greauy Iaellgntea wiin me aays journeying on the Columbia, and desirous again to' visit romsna ana lav many inenus nini uero. Mr. Kaakln whoae words and nromlaea F. L. Davldaon of Hood River is at-1, 1... i,. mn An exciting- raoe occurred between ..ndins to business matters 1 this S... Z '. '".r 7 Cty. r DeTwhcrtIkehi;.ynd af't.rnn Th." faiVrt- rm- C. L. Reed, a weU-known Roseburg arranged his plans for the coming year oSrvlcTorto?.'!' T?ee',n1 J 'Jt"ed the Belve- White Houss road and the women left aer' Mxt Sume- ,n Portland and at resorts the men In the dust behind. The second F- H. Moulton. a large Ban Francisco near here. Hma thav met at Ah.rm.n at rot lnii wholosale losther dealer. Is registered way was rerieot. IfS"7' the raoe continued down Third street to t the Perkins. The day was perfect and the excursion Taylor, where the men acknowledged Mrs. T. N. Murphy and Miss Irene was quite ideal as a Bummer aay a out defeat ' ' Murphy of La Grande are visiting '"g- The Columbia River & Northern friends in this city. Company, owning the steamer line, had The attempt of an Incendiary to Are h. P. Preston and wife, and Miss l"? Dna.or insirumenis o me the Clinton Kelly School at Powell and Anna E. Fernald. all of Baker City, are Si""'"1 r'lZT P.tMn.nn u t TamtMitth at root a waa fntiaei at t .. i Barracks, of which I. Pattlnson Is con- - - " w--- - I TlOlalllh) A 1 Stilus HOI V, I . ! a m O. SToU. th well-knoWn vtnegur throughout the day. inanufacturer of Salem, ia attending to Tne Mlaaourl Conirre-Bman. besides business matters In this city. having pointed out to him the many IT. Tt. DaaIa. m. TUlfLmnok biialnABia rwalntsi nt mm unfit n1 fntsir. rw.'J"! !B i J" h PmtH 'ind I the fire had been started by a firebug I man. la In Portland. He states that his est was given a thorough rehearsal of fnltniB w talker andrTfef tJ hwhose Intention was to destroy the! 1 kreat hlvs of industry at pres- the facts and flgurea peruinlng to the D. 1 structure. . I ent. , commerce or tne trans-cascade region. T F. . Jordan and wife of Gold Hill end toe ngures snowing tne saving, on If yow have a "harry B" srder, be- are visiting in the city. Mr. Jordan Is freight rates which would follow the J. McTormlck. Baa Pranctaoo; T. 6.- Batcalosa, 'Baa Franrlaco; U. B. Montagne. city; B. J. Beaaler, city; Mrs. Baaaler, city; B. B. JartU, Bt Pant; P. U. Nerlna, Brattle; P. A. Mcgratn, Bt. Psnl; H. Eagleeon, Boiaa; Mrs.' Eagleaon, Botoa; Mra. C. Alexander, BoUa; Mrs. N. Jaeura, Bolael B. B. Eatoa, Portland; J. 0. Bootb. Grant's Paaai Battle Bermann, 8I001 City; 'Ella Brrmana, Bloox CUy; Atta Bwartoot Lebaanon; Bffle Planklngton. DalUa: I. W. Haraeh aad Dallaat A. t. Rubta. Baattla: Rath Bobalna. Paaadcna; W. 8. Windham. Usate , Bnaaal, Stella Thornton, Bote; B. P. White, Mlnne epolle; Mrs. White. MlnneapolU; E. L. Wlldy. New Mrxlen; O. Emnrieh, Alaakt; Mrs. Laete Batna. Bock Ialand; Mrs. A. V. Martin. Me MlanTlllai B. B. Bryan, Olymi-ta; Mrs. Bryan, 1 ..1 . . uM m r 11 1 ii.Wm , a v Lord. Taeoma; C. P. Park, Taeooa; W. C. midnight by L. W. Deeph ad Al Faust Barnbert; Mats CrlU . Jalkra, Botae; Mlaa Ttlla who were passing. They saw the flame) Julios, Botae;. B, J. Miller, Aurora ; Mlaa Pair, under a rear porch and succeeded In ex- city; D. Maaon, Brattle; A. Emrraon Croaa, tlngulshtng them before any great dam- Aherdern; HarreyBaldwIii, rorrat 0ita. ag hftd b,n aon6. To M appearances WUfiS Uk, aasrBBa Taai-laiAaa, ILwiil wlfa. Baker City; B. W. Mulkey and wife. Tale, fcwhoss Intention was to destroy Or. I Anna P. Fernald. Baker CUy; Mra. U. Tngeraoll, Monango, N. D. ; Belen M. Sennedy, St Paul! L, M. Jobnaon, Seattle. Aad mw It IB San Francisco. Will the Browns Get Ave out of sixT That's a question. See the game Tomorrow. Ban Francisco r - 1 vs. Browns. Tha first of the aeries The Callfornltss Are in second plac.e. The Browns are In fourth. But Climbing the Hill rapidly. Game starts t:IO. Grcurtils r , Twenty-fourth and Vanghn streets. Don't mlsa the game. cause you are going down to the sea or a prominent mlnina man of Southern opening of the river to navigation. Mr. sway to ths mountains or anywhere Oregon. Clark wss much Interested In the show- elss. for that matter we can fix you ti u. a n ... ing, and asked numerous questions, an out In short order. With our steam- pnrManri Waa fi I Bwefs to which would tend to give him heated polisher running at full blsst, mion' Is Secretary of State of -New clarer Wea of tho problem and the ait tne time, ana our otner maenmery I jersey wrwi Dunuir ui ivitiiii n. galloping along at break-neck speed, we f ' . , During the day. Mr. Clark spoke of the are In prime condition to "do things .t.. ". of '.Tr , i - i.i. 1 --"- - Kepresentatives, ana expressed the hope ".w. ..-v..c x that the coming speaker, Joe Cannon liictiua. MR. SWEEK SAYS ' : ADVERTISE FAIR Oregon State Senator 'Has Re turned from the East and Says Coming Exposition Is Little Known. Working People, He Says, Fa vor W. K. Hearst as Demo ocratic Candidate for Presi dent at Next Election, quick." ' Union Laundry, Second and Columbia. Domestic troublss weighed so heavily on the mind of F. N. Harris, a cooper, that he attempted sulolds last night in PLENTY OF CARS will stand for the rendalssance of the lower branch of Congress to the position intended for It by the founders of this Government. ' la lodging house at Fourth and Alder streets. About 10:30 p. m. he told landlady that he had taken a quantity I of morphine and a physiolan was has tily summoned. With Patrolmen irf 1... mm I A k. ul. CI . 1 -HOron ataUway B K.vlgatlo. Company Usurped much or th. aulty of Z Hsans or Konng t&s House, and thus has removed tile power Wheat .Crop. that much farther from the people. The The Oregon Railway A Navigation S " t..." t.t7: . 'ITa JT ?. Smith and Slover he worked over the Company has enough cars to handle the Representatives for two, and the oondl man nearly an hour before brlnslna Tif tf iTl?. k""J. ...1lte tlons otherwise are such as to give to Dr. O. O. Blansy, 207 Allsky Bldg. him out of danger. Harris is employed Sweek of the O. R. A N. general freight Jhe Benate lae advantage over the lower - w 1 in a snop at meventa and Marshall office this morning. "Thsre is always " ... . torejoy A ilnoola, bookbinders and streets,, more or less of a shortage after the sea.. L. Aga n. as the House grows larger it blank book makers, If 8 First street , Best coffee ever mads. My chefs an expert Max Smith, Savoy, 166 Fifth. ann Aivanoaa hut ihn oi h. ni.n diminishes in power, and will continue so Ada Wilson Was arrested early this cars when the first rush begins. t0 - And aI1 In n- the status has been morning on a charge of larceny as bailee "It is Impossible to tell lust how manv different from that which was planned . . . n . .1 .... - I -Kn.A K A 1.1 U n l-.t M AL . on compiaini or j. c. uray wno aiiegea cars win be required for it Is never , S. X. Moorehonss A Oo .at Seventh and Alder. Telephone, Main 1141. tons Bsaoh and Ssavtsw Provisions by those who laid the foundations of this Government ; "I believe that Mr. Cannon, who Is to be the Cpeaker next session will take that the woman had robbed hinvof 15 In known lust how many dealers will shin the Cosmopolitan saloon on Third street over our line. I believe that 86,000,000 The man and woman had been drinking 1 buaheia la a fair eatimni at thi vaar'a together when a dispute arose over the wheat yield in Oregon, Washington and I "ucn ground as will restore the House to money. The result fas ths Interference f Idaho." Its original authority. It will be well or the noltoe and the arrest Grav also PraaMent v. v. T.x-tia nt tha rv.i,hi- I for the country u he does." ' Mmitn'a MffM konaa -!"" "Iu"" t whuotb. hi. tm i ooumern nan way, wAicn . nanaies ail 16. Fifth.-for delightful meal. Vra 'nb complain . A DIFFICULT TASK woman. it was ciaimea tnat no nao. haul the grain. "Sherman countva . . .. A . I '"""- : wna a UHl oujr uuiiiiTuw l tt,. ik. cicpiut ma. wwTw.a. , . . . . . . ... Worth Dakota wheat could not be . Dr. D. K. Jland Bsd. B02 Thf Dft- me.rketed No. j cae of ,t, 8U. kutn. Telephone: Office, J66. residence, per,or,ty( ,0 tne grsAt No t hard was 6,' . . - created for it. This Is the best wheat ' . m ... ' . 1 m.A 'rttl.Vv..... Ttmtt -A... . Portland uian. isv rina .sxreei, a r" ) "" .u,.,,. u.., uuu from1! until U pTm. This i flour comes to Portland from the . . . ' . largest mills In ths world, ahd because "Whits Spray" is ths best flour In ths I of terminal rates In shipping costs no city. Made t walla Walla by Dement Bros. Co. G. W. Church, wholesals agent Sol Front street 'A well-plsassd customer Is the one that has his drug orders put up by Albert Bern'l, thedruggist corner Seo- ond and Washington streets. : The BTorthwast Sag Company, manu facturers of new rf gs from old, car pets". Free cleaning and delivery, (06 t Morrison street 'Phone, union The. Xesmlator Una steamer "Bailer dataert" will not make her usual 'daily trips to Cascade Locks and return until Friday, July. 81. Take regular steamer at 7 avnur ,v Bolemn. high requiem mass was offered up , this morning at the St Lawrence Church, Third and Sherman streets, by Rev. J. C. Hughes, In honor bt the late .pontiff. Leo XIII. v ' ' Some spsolmsns of oats from Clacka . mas County, over $ feet in height, are on exhibition at the Oregon Information Bureau. " Some excellent timothy and cheat are also displayed.. , . -,. 9. V. Daniel -of s Georgetown. Tex, writes to the secretary of . the Board of Trade for Oregon literature. Hd states that he Is contemplating a change and may eome to this state. The Texas man will get the booklets. . . Axsl ftllthahl, a boy of 14 year. Was thrown frorri his Bicycle ; while riding near '6(3 Washington street last night :- Ho wad somewhat bruised and the police asslstsd him to his home at (36 Front . street - His Injuries ars slight , !- :V -y i ' " ' -s. r v': ' '' ' 1 Ths firs 'department was called out at o'clock last night to the pulley works at Morrison and East Water streets, where a, quantity of shavings had ignited. The blaxs was quickljr ex tinguished and no damage resulted. . W. Herald and A. C. Going, of the Loe wenberg & Going Company, will, on Wednesday, Incorporate The Olive Branch Gospsl 'Mission. This mission has, been In existence since last fall, MONEY STILL COMES IN. O. K. Holsaae States that There Is a Benewed Interest Here Begard- Ing 1903 Fair. C. II. Mclsaac, who is now canvassing Portland in the interests of the Lewis and Clark Fair, reports that .'the people are responding very liberally towards the Exposition. During the past few weeks he has sold several $B00-lot shares to persons who had not been sub scrlbers, and hundreds of smaller bunches of stock. "And I am of the opinion that the money will continue to come in through the sale of shares," stated Mr. Mc lsaac this morning, "notwithstanding the fact that two assessments ara al ready due. The people seem to have a sort of renewed interest in the coming local World's Fair, and nearly all whom I have approached on the subject of tsklng -hares in the corporation speak very favorable regarding the Exposi tion, i "Of course, the work of selling this stock is somewhat slow, owing to the J. A. Clock Say Bailroad Bnslnscs Is .en,da bv ie people ofOjonJOLl&elr fact that aooften there are partners to consult, or people want to wait until fall, when they wllf have more ready money close at hand. But the Interest is not fagging one-bit; in fact, It seems to be growing among every class of people residing in this city. There are many Ban Francisco and Eastern firms doing business here through local agencies or representa tives The local men cannot purchase 190R Fair corporation shares without first consulting with the head offices this is work that is not done In rapid. fire fashion, but I think nearly air the prominent out-of-town concerns doing business here will , subscribe towards the enterprise. But I am of the opin ion that a Iwls and Clark representa tive should be sent to the Bay City, In order to personally put the matter to the heads of the large firms there that are doing business in Portland. I firmly believe that $10,000 could be secured In the Golden Gato city If this was done, yield," he said "will be about 3.000.000 In th Accomplishment of Which All tha bUShelS." . ann1 At Ai. arhAnl nt.l - w wavwa. MM mt Ml LIVELY ON THE SOUND Of the numerous Instances of heartv and generous aid which haa been ex- Bashlng at Seattle aad Yaa oonvsr, B. O. "In spite of what has been said re- wcltTsens "who suffered in the Hepp- ner flood, none probably has been more welcome than that of Ellers Piano House, which has gathered up all the more than' the greatly inferior flours gardina dull business conditions on thalDlanos damaged bv the flood and ahiniwi made from the soft grains of the West Sound," said J. A. Clock, Paciflo Coast them to Portland for the purpose of If' the families of Portland can be In- Agent for the Wisconsin Central Lines, repairing them. duced .to give this product a single I "railroad circles are certainly lively." Many people who met reverses in the trial, no other flour wul be marketed I Mr. Clock has just returned from a trip! flood and who hardly feel they can afford In this city,' It Is the flour that feeds I up the Coast I to purchase a - new instrument at the ths rich of the universe and the -poor "The month has been one of the big- present - time are exceedingly glad may have It Just th same. If costs no gest of the year in volume of business, to be able to have their damaged pianos more than the ordinary kind. I'll admit that in some lines business Is placed In good condition and In their dull butstake trade In general and I can homes again. Est. William Pearoe, D. D- presiding I see no cause for complaint." A carload of these pianos recently ar- elder of the Fre Methodist Church; Bailroad Men on Pionio. rived in Portland, two of which are now Rev. H. v. Haslnm, pastor of ths Free w. u seaenrest North raoino coast exhibited in the windows of Ellers Pi Methodist .Church, East Ninth and East agent for the New York Central lines, ano House. The wrecked cases, broken Grant streets: Rev. L. C Elliott leader Is home from Seattle where on Saturday and twisted strings, bent actions and of The Oltve'Branch Mission; Laymen he attended a picnic at Pleasant Beach, warped keys are striking illustrations of W. T. Welch, C. G. Briscoe, C A. Wllley, One hundred railroad men were present the tremendous force of the waters that Knoll, A. K. Pearc, Pauline Slleher, C. I Seachrest I devastation. They took these staunchly Little Is known of the Lewis and Clark Fair in the East It needa to be advertised." says Alexander Sweok. Stat Senator Alexander Sweek has re turned from a Journey to Kansas City and New York, and like many who visit th East nowadays is well stocked with view on national politics. Senstor Sweek was asked what were his observa tion among Eastern Democrats as to Presidential possibilities. Hs replied that he found W. R. Hearst quite strong for th naming, with th concession gen- erally mads that Mr. Hearst would poll the labor vote more solidly than could any other man. In this Mr. 8wsgres with the opinion held by Champ Clark end many other prominent politicians. "Mr. Hearst." said Senator Sweek. "sc cording to my observations and inaul rles, stands well among the conservative people of the East- and possesses the sdded value as a candidate of being the Idol of the labor voters of th country. They appear to have watched his career closely, and to regard Mr. Hearst's course as evidencing sincere desire to protect the Interests of the common people. I notice that these views were voiced In Friday's Journal by Champ Clark of Missouri, and I havs knowledge thst the condition they Indicate actually exists in many places in ths East Mr. Roosevelt is not so popular in New York State as he is In the West and I was told by many persons thst the sams situation exists In other Eastern states. Meant X for th Fair. "While I was in New York. I talked with Homer Davenport, the famous car toonist of the Hearst Papera, and with James J. Montague, formerly of this city and now of the New York Journal. Mr. Davenport stated that he had taken up with Mr. Hearst the matter of advertis ing ths Lewis and Clark Fair in his newspapers, and that he looked for Mr. Hearst to do something handsome In that connection.' Mr. Davenport said that of course. If Mr. Hearst once took hold of such an enterprise, he would In ject Into it his characteristic enthusi asm and would do the Fair an Immense amount of good. "I was Informed, too," said Senator Sweek. "that Mr. Hearst will soon have live newspapers in his syndicate, having almost completed preparations to estab lish papers in Boston and Washington, giving him then papera in San Francisco, New York, Chicago. Boston and the na tional capital. Such a combination of journals printing matter about the Fair would be of Immense benefit to our Ex-position. Fair Must Be Advertised. "I learned what most of us slready knew, that the Lewis and Clark Fair Is not well known in the East Scarcely any one has heard of it, and when we men tioned it to people there as an expert- mental manner, wo found . they knew practically nothing of Oregon and less of the proposed Fair. "My idea Is that the Fair should be advertised at once and thoroughly sll over this country, which is rather large and requires considerable time to eover, People who come from the East must have time to prepare, and most of them must be prompted to come by advertise ing which is dons a year or more ahead. The newspapers should urge the Fair managers to advertise the Fair, adver tlse It st once and keep at it until the Exposition has been opened to the Olds, Vortman & King Fifth and M Wastiingtoa . Streets. Last Week of the Monster Store, MILL AND FACTORY SALE! t CLOSING DAYS OF THE; GRANDEST BAR GAIN EVENT PORTLAND EVER KNEWt A GREAT WRAPPER SALE TOMORROW Wrappers to the A valueof $1.75 for O7C An article of wear needed in every home at every season of tha year.' White Enameled Iron Beds Brass Trimmed IN THE GREAT SALE THIS WEEK Value $4.50, special $ 3.75 Value i 5.00, special $ 4.25 Value $ 6.00, special $ 5.00 Value $ 7.50, special $ 6.50 Value $10-50. special $ 8.75 Value $12.00, special $10.00 Value $1150, special $10.50 Value $13i0, special $11.25 Value $15.00, special $12.50 Value $18.00, special $15.00 Value $19.00, special $16.00 Value $2100, special $18.50 Value $23.50, special $19.50 Value $28.00, special $23.00 GREAT BARGAINS IN .MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, COM FORTERS, BLANKETS, PILLOWS, ETC (Fourth floor). KEXKznzzzzzzzxKxnxazzssnKXxaxx MORE APPLICANTS TAKE EXAMINATION Thirteen Men Who Desire Fire Positions Are Put Through the Tests, Thirteen more applicants for posi tions In the city's fire service were yes terday given the physical teats on Multnomah Field and all except two passed with sversges of 100 per cent There are also a large number of sp- pllcatlons being received by Secretary Potter of the Civil Service Commission snd the list of ellgtbles will be con siderably augmented within the next week or two. The Executive Board at Its meeting will make the appointment of those who will be taken from the eligible list to fill vacancies in the department There will be about 18S appointments to eon- Ider. ,, The Civil Service Commission will have the official list of Are eliglbles ready for publication within a few days. The names of the men taking the tests yesterday are as follows: R. W. Baaey, W. A. Wilson, H. F. Kerran, C. H. Edmonson, H. C. Frlsble, C. W. Hovenden, It. E. Myers, J. Fields, R. B. Castle, F. O. Ehlebe, E. R. Camp bell, T. Nutter, L N. Williams. ABnmXBVTS. npi THEATER Cth and Morrison Phon. Mala 75 WEEK STARTING MONDAY, JULY If. WSTABl ACTS S Headed by LCTZ BROTHERS, ' Direct from tba OSpbeaou FRED WADDELU , B0BIN8ON AND GRANT. QEOROE W. MOORE. LORRAINE AND HOWELL. WALDRON BROS. DIUJES. S and the BIOSCOPE. , . ALLAN J. SHAW, SMEPEROB OF COINS. , ET.nlng, We, S0e, Ite; matinee. 30e, ' loe. Mattneea Wedoeeday, 8a tarda r and - Bandar. . SHIELD'S PARK 13th and Waihluxtoo 1.J00 seats. Summer Vaudeville SUNDAY NIGHT BROKE ALL RECORDS. BBEATHINO BOOM WAS AT A PREMIUM. BUNT'S DOO AND MONKEY CIRCUS. KARL AND DK ELMEB. HAPPY HOOLIGAN. Aad In fact all of tba 10 bla acta tremendously. AMATEURS FRIDAY NIGHT. Lorsd GENERAL ADMISSION 10c , : THEATRICAL OFFERINGS Bbislds' Amusements. Hunt's dog and monkey circus, Ed ward Poulter as Happy Hooligan, and Karl and De Elmes are winners at "THE ARCADE" ... Amusement Resort ... . 330 Washington St, BeL 6th and 7th ' Open from 10 a. m, till 11:30 P. M. 7 1 :!d8A ttA''lt. for Ladles, Gentlemen and Children AFRAID OF TRAMPS. constructed instruments and In a few moments reduced them to a mass of bat tared wood and twisted wire and left them heaped with human bodies, furni- The residents of Peninsular are some-( ture and debris in the creek bed and and Is now located at 126 First street what alarmed at the great number of fields. Many of these pianos are such Religious metings are held there every tramps which Infest thst suburb these pitiable and hopeless looking wrecks it evening and SA.S and t p. ,m. on Sunday. Its incorporation Is intended to greatly broaden !ffifluence and field of oper ation, and to make the place one of the great religious Institution of the city. And now it 1 San Francisco. ' Will the Browns . : Get five out of six? f ,' . That' a question. ' ' Se the gam Tomorrw, - San Francisco v r " ; , " vs- . -,''-.,;V' Browns. Th first of th aerie - Th Callfornlts ' Are in tseoond plac. ;V 1 Th Brown are In fourth. 1 But Climbing th . Hill rapidly. ' , A '' Game start 1:10. : ... , Grounds " ; Twenty-fourth' and Vaughn Streets. . Io't miss the gam. daye. . would seem a hopeless task to undertake There is no police protection In that their restoration. Ellers Piano House is part Of the city, and while no serious doing this, however, and guarantees to crime has occurred, the citizens are place them in first-class condition for keeping vigilant watch. The other only cost for the owners who suffered night several susptoious characters were in the flood. This work involves the seen in th neighborhood Of Carter' highest class of piano construction, grocery store and It was feared an at- much more difficult In fact than actual tempt would be mads to break In. How- construction, as the portions of the ease ever. "this was not done. ; , 4 part of the Instruments that are One holdup has occurred in this see- missing will hase to be matched to.the tlon. but the alleged thug, Martin Allen, damaged pianos. Every bit of the work was captured and waa held In 14.000 la to be don' right her In Portland rn bail for trlaL Allen Intimidated hi the repair rooms of Ellers Piano House, victim with a rlney but secured only S5 xbln enterprising young firm- took root cents. - 4 and ha grown into on of the largest The people at St Johns, beyond Pen In- concerns in ths West and that It Is In a ulsr. havs also Men annoyed by suspl-1 position to undertake such a difficult clous characters. Merchant- Lunch. Served at the Winter Garden, Ttyrd and Morrison, daily 11:10 to p. m. Price. 15 to IS cents. Bill of far changed dally and musical - program render ',' - , clsss bt work on such a large seals Is a matter In which all - th people of th tat ehould take pride. , 7 , ' Ten thousand demon gnawing away at one's vital couldn't be much worse than the tortures or itcntng pues. . yet there's a cure. - uoan vintm fall., . nat Mver WILL BRING SPECIALS X-ooal Board of Trad to Work TTp Ex cursion Trains for Watlonal Z.1t toek Convention. The local Board of Trade Is already making arrangements to send men back to the Middle Western states to work up excursion trains to Portland for the National Livestock; convention, wnich is to be held in this city next January. Trains will be run from Texas, St Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and Denver. It Is thought that over 5.0O0 visitors will be In this City of Rdses during the convention. The representatives who are to go East will leave Portland sometime dur Ins; the next few weeks, taking with them many large boxes of Oregon literature. They will visit all th leading livestock centers, and will personally meet many of the leading cattle raisers of th great Mississippi Valley state. The nil-, roads have already promised a reduced rat, for- this 'convention, and it is thought .that many home-seekers will take advantage of this and make a visit to th X-and off Prune and salmon, v .. good, is on the hills and there can be no disappointment In a visit to this popular play garden if one desire a good laugh or wishes to see clever work. With ths exception of the Bollls, oper atic singers, Mr. Shields has an en tirely new cast this week. The dog and monkey circus can easily be rated among the best feature seen in vaudeville, and will be popular among the little ones, not to mention those who go "Just to let the children see.1 Edwsrd Poulter, ss the well-known child of woe, Happy Hooligan, makea a rather unceremonious entrance and dur ing his act keeps the audience In a con tinual uproar. In fact last night the throngYf people at the Park were so taken by his wit that they lorgot to ap plaud. ' but rolled In their seats, con vulsed wim laugnier. Karl and De Elmer, acrobats, do some very acceptable work on the horlsontal bars. The opening sketch, Jhat of Walter and Hagan, black-race artists, could De improved. However, their eccentric dancing was well taken. Burden and Zarilla, female imperson ators, kept the audience guessing whether they-were of the gentler Their turn is very good. In the Hills of Old Carolina" and "Where the Silvery Colorado Wends Its Way" are the illustrated songs sung this week by Edward Raymond. The polyscope shows some very Interesting pictures. The following is the program: Hunt's- dog and monkey circus. Edward Poulter as Happy Hooligan. Walters and Hagan. colored comedians. Karl and De Elmer, acrobats. Burdell and Zarilla, female imperson ators. Bollt and Bolll, operatic duo. Illustrated songs. Polyscope. CONCERT HALL BLAEIEB BROS. CONCERT EVERY NIGHT, Hi-US BCBN8IDB. Tourists' Curios WE CAUY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Japanese and Chinese CURIOS IN TOE CITY . Consisting of fine Ivory Carvings, jironse and Cloissonio Ware, Chi nes Ebony Furniture, SQk , and Satin Embroideries, Fin Decorated Porcelain Ware. Matting, Ruga, i etc., at special prices. Tourist ar cordially invited to call and Inspect our magnificent line of ORIENTAL, CURIOS. Andrew Kan & Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison SU. BURIED AT LITTLE FALLS Tha Bmplr. Tonight I "first night" at the Em pire Theatre, tne nlgnt on wniCtt Man- Tha remnlna nf Jami Kna-an ager George L. Baker uncorks the good .earg of Ke wno dtea at 8t. Vincent' things for the coming week. The new Hospital Saturday, were sent to Little program 10 neaueu uy we uuia orouiers, palls from Dunning & Campion's un- wnose oaring- xeaia jnpiuae nooung dertaking establishment this morning, candles off one another's noses in the The Interment will occur at Little Falls, aara. a uaming mapiay 01 apinmng where an uncle of the vouni men re. colors is proaucea vj rrea wadoeii, me aides. Indian club-swinger. and Waldnyi Hogan had been a patient at s hos Brotnsrs. me uerman cnaracter come- pital since March, his death being cauaed aians. ao a mirmrui sxeicn in uutcn by a broken back. He was employed dialect. Two diminutive comedians, in a loscinar camn. While at work a Robinson and Grant, who are only about wire cable broke, striking the woodsman 3 fertajilgti. win appear in a feature in tha back and breakin his solnal act wnicn is iuii or mernmeni. READY FOR CEREMONY Archbishop Christie will return from hla axtanded tour of Alaaka soma tlma this week. Solemn requiem mas will This ' inornlnfr solemn services, were be offered up In honor of Pop Leo XIIJ held In many of the rlty churches for on hi return. - -. ,1.4. Th' cathedral is decorated complete I are heavily draped in mourning ami and everything await th arrival of th J large .congregations wsr present at the masses. - Solemn high requiem mas wa off red no at JJt Lawreho Church. Third ar,4 Sherman streets, at o ciorx. Rev. J. C Hughes Was ths celebrar t Fred land Rev. P. J. Carroll and Rev. Wm. th,Marr of Columbia University saslnu I In the cspsclty of deacons of the rrt.n The music was under ths rrwC IS'. C Zan nd 51U AUttis 1: . column. The injuries rendered him helpless, and his death was expected at any time. SERVICES FOR LEO XIII ', Archbishop, - reward: opjo$? For th recovery of th body of Foster, who was drowned from steamer Dalle Clfye June it, near Ben son Landing, on Columbia River, above Hooa Kiver. in aoove reward wm be Paid by th Regulator Lin. M