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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1903)
I V T17E OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY EVEN ING.1 JULY ; 27, 1903. 11 BAxonrs in tiBHTxanro. ft ft. HANSEN CO ,' rMPLOTkllCNT A0T1 i j M North Second at ; f flJtat In baa Francisco -and Lo Aug, Call Owdea an Book an. . . . Help fre to smployers. Fre baggage mem v aaa rg , won (MUTM lUf plUanU m 9 urge. . t , - KTARLIarTtD 18T8. BtlnAmurrDil irnn uum mi m- m "and otheS outbids work. daily - ImrHEMI TO ffBVAUA for tb Big 0, P. Bll Innukl UHHTII tha. a...') worst la Washington; CAST oa- osupany and eontraet wers : moith la Oregon, sua bmot tber points. FltEB . FARE oa ill I fc C. B. HANSEN A CObU'l. IS' Mar t4t, I Bstehst-eetter. " etit-oS Hwiir, ntlllara, erd- hi, aoukrenuar, timberraiier. Dae an, parsera, swampers, nuw, t. W hev Urn Hat of work in all Hne ' of lombarliif, la end out of ally j several job " oi aiy-wua xraa nou rUI. . .''(- . . -. Office fa (or ootnmoa labor, 60 cent. PACIFIC Sunday, t to 11 CQAIT MTLLKEN'i LABOR BUREAU. 3064, Morrison at. 8KILLXD B WORK te all Una of lumbsrlnf call an aa. Wa have a tare llat of wort for mlllnveu, (srduten, teamster to be tomb, fellers, uckara, barkart, swamper, bookbinder, ata. i , file faa for eummoa Work oaly SO rent. Office epea evening. Sunday, to 11 PAUriO COAST 'MIIXMBN'I BULLED '. I.AB0B BLBEAU. 'Pbon, Blark 10.1. SuAVt Morrison St. MEN or CHARACTER. Mart? and ability, to represent tb boat savings Investment proposi tion lo th Northwest; annanal Inducement for food maa. 810-611 .McKay Bldg. WANTED Traveling men; eatery SM.00 Bar month, an expanses; 123.00 nasi Bseurity r ,nlrd. . CaU nr ddrs. L. D. Abbott Co., . TAnplatno. -V rirar lit.. Boom 4. BOUirt I0B BUTT. 1188 PER WEEK, larra farnlahad bmackaf ln rooma wltk aaa of laoodrr, batb: fttrnlahad mttatra, ehaap. Mra. Baom. 1M Sharmaa at. I l ! - 1 I I iT Tktrtn) 7, BOOM! WITH BOABB, MS WITH BOARD, wall fornUhadi alt modara aoarofllaooaa; tabl board alao. Stl TklrtMnth. ' FOB BAXB-BEAX. XBTATX. ONE I. one fl, oaa A-room bona all saw; aaay payawatai wa will build aaytblnf yoa want on paymanta to aott 70a. 813 Commercial Bldg. Main. 1B40, V'l BUILD HOUSE aa aaay aaoatbly aayoMatat )uat wbat roa want; aa our plana, uar ar aot txpanalra. 611 Oommoreial bldg. i . : . 1 T0B A1X. roH RALKWallhloodod Llawlc pupple. Call at 6tw C'ommnrctal at. BATHS. WASaAOl, Turklab, - BwaaWa balba; Battl , Craok nuraaa. boo Ortonlaa u4f, i'koa Mala 11 OOOD MA8SA0B. Turfclab and Bnaalaa batbs Battfa Orak nnrwa. SOO Or(oniaa Bid poa avo - xossi HosrrrAL. bit. '. 1. CABNifTVaUrlBar aargaon. 1M iC - iotb. rnooa atiin laff. ttoa. pnnna. rroni iw. FOB BSMT. I0UB, SMI Union ara., US par BMotb; good location. Portland ITU I , Uunpaaf , of ura- SU4H STARK ST., aloaly farnlahad roomat ra aoaaai raat; traaaitau , auuoiiaa. raoaa Front inwi. ' - CASK BBOISTIBS JOB BALE. ONE UAIXWOOD eaab raglatar at balf prlea. ian atar 11 an at, nrat aaa Baimna. - FOB IAXX. ' fwo BITS A PAT will bay a Hall 8a fa, tb ftrirtaaL tba brat aafa madat ura-Mic a (oca la all ( atw 00,000 iba.-weight an Boor. Nor- ru aar loci company, to rirat at. vac bo aiiatak in pa ma or aumorr. FOB IAL& -o-raoia bnaa. lot OSilOOi U' aoa truit araaa. bis, saai Twaatrniizui at., FOR BALE Forolabad four-room aottaiw; oeaaa Tiaw,- good wall, war or and entarortabw, at nj craaa. wawport. m TBirtarntn. FOB SALE Two work ' burial, bainaas and wagoa; s fraab aw with ralraa. CaU four blncka waat train atatlon. Woodatork. Z 6 00D fa mil Jaraay. ew glra about t gallon biiuc par aayi win na iraan in xoor months, T. Stuart, ara Spring, on Mount Taaor car una, FOB BAXBA faw kltH-grao tpowrltara, tag aaco. u ana U. Alaxaaaar, U3 niro at. BINOSBURt PlA0.-for aala, cbaaa. IflS AROBVXTS. EilMONg BMMOMs, attoraaa at law, 644 rr ui iwict piag. S. B. RIOOCN, Attnracy aad Coniiaallor at- Law Maury. SOS-tog Ablngtoa bldg. a ...v, OMta iavnM BIO ybambar ar Coamarc. . TAUOHBR Boon. 18. Alooworm talMlwg. B. a DICKINSON, Attoraarat-Lw aad No- wry j-nnnr mm w TmniirriB 1 winsj, IBOX WOBXS. PHOENIX IBON WORKS Epglnaara, maow- rartorar ot marma. mining, logging ana saw. Bill machinery! prompt attention to repair wiirk, Pbona Baat tft, Hawthorne ar A E. 8'1. JUDICAL. TUB SPBINOSTBEN MEDICI NB CO., til Dakuia. curr woman a complaint ; quickly. OAFIS. YATES' PLACE, BM Waablogtoa at., Ebooa S. Mala TTL i. W. Talbott, prop. Portland. Or. nlZZZZTZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZlZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXZZXZZZ'y Made If Vni 1 t pHAT this seasonryou are go rSM'y:f ing to do a .bigger, better, -more profitable business than : - , - ever before, you must, place your 1 1? YsS inr The Oregon Daily JXJ iXk TournaL bprfliise neohle look in H . ... .;". w " -w X X its columns when considering ; the subject of buying. : . . . Up Mind ESS3EKE1 CAirsmx, I. F, LtTCT. annaaasr t Oordoa Mfg. Co.. aar Dan err. noiiaar. aeaarai soatraetor. nanaa remodeling. alteraMona, ata. t cabinet work aaa joeoiog ipecialtr) connear anaiTing. a boaaa. ate. ator and offloe nitireej ap-to- Sflte mri AirA 1 n a I aa anan an.h aif II , kind) Bofnlng too tare or to small for nr 1 La mra La le attanrioai no piaa aai wa mai ana put p th Met pr acraen ia Portland. - Shop, font of . tamhlll at.l pbon. Black SWTi rr1(1enM ItT Eatt Stark t raaldcrw pbon. Wblt.fll AUTHORS, rarpentar and builder; repairing aad yblng ! stnr andofflc Sxturaa bsllt Bnop Columbia, etion ciay lani. - OIOABS ABO TOBAOOO. UBEBfrCNST C10AB CO. Dtatrtbatara of FINB CIO ARB. Partlaad. Orago. WlJnCIX SXTLIOBTS. METAL SXTLIOHTS, galranlaad Iron or Blea. I. V. Bayer, too Bee 00 a at. OHIBOFOOX ABO MABIOVBIXw. THB DitTBNfS, tb oaly actentlo ahlrapodlata in to city; parlor aui-a, Anacy bMg.t this la the long haired gaoriemaa ye want t aa. urant 10. k MITCHELL. Cblronedlat, TUS Margnaai orag., i-nona Biaci xiot. CBIA1C ABO OBXAXXBT BUTTER. BEST ereeniery butter and par cream promptly WWTW W U aaaa-,al V, C . liVIa MUHH- tela View Farm, Orcahaai. Oregon. Apply t W. W. Cotton. 114 Woroeeter Bldg. Tl pbon. Main BSS. TVBVnSXD BOOMB, LOO AN BUILD1NO. 106 Union are. Elegant . rooaaa tot boaaekeeplng or traaalant, farnlahad ar nfrnlahedi rate reaaonabla. CAU BXOISTXBS. MA1XW00K (CASH BBOISTCItfl. SM "rark at. OABPKVTXBS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder., tOf Stark atl afflce aad ator tituaa built aad remodeled; altartag aad repair aaaaaa. Fboa Mala TT. AUTHORS MARTIN, earpeatar and build era; repairing and lobbing; atore aad ofllo Satan builL Saof tot Cola Bible. Pha Ctay 1861. H. F, CLARK, carpenter and bnlldr repairing and Jobhlug: office flxture. Bcsldenr phone, Waat Tst; abop. Mala 1M1. 6tH Waah. at. HOTELS. YtELL VKNTILATKD alngla roama. loc. Su sad IB a plgbt 1 beda. 10. Tb ErereU Bona. or Second and Darl. 00 Al AND WOOD. WIHTEHN rtkV PUEL CO. Deal era In all kloda t eoal, aoke aad charcoaL 1'bnue 101S. FCIaCAN COAL CO., wbaleaala dealer Deal aoa let foundry 'and aaMlter soke. XLXOTBIOAL WOXX. futtTLAND ELlrCliilCAL A UM.K Omc gag Stark et DTKINO AXD CLXAMIBO. CITT STEAM DTEINO A CLEANING WORKS. Herman Bnkle, proprietor. Pbon Mala 1T1S. No. 6S ttb at. oear Pin. Portland. Or. BRVOOISTS. I-HANK t SfiirBlO. drug, toilet arUulea, ACMH Acme fvreale. OXBEAX MILLS. MILLS CO.. Manufacture Ha la we in and 33 North Front at. JEWELLER. TUB Q. UniTKEMPBlt CO.. waiuifa.uirlug jewelera. 2d Mnrrlaoa at. t FRATERNAL tBSUBABOE. ORDNR uF VTitBINUToN tor-moat frater Ml aorlety f Northwaat; protecU th Ut. lag. J. L. Mitchell, eupreJne aeereUry. ll and 616 Marqoita bldg,. Partlaad. Or. Tal epheu Mala til FREE ispni XB. uLOTHlUt CLEANED and praaaad $1 per Math. Unique Tallorlag C., 6T Washlag ton at. mSVBANOB. 1. PHILIP KENNEDY, Inauranee; realdent ageat Norwich L'aioa Fir Inauranee Boetet. Pbon South IMl. 44 Hamilton bldg. lAsT Mcl. WOOD, employ!' liability and la dlrtdual accident t aorety beada at all klada. Pboa T, Conoord bldg. B. P. B ARTELS COMPANT, Fir Inauranr, 44S Sherlock bldg. Oragoa phoa. Clay BM. 1SAA0 L. WH1TB. Are meoranca, Z Soerlook MININO ABO MINI PROMOTERS. BKRHIONa A SIMPSON, mining and mine pre motera. Room 1 Chamber or Commerce). LOCKSMITH. A. L. TiaauETTS, 2HS Tamhlll, near Second; U year with J. Barbey. OREOON BOUND LUMBER CO., Itt Bur aide a A Pbon Orant 1IT1. 1 11 1 1 1 1 1. - OXIY TO LOAN. FEED n. STRONO. FINANCIAL AOEHT. Money to loan. No ommtaalna. I am la a poa I Una to make Immediate loaaa , Improved real aetata or for building pur. poena; any amount; moderate IntereeL W ppme loaaa from plana and advance money aa building progresee when deetred. Optlo ' la rape ring after one year. FRED B. STRONO. Financial A rent, r 106 Second at., near Stark. TBR STAR LOAN CO., 110 M'KAT BLDO., I03V1 Third at.. Is the recognlaad bank of the wage-earner. Wa adranc avnoey t tee mat re, trainmen, shopmen, motnrmea. onductnr. at., without mortgage, adurer sr collateral. Annua. Month 14 Monthly. WeekH !loo repay f n Ml or llano or lam M repay itft.M ar I l or 1.1. repay i 66 or I I IS or II.W Boelreae eonldentlal. N nnpleasant Inquiry. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and rot- wiRH eetTnniri epvnai asieoiina w . u . mortgegeat na bought 0. W, Pallet, til Commercial hlk. . Pbon Orant 180 MONEY TO LOAN, email amouata. short r long time. t. H. Bawley, t Cham. f Com. MONEY TO LOAN oa Hty lot and Improved farm. W. A. Shaw A Co.. MS Stark at. LOANS on anhurhan mortgagee; low rate. nara. axi ny Bldg. MODEL MAXXB. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRINO go to Andy Frtts. msehlalet and model maker. 110 ata. PERIORAL. MR, ELM OR A RICE Violinist and teacher; alao piano harmony 1 room I, .u.u.w. Brag.; hour I to 8 BO dally; pbon. Union. 46. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ar Bvre accurately and reeeoaably Oiled st Breeell e rnarmacy, til Morrle-n st bet. Hret end Secoad sta. tOPwTNt B01TSXR. TaJS COMKut goarth and Uorriaue, turuleb-4 boosekeeplBg ultea. auii aad augl ieal II ae week aad at fBTcillTirw gentlemea: aabliatea at 1 room In tranelent. Tel. axutn HI. OVERALL! BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad BJeehaa r' lvthlng. Union mad. beaaVtdto Br., Mfgra.. Partlandt,. Or. REMOVAL. !5 DR. FRANK B. FERRIS. DR. OBRTRUD B. Last hereon, DeuUaia, reaaered t MU bldg.. fth Son. BOFE. POHTLAND COBDAUB CO.." r. reart4ei aad Northrop et.. Portland. Or. FIANO LESIONS. W. OirroRD NASH. 14 loth at 1 tarat a) application. Rerlnner take. . FLtrMSEll DONNERnERO A RADEUACHBH, plumb remo-d to M Poartb et. Both panne. STORAOE AND TRANSFER. C 6. PICK. 00 oe at Plrat et-. between aHara. , and Oak at.; pbon MM; piano and ruvmvf tare moved and packed far ehlpplngs em- ' modlou fireproof brick warehouse. Fraat aa) Clav ata. SAFES. BUY TOUR SAFES of J. S. Davie; roar ra pelra and lockout eafely don, as Third t. SLOT MACHINES. TKANHCONTINEN1AL MACHiNB CO. Slot . machlnea. B B. Park aad Oak, Beth Phones. Main !M. SPEOIAL DELTVIRT. ...xiD STORIES aad Bovels for ammef read- Ing, 10 cents. Jone' Book Store. fl Aiaer CAFE KRATS. I BlxU at. A 6a teach aervsd at all hour. RIAL XSTATB. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for sal in an pans ei Oregon and Washington; payments mad to snlt purchssers. For fall partloulara aa t rarltra pro pert Ice apply to Wm. MacMaalar, 111 Woroeeter bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP BR All EgTATBJ. Room 1 Chamber of Commore bldg. KASSAOX. MDMB B. E. ELY, crmatolnglet, ma electric treat menu. 1H4 nret si. g XOETBWIIT BOTELS. Hetel Portland, Amerloaa plsai II.W per nay Semmera Betel. La Orandei trevelera' hem. Belvedere) larepeaa plaai U and Alder eta. It. CharlM, Flrat aad Merrtae eta.. Vertland POST SPECIAL DUUVKltY, N. 1U0H Waa. Ingtoa at. Phonea. Or.. Mala 13. CM., . WHOLXSALB HARDWARE. J. B. HASkLTINB A CO.. Iron. Uel. eoal aad black'mlth'a anppllee. 40-81 Second at. WHEEE TO DINE. STROUSR'S RESTAURANT; firat-claea beet ecrvte. t2 Waahlngto at. WBOLESALE WALL PAPIB. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 1S4-1M 1. bet, Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or. WHOLISALX SEOCERS, WADHAMS A 4JO., wholaaala grveera, maae facturer aad ommlatoa BMrcbaata, 64. sad 64 Froat at. . ALLEN A LEWIS, wholoaeJ greeera. Per, land. Or. ' MASON. EHBMAN A CO., wholaaala N. W. ear. Second aad Pin ts. LA NO A CO.. First snd Askew sts. WHOLESALE CBOCXEBT ABO BLASSWABB. WHULESALB CROCKERY AND OiaASSWARM. Praal BegeU A Co., 100 to 106 6th, oar. Start SEATTLE HAS SIX. SEAMEN H00D00S Half Dozen Ill-Fated Sailors v, ' Have Trouble Wherever They Go. (Journal Special Service.) . SEATTLE, Wash,, July 25. Thert tf six hood 00a in Seattle, all of them go. men, . This can be proved by the tes timony of every seafaring' man alone th water front, and by corroborative testimony such-aa no nan can gainsay. Here are the names of tha men and their record, ending with' the burning Of. the Sound steamer Walsh last Thurs day afternoon: . ' Owen Haye On steamer LaConner, byrned and beached at Burrows Bay, Friday, July I; on steamer. North Pa clflo, sunk by striking Unknown obstruo tlop off Mnrrowaton Point, July IB; on steamer Walsh, burned mysteriously at Sydney, Waah.. July it. John Conroy On LaConner. July I; North Pacific. July 19: Walsh. July ZS. John Asherley On LaConner, July I; North Pacific. July 1; Walsh. July 23. M. Mlchener On LaConner. July I; North Pacific, Jul 1. . , John. FinnOn . Lacortner, July 8; steamer Matnlander, beached at Mar rowtone Point, July 19: Walsh, July is. John Brownl On LaConner, July I; Matnlander, July 19; Walsh, July ?3. Fate has certainly been cruel or kind, aa one may look at it to theae dock hands of ' the steamer LaConner, who, since the, burning and beaching of that vesael three weeks ago, have gone through a series of adventures that would make many thrilling chapters in' a novel. . The unlucky six comprised the deck crew of the stejtmer LaConner when she , sprung leak while on her way to Seattle with 'a cargo-of lime aboard, and caught Are, being beached at Bur- -Fows Bay juat In .time to permit the crew to escape. This occurred on July I Then, .aa If tempting Fate, the six ame to Seattle, and on the following Friday shipped again four aboard the North Pacific ant) two aboard the Mam lander. , the following Sunday morning tne orth Pacific struck some unknown ob- ictlon and sunk within 20 mlnatea arrowstone Point the crew barely having time to take to the boats. Less than an hour later the Maimanaer ran on the beach at Marrowstone Point and parrowly escaped destruction. , , The 'six men again -came to Seattle, and all but .Mlchener, who Seemed now to, fear the association of the other tjve, Shipped on the Walsh. They were care- OITT VOTIOXB. ABSXMXXVT FOX IMFXOTIXIXT OF EAST XTEBTIXHTH ITXXXT. Notice Is hereby given tbat tha Council of tb Otty f Portland, Oregon, at a meet Ing held on tb l&th day of July, 1003, de clared tbe asseeament b) ordlaano No. II, 440, for tb improve ment of Et RTat4nta street, from tha center line of Dlvlatoa atreet to tb north curb line of Powell tret. In tb manner provided by ordinance No. 11 TTB. apon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which' ar peelally and peculiarly be netted, to he aa fallow. Tit: Madeline Blk I, lot 10, Bernard L. 8 tone f 1T8 B1 HI 1, lot 11, Bernard u ntoo... Blk 1, lot 6, Bernard L. Stone... Blk 1. jot 6. Bernard U Stone. 1. Blk 1, kt T, Bernard L. Stone 1, lot 6. r TV On I 'WV onnnvi ful, however, not to take their berths on Friday. On the following Wednesday the Waldh burned to the water's edge, while the crew was at lunch on the dock at Sidney. 1 These, are the facts. .They are easily "explained by 'seamen who simply say "Hoodoo." Others who haxe not gone down to the sea in ships and view the wonders of the deep are taixmg about '"fate," "coincidence" and . Other things enually unsatisfactory, and not one-half - BO-onvlncinyas tne simpie explanation offlJhose who know that there are things JjIT heaven and earth not mentioned in your philosophy. ' Preferred Stock Oaaaed Ooodfl. . Allen a Lewis' Best Brand. fALMISTKY. ATTENTION. , Too, Every On of Too. It Is Absolutely and Positively FEES 1 FREE . , (If I Fall to Do as I Claim.) " I make a solemn oath to tell yon mnr ab nolut facta n relation to not only the paat bat th , present 'and ftture of your 11 fe, aa Well aa every bop, fear or ambition of your Jlf without asking yon a qaattoa, - This I will do for you, snd nor than any other clair voyant, palmist . ot Bo-called fortuneteller In the world can do for yoa. I give special advice oa mining, business transactions ot all kinds 4n fact tber la nothing that yoa Dii waat to kaow tbat I aaa net tell yoa. Ak other clairvoyants and palmists -to do aa I agree to do. If they a I will gladly forfait i BEDUCED FEES BEVBN DAYS ONLY. r PHOF. SHELDON, ' THB COSMOS," cot. Foarth and Morrlaoa ata. Rooms, 9T. S, -99 and SO. CITY NOTICXB. BPICIAL MXXTINO OF THE COBTTCIL; Notice la hereby given tbat a special, meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland will be held on Wednesday, inly 19. 1903. at 4:80 : o'clock pJ, jo. for thd transacttoe of' general . business. V r GEO&flH H. WILLIAMS, Mayor. ,. PortUsd, Oregon, July JT, 1803. v . , Blk 1. Kit 6. Bernard L. Stone Blk 1. lot 6. Bernard L. Stone Blk 1. lot I. Bernard L. Stoa Blk 1. lot 4, Bernard L. Stone Tlbbett'a'Addttloii to East Portland Blk 10, lot 6. Charles W. Booat Blk 18, north 10 feet lot 6, Cbarlee W. Booat 91k 10, aoutb 40 feet lot , Joba Uuber Slk 10. lott. Cbarlea W. Boost Ik 10, lot I, John Bonadurar Blk 34. lot S. William B. PettJnser Blk iM. lot e. William E. Pettinger.... Blk 34. lot T, Walt Uocsster Blk 3i. lot 8, William S. Overlln.... Kik S3, lot 0, Ellen I. Farns worth.... Blk 83. lot 6. Lots A. Roder. ........ . Blk 83. undivided H of lot T, John B. Bridges Blk 83. undivided H of lot 8, John B, Bridges bib H3, unaiTlaea ' 01 wt I, nary Bridge Blk 84, andlvided H of lot 8, Mary Bridge A tract of la Dd lying between th south Ud of Brooklyn atreet snd a line 100 feet south of snd parallel therewith, aad between ths west line of East - Bvntath street and a Una 100 feet westerly therefrom and parallel there with. M. M. Brook ...(. A tract of land lying between the north line of Tlbbetta atreet extended west erly In Its pressnt course aad a line 100 feet south of snd parallel with tb south 11ns f Brooklyn atreet and between th west line of East Seven teenth street and a Una 100 feet west -of and parallel therewith, Laander . B. Brooks A tract of land lying between tha north line of Tlbbetta atreet extended west erly In Its present course snd a Una 80 fsst south of and parallel there with and between the went llo f Bast Seventeenth street snd ths north esaterly boundary line of tb Southern . Pacific Company's right of way, Cbas. H. Dakln A triangular tract of land lying be-' twen a Una SB feet sooth f and parallel with tbe north line of Tib- Delta street extended westerly in its Cesent course, tbe west line of East venteenth atreet and a 11 n extend ing from a point In the west lip of Esst Seventeenth street which Is 40 feet north of It Intersection with the north line of Powell street to a point in tb north line ot Tlbbetta atreet extended westerly In It jpreseut course, which I MLB feet west of tb west un of East seventeenth street, F. A. and A. B. Blanck A triangular tract of land lvlng be tween the north line of Powell atreet, the southwesterly boundary Una of th Southern Pacific Company right ot way and a line 100 feat waat of and parallel with tbe weat line of East BcventeenU, .treat. Id. X. aad A. E. Vaughn A tract ot land bounded and da Berthed a follows; Beginning IT aT point in tbs west llns of East Seven teenth street .which la 40 feet north of the intersection of the north Un of Powell atreet with the west ' tin of Bast Seventeenth atreet: . thenc -northwesterly along th northeaaterly boundary line of the Southern Paclflo Company right or way to a point at it Intersection with a llns 100 feet west of and parallel wltb tbe west line of East Seventeenth street; thenc southerly along a Un 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west line of Esst Seventeenth atreet to I point at It . Intersection with tbe south westerly boundary line of the Southern paclflo uompany a rignt or way; menc soma-, easterly along the ' southwesterly ' boundary 11 u of said right f way' to a point at it Intersection wlth ' tb northerly Un f Powell street; , thenc easterly along tb northerly line of Powell atreet to a point at It Intersection with tb weat Un of East Seventeenth street; thenc north . srly along the westerljr- line ot Eaat Seventeenth atreet to th Blaee of ba- Sanlng, Southern Paclflo Company.,, adelfne . ' . -Blk 1 lot 13, Gertrude X. and Thomas Callagban Blk 1 lot 13, Gertrude E. and Thomaa Callarhan ...'. v. Blk 1 lot 14, W. H. Gordon and wife.. Blk 1 lot 18. W. It. Gordon and wife.. Blk S, lot 16, W. B. and S. B. Oordoa. Blk 3, lot IT, rannl I, Lorlng. 63.67 41.86 104.16 T0.61 68.45 00 60 11.88 164.70 CITY NOTICES. parallel tber. with, Harriett Kennedv I3T.48 Bight of way. City A Suburban Bali- way uompany 6.64 . Total 18.601.81 A atstsment of aforesaid assessment has been entered in the Docket of City Llsns, snd Is dow due and payable at tha fflc of in uity Trsasarer, la lawful money ot tne United State snd If not psld within thirty days from tb data of tbta no tic, sucb pro readings will he taken for tb collection of th earn as are provided by th charter of tne tity or fortiana. The above assessment will bear Interest ten daya after tb flrat public. tlon of this nones. TH0S. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of ths City ot Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 34, 1008. or ABIEBSKTXT FOB OtPBOTXMXjrr XTLLIXOeWOXTH ATXXTTX. Notlc l hereby given that th Council AT tha nt. aiV Pn.,1. n-a-,ai. a . a M , , B..XT1 in( Deld oa tb 18th dsy of inly. 1003. do- 1S.T8 63 Bl 103.31 118.6T 111. 76 103.61 100.10 108.07 116.14 110.33 66.77 61.38 86.77 61.38 343.30 140.67 6148 167.33 88.27 ... a. aw v. a " . m.j, ,iu, w clared th assessment by ordinance No. 18.430. for the lmprovament of KUllngsworth avenue, from tha aat line Ot Commercial tract to the ssst line of Michigan avenue. In th manner proviaea by oraioanee o. la.cso, apoa each lot, part of lot i4 parcel of land, which are penally aaa peculiarly penented; to be a followa, via; i A tract of land lying Between th eaat tin of Michigan aveaoe extended northerly in it present course snd a llns 875 feet esst of and parallel therewith snd between tbs north line of Kllllngswortb avenue and a Una 100 feet north of and parallel there with A. B. and C. U. Gantenbeln. t 320.00 A tract of laud lying between two line respectively '878 feet and 830.6 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Michigan avenue extended north erly in its present course and between the north tins of Kllllngswortb arenas snd a llns ISO fset north of and parallel therewith, James Park, C. II. Gantenbeln and A. E. Gantenbeln. 461.21 A tract of land lying between two line Teepeetlvely 830. D feet snd 1.3HS feet ssst of and parallel with tbs east line of Michigan avenue extended northerly In It present coarse snd be tween the north line of killings worth avenue and a Un 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Emery Olive. A tract of land lying between Un 1.286 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Michigan avenue ex tended northerly In its present course and tbe west line of block numbered 10, Piedmont, aad between tbs north Una of Kllllngswortb avenue aad a Hue 100 feet north of and parallel therewith. ankoowH owner Piedmont Blk 10, lot 1, Investment Company..,.! Blk 10. south 87.4 feet lot 3, Invest ment Company Blk 6, lot 14, Investment Company.... Blk 0. sooth 36 fett lot 18, Investment 88.83 187 16.40 .83 3.10 CITY NOTICXB. Ewalt Blk 4, south 16 fsst lot 3. B. O. Hamil ton Blk 4. south 86 feat lot L It. G. Hamil ton Blk 4. north 34 feet of south 60 feet lot 3, Wm. B. Qlsfks and Frederick Glafk. Jr Blk 4. north 84 feet of aouth 60 feet lot 1, Wm. B. Glafk and Frederick Glafke. Jr Blk 4, north 8.7 feet of aeuth 63.7 feet lot 3, Josephine II. Unsscll Blk 4, north 3.7 feet of aoutb 83.7 feet lot 1, Josephine II. Busscll Bolladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 13, lot 3. R. G. Hamilton Blk 13, lot 1, B. G. Hamilton Blk 11. lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trut Company Blk 11, lot f. Tb Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk 11, lot 6. Th Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 11. lot 5. Th Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 11, lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11, lot 8. Charles H. Prescott, . Trostse Jobn Irvlng a First Addition to Esst Portland Blk 8, lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv Blk 8. kit 1. tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Comnanv Blk 3. lot 8. Tbs Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8, lot 6. the Title Gaarantee A Trust Comnsnv Blk 8. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat ComitH-l Blk 8. lot 8. Cbarle H. Prescott, Trustee . Blk 3. lot 3, Cbarle H. Prescott Trusts Blk 3. lot 1, Cbarlea H. Prescott. Trustee , Hollsdar Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Cbarle H. 8.86 1178 15.68 8.S3 10.80 1.33 1.60 44.61 48.71 67.85 60.04 67.08 64.72 64.00 66.44 81.48 (7.86 8.67 8.87 8.18 830 81.06 85.60 Cbarle II. Prescott,. Prescott, Prescott, Cbarlea' 11. Prescott, Blk 11. lot Trnstee Blk 11, lot. 1 Trustee Blk 10.- lot 8. Cbarle H Truat Blk 10. lot 7, Trustee Blk 10, lot ff, Cbarle Trustee Blk 10. lot 5, Charles Trustee Blk 10. lot 4, Charles H. trustee Jobn Irvine's First Addition to Esst Portland Charles H. Prescott, Pramwtti Preeot't! Company J13 W. J. Patton'a Subdivision of block I In M. Psbton's Tract Blk I, lot 1, Michael r. Brady 16 08 Blk L lot 3. May B. Swtgert 130 Blk f. north 6.5 feet lot 8. May B. SwtKsrt 39 Blk 1. north 6.6 feet lot 8, May B. Bwigert l.l Blk 1, lot 8. May E. Bwigert 13 20 Blk 1. lot 10. May E. Bwigert 43.78 Blk 3, lot 1, John Nolte 66.06 Blk 1 lot 1 Jobn Nolta 14.29 Blk 3. north 6.6 feet lot 8, Jobn Nolta. 1.62 Blk 3, north 8.5 feet lot 8, Jobn Nolta. 1.56 Blk 2, lot 8, Jobn Nolta 18.80 Blk 3, lot 10, Jobn Nolta.... 62.88 Blk 8, lot 1, Henry Albert 71.37 Blk 8. lot 3. Henry Albert 16.61 Blh s. north S.t feet lot 8. Henry Albert 1.80 M. Patten' Tract consisting or di visions Into lota or parcels of land from A to T Ineliiafve North 100 feet lot J. Lena C. Pat ton.. 79.07 A tract of land lying between tbe east llns of bl ck numbered 1, W. J. Pat ton's uIk)1 vision of block I In M. Pat ton s Tract and lot lettered J In M. Patton'a Tract and between th south line of Kllltngaworth avenue and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel therewith. Robert Patton Efctate. heir of 80.21 A tract et una lying between tn east llns of Congress street and the- east , II tie of Commercial street II extended . southerly In its present course as laid out in Piedmont snd between the aouth line of Kllllngawnrth avenn and a line 100 feet south of snd parallel . therewith. W. M. EilliBBSwortb and F. M. Warren 38.10 Bight of way. City A Suburban Railway .. Company 102.00 H. Prescott, Cbarle H. Prescott. Charles' H. ' Pres'cot't,' 7. ' 5.' 'Charles' 'il.' ' 4, '"Charles' 'il.' Preecott, Prescott, 87.16 X78.0S 6103 8T.T7 02.62 70.23 67.40 67.88 J 1.4.1 11.48 100.83 sen 83.71 00.39 108.27 110.10 103.08 08 46 104.34 Blk 1 lot 18, Fannie I. Lorlng........ Blk 1 cast tt lot 1 Hesperian In vestment Company Blk 3. wbt H lot 3. Mary Hslns Blk 8. lot 1. Mary Helnss , Tibhett's Addition 40 East Portland Blk 30, lot 4. Andrew E. Trogea...... Rlkr 90. tot 3. Harris Brow ...... Blk 30, lot 1 May O. Snell.,., Blk 90, lot 1. May.C. 8nell. Slk 33. kit 4. Charles W, Boost,,...... It. Ofl l Q rk.alM W Kaanalt KK -). , fc".r ... ' Blk. 23, lot 3, Anton Block. ......., Blk 43. lot 1. Anton Block.... Blk 84, lot 4. Minna Bebren and Cbrtatlau rienren saute, scire or... Blk 84, . lot 8, Hlnna- Bahrein and ehrlstiaa Re h rem Xstata, heirs tf.. Blk 84, lot 1 EmU and Annie Foeb.. Blk 84.' lot -1. Kroll aad Annie Fueha.. Blk 8T, lot wuiiam u. j-rouoroot.. 131.74 BTb 87, lot 8, William-D. Proadfoot.. 118.81 Blk 87, lot 1 Patrick Murray,.--...,,. 18.16 Blk 87, lot 1, M. J. Smith............ . 12167 A tract of land lying btweb th onth line of Tlbbetta atreet ami tn north . Un of Powell atreet aad between tb ,: eant lltt of Bast Seventeenth atreet asd a Ba ; 100. tt eastef aad 11188 108.81 106.76 118.83 Total , f 1.331.65 A - statement of aforesaid aasesament haa been entered In tbe Docket of City Liens, and la bow due and payable at the office of tbe City Treasurer, In lawful money of tbe United States and If not paid within thirty day from tb date of this notice, such pro ceeding. . will be tsken for tbe collection of tb same ss sre provided by the charter of th city or rortianoa xn anov aaseasment win near interest ten daya after tb. first publication of this notice. ''. . I ' THOB. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor ot the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 34, 1903. ASSESSMENT FOB X10VXlfXBT OF HAL- ' BIT STREET. Notlc la. hereby siren that tbs Council of the' City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet ing held oa th 15th day of July, 1903? de clared th sBSessment 'by ordinance No. 13,437, for th Improvement of Halsey street, from th. weat line of -Holladay Park Addition to a point 350 feat east of tb cast Una of Bast Twenty-first street. In tbe manner nrovlded bv ordinance No. 18.104, apon each lot.- part-of lot aad Parcel of land, which are aoeeli II v and peculiarly benefited, to ft aa follow, via: Hoiisdsy para Addition to Portland, ursgon Blk 3. lot Truate Blk 3. lot Trnstee .. Blk 1 lot Trustee Blk 3. lot Trustee Blk 2. lot Trustee Hoiisdsy Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 7. lot 13, Tbs Title Gusrantee A Trust Company Blk 7, lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 7, lot 15. F. Wagner Blk 7. lot 11. r. Wagner Blk 8. lot 0. Ths Title Gusrsnte A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 10. F. Wsgner Blk 8, lot 11, F. Wagner Blk 8 lot 12. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 18, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8, lot 14, Lotta Chaee Smith Blk 8, lot 15, Lotts Chess Smith...... Blk 8, lot 16, Lotta Chase Sluilh. . . a1, . Blk 0. lot 8. J. Woods Smith Blk lot 10. J. Woods Smith Blk 8. lot 11. J. Woods Smith Blk 9, lot 12. J. Woods Smith Blk 9, lot 13, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 71.76 71.80 61.36 60.08 61.30 61.41 40.74 83.43 30.08 8.33 B.S6 8.06 CITY BOTICIi. ASSESSXEVT FOB IMPBOVXMIXT 0Y SEC OND STREET. Notice is hereby given tbat tbe Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, st a meet ing held on tbe 16th day of July, 1803, de clared tbe assessment by ordinance No. 13,457, for the Improxement of Second street, from 13 feet north of the south line of Da via street to a point 13 fret sooth of tbs north line of Jsf- rsrson atreet, in tb manner provided by oral nanc No. 13.141 upon each lot, part et lot a iw cr. wov. ywag -cense tve p" v au and parcel of land, which ar apeelally an peculiarly benefited, to b as fellows, via; 1 Portland- Block 29. lot 8, Lloyd Brook Estate, helm of 163.23 mock a, let 7, David p. Thompson Es tate, heirs of . , Block 41. lot B. J. W. A V. Cook Block 41, NH lot 7, J. W. A V. Cook. Block 41, BH lot 7. Henry W. Corbstt Estate, heirs of Block 41, NU lot 6, Henry W. Corbett Estate, belra of Block 41, N 1 ft. of 8H lot 6, Henrietta E., Mary F. railing and Emily F. Cabell . Block 88, lot 8, Fred Blckel ... Block 88. lot 7, Fred Blckel . . . . - Block 16, 8 W lot 7, Henry W. Corbett Eetate, belra of Block 16, lot 6, Loola Woon et al.. Block in, lot 6. Loula Woon et al Block 15, W 76 ft. lot . Kim, Ark t Uo., Wong Kim Kre 8.84 102.89 40 40 68.87 46.03 1.68 107.8T 104.97 87.28 86. HO UU ill 101.06 CITY NOTICXB. United Rtatea aad If not paid within thirty days from tb date of this notice, sorb pro ceedings will be tsken for tbs collection of tbe same as are provided by tb charter of th City of Portland. Ths above aaseasment will bear Interest ten day after tb flrat publication of this notlc. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. fort land, Oregon. July 34, 1908. .8.62 81.27 119.47 130.03 151.10 144.03 113.04 118.18 117.89 130.44 180.55 181.82 104.31 149.13 87.97 1OS.01 100.68 SJB W., FT UUM XWUJ at7J .see (tees Block 15, W 75 ft. lot 7. Kim. Ark A Co.. Won Kim Kee Block 15, & 30 ft. lot 8, Charles He-gels Block 15, E 20 ft. lot 7, Cbarle He gel. Block II, S 80ft ft. lot 7, Ferdinand C. Smith Block 11, lot 6, Leander l Hawkins.. Block 11, lot 6, Lesnder L. Hawklna.. Block 10. lot 8. William U. Harrl Block 10. lot 7, William H. Harrle Block 10, E 67 ft. lot 6, William B., (.iur a. Fecnneimer, Alice M. uera and Elizabeth A. ElchensTuen Block 10. lot 5. William B., Clara A. rschhelmer, Alice M. Hera ana BUB abetb A. Elcbenxruen Block 10, W 38 ft. lot 6, learn White. Block 10. W 88 ft. lot 6. Isam White. Block 0, lot 8, Joasph S. Keller Block 8, lot 7, Saving A Loan Society or Han rrsncisco Couch's Addition to ths Cltv of Portland- Block 20, S Itr ft. lot 6, Joseph Closaatt and William Mcintosh Block 30, lot 4. Johnson Estate Co... Block 30, lot 1. Johnson Estate Co... Portland- Block 17, 8 32.6 ft. lot 1 Cbarlea P. Bacon Block 17. lot 8. Cbarlea P. Bacon Block 10, lot 3. David P. Thompson Estate, belra of Block 19, lot 4, Zephanlab S. Spald ing Block 30, E 79 ft. of NH lot 1. Man hattan Real Batate Co Block 30. W 10 ft. of NH lot 1, John P. Price Eel ate, belra of Block 20. RH lot 1, Jobn P. Price Es tate, new. or 100.46 e '1.08 1.60 00.86 84.86 89.00 88.01 66.86 6.50 8.12 83.56 S3 64 114.63 10.68 86 88 117.70 60.ll 43.08 03.97 08.70 in 61.17 .80 Total 88.401.48 A statement of aforeeald aasesament has been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and is now due snd psyuhle at ths office of the City Trea.nrer, In lawful money of the United States and if not paid within thirty dsys from tbe date of this notice, such pro ceedings will he taken for the collection of the same a ar provided by tbe charter of the City of Portland. Tbe above assessment will bear Interest ten daya after tbe flrat publication of this notice. TTIOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. July 24, 1003. ASSESSMENT FOB BEWXR IV EAST 8XC0NO STBXET. Notlc Is hereby given tbat the Council of th City of Portland, Oregon, at a meet ing held on the 15th day of July. 1908. de clared the asaesameot by ordinance No, 13.443, for tb construction or sewer In East Second street, from a point 12 feet south of tbe north line of Broadway to a connection with the sewer in Schuyler atreet. In the manner pro vided by ordinance No. 13,310. upon each lot, IMfrt of lot and parcel of land. . which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be as fol lows, vis: Hnl aday'a Addition to East Port. land t lot 6. C. B. Bellinger.. 8 32.15 Belli neer . S2 is un z.n, west Vi lot o, rTanx 0. rarker son miiiam b. inase Blk 345. west H lot 8, Frank S. Parker ana William B. Chase Block 20. NU lot 3. Cornells Burkbsrt. Block 20, 8W lot 2, A. V. T. Cardwell Estate, belra of Block 20, lot 3, Ellen B. Bay EaUt. belra of Block 30, lot 4, Ellen E. Ray Estate. belra of Block 21 N 16 2-3 ft. lot 8, Cather ine Stewart Block 22. 8 33 1-3 ft. lot 8. William L. Starr Block 21 nnd. 2-3 lot 4, Elisabeth L. Wood Block 22. und. 1-8 lot 4, Rebecca F. Henneaa Block 24. lot 1, German Savings A Loan Society Block 24, lollTTIary Rnth lTawitna. Block 24. lot 3. Mary Ruth Hawkins,, mors 4. tot s, Agnca is. Dcnumann.. Block 23, lot 1, Emma H. Ander eon Block 35, lot 2, Emma H. Ander son Block 70, lot 1, William F. and Frank A. Hummel Block ). lot 2, Charles M. Close Block 70, lot 8. Tbe German Savings A Loan Society Block 70. lot 4. Tbe German Savings A Loan Society 108.00 61.03 51.01 04.50 154.85 28. ft 67.53 60.00 28.85 J?.9! 7.93 88.13 88.14 86.15 118.49 38.30 102.10 103.49 Total 68.029.65 A statement of sforeaald assessment haa been entered In the Docket of City Liens, snd IB now due snd payable at the office of the City Treasurer. In lawful money of the United States snd If not paid within thirty daya from the date of this notice, auch pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of the same aa are provided by tb charter of the City of Portland. The above assessment will bear Interest ten day. after tbe first publication of tbl. notice. THOP. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the C!tj of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 24. 1903. 139.09 14.31 52.08 186.67 181.46 66.33 31.28 147.80 05.3.. 9.38 14.72 80.09 122.46 22.82 6.05 61.75 1I4.6 10.51 23.68 120.48 130.11 27.42 2T.41 75.75 142.79 41 A3 42.28 144.47 145.23 42.2J 8.86 100.32 14132 Blk 246. east V, lri Blk 845, east H lot 6. C. B. Bellinger. 33.65 SS 85 64-20 64.20 Blk 11 lot 4. R. L. Gllaaa... ........ .. Blk 12, lot 8. B. L. Ollsso John trtlna'a First Addition to Bast Portland - Blk 4. south 8S.T feat lot 4, L. H. and Anna H. Maxwell.. Blk 4, soath 63.7 fact lot 8, Bamaal li. 33 81 84.66 6.87 Blk 344. lot 3. C. B. Bellinger Blk 244. lot 4, C. B. Bellinger....... Total 8240UM A statement of sforeesid assessment has been entered In tbe Docket of City Ltn. snd Is now dus snd payable at tbe office of the City Treasurer, In lawful noney of tb United States and If not paid within thirty days from the date of this ifottc, such pro ceedings will he taken for the cotloetloa ot the same aa are provided by, tb charter of tne trity or rortiaaa. The above assessment will bear Ivitoraat ten day after ttr first publication of this notice. - THOB.- C. DEVLIN. . t Auditor ef th City ef Partlaad. Portland. Oregon, Jaly 84. 1901 , ASSESSMENT FOX IMPR0VXMENT OF EAST FLANDERS 8TBEET. Notice Is hereby given that tbe Council of the City of Portlsnd, Oregon, at a meet ing held on the 15th day of July, 1003. de clared the assessment by ordinance No. . 13,438, for tbe Improvement of East Flsnders atreet. from tbe west line of Easr Twenty-fourth street to the west line of Bronaugh's Addition, In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 12. 939. upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly bene fited, to he a. follows, viz; Bronaugh's Addition to City ot Port lsnd. Or. Block 3. lot 4. Earl C. Bronsugh. ...... .$113.33 Block 3. south 4K.0 rest 01 lot S, Earl C Bronaugb . Block 1 lot 5. Earl C. Bronsugh Block 2. lot fl. Earl C. Bronsugh.. Block 3. lot 7, Esrl C. Bronsugh Block 3. lot 8, Earl C. Bronsugh Block 3, lot 1. Earl 0. Bronangb Block 8, lot 1 Earl C. Bronsugh Block 3, lot 11 Earl C. Bronaugb... " Block 3, lot 11. Earl C. Bronaugb........ Block 3, lot 10, Esrl C Bronaugb. ....... Block 3, lot 1 Earl 0. Bronaugb........ Total .....................'....8596.14 A stateaent of aforesaid assessment haa been entered In tb -Docket ef - City Liens, and is now dus ud payabl at-tb IDc of tb City TTMKtreT, la lawful aaoaey oi tb 1347 44.36 66.07 61.06 8193 111 U 15.96 44.43 -48.98 4187 31.10 ASSESSMENT FOX IMPXCkVEXINT OF XABT HAXRII0N STREET, Notlc la hereby given that th Coo noil of tb City of Portland, Oragon. at a meet ing held on tbe lBtb day of July, 1803, de clared tb assesmsnt by ordinance No. 13,443, for ths Improvement of Esst Harrison street, from ths east line of Esst third street to ths esst lrn of East Twelfth street. In tb manner Ernvlded by ordinance No. 18.008, upon escb it, part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeelally and peculiarly benefited, to b aa follow., via: Rtenhena Addltlna to TSaat Portland- Block 45, lot 4, Anns Esrhalbacher $ Block 45. lot 8, Giovanni D PauU.... Block 40, lot 6, Alex Wannemacber.... Bkick 45, lot 6, Tbomaa Hall Block 66, lot 4, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrsrb Estste. heirs of Block 66, lot 1 Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrsrb Xstats, heirs of Block 66, lot 6, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrsch Estste. heirs of Block 56, lot 6, Jacob Mayer aod Sol Hlrsch Eatste, heirs of Block 65. lot 4. James Olaen Block 65, lot 8, Jsmes Olsen Block 65, lot 6, Jot Hatfield Block 65, lot 6. Job Hatfield Block 76. lot 4. Cecil Matblot. ....... Block 76. lot 8, Rachel L. Bay Block 76, lot 6, Minnie Lucbest Block 76, lot S. Minnie Luehesi Block 85, lot 4. School District No. 1.. Block 85, lot 3. School District No. 1.. Block 86. lot A. School District No. 1.. Block 85, lot 6. School District No. 1.. Block 96. lot 4, .Mary J. Paxrisb Estate, belrs of Block 90, lot 8, Mary J. Parrtah Estate, brlrs of , Block OA. lot 6. C. F. Pearson Block 96, lot 6, Alio E. Wilson.... Block 105, lot 4. Goldte Ooldsteln Block 105, lot 8, Joseph Cohn Block 105, lot 6, Kinder Block 105, lot 6. Samuel Kinder Block 118, lot 4. David L. (Mouse Block 116, lot 8. David L. Clouae Block 116. lot 6, N. O. Waldman Es tste. belrs of. and Elms E. Charmsn. Block 116. lot B, N. O. Waldman Es tate, heir of, and Elma E. Charmsn. Block 125. tot 4, Cbarlea Hnesey and F. C. Forbes Block 125. lot 3, Cbsrles Hussey and F. C. Forbea Block 125, lot A, Tbomaa Green ftlfwlr 1271 lot ft Thnmaa Green Ladd'a Addition to the City of Portland Block 11. west 100 net or lot . w. n. Ladd Eatate. heir of Block 11. weat 100 feet of lot 81, W. 8. Ladd Eatate, heir of.. Block II, aouth 14 feet of weat 100 feet or lot 30, Vt . 8. LAdd Batata, belrs of Steohens' Addition to East Portland Block 46, lot 1. George W. Miner Block 4A. lot 1 George W. Miner Block 4A, lot 7. Benjamin F. Campbell. Block 48. lot 8, Benjamin F. Campbell. Block 55, lot 1, Julius F. and Sadie Mayer Block 55, lot 1 Julius F Mover Block 65, lot 7, Julius F Mayer Block 65, lot 8, Julius F. Marer J Block fL lot 1-John H. J, Block Oil, lot 3, John H. Jonnson Block AA. lot 7. Paul and Delia Polrer.. Block OA. lot 8, Mary Holfeuhsrger and Catherine E. Stephens Block 75, lot 1. D. C. MeLellsn Block 75. lot 2. D. C. McLellnn Block 75, lot T, 8nm Loweuateln . , : . . . Block 75, lot 8, Sam Lowensteln Block 8A. north 49 feet of lot 1, Roa Hamilton , Block 8A, south 1 foot ot lot 1. Edwsrd Doer I tig Block 86. north 49 feet ot lot 2, Edward Doerlng Block 86, south 1 foot of lot 1 Samuel Morrow Block 8(1, lot T. Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 88, lot 8, Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 05, lot 1, John Hnrklns Rlock 95. lot 2. John Hsrklns Block 03. lot T. Martha E. Hyland Block 95. east 60 feet of lot 8, Caro lina Welaa Block 95, west 40 feet of lot 8. M. Ot-tenaen Block 108, lot 1. Katie Slnnott Block 101. lot 1 Keener Roth Block lofl, lot T. Christ Hansen Block IDA. lot 8, Christ Hitusen Block 115, lot 1. Prank Brunger Block 115, lot 2. Frank Bruuger Block 115. lot 7, Amelia Luther Block 115. lot 8, Fred Forbes and Charles Hussy Block 12A. lot 1. Harry Meyer Block 12A. kit 2. Harry Meyer...: Block 126, lot 7, Stephens Land Com pany Block 120. lot 8. Stephens Land Com pany 232.73 Ladd a Addition to tbe City of Portland Block 6. west 100 feet of lot 24. W. a Ladd Estate, heirs of 84.56 Block A. weat 100 feet of lot 21. W. 8. Ladd Eatate. belra of 39.75 Block A. north 14 feet of weat 100 feet of lot 20. W. 8. Ladd Estate, heir of 0.0O Bight of way, City A Suburban Ball way Company 1,866.80 mrAirozAX. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers Ehubllshsd la 1808. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. - - Aav . All aalaia a suiiarvi.ii'v.Bi gnauey a . ayvri u ua xyag mmwvrmwwm "term. Latter of credit laswed available to Eurep and all point la it Halted State. Sight exchange and tolegranhle transfer sold In New York. Washington. Chicago, Bt Loula, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and Mon tana and British Colombia. Exchange sold Frankfort. Hong and Honolulu. on London. Paris, Kong. Yokohama, Berlin. Manila United States Nat'l Bank 0T PORTLAND 0BE001I. BORTHWIST COB. THIXD ABO OAK ffTS, TRANSACTS A OENEXAL BAXXXBO BtTSINEIA DRAFTS ISSUED Avanabl la aU HI f th TJaltoi Btatet and Europe, Bong Kong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Term Prealdent J. 0. aINS WORTH Vice-President .. W. B. 4THR - Asslstsnt Cashier ,.B) W. gTrTMEFP, Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMBfEXCB BTjTLOIBuV THIXD AND 8ZAXX 8TXXXT8. Hd Office 68 Old Broad Street. Lendos. . Tbta bank tranasots a general banking boat ness, make loansf discount bill and I sane letter f credit available for travelers sad for tbe purchaa of merchandise In snv city of tb world. Deale a .orelga and ooexarte ' exchange. . . Interest Paid on Time Deposits.; W. A. MACAAR, Manager. ' and Sadie and Sadie and Sadie 10.55 63.05 103. 08 83.00 27.13 8.49 138.78 14.42 53.1 186.61 19181 56.53 68.26 113.73 35 13 J. Frank Watson I n w n l la. imrain ...... IB. W. Hoyt 00. W. Hoyt. 6.1.1 18.99 79.69 83.68 23.27 12.84 116.71 114.56 .44 10.17 .39 23.44 11O.O0 124 56 27.60 46.21 81.11 147.47 4A.00 80.61 1.1T.01 143.80 41. 90 12.82 10(1.14 115 H 14.12 63.90 Merchants National Bank PORTLAND. OAEOOlt. a,, ...... ........ Piealdsat 1 Vic-JTesi. leal Cashier Aaslstaat Cashier Transacts a Oeaeral Staking aoataee-g. Drafta and letera of credit issued available to alt parte f th world. Collections a specialty. Gold J tut boost . MORRIS BROS & CHRISTEMSEN ruccessors to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BAVXEX8. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND, OB. BBrssairosB. Ladd A Tilton. Portland; C. 8. National Bank, Portland! Bank of California. San Fraa cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National - Bank, Saa Francisco. Bolton, deRuyter & Co. XBafBSBS. Chicago Board of Trade, San Francisco Pre- aac nxcaang. Ban rranctsco toes and Bond - Eschang. Q RAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS, B0ND5 and COTTON. San Francisco Offlo 490 California St. 108 THIRD BY, PORTLAND OA MORTGAGE UOAJSS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Tttlea Insured. Atutnets (urnUhsl. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. Total ........87.109.97 A statement of aforesaid assessment ha been entered In the Docket of City Liens. snd Is- now do and payable at th effle of tb City Treasurer, la tawful money of th United States and If not paid within thirty days from tb date ot. this notice, such pre eeedlng. will be take for tb collection ot th earn aa- are provided by 'the charter ef tbe' City ot Portland.' , - ' The above assessment will ' hear' Interest ten days after th flrat publlcatloa ef tbl Otic. -. ,; :S . . 1 ' ' .' THOS. C DEVLIN. - v Andltrc of tbe tity ef PvrUaad. Fort land, Oregoa. July 24, 1903. j 1 ITOTICB BALAKTED PBOTUB Do yon need money before psy day I can on ua. Ws can advenes money on your wages on abort notice. You pay back monthly, semi monthly or weekly. THE STAK XrOAX CO., 310 McKay Bldg.. Third aad Stark st. O 6 L.l New York Loan Office Third St., M. Miller. Pro. Lnana on collaterals: low rates: a redeemed pledges for sale; watob and Jewelry rspa lri ng. Pbon. Red 987, MOmBT AJDYAKOBD. ,'!, Salaried reopl. teamsters, rto., wltheat see-. . Ity. easy paymt-i lrgl hnsloass la .48 ' principal cities. - j- , : rOMtllt, WB Ahleortoa Bldg. Y, - MOBTOAOa X.OAMB. Oa Improeed tty snd far, preperty, at lew. set current-rates beildlng ba. Ml. If You; Wan A partner la year Boafaese; If - wset any. thing ad verOs (e It la TIIA julr.iaa. y ) ' ( f :