-i V. r- ' '. . : THE - OIIEGOK DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTLAND, " FItlDAY EVENTSTO, JULY 24, 1003. 1 - TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL : WORLD ... i hi ii i ' ' ' i - . . " , - . . . . . .. ... . . .... ... . , . . rrenca, ihvii id: in usiirornia pikmi ffOfeoi do. wblU, THCW Id plums, pitted. 1(1 c fsUlos, seeded, finey l-tb cartons, 90 pick- Bit t CS, SVi" Pfl seeaea, earwiss. B: London layers, I.T&tX00. . NUT Peanuts, ttSU per lb for raw, 9010 for roasted: coconuts. 85-300 per doai wsb uuis. .statirine Der idi puu nun .was --- Er lb; hickory nuts, lfle par S htaats, sstero. lo&lAo per ttl Br mil aata. 1 Pf lb; Alberta, 16I6 par Ibt fancy pecans, 14 0 15 par 8j slmoods, 14Q16 per ID. . ... Xaata aad rmialou. . . .. Am oi una uua itv r- at-iv "? jtc. u'tt-. - " ,mM- 1 ..' D - I) I! lL - I VHUAH UtiTt Vr.r street Beef. Brim. lentig nepuus negarume ne r we. o! port..... GOOD YIELD OF OREGON APPLES Those on the Portland Market Pear Crop, to Fall Back on the "Long SaWfe1 Indication point toward a very good nroduet. Calif or-1 rhlnook, sej summer steelbeada, 7ej soles. rc; TrL fac: tnuttoo, drewd, 9kc! lamoa, araaara, o4)ta. . uiuh u i-rw vri" nnUnJI Mik Wall brvaa'ft baooD, Hlfc plenlca. lUMe; eol- ; Local Wheat Circles. Quiet &nE &&'22b. W lobacco Ohewers May Have EA8TKRn"-PACKKD Ba.al-.na4ar U Iba. ldra, llttei in altad atdaa, : trNliu Dacoa. uauuii (aacr. Sua: butta. HH1SU- - ... LOCAL LAfiD Kattla laat. 10a, tlUi . HUcs AO-lb Una, 10e: ataam-raadared, 10a, lOKe: a. 10e; 60a. lOtta; compouod uarcaa. ei toba, SHe, . lpa-rDj " lllL.fJth at 1A.m ttna. yiciu vi urviivii anuiea inu pears iniaiiiu,: Da. lie: bu-m Una. Ilol aiaam nan' , w.i m.ri.i h.. ... ..ntinn. I - A bora puElitf buua WTtcaa in saao. ally good quality. Dealera aay that the tikn Rark aod. . Tes tnunAtn. ftet ball bo I, Oregon pears ar reported to M eci I Sue: line cod. Tei araba. Il.fio doe; raeor elaoia. iiant ui i vnir All iun nn an tna I aiaau. im oar aoa: imtM oaaa. ic, huuub, market are California nla BarUetta are selling; box. The price of apples Is making- a little lnnaer range, from 1116 to I1.7S I ww Tark anmarr, per box. NEW TORK, Jnly IM. Tbara- waa a raartlos Unusual oulet prevaUS In Portland on eonon oa tbe aiacorary uat ma miiicuqw wheat circles - No sale. "IKJrt d 1" erasTeKlV" no charters have been announced. The I ' .,..,.1., tk. .tMi mrnor.tlon u in- threatening weather is causing "no con- nvaatng the ore output eonaldnrablr aud will cern. Bald a local milling man! , probabl axplolt the ore dpoalte of Canada. 1 "Paaalnir ahowera now will do no dam. JPr "t,,f'5t' 'age to wheat.' A downpour of two or f,'7f , VadJttoa ta the price o eara. '.inree aays migni reauu uniavoraoiy, Thora la a morampnt to form a iwi traai in .however, especially to hay, a great deal 0rroany on tba llnee ot tba V,nlttlf tTI or wnicn is aown. I u.i.k. m.. k... . ,., hik. pin t ! -: HmrA On Xmonada Mao. I ,.i .' k. purh . nrdra at 4S. hla . looks ,bad for . the lemonade Tbiawaa not "HllJ .befoIlJI? JA remarked a Front-atreet . broker SHUlSfTi.0 -JSilJ 2.a!-i-I,!L.i': . . . ,, m I UUIU I.U U, UI mm wtwvK.nn inis morning, .Kiancing i una ay. nuw- B tDM ,tiMk. Gnrral baalnraa conaitlona avar tha rnmmlaatrm merchants say that arx aund and llouidation bllred to be nearly In aplta Of the. cool weather the demand . Tba Wading naaeUI lnteraa" for lemon, oonttnue. brisk. Melon, are J- J rttwJ.7 irnirabow".7. also selling well. imn croaa lnrraae of 14-50 P" nt; 20 Notning interesting is notioea in re- raua doereaaaa .ev; i uauatnaia u-cxea-ra gard to the' vegetable market. String beans are of excellent Quality, selling rmrn lu tn 1 ranta a nnund for thai Weatera Waathar Ooaaltioaa, I vellow. and a. rants of a cent or more CHICAGO. July 84. Weather reporu tbroKh- " ont the Waat are aa roiiowi: uoaia tuy. 1 U Z i .mi l. . i hi dandy. T2. bo rata! Great Band, elouay, miaty, llfano c- Diill "- m --"1 I aajl' HUirnMOq.' Cl-BT. UlTUIUBWr JBV.Wa. wwii, and beet and carrot continue to sell clear, 80, barometer XT. 77; Emporia, clear, 82; for 11 2S tia sack. Wichita, clear. 80: Ban Antonio, clear, hot; - . . i w nr. i,1a utinMnn. UMt TKrkaA OnlAC. -. 1. r.i..n. A tint- TUr Pal. Receipt of veal continue light, poul- aetlne, cloudr, hot; Oraearllle. Bulphur Sprin a. try I. coming in slow, there is a good JX.a.T.!o demand for dressed hogs, and eggs are I it nut: Uiue Rock, part. cloud. plaot; plentiful. Tbe general demand for poul-1 Natch, howr, piMnt: Sbrefsport. milOWTJ, pieaMQx; virsainurs, iiwu, urc ' tvre rain' Mnnrnsl. rlnndT. DLAflftDt. 11 ED. riut VrthaUIAA nKlvM. I Aaala. i,.H.Ia aO-avatn wl 1 1 A alaal nldtatB lit . rain . . a i .artr. nina nmimia rtlUMBai nr There is a shortage or piug cniwmi i-'"J . "of 1,1. warm; Dva Northweat advance as a result weather fUiowera predicted and oooler; cloudy Summing up the Front-Street market aunneapona; i-aieatra ciear an. whtm.uu for today.lt can be said that, as a whole. . . . . .... . . i . , . . I graam umh "r:..fJ,uJe.l:.v", k. i chicaoo, Joiy 24.-wh..t too., .. voiiis 1 v. j . fviiOWM : Wheat I POiTLAJTD WH0LESAXE FKI0ZB. 8ept.....f .TSH Oil. tIom and Taad. ..Vr WHEAT Walla Walla. 79c; blueetem, 0O i,'"'! toe; Tailor, iibik. oats Mr try la light. .'tobaccos Just at present, cau-od by the JW.perlrelTdT' loss during the floods. Prices will not vtiilnva, pleaaant. Mlnneapolla aaya: BARLEY Feed. $19.00; rolled. 120.50321. 00. ., ( OATSMo. 1 white. I1.17K1. gray. fl.lS 1 - 1 17U.. J.. ,: : PLOL'K Enatirn Orwron: 'Patanta. f .9RQ '4.10; atralahu. (3.50; Valley. 3.t03.80; era ham. Ma, S.15 10a. " i MILLMTCrrS Bran. 22.00 prf ton; mid ll.ll ..ui ru. mm. .hn aiBlVl I HAY Timothy, lie.UOtflT.nii; clorer, $16.00 217.00; California, train itjw. Hope, Wool and Hldaa. HOP 17i,ai84e tor choice: 1803 eontracts, IBfnlTr WOOL Valley, 1616He. eoarae; medlnm to fair," 18tftl6Hc; flne, 17M17Hc: Enatern Ore gun. lordlSc; Uobalr. nominal, S5(7c. . SHEEP8K1N beartiuT. H hi it ldci abort wool, 224i,23o; medium wool, 80c; long wool. Sue (till. 44 each. .76 .50 .6014 .88 .83 .76 .76 81 .60 ,T5 .76 .50 .40 76 B T6B .50 1 .60V Pork- July eut Lard Jnly... .... Sept 8.02 rtlue July $25 Bept 8.40 .88 .84V J 4. SO 8.05 8.27 8.40 .83 V4 14.66 YM 8.25 8.25 .32 ... !?. 1S.85 14.12 T 61 7.85B 8 25 8.27 COPPER MARKET LOOKS SERIOUS Shortage of Metal Causes Grave Report to Be Circulated Chicago Bear Says Any Stock Is Purchase, Corn Acreage Entirely Aban doned on Account of Floods Is -Very Small, Says Travel ing Crop txpert, Amerioaa Stock In London, LONDON, July 24.-2 p. m. Anaconda Cop per adranced (; AtcbJetm adranced H, pre ferred. : BaHlmore Ohio- deellaed Chi cago Alton declined ; cneaapeaae at uoio adranced Vi: Bt. Paul declined Vi; Denrer ??V.V"5r.'. . m AetR-. N. . ... preferred declined : Erie adranced . Urate TALLOW Prima, per Dn, tvioc, no. I ana 1 v ,, . ,. . .... .."r,.-,,.! iu: Li . i.n c rriBC, 7fvi ... . .. A. Title A KaahrUle uncbanced; Mexican Central r-'k D' n wi" 1 R1S fh. adranced 1; Mlaaouri. Kanaaa at Texaa ad- it.,i.Pe.lf :N'l Pnnd 5'tta. Mc? dry Mlcan National declined V4j New iHi'hi. ' .h f mt.JZt 1 S lea?" than ill Vork Central adranced Wbwetrn un- KSTm'I . :2?" iXVor fhauged: Norfolk A ..Wfatern decllned ; rania adTancM : ueaaina aeoiineu Ban rraaoiaoo laoala. SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. Local market. today were aa foUowa: 7 H1U. JUIVU, 61 Z.'.. Zl . ' ai ayu.. HHJf. fta tfsa I t'onnSTl' Snd'eowl "aflSe- stigs sai bul'la ""0 80; dllned VI) Southern Pclc unchanged, and wa. OWJC, aiaga ana ouiia, unu,. i, declined U: Pnlon Pacific unchanged. a p, aoono. jo oy - nreferred nnchanaeff: United Btatea Steel, de- X le per SET S.." 'jSf clined . predeclhvjd H; W.ba.h de ie; h. bldi. aalted, each. $1.26ai.7i7dry, clined 0uaola declined . Hnh i iMtf.it 1 mir cone' niape. pecu. tnuiiwi goat'iklna. common, each. 1015c; Angora, with wool on. aacn. xociaai.uu. ' Butter. Eraa andPoaltry, urTTKR Extraa. 22V4c: creamery. 23 Q ihimw.- mtnrm iTr txntra cxieta - -' - I BK.in. r . 11... CHEK8B full cream, twin, 14 Toong San Kranclaco Gaa A Electric Arii.rln. 1ft. oo cerwncaiea ifiin.TUY rhlrkena. mixed. ll12e per lb; Giant Powder ijMi9u.j- mmim Oi1(m TMr th: jroll-1 Vltrorit ... ' w,iT m- f,-.r. iaa17c der lb: Hana Plantation ducka, K'ttltc per m; geeae, 7(aoc per 10; m"'". I v 11. uiftt.i:a ner in : oreeneu. liu'iic wet ii. m "."... - Orooarlea, Nutt, Eta. t fiTTRAR "Sack baala:" (lbe. $5.87: POW dered, $5.72V4; dry granulate- $5.62 Vi; extra C, $5. 12 ; Oolden C. $5.02Vi; barrela, 10c; Darreia, icoc; ooxes, ouc aaraiicv un mck u,.i.. 23a per CWB) or can, 10 aaya, mayis. u in JONEY 15ilc per frame. iWFFKE Green Mocba, 2liQ23c; Jara, fancy, itt:-r Jutii snnd. 20iai25c: Jara. ordinary, 18&20c: Con to Klca, fancy. 18(Sl20c; Coata Makawell Plantation Onomea Plantation ........ Pauuahan- Plantation Alaaka Packer' Aaaoclatlon. 85H .. 68 .. 44 .. 12 22 .. 15 ..140 70 , 73 6 26 45 1 25 if 160 Union Stockyard Baoaipta CHICAGO," July 24. Union Stockyard receipt for today were: Unti rkttte. Rheen. Clilcago ...18.000 4.500 8.000 .. .1. K ttAA A nnn 1 A Am Idi-. '.a i.u.tim- Crrnt. HI in. nrdlnarr. M Ln,.h. ruin 1 700 3.0(10 12c Der lb: Columbia ronnt. (10.63; Arbucklea', (nga Opened 5 cent lower; 2,600 left over 111. 13 lit: L,ion, 11.1.1 111; moiun, Jj. ycateraay; receipia 01 nog a year a;u, XA CloionB. ainereni Kruu, 1 Mixed and outcnera , ao.wnao-""; f' neayy, ftnniiaiw 2nas2f(f XV: EnelUh Breakfaat, I a raik 7ff much he.TT. 85.20625.60: llaht. different gradea, l2Vianoe: nmaer ig, - $5.55fri5.85. Cloaed 6 to 10 cents lower. coioreu jhiiiid, outuYwv, . i-afiie-nieBay. 'ali . aii. OD. . 1Aiu Tin I wwt rwuataMt- I I V. "LSr iS.Tr SiT. Si.' Movement of Cotton, BALI Oearee, half ground, 100a, per ton, NEW TOBK, July 24. Cotton ranged aa fol 114,00; 60a, per ton, $14.50; Llyerpool, lump, lowa today: 7nok k23.00 nnr ton: 50-lb rock. $14.00; 100. Open, 18.50. Jan $ 0-6H WHAin DAUO vaiCUlto, f J. 1 uu.w fciw .w ppi for A u trust dellrery. Mar. I RICE Imperial Japan, no. 1. oc; no. , July 6c; New uriean neao, oc. Aug. : BREAKFAST FOOD Malta Nta, $4.50: Fits- Bept Uinute, S2.80; Force. 4.ou; h-u oai. ao.o. Oct. 4 SALMON Columbia River, l ib talia. w.iq: 1 NT, 8 UII. $2.40: fancy l ib Data, ll.so; Dec fney flat. $1.10: fancy l-Ib ori. ,z.oi; Awaaa Ulla. pink, 80c: red, $1.80; 2-lb talla. $2.00. , -!OAL OIL Ca sea. 22c per gal. tank; Wter iWblte. Iron bbU, 16c. wooden., 18e; ued- iwvrt. caea. Z4c. iron ddbi. j i m. ' 00. ..u. quun 1 1111. l.fvsioiT.n oii!I'iir rw. In bbla. 4e. genii- lower line kettle, boiled, cane, 63c; bbla 48c; pure raw, 0.63 13.25 12.45 10.03 0.02 0.77 0.71 High. $ 0.71 0.73 8.73 13.65 12.67 10.06 .0.06 0.7T . 0.75 Low. $ 9.62 9.62 9.62 18.08 12.22 10.71 9.85 - 0.65 9.66 Cloae. 8 0 9.60ig62 0.60 (S62 13. 15 fa 20 12. 30 37 10.73'i74 9.864D86 0.A6A67 9.05(S;66 Liverpool Market. LIVERPOOL. Julv 24. Seotember wheat Vic: gaaollue. Iron opened, 6-2. lower; September corn, 4. Ul Y ,ri 'V' 1 in.r . k.r (i i in n . u. wer: ScDtember corn, 8-44. U up. Liver pool cotton aale. apota. 7,000; American, 6, " " " i ..... R9r. I nnn? receinta. a.ono. all American. The porta ' BENZINE-a deg case 22c, Iron bbla 16e. loek like 60 agatnat 1.000 and 2.400. there r-GASOLINE 86 dea caaea 28V4C Iron bbla la a coiwlderable Inquiry from aplnnere for '52c I moderate purcnaae or cotton ana it iiaeiy 1 TDRPEfTINH In caaea 70c, wood bbla with the continued atrength of the summer 66Vje. Iron bbla 64c, 10-Ib caae lots 60o. poeltlona that the tradea will be made on about nviua a..ii ..t.i- icsju. ,rn wnire 1 inn nrenenc dii. 1 liu is , - u u i.iai. niiiur tviv, -- . fs.8n(4.uu, pink 93.70(43.90, bayou 4.(p. $5.00. Fruita and Tagatablea. . POTATOES $1.10; buyer' price. 75c; new, I1.501.65;. Oregou" $1.251.50. ONfONtU-CaUfornla, allvenklna, $125; garlic, '810c. FRESH FRUITS Applea, fancy Oregon, $1.25 31.75; new California, $1.601.75 box; orange, late Valencia. $3.6044.00; Medlttarranean weeia, $3.00: banana, $2.268.50 per bunch, be per lb; chorrle, bulk, 85c; packed, 708c; gooaeberi lea, 834e fb; apri cot, $1.00,31.10 cratoi lemons, atandarda, $8.00; fancy. $4.00(34.50; lime. Mexican, 65c jw; peacoes. ovqitoci pinrairpiew, liar 1 it.' . mrura, wuiw. l$3.504.0o;. na. black, $1.50; white, $1,004, ''1.25; plama, 60c(S$l.00; raapberrtea, $1.75 crate; igrapea, Yuni. $2.60: curranta, $2.00 box; canteloupea, $ per mega. TOfflNoc per , aoa; do: nut- watermelon. 1 Q1 We per lb 1 Bartlett peara, $1.60 per box; blackberries, per crate, $1.76(82.00; blackcapa, $1.752.0O: Loganaerrlea, per crate, $ - VEUBTABLK8 Tumi pa, $1.00 aack; earrota. $1.25:. beer, $1.25 per aack: radiahee, 120 16c do; cabbage, Oregon. ltSlVe fb; let tuce, head, 15o per doe: hothouse. $1.25 box; freea peppers, 20c 16; horeradih, 8e lb; 'celery, 1.00 per do; bean, atrlng, yellow, 84e Ibj green, 4j5c lb; asparagua, 82.00 25-fb box ; rbubarb. 80 lb; tomapjee, California. er box, tl.60; Oregon. $1.50 hothooae,"$3.00: 'paranlpa, 1.T5: peaa, $4c; cucumbera, $1.0031.25 per bog; corn, HBe per doe; egg pltnt, 10c lb. DRIED rKt'ITSApplea.H- evaporated, 6ffl7e 'lb; aprlcota, IVieiOe PJ; peachta. eae gj , B; pruues, lUUan, fi6 lb. Chioago Car Seoeista. CHICAGO, July 24. Cr receipt were a follows: . Today. WeexTer. Wbeat 60 28 45 Corn i lo OaU 133 16 130 lORDwtn uar naoaipxa, CHICAGO, July 24. Northwest car receipt a year ago were: Minneapolis. 1x0; tmiuta, 33. Today; Minneapolis, iiu; miiuiu, to. Chicago Cash Kaxkat, miCAGO. Jnly 84. The Chicago cash market at noon raa aa follow: 'No. 2 red. new, 77Vic; No. 8 red, new, 76Vt8T7e: No. 2 hard winter, new, 77c; No. 8 hard winter, new, 76iit764c; No. 1 Northern aprlng.' 82 e; No. S Northern, apring, 80c; No. 3 aprlng, 7680c. Chicago Clearance. CHICAOO, July 24. Clearances today were aa follow: Wbeat. 89,000; flour,' 56, 000; corn, 130,000;. oata, .21000; wheat and floor, 890,000. . . ' ' Portland Clearing Honas. ' The report of the Portland Clearing Hons for - Thursday shows: fxehanga ....... 1 v .a.gl4.Dl Uncea ............ 60,784.29 rrefsrred attook Oanne Croeda. -' Ub . Jwl' Best rasd. - . (Bpecial Permlaaloa ef Bolton, de Rnyter Jk Co.) CHICAOO, July 24. With Amalga mated going to the new low record each day and the whole copper market weak, ay the Chronicle, a report was put out that the shortage In th metal la of a serious character. A month or two ago th bear were trying to prove that stock of Amalgamated were never so large. The steadiness of Atchison and the persistent buying were reported to be on Pennsylvania seeking control. In order to meet the Gould in the South western country. It 1 art- old story, but with a new Incentive for the control The Wall Bstreet Jour nal aaya: "If the United States Steel common dividend had been already passed the price of stock could scarcely have declined lower than It ha already done. It would, therefore, be proper for tbe director of the corporation to make the fact square with the public expec tation and seise the opportunity pre sented by the decline In price of stock to strengthen the position of the com pany and the standing of Its other se curities by passing the dividend on commoa." Market tUl Mixed. The Record-Herald has the following to say regarding the local stock market: Local opinion on tire stock market Is still mixed, but there are a few people In the street who are more pronounced on the bull side than they have been heretofore. One notable change to the bull aide 1 that of A. O. Slaughter, who has been bearish for months through the long decline. At the close of the market yesterday, however, Mr. Slaugh ter made this statement: - - I do not think there is a stock on the list, from top to bottom, that la not a purchase." Mr. Slaughter base hi bullish view on the fact that the strong dividend stocks have not been attacked In the last few days, and on the belief that the low grade Issues have been hammered down about a far aa they can be safely. AIR STAND OF CORN IN THE KANSAS BELT CHICAGO, July 24. The Hecord-Her- ald says: C. M. Boynton, a crop expert,- traveling for Harris, Gates A Co., has wired: "The laat three-fourth of the Kansas corn belt will run from ten days to three weeks late. Corn gener ally is of a clean, fine color, and a good stand except on the extreme lowlands. West of this the crop is more uniform In else and mostly tasseled, but Is being put short by the dry weather. A good many fields tasseled out three to four feet high, , and tassel Dligntea. it in verv hot and dry over the state. The acreage entirely abandoned on account of flood Is very small. The condition of the crop is so spotted that th weather will have to be made to order to mature the crop. I think the great est danger Is from drouth and hot wind. The soil dries out so quickly after excessive early rains, and it gets awfully hot out on the prarle these day. Kansas may raise a rair crop 01 com, but It cannot be a bg one. I have no tries, what the corn area is, nut snouia estimate the growth of that plant to average fully 15 days late. I am going through portions of Nebraska today. A. w. Green, of Irwin, Green & Co ova that the last crop of bears Is being knocked out, so far a big threshing returns are concerned. Even tne K.an sas crop Is going back on tnem. Wheat Crop Short. Following Is a letter received by this firm today from Clifton, Kan.: fhe Information we are getting irom farmers who are threshing In this vi cinity is disappointing. ' There is large quantity of straw, but the wheat 1 not In the heads,, Wheat -that was estimated from 18 to zo Dusneis ana nf fin nuality. la yielding l.Vto. 15 hiiahfiis oer acre, testing 64 up to 67 and 69 pounds of wheat. If this proves to be the general situation over mo w think the estimated yield of 82.000.- 000 bushels for Kansas will have to come down a few points. Still Scalping jtfatket. BERTRAM W. WOLFE DIED LAST EVENING Wds the Eldest Son of-Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Wolfe Only .14' Years of Age Bertram Wendel Wolf e, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wolfe, died last evening at th borne of hi parent In thl city. He bad been quite ill for ev era! week with typhoid fever, to which wa added th agonies of aplnal menln gitl. Everything that the beat medical profession could do to relieve the suf fering boy was done, but the pain waa not stopped until the angel called to bear the aoul of th sweet boy to to home of peace and rest. Bertram had oomplalned of not feel ing well for om time before being taken sick. But as he had been a hard student all winter. It wa thought that he wa simply run down, and a few week spent In the country would bring the roses back to hi cheek. After a short visit In th country it was seen that the- boy wa really ill. He ha been at horn for the pact four week. Th boy wa of a remarkably sweet nature, hi friend numbering many scorei In -th bora circle, which l to day broken for th first time, Bertram was always loving and affectionate. He wa of a modest nature, never assum ing anything but Just to be a kind, true friend and - . sweet, lovely son ana brother. On of hi great pride wa hi knowledge that bis bright smiles and happy disposition were great help to hi father and mother. He waa a student of the Park School, and wag 'known among hi classmate and teacher' a , an . excellent student, never seeming "to shirk any task nor to lose hi sunny manner when the lessons were long and bard. He wa a member of the Multnomah Athletlo Club, and took an active part In the sports of th Junior member. It Is thought' tnat tne xunerai serv ices will be held next Sunday morning at the family home on the corner of King and Wayne streets. The service will be conducted by Dr. Stephen Wise. Bertram was 14 years 7 months old. Two sister and a brother survive him. GUARD ELECTION COMES TOMORROW Inspector-General Will Open the Ballots at 1 1 O'clock Result Known. Wheat is still a scalping market, but recovers particularly from any direc tlon. Primary receipts are still about hnif of last years, and tnere is no nerHiatent selling pressure on the mar ket The cash market in Liverpool Is up ttf 1 penny sinoe Tuesday. The market was helped yesterday by reports of hla-her temperatures in tne ooutn wet. The map this morning does not show them. There is nothing urgent in the cash Dosltion. Weather Is still thA pontrollins: factor. Stocks of con tract oats are increasing, and so far as can be Judged, the cash demand is a very moderate one. The provision mar ket aeems to gain nothing from any source. It is dull and heavy. Argentine Bblpmeate. CHICAGO, Jnly 24. Argentine ehlpment of wheat tbia week were 1.504,000; laat week, r- 448 000; last year. o,isa. u, ,n,uw, agatnat 2,648,000 and 1,804,000. TRIPS YOU'LL REMEMBER Aloof tne Colombia w iam. and to Zlwmeo .oa. Tbe Setter. Visitors to Portland have two trips that are memorable along the Columbia from Portland to The Dalles., and down the Columbia to Astoria and Ilwaco. The beauties of the Upper Columbia are best sem from the O. R. & N. Com pany' "Chicago-Portland Special," which leave the Union Station every forenoon at 8:20, arriving at The Dalles at 12:35 (noon). Returning, the train leaves xn Dalles at 1 p. m., arriving at Portland at 4:80 p. m. .If desired, return from The Dalle can be made by boat. The palatial O. R. A N. river steamer leave Portland dally (except Sunday and Mon day) for Astoria and North Beach, the popular North Paelflo Coast resort. For Dartlculars about these and. other de-? llghtful trip out of Portland aak at the K O. R. N. City Ticket Office, Third ana Washington tret V ' At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning Colonel Jackson. Inspector-general of the Oregon National Guard, will open the ballots cast for officers of th. reor ganised state militia, count the vote'and announce the result There are In real ity two separate elections, tne choosing of officers for the Third Regiment of Infantry and the selection of a major to command the Independent battalion. It is claimed in guard circles today that all officer are already known, the fol lowing list as published some time ago by The Journal, being correct: Colonel U. u. uantenrjcin or ron- land. Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Poorman of Wood burn. Major Charles B. McDonnell and O. C. Von Eggloffstein of Portland and John L. Mays of Ashland. Major of Independent Battalion George O. Toran of Eugene. No indication has as yet been given ef regimental staff appointments, but It Is believed there will be few changes from the Third Regiment as at pres ent. Headquarters for the Independent Battalion will be at Eugene and for the Third Regiment at Portland. CZAR TO GLORIFY SAINT SERAPHIM Majesties of Russia Will Make hlgrimmage to Desert of arow (Journal Special Service.) ST, PETERSBURG, July 24. Th Csar and Cxarlna, accompanied by large number of members of the court and many ecclesiastics,'' re to arrive to morrow at the Desert of Barow, soma distance from Moscow, where, begin ning next Thursday, there will bo held the glorification of St. Seraphim, the founder ef the Dlwejew Monastery, which ha become a place of pilgrim age. Tbe priests In the desert reported a few months ago that the body of the saint, who died 100 years ago, was in exactly the same state a when It bad been put Into the coffin. The Csar, who ha always had a partiality for this saint, contributed a large -sum to make th glorification a magnificent spec tacle, and had a gorgeous coffin of gold and precious stones made, while the Csaiina made splendid covering for th coffin with her own hands, working p re- clou atone Into them. Advice from Moscow state that prep aratlons for th glorification have been completed on a seal of extraordinary plendor. A railroad ha been specially constructed to carry the Imperial party to the seen of th ceremonies, and ho tels, boarding bouse and barrack have been built In th surrounding desert For several week thousand of pilgrim have been pouring Into the place from every part of the empire and strong bodies of troops nave been gathered to keep the crowds In check. Extraordinary precaution have been taken to insure the safety of th Csar and Cxarlna. The interval between the ' arrival or th Imperial party and the beginning of th ceremonie will be passed by the Csar In prayer and fasting In prepara tion for the occasion. BIRTHS Jnly 21. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Dinwiddle. 800 Jefferaon street, a daughter. July 21. to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Logan, 880 La ni bell street, a daughter. July 16. to Mr. ud Mr. W. F. Eempka, 892 Sherman atreet, a daughter. July 4. to Mr. and Mra. A. B. Whiting. 208 Sixteenth atreet, a daughter. July 17. to Mr. and Mra. O. F. Mc.Nelley, 50 East Eighth atreet, a daughter. Jnly 21. to Mr. and Mra. H. A. Espy. 701 Johnson atreet, a daughter. July 23, to Mr. and Mra. C. S. Huntington, 859 Qutmby street, a daughter. DEATHS Jnly 21. Myrtle Gladya Dunn, aged Z at Grand avenue and East Ash street; run over by atreet car. . Interment Lobe Fir Cemetery. jnne I A. Lia aiaaa neta, agea .m, at rront Lake, Wash; typhoid fever. Interment Mo ley Vaulta. July 19. Albert n. Kraner. aged 85 at St. Tlncent'a lluapttal; appendicitis. Bemalna cremated. July 22. Albert Hogluad. aged 82, at Good Samaritan Hoapltal; nephritl. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Jul? 21. Jease Leon Walter, aged 57. at St. Vincent" s Hospital; Brlght's disease. Interment Bettl tarsal cemetery. HEBREWS IN CONFERENCE (Jejurnal Special Service.) BALTIMORE, July 24. A meeting which promises to be of more than ordl nary interest to the - Hebrew of the country 1 tne international xienrew Conference, which opened today ai Mountain Lake Park and will continue until next Friday. Variou matter re lating to the Christian Church, and the Jew will be discussed. The present condition of Israel among the nations will be brought out, and many other lm portant topics on Israel, the Bible and Palestine, Zionism and other- Jewish movements of the present day will be discussed. The first part of the oon ference is to be devoted to general ad' dresses by Hebrew, Christian and Gen tile Christian ministers, " and ' the latter part of the conference will be devoted to the discussion of forming a union of Hebrew Christians. Among the speak ers to be heard are Rev, J. R, Ltnck of Chlcago.O. R. Palmer, superintendent of the Pennsylvania Bible Institute; Prof, I. J. Peritx of Syracuse, N. Y.j Rev. Joseph Moses of New York City, Prof. W. S: Moorehead or Xenla, O.; Rev. Louis Meyer of Hopkinton, la.. and Rev. S. K. Brown of Easton, Pa, GREAT FETES AT FURNES BRUSSELS, July-. The fetes to be held at Furnee next week to conrtnemor ate the establishment of the famous Procession of Penance, promises to be of a unique description. The proces sion represents the life and death of Jesus Christ, and is one of the last re maining Christian mysteries. Great competition has taken place among the Inhabitants of Fume to play a part in the historical representation of the Saviour's life. Nothing has been changed in the arrangement of the procession, which remains today what it was cea turies ago. The procession itself is formed in the quaint churcn or Balnte Walburge. Outside the horse or the Roman soldiery may be een prancing about while Mary, seated on an ass, is awaiting the start for the flight into EsrvDt Then, ana tnis is tne most curl ous part of the procession, the peni tents follow, dragging arter tnem carts with the stable of Bethlehem, the Holy Sepulchre, the Resurrection, and the Ascension, followed by a long line of rosy-cheeked girls with white veil. TKBOTJ0B TSAXW 8XBTZCB Between Portland . ana ah ciatsop BeacA romz, oa aaa Alter Saturday. July II nerinnlnar Saturday. July 11. said ev ery Saturday thereafter during the sea son, the popular Portland-Seaside Flyer will leave Portland at 2:80 p. m., arriv ing at Astoria at 6:60 p. m., Gearhart 6-40 and Seaside 6:60 p. m., making di rect connection at Warrenton for Flavel. trln season excursion tickets from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points soia at rate or sa.uu ior trio, and Saturday special round trip tickets between same points, good returning Sunday evening, at $2.50 for ru id trip. Season commutation tickets good for five round trips between Port Land and all Clatsoo and North Beach rolnts sold for $16.00. Beach excursion lckets- Issued by the water line are Interchangeable and will be honored on the train of thl company In either di rection between Portland and Astoria. , .Additional information will be gladly furbished upon7 application to Mr. E. L, Lewis,- commercial -agent, 24 Alder tree - - y.rl J Tbe Bdward Xolmaa TT&aertaklns? Oo- fnaeral director and mbalmr. 880 yamhllL Fboa 607, J. rrinler and Son. funesal directors aad embalmers, have removed to ttaeit new estabusamB. corner xatra ana Madison street. Both phone Ho. 9, Cremator! tun. on Oregon City car Una, near gallwood; modem, sclentlno, eomslete. Chars; A dolts, $38 ; ohll- dram, $33. Visitors 9 to 5 p. m- Portland tTrexnauoa Association, jrortiana, vr, TOOAT. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jefferon. You can av 20 f")r cent by dealing with m. I can Blue Ribbon peache ...... .25c I lbs. soft-shelled walnut 25o 1 lb. soft-shelled almond 16c 1 package Scotch OaU .. lOo I pkg. Grape Nuts 26c 1 pkg. Shred Wheat Biscuit 10c Pkgs. Malta Vita 2 pkgs. Cero Frulto 1 I'kg. Postum or Klg Prune ox macaroni IS ...25d ,..26o ...20c ...35c ...I5c ...40c . . . 6c BO 25c 26c 26c a. 6e 26c 6o $4 .60 Shilling's Baking Powder 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder .. 1 lb. Arm 4 Hammer Soda ... 1 bar Naphtha Soap 8 bars Santa Claus Soap . 12 bars Royal Savon Soap I cans Carnation Cream . 1-lh. can pork and beans . 8 pkgs. Acorn Matches ... 1 can Alaska salmon 60 lbs. lard, compound . . . 8 bars Diamond C. Sonp . 2 lbs. broken Java coffee 2 Bo 1 lb. good Kngllxh breakfast tea ....16c Best sugar-cured haras, lb 16c 4-gaI. Jacket table syrup $1 50 lu ids. no. I ileal nice 50c 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea .....25c 1 sack best I), a. sugar $5.40 sack good hard-wheat flour 8 Be 10-ln. dox crackers $0c 1 sack good Valley flour $0c 1 Little Lady Broom 36c 1 nosen uev. nam 40e Deliveries on East Side. Tuesdays and rnaayi. FOR SUNDAY DINNER TRY A NICE CUT of Spring Lamb, a Roast of Veal, a tender Chick en or a Columbia River Salmon. We have everything In meat, fish and poultry. Market always neat and cleaa Kindorf Bros. 130 Oread Ave bet. Aider aad Morrison. F. DRESSER EL Co PORTLAND'S GREATEST GROCERY We cater to those who demand the best. :: Both Phones 227. Cor. Seventh and Washington Sts BEST BUTTER 50c DAISY BTJTTXB 40o ABTJ 480. Fresh raaob errs, a doian 4 So Beat creamery 60o and 65c Best sugar-cured hams Picnic ham 6-lb. pail. lard, compound ... 60 lbs. lard, compound Full cream cheese Swiss cheese Cream brick 20c Llmburger cheese 25e and soc Bemember, Saturday is cnlcken day, .16c ,...12c . . . .60c ..$4.50 ..mie ....2cc CITY aOTICXS, AgiEsixirr ro ixyxoTutivt or a OUXKXTTE ATCTTE. , ' t Notice is hereby glvea that tee ; CwoncU of tba City of Portland. Oregon, at meet ing bald ea tba 18th day ef July. 1H8, de clared tba aaaaaameat by erdtnaace Ma, 13.441. for tbe improvement of Margnerett avenue, from the south Hue ef Hawthorn areas te lb north Una of Division street. In the maun Ctivlded by erdlaaae No. 12.963, no , t, part of lot and parcel ( land, which are apeclally and peculiarly beaeSled. to ronowa, La Grande Creamery 96-4 Yamhill Street. 2UVXB YXBW OSaUTEBT. Single gray, 110. Pamily lot from 179 to Bl.ooo. Th oxuy oematary Portland which ' perpetually maintains and ears for lots, ror fall information apply to W. M. Mackenxle, Worcester Block, city. W. la. jjadd. president. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 823 830 750 1,400 225 900 295 J. W. snd 8. G. Cummin to D. M. Hot- brook and wife, lot 10, 17, block 8, Cloverdale Tract 8 Phoenix Land Company to C. A. McCar- gar. lot 118 and 114, Arleta fark.. M. J. Buckley to Maria liaaaett, part double block C. city ......... .i. Catherine Maxwell to M. M. and V. G. Van Treeae, lota 5 and 6, block 81, Bellwood The Title Guarantee As Trust Company to Albert Brix. lots ii ana 12, block 4. Holladay Park Add W. J. Peddlcord and wife to Jaaon K. Rand, lota 20 and 26. block 11, Ports mouth Villa Extension H. N. Smith and wife to E. E. Balr, lot I. block 14, Willamette Adalln G. Brown and husband to Emma Peterson, lota 3, 4 aud D, block 7, Taboraide Lewie and Sarah W. Ruasell tu M. J. Merrlman, lot 2, block 48, Kenllwortb Add A. J. Howett and wife to H. C. Howett, lot 4, block 11, York; north 18 feet lot 10. block 1. Hawthorne' First Add J. F. O'Sbea et al. to George E. Jacobs. soutbeaat fraction block 80, Couch Add: part eaat Vk lota 2 and 8 of aald block 80.000 Fran tun MUUding a Loan Association to Henry lost, trustee, south ft lot 0, block 5. Alblna Homestead Title Guarantee 4 Trust Company to A. L. Riley, low 2 and a, block 12, North Irvlngton . .". . ' , and H. B. Ktllln to Susan Banks, par cel land near southwest corner Seven teenth and Jefferson streets F. and A. A. Olson to John Swanson, lot 8, block 10, Proebatel'a Subdivision Add. to Alblna Adrcan and Pearl McCalman to R. Ben der. lot 1, north Tlock , M. Tat, ton Tract Bond for Dead. M. 0. and W. II. Cbambera to W. H. Dubois, west reet lot 13, Al blna 1 865 200 950 555 684 400 Get your title insurance and abstracts to real estate rrom tne i le uuarantee at Trust Co.. Chamber or Commerce, BUILDING PERMITS To O. C. Riches, erect two-atory building at Locust and Milwaukee streets; fl,000. To H. C. Llddell. repair two-tory dwelling St Sellwood and Mississippi streets; $3,000. To J. A. Christians, erect two-atory dwelling at second ana uanoocx atreet; sz.iioo. To Milton W. Smith, repair bulldlna on Glbba, between Front and rlrst streets; .)00. WILL STUDY SHAKES (Jourrlal Special Service.) BERLIN, July 24. At the invitation of the German government a conference with the object of forming an Interna tional Slosmlc Association opened at Strasburg today and will continue until next Wednesday. Delegates are in at tendance from nearly all the countries of Europe. $1150 Couch's Addition Two lots, 60x100, on Thurman street near Twenty-first, facing north. Includ ing new- cement walk; new street im provements; very easy terms. Inquire BgU BAbUS, 54 Pront Street, pa SECOND STREET STOCK FOR SALE RANCH FOR RENT Hog ranch at Bertha, 8 H miles from Portland. Stock. Including farm imple ments, for sale. Ranch for rent . " - W( STUtt Stxaei via Bmnxdile Lot 86. a. Longcoy Lot 85. H. Lonacor East 100 feet lot 84, Flora II. Psdg- ham Esat 100 feet lot S3, Flora H. Padg- bm Esst 100 feet lot 82, Mary B). Moaher. East loo feet lot 81. Paul M. and Charlett Henaen East loo feat lot 80, Jamas F. Pat son East 100 feet lot 29. Julia M. Brad ford Eaat 100 feet kit 2D. A. A. Bowmaa.. Kast 100 feet kit 27, A. A. Bowman.. East 100 feet kit 26. Merlaaa Stark.. Eaat 100 feat lot 25, Benhsrt Meier- son East 100 feet kit 24, I. Fransel East 100 feet lot 23, Richard Price. , Kast loo feet lot 22. Richard Price.. Eaat 100 feet lot 21, F. and W. T. Joplln . Eaat 100 feet lot 20. Aaron M. Bray.. Eaat 100 feet lot 19, J. H. aod Nelll E. Cook i Park View Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 1, Tnaddea S. Weat Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 2, William Plympton Lot 1 east 100 teat lot 8, Clan Hank. neaa Blk 1, eaat 100 feet kt 4, W. F. flets- ler Blk 1. eaat 100 feat lot 5, Auboa H. Dedvlua Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 6, Mrs. A. M. Btanabery Blk A. eut 100 feet lot 1. Martb Bean Blk A. eaat 100 fact lot 2. Henry Witt , Puk View Extended Blk A. eaat 100 feet lot S, C M. and T. 8. Weat Blk A. eaat 100 feet lo. 4. C. M. aod T. 8. Weat Blk 10, east 100 feet lot 1, C. M. and T. H. Weat Blk 10, eaat 100 feet lot X, and T. S. Weat Blk 10, eaat 100 feet lot 8, and ,T 8. Weat Blk 10. east 100 feet lot 4, and T. S. Weat , Blk 11. eaat 100 feat lot and T. West Blk 11. eaat 100 feet lot and T. S. Weat Blk 11. east 100 feet lot and T. 8. West Blk 11, esst 100 feet lot and T. S. West A atrip of land lying between tbe aoutk line of block 11. rare view Extended, and the north line of lot 1. Park View Annex and between th west line of Marguerette arena and a line 100 feet weat of and parallel therewith, Tbaddena S. West Psrk View Annex Lot 1. Csrrle M. West Lot 2. Mry E. Weat lot 3. Msir E. Weat - Lot 4, Eva B. McKenale Lot 6. Carrie M. Weat Lot 6. Carrie M. Weat Lot 7; Carrie M. Waat Brook dale Lot 1, H. Longcoy Lot 1 H. Longcoy ... Weat 100 feet lot 8. H. Longcoy.... West 100 feet lot 4. H. Longcoy Weat 100 feet lot 5. H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 6. H. Longcoy , Weat 100 feet lot 7. Ellaa H. Jeter.. Weat 100 feet lot 8, Ellas H. Jeter.. West 10 Ofeet lot 0, Clifton T. Miller. West 100 feet lot 10, Stanley 8. Btevena West 100 feet lot 11, Margaret A. Klnaaler Weat 100 feet lot 12, Margaret A. Kliursler Weat 100 feet kit 18, Margaret A. Klngsley Weat 100 feet lot 14, John B. Froat.., West 100 feet lot 15. John B. Frost. North H weat 100 feet lot 16, John B. Froet South S west 100 feet lot 16, Eugene ( . Comstock West 100 feet lot 17, Eugan C. Couutock West 100 feet lot 18, Eugene C. Comatock A tract of land lying between th aoutb line of lot 18. Brookdale, aad tbe north Una of block 2, Park View Annex and tbe eaat line of Marguerette avenae and a Una 100 feet east of and parallel there with, Eugene C. Comatock Park yiew Blk 2, lot 1, John Younger M Blk 2, lot 2, Jobs Younger 0. M. a''k.' 'c'.' m1 1, C M. 'i'a"t VcI'm." 4,'c"m! .1 1S4 4SS n.M mi T8.ll T9 94 80.4T 7n.se T10 TS-M T8.0T T0.8T 0.19 147 14 88.84 I8.89 141.T1 T2.44 T1.94 84.62 182.89 164. 19 106. 4 151.89 109.19 149.09 162.09 159.09 155.81 167.89 187.99 198.9C 90.59 90.69 20.99 100,74 176.20 178.04 186.90 tna ivt 163.01 107.79 Three Dollars Per Month NOTHING DOWN I DO. Q 1A O Ink RUVA nice lot AOXIOO On irood I Blk 2. lot 4. 'John G. Bleret . . .... Blk B. lot i. rrrl M. West car line, .ar-cenc lare. men and nik r Mot a. carri m. weat. nArfa.4lv lal nil rUrA mttA I Blk B, weat 8 feet lot 8. Carrie M. VI arVfcg Sw ) Maa wrsa W WIII9 ready for building, water piped In front of each lot. The Best Bargain in Portland. POTTER. & CHAPIN. 246 STARK STREET. $1,150 COUCH'S ADDITION Two lots. 60x100 each, Thurman street. near Twenty-first, lacing north, Includ ing new cement sidewalk, new street improvement. Nothing In the City Like It for Lot' 8, Otto J.' snd Rose' LV HirVch' . . .194.84 the Money. Inquire BEINO & BAUUIS 84 rront Street. West Park View Extended Blk B. lot 0. Carrie M. Weat Blk B, lot 10, Carrie M. Weat Blk B. lot 1. C. M. and T. S. Weat.. Blk 9. weat 8 feet lot 18, J. L. Barber et al i Blk 9. lot 2.. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Blk 9. lot 8. C. M. and T. B. Weat.. Blk 9. weat 8 feet lot 5. C. M. and T. 8, Weat Blk 9. lot 4. 0. M. and T. S. Weat.. Dlb ,4 ln, 1 mnA T fl XVmm.- Blk 12, wea't 8 feet lot 18, 0. M. and T. 8. Weat Blk 12. lot 2, C. M. and T. 8. Weat.. Blk 12. lot 3. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Blk 12, weat 8 feet lot 6, C M. and T. 8. Weat.. Blk 12, lot 4. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Park View Annex Weat 100 feet lot 14. Carrie M. Weat. West 100 feet lot 13, Carrie M. Weat. West 100 feet lot 12, Carrie M. Weat. West .100 feet lot 11, Carrie M. Weat. West 100 feet lot 10, Carrie M. Waat. North H of waat 100 feet lot 9, Carrie M. Weat South H of weat 100 feet lot 9, Otto J. Hlrach 49.49 154.09 94.TS 76.82 208.12 . TS.89 84.01 134.09 155.90 266.43 T9.1T 13.24 139.99 .148.11 154.95 IN 149.18 , 148.88 ' 9.08 141.04 183.89 8 50 123.88 106.99 S.8T 109.89 T5.4S 194.89 168.38' 174.10 207.84 . 80.25 84. 8T Total 910.198. TO A statement of aforesaid assessment has ken entered In the Docket of Cltr Lien. and la now due and payable at the omc of the City Treasurer, in lawrui money oi xd I'nU&il Rtatea and If not Bald within thirty days from the, date of this Notice, each pro ceedings will be taken for th cbllecttoa ef the earne aa are provided by the charter of tbe City of Portland. m CITY TaEASUBES-S NOTICE OF BALE 0T I ten daya after tba flrst publication of this BEAJ, raurcaixi rum utLiouuLni as- notice. itlUS. V. LlbVLim, CITY NOTICES. BESSMENTS Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of e i itv oi t'ortiana naa rrsnamuiea to n list of tbe delinquent assessments for the Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jaly 24, 1903. ; i prevement ef Pat ton a re mi from rbe north- Ho rnwivirxivii'll VVT1(tirfIiSaWf of Willamette Boulevard to 20 feet north o( I CITY TREASTTBXR8 "OTTCE Of BA OF KUi rguruill iva iiauasvasi u BE88MESTS. the south line of Portland boulevard, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the City of Portland. I will, on Monday, the 24th day of August. 1903, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m., at the weat door of the City Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale Notice I herebr riven that th Auditor ef the City of Portland baa transmitted to me a list of tbe delinquent asaesujeuoi cur uw im- at public auction, to the highest bidder for proTemt 0f Maryland avenue from the north cash, aublect to redemption, the following de- r. - r..,,f .t..r to the north line af acrlbed parcel of real property, to-wlt: North Alblna, and purauant to aeetloa 418 of Nortn Aioina the barter of the City of Portland. I will. Block 20. lot 2. Sarah McGuIgan.4M... ..840.78 .fh ri.e of A ...nut 1903. at the hoar Block 20, lot 1, Sarah McOulgan.. 48.2? . 10 ..lo,. ,, m.. at th west door of th Block 11. lot 4, waiter nrown.. ... 8.oo ct Ha,i ln a,, city of Portland, Oregon, Blork 11. lot 8. Walter Brown.......... 87.55 for ,t paBlic anctlon to the highest Fjieh niece or tract Of land Will be in it ...h ,Kl..t to rxlemntina. thai . , i i.ii.i uri iv, u .. . j - - - - r . separately and for a sum not less than the f0uowing described parcela of real property, to- UlipSIU 111. I, k ... . . . ' u . niiu ....... a. . u V. . cost of advertlslne; and aale; It more toon one bid la offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to taxe tne same ior tne leant amount of penalty and lntereai: competition wm oe: First ran rne f-'enaiir zor me nrst rjerion: SecondUpon the penalty for the succeeding periods ; TBira lpon tne raie or interest. J. E. WERLEIN, Clt Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 25, 1903. Elian North Alblna . . . Block 19, undivided 1-0 lot Groner . Block 19, Grower . Block 19, Groner . Block 19, Groner . . . . 4 ......... . M p. t ton's Tract eons latin of division Into lots or parcela of land from A to T., Inclualve. and M. Patton'a Addition to undivided 1-0 lot Undivided' 'i-0 ''jiV 'undivided " i-o " tot 1. "a! "i' t . 4, Ellen 4 anion 8.T0 8-45 9.S0 CITY TREA8T7KER S NOTICE 07 8ALX OF Alblna Subdivision of lot C in M. Paitoa , , REAL ESTATE J0& DEXINftTJENT AS- Tract- mnirwra I "I '1 "'ir . " . o&sojboa.. Block 2, lot 18, A. l. ueiman. ......... Notice la hereby riven that the Auditor of tbe Hinck 2. lot 15. Lionel A. aad Mra. L. A. City of Portland baa transmitted to me a Hat of I Twining ...,..... 9.29 159 9,89 '491 2,69 9 tbe delinquent assessment a for the extension of I Block 2. lot 14. Lionel A. and Mr. L. A. r.st Tsvlor street from the weat line of Rest 1 Twlnlnr . ... Thirty-eighth street to tbe west line of block I M. Patton's Second Adldtlon te Alblna 1 and 4. Eastland, and pursuant to section 412 I Rlnck 31. lot 4. M. scBnaater .. of the charter of the City of Portland, I will. Block 83. lot 1. J. A. E. Webber........ on the 24th day of August, 1008, at tbe hour U. Patton's Tract consisting ef division of 10 o'clock . tn.. t the west doer of the Into lots or prcels of land from A to T, City Hall. In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer inclualve, and M. Patton's Adldtlo to Al ror aala at puoiic auction, w tne nigneai nia-1 bina . der for cash, subject to redemption, the fol- j Block f, lot i Henry U. Chsa Estate, lowing aescnoea parcel ot real property, to- nelra 01 - - - . I i" w i-. a u.nr M. rjbaasi Fa tat. Sunnvslde I heirs of S7. Block 34. lot 10. Hiram Campbell. ...... ., .98.93 Bleok T, lot 2 Henry M. Cass Eatat, , Block 34, eaat 1.49 feet lot T, Hiram I heir of ........,,....., 08.81 Campbell , .82 1 Block T, lot I. eny as. vaww v , Each niece or tract of land will be soldi heirs of .,....,........ eeit separately and for a aum not leas than tbe 'Each place ef tract ef land will be sold unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and separately snd for a snaa ot je ta the ao- coat of advertising and aale; If more than one paid assessment thoreos. and tatareat and aw bid la offered, tbe land will be said to tbe of advertising and sale: It more thaa eeah'd rr.rlnw to take tha a. m. tn. th. 1... 'I. ,ff tha hnd Will b Sold tO th bidder amount of penalty ana interest; com petition I oeTenng t ' will be! I of penalty snd Interest! competUloa will I hji First t'poa tne penalty ror thejlrst period; I First upon xae penalty sue rjeoona upon in, penalty ror tne sueceedlug period; -.... Third Cpon the rat of Interest. c J. K. WERXEIW, City Treasurer of tbe City of Portland; IVtUfld, Oregon, July. 25. 1903, T, r- Serood I'poa th seilslty tor the w4as; Third fpoe the rat of toterest. '' e. a. e-,nu.i..f ntvTre sorer ef the City of forUaal rvrtUsd, 9rt(s , - 1 ! VSl- , ' V .