TTIE OREGON DAILY JOITHNAIj, POJITLAXD, TUESDAY EVENING, JffLY 21, 1003. ' -1 COAST ENJOYING GREAT GROWTH IS DUBLIN THEIR 1 i A WEALTHY CITY I MAJESTIES I i v GOLDENDALE RECEIVES From British Columbia to California Are Signs of the Rapid Onward Move of Fa vored Western Empire r if? I h i ! t Ths sntlrs Pacific Coaat is njoylng a period of unusual prosperity and the cltls of tha Northwest are at the top of tha notch of rood times. Portland la anions: tha foremost of the favored Western centers that ax alowly but surely drawing; Immigration from the the Atlantic Slope and develop' na- the re sources of tha surrounding '(atea. That soma Idea of the prosperity of Pacific Coaat cltlea la herewith afforded readers of The Journal. Corespondents of thla paper were requested to secure from tha best financial authorities tha exact status of the bualneaa of our ala ter Coast cities. The business atandlnn of Coaat cltlea waa carefully Invest! rated with the following composite re sult: Portlaad ud Oraffon. General business largely better than - during same period of last year. Better showing among retail establlahmenta; .". wholesale business of steady growth and is sow taking In a wider area of trade; good prospects, for extended trade with the Orient. Real estate strong, would )iare been very active had not there been determination on the part of property owners to wait till all labor troubles set " tied. At present there Is much better feeling between labor and capital than existed alx months ago and the neat Spring aeason will ahow great Increase In Improvements. Banks show Increased deposits and all Investments are of a healthy character. The growth of tha city la noticeable and substantial in vestments by outside capital are being made. Largely Increased investment of Portland money In enterprises thst will help the city; very few Idle people and a ery small percentage of poverty. Com merce strong with an upward tendency. ' Growing Interest is being shown in the proposed Lewis and Clark Fair and no , longer la there any fear of a relapse af ter the exposition Is over. Conaevattve men say that the advance In real estate will be greater after than before the fair, as outsiders will have had a chance . . to look over the ground and to locate In Oregon. Man Vraaotsoo. General bualneas conditions good In . almoct every branch, particularly real estate. More building Is going on than at any time In the history of the city. .'Very little trouble with labor. Com merce heavy. Bank clearings for the Wrtk show per cent Increase over last year, with a total of 130,000,000. As evidence of the prosperity of the people no trouble to raise $25,000 or $30,000 for different entertainments of a public character. No apparent evidence of in flation or of boom conditions. Banks, . especially savings, have ltfbreaslng to- ' tals of deposits. Less business of purely speculative nature Is now being carried - on and conservative metnoas oDiain Seattle, Wash. Business conditions excellent City Increasing In population and exports and ' Imports noticeably larger than during samo period or last year, wun me ex ception probably of goods to and from Alaska. Real estate strong, with steady upward move and building contracts still applied for in large numbers. Municipal service improved; Eastern ar rivals show Inclination to remain and Invest. Manufacturing largely aug mented by additions to various plants. Few Idle men among skilled labor. Orl- ente.1 business growing rapidly and good prospect for renewal of the trade with Alaska on big' scale again, as further gold discoveries of value have been mode In northern districts. Banks have Increased deposits and And strong In vestments for loans. General conditions In retail markets could not be better. Clonal and Farmers and Merchants Bank with gross combined resourcea of 118. 000,000. Bank clearances continue to show Increases over year before. Last week clearances were II. 677. 440 In ex cess of the corresponding week of the year before. Labor troubles have done little damage exrept to delay somewhat the erection of the tall steel buildings. Tho completion of the deal of the Clark road for the Oregon Short Line is con ntdered of much Importance to this sec tion. Financial and commercial Inter eats declare conditions in Southern Call fornia never were better. Resources of the Country In Southern Washington Offer Splendid Return for New Rail road Line. When Columbia River & North ern Reaches the Timber Line Rich Rewards Are Sure to Followi Gala Day in Ireland Over the Occasion of King Edward's First Visit to the Emerald Isle Since Ascending Throne VICTORIA. B. C. July II. The moat aallent feature of the whole commerclej and Industrial situation In British Co lumbla lies in (he relatione of capital and labor. These conditions have af fected Victoria and Vancouver Island perhaps aa much aa any part of the Province. The coal mines closing down have temporarily wiped out the coal carrying trade and shut off the supply of coke for the Crofton smelters, and in duced the shipment of coal from Japan which aerlously threatened to divert that whole trade Into channela from which It would be difficult to rescue It. The ap polntment of a royal commission by the Dominion governmont resulted In the conclusion of the commissioners that the strikes were fomented by outsiders' and that legislation is necessary to prevent thla in the future. Ladyamlth, where hundreds of men have been Idle for two montha, la again hive of Industry. The Crofton amelters are again recelv ing a supply of coke and opening on a larger scale than ever. The same is true of the Ladysmith smelter. The Mount Sicker mines which have been In litigation is again, shipping fronr the Lenora mine. The building trade is active owing to the settlement of the strike, while half million dollars will be spent on the Canadian Pacific railroad hotel and a number of other big enterprises which are to be put through this fall. Min ing all over tha island is very active. Clearances are strong and steadily Increasing. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. July 11. The dullness usual to the summer In this city Is not noticeable this sianon, the Indus trial and financial conditions remaining exceedingly good. The fact that build ing operations keep up has much to do with the industrial energy . for all mills making building material are rushed to their full capacity. Financial circles discuss with interest the pending nego tiations for merging of the First Na- TACOMA. July SI. Commercially, Ta- coma has had a wonderful growth. Dur ing the year 1802, 890 deep sea vessels passed out of Commencement Bay. car rying exports valued at $I7,8R6.800. and there came In 8X8 ships brtyiglng car goes valued at tl2.S44.865. Roughly estimated there are 8,000 men now employed In the various manufact uring establishments of Tacoma, the output of the factories being in the neighborhood of $30,000,000 annually and the payroll $(,000,000. Bank clearances for 190S were $74, 568,330. an increase over the preceding year of $15,000,000. For the first half of the present year the clearances amounted to over $49,000,000, showing a gain of over $18,000,090 over the same period of 1902. ' ' " " The real estate market in Tacoma has been busy since the first of the year and bulldlrg is going on all over the city During tha year 1902 the building initl ated amounted to $1,027,000. and during the first half of the present year the buildings for which permits were granted were estimated at $955,000. Tacoma is a strong labor town, the various labor organizations of the city enrolling a large perceatage of the men employed in the various trades about the city, and in most Instances all the employes In certain lines of work are union men. Serious labor troubles have been lacking In the history of the city, as wages paid here compare favorably with those In other cities, the employes of the mills and factories who make up a large portion of Tacoma's population are happy and contented. Tacoma prides herself on being a good "home town and some of the homes in the city are the handsomest in the Northwest. She has a school population of nearly 13,000, a well equipped school system with 22 public school buildings, besides 22 colleges, denominational schools and other educational Institu tions. (Journal Special Service.) GOLDENDALE, Wash.. July 21. A close estimate of the industrial products of Uie Klickitat Valley gives the follow ing figures as showing what are the possibilities of tonnage for the newly completed Columbia River at Railway: Sheep Owned and grased In country (Journal Special Service.) DUBLIN. July Si. The arrival .of their majesties at Kingston today and their subsequent state entry Into Dub lin was made the occasion for brilliant ceremony. Particularly interesting was the ceremony at the city limits, where an ancient gate and castle towers had bten reproduced. On the city side of the gate were the Lord Mayor and Coun cil In their scarlet robes, the mace bearers In blue and silver and several Northern hundreds of representative cltisens of Dublin, who were provided with aeata on stands. Several crack regiment a contiguous to Ooldendale, 260,000; ei- lined the road aa a guard or honor, clualvely dependent on Ooldendale for while behind them were cordons of po- subslstence, 100,000. The other 160.000 lice and militia. are now mostly included In Yakima's The royal yacht wfcs sighted off King trade, on account of alleged advantages ston at 8:30 this morning. Heavy rain poaaeaaed by that town by reason of waa falling but crowds began to gather superior marketing facilities and alleged four hourk before the arrival of the better demand In the Bound cities than royal barge, which touched shore at 11 in Portland. o'clock and a coincidence was that at Wool These sheep represent a 1.000,- that Instant the sun broke through the 000-pound wool clip actually available clouds. The King haa cancelled the gala now. The clip from the other 160,000 performance at the Theatre Royal Frl sheep, or 1,600,000 pounda, will be avail- day, as a mark of respect to the dead abla when market and shipping facilities Pope. combine to attract It to this point to Always personally popular with the Lyle or to some other town on this road. Irish, King Edward was to receive a Horses--Probebly 20,000 are tributary warm welcome on the occasion of this. to this towrt and the valley. his first visit to the Emerald Isle since Cattle Not less than 26,000 tributary I he ascended the throne. Shortly before to the valley towna. the arrival of the royal party the pur- Hoga Now about 6.000 raised. sulvant-at-arms, wearing a gorgeous Lumber Fifteen amall mills are now cape of royal heraldry, galloped up to operating, cutting on an average 16,000 the Lord Mayor and asked permission feet dally, running seven months In the year, and cutting In all not less than 30,000.000 to 60.000.000 feet annually. I the Slmcoe Mountains Is an enormous quantity of yellow pine, of especially high commercial and manufacturing value, susceptible of development Into a lumber industry of great proportions. Lumber has never heretofore had trans portation outlet, but under the Impetus of the new road the lumber Interests are expected to expand rapidly and grow In a very few years Into something considerable. laminar of Talnea. Theae producta represent, according to conservative estimates: Sheep exclusive to this valley. .$ 250,000 Horses ........ 260,000 Cattle 600,000 Wool 100.000 Lumber 800,000 for the entrance of the King and Queen. Gravely and In quaintly worded terms Of courtesy the Lord Mayor granted the request. Back galloped 'the pursuivant- at-arms, the gate banging behind him, the whole scene being a counterpart of a Sixteenth Century play. Then from the ramparts of the gate came a fanfare of trumpets. The royal party was In sight. Out upon a scarlet cloth steppd Lord Mayor Harrington and the members of the Municipal Cor poration, the same who had refused to vote the King an address of welcome. Their robes glowed in the sun shine and their wands and maces flashed brilliantly. The gate was swung open and In rode the advance guard or the royal cortege. A squad of Life Guards preceded the royal carriage and their brilliant unlforma evoked loud applause from the spectators. The flrat car riages contained the home secretary and- other members of the King's party, ac companied by members of the court and attended by mounted equerries. Finally, amid almost perfect silence, save for the echo of cheers and cries of "God save the King," from outside the city limits came the royal couple. During the five minutes when the King was oc cupied with the ceremonfcs at the gate there was scarcely a lull in the loud cheering of the crowds. Frequently his majesty nodded. In fact, he scarcely ceased nodding during the en tire nine-mile drive through the streets of Dublin to the Castle. . sifts MADE BY THE BEST WORKMEN FROM THE HEPPNER PEOPLE ARE REBUILDING Damage Done by Recent Flood Is Being Repaired by the Hands of Willing Workers- Contracts Let, TOWN OF SANDY GROWING FAST Country Surrounding This ti r.iii. -j. n' i inriving deuiemeni men in Timber, Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, flailfead-ls Heading that -Way and Immense Water Power to Be Developed and Turned to Electricity, SANDY, Or.. July 21. Although not by any means the largest city In the State of Oregon, Sandy, located 26 miles southeast from Portland Is one of the most Important business centers of Its size In America today. It Is tne center of a splendid agricultural district and at Its two general merchandise' stores thou sands of dollars' worth of business Is transacted every month, while at Its duet of hostelries the best people In the Northwest find rest, food and shelter. That the residents of Sandy are not tt the "wild and wooly" typo Is at ' tested by the fact that two handsome churches have been erected and their congregatlans are both large and con ' stant In their attendance. The relig ious denominations represented are Catholic and . Evangelist Lutheran. Be . aides a number of costly and comfort able residences. Sandy nnmoeri on ita list of buildings and business pursuits ,a blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, ma chine shop, soda water manufactory and the usual member of dental and doctors' offlces. us wall as . attorneys and other professional men. And for those who seek liquid amusement there are two saloons, while two well-equipped public . halls and two parks offer pleasure at . tractions such as are seldom found In " . places of many times the population of 7 Sandy. It has been noted by many that all things la Sandy appear to run by twos, and those Interested In the future of the town do not hesitate to carry out . the simile and ray this proves the place to be too Important to long remain In even' comparative . ebcurtty, , and that -., within a abort time It will be two times as large as jsany other settlements , which now affect to look down upon It, Among the most important Industries centered about the town of Sandy la that of drying fruit, a large plant being located here, and a strong force of fruit pickers and packers being employed for a consiaeraDie portion or the year. Kailroad Is Coming. Although at present equipped with telephone, telegraph and all other mod ern conveniences, Sandy has not as yet direct railroad connection with out side points. It being necessary at the present lime ror rrelght to be teamed to Boring, five and one-half miles away, where the line of the Oregon Water Power & Railroad Company now ex tends. In spite of this fact, however, Sandy Is now the distributing point for three mall routes and seven postofflces, while rural delivery of maH a-soorr to be established between Boring and this place. Passenger travel is rendered easy by the operation of a competent stage route operated to Boring, making four trips dally. The Immense water power which can be controlled and converted into elec tricity for distribution over a wide area when Sandy Falls are harnessed and made to operate the proper machinery has already attracted wide notice, and it is expected that within a short time a line of railroad will be extended here for the purpose of facilitating In this work. Surrounding Sandy there Is a heavily timbered district and within a radius of five miles there are 11 sawmills con stantly at work, several hundred men being employed. Their . product, which Is mostly railroad ties, is hauled to Troutdale, 15 miles .away. Boil Is Productive. When cleared of Its standing timber the soli around Sandy is most fertile and excellent crops of all cereal and vegetable products as well as fruits are grown for the planting. The dalry Ing business Is also profitable and grow lng. There are also mines in tnls vicinity. the North Star property on . Chemy Creek being rich in quarts, heavily loaded with gold. Ten years ago this section of Oregon was practically A wilderness, but the rapid development of the Pacific North west has found both opportunity and remuneration here, and the result has been -most noticeable. Where the vir gin forest stood within the present de cade there have sprung up homes and the throb of world-reachlffg commerce Is heard where only the silence of human absence reigned before. Sandy Is a shining examDle of what the hand of man haa wrought aa well as a speaking phophet. detailing the im mense possibilities of the future, offer ing opportunity' for settlement. Invest ment and home building. Total , $1,400,000 Oolden dale's Growth This village is accomplishing a won derful, growth that when told of sounds like,' the stories of the springing up of mining camps under the stimulation of great excitement. During the past year 150 houses have been built. Thla means that not less than 600 to 600 people have come In, for all these new houses are occupied, and the two excellent hotels re crowded with transients. A year ago there were In Ooldendale 000 people. Today there are 1,600 at the very least. A year from now It Is expected there will be 2,600, for build ings are going up on every hand mills and industries and dwellings. Ooldendale seems to be on the eve of a forward movement that will force It among the best Interior towns of the Northwest. It is already referred to by Harvest Is On and There Are In dications that Crop Returns Will Be Better Than Had Been Expected, (Journal Special Service.) HEPPNER, July 21. Business here Is once more assuming normal conditions. and it Is remarkable how well every thing is holding up. There is no notice able difference in the volume of bust ness since before the flood. The work of building is going right ahead. There are plenty of workmen and a good supply of lumber and build ing material, a good portion of the lum ber and material coming from fortlana. Contracta have already been let for A V.. . MUm A miner (k. HlillMfnva commercial travelers as one of the, best to be erected wlli be a BUbstantial store business building, and a church to cost for its slxe In the country, and It Is credited with unusually high sales of goods In proportion to Its population, on account of the Immense country that Is tributary. To Extend Kallroad. The Columbia River & Northern will be extended, too. and will further develop tne KlicKiiai valley, it will In time go $4,000. Outside of the new buildings a great many dwellings that were wrecked and damaged are being repaired for oc cupancy, One great feature In helping to re store confidence here and place the peo ple in good spirits Is the encouraging outlook at the Willow creeK coal mines. to the Slmcoe Mountaina. and stimulate These mines, located In the Willow Creek me mraucr inuusiry, wnicn. wun aoe-fbaBln 20 miles southeast from Heppner, quate transportation facilities, will be- of wnlch i,ttIe nas been said previously. come impomni k ine racmc uoast and ftre now coming to the front, and while umiib iiin jutu uivu me prouucii reports have always been favor- or many modern sawmills. The supply able the indications are now more en of fine yellow pine is Immense, and will COUraging than ever before. Tunnels not be exhausted for many years to are belnR. opened by a competent engl- nAAt anrl a 'nlilfihlA mPflHIirA of hlffh- An incident occurred during the base- quality bituminous coal Is being uncov- come. ball game on last Saturday that may be of Interest to Portlandera. The game was between Goldendale and Vancouver Barracks. The Ooldendale people yelled for Ooldendale, and, to even up matters somewhat, the 40 visitors from Portland and the 24 from The Dalles yelled for the bluecoats. A woman aat near the Portland delegation, and when another generous-hearted Ooldendale woman cheered the soldiers, she was rebuked by her companion In these words: . "You ought to be ashamed of your self! Yelling for those fellows from the barracks! And do you know that those men from Portland are yelling for Van couver? I am going to make my hus band drive his sheep to Yakima to pay them for that!" The husband turned to the woman and replied: "I'd do .that anyway, because I can do better over there than I can If I get In touch' with the Portland livestock market." Yakima Vrloes. This man was spotted and later queried concerning his assertion. He answered the query: 'Yes, I can do better over In Yakima. J More Eastern buyers are there, and the Sound cities offer better market faclll- les for my stuff. I would as soon do business through Portland, but I cannot do so well If I do, hence my sheep busi ness goes to Seattle and Tacoma." Further investigation reveals that there is much truth in the assertion of the Goldendale sheep raiser. Yakima gets a large portion of the business from a surplus of 150.000 sheep with their 500.000 pounds of wool, and also the benefit of other lines of Industrial ac tivity, that might be divided or prac tically monopolized by Portland Inter ests, or by those that would do business from here for Eastern houses. That the C. R. & N. will cure many Of these commercial evils Is apparent from a close scrutiny of the situation. The curative process has begun, and will he accep.Uiated by the new tariff effective on July 25,. String snlnd. beans make an acceptable No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine and spend hours soaking,! sweetening; fluvoring ana coloring when produces better results In two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot water and set to cool. It's perfection. A sur prise to the housewife. Ho trouble, less ex pense. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fla vors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Hasp. Cerry, At growers. lOo. ered. The prospecting period Is now over, and all of the work Is of a perma nent nature for the operation of ex tensive mining. To Begin Mining. The first actual mining from a com mercial standpoint will be commenced by the middle of this week. The intention on the start is to only supply the local demand on account of Inadequate transportation faculties, coal bunkers with capacity or 45 tons are now completed. A steel track for coal cars In tunnel 'known as No. 6, la about comDleted. The seam of coal from which the local demand will be sup piled has been uncovered at a depth of 180 feet. Heppner's fuel supply for this winter will be principally Blue Mountain coal, which will be transported by freight wagons Negotiations for a railroad to 'these mines are still under way, and people who claim to be on the Inside predict that a railroad will be started before the end of the summer season. Oood Oraalt Specimens, Wlllard Herren, who came in from the Willow Creek basin, brought in some beautiful specimens of mottled granite The stone Is very hard, takes a high pol ish, and as there Is an Immense ledge, this stone, the existence of which was not previously, known, will some day be valuable for building and ornarrfental purposes. This Is the huckleberry season in the Blue Mountains. Tle crop is greater than for years. The rush for this ex cellent fruit between the Slwash, the paleface and the bears will soon be on with bruin a little In the lead. The Blue Mountains produce five different varie ties of huckleberries, and the flavor Is unexcelled. Thousands of gallons will be gathered during the season, which lasts abotrt a month. There is no excuse for Idle men in Morrow County now. Good hands are in demand, but there is no great scarcity of laboring men in the harvest fields. The .heading of wheat In the northern portion of the county Is well under way, j and before another week passes harvest will be general all over the county. While Morrow County's wheat crop will be short, lale reports Indicate that the yield will be much better than placed by former estimates. The straw Is short, but wheat Is well headed and well filled, caused by ,the late rains. No threshing has yet - been done, but con servative estimates place the yield at from 60 to 76 per cent of an average crop. The quality will be fully up to. If not better, than the usual average. (Journal Special Service.) COTTAGE GROVE. Or., July 21. Bit ten by a dog and with symptoms of hydrophobia manifested, Mrs. Kate Hunt was compelled t He still in bed and could not even see her little daughter. Jennie Hunt, who died in terrible agony as the result of an attack of appendi citis. The girl was 12 years of age. The attack of appendicitis came sud denly and nothing that could be done smed to afford the little sufferer re lief. Mrs. Hunt is in a dangerous con dition and requires constant attention. Jones & Phillips are rapidly pushing arrangements to begin work on the large brick building they will erect at Main and Fourth streets. The building will be 60x90 feet and will contain three store rooms on the lower floor, with lodge rooms and office rooms on the up per floor. The lodge room has already been leased by the Woodmen of the World and the store rooms have been en gaged by local merchants. M. L. France has purchased the Inter est of Martin In the furniture business of Martin & Gowdy. Mr. France has until recently been engaged with the Southern Pacific Company at this -place s night operator. Local capitalists are arranging to or ganize another national bank here. . J. Jones is at the bead of the move ment. SOUTHERN OREGON MINING Great .Enterprise Wow .Under .Way- Construction of Big Bivar Sam. , (Journal Special Service.) GRANT'S PASS, July 21. The biggest undertakings, and the greatest, enter prises under way at the present time In a mining way in Southern Oregon, is the construction of the power dam at the Dry Diggings, three miles above Orant's Pass, by the Golden Drift Mining Com pany, and the construction of a similar structure at Tolo by the. Condor Water & Power Company. Each of these dams re gigantic undertakings. They were begun last year and will be completed this Summer. The Condor Company, un der the management of Dr. C. R. Ray, as a force of 100 men at work. This dam will not only generate some 6000 horse-power, but will also dlveVt a goodly amount of water from the Rogue Into a mammoth ditch to irrigate the arid lands of that region. The Golden Drift Company have a big force of men at work, under the man agement of M. C. Ament, the big struc ture Is rapidly taking form. Like the dam at Tolo, this one will furnish power ror mining ana manufacturing purposes, and will irrigate a vast part of Rogue River Valley surrounding Grant's Pass. This eompany will derive over 6000 horse-power from their dam, which will raise the water of the Rogue to a height Of 20 feet. They will put In a battery of turomes and pumps to force water to their giants in the Dry Diggings Dlacers. In this way they will be able to operate continually the whole year through. Grant' Pass Wins. GRANT'S PASS. July 21. The Grant's Pass baseball nine returned home yester day morning from Ashland where they met the team, of the latter place In a contest for the championship of South ern Oregon the day before. The Orlnt's Pass nine won, with a score of 5 to 2. It was the most hotly contested ram played in Southern Oregon this season. Not a score was made after the second inning. The star plajer was Welch, of tne (irant s Pass nine. He Is considered the best pitcher that ever tossed a ball on a Southern Oregon diamond. Potatoes, augratln are simply nota- toes cut, mixed In cream sauce, baked n tho oven and served in the dish In which they are cooked. USB OITBB TOn FXX.E8. Itching piles produce moisture and cause itching, this form, aa well as Blind. Bleeding or Protudtng Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. lOo a jar, at druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write me about your case, Dr. Bosanke, Phil's Pa, Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. WinsWs Soothing Syrup Ass been aaed for over SIXTY Y8ARS by am, UONS of MOTBHR3 for their CHIXDKBM WWW TBBTKINO, With PERFECT 8CCCKS& R SOOTHES the CHILD, 80FTENS the OtTatS, aiXAYS all PAJIf i CUXES WINS COLIC, and Is tbaJbest remedy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by Dmggurtj la erery pert of the world. Be son tad ask for "Mrs. Winstow's Soothing 8yr ad takes ether kia& Twatr-nvctsgbetd(i BEST MATERIAL WITH THE SHE DID NOT SEE HER DYING CHILD BEST MACHINERY Cottage Grove Mother Threat ened with Hydrophobia; Daughter Passes Away Fleischner, Mayer Go. MAKERS It's Easy to Trace the WHOLESOME GOODNESS or SHIELD BRAND Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard The use of Shield Brand Goods insures good health to all who consume them. Made from Oregon wheat-fed hogs and government in spected. For sale by all first-class grocers. UNION MEAT CO. I rAslitsTiAsiiilslAsTiiisiAAAslil ifcsfcAAA--- bl si sl a a a.a a 7 rTx r t TT TVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI WHEN YOU SEE THIS LABEL IN GREEN AND GOLD ON A BOX OF CIOARS. IT IS A GUARANTEE THAT YOU ARE GETTING arcia Known wherever fine cigars are sold. FOR SALE AT ALL DEALERS. SIQ SICHEL & CO., Sole Agents i t i J-.