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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1903)
TOE ' OTIEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY-EVENING. JULY 18, 1003. 0 TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD. . . i ;" t ' ''! ! I . ' , - .; - . ' It . - i . ....... .. i OREGON 3 :v 'SPOOL m SELLING errlM. Mt ' ante. tl.1B09.OOi btaekeasa.' JlTBtildoi Lo,rsubsrrlss, par erste, ..00) j ' VSGETABLeS Turnips, 11.00 sack) esrrots, 81.50: bMta, $1.00 Ssr ssckl radish, 13 HO ite do,; esbbsis. Oregon, lttle,lb; frf- CHICAGO MEAT m ' - ,.,,'- .1 I SQUsnsa, 63.0 Sale of. 1 ,000 Bales Yesterday by VarioiS.Members for Unfe; if. ' j'' oL ' i. x a 4 r r x I Frshea, 804 lb) flss, California Tla-ks, C tnce. bnl loo wr doe! hothouse. 11.55 kl rrses MDMn. SOe lb: horaaradlab. Be ro: eelsry. 11.00 per doi; baana. atrlng, yellow, 8W&C 4b; green, OffOo lb; aaparagua, '62.00 36-tb boil rnanarb, w lb; tometoae, Mississippi, .fl.boa 1.7ft: Callfornls, pw box, 81.60: Oregon, 12 00; hotksnse, 63.00) parsnips. fl.TS; paaa, to i.nurci.zo oer Bas: corn, bo. ons. IMTsV Apples, ataporatml. OsITa n, 0'irv ni I IS A HALF DOI Pit t , don Shipment at 1 6 Cents a stttfte fiSBSjs I rouna vonsignea, ; t7j jk..u iTm IOi uoi ksi seeded. .1-M aartnaa. lea. BO-m boss. tl7 : London laysr. tl.TaO2.0O. NUTS Peanuts, iMa per lb for raw, OOlOe r tosatsrt; eoeoanuts. (fctflOOo par toa: wsl- I cnenisurs, rs, ioc pr k 1 Advance In Sugar Prices Not m!4&te t Unexpected Large Saturday SSWi neuemis or rouixrv ureson torn Is Arriving. POOX, (SXAI IOH A torr dl im kopa Wm bmUU yaaterdajr batwaen tha Oraroa Sop Tool and al of th Urfw koy . Kaata and yreriaiona, PRK8H MB ATM Raaf. nrlma. TUe: TC'Ho; vaal, TH kDotton, draaaad. toi lauioa, qr,a, T. Tc: balla. lifMWo: aowa. IfttUr: nark. THCI vaal, Tftkfl muttoa, traaaad, fttX0a lam ha. draaaad. aUUTe. HAMS. BACON, im Portland park (VI) banu. 10 ta 14 Iba. lAc: 14 to 16 Iba, IBttfl braakfaat kaaon, l),tinnej plniUa, 10H UIIM Closes with Prices on Downward Move Foreign Markets Are Dull and Indicate a Waiting'Move. ' i Corn and Provisions Are Both Heavy and Dragging -Re ceipts ot Hogs Liberal and Quality Continues Pine. I tar.. 11 Uo: aldaa, lSiio: dr aaltad backa. Ue; Ixroa naeka, Mc; aldaa. 11 tb; amokad . i i , iir j mm i iwu turn, jiiavi new butts, aaltad, ,t; uokad, 10 Vk, EAKT T?I.PirTr HTM BlUI fHmm ta Da. . .. .4 lo; cw 14 Iba, IBHat fancy, 5HCtHc; pic crop. It Wll A hti been told In The Journal dur- -.'SiokVZ"' ',27: .w.7t''i. iiiiM7! Tn winter ... . , - , a 1 i I M ' . T J... ' " I 1l nflnnUM' ins me paai wwn a niri, am was nim i bdhj, mv: oviia. iihiip. )carrled on for tha Male of the holding ,,CAL lARD Katti, .af. Wa. lute f h. rwni, iftM Pnnl. T.atarda the J?i. taam-raBdered. mfn K.ttl. laaf. Ifla. HUM 10a. ;dU wu completed and fcy Ita arran;e- KriabTsike ' 1 nienta 1.000 bales bclonrinf to the poor EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf, lo-Tb tlna. rnembert were conairnea 10 uonann par- i il i x a HA HAv aj Altaaa 1 I wia an, a V ML, an, iu wu, ewe. au m Va - Zither aaiea were reported during the flay dan. kut they were (or lnalrnlflcant amounta. t fisb Raefe cad. Te; loandare, lei kattbet. i ... ah,M. ?.'ri i f'-o" OMLrm"ar '. Teatordar Aflraaoe ta nar., Dcpwfci; atripad baaa, livke: ealmoa, m-jt. wheat kell below the The Journal't exclualve predlctlona ehlnook, fct Mwr ataalbaada, Tej eol 7" .v. it ,.t u..e would advance In nrloe waa fc: ebripa. net Send. Ibot eatiU. ci I much that ralht maka It ht autar would advance In price wae !wJn'.t9oSP V ; 1 .a ....,i- .h, th.t or.nt "" 80 ,liT iaalt ee lb. Xip 10 centa per 100 in price ana xne arket shows ever- tendency ror rur- BUTeilllai Kaary Poultry eoelpka. (.Aerial Permlaaloa of BoItatL da Barter At fte.l CjHICAUU, July is. juofan 4k wryen advise: The wheat market closed about Vk-cent lower. There Is nothing- new In the situation. The foreign markets are dull and Indloate a waiting move. The estimate of the trade Is getting well established In respect to the new 111 be a very moderate one. wheat Is of fine duality. It la conceded' that the domestic millers are bare of stocks. The demand from this quarter Is In evidence In every market. There la a good deal -of talk about the dullness ot export business, but exporters are not as free to report to the volume of their trade aa for merly. In any event clearances are about the same as they were last year. We see nothing In the conditions to fair price sell higher Americas Stocks ta fcosdoa. LONDON, July !. t p. m. Penn sylvania, declined A : Read 1 nr. advanced V mm. m-vmmry mmymm. at . Smith T.Alfln iinxfcannul rtil. For a Baturdny the receipts of poul- e. ui.ulbM A ot p.ui advanced 4ry in this market were considered extra i . T7n,0 p..ifin. daniinad u- TTnitt large, and It l quite likely tnat 8u,M giarf, advanced H; preferred, de- the probabilities are that It wllL Look er the stock will be carried, over until r11-rt u . A-y.. rnr, dritnwi .v. ........ 1- ,v.i. ... r-., ,. i... . ....h....' aim ..... . r .: . ....... - iriuwaj. 1 1: Atcnison. oeojinea -: uenver kio tne aemana exceueni. Orande. declined V. 1 Erie, advanced k Today's Ball Bsealpts. Illinois Central, declined : Missouri. The recelsta per rail from the South I Kansas 4 Texas, declined H; LoulsvlUe a , . 1 ... u..,i. j , a , . t ri I maillirunuuii Ul tft icHiay n. i .11,, I " 7""""', T" 3' .S-ZT, cornered, obscures the real condition to but prices at which PRESIDENT COMBES The Cathollca of England are contem plating sending a delegation to France to plead for a cessation of the perse cutlon of the religious orders, which Is part of tha policy of Premier Combes, President Loubet refused to receive suoh delegation during his visit to Eng land. Corn Heavy and tower. The corn market Is heavier and lower. The cash situation can be called no bet ter than fair; It certainly Is not bullish. Everything depends upon the weather cent abundant rains, warmer weather "." " 0 ' ' would be welcome! It may not come, but WORLD'S FAIR NEWS NOTES Austria will participate officially In the world's Fair. A representative will be appointed shortly, The Liberty Bell will rest In the cen ter of the rotunda of the Pennsylvania Building at the World's Fair. The West Virginia Commission to the' World's fair, St. Louis, opened headquarters In Parkersburg, July 1. A feature of Wyoming's exhlWt at the. World's Fair will be a Jarre collec naturally feel a little bearish on corn. Oaak Oats Weak. The cash oat situation is weak. The manipulation of July, which we think Is melons and one car of mixed small traL declined H; New X oak Central, de- frulta. moAtly peaches. Melons are in a dined : Norfolk A Western, un rino r i u " 17, 4-- vmario western, aarucn room fof d(Jubt that at the momtmt the ivi L tic m, auu ma avwa. iiw, wMa 1 -a a it should. Usual quotations prevail. some extent, but prices at which the ofT-grade eats are selling leaVea little 01 ring Xoase Beport. The report of the Portland Clearing House for yesterday was aa follows: Exchanges S55S.216.Bt Balancea 16,(32.47 ,Peaches from The Dalles are arriving In large supplies, but as tha fruit is .very small in else it is not receiving a 'very spirited demand. Ashland is send ing some stock, of the finest quality, first Oreffpn Con. Bell ft Co. received the first shipment tf this season.' Oregon corn In the shape ;of five narks from The Dalles. The 1 stock, although small, la very fine and eaxlly sold at 25 cents a docen. Plasty of Meat Demand. There is plenty of demand for all fresh meats received on Front street. and ruling prices are considered very .good. Good block hogs are especially 'fought after, but retailers will not pay m-re than 7 or 7V cents at the top for Stocks. Veal Is wanted and ruling prices are at the top. Beer demand is M . m 1 a, 1 4L. I snir ana nooui rqu mo rci-cipui i 1 Ohioajro Oar taoorl, Wie present moment. Z,". ""'1 CHICAGO. July IS. Tb, ear record shews MoanjfB (lyuiaiiuna, as rvvinu, ara aa 1 lor toaajt 1t,Uam: - j. " - Cars. Orade. Sat. supply Is In excess of the demand. We advise selling oats on the hard spots. Provisions Are Dragging. The provision market Is heavy and dragging. Receipts are liberal and the quality continues fine and there Is every condition of plenty more to come. There Is a slight Improvement In the cash de mand. We would advise selling pro- SVoeal Btook Beoelpks. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, visions on the hard spots. July 19. Receipts or live stocx in tne local yards today consisted of 75 cattle and 100 sheep. Ruling prices are aa follows: Cattle Best, S4; medium, $J 25$.0. Hogs 6 t He Sheep Hi lo. Lambs 3SHo. NEW YORK STOCKS DESCRIPTION. liver Quotations. NEW TORK. July 1. Silver, Anaconda Mining Ca. Co.... rORTZATD WHOLESALE PRICIf, Wheat Cora .. 0,ts .. 81 . M .140 T8 SO U REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1 1 Or la. Fleur aad Paad. . i ' WHEAT Walla Walla, 79e; btaeatem, 80v .sac; Tuii.'T TTurse. OXTSNoTl whIU , iliTUai'iO- StTalBh'''' (,or ' 0. B. Bell et all to U. W. ( FLOUR Eastern Orecon: - Patenta, $4.10; fro- ,4.o: atralshta. $3.80; Valley, -mn m. vtn. ia.iu iua. o.uu. ; MiLLSTUKFS Bran. 12.1.00 par tnn! 'Ollnpi, fr.oo; anorta,; mid- cbOD. 818.00. ha 1 1100107. sio.uuu".u"i cwtct, 10.00 '4117.00: Calirornla. sraln $17.50. ' Hopa, Wool and Hides. ' HOPS 17tt618c for ebolca- 1003 contracts, ?j4tl7c ' WOOL Valley, 1613184c. coarse; medium to fair, 1616c; floe. 1717He; Raatarn Ors son. lOfttlSe; Mobair. nomlnaL 8A087e. BHKBP8KINS Shearing. MttQlOc; abort trooL 23iS23c: medium wool. 80c; long wool. tvctll.44 ssch. TALLOW Prime, par m, 4(30c; No. S and grease, 2Q2tt. HIDES Dry bides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 15c per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to IS Iba, lie; dry calf. No. 1. under S Iba, 18e; dry suited, balls and stags, 1-8 leas tbaa dry fllut; ulted bide,, steer, sound, 60 pounds or airrr. T8c: 50 to 60 lbs, 7428c; ender 50 lb, snd cow,, 67e; stars snd balls, sound, 6c; kip. sound, 15 to 80 lbs. Tc; sound. 10 to 14 lbs, 7c; calf, sound. Bod or 10 lbs, 8e green (unsniieai, 10 per id jes, cuni. iv par n leas; boras hides, salted, each, ll.25421.7S; dry, each. $1,0041.60: eoltsv hldea. each. 2l250e: goat aklns, common, each. 104215c; Angora, with wool oo. acn. zoc,i.uu. I Utt4tv t,M WahIIi fi BUTTER Extras, 22 c; creamery, 2l4 llry. 1820c; stora. ITc. E008 F-eh Oreron. SlZlcH. CUKESB "ull cream, twin, 14c; Toang merica, inc. POULTRY Chickens, mixed. llOUUe oer lb: peas, lZffliac:, ruoaters, Wftfioc per m; Droll ,ers, low 17c per id; iryers, JOlfflc per ID docks. UU312Ue per lb: reeaa. 7(980 ,1b; turkeys, lira, 10iQ12o per lb; dresssd, 16Q 10c per id. Oroosriss. Vats, Eta, SUGAR "Sack bad,:" Cubs. 8S.87U: Dow dercd, $5.72; dry granulate. 85.62; extfk Vt ,vi2i(,; uuiden v,; Dsrreis, iuc; H bsrrelsr ct' boxes,- BOe adranee on sack basis, less 25c per cwt. for ossh, IB days: maple, 14gt jec id. 1 HONEY 15i216e oer frame. COFFEE Groan Mocha. 2Ug2V: Java, fancy ,mt "It . . T 1 Ar.rfa.Arf.. - .. ' ' rfnva, awm sJVgi wwnii) 18(a2oc; Coata Rica, fancy, lOQJOc; Coata Kics, good. iufiic; uoata uica, orainary, iu, 13c per lb; Columbia roa't $10.63: Arbacklss' til. 13 list: Lion. 811.18 list: Cordon. 811.14. TEAS Oolone. different rradaa. 2Bt265e Gunpowder, 2S326iS5c; English Breakfast, different grades, 12A4a6Se: Solder Leg. sa- colnred Japan, 30Q0OC; gresa 7spas, scarce. SOdeoc. " SALT Balea. 2a. 8. 4s, Bs. 10s, tz.10: flne tsble. dairy. 50s, 38c; 100s, 74c; ImDerted Lre- ernuoL 50a. 45c: 100a. 88c: 224s. 81.88. SALT Coarse, hslf ground, 100s, par tan, $14.00; 50s, per ton, 614.60; Liverpool. lamp, k. $23.00 per ton; BO-m rock. J4.uo; loos. 13.50. utiAin vaum Calcutta, ,3. idud.w per iuv r durust ui'llTerr. SICE Imnerlal Janan. No. L 6e: Nov : New Orleans head. He. RRAKfast rnnn m.u. Vl 84 not rita. joiriiun, sz.ou; rorce, 84.00; U-V oata. sa.10. SALMON Columbls Ulrer. l ib tails. 11.70: -Ib tall,, $2.40; fancy l ib flats. $1.80; tt-lb rancy nats. $1.10: fancy 1-tb oral, $2.50; AUsks ftslllsl nlnbr fiA at- 4tt Ok. si ftv .11a AO fkfi wv, 1 r-i, to r . ow , 4k-1U $ at airs. s4k.v" .COAL OIL Cases, 22c per rsl. Unks; Water nmw, iron nois. lowe. wnooen, 10c; una' light, cases. 24c, Iron bbk.. Kttevgssoiiite, Iros Dl". C. CSffCS, 28 4C LINSEED OIL Pura raw. In bbls, 46e. ges isw seciic. nonea, esses. 63c; bbls 48c; 600 10 too BENZINE pure raw la rases. 51c; genuine kettle, in eases, 68e. rcixni.t. bj der cases Z2e, Iron GASOLINE 86 dee cases 23 He. ffia. esses 22c troa bo Is IB He. iron ooai bbls TURPENTINE la raaea Tne wnnd SBHc. Iron hbls 64c. 10-n rase lots 68c. iBEANS Small white 444e, large whits s.i.N.-.nti.OO, pt3k 83.7513.80. bayou 84.7a Lima, fi.ou. - fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES $1.10; . buyers' prices. 7i; saw. U.BOil.65; Oregon. 1.25i.60. . ONIONS California, new red a, OOcfll.00; Urerskins, I12B: garlic. 85511c. . rEESH rRGlTS Apples, fancy Oregon. $1.90 g2.oo;- cooking. B0c$($1.00 per box; now Ufornla, $1.50432.00 box; oranges, late, yhh-ndasv 8a.SO4.0o: - Medlterraneaa sweets, $3.00; bananas, 82.25a3.50 per sonck. Be per- lb; cherries, bulk, 8Q5e: packed. 7W8c: gonsebenles, ti&4e lb; sprt sots, II.OOil.lO cents; lemons, standards, $3. 00; fancy. 84.0uig4.5er limes. atsxlcaa, 6Be Per 10(; . peachea, 65i)j!75e; pineapples, t3.50O4.00; ", black, $1.80; white, $l..O0J 1.25; plums. SOcQfl.00; faspberiiea, 81.75 rsts; grapes, Yuma. 2.50: currants, $2.00 box; eanteloupea, $1.50(43.00 pet dos; wstermelons, ZB0 dua; , BsrUettV pears, 1.75 box; black- Sheriff (for B. J. aud H. Orchard) to Weatsrn Asaurance ompauy of To ronto. Canada. Dart block 8. James Johns' Add to St. Johns C. B. snd B. Pendell to K. W. Wilson. lota 6 to 9 and 12 to 18, block 48, Sell wood , Sheriff (for D. H. Stearna) to Western Assurance Company or Toronto, Usnada. parcel land north ot block 61, Carter, Add 6.102 Park Land Company to J, P. Kennedy, lots is ana 14, diocc tx, university Park A. B. and J. C Slsuson to Wm. C. Demareet. lota 1. 8. 6, block 8. Logs a s Add TOO H. J. and Carpllns Land to B. H. Bow man, lota I to 8. block 10. Klnsel Psrk 600 Ida May Ksyser and husband to union wfC... A T , . il 10. block 10. iTsnhoe 1.400 J. V. Coffey and wife to M. M. Cau thorn. lot 1. block 40. Woodstock SOO Ceo. A. Pesse to 0. D. Young, esst lot 7 ana esst H north so reel lot e, block 68. floucb'l Add t 6.000 A. 8. Ellis and wife to C. . snd M. B. Young, south 00 fsat lot 1, Alblns Homestead Add 1,8S0 C. B. and B. Q. Wbltehouas to C. J. Reed, trustee, lots 8 and 4, block 810,' (Htlthan'e Add n,...,.,.-... ....... I W. E. Borden and wife to Charles snd Josephine Anderson, lot 10, block 16, Alblns 760 O. O. Benson snd wife to Msrtbs White, lot 16, block 1, Port mouth Villa An nex w Portland Trust Coropsny to W. H. Ken nedy, lot 8, block 4(1. Woodntock SOO George it. Strong and wife to J. H. Will man, lot 7. block 1, Goldsmith's Add. 4,860 Carrie How, to L. E. Oera, 6 scree nesr Howe's Add 1 csrrla Hows, executrix, to L. B. Kern. 8 acrea aaat Howe's Add l.TSO L. uoodseii et si. to trie mty ot rorrana and tbs public osdloaUng block Br Kast Portlsnd Heights B. R. Nicholas to I. C. Ssndford, lot 7, block 2, Brush's Add Ellis O. Hughes and wife to tha public asaicauoa uunton st Bond for Sssd. Bpsnldlog ft Pspwortb to Herman Wltten- rg, lots 0, 0, 1, o. Dues tu, uoncn Amsl. Copper Atcnison, com Am. Csr 4 Found., com. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com 88 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 13S Canadian Pacific, com.. '840 Cbl. A Alton, com Chi. ot. weat., com Chi.. Mil. ft St. P Chi. ft Northwest., com Chi. Terminal Ry Cbesspeake ft Ohio Onto. Southern, com . . . gag Colo. Southern, pfd Iieiswsre t nuunon Dels.. Laeka. ft Weat... I). ft R. a., com Erie, com do preferred Illinois Central. Lnulnrllle ft KsshTtlle. . Metro. Trsctlon Co Manhattan Elersted Minn., St. P. ft Ste. M. Missouri Pacific M , K. ft T.. com New York Central Norfolk ft West., com. N. Y.. Ont. ft Weat Pennaylranla Ry I", o., i. a 1. to Pressed Steel Car. romJ Pacific Mall Steam. Co. Reading, com . , do preferred Rep. Iron ft Steel, com. Kock island, com.... Southern Ry.. com.... Southern Pacific St. L. ft S. r., pfd... St. I, ft 8. W., com.. Texas ft Pacific T.. Ht. L. ft W., com Union Pacific, com.... do preferred tT. H. Leather, com..,, V. 8. Rubber, com. . . . , noeai. c u. St., roui... do preferred Wisconsin Centrsl. com. Western Union Tele Wshaab, com do preferred 88 4 85 nr 42 84 , 62V, 123H123122ta 204 znni s 171, 17 U 88 4 06 8ftV 424 84 52 i4.m 105 124 80 OX 188 H 143a;141 ior4 i04w 124 12 85H 84 144 14H 03"A 03 108HI16 28 U 80 l.KIH 107 118 133 B0 22'? 21 118 04 83 Ta 122 00 '84 60 03 13 83 22 80 117 68 23 121 19 ' h 10 58 18 83 22 88 1514 26 20 V Tutsi sales, 251,000. dT I , 116,000 Get your title Insurance and abstracts to real estate from the 'a le Guarantee 4k Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING PERMITS ' To W. A. Zimmerman, eonatrnct two-atorT dwelling 1 at East Fourteenth and Belmont streets; $8,600. To Portlsnd Flsa Company, repilr building st front and Aah streets; $150. To 8. O. Deed Hatate. construct three -story brick at Washington and Second streets; $15,- ow. To John Ambereon. erect ! -story dwelling at wiiusms street ana ijoos avenue: i,mi. To Cste ft Powell, erect rwo-etory dwelling st East Sixteenth and East Madison: $3,200. To Charles Anderson, construct two-atnrv dwelling at senwooa ana union svenne; $2,000. To C. W. Wltterstem. construct H4 -story aweiimr on uenrrai, Detweea naaon ana uortn wrick streets: 8600. To T. P. Keenan. construct two-story dwell ing at sast aider ana bsi nineteenth streets; $1,800. TXSXTOBS T(f POSTXVA2TD day ss follow,: Open. Wheat Sept $00.77 Ilec..::. 70. Corn Sept 50 Dec 49 Oats Sept 83 Pee 33 Pork July Sept 14.60 , Lard July 71" Sept 8.15 Ribs Jnly..... .... Sept 8:52 Bangs of Chiosge ktarkets. The markets ranged to- (Speclal Permission of Bolton, de Rnyter ft Co.) CHICAGO, July 18. Hlgb. $00.77 .77 .60 5 Low, .88 .83T4 14.60 7.97 8.20 8.67 14.87 7.87 8.06 8.41 Closs. $00.T8i .T6I .49 B .4 .88 .88 14 45 14.60 T.87 8.06B 860 8.60 Should See the Beauties of the sJCatolw less coiumDia xiver. Ijiavlnr Portland' dally at 9:20 a. m.. by the Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company's "Portland-Chicago Special," the beauties of the Upper. Columbia River are seen by dayfirht. arrlvlnr at Cascade Locks at 11:06 a. m.. and The Dalles at 12:85 noon.- Returning, the train leaves The Dalles at 1:20 d. m.. Cascade Locks at 2:4S p. m., arriving at Portland at 4:30 p. m. If deaired, re turn can be made by river steamer from Cascade Locke on tha way up, arriving at roruana sdoui p. m. rtetum can also be. made from The Dalles by boat The T. 1 J. Potter loaves for Astoria and Ilwaco every 'day in the week, except Sunday and Monday. Particulars at city ticket office, Third and Washington street. - New York Cotton, (Special Permission of Bolton, de Rnyter A Co.) NEW YORK. July 18. The cotton market rinsed tndsv a a follows: Onen. High. Low. Jan. '04.$ 9.48 $ 0.51 $ 9.4ft Feb. '04. 9.4 9.49 9.4T 9.48 9.4M 9.47 12 20 12.25 1 2.18 12.00 12.05 11.90 10.4H 10.49 10.41 9.06 9.70 9.85 9 47 0.57 9.47 , 9.53 9.54 9 50 scenes. The Irish Department of Agriculture will make a special exhibit of Irish In dustries at the World's Fair. The seventh congress of the North American Skat League will be held at the World's Fair, St. Louis, next year. A locomotive-testing laboratory will be a feature in the Transportation Build ing at the World's Fair, next year. A dog show will be a feature of the livestock exhibit at the World's Fair, next year. California Day at the World's Fair, St. Louis, will be September 9. the 84th anniversary of the admission of Cali fornia to the Union. A topographical map of the State of Alabama will form a part of that state s exhibit at the World s Fair. The contract for the Ohio State Build ing at the World n Fair has been let to the Smith Eastman Contracting Com pany. The cost is slightly under $32,000. The Smithsonian taxidermist, George B. Turner, Is preparing a 16-foot giraffe for exhibition In the Government Build ing at the World's Fair. Denmark has offleJaHy accepted the In vitation to participate In the World's Fair, and William Arup has been ap pointed commissioner. Every country in South America will participate In the World's Fair. Chile, the last to accept, contemplates an ap propriation of 225,000 pesos. Governor Peabody of Colorado has ap pointed Sam Wood of Denver special commissioner, to collect exhibits for the Swedish department of the state's ex hibit at the World's Fair. A prominent English poultry breeder will make a large display of Old Eng lish game fowl and Dorkings in the poultry exhibit at the World's Fair. An old hand fire engine, with which Louisville fires were fought, before the steam apparatus on me Into existence will be brought to the World's Fair at St. Louis, next year, by the Louisville Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association which will visit the Fair In a body. A mammoth watch built for the oc casion, on such a large scale that people may walk around In It, among the mov ing wheels, will be on exhibition at the World's Fair. Visitors will thus be able to study the mechanism of a watch Ithout the aid of a glass. The Indiana commission to the World's Fair has adopted the plans of Wing Mahurln, Fort Wayne archi tects, for the Indiana Building at the Exposition. The structure will be in the style of the French Renaissance, with huge Corinthian columns at the en trances. The building will be more of a place of rest and pleasure for Indiana visitors at the Fair than an exhibit hall The largest tree In Oregon was felled recently to be sent to the World's Fair. It "is the" Abefd?Pir sprtlPe, " and ttfJOfl nearly 800 feet high, 40 feet around and 118 feet from the ground to the first limb. Its sge Is calculated at 440 years, being a good-sized tree when Columbus discovered the land that was afterward called America. The native army of ther Philippines will be represented at the World's Fair, St. Louis, next year. Two or three com panies each of the scouts and constabu lary with the constabulary band will attend! The a nd smartest looking men will be selected to make up the companies which will show the Americans the character of the police protection of the Eastern possessions. A mammoth loar or Dread, boo times the slse of a regular 5-cent loaf. and in the making of which an entire barrel of flour will be used, will be seen In Mississippi's exhibit at the World's Fair. Harry Mansfield of Moss Point will be the creator and has ordered the con struction of an especial bake oveny de signed by himself for tfoe baking of this giant loaf. A collection NATIONAL LEAGUE BATZOWAXi XVBACrVB. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. Pittsburg . New York . Chicago . Cincinnati . Brooklyn . St. Louis . . Boston .52 . .46 . .46 , .88 , .38 .30 .29 Philadelphia ; 2 28 27 32 34 35 87 43 51 P.C. .63 .680 .684 .628 .507 .448 ,408 .801 At Ptttabunr. R. H. E. Pittsburg 6 12 Maw Y.irV t 10 Batteries Kennedy and Smith; Taylor snd Wagner. Umpire Kmsiie, At ClnclnnatL R. H. K Cincinnati . . 7 18 ' Philadelphia 5 7 1 Batteries Hahn and Bergen; Wash burn and Dooln. Umpire Johnstone. DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Oood. Fifth place. . Thlelman. . , Mosklman. Van Buren and Hurlburt Nadeau, Raldy and Anderson. Messerly. Shea and Andrews. Handsome looking crowd for Friday. The Journal's prediction has come true. Giraffe Moose Baxter has a dlsapolnt Ing reach. Raldy, although a sick man, played brilliantly. Tommy Hess Is beginning to reel nim- self again. Charlie Shields' arm has been very sore all week. Hogg's pitching arm has not fully re covered from the pounding It received the other evening. Cud gey Kostal. good unassuming fel low will be missed by many. Modesty was one of his admlsable virtues. Jake Thlelman has 15 strlke-outs to his credit In the two games he has pitched. If lie keeps this record up Rube Waddell won't be In It. Andy Anderson's batting has been a feature of nearly every game since the team came home. If Andy keeps the present lick up he will lead Van Buren and Dillon for the batting honors. Pete Lohman says the Portland team s the best hitting team he has seen In a minor league for some time. Charlie Zelgler is catching for Helena at present. Zelgler seems to be able to play any position, as he was all-around utility man for Parke Wilson. Ike Butler will twirl for Portland to day and he says he is going to win if he has to score all the runs himself. Ike thinks three or four or five runs will be enough. Tumley, Parke Wilson's new outfielder, is hitting the ball for keeps. He is keep. Ing up his Western League record. Joe Raldy has not been feeling well of late. Claude Schmeer may. go in the game and give Raldy a rest. Tommy Hess Is also on the indis posed list and Danny Shea may have to do all the catching for a few days Dan don't care, as he wants to work Jay Andrews 1s going after Van Bu ren 'e sacrifice hit record. Jsy got two yesterday. Ty Gorton plays first base In fine style and can do as well In almost any posi tion. Oscar Graham, Pete Lehman's sorrel- top wrong-sided pitcher, will endeavor to keep Oakland In fourth place this afternoon. Buffalo Is outdrawlng any city In the country with the exception of Boston and Philadelphia In the American League and Pittsburg and New Tork In the National League. The club must be one or two In the race to do business The New England race Is a beauty, Just the sort of a contest to bring out the sporting qualities of the magnates as well as the players. It takes a cool head and ability to handle the reins to the close. Arlle Latham's days as an umpire In the Eastern League should be made few It's too much of a joke to have him making decisions Worcester Spy.- First Baseman Cassidy Is out of the game on account of an Injury, and Pitcher Thlelman Is subbing in his stead for Jersey City. A press dispatch from Gloversvllle contains the announcement that Frankle Shannon, of the Providence Eastern League team, will succeed William Hasleton as manager of the A. J. ft G. team. Shannon was recently granted a leave of absence by Providence 'because of 111 health. Centerflelder Blake Pitcher Becker and Catcher Lilly have deserted the Roches ter team. Blake is "sore" because an advance of money was not forthcoming and Lilly believes that hla talents are wasted with Rochester at the present price and that he cask roll up s bigger wad playing independent ball. He has, thorofnra inlnerl tha Sir llhon. Vt team. Becker Is also to separate himself! from the Bronchus .temporarily., having been ordered to rest. 80 runs the song and the tune Is familiar. Fuller, who hss played good ball In Baltimore's out field, hss replaced Blake, Two pitchers will probably be add",' to the staff. Get tig, formerly of the Baltimore,, and ScHuman, who was In the box for New ark early In the season. Jlggs Donahue Is now the leading batter In the Association. How time will change a player's batting eye! Last season he wa dropped out of the Amer ican League ro'n account of his weak hit FIELD AND TRACK Mar. '04 July Aug Sept Oct....; Nov.... Dec Close. $ 9.4950 0.4M49 9.4f4ft 12.20(fty2 12.00fiTT2 10.46 4r 46 .689 8 58i$56 9.52S53 or continental currency owned by E. G. Vaughan of Richmond, Ind will be seen at the World's Fair. It consists of 61 pieces, ranging In de nomination from ope-slxth of a dollar to $70. The total value la 31,022.83 1-3. Mr. Vauhgan has had the collection since 1849. Bogs Open Higher. CHICAGO, Jnly 18. Receipts of livestock In the principal packing centers of the conn try today were: Here. Cattle. Rheen. Chicago .. 7,000 BOO 8,000 Kansas ICty 4,000 2,000 200 Omaha rj-rT-TT;;?.Tr.r B,50f 2.560 .... Hogs Opened 8 to 10 cents higher with 2. 000 left over from yesterday. Receipts a year ago were 850. Ruling hog prices are; Mixed snd butchers'. $5.30(85.75; good heavy. 35.46ffl a.iu. Vsw Tork Bank Statement. NEW YORK, Jnly 18. The wseklv statement issaeq voaay snows: Keserve, less u. s , Reserve .... Loans ...... Specie ..... Legs Is Deposits . . . Circulation . Decrease. bank $5,368,676 Increaae. .... 6.270,000 ....2.613,500 .... 4.19O.800 1.846.900 .... 8,064.800 1.300 Class ef Livarpsoi drain. LIVERPOOL, July 18. Close: Wheat July, 6-6. down; September, 6-8, down; December, 6-8. ' THE AGE OF GRADUATION Prof. W. S. Thomas ef Columbia has made' an exhaustive examination of the records of 11 colleges representing all sections of the country, save the extreme West, with a view of finding out what. If any, changes have come in the average age of college graduates. ,He finds, for example, that In 130 years at Dartmouth College the average age has fallen three months, while n 100 years at Middle- bury the age has risen four months. In the decade 1860-59 the median age of the various colleges studied averaged 22 years M months; in the decade 1890-99 It averaged 22 years 7.5 months. The average age during 1850-69 was 23. years 1.3 .months, and In 1890-99 23 years l.t months. In this calculation each "col lege was considered separately In mak ing up the average. If the graduates be bunched the averages are for the former date 23 years and 3 months and for the latter 23-years and 15 days. That is the greatest change any of the possible cal culations point to a, lowering in 60 years of two months and a half, - .. - - The Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club's track will go to Victoria. B. C, to participate In the field meet to be held there on Vhe 15th and 16th of Aug ust.. The. local team will be selected by Manager Kerrigan at the tryouts to bo held on the M. A. A. C. track during the Intervening time between now and the 16th of August. The team when visiting Victoria will be In charge of Bert Kerrigan and will be composed of 10 men. Manager Ker rigan can be relied upon to select a team from the Multnomah Club that will make a creditable showing in the coming event. vnwvSTVVriVVVVVW MMMtT Z3- mm The Kind You Have Always Bought, and rhlch ha been in use ror over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pe , sonal supervision since Its infancy 1 Allow no one to deceive yon In this. - All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-pood" are but 'Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Symps. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotto substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY0 Bears the Signature of Tiw Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNt etwrsus eoisMitv. r isuiuuv eracrr. atw vosa err. WHEN YOU SEE THIS LABEL IN OREEN AND (JOLD ON A BOX OF CIOARS. IT IS A GUARANTEE THAT YOU ARE GETTINQ AGenifliinieGarcia Known wherever fine cigars are sold. FOR SALE AT ALL DEALERS. SIQ SICHEL & CO., Sole Agents BASEBALL EXCITEMENT (Journal Special Service.) EUGENE, Or.. July 18. It Is rumored here on very strong authority that the management of the Salem Baseball team Is considerably frightened over the eon tests tomorrow and Sunday here with Eugetfe on the diamond. Pitcher George Engle, It Is said, has been secured to pitch for the Salem Raglans for the rest of the season. Engle was recentlyre lensed by Mansjger Vlgneux of It Browns' team. The excitement contin ues over the wind-up of the Valley League. Eugene has to win everything before her to win tho pennant. If Sa lem and Eugene tie a final series will bo "arranged, and thus an extension of the season be assured. -. mmjgmmmmwmmmm'W.m -frm m-1 ..i.t.H-.,:iw-y.. .ww.'"y. wwywiy-, Mji ',..iA'?W(WSaWIS4MS ' ' ;,'' 1,kA '1v. 1 'r ' '--iisJrV.'-- WI. i ," V ,' iL-Mi-ni Hi i ' ' ,1'MS-'IJJ"" ""j.. C-w3siM4asaas)Beawa"M " ' Harness Goods of all kinds. Hundreds of styles fo select from. Call and see our stock and prices before buying. SECOND AND TAYLOR STS., Portland, Or. One thousand .pounds was paid the other day In London by an orchid col lector for a plant that originally cost the Importer 1 .shilling 6 pence. It had de veleiped uncommon blood-red markings on white. . FAMILY ROOMS GENTLEMEN'S RESORT LOUIS DAMMASCH COODNOUCH BUILDING, 1 68-1 TO VIKTH STREET. ; Opposite Postoffice Cold Lunches, - Schlitz Beer un Draught Clatsop Death." Oregon, Seaside House WILL OPEN f CIDAY, sJULV 10, 1503 V The finest summer hotel on the Northwest Coast, wltfi the most beautffxl of natural surroundings.? Boating and golf. For. further Information. .i irt , AtAAQER 4uA8LDS UOUShi g&AIL, c - -