' 4 10 . vVi CITT NOTICES. 1 fv OiTT afOTIOti. Mr." CITT 1T0TX0IS. . CTTT B0T1CIS. CUT V0TICXS. CITT NOTICES. i CTTT jTOTICXS, THE ' OBEGON DAILY J OUR1T AL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENIXO, JULY 25, 1003. Morons improyimxnt or xamxaix street. t . NoMm ! berebr given that at tbe Beating i me iescii-oi is i.i ij or rortuna. ore ' eon, held on the lUb d of July, loot, tb following tetnlutlon Wl adopted; . Heaolred. Tbat th Couurll nf the tttv f PortUnd, Oregon, deems it expedient and ,,' propctM to improve MarthtU ttreet from the . t line of Tweiityntoond ttroet to tbo ( Una of Twenty-fifth ..afreet la the following planner, tn-wit; Flrat All that portion of Mid strtat tTeept that portion occupied by tha Portland Ball- ay Company! right of war a, Twebty-thlrd pmwi in uiv itmowmg manner; (a I Br grading tha atraat fall width wits gnu intersection u tut proper tub-gride. b) By bringing 4he atraat fall width with un imerseniinus to ine proper great oy -per' log with Warren's 'bltullthlc pavement, (c) Hr comtruetlng artificial atooa enrbe. d, Br onttructliig , ttone block header Second Alt thit portion of Mid atraat at Twenty-third itreet occupied br tb Portland , swuiway wmranj i rigui oi way snail pa im- iiutvii as uihiwIi (a) Br replacing the rail! now In dm with Ml la of not 1cm than erven Inches la dnnth and weighing not has tbau tity pound to uif van. "(b) Br paring tb tpice between tha ralla. between tha tracks, and for a dlataace of on foot on tba outalda of tha outer rati with ton blorka. Said improvement to ba mad In eecordaae with ths charter and ordlnanrea of tb City of Portland and the plana, ipeclflcitlont and esti mate of the Cltr Enoinrer Bled In tha ornea ft the Auditor of tba Cltr of Portland on tba 16th da of July. 1903, Indorsed: "Cltr En glneer'a plana and specifications for tha lm provemenf of Marahall atreet from tha waat tin of Twenty-second atreet to the Mat tin of Twenty-flfth atreet. and tha eatlmatea af tha Work to be don and tha probable total coat thereof." The cost of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed a proTided br tha elty charter upon the prop, arty specially benefited thereby and which la reby . declared to ba all tba lota, part of lota and parrels of land lying between line 100 feet north of and parallel with tha north Una of Marshall atreet and a line 100 feet south Of and parallel with the south Una of Marahall tract aad between tba wrat Una of Twenty second atreet .and tba aMt Una of Twenty fifth atreet. . , Tha estimate of- the Cltr Engineer for tha probable total cost of the Iniprorement of aald Msrsbill atreet la flT.U03.0O. I The above Improvement la to ba classed a bltullthlc nsvenient ImDrovement and shall be .maintained br the cltr for tba period' of 10 years; provided, that the owners of a majority Una af tact 011ms trraet, ef vitrified sewer Rip with nil aecesMrr atchbaalna, manholes, imphob nod branches, Raid sewer to be el tha following dimensional Of alfht Incbe clear Inside diameter from point la EMt Twenty elgbtb. atreet 100 teat aouth f tba south II o of tb Sandy road to xxriqt la EMt Twenty elgbtb atreet at East Irving atreet; thene of in locnea clear Inside uailr to a point ia Beat Twenty-eighth atreet at Eaat lloyt atreet, and tLaaea of 30 Inches el ear Inside diameter to connection with the sewer la Keel UlUae street at Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet. and to he eo na traded ta accordance with plana and apeclflcetlon and tha eetlmatee therefor pre pared by tha City Engineer and filed in ua offlca of tha Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on tb 37th dr of Jane. 1008, Indorsed: "Cltr Englneer'a plana and aoeclflcstlons for Mwer la EMt Twenty-eighth strMl from 100 feet south of tha Sandy road to sewer at IS feat souia or. toe Porta una or Kaat uiuan axrawi, and the eatlmatea of tb work to b done and tb probabl total coat thereof." Tba coat of Mid sewer to be isaaaard aa pro. tided br tba city charter apoa tb propertr apeetallr benefited thereby and which ia berebr sclared to be all the lore, narta af lota and parcels oi la BO. lying pet ween a line joo ieei oath f nd parallel with the aootb Una of tha Bandy road and tht aouU Una of lot 1, block 1, Wynkoop villa, and Una 100 fact north of and parallel with tb north Una of a.aat uiiaan atreet. ana between a line auu reei west of and parallel with, tha west Una at Baat Twenty-eighth atreet and a Una 100. feet Mat of and parallel with tha aMt Una of : Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet. . Tha atoclnear'a estimate af tha nrebable total cost for tba construction of Mid Mwer It f Tba clana. sneelicatlons and esHmatea af tha Cltr Enelneer for the enna traction of tha Mwer In Eaat twenty-eighth atreet ara berebr adopted. aweeiTsa, xnst. tba Auditor of tba Wty ar rortuna aa and s is berehy aireeteol t five notice of the proposed construction of Md Mwer aa provided by tha dtr charter. Remonstrance aeslnat tha above sewer mar ba lied In writing with tb undersigned within 80' dart frdm tha data of tba first publication of tbla notice. Br order of tht Council. TrlOS, C. DEVUH. tndltor of tba Cltr of Portland. Jir it, loos. f the property benefited by Mid Improrement r any portion thereofA shall not petition for a new or different improramaat before tha aiplratlon of aucb period. The plans, apeclflcatlopa and eatlmatea of tna tnty engineer for tne imarovamant of aald Marahall atreet are hereby adopted. suooiTea, xnst ms Aaaitor or toa nry or iriiana oe ano oa is nereny airectea to civs ourv vi toe prnpnsea lmorovement 'or Mia fvrmuMirence argainsx tne anove improva- Bienc may ua niea in writing wiu tne under signed within SO days from tha data of tha rat puoucation or una notice By order of tha Council. TIIOS. 0. MVMlf. Auditor of tha City of Portland. July IT, 1808. MtOPOSED IMPlOTEafTsTT OF HAWTH0EK AVEinn. Notice Is hereby given that at tha meeting of tha Council oi the City of Portland, Ore- ?on. neia on tne loth day or Jnly, 1003, tha ollowlng resolution wae adopted: Kceolred, Thst the Council of tha City of i-onisna, pregon, ataeems u expedient and proposes to Improve Hawthorn avenue from the west line of East Eleventh atreet to the eaat line of tba Stephens Donation Land Claim, In the following manner to-wit: rirst By grading tha street to tba propar eao-grsfie ror s wiatn oi nve reet net ween the south curb Una and a line fire feet north erly therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween the north curb line and a Una Ova feet souioeriy inererrom ana parallel therewith. - Second By bringing the atreet full width with full Intersection to ths established grade with gravel. Third By constructing artificial stone tide- WB1BS. ' Fourth By constructing .wooden sidewalk on the north aide of block 121. Stephens' Addition - to Esst Portland, lying betwen two lines re- tpectlvely Wl feet and 125 fact eaaterly from and parallel with tha eaat Una of Eaat Eleventh atreet. Said Improvement to be made la accordance with the charter and ordinance of tha City of Portland and the plana, specifications and eatlmatea of the City Engineer filed In tha office of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on the lfitb day of July. 1&)8, Indorsed: "City . Engineer's plana and apeclflcatlona for tha 1m- ; ProTcmetit of Hawthorne avenue from tba weat line of East Eleventh atreet to tha east Una , of Stephens' Donation Land Claim, and tha i estimates of tha work to be don and tba probable total cost thereof." The cost of said Improvement to be as- aessed as provided br the city charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and ; . which Is hereby declared to be all the lota, i parts of lota and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the . weat line of East Eleventh street and tba eaat line of Stephens' Donation Ljad Claim, and between a line W0 feet north of and. naeall! with the north line of Hawthorne avenue and a Una 100 feet south of and, parallel with tb aouth line of Hirwtborne avenue. , The Engineer's estimate of tb probable total coat of tba Improvement of tatd Hawthorne avenue la . $8. Mtt.OO. The' above Improvement ta to be claaaed at a Ravel Improvement and aball be maintained the dry for tha period of four vekra; pro vided, that the owners of a majority of the propertr oenentea Dy aaia improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a pew or different improvement before tba ex piration of iucb period. The plana, apeclflcatlona and estimates of tne iity engineer lor tne improvement of laid Hawthorne avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of tba propoeed Improvement of aald avenue aa provided by the city charter. . Remonstrance against the above improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Julr IT, 1003. p raOPOSED KWXX I XAJT BTaTTX ITXEIT. Notice ia berehv aires, that at the maetlne of tb Council of th City of Portland, Or- Ion. seiu on in iota oay or Jul, ivuo, tot ol lowing resolution waa adopted: Mcaolved, That,-tba Council of tha City at Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to construct a sewer in Kaat Ninth street from TS feet south of Thompson atreet to a connection with the sewer In Tillamook atreet of vitrified sewer pip with all necessary catcbbaalna, manholes, lampbole and branches. Ssld sewer to be of sight Inches rlesr Inside diameter and constructed In accordance with tba plana and epectficatlona and tb estimates therefor prepared by tba City Engineer and Sled In tba offlca of tba Auditor of tba Cltr of Portland on the 27 tb day of June, 160s. In dorssd: ''City Englneer'a plana and- aped 11 cations for a sewsr la Eaat Ninth atreet from TS feet south of Thompson street to sewer' in Tillamook street, and tha eatlmatea of tha work to be don and tb probabl total- cost thereof." Tba coat of aald sewar to ba aaaeaaed aa provided by the city charter upon tba property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all tha lota, parte of lota and parcels of land tying between a line 100 feat north of and parallel with tha north tin of Tillamook atreet and a Una 60 feet aouth of and parallel with the south Una of Thompson street and between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with tba west Una of Eaat Ninth atreet and a Una 100 feet cast of and parallel with the eaat Una of Eaat Ninth street. Tba Englnser'a estimate of tb probabl total cost for tb construction of .Mid sewsr la I39B.O0. The "plana, epeclfloa Hons and eatlmatea ef tha City Engineer for the construction of a tewer la Mid Eaat Ninth atreet ara hereby adopted. neaoivea. XDat tne Auditor or the mty or Portland be and ba la berebr directed to give notice of tba proposed construction of said sewar aa proviaea oy tne city cnarter. Remonstrance against tba above tewer mar be filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 days from tba data of tb first publication of this notice. By order of tba Council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Julr IT, 1908. ear filed la tha afflca of tba Auditor of tba Cltr of Portland on tba B7th day of June, lua. Indorsed 1 "Cltr Enelraaer'a nlans aad IPeel- Beat loos for sewer la EMt Twenty -seventh and Lawrence streets from 100 feet south of tb Baixly road to aewer In Eaettjsverett street and the estlmstn of tha work to.b dun and tb probable total cost thereof."'' Tba coat af Mid sewer ta ba assessed aa provided by tba cltr charter upon tba prop erty soeclsllv -benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all tba lota, parte of lota no pareeia ok lano lying netweea a un aw levt souia si ua souta una oi nanny rvan iuu a Una KM feet north af aad parallel with tha north Una of EMt Everett street, and between a Una 100 fset seat of and parallel with tha east Una of Eaat Twanty-seveutb and Law reace streets and a Una 100 fret west of and parallel with tb weat Una ef Best Twenty seventh and tareenea, afreets. Tb Engineer's estimate of tb probabl total eoat af constructing Mid sewsr la 11.201.00. Tba Plans, specifications aad satlsJates af tna CHv Enarineer foe tha cons traction of a aewer In Mid atreeta ar berebr adopted. neaoivea. That tba Auditor oi tna mr ar Portland ba and ba la berebr directed to giv notice of tb pro Dosed construction of Mid M M Provided br tha cltv charter. Remonstrance aaalnat tba a bora Sswsr may oe niea in writing witn tne naaersigaea wiium to day from tb data af tba first publication or ua notice. Br order of tba Council. THOS. a DEVLIN, Auditor of tba Cltr af Portland. July IT, IMS. rxoroixo Tram nr STREET. xait xxvnro ert f 10C tin PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Or OVERTON STREET. Notice is hrabr given tbat at tba meeting bf tb Council of tha Cltr of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 15th dar of July, 1003, tb following resolution was adopted: Resolved. That tbo Council of the ntv nt wiwauu, vi.-K.iii, urn-urn ii ei?t-(iifui ana pro- st line of Front street to the east lln A Cornell road In the following manner, to Wit: . First By grading the atreet full width with run lntersectiona to tne proper auo-grade. Becond By bringing the atreet full width with full lntersectiona to proper grade with acariam. Third By constructing sidewalks, atone curb and stone juttertin accordance with the nty Enelnecr't plans, specifications and eatlmatea. Fourth By constructing and relaying the rrnsnwnisn in accornance witn tne t ny En gineer's plana, ancclflcatlons and estimates. Bald Improvement to be made. In accordance With the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans, specifications anil estimates of the City Engineer filed In tba Office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 13th day of July, 1003. indorsed: "City Engineer's plana and specifications for th Improvement of Overton street from the west tine of Front street to the esst line of Cor nell road, and the estimate of the work to be done and the probnhlo total coat thereof." The cost of said improvement to be aaspaaed ta provided by the city charter njon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is jreny declared to be all tne lots, parts of ta and parcel of land lying between the westerly line of Front street and the easterly Una of the Cornell road and between a line 100 feet north of and narnllel with tha nnrth line of Overton street and a line 1(10 feet aouth of and parallel with the south line of Overton atreet. The Engineer's estimate of the rrobahle total cost of the tmprorement of said Overton street la 14,2rt4.00. The above Improvement is to be classed as a maendam 'improvement and aball be main tained by the city for a period of five veara. provided that tbe owners of a matorltv of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any part thereof, shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of such period. The plana, speclftcatlnna and estimates it the City Engineer for the Improvement of said Over ton street are hereby adonted. Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be ia herf'jy directed to give notice of the proposed improvement of ssld ttreet as provided by the city charter. Remonatrahce agalnat tha above Improve ment mar be filed in writing with the under signed within 20 dart from tb data of th first publication of thit notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS.' C. 'DEVLIN, Auditor f th Cltr af Portland. July. IT. 1008. . . . rxopoBzD sxwxji xv Missouri Arxmrx. Notice la hereby given that at th meeting of the CoudcU of tha Cltr of Portland, Ore- Kn. neia on to loth day of July, 1803, tba 1 lowing resolution waa adopted: rieeoiveu, mat tna council of tha City of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and nro- poses to construct a sewer In Missouri avenue from 25 feet aouth of tha aouth Una of Pres- cott ttreet to t connection with tha tewer lu Beach atreet of vitrified sewer pip with all nectssarr catch basins, manholes, lsmpbolcs and brancbea. Said aewer to be of th following dimensions : Of 10 Inches clear Inside diameter from a point in Missouri avenue 2S feet aouth of tb aouth Unt of Preacott ttreet to t point in Missouri avenue at Mason atreet; thence of 13 lncbe clear Inside diameter In Missouri ave nue to a point In Falling atreet; thence of 14 Inchea clear Inside diameter to a connection with the aewer lu Beech street, and to be con atructed In accordance with the plana and apeclflcatlona and the eatlmatea therefor pre- parea or ut iter engineer sna niea in in office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 27th dar of Jtrae. 1003. Indorsed I "Cltr Engineer's plana and apeclflcatlona for a sewar In Missouri avenue from 36 feet aouth of I'rescott street to a sewer In Beech street and the esttmtUa of tht work to be dona and tba probable total eoat thereof." Th coat of Mid aewer to be aasessed at pro vided br tha cltr charter upon tht propertr specially benefited thereby and which It hereby declared to be all tb lota, parta of lots and K reels of land, lying between the aootb Una of escott atreet and a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb tba north line of Beech street and between a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with tba weat Una of Mlleourl avenut and a Hut 100 feet Mat of and parallel wltb tba eaat Una of Missouri avenue. Tba Bnglueer'i. estimate of the probable total eoat of tbe coDstructloa of aald Mwer la' 12, OS5.O0. Tbe plana, tpeciflcatlont and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the construction of aald aewer In Missouri avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved, Tbat tbe Auditor of the- City of Portland be and he la berebr directed to give notice of the proposed construction of Mid sewer aa provided by toe city charter. Remonstrsnre against the above aewer mar be filed In writing wltb ths undersigned wlthla 20 daya from the data of tba first publication of tbla notice. By order of tba Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1803. Notice la berehv arivan that at tha meeting Of tbe Council of tbe Cltr of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 10th dar of Julr, lirOl. tba following resolution wtt adopted; Resolved. That the Council of tbe Cltr af Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses is eonstract a sewer in iui irvina atreet from the Mat line of EMt Twenty-ninth atreet to a connection with tba proposed sewer In Bast Twenty-eighth atreet of vitrified sewer pt witn tu necessary catchDasins, mannniM, impholM and branchee. Said sewer to be of 10 Miches clear Inside diameter and to be con structed lo accordance wltb tbe plans and spedflcatiooa and tha estimates therefor pre pared br tbe Cltr Enilneer and filed In tbe once af tbe Auditor of the City of Portltnd on tht 27th dsr of June. 1008. Indorsed: "Cltr Engineer's plans and speelflcatlona for a Mwar In East Irving atreet from the east line of Eaat Twenty-ninth street to proposed sewsr at East Twentv-alahth atreet and the estlmstea oi tne won to be done end the prooapie total cost thereof." ' The eoat of aald aewer to be aasessed aa pro vided br the cltr charter noon the Dronertr specially benefited thereby and which la hereby dec is red to oe all tbe lota, parta or iota ana Mrcela of land lying between a line CO feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Eaat Twanty-nlnth street tnd a line 100 fset esst of and parallel wltb tbe eaat Una of Eaat Twenty eighth street and between a Una 100 feet north oi ana parallel who tue norm line ok beat Irving atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel - wltb tbe aouth Una of But Irving treet. The Englneer'a estimate of tha probable total cost ror tbe construction oi Mid Mwar 831T.00. ' Tht plana, speelfiratlona tnd eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the construction of a sewar In Mid Esst Irving street are hereby adopted. Resolved, That tba Auditor of tha City of Portland be and be la. berebr directed to give notice or th propoMd construction or Mia Mwer m provided by tbe city charter. Re mona trance agalnat the above aswsr may he filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 daya from toe date of tba first publication or tnie notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba Cltr ef Portland. July IT. 1803. a Mint at Its Intersaetloa with tba westerly Una tt block No. 88, (srutnere Addition to tJarttBorr, Addition to the City af rortuna: thence souther ljr along the weat Una of aald piovc no. an m a point at its uteraecnon wiia the north line at block No. 80. Cam t hers' Ad dition tu Carutbero' Addition to tbe Cltr of rortiana at the westerly una or ssia diock 89; thence aoathMsterly la a straight line to a point in ua aouin una at irinice tarumere donation land claim, where tba asms It Inter Mated br division line between sections ft and 10, township 1 south, rings 1 east, Willamette Maridlaa; thence aoutherly along tba divlalon Una between sections a tad 10, 16 and IA. II and 22. townsblo 1 south, range 1 eaat, will. amette Meridian, to the eoutbera beundry line of tbe Cltr at Portland; thence eaaterly along th eoutbera boundary Una of the' City of Portland to a point tt Itt Intersection wltb tba wsstera bank of tha Willamette Hirer at low water mark thence northerly along tha western tank or tbe Willamette Hirer at low water mark to point at lta Intersection with tht aoath Una of Harrison ttreet extended easterly In lta present course, the Mine being the place of begfuulng. Tbt Bnglneer e estimate of the probable total coat for tha ImDrovament of Mid Uorbett street it fiu.ow.vu. Tht above Improvement It to be claaaed M a plank roadway Improvement and aball ba main tained br tha cltr for tba Derlod ef See yeara: provided,- tbat the owners af a majority of tba Dropertr benefited br said imnrovsment or any portion thereof aball not petition for a new or different improvement before tbe ex- piraaon of sue period. Tbt plana, aneetfVetlona and eatlmatea of tbt Cltr Engineer for tb Improvement of Mid Cor bett ttreet are hereby adopted. Resolved, Tbat tbe Auditor of tbe City af rortiana be and aa la berebr fllrected to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald ttreet aa provided by tbe Cltr Charter. Remonstrance agalnat tbe above Improvement ar be filed la writing with tbe Bnderelgned witnin n days rrom ths oats st tna Drat pun- ucatioa or tnie notice. Br order of tbe Council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor af tba City of Portland. July IT, 1008. PROPOSED OF 00XBXTT IMPROVEMENT STREET. Notice it hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the Cfj of Portland, Ore gon, held on .the 15th dar of July, 1S03, the it PROPOSED TWENTY-THIRD PROPOSED- 6EWER IN EAST TWENTY EIGHTH STREET, ' " a Notice Ii berebr given thst at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Or., held on the 15th day of July, .1003, tha following Resolved.; Tbat the Council of tbe City ef Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to construct a aewer In Eaat Twenty eighth ttreet .from a point 100 feet south af .tne soma line or in nnuuv roaa so a con nection wltb the tewer In East Twenty -eighth atreet at a nolnt IS ftiet Booth of the north SEWER or STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat at the meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore- ?on, held on the lfitb dar of July, 1803, tht ollowlng rcaolutlon waa adopted: Resolved, Thst the council or the Cltr of fortiana, uregon. aecms it expeaient ana pro poses to construct a sewer In Twentr-tfiird atreet from 150 feet north of the north line of Thurman atreet to a connection with tbe aewer lh Vaughn atreet, of vitrified sewer pipe wltball neceasarv catchhaslna, msnholes, lamp. bores and branches, said aewer to be of eight Inchea clear Inaide diameter and to be con structed In accordance with ihe pinna, specifica tions and eatlmatea therefor prepared br the City Engineer , and filed in the office of the Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland on the 27th day of June. 1003. Indorsed: "City hlnglneer'a olans and apeclflcatlona for a aewer in Twenty- third atreet rrom iau reet nortn ot Thurman atreet to aewer in Vaughn ttreet, tnd tbe estlmatet of the work to be done and the probable total coat tnereor." The coat of ssld tewer to be asseaped af pro vided? br the cltr charter upon th propertr specially benefited thereby and which ta berebr declared to be all the lota, parta of lota and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb tbe north line of Thurman a tret and a line 100 feet sooth of snd parallel with the teuth Unt of Vaughn atreet and between a line 100 feet weat of and" parallel with the west line or Twenty-tblrd street and a Une 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe east line of Twenty-third street. The Englneer'a estimate of the probable total cost oi toe construction oi saia aewer it 819T.O0. The plana, epeclflcntlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for tbe construction of a tewer In laid Twenty-third atreet are hereby adonted. Kesoivca. mat tne Auaitor ot tne uity of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of tne proposed construction or aald aewer as provided by the city charter. w Remonstrance against tbe above Vewer may be tiled in writing witn tne unaoraigrjed within 20 days from tbe date of tbe firtt Ipubllcatlou of this notice. "TL By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. July IT. 1003. ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Keaoivea That tne council or tne i;itr or rortuna, uregou, aeema it expeaient tna pro poses to .improve Corbett street from 85' feet north of tbe north line of Grover street to 230 feet north of tbe north line of Ororer ttreet, In the following manner, to-wit: Flrat By bringing tha atreet full width with run Intersections to the proper grade with earth, gravel, rock, sand or other suitable material. Second By constructing a plank roadway full aintn witn run lntersectiona. Third By constructing 12-foot wooden sldo wslks. Ssld Improvement to be made in accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland and th plana, apeclflcatlona and eetl matee of the Ctty Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on the 14th day oi uiy. lutut. indorsed: "mty fcn glneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for the Im prorement ef Corbett atreet from M feet north of tha north line of Grover atreet to 280 feet north of the north line of Grover street and tbe Mtlmatea of the work to be don and tha prob able total cost tnereor. The cost of said Improvement to be aasessed as provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially oenentea tnereny ana wnicn is hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parta of lota tnd percale of land lying within the dis trict bounded and described ss follows: Com mencing at a point in tbe west bank of the Willamette River at low-water mark where the aame would be Intersected by the aouth line of Harrison street extended easterly In Its present course; thence westerly along the aouth line of Harrison atreet and aald extension to a point at lta Intersection wltb tbe eaat line of Seventh ttreet and thence aoutherly along tbe eaat une or neventn atreet to a point at Its intersection with tha division line between Flnlc Carutbers and Stephen Coffin Donation Land ciaima; mence weat along eucn divlalon line between linlce Oaru there and Stephen Coffin Donation Land Claims, to a point at lta intersection with tbe westerly Une of block No. 38. Carnthera' Addition to Carutbers' Addition to tbt Cltr t Portland; thence south erly along tha west line of aald block No. 88 to a point at lta intersection with th north Una ot block No. 80, Carutbert' Addition to Carnthera' Addition to the Cltr of Portland at the westerly line of ssld' block No. 80; thence southeasterly In a straight lfbe to a point in tbe south line of inlce Carnthera Donation Land Claim where the aame la Intersected hr dlvlson line between aectlons 0 and 10, town ship 1 south, range 1 east, Willamette Meridian; thence southerly along the division line between aectlons 0 and 10, IS and 15, 21 and 22. town ship 1 south, range 1 eaat. Willamette Me ridian,, to the southern boundary Un of tbe City of Portland; thence eaaterly along the southern boundary line of tbe City of Portland to a point at lta Intersection wltb tbe western bank of tbe Willamette River at low-water mark; thence northerly along the weateru bank of tbe Willamette River at low-water mark to a point at lta Intersection . with the south Une of Harrison atreet extended easterly In lta preaent course, the eame being tbe place of be ginning. Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total coat of tbe Improvement of Mid Corbott ttreet It f 10,588.00. The above improvement ta to be classed as a ?lank roadway improvement and shall be matn alned by rbe city for the period of five yeara: provided, tbat tbe ownera of a majority ot tbe property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or different improvement before the expiration or aucn perioa PX0P08ED IMPROVEMENT OP HANCOCK STREET. Notice Ii berebr given thst at the meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland, Ore- ?on. held oa tbe lfitb day of July, HM3, tbe ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Resolved. Tbat the Council of tbe Cltr Of rortuna, uregoa, aeema it expeaient ana p re poses to Improve Hancock atreet from the east line of East Twenty-fourth street to a point 2)10 leet east of the eaat line of tbe county road n ths following mannner, to-wit: First Br grading the atreet full width with full Interaectlopa to the proper grade. Second By constructing woooden sidewalks 12 feet In width with six-foot covering planks. Third Br constructing wooden croMwalka alx feet In width. Said Improvement to be made In accordance wltb the charter and ordinances of tbe Cltr of rortiana ana tne piane. apecincationa sna eatl matea of tbe City Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tha 27th day of June, 1008. Indorsed: "City En gineer a puna ana speclBcatlou ror the Im provement of Hancock street from the esst Une of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet u a point 2u0 feet eaat of the eaat line of tha county road, and the eatlmatea of tha work to be Cone and the probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to be aaaeesed m provided by tbe city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tba lota, parta of lota and parcels of land lying between the eaat line of EMt Twenty-fourth atreet and - line 200 feet east of and parallel with the eaat line of tha county road, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Hancock atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with tbe south Una of Hancock street. Tbe Englneer'a estimate of the probable coat of tbe Improvement ot aald street U 85, 466.00. Tb plana, apeclflcatlona tnd eatl mates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Hancock street are hereby adopted. lleaolred. That the Auditor of the City rf rortiana oe ana ne is nereny directed to give notice of the propoeed Improvement of Mid atreet aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above improve ment may be filed In writing wltb tbe under signed within 20 daya from the date of tba first publication of thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1903. XABT HOPOIID IMPROVEMENT OX TWELFTH STRXXT. Notice la berebr given tbat at tbe meeting af tba Council ef the City of Portland, Ure goa, held on tbe lfitb dsr of July, ltf03, tba following resolution wsa adonted: Resolved, Tbat tbe Council of the Cltr of rortuna, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses, to improve a.at Tweirtb atrsst rrom a point 12 feet north of tbe south line ot Kaat Taylor to a point 12 feet aouth of tbe north line of Hawthorne avenue br constructing artificial atone aldewalka In accordance with the plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tbe Cltr Engineer. Bald improvement to be made in accord' ance wltb the charter and ordluance of tbe City of Portland and tbe plans, specifications tnd eatlmatea of tbe lity Engineer filed In tne omce oi tne Auditor or tbe lity OI rori land on tbe lath dar of Julr. 10)18. Indorsed "City Engineer's plans tnd specifications for tue impruvement or jsaat Twelfth atreet rrom t point 12 feet north of the aouth Una of East Taylor atreet to a point 12 feet tooth of tht una line or Hawthorne avenue, tna the Mtl matea of the work to be done and tbt probable toiai cost thereof." ine coat of aald improvement to be at teased is provided by the city charter upon tha property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all th loU. parta oi lota and parcrla of land mug between Un 12 feet north of snd nsrsllel with tbe south line of Esst Tar lor street snd tha north une ot uawinorue avenue and between a une 1(10 feet west of snd uarallel with the west une oi cast Twairth ttreet tnd t line lue reet Mst of and parallel with the eaat line of Kaat twelfth' atreet. jne Engineers estimate of the orobsble tots eoat of tbe Improvement of tatd Eaat Twelfth ttreet It 2.271 00. Th plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of the my r-ngineer fur the improvement oi said baat jweirth street sre herebv adonted. 'Resolved. That the Amlltur of I he Cltr of roruana he ana be u hereby directed to give notice ot tbe pruixmcd Imnroveiuent of aald sirrei aa proviaea oy tne my charter. uemonatrance against ths sbovs improve' Bient may be filed In writing with tbe under' algned within 80 daya from the data 'of the nxat publication of tbla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ef the City of Portland. July IT, 1003. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OX EAST STARK STREET. Notice la berebr given tbat at the meeting of tba Council of tha Cltr of Portland, Orc- fon. held on th loth oar ot Julr. 1008. the allowing resolution was adonted: Resolved. That tbe council or the Cltr of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro oaea to Improve Eaat Stark atreet from the weat line of Eaat Water atreet to tbe weat line of Colon avenue by redecklng tbe road way full width with full lntersectiona and re placing stringers where necessary and repairing bents, in accordance with tbe City Englneer'a plans, specifics tlnns snd eatlmatea. Bald Improvement to be mad In accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of the City of Portlsnd and tne plana, apecincationa onrt esti mates of tbe City Engineer filed In th office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 29th day of June. 1003. Indorsed: "City Englneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for the Improvement of Kaat Stark atreet from tb west line of Eaat Water atreet to tbe west Un of Union Avenue. and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." , Tbe cost of said Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided br the city charter upon the prop, ertv aneclallv benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, psrts of lata and pareeia or una lying between a line 00 feet weat of and parallel with the west line of East Water atreet and the west line of Union avenue and between a Une 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Eaat Stark atreet and a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth tine of Eaat Stark street. The Engineer a eatlmate of tbe probable total coat for the Improvement of laid ttreeet It 14.480.00. Tbe a nove improvement is to oe Claaaed aa n elevated roadway and shall be maintained by the city for the period of three yeara, pro vided' tbat the ownera of a maiorlty of tha property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion therede ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tha expiration of auch period. The plana, apecincationa ana estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald East Stark atreet are hereby adopted. Resolvod. That tbe Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of tbe propoeed improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance agamst the above improve ment may be filed In writing with the under- limed within 20 days from the date of tba first publication of thla notice. By order oi the (council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT. 1903. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OX SCHTTIXER STREET. Notice ta berebr given that at tha meetlns of tbe Council ot the lity of I'ortUnd, Ore- on, held on ths 15th. dsr of Julr. 1003. tbt following resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro. poses to Improve Schuyler street from ths east ine or Kaat Thirty-first street to the west line of tba county road east of Fernwood, In the lonowing manner, to-wit: rirat By grading tbe atreet full width wltb run Intersections to the MtsblUbed grade. Second By constructing wooden sidewalks 10 feet in width with six-foot covering clanks. Bald improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and estimates of tba Cltr Engineer filed in ha dtfice of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on tbe 27th day of June. 13. Indorsed I Ity icngmeer plana and apeclflcatlona for ine improvement oi ecnnyier atreet rrom tna Eaat, Uue of Eaat Tblrty-flret atreet to tha weat line of county road eaat of Fernwood, and tbe estimates of the work to be done tnd tbt prob- bie total coat tnereor. Tbe coat of aald improvement to be attesaed aa provided by the city charter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which is ereby decisred to be all tbe lota, para or lota nd pareeia of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north Una ocnuyier atreet, ana a una iuu reel souin or nd DsrsUel with the south llns of Schuy ler street, and between tbe eaat Une f Eaat Thirty -flrat street and tbe west Une of th county road east of Fernwood. The Engineer eatlmate of tb prohibit total coat for the Improvement of aald Schuyler ttreet is tl,Z47.o. Tbe plana apeclflcatlona and eetlmatee of tb (ity Engineer for tbe lmprovemtnt ot tald Schuyler atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved, That tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and he ta hereby directed to give notice of the propoeed improvement of Mid street aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance against tbe above Improvement may be filed In writing wltb the undersigned within 20 daya from tbe date ot tba first pub lication of this notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot I'ortUnd, July IT, 1008. PROPOSED PROPOSED" SEWER IN ' XAT TWENTT BEVENTR AND LAWRENCE STREETS. Notice la hereby given that at tht meeting of tbe Council of- the City of Portland. Ore- ?on. beld on tbe 16th, day of Julr, -1003, tba ollowlng resolution wsa adopted: Resolved Tbat th Council of tba City of Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro poses to construct a aawer in . Eaat Twenty seventh and Lawrence atreeta from a point 100 feet aouth of tba south tine of Sandy road to t connection wltb the aewer In Baat Everett atreet. of vitrified sewer pipe, wltb all aecea aary catcbbaslns, manholes, lampbdle and branches, of tbe following dlmenalou: Of 10 Inches clear Inside diameter from a point 100 feet aoath of the aouth Une of Bandy road to a pont In Lawrence atreet at the aouth Una of Logan' i Addition- to Eaat Portland; thence of 12 Incbee clear Inside diameter to a connee tlon with the sewer In Eaat Everett street. In accordance with tne plana, apeclflcatlona and Mtimataa (hartfor prepared by tba CUf Smjt- The plans, spedflcattoni and ra time tea nf the CItyEnglnecr for tha Improvement of Mid Corbett atreet are hereby adopted: Resolved, That the Auditor of the Ctty of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald atreet as provided by tba city charter. Remonstrance against me aoove improve ment may be filed in writing with tbe nnder- algued within 20 diirs from the date ot the flrat publication of thla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. July 17, loos. PROPOSED OX CORBETT IMPROVEMENT . STREET. Notice is berebr given tbat at tbe meeting of the Counclb of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held on tha 15th dar of July, 1003, the following resolution waa adopted. Resolved, That tbe Council of ths Cltr of Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro poeea to Improve Corbett atreet from A1.4 feet aouth of tbe aouth Una of Pennoyer atreet to 110 feet north of the north line of Pcnnoyer atreet In the following manner, to-wlt: Flrat Br bringing tbe atreet full width wltb full lnteraectiona to the proper grade with earth, gravel, rock, aand or other suitable material. Second By coustructlng a plank roadway full width with full Intersections. Third By constructing 12-foot wooden ilde walka. . Said improvement to be made In accordance with tne charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and tbe plana, specifications and Mtlmatea of .the City Engineer, filed In tha office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 14th day ot July, 1003. Indorsed: "City Engineer a plana and apeclflcatlona for th Improvement of uorbett street rrom 31.4 feet aouth of the south Une of Prnnoyer street to 110 feet north of the north line of Pennoyer ttreet, and the eetlmatee of tbe work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." The coat ef Mid Improvement to be assessed aa provided by tbe city charter upon tbe prop erty specially urneu iru mereuy anu wnicn IS berebr declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and pareeia of land lying within tbe dis trict bounded and described aa follows: Com mencing at a point In tbe west bank of the Willamette River at low water mark where the earn would be Intersected by tbe aouth Une of Harrison atreet extended, eaaterly la lta preMnt course; thence westerly along the south line of Harrtaon atreet and aald extension to a point at itt Intersection with tbe east Una of Senth ttreet tnd thence aoutherly along tkf r?At Una of Secentb . street to a pc vne Intersection with the division Une boman Wialee Ctratbert and Stephen foffinAimlltedl 1 claim; thence west along aucb . Jjw ,-' between Flnlce Carnthera Ud X jail,. Wfc . doaatloo land claims ta SEWER IN EA8T COUCH STREET. Notice ia hereby given that at tbe meeting of the Council of the Cltr of Portland. Or., held on the 15tb day of July, 1003, tbt following resolution waa adopted: Resolved: That tbe Council of tht City of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro. pogea lo conalxnct a. aewer In Esst Conch street from tbe weat line of lot 1, in block 6. and lot 10. in block 5. Buckman'a Second Addition to Portland. Oregon. to a connection wltb tb sewer In Eaat Eighteenth street, of vitrified sewer pipe with all necessary catchbaslns, man boles, lampholes and branches. Bald sewer to be constructed of the following dimensions; of eight Inches clear Inside diameter from a point in Eaat Couch atreet at the weat line of lota 1 and 6, In blocka 6 and 5, Buckman'a Becond Ad dition, to a point In East nineteenth ttreet; and thence ef ten Inchea clear1 Inside diameter to a connection with the aewer in East Eighteenth street at East Couch atreet, and to be constructed in accordance witn tne plana, specifications and eatlmatea therefor prepared br the City Engineer and filed in the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on the 27th day of June, 1003. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plana and specifications for t sewer in Esst Couch ttreet from the west line of lots 1 and 10, blocka 6 and 5. Bnrkman'a Second Addition, to sewer In East Couch Street at East Eighteenth street, and the eatlmatea of he work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof." The coat of tald aewer to he asyessed aa pro vided by tbe city charter upon the property epeclally benefited thereby and which ia hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lota and Sarcels of lan! lying between the Mst Une of luckman'a Second Addition to Portland, Ore gon, ami a line 100 feet east of and parallel with the enat lino of East Eighteenth street, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Eaat Conch street, and a line 100 feet south of and parallel with tbe aouth line of Eaat Couch atreet. The Englneer'a eatlmate of the probabl total cost for tb construction of Mid aewer la $720.00. The plana, specifications and Mtlmatea ot the City Engineer for the construction of a aewer In aald Bast Couch street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the' Auditor of the City of Portland, Oregom be and he Is berebr directed to eive notice ot tbe . propoaed construction of aald aewer aa provided by tha city charter. Remonstrance agalnat tbe above aewer mty be filed In writing wltb tbe undersigned within 20 dtyt from tbe dtte of tbe first publication of thit notice. By order of tht Council. ' - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tht City of Portland. Julr IT. ions. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OX WEIDLER STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting or the sound I or tue i ity or rortiana, Ore gon, beld on the lfitb day of July, 1003, the r ol lowing resolution wsa adopted: Resolved. Tbst tbe Council of the City of rortuna, Oregon, aeema it expeaient ana Pro poses to improve wcidier street rrom tbe cen ter line of. East Twenty-eighth atreet to tbe west line or or east mirty-nret street in th following msnner, to-wlt: First By grading tbe atreet lull width with full lntersectiona to proper grade. Second By constructing aldewalka ten feet wide wltb six-foot covering planks and wooden curbs. Third By constructing wooden crosswalk! alx feet In width. Bald Improvement to b mad in accordance with th charter and ordinances of the Olty of Portland and the plans, speelflcatlona and eatl matea of tha City Engineer filed In the office nf tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 27th day of June, 100.1. Indorsed: "City En glneer'a plans and aieclflcatlona for ths im provement of Weidler street from the renter line of East Twenty-eighth street to th West Une of Eaat Thirty-first atreet, and the eatlmatea of the work to be dona and tha probable total cost thereof." The cost of Mid Improvement to ba aaaeaaed as provided by the city charter upon the pro erty specially benefited thereby and which la berebr declared to be all the lota, parta of Iota and narcela of land lying between tha east line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and iht weat line of East Thirty-flrat street and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb the north line of Weidler atreet snd a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel wltb the south Una of Weidler ttreet. The plana, tpeciflcatlont tnd estimates ot tbe Cltr Engineer for tbe Improvement of salt Weidler atreet are Hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City oi Portland. Oreaon. be and be la berebr directed to give notice of the propoaed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by the city charter. The Englneer'a eatlmate ef the probable total cost for the Improvement of tald ttreet U I1.87Z00. Uemonatrance agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under algned within 20 days from the data of tba flrat publication ot tnia notice. By order of tba Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland, July IT. 1003. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of The Title Guarantee A Trust Company wlU be beld at the offices of the company, in tht Chamber of Commerce Building.' Portland. Oregon, en Tueaday, July 28. 1908, at 8:80 p. m. T. T. BURKHART. - Secretary, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST MAR KET STREET. Notice ia hereby given that at the meeting Of the Council or tne rny ot I'ortiana, ure- gon, beld on the 15th day of July, 1003, th following resolution was adopted: Resolved. That tbe Council of tht City 6f Portland, Oregon, deema it expeaient and pro-oai-a to lmorove Eaat Market atreet from the weat line of East Third street to the west line of Enst Twelfth street in the lonowing man ner tn-wttt - Flrat By grading the ttreet full width wltb intersections to the proper sun-graae. Second By bringing tbe aurface of the atreet foil width with full lntersectiona to proper grade with upland bank gravel. Third liy constructing articciai atone aiao walks. Fourth By constructing ttone curba. Fifth By constructing wooden crosswalki tlx feet lu width. 8ald Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinancea of the (ity of Portland and the pinna, speelflcatlona and esti mates of the City Engineer, filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 25th day of June, 1903, indorsed: "City En gglnner's plana and apeclflcatlona for tbe lm- firovement of Enst Market street from the west Ine of East Third street to the weat line of Eaat Twelfth atreet and the estimates of the work to be done and tbe probable total coal thereof." The cost of aald improvement to bo asacssed aa provided by the city charter npon the prop erty eneclally benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tbo lots, parts of lota and pareeia of land lying between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel wltb the west line of Eaat Third atreet and the west Une f of Eaat Twelfth street and between a line 10") feet north of and parallel wltb the north of East Market atreet and a line iuu leet aoiitn oi and parallel with the south line of East Market atreet. The Engineer a estimate of tha probable total cost of the improvement of aald atreet la 310- 287.00. ( The above Improvement Is to be claaaed aa a gravel Improvement and aball ba maintained by the city for the period of four years, pro viaea, lost tue ownvra ot a majority OI lh property benefited by aald Improvement ahall not petition for a new or different lmprovemtnt before the expiration of such period. The plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate ef the City Engineer for the Improvement of East Msrket street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tha Auditor' of the City of Portland be tnd b It hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvemeat of said atreet aa provided by tht city charter. Re mona trance agalnat tbe above Improve ment may be filed ta writing wltb the nnder slgned within 20 days from tba data of tbe Srst publication af thla notice. By order at tha Council. THOS. ft DEVLIN, Auditor oi the City of Portland, Jcty IV 1803. i . ASSESSMENT X0X IMTX0VEMEXT 0T MAR- ' 0TJXXITJX AVXNTJX. Notice It hereby glvto that tha Council or toe Lity or i'ortiaad, Oregon, at a meet Ing Jield an tba lfitb day of July, loot. d. eUred the assesamrat by ordinance No. 13,441, for the Improvement of Marguerette avenue, from tbe aouth Une of Hawthorne a venae to tbe north line of Division ttreet. In tb manner provided by ordinance No. 12,043, upon each lot, part of lot tnd parcel of land, which ara apecially and pecallarly Benefited, to be m follows, vlt: Bmokdale-i Lot 36, H. Longcoy f Lot 85, U. Longcoy Esst 100 feet lot jM. Flora II. I'adg- bam Eaat 100 fret lot 38, Flora II. l'adg- bam Eaat 100 feet lot 32, Mary K. Mother. Beat 100 fset lot 81, Paul U. and Charlrtt Heneca i Kaat 100 feet lot 80, James F. Lat- aoa Esst 100 fMt lot 20. Julia M. Brad ford East 100 feet lot 23, A. A. Bowman.. East 100 feet lot 27, A. A. Bowman.. East 100 feet lot 20, Mrrlaaa Htsrk.. East 100 feet lot 26, Rcnhsrt lleler- sob Esst 1(M feet lot 24, I. Franael Eaat 100 feet lot 11. Richard Price.. East 100 feet lot 2i. F. and W. T. Joplln Eaat 100 feet lot 30. Aaron M. Brer.. East 100 feet lot 19. 1. 11. and NelUt E. Cook Ptrk View Blk 1, eaat 100 fact lot 1, TbaddeM B. Weat Blk 1. aaat 100 fMt lot 2. William I'lympton . . . . ; Lot 1 eaat 100 feet lot 8, Claua Hauk- nesa Blk 1, eaat 100 feet lot 4. W. F. Gels- ler Blk 1. esst 100 feet lot 5, Aubon N. Dedvlna Blk 1. Mt 100 feet lot 6, Mrt. A. M. HUnsberr Blk A. ttst 100 feet lot 1. Martha Benn Blk A, east 100 feet lot 2, Henry Witt Psrk View Fx tended Blk A, esst 1O0 feet lot 8, C. M. and T. 8. Weat Blk A. eaat 100 feet lot 4, C. M. and T. 8. West Blk 10. estt 100 fMt lot 1, C. M. snd T. 8. WMt Blk 10, nst 100 fMt lot 2. C. M. and T. 8. West Blk 10. east inO feet tbt 3. C. M. nd T. 8. West Blk 10 esst loo feet lot 4, C. M. snd f . 8. West Blk It, eaat 100 feet lot 1, 0. M. and T. H. West Blk 11. esst 100 fret lot 2. C. M. and'T. 8. West Blk 11. eatt 100 feet lot 3, C. M. and T. S. West Blk 11. eaat loo feet lot 4. C. M. and T. B. Weat A atrip of land lying between the south line OI Plort u, i ara view Extended, and tha north line of lot 1, Park View Annex and between tbe weat line of Marguerette avenue and a Une 100 feet west of snd parallel therewith. TbaddeM S. Weat Park View Anner Lot 1. Carrie M. West Lot 2, Mary E. Weat Lot 3, Maiy E. West Lot 4. Evs B. MrKensle Lot 5. Carrie M. Weat Lot 6, Carrie M. West Lot 7. Carrie M. West Brookdale Lot 1, H. Longcoy Lot 2, H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 3, H. Longcoy.... West 100 feet lot 4. H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 8. H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 6. H. Longcoy West too feet lot 7. Ellss II. Jeter.. West 100 feet lot 8. Ellss H. Jeter.. West 10 Ofeet lot 0. Clifton T. Miller. West 100 fMt lot 10, Stanley S. Stevens West 100 fat lot 11, Margaret A. Klngalry Weat 100 feet lot 12. Margaret A. Kingaler . West 100 feet lot 13, Margaret A. Klugsler West 100 feet lot 14. John B. Frost... West 100 feet lot lf. John B. Frost. North H west 100 feet lot 16. John B. Frost South H west 100 feet lot 16. Eugene V. Comatoct West 100 feet lot 17. Eugene C. Comstoek Weat 100 feet lot 18, Eugene C. Comstoek A tract of land lying between tbe south line of lot 18. Brookdale, and the north line of block 2. Park View Annex and tbe east line of Msrguerette avenue and a Una 100 feet eaat ,of and parallel there with. Eugene C. Comstoek Park View Blk 2, lot 1, John Younger Blk 2. lot 2, John Younger Blk 2, lot 3, John Slerel Blk 2. lot 4. John G. Sleret Blk B, lot 1, Carrie M. West Blk B, lot 2, Csrrlt M. West Blk B. west 8 feet lot S, Ctrrtt M. Weat Ptrk View Rxtended Blk B, lot 0. Carrie M. Weat Blk B.-lot 10, Carrie M. Weat Blk 9. lot 1. C. M. and T. 8. WMt.. Blk 9. WMt 8 feet lot 18. J. L. Barber et al Blk 9. tot 2.. C. M. and T. S. WMt.. Blk S, lot 8. C. M. and T. S. WMt.. Blk 9. west 8 feet lot 3. C. M. and T. 8. WMt Blk 9. lot 4. C. M. and T. 8. Weat.. Blk 12. lot 1. C.M. and T. 8. Writ.. Blk 12. west 8 feet lot 18, C. M. snd T. 8. West Blk 12, lot 2, C. M. and T. 8. West.. Blk 12, lot 3. 0. M. and T. 8. Weat.. Blk 12. WMt 8 feet lot S, C. M. and T. 8. Weat Blk 12, lot 4. C. M. and T. 8. Weat.. Park View Annex West 100 feet lot 14, Carrie M. Weat. TS.45 Weat 100 feet lot 13. Carrie M. West. 104.80 West 100 feet lot 12. Carrie M. West. !.& Weat 100 feet lot 11. Carrie M. WMt. 174.10 Weat 100 feet lot 10. Carrie M. Weat. 207.00 154 20 1X81 T1.84 T1.07 73.91 T3.01 T8.ll 79 04 80.47 78.80 T7.06 73 01 73.07 70.07 0.18 147.14 18.84 T6.50 141 Tl 72.44 Tl.r 84.62 18132 154.18 166.04 101.82 169.26 148.00 162.03 1S8.08 15861 137.89 127.09 126.95 95.58 0.80 35.26 109 74 176.20 178.04 1A6.00 108.04 10.1.1 107.73 145.35 13.01 72 65 74 43 82 83 78.63 83.62 8M.87 82.67 78.80 T3.22 T2.40 T2.T0 72.60 87.87 40.48 164.60 94.73 76.82 208.13 73.88 84.01 1.14.03 155.00 206.43 79.17 13.21 130 02 148.1 154.05 66 10 15 143.38 9.06 141.64 133.39 8.50 123.83 106.03 5.87 100.83 PROPOSED OX BALAIT rMPXOVXMXNT " ITXXXT. ." Notice to berebr given that at tba meting af tb Council at tha City af PortUad. Ore goo, beld en tbe lfitb day af July, 1003, tbo foHowlng r eolation wtt. toVmtod: Uesolred. Tbat th Council ef tba City Portland, Oregon, drama It expedient and pea Posm to improve Haaaey atreet front tbe easf line of East Eleventh ttreet to th watt tine ef Holla day Park Addltloa to Portland, Oregon. by grading the atreet fall width wltb fall lnta eectlone ta tbe proper tub-grade, tb eee-ef the roauway to oe t reel la wiaia aog tae naewnag spar te be 18 fMt la width, a each tRIa af Mid atreet. . , Said improvement to be made la accordaaew wltb tbe charter and ordinance of the City f Portland and the plane, apeclflcatlona and esti mates of the Cltv Engine filed la tba enV ef tbe Aadltor of the City of PortUnd aa tha 27th day of Jane, 1003. Indorsed: , "City f - , glneeer's plane aad aped flea tlon for tha Im provement of IlaUey ttreet from the Mt Una ' of Eaat Eleventh l treat to tbe weat Una of " Holllday park Addition and the eetlmatee ef tha work to be done and tbe probable total Met thereof." Tbe coat of Mid Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided by the city charter open the prop erty tpecltlly benefited thereby and which Ve hereby declared to be til tbe lota, parta ef Iota and pareeia of land lying between a Una 100 fMt north of and narailel with tha north Una of Halsey atreet and a line 100 fMt south ef ana parallel with :h sooth line of lUleey street, sad between tbe eaat line of Rest , Eleventh street and the WMt line of HoUadap. Park Addition to Portland, Oregon. ; Th Engine er'a estimate of the nrohahte total coat of th improvement of tald atreet la 8025.00. . ine plana, apeclflcatlona and eatimatM or the Cltr Engineer for tha Improvemeat ef aald naiaey street sre Hereby soopteo. Resolved. That th Aadltor of tbe City ef Portland be ond be la berebr directed to give once nr tne proposed improvemeat of Mia ttreet . at provided by tbe city charter. uemonatrance agalnat the shove improve ment may be filed In writing wltb tbe under- , signed within 20 dsys from tbe date af tba , first publication of this notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of tbe City of Portland. . July IT. 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT X0X SXWXS XJI .' XA8T ELEVENTH STREET. Notice la berebr elvea that the Council et tba City of Portland propoan to assess the fol lowing described orooertr and owner me mate re as being specially and peculiarly benefited ia tba amoonte set opposite tbe names and daacripttoM tnereor ny the construction or t sewer in Kaat Eierentb atreet. from 2ft feet aoath ot tbe loath Une of Thompson atreet to a connection wltb tha aewer In Tillamook street, aa provided by Ordlu ance No. 18.81S. Any objection to the apportionment of eoat - for aald sewer must be made in writ Ing tn the Council and filed with the Aadltor within fifteen ; daya from date of tbe flrat publication ef tbla notice, and aald object tone will be beard and determined by the Council before tbe passage of the Ordinance assessing the coat for Mid sewer. West Irvingtnn Block 02. lot 1. Elisabeth Ryan I It. IB Block 92, lot 2. Elisabeth Ryan 14.15 Block 02, lot 8. Elisabeth Ryan 14.15 Block 02. lot 4. Elisabeth Ryan 14.14 Block 02. M 0. John H. and Wm. X. Niedernfhrk 1418 Block 82. lot 6. Charles O. Davla 14.15 Block 02. n lot 7. Charles O. Dtvlt.. 7.07 Block 02, m lot T. L. K. Renner T.08 , Block z, lot a. L.. K. Kemer n.io Block 01. lot 20, John F. Kerrigan .. 22.58 Block 91. lot 19. Alfred R. Kerrigan.... . 22.65 Block 01, lot 18, Alberta 8 now 22.58 Block 01. lot 17. Timothy S. HoganK , 22.55 Block 01, lot 16, Martha L. Davla...... 23.55 Block 01, lot 18. Herman Gunthor and W. J. McDonald SS.KS Block 01, nU lot 14. Ellubetb Ryan.... 11.27 Block 01, aH lot 14. C. J. Dranga 11. M Block 01. lot 13, JamM O'Nell 22.56 Total July 21. 1003. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd. ..fzst.ao 80.29 84.87 ...104.84 North H of west 100 feet lot 0. Carrie M. Weat South H of west 100 feet lot 0, Otto J. nirseh Lot 8, Otto J. tnd Bott L. Hlrseh .... Total 110.108.70 A statement of aforesaid aaaMament has been entered In tbe Docket of City Liens. snd is now due and payable at tbo office of the City Treaaurer, in lawful money of the United states ana u not paia witnin tnirty dave from the date of thla notice, aucb pro. ceedlnga will be taken for tbe collection of tbe aame aa are provided by tbe charter of the Cltr of Portland Tbe above assessment will bear interest ten dayt after the flrat publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland, Portland, Oregon, July 24, 1903. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE X REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that tbe Auditor of tbe City of I'ortUnd haa tranamltted to me a Hat nf the dellnauent asseainents for the Im provement of Maryland avenue from the north line of i'reacott street to the north line of North Alblna. and pursuant to eeotlon 412 ot the Charter of the (ity of Portland. I will. on the 24th day of August. 11X'8. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. tn., at tbe west door of tbe Cltv Hall. In the (Ity of Portland, Oregon. offer for sale at public auction to the hlgbeat bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcels of real property, to- wlt North Alblna Block 19, undivided 18 lot 1, undivided 1-6 lot 2. undivided' ' i-6 lot' 3, ' undivided' i' lot ",' Ellen $4.26 Ellen Ellen Ellen 3.70 3.45 3.9D Groner . Block 10, Groner . Block 10, Groner . Block 19, Groner M. Patton'a Tisct constating of division Into lota or pareeia of land from A to T., Inclusive, and M. ratton a Addition to Alblna Subdivision of lot 0 tn M. fat ton Tract Block 2, lot 17. 8. P. and Augusta Rom. 11.26 Block 2. lot 16, A. L. Helman 8.23 Block 2. lot 15, Lionel A. and Mra. L. A. Twining Block 2. lot 14, Lionel A. and Mra. L. A. Twining.. M. I'o t ton's Becond Adldtlon to Alblna Block 81, lot 4, M. Scbusslcr Block 33. lot 1, K. A. E. Webber M. Patton a Tract constating or division Into lots or parcels of Und from A to T. Inclusive, and M. Pattoo'i Adldtlon to Al blna Block T, lot 4, Henry M.-Chase Eattte, heirs of j Block 7, lot 8, Henry M. Chase Estate, helrt of 27.08 Block 7, lot 2, Henry M. CfcaM Estate, be Ira of ..! 48.31 Block T, lot 1. Henry M. Cbaae Estate, helra ot 40.14 Each piece of tract of land will be sold separately and 'for a mm not lew than tb un paid assessment thereon, and Internet and Coal of advertising tnd Mlef If more than one bid la offered tbe land wilt be Mid to tb bidder offering -ta take the mom for th Vtaat amount of penalty and interest; competition will be: .. . Flrat Upon tbe penalty for tne flrat period; Second Upon tba penalty for tba succeeding "bUaU-roaj tba rata af rntereet. City Treaaurer of the Cltr of Portland, r , Portland. Oregon. July 25, 1003. CTTT TREASURER'S NOTICE OX SALX' OX REAL PROPERTY XOX DELINftrryjrt JLS E88MENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor ef the City of Portland baa tranamltted me a list nf the delinquent sssesments for tha coa- trurtlon of a aewer in Corbett street from 12n feet aouth of tbe aouth line of Bancroft venue to a connection wltb the Mwer la Sey mour avenue, and pursuant to section 412 of tbe charter nf the Cltr of PortUad. I will, on the 24th day of Auguat, 1003, at the bear of 10 o'clock a. m. at the weat door ot tha Cltr Hall. In the Cltr of Portland. Oregon. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for caab, subject to redemption, tba following described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Portland Homestead Eaat 83 feet of tot B, Subdlvieloa of ' lot 1. block 4. J. R. Jenkel aad H. Mandevllle $28.T8 Each piece or tract of land wtt ba told separately and for a sum not MM thin tbe unpaid assessment thereon tnd InterMt and eoat of advertising and aale; if more than one bid ia offered, tbe land will be told to, tbt bidder offering to ttke the unt for the Meat amount of penalty and Interest: competition will be: Flrat Upon the penalty for the flrat period; Second -Upon tbe penalty for tba a seceding perloda; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of the City of Portland, Portland, Oregon, July 23, 1903. r CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OX SALX ,0X REAL PROPERTY XOX DELLNftUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given tbat the Aadltor of the Ctty of Portland 'bat tranamltted to me a Hat of the delinquent assessments for tbe lm- nrovement of Patton avenue from the north Uue of Willamette Boulevard to 20 reet north of the MUth line of Portland boulevard, and tbat pursuant to section 412 of tbe charter of the Cltr of Portland. I will, oa Monday, the 24tb day of Auguat, 1908, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m . at the west door of the City IUU, In the City of PortUnd, Oregon, offer for Mle at public auction, to the highest bidder for caah. tubiect to redemption, the following de scribed parcel of real property, to-wlt: North AIDina Block 20. lot 2. Sarah McC.nlgan 3-40. TS Block 20, lot 1. Sarah McGulgta 48.20 Block 11. lot 4. waiter Brown xv.04 Block 11. lot 3. Walter Brown 87.55 - Each piece or tract of land will be Bold aeparntely and for a sum not IMS thaa the unrtald assessment thereon, and Interest and cost of advertising and aale; If more tbon one hid la offered, tbe land will he Bold to tbe bidder ' offering to take tbe aame for the Meat amount of penltT and Interest: competition will be; First tpon tne renauy ror me nrst perioa Becond Upon tbe penalty for tbe aucceeduig periods; Third tpon tne rate oi interest. J. E. WERLEIN, City Treaaurer of tha City of Portland.' Portland. Oregon, July 25, 1903. 2.56 3.36 402 2.50 9 62 CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OX SALX OX REAL ESTATE FOR DEUNaUIXT AS- 8E83MENTS. ; ; Notice is herebv given that tba Aadltor ef the City of Portland has tranamltted to me a Uat of tbe delinquent assessments tor tne extension or East Tbt lor street from tba west line of East Thirty-eighth street to the weat Une of blocks 1 and 4. Eastland, tnd pureuant to section 412 of the chsrter of tbe City of Portlsnd. I will, on the 24tb day of Auguat, 1003. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tn., at the wrat door of the City Hall, lu the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for ask) at public auction, to tbe highest bid der for cash, subject to redemption, the fol lowing described parcels or real property, to- wlt: . Sunnyslde Block 84. lot 10, Hiram CampbeU ....$0.03 Block 34. eaat 1.40 reef lot 7, 11 Iran) Campbell 82 Each niece or tract of land - will ba Bold separately and for a sum not 1ms than the unnaid assessnjent thereon, and interest and cost nf advertising and Mle; if more than one bid la offered, tbe land wtll be Mid to tbe bidder offering to tak th aame for tbe leaat mount of penalty ana InterMt; competition will be: First Upon the penalty for tbe first period; Second Upon tb penalty for tbe succeeding periods; luird upon me rate or interest. J. K. WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Julr 25, 1003. LEGAL NOTICE. SEALED PROPOSALS wlU be received by tba County Clerk up to 12 e'cleeb neon ef Wad neadcy, July 20. 1003. for tbe labor ef' pilot ing tht Madison-Street Bridge two coots of paint, with the exception of the go ts-t coders' bouses, which are to be painted one mat, aa per apeclflcatlona. la couaty wui isriuau the paint and oil and the contractor WlU bare to funilah bla own brushes, staging, etc. and mix tbe paint. Speelflcatlona will be fouad In tbe omce or July 22. 1003. g toe tvunij vsnu ' . j X. 8. FIELDS, VoaatX Clark. SEALED PROPOSAL Vil! be received by tbe Couuty Clerk of Multnomah County up to II - ; o'clock noon. Wednesday. July 20, 1008. foe furnlablng tba county the following supplies 'delivered aa tba " Madlseu-Street Brtrixa et auch point and ta each quant) tie aud si such timet aa may ba required: Six barreks, - Boore or lies, para Kaeeed oil (bolledi. ' - ' Six barrels, abort ay less, pure Unseed ail " valet. - paint Intended ta be fur:hed. 1 July 22, lOOt . f: ''