The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 25, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Items of Local Interest for Busy
-Journal Readers. r
'-" No rale - of eoneeqttence has fallen ' daring
. ,.- ,tne km z noore la we western MU ox uis
;" f United Btatee.
. It to eooler this morning In British Ootanbla
end Alberta, aud eleo la tbe Dekotas and
J-forthera- Minnesota. : '
i v, Temperature In tha" Paclfle ' Coast ' States
' ere generally allgbtly balow normaL ,
Tba lndlcatlona ara for fair weather is thla
y district Sunday, with slowly, rising tampere-
Y B.
Imperial D. M. Stewart. A torts! W, A.
re, New York) 0. fattereoo, The. Palleajt W.
C. Barnhart. Taooma." O. K. Pratt, city I U.
PaViuMt W. Singer. California; Mra. Hner,
California! W. B. Kirta, Tba Dalles; T. i).
vrow. tnjj A. m. Ancicteoo, neouana; i
tKuppenbvimer. New York: K. Olleralmsen.
Ti. 6. Story,' Cascade Locke! 0. Hoar a, San
Franclaco; Mrs. Naurs. San Franeleoo; H. A.
O'Learr. New Yorki L. L. Houek. Indianapolis:
W. T. Gray, eltr; , O. h Hawkins. Mra.
Hawkins, Baker Citr 8. Israel, Ban franclsco;
' William 'Vaa Duron. Saratoga; W. A. I'rl,
New Yerk; OtU PatteEaoo, Tba Ball: W.
C. Barabart. Taesma: R. H. Bdwarda. Palooaei
Mr. and Mra. William - Klniey. Mllwaakeei
Mary B. Dint, Baa Bernardino; W. B. aunts,
Tba Dallea) 0. L. Houston! and wife, 1. C,
Mare. Astoria; J. J. CortrlabV Ontario; II. M.
Benson, Ames. Ia.) Mrs. M. B. Webber. Sea
aide; C H. Goodhue, Seattle; H. rirnn,
-Eugene; Gaa Robortson. Drawee; Ada 0. Boee
and daughter, Carol Van Oradall, I. H. Wood
vardf Pandleton: J. If. RUnton and Wife. HI Me
Bltnton. C. Houston and wife, Ontario; Mabel
; MeUua-hlin. Jennie Tacgart, Vato; Frank Lh,
an Franclaco; B. H. Plowbaad. Bol.e; A. U.
V.Uoa, Ontario; Mra. I. 8. DeTlna.Bakat Cltr ;
U. P. Preatoa and wife. Walla Walla; J. B.
a Ixvkwnnd HMttle: Hanr Wllaea. A. B. John-
aoa, San Franclaco; fWMajr Jameean, Lucy
U. Bhody, Elk Blreri C. W. Mount and wire,
Lewleton; J. W. Rnaaell and wife, Seattle; 0.
A. Uawkina, F. B. UougUaa, MarjaTllle, Mo. ;
John A. Eagera, Blager U. Kggera, B. 0. Kg
' (era, IIllard, Or..
Portland 4. 1. Perklna. San Franclaco: D. R.
McGlnnla. Montana; W. Bmltb. Baker Cltr;
H. S. Beed. Oakland; A. 8. .WeetpbalL Hem
Cork; 1. M. BnnaelL Tba Dallea r Mra. 0.1. Boa-
Worth, Poeatcllo; J. P. Killer. The Dallea;
Blenntt. Fremont; P. M. Beek Seattle;
Mlaa B. Wllaon, Dearer! 0. L. Lacer, Indiana;
F. M. Orar. 'Jan Franclaco i J. N. Boaenbaum.
Cltr; B. M. Chadmoorne, Ban Franclaco; 0. K.
Comlna, few York; D. A. Mead. Duluth; H.
K. Mead, new xork; L. J. Moonan, umcago;
a B. HIcka, Seattle; 0. L. Penman, New
York; B. Friendly, Kugene; A. Cohen. H. P.
.Botbermel, Ban Franclaco; E. B. Uaga and
wife, Boise: B. Burkbardt, Tanconrcr Bar-
racka; W. W. Sutten. Chicago; A. W. Klseman,
Omaha; K. Cole, Loa Angelee; A. J. McTler,
Boiae; J. T. Matbewe and wife Cincinnati;
George B. Smith, Ban Franclaco; C. L. Chaffer,
. Omaha; Robert B. Foq A. Demaageoa,. Beat
tie; A. Illrahhelmer and wife. La Crueae; C. W,
Thompson. Caacade Locka; I. K. Kerr, Baa
Claire, Wia.j J. K. Arms bey, Chicago; George
Vf. Armaby, San Franclaco; Sylreater A.
Baker. I'ltuburg; F. C. Sander, if. S. A.; B.
F. Kloti, Ban Franclaco; William Croaamann,
Calumet; Joaeph 8. Rolaton. Chicago; William
P. Haber, -ndlanapoUa; M. L. Cooper, Ban
franclecu; John P. Bent. Chlcaro; Mra. E. H.
Dewey, Idaho: Mra. B. P. Sonmenille. R. 1.
Sommerrllle. 8. E. SommerTllle, G. C. Sommer-
rule, W. B. Sommerrllle, Margaret Somraer-
vlllr. Mra. C. E. Hughee. New York; Mlaa
B. M. Randolph, Ellaabetb, M. J.: H. Ueyman,
Chicago: 8. N. Palmer, Ban Franclaco; W.. K.
Clark, Chicago; F. 8. Fish. F. 8. Flab. Jr.,
soutn aena, ina.j v. F. Williams, Sacramento;
C. A. Harrison. Loa AnKelea: C. F. Porrenee.
San Franclaco: C. J. Bush, Penrer; Alexander
new ana w(ie yincinnau, u.
Baa tha
Big Sunday caraa
It will b
The last ot the
Sacramento series.
. i ' The -Browns
Will surely play
.The best game
Of the season. .
Game starts 2:S0,
Grounds, Twenty-fourth and Vaughn.
The Browns are
Climbing up the
Fourth place now.
Bring ydur wife
Or your lady friend.
. Don't miss
The gam. '
Dr. 0.0. BU&ay, 407 Allsky Bldg.
XorrlaoB-Btreet boathoose moved to
foot ot SUrk street
(''After tit wtmuiB,''''-''.
.' Two "bad" horses fiunday. ,
Owners want our $60. V.
; Say we can't ride 'em.''"1"
Say no live man caft ride 'em. V.
i We'll do It or pay the owners ISO each.
The cowboys can ride anything with
four feet."' , . -
: Seo them at Best Eighth and -
Hawthorne Baseball Park, v,
v Sunday, I to 4 p. m, '..'
. This Is the closing day. ;
Seethem tomorrow. . ;', '
' Tou'll never see their llk agaby ' i
Tha afortlxwest Xng Oompaay, mana
faoturers of new rugs from old - car-
pets. , Free cleaning and delivery, tot
East Morrison street 'Phone, Union
171. . . -
"bad" animals oh band beasts bo man
has . ever yet been able to tame o
that there la sure to be tremendous ex
cltement for a time. Tba "show" starts
at I p. m. :v"--; ; f;..
gems froeors have s socks of Sotu ea
bau and want to work It off before In
troduolng "Plllsbury's Basf'the best
flour that evere entered the family home
but the patron of the grocer ought to
be permitted to select the. brand be
desires for His family bread. There Is
no other flour In the world at all com
parable to PiUsbury's, and It don't cost
the grocer a sou mors than do the in
ferior grades. Toll turn you want
sack, any way, to try It Then we know
that you will light for It and not be
bamboo si ad Into accepting any other
miV. NnttlnefhAm A CJ AlatHhntara
V &jri Willi VVIUIUUW "W I rr . y J4t . SV-
ern Railway for Qoldendale and Kllckl-L. L ri,.
tat Valley points. Alder-street wharf I ' . . n " "' "'""'
dally (except Sunday) ;. fc m. , Pbon - -
' i . I the araaata of W. J. HofininB. ailvartia-
"fliera waai an ' laelnleBt blase at the ling manager of The Journal, and with
plant of the Western Clay Manufactur-1 several newspaper men of tho city was
Ing Company, Sherlock street near the
river, yesterday. A spark set fire . to
the roof and but for the prompt work
of the employes and Engine Company
No. a serious blase might have oc
curred. The damage was very slight
entertained at luncheon at the Com'
merclal Club. A trip up the Columbia
River bas been tendered bun. and will
probably be accepted, the start being
made tomorrow morning with the re
turn in time to take the soujh-bound
train. Mr. Lary expects to tea
Tine ooaoort on board the steamer I people of the East that be saw on
Bailey Oatsert next Sunday. Nineteenth I Columbia the most beautiful scenery to
United Btates Regiment Orchestra. En-1 be found out of doors.
Joy your Sunday by taking a trip to Cas
cade Locks and return. Excellent Sunday
dinner. Steamer leaves .Alder-street
wharf t a. m.. returns 1 p. m. Fare
for the round trip, 11.60. 'Phone, Main
Uberal XeMtnre Dr. J. L. fork, the
noted orator, will lecture at A. O. U. W.
Ball, Second and Taylor street Sunday
evening at f sharp. Subjeot "Inspira
tion and Nightmare of Theology." Don't
mlas It All invited. Good music. Ad
mission, 10 cents, or more if you please,
at the door.
XJbexal teotare Dr. J. I Tork, the
noted orator, will lecture at A. O. U. W.
Hall, Second and Taylor streets, Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Subjeot 1
'Inspiration and Nightmare of Theol
ogy." Don't miss It All invited, uooa
music. Admission, 10 cents or more If I
you please at the door.
See the
Big Sunday gams
It will be
The last of the
Sacramento series.
The Browns
Will surely play
r The best game
Of the season.
Game starts t:tO,
Grounds, Twenty-fourth and Vaughn.
The Browns are
Climbing up tho
Ladder, t
Fourth place now.
Bring your wife
Or your lady frlend
Don't miss N
The game.
I KmJiI SnxTahl Grooers'
picnic at Canemah Park tomorrow, July
2. Excursions by rail or boat Sports
and prises of every description; also.
baseball games. Dancing will - be free
in the pavilion. Good music. Round
trip from Portland, Oo from Albany,
$1 for round trip. Come on.
K. I Stephenson and O. R. Stephen
son have begun a ajilt against Fred Jen
nings for the recovery of 1200 wh!ch
they paid as rent upon a building leaaed
from Jennings. The rent was raised
after the lease had been effected and
the plaintiffs ask to have the amount
of the Increase which they were com
pelled to. pay returned to them.
Chinook Tribe. ITo. B, Improved Order
of Red Men, elected the following officers
last night; Sachem, .A. O. Kerns; senior
sagamore, J. House; Junior sagamore,
A. J. Osbourn: chief of records. Robert
Holman; keeper of wampum, Louis Dam-
masch; representatives to Great Counoll,
J. J. Englehardt Louis Dammaach,
Robert Holman, Dr. F. S. Lang-worthy. ,
Orooers' Plonlo. Dancing free; good
music; 60o round trip.
B. X. Koorehouse si Co- at Seventh
and Alder. ? Telephone, Main IMS.
onf Beach attd Beavier Provisions
at reasonapie rates, mrauoei Bros.
detaU ot sevea uniformed police
men, under the command of Capt Grits-
macher, waa at the Woodmen Carnival
last night to maintain order. Officers in
plain clothes were also on hand to
watch for thieves. Capt Grltsmacher
stated that be bad beard Of no cases of
robbery last night and that no known
thieves were on the ground, as far as be
The constant growth of our business
seems ."indisputable evidence that we
have succeeded in what we have en
deavored to do. We have been able to
take excellent care of all who favored
us with their Orders, and they were not
backward about expressing their satis
faction. Remember we are still making
Quo Robertson ot Dreweey ts here.
R. H. Rutherford of Salem Is In the
T. P. Wood of Tho DaUeo brat the
J. A. Eggers of Dlllard Is a Portland
visitor today.
Miss May Carmlchael of Olney Is
visiting in Portland.
C W. Thompson of Cascade Locks
is at the Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Fulton are regis
tered at the Portland.
Miss Johnson of Pendleton Is the
guest of Portland friends.
W. K. Newell and wife of Dllley are
registered at the Persons,
Dr. and Mrs. 3. B. Bufns of Payette,
Ida are guests at' the Perkins.
Mrs. Ada C Ross and Miss Ross of
Pendleton are visiting friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Auterson of Wood
burn are spending a few days .hare.
B. C Bowers and wife are spenBlng
their summer vacation at Locksley Hall,
Mr. and Mra C Nana ton and J. M.
Blanton, all of Ontario, are visiting In
the city.
A. 8. Bllton. editor of tbe Med ford
Mail, is .attending to Duslness matters
in this city.
Carol Van Oradall and 3. H. Wood
ward, both of Pendleton, are registered
at the Imperial.
Sylvester A. Baker of Pittsburg, Pa.,
is at the Portland. "Pittsburg is one
big bundle of business," he said.
Walter Schumacher, the well-known
Walla Walla capitalist is looking after
business interests In and around Port
land. 0
Mrs. M. S. Bloch and daughter Stella,
Those1 Now In Fire Departrhen
-; Are Eligible to Appoint
, - ; ment by Board,
The members of the Fire Department
ara - breathlm. more easily since The
Journal yesterday published the list of
those who bad passed the civil serf ice
examinations. ,
Without, an exception all the present
members' of the Department were suo
oessful and while the appointments have
not yet been made the firemen are glad
to know that they have . run tbe first
Tba high standing of the firemen
speaks well . for their efficiency. The
physical examination was of unusual se
verity and Included all kinds of athletic
feata from foot races to climbing lad
ders. Soma of the boys proved them
selves swift sprinters and others were
mora adept at climbing. As a whole,
however, the fire laddies proved them
selves well equipped physically for their
arduous duties and 'the members of the
commission believe that the personnel 6'f
tha force la good.
Tho appointments will not be made
until tha next meeting or the execu
tlva board, which will be in about two
weeks. f
Said to Have Tried to Burn
Residence of Former Wife,
Mrs. D. C. Bums,
An information against Robert Goes-
man, who has been charged with mak
ing efforts to set Are to the residence
of his former wife, .Mrs. D. C. Burns.
was filed in the State Circuit Court
this morning by Deputy District At
torney Spencer. The charge made Is
arson. When the case comes to trial,
burglary 41sq may be alleged.
Oossman and Mrs. Burns were di
vorced two years ago, but ever since the
beginning of their ' separation and her
marriage with Burns he has been perse
cuting her. He has, according to the
Information, tried to break through an
outer-, window of Mrs. Burns' house
and also tried to burn the residence.
Timely Interference prevented both the
burglary and the blase and as' Mr. Ooaa-
man seems too destructively inclined it
was thought best to have him brought
before the court He Is now under
Mrs. Burns, the former wife of Goss-
man, is wen ana ravoramy Known in
Portland. Her present huaband, D. C.
Burns, has been engaged in the grocery
business for years.
Henkle, Who Had LWed in
Oregon Since '52, Passed
Away Yesterday,
AT THE .! .
Charck of tba Oood Shepherd Cornar
Vancouver avenue and Bellwood street.
Upper Alblna, Rev. H. D. Chambera. reo
tor. The rector has returned from his
vacation and will conduct services a
follows: Holy Communion at s a. m
Sunday School at 10 a m.; morning
prayer and sermon at 11a. m. No even
ing service. All will be welcome at
these services.
e St. John's Memorial Sell wood. Rev.
W. R. Powell In charge. Sunday School
at 11 a. m.; evening service and ser
mon at I o'clock.
Trinity Chapel Nineteenth street
near Washington, Rev. Dr. A. A. Mor
riaon, rector. Services: Holy Commun
ion at la. m.: morning prayer and ser
mon at 11 o'clock; evening prayer and
sermon at I o'clock. Dr. Morrison will
preach at both services.
at. Matthew's First and Caruthers
streets. Rev, W. A. Breck In 'charge.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11
o'clock; Sunday School at 0:41 a m.
Xoekwood Rev. W. A. Breck- In
charge. Service in the hall at 4 p; ra.
St David's Corner Belmont and
Twelfth streets. Rev. George B. Van
Waters. D. D rector. Holy Communion
In the Chapel at 8 a ra. ; morning prayer
and sermon at 11 o'clock; the Right Rev,
B. Wlstar Morris, D. D., will deliver
the ' sermon. Evening prayer and ser
mon at o clock. ' Vested choir of men
and boys. G. Eseman, choirmaster and
Obnreh of Oar Saviour Woodstock.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
t Paol's Wood me re. The Rev. Wm.
R. Powell will officiate. Holy Commun
ion at 11 a. m.; Sunday School at 1
The) First Church Madison and Park
streets. The pastor. Rev. E. L. House,
D. D., preaches at 10:10 a. m.; subject,'
The Great Refusal." Also, at 7:45 p.
m., the subject being "Is the world
Growing Better?" Tou are cordially in
vited to these services.
Tha Scandinavian Bvaagallst (Synod)
Chorob Corner East Grant and Tenth
streets. Sunday School at 9:30 a m.:
services at"10:4S a. m. Tuesday at 1
m. the Ladles' Aid Society meets
with Mrs. O. J. Blom, Woodlawn. School
on Saturday from 9:80 a. m. to 12 m.
any suit In the house to order for 125. 1 who have been visiting In Portland for
fTnl.n. rT HA.ln rn
Bt, near Seventh.
S47 Washington
Boat miss tba Sunday trip of the
Try Max Smith's coffee boose and Regulator Line steamer Bailey Gatxert
to Cascade Locks and return. Fine, con
cert On board - by tha famous United
States Regiment Orchestra of 20 pieces.'
Fine musical program has been ar
ranged. Excellent Sunday dinner.
Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf 9 a.
m. Fare ror round trip, 11.50. 'Phone,
Main 914.
bakery, 168 Fifth, for delightful meat
Ton good, valuable aad useful gate
prises, Grocers' Picnic, Canemah park.
Fine Say! Buy Meredith's umbrellas.
Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth,
the last two months, left on this morn
lug's train for their home at La Grande.
Frederick J. Haskln. a prominent
traveler and newspaper man is in the
city on his way to Alaska. Mr. Haskln
will spend several weeks In the north
and will furnish. The Journal readers
with descriptive articles of his travels,
He leaves for the Bound tonight
Best coffee orar made. My chefs an
expert Max Smith. Savoy, 160 Fifth.
Bveryone will have a good time at tbe
Grocers' Picnic, canemah Park.
Dr. D. S. Band JMturnea. SOI The De-
Betall Grocers' Plonlo, Canemah Park.
Boat or car; 50c round trip. July 26,
Take a trip' by boat or ear for the
Grocers' Picnic; 50c round trip, includ
lng admission. -T
Bap oris of Municipal Offlcara for Last
Tear Are Issued In Book
The Mayor's message, and municipal
Tba Betail Orooers' Protective Asso
ciation will bold its annual picnic at
Canemah Park tomorrow. Excursion
trains will be run from here while
sneclals will, take the neODle from the
T.lannnnAf flfTl rrt . tfil MiManM I T . . . I . . - -i Jk . i . -. K
- , - . i There will Da- two baseball games dur-1 i iu. w rswutu ficnj m
ing the day and dancing afternoon" and city. nan irom me nanoa me pnm
evenlna. The verv best kind of time era. There lsno news in the volume.
Is promised and as the groves have a
reputation for good things, the promise
will be made- good.
Seven 85-eent excursions Bandj-
Steamers leave Taylor-street dock for
Plate glass insurance, against break
age. Maryland Casualty Co 361 Wash
ington street
Portland Club, 180 Fifth street A
Oregon City and Willamette Fall (tick
ets good to return by electric cars), at
8:80, 10 and 11:80 a. m., and 1. 2, 4:30
and 6:15 p. nu making the round trip in
three -hours. Stops 'are made at .way
further than It contains everything done
by the city officials during the year In
la concise ana statistical iorm. xne re
port is rather a voluminous proposition,
embodying 276 pages of printed matter
and covers.' It is gotten up in very
readable style and. withal, is a very
creditable production. The cost of the
'issue exceeds 11.000.
palatable lunch served every evening landings. Fine scenery, delightful reo-
from 8 until 11 p. m.
Burglars Before you go away see
' Charlie Monell about burglary insur
a nee. 21 Washington street
reatlon. These are the most enjoyable
excursions in the United States for the
money 25 cents the round trip.
Steam boiler Insurance covers damage
to boiler, property . and for . Injuries.
pbell & Rogers, 251 Washington.
Frederick Wolff, a subject-of the Ger
man Emperor, was admitted to citizen- coui,ir have witnesses
nip oy 4age cieiana in is morning.
V. CI. Sing, a Chinaman who is under
arrest on a charge of being illegally in
the country, was ' arraigned before
United States Commissioner Sladen this
morning and given until Wednesday to
enter a clea. Throurh his attorney.
James Gleaaon. . Sins- explained that he on the boat's regular Sunday trip to the
here by next I ciscaae juockb. air. usrs ana imuy
In order that they may view the
matchless scenery along tbe far-famed
Columbia River, and that the visiting
statesman may see for himself the
need of more government approprla
tlons for the hetterment iof water com
merce, Hon. and Mrs. Champ Clark and
children will be the guests of honor to
morrow on the steamer Bailey Gatxert
Joaeph Morak has been' granted a di
vorce rrom ieua JNoraK on tne ground
of desertion. The parties were mar-1
ried IB March, 1898.
will be accompanied on this excursion
by-MrCSJackson and -several other
intimate friends of the famous Con
gressman. Arrangements nave been
made to entertain the guests in a man
Tbe patrons of at least one city, laun- per most fitting, and it la thought that
Wednesday and he wanted that time to
plead. Soma of the witness es -will - be
called from the' Walla Walla country,
and others from near Portland.
"White Spray" is the best flour In the
city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement
Bros. Co. ' O, W. Church, wholesale
.Bgent 254 Front street.
John . Daly, Surveyor-General for
this district returned yesterday from
Ban Francisco, where he spent a few
days on business. - . -,
- 3. X. Going, administrator of the
state of Ellen Behrens, has sued John
Behrenx for two certificates of denoslt
calling for $1,200, - which be alleges are
tha property or bis intestate. , ; -
dry growl about the "wear and tear" of
their collars and cuffs. They say that
I they are scorohed or rotted and don't
last like they used to. That . laundry
; has ' no steam-heated polisher. It la
content with .. the old. antiquated fire-
heated Concern that 'doesn't do a thing'
to the fiber of the linen but kUl it
dead! Ours is the only steam-heated,
polisher in the state. Union Laundry.
Second and Columbia. - ,
they will think the great waterway of
the Pacific Northwest is aa beautiful as
the classic Missouri.
Sunday Trolley Trips O. W. F. ft By,
- Company.
To Mt Tabor. East Side Reservoir
and Mt Scott, cars every 20 mlnutea
Cars leave for Gresham and Boring at
7:30 and 9:10 a. m.; 1:30 and 4:10 p. m
Cars leave from First and Alder streets.
Xr. Batsman's band of cowboys con
clude their riding exhibitions at the
East Side baseball, park, East Eighth and
ICerohants' lueb.
Served at the .Winter Garden, Third
Tblel Detective Service Co Estab
lished 80 year. 206 Cham, of Commerce,
Portland, N. T, Chic St Louis. St Paul
Kansas City. Denver, City of t Mexloo, I pert riders in fact more than that
Montreal. Seattle, Spokane. San Fran, I we think of as expert is not questioned.
but they ara gentiemenas welt There
Ground north of the new seven-story I la noth Ins: of the tourhi" "wild"- or
Welnhard Building on Oak street be I. "woolly about them. They are young
tween Fifth and Sixth streets. Is being I men who have had tha advantages of
cleared for the excavations for a Second f good breedingand ; behave themselves
uiuca nmnr io ui m just uemg com- i in gooa men snouio. Tomorrow an
pleted, ,-.., 1 r J I East Multnomah rancher win bare two
Hawthorne, tomorrow. These . young and Morrison, dally ii:o to 2 p. m.
men are cowboys In name only that Price, 25 to 35 cents. Bill of fare
la, as cowboys are usually designated changed dally and a musical program
in the human mma. That they are ex-1 rendered.
a i.1 ST. Again Olvas Louf-Tlme Limit
and snoporer. k
' .ugust 18. 19, 26 and 26 the O. R. A
N. aaaln sells loner-time tickets to
points in tho East with stopover privi
leges. Particulars at city ticket office,
xnira ana rvasnmgton streets.
Icahabod Henkle, a well -known Ore
gon pioneer, died yesterday morning at
his home near Philomath. Benton
County, of old age, being in bis 94th
year at the time of death. He was the
father of J. A. Henkle, a real estate
dealer of Portland. The funeral
services take place at Philomath this
The late Mr. Henkle came to thla
state in 1862. being a member of an
emigrant train that started from Iowa.
He took up a donation claim In Benton
County, upon which homestead he con
tinued to reside until his death. He
was always a leader In all enterprising
movements in his section of the state
and was the head of the company that
built the Yaqulna wagon road. When
the Oregon Pacific Railroad was con
templating the building of a line from
Corvallls to Yaqulna Bay Mr. Henkle
was """the prime mover In securing a
right of way for the railroad company.
He was an active member of the
United Brethren Church.
J. A. Henkle of this city is at Phil
omath attending the funeral.
O. W. F. ft By. Oo. Trolley Bides
80-mlnute cars to Oregon City and
Willamette Falls. Round trip 25 cents.
Tickets interchangeable with boat. Cars
leave from First and Alder streets.
Canemah Park is reserved exclusively
for the Grocers' picnic tomorrow.
Calvary Church Corner Eleventh and
Clay streets. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert pastor.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.
Morning subject, "Christ All and In AH;"
evening, "The Cleansed Life and Tem
ple." Music by choir. Miss Margaret
Lamberson, director; Miss Brown, so
prano; Mr. H. V. Mllllgan, organist
Wflspab Chnroh Jerome R. McGlade,
pastor. Public worship at 11 a. m. and
p. m.; Sabbath school at 8:45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor service at 7 p. m.
Themes of sermons: Morning, "Face to
Face;" evening, "What Shall I Render
Unto the Lord?". Mr. Tim, a Corean,
will sing a sacred song In his native
language at the evening service.
' ' ' '.f ' ':' "
' '- '-
When they see our new Jewelry Store, which It la really
worth while to visit The general verdict la thut It ts the
then when you e the NICE and SELECT STOCK OF
334 Washington 5trcel, opposite Imperial Hotel. .
Formerly Frits Abendroth, 311 Morrison Street, opposite
Postofflce, and 207 Flrat Street
seprtce. in the morning only, commene-
inr at 10:30 a. m. The pastor, Kev. b.
C. Lapham Is unable to occupy his pul
pit on account of sickness, and Rev.
H. B. Turner, pastor of the First Bap
tist Church of Walla Walla. Wash., and
former pastor of the Immanuel Church
of this city will preach in his stead.
There will be special music at these ser
vices under the direction of the organ
ist Mr. J. F. Bamford. Bible School at
noon. Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at the usual hour.
Portland' '
Popular , -Pleasure
Resort -
Oraoe Church Rev. Henry I. Rasmus,
D. D., now one of the foremost preach
ers of Chicago, will preach to the con
gregation at Grace Church, of which he
was for five years a pastor, at io:4
Sabbath morning. This Is the only ser
mon Dr. Rasmus will preach while in
the city. Rev. W. H. Selleck, pastor of
Sunnyslde M. E. Church will preach at
7; 4 5 p. m. Sunday school 12:16 p. m.,
K. UUl, superintendent cpwortn
League, 6:45 p. m. Midweek prayer
service Thursday evening. Strangers
welcome Seats free.
rnrrrsa bbbtxbb vnr cbcbibt.
The First Church Corner of East
Fifteenth and Morrison streets. Rev.
W. G. Fisher, pastor.. Sunday School
at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. m.;
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.; sacred
concert at 8 p. m.
First Church of Christ Twenty-third
street, near Irving. Services will be
held at 11 a. m. The subject of the ser
mon Is "Love." Children's Sunday
School meets at 12:10 p. ra. Wednesday
evening meeting is held at 8 o'clock.
The free readingroom Is open dally from
10 to 5, at rooms 2, 3 and 4, Hamilton
Building. 131 Third street. All are
cordially welcome at services and read
Second Church Auditorium Building,
Third atreet between Taylor and Salmon,
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The
subject is "Love." Sunday School at the
close of the morning service. Wednes
day testimonial meeting at 8 p. m. Free
reading room open dally from 10 a. m
until 6 p. m.
First Church Comer Park and Co
lumbia streets, Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D.
D., pastor, will preach at 10:80 a m.
and 7:45 p. m. Special music.
Bodney-A venae Church -Corner of
Rodney avenue and Knott street Albyn
Esaon. minister. Subject of morning
discourse, "Relation - aFlth and Mor
als;" evening, "The Evolution of Chris
Journal friends and readers when
traveling on trains to and from Port
land should ask news agents for The
Journal and insist upon. being aupplied
with thla paper, reporting all failures in
obtaining it to the office of publication.
addressing The Journal Portland. Ore.
Central Church-Woodmen of the World
Building, East Sixth and East Alder
streets. William E. Randall, minister.
Morning worship at 10:30; sermon sub
ject. "Disturbing Memories or Delight
ful Meditations; Ghosts or Gladness In
the Soul." Bible school at 12 m. Chris
tian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Topic at 7:46 p,
m., "The Problem and Privilege of Per
petual Happiness." A cordial Invitation
extended to the public. : -
Second Chnroh East Seventh andt'
East Ankeny street. There will bSfitreet
Liberalism Dr. J. L. York, the noted
orator, lectures at X O. U. W. Hall,
Second and Taylor streets, 8unday even
ing at 8 sharp. Subject, "Inspiration and
Revelation." Good music; all Invited;
come early.
The People's Christian Union F. E.
Coulten, minister, holds Its regular ser
vices tomorrow In the first hall. No. 201
Alisky building, Morrison street, corner
of Third. 11 a m., devotional service
sermon by the minister; subject, "The
Murder of Abel" (charity), being the
third of the series upon scriptural in
terpretation; 12:16. Bible etudy. theme,
"Rejection of Saul." J. C. Carman,
leader. 8 p. m., musical and literary
program of the Harmony Club, Includ
ing debate by Messrs. Keck and Sand
vlg and short address upon methods of
Judging truth by the minister; good
music. All welcome.
The First Spiritualist Society Art!
sans' Hall, Ablngton Building, Third
street near Washington street Confer
ence at 11 a. m., and at 7:45 p. m. Mrs.
E. F. Hanna will conduct the monthly
musical festival. Charles F. Goode will
T. 2C C. A- Dr. J. Hunter Wells will
speak to men at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday,
Julyr26, on the topic "Fighting Death
In Korea." Dr. Wells Is a well known
former resident of Portland, and will
speak from his eight years' experience
as a physician In Korea. Special music.
Men only. Association auditorium,
Fourth and Yamhill streets.
Berea Mission Second and Jefferson
streets, Kev. j. m. Alien, pastor, sun
day services: Sermon, "Obedience Bet
ter Than Sacrifice," at 10:30 a. m. Ser
mon at 7:30 p. m. on the subjeet, "The
Second Coming of the Lord." "Signs
of the Times," sixth discourse.
United BvaageUoal East Side, cor
ner Kerby and Fargo streets, J, Bower
sox, pastor. Preaching at 11 a m. and
8 p. m.; Sunday School at 10 a. m.;
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. A wel
come to all.
10 Acres of Beautiful Grova ..
600 Electric Lights.
Programme Sunday, July 26
5 and I p. ra,
XBBZBT and OBBAB9, Black Fas
Monologlsts aad Baek Dameers. , 1
CX. YDS OWXST, Frlaoe of Club Swing!
KABTBT BBOa Acrobatic Team. s
TXB VXOTOBB, Xorlsontal Bar Trio. '
Brown's Band.
Dancing 1 to 11 p. aa!
... Amusement Resort ... ;
330 Washington St, BeL 6th and 7Ui;
Open from 10 a. m. till 11:30 P. M.
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children!
U2t4 WrRlfWIDU
Millennial Sawn Grand Army Hall.
corner First and Taylor atreeta. Serv
ices at 3 p. m.
Ninety-eight thousand pounds weight
on the floor of Hall's fire and burglar
proof safes. The finest-constructed
safes In the country. We must reduce
weight for safety to bunding. Buyers,
come at once. This Is .your opportunity.
Norris Safe & Lock Company, 70 First
Attract every one who comes here.
After completing diamond pur
chases and watch purchases the
customers seem to drift naturally
to the novelties in Sterling; Silver '
at a price they know is dowf ,
around half' the usual wholesale ,
cost of the goods. '
Mann zl Beach
t- Bt.STJWKandOJiK
TeUphonm 444
Full description ot all sporting events.
New York, Chicago aad. Seattle racea re
ceived by direct wire front the tracks.
New York telegraph tips posted. Com
missions received for all sporting events
In any part of the world. POKfLANU
i iji'H. ISO Firtn ntret.
- i
aal Tln'"swsas3sBWIswjsBsn
ma (TisaaMilisy Cii umm
This is the best country In America, and the best
people In this best country are those of Oregon.
Ue Best Hardware Store
Odd Fellows Temple, First sad Alder.
ARE SOLD AT KADDERLY'5. There is nothing: at our place that is not the best of the kind
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We hsve Hay Rskes too, and Cradles" for the . smalt farmer. Plenty of CaUery, stacks of Carpenters' Tools, ;
prockery In abundance, and a Washing Machine that a four-year-old can operate the family w ashlar with (and -M,
that's triie too.) It's a dandy. ; . . 'i .. . 7. , - r , . -
,'v , , V-J. J.- KADDERLY;';r:;.v
Odd Fellows' Temple, First and Alder 5ts. ; '' ' ," The Hardware has of Tody Not Set