The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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- - ... ,
Front - Street y Dealer ' Says
Shjpped-in ' Product Is as
Good as that Produced In Ore-
gon veal scarce,,
ft: Wearta, lBfiiA, per m: fseey pa-ass, 140
PW ID) aluMDda, 14jlS M St
7 Vail a. ...).IJ- M
THe; cows, tt7o; mutton, dnsaed, 60s lamba,
drssd, 7e. .1
k'atEBH MKATS Troot straw Beef, Prim
Tc; bulU, cows. Z6He; pork, T(d
Ttte; real, TV,., mutton, fraaaed, tiJoHo;
lambs, draaaed.
UAMfl, BACON, KTti Portland pa (loeal)
baa,, 10 i U the, lef 14 to IS Dm, i8KI
breakfast bacon, Uit30et plcnlet, lOMo ot-
eaitaa aides, uua id: ssbosssi
dry salted back,, lltil baeoa
halts, sailed, Wo Siawled, lUVfe
EABTERtt-PACKKD HAM tttwiof 14 ft.
Ida: or,r 14 lba. lOUtf fancy. 16K01He; !
ales, llUo; abouldrra, 11 He; dry salted aides,
Snamok-d, 13Uc braakfaat baoou, lVsJl
fanrT. Boat l.utla HUtfkiaUa.
LOCAL l-ARD K-ttl. leaf. 10a. IlHt! Ba,
backaj lSi.j
Report from Nebraska Say6 the
Breakfast rood Product Yield
In that State Will Be a Top
I Mia; 60-lb Una, 10e: ateaa-MDdand, 10s,
10c; U, 10oj Boa, 10!4i aompouod tteroaa.
LABDKattl leaf, 10-10 una.
m raaa-
Carload of 'Damaged Bananas k&,
-Was Received This Morning 3f,ft MB Bf-Afir
. A Few Blackberries Are, on 'MkT,,, P "," - 4
the Local Market,
la fill of
-mrtiana is run or Eastern earn.
aid a Front street poultry dealer thla)
Morning, "and the are every bit aa
food as the Oregon product"
Receipt of poultry, veal and pork Are
ouiewhat light
Eft are plentiful and the price M In
the neighborhood of 21 cent.
Veal remain unchanged. .
Old hena are in better demand than
Spring chickens at the present time.
A car load of bananas was received
this morning but the fruit was in such
a damaged condition that the commis
sion men are. not quoting the shipment
The prices remain unchanged.
' Despite the threatening weather the
demand for lemons remains brisk, al
though no advance In local quotations
hag been made.
Blackberries Coming,
A. few blackberries are beglnn
make their appearance at IT. 75 t
per box. ' , ,
Some Oregon tomatoes am now
d, the first for the seaaon.
are from the price asked
fornla variety.
ri8H Reck cad. Tat floandcra. Be! aallbat
(H; ling cod, T; creba, tl.60 do: raaor clame,
clama, 9 par do; atrlpVd baas, llftcj aalmoa,
Chinook, tot sanmar stealbcada, Tel aolaa,
Ac; abrlmpa. Pucat Sound, lee; eauaa, dej
shad, Ac; aUrar a malt, le B
Western Wheat Movemen
Outlook Is Not Up to Expec
tationsBreak in Steel Par
tially Explained,
Ing Ztfld,
IrW to
Anantada Ulnlof C
AmaL Cop pre Co....
Atrhiaoo. com
Am. Car 4 round., com
abb. sugar, com
Am. Roidt.. com
Baltimore A Ohio. com.
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt
lanaaian racioc. cum..
Cblrcn A Alton, com..
Chi. i Ot. Wwt.. com.
Chi., kill. A 8C P
Chi. A North., com
Uolo. Houtbrrn., com...
Pelawara A Mudaoo....
I). A a. O., com
Erie, com
Illlnola Central
Uularllle A Naabrllle.
Mptropolltan TraC. Co
Chi. Terminal Kr
Cbeeapeaka A Ohio
Colo. Fuel A Iron, com..
ynyprlcots are selling at from 65 cent MJnbun EieV.ted.
ei per uui. a line iiock ui wrrgnn
A-'rult Is on hand, althoun-h the product I,
small. No Oregon melons have yet made
their appearance.
- . . Cucumbers Plentiful.
Cucumbers are becoming plentiful and
can be obtained at 75 cents per box.
The quality Is excellent
Wholesale dealers In canned and pre
served goods report a lively market, but
no changes. Canned corn, the actions of
which lately have been quite lively, has
settled Into a dormant state from which
It la expected to spring at almost any
Local market prices a revised by The
Journal today are as follows:
roiTXAiro wbolmjxi paicz.
Grain, Hon and Teed.
Mexlran Central Hi
Mexican National
Minn.. Bt P. A Bte. M
Mlaaourl Pacific
M., K. A T., com
New York Central....
Norfolk A Weal., com..
norm American....
N. .. Ont. A Weat
Pennaylranla By....
P. O., L. A C. Co..
Preaaed Hteel Car, com.
Parlflc Mall Steam Co.
Heading, com
Kork Island, cox,
Hoot born By., cum.....
southern Parlflc
ft. h. A 8. W., com...
Texaa A Pacific
Tenn. Coal A Iron
T., St. 1 A W., com..
I'nlon Pacific, com
IV. Leather, com
I". B. Bobber, com
I'. 8. Bteel Co., com
WHEAT WallaWalla, 7c; blueetem. 0 wTTttotnfVo?!.1?!?::
Weetern I'nlon Tele.
Wabaab, com.
.76 V
.49 hi
C3r: Tiller. .77i78c.
BABLET Keed. $19 00; rolled. $20.BOQtl.OO.
. OATS-i-Ko. 1 wblt. Sl.17Mtal.20: mi. SI. IS
, ilTH- '
. rTlITR .VaatArf, OrMnnr Piltenta. 13 Ofitli
A.iv; atraifhu, ij.ihi; vauey, d.ou(3.u; gra.
sam, Hi. IS. 15; 10a. 1S.8B.
MIIiLSTUPFS Bran. $22.00 per toe: mld
dtlno. $M.0O; ahorta. $22.K): chop. $18.00.
HAT Timothy, $; cloeer, $1100
4217.00; California, grain $17.50.
Hopa, Wool aad Hldee.
HOPS 17V41814o fur ebolca: 190$ eoatracta,
WOOL Valley, ieQ16Uc. coarse; medium to
fair, 18(18Hc; fine, 17&17fee; Kaatera Ore
gon, lfldi 15c; Mohair, nominal, SB(S37c-
BnlLKrKKlNli Hbearinc. ltQiw; anon
wool, 22jl2Sc: meduim, wmol SOc; long wool.
. TALLOW Krlma. oar ft. 4415c: No. S and
ITmlr?flitCfclrti Wa. V IS nnnnila end fjofr. . . 14.00
lip, IBe per ft; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to IS lba. Sept 14.80
lac; ary call, no. l, onoer o ma, ioc; ory
jilted, bulla and ataga, 1-S leaa than dry
Hint;' aalted nldee, ateer, annnd, 80 pounda or
orer, 7tJ8c; 50 to AO lba, 7QHc; under BO lba
tnd,cow, ea7c; ataga and bulla, aouod. Be;
Ip, aound, IB to SO lba. 7c; and, 10 to
14 lba, 7p; calf, aound. under 10 lba, 8c; green
(unaa)ted)," 1c per lb leaa; culla. lc per lb
leaa; bona hldea.. aalted. each, $1.3TQL75; dry,
earn,' $1.0001.50; colta bidoa, each, 2SQB0c;
goat akloa. common, each. lOgjlBo; Angora, with
wool on, each, 26cl3$1.00.
Butter, Egga and Poultry.
BtJTTEB Extraa. 22Hc; creamery, 210
22 U
Total aalea. 6fB,6nO.
Money. 2 per cent.
Amalgamated Copper Company extra dlrldend
of ft per cent.
Ghicage sfarketa.
CHICAGO. July 23. The market,
today aa follnna:
High. low.
Bept $ .75 H
.7fl4 I
60 94
.3fS ,
July 7X0
Sent 8.02
July 8.27
Kept 8.42
t .78V4
(Special Permlaatoa of Bolton, de Buy tec A Co.)
CHICAOO, July IS. Western wheat
movement not up to expectations, won
derful growth of corn and one of the
finest full crops, of oats ever produced
In Nebraska 1 in brief the present orop
outlook. The Chicago Record-Herald
this morning haa the following:
It begins Ito look as If the Western
wheat la not going to have the natural
Increase expected. Last week when the
primary points showed but 10 per cent
of the 1901 movement, the trade was
told there would be A different story
thla week. Figures do not ahow it For
the half week the total receipt are
1,189,000 bushels, when they were
1,750,000 bushel the same three days
last year. The shortage la 1,816,000
bushels, or more than 600,000 bushel a
day. On" top of thl It 1 claimed that
much of thla preaent movement rs the
result of sales made for July shipment
before the short yields In states east of
the river were known. If the claims of
Toledo and 8t Louis houses that they
are getting very small acceptance on
present .bid are to be accepted, there
may be even greater difference In the
190t and 1901 wheat movement in the
near future.
XakUuj Wonderful Growth.
A prominent local firm had the fol
lowing from Omaha: "1 have your
wire asking about damage reports on
corn from Nebraska. I immediately
called up several of the line houses and
their general reports of late would-indi
cate that corn Is making wonderful
growth. The Westbrook Orain Com
pany has sent out a big line of In
qulrles as to the condition of corn and
up to the present writing have received
answers from (0 sections on the Union
Pacific and Elkhorn. Their reports
would indicate 80 per cent of a corn
crop and a full crop of the 'finest oats
they have produced In Nebraska, for
number of years. There is some terri
tory on the Burlington road where corn
la very small and looks bad. Some
posted grain men predict that the state
will raise more corn than last year and
a better quality. If you are receiving
any bull news from Omaha I think it Is
from parties that are long on corn with
a loss of a couple of cents in it
Hutchinson, Kan., wires: Hot
winds began to blow this afternoon, the
first of the season. The thermometer
reached 106 at 2 o'clock. Corn Is badly
In need of rain and much of it will be
badly damaged if the winds continue
A prominent commission house had
the following from Evansvllle, Ind.
"We find It a difficult matter to buy
wheat. ' Dealers are paying farmers 71
to 7S cents delivered at stations in
Southern Il"nols and Indiana and more
at some x, ts and even at this price
the movement has been light Not
enough to keep the mills going."
Explanation of Bteel Break.
The Record-Herald explain the vio
lent break In 8teel preferred stctk by
Ib-Wara, medium 65
Drlrere, good to fancy......,,.,,,.,,.,.. BAA
Boutinraere, good to extra , 70
Boutnaroere, common, to fair ........... miu
Phiga .- 15 20
. ('rice rang, as follow, for aonnd, aerrlceable
mulea, 4 to years old, in good hair and
ana wait uroaeu;
Mulea-. '
1W to 14 band,, fit and broken f BOA 00
14 to 14H hande. fat, good hair 85(3 7B
14 to 1SV, hasda, fat MOtfllO
16 to 15 H banda, fat JlOifil.TO
10 to Id hande. fat, with quality... 14oi156
16 to 16 hand,, extra. 1.2O0 to 1.500. 0B186
(Journal Special Service.)
. BALTIMORE. July 11. Probably
Without parallel was the great crab feast
Western Producers Not Willing
to Sell and Quotations Are
Still Tpndinff TflWarH thP convention of Klk. The chief business
oiii., lenumg. luwmu -ine of th, conv,htlon Wft, u ,,Bpo,ed of
5KieSi ' yesterday and wlthdecks cleared th 10.-
Ivuv jbins'wer prepared to enjoy io tne
utmost the unique feast arranged by their
I liwial PkwKs)Aai tA aka . a. - . y-
Possible Shortage In Corn Crop hundred and ny thousand i. th eu-
A XX-. . 1 J A A a auextivvA iiumuci ji clusj IIU&1 A Oil V iCVlIIlSl
may Miieui oauie iviarei to th. repa. They
. a aa.a a a, a a a a I Au.ll. M a. a
General Condition in middle
(My Oaorg B. Xngaa.)
were aerved stewed.
deviled, steamed, fried. In sandwiches,
in soup and In salad. Two hundred negro
"mammies, with bandanas and aprons,
were employed to do the serving. They
were strung along th shore with trtooda
for the preparation of soup and other
forms Of ennkad rrah TT..i lmammw
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. July 21. There I was assisted by two little black Dlckl
promise to be a deadlock? in th rang ninnies and the soene wa truly typical
hora trade the ramainaer or me sum- "
mer uales seller and buyer get to
gether And make ooncesslons sufficient to
enable trade to resume Us ordinary vol
ume. To data the demand for rang
horaea at all markets of the Middle West
seem to be satisfactory to th dealers,
(Journal Special Service.)
DUBLIN, July 21. Of the many per
hut thla aattafantlnn aeems to be all'on on who attended, the brilliant court
one side, for th grower of th Far West held today by th King and Queen prob
refuse to be allured by the high value ably not on recalled the Interesting fact
and at keeping their stock back for still that it wa exactly 100 year ago, on the
higher price. evening or juiy is, 180S, that Robert
Buvera' who hav returned during the I Emmet sallied forth with his armed
last few day from the Rocky Mountain band to attack Dublin Castle, In which
districts and Washington and Oregon say loaays luncticm was held. The In
that th horsemen are in an absolutely urgent on th way met In Thomas
indeoendent nosltlon and will not listen street the carriage ot Lord Kllwarden.
to any prices except they be aa good the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, who
oa paid last year and the year before Dy wa dragged out of his carriage and
the English for cavalry horses. Tne received wound which proved fatal
big range horse of th wortnwe maae
good cavalry horses and the British
army dlda't haggle over price when the
Boer war wa on.
It look a if winter will come on
while dickering la tlll in progress
There are some who say the prices of
horses are high enough and .that hold-
n 'H i iei(,Miw e"
v!ikv-v' -'' - ,, ..
MtV -
movoi taxbt Samoa
tweea Portland and All ClAtson
mumaa roum, om ana AXt
Saturday', July 11.
Beginning Saturday. July 11. and n
.nnh.r ..or in Ho'di.t 1a erv Saturday thereafter durlna-
to the horse ralaar unless another war .lne 1 P0jeu,a.r jr.orVa"'J;0a riyn
Th Coal Labor Trouble la th South the following etory which wa told yes-
a w. w.....i.i. terday in several brokers' offices in La
dairy, 1820c; atore, 17c.
(Special Permlealon of Bolton, de Buyter A Co.)
era.- 18, 17c per !b: fryera. 18ttl7c per lb
duck. Senile per lb: gceae, 7(U8e pir lb; turkey,,
live, 1012c per lb; dreaaed, 124j14c per lb.
' Orocarlea. Muta. Etc
BCOAR "Back baala:" Cube, $5.87; pow
oVred, $5.72; dry granulate. $6.82: extra
C. A9.12; Golden C, $3.02; barrela. 10c;
barren. ;c; boxea, ooc advance on aack baaia,
SaHe: "A former high official of a eon
tw vniv ii. 91 i, nn. wi. .. i ,h. I UKUOUI western siaie miu iu imvo
Toong enal labor difficulties la the South were to be come to Chicago Monday night with
certificates for 16,000 shares of Bteel
preferred, which he wanted to convert
eCRH e'resh Oregon, 20021c.
' CHEESE full cream, twin,
America. 15c. arbitrated.
POULTRY Chlrkena. mixed. 1112C Per lb: The ateel enthnrltlea lrlh the !! hrek
aena, jaiaiae; rooatera, iikit in; nrou- to the bear attack for the effect on the gen
eral Hat. The plan to place a blanket mortgage
on the Prlaco propertlca will not ba carried
out at preaent.
The Tenneaeee coal company la 1 Detailing new
conrertera which will Increase the output of
tne ateei plant coneiaeraniy.
Forty-three roada the aecond week in July
ahow an average groea lncreaae of 14.80 per
into cash. Early Tuesday morning he
is said to have visited the office of a
prominent broker house to deposit his
Steel shares and to give ordera that
they be sold at the opening of the mar
ket. The fact that the order was given
is said to have been communicated to
S & V for c"b' " a", BUpla- " IcuVe OSSmu ctnr M'; 80 one of the special partners of the house
, llONET 1516e per frame.
COFFEE Qreeu Mocba. 2123c; Ja. fancy,
2fl32c Jara, good, 20025c; Java, ordinary,
8&20c; Coata Klca, fancy. 19g20c; Coata
Rica, good, lOQISc; Coita Klca, ordinary, lui
12e per lb; Columbia roaat, $10.63; Arbucklea7.
$11.13 llat: Lion, $11.18 Hat; Cordova. $11.18.
TEAS Oolong, different gradea, 25 85c;
OuiK)wder, 2a3235c; Engllah Breakfaa't,
different grades, 12fe(&86cs Sulder Leg, on.
lorea japan, sutluoc; greu Japan, very
v. 8oeoc.
LT Bales, 2s, 8a, 4a, 6a. 10 $2.10) fine
dairy, 50a, 88c; looe, 74c: imnorre u-
BOa. 45c; looa. use: Z24a,
' Coarae. bait ground. 100a. ner ton.
$14.M50a, per ton, $14.50; Liverpool, lump,
rock, $23.00 per ton; 60-ft rock, $14.00; 100a.
0RA1N BAOS Calcutta, I5.75Q6.00 per 100
for Aiaruat delivery. ...
' BICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 6c: No. 2,
6c: ,Naw Orlenna head. 8c.
BB9AKFAST FOOD Mnlta Vita, $4.80: Fit.
Minute. $2.80; Force, 84.50; H O oata. $3.15.
1 SALMON Columbia River. 1-lb talis. $1.70:
S-lb talla, $2.40: fancy 1-Ib data. $1.80; -tb
'fairer flata;- l;lOrttcy-1-ffr oval,rf2.Mj-AIaake
taila. plok. 80c; red. $1.30; 2-lb talla. $2.00.
COAX OIL Canes. 22c per gnl, tanks; Water
White, iron bbls. 10c, wooden, 18c; Bead
light,, rases. 24a, Iron bbls, 17c; gasoline. Iron
bbla. 22c, cones. 28c.
LINHKKD OIL Pure raw. In bills, 46c, genu,
lne kettlo, boiled, cases,-63c: bbls 48c; pure raw,
in caace, 51c; genuine kettle, In casea, 63c.
BENZINE 83 deg eases 22c, Iron bbla 15c.
GASOLINE 80 deg caaoa 28c. iron bbls
TOBPEXTINB In casea 70c,
active rails advanced .82 per cent.
San Francisco Stocks.
BAN FRANCISCO. July 23. Local stock, are
quoted as follows:
i Bid. Aakcd.
Spring Valley 85 ,.
Giant Powder , 73
Vlgorit 4 B
Hana Plantation 5 25
Hawalla Sugar ' 45 45
Honoka Plantation 14 15
Kilna Plantation 8
Makawell Plantation 25
Paaukau Plantation 17
San Krahclseo Gas A Electric 674 08
Alaska Packers' Association 150
Oceanic 6 7
who is known as a plunger in stocks
and he is said to have given an order to
sell 10,000 shares of Steel preferred
short ahead of the 16.000 shares of long
stock. Another order to sell 5,000 shares
of Steel preferred 1 said to have been
made up, and both orders to sell short
are understood to have been sold before
the 16,000 shares of long stocn came on
the market."
The report that the house in question
wa unloading Steel preferred wa ent
through the street, and immediately
caused other selling. The price dropped
from 74 to 70 and during the entire e
sion 57.700 shares were sold. Of the
should come.
Bangs XorsM ooaud.
The range horse has thus far boomed
on all sides at home and on the markets
of the Central Weat Poor quality horses
that were poor aale two years ago at
(8 to 110 a head and last year aa
vanced to til to $16 a head are" this
summer selling at $18 to $30 a head.
Of course, these are not the horses that
th English army wanted, but the buyers
are taking what they can get Choice
rangers still sell at prices that make the
average trader dly. Yet with it all
the Westerner thinks he is not getting
enough and la keeping his stock at
The cattlemen are listening for the
corn crop predictions with eager ears
these days. The reports all tell of a
terribly backward crop and predict In
consequence a poor price this fall for
atockers and feeders which Is not good
news to the Western ranchmen. But the
corn haa not failed yet True, the sea
son Is backward, but the weather of
the Central West of the. last few weeks
has been lust the thing that makes a
quick and a big corn crop and there may
be a lot of corn to fed cattle on yet.
A few range cattle have started, but not
very many. There Is a general belief
that grass fed cattle will not be very
high sellers this fall.
Oattl PrtoM.
In the opinion of the livestock men
will leave Portland at 2:30 p. m.. arrlv
ing at Astoria at 6:60 p. m.. Oearhart
6:40 and Seaside 6:60 p. m., making di
rect connection si warren ion tor Flavel
Round trip season excursion tickets
from Portland to all Clatsop and North
Beach points sold at rate of $4.00 for
round trip, and Saturday special roun.1
trip tickets between same points, arood
returning Sunday evening, at 12.60 for trip. Season commutation tickets
good for five round trips between Port
land ana an uiaison ana North RmoIi
roints sold for 116.00. Beach excursion
Ickets Issued by the water lines are
Interchangeable and will be honored on
tne trains or inia company in either .di
rection between Portland and Astoria
Additional information will be a-laullv
M i ..a . . . i . . . . . .
Lewi, commercial agent 141 Alder
Scottish American Investment Company.
Lfd., to F. I. Warner, lot 6, block 7,
Willamette Hela-hta Add 1
B. 8. Brubsker and wife to J. E. Lewton.
north 100 feet lota 2, 16, 17. 18, block 2.
Mt. Tabor Central Tract l.flo
(- . ana m. Stewart to F. A. Knann.
1 acre, section 17. 18. towushln 1 south.
rsnge 2 east asn
miss inexson to leiia E. Cannon, lot 7,
r rultvaln. lots 1 to 4, block 6. Oak dole.
lota 4. 6. block 20,L. East Fortlsnd... Jt sun
aaaoai ana morass Kerr to Peter Kerr,
et si., tract 8. Abeniethr Helsbts
A. A. and L. J. Chapman to Cochran
Bros., lota 19. 00. block 104. t.'nlveraltv
Park J, 600
generally there will be a lower price for A-.A; i!"1- ,rb.,p,m,1n .'l BO,
?. .ki. e.n th. tho-o h, h,wn LJ.ot !. blofk 1 1 nlverslty Park .....
Hew York Cotton.
NEW YORK, July 23. Cotton on the New total 50,000 share were sold by the on
roiiows: house and the profit - on snort sales
. Jr'JTS;. Drobablv figured about 25,000. The
how much less ne receivea ior nis- i,
0Q0 share 4han he-would have received
had the execution been different
York exchange today ranged
$ 9.77
Mar 9.77
Aug 12.60
Sept.... 11.06
Oct 10.05
Nov 9.81
Dec.'.... 9.81
High. Low.
9.88 $ 9.62
o!si b!77
.13.78 13.80
12.75 12.85
11.21 10.82
10.10 9.85
9.88 9 75
9.87 9.65
. 13.30 il41
60Hc. Iron bbla 64c. 10-Ib eaae lota 69c.
.BEANS Small white 44c. large white
tS.oa-.00. pink $3.704.3.50. bayou $4.75. Umas
- 1 TTrults and Vegetables.
- BO a TOES ki 10- hnfor.' nrloM TV! new
tl.JaOl .65; Oregon, $1:2501.60.
r'WS California, sllversklns,' $1.25; garuc,
KRESH FRUITS InnlM fnnpr (Iresnn. 1 K0
itU7K new Callfornln. II Rlltt.l.Tn hoi: nranaes.
lato Vnlenclas, $3.504.00; Mediterranean
sweets, $3.00; bananas. S2.26Q3.60 per bunch.
6C '," per th: cherries. bulk. 8aBc:
Chicago Liyeatook Market,
CHICAGO. July 23. Today's Union Stockyard
receipts were:
Hogs. csttle. Bbeen.
, hhi. Chicago 16.000 8.500 12,000
Kansaa City 6,600 4.000 1.000
Omaha 7,000 2,600 7.500
Hogs Opened eteady, 5 to 10 cents higher;
2.500 left over yesterday; receipts a year ago
were 13,000. Mixed and butchers", $5,400
6.86; good hesvy, $5.55(85.80; rough heavy,
$5.25(36.60; light, S6.605.90.
Cattle 8 trong.
Sheep Strong
Amerioaa Stocka in London.
LONDON,' July 33 Anaconda Copper ad
vanced 24; Atchison advanced . preferred
necunea ; iiaiumore at unio aaranced
packed. TT8c: ronaehen les suiS)4e rh- nnrl. Chlcaao A Alton advanced Cheasneske A
cots, $1.00(91. 10 crate; lemons, standarda, $3.00; Oblo advanced a; St. Paul advanced ; Dan-
fancy; $4.0004.50:
Per 100; ' ponchos,
limes, Mexican, 65c
per t raj; peaches, 075c; pineapples,
i3.60C14.00: lira, black, tl Vl- whit.. ll.lMIM
piums, Hucisfi.uu; raspberries, $1
grape. Yuma, 82.50; currants, $2
75 crate;
canreioupes. i.io3.00 . per
iuki. intunoc per aoa;
IQlVic per .lb; Barflett. peara, $1.75 per
r'ark2"rU'"' I crte. $17502.00; blackcap
doa: nut-
watermelon a.
$1.76(82.00; Logansorrlea, per crate, $2.00132.26.
viiUJtXABLES Turnips. $1,00 ssck; carrota.
11.25; beeU. $1.25 per sack; radishes. 12
16c doa; cabbage. Oregon, lle ft; let
tuce, bead, 16c per doa: hethouaa. $1.25 box',
"yreen peppers, 20c lb; horseradish, 8c n; celerv,
$1.00 per dot; beans, string, yellow, 8Q5c ft;
grn 6(ff6e ft; aaparagus. $2.00 25-lb box;
rhubarb. 8c ft; tomatoes, California, par box,
JL60 Oregon. $1.60; -hothouse, $8.00; parsnloa.
$1.75;t peas, 84c; cucumbers, $1.00(31.25 par
ver preferred advanced ; Erie declined ,
nrsrs k; Illinois centra, anvancea
vllle A NaBbvllle
tral advanced t:
Vi: Pennsylvania advanced U: Readlna
vancea nrsts ; union racioer declined
united estates oteei oecunea preferred
wsbaan aecunea uonaois, decline,
a Central advanced ; Loula
e advanced ; New York Cen
il Norfolk at Western declined
I ad-
Chicago Cask Wheat
CHICAGO, July 23. The Chicago cash mar
ket at noon waa aa follows:
No. 2 red. new, 77c;. No. 8 red, new, . 780
Tfluc: Nd. 2 hard winter, new. 7TUe: Nn. A
nara winter, new, toe; o. i nonnern eprlng,
81c; No. 2 Northern spring, 80o; No. 1 aprlng,
SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. It la an
nounced here today that the Guatemala.
coffee crop is 20,000 tons short
X,lverpool Markets.
LIVERPOOL, July 21.1:10 p. m.
September wheat lower; September
corn lower. Tne opening snowea ue
cember wheat 6-2 to lower. Sep
tember opened at 6-2 1-8 to lower.
2 p. m. Eight to 13 higher on futures;
spots, 14 higher at 668; sales 14,000,
American 13,000. ,
Receipts over 7,000 ports look like 125
bales against 16 last week and 900 last
year. September wneat ciosea 6-z ig
lower; September corn 4-4, unchanged.
Bust In Oat.
CHICAG6. July 23. The Price Cur
rent ay: "Wheat threshing returns
continue under earlier estimates; corn
improving slowly; oats favorable in
West much - rust. . Improved prospects
In Eastern sections. There 1 a big hay
crop of good quality, packing 405,000
against 306,000 last year.
boj-'LCorn, 35c per doa; egg plant 10c ft.
vaiKu . wavvx9 Apples, evaporated, 4(9T
ft! apricots, T10c ft; pesches. 69o ft;
paarav 6c ft: prunes. Italian. 45e ft:
French. 84a ft: in. CaUfornla Tlaeka. e
6c; do. white. Tso ft; plnms, pjtted, 6S weaSar.
c; ralalna, seeded, fancyi 1-ft cartons, BO pack- 1 .
kh to case, Be nxg; seeded, :
"7S, ' trww nnciirim, ov-io ooaa
ft; London layer,, $1.76422.00.
NUTS Peanuts, 7e jer ft for
for roasted- cocoa no U. 65Q900 pa
Kiddle West Weather Ooet
mirAflO. Jnlv 23. The weather at Mt. tnl.
evaporated, SOJt I Kanaaa City, Dea Molnea and Omaha I cool and
pleasant Mlnnespous la fair with probable
showers In the western nortlon of Minnesota thla
C afternoon. Friday's predictions are for fair
5'J5 box -H97
v Primary Baoaipt.
CHICAGO. July 23. Primary recelnta tedar
raw. 9010c I were aa follows:
. . . . I n'w . k , ma. . 1 . - ArtaM, . a,a
14 16e per ft; dTd, note. 100120 1 000, against 821.000. Sblpmenta Wkeat 108,
Er . H: hickory ants, 16c per ft; chestants, I 000. against 614,000. Corn 850.00O, against 422,
Eaatera, 1510o per ft; BraaU aata, 16e per 1 000. .
Portland (naaring House,
The report of the Portland clearing house for
Monday, Tuesday aad Wednesday follows:
Excnanges ..........
... $1,657. 064.84
' Chicago Claaranos.
CHICAGO, July 23. Clearsnces of wheat and
flour today were 887,000; corn, 122,000; oats,
23,000. . ... ;
Journal friend and reader when
traveling on train to and from Port
land should ask news agent for Th
Journal and Insist upon being supplied
with thla paper, reporting all failure In
obtaining It to th office of publication,
addressing Th Journal, Portland, Or,
for some years. The commission men
here say that Uch a condition will not
please the shippers, but that It is bound
to come sooner or later. Tby say the
price of cattle has been too high. The
commission men gay, however, that as
cattle are cheap now this would be a
good time to buy thin ones to fatten. It
Is hard to find a commission man who
believes cattle will get back to the high
notch again soon.
Reports from Colorado tell A good
story for cowmen. Heavy snows late
in the winter in th mountains and late
rains have made plenty of pasturage
and the range Is In fine condition. Ow
ing to the scarcity of feed the cattle
were pretty thoroughly cleaned out last
winter, but they have been coming back
fairly rapidly Into the state. West of
the mountains they have been brought in
this spring and summer from Idaho,
Utah, Nevada, Oregon and Washington,
while south from New Mexico and Texas.
Although the farms and ranches are
fairly well stocked again there ought to
be a good demand for stockers and feed
ers from Oregon and the Western states
In Colorado this fall. As Oregon and
Washington drive much stock as far as
Colorado before shipping to market thl
might be a good place to dispose of some
of It without coming the whole dis
Xeoeipt Heavier.
There was an Increase of nearly 15,-
000 In receipts of cattle at the five mar
kets of the Central West last week aa
compared with the preceding week.
There was a decrease as compared with
the cattle market of the same week a
year ago. At the market here 8.000
cattle were received last week against
14,000 -the week before- and -48.004-a
year agb. Chicago received 54,000 against
48,ooo tne weeK nerore and 47.000 a year
ago. The five markets of the Middle
West combined had 143,500 against 19,-
S00 the week before and 159,375 a year
While the volume of cattle stocker
and feeder business waa greater than
the week before, the market generally
was unsatisfactory here. The quality
of the receipts have been lower than be
fore since the drouth of 1901.
Receipts for the week aggregated in
the sheep yards 6.822, against 7,100 the
week before and 17.575 a-year ago. Chi
cago received 61,000 against 49,000 and
62.000 a year-ago. Total receipts at the
five Western markets combined amounted
to 108,826. against 81,776 and 118.175 the
same week last year. Trade held close
to steady through the entire week.
Hors Prices flood.
The trade In horses and mules has
been fairly active for this time of year.
The receipts have been light and only
enough to justify one auction. Some
Eastern buyers were in the market, but
most of the offerings passed to the
scalpers, who handled the trade the re
mainder of the week. Drafters and
chunks were In good . demand, but the
supply was moderate and not enough for
the inquiry. Common animals are slow
seller at weak prices. Some Inquiry
wa made for Western animals of good
quality. The trade in mules has been
quite active. The demand is growing
larger, but the- supply Is restricted bv
th large country demand. Several loads
of medium to good animals iold for
1165 to 1200 per head. Prices remain
firm for mine and heavy mules.
Prices ranged as follow for sound.
serviceable horses, 4 to 8 .year old. Ex
tra good kind are worth more, and ex
tra common kind are worth leas:
Prafta, good $1fl!414ft
Pvafta. 1.500 to l.TrW lbs. extra lKKMan
fhnnka. good to -choice .. anaftso
Farm mares, 1,150 to 1,400 ft 70(2115
Title Guarantee A Trust Company to Frank
T. woonwsra, lot fl. 7, eouth u lots 8.
block 15. Hanson's Second Add to
Eaat Portland ' fan
C. Owens et al. to Hugh W. Owena. lot
12. block 2. Weat Portland . 1
8. M. snd V. P. Lancefleld to JoaeDh
Blrrer. lota 30. 81. block 1. Standlav... 1
W. R. Bishop and wife to Alex Mulr. lot
11. block 6. Willamette Heights Adri . 1 20ft
William Klaetach and wife to Henry L,
Kreuder. lot 2. block 115. Woodstock.. 1
ouenu ,mr isaac Meyer ei ai.l to Tnoe.
H. Smith, block 18. Tolman Trset 1 ana
aawsra r. siurpny co w. 11. Carney, lot
1. Arleta Park .
I. L. and J. E. McCoy to Weston Land,
Irrigation, Lumber A Fuel Company, lota
IS to 23. block 6; lota 10 to 15, block
8. Montlcello Add
E. and Ixna E. Cannon to Northwest Elec
tric Engineering Company, kit 7. Fruit
vale, lots 1 to 4. block (t. Oakdale; lota
4 and 0, block 203. Eaat Portland T 750
taaav nnru auu wiiw m fli, fwgai, north
25 feet lot 7. block 112. Portland 2,500
. .
Get your title insurance and abstracts
v cbi.l. & 1 u in in,) a le uuarant
as .iiisi .u ummunr 01 tommirCA
To W. I. Emery, erect two-atory dwelling
at East Thirty -eighth and East Main; $1,500.
jo sua ui. unren, construct two-atory
dwelling on Ovorton betiyen Twenty-third and
iweniy-iourin sireeia; eo.uou.
To J. F. Kerrigan, erect two-story dwelling
1 ivaafc ciricuiu aim xuuulIWin SLTeeUI ; Sl.SOU,
10 j. a. Btrowunage, repair building at
oecnnu ano lamnui aireets; stum.
To Thomas Jones, erect two-atory dwelling
at Seventeenth and Mill streets; $2,000.
To A. C. Mowrey, erect two-tory dwelling
f- (irk tlr (t ta BvnniiA atnit C a V'L.iL .
.-t'ss.uuu . , as um Aaaxif I. .MUIU sSTreM.
To Am and Rnd, repair bulldlnir on Pint be-
iwfrD Anscnr an nurnftiao;
To M. ApstPia, repair biilldinr on Mead
utt v Tv earn uriwuu auu JUiltl) syO.UUUa
Th Kind You nave Always Bonght, and which, Has bfjeil
in use for orer 30 years, has borne the flgrmtnre ef
sear auu iuu utcu ailstuta uituejr uiit pesgvai '
'r aonal antifl.ii lntav SftAA 4a, , 0n u
svwNsuniisivu Bsus? a us aAaaaaaav Jkf
Allow no one to deceive you In this
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Justas-iro6d'are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health off
Infants and Children Experience against Iperlmenty
What .is CASXORlX
fCastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, FartH
gorlc, Drops and Soothlnrr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
( The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
Bears the Signature of
.atr wT .
The M You Have Always Bought
IrTUse For Over 30 Years.
TM eesrraws eeamur. vr sruesuv arantrr, aisw vsmni orrv.
Itching; piles produce moisture and
cause nulling, inis lurrn, a well a
mind. JJleeaing- or frotudlng Pile are
cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile Remedy.
Stops itching; and bleeding;. Absorbs tu
mors. 60c a Jnr, at drugs-ists. or sent
by mail. Treatise free. Write me about
your case. Dr. Bosanke. Phll'a., Pa,
July 21. Lee Fortmlller, 415 Eaat Washlaatnn
street; diphtheria.
July 22. Atnban Moaorovakl. 8014 Third iIt.
scarlet fever.
Jolv 18. Henry Lohmsn, aged 78. at St. Vln.
cent'a Hospital; heart disease. Interment Lone
Fir Cemetery.
July 18. Mary Martheu, aged 75. at 208 North
seventeenta street; cancer, interment Camas,
July 21. Wendill hesteraon. at St. Vincent's
sanitarium; aipmueria. interment Troutdale,
While your family Is away enjoyingthebr vacation,
to have your home wired and equipped with
ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to to prepared for the
long Winter nights.
Portland General Electric Co.
POULTRY NETTING'" ...Wholesale ' RetaiU
Wire and Iron Fencing
Bank and Office Railings
Portland Wire 8 Iron Works
Th Edward Xolxaaa TJndartaltlxur Oo
fuaral dlreotor avnd mbiiair, 880
xaxtuuu. arson 007,
4f. T. IT inlay and Bon. funaral dlreekora
aad. embilnisrs, hare removed to their
n.w Mtabuauunnit, oora.r Third and
aaaaisoit aimta. asoui paone no. s.
ureznavionom. on uraron oir oas
una, near oeuwooa; xaoaarn, soisstino,
oomplat.. Oharreaj Adults, . $35 1 ohU
dran, $29, Ylaltor 9 to Bp. m. Portland
Cramatlon. Association. PortlMd. Ox,
stteb tzbw oeicetxbt.
Bing;l fraT, fio. rkallr let from
176 to $1,000. Th only mtzy la
afortlavnd whioh perpetuavllT yn'ntalns
aad oaxe for lot.' lor full taf ormatloa
apply to W, 8, lstaokansl. Worcester
Block, jbltr. W. XC lVadd. presldsat
Clark Bros, for Sow, 88$ Xorrlson
C. W. KHOW1VES, afrr.
The Imperial Hotell
European Plan Only...
Rates from $ 1 to $2.50 per day. - Seventh and Washington Sta.
Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
rh only autborlxed Keeley Institute la Oreten. 1 Elezant auarter'a asi aveH
convenience. . Correaoondence strictly conlidentlaLFIione Main xod.