TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 22; 1903. 10 art xoTtcxu. cm KOTICTsV CITT JT0T10ES. i cut noTicii.' riorosrD iKr.oriiirjfT or mamhau "t on... ..-f .?! .! Sy Jf, BTagrT I'M wim ail wrwwrf c i iii".i'. in......-, r-- - - - - -- - --": --f - . . I l.ni..w k ...1 a. 14 a.-ar to ha of Indorsed; "CUT Knslneer plan and a pact. noon l. at eor aiv a m.i ai inw nniaf lha foiioa-ln Hiiunimu! if ela-ht Inches cle.r I nrauona lor a aewer in- r.m i wmij w..M ef the Council .of the City f Portland. Or. I Inatde diameter from a aolnt In Eaat Twenty- and Lawrence etreeta from 100 feet aouth of ana. beld pa fb 16th day of Jul. lUUS. tbt aiabth atreet 100 feet tooth of tha aouth Una tha Handy road to aewer In East Everett etret following lesolutlon was adopted: of tha Heady road to a point la Eaat Twentr- and the eetlmates of tha work to ba dona and ' Hesolved. That tha Council of tha City righth atreet at Kaat Irving atreet; thence of tha prabahla total coat tbaraof." f I'artUiKl. Oregon, deems It expedient and inchee clear Inalda diameter to a point In Tb coat of aald wr to ba aessed aa l-enposrs to Improve Marahall street from tha wast Una of Twenty-second street to tba aaat lint of Twenty-fifth street la tba following Mannar, to-wlt: first All that portloa of aald street ereept I Bat port km occupied 07 in r-orusnu nan a - - . - n..i ..M.t I provided hr tha cltv charter uuon tha prop- and thane of 20 Inchee clear Inalda diameter arty ailallr banafltad tharaby and to a connection with tba aawar In Kaat Ollaan bereby declared to ba a 1 tba lota. parts of lota atraat at Eaat Twenty-elghth atraat. and to jnd parcel ef tend Wisr t2n Unj 100 ba c-wistracted In acrnrdanc with plana and f aouth of tha aonth. line, of Sandy road and anaata.tk.na a tha aattmataa therefor nre- a Una 100 feet north of and parallel wita aa way Cotnpany'e rlsbt of way at Twenty-third n.rad hr tha Mt Knelnaer and Brad la tha north Una of Eaat Kreeett atraat, and between raat In the flkw4ag manarr: I erne of tha Auditor of tha City of Portland Una 100 feet aaat of and. parallai with . to la) Ily grading tii ilwt run wiatn witn ,he 27th day of June. 1008, lndoraad: "City una 01 eaat jwantyjaaramn '" II Intaraactlona to tha prunar '' rrle, I Kii1nrar a plana and apeclOcatlona for a aawar ranca atraata and Una 100 fJt "-aat J in Kaat Twanty-aifbtn atraat rrom iuu iw 1 " aouth of tha Handr road to aawar at IS faat TntIL l-wranpe atraata. . aonth of tha north Una of Kaat Ollaan atraat. Ia Knffliiaar'a aatlpiata of tha pronania Hiiai and tha aatlmataa of tha work to ba dona and of conatrortltw aald aawar la -,;20, , tha probabla total coat tbaraof." .. Tha plana, .apaclflratlona and aatlmatra of Tha coat of aald aawar to ba aaaaaaaa aa pro- a.Kiu.'r m 1....... "- - Itaaolrad, That tba Auditor of tha City of j tba placa of baa point at Its Intaraaetlon with tba waatarly Una at block Vo 8M, Caruthara' Addition to larutbara' Addition totha City of fortUnd: thanca aontharl alntia tha waat Una of aald Diork no. an to a Poiui at ata'iniaraaciioai wiia tha aorth Una of liUwlr No. 80. Caruthara' Ad dition to Carntharw' Addition to tba . City f rortlaad at tba" waatarly Una ar aaio oioc 80; tbanca anathaoatarly la a atralfbt lino to a point in tna annul Jlna or nnica wnimwi donation land claim, wbara tha aama la Inter. aactad by dlrlalon Uaa batwaan aactlnna and 10, townahlp 1 aoatb, ranfo 1 aaat, WUlamatto Mcrldlaa; thanca aoutharly aku ua aunaion CITT VOTIOKt. T rxorouo ixraoviimrr , ' tr, tut ; ' TWEUTK TUXT.' Notlca la baraba airaa that at tba auiatlaa f tha Council of tha City of Portland, Ora- OITT MOTICEa. SATtlOlS TMETABIXS. or HAASIT j IMPaOVEMIHT T1XX. Kotlca la haraliy Itob that at tha maatlng of tba Council of tha City at Portland. lra- 1 von. naia an tna l.itn ilii At ju t. iuul ua Lllowh.S iSJXaJL w..".d,TtodV, iollowlni TrS. lutlo. M Tidnntadr' l rL nithi ToauniFf'tha at f .-. thml tha Council of tba City of ft!!?nl2J? J-ItniT liaiii.S S nro. lortl.nd, Ora.m, dacma Jt aiprdlaut and pro- DoSito InYnrSJa' kZTrlL If . .rtit ronf Poa to Improra iUbwy atraol from tba aaat ??f H lmJV"l .Aw,l,U. Jl0 Knaaf Eaat KUrabth atraat la tha waat Una of Una brtwaaa aaationa ft and 10. 14 and 1ft, 81 and 22. townahln 1 annth. ranaa 1 aaat. Wlll- aiuattv Marltlan, to tba outbarn boondry Una TTrlor to V Dii :ll liS aTt? of thi nS?th llo,tadV AdJ'" Portland, Orron. Una of ifawThorna Jalanl hi LiafrnaMni b" fdlnt tha atraat full width with full lutar. "?a..c'. "w.tno'? "P0!""!! aaationa to tba nronar aub-arart. tha apaca of tba ?,Bf " "n?,?,r, wonc.w', roadwar to ba &4 faat I. width and tba aldaw.lk uw piaoa. mcincauona ana Mumim ax um i . . - m a . - Cltl EQaiBaMar 4 . 9l,mtrm 10 am is ieei 10 wiuia, vb hw wuvv. i ttaia improramant to ba nada la accora. l(1 im., k. .. 1. .Mwdanaa Mi full b By brttia-lD- thn atract full width with fall Intaratvtlona to tha prnpar irraaa ny par Inf with Warraa a bitullihic paramant. let Rr ctHMtructlna artlnclal atona curba. d by eouatrnctlnf atona block baadar aU,.t.lA u Haciod All that port'"" of aald atraat at dd by tba city charter upon tha property aawar In aald atraata are bweljy adopted. Twrnlythlrd atraat orrnpian ny ma roriiana apeclally banrfltrd thereby and which la hereby Hallway Company's right or way anau oe in- declared to ba all tba lota. brovad aa follows: J naeaala Af taiul Ivlna hatwaan (a) Hy raplarln tha ralia now In aa, with aouth of and parallel with tha ratia or sot eras man neTeo inrnaa in oapin 1 t.i Handy road and '.ha aouth and weliblnc not ht thaa aUty pounds to hlnck 1. Wrnkoon Villa, and 1 the Vara. I north tit ana narallal arllh tha north Una of (b) By paring tba epaea between tha rails. frMt Gllasn street, and between s Una loo feet between tna tracks, and for a distance of ona waat of and parallel with tha west line of Kaat foot on tha outside of tba outer rails with Twenty -eighth atraat a ad a Una 100 feet eaat atone blocks. of snd parallel with tba eaat Una of Eaat naia imprnrenienT 10 pa nan in iminwii 1 xwenty-eigbtb ntreet. Vhatb'bornd'aVf'll of tirtT-1 0f .Portlsoi ind U." pUn.-. Itatloii ptanf 'SSSStioTlU Portland to a point at Its IntaraecUou with and estimates of tha City Engineer Sled la Mt lh cUrli!aihoao tba. westers bsnV of tha WlUsmatta Klrat at Jba olnoa at tha Auditor of tha City of Port- ABdltor if tb cltf rttahd tha low water msrk; tbenea northerly along tha land on tba 18tb day of July. Indorsed: ds of JuSi 1003 fnd.d! Clly KVi" western bank of the WllUmttta ftlear al Vw ''City Engineer's plans and spaclflcstlons for SnJeeVs' ""'id sclfleaS for tba km. wsvw mark to point st Its Intaraaetlon with tba improreineut of Vast Twalfth atraat from inZ,nt p0, h,i1V a tract from tbT aast Una. tbe south Una of Harrison street extended point 11 feat north of tba south Uns of Kaat f, t..! t ,.-,V ..ill . .2, h.'L"? OREGON V eaaterly la .Its preaant course, .tha asms oeing iaywr stroet ta a poiat II feet south, of tha ni,d.r i..rk Addition and tha estimates of tba "" . .. , MtM oatl. -ork to ba dona and tha Drobabla totol Coat Mas iw-alffcai ft la I . . z ' " - 3 1IU1NS to the EAST DAILY D.I.J k. 1 W A t 1 Jl...t.4 aalsraa I 1 rtak ITnatlnua'a sbaa I awtaawam aa.sa mwtM nmiainisl Tfllll I OI Till Tji.agM (a Bhaw S1rnsk mmJt l parts of lota and wito, uai . a." ""--rZ' T TT""""- T 'u SJw I i.i 7u " " r . I Uiereoi." - a Una 100 faet notice or ins proposed construction 01 ssiu newer " v"n 1 -- - . - 1 Tha coat of aald - . . 1 i j a . l . . . . . 1 ... , iin mn rut I ina anav n, mm immmmmmi' a M aa. ...... south lino of y . '"HI r. 'JT-yr'y .1 a Zji . . i:. . .r " ".rrZ r" . proeiaeo. oy tba city . 'I?" ..J0 ': ha aii 1. .rittna -i.k .K. nMitnMl wllhln nlsok riMawit imnroTement and aball ba mala- I tba nronertr aoaclallr ' benefited thereof and 1 SM.iV 'a . I un feet I - - .-.. - - 7 --, with the charter and ordinances of the City of IVM-tlsnd snd lbs Diana, sneclflcatlona and eat I Btalea of tha City Engineer Died In the office of the- Auditor of the City of Portland on tha lAtb day of July. 1003. Indorsed: "City En art seer a Diana and aneclncatlona for tha. Im iiroreurnt of Marahall atreet. from the west So dart from tha data of tba first publication or this notice. By order ef tha Conndl. TIIOS. C. DEVLIM, Auditor of the City of Portland. July 17, leoa. The Ens-loser's ratlmste of the probable total mat ror tna construcuou at ssio sewor la lnaon. The plans, snerlflrstlons snd eat I ma tea of the ntr Enrineer for the construction of toe sewer In East Twentr-elsbth atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. Tbst the Auditor of the City of riorous ZABT IBVIH0 line of Twenty-eeeond street to the esat Una of I Portland ba and ha Is hereby directed to gire i. . - " . . . . . . . . - . r . . . i HTnii 'un-am au ua uiv mivm. uu n tamea ny tbe cite for the perioa or bts yesrs: wnics iig oereny aecured to be au tha lota, parte aQd p,rcela of Uad lying batwaea a lino 1 pruTioea, inai ina swnera oi m nni i i'i avia ana porcew di una lying ontweea m i faat nnrth of a no narallal with tha north lino the property benegted by aald Improrament or Une 1J feet north of and pirsllel with tha I, M?21. t,.l..'V it.l't'f-l. th ? any portion thereof aball not petition for a I aouU Una ef Eaat Taylor atreet and tba aortb tni -ajiin wlth tha aouth Una o Halsey new or different Improvement before tha as- Una of Hawthorne avenue and between a line .1-..La lin. ar e.. piration or guco perioa. . . .. leei waat or ana parallel wita toe waat Eleventh atraat and tha waat Una of UoIUdsf Tba plans; .pertftoetloos and (estimates of the Una of Ksat Twslfth atreet and a line 100 feet pi'V AddlttoTto PortndToVMi.' City Engineer for the Improvement of said Cor- eaat of and parallel wltH the eaat Una of "tS, Engiiaear" eaMmata of tXohabla total belt atreet are haai-by adopted. . Eaat Twalftfc street. cost of thi lmnrovsmant of ssld street Is 02S.O0, Keaoiveo. That tba Auditor or tot uir oil - lue Kaglnaer a eatlmato of tba probable total I Tba niana anerinaatione and aatlmataa of the City Engineer for aha Improvement of aald Halsey atreet are hereby adopted. .. ' . ' fteaolved. That the Auditor of the City of i a lmprovemeot to be asserted charter anon ua prop- tueret.y ally cooductad) weakly to Tbroaih. Pullman sUndard and Tawlst sleep ing ears dally to Omaha. Chicago, pot a set tourist sleeping oars dally to Ksaaae C4ty through Pullmaa tourist sleeping ears peeeee ally conducted) weakly to Chlcaga, kaaesa Cltii recltnloa chair can (seats free) to the East dally... . " Kesoiveo, That the Auditor or tna 1 117 or una cagloeer'a eatlmato of the probable total ehy given that at the meeting Portland be and ba la hereby directed to give coat af the Improvement . of aald Eaat Twalfth of the City of Portland, Ore- notice of tba proposed Improvement ef aald street la W, 27 7. 00. , ,r ba 15th day of July, 1IKI3. tba street aa provided by tba Cit Charter. The Plana, apectacatlong and eetimstea of tba Twenty-Ofth atreet, and tha eatlmatea of the work ta be done and tha probable total coat uereof, notice of tba orooosed construction of ssld sewer aa provided by the city charter. Ilemonstrsnce against the above aewer may Tha coat of aald improvement to ba saseaaed he Died In writing with tba undersigned within as provided by the elty rhsrter upoa the prop erty specially benefited thereby snd which Is hereby declared ta be all tba lota, parts of lots ana parcels of la no lying oat ween a line )00 feet north of sad parallel with tha north line or Marahan atreet and a una loo feet south ef and parallel with tba south Una of Marshsll atreet and between the west line or Twenty second atreet and tba eaat line of Tweaty. nn atreet, SO daya from tha due of the first publication or tnis notice. By order of the Council. THOU. C. WEVtlM, tndltor of the City of Portland. July 17, 1003. srwi IV Ttxrr, Notice Is bereb: of the Council gon, held on the rnllnwtna raanltitl.iM waa aitnntMl Kesolved, Tbst ths Cotim-li of ths City of 1 may be Died la writing with the undersigned Esat Twelfth street are hereby adopted. I'ortlana, an-egoa, deems It expeaient ana pro- wnnin su aays rrom uie oa vi ue um yuu- noses to conatrnet a aewer In Kaat irviua uraiion or inia notice. atraat 'Mm tha Una of Faat TwentV.nlnth I fiv order of the Conncil, . . .i . .... jt I Tuna r rtr vt.tw ... a nmna-iivii n mu lav .i . .. " . i ........ vw - , " j in Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet of vitrmea aewer i Anuitor ei tna Liiy oi i-grtianu. yniy it, ivuo. Heaolved,. That the Auditor of the City of provided by the city charter. the runiana oe ana ne ia aerenv airactea u sirs i ... B"'f of the proposed Improvament of said ment may be Died In writing Street as Provided br tha ells charter. I .i..t itki. u 4 . U,mMut,u I. . , " : , . . I ,itww "iimim av waj k,VW "; , " 1 nrat paunration or this nouca, ' int ha alail Im avrltlna avtth tha anoaa. I n. ... . ,1 . above lmprova- wltb the under- the date of the IPE0P08ED VWt I EAST H1JTTH ITAIIT. Notice la berehr aivaa that st tbe meeting tm estimate or tba city Engineer for tbe I ar me t ouncii of the ity or i-nrtiann. ure- probeble total coat of the Improvement of said gon. held on tha loth day of July, 1003, tba Merehall strset aa tl7.O02.0O. following resoiutlop wss sdonted: Tbe above Improvement la to ba classed sa Kesolved. Tbst ths Council of tbs City of bltnllthle pavement Improvement and aball be I'ortland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- alntalned br the citr for the Period of 10 poses to construct a sewer In Esst Ninth years; provided, that the owners of a majority I street from 7S feet eiouth of Thompson street PE0P0IID AJSXSBMZirT 10 rMPEOTX- iMEVT Or DIKTXE ATEITUI. Notice la hereby si Tea that tbe Conncil of tna city or.rnrtland proposea to aaaaaa in fol lowing described property and owner or owners ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 80 daya fro in tha, data of the nrat publication or this notice. ny order of the Council. TH08. 0. DtTLlIf, Auditor of ths City of Portland. July IT, 1003. Hv ordae of tha Connrll. 1 TH08. 0. CETLIW. Auditor of the City of Portland. JBiy 17, llSTg. raoroBzo rWZX IW XAAT . C0U0K ITBIXT. , Notice ta hereby given that at tba meeting of , UN10t DEPOT. ' Lesvaa. Arrtras,. . CBICAeo-POBTLANO 0 a, as. 4:M a, aV slPBCIAU, IMll. Dally, ror tha East via Boat' , 1 logtoa. . . . JB SPOKANE rLTEB. " 0 a. ssj T:fl a, aS. ror Eastora Waahlag- Ually. Dally,- - too,' Walla Walla. Iw- ,; -- --ij. laton, Coear m Alans and - Great Morthera . points. . i '. A TLA It T10 BXPRE88, g:15 a, sa, 10:80 a. am, rur the Esst via Uaa. Dally ; Dally. Ingtoa. . . . , OCEAN AMP EJTIB CHXDVLK. roK IAN rBAN0isco,rrom lr:oo a, aa, S. a. Oeo. W. Elder Alaakg " iulj 1. 11. 11. , Doch. V 1 g. B Colnm)la m. V ..July ,1a, IN. t. . . k pips with sll necessary catchbaslns, manholes, lampholee snd branches. Ksld sewsr to be -of 10 inches clesr Inside diameter and to ba con structed In accordance with tbe plana and apeclOcatlona and the eatlmatea therefor pre pared br the -41tv Fn neer and Died la tne office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on ths 27th dar of June. MX. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans snd apeclOcatlona for a sewer as belnc spedallr snd peculiarly benefited In a..nnn..n . .V;"" " . ! ':" t.T In Esat IrJlng street from tbs aaat Una of tbe iinntee leooalte thTaames and dp- m0P0"ID ra0T3OarT Or CHTTTltm ttCo.ncl iof the ajyof Itland. Or., held Eaat Twenty-ninth atreet to proposed aewer at tlona thereof for the Improvement of Denver I TBZZT. Eaat Tweiitr-ela-hth atreet and tha eatlmatea ran, tha aonth Una r.t Wahatar atraat I . . , . A , . AHhakl. tnt-l I . ' . ., . . . . .. I ' Wntl la ... V. . ... , . ... , . . ,1 ., ui mr wuta aw wn au u- yimaui. wm,. i h in. aonin line Ol tlrBinara inn. DetLT al- I .-. . mm bi.vh a, iu. a,, wa i . . . . - ,. , i " - -w i sh ..a u j coat thereof." blna. "a wvlded by ord No. of tha Council of tbe City of Portland. OrS Portland, Oregon, deema It P,nt "l.Pf": I North Beach, sir. Use- Saturday The coat of aald aewer to be aasessed as pro- n. objections to ths spportlonment of cost gon. bald on tha loth day of July, 1008, the l""- f. "" " I . T. . "TT XrW ZIll ,' --at oocn. io:uo p. sa. 10, la block o. Buck man 's Hecona Aaaitioa ra i , roTTEK HAIUNQ DATES (Ash Bt. so tba Iftth day of. July, 1803, too following I ra olutlna ell adtmted: Heaoivad: That the council or toe iw n oar, for llwaoe and i -under rOR ASTORIA and way 180 p. as. poinsa, nseasrnag wivs uaiiy. of tha nnanta Iu i fllul k. mmlA I ,mi nrf I to a Cnnnaotln arlth tha aaaraa In Till.-.-,. I vlded br the CttT Charter UPOn the Property I for aaM Imnr, laamant mnat ba made In WrltlnS I following resolution WBS adopted: or any portion thereof,' shall not petition for street of vitrified sewer pipe with. all neceaaary apeclally benefited thereby and which U hereby I to the Council snd filed with tha Auditor I Besolved. That the Council of the City of new or different Improvement before tha ratchbaalna, man holes, lampholee and branches, oecurea to Da a I tne iota, parts ot wta ana within nnballaa n o-h nrln I Halo aawar trr ha tt alaht Itw-haa nlaar Inal.la I Parce l Of land IfinS between a Una 50 fret llcatlnn , Jr..- ., i . ., a . . . . I ... . . . . , ... ... I . . a , . aul narallal 4th tha aaat Una n Kaat I . i ill" plana, epecinraiiqpa ana rail ma Ira tii i wiauwin r inn cvnairuciaa in ire Tum wnn ' -" . .' -"- -. . . , um m anu umtrinun-u u ivumu mw, - - . . j , . ' . k-l 1 . 1 a . A hM..i. OalA aawaa to the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald ths plans snd speelflcatlnna and the eat! ma tea Twenty-ninth atreet and a Una 100 feet esst of y,, p.-,,(, r th. ordinance assessing Ua cost of the eoonty road eaat of Pernwood. la the KtJfetn?. foilowlnV dnstonsT of Mar ball street srs nerrov sdonted. I tnereror prepsrea py tbs city Engineer ana ann i-ri-i who tna ran " rjm'i I Of aaia improvement. I iarr, wwh: 5:00 p. aa. ei. Baadajs A boat It i dayi from tbs date of tbrflrst pub- Portlsnd. OreVoa. deimalt T expedient and 'pr. Portland. Oregon to a eonuectloo with the July SI. 10:45 A. M. J. July a ia:i of this Sir; snd ..Id obiectlon. will poses i to lmprov. Bcbuyler strt from tba Mat ' E"' f lfh! 'KTtXhll,! Lltl JatniSavf' "oo PU'L 'H P" rd and determined by the Council before I line of East Thlrty-flrat atreet to ths wast Uns fwr f'l" 7 , , 7,. nnVvTw.? ?n M y P' M' Dock. 00 aooa; July M. July 89 Reaolved. That the Auditor of the Cltv of Portland be and ha la berehr directed to sire of Portland nn tba 27th day of June. 1903. In antic of tba proposed Improvement of ssld dorsad: "City Engineer's plana snd specld atreet ss provided bv ths cltv charter. catlooa for a aewer In Esat Ninth Rrmoaa trance sgslnst tba above Improve-1 atreet from 75 feet sooth of Thompson sent msy ba filed in writing with tha under- atreet u aewer la Tillamook street, algned within SO days from tbe date of ths I snd tha eatlmatea of tha work to ba done and first publication of this no tics. ny urocr of tas council. TH0. C. DEVLIN. ' - Auditor of tbs City of Portland. July IT, joes. f haaff t ntr fuu n aA a, a? t K. filed In tbe office of tbs Auditor of the City eighth street snd between s line KW feet north vl inu parallel rim ma infriia iiinr v, Irving street snd s line nai feet sontn or sna parallel with tbs south line of Esst Irvlug street. The Enaineer's estimate of tba probable total t for the construction of aald aewer ia 1.117.00. tbe probabla total cost thereof. me coat or ssld sewer to ba a Termlnna Addition, near Alblna Blk ft. lot 1. Samuel B snd Kills C Brown Blk ft, lot t, Bsmnel B snd Ellis Brown Blk ft. lot It. Ralph B Smith Blk ft. lot 13. Kalph B Smith Rralnarrf Traat naar Alhlna The plans. spe-MflestlonS snd eatlmatea ef theLpij j i,t i, John Bresell , be eonatructed of tha followlna dimensions: of I TamhiU- Bivar Beats. First By grading tbe street full width with 'ht inches clesr Inalda diameter ma it point dvtoN Or.ro. II Interaectlona to th. eatahllahed er.de. Ul East Couch strset St ths west line of lots 1 OIL "W. Oregoa s full Intersections to tha eetabllshed grsde. "- 'H1 f I"1 " "y .,7 Y.ll Wi, 23.81 Second-By constructing woods. Sidewalk. . eU 9 and 8 B" St.. ' Siuiie! 0 J 10 feet la width with all-foot covering planke. ditlon. to- a Iolt ,,nk i?. SifllTr2i I AaA-St. taviu a a. I a.i i . -.-"-.1. i ana thence or ten incnee Clear inaiue aiamerer o. , mu luiiNu.r cu, iu la tin iu nxwiwim I . , I .1.. . a .... . ... .i. i to a connection witn tna aewer in bssi poloo PortUnd snd tbe plana, apeclAcatlona and Eighteenth atraat at Kaat Couch atrawt. and to J estimates of the City Engineer filed In constructed In sreordsnes wlth Jhe jnlsna. I Water permitting.) 7S00 a. av Tuesday, Tbursdsy, Saturday. IKW a. atonaay, Wadaa rnday, provided by the city charter upon the property flty Engineer for the cotiatrurtlon of t ent Blk 1, lot 2. Jobn Bresell anaalallr hanaata-l thaaaha anal whlrh la ha aha I In SSld ESSt IrVlnS Street STS hereby adopted. declared to be all tba lota, parts of lots snd I Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the City of Iiarnala nV lanat Ivlna ha a n a Una lOA faat Portland be Snd hS IS brTCtlf OlrCCteO lO (IVC I . l . i . i . v. ... i, ,, . a u,l a,t tha iiMini m A miutn mtlnfl tt aalo aaa-atr ,.., mM-- -ja mm ..j.,iij.. i . l I Um H Ul a lU IIBT. I IT1 WIIH IDV nOTlQ lllnl OI I ' . ' . I . " " . " rBOPOSTD DfFROT XXXNT 0T KAWTHOBSI I Tlllamock street sud a Uns 60 feet aouth of aa provided by the city charter. ATUnrX. and parallel with tba south Une of Thompson I Bemonatrsnce agslpst tbe above, sewer may Notice la hi-env alven that at tha meetlne 'reet snd between a Uns 108 feet west of be filed In writing with the undersigned witbln M th CouneiT ths Clt? of PorlsndOre I Ilia.P'fllf'i V & ZZ?2?. "T.11! 5 -1SlVSL! U" ' lh P""11" ao. h.io on the loth dsy of July, 1003. 1st " "1 .' L Vt-Jr"' following resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of tha Cltr of I i ne r.ngi neer a estimsts or tns proosDie total rortlann flraann Haam. It avnaillant ana ""St fOT IDS -Construction Of SSld SeWCT IS :' ..i..L. '-..:- iwn.oo. tbs west line of Esst Eleventh street to th. .ThPI.M- speclflcsUons and estlmste of the of this notice. - By order of tba Council. THUS. C. IIEVMH, Auditor of the City of Portland. July 17, 1003. eaat line of tha Stephana Donation Land Claim, . In the following manner to-wlt: Plrat-rBy grading the atreet to the proper smn-graan for s wiatn ot nve reet oetween the aoatb curb Una and a Una live feet north erlr therefrom and parallel there with and be tween the north curb line and a line five feet southerly therefrom and parallel therewith. Second Bt , bringing tha atreet full width ' With full interaectlona to tbe eatabUshed are rte with travel , Third By constructing artlBclsl stone side- fWsiks. fourth By constructing wooden sidwalk on ' tba north aide of block 121, Stephens' Addition to Esat Portland, lying hetwea two lines re spectively 05 feet and 123 feet eaaterly from and parallel . with the esat line of Esst eleventh street. . Ssld improvement to be made In accordance :.- with the charter and ordinances of tbs City of Portlsnd and ths plane, SDectnestiona snd estimates of the City Engineer filed in the ' . mce or the Auditor Of tbe city of Portland ru tha Iffth day of July. og, Indoraed: "City ' Engineer's plana snd apeclOcatlona for tbs Im provement of llswthorn avenue from tbe west line of Esst Eleventh street to the eaat Una of Stephens' Donation snd Claim, and ths estlmste of tba work to be done and tha probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be aa- aeseed aa provided by tbe city charter- upon the property apeclally benefited thereby and ' which la hereby declared to be all tha lots, parte of lots snd psrcels of land lying between a line 100 feet west of snd psrsllel with tbe weet Hne of East Eleventh street snd ths esst - line of Stephens' Donation Land Claim, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel - with tbe north line of Hawthorne avenue and a line 100 feet south of snd parallel wltb the - aouth Une of Hawthorne e venue. The Engineer's estlmste of tbe probable total cost of the Improvement of aald Hawthorns avenue hi S8.800.00. Tbe Shove Improvement la to be claeaed aa a f ravel improvement and shall he maintained T th city for tha period of four years; pro- i lded. that the owners of a majority of tha property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe ei piration of a orb period. Tbe plana, specifications and eatlmatea ef vne i ity Engineer for tne improvement of said Bawtborne s venae are berebr adnntad Reaolved. . That the Auditor of the City of e-'n-Liauu i ana ue h nereoy airectea to give Botlce of ths proposed Improvement of said avenue as -provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance sgalnst tha shove lmprove- wirni bjbj i mru in writing wiin ins under .trued witbln 20 dsys from tha date of tbe first publication of this notice. By order of tba Council. THOU. C. DEVLIN, -i Andltor of tbe City of Portland. ' July IT, 1008. City Engineer for tbe construction ef s sewer la ssld Kaat Ninth street srs hereby sdopted. Reaolved. That the Auditor of tba City of I'ortland oe and ba la hereby directed to give PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT STREET, Or C0RBETT c 4 " ?J specisny nenentea tnereny sna wmcn r-,:-.:.- " " nner,, Pllfcf I I .Alll fit AS A L V fl J Nntltti ll-MI rifhrnnv rfg-lai fs1 tea ra all thaa lnfa rtarta rT intm I g '- -rw. . : . . . I - ----, mmm iae wa-a s - pa -- Addition- and parcela of land lying between a Una 100 PT111 ?",tVtl Zt.J2L SrJL"I2t I CTClUCHin rt t 100 feet lot I. Charles 0 feeorth of d payiul wlth th.no Une pAAZ tLt&l STEAMSHIP CO. 1 V 'AJ-,::-A 8TD i,?",f.r.."tIr 'i?'!.-S!"r Wkman'a Second Addition to Portland. Ore- . wnbnh.-n. -In rt-.. 1 JW " 101 vu"' " l ?." "!"' w"? lP-. "oun .Dco.??: and s Une 100 feet esst of snd psrsllel I STnnT K:..::rr .a h.nJ.i aa.w i icr airri'i. ana netween me eaai line i Notice Is hereby given tbst st the meeting notice of the proposed construction of ssld sewer of the Council of the City of Portland. Orc- aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agaloet tha above aewer may he filed In writing with the nnderelgned within 20 daya from tha date of the first pubUcstlon of this notice. By order of ths Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of ths City of Portlsnd. July IT. 1003. PROPOSED ZXPB0VEMENT Or OVERTON ' " ' STBEET. . Notice la hereby (riven that at the meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on tbe 15th day of July, 1003, tbe following resolution was adopted: Resolved. Tbst the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema -It expedient and pro poses to Improve Overton street from tbe west Una of Front atreet to tbe esat Una of Cornell road In tbe following manner, to. wit: First By grading the atreet full width with full Interaectlona to the proper sub-rrade. Second By bringing the street full width with full' Intersections to proper grade with Macadam. 'Third By eonstrnctlng sidewalks, atone curbs and - stone-gntters liracci 5rrtap.ee W1fB the" Cl tjT Engineer's plans, specifications snd estimates. Fourth By conatrnetlng --and relsrlng the crosswalks In scenrdancsv wltb the City En gineer's plans. apoHflcntlonn and estimates. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland and the plana, specifics tlona and estimates of the City Engineer filed In the orace or me Auniior or me t;ity or Portland on tbe 3tn asy or July, jnoa, .ndoraed: "City Engineer's plans snd specifics tlona for the Improvement of Overton street from tbe west line of Front stree.t to tbe esat line of Cor nell road, sod tbe estimate of the work to be uoiie. ana inn iroi nip iorai coal inereof. The cost of said Invjirovement to be sssessed as provided hy the city charter u ion the prop erty sneclsllr benefited therehv anri o-hinh i hereby declared to be sll the lots, parts of aoie ana pnrceia oi isnn lying netween the westerly line of Front atreet and the easterly Une of the Cornell road and between a line J00 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Overton atreet and a line 100 feet south of- and parallel wltb tbe south line of Overton atreet. Tba Engineer's estimate of the rrohsble total cost of tbe Improvement of Ssld Overton atreet la $44,204.00. " " Tbe above Improvement Is to be classed as a macadam Improvement and shall he main tained hy the city for a period of five yesrs. provided that the owners of a majority of ifca property benefited by aald Improvement or any part thereof, ahatl not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe explrstloa ef such period. The plans, specifications snd estimates of tbs City Engineer for the improvement of ssld Over ton atraat are hereby adopted. Resolved. Tbst the Auditor of th City of Portlsnd be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed improvement of said atraat aa provided ny tbe city charter. Ramon a trance against the above Improve. ment may be filed to writing with tba nnder elgned within 20 day from tha date of tbe Bret publication ef this notice. , By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. .' Auditor of to City of Portland. Joly IT, 1003, PROPOSED SZrWZR IB MISSOURI AVEBTTI. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting ot th Council ef the (ity of Portland, Ore- Son, held on tha lftth day ot July, 1903, tba ollowlng resolution was sdopted: Resolved. Tbst tha Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro posea to construct a aewer, in Missouri avenue from 2ft feet south of tha south Une of Prea eott atreet to a connection with toe sewer iu Beech street of vitrified sewer pips with all aecesssry cstchbsslns. msnholes, lampboles snd branches. Said sewer to be of the followlna dimensions: ur iu inrnes clear inaide diameter from a point In Missouri avenue 28 feet south of tbe south line of Prescott street to a point In Missouri avenus at Mason street; thence of 12 inches clear Inside diameter In Missouri ave nue to a point Jn Falling street; thence of 14 Inches clear inalda diameter to a connection wltb tbe aewer In Beech atreet. and to be eon atructed la - accordance wltb tbe plana and specifications and tbe eatlmatea therefor pre pared by tbe City Engineer and filed In the office of tha Auditor ef the City of Portland on the 27 tb day ef Jane, 1008. Indoraed: "Cltv Engineer a plana ana epeciaeations for a aewer In Mlasourl avenue from 26 feet south of Prescott street to a sewer In Beech street snd tbe estlmstes of tbe work to be don and tba probable total cost thereof." Tb cost of ssld sewer to be aasessed aa pro vided, by tbe city charter upon tha property apeclally benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be sll the lots, psrts of lota snd parcela of land, lying between the sooth line of ITescott street snd a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line or Beech atreet and between a Una 100 feet west of snd parallel with tbe west line of Missouri avenue and a Una 100 feet eaat of aod parauel with tbe aaat line of Mlasourl avenue. Tbe Englneer'a eatlmato of the probable totol coat of tbe construction of aald sewer la S2,- Otft.OO. The plana, speclfiesllnns and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for the construction of said sewer in Missouri avenue ar hereby adopted. Reaolved. That tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of said sewer aa provided by the city charter. Remonatrance against tbe above sewer msy be filed In writing wltb tbe undersigned within 20 days frnm ths date of the Drat publication of thla notice. By order ef the Council. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba City of Portland. . July IT, 1003. PROPOSES TWTNTT-THIRD PROPOSED BEWIB IN -EAST TWZBTT-i'-.Vr .EIGHTH STREET. V J Notice Is hereby gives tbst at the meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of-Portland, Or..- held ea tb lftth day f July, 1008, tba following reantutloa" waa adopted: - Resolved. That tb Council 'of the City of PVtlaad. Oregoa.- deem it expedient and pro poaas t cone tract a aewer in Esst Twenty eighth street front a point 100 feet - south of the south line af the- Saody read to a con ectloa with tbe aewer ta Eaat Twenty-eighth trael at a point IS feet svuU) ( Ue Mftfe BEWZB IB STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore- ?on. held on the lftth day of Joly, 1903, tbe ollowlng resolution was sdonted: Kesoirea. -lost tne louncti or tbe city of Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient sod pro poses to construct a sewer In Twenty-third street from 150 feet north of the north Una of Tburmnn street to a connection with the sewer in Vaughn street, of vitrified -aewer pipe with all Tiewasary-citctibaBloa.'ftanholesTami)--boles and branches, ssld sewer to be of eight Inches clear Inside dlsmeter and to be con structed In accordance with the plana, specifica tions ana esiimsies tnereror prepsrea py the City Engineer and filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of PortUnd on the 27th day of June, 1903, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and specifications for a sewer In Twenty third street from 150 feet north of Tbnrmsn street to sewer in Vaughn street, and the estimates or tne worx to ne done and tbe probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald aewer to be assessed ss nro. vided hy the city charter upon the property specisiiy penentea loereoy ana wnicn la hereby declared "to be all the lota, parte of .lota and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb the north line of Tburman stret and a line 100 feet south of snd psrsllel wltb tb at nth line of Vaughn atreet ana oeiween a line iuu reel weat or and parallel with tbe west line of Twenty-third atreet snd s Une 100 feet east of snd psrsllel with tne east une or i wenty-tnirn atreet. The Engineer's estlmste of tb probsbl totsl cost of the construction of ssld sewer is glOT.00. Tbe plans, specifications and estlmstes of the City Engineer for the construction of a aewer In said Twenty-third street are bereby adopted. Reaolved, That the Auditor of the City of Portland ba and he la hereby directed to give notice of the oropoeed construction of said sewer aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against tbe above sewer may oe niea in wriiuia; wim me unaeraignea witnin 20 days frnm tbs date of tba first publication of this notice. By order of the Conncil. THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. July 17. 1908. gon. beld on tbe ltb dar or July, 1003, tbe following reaolutlon waa adopted: Kesoivea. That tne touncii or tne city or I'ortland. Oreron. deems It expedient snd pro poses to Improve Corbett atreet from 85 feet north of the north line of tlrorer atreet to 230 feet north ef tbe north line of Graver street, iu tbe following manner, to-alt: FirstBy bringing the atreet full width wltb run intersections to the proper grsde wltb earth, grsvsl. rock, ssnd or other suitable material. Second By conatrnctlng a plank roadway run wifltn witn run interaectlona. Third By conatrnctlng 12-foot wooden aldo- walks. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordlnancea of the City ot Portland and the plans, aneclncatlona and est. mates of tbe Cltv Engineer filed In the office ef tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 14th day of July. 1903. Indoraed; "City En e-lneer'e olsns snd specifics tlons for tbo Im- provement of Corbett street from 85 feet north of the nnrth line at Grover street to 230 feet north of the north Une of Grover street snd tbs estlmstes of the work to be done and tbe prob able total cost thereof." Tbe cost of ssld improvement to be sssessed a provided by tbe city charter upon tbe prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which Is bereby declared to ne all ttje lots, parte of iota ana parce ia or isna lying witnia the ale trlct bounded and described aa follows: Com menclng at a point In the west bank of tbe Willamette River at low-water msrk where the same would be lnteraected ty tbe south Uns of Harrison street extended easterly In Its present course; thence weaterly along tbe aouth Une of Harrison street snd said extension to a point at Ita Intersection wltb tbe eaat line of Seventh atreet and thence aoutherly along the east Una of Seventh atreet to a point at ita Intersection with ths division line between Ftnlce Csrutbers and Stephen Coffin Donation Land Clalma; thence weet along such dlvlalon line between Flntce Caruthere and Stephen Coffin Donation Land Claims, to a point at Ita intersection with tbe westerly Une of block No. 38. Carntrsrs' Addition to Caruthers' Addition to the Cltv of Portland: thence aouth erly along the weat Una of aald block No. 88 Blk 1, lot 14, Jennie E Burnham Blk 1. lot 13. William E Bralnard Blk S. lot 1. Pacific Coaat Abstract Guarantee A Trust Co Blk 3. lot 2, Pacific Coast Abstract Guarantee A Truet Co Blk 8. lot 14, William C Noon Blk 8, lot 13, William C Kooa Blk 0, lot I Blk o. lot Riverside Blk 6. west Olsen ... Blk ft. wes Olsen ... Blk 5. west 100 feet lot 23, Andrew Johnson Blk 5 west 100 feet lot 24, Johnson Blk 6. west 100 feet lot 1, Bernard Blk A. west 100 feet lot 2, Anna 8 Bernard Blk 6. west 100 feet lot 23, Anna 8 Bernard : Blk . weat 100 feet lot 24. Anna Bernard Blk 7. weat 100 feet lot 1, M hsm et si Blk T, west 100 feet lot 2, M bam et si Blk 7, west 100 feet lot 23, snd Annie r Coursen Blk 7, west 100 feet lot 24, snd Annls F Coursen Blk 8, west 100 feet lot 1, snd Annre r coursen Blk 8, west 47.5 feet lot 2, snd Annla w Coursen- 18.70 tba clfic of the Auditor of 4.19 Portland on th 27th dar of June, a OO 1 "flla a.!... ...I ..ll !..-. 18.70 the Improvement pf Schuyler atreet from tbe f ,0D KrTAll- laabe Blvstr Beat. 4:05 a. BV Dally, as. kaC About S .00 a, SSv Dally ex. Friday. 42.39 A 50 4206 182.21 the Cttr of specifications and estimate, therefor prepared by I ftR LBWI8TON, Ida.. 1903. indorsed " n,7 Engineer and filed In tbe office of the I tnd way points, from wUacatloasfor Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd on tbe 27th day HI part. Waae. atessa- .L. a ... or jnne. iws. inonrsea: - cut Biiarine r i e aooaaaa ana Aersr- uiv iiiii'i uivuirui ui m-Hiiiiri a u ill i a i uaa, iu. i . . . - . , . i . - id i iota i cam tr.tr4.T.' i " . . . . . i The coat of ..Id Improvement to be aasessed !,rrh.n5 JS'JTJ,?, as provided br tb cltv rhsrter noon the oroo- ""-- Andrew Anna 8 utl caiiiiia- av , . L I . - -1 w a of East Tblrlv-flrst street and tbe weat Un of ""I V" "1 ..un". al"..:? "i ."a :"T-. . ""-"',n8 eteemere lor aiaaua, fort Arthur 41.85 tbe counts road east of Fernwood. snaoeiween . iiue "- '""; -" aaa v isaivostocg. JAXJVL rTneTooTee't uVofTad 1 wHb T. aTra. 7. ai imt no ' aouth Una of Esst Couch street. The Engineer s estlmste of tbe prooanie total the eonstrurnon ot aaia . aewer ia 1S.50 8 P Brig-'p'Brlg- Edgsr Edgsr B Edgsr B Edgar B atreet la SI. 247.00. The plans specification and estimates of tba Cltv Enalnear for the lmnrovement of aald 13.58 Scbayler street are hereby adopted. x ' Resolved, Tbst tb Auditor of the City of 14.84 Portlsnd be snd he is hereby directed to give notice of tbe oroposed lmnrovement of ssld 24.8T I street aa provided by the city charter. Remonatrsnc srstnst the above lmnrovement S1.S4 I may be filed In writing wltb the undersigned vrlthln 20 riava from tha data of the nrat ouh. 85.00 Ilea t Ion of thla notice. By order of tha Council. 103.82 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1903. INDHA8AMHA SAILS ABOUT JTSIT 83. For rates and fall In Forma rtoa can oa or aa- omciaia or ageata of the u, Ju r N. Oe, 189.48 T8.8S 27.85 Total Sl.058.00 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbs Cltr of PortUnd.' July IT, 1903. PROPOSES IMPROVEMENT OF HAJTCOCX STREET, .Notice Is hereby given thlt at tbe meetlna of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, beld on tbe 15tb day of July, 1903, tba following resolution wss sdopted: Kesolved. That tbe Council of the City of PortUnd, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- noses to Improve Hancock street from the east line of Esst Twenty-fourth street to a point 200 .feet esst or tbe esst une or the county road in tne following mannner, to-wit: f irst By grading tbe street run width with full Intersections to the proper grade. Second By constructing woooden sldewalka 12 reet in width with six-foot covering planke Third By constructing wooden crosawalka six feet In width. Said Improvement to be made In accordance wltb tbe charter snd ordinances of tha City of I'ortland ana tne puna, apecincations and estl mates of the City Engineer filed In the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on tha to a point at It. Intersection with the north. dBJr ?r Jone 1IH33. Indorsed: "City En ii . ki l. v. an r .1 a j j..i alneer s plans snd specifics tlona for th Im Ilia, Ul iui:a nu, iw, i imun-i, nuuiiiun ill - - a , - - Caruthers' Addition to the City of Portland at Pro"m!ntf Hancock atreet from the eaat line the weeterlv line of aald block No. 39: thence aoutheaaterlr In a etralxht line to a point In the south line of Flnlce Caruthere Donation Land Claim where tb aama is Intersected bv dlvlson line between sections u and JO. town ahlp 1 south, rsnge 1 esst. Willamette Meridian; uence soutneriy a long me aiviaion line netweea aectlons 9 and 10, 10 and 15. 21 and 22. town ahln 1 aonth, range 1 east, Willamette Me ridian, to the southern boundary line of the City of Portland; thence easterly along tbe southern oonnosry line or tne city or I'ortland of Esst Twenty-fourth street to a point 200 reet esst or tne esst line or the countv road. snd the estlmstes of tbe work to be -one and tne provable total cost toereor." Tbe cost of ssld Improvement to be assessed ss provided ny tne city cnarter upon the pro ertr specially benefited thereby and which hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots ana parcels or land lying between tbe esst line of East Twenty-fourth street snd .-. Una 200 feet eaat of and parallel wltb the east line of th county road, ana between a line 100 feet north to a point at Its Intersection wltb tbe western of na Parallel witb th .north line of Hancock bank of the Willamette River at low-water "t,.,', .!na l1""..100 .south of and parallel mark: thence-northerly along the weatern bank of tbe Willamette River at low-water mark to a point at Its intersection with tbe south line of Hsrrlson atreet extended easterly In Its present course, tbe same being tb place of be ginning. Tbe Engineer' estimate of the probable total coat of the Improvement of aald Corbett atreet la gio.oim.oo. The above Improvement Is to be classed ss a nlank roadwar Improvement and shall be main tained by the city for the period of five yesrs; with tbe south Hue of Hancock street, The Engineer s estimate of the probable coat or tne improvement or aaia street u go. 468.00. Tbe plana, specifications and estlmstes of the City Engineer for tbe improvement of said II.nab ....... aaaa. k. Kv . .1 .....! Resolved. That tbe Auditor ot th City ef t'ortiana ne ana ne is nereov airectea to sive notice of tbe proposed improvement of said street ss provided by tb city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve- nm loco that the nwnera of a malorltr of tha ment mar be filed In writing with tha under. property benefited by aald Improvement or any signed within 20 days from the date of the Dornon rnereoi. anaii noi in? iiiiun lor new i i,i,i,,.a ,,,,, v, ,, uviiuv. or itlfrarent lmnrovement before the' exnlratinn - Br order. of the Council. ..., naa.lnn 1 . THOS. C. DFtT the pUna, speclflcsUons snd estimates of the . Auditor ofTbe City of PortUnd. Cltv Engineer for the Improvement of aald July 17, iwh. Corbett street are nereoy adopted: Resolved, That, the Auditor of the City of enrtpnaFn mpnnw-w-v- IS w- a-it vi and be Is hereby directed to give JZZZZ PROPOSED SEWXR IN EAST TWENTY SEVENTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS. Notice la bereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, beld on- tbe 15th day of July, 1908, the following resolution waa adopted: Reaolved, That the Council .of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to construct a aewer in East Twentv. seventh snd Lawrence streets from s point 100 l err auuiu ot me awuui ijue oi oanay road to a connection with tb sewer In East Everett street, of vitrified sewer pipe, with all neces sary catchhaalns, manhole. lampbole and branches, of the following dimensions: . Of .10 inches clear Inside dlsmeter from a point 100 feet sooth of tb aouth -line of Sandy road to a point la latwrenee atreet at the south line of Logan'a Addition to. Eaat Portland; thence of 12 Inches clesr Inside dlsmeter to a connec tion with tbe aewer In Eaat Everett atreet, la accordance wltb tbe plans, specifications and ea Urns tea therefor pre pared by tb City Engl- Portland be notice of the nropoaed lmnrovement of said street ss provided by the city charter. Remonstrance sgatnst the above Improve ment may be filed in writing wltb the under signed within 20 days rrom tb date of tbe first publication or tnia notice. By order of the, Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of th City of Portland. July 17. 1903. PROPOSED OP CORBETT IMPROVEMENT STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, beld on the 15th day of July, 1003, tbe following resolution wss sdopted. Besolved, That tbe Council of the City of t'ortiana, uregon, deema it expedient ana pro poses to Improve Corbett street from 81.4 feet south of tbe aouth line of Peiuioyer atreet to 110 reet north or tne nortn line or fennoyer atreet In the following manner, -to-wlt: First By bringing the street full width with full intersections to tne proper grade wltb earth, a-ravel. rock, sand or other suitable material. Second By constructing a plank roadway full width with full Intersections. . , Third By constructing 12-foot wooden side walks. Said improvement to be made in accordance with tbe charter and ordinance of the City of PortUnd, and the plans, specifics tlons snd estlmstes of tbe City Engineer, filed In tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 14th day ot July, 1903. indoraed: "City Engineer's plans and specifications for the Improvement of Corbett street from 81.4 feet south of tbe south line of Pennoyer street to 110 feet north of tbe north line of Pennoyer street, and tbe eatlmatea of the work to be done and tbe probable totsl cost thereof." Tbe cost of said Improvement to be aa.ea.arf aa provided by tb- city charter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tba lots, parts of lots and parcels of land lying witbln- the dis trict bounded snd described ss follows: Com mencing st s point in tbe west bank of the WHUmette - River at low water mark where tbe same would be intersected bv the aonth Une of Harrison street extended.1 easterly Jn Jts present conrae: thence westerly along tbe aouth line - of Harrison street and ' aald exlenalon to a point at ita Intaraaetlon with tbe esst line of .Seventh street and thence aoutherly along the Eaat line of Secenth atreet xo a point at its intersection witn the division une net ween rinice laruiners ana Stephen Coffin donation land clalma: thence west alone eorV division line between Flnlce Carnthers ana Btepuea toma oonauoa ma claim to STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meetlna of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore- gon, beld on tbe 15th day of July, 1908, tbe following reaolutlon was adopted: Kesolved. That the Council of the Citr of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient Snd pro- osea to improve jl-bbc ciars atreet xrom ine west line of East Wster street to tbs weat line of Union svenue hy redecklng tbe road way full wldtb wltb run Intersections and re placing stringers where necessary and repairing bents. In accordance with the City engineer's plans, apecincations ana estimatea. Said improvement to be made In accordance wltb tbe charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland and the plana, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer filed In the office of the. Auditor or tbe t:ity or I'ortland on th 20th day of June. 1003, indorsed: "City Engineer's plans Snd specification for tbe Improvement of Kaat Stsrk street from the west Un of Eaat water street xo mo west line or union Avenue, snd the estimates of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof." The cost of said Improvement to be assessed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet weat of and psrsllel with tbe west line of Esst Water atreet and the west Une of Union areune and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb the .north line of Eaat Stark .treat and a line 100 feet aouth ef and parallel wltb tpo sonm une or e.hhc atari street. : Tbe Engineer's estlmste of the nrnhshl total cost for th Improvement of said .treeet ia 14.488.00, 1 , The .bore improvement Is to be claaaed a. an elevated roadway and aball be maintain- by the city for the period of three yeare. pro vided that the ownera of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a Dew or different Improvement before tha exnlratinn t auch period. . - The plans, epeelflcation and estimates of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of (aid East Stark street are bereby adopted. Reaolved. That the Andltor of the City of Portland be and be Is hereby directed to alva notice of the proposed Improvement of said atreet aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment mnv be filed la writing with tha nmk. signed witbln 20 daya from th data of tb first pubUcation of tbls notice. . aj oraer oi ins council. , THOS. C. DBVLIN, , - . '.. Hitb clt' ' PortUngV Jul IT, 1903, . - - - , mat for S720.00. Tbe plana, specification and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for th ronetroetlon of a aewer In aald Eaat Couch atreet are bereby adopted. Reaolved. That tbe Andltor of the City of Portland, Oregon, be and ba la nereoy airectea to give notice of the proposed construction of ssld sewer ss provided by tbe city cnarter, Remonatrance agalnat tbe above aewer may be filed In writing wltb tb undersigned within 20 days from th dste ot th first pubUcstlon of tbls notice. By order of the . Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor ot tb City of Portland, July IT, 1903. PROPOSALS rOB 900 TAOS. Sealed DrnDoaala will be received at tb office of tbe Auditor of th City of Portland until 2 PROPOSES IMPROVEMENT OP WIIDLIR STREET. , . Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of th Cltr of Portland. Ore- ?oa, beld oo tb lftth day of July, 1903, tb ollowlna resolution wss sdopted: Resolved. Thst the Council of th City of o'clock P. M.. Monday. July 27th. 1908. for tb fortland, uregon, deems It expedient ana pro-1 furnlehlng of two t-ouasnd three hundred pose to Improve Weldler .treat from the cen- 12.300) dog tag. ter line of East Twenty-eighth street to the Sample taga can be seen at the ofOe of the west line or or cssr. -j mriy-nrsr. street in ue Asilltor. following manner, to-wlt: The right to reject any or all blda la bereby lrst ny grading in srreei iuu wiam wita reservea. full intersections to proper grade. I By order of tbe Executive Board. V second uy constructing siaewsiks ten reet THUS. C PEVLln, wide wltb six-foot covering pUnks and wooden curba. Third By conatrnctlng wooden crosswalks six feet In width. Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland and tba plana, apeclfleatlons and eatl matea of the City Engineer filed In the office of tha Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd on tba 27tb day of June, 1903, Indorsed: "City En aineer's olsns snd speciflcstlops for the im provement of Weldler street from tb center Un of .Esst Twenty-eighth street to tb Weat Une of East Tblrty-flrat atreet. and tbe eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and the' probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost of said Improvement to be sssessed ss provided by tbe city charter upon the pro ertv sneclsllr benefited therebv and which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and parcela of Und lying between the east Un of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and the weat Una of Eaat Thirty-orst street ana oetween a line, 100 feet nortn or ana parallel with toe north line of Weldler atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel wltb the south line of Weldler street. ...... Tbe olsns. apeclfleatlons and eatlmatea of tbe VI ty Engineer for the Improvement of eaU Weldler atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland. Oregon. 1e and he is hereby directel to give notice of tbe proposed improvement of ssld street aa provided hr the cltr charter. The Englneer'a eatlmate of th probable total coat for th Improvement, of laid street la Sl.H72.tKT. Itomonstran.ee agalnat the above Improve ment may oe niea in writing witn tne under signed witbln 20 days from the date of tbe first publication of - this notice. tsr order or tne touncii. THOS. C. DBVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1903. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, - July 20. 1903. BAILR0AD TJJIETABLES. PROPOSES IMPROVEMENT Or EAST MAR KET STREET. 4s-berehr given thst at th meetlna of tb council or tbe city or i'ortland. ure- ?on, held on tbe loth day or July, lpos, the ollowlng resolution was adopted: Resolved. Tbst the Council of the City of Portlsnd. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro poses to improve East Msrket street from th west line of East Third street to the west Un of Bast Twelfth street In tbs following man ner to-wlt: First Br grading tbe atreet full width with Intersections to tbe proper sub-grsde. Second By bringing the surface of the street full width wltb full interaectlona to proper grade With upland bank gravel. Third By constructing artinciai stone side walks. Fourth Byl constructing stone curbs. Fifth By 'constructing wooden crosswalks six feet in width. Snld improvement to be made in accordance with tbe charter and ordlnancea of tba City of Portland and tbe plana, apeciflcatlona and eatl matea of tbe City Ensrineer filed In the office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 25th- dar of June. 1903. Indoraed: "Citr Kn. gglneer's plans snd specifications for the im provement ef East Market street from the west lne of Eaat Third street to the west Una of East Twelfth street and the estimates of the work to be dope aod the probable total cost toereor. Tbo cost of said lmnrovement to be assessed as provided by the city charter anon the nrnn. ertr apeclally benefited therebr and which . I. nerepy aeciarea to oe an tne lots, psrts of lots and psrceU of land lying between allne luO feet west of and parallel wltb the west line' of r;asr intra street ana ine west line of Esst Twelfth street and between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with th north of Eaat Market street and a line 100 reet aonth of and parallel wltb the south line ,of East Market street Tb Englneer'a estimate of the probable total coat of tba Improvement of aald atreet is xin. 287.00. . . Tbe above Improvement Is to be classed a. a gravel improvement and bU be malutalned v tne city ror tne period of four years, pro lded, tbst the owners of a malorltv of tha property benefited br aaM Imnrovemant ahaii not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of auch period, Tbe Plans, specifications snd eatlma taa nr tha City Engineer for tbe improvement of Eaat Market atreet ar hereby adopted. iteaoivea. vTnat toe Auditor or the City of Portland- be and Be -la berebr directed in eta. notice of tbe proposed improvement of aald sn-eec .mm pronuca oj xne city cnarter, Remonatrance against . tbe above Improve ment may be filed In writing with th under aignad witbln 20 day from tb data af tba first publication of this notice. . , By order of tbe Council. - v ,, v ', THOS. C. DEVLIN, . t , ; Auditor of Um City of PortUodr W tWt BtBT Of -VtWVTMINQ 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO via the 0. & R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Iu.e, Union Pacific and Two trains' a day, with throngh Pullman drawing-room Bleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). -ruff if affc 'N,!IrSPECIll connects at Granger with the famons - Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. fie tar your tickets read over tht Chicago & North-Weston. ,. , A. 0. ARKEH, Qini Aot. 0. & N-W. HV IU THIHD T PORTLAND, OKkV EAST via. SOUTH efX ISif sOHsIT. 11 I W0CMN.SPlArJ I slOt BOOT I S OI tMa. av 10 a. as. 1140 p. a. trxnoif Biro?.- OVEH.jLa.ND KXPRESJll trains, for Bale a. &os-l .' bars. ' -ah Land Ha -aj - awnto, Ogden. ftaa rraa-ira a. sa. Cisco, alolavs, Los Aa-I , ai raso, nw w tana ana tbe Eaat. , At Woodbura dally teacept Sunday). moroJ Ing train for ML Aa- gel, Bllvertois Browne-I rill, Springfield, WeacU ung sna C) a trot- Albs ny paaaenger, con- sects at Wooovra wltb aft. Angel aad 611vr- ton local. Corrallla passenger j Sbaridaa passenger I i.lO a. at A B too p, as. III JB a. ta Sally. HDally eacept Bandar. Krtlaad-Oawago aVWbaa tWvioe aad TaasblU .DlVUlOa. Depot reet of JsfTsrsoa Btraet. Leave Portlsnd dsllv for Osween t -fin a w... 11:60, 2.00, Cats, 6M, 0:25, 8:80, 10:10 p. m. Taatlw . v . baA..I a . DA a.ao . lA.ia I ym ii.niaf v.w. .av, V.OV, AV.AW a. m. 4.00. 11:0 p. m. "Sunday only. $m I. HetumlnsT from Osweavt. aretva Pn ri.lta -.80 a. m.; 1:60, S:00, 4:80, 0:18, IM, t.aS, 11:10 p. m. Dally (eieept Sanday) 6:25, 1:30. illO, 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Except Moaday,. JIJ a. ax Sunday only, IttOO aa m. Leave from aama depot for Dallaa and latse Mdlate points dallv (imd( Sundavl 4:00 &. aa- Arrive PortUnd 10:20 a. m. Tb Independeoce-aionaioatb' Motor Lin para tee - dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, con necting with Southern Pacific Company 'a track at -Dallaa and Independence. - First-class rebate ticket on sale from Port. land to Sacramento and Saa Kranclaco. Net ' rate 117.60. berth 5; aeoond-eUai far I IS. : wirnouc reoaio or aari aaoona-ciaaa na. I . m 2.60. f Tickets to Eaatern points and Europe, fjmm V afapan, China, Honolulu and Ana trails. Jf 1 City Ticket Offce corner Third and . WaahlnL I tea atraeta. Phone, Mala f 12. X I C. W. BTIN0EB, W. K. COsTAN.C' I ur xicaet Agn uaa. res. vgt. I .iff TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND i BALTIMORE f OHIO R. R I aaaaaaaaaag 'aassBJMaBa AlXf TRAINS VIA"VVASHINGTON Puaet Sound Limited, for , Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and Gray'a Earbor pointa. . North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Iiutte. St. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago, New I ora, una ton ana point Kaat and Bournes sc. Twin-City Express, for Tacoma. Seattle, Sno- sane, tieiena, Bt. rani, Minneapolis Chics so. New ork, Boston and all points East aad Southeast. Pnget , Sound Kansas Clt--St. Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Outte, Billings, Dcnven, Omaha, Kgnsss City. St. Louis and all point Boat and South east. . . , Depart. t:80 a. m. 8:00 p. at. 11:48 p, 8:80 a. n. Arrives. B:J0 p, as. T:M a, m. V T:00 , aaJ'Wl "'':',vf.'.- ' AH trains branch. dally except en Sonth A. D. CHARLTOn, 4 ' . ,, -.aiaieiu eeoeral passenger Agent. 825 UorrisoB B.t. corner Third. Portland, Og, 1 i v . , , Astoria-& Columbia . Riyer Railroad Co. ' r ' Learea. CNI0JT DEPOT. Arrive. -:' ' ' ' ' "' :' e ' - v ' J?1". "V er. Balnler, Patty. Clstskaaie. Westpart g-oo a -mm.- CUfto. Aetorla., . War. m.ja . ftaiia " to"0 Plaval, Ham. u,,ofc r "IT. mond Port Stevens. 2:80. p. ov Bearhart Park, Seaaida, Sat. only, Astoria '- and Meaabor . ' ' ; Expreaa, Dtlly, f tOO ri aa. ' ' f aaaaw a am.. AsJWjrit, ITA I. L. IsXTHS, Oomnrisil aifoat. IW AltM tt a) W jr a. .1. ft a r. - V