1 X J-J WW M,-MAAJ -A J A..MA A. ' . U AX1 jti.JJl ' .A. V-A liilXl S. 11.. A J' A mmj. aY 1J W 111 . r lJ U -SL. ' d J si A AS S fL J 5 n :l IV y tv--( - ! MILLER SECURES HIS SAME OLD POSITION NEW DEPARTMENT 18 PAYING A all unit NO TRACE YET OF rf MISSING sYOUNC MAN (Journal Special Servlca) WASHINGTON. July IB. Contrary to expectation!. Miller appeared for work at 10 o'clock thla morning- and was Immediately riven bta old place aa assistant, foreman. There 'waa no dla- no atrlke, aa it la Intimated turn to work la only a bluff and that he lleved the condltlona. X union men understand the I WORD NULLIFIES THE ORDINANCE A Close Reading Brought to Light the Defect in' Statute Which Has Existed for Past Eight Years. MURDER SUSPECT HELD FOR HEPPNER mIuSI Corporation Tax - Arrangemen Under Recently Enacted Law Yields- Large Returns to the State. After trailing- him three daya, Detec tives Kerrigan and Snow yesterday ar rested Chong Ling, a Chinaman, who la said to be Implicated In the murder of Wing Chlng at Heppner Junction a few days ago. Another Chinaman known aa Henry waa arreated at Heppner and he la aald to be the real murderer. How ever, he confessed, atatlng that Licenses to the Amount of $50,000 Already Collected and Jotal Will txceed $o, 000 Salem News. Ling had hired him to do the deed. purpose waa robbery. Chong Ling waa rooming at JtStt Third street, and the detectives have been following him for eereral day. He had a large sum of money on hla person when caught It la aald he has been living with a white woman. The local officers are awaiting the ar (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, July 15. The new Depart ment of Corporations, organised by Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar, in ac Chong cordanc with an act of the laat Legte- WOODMEN CARNIVAL ." IS ALMOST ENDED Because the word "continuously," ap pearing In the second seotlon of the ordinance regulating; the peddling and hawker business, practically nulllflea the real Intent of the law, another ordinance without, that defect will be drawn up by Mayor Williams and Introduced be - fore the City Council for action. Officer Caswell, acting- under Inatruo ttona from the city's chief executive, yesterday notified the peddlers who have been standing their rigs along- Third ana Morrison streets, that the practice must i cease, and showed them a copy of the ordinance paaaed eight yeara ago, A close reading of the statute brought .v. 5 "I:?-'Z ...... "rr." Tonight will mark tha close of the In any one place contlnudusly." To the Woodmen of tha World Carnival, claimed average person thla would be sufficient bv managers to have been the most to show that tha Intention was to pre- successful venture or its kind ever at vent the peddlera from occupying any tempted on the Pacific Coast one place more than a minute or, tw at a time, out the word "continuously , when - it comes to Its legal aspect Is . Indefinite, and might mean one year or . 40 years. The debatable queatlon la one -that has never been satisfactorily set tled. A new ordinance will be passed. ' However, this flaw in the ordinance 'win not be taken advantage of by the peddlers. It is thought All but one party notified the officer that they "move on" with the rest Legitimate Si J" 1?'000 on WoodmenDay, last Its latlve Assembly and the purpose of which waa the Increase of Indirect taxa tion to be levied on corporations or ganised or doing business In Oregon, haa already, though less than two months old, paid a handsome return to the atate, and will be one of the 'best paying departments In the state gov ernment The corporation organised in rival of the Sheriff to take the prisoner I Oregon were required to pay an annual back for trial (license fee to the state before July 16, and the first statement made by Secre tary Dunbar shows tbst already nearly $50,000 haa ' been collected on ' the corporation licenses, while fully half that much more will be received during the year from licenses and organisa tion fees, making a total of about $75,000 for the first year on account of the new department, and thla amount will be available toward paying the expenses of the state government, and can be de ducted from the amount to be raised by taxation on the state's property. The statement shows that LOSS cor- It 1 the only Carnival that has ever porations have filed annual statements paid Its' own way." aald Dlrector-Qen- na a,a tne icense tax tnereon. ana w T . .,. T ... new corporatlone have been organised. ! s I; ! ? , , I .? . .u ! P" represented by a sigh of relief to think that the work ,,.. . no i. utinMii will soon be ended I am filled with Joy and th; ,nnua, cenM fee pald ,' b; these corporations aggreftatea $46,785, Some Believe that Chas. Griffin Has Simply Run Away Other Interesting News. over the outcome of the affair, Since the fair started and until the gates closed last night the total paid admissions through the front entrance numbered 8$. 000. Tonight la expected to K. k. .... Th. . 11... iw "" c ... T..T z?;::: k ; . oived or gone mto liquidation. The largest Out of approximately 8.500 corporationa that have filed articles In the past more than 7,000 have ceased to exist, and have either failed to organise, have dla- that the presence of the fruit vendors , . L ! , ' ' la a nuisance. Inasmuch as they stand fr T, n. ""d the day " known " their rigs in one spot on the busiest street during the entire day. The paw. Ing of the horses, too, is claimed to . damage the street paving to a great ex tent Last night members of the Multnomah Club attended the Carnival In a body. A parade was held In the evening. TRIES TO STEAL ANOTHER'S WIFE MISSOURIANS WILL ' HEAR CHAMP CLARK The members of the local Missouri As Strange Game of Bluff Befng qua tonight in a body to hear Congress Attempted b Infatuated Man at banta Rosa. man Champ Clark's famous Ucturs, "The i,i,r: ill biao 1 vrVIUIVVU VCIIIUI J. 1 ii .w - iit i They will leave 200 strong on special 1 AnT"'XU.r. .I. 1". "1" rorelfa Corporations. Forty-six foreign corporations have filed their declarations to do business In this state, the fees from this source reaching the handsome little sum of $7,600. Secretary Dunbar estimates that at least that many, more will file their declarations by August 16, the date fixed by law aa the limit within which foreign corporations msy pay their li cense fee. In order to remain in the atate and lawfully transact business. The Secretary of State estlmatea that the total recelpta from thla source for the first year will reach $75,000, but looks forward to a material Increase by next year, and the $100,000-mark may easily be reached by August 15, 1904. O. B, k I, Heavy. , The company having the largest, capi tal stock on which the license fee Is paid, is the Oregon Railroad A Navlga (Journal Special Service.) EUGENE. Or.. Julv i-The mysterl. ous disappearance of Charles Griffin of thla eltv on laat Mondav. Is no nearer so lution' now than t the time bis unusual abaenoe raised auspiclon in the -'minds of his friends and relatives. Parties of searchers have delved into every nook of the river bank and have dragged the bottom of the Willamette River In every pool and eddy for mllea up And down the river and not a sign of the missing man has been found. It is ss if the earth haa awallowed him com pletely. The theory of suicide haa, therefore, received a decided aetback on account of the Inability to recover bis body In a river which Is comparatively low and easy to search. Later developments show, however, however, that tha vouna- man waa in volved. In Eugene.' with a considerable Indebtedness for so young a man. and, couDled with an anxlouaness to have a change, he has decided to leave hla fa miliar haunts and visit some other part of the coast - San Franclaco la the point most pointed to and news from him ther la anxiously awaited. The young man mother H almost prostrate over the event BUQENH. Or.. July 15 The Cuba Mines A Improvement Company, organ ised here last fall by Otto Olaton, backed by several expert mining men and bona fide capitalists of Seattle and other cit es, bonded the Sunset group or mining clalma from the owners, Messrs. Cal. Toung and George Fisher of BuVene. It was the Intention of the newly organ ised company to exploit the possibilities of the Blue River region from a a min ing standpoint and the Sunaet mines In particular. . Mr. Olaton's control of, the property ceased recently and Messrs Young and Fisher at onco had buyers on the ground who were entirely satisfied with the property and it waa soia them at a high figure. It la said that the Cuba Mines Com pany has lost a grand opportunity by simple dalliance and the Sunset group will le mtfde ta yield up their Immense treasures of the'lrellow metal by tno ne owners. Messrs. W. H. Dodge and Run yard, also of Seattle. These mines are the best prom Ising properties In the famous Blue River country, have been assayed with very satisfactory results and age, be yond a doubt, the best propertyn that neighborhood. Lark of capital has been the hammering Item In this country for the development of the vast mining propertlea. It is believed that the real worth of these mines will some day at tract the attention of mining men who represent capital of unlimited ex tent 5)DEVEn3P 7 O SPICES o COFFEE,TEA DAIflNG POWDERi ftm2jGE)CTUXT itoeluhPvrly. FlMslflivor. Orlitol SimJIh.CtMOJttlAPrktil CLOSSETQDEVEHS ' poutiahd.orioon.1 . e.rV wh nr. to Z.r, tr .n $36,000,000, while the smallest company cars, which nre to start from First and ,. .... .,k t.- . Washington streets at 7:15 o'clock sharp. Everyone who has ever had the good fortune to have resided in Missouri for to Join this . ' (Journal Special Service.) ' SANTA ROSA, Cat, July 25. "Doe- one whole year Is Invited w,ic unTcnus auuut nta iu ivr sunio win ieYa yivmpny un lime Bit Bit Will "JtSll bllK?tJt'L "U" g0-to 'ad8t k .auSion. anJ ?8ecre?a?y Dunbar U today and engaged In a fist fight Is the Hub Land Company, with a capl tal of $50. The total . capitalisation of the com panies organised and paying -the license fee within the state shows the capital amount we the entire assessed valuation of the state. ' 4oklns lias been on the trail of Fletcher for some time and haa fol- . lowed him from town to town. The lat- ter says be will not stand this peraecu- ivn any longer. - Hoaklna charges that the woman and : child now with the corn doctor in j reality Dei on g to him and accuaes Fletcher of inducing them to elope with nira rrom st Louis. CIGARETTES (MUSE SERIOUS ACCIDENT pleased with the cheerfol readlneas to comply with the law exhibited by the corporationa generally. Out of over 1,000 corporations paying the tax, Jess than 10 complained, and but few re duced their capital stock, the Increase of . the capital of corporationa exceeding the recorded decrease by a large per centage. CLOSING EXERCISES OF CHAUTAUQUANS Last Week-Day Program aPro- nounced Success Champ Clark's Notable Address. WEST NEWTON. Mass.. Jul. 25. uigaretto smiting waa the causetoday , The police believe Fletcher's story I of five boys .id three men being dan- ana think that Hoaklna Is simply in- gerously injured by the explosion of . fatuated with .the woman, who is very three cans of powder. ' The men had beautiful. Hosklns says he. married herlP'aced the powder in a wagon and were i In St Charles. Mo la 1897, and that her hauling- It away. The boys climbed Into tne wagon to steal a ride and began smoking cigarettes. It Is believed that k eparit irora one or tne cigarettes rell Into the powder and Ignited It Three of the boys. Bels, Nelbert and Schearer. are. not expected to recover. maiden, name was Minnie Charles. HISTORIC BUILDING BURNED AT 'FRISCO SOUTHERN OREGON CHAUTAUQUA ENDS Session Closes with Elaborate Program Geo. F. Billings Re-Elected President. The Observatory on Telegraph I Mil ii' n . i r rim raniauy uesxroyea by Fire Today, A LITTLE GIRL IS BRUTALLY ASSAULTED t An information waa filed by District Attorney Manning thla morning against (Journal Special Service.) ASHLAND, Or., July 26. The South em Oregon Chautauqua Association closed its 11th annual session here last night -with an elaborate program. George F. Billings was re-elected president-and manager of the Chautau qua for the ensuing year. Mr. Billings IN THE POLICE COURT (Journal Special Service! SAN FRANCISCO, July 26. The old observatory on Telegraph Hill is on Are but the flames are now thought to be under control. It Is occupied chiefly by .arciBia as siuaios. or many years it ;was the government signal office and later served aa a concert garden. The nre department had a hard time in reaching the scene, as the hill is very icep. me ouuaing is a historic land nark. YOUNG CORBETT WINS (Journal Special Service.) PHILADELPHIA, July 25 Toung uroeii aeieatea Biuy Maynard here last night in the first round, a right on the jaw doing: the work. Mavnnrd wn. nra iimes aunn the peace, ball being fixed at $2,000, Carl Wyoungann, who is accused of haa held this position for the laat nine Having i-uiuiiiuio a criminal oasiuit upon years. Amite !. uuii, ana xi years. wyoun gann la a music teacher and a band i musician, and he had been boarding: with the family of the young girl whom , he assaulted. KING EDWARD GIVES TO IRELAND'S POOR JEFFRIES ALL RIGHT (Journal 8pecial Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 25. Not much credit Is given the story here that Jeffries' sore leg will compel him to rorego nis right with Corbett on August 44, Jeffries on the contraey will be In aa (too condition aa ever. SAILED FROM ASTORIA ASTORIA. Or., July 25. The British ship Arctic sailed for Durban today with cargo or wheat and flour, and the steamer Dispatch nailed for San Fran ) Cisco via Coos Bar. 4 i , i i John McCarthy, arreated by Patrol man Sloan for the larceny of-av quantity or scrap Iron, will serve 50 daya, Judge Hogue sentencing him. this morning. Robert Gossman, who was charged with threatening to kill and also with tresspass, both complaints being sworn to by D. C. Burns, whose wife waa for merly Mrs. Gosamao, waa found guilty on both charges. For threatening Mm. Burns he was bound over to keep the On the trespass charge the case waa con tinued for aentence. The cases against Mabel Butler, charged with stealing a watch, money and a check, were dismissed, the evi dence being insufficient to sustain the charges. Tony Gallagher, a North End saloon keeper, was arraigned for attempted burglary, it being claimed he was found in a foundry last night while he was Intoxicated. The case will be heard Monday. Donated $5,000 Before Leav ing Dublin Today His Words Are Kind. (Journal Special Service.) ' DUBLIN, July 26. King Edward, be fore leaving the North of Ireland thla morning, gave $6,000 to the poor of Dublin. In his farewell address he said: "May. the inhabitants of this illustri ous city look forward, under God's providence, to blessings commensurate with their keenness of Intellect and warmness of heart." MORE POSTAL FRAUDS No Dessert 'More Attractive v Why use gelatins and spend hoars soaking, ; sweetening, flavoring and coloring when Jell-O produce better reeulU in two minutes f s fcverytning in tha package. Simply add hot water and act to cool. It's perfection. jLsur J prist to the housewife. No trouble, less ex ; penaa. Try it to-day. j Is Four Fruit Fla torn Xemon, Orange, .BtrawbeiryEasp EPPINGER ARRESTED : "(Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON, July 25. It Is ru mored that our Indictments will be re turned by the grand Jury on Monday against persons being investigated for postal frauds. The names of the ac cused are not ascertainable. . SAN FRANCISCO, July 25. The grand Jury late yesterday indicted Her man Eppinger, the ez-graln dealer, for obtaining $11,500 on alleged false pre tenses from the Bank of Monterey. He I was arrested at once and liberated on $12,000 bail. Mothers! , Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. How's Soothing Syrup kas beta ased for aver SIXTY TBASS br ul some ruffians loaded up with stale eggs UOIM of MOTHERS tor their CHXLDBSH while IBFrBIHO, with PERFECT tUCCBSS. K SOOTHES flit CHILD, SQFTEN8 ttt OUM8, AXiATS aH FAJJTt CCBJM WIND COttC and Is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Dracxn a every part of the world. ' Be sure tad ask for "Mrs. WlasWa Booth! sg Syraa , MtatoMoUexkiad, Tweatrte.bty j OREGON CITT. July 25. Today! ia the last week, day of the tenth annual session of the Willamette Valley Chau tauqua Association, and It gives promise of being the biggest day of the meeting. Thla morning; after the regular routine work, a Droeram waa rendered by. the Chefaawa Indian School, which was In every way pleasing. This after.noon Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher of Chattanooga. Tenn., will deliver a lecture on "Home, Sweet Home," or "How to Be Happy. Though Married." Tonight Governor Chamberlain will deliver an Introductory address, after which Champ Clark will lecture on the United States of America in the Twentieth Century. The lecture will ,bo followed by a grand display of fireworks and a big crowd la expected. Champ Clark's Address. Congressman Champ Clark of MlasouI made his Initiatory appearance yester day afternopn. A fX'ge crowd listened to him and were highly delighted' with his lecture, the subject of which waa "Picturesque Public Men." He .took up the lives of great men with whom he had come in contact with In the Halls of Congress and depicted their brilliant acts and frailties as well, covering the latter with a mantle of charity. His lecture sparkled. with brilliancy and wit and the large audience waa convulsod with laughter time, and time again as he told some true story of some public man who had gained a national reputa tion. Speaking of the saloons in the Capitol he said that he had voted. whenever occasion offered, for he re moval of these saloons as he considered them a disgrace to the American people,, This statement was met with a tremen dous burst of applause, and he convulsed, the. audience with laughter by adding that there was no reason on earth why congressman should not walk two blocks for a drink If he wanted one, Just the same as any other Individual. The. stage waa flllecLwith a large num ber or prominent Democrats yesterday afternoon, many of Them from Clark'a own state. Last night the announce ment was made that the entire Missouri Society from Portland would come down In a body thla evening and would occupy prominent positions. The wisard of Cleveland. Karl Germalne, the- wisard. of Cleve land, O., held his audience spellbound for more than an hour laat evening with his magical performances, and seemingly impossible tricks. .There was not a va cant seat In the large auditorium, And hundreds hung on the outskirts and stood in the aisles anxious to see what to them looked like miracles. It was announced last evening that before the lecture this 'evening the Chemawa Indian Band would give their celebrated Indian war dance. . Tomorrow, the last day of the meet ng, will be devoted to renglous work. At 10:30 there will be Bundav action! which will consume the time until the noon hour. . In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the Chautauqua chorus will be rendered. after which there will be solos. In both the afternoon and evening Dr. Broueher or unattanooga win preacn. At 6 o'clock In the afternoon there will be a sacred concert. Hoodlum's Throw Errs. EUGENE. Or, July 26. Quaker doci- tors, who have been doing the city of Eugene ror the past few weeks, have re ferred frequently from the platform of their street "opera house" to various dls-1 turbing elements of the crowds . which attend, and last evening the trouble- C. GEE WO TUB GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Is called great be cause lila wonderful cures are so well ' known throughout the ' United State, and because se many people ar thankful to him for saving their Uvea frem OPERATIONS Ha treats any and all Ulaeaaaa wlta A powerful Chinese a herbs, raoU. bads, 4 barka and vegetables that ar entirety un known to medical science in inn oouu- try. and through tne use i man nmrnt- less remedies. This fatnoue oooior nnows the action of aver omerjn "" w. h. h.a iiiBMufal T ased In different diseases. He guarantee t cure eatarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner. vousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, femals trouble and all prtvate diseases. Hun dreds of testimonial Charge moderata Call and see htm. oomnrxTATTOsT nu. Patients out of the ctty writ for blanl and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 2 Atutt treet, Portland. Oi. Men tton this paper. aV Skll?. a .'"VS. SIMPSON CO HOUSE AND SIQN PAINTING PAPER BANGING. KALS0MINING STRICTLY UNION WORK 248ft First St. Phone Clay 943 DON'T , BUY As GASOLINE ENOIISE UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR ENGINES . AND OPT OUR PRICES We give a written guarantee with every engine for one year, "and we are right here to back it up. Patron ize home industry by buying from the manufacturers. , A. J. GILL & CO. 330 and 33 Oak St, Portland; Or 14 "'.MIIVWSIAil tel!IFr The largest and most complete un dertaking establishment on theCoast. F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East Sixth Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part bfh'e)city. P 111 M It) I Eycry eSatur-iy. and Bred the volley. at the stage during the appeal of the doctor to the crowd to buy hla 'syods. The egg splattered over the platform and hit the crowd, besmearins; many people's faces. -The speaker threatens to kill the perpetrator of the inde- CCBC. . : ,V.. . , .. lOng of aH BottM Bern. ' Brtwred from Boheadan Hopa. : . ' ' Older frem :..):- FIkastelsi Mayer ., Ceaaaeuer main parcel CARRIEfo for bicycles. Pat. Feb. 13, 19SP aF1- allowed. Fastens to either end. Load on the axle. Ia use in Portland Or. Indorsed by leading job bing houses in Pacific N. W. Phone, Bed 3941. Temporarily at 109 Third MX. Bforth. WE CURB men: V. X TALOOTT, X, ft . OOWTBACTES SIBOBOZBa, very eontracted .disease Is attendsd grave oaocers cast . aotblog : less 1 a taoroufb and sbsohits cure ess remove. To use ieo the sUchtcet ebsDC ta such- eases Is to. writs Itf. long nlssry. Ilea do not nails lir. as ttty- shoQld. A psrtlal evr la (ol lewed by s ehrbolc stare, with all Its horrors, tb ssme st.ttaoaca ths dls. ess kid sot bcea-trested at all. W poslttmly will not dismiss a tatisnt. antU ercry onslblllty sf rslape 4s rla BoTsd. By oar system of trmtment CTsry pstlmt 1e soundly eared, sod mad as 'fre tron" dlsess taint ' as he was before the sllmeat wss eoetraetedL SS. TAlOOTt a CO.,' SMit. Aide St. : 6$ a. -1 Harru of sty stock SECOND WHEN IN GREEN GU FOR SALE AT ALL DEALERS. r