THE'' OREGON 'DAILY JOUEKAL, PORTLAND, TIITJItBDAY EVENING, JULY i8, 1003. 3 Jfx r THEY HAVE RATS : IflR SALE.CIIEAP it Recent Statement from.' the - j 'Health Board Has Resulted in ' I a Flood of Dead Rodents at the iity Hall. CONGRESSMAN CLARK: TO BE SHOWN HERE Missouri Associatiqn't Planning - to urve btate$mnn Most... .Itoyal'Reception. f, , ' ' "Wall. I reckon." Mid ' a Plks County, Missouri, cltjseei as he stood on the Bowling; ' Green depot platform chewing a whlsp of shredded wheat bis cuit and - watched Congressman Clark FRANKLIN CHAIN GANG HAY THREE AXES NOT CO TO WORK FOUR PRIZES City Engineer Claims There Is YourChbiCedf Twpnfv.v Felix A. Doherty, Arrested In no Way to Get City Prisoners IU"; 1 Wlljr-31X ; Pendjeton( Has Confessed His Miauapuiiiuiuii as viiiei num , maivgd ui i uic r itfliuy ; ouiu ana vvm neiurn xo tne neiuses wagon. . HE STOLE FUNDS ' ,PA. One TW-Headed Boy Showed ,tirSX5EL SKS The Latter Says He-Would Like Up vYesterday- a UuTiw WrtYota V t cEii-T -,-tne uuty iaKen trom his ue- FlourrSackt Filled with' the Captured Animals, "Is this where you buy ratst" The Question came from a little bare footed urchin of possibly 11 summers partment, but Does Not Re fuse to Carry Men," The scheme of bavins; the prisoners K And the members of the local . Mis- sourl Association skate that the "reckon" of the Pike County farmer wiy be a' correct one. The association is planning to give the Missouri states man and his family a most royal recep tion to this city. and. show them that f t ?5," ThV niM Oregon hospitality Is H karats line. ff?il.thh ,C"L J"t Jit. Z i r k- I streets has not met with the great suo- . r , I HU v,i .tviutwii f .hlh -,,. .a,Ann.laa ..4 .U.. I who came truaging into tne omoe or tne their little son. Bennett, and daughter. -" , X . ts. city engineer at tne uuy hsu ueputy win mrrlv. here tomorow morning, and "- ri T",, k. " " . I ueorge ttcoggin, wno waa aadressea tnus, I will be met at the denot by a receDtlon I T . " " i .u. ..... urw. u w- I ... . 1. 7 m h uinpensea wiui. . " - eommiueeconsisimg oi r. ana .ior. .... ,l. nnr . . mlt snouia minn tney naa gone into tne rat c. K. Sltton. who formerly lived In Tu.idVv th m.V wnrkXi Hk. t T hualnfiM waa havnnd hla nmnnhini on. -j ir tt a. . -jn.-Ion 1 Uaay, the men worked. like TrO- I hiVi ia7;iv m "" .r.,.1 '.'IN" nd. according to the amount of la- th." Wh.-cre.tfair.V V ImmMu V J Iinnn nlAlt klnvi4 nil Ka I-.. . ... . . . .11. . I f per man IOT IflB Qay. East. And the flo.t Marnlflcent Dis play ol4 Key loitruraents Ever Po'm fi Shown on This Cot, at I3ller4 mT- ia7 Piano House. Rl'rht .1. p.! H-OSing Winter Feed as a Re- trance to the Carnival. 'tween his tears "that the papers said so, ' This threw' light on the mystery, for a few days previously a newspaper article tne visitors will oe even a riae idouii ,n. xirxinaa. rhi. r ta the city, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. nce Hunt fttunA to let the patrol waaon V'JtLS' " BCn"0r MX' t0 a8' ,th" rkmen .out M:y'l w2 mltted. vvvm . .. line icBna oi iiiisir lanturs ana oniy nvi -x ' t uuamen i -arn uai aa.j t . .... The Congressman will be entertained .. out i ehaa r th. offlc.r. nost excellent opnort uni ;77 SU L:"onBrljr " nr"1 a'nla n" out suit of-Combined Harvesters In. Fields, Qrand Pianos, Baby Grands, Up- i - rigniS in All 5tvleS. the (Journal Special Service.) PlanAfa' A'mnUm 1 11 T PBNDLETON, July 13. Fred T. Mc- fianoia, Aeolian. Aeolian , Or- cuiiom. Hh.rtn- v r." . I ' siiohbu VUUIIIT, cnesireiies. Aeolian Pin n. Pennsylvania, is In Pendleton, havlna m ) Prrl. Di- j come aner Deux A. Doherty. who Is fans, KiectflC Pianos, and the wanted in Franklin. Pa., for the embes- r-jnesc and Best Church and ,m,nJ or tha fund" of a political Parlnr rkv.. s , I wnicn ne was the treasurer, fanor . Urfjans for Your In- Doherty was arrested here wfclle at work on the roof of a house at his trade as a painter, having been recog nised from the picture and description itaLiT .SLn'?cat?? rlht at the county In which the crime was com- spectlon. h.rf k- V A 10" " w" u" were sent out in charge or the omcers r PPunity for out-of- h V. V r.i V. J .t.W had appeared stating that the Board of I , . nartv f tha diivwinral. .w. I town visitors to rnnvi. .iTi "Ji.rr 'cond day In Jail he admitted hav- Health had decided to pay Ave cents for thitM and CI irk Fair. Senators NT.m. -.5 .tlT SZ ' tlful and limita. dil: Ukan the money and stated that he could use all the men he wanted, but prominent feat ?Ch ?.k,,U4 U PortUnd; Howvr. Mitchell and Fultom and 'Governor nromln.n a:.i.--.,,.V."" u1 mosi - .. n v. - tJltll', " PryIOus Car- inere naa Deen no measure to proviae a i .111 , invitad tn .l. .t. ... . ." i,"-!?"" " au previous C lF.&rtX'"-'"'' HARVESTERS . Bliua tha flrat nrxhtn atrtld and - V . -"- '" It ,Mrii,:.'. '"','un" m,.,A IZZ ImVi.i. Vv. vi. ,V. i I wonaerrui tnngs mat roruana ana take them out on the streetcar, ana be- ri a 7 MOW wtat an 1m 'has been rats, rats, rata, and more than . . ..... . . .n. ui. . .1 . Tr.T:.rL.v. n ..a w bvb.uw.wh i waaaauaa uacu a.. .a . . . a.a aanaa . was . airraiairai a . Ika v4(tfit a.(iirit.w aftairnonn at tha 1 nut a ftAn.lil.rohlA antn .VAnr alav In 1 Waa a. - a . ! Hotel Portland between I and 4 p. m. addition to b He will be Introduced by H. W. Scott, large number rats around the municipality headquar ters until the employes actually began to tfelnk that they had become afflicted with amalady of the same name. It Is rats In Mlssourlway is to be told of the many unless arrangements can be made to Iff S11 everybody, throughout the Oregon will do in 1908. - cause the chksf does not want the patrol it the coaS i.conS6r.n our A publio reception will be tendered wagon used the city will probably be streets is. " u wanmgion INJURE THE-STOCKMEN (Journal Special Service.) Iderable sum every day. in We hive according in L , A f Tr,T;:'In,a' 8P;c Service.) being compelled to feed sa Wodmln a (rnivif ad its mv'vi. L i?0. July "-Fr"' r of men at the jail with- "or. arranged air;taitrSS&ta1ih cn.trf: eome".,t,he nr of tha our atnra an a uiauiay in i alockmen thiit thera will nnt ha times rats mixed. The Influx of dead rodents has even caused "a few of the more nervous to spend nights troubled with- dreams in which great asmles of IMU10J- i iniHimiauni. n ia r in . .VArvnn(, . p-tland Is invited to out return l our "tore, and we are orenara f "iO0Kmen lnal tnere win not be feed i!:' tAtfi1:..;n',m.e; "tVdThCJecept " UThTmen who were working on TusiJ th. harvest to Mr. Clark lectures at Gladstone Park day went without lunch at the noon itock - un ?r nt,re "'",r, "uc'1, ,nu" nB winter mnrrow afternoon- on the subiect hour.' The oatrol waaon could not be . ifyiV .2?"? pianos, months and they lay the blame In large "Picturesque Publio Men." Saturday used and the guards found It impossible mense verTety. .Added to this the. iT ti. , k comD,n ' n"rv" various styles come In all the fin .1 ... i.. m woods, such as Brasilian walnut. Th. nfi..r! Aaanciatinn will This and other similar problems rnuit I "r-nawea , oaX, figured walnut, roaa. mere are anout 77 or these machines attend the latter lecture In a body, leav- be solved by the officials before the g ?! Z J" lm.l"UtSlXln? 1"?. to , hTS animal. p-.Sed in Trevlew ect be- "Th, t0 ,erve lunch out wher the party WM t.,ei tha "iS hrouah their disturbed brains. BUtaain the Twentieth Can- removing obstructloni lr , Kelly etreet ter-af?C nil? Ti.'?-j5'n .'ntta' 1uar' I Ther through their disturbed bralps. This waa the condition of affairs when a reporter reached the City Engineer's office. Serious Bat Problem. ' "Say, can you tell me who wrote that rat story," came a query from a deputy. The reporter thought he scented a joke 'and was not prepared for the 'serious state of affairs which was unfolded. "This is something awful," said the official and his tone- was full of despair and trouble. -"You see, all the kids In Portland have taken this for headquarters of an immense and if there has been one there been 60 of them here with vast quanti ties of dead rata, for which they want a nickle apiece. Sometimes it is amusing, sometimes It Is pathetic and If it keeps on we will all be worried Into an early grave. "We thought it was a Joke at first, but the matter has become too serious tomorrow afternoon: on me suoject, nour. xne pairoi wagon couia not oe each averaging 7 six atvina !.., . ,ul I IV: J leiy. Added to this, these era that ara h,nm1n an nl.ntifui n fc. he flne C0Unt; it, quar- Th: t, rose- .Th ihogany, l wc Circas- aa thi ngo ma- thresl' d. In the that 1 llsh and of thi each day. figuring at the minimum wage varied and Imposlna. "trftw ,n Part 'or thalr Winter taJtOEST CTLOTStEBS XV Tn irOBTTTirXST S. W. Cor. .fourth and Morrison Its. Semi-Annual Sale! ALL MEN'S WHITE AND FANCY WASHABLE VESTS Have been reduced from 20 to 35 per cent Ladles' and Boys' Straw Hats reduced one-half. Men's Straw and Panama Hats reduced very liberally. Dress Suit Cases at greatly reduced prices see vestibule window. in Portland In a special train. Both scheme of working the prisoners addresses are said to be very fine; rO VOB f..AW . . M aaaa..Vuaj 1 1 1 I U I R d U y , 1 " ......,... vumj will be .?n wTi ' fancy mahogany, Circas- aa they do not save the straw, as they a complete success, according to their hogany aSPhnrDnln Tk n3Sn!38r?-mia I lrrMn the Taln' " can be Ben rendl'y i.tJlySJli"PPP.Kln09t In the that there Is some bust for the nlalnt If 60 men were worked on the streets decoration, which makefile shonMnlr of th' t.ckmen since they depend on DESPITE ROCKPILE THIEVES AT WORK feed. or iz ner nav. tne ciiv wouia save ai a,, . sum approximating $100. There is an Viner reatUret. In the past years It has been the eus- Immense amount of work to be done, In addition we will 'show you what a tom ,or the "tockmen to bold their and If not by the prisoners the authorl- wonderful instrument the Pianola is ""A "round the reservation or at least ties will be compelled to pay to have'lt Wlt the skill, which even a child can ln that vicinity for the reasdn that it accomplished. It is not thought that "'""y uire, this Instrument will en- was a good, wheat country and the farm- )osi- ers wouia sibck ineir straw ror tne use ime. of the atnek durlnr tha U'lntar tint In 1,1 the 'n"t ew years the combined har- m mda One Haul Made YeSterday bUt Buch trlviaUmatter, a. transportation uVnnyTano0 wltJ Ju"? th"fi r Reports of Crime Are Not Salts??. fttope.ra'veantehnet lpi i0?$ H l So Numerous, pauty this, expense. too, what a simple matter it is to pro- veBler nn" u"ven out me 010. macnine City Engineer Elliott, when notified auce witn tha Aeolian and Aaollan Ar- 10 a Kreat extent ana tne stock nas Deen Itv Rnsrlnaer Elliott that the patrol wagon was no longer cnestrene tne most superb orchestral moved farther toward the country available to carry the prisoners to and ,trx!: fu iV, may, tear ,tlle Aeolian around Holman where the new machines e. This on the nart or tne omcers or me rouce enow me men to ne iaie in me jan 1 tn rilav Alan ik. .,!. ..t:: nwwrvn. inv uratu oi wmi DeDartment. greater strictness on the while there was such an amount of work trie pianos, which "olav themaaiv- tlon. seeing the saving In the cost of n.r nf tha. Pnlli'A Cnnrt Aful tha onera-1 xrhlr-h mnat he done on the atreets. "If when the elertrln inrrri la harvest that can be made bv the em- to be anywhere near funny. One little I tion of the rocIt puei ali crlmlnalr have we cannot have these prisoners do It," These, with many other interesting ployment of the new system, have tow-neaaea Kia came in nere yesteraajr not Mt the c,ty he continued, "it will simply mean that teaiures in our store, will furnish you boupht several of the new machines and with a whole flour sack full of dead rats, p-ttv thieves are still ODeratlna. al- the cltv will be out thakjnuch money." I ?5r.ta2nmie1t ..(r ha". a and. n the stock men are correspondingly blue. . 1 - 1 uuuiiiun. it win riA a unarm aiitat n 1 . - - Chief Hunt's Bide. In modern key instruments and up-to- L.. u VI v. y 7 . w. mncn1,nem'1" . . . . .. . , .. .a. . h.t. k.i. ",..rAU"p., V hitched his sennrator to his enclne and there was no money here tb pay for dead Z ; few days , than previous to thi ...V?1".0. - a,."r .I8 concern: wa lnl" mVed from field to field the straw was rats, we finally had to take up a purse .entenclna of vagrants and other of- " '.J "i" J. L A:",vr" - . left In large stacks and made conven fenders to work on the streets and rock TCi:' nrt.n,.'r. tn, ' "c ' ,1tcs- Pla," ror the stock to winter ana ,.....,...., r 1 ta... ... . ent hut nnn thA atrnw la Htlmned nice Bum wnicn wouia nave neen ex- r". ;c "V. l of 30 cents among the boys to get him to carry the carcasses away. , (; "An incident that was almost Bathetic occurred when four little girls tame ln with one lone rat carefully wrapped up In a piece of . paper. They had set a trap and were two days-getting a rat. so we ywld them a ntckle hrather than pile. I art1 frAtvi wrnrV There was but one robbery reported v. to the police Wednesday, as far as " However lir did ask an attache of Rend?d us ln making a display In the "r18" hay c . ,Ver .v .1 I However ne aw ask an "lacne or fcarnlval grounds we bave devoted to else Is scattered all along the path of known. This occurred at the home of ln I "J. " .1.- V,l" Prt?? tn t.he haPe of a reduction of the machine. Hence It Is all wasted as Frank Olsey. 49- First street. WWlt p.'"" ... . l.i-..VM1pnM orJl the family was away between 1 and 2 rr'. AZZZZ.rJ KtT-. . . a t.4t.iA 1 vflrfl THflK ror tne uairui wanun. nuw- u PAYING AN OLD DEBT Mr. Davis' son, a stalwart young man, had returned from college. "Father," he sald. rwhen I was a boy mother used to make your old clothes over for me, didn't she?" "I think she did. sometimes. Henry," answered Mr. Davis. 4 "Well, I am glad it Is within my power to make some sort of recompense," said Henry, opening his suit case. "Here is an evening suit a tailor made for me a year or two ago. I have entirely out grown It, but I think It will Just fit you, and It's as good as new. Suppose you try It on." a Being a. sensible man, im. Davis swallowed whatever pride may have been Involved ln the transaction, and tried the garments on. They did fit him, perfectly. 'They're yours, father," said Henry loftily. Youth's Companion. Knock the Flies If fT CMILDS' Twh Use Child's on oiir stock. "BO-BOa-80 XXLTXtt- It means money ln your SLANG FIT FOR THE SEASON First gamin Aw, youse hain't so warm. Second gamin -Aw, I hain't seen your name among de heat prostrations ylt. Baltlnore American. the" afrernoon:T-neahVf vere task for the patrol wagon. How- desnated line of our finest These makes are by an ax concealed in one hem .0 awa 7. But STEVX ' -J- ttVtfjS ir hub paying was iq go ojv au me iime room8 tODSV-turvey. When Olsey and ' P. ,n t0 the iInfl whlch h - b d ieveryone in the building would be flat M. !. ,.t,lrn. ih,v'niiiui n witch, tha station morning and evening. 1 broke Within the week." a. mamnnlt .t,, nnA The patrol wagon has too much work. The Tail That Waa Z.ost. . $5 jn cash. The police were notified. Is. and the distance Is so great A desire for car fare to go to the base- Burglars attempted to break into the that It Is '"''"'y ball game brought another young fellow, saloon In the Heller Building's on Haw- needed for some emergency case while Idown with a single rat's tall. "The rest thorne avenue. Tuesday night, but they it is out on this service. These are the of him got away." he explained." but I were evidently frightened away. They objections of the Chief to the present know he died, for yesterday our cat got had bgun to remove a pane of glass in 1 plan. a rat without a tall and hid It under tha the front door. j house," . Previous to Tuesday, from five . to a i nr TDAIIRI C FAD This explanation would have been dosen thefts were reported dally, and IrlAliC I lYUUDLL rUI I worth much more than a nickle, so one the ponce oeueve mat me roca pue is I of the amused deputies dug the amount up out of his own pocket and is thinking of having the tall embalmed, as a sou venir. ' , ' Questions of the gravest importance at ithe City Hall, have given way to the all interesting one of how much longer the rat epidemic will last. One timid clerk had' the temerity 'to- suggest that some i party buy all that are offered and ship ; them to Chlna. for breakfast food. , It lis figured out, tabugh, that the Job of 'preparing them for shipment such a dls- -a-axiit 1 s4 nnar Mnt& (ban (Via aei ! lailUC nvuiu wbm iuui j vmau law would sell for. BOTH RELEASED ON BAttT frightening petty criminals away from the city. LARGE BOND ISSUE DELIVERED TODAY Llpman & Wolfe Receive, Their Purchase, or Local I m " provement Paper, HIS FORMER WIFE nated by one of these axes. Six people nave sirraay maae me lucky cnolce, so that there now only remain three lines out of the 26 to choose from. An Additional Prize. This contest having been so exceed ingly successful and likely to close at any time, owing to the supply of prise pianos becoming exhausted, we have decided, in order to keep things lively at our store clear ud to the end of th Carnival, to offer a final complimentary carnival prize, rms prize goes to the first person who correctly guesses the name of the prize piano that will be the last to be chosen In this ax contest of ours. Here are the names of the pianos we carry: The Weber of New York, the Chlcker Ing of Boston, and the Kimball of Chi cago, the Hobart M. Cable, Bush & Qerts, Victor, Vose, Haddorlf, Decker & Son, Jacob Doll. Tease, Steger, Crown, Schumann, Milton, Draper, Hinze, Lelcht, Lester, Marshall. Stuyveaant, Sherwood, Klcca, Weser, Wheelock and Taaa.a,,,.. ha. la flfiM tn h . v. haa tnm- Whitney. mntln hln former wife R. C Ooaa- P,ck out tn on yu thlnK w111 be menting his rormer wire, k. c. uoss- chosen last and mail or send the name man. well known among the cattlemen of lt to our store. Tne time Is getting of Bastern Oregon, was arraigned in short, so you will have to hurry if you want tne opportunity or winning this R, C. Gqssman Is Charged with Threatening the Lite of Mrs. D. C. Burns, the Police Court today, charged wit threatening to do bodily harm and alsb bier reduction. It means a chance to with trespass 8ave 26 00 n the' price of any one of Both- cases were continued by Judge h;many munificent pianos in our Hogue until t'omorrow, and in the mean time Gossman is held in 2,ooo bail for Our Terms and Prices. The 76,000 issue of street and sewer Charles Houghton and Robert Lucas, bonds, which were sold to Lipman, Wolfe who are under arrest on a charsre of Co., or this city, were delivered .to the fcavlne- rnhhed C. A. Asnltn at Rnhsa's (Arm by the City officials today. They Park last Sunday, were arrlaned before ar . ii Pf denominations of $500 each th- mor. oajrloua charare and Sldo 'for Circuit Judge ClelUnd yesterday after- and redeemable on the cupon plan. The the trespass complaint. Tfie "ame liberal time and terms of noon and were allowed time to plead, work for which. they wer Issued covers The complaints were sworn to by I Paynent are extended to those who win The bail of each was fixed at $1,000. about 20 street and sewer improvements. n. c. Burns, a well-known grocer, whose ?emimbe? wheTh Jiltt fcvr th Hfn Aitnrn- w t That the city paper is Jooked upon Atoa aa anrn rememDer, whether you do get a prise . .w - i i jt i..t ui avj i,- I -t . ur nui. vuu caririoL lan in rava wnnn asserted that any sum greater than 1500 "VJl" " "Z"?LZiLA l V u . time ago. The warrants charge that you purchase. Our prices on pianos are Twas excessive, while District Attorney f?0 is demonstrated by the fact that 0ossman has been making trouble since from $75.00 to $150.00 below what any Manning contended that Houghton he "H"1 Paid a-premium of 4H per cent Jul x when he ls aUegred t0 have said other dealer on the Coast asks for the ... ... . a i ior ui Donus. is also a source, or Bnouiu ub noiu wiiiiuvii. unit, nuugnwn ... . . . . , , has been In trouble with the police and aI8, " f a flrm .... l t a v..a tuZ i .a bought in the entire issue. hla aa-ed narents have saved him frnn, n addition to this issue a resofut.Qn. ' . . ,,. . -a " 2 " was introduced at the last meeting of the prison. He Is now under a sentence I nit rnv,Aia. -i, of on .. aA.A . -... -aaMaavafrlaa aalaaaaJI"19 V.Jf VUUIHJH JIHIlUlMft lUi .HV BlUtJ n-whh w. rif J4!i Ufiowatockot-0flr000 wortiv Tan which was luriSshed rby Ws ,nrnv.t honn( . A ' ' " parents pending the decision of the Su preme Court. Tif present charge! against Houghton : and 1 so Lucas, Mr. Hume holds, ls basele,, and he ays the men would I neversiava. been confined in Jail if they had had an examination in tha Municipal Court. MAY COME AND LOCATE PUT TO THE TEST Portland People Appreciate a Good Thing. to Mrs. Burns: Bame sraae or instruments. This ls be- "If It were not for your child I would H,T.h,,vin- "fn; "7, i.f " kill you ln 20 minutes." I we receive better freight and factory After being married to Gossman for rates than any other concern possibly 10 years, Mrs. Burns secured a divorce can. we empioy many money and time- Alaa.4tat Y-O t .11 a tA .InOA that! mtlTTltkA savlna devices and have a amall-nroflt c.-. ; ;i.ri.t..7i rsi?-tra .Ki.flek-sal-BoHey, alt-f which Htem Mill street. Last Sunday night a fire Oome ln?0 our 8-Jore nd tSgfy oi incenaiary origin was aiscovorea in Be,f as to all of these statements. It the basement or tne Burns nouse, ana it is what we are making this display for, ls susoected that Gossman was respon-I and you will never have a better oppor- sible for it. A large club was also tunity than now. while our store is right ..i,j i ua cellar on your way o me ;arnivai grounds. SlHt m.i!; that Ooaaman haa E1,ers p,ano House. Washington street. Mrs. Burns clalnis that Gossman has corneP park. Other stores as big and Deen mailing mo imi i as Dusy at wan ?Tancisoo, cai.; Spokane, botnering ner on mo irw. m "i i wsm., ana pacramenio, jai, threatening to kill Jier. far as feed ls concerned, but the farmers claim another advantage. In the old way when the stacks were burned in the Spring the soli where the stack stood was burned to such an extent that lt sometimes took several years for lt to come back to the normal condition, there bflng some Ingredient In the soil of this county that congealed or burned and left the soli dead. On the other hand when the straw ls burned after a combine lt is so scattered that the ground Is not heated to the burning point and the straw becomes a fertiliser and not a drawback to the yield of the tract. While the farmers will lose the pas turage of their fields by the use of the "combine" they do not consider it a loss in the long run, for what they make In money as the rent of their nelds ls lost ln the trampling of the ground and Its consequent Injury. So they consider themselves to be ss well oft without the pasturage as with lt. . According to the estimates of the 1m plement men at least 65 per cent of this year's crop Will be threshed with the new machines which means that 65 per cent of the straw of the county will be lost to the use of the feeders and they will have to buy hay for the cattle tnat they keep in the county during the Win ter. Since the hay crop Is short like the rest of the crops lt will be seen that the nricc will be liable to he high enough to suit the hay man, but not the owner of large cattle holdings. In the mean time the cattlemen are blaming the combine and the farmers are making hay for the winter at a starting quota tion of $10 nnd $11 for the ton. IS JUST TRAVELING O'ER WORLD FOR FUN DOIN'T BUY A UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR ENOINES AND OPT OUR PRICES We give a written guarantee with every engine for one year, and we are right here to back It up. Patron Ize home x Industry by buying from the manufacturers. A. J. GILL & CO. a jo and 333 Oak St., Portland, Or pocket, for cows give one third mora milk, and horses do better and on lesa feed when protected from files. It re- ; quires only a few seconds to apply it. lt costs less than one half cent a day per head. You cannot afford to be with' out lt. Ask your dealer for it or send direct to us. Write today for 20-page ' booklet. PORTLAND SEED CO. Paclfio Coast Agents. Portland, Oregon. SIMPSON & CO HOUSE" AND SKIN PAINTING PAPER HANGING. KALSOMINING STRICTLY UNION WORK 348 First St. Phone Clay 545 Everybody, has tbeir hour of trouble. But people having any itchiness of the Nothing - so YOUTHFUL MURDERERS' After BxliaustlBff Every Effort to Save Them, Whitney and O'Brien ' . to Hang. - Max Shillock. ' secretary of the Port- and . Board of Trade, received la letter from J. G'. Armstrong & Co.. bankers Of Pnnnlfa Alhartil Cannon thnnlrlnav I Skin him for the literature sent them adver- . Have many hours of trouble. tising Oregon. Mr. Armstrong,' who Nothing so annoying. wrote regarding the subject says he irritating. LEXINGTON, Ky.. July 23. Arrange- has distributed the same among many Scratoh it, ft becomes worse. , I ments have been completed by Jailer Canadians, many of whom will locate J-eave 11 aione ana you can naraiy- Wallace and his deputies for the execu te Oregon after discovering its great ltndJJtna misery. v tlon tomorrow of the two youthful resources. He also says lt is a pleas- fcniness comes in many xorma murderers, Bkfrl Whitney and Claude ure to get a whiff of the Twentieth Cen- ;Ciema anas noma itching piles. O'Brien. Seldom in the criminal an- Miiei ana ?ure are oere .ai; last nalaof the state have more heroic ef- rorwana naa put n 10 me lest. forts been made to save the condemned IN TROUBLE ABOUT SALE OF WARRANTS Russelville School Board Ques tions Law Kegarding Raising of Funds, tury program after Hvtng4n the begin ning or .Nineteenth for so long a time. This illustrates the great advantage of advertising matter of Oregon being dls- itchiness of tha skin. Doan's Ointment cures every form of from tha gallows than in the case of The directors .of the Russelville School trlbuted in all cities of States as well as Canada. the - United REGULATOR LINE- CONCERT People at home are. learning that this ls so. -j. Here is a proof in a cUlten's statement;- ." ... Mrs. B, Stanley, who resides at 1169 Whitney and .O'Brien. So conclusive District are at sea over the question of was the evidence of their guilt, how- raising funds to pay for work on a new ever, that "the higher-courts as well aa school building. The members are in the executive declined to interfere. , doubt as to whether they can sell war Whitney and O'Brien entered the home rants to the State Land Board, as here of A. B. Chinn, va prominent Lexington tofore the laW has required the directors The crack Nineteenth United tatei Regimental Band will play next Satur day evening, between 8 and .9 o'clock, at the naxa DiocKS. chSng'Snd 2af"VheunT" to anas ior some nd tender and State Land hands for soma time.- The skin was sore red shot, Mr. Chinn to death in his bed.:! 01a. Tne new scnooi laws, however, are a imuer ana ai times ucnea urnn v. nisniun. am imnn. whb aeiimnufliT buu w icmuhb uiai 1,110 owie mna tfted to cure it by uBlnnr home rem-I wounded bv the .burfflAra In a bAttl in.t Board be ffiVen the first ODDOrtunitv to TiAVori et Ana mi.alit I HIfM. htltiwas UnSUCCftiisf ul until T nrn- I tr nri.u... , iv. I talra iha warranto thA Ainrtt rv.vxA. v j .w HV w v ail UOIU 1 ' , , . jaflfr 5 . -'V "V I lilV? Sanaa JLAO nWUUUCU llLUC 111 ,nV 1 " " w MIHt. w v JHI uUOOt will do wen to taice this opportunity ot J n'.Oruir Wi itore cmer Tmhtii 1 "trle n this wound, led to the-tjls- to issue bearing per cent interest. listening to this ramoua band. They of the murderers. will-go up to cascade iApcks on the and left the skin white and soft; be- Bailey Gatzert on her Sunday trlp The band will arrive from Vancouver, Sat urday evening on the Gatzert, and pa- preparation tot my. friends and acquaint rade up Washington anq aown Morrl son to the Plasa. : -' rrefsrred Stock Canned .a. V Aien & Lewis' Uttt Brand, . , sides, being not at all unpleasant to use. I am glad q, Tecommend this reliable ances at every opportunity.' For , sale by all dealers." price : 80 ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y4sol agents for the United States. Remember tne nama v JJoans and I tone no sudsuiuis The second payment ls now due on the contract and the directors find that the funds are short, and while the officials have explained the situation to the State Trlb can be. taken at your home nrl-1 7-1. ' ,J. -V, .. . ,... ; .AJ Kaall-. ... k. H fc.aa,aa j 04 IV WXtS I " course to pursue, TRIB Price per treatment 112.50. by. aU $ru; fists. . - -rj-r-' - For sale fnftma atook Oaaaad mm. - . H. A, deMeli of New York and -- Europe Now Viewing Ore 4 gon's beauties, Traveling around the world Just for a little side trip to break the monotony of gay life ln European cities. H. A. de Meli, sometimes of New York City, ls now in Portland, and expects to remain until he has seen all of Oregon that he cares to see. He recently arrlvea irom a month's stay in Japan. Mr. de Mell is a native of New York, but for years -he has spent most of his time ln Europe. "I spend the summer months In Dresden." he said, "but my winter days ar passed In the delightful villas near Catania, Slcillen. where I have many friends. Oftentimes, when I am weary of life at these two places I take a little trip somewhere. This trip I am now on ls Just a little vacation one, and I am enjoying it very much. "While in Japan, I visited the Osaka Fair. There was quite a large attend ance. The exhibits or native worn were good and very Interesting, but when they try to copy from American and German artists, the work is poor. Tho trip across the Pacific was a most disagreeable one. the weather being cold and foggy. Many people suffered , or. at i omit of not ha Ing ptvparetltr f tr i such a voyage." , ' Mr. de Meli stated that he did not own railroad or any Standard Oil Com pany, stock, but that he once, had a sil ver mine. He left Naples last April, and will return by way of the Yellow stone Park, the Great Lakes and New York. SAIL FROM ASTORIA - ASTORIA. Or., July S3.- The schooner John A. and the barkenttne John Palmer hare sailed for" San Francisco. Bota art lumber laden, . . , F. W. Baltes & Co. PRINTERS Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES ".'..'.III.L1-LIIJ JMaJ-J .1 - HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of tha CITY BREWERY X-argst and Host Compute Brewery ln tha Vorthwast. Bottled Beer a Specialty 5 txaUbphosx wo. ra. OBoe 13th and Bnrnslde StnatsL POBTIaaVBTD, o&sooir. The largest and most complete un dertaking; establishment on theCoast. PrSa-dmnliijrr incrnTj BastAlderrf corner East Sixth. Both phones, Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. WE CURE MEIN! ljC?)DVEIftP 1 ' mm us. m.,, , i , , ' ' o spicesk o COFFEE.TEA. BAKING POWDERa FLORIHO EXTRACTS AholultPurify. finesl-Flavor. Crt&kjr Strenh. fieasoMbkfricesJ CL0SSET&DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. C. GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR " i t. I T1XC0TT, H. n. CO KTE ACTED DISOHDEES. Itwj coatreta . diteaaa la atteadeS hy trara daasers that aothlut ,1m tbaa a tborouga and abaolata car c ttipor. To take tb tba Ugt.nt ebasee tn such eases la to isTtta nfa loaf niHry. Ita So sot nalla lift as thtj shonld. A partial cur ts fol lowed by a chronic ttafe. wftb all its horror, tba him tbonsb tha dla m had sot bM treated at all. We posltlTAly will Dot dlamiaa a patlot aotll inrj poaalblllty of rrlapo ta n BaoTtd. our aritun ot troatmoat awj patliiot i anundly rard, and made aa (rm from dlaoam taint aa ba waa bafora th ailment was contracted. IB, TAXCOTT CO., i0 Alder St. Is called treat be cause his wonderful cures ara so well known throughout ' the United 8UtS, -and because so many people are thankful . , to him for saving their lives from He treats any and all diseases wlt powerful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, OPERATIONS t I trSS, herns, roots, ovam. I fiiVt? barks and vesetablea, i r -t" that are entirely un known to medical scunce ia nw qpun. try. and throush tbe use of these harm lesa reroedlis. This famous doctor knows SVactloTef over &0 different remedli thaCh his successfully us4wi la dlrM asthma, lun troubles, rheumatlfss. per. vouaoeaa. stomach,, Hvr. kidneys, femals trouble and all private diseases. li dreas of testimonials. Charges mederai Call and see him. covtraTATiov rrrt. Pmtlents'out of the city wti' f r -, and circular. Jnclos stanip. A ' . - the c. ann w o CHINESE HODICLMvC Uoa this pp. - - t 1 a-