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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1903)
im'.'ttx:v.-i.--KH . a I h i in ' i ii i fWM) If M. Wyman. H. D. Hammond and fare ll.'WiU,WiUii 0. R, McAlllson, Mln nesota: Mra. O. B. Leasy, Nahcotta; Mra. C. HJ. Eekere. Hwacor R. Oans- naugh and wife, Minnesota; H. V. Hen rotd end wife. Walls, Walla; H. B. Par ker, Astoria; Visa Anna Burk,- Oyster villa! Edward George, L. L. Darling;, South Bend: -Ada C, Ross, ; Pendleton Carol Van Oradall, : Pendleton: J. It Woodward, 8. LA. Fraus, Spokane i Mra. M., Young, Charlea Men; Ina R. Strong, Mra, M. A. Strong. H. W, b. ' newen, Bouth Bend: F. R. Wa toner, R. O. Hll bard, J. H. Cass, 7. H. Smith, Fred K. Bowen, R. Taunt, Bertha M. Summers, J, J. Dunning-, J. C. Jarved and wife, Mra. M. A. Johnaon and daughter, J. K. TurnbulL Jamea Lindsay, N. L. Tucker, W. R. Klrkpatrlck, William Bell, -IB. W, Moore, E. O, . Maybo, Paul Henderson, Mra. E. 8, How and eon, Portland Driftwood Cottage 8. M. Bowman ahd wife, Denver: C. A. Cooper, Port land: U Sullivan and wife, Salt Lake Mra. J. W. Trlgga and two daughtere, Bolae; Jamea Llndaay, Portland; Mra R. 8. Sheridan, and two daughtere. Boise; Mra. J. T. Roaa, Aatoria; John Hanson, Aatoria; Dr. C. W. Wlnfleld, v i.Ut. int... 1 Ilwaco; E. W. Bchadt, Wisconsin; B frha h.Ph.Mr i. h.r. i. -.ii hi. nrM.JBneu, rortiana; coi. u. w. otons ana nd the cool aeabreeaea make pleaaant W. Stone. LosAngeles; Mrs. B. the warmer aephera from tha shoreway. w- Stone Portland; Mra. J. J. Bruce. Each arrlvln. train brlnra orowda of Mn FranclBCOj Mra. A. J. Clark, Mlnns- Oregon people .who have left- their P0""! M;rCtork' c: . Rankin, homes In the sweltering inner lands for I ' "; r a a?Z tha aanria where tna aurr rolls mcea-1 -wuaasa vi. tr. auu . . onu,, santly and makes aweet mtislc for the roruana. weary sufferer from an oppressive sum mer heat The hotels have lost tha I The Breakers. hollow echoea In their halls and the The Breakera Is getting Its share of iierry ring or nappy voicea stir me summer excursloniats as Is also Tioga, mere ana mage joyous souna ror tns its neighbor. Mr. Arthur, the genial istener. nroorletor of the Breakera Hotel, haa hla Oregon Is certainly the pleasure aek-1 annex almost completed. Thoae now ers paradise. The people of our fav- registered at the Breakera are: Miss nrn atnta llrtia know what a a-raar nns- I -t'T ()..., t r rvn i I .... mA m .-. V ' W , WAVCVJ. Afc- t WAhCVIJ. 1U 1 Kllll 1 alblllty they have for development of j. c. Stone, M. C. Benbow, H. W. Frels Ihe tourist trade of the country. Bouth- I nd wife. F. O. Nell and wife. A. B. rrn California.' the much-advertised, can irr.rt .Tohnnnn. Mra. m. c Rn. boaat of no auch loveliness as Long bow and child. R. Yaunt, H. C. Yaunt. Beach, Tioga. Naheotta. Seaside, Fla- Charlea Rosenfleld. wife and child. 8. vers and a score of the nestling nooks Apple. Mrs. Goldman. C. W. Wood, wife pear me yawning moutn or me raigntyj.nd BOn, 8. A. Herring, wife and child, Columbta. An Eastern publishers tells Mrs. A. J. Comstock, Fred Katts and me tnat witn proper advertising ana in- mother, M. C. Chealand and wife, P. W. creased Hotel facilities the Oregon Custer and wife, J. Albright. I. Sanders, beaches would become as famoua as any w. R. McKinxle, Ella Pearaon, Edith of tha world. He undoubtedly speaks Pearson, Alice Wilson. Mra. Nixon, Hen the truth. The beaches of New York. ry Jennlng. Katherlne Jennlng, Mrs. M. While made gay with splendid buildings. Blumeulr and child. Miss Sadie James, pretty cottages and elegant auburban Harry T. Nichols. Mrs. F. Hart, Miss residences, do not possess the natural Emma Hart. Portland; A. B. Bowman tavantasres or Long Beach or seaside. an(1 wjfe, Michigan; Mrs? Charles S. Fee, ana v,aurornia Deacnes ai tsania crus, i BOn and daughter, St. Paul; Mrs. K. eanta Monica and Monterey ana not Munra, Meaeham; Claude Smith. M. M, heariy so charming. Seaside has many Hickey. Salt Lake; E. C. Sharp and wife, advantages over Monterey, but lacks the san Francisco; R. C. Curt and wife, As- service or ine spienaia iiotei vei Monie torla; F. 8. Whltton, San Francisco; E, ana us incomparable grounds. w McKlnlv Kw Jrv: J Mrf.n Stretching away at Long Beach as far Denver; Mary McLean. Butte; Henry s me eye can scan is me smoom wnue, o Mulvaney, Walla Wa.Ia; 8. T. Mlnard, nara ana, almost as level aa a road ana Hwaco; H. B. Parker, Astoria; 3. W. anoraing a arive can not te het- Ljape and wife, Hot Lake; Mies Carl tered. Scattered along the vast ex- r.on, uWaco; Victor H. Beckman panse of spotless dcean line are groups ,nd wt. s.-tti: fl Rnunh.unt. ef bathers and banda of lolliug glrla In gpokane; I. P. Eisenbach. San Francis White, their pretty sunshadea causing c0; Mrs. 8. K. Phillips, Mrs. M. Wade a strange contrast to the more sombre Phillips, Minneapolis; O. W. Hoyt. wife eolors of the dunes. Back of this the and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bal- uamiy coiiages or me sesoeacners peep gton. Spokane; V. H. Woolfe, and wife; out from amidst a foliage that la almost gpokane; W. H. Hathaway and wife, San Biarmnis in a vivia greenest. Miiea Francisco; James Rosenhaupt. Spokane; up me long eireicn oi sajia me line or r. a. Hawkins and wife. Ilwaco: Mrs. trees and that or the surf blend In ar- B. r. prkes, Ilwaco; Leon Sweet, 8alt iihiio nurraony pronucmg an enact mar i jako. is not to De round elsewhere than in this Ideal spot. No wonder then that Port land's thousands seek rest In a few Weeks Stay at the "Coast. Sea view. Hackney Cottage I. Oeverta, Mr. and Mrs. L. Dammasch, W. F. Clifton and wife, Mrs. W. Steel, Lillle Harmon, Dora A. 1-lAwktnfi. .T. C CurrlA. J. T.aaiia. Wn Compared with previous seasons al ; Hattie Keylor and daughter. Mies Zlwaoo. this time of year everything Is very" quiet along North Beach. Less than half the number of people here the mid dle of July last year are here today. A close estimate will give Just about one' half of the cottages open and few camp era are here while the hotela along the Hbckney. Mrs. C. E. Brown, Miss Hasel Brown, J. G. Sterling. A. McHol land, W. G. Steel, D. Roberta, Peter Hagner, J. K. Shouk. A. B. Scott, Mrs. J. C. Palmer, Martha Jones, Rosa Schadt. H. W. Willett. Mrs. S: Hart, Maude Bell, A. W. Willett and wife, C, llghtful entertalnera and all had an evening long to be remembered. ttf The lawn social, whldh waa the form of entertainment furnished for tha monthly meeting of Multnomah Prohi bition Alliance, met at tha home of Mr. and Mra. B. Lee Paget, Forty-second and Eaat Salmon streeta. Tuaaday even lug, and was one of tha delightful aocial affairs of tha week. Between f 00. and 100 gathered at an early hour In the spaoloua grounds surrounding Mr. and, Mrs. Faget's home, which were lit up with Chlneae lanterna hung among tha tre. Soma of the moat brilliantly 11 lumlnatad were two huge cherry trees (nurtorted to be tha largeat cherry treea In Oregon) and loaded with fruit. were lighted up and placed at the dis posal of ' the guests. Tha house waa beautifully decorated with a profusion of all klnda of flowers and ferns. A carefully-prepared program waa carried out In a pleasing manner. In which tha following took part: . String Music The Huiin niaiers. Prayer Secretary H. W. Stone. Introduction Preaident McKeroher. Recitation Miss Nora Lanai Remarks (five mlnutea only) ReT. B. Nolson Allen. Vocal Solo Mr. Lionel Paget. Remarks (Ave mlnutea only) Rer. O. L. Tuftav . . Recitation Miss Marion Humoei. Address T. B. McDanleL Followed br a large bonfire, refreah' mants. lemonade. Wafers ana cnerries. Regular monthly meeting of Multnomah prohibition Alliance. WZDBXjTGM. a SALEM. July II. Mlsa Florence E. fltiner. of Salem, and Mr. Albert M. Grllley, of Boise, Idaho, were married at th home of the bride, in tnie city, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. In the presence of a number of relatives ana friends. Rev. W. C. Kantner. pastor of the First Congregational church, per forming tha ceremony. Following the waddlna- a bountiful repeat waa served, and on the :St train the happy couple departed for Portland, where they will spend several daya, before going to Boise, where they will make their home. Miss Stelner Is a popular yOung aociety woman of Salem, and the groom is gen eral secretary of the Y. M. C. A., at Boise, where he Is very popular. He grew to manhood In Marion county, and for a time waa assistant aecretary of the Salem Y. M. C. A., and later secre tary of the Oregon City Y. M. C. A. Ml Ja A oulet wedding took place Wednes day afternoon, July IB, at the Episcopal Church. Oregon City, when Miss Delia Corl became the bride of Mr. Guy Readick, the paator of the church of ficiating. The church was 6eautifully decorated. The bride looked very sweet and pretty in her bridal gown. Only relatlvea and a few f rlenda were pres ent at the ceremony. The bride and groom are both of Oregon City, where they have a wide circle of friends. w J w Mr. L. O. Lakln and Miss Llnnie M. Watts were married Wednesday even ina at 9 o'clock at the home of tne bride's parents on Tillamook street. Rev H. H. Pratt, pastor of ForDes rresDyi; rian Church, officiating. A large com nanv of invited guests witnessed ine ceremony, partook of the dainty wedding mer. ten guests of tha Occident at Aatoria, Mr. Otto Mellke and wife are off for a summer outlrut at Trout Lake, waah. Mrs. Jennie May has. been visiting friends In Oregon City the past week, Mrs. Blair T. Boott and daughter, Mlaa Gertrude, ara visiting at Vosburg, Or. Miss Bertha Clark of Salem la In tha city for a two weeka' visit with friends. Mlaa Flora Hallock of Baker City Is In Portland for a brief visit with friends ' A. C.' Thompson haa been In Corvallla, the 'guest of his brother, B. R. Thomp son. Mrs. H. W. Byrd and two sons of Sa lem ara in the city for a several w$eka vlalt Mlas Ethel Price of Corvallla la vis iting here, tha guest or her sister, Mrs. Oren, Mlas Eloiae Eller, who haa been vis iting In California, returned home this week. Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Robertson are at tha Corbett cottage, Seavtew, for the summer. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Wood are passing the week at tha Coast, guests at The Breakers. J. W. Dancy ef thia city haa been vis iting In South Salem, the guest of L. O. Simmons. Bath, Catlln and Edward Sterling have returned from a visit with friends In Pendleton, Or. Joe Smith is taking an outing by vis iting hla alster and other relatlvea at Brownsville. Mr-and Mrs. J. D. Perry have arrived from Mexico and will again make Port land their home. Mra. Ellae Meinels Is visiting relatlvea here and will be the guest of Mr. and Mra. A. H. Eller. Mra. H. M. Llnea has been having a short visit with friends at Independence, Or., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Robblns enter tained the Aldona at a crawfish dinner last Saturday night. j Miss Eva Ktnsey of La Grande la visiting In this city, the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Kittle Gray. Mr. and Mra. Charles T. Prlvatt have been visiting Mrs. Privatt'a father ajid mother at McMlnnvllle. Mra. H. A. Moore and Master Harry, who have been visiting friends at' Moro, returned home this week. Mr. and Mra. 8. SUverfleld and Miss Ruby SUverfleld left this week for an extended visit In the East. Mrs. C. D. Tllson of Salem has been visiting In Portland the past week with her alater. Miss Esther Williams. Miss Hazel Paulus was one of a party who made a trip up the Columbia Tuesday to Cascade Locka and return. Miss Edna Emklns of this city is spending a two weeks' vacation with her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Taff, of McMlnnvllle. Mra. J. T. Moylaa and children are spending the vacation weeks with her husband In the mountains near Eugene. Mr. William Brooks and family have been visiting at Mountain View this week, the guests of Mr. Brooks' mother. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bartlett have been visiting at Independence, Or., the past week, the guests of Mra. D. F. Hopkins. Evelyn Cornutt, who haa been attend ing school In this city, returned to her home at Riddle this week for the turn- her home, lit East Fourteenth street Mrs. Jones ' Is accompanied by hor daughter, Miss B. Leslie denting. Mrs. Francis is visiting with her daughter,' Mrs. John Allen, of Corvallla Before her return home she will make an extended visit to Manila, P. I., In oompahy with her aon who Is a business man of that place. Major Humphreys. U. S. N., Mrs. Humphreys and Miss Humphreys of Ft. Stevens were here on a visit this week. They came to meet their sop and brother, who waa with the Augustln Daly Com pany. They had not seen each other for several years. OUT OF TOWN SOCIETY heacli-are only entertaining a email 1 w, Pwin4( Mvnu nani. number. The travel from Portland to nnfsan 1T1 Arte TlalHntrAi TT.tfai W Tlallf n- me oeacn nas Deen me i.gnieai ever g(STt Mrg. Fi g Ballinger, Illinois; W. A. known. At no time has the Potter clfty ,nd wife, Kansas; V. Llbke, The brought down more than 150 people at DaUee; Mrs. D. L. Dawton. Granta Pass; a trip while last year It waa loaded to Mr8, l, a Higglne and children. Granta ta utmost capacity. PaM. T. c. Elliott and wife. Walla The backward spring is the cause of walla.: R: Roaenhaum "Salt T.aVn T.lna i 1 , I . , l- ..... t I ' . - -, IUC 1IIH Ut-Htll II Hll 11'. lilt, 1HMHIBI DW(Nt MISS TC. J. TIll.T. , , , a . 1 . . I I ' J una rrmaineu uuui ana cuminueu raina llt&ve muoii .wuitu innuo pel?!,) I uiuuutfll I WVlWPfll AS WB VfiKV a leave their winter homoa nf comfort n tha pIUps for their nnen anmmnr eot. The Port as la Club, composed Of the tffa on tha haach. Tha aaaann la at employes at me local U. K. ft XM. rreight least a month behind what It was last onlce na, lne oocks, was nanasomely vear. The weather we are haviner now entertained Thursday evening at the Was heitia- exnerlenced here the first of residence of J. W. Ransom. 47 East June last year and more people were Eighteenth street. Games were played living on North Beach the middle of ana rerreanments served. June a year aao than are there now. I Uf IS Vf However, all are feeling Jubilant over LA GRANDE, July 18. Thursday waa prosnects of a large exodus from the the last day of the Rinehart reunion. 1 vivn in as, itn uaj r r vi viiu a a v I " - v ii.ivvid rvaw yivvouv will few days we have had excellent weather the valley and surrounding towns. The and. although yet a little cool. It la be- membera of the Rinehart family are ginning to warm up perceptibly ano Known in almost every part of Oregon. with a few hot days in the cities people and visitors were present whose homes Win oegin to come to seen recreation aiire in une couniy. ruext year tne seashore. 1 Rineharts will meet at Summerville on June is, 19 and 20 X.onar Baaoh. 1 At least 76 or the family attended dur- The largest number of people at anyT,nT tne "threff days of the present re- supper and spent a delightful evening with the happy couple. t Uf ttf Dr. Clarence W. Keene of Medford and Miss Minnie McClalne were mar ried on Wednesday. July 16, at the bride's home In Silverton by Rev. Mr, Idleman of Medford. The ceremony was performed in the presence o the imme dlate relatives and friends of the eon- A wedding dinner waa Miss Cloreta Burners, who has been vlfrttlnK In Salem, the guest of Mrs. Claud Gatch, returned home thfs week. Mrs. J. R. Weatherbee haa been vis iting in Eugene the past week, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.J. H. Mo Clung. Mrs. William Wolfsohn and daughter. Ruby, of Oakland, Cal., are visiting in server aft;r which thT neW rr"lel Lhlti fj& th ot Mrand Mr"' B CUUJIIQ mil 1WI ui unnu ..... vrr the Sound for a brief wedding tour. Baum and family left the Both Of -the parties to this contract are f o1tha w;l5ufr Seavtew, where . . . . . 1 tliAV will ATlAnri lha Amalna rt Ua place on the North Ueach are now to be i union. Members of the family are found at Lona- Beach. Here are two prominent socially ana in a ousinesa. lara-a hotels the Portland, run bv E. wv ,n almost every town in Union Hanneman of Portland, and the Hotel countT' Tinker, run by Mr. H. H. Tinker, an old pioneer of the Beach and one of the founders of the town of Long Beach. The Portland la now lighted with elec tricity and very commodlously ar ranged for the accomodation Qf guests. The Tinker is newly papered and reno- f J Mrs. F. M. Branch entertained In delightful manner last Friday afternoon. uaraea were enjoyed during the earlv part or tne arternoon. Mrs. Daly win ning first honors, a handsome hand- painted fan. A long table was spread vated and several additional rooms fixed an(1 beautifully decorated with choice Up this summer. The Famous Drift- nowers under cherry trees, on the lawn, wood cottage, which accommodates sev- wneru ueucious rerresnments were ral dozen people through the season, is servea. i nose present were Mrs. Can- also ODen. It Is run by Mrs. Lynlfr. lnon or BfUt l'aKft- Mrs. Dawson of Sdo- who Is well known on the beach and b ane, Mrs. ox 0& rendieton, Mrs. Han- those who visit this resort. The peo- Bon' Mrs- woraDy, Miss Craven, Mrs. Pie now .reelsterad at the hotela here Uuntway. Mrs. Lrimell. Mrs. Flvnn. Mra. are: Daly, Mrs. Nels, Mrs. Weineeta. Mra Hotel Portland H. O. Copus, Claude Younger, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Manley, Mrs. Cooper. William nmlth. B. O. Vole-roth, au- jbcods. Gus Aberjdroth and wife, I. C. Wilson and wife. J. E. Hunt. J. K. Guild, J. E. Speeht, Claude L. Simpson, J. A. Tay lor, H. H. Parker and wife. W. L. Lis ter and wife, Miss Bernlce Bradway. i Vt A Jolly party of Portland's vounar folk made a trip up the Columbia on the Bailey Gataert , Tueadajc to Cascade Locks and return. The trip was taken Frank Hackney. D. Kunkel. E. W. Moore. In honor of Rev. and Mrs. Hare, nrevl- J. E. Ingalls,?M, Troy, Miss Troy, John ous to their departure for their, future Jaclt, Dr. Catherine M. Marcus, Joe Do- home at Myrtle Paint. Or., whee Mr. ver, A..L. Dleken, B. W. Devtn and wife, Hare goes to take charge of the Pres- J. L. Drews and A. B. Scott, of Port- byterlan Church -at that place. Thoae land; Mrs. G. A. Riggs, Aberdeen; Jay Brlee, wife and two children, Vancou ver; R. C. ,Lee and wife, Astoria; Mrs. S. L. Fltaglbbon, Michigan; H. O. Hm roid and family, Walla Walla; F. L. Whitton. Chicago; A. J. Anderson, Aber deen; F. H. Houston. 8outh Bend; B. H. Nelson. Skamokawa; W. H. Wilson and wife. St. Paul; J. Watson Myers, Rits ville; 8. Manning and wife, Crilfax; Miss Raymond. Portland; George Schliti and wife, Portland! Misses Wagoner. Hotel Tinker-i-8. T. - McDonald." D, Byrnea, Irving Lettlnger, J. S. Dlaner, William McDonald, A. D. Dlaner, W. A. Deaver. Kelso; A. P. Leonard, Bouth Bend; Miss Sarah Barklns, Kansas; Ferd ? Rosa and c wife, ; Ptarca Cltrj CJiartes K., Northand and. wife Mrs. H, 8. , Sheridan and . daughter. Mra, J. W. Trlgga and two daughters, Boise; H. In the party were: Rev. arid Mra. Hare. Rev. Harry H. and Mrs. Pratt. Mlsa Me Dowct, Mr. H. fitrat and Mr. Charles Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Hare are recent arrivals from Lincoln Center, Kan. Vf Mr. and Mrs.. E. M. Runyan of SSS Stout street entertained at dinner Wed nesday evening of last week In honor of Rev: and Mra. Alexander Blackburn. Tha rooms were beautifully decorated for the, occasion. La France rosea were prettily arranged In the parlors. The dining room was a bower of summer beauty. White and gray were the jjre vaiMng. colors, which produced quite a charming effect The guests were: Rev. and Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Blaygen, Miss Blaygen and Mr. N. Blackbuni. Mr. and Mrs. Runyan arc da- well and favorably known throughout Marion and Jackson counties, where they have a host of friends, who extend their hearty congratulations. M Mf Itf im they will spend the remainder of the hot season. Mrs. P8ul R. Kelty and son Eugene left this week for the seashore, where they expect to remain during the next William Hubbard of Portland and Miss two months. Ethel Bradford, daughter of Mr. and Mlsa Elizabeth Matlock of Heppner Is Mrs. ' J. C. Bradford of Seaside, were the guest of Mrs. Harry E. Coleman at united In matrimony Sunday July 12. at the Stnshelmer'a cottage, Centertille, the Methodist parsonage In Aatoria, Long Beach. Rev. Harold Oberg officiating. The 1 Mrs. J. D. Cook, who has been In Port happy pair will make their home In Port-j land for the past two months, left Sun- land. I day evening for her home In Medford, Southern Oregon. OOMHTO IvEoTi, . . Mrs. Ins Schecker and Mrs. Georre The ladlea'of the First Baptist' church lAubel from Lexington. Neb., are visiting will give a reception to Rev. Alexander relatives and friends here and at other and Mrs. Blackburn, Monday night at cities on the Coast the church parlors. Mrs. J. R. Justice has been visiting Tne anniversary or me Dame or ami with her slaters. Mrs. E. C. Annerann Run, will be celebrated by the membera ani Mrs. William Deilschnelder at their or tiincoin-oarneia i-oat at tne oia u. home in McMlnnvllle. Aw.K- ,,,L "e8a?y evening. Juiy ii. Mlss Allle M. Rogers left Wednes This will be the last meeting held by nay evcnlng over hte Nrthern Pacific Jjllicoill-uai ueiu rum in mrir jircBBiii fnP vt.It tn rcln,iv.. In Mlniworuill. Mra. Walter Reed will direct the secred cantata, "The Holy City" (Gaul) tonight at Chautauqua. Tha soloists will bf Mrs. May Dearbormr Schwab, soprano. Miss Edna Gates, oontralto, J W. Belcher, tenor; Dom. J. Zan. barl tone. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, will be the accompanist. This will be one of the special features of the programme The Portasia club has decided to give a lawn party on the evening of July 18, at the home or .Leon Henderson, near Riverside Park. . For yils occasion the river steamer Hoo Hoo and barge have . BALZM. Mlas Helen Wlnslow, who has been assisting Dentist Lehman In his office at Brownsville for several months, has returned to her home In this city for the summer. Mlsa Minnie Perrine, of this eity, Is visiting with her friend Miss Georgia Smith for a few weeka at her home In Jefferson. Roy Bishop, of this city, who recently graduated from the Textile School at Philadelphia, is visiting at Brownsville the guest of Joseph Cordlngly and family. Mlsa Mabel Bean is visiting friends In Portland. Ernest Kllnger, will spend the sum mer In Ashland. WJ11 Sklpton la visiting In Portland. Mrs, R. H. Lea bo haa returned from a visit with her parents in Portland. Mlsa May Frazen, of Portland, la vis iting In this city, the guest of ner cou sins, Misses Lois and Eva Cashow. Judge and Mrs. R. S. Bean, of this city, are visiting in Eugene, the guests of Mrs. Bean's father, Professor Condon. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. White left this week for Newport, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. J. C. Cooper and daughter of In dependence visited In this city during the week, the guests of Mrs. D. F. Wag ner. Misses Jeanette Brown and Emma Kramer left Saturday for a four weeks' outing at Newport. Sister Gertrude of the Mount Angel Academy, is In the city visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Felix La Branch. Mrs. W. W. Gatens, accompanied Mlaa Georgia -Maker, who haa been visiting her, to her home in Portland, Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Hinges and Miss Gertrude jltahley entertained the ladles of the Unitarian church 'Saturday arternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Hinges on Church street. Mrs. H. George Meyer and eon, Fred, were In Portland visiting this week. Sister Adelhelma, of the Mount Angel Academy, who has been teaching school at Albany the paat nine months, Is In the city visiting for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Paul Marnoch. Hon. and Mra. T. B. Kay returned home this week, after a two weeks' visit In Washington and British Columbia. Mrs. J. C. Smith, and two daughters, Bessie and Wartda, were In this city few hours Friday afternoon, on thei wav nome to Ban Krancieco. P. H. Dawson, of San Francisco, Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Sam Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brooks, of Silver ton, were Salem visitors Sunday, spend ing the day with relatives. Miss Kate Magulre, 'of Portland, who Is spending a few weeks visiting In this city, visited South Baled! friends Satur day. Mrs. A. B. Glllls, wife of Surgeon- General A. B. Glllls, of Salem, la in Port land for a brief visit. Miss Gertrude Stahley, a prominent musician of Salem, is visiting In Port land. R. A. Hopf. a Salem merchant, is In Portland on his way to Seattle for a visit Mrs, Robert Leslie at Woodman Hall Wednesday evening by the Baptist church people and friends. Rev. Leslts retently returned from Hot Springs,) South Dakota with his bride. He was1 wedded there to Miss Mlna Druse. Mra. J. W. McDougall, Mra. Jennings, Mrs. Mutcb, Miss Grace Good, Mr, and Mra. G. O. Savage, and Carl McCroskey are among the Grants Pnas visitors at Newport to spend the summer. Mlsa Jessie Scovtlla has returned to Grants. Pass from rortland, and will enjoy a visit of several weeks with Her parents. LA OX AITS B. Mrs. Lucy Dlneen and children of Hamilton, Mont., arrived here this week and will spend the summer with Mrs. Dlneen'a sister. Mrs. J. M. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Stanley, of Wiscon sin, well known In this city, are In Tort land visiting their son, Hon. F, S, Stan ley. Mr. Al Ptaroe and wife of Hood river, visited here this week. Mrs. Dave Clark and wife are over from Cove visiting with Mrs. Dr. Rich ardson. Miss Mollis Hendershot, one of the popular young ladles of I'hlon, Is visit ing friends in La Orande. this week. Mrs. Ted Buehler. left this week, for a few weeks visit, with friends at Moun tain Home, Idaho. COXTALLXS. Harry Davis and slater, Miss Mabel, are spendtng the summer at Newport. Mr. O. J. Blarkledge and family have gone to Fish Lake for a month's out ing. Mrs. J. McCormlck of Brownvllle Is visiting In this city, the guest of her brother, J. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Fisher were among those from this city who enjoyed the excursion to Newport Bunday. Mra. Joaeph Oates and daughter Mlna, and Mra. J. F. Yates, left this week for the Coast to spend the summer. Mrs. Will Keady and children of Port land are viaitlng In this city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klger, were vis iting at Newport this week. Mrs. N. B. Avery is visiting Portland friends this week. Dr. and Mrs. Harper, Henry Allen, wife and daughter, left Tuesday for a 10-dnya' outing at Alesa. PBaTDtXTOH. Mr. and Mrs. T. Knlckerson of Susan- vllle are visiting friends here this week. Mrs. H. Burkner of The Dalles Is the guest of Pendleton friends for a few days. M. Young of Weston was a visitor In our city this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Short of Colfax are In the city, guests of friends for a short visit. Mrs. M. Donahue of Bumpter was the guest of friends two days this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson of Walla Walla are In the city for a short visit ith friends. Mrs. Tanslg who has been visiting friends In tbls city returned to her home in Walla Walla thla week. Mrs. W. J. Clark left thla week for Portland and Coast points, where she will spend the summer. She was ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. West, of Camas, Wash., who have been visit ing with her for some time, and who will go with her to the Coast for the summer months. Mrs. Perry Corby of Pleasanton, Kan., s here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. G. Fraxter. longs to Ashland in every sense of the word. She haa successfully conducts! the department of vocal mualq In tha 8. O. Normal eouoor of Ashland for (our years and haa ever been willing to give the public the benefit of her rich contralto voice whenever there waa a need for good singing. She Is ft grad uate of lows. Conservatory of Mualo and later of Frisco. Her song was pub lished at the earnest solicitation of her friends and the quaint, patbetle melody richly deserves all its present popular lty J. B. Butler and wife have gone to Bybee Springs for their summer outing. Mrs. A. C. Helman is visiting her sis ter in Portland. . i . Mrs. C. W. Martyn la viaitlng In Ore gon City. Mrs. George E. Payne and daughter from Grants Pnsa are here visiting rela tive and friends. , Frank Dunn of the passenger depart ment, Portland, la spending his vacs.' New York and Philadelphia. Misses Minnie and Rose Hockenyos, two popular young ladles of Medford, Qr are 8pendtiigihftlr vacation, here. visiting relatives and sightseeing. Miss Lenora Fisher, organist of the First Congregational Church and also of the Jewish Synagogue, has gone to Scappoose to spend her vacation. Mlsa Nellie McCormlck of Chicago Is viaitlng her brother, Mr. S. J. Mc Cormlck. Miss McCormlck will be the guest of her- brother all summer. Mrs. S. Kollsky, who has been visit- been chartered, and a deligHtful time is I"" her daughter, Mrs. C. S. T'nna. will anticipated. flf Tha big musical event of the Chau tauqua this year will be the concert given by Portland singers, under the, direction of Mrs. Walter Reed, on Tues day evening, July 21. The song cycle, "Floras Holiday," will be given pub- be at home Saturday, July 25, prior to her departure for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Marks are' spend ing their month's vacation In the moun talna of Southern Oregon, visiting among their numerous friends there. Mrs. L. M. Boardman leaves today for hor home at Vassar, Mich. She has been licly for the first time. Thla cycle for the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Harry solo quartet will be sung by Miss Agnes Edsell, during the past few montjjs, Witt, Mrs. Reed, Mr. J. W. Belcher and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Curry of Oregon Mr. in. t;. .an, wim air. uagar uoursen city have gone to seaside for the sum at the piano. A double quartet from the mer. They have a summer cottage near Treble Cleff Club, oompoaed'of Mea- dames Watt, Sheldon, Hoyt, Johnson, Hauaen, Charman, Gates and Reed, will sing "Carmena" (Wilson) and "The Month of Maying" (Strong)., The fam oua sextette from Lucia and the quar tet from Rigoletta will be sung by Miss Mabel Johnson, Mrs. Reed, Mr. N. C. Zan, Mr. Ruah D,rake and Mr. Dom Zan. Solos will be sung by Miss Edna Gates. Mrs. Albert Sheldon, Mrs. Reed and Mr. Dom Zan. Seaside and expect to have a great out lng. Mrs. Ralph Hoyt and daughter, who have' been viaitlng In Salem, the guests of .Mr. and Mra. P. H. Sroat, returned to their home In this city the first of the week. MJss EanAhe Craig of Salem and Miss Vida Nanny of Albany are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. G. W. Simp son. 808 Fourteenth street, the guests of Miss Lena Simpson. C. H. Johnson, a nromlnent huslnaaa PSSSOITAXS. man and capitalist of San Jose. Cal.. ae- Mr. and Mrs. Heglan ara spending the companied by his wife, is spending a few summer at Colton. I daya in Portland on hla return home Miss Curtis Is visiting In Salem, the from an extended visit to the Eastern sruesi oi Airs, a, ju. oirang. . G. W. Weeks of Salem was a Portland visitor a few days this week. Mrs; 3. J. Reed has returned from a several days' visit In Salem. states. Mrs. F. A. Wiggins and little daughter Mildred came down . from Salem. Wednesday morning, whence they go ud the Columbia river, to join Mrs, Charlea !!" "B" Da"t; - - IE. Ldd. in the letter's houseboat, f2r a Mrs. John C Herts is visiting In The I ...v. a Dalles, tha guest of Mrs. Mark Long.- j Mrs. A. Wedmore Jones. Pacific Coast Mrs, Frankle Cornell of Salem Is- In Irenroaentative of th Nw Vni-v "xf.i. the city for a short visit with friends. teal Corner.'' la in Portland in the in- Mr.' W. B. Matheaon and wife are I tereat of her paper, and is visltlna- h spending a tew days by the sea, the j slater Mrs. Joseph X. Hamer Younger at ASTOXIA. A Sunday achool class party waa given at the home of itev. Henry Marcotte, Thursday evening, at which 30 young people were royally entertained. Games and music kept things going In good time. Refreshments were served. From 8 until 11 o'clock there wue a Continued round of good time. Walter Lyon, formerly aecretary to Governor Geer, was visiting here this week. P. H. Beekman, came down from Port land this week, and la being entertained by the Quartermaster at Fort Stevens. A. R. Cyrus went over to Warrenton this week, to be present at some of the sessions of the Degree of Honor. Miss Bertha M.' Summer of Portland Is vlHltlng here this week. H. A. Riggs, Jr., of Emmett, Idaho, Is In the city on a visit. J. H. Brown and wife, of Portland, are visiting In this city. Hon. J. G. Megler and Mrs. Megler, were over from Brookfleld this week. Miss English, of Portland, Is visiting ln thia city, Jhe l guest of MlssMaJa. Frederlrkson. Colonel John Adair, arrived from North Yakima this week and will remain In this vicinity for some time. N. P. Sorenson and family are now occupying their Seaside cottnfe for the summer John H. Shamberger and family have gone to Seaside for the balance of the summer. Mrs. T. 8, Cornelius has returned from a visit In Hlllsboro. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Trulllnger have re turned from their wedding trip. . L. M. Hadden. of Southeastern Kan sas, has arrived In this city on a vlalt to his son and daughter. Philip H. Had den and Mrs. W. N. Smith. Swepnon Morton and wife have re turned from their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryrie returned Monday from a short visit in Portland. Prof. W. Bolfrige and mother, who have been visiting Mrs. Belfrlge's son. E. Hammerstrom. have returned to their home In San Francisco. Mrs. Hammer strom accompanied them aa far as Port land. Clev Kelly went to Portland to attend the Chautauqua meetings. Mrs. J. T. Ross and Miss Ross are visiting In Portland thfs week. Mlas Josle Bozler from Portland visiting friends In this city. is OBAXTS PASS. . Mrs. Robert "Booth returned home the first of the week from Portland and As toria where she has been visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Booth is a leading club woman of this city, and at tended the convention of Women's clubs at Astorta. Mrs. Sllsby and daughters. Miss Erma and Miss Hattte, and Rev. J. W. McDougall are among the Grants Pass visitors at Ashland, attending Chautau qua. (. A large number pf Grants Pass peo ple are making their annual trip to Sole stein Springs. In the Stskiyoua. Over 20 people from Grant'a Pass are- now en camped there. A reception was tendered Rev, and - - i " . - ' ' - i .. . "; x' STOBITE. Mlsa Ada Orrell of this city Is visit ing In Bclo, the guest of Mtss Maud Bllyeu. Dr. Kuykendall and family started on their annual camping trip this week. They will camp at Ocean Beach, near Ga rdlner. President Campbell, of the State Uni versity, left this week, with his family for a summer outing at Yaqulna, Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barbre of this city and their daughter. Mrs. Clyde Jinks are visiting tn Baker City, the guests of their other daughter, Mra. Ca- ville Handa. General T. Hall, Sr., and family have gone to McKenzle Bridge to spend their summer vacation. Mlsa Ellai Ford Travis has wbeen elected preceptress In Sherman School in New York City, in which her brother, Professor Stewart L. Travia is an In structor. Mtss Travia lsr a graduate of the University of. Oregon, this year and. was awarded the Failing prize. She was reader of the Declaration of Inde pendence at the Fourth of July celebra tion tn this city. She 1s a bright and talented young lady, and haa many friends who will rejoice at her good for tune, but regret to have her leave Eu gene, as so many others have done. Miss Lulu Rogers, who haa been via itlng friends here for the past few weeks, returned to her home at McMlnn vllle this week. J. T. Rowland and wife, Virgil Row land and wife, and Miss Bernlce Chess man of this city, left for an outing at the London Mineral Springs above Cot tage Grove this week. Mrs. W. A. Leonard and daughters, Luella and Wllla, of Woodburn, are vis iting In this city, the guests of Mrs. Leonard's mother. Mrs. Dunbar. Professor I. M. Glen and wife left Sat urday for Corvallis, where Mrs. Glen will visit her sister, Mrs. E. R. Bryson, while Professor Glen is In Ashland, where he Is conducting the chorus work dur ing the Southern Oregon Chautauqua ssoclation which convened In that city July 15 and continues two weeks. Dr. F. M. Day and family have re turned from their outing up the McKen zle. Miss Maud Stinson. who has been spending the past year in the East, ar rived home this week, and Is now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stinson, at their home, 645 High street. Mrs. T. O. Roberts, who has been vis iting East and in California, arrived" home Saturday accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M. Kelly, whose home Is In Southern California. Mr. Frank Wetherbee and family left this week for their summer outing at Foley Springs. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Williams are vis iting In Newberg, where they will be Joined this week by their children, Tom, Mabel and Roy, and then all go to New port for their summer outing. Miss Hattie Lee of Woodland, Cal., is visiting In this city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Frazier. Rev. Herbert Johnson arrived here this week from Boston to spend a few weeka, visiting at the home of his mother. Mrs. Angle Stewart, Miss Isabelle KIrkland, of Springfield, Or..' and Mrs. Kate I'arKer or British Columbia are visiting here, the guests of Mrs. A. K. Patterson. , , Misses Frances, Nelson , and Adele Golf of Albany, who have been visit ing Miss Helens Robinson of this city, returned to their homes this week. George Taylor left this week for an outing at Newport. THE DALLES. . Judge and Mrs. Bradshaw, Cllton Brarishaw and Miss Pearl Cook of Port land left this week for Trout Lake t spend a few weeks camping. . Mrs C. W. Ha rht and daughter Who have been visiting friends In Portland returned to their home In thla city Fri day. - ' After spending a week with noma folks In this city, Mrs. Charlea Alden and children returned to their horns In Portland, Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Walther and family left thla morning for the camping ground at Cascades, where they will spend tha summer. Mrs. Hugh Gourley left Friday tat their cottage at Ocean Park, Long Beach, where she will be Joined by Mr. Gourley later. Mrs. Jamea Rees, who haa been vis itlng with her mother. Mrs. Flaher, for a week past, returned to her home at Hood River on the Regulator Monday. Harry Blgham will leave Saturday for . a two weeks' vacation at Collins Springs. Mr. and Mra. W. L. Shlrey left Friday for Iowa, having been called to that state by the aerlous illness of Mr. Shl rey 'a mother. They will be absent about six weeka. Mr. and Mrs. George Dufur srs visit lng Mr. Dufur's sister. Mrs. Menefes, at the Central hotel in Dufur. E. a. Griffin and family left this week with their camp wagon and outfit. They will be Joined at Dufur by Lane Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kiln ger, who will all leave for their annual summer outing In the mountains. Tha party expects to be gone about a month. and a glorious good time la anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gorman, left Tuesday for Seavlew, ' where they will spend tha aummer months in the fJeurert cottage. . u w naia mt a w 'in iwi nann savin family left here this week for Seavlew, where they have rented a cottage and will spend the aummer. AXBAVT. Miss Belle Chance and her father left this city Wednesday lor Portland where ; they will visit a few daya before tak ing their departure by the ocean routs for California. , Miss Maud Irvine from Bclo la visit ing in this city the guest of Miss Bel pha Munkera. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mitchell of this city are visiting relatives and frienda of Bclo this week. Mrs. Oon Sullivan and children ara spending a few weeks at Yaqulna Bay. W. C. Tweedal and wife are taking their summer outing at their Nye Creek villa. Rev. W. P. White returned thla week from his Eastern Oregon missionary trip. Mr. Tim . andel is rusticating at. Yaqulna Bay. Mr. W. F. Fortmiller and family left this week for Newport, where they will spend the summer on Nye Creek. ' Mr. and Mra. Louis Knowlton, have returned from their bridal trip to San Francisco. They are making prepara tions to go to housekeeping In a few days. Mrs. E. Thrall and Mlas Ida Ward, ot ,the public schools, will spend a part of their vacation at Gladstone Park, with the Chautauqua. Professor Mary 8tarr of Albany col lege, and mother, and Mrs. G. A. West gate and baby, left this morning for Cascadla for the usual summer outing. Miss Frances French returned Satur day from a visit with tha Flaher fam ily in Aatoria. She was met in Port- ift ftfj ' s"y rUSfV WiBWfj"" 14 1Bw "'3BVAt" W hO VCIbJ '- the guest of Chief Engineer Dave Camp bell for a couple of days. "t t ' Mrs. William Wolf and children ot Portland are visiting at M. Sternberg's. . Rev. Nelson and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Morrison, ara viaitlng In Corvallla thla week. ' Mr. T. L. Alexander, who has been with the Democrat office for several yeara, tert tnia wees ror vertnauon, a. ., where he expects to remain with rela tives for six months. GOOD PLAN . ; Stubb Yes, I think we would hav better protection If they put two police men on this beat. Penn Think ao? Stubb Yea; one would snore so loud he'd wake the other up lirj 4 Dm? uyu iduv ASRXAJTD. J. H. Provost left this week for his old home in Canada, and will bring back a bride. . Mra. W. 8. Love, nee Hallie Million, of Portland, is expected here this week on a visit with her parents. Miss Nina Thomas of Oakland, is visiting here, the guest of Miss Nellie Dickey. -t , ,. Mrs. J. A. Norman end family, accom panied by Miss Nellie Purvis, will spend the summer at Colestln. v : . Mtss Helen Sllsby who composed both words and aausio of "Love's Dream'! be- a Piano In a Hurry You should not buy a piano on snap Judgment, no matter where or what yo are offered. Neither should you pur chase one with an unheard-of name ona that you would have to make apologies for. You can buy pianos and pianos In many places, but the one place which, handles only instruments of well-known reputation is . SouleBros. Piano Co. Who are the enly representatives " for this territory for the Stelnway, A. B. Chase, Estey, Emerson.' Stow and many others, all thoroughly flrt-claa tnstru. menta. , ., f , 326 Washintcn Xxpxt Taag and T . JTaone, V' J,