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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1903)
10 .... W ,... . i . ) - - , 1 V- HIE OI.EGON DAILY JOUKNA. ronTLAD,; 'HONDAY. EVENING.'; JULY' 27 1003. CtTT VOTICES. riOfOKD IMPEOVEhtElfT Of htAASHAlX i STBEET, NotW I. lrB (ln thl t th mMttiut 1 f lb Council at th City of Portland, Or.- ' cnn, neta en tn. lata nay or juiy, lix. tu lullowiiir isaonitioo im adopted: Kocolrfd. Tht th. Council of th. City af rortland. Omtm, deems ' It eipedleut and I prnnuiM to Imoror Marshall afreet rruia tt. west line or Tenty-eeond strMt to tb esst Un of Twnty-8th street la th. following . manner. tn-K'lt: rim All that pnrtlsa of Mid street except that portion occupied hy th. Tort land Hall wsy Onmpsny's rlyht of war at Twenty-third street in tn rono. inf manner: (a) By arrailliiar tbe atrMt fall width with 1 full Intersections to th. proper sub-grad. lb) llr bringing th. atrMt full Kldtb with full Intersections tn th. proper grade by par tag with Warren's hltuMMe parement. nr rniiatrartina; artuu-iai atom carps. .ton. block header id I Br constructing tfotibl row. ' Seennd All that portion of Mid atrMt at Twenty-tbird Mreet occupied by the Portland Railway Company's right of way aball b Im prored aa follow: (a) By replacing the ralia now In dm with rail. Of not lew than sereo lnbea In depth and weighing sot Iraa than slty pound to tor ram. t Br paring th. spsr between th. rail., between th. trsrks. and for a distance of on. foot on tlx oatald of th. outer rail, with tone block a. Kald Improrrment to b made In aerordanee with the rbartrr aud urdlnanre of th. Illy ol Portland and the plana, speclllcstlons and rati Biatea of to. City Engineer Died In th. office at IM aaaitor or the city or Portland on Ui loth day of July.- IftOS. Indoraed: "(Ity Ea glneer'a plana and soectflcationa for tbe I in prowment of Marahall atraet from th. weat line of Twentr-awond Mreet to the eaat Una o Twenty-fifth street, and th. eatlmatea of th. wore to a. aon and th. probable total coat thereof." To. coat of (aid Improrement tn b aaeeased aa nroTinea or the rlty charter anon the prop. erty apeclally benefited thereby and wblrh la hereby declared to be all th. lots parta of awe ana pareeia or land lying Between a un. 100 feet north of and parallel with the north una or Marshall street and a line 100 feet eovtb of and parallel with the sooth lln. of Marahall atreet and between th. weat lln. of Twenty second atreet and tba Mat lln. of - Twaaty Bfth atreet. The -eettmare of the City Engineer for the pronaoie total cost of the Improrement of aald aaarmeii atreet la IT.CMZ.Wt, The above Improrement la to b classed aa vitniitaic pare ment Improrement and ahall he maintained by th. rlty for th. period of 10 yaara: ponded, that the ownera of a msWarltr af the property benefited by aald Improrrnrnt j e. any portion thereof, ahall not petition for new or different lmproT.mot bafora tba aipiratioa or tori perma. Tba .plana, aperlAcatlqp aad eatlmatea of tne 11 ly (.nguiear for the lmimrament -of aald Marahall (treet are hereby adopted. ' Keaolred. That th. A nil I lor of tbe ttty of Portland be and he la hereby directed to gl , rout, or in. propneMi improrement of aald aireor aa pronard by tbe city charter. Re mona trance agalnat the ahora tmpror.. Bent mar. be filed la rrltlna? with th imA., algnad within 20 da.ra from tba data of the nrai paniicatinn or una notice. By order of tba Council . TH08. C. nEVU". Andttor of tba City of Portland. . JrJ IT. 1808. CTTT aoncM. rsOPOSES IltTXOTniZVT Or HlWTHOlkTI ' ' ATUTUX Rotlfa la hrehr rtrra that at rb. meeting ; j.f the Council ol tbe City of Portland. Ore gon, held on tbe 6tb day nf July, iDoS. the following resolution waa adopted: Beaelreo, That the Cownrtl of the City of rmara, tTrgon, ofnw II .xpenient aud propoaea to laprore Haw thorn arena, from me weat line of Eaat Elerenth (treat to tba eaat line of the Stephana Donation Land Claim, Id tbe following manner to-wlt: nret By grading tba atreet th the proper anb-grade for' a wldtb of Are feet between tbe ano lb curb line and a tin. fire feet north erly therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween tbe north carb Una and a Una fire feat OHtherly-rbercfroiB and parallel therewith. Second By bringing the, atreet fall width with fall intersection, to the eeubllsoed grade with rrarel. Third By conatructlng artificial atona aide, walk..' Foorth By eonatraetlng wooden (Idewalk on th. north aide of bloc 121. Htepbena' Addition to Eaat Portland, lying betwea two llnea re epeetlrely 00 feet and 123 feet eaatarly from and parallel with the eaat Una of Eaat Elerenth atreet. Paid Improrement to be mad. In accordance with the charter and ordinance, of the City of Portland and the plana, anreincntlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer Died In the office of the Auditor of the flte of Portland oa the lfitb day of July. 1ft"8, Indoraed: "City Knglneer'a plana and apeclflcatloua for the (m rirorement of Hawthorne arenue from the weat ime nj uiar cierentn afreet to the eaat Una nf Btenbene' Pone t Ion tjind Claim, and the eatlmatea nf tbe work " to be dooe and the probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald Improrement to be aa. aeued aa prorlded by tba city charter upon the property apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to- be all the lota, parta of lota and parcel of land Irlnf between a lln. 100 feet weat ot and parallel with the weat line nf Kaat Eleventh atreet and the eaat line of Rtephen' Donation Land Claim, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Hawthorne arenue and a line !00 feet aooth of and parallel with tba Bomb line of Hawthorn, arenue. . The Englneer'a eaflraare of the probable total coat of the Itnpmrenaent of aald Hawthorn arenue la faMO.OO. "wiaprw. Tbe a bore Imnrorement la tn Im oliiua 1 Karel Improvement and aball be maintained the city for the period of four rear: pro- -"" . . i uhii vwiirra in w ' majonry or the property benefited by .aid improrement or lln. of Eaat Ollaaa (treet, of rltrlBed aawer amphnlea and branebr. Said aewer to be f th following dlmenalona: ff lght Inchea clear inalde diameter from a point Id Eaat Twenty eighth atreet 100 feet amith ef th aonth line of tbe Bandy read to a point in Eaat Twenty eighth atreet at Eaat Irrlng atreet: thence ef 11 Inchea clear laald. diameter to a point In Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet at Eaat Tlnyt atreet. and thenee nf SO Inchea .leer Inalde-' dlaaieter to a connection with th aewer in Eaat Ollaaa atreet at Eaet Twenty-eighth atreet. and to be mnatrueted In accordance with plana and (pecificatlona and th eatlmatea therefor pro oared by th. Cltr Engineer and filed In th. .fflce or the Auditor of the City ef Portland on the 37th day of June, lfatt, Indorsed: "City Englneer'a plana and aneclflcatlona for a aewer in Eaat Twenty-elahth atreet from 100 feet aonth of the Randy rued to aewer at IS feet and th eetlmalca nf th work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." Th coat of aalt aewer te be aaaeaaed aa pro. elded by tbe city charter anon th. property aperfally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the Iota, parta of lota and parcela of land lrln between a line HW feet muth of and parallel with th aoatb line nf the Sandy road and '.he aoatb linn of lot 1. block I. Wrnknnn Villa, and a line ino fet north nf and parallel with the north tin of Kaat flllaan (treet. and between a line lno feet weat nf and parallel with tbe weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and I line 100 fret eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat Una of Eaat Twenty-eighth at reef. The Englneer'a climate of the probable total coat for tbe eonatruetloa of aald aewer la II. HM.oo. The plana. epectAcatlone and eatlmatea of the CJty Engineer for the con traction of the newer latyat Twenty -eighth (treet are hereby adoptrd. neanirea, mat rne Aoaitor et roe my or Portland b. and b. le hereby directed to gire notice of th proponed ronetrortlon of aald aewer aa prorlded by the city- charter. Kemnnatranee agalnat the ahnre aewer may oe men in writing with the undersigned witnia 2D daya from the date, of tba Brat pablleatloa or inia notice. By order ef tbe Council TF108. C. PEVLIS, tndltor ef tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1005. CITY VOTTCZe). City of Portland on the 27th day of June, 1903, Indoraed: "l.'ltr Engineer' nlana and eue"t' tcatlona for a aewer In Eaat Twenty (renth and Lawrence atrt from liai foel aoulh the taadr road to aewa In. Eaat Kreratt street and rb. eatlmatM of th work to b dune and trie pmMble total coat thereof." i Th cot of aald awer to ba. aaaeaaed prorlded by tbe city charter upon tbe prop, erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la nrrmj oeriar to M all in. lora. pari m and parcela nf land lyluar between a Una 100 reei eoatn or IN aonto tin of nanny roaa ana lln. loO feet north ef and parallel with tn. aorth Una of Beat Krertt atreet and between a lln. loO feet eaat of and parallel with the eaai line or seat Twenty-wrenta ana unw. renc etreeta and a Una 100 fret weat of and parallel with th wt Una of Eaat Twenty arrenta ana Lawrence sirocta Th Englneer'a eettmat of the probable total erwt of conatructlng aald swr I II 201.00. The 'plana, a pecificatlona aad eatlmatea af me t ity Engineer for the eoii tract loo or aewer In aald trta p hcrwhr adopted. - Ilvaolred. That tba A editor of tbe City of Portland be end be la hereby directed to glre antic of th pronoMd construction of (aid aewer as prorinea oy the city charter. rtcmooatrance against the shore sewer may b filed In writing with th. anderalgned wltbla day from tba data af tba Brat pablleatloa or mi notic. Hy ordrr of tba Conncll. . THOU. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. July IT, 10O8. norosED IT1IIT. ZAIT IBTIICO Notice la glrea that at tbe meetliuj sr tn coanell of tba Lpeoposed iewzi, nr iait imrni btxezt Not les la hereby giren that at th meeting of tbe Council of the (ity of Portland. Ore. gon. held on thf 16th day of Jnly. lOOB. tbe roiK.wtng resolution waa adorned: HetKilred. That the Conned of th City of Portland. Oregon. dma It erpdlent and pre pose, tn construct a sewer In Eaat Ninth atreet from TH feet aonth of Tbompaon atreet co a cnanectlon with th aewer la Tillamook atreet of r! trifled aewer pip with all necessary ratchhaalna. mtnholea, lampholea and branches. Raid aewer to be of eight Inchea clear Inalde diameter aad conatraeted la accordance with th plana and a perinea .1oa and th eatlmatea therefor prepared br the City Engineer and nieo - in rne omee or tn Anoitoe or tn rot of Portland on th 2Tth day of Jan.. Iftoa. In- loreea: "city engineer plane and apecin- ranona a Mwir tn Eaat Ninth treet from TS feet aonth af Ibonmnn street to aewer la Tillamook atreet. and th eatlmatea of th work to be done aad in protiahia total coat thereof." The coet of aald aewer to be prorlded by th. city charter anon the orooertr epedally benefited tbrby and which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parta of lota and Parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line af Tillamook atreet aad a lln BO feet aonth af and parallel with the aoutk lino of Vinmpeon atreet and between a Une 100 feet weat of and parallel with the west lln nf Eaat Ninth atreet and a line 100. feet east af and parallel witn me eaat una or rtaet ninth arrest. The Engineer s rati mate of tba nrobable total coet . for tbe eonatraetlo af aald aewar la .wnoo. The plana, (pert flea Hon aad eatlmatea of the City Engineer for th eonatrnrtlon of a aewer In aald Eaat Ninth (treet are hereby adopted. Beaolred. That th. A.dltnr of ths ntr of Portland b and be la hereby directed to giro notice of the proooeed eonatruetloa of aald aewer aa prorlded by tha city charter. Re mo tta trance agalnat the ahore eawee mar' be filed In writing with the anderalgned within 20 day from tbe data ef the Brat publication of thl notice. By order ef tba Conncll. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ef tbe City of Portland. Juiy JT, 1BOJI. City of Portland, Orw neia on tb loth dar af 1 following reaohitloa waa adopted R 1 Tt . . .i. . 11 Ai wn.nij UM IHV IVUUCII UI IH . v v Porilaad. Oregon, deema It eipedlent and pro poaea to eonetmct a aewer In Eaat Irrlng tract frota tbe eaat lln of Eaat Twenty-ninth atreet to a connection with tba proposed aewer m Eaat Twenty-elghlh atreet of Til elded sewer pin with all accessary eatchbaaliia, nuiubolea, lamnnoiee and prancnea. Bain aewrr to be el 10 inchea clear tnald diameter aad to be eon. atrurttd In aceordaaee with tbe plana aud pecificatlona and th. eatlmatea therefor pre pared by tba City Engineer and Bled la tba 6ftice nf the Aodltcr ef the City of Portland oa the 2Tth day of June, 10OX, Indoraed: "City Englneer'a plan and epectfVatlona for a aewer In Eaat Irrlng atreet from the eaat line of Eaat Twenty-ninth street to proposed aewer at East Twntylghtb .treet and tb estlmatae of tb work to be done aad tbe probable total eost thereof." The eoat of aald' aewrr to be assessed aa pro- Tided by tba city charter nnoo the property penally oenented thereby and wnira w ereny lerlared to be (II tba lota.Ttrt of lot and aprrlall; a parcela of land lying between a lln AO feet eaet nf and parallel with the eaat line of Eaat iwenty-nintn atreet and a line loo reet eaat or and parallel with tbe eaat line of Eaat Twenty elahth atreet and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north lln of East Irrlng atreet and a Une 100 feet south of and parallel wltb the south line of Eaat Irrlng atreet. - Th Engineer' estimate of tbe probable total coat for th. eonetrartloo of eald. aewer Is $.117.00. Tbe plana, apeclflcatlona end eatlmatea of th City Engineer for tbe construction nf a aewer In eald Eaat Irrlng atreet are hereby adopted. Beaolred. That tb Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to glre notice of th proposed construction of aald Mirer prorlded by toe city charter. Bemonetranre agalnat the ahore aewer may be Bled In writing wltb the undersigned within 20 day from the date of -tbe Brat publication af tbla notice. By order ef tha Council. THOR. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July 17. IDOS. CTTT MOTXCZB. point at It Intersection wltb th westerly line at block No. M, Carurhrra Addition to Oarutbaft'', A dill lion , ta. th (ity of Portland: thence -eoutberlr along -tba weal lln of said block No. KM to a point t Its Interaectlon with In north Una Of alack No. W. Carutbere' Ad dition to, Crothr' Addition to the City of Port hi nd at the Wetter It lln of aald bkack iO; thence aoutbsaatsrly la a etralght line to a point in me eouta line of rinlce carutnere donation land claim, where the same le Inter sected by dlrlelna line between aectlona aod 10, township aonth, range 1 eaat, Willamette Meridian; Ibonce southerly aloof tb. dlrlaloa line btwa aectlona B aud 10. aad IB. SI and 13, townahlp, 1 antitk. rang 1 aaat. Will amette Meridian, to th south.ra bonndry lln of tbe City of Portland) theoce easterly along in Dounoary una or tn iny or Portland to a' Dolnt at ita Intersection, with tba western bank of tba Willamette Kite at low water mark: thence northerly along tba western pang or in. Willamette Hirer at low water mark to a point at Ita Intersection with tbe south II a. of Harrison atrret si tended easterly la Its preeent coarse, tb aaaae beiaf in piac or Beginning. Tb. Knglnesr s estlmst. of tba probable total coet fur the Imurorsasant of aald Corbatt treet I 10.S2.VI, Tba ahore Imnrorement I. ta be classed aa a plank roadway Improrement and aball b main is men oy raa city for, Ilia paribd f feare lonty CTTT VOTIOZS. CTTT 0tXCZ. V P 'M" 'BAILBOAft tatSTABtZI, AJBZBSXIVX ZOB XKTBOTZXZjTT OT BUB- I tBOFOBZD UH" KOTUfZaTT 6T XAM7 KAJt- . A; i imrni Arum. , - tvi I l f i s ; 3 otic lberby giren tbat tb Ooancil Notlc U berbr' iT.n tMt if tb "meeting of the City of Portland. Oregon, at k meet- of the Council of the City of Portland. - Orw ing held en tb lbth day of July, 1001, da- gos, beld on tbe 15th .day of Jul, 4lrOV. tb clared tb aasessment by ordinance No. lltsl, following raanltitlon waa adopted: - for th. Improrement of Margueretto arvoua, Beaolred. Tbat tb Council of tb City of j from tbe aoutb line of liawthoru dyenae to the I Portland, ursgoa, nee ma it eipecient aad pro- uik riilelAB . u a. . I. . - . u 4..IN1NW1M Kka lf-,Wal all a t -i il. pronooa BJ prainaoc. no. .12,1)03, apoa earn 1 weat una 01 ruiai -inira ame n ma weai iui lot, part of. lot and Parcel at land, wbleb I ef Eat Twalftk atreet In tba following maa aiiy ann peculiarly neneaiee ,n pa 1 ner prorlded. tbat th. ownera nf 1 ail th. property benefited by aald Improvement of any portion thereof aball not petition for a new or aiirerent imnram,mni nsfsr isi eg. pi rat Ion of lurb period . . . Tbe plana, epeclncatrnn apd estimate, ef tb City Engineer for tb Imiawrenxat of aald Ooo belt atreet ar hereby adopted. - ' Reeolred, Tbat tbe Auditor af th Clt of Portland be and ha la h error directed to aire aoric) or ' tne proposed imnroTenwnt at aald treet aa prorlded by tb City Charter. Kernoaetraar agalnt tn aboe lmprartnnt lay be Bled IB writing with tb anderalgned itnin BO dar from th data nf tba Brat nub- ucaiion or inia none. Jjy orot of th Council. THOS. a DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe, air of Portland. July IT. 190.V FBoroszo PEOVZstEirT BTBZZT. Of COBBZTT PBOPOBID tZWZX IV aflB80UI AVENUE. Notice la hereby giren that at th meeting of tb Council of tbe City ot Portland. Ore gon, beld on th 15th day nf July, 1903. the following resolution waa adopted: neaoiTeo. inai tne council or th city of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and nro- poaea to conatrnct a aewer In Missouri arenue from 25 feet aoatb of the aoatb line of Pree eott atreet to a connection with the sewer tn Beech street nf rltrlfli-d sewer pipe wltb 11 necessary catehbaslna. manholes, lampholea and branchea. . Said sewer to be of tbe following dimensions: Of 10 Inche dear Inalde diameter from a point in Missouri arenue 3s feet aonth any portion thereof ahall not attrition e. new or different ImproTement before tba ax- torniion 01 aura perioa. ine pisne epecincationa and eatlmatea of in 1 117 engineer ror tne improrement of Mid Hawthorne arenue are hereby adopted. " Resolred. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he is hereby directed to glre iioiice or rne proposed improrement of aald "" ss praTioea oy toe city charter. Hemon trance against th shore Imnrore ment may be Bled in writing ttk the algned within JO days from tbe data of tb m jiiiciion 01 mis nonce. By order of the Conncll. ... - ' I : 1 THOU. C. DEVLIN. . A"?ltor ' " Cl' of Portland. July lTr IOCS. PBOPCfiZD Off BOVEXZlfT STREET. OF OTZHTON Notice I berebr giren that st th meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, beld on the 15th day of July, 1903 the following resolution waa adopted: Ilesolred. .That the Conncll of -the 'City af Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to Improre Orerton atreet from the west line of Front atreet to th east line of Cornell' .road In tb following manner. to First Br grading the afreet frill width with full Interaectlon. to tbe proper sub-grade Recond By bringing tbe atreet full width -trtltLfjiU Intersection io - jtroper grade with macadam. Third By conatructlng sidewalks, stone curbs and stone gutter In accordance with the Cltr Engineer' plan, specifications and estimates Fourth Br constructing snd relarlng the rrcsswsiss tn seeornanee with the City En gineer' plana, specifications and estimates fin Id improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of th cjtT of Portland and the plana, specifies tlona ' Anil estimate of the Cltr Engineer .filed In tha office of the Auditor of the (ity of Portland on the 13th day of July. lftfW. .ndoraed: "City Knglneer'a plans and specifications for th Imiu-oTcment of Orerton street from the west line of Front steeet to the east line of Cor nell road, and the estimate of the work to be done and the prohable total cost thereof " The eost of said Imnrorement to he assessed as prorlded by the cltr charter tinon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which is hereby declared to be all the lots, part of lots and parcela of land lying between the westerly lln nf Front afreet and the easterly lln or the Cornell rosd and between a line 100 feef north of and parallel wltb tbe north line of Orerton atreet and a line 100 feet aonth of and parallel with th south line of Orerton atreet. The Engineer's estimate of the rrohahle total cost of the Improrement of said Orerton atreet Is 44.2rt4.00. The ahore ImpreTemejit Is to he classed aa a macadam Improrement and shall he main tained by the city for a period of fire reara prorlded that tbe owners of a majority of tbe property benefited by said ImproTement or any part thereof, shall not petition roe . or different ImproTement before tb expiration of such period. Tbe plan, anecification and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for tbe improrement of laid Orer ton street are hereby .dented. Remlrtd, Tbat the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to gire notice of tbe prbnoaed Imnrorement of Mid atreet a prorided by the city charter. Berooo trance agalnat tb nbore tmprnre Blent may be Bled In writing with the ander algned within SO dsrs from the date of the Brst pablleatloa of thl Doric), By order of tb Conncll. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tb Cltr -of Portland. July IT. (K. of th. aoutb lln of Preecott atreet to a pot In Missouri arena at Mason street: thane . 11 inrbes clear Inside, diameter In Missouri are- nae to a point in railing street: tbence of 14 Inches clear tnaltl diameter to a connection with the aewer In Beecb atreet, and to be ,eon- atructea in accordance with tb plana and (pacifications and tbe estimate therefor pre pared by the City Engineer and Bled In tbe omee or the Auditor of tbe city or Portland on th. 17th day of Jnne, 1908, Indoraed: "Cltr Englneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for a aewer In Missouri arenue from 29 feet aonth Preecott atreet to a (ewer In Beecb atreet and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be don and the prooaoie total eost taereor." c Th coat of (aid newer to be encased aa nro Tided hy tbe city charter upon the property pecldly benefited thereby an4 wblcb la hereby declared to be all the lota, carta of lota snd parcel of land, lying bet tree tb south lln of Preecott street and a lln 100 feet north of and parallel wltb tbe north, lln of Beech atreet ana Between a no lou reei wen or ana parallel wltb tb west line of Missouri arenue and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tba east line nr Missouri arenue. Tbe Englneer'a estimate of tbe probable total coat or tne eoaa traction or ssia sewer i 12, OSS. 00. The puna, peclflcatlon and eatlmatea nf tbe City Engineer for tb construction of aald aewer In Missouri arenue ar hereby adopted. Beaol red. - That - the Auditor of the (ity -of Portland b and b I hereby directed to gire notice of tb propoaed construction of aald aewer aa pronnea nr toe city Charter. Remonstrance agalnat th ahore aewer may be Bled In writing with th Undersigned within. 30 oaya rrom to oat or tne nrst publication or this noric. By oraer or tn. uonncii. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ef th. City of Portland. July 17. 108. PBOPOSED ZWI& -: IV TBEET. TWENiytTHIED PBOPOBED SEVER IV EAST . TWEYTY ZIOETH 8TREET. Notice la hereby giren tbat at tb meeting of tb Ooancil f tb City of Portland, Or., beld a tb 1Mb day of July. 1903. ta following resolution was adopted: ReawiTOd. That tb Ooancil of th City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro pose to coos tract a aewer" in EMt Tyrsoty elghth street from point 100 feet aoutb of the" aonth . line of tbe Sanity road to a con gwetioa with tb wr in East Twntr-lghth irwrt at a foist .U feet aoetli ef tb ixxtb Notice is hereby giren tbat at the meeting ot me i.ouncn 01 in. iniy or ror nana, ore- ?on. beld on tb. 10th day ot July, J903, aba olloning resolution waa adopted: stesoiyed, Tbat tbe Council of the Clt of i-ortsina, uregon, aeems. n expeaicnt ana pro poses to construct a sewer la Iwenty-tnlrd treet rrom lou reet north or thf north lrn of Tbnrman atreet to a connection' wltb. th sewer In Vaughn street, of rltrlfled sewer pip with all neceaaary catehbaslna. manholes, -lamp, holes and branches, said sewer to b. of eight Inche clear Inside diameter and to be con structed in accordance wltb tbe plans, specific tlona and estimate therefor prepared by the City Engineer and filed. In the office of (tie Auditor of the City of Portland on the 27th day of June. 1903, indorsed: "City linglneer's ptans ana nprcmaations tor a sewer in Twenty third street from ISO feet north of Thurman street to aewer In Vaughn atreet. and th. eatlmatea or tb work to be don aad tbe prooapie total cost uereor. The cost of said aewer to be aaaesaed aa pro- Tided by the city charter nnon the property apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the t, part ot lot and parcel of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north lln of Thnrman stret and a lln 100 feet south of and parallel witn - tn. srniD line or Vaughn itreet and between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of ' Twenty-tblrd street ano a une iu reet eaat or and parallel witn tne east une ot iwcniy-tnirn street. The Engineers estlmsts ef the prohable total eoat of the construction of aald aewer la siwr.uo. Th plana, specifications and estimate, of th City Engineer for th. construction of a sewer 1b Slit jwenty-inira wurcc mrv pereoy adopted. - Kesolred. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to glre notice ot tne propoaea construction or eaia aewer as prorlded by the elty charter. Remonstrance against tb ahore aewer may ne nieo in writing witn tne Hiiaersiguea within 20 da.ra from tbe data of the Brst publication of this notice. By order of tb Conncll. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. July 17. 1903. PROPOSED SEWER IV EAST TWENTY -SEVENTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS. Notice la hereby gtren tbat. at tbe meeting of the 'Council of the City ot Portland. Ore gon. beld on tha ISth day of July, 1003, tba following resolution waa adopted : . Itefolred. Tbat tb Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro. jviwe to construct a aewer In Eaat Twenty aerentk and Lawrence streets from a point 100 feet aoutb ot the aonth line of Sandy rosd to a connection with tba aewer la Eaat Everett street, of rltrltfed aewer pipe, with all neces sary catehbaslna manholes, lampholea -and branches, of the following dimensions: Of 10 inches 'clear Inalde diameter from a point 100 feet aoatb of tbe aoatb line of Randy road to a point In Lwrnc atreet at the aonth lln of Logan's Addition to East Portland; thence of 13 inches clear Inside diameter to a connec tion wltb. tbe aewer In East Ererett atreet In accordant with tne plans, sped Acs t Ions and caUoutca therefor prepared by tb Clt Sort-, Notice la hereby giren tbat at tba meeting of the Council of the Otr of Portland. Ore gon, held on tbe 15tb day of July, 1003, the following reeolutloo was adopted: Ilesolred. Tbat tha Conncll of tbe City of rortiano, iiregnn. deema it expedient and pro poses to Irapror Cor be at street from SS feet north of the north line of (irorer etreet to 230 feet north of the north lln nf Grorer atreet. In tne ronowing manner, to-wlt: First By bringing tbe street full width with run intersections to tbe proper grade with earth grarel. rock, aand or other suitable material. Recond Br conatructlng a plank roadway full winrn witn run lareraerriona. Third By conatructlng 11-foot wooden sldu walk. Raid ImproTement to he made In accordance with th charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and th plana, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer filed In tb office of tb Auditor of tbe City of Portland on tbe lttn nay or July. ibob. indorsed.- "(ity En gineer a plana and apecmcatlona ror tbe Im prorement of Corbett street from 85 feel north of tbe north line of Grorer street to 230 feet north of the north line of Grorer atreet and tha estimate of tbe work to b done and tbe prob- sdi. cots 1 coat tnereor. The coat of aald Improrement, to be assessed as prorlded by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tha lota, nsrts of lots snd parcel ef land lying wltbla tba dis trict noanaea ann aesctineq aa follow: com mencing at a point 1n the went bank ef the Willamette Rlrer at low-water mark' where th same would be Intersected by the south lln of Harrison street extended easterly In ita present course; thane, westerly along the south line nf Harrison atreet and aald extension to point at Its Interaectlon with t the eaat line of Berentb atreet and thence southerly along tb eaat Un of Rerenth street to s point at Its Intersection, with the lilrlslot, line between finlc Canrthera and Rtephen Coffin Donation Land Claims; thence west along such division line between, finlce Cartithera and Stephen Coffin Donation Land Clnlms. to a point at Ita Interaectlon with the weaterly line of block No. 38. Carnthera' Addition to Oarntber' Addition to the City of Portland: thence south erly along tbe west line of aald block No. 38 to a point at Its Intersection with the north lln. of block No. 39. Carnthera' Addition to Cruthers' Addition to th City of Portland at the westerly line of ssld block No. 39: tbence southeasterly In a straight line to a point In "the enuth line of Flniee Caruthers Donation Land Claim where tbe aame la Interaected by dlrlaon Une between aectlona 9 and 10. town- nip 1 sown, rsnge 1 east, wins metre Meridian; thenee southerly along the diyjslon line between aectlona S and 10, 16 and, IS. 1 and 23, town shin 1 aoutb, rang 1 ' east. Willamette Me ridian, to th southern boundary line of tb City of Portland: thence easrerlr along nh oataer oonnaary line or tne erty nr Portland t a point at Its intersection wtth tbe weetorn bank of the Willamette Hirer st low-water mark: tbence northerly along the western bank of tbe Willamette Rlrer at low-water mark to a point at Ita Interaectlon with th. south line- nf Harriaon atreet extended easterly In Ita present coura. th. earn being th. place of be ginning. . ' - , The Engineer a estimate or tbe probable tbtal coat nf the Improrement of aald Corbett atreet (a $10.S98.00. Tbe above ImproTement la to be clnased as a plank roadway Improrement and ahull be main- PROPOSED DfZtOTZWVT Or KAVCOCX 1TRIZT. Boric la hereby alrea that at tbe maettna f tba Conncll of tb City of Portland. Ore gon . aeioj on tn iota day ot July, 1908, tb ronowing rasoiutioa waa aaopt: ReoWd. Tbat tba Conncll ef tha Cite af Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and oro- poee to Impair Hancock atreet from tbe eaat uue or Kaat rwenty-rourtb atreet to a point SOO feet east of ta east Jin of tb conntr road tn tbe following mannner. to-wlt: First Br grading tha atreet fall width with full Interaectlon to tbe proper grade. Recond- By conetmctlng sroooden sidewalk 12 feet In width with alt-foot corning planka. inira uy conatrrcting wooden croeawelka 1 feet In width. Hald Improrement to he mads In accordance wltb the charter and ordinances of tbe City of rnruana ana ins pisps, sMcincationa and eatl matea of tbe Cltr Engineer Bled In tbe office of tbe Auditor of tbe (ity of Portland on the 27th day of June, 11103. Indorsed: "City En gineer plan and rec!flca tlona for tb. lm larorement of nanmrk .treet from th. eaat line of East Twenty-fourth street to a point 300 feet east of tbe eaat Une of the county road, and the eatlmatea of tbe work to b. c'oa ana tbe probable total coet thereof." Th coat of Mid Improrement to b assessed aa prorlded by the rlty charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and wblcb I hereby declared to be all the lot part of lot and parcel nf land lying between the eaat line of Kaat Twenty-fourth atroet and line 200 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat Una of th. county road, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Hancock atreet snd a Une 100 feet aoutb of and parallel with the south line of Hancock street. The Englneer'a ratimate ef tbe probable cost of tbe Improrenient of said atreet la 15, 464.00. The plana, a pecificatlona and eatlmatea of the (ity Engineer for tbe ImproTement of aald Hancock atreet are hereby adopted. Reaolred. That the Auditor of the Cltr rf Portland be aud be la hereby directed to aire notice of the proposed Improrement of laid treet aa pruTiaed hy th rlty charter. Remonstrance against the a bore improre ment mar be filed In writing with the nnder. signed within 30, dar's from tbe date of the first publication ot tbla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July 17. 1903. ar a perl a follow, riai Brookdale - Lot SB, H. Lnngeay ' Lot IS. H. Lobgcoy ........ Eaat ,00 iest lut 34, riora II. Padg- bara .. r. Eaat 100 feet lot S3, flora U, Padg- bant Eaat 100 feet lot S3. Mary E lloebar. Eaat 100 feat lot IL. Paul M. aa4 (ii arietta jlenaea ..... .Mf. ....... Kaat 100 feet lot SO, Ja . Oat En's? loo'faat 'toiit 'iaiu 'hi' Brail tarn yllJ"-Ji. v v. r Ami ai Esst 100 feet lot SR. A. A. Bowman.. Kaat 100 feet lot 37, A. A. Bowman.. Eaat 100 feet lot 86, Merieaa Stark.. Eaat 100 feat kit 30, Jtouhart Itolec- Eaat 1(56 "tiH 'to U.'Y. 'rraaeii.' '.' '.'.I Eaat 100 feat lot 23. Richard Price.. Eaat 100 feet lot 83, Richard Pries. . Kaat 100 feet lot 31, 1". aad W. T. Joplin , , teat: 100 feet lot SO, Aaroa M. Brar. . at 100 fat lot 19, J. H. and Blll B. Cook Park Vlw ' Blk 1. Mat -100 feet lot I. Tbaddeu 8. Weat Blk I. Mat 100 ft lot & William eaat 100 Vert' lot' i'cuia'ii'aokl flT TS.S1 nil OREGON iINis to. ait : Pint Br grading th trt full Width with tut .i rrinna to Ha asMniaHT aan-sauas- IM lO I Recend By bringing th surface of th trt 13.11 full width Wltb run intraactiooa to arofasr grad f with upland bank grar.1. .''.'' fl.Ml Third By eoostroctlng artiadat stoa alda- walka. Fourth By constructing (tone carba. Fifth Br conatructlng waodea croaawalka air feet la width. Raid lniprTmnt to b mad la eoeordsace witn tne ensrter aaa or airnnces at th City of Portland and tb plan, aneclflcatlona and Mtt- mate ar tn uty aragin ilea ta th effie .f Ik. ilfas M .lie r-l.w a IWIl..i . . - m. of Jnnar. tana. ikHMif 'th.V rZ I Ing car Sally I Onwba. Chios go. I? 2 ggloeer pl " PeclAe.tlon for tb in !?' f ' TT.OB nror.ment f Et Market atrset from th. Vit "fS f ' J'M P" Itn. ot BHt Third s treet. t th. wt il.. auy aa4ionm wtwaiy ss t.Bicag. aaai 13 fRAINS to the EAST DAILY Thrwagh Nllas. Iaooar4 and fowls aUe. paaa C. U.. C.U. 'ix"u. 'a. ' ik.' 'b'."u. talned by. th city for tb. period of St. years; prorlded, that the owners oC a majority or the property benefited by said Improrement or anr portion thereof, shall net petition for a new ormffafefit Imprtmrtent before tbi PTrtrttloB pf such period. Tb Plan, apecmcatlona nnd estimate of the City Engineer for the Improrement of. n&i Corbett atreet are herehT adopted: w nfcsolTod, That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to elye notice ' of the proposed ImproTement of aald street as prorlded hy thci city charter. Remonstrance against the a Dove ImproTe ment may be filed in. writing with tb uhder atgned within 30 days from th data of the first publication of this notice. uy oraer or tne council. . i -. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland, July IT. 1903. PBOrOSZTi IMPROVEMENT OT CORBETT , -, , ' STREET, i f , t- . Notice la hereby giren" that at the meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 13th day -of July, 1903, -the following reaolutloiS wag adopted. - Kesoirea. mat tne council or the- city of Portland. Oregon, deems" It expedient and pro poaea to Improre Corbett street from 31. 4 feet aoatb of tbe south line of Prnnoyer street to 110 feet north of the north Un of Pennnrer treet In the following manner, to-wlt: First By bringing the street bill width wtth full intersections to tbe proper grade ajltli earth, grarat, rock, sand or other suitable material. Second By constructing a plank roadway fuU width with full intersections. Thitd By constructing 12-foot wooden able- walk., f .i, Raid improrement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, , and tbe plana, specifications an eatlmatea of the City Engineer, tiled In tbe natlce of tbe Auditor of the Cltr of Portl.nrf ofi the 14th' day f July, 1903. indorsed: "City Engineers plans snd speclflcationa for the lmnrOTemeni or t;oroeti street rrom HK4 feet south of the south line of Pennoyer street to 110 tt north of the north tlm nf pwnu BtreeC and tbe estimates of the work to b acme ami uw srwunw wtni oust tnereor, " Th cost of said Imnrorement to ho isuiuii aa prorlded by tbe city charter upon the pron- RfiT sue.-iniijr uwRittmi uivrnr n m 1 1,1111,1, 1 hereby declared to be all -the lots parts of lots Ind parcels of land lying within th district-bounded and described ae follows: Com mencing at a point In th west bank of the Willamette Rlrer at loir water mark whee the aame would be Interaected by tbe south Une of Harrison' street extended, easterly in Its present course; tbence weaterly along the south Una of Harriaon street and aald extension to a point at tt Intersection with the line of Serenth (treet and tbence eoutberlr along tba Eaat line of Receiith atreet to a pont t Ita Intersection wtth tha cHrislen- Hoe between Finlc Carutbere and Stepbea Coflln donation land elaima: thence weat alan each dlrlslon line between Finlce Csrathsrs od btepbea qobu donation una clauna to PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST STARX STREET. Notice Is hereby giren tbat at tbe meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore sen. held on tbe loth day of July. 1003, the following resolution was sdopted: Resolred. Tbat the Council of the City nf fortiaua, uregon. ueems it expedient ana pro oses to Improre East Rtark atreet from tha west lln of East Water street to tbe west lln. or mion arenne by redecklng the road way full width with mil Intersections and re placing atrlngera where necessarr nd repairing nenta, id sccornsnrv into toe 1.117 i-uginecr plans, specifics tloua and estimates. Raid improrement to he msde In accordance wltb the charter ana oramanceg or tbe city ol Portland and tbe plane, speclfleatlon ami estl mate of the City Engineer Bled In the office of th Auditor or tn. city or romann on tha '23th dar of June. 190R. Indorsed: "City Engineer' plana and apeclflcatlona for tba Improrement or Kaat Stark itreet from th west Itn of East water street tn th west lln of Union Arenue and the estimate of the Work to be done and the probable total coet thereof." Tbe cost of ald Improvement to he aaaeeaed aa prorlded n tn. city charter upon tbe prop- ertr apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to b all tbe lots, parts of lots and par"ela of land lylnlr between a line 100 feet west or ajia parallel witn in west un. or East Water atreet and the west line of Union arenne and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb the north line or Kaat Stark atreet nd a line 100 feet south df snd parallel with the south line Ot Eaat Htarg street. The Engineer s estimate of tbe probable total coat for the Improrement of eald atreeet la f4.4H6.OD. .i The ahore Improrement Is to he classed ss an elurated roadway and shall be maintained by the city for the period or three years, pro Tided thst the owners of a majority of the property benefited by said improrement or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or different Imnrorement before tb -expiration nf turn perioa. Th plana, apecinca none in eatlmatea of the t:ity Kiiginoer ror tne improrement or aald Eaat Rtark street aro hereby adopted. KcaolTed That the Auditor of tb City of rortiana pe sua ne ia nereny airectejn to glre notice of the proposed Improrement of said atreet . prorlded by the city charter. . , Remonstrance against the a bore irapror. ment may be filed In writing with tb under. algned within 20 days from the data of tbe first publication of tins notice. 1 By order of the Council. :" . - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor. of tbe City of Portland. Jnly 17.' 1903. - - PROPOSED SEWER IV EAST . COUCH . . STREET. IZ- ".Notic la hereby giren that at th meeting of the Council of tbe City of Portland, jOr., held on the 15th. day of July, 1903. tb following resolution was adopted: ' ResiilTCd: That the Council of th City of fort land, uregon. deems it expedient and pro poaea to construct a sewer in East Conch street from the weat line of lot 1, In block 6, and lot 10, In block 6, Buckmnn'a Second Addition to Portland. Oregon. to a connection wtth the aewer In East Eighteenth atreet. 1 of Tltriflefl sewer-pip with all necessary catehbaslna, man hole, lampholea and branches. ?ld aewer tn be constructed of the following; dimension; of eight Incbe clear Inalde diameter front point in East Conch itreet at the west line Of lota 1 and 6. In blocks 6 and S. Buckman'a Second Ad dition, to, point In East Nineteenth atreet; and tbence of ten Inches clear lnetd diameter to a eohnertlon wltb tbe sewer-Ma Eaat Eighteenth street at East Conch street, and to he constnarted in accordance with ' the plans, specifications and, sstlmntrs therefor prepared by tbe City Engineer arid filed in tbe .office of the Auditor of tb City of Portland on the 37th day of June, 1H03. indorsed: "City Englneer'a plans and specifications for a aewer In East Couch street from the west line of lota 1 and 10, block 4 and 5. -Packman's Second Addition, tn aewer In Eaat Conch. Street at East4 Eighteenth atreet. and tbe estimates of be work to be done and the probable total cost thereof," ' The cost of said sewer to- be assessed its pro rlded by the city charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and wblcb I hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parts of lots and parcels of land, lying between tbe-st line of Turkman's Second Addition to Portland. Ore gon, and a line 100 feet cast of -and parallel with tbe east line of East Eighteenth atreet. and between n line 100 feet north nf and parallel with the north line of East Couch atreet. and a line MX) feet south of and parallel wltb the south line of East Couch street. t- The Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost for the eonatruetloa of1 aald aewer ia 1729.00. The pirns, specifications and et (mates of the City Engineer for tbe construction of a sewer In said :.ast touch street are hereby adopted. i. . RcnolrM. That th--Auditor of th City of Portland Oregon, "be gnd he Is hereby directed to hire notic of the Jpropoaed construction of aid Mwer as prorldeifty: tb eity charter. Remonstrance agalnat tb a boy aewer may be filed in writing wltb the anderalgned within 20 day from the date of tba Brat publication of thia notice. - ; t By order ot, th .Council. ' ', , '. - THON.'fJ.'TiBVLIN. ' 1 Andftor of tb Cltr of Portland. July IT. 1903. - '- ' -' Blk 1. i&tit'XK'yiyrt r , , Blk 1. at 100 fact lot I. AubM M. Dadsinsi Blk 1. Mst 100 faH lot S. hire. A. M. Stanabery Blk A, Mat 100 ft lof.l. Martha Blk A, Vt'io'fMt'W'i'Harr ' uri. Park viw'r'tnoV Blk A. t 100 fart lot , 0. M. and T. S. West , Blk A. Mat 100 ft to 4. 0. M. and T. S. WmI Blk 10, east 100 ft lot 1, C U. aad T. 8. West Blk 10. Mat 100 feet lot ft, C. M. aad T. B. Wet Blk 10. Mt 100 rt lot 1, Co K. aad T. M. Weat Blk 10. Mt 100 feet lot 4, and t. S. West Blk If. rt 100 fMt lot 1. and T. 8. Wait Blk 11. Mt 100 feet lot 3, aad T. S. Weet Blk 11. east 100 fMt lot S, and T. S. WMt Blk 11. eaat 100 feet lot 4. and T. B. sal A atrip of land lying between th smith Ho of block 11. Park View Extended; and th north Un of lot 1, Park Vhrw Annex aad btwea tb -WMt lln f alargoeratt aren.e and a Una 100 feet west of and parallel therewith. Tbaddra S. West Park View Anneg Lot 1. Carrie If. WMt Lot 2, Mary B. Writ,. Lot 8, Maty E. WMt Lot . Era B. McKenxl Lot B. Carrie M. WMt Lot u. Carrie M. WMt Lot 7. Carrie M. WMt Brook A 1 Lot 1. ir Longcoy Lot 3. H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 8. H. Longcoy.... WMt 100 feet lot 4, H. Longcoy WMt 100 fMt lot S, H. Longcoy Weat 1 feet lot S, H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot T. Ellaa U. Jeter. .- Weet 100 feet lot 8. Ella H. Jeter.. Weat 10 Ofeet lot 9. Clifton T. Miller. Weat 100 fmt lot 10, Stsaley S. Sterena West 100 feet lot 11, Margaret A. Klngaley West 100 feet lot 12, Margaret A. Klngaley West 100 fMt lot 18. Margaret A. Klngaley WMt 100 feet lot 14. John B. Frost.., West 100 fMt lot 15. John B. Front. North Vi weat 100 feet lot 16, John B. Frost South H WMt 100 fMt lot IS, Eugene C. Comatork WMt 100 fMt lot 17, Eugene C. Comstock '. WMt 100 fMt lot 18, Eugen C. Comstock , . u A tract of land lying between tbe aoutb line of lot 14. Brookdale, and the north Una of block R Park View Annex and the Mat line of Marguerett arenne and a Une 100 fMt eaat of and parallel there with. Eugene C. Comstock Park View 1 Blk 2. lot 1. John Tdunger - Blk 3. lot 2. John Younger Blk 2. lot 8, John Sleret Blk 2. lot 4, John O. Sleret Blk B, lot 1, Carrie M. WMt Blk B, lot 1, Carrie M. WMt 1 Blk B. weat 8 feet lot 3. Carrie il. West Park View Sxt.nded Blk B. lot 9. Carrie M. Weat Blk B. lot 10, Carrie M. West Kin . lot 1. u. M. ann 1. B. west. . Blk 9, WMt 8 fMt lot IS, J. L. Barber et (1 Blk 9. lot 3,. C. M. and T. 8. Wt.. Hlk 0. lot H. c. M. and T. H. WMt.. Blk 9. WMt 8 feet lot 5. C. M. and T. S. WMt r Blk 9. lot 4. C. M. and T. S. Weat.. - Blk 12. lot 1. C. M. aod T. fi. WMt.. Blk 13. west 8 feet lot is. I! K Km' Twelfth (tract and tb estimate, ef tb IZ ii wo to M aoo an to. probable total ot "-W thereof." 1 1 I Th mat of Mid Imnroremght to be an m. . mm ' .1 . j . myvm IM Prop. 11 ertr aMdallr beaeBted thVbr and whle. I. hereny aeciarea to au ue iota, aart of lot aad parcela or land Ulnar retwa a Una inn feet WMt of and parallel with tb WMt line of nasi intra u i'v 1 bhq lam wm una ar sail Twelfth atreet aad betwewa a lln 100 fMt north or aaa parallel wirn rn aorta or Eaat Mi M . , I SCrvVK MH IIUW AW ITT OTI ID WT BBS with the aonth lln of Eaat Market atrMt. nsj I torn sniinni iiihh i um prooaoia total -w I m. I a th. I m iwitwm 1 nt mm iA . i. . , Df.VT. The shore ImproTement la ta b laaaal aa a ... . grarel lmproTsuint and aball be nulatalned Tided, thai -th owner nf Bujority af tb orooertr oeajentaa nr aaia imnmrei not petition fsr a new r different la lfnr th. .xtilratton of snch said Th plane, specification and Mtlmato of th City EnglnMr fur tb lmprmrmaat a a-.... Market atrMt ar hereby sdopted. Kesoirea. inst th. Aaditor or th Cltr at rmieuu urn uu u, m nrrror aireciaa ta snva notic. of tb propoaed Improrement of aald atrMt as prortdgd by tb city charts. Remonstrance agalnat the abora tamnti. nseni may oe nieu in writing wita tn npoer City 1 recUulna ehalg ear (aata (tm) te th nasi aauy. TSSOl lel.Tl 14.13 188. Mf 101.U 4 100.38 148. 00 183.08 miO.1 DEPOT. Lmtm. ArrlMa. CHlCACO-PORTLAri t'SO a. a. 4:30 a. aW 8PHCIAU Dallg. l0.ll. Par the Beat rl Baat- , , tagtaa. , J SPOHAVB rLTEK. 8:08 p. ah, f:S8 . C For Eaatara Washing- LaUly. ball. a ton. Walla Waila. Uw- iatoa. Ceaag a'AUa. , nd OrMl North era 1 polnta,i i (at ta Baat via Haa Dally i Dally, lag to. j j OCEaUl AMP BITIR SCHIDVLE. FOB BAN fBAMCIBCO, Ireoss :00 p. as B. 8. 0a. W. Eloe Alaska Jaly I. 11, tt. 31. , DoeK f. S. Columbia . 8:0( . av July 8. 1. 34. OalturkU Blrwr Dtkeav- FOB ASTORIA aad way polnta, coanectlsg with sfme. fnr Uwao aad nut ni algned within 30 daya from tb data f tba Mor BMeh. air. Ms- first pablleatloa af thl ootlM. I MM. Aaa-al ock. By eroar or tna youncii. THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor f tha Cltr of PortlasA. Jcly IT. 1903. Blur, X Sunday Batarday iii:uu a. as. t:0 p. m. a. Saday. A beat v lo8 61 1HT.SB 187.80 138.35 PROPOSALS FOB STATI0NERT. POTTER BAIL! Nil llATER (AshTtl Doekk Jnly 3R. 9:00 a. ta.; July so, :0u a. aa.; jDly au. ausj a. ra.; juiy si. f:oo a. m.; Aoxnat 1 (Batarday). 1:00 p. m. Reeled nropossls will b reeelred at the S0.B8 1 OD,re .ox tne auuiioc ox in x ity or rortiana 11111 a v ,-iw-a r. M.-, ..U'I a. jmw, lut llir an an I running stationery supplies ror tn gsrersi or- Mi eiiu u.-iar luiriiia ui uiv rlty. Liaaia Ol Mid suppllM may b bad from tbe Auditor. Blda must be accompanied by a certified check payable to th order of George II. Williams. Mayor, ror a earn eoual to 10 cent of tbe aggregate of tb bid. aa Bled and llonhiated daniagea in rase snch bidder a aa shall tsar to CHrer th appIlM aa sprlae-d in nia taropowat snostia ine Mine o awaraea inn ti bim. 176.30 tb light to reject any ad all bids la it nil hereby reserred. im'o. I By order of tba Execntlre Board. 19N.04 I THOS. C. DEVLIN. 163.0? Auditor ot tha City ol Portland. 197.73 "iiy . lira. TaakUl Rrrer EawU. FOR DAYTON. Oreroa Uty aad Vsmhlll Rlrar points. atr. S lea era, asa-SL aoca. (Wster narmlttlng 1 00 a. m. lay. . Thursday. Saturday. 8.00 p. Monday. Wednesday. Friday. oak Err BmU. i FOB LBWISTOH. Ita lad way points, from Kips lis. Wash., stes st ars Spekaa aad Lew la too. 48 a. as. Dally, eg. aVit A boat B oo a. v ' uailj -ei. Friday. 14B.85 1S.01 T2 63 T4.43 83.83 TS-.S.1 83.63 S8.8T 83.07 78.80 73.22 72.49 T2 70 T2 60 87.87 48.48 U4.6 94. 78 76.82 asJLLJS ! TWO NICKELS Make one dime, and a little dime buy 7Eb JOURNAL for one week at your house daily by carrier. Or der it. v p TICKBT OFFICE. Third and Washing tun. Tele- paone aaaia 11. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For T.kobama aud Hong Hon e.lltea .a Bob, hagaaaki and SbangbaL taking freight via connecting a tea anr for Manila, port Artier ad Vladlroatock. , IsTDBASAHHA SAILS ABOUT JTTLI 38. For rates and Tall Inmrmattoa nil eg or asV drM oBcisls or agenu ef tb O. It. A N. Co.' C. M. and T. S. WMt Blk 13, lot 2. C. M. and T. 8. WMt.. Blk 13. lot 8. 0. M. and T. S. WMt.. Blk 13. WMt 8 fMt lot 6, C. M. and T. S. West Blk 13. lot 4. C. M. and T. S. West.. Psrk View Annex West 100 fMt lot 14, Carrie M. WMt. Weat 100 fMt lot 13, Carrie M. WMt. West 100 feet lot 13. Carrie M. Weat. WMt 100 fMt lot 11. Carrie M. WMt. West 100 fMt lot 10. Carrie M. West. North H of WMt 100 fMt lot 9, Carrl M. WMt South V, of weat 100 fMt lot 8, Oil 1. Hiracn Lot 8. Otto J. and Bom L. Hlrach .... SOS. 13 T8.88 84.01 184 03 lfiS.90 S60.4.1 79.17 13.34 188 93 148.11 1M.OS 8.08 140.15 143.38 8.08 141.61 133.39 8.50 123.88 106.93 8.87 100.88 T5.48 194.80 164.38 174.10 207.90 80,38 S4.87 .194.84 Total I10.193.T0 A sistement of aforesaid a sacrament has been entered tn tb Docket of City Liens. and Is now due and payable at tha) office of the (ity Treasurer, in lawful money of tbe T nlted States and If not nald within thirty dara from tha date of tbla notic, each pro ceedings will, be taken for tb collection of tbe ssme a are prorlded by tb charter of tbe (JltJ of Portland. The ahore assessment will besr . InterMt ten days after tba Brat publication of thl notice. , s THOS. O. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 24, 1903. CTTT TREASURER'S VOTIOX 0T SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR SELUfQTElTT AS- SESBKEHTS. Notice la hereby glrea tbat th Aaditor of tbe Cltr of Portland baa transmitted to ma a list of the delinquent assesmenU for the im provement of Maryland arenue from the north line of Prescott atrMt to the norfb line of North Alhlna. and pursuant to 'taction 413 ot the Charter of tbe CUT of Portland. I will. on tbe 34th day of Angnst, 1003, at th hour. of 10 ociock a. m.,at tne weat ooor 01 the City Hall. In th City of Portland. Oregon, offer for aale at public auction to tba hlgheat bidder for cah, gnbiect to redemption, the following described parcels of real property, to- wlt: North Arblna Block 19, undivided 1-8 lot undivided 1-8 lot Ellen Btten I 4.38 undivided 1-6 lot S, Ellen ondivi'dea " M "lot" 4, " Elien 8.70 8.45 8.00 STOCKHOLDERS MXETtBO, THE ANNUAL MKKTIKO of th stockholders . of Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company will be beld at th offices of tha company. In the Chamber of Commerce. Building. Portland, ' Oregon, on - Tuesday, July SR. 1908. at 3:30 P. IB. - 1. t. BUBKBART, Secretary, Groner Block 10, .Groner . Block 19. Groner . Block 18. Groner . M. I'atton a Tisct consisting nf dlrlslon Into lot or parcel nf land from A to T., Inclusive, and M. rattan's Addition to Iblna subdivision 01 tot u in M. fatten Tract ' ' N Block 2. lot 17. B. P. and Auguata Boa. 11.28 Block 3, lot 16, A. L. Halman.. 8.3a Block 3. lot IB, Lionel A. and Mrs. L. A. Twining Block 2. lot 14, Lionel A. and Mr. L. A. Twining M. Patton'a Second Adltltlon to AlliUm- Block 81. Iot.4. M. Schiujsler Block 33. lot 1, E. A. E. 'Webber M. Pattoh Tract consisting of dlvialon Into lota br. parcela of land front A to T, Inclusive, and SC. Pstton's Adidtlon to Al blna Block 7, lot 4, Henry M. Chase Estate, Bears of it W... Block f. lot 3. Henry M. Chase Estate. tinir. of. a 1. vi A't . 37.60 Block 7, lot 2. Henry M. CbaM Batata, . bnlra of ............ ,. 1 . . c, 48.31 Block T, lot 1, Henry CbaM Batata, -e- heir of-., 40.14 - Eadk piece of ' tract of land will be gold aeparately and for a sum not Im than th un paid a sac aa ment therMn, and InterMt and coat of adrertlslng and aala: if mora than on bid la offered the land will be old to the bidder offering to .take th tame for tb toast amount ot penalty and Interest: competition will be: nrst iipoa tn peruuty ror tb nrst period: Second Upon th penalty for th aaceMdlna? periods: -.-' inir Lpon taa rat 01 intarasr. r J. B. WEBLCIN. , dry Trcsstrrer of th City of Portlaaa. Portland, Oregon, July 38, 190T- 3.86 4.92 2.50 83 w TrtK attBT OF CVtBTTHIWO CKLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO IBIHI!A0 Ti the 0. K. R. & N. Con Oreeon Short Line. Union Pacific and IVo trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining can (a la carte). . , CHlCAggnANSi -.AND.?PECIAl connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast tt Bar TOW Hckat lakfl OVBT tast i k Worta-Wettota, AIMClriO A. o. aAjncirt, Of aot. 0. n-w. v. IM TMUta ST.. POatTiANB, OKI, I 1 EAST via. SOUTH SiSV a. as. TM a. as., 114:08 p. m. VSIQV DEPOT, I O lOOMN IMSnJ I I ArrtTM. OVERLAND EXPRESS1 trslna. for Salem. UueeH bur. Aabland. Sarrs.1 nHHilo, Ofdea, San sn-tT8 a. Cisco. Wo 1st. Los Aa-I f.iea, il f aao. New UrH araaa and tba a. est. At Wood born daily! ivsca-pi Danaaji, tarn train ror alt. AaHasAa - t-X bitter torn. Browned"9 rllle. Springfield. Wead4 una; ana natron. L a ik... . 1 I necia aa wnaen arttai - - ait. Aorsi and Sllr ton tocaL OorvaUl SbMtdsa paaenr-r.....l 830 p. m. !! SO a. tn SalTy. Dally xct Bvaday. Netlaad-Oawat Bnhnrbaa aarvts and TaaahlU Sirlaioa. Depot Tt of Jslfaraon StrMt. Portland dally. for Oawem T:80 a. a I 18:60, S.00, 8:88. tM. 8:88. 8:80. 10:10 p. m. bally (ascent Sunday) 8:80, S 80. 8:88, iOM a. m. 4.00, UJ0 p. a. Sunday only, ) ftotarrtnt from Oawago, rrir Portland dally m i 1:00, a:vo. :ao, :is, 1:10. 9:0a. 1:80 UALTtMOREi f OHIO R. R. AIX TRAE VIA WSmNQTOPf Ll:10 a. IB. Tlaliv liiMnl dmw.AMv ..oa: f -a. 1:80. 10:80. 11:48 a. m. Except Monday? fii;ai a. as. Sunday only, 10:00 m. Lmts from mow depot fur Dallas and Inter vsdlsU polnu dally (escept Sunday) 4:00 p. av. AjtIts Portland 10:10 a. ra. The Indepeodenca-Monmoath Motor Lin paratoa dally to Monmouth and Atrlle, eon. Baetlrjf with Sontbarh Padllc Compaay traska at Dallaa and Independence. rint-alaM rbat tlckau oa Ml from Porte land to Sacramento and San rraaolaeo. Net rat I1T.60. berth 9: aacond-eUaa far 18, without rsbaU ar berth: Moad-claaa , earth 18.00. Teita to Eastern polnta aad Enron, ahw . L. . I 1-. 1 . , , 1 aVH, VDIBI, OUNNH VU M. UM If I Jl, City Ticket Offc eornar Third and Wi aaa tteta. rnone, Mala T1S, f mm T. BTinUffiM, W. N. VOMAHA' wty 'ivcmet Afat. wa. raa. . TIME CARD at , I I 8 Aart. I - I 1 TRAINS PORTLAND: Pua-et Sound Limited. . m C 1 iur aswwa. d" h i. Olrmnla: SoBth Bend and Gray' Harbor point. North Coast. Limited, for Taeoma. Seattle. Butt. St Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago, New York, Boston and polnta Eaat and aoathaaai. Twin-City Erprca, for Taeoma. Haatli. tana. Helena, St. Paul. . Inn.apolla Cbioaao. new York, Boetoo and all no In la Eaa mmA aoatnaaat. Pnret Sonnd - Clt-4lt. Loula Special, for Taeoma. Seattle. Bpokana. Butt. .Bllllnaa Denrar. Omaha v. ' viiy, as. ixMiis and all polnta Baat and aVmtk eaat. The Ton in Par Exeollence. - 1 1 Tb beat nedftc reaMdw tor .Malarial and Typhoid, sOolds, Influenza, Ae. ai.wuuaaiBUai.T. Alt trains branch. dally Depart. 8:80 a. a. 8:00 b, b. 11:48 p. n. 8:80 a. 1 ArrlrM. 840 p. m. TlOO a. av 10 P. haXa TKW a icent on Sonth Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. BtOn. m. Dally. t:80; p. m. Sat. only. T .-OO a. bl Ex Sat. 0I0H DEPOT. rr, Haraar. tuiahrf. viataaaata. WMt! TO vuitoa. astoria, , War.! rsnioa. riasai, Haas. (Bond Port ttoreaa. Bsarhart Park. tWaslda. Aa torts aad -Smbx Bxprsa. assJi, Astoria BzpTM. Dally. - Arrirs. Dally. 11:10 1 :40 p. ra. - . m m, ': af A TO, ft. 8. Bad . A . AmtMtM A. 3. JU LEWIS, I'ommsrcUl AsaaL S48 Alder atu