THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, RA.TUHDAY EVENING," - JULY 18, 1903. 18 cmr notices. CUT. NOTICES. moposed wpeotimint or vassbaux ITEEXT. k" , , . A. L . .... ... I 1U1IIT U'irilJ ITU 1MB. I bi KlWllng at th. rVtatvpll of tha fit nf Portland. Ore. fullowlng teanlution mi d.pted: . of th. ftandr anaH to . mint In Ka.t Tw. eighth atreet at Kaat Irving .treet IX inrBe. riNr inalde diameter to II n. of Bait Ollaaa atreet. of vitrified Mitt filp with til aeary ratcbbaalna, manholes, saipholr and branches. Hold aewer to be of tb following dlnieualona: Of eight lucbea clear lo.ld. diameter from point In Kat Twenty- ntn nn. Twentr- thenc of point In Ka.t Twratr-elahth itml at Ka.t Hurt afreet, and thence of 20 I ache, clear Inalde diameter to a connection with the aewer In Eaat Ollean treet at Kaat Twenty-eighth etrwt. and to b eon.truct.d In accordance wltb plan and niJAKalLina anil . . mltmatM HTM. war rvtopanr'a right, of war at rwautr-tblrd I k. ... in. ...a e.i.,1 in tt WTr u! ... i omce or the Auditor ur tne t.itr or loruaoo (a) Br aradlug th. atrt roll width With nB th. 27tb d.r of June. lOuS. Indorsed: City Kuglnerr a plana and specifics nous ror a sewer In Eaat Twentr-elshth .tree I from 100 feet aouth of in Kanily road to aewer at i reei aouth of the north line of Ka.t Ullaan .tree I, and the estimate of tb. work to b don and the probable total coat thereof. Th. coat or aald aewer to D aeaesa pro- OITT NOTICES. ' Resolved. That th. Council of th City f Portland, Oregon, deenia It expedient and roprea to Improve Marshall atreet mni tb wcl Une of Twenty-second atreel to th at Una of Twenty Of th street la lb following aaanaer, to-wit: , first All that portion of aald atreet except that portion occupied by tb Portland Kail- fall Intersection to tb. proper aub-grad. tb) Br bringing tbe atreet full width with 1 full intersectiuus to the proper gran. py Pv- lag with warren a tiiiuuthlc pavement, (e) Br constructing artificial atone curb. i (dl Br couetructluf atoua block header amibl row- neer Bled In lb. flic of tb Auditor of th (Itr of Portland on tb 37th day of Jan. lOoS. Indoraed: "City Engineer plana and a peel -ilea lion for a aewer In Kaat Twenty HMtvsnth and Lawrwnc atreeta from 100 feet loath of tbe Sandy road to aewer in Kaat Everett atreet and the eatlmatea of tha work to ha don and tbe probata1 total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald aewer to b aaaeaatd aa prorlded tr th city charter upon th prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to b all the lota, parta of lota and parcel of land lying between a, Una 100 feet aouth of tb aouth tin of Bandy road and a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb tba north line of Kaat Krerett atreet. and between a line 100 feet eaat of aad parallel with tbe eaat II n. ot Eaat Twenty- rentn ana Law rence atreeta and a II o 100 feet weal of .and parallel wltb tb went line of Kaat Twentr- ae Tenth and lwrnc atreeta. Tbe Engineer' eatlmat of tb probable total coat of eonatructlng aald aewer la 11.301.00, Tbe plana, epeel neat lone and eatlmatea of the city Engineer ror tn conatrnrtioo oi a aewer In aald atreeta ara hereby adopted. Resolved. That tb Auditor of tb City f Portland b and he la hereby directed to air proved a follow: parcela of land lying between a line 100 feet hotlr of tb proposed conatructlon of said awr aj H7 irriaiui. ira u"" "M aoUth or and parallel With tbe aouth line Or leu IU mj ruarin-. rail of not lew thaji aerep Inchca In depth the Sandy road and tha aouth line of lot1 1.1 Remnnatranc agalnat tha ahoy. a.wr may and weighing Dot leaa than aUty pound, to bloei 1. Wynkoop Villa, and a line loo ft b filed In writing with tb undoretgned within north of and parallel with th north line of daya from tba data of tna nr.i puuiirition Eaat Gllaan atreet. and between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel wltb tb wat Une of Eaat Twenty-lgbth atreet and a Ho I" feet eaat of and parallel with th eaat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet. Tb Enrlneer'a eatlmat of tbe probable total coat for tb conatruetlou of aald aewer la 11 lexoo. The plana, anerl neat lona and eatlmatea of tbe City Enalneer for the conatructlon of tbe aewer In Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet are hereby adopted. lleaoired. That toe Auditor ot the nty or Portland be and be I hereby directed to glre notice of the propoaed conatructlon of aald aewer aa prorlded by tbe city charter, Kemnnatranc aaalnat th a bore aewer mar be Died In writing with the undersigned within 20 day from tb. date of tba flrat publication or una none. By order of th Connrll. TUOH. U. IBVlIN Auditor of tbe ( Itr of Portland. Jniy it, 1&OJ. OITT X0TICH. CTTT HOTlOIi. CITT KOTIOtl. a point at lta lntractloa with th waatarly line at block N. in, .Caratbra' Addlttoa to Carutbera' Addition to th City of Portland: thence aoatherl along th Weat Una of aald block No. 38 to point at lta Interaction with the north llm of block"' No. 80, Carutbera' Ad dition to Caratbere' Addition to tha City of Portland at tha weaterly 11 o of aald block AO; thene eoutbeaat.rlr la a atralght Una t a point In tha aontb Una of Plnlc Car there' donation land claim, wber th aama ia luter aected by dlrlaloa lln bowen ctlona and 10. tnwnablp 1 aouth. rang 1 eaat, Wlllamett Meridian: tbenc aotrthrTr alone tb dlrlaloa lln between aectlona II and 10. Id and IS. 11 and 23, town.hlp 1 eoutli. range 1 eaat, aVIll- Cltr fcnglnw. aniett M.riaian, to to eoatnrn oouuary no rioroszo na0TzjuT ' or xajx I. TWTLtTM ITBXXT. ' - Notic la glr.n that at th mt1ag oi u uuubcii ot me lit or rortiana, ur' or Bavuxx utrtovEjiziiT Notice la hereby aire that at tha navting of tba Council ot the City ot Portland, pr.. I (on. held oa tha lath dar of Julr. ltfuS. tha f.n- B"0 on oto . UV Zollowlna rMolution ... idontod i7 ' - loiiwiuf raaoiutioa wea -aoppteq: . . .T .r . ' .. -I Uaaklvad. .That t fteaoired. That tha Uouncll of tha Cltr of Portia ud, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pro poaea to- Impror Kaat Twelfth atrwt from a point 13 fct north of tb aoath Una of Kaat Taylor to a polut 13 feet aouth of tba north un or Hawttorne annua by eonatructlng ltaolrd. That tb Council f tba City of Portland, Oregon, deenia It eipedlent and pro poaea to improre llalaey atreet iron tu oaat lln of Eaat Klerenth atreet to the weat lln of Holladar Park Addition to' Portland. Oregon. by grading th atreet full width with fall Inter "a vi mwuotm arena or conairuciing ,,T, " . .,ik..... tha r tha artificial atona aldawalka In accordance with 'I00. tb tW. ,"bT!d. ty&'JLLl'!! tb. plana, apflc.tlon. and Mtlm.Ua of th. ' .MT.-" J,'" SZ'iS Said Impeorenient to bo mad In accord- aald atreet. Bald Improvement to b mad in accordance ol City of Portland and tha plana, apeciflcatlone ZS. f yV. M" th an? aatlmatea of th aty KnlnVT filed in ''"iVh. at th office of tb Auditor of tb Cltr of Port- I !?,Vi:, low wator mark; thwnc northerly along tha land on tha 18th day of July, 1008. Indoraed I liaZt 5, lSaaT le.dVd" weat.rn bank pf th. WHUm-tt. Rirr at low ''City Engineer'. pUn. aad epeVuicatlone for d lfloatloBi' I water mark to ' point at ita IntarMctlon with th Improrcmcnl of Kaat Twelfth .treet from C!!!. , p',n , 'Jr., A Portland to a Dolnt at lta InteraecOou with tbe weatera bank of tb. Willamette Hirer i: (iintrr'nTi Second All that portion of aald atreet at ided by tb cltr charter upon th property Twenty -third afreet occupied by th Portland ,peclarl benefited thereby and wblcb la hereby 'Hallway Compauy a right of way aball b Im- declared to be all tbe lota, paU of lota and UiriltJ HVIIUIHH, H Ulff WfM I Ul U VUHUWJ HHw I ..yrvT-nrjii, W " rm U aavJta J- I or tne u ty or t-ortiano; tiience weiariy aioiw w.m .n. cnarier ana woinamw u. .d irdinancea of th. Cltr of I me eontnera Boundary una or me viiy oi wu oi i-wuana ana tu puna, apcincaiion. i ,.. .. .ti. I mate. r th Cltr Engineer Died in to. ome or in Auditor or to cur or rortiana oa a "City Bo na mi Im. mint at ita Intersection with I tb. ImDrorrmcni of Kaat Twelfth atreet from " F'-"- -- r-V"r ir "Z i. :i:,erT,u,,h. wrsLZ. -zri.. sr JgrtA -z?"1: sr)' 3 trains to the : east daily WJ3aLt, 0 pr.,,. tot., a of-v: gem w m s vsffyarx h. ror tn imDronmaiK or Mia uorimi i win omi xnmnoi." I ' p -.- i -t? - I. I1A OVA IV. I Tha. aw. A mmA l.... A .a. I rVmt OI ty the rarri Ibl Br paring tbe apace between tbe ralla. between the traeka, and for a dlatance of one foot oa tbe out.lde of the outer ralla with atone block. ftaid Improvement to" b made In accordance wltb th charter and ordlnaoeea or to nty or Portland and tbe Diana. aieciricatlona and eat I mate of the City Engineer died In the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe IBtb day of July, 1008. Indoraed: "City En gineer plana and aneclflratlona for th. Im prnrement if llaraball atreet from tbe weat lln of Twenty-eecotid atreet to the eaat line of Twenty-fifth atreet. and tbe eatlmatea of the work to be done and tb probable total coat Inereor." Tb coat of aald Improvement to be .aeaed aa Drortded br tb cltr charter upon tbe prop erty peclally benefited tberehy and which I hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lota and parcela of land lying between a line too rt north ot and parallel wrtn tne norm 'Moe of hlaraball atreet and a lln 100 feet aouth 'of and parallel with tbe aouth line of Marahall atreet and between the weat line ot Twenty aernnd atreet and tb eaat lln of Twenty tfth atreet. Tbe eatlmat of tbe City Engineer for tbe probable total coat of the Improreinrnt of aald hi a rah a II atreet la l7.rt2.M. I The above Improremrnt la to be cleaned 'bltullthlc narrment liniirorement and ah all be maintained by th city fur tbe (lerlod of 10 year; provided, that tbe owner or a majority f tb property benefited by aald improvement r any portion thereof, aball not petition for nw or different Improvement before the miration of aurb period I The plana, apeclflcatlojia and eatlmatea of fa city Engineer for the improvement hlarahail atreet ar berebr adopted. I Reaolred. That th Auditor of th City rortiana be and ha la beretrr directed to notice of th proposed Improvement of atreet aa provided by th city charter. t Rmonatrauc against the above Improve, itnent may be filed in writing wltb the under' letgaed within 30 daya from the date of tbe Ulnt publication of thla notice. By order ot th Council. THOU. C. UKVLIN of thla nolle. By order of th Council. THOB. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tb City of Portland. Jnly IT, 1908. i . Mm twuwiuvi ww v vwau iiuviinviimii iw h aa- I i .. . j w i . . . u va awAn- - . .1 . ... . The a bore lanmmntnt la to b elaaal aa a eaaed aa Drortded br tb. cltr charter nnon " ""V".''' I"'. "'5 Z. Z'K. nr r""" J".r ""H m pl.nk roadway fmprovment and rtall-b. mala- tb. property .peclally b.leflted th.reby and n".b;Xured to taall thi Dta of lo5 ViTru .Z cm iJZtolZZ. ZTZZ talned by th. dty tor th. period of Bvayeara: which U hereby declared to b all tba loU parta Jf?" LrZifZt knd it ! betwMB Una 100 ei.V -( ' prorlded. that the owner of a majority of of lota and parcela of land lying DotweeT a JPi north of and nara lei wlthba north Une "y' tbe property benefited by aald lmprov.m.ot or tine 13 feet north of aad naral'el with tba I, Hitaer atrel? and a tin 100 fitouth S? TJN10.1 DEPOT. I Imw. I Arrtraa. anr portion thereof ah.ll not netltloa for a aouth Un of Eaat Tar lor atnat and tha north " u,,M7...tre?I..l"L "D.J ..i"ele"S. 7,1 vmrvt. I ""' I aunrnmi noposzs XWEK IV TKEIT. EAST new or different tmproramrat hefor. th. x- I lln of llawtboro arau and between a line plration of each period. 100 felt weat of and parallel with th. wet Th nlan. aneHAeaHnn and aatlmataa Of th. I Una of Eaaft Twelfth ateaat mnA a Una ion - I1VIN0 city Englncar for th. Improwmant of aald Cor-1 aaat of and parallel with tbe Mat Una of pett atreet are nereny adopted. i ata.t Tweirtn atreet. 11 .ul.t T1mm AttAlrt A rKa IIHf trt I T-K V.,l . ' . M A. . L -1.1 . A-1 N?tlc,v!" b.7'b7 .tlT,..Ul,t. ' nJU Portland be and h herby directed to iv. cost of tb ImproT.meot of aald Kaat Twejftb of the .Council of the City of Portland Or- otle. of tb proDoaad Improvement of aald atreet 1. M.27.00. gon. neia on tne loin aay or jniy. jwuo. me itrMt M prorldad by tb City Charter. Tbe plana, apeclflcaHona and estimate, et th. following resolution waa adopted; Kemonatranc. agalnat tha above Improvement I City Engineer for tb. impror.mnt of aald may o niea in writing win tne uouaraignau i ,( jweirtn atreet ara hereby adopted within 30 days from tha data of th. first pub-1 Rewired, That tha Auditor, of the ( uration or inia none. By order of tb Council. THUS. C. Auditor f th. City of Portland. July IT, 1P0S. Reaolred. That tb Vsunc of th City of Portland, Oregon, deem It eipvdlent aud pro- nose to construct a aewer In Kaat Irving atreet from tb eaat Un of Eaat Twenty-ninth treet to a connection with tbe proposed aewer in isaat jwenty-elghtn atreet or vimnea aewer narallel street, and between tb aat Una of East Eleventh street and tha west Una f Bolladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon, The Englneeer eatlmat. of th. probable total coat of the Improvement of aald atreet la 1025.00. Tbe plana, apodncatlone and eatlmat of th City Engineer for th improvement of aaid llalaey atreet ar hereby adopted. Resolved. Tbat the Auditor of tba Oltf of Portland be and ha la hereby directed to give XBIOAOO-POBTLAMD BPHCIAU rot th. East via 8 sat ing too. W: a., a. Daily, PROPOSED SEWER IV EAST NINTH STREET. Dip with all necessary catchbaalns, manholes. Umpholea and branch. 8atd sew.r to be of 10 incbee clear Inside diameter and to be con structed la accordance with tbe plan and apeclficatlon and tb eatlmatea therefor pre pared br tb Cltr Engineer and nied in me office of the Auditor of tb City of Portland on Notice I. hereby given tbat at the meeting tb 27th day of June. 1008. indoraed: "City of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- Englneer'a plana and apeciflcatlone for a aewer gon, held on tbe 15th day of July. 10O8. tbe In Eaat trying (treet from the eaat Una of folks lug resolution waa adopted:. Eaat Twenty-ninth atreet to proposed aewer at ttlM n th nennMa.4 ImnrAHtAant n aM atr Cltr of ."."J, 7 rT Portland be and b la hereby dLraeMI to aive "L .k. .i .. 7n .T L , ment may be filed In writing with tb. under- ,DT!L" .Pror141 h th ? hnrter. algtajd within 30 daya from tb. onto f th. -iTTr. ei-VT V" 'IBIV- flrat publication of tbla notic. mant may be Sled in writing with tbe under- n. order of tha Council aigned within 30 dare from tha data of tba BT or0er 01 1 """leiVr,. n-wrtw PROPOBID AS8E8SXEVT ro mTSOTaV Dn V.00 fJ?i.,DoU' - Auditor of tha City of Portland. THOU a riBTT.tM 1Tf . Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. I PROPOSES IIWZ1 IV EAST COUCH July IT. 1008. STREET. SPOKANE SXTKR. for Eaatorn Wasblag toa. Walla Waila. Lew laton. Coenr AWo and Oroat ' Morihara polpta. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Faf th. Eaat via Unat-Ington. diSe) a. a. rfaUy. :M.ah. UaUa 8:1S p. v Dally. . T ft Daily. 10:80 a. as. Dally. OCEAN AND RJTER SCHHytTLK. KENT OT SENTE8 ATIVUX. Notic la hereby given that tbe Council of the City of Portland pm poses to assess th fol lowing described property and owner or owner as being specially and peculiarly benefited in tn amounta set opposite tne nsmee ana aescrip tl t w INK rretillllion was auouteoL aiaai iwrai'nium iurri w . mm a, . . . . - , v. Besolred. Tbst the Couucfl of' the City of East Twentrf.lgbth street and th. estimate """J .."'""J Ti'SaTS Wehat-eSelT on land. Oregon, deema it eipedlent and pro- of tb work to 1 don and the probable total 'm J" t5U,D,,f f-2.,t fJ, Tl oses to construct a aewer In Eaat Nhith coat thereof." .tht."J2liiaI,5,i.Jf J SL"'!'1 siwjV" M' Port I nosea to construct a aewer atreet from T5 feet south of Thompson atreet Th cost of said aewer to b assessed aa pro to a connection with the sewer in Tillamook I rtded br th dtr charter upon tb property street of vitrified, aewer pipe wltb all necessary aperlallr benefited thereby and which I hereby ratcbbaalna, manholes, lampholee and branches, declared to be all tbe lota, parta of lota and Flald aewer to be of eight Inches clear Inside parcel of lend lying between a Una AO feet diameter and constructed In accordance with eet or and parallel wun tne eaat une or eaat blue, aa provided by ordinance No. 18.278. Any oojecuona to ine ap for said improvement most to tba Council and filed wltb the Auditor within 15 daya from the data of tbe flrat pub lication of tbla notice, and aald objection will be beard and determined by the Council before Mntlea la nerahv eiven that St th meatlmr Of PROPOSES XXFSOYDtXVT Or SOHUJLZR (be Council of tha City ot Portland, Or., held TREET, on tbe loth day or July, Java, tna rouowing Of th Council of th Cltr of Portland. Or- . ..ui... .. 1tl,,bdh.,, TSSSi sJs?J:aJ?" 'b!5rL',.?. - i.sTVuiT-aiSI wiauii, uiajua, unua it vinuirui auu irv Pram Alaska Dock. 8:0t tv av Gainer bia River Drrlataa. fOR KAN FRANCISCO, S. S. Oso. W. Elder July 1. 11. 31, lb f. 8. Columbia July . Id, 34. iOO a. av FOR ASTORIA aad war polnta, eonnsctlng with atmr. for llwace and North BMea. atr. lias sals. A ah -t dock. 8:00 a. as. Dally. Sunday Saturday iu;uu n. av BKW a. a. i. Snnoay, A beat " therefor prepared b tb. City Englnr.nd and parallel wltb tbe east lln. of Eaat Tw.nty- g.T'il.tLlzLZr'' "lu eoM of Died in tne ome or tb Auditor ot the city ngntn atreet ana oetween a nn iov leet norm r----- . .v.. . I O .1-- M,u Jt t lima t- I .f ..H with tha nnrth Ilea nt Eaat I Termlnna Addition, netf AlDlDS T? m7L",T". 6. lot 1.. Bamnel B and Bum. M,a catlona 1 a sewer In Eaat Ninth parallel with tha aouth Una of Kaat Irnf 0 Brown " v.:"' 1 sou POTT SB SAILING DATES Jnly 14. :00 a. r. ai a iw a . ..tUa e4k tn I 4W. 1 af UU 1U. WImm m. m. 1 ainiT IB. UU X ewer in E.t Eighteenth atreet. of ntrtfled iulL :0 Jnl 18 (atnro.T), 1;Q0 ... . . . id. in - ewer nip with all necessary caicnoasine, man- i ' oolca. lampnolea and Drancnea. naia aewar to TsmklU Rlvsr Rants. LJ CVIll,rUCl.PU VI Ui lUllun IU Uliuciajiwasj, w i Tcly IT. Auditor of tb City of Portland. 1803. atreet from T feet and tb estimate of th work to be dona and tb probable total cost thereof." tn cost or ia aewer to 0 assessed aa provided by th city charter noon tb nrooertr specially benefited thereby sod which I hereby declared to br all tbe lota, parta of lota and nsreeta of land lrtna- between a Una 1AO feet 0P0SED IMPROVEMENT OF HAWTHORNE north of and parallel with tbe north line of notice of the proposed construction of aald aewer iiusmofs street snu s una ou xeei souin or 1 p"ini vj m '- vmh.. and parallel with the south lln of Thompson Remonstrance against tb above aewer may atreet and between a line 100 feet west of be filed tn writing wltb tbe undersigned within and parallel with the weet line of .Eaat Ninth 20 daya from tbe date of tbe first publication atreet ana a line loo reet eaat or and parallel ot mia nonce wim tne eaat tine or taat ninth atreet The Engineer a eatlmat. of the probable total cost for tb conatructlon of laid aewer la th of TtiAnnAB I street. Tillamook atreet, Tbe Engineer s estimate of tba probable total coat for toe construction or aaia aewer ia 8.117.00. Tbe plana, apectflcatlona and eatlmatea of tb City Engineer for the conatructlon of a sewer In ssld East Irving street ar hereby adopted. Resolved. Tbat tbe Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to glv AVENUE I police is nerepr given mat ii ma meeting ar tb Council of the itr or Portland, ore ran. held oa th IStb day of July, 1908, the following resolution waa adopted: Resolved. Tbat tbe Council of toe city or Port land. Orecoa. deems It einedient and twopo to improve Hawthorne avenue from 1 8305.00. the west line of East Eleventh atreet tn the I Tbe nlan. aoectncstlons and eatlmatea of tha least line of the Stephen Donation Land Claim, City Engineer for tb conatructlon of a aewer ia toe rniiowiog manner to-wit: in aald hat Ninth (treet ara bereor adopted. nrat By griding tn atreet to tne proper Resolved. That tbe And tor of tbe Cltr of un-grane tor a wiain oi ore irri oerween rortiana oe ana ne ia nereny directed to give th. aouth curb line aad a lln nv tt north- notice of tha proposed construction of said aewer By order of the Council. THOB. C. JJEVl'in. Auditor of tb. City ot Portland. July IT, 1803. PROPOSED OF C0RBETT aa provided by tb city charter. ' Remonstrance agalnat tbe above sewer mar be filed In writing with tb ooderslgned within 30 days from tbe date of tba first publication or mi notice. By order of the Council. TH0S. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. July IT. 1908. PROPOSED SEWER IV MISSOURI AVENUE. rly therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween tb north curb lln and a Un Sve feet auutherly therefrom and parallel therewith. , Second By bringing tb atreet full width With full intersections to tbe established 'grade with gravel, i Third By constructing artificial atone slde WaUa. fourth By constructing wooden sidewalk on the north aid of block 121. Htephene' Addition to Eaat Portland, lying bet wen two Hues re spectively A6 feet and 125 feet easterly from land parallel with tb. aat lln. of Eaat eleventh atreet, gon, held on tbe 15th day of July, nam mimiTramii 10 i ia .t-.-.u.uv i roiiowing resolution was adopted w ia lit. runner enu in ui uaum i uiv v n j of Portland and the plans, specifications and ' eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer filed in tba rSc of the. Auditor of tb City of Portland os tn lath day or July. jooa. indorsed: "City Knglneer a plana and epecincation tor tha Im' r pro cement of Hawthorne avenue from tb west tin of Kaat Elereuth atreet tn the east line of Stephens' Donation Land Claim, and the Mtlmate of tbe work to be done and tha probable total coat thereof." Tha Mat or aala fmnrnvemenf tn ha aa. ' jessed aa provided by tb rlty charter upon -tb property specially benefited thereby and woicn la nereny declared to ne an toe lota, . parte of lota and parcela of land lying between a line 100 feet west of and parillal with tb. - weet line of East Eleventh atreet and the eaat lln of Stephens' Donation Land Claim, and . Between a line loo reet north or and parallel " with the north Hue of Hawthorne avenue and a line 100 feet south of and parallel with tb aontn line of Hawthorn avenn. . Tbe Englneer'a eatlmat of tb probable total coat of the Improvement of aald Hawthorne 'avenue la I8.H68.00. I Tbe above Improvement 1 to be classed aa a Revel .improvement and aball be maintained tbe rlty for tbe period of four year; pro vided, tbat tb owner of a majority of tbe jwoperty Denenteo by aid improvement or any portion thereof eball not petition for a . new or different improvement before tha ex- ipirauon or auch period. - Tb plans, seeelflestlons and - estimates of th. City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Hawthorne avenue are hereby adopted. I Resolved. Thst tbe Auditor of the City of Mroriisnu oe ana ne nereny directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said renu. aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above lmprova tnent may be filed In writing with the nnder- lalgned - within 20 day from th date of tba 'first publication of tbla notic. . By order of th Council. TH08. C. DEVLIN, f Auditor of the City of Portland. . July IT, 1BP8. IMPROVEMENT STREET. Notice I hereby glren tbat at tb meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held on th 15th day of July, 1003, ' th following resolution waa adopted: Reaolred, That tbe Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro- poses to Improve Corbett atreet from 85 feet north of the north Une of Urorer street to 230 feet north of the north line of Grover street, In the following manner, to-wlt: rirat Br bringing tbe atreet full width wltb full Intersections to tbe proper .grade wltb earth. gravel, rock, aand or other auitable material. Br eonatructlng a plank roadway full .'MOPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP OVERTON STREET. Notice la hereby given that at . tbe meeting bf tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- Kou, held on the 15th day of July, 1003, tbe allowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to Improre Overton street from the west lln of Front atreet to the eaat line of Cornell road in tbe following manner, to Wlt: ( First By grading tbe street full width with full intersections to tbe proer sub-grade. Second By bringing tbe street full width jrlth full intersections to proper grade wltb gnacadam. Third By conatrnctlng sidewalk, atone curbs and stone gutters in accordance with tbe .City finrineer'a nlan. aneclflcfltinna and eHttmatea ! Fourth By conatrnctlng and relaylng thai . . w.. ..... " . .. H ' .."!' V 1 .( 1 1 , V.ll cu- Igineer'a plana, epeclflratlons snd estimates. I Said Improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinance of th City of Portland and the plana, apeciflcatlone and estimates of th City Engineer filed In the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on the 13th day of July. 1003, indoraed: "City Engineer's plans and sHctflcstions for the improvement or Overton street from the weat line of Front street to the eaat line of Cor nel road, and tbe estimate of the work to be -done aud tbe probable total cost thereof." The coat of eald Improvement to be asaessed aa. provided by tbe city charter unon th prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parta of lota and parcela of land lvlnx between tbe westerly, line of Front atreet and tb eaatrrly lln of the Cornell road and between a line juu reet norm or ana parallel with the north lift of Overton atreet and a line 100 feet aontb of and parallel with tbe south line of Overton vireei. . Tbe Engineer' eatlmat of the tjrpbable total coat of the Improvement of aald Overton atreet 1 844.264.00. Tb above Improvement la to be rlaaecd aa a macadam improvement and shall lie maln- ayunett oy tp city ror a period of fire years, prorlded tbat the owner of a majority of th property, benefited by said Improvement or any part thereof, shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of such period. The plan, specification and estimates of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of said Over ton atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he is hereby directed to (rte notice of the proposed improvement of said atreet aa provided by tb city charter. Remone trance agalnat the above improve, tocnt may be filed tn writing with the under tgned within 20 daya from the date of the Brat publication of this notic. J By order of th. Council. 1 THOS. C. DEVLIN. " Auditor of tb City of Portland. Jo'y IT. 1908. Unuiil none la nereny given that at tba meeting i.h rn in.,,n. of the .Council of the City of Portland, Ore- Third Br, constructing 13-foot wooden lde- 1808, the w.ik,. ' I Raid ImnMWirMht rn Ha maii In aunrAinrii Rolred. That the Council of th dtv- of .h. Zhm Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro- Portland and tb plana, apeclflcatlona and eatl P0"" jonatruct a eewer lu Mlasourl avenue m.tea of the City Engineer filed In the offle from 25 feet aouth of the south line of Pres- 0f th Auditor of th Cltv of Portlsnd on ths cott. street to a connection with tbe aewer In 14th day of July, 1803, indorsed: "City En Beech atxt of vitrified sewer pip wltb all glneer a plana and apeclflcatlona for tb im neceasary catcbbaelns. manhole, lampbole and nmvement o rvhtt atreet fmm r.i reet north brancbea. Bald aewer to be of tbe following of th north lln of Grover atret to 230 feet SamuaJ Brown Blk 6. lot 14. Ralph B Smith Blk 5. lot 13. Ralph B Smith Ilralnard Tract, near AIM Blk 1. lot 1, John Bresell Blk 1, lot 2. Jobo Bresell Blk 1, lot 14, Jennie K Burnbam Blk 1. lot 18. William B Bralnard Blk 8. lot 1. Pacific Coast Abstract Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 3, lot 3. Pacific Coaat Abetrect Guarantee aV Trust Co Blk 3. lot 14. William C Noon Blk 8. lot 18. William C Noon Blk 5. lot 1. C J Smith Blk 5, lot 2. C J Smith a Riverside Addition Blk 5, west 100 feet lot 1, Cbarlee 0 Olaen Blk 6, west 100 feet let 2. Charlea O 01cn Blk 5. weat 100 feet lot 23, Andrew Johnson Blk 5 weat 100 fet lot 24, Andrew Johnson Blk 8, west 100 feet Jot 1, Anna 8 Bernard Blk 6. west 100 feet lot 3, Anna 8 Bernard Blk 8. weat 100 feat lot 33. Anna 8 Bernard Blk 8. weat 100 feet lot 34. Anna 8 Bernard Blk T, weat 100 feet lot 1, If P Brig- bam et al Blk T. weat 100 feet lot 3, M P Brig ham et al Blk T, weat 100 feet lot 23, Edgar B and Annie F Coarsen , Blk T, west 100 feet lot 24, Edgar B and Annie F Coarsen Blk 8. west 100 feet lot 1, Edgar B and Annie F Coarsen Blk 8, west 47.6 feet lot 3. Edgar B And Annie F Coarsen poses to Impror Schuyler atreet from the east line of Eaat Thlrty-flrat atreet to the weat lln of the county road eaat of fernwood. In the following manner, to-wlt: - ... 1 ias runnirurivii ir 1 uibb tuiiuai iuh luuiniaaivaBii wo. 1 .aaaM.aa ln,7rn.,n abllabV" CP DAWN, to. uir aao xaawui suvar polnta, atr. Klotor. Aah-St dock. Water pTmlttlng.l "JLilLa n. Jf.f.""l,il!f,!a r!! .. tn East Couch atreet at th weat Una of lota 1 in Ir i7 i.V 7.i iaJT'""" -1 , ' and 6, In blocks 0 and 5. Bockmao'a Second Ad 10feet In width wltb x-fbot cowing plank. flltloB. te ,-. , E..t Nineteenth atroet: ..... 68.58 i'i"! 'n0, U.K PtaJl' P5jnca41ona and Eighteenth atreet at Eaat Coach atreet. and to I fTf"!. .ib tCl.? iafi'T ,n be conatructed In accordanc with tba plana. T OO a. av, Today, Thursday, Batarday. Snake liver Wato. 80 bjAl Monday, w eanaa aay, ana. Friday. X 18.TO T.i." h' i?.T. a.I JL iSX .VJLS apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea therefor prepared by I 4 18 ."s-"!' 7U.d,T of J.aM- 1903- Indorm-Jd: tfiToity Engineer and filed in th office of the I.!!!! 6 .K,;lt7n,1n! p,U2",,d lclncatloiia for Auditor of th City of Portland on tb 3Tth day ,2 Jo th lmprovmnt of Schnyler atreet from the of jnD. 1903, Indoraed: "City Engineer' cast un oi nasi miriy-nrst strt to in weat 1 i... ..4 . iai. ... . i v... 43.88 ilS?"'. eoooty ro eaat of Fernwood and the ttmrb atreet from tha weat lln. of lota 1 and 10, TICKET OrriCB. Third and !KVnV,t.B'. ' Jk1" e .V U doa "n(1 th prob- bloc" " , Bnckmana Second Addition, to W,CX Mala 1 8 60 bl total coat thereof." sewer in Eaat Couch Street at Eaat Ebjhtoenth pboBa MU ' FOB LBWISTON. IdVu. led way polnta, front RiparU. Wash., atoaav r Spokaa and Lr- Utoa. 4:05 a. m. Dally, x. itat Aboat 6:00 p. as. Dally s. Friday. 428 182.21 38.61 11.68 Waahlnctaav Tala. T13. The coat of aald improvement to be aaaeaaed Ra aasi 4 i ma raaai nf Kan Ag,vr tn lash a-tsirVB v, . en -l" cf and the probable total coat thereof." rty apeclally benefited .thereby and which . Th. of ld to be sssMd a pro- declared to b all th k.U. parts of Iota Dy tb, c)t7 Opon. tb property and ParceU of land ly log hetwen a line loO .peclally benefited thereby and s-hlch la hereby wo, hvi iu wa auu araas ainu n 1111 tun uui isa hub 1 iiAAianaai n ata ai vka iira sasi itsi nraanra arm 8.TB a ' ,! . ",EU "?c 4V; ""parcela. of land, lying between tne eaat una or " ' I ann navallal arith .ha auilh I n. .f Bj-kiiw. II.. . 7. .... . .. . . . -i and parallel with tb aouth line of Scbuy- a. na I irveit sua Drwn ine eaat line 11 of Eaat Thlrty-flrat atreet and the west Une of to county road eaat of Fernwood. JT. Englneer'a eatlmat of the probable total t for tb Improvement of aald Schuyler atreet 1. $1,247.00. Th plana apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tbe Cltr Enainr for th tmnrovement of aald is tut I Schnylrr atreet are hereby adopted. 10.00 I Uaal- rrV . . A..l .V.. A Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notic of the proponed improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance agalnat tb above Improvement may be Sled In writing wltb the undersigned within 20 daya from the data of the flrat pub- ncauon or tnia notice. By order of the Council. THOR. C, DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT, 1808. 41.86 4S.11 18.69 14.04 34.67 81.84 85.0S 108.83 180.48 T6.6S Total dimension: of 10 incbe clear inald diameter from a point In allaaourl avenue 25 feet aouth of the aontb line of Prescott street to a polut la Missouri avenue at Mason atreet; thence of 13 inchca clear Inalde diameter In Miaaourl arc nue to a point In Falling atreet; thence et 14 Incbe clear Inalde diameter to a connection with tbe aewer in Beech (treet, and to b con tructed In accordance with tbe Diana and apeclflcatlona and tbe eatlmatea therefor pre north of tbe north lln of Grover (treet and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be don and tbe prob able total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided by tb rlty charter upon tb prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared tn be all tbe lota, parta of THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT. 1903. PROPOSED PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Or WXIDLEH STREET. Notice la berebr given that at the meeting .. .f 1.068.00 I or the Council of the City of Portland, Ore- ivuj, me 37.86 gon, held on tbe 15th day of July, following resolution wss adopted: Resolved. Tbst tb Council of tb. City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- 0F HANCOCK I poaea to Improve Weldler atreet from the cen ter une or taai xwenty-eigntn (treet to m weet line of of Eaat Thirty-first street in th IMPROVEMENT STREET. Notice 1 hereby given tbat at tb meeting I following manner, to-wlt nrat By grading tbe atreet lull width with menclng at a point In the west bank of tbe psred br tbe City Engineer snd filed in the I win ametta River at Liar-water mark where tha omce or me Auajtor or me city or, rortiana on tbe ZTtb day of June, 1003, indoraed Second By eonatructlng sldewalka ten feet "Clt Englneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for a aewer la Miaaourl avenue from 25 feet aouth of Prescott atreet to a aewer In Beech atreet and the estimates of tb work to be done and tho probable total coat thereof. Th coat of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed aa pro vince! Dy tne city cnartor upon toe property lota and parcela of land lying within tbe die-1 of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore- go following resolution waa adopted: - Keaolved. Tbat . tha Council of the Cltr of I wide with aix-foot coverina nlsnka snd wooden same wouiu ue imeracciea oy ine soma line or rorunna, uregoa, ueems it expeuiem ana proa euro. Harrison street extended easterly in its present I poses to improve Hancock street rrom tbe eaat I Third By eonatructlng wooden croaiwalk course; isenc westerly aiong tne soma line line ot .aei iweniy-iourm street to a point aw six feet In width. of Harrlann atreet and aald extension to a point at lta Intersection with tbe eaat line of Seventh atreet and thence southerly along tne eaat line or eleventh street to a point at lta Intersection wltb tbe division line between Pi ii Ira farnthers and Stenhen Coffin lionatlon specially benefited thereby and which la hereby Land Clalma; thenc weat along auch division declared to be aU tb lot, parte of lota and Un between Flnlce Caruthera and Stephen parcel of land, lying between tbe aouth lln. of Coffin Donation Land Clnim. to a point at Prescott (treet and a lln 100 feet north of Its Intersection with the weaterlv Una nf and parallel with th. north line 6f Beocb atreet block No. 8S. Carnthera' Addition to Caruthera' anri natnraen a Una 1AA fnat mrmm nf .nil ... . M.I I ai.i . v. - . . r.. I - t . . I .w - ' ' " . I auuiii.'h w iui i.iij u f iniwiiu. mcuiT euyiu- I niaies Ifl 111 1 who tne west iiu oi Missouri avenue ana a erly along tba weat line or said block No. 88 of tbe Auditor feet eaat of the eaat Una of tb. county road Said Imorovcmant to be mad in accordance In tb following mannner, to-wlt: with the charter and ordinance of the City of Firt By grading tbe atreet fulj width with Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and rati- full Intersections to the proper grade. mate of the City Engineer filed in tha office Second By conatrnctlng woooden aldewalka 0f the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 12 feet in width wltb elx-foot covering planka. 27th day of June, 1903. Indorsed: "City En Third By constructing wooden croaawalka glneer'a plan and apeclflcatlona for tbe Im- alx feet in width. prorement of Weldler atreet from th center line Bald Improvement to be mad In accordanc of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet to tbe Weat Una wltb the charter and ordinance of the City of of Eaat Thlrty-flrat atreet, and the eatlmatea Portland and th plana, apeclflcatlona and eatl- of th work to b don. and the probable total msirs ui me i ui uiiiiuw uieu iu m. ou ics 1 rest tasreoa," - of tb City of Portland on tba I Tha coat of aald Improvement to b assessed Buckmsn's Second Addition to Portland. Ore gon, and a line 100 feet eaat nf with the eaat line of Eaat Eighteenth and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north lln of Eaat Couch street, and a lln 100 feet south of and parallel with the aouth line of Eaat Couch atreet. Th Engineer' estimate ot the probable total cost for tbe construction . ot aald wr la $720.00. Tb plan, apeclflcatlona and estimate of the city Engineer ror toe construction ot a aewer In aald Eaat Conch atreet are hereby sdonted Resolved. Tbat tha Auditor of the City of Portland, Oregon, be and h I hereby directed to give notice of tbe propoaed conatructlon of aid aewer aa provided by tbe city charter. Kemonatranc agalnat th. above aewer may be filed In writing with tb undersigned within 20 daya from the date of the flrat pubUcatlon of thla notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT. 1803. SEALED propose la for removing two 50,000 gal lon wooden atave watertanka from the elevated wooden, etrurture at William avenue and Russell street and erecting them near Union avenue and Going atreet will b received at tb water omce, city Hall, Portland, or., until Wadneadar. Julr 22. at 4 p. m. Plana, speclflcatlone and forma of proposal may be obtained at the office of tbe Engineer of the water Department In tbe City Hall. The Water Board reserve th right to ac cept or reject any or all proposals or any part toaraor. Pronoaala ahould be addressed to th under signed and Indorsed "Proposala for moving tanag. By order of the Water Board. FRANK T. DO DOE, Superintendent. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. Vssjaw TAbAraamai abStit Haa aTTaMaa aL-t1 - at and paranJl S0- Shanghai, tlktng frjlgbt inmtret Tnd TlaSill.1oeB" and parallel nd VUdlroatoJk, INDRAVMS4fJUJU ABOUT mi So. For rates aM full in forms rjoo eatl or asV Buiciaw r agenda oc ua u. m. at n. oa. ! EAST na. SOUTH r?fsutvis IJll noorUT J I un juu reei eaat oi ana parallel witn tna east I to a point at lta lnteraectlon with the north 27th day of June. 1808. Indorsed: "Cltv En. aa nenvMel hv tha eitv nww na.. tha Un of Missouri avenue. Una of block No. 39, Caruthera' Addition to aiiiccr'a olsns and apeclflcatlona for th im. rv anaeiallv hanenW tharahv mnA whl.h 1. coat 0w. 00. I southeasterly in a atralcht line to a Dolnt in in plana, apecincatinna ana estimate or I tn south lln or rinlc I a rut her Donation the City Engineer for tbe conatructlon of said I Land Claim where th sam ia Intersected hv sewer in miaaouri avenue are nereny suoptea. 1 aivison line Derween secuons V ana in, town- Keaoivea. inat the Auditor or the city of I ahlp 1 aouth, range 1 east, Willamette Meridian; Portland be and he is hereby directed to air I thence southerly alone tb division line between notice oi me propoaen construction or . aald 1 aectlona B and 10, 10 and IS, Zl and 22. town aewer as provided by tbe city charter. ahlp 1 aouth, range 1 eaat. Willamette Me Remonatranc agalnat the above sewer mar I rldlan. to th southern boundary line of th be died In writing with tbe underslg-ned within City of Portland; thence easterly along tbe Tb. Englneer'a estimate of the probable total Carutbera' Addition to the City of Portland approvement of Hancock atreet from tb. eaat line hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of lots t.of the construction ot aald aewer is S3,- the westerly line of sstd block No. 30; thene of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet to a point 200 and parcela of land lying between the aat lln A nO. I mam Htu.lul. In ' 1I..A .a a mJ., In I . . .... . . II . . . I . . . . '. . . ... n-ei ri ui m. naai nua vt iu. ctiuij roso, ot Eaat iwsnty-eigntn atreet ana the weet line and the estimates of the work to b. don. and of Eaat Thlrty-flrat atreet and between a lln the probable total coat thereof." JOO feet north of and parallel with th. north Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed Una of Weldler atreet and a line 100 feet aouth a provided by the city charter upon tba prop- of and parallel with tha aouth Uo. of Weldler erty specially benefited thereby and which la atreet. hereby declared to be all tha lota, parte of The plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea ol lot and parcela of land lying between th eaat the City Engine for tb Improvement of aaU Une of ESat 'Twenty-fourth (treat and e Ua. 300 Weldler atreet are hereby adopted. 20 daya from the date of tha flrat publication aoufhern bonndarr lln of th Mtr of Poland ? ln5 V" ! of tbla notice. to a point at its lnteraectlon with the weatern I of snd narallel with th. north lln. nf H.n I i I? .h. "n.i" .."1."' "IU . i ... 11 di - -. i . I ' . .. ... . . . . r. I l" na'v mvh w lur""i iuiuiibiiiii VI " l "X .u , , VL ' jow-e-aiBr street ana a line low reet aoutn oi ana parauel aald atreet a provided by tb city charter, mark: thence northerly along the weatern bank with the south line nf Hanooek street I i. iTi".;. w.r .. V-.-. ?! ih .,U".m:.t.t'..:rL.rl rXl ""J Tb. Engineer', eatlmate of tha ptaabl. etiat" fy ...... -,.u.u i coat oi iii improv.meni oi aaia irei ia an.-1 si 072 00. soo.w. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT. 1903. pnded eaaterlv in Its PROPOSES SEWER IV TwENTT-THIRD preaent course, th. a a me beViig tbe place of be- STREKT I clnnlng. n.. . 1 KUuwi, ..(In..,. Ik. mmK.KIa ... 1 Notice Is hereby given that at tb meettn ,k. i.mni e ..ia r.k.,. ...... . . . . ., : 1 V. . 1. " ,IWHV,TUITIIL V. V W, lTT L . LI FCl of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore- J ( io 688 00 gon, held on the 16th day of July, 1803, tba The 'above improvement la to be classed aa a following resolution Was adopted: I nl.nV pnnHwav (mnrnvement anri shall ha main. Heaolved. Tbat the Council of th Cltv of .k. .i.. ..ia ... ...... Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- nrorlded. that the owner of a malorltv nf the poaea to coustruct a sewer In Twenty-third oroDertr benefited by aald Improvement or any Improvement rROPOBES SEWER IV EAST TWZVTT . EIGHTH STREET. Notice la hereby flvea that at She Bttng of th Council f th. City of Portland, Or., held aa tbe 16th day of July, 1808, tbe foUowtng resiolutina waa adopted: liesulved. That th Council of th City of Portland, Orvajna, deem It expedient aad pro oe u con tract a aewer In East Twenty 'I blk .treet from a point 100 feet aontb of th asatb lln f th. Sandy road to a mn awrtloa with th aewar in Eaat Twentr-elahth . . . . . ..- s t .- - - r - , 1 iiH.iitiip mhi mtrwn aa pan u si aoaU ( ua pertl jeatuutM W of el or prepared by the aty Soft- treet from 100 feet north of the north line of Thurman etreet to a connection with the ewer In Vaughn atreet, of vitrified eewer pip with all necessary catchbaalna, manhole, lamp hole and branchea, aajd aewer to be of eight Inchca clear Inside diameter and tu be" con atructcd in accordance wltb tbe plana, apeclflca tlona and eatinuitea therefor prepared by tb City Engineer and filed tn the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 27th day of June, 1903, Indoraed: "City Englneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for a aewer In Twenty third atreet from 150 feet north of Thurman treet to aewer tn Vaughn atreet, and tbe estimates of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed aa pro vided by tbe city charter upon the property apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots and parcela of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb the north line of Tbiirman atret and a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the eoutb Hue of Vaughn atreet and between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel" wltb the west line of Twenty-third atreet and a line 100 feet east of and parallel wltb the eaat Una of Twenty-third atreet. Th Engineer eatlmate of the probable iui cusi vi uie conatructlon oi aaia aewer 1 $197.00. Th plana, peclflcatlona and estimates of tbe city enjrineer ror tne construction of a aewer in aald Twenty-third atreet are herebv arinnhul Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of rwiianu oe sou ne is nereoy directed to give notice of tbe proposed construction of said aewer as provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance against the above aewer may be filed In writing with tbe nndenlgned within 20 days from the date of tbe flrat pubUcatlon of tbla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1903. portion tbereor, "hall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration or euro perioa. The plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer foy the.liflprPTemeat of aald Corbett atreet are hereby adopted: Reaolred. That the Auditor, of tbe City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance agalnat- tbe above Improve ment may be filed In writing wltb the under signed within 20 dsys from tbe date of the first publication of this notice. By order of tbe Council. TftOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City of Portland. July IT. 1903. Tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and aatlmataa of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald llAncock atreet are berebr adoDted. Keaolved. That toe Auditor of the Olty rf rortiana oe ana ne ia nereoy directed to give notice of tbe propoaed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tba cltr charter. Kemonatrance agalnat tba above Improve ment may oe niea in writing wiin ine andar slgnd within 20 daya from tha data at tha first pubUcatlon of thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS. O. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba Cltr of Portland. -My 1?, 1003. Kemonatranc agalnat th. abova improve ment may be filed In writing with th onder algned within 30 daya from tha data - of the flrat publication of thla notice. By order of tb Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th. City of Portland. July IT. 1908. . PKOPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST MAR KET 8TBEET. Notic la hereby given that at tb. meeting of the Council of the City ofNPortland, Ore gon, held on the 15tb ily of Julyr IS03, th following resolution was adopted: Reaolred. Tbat th. council or tb. city or PROPOSES SEWEB IV EAST TWENTY -8EVEVTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS. Notice Is hereby riven tbat at tbe meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held ou the 16tb day of July, 1908, tbe following resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That tbe Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro poses to construct a aewer in Eaat Twentv. aeventh and Lawrence atreeta from a point 100 etniui 01 me soum jine oi ssnay road to a connection wltb the aewer in Rest K-at street, of vitrified (ewer pipe, with all necea eary catchbaalna, manholes. Umpholea - and branchea, of tbe following dlmenalona: Of 10 lnchce clear Inalde diameter from a point 100 feet aouth of the aouth line of Sandy road, to a point lu Lawrence etreet at tb aouth 11a of Loaan a Addition tn Prtiani. of 12 incbee clear inalde diameter to a' connre- uun win um sewer ia nasi Krerett atreet, In accordanc with tbe plan., apeclficatlon and PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 0E EAST STARX p'o ragon.' d,e'in..'xCtnat7pro: STREET. I poses to Impror East Market atreet from the Notice la hereby given tbat at tha meeting I weat Un. of Eaat Third atreet to tbe weat lln Or me council OI tne UIZJ OI fOTliana, Or- I OI nmm insuui sire-h iu ui- loiiuviu unn con: held on the IBth dav nf Julr lOOH the I ner to-wlt: - following reaolutlon waa adopted: Flrat By grading tbe (treat full width with Reaolred. Tbat the Council of th. City of intersections to the proper sub-grade. Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro- Second By bringing- the aurface of the atreet puce to Improve Eaat 8tark atreet from the weat faU width with full Intersection to proper grade line or cast water street to tba weat wiui uptana dbux gravei. line of Union avenue by redechlna- tha road. I Third By constructing artificial (ton side' PB0P08ED IMPROVEMENT OF CORBETT wl. wll r""T '"l."- "'i-i,. eon-t . en.h. STREET. bente, In accordance with the City Engineer's Fifth By conatrnctlng wooden crosswalks Notice 1 berebr given tint at tbe meeting plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea. air feet in width, of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- Bald Improvement to be made in accordanc Bald Improvement to b made In accordanc gon, held on the 15th day of July, 1803, th with tb charter and ordinance of the City of with tb charter and ordinance of tb. City of roiiowing resolution was aaopiea. I t ortiana ana toe uians, .pecincations ana eatl- 1 roruanu auu tne pians, epecincationa ana eati- Keaolved. That tbe Council of tbe City of mote of the City Engineer filed in tb office of I matee of tb City Engineer filed in the 'office Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- the Auditor of the City of Portland on th 28th I nt the Auditor of the City of Portland en tbe poaea to improve ioroeti atreel rrom ol.f reel uuy ot June, iieid, inaoraea: uiiy jjmgineer a I aotn uay oi iuue, luus, inaoraea: city JSn south of tbe south line of Pennoyer street to plans and apeclflcatlona for th Improvement of I f glneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for th lin 110 feet north of the north line of Pennorer Eaat Stark atreet from the weat Un of Knmt I orovement of East Market atreet from the west street In th following maimer, to-wlt: Water street to the west line of Union Arenue, Un of Eaat Third atreet to the weat Una- of First By bringing tbe atreet full width wltb and tbe eatlmate of the work to b don. and I Eaat Twelfth atreet and the eatlmatea of the full Interseetiona to the proper grade with earth, the probable total cost thereof." I work to be don and tha probable total coat gravei, rocs, sbuii ur uiuer simauie material. loe'cost ot saia improvement to o. astrseod meraor. 1 Second By constructing a plank roadway full as provided by tb city charter upon th prop- Th coat Bf (aid Improvement to be aaaeaaed width with full interseetiona. erty specially benefited thereby and which ia aa provided by the city charter upon tbe prop Third By constructing 12-foot wooden aide- hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lota erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la walks. and parcela of land lying between a Un. 100 feet hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots Said Improvement to be made In accordance wet of and parallel with' the weat Una of and parcel, of land lying between a Hue 100 wnu im iu.iivi auu uriiiuauim ui ine tuy or r.aat naier sireet ana me west line ot Union reel west or and parallel with the weat line of Portland, and tbe plans, apeclflcatlona and avenne and between a Une 100 feet north of and Eaat Third atreet and tha weat line of Eaat " umium, mm in tue puiaiu-i -nu mr miriu iius oi cast mara atreet iweinn sireet ana neiween a line 100 feet north T T ot rortland na 1,ne 100 ,6et on,a t nl parallel with of and parallel with th. north of Eaat Market un mi. i.m ua w& ui, ivyro, Illuurseo ; Llty r.ngineer a plana ana specincationa ror the Improvement of Corbett atreet from 81.4 feet aouth of toe aoath lln of t'ennoyer street to 110 feet north of tbe north line of Pennoyer atreet. and tbe estimates of the work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." The cost of (aid Improvement to be asaessed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lots and parcels of land lying within tbe dla tiict bounded and described aa follows: Com mencing at a point In th weat bank of th Willamette River at low water mark where the aame would be intersected hv th eonth Un of Harriaon atreet extended, eaaterly in lta 8 resent course ; thenc westerly along the aouth n of Harriaon street and aald extension to a point at Ita lnteraectlon with the eaat Un of Seventh street and tbenc aoutherlv along ' the Eaat Une of Kecenth atreet to a Point at Its Intersection with tbe division une net ween rime carutbera and Stephen Coffin donation land claims;, thenc west along auch division line between- Flnlc Caruthera and 8tephro Coffin donation land claim to in.- ..iui, uuv ui r.a.i nun sireei. .treat ana a line loo reet aoutii of and parallel The Englneer'a estimate of tbe nrnhahla total with thn aontb line of Kaat if.rkot J""1 J', ImproTement of aaid atraeet la The Engineer's eatlmat of the probable total 14.486.00. - - - coat of tha improvement of aald street la 810- Tbe above Improvement, la to b classed aa 287.00. an elevated roadway and shall be maintained The above Improvement la to be classed aa a by the city for tbe period of thre yeara, pyn- gravel improvement and aball be maintained vlded tbat tb owner of at-malorftv of tha bv th cltv for tha nariwi ..... . JZ? prorrty-benefltd by aald Improvement or any vlded. that the owners of a majority of the portion thereof, ahaU not petition for a new or property benefited by aald Improvement aball different Improvement before tb. axplratton of auch period. The plana, aped 11 cations and aatlmataa of the City Engineer for tb Improvement of aald Eaat Stark atreet are hereby adopted. Reaolred. That tha Auditor of th. City of Portland b and b. la hereby directed to glv notic of th proposed improvement of aald atreet aa provided by the city charter. , Kemonatranc agalnat the abov improve ment may be tiled in writing with th. under-' aigned within 30 daya from th. data of th. flrat publication of thla notic. By order of th. Council. THOB. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tha Cltv nf July IT, 180ft " Z not petition for a new or different improvement wi"" tun expiration oi sum period. Th plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate of tb City Engineer for the Improvement of Xaat Market atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That th Auditor of th. aty of Portland b and b ia hereby directed to glv notic of the propoaed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tb city charter. ' Re mona trance agalnat tb a bore improve ment may be filed in writing with th under aigned within 30 daya from tba data of tha first publlctlon of tbla notice. . , By order of th. Council. , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor nf tha rlfa nt P...I.-4 ; 1 Bl IT. 180&V, . . , PVI0V DEPOT. AJTtraa. OVERLAND EXPRESW train, for 8ala, Boa, burg, Ashland. Sacra- a mento, Ogdcn, ln Praa- Ti4S a. ta rise. Mo la v.. Los Aa- Kle. El Paso, New Or oa aad th Kaat. At Wood burn, daily (icept Sandayl, aoora-M-aa . Ing train for ML Aa-OTM " gel HllvertoK Brown. n B rllle, Springfleld. WeaoV nng and Natron. 4:00 a. a. Albany paaMnger, eon- . necto at Woo bur with rxQl Mt. Angel and Silraf too local. T m. Corvallla paaamgwr m p. av tiX a. ax, Sharldaa paanger llSJaVa. at 1 i 1 w THB HIT Or tVmVTHIMQ OXLY 7G HOURS PORTLAND TO ia the 0. Be R. & N. Co-, Oregon Short Line. Union Pacific and - Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. turn yoar tickets read over fht Chicago & North-Weston, A. Q. BARKER. Qcnl A or. 0. ft N-W. Ur. lt THIRO ST.. POaTLANO, OML JBALTIMORX 6- OHIO R. R. Alij TRAINS VTA WASHINGTON Dally. HDaUy azcapt Ssnday. aartlaa4-0srag 8uburUa 8t1o aad TaaahUl AMTIaian. Jhrpot root of raftrsai ttraat. .ar fortUnd daily for Ofweg ru a. as. 11:80, a.06, 8:80, 6:'f, ;!. 8:80. 10:10 p. as. bally (except Sonday) 8:80. 8:80. 8:38. 10:88 a. m. 4:0(1, 11:8a p. a. Sonday only, 8:00 a. m. lUtnrnlnat from Osweso. arrive Pnrtland dall 8:80 a. a.; 1:85. 8:0ft, 4:86, 8.15. IM, 8:54, i. it p. m. Liaiiy (azcapt aanaayi a:aa, :ou,, ii:o a. m. Except noaoay, a. n. Duoaay only, iu:w as a. Laar. from aama depot for Dallaa aad tntara asadlaU polnta dally ( Sunday) 4iX p. aa. Axrlv PortUnd 10:90 a. V " Tba InlepndDC-Man tn oath Motor Una operate daily to Monmouth and Alrlle, aoa. actlng with Southern Pacific Ooaipany'e traoho at Dallaa aad Indp.ndenc. Plrat-claaa rsbat ticksta oa aala frana Pa. land to Sacramento aad Baa sncUoo. N8 rate 81T.60. borth S; cnd-claa far 818. without rsbat or barthi aooad-cla aarth a.ou. Tlckata to Eaatorn polnta aad - Burpee, la oapaB, i nina, rtonoiora aao Aowiraua, City Tlohat Offc cornar ThlrO aa4 Wi aaa atrseta. rnoaa, aula lia. ft W. 8TINOBB, W. B. OOMAJt, uty aieMt Afaat, tea. Pa. 'Aft, ' WHitSS, T1MR CADn A f 1. 1 at b. mm va TRAINS PORTLAND. Paget Sound Limited. . rf ciu..l. 1UT IIWUII, Dve...-. Olympla, Sooth Band and Cray 'a Harbor polnta. North Coaat Limited, for Tacoma, Seattle, Bntt. St Paul. Mlo- neapolla, Chicago, New York, Boaton and polnta fcaat and Soatbean. TwIn-CUy Ex pro, for Tacoma Seattle, 8po. kane. Helena, St. Paul. Chicago. Bo. tna and Eaat and Minn noils Mew. York, all nnlnta ooutneaat. Paget Sound . ITanaaa Clf-8t. Lnula Special. for Tacoma. Reattla Spokane, Butte. Billing jsenver. vmana. Kanaas City, St Loula and all points Eaat and South eaat Dtparta. 8:80 a. tt 8:00 p. aw ll:CB p. ra. 8:80 a. m. Arrlv. BUM tw a. f :00 a. m. T:00 p. av. 1:00 a, n V All tralna branch. dally except on Sooth BaS . , A a. d. Charlton, , ana . vthiii reaavuanr B8 Morrison St. corner Third. PortUnd. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. . t-Ta. ONION DEPOT. Arrive. t fo Mavgars, Balalor. Dally. ' S,.?i;k,nI,i Waatport. CUftoa. latorla. War- it -ID a. av niond Port Steven. . 8:80. p. m. Bearhart Park, BMia, Sat only. Astoria and Seasbor Express, Dally. T:00 p. at. ".B,fc D,11f0,ta " 8:40 . aa. 3. C at ATA. O. r. aad P. A-. Astoria. Or. i B-Jt. LCWIS, Commttrclal AituXlW aUdtt A v sawn am anaj 1 u