18 THE OltEGOK DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY' 25, 1903. WILL CONSTRUCT w a PORTAGE ROAD Governor Chamberlain Says No Obstacle Can Be Placed in Its Way that Will Prove a Hin derance. fcjsataaassaha1 ectric Pans 0 '. The Kind Ton Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 yean, lias boron the ntgnatnre of and has been made under his per- 7yV;. sonal supervision since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. It's Easy to Trace the WHOLESOME GOODNESS of 5HIELD BRAND "The People Have Demanded the Line," He Says, "and Their Wishes Must Be Car ried Into Effect," Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard The use of Shield Brand Goods Insures good health to all who consume them. Made from Oregon wheat-fed hogs and government in spected. For sale by all first-class grocers. UNION MEAT CO. I DRINK THE OLD AND RENOWNED GAMBRINUS LAGER BEER SEND ORDERS FOR BOTTLED BEER TO OFFICE, 793 WASHINGTON ST. TELEPHONE No. MAIN 49. BOTH PHONES. BEST PULL RUBBER HEELS 40c MEN'S SEWED OAK SOLES Put On 75c You Wait Goodyear Shoe Repair Co. .' Alder St. and 4th POULTRY NETTING ...Wholesale Retail... Wire and Iron Fencing Bank and Office Railings BASBED WIS.E, WISE , AWB LAWN -FEW CIWG t... JMil Portland Wire ? Iron Works MANt'KACTlKEBB A ICS N. THIRD, COR. FLANDERS- Governor Chamberlain gave very plain h.nwrr to a direct question asked Mm by The Journal today, concerning the Mate portage railroad projected around the dalles of the Columbia: "Will there be any delay In building tho Portage Road, Oovernor. on account ol what appears to be proapecta for delay? was asked. I 'That rood will be built, and built at once as soon as the plans ana speci fications are submitted and bids satis factory to Portage Road Board have been accepted," said the Oovernor. "And, for my own part, not pretending to speak for the other members of ths board, II shall counsel the filing of application for permission to paws over the govern ment and other rights-of-way and all other lands necessary to the construc tion of the portage, and then, not withstanding what answers may be given, going ahead with that road and building It, and proving that the will of tho people must and can be carried out. 'I would favor doing It In the face of all opposition. "People's Will afturt Be Obeyed." 'My position Is that the people of the state of Oregon have declared it to be their will that the Portage Road be built, and the will of the people must be obeyed. I can think of no opposition that could be offered that should oper ate to deter us from action, so far as I am concerned. I deslse particularly to call attention to the fact that I am now sneaking for myself, not for ther mem bers of the Portage Railway Board. 'It will be understood, too, that I am saying this largely In a general sense. Thus far no trouble has been encoun tered by the board In any of the pre liminary work. We have merely caused Engineer Hammond to nwike certain surveys and to submit his report. We have announced our Intention to have omnlete plans drawn and to advertise for bids. These being satisfactory, work will commence probably sometime dur ing September, to be finished early in the coming year. Wo Trouble With O. . W. The reported Issue between the Port age Board and the O. R. & N. Company was brought to the Governor's attention, and during an exhaustive discussion of the matter he Bald In substance: "Not one word of trouble has been said to or with any representative of the O. R. A N. Company. Our engineer, Mr. Hammond, saw Chief Engineer W. H. Kennedy of the O. R. & N., and Mr. Kennedy manifested every courtesy toward Mr. Hammond that could have been asked. "Regarding the refusal of the O. R. & N. Company to produce maps showing the right-of-way, there has been mis apprehension by the public. We have asked the company to meet with us next week and confer - regarding the matter, and at that time the question of , the right-of-way will undoubtedly come up. It is true that Mr. Hammond talked with Mr. Kennedy about having access to the company's maps, and the company, after taking the matter under advisement, asked that It be deferred for a time. But. so far as present progress is concerned, we are not at loggerheads with the O. R. & N., and have no reason to look for anything of the kind." After extended conversation, Oov ernor Chamberlain, with determination in hi manner and evidently measuring his words, said: "But so far as I am concerned, that road Is going through promptly, so as to keep the wishes of the people of the state Inviolate. They have decreed that it shall be built, and I believe that no dangerous obstacle can be placed In. Its way. It will be best for all concerned if assistance instead of hindrances be given by everyone who may be a party to the affair, either as agents or the State of Oregon, or as representatives- of any other interests." CHAMP CLARK HAS AN UNCOMMON NAME He Once Answered, to-4he Call of James Beauchamp, but Didn't Like It, FKX& MXTSCSAX, Pres. a W. IIOWU1B, Mgr. The Imperial Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON 3 ...European Plan Only... Rate from $ I to $2.50 per day. - Seventh and Washington Sts. "I reckon a right smart of people won der where I got my front name," said the Hon. Champ Clarlc thla morning. He was addressing his remarks to w. M. Davis of the local Show-Me Association, who was a former Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri, neighbor of the fa mous Congressman. "Well, It's this way." continued the statesman: "My parents gave me the beautiful, high-sounding title of James Beauchamp Clark. The name was a very nice one in many respects, but there are so many millions of Clarks running loose over the country that my J. B. Clark could be Just anybody. "Now, Clark is the fifth commonest name on American soil, it being out distanced, in the race by the Smiths, Browns, Jones and Johnsons, and so when I Just had the J. B. introduction to go by, every time I went away from home my mall always got mixed. This was somewhat unhandy and unpleasant. I decided to drop the Jimmle, and boldly signed myself BEAUCHAMP CLARK. "But this did not work, for not one In an hundred ever knew how to pronounce the first name, and very few could spell it the same way twice. It is a French word and means 'fair fields.' So, after worrying along with It for a while I Just took the name, cut it In two, and used the hind syllable for my front title." KEELEY INSTITUTE FIRST and MONTGOMERY STS. .... JOfcTLAND, OR. Cures UqMQr, Opium and Tobacco Habits I he oary authorized Keeley Institute la Oregon. Elefant Quarters even COwvenieBc. Correaooadeace strictly confidential. Phona Ma xut. TX8ZT0S8 TO POBTZJLITO Should Bee the Beauties of the Match less Colombia Slver. Leaving Portland dally at 9:20 a. m., by the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's Portland-Chicago Special," the beauties of the Upper Columbia River are seen by daylight, arriving at Cascade Locks at 11:06 a m., and The Dalles at 12:35 noon. Returning, the train leaves The Dalles at 1:20 p. m., Cascade Locks at J:45 p. m., arriving at Portland at 4:30 p. m. If desired, re turn can be made by river steamer from Cascade Locks on the way up, arriving at Portland about 4 p. m. Return can also be made from The Dalles by boat. The T. J. Potter leaves for Astoria and Uwaco every day in the week, except Sundav and Monday. Particulars at city ticket office, Third, and JVajhJcgton sirteu. - . -.. i TTT11 11 j il f ' vv m neip you get tnrougn the hot weather comfort ably. AH indications point to an extremely hot summer T HHF PAD T?r?T TT T V mm a a mm a a mm mm Bk a a aa"aaaaBm im. ami mm a a m m . UI JUL JL JL I J vB j JL About you when making plans for your ne7 house and see what people are doing in the matter of lighting. All the modern homes are being equipped for ELECTRIC LIGHT It is so useful so readily available such a pleasant light. You will be glad to have it in your house. GET IV IWI M USE ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND AVOID THE HEAT ! Put a Ceiling Fan in Your Store Put a Desk Fan in Your Home Portland General Electric Company SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. ITU EfSfe . -5 ;, V r ssNNMaejM