TIIE OEEGON DAILY JOUBKATV PORTLAND, V'W WJDAY 'EVENING, JULY 16, 1903. 11 .. . traa ovmm, to nut . Itching plica produoe maiatura gad eauae Itching, thla form, aa Wall, ,"BU(tBlBllBr'or Protudlng JPiiea are , i cure? oy ur. jjo-nrai rua Kemeay, : . Stops Itching and pleading. Abaorba tu , mora. iOo a Jar, at druggists, or aant yy .maILTreatlae free. Writ na about your cage, Pr. Boeanke, PhU'sV. Pa. " . frwf erred took Caaaod aooda. - 1 Allen Lewie Beat Brand. jmmral MALI HELP WANTED. ,v, M. HAW An as CC1..-JJMPLOYMBNT AOTS. 4. hi norm aeoono it. Offlese In Baa Frsncisos ad Loa Augtlee, ''Cel. I Utden 'snd Snoksne. - - . Hlp free to emptor!. Free beggage room ing njamifa ikju, nm aecurso tor sppuosaui ' ESTABLISHED 18TS. ! ;. 'RKAPQnAKTEHH FOR MEN FOB It.' R 'AND OTHER OUTBIDS WORK. DAILY tiiiratru nkvaua for the Dig a. p. ' R. R. tunnala: -NORTH i the n R. a. ' ; work Id Washington; EAST oa compear and 1 contract work .SOUTH la Oregoa. and nun otner points. iuk liUK oa sll at. av work. ! . O- HANSNN 4 CO. . M Kort fd at, 10NEER EMPLOTMENT CO.. 118 Morrison - ' nranco urnce JEM uraca. VaT A W irswi , Head akldder. .1.T; head filler, $8.25: M "w, ourxer. fa 00: caute onnaer, btr i or sawmill, eif.sa; sticaor nieii, 3.H0; milker, 835. j'lenty of other poaltluna. WANTED Traveling mm) ularr 10.00 per month, all expenses; 125.00 essh eourlty re quired, call or address U D, Abbott Co, Templeton, 206 Flrat St.. Room 4. WTOTTCrSlSiF 48 North Front at, cor Dsvls. LOST. LOST July 1 J, atnall engrs red" goi match aafe; Initial! O. W. B. on aama. Betara US second at. Reward. . D00 ABB H0EBI HOSPITAL, DR. B. J. CARNET. veterinary aarcaoa. 160 N. 1Mb. Fhone Main UH4. Bee. phone. Front 10. BATHS. NATURAL Russtso botlr hatha 2Be and BOei open dsllv, except Monday and Tuesdsr. 11 a. m. to II p. an. 81 Eaat Twenty-eighth at., r-vereit. mono, ecott ehi. S rVlWIBHED ROOMS. LOGAN BUILDING. 108 Union ere. Elogsnt room ror nooieepmg or tranaieot inrouhad or onrornlihod: rates reesonsMs. NOTICE OF DIIS0LUTIOI. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore cxlatlng be tween Arthur Drew and Byron Mania, under . the tlUo of The Western Interior AdTertlalng Compan, la thla day dlaanWed. BYRON MORRIS. 'ALMIBT1T. , . ATTENTION. ,. ".:' , Ton.' Ever t On nt Yim. .. ' It la Ahaoluielv end Pneltleal - FKKk) FREE iU I Fall to Do an I Claim. 1 I make a aolema oath te'tell roa awra ak aolote (acta ( relatloa to aot only the paet but the areaent and ratura of your Ufa, aa wall a, erery bono, fear or ambition of your Ufa without aaklng you a qaeettoo. Tbla I will do , for yon, aud atoro than any other clair voyant, palralat or eo-clld fortuoeuller la tba world caa do for yoov I giro eaoelal adrlce on mlnlnc, boalneea tranaactlona of all klnda la fact there la nothing that yoa BiiW want to know that I ran not tell yoa. Aak other olalrroyaata and palmlata to do aa I agree to do. If the aaa, I wUl gladly forfeit WU. BXPDCKO FEES gftVEW DATS ONLT. " " ' PROF. BKXLDOX. "TBI COSMOS," cor. Fourth and Morrlaoa ata wi, as. aa and ao. CASH REGISTERS FOR SALS. ONE BALL WOOD taab reglater at half price, II ai.i.-' aj..k aa a. a I vbu auiiaj jmarsiarv sTuniK uq aMAauutji FOB BALI REAL ESTATE. ' WE BUILD HOUBB aa oaay monthly parmanUi Juet what roa want) eee oar plana, they arc aot oxpenalre. BIB Commercial bldg. FOB BINT. TORE. tSB Union are.. B15 per month: oood location. Portland Tniat Comoanr of tire- I on, 11m TBira at. V4tt STARK ST., nicely furnlabed room; ree- oonabie rents tranalcnta aollcltad. i' Front 109ft. T-ROOM HOVSE. f 10.50 month; email bonac, $B month. 1M Curry at. BOOMS WITH BOARD. BOOMS . WITH BOARD, well furalahed; all mouero eoaTenienoeo; iodic Doara ,:o. Til lairteentb. WELL FURNISHED, modern eooMuleneee: Ublc noaro amo; pricea reaaonable. at Kl istb at. FOB BALI. 4-KOOM COTTAGE and lot 70x100; 84 fruit uvea or 100a ranety, 3 elaterne, grape har bor B0 fort lone, large woodshed, for ItWO; $250 down, balance on May terma at 5 per cent Inquire at D. B. Hortoa'e atore, end of Montarllla car Hue. Phone, White A26. FOR SALE Broom bouae. lot 60x100; lawa ana rruit treee. am, Eaat Twenty-aixta at, near mnion neiiy ocnooii woooaroca car. FOB BALIS A few blfh-grade tpewrltera, 8Q eacn. L. and M. Alexander, ia iniro at KINGSBURY PIANO for aala, . cheap. ronrm at. 168 ATT0BBZTB,, B2IMON8 4 EMMONS, attoraeya at law. 44 Worceater bldg. ' S- B. RIGGEN, Attorney and Ooanaellor-al- Law NoUry. 808406 Ablngtoa bldg. u. VT(i w nf iu M- atifim . BIB Chamber of Commerce. T. TAUGHIR Boom IS, Alneworth Bolldlng, B. B. DICKINSON, Attorney-at-Lew a ad No tary pablic 001 Commercial blag. , ...4, .JOIE'S GAIN During : the month of June The Journal printed 18,240 . INCHES of paid advertising wWch Is 1,689, inches more f than the previous month. There was a notable increase in nearly every classificatioa Every Journal advertiser is getting splendid returns, and those I ' V who give it a trial almost invariably become regular patrons. I axxsKzsxssXanassszzzszxsa i OABFIXTIB. I, F. LUCY, aoeecaaor to Oordea Mfg. Co., carpenter, oallder, general cootractor. aooac remodeling, altaratlonc, eta. I cabinet work and lobbluc a apedalty: counter ahelrlng, lea boxea, etc.; atnrc and office fix t urea t na-toi oate ana original carpenter wore 01 an klnda; nothing too largo or, too email for oar Immediate attention) ao fllee ooanat we make and pot op the beat Br eereeoe la Portland. ghnr.. font of Yamhill at I phone, Black BWTirealdenee. T4T Eaat Stark I reelde-ee phone. White Til. CIOARB AKD T01A000. KUEva-ttUiBT CiUAR CO. Dhrtrtbatore of FINB CIOARB. Portland. Oraewe. OATXS. YATES' PLACB. IM Waahlngtoa it. Phone S. atato t ia, a, w. Aaiooii, prop, rwnwu, w. OOBJnCI BKTIJOHTB. nlcea. J. O. Bay TS. or. tSS Second at CHIROPODY ABD XABI0VB0. THB DEVBNtS, the only artentlnc cblropodiata In the city; pariora sui-a. Auaay u'oa.i tbla la the long-haired gentleman roa want to eee. Grant 16. L. MITCHELL, Chlrorwdlot, T08 Marqoam bldg., Phone Black BSB1. CBXAK ABS CBXAMZBT BUTTER, BE8T creamery butter and pore cream promptly oeurered to all parte or ue city iron tain View Farm, Greaham. Oregon. Apply to W. W. Cotton. 814 Worceater Bldg. tele phone. Main OftS. OASX BI0IBTIB8. UA1XVYOOD CASH REOISTBRn. SM Stark et CARFIBTIR8 ABD BUILDIBB. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, aof Btark it t offloe and atore flitarea built and remodeled! altering aad repair booaca. Phone Mala T4T. AUTHORS A MARTIN, earpentero aad build era; repairing and Jobbing; atore and oAoa Sitoree built. Bhep SUB Colombia. Fboae Cley 18B1. H. F, CLARK, carpenter and builder) repairing and lobbing office Sxtnreo. Residence phone, Weet 78: ahop. Main ltedl. MH Waah. at. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED alogle rooma, 16a, SOc and Be a night I bode, lOe. The Brerett Booee, cor Second aad Darla. OOAX.AVD WOOD. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO Deal era In all klnda of coal, coke and rhareoaL Phone 1018. VULCAN COAL CO., wholeeale deal re best eoelei foundry aad emeltar coke. ELECTRICAL WORK. 0. L. PRIOR, electric light and bell wiring. 448 Waahlngtoa at Phone Clay 808. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Offlce SU Btark at Weatern Electric Worka. 808 H Waahlngtoa et DYHV8 ABD CIXABTBO. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS. Herman Enkl. proprietor. Phone Mala 1718. No. 68 6th at, aear Pine. Portland. Or. DEtrOOIBTB. FRANK i. STRE1BIG, druga. toilet er tic lee. perfnmea. 848 Wiahlngnton at. CEREAL MILLS. ACMB MlILT Acme Cereale. CO., Manufacturera Halatua V) and 23 North Front at. JIWILEBB. tHB Q. HKITKEMPER CO.. maautaeturtag )ewelera. 86 Morrlaon et. FRATERVAL IBBDBABCB. ORDEH OF WASHINGTON Poremoat f rater nal aoetety of North weet: pro tec ta the llr lag. I, U Mitchell, eopretne aeereUry, 611 end BIB Marquara bldg., Portland, Or. Tel epboue Main 648. FBI! BXIVES. CLOTHES CLEANED and proceed gl per month. Colaae Tailoring Co., 847 Watbtng ton at. DfBTIBABOB. I. PHILIP KENNEDY, larurauee; realdeat agent Norwich Ualoa Flea Inaorance Society. mono aooth laai. aa Hamilton Piog. iAS. Mel. WOOD, employera' liability and In dividual accident) aurety bcada e4 all blade. Fboae 47. Concord bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fire tnanrance, 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 886. ISAAC L. WHITE, Bra inaorance, 828 Sherlock MTBIBO ABD MINI PROMOTERS. SESSIONS SIMPSON, mining and mine pro motera. Room 8. Chamber of Commerce. LOCKSMITH. A. L. T1X.UETT8. 8B8 YambUl, near Second; 12 yeara with J. Barbay. BABsnra abb uohtxbtbb. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., 181 Burn- nine ei. rnone ureal nil. MOXZT TO LOAB. FRED R. STRONO. FINANCIAL AGENT. Moner to loan. Ne eommlaaloa. t I am In a poaltlon to make Immediate loom) en ImDrored real ectate or for bnlldlna par- poeee; any amonnt; moderate Intereet. We appro re loane from plane and adrance money aa bolldlng progreaaea when dealred. Optluo la reparm arter one yeer. FRED H. STRONG, rinancnt Agent 108 Second at. aear Stark, 102Vk Third at. la tba recogntaed hank of the ware-earner. We adrance money to tee meter, trainmen, abopmen. motormeu. conductor, etc., wltboat mortgage, endoraer a enllateraL Amonnt Month (r k Monthly. Weeklr !t 00 repay f 2fl M or 8l8.no or fd.M 80 repay 818 !H or 8 6.M or 83.88 88 repay t 6 65 or f 8.88 or II. B ol r eee eonfldentlal. No nnpleaaant tnqnlry. MONEY TO LOAN on real, peritonei and col lateral eerortty; apeclal artentloo to chat tie mortgagee) notee longht C. W. Pallet B18 Commercial blk. Phone Grant 880 MONEY TO LOAN, email amonnt. ahnrt er long time. J. H. Hawley, i Cham, of Cum. MONEY TO LOAN on cltv lota ami Improved farm. W. A. Shaw A Co.. 848 Stark at. LOANS on auhnrhan mortgagee; low ratea. Ward. 823 A link j Bldg. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Frita. machinist and model maker. 110 6th. PERSONAL. MR. ELMORB RICE VloUnlet and teacher; alao piano harmony; room 1. .O.ll.W. Bldg.; houra 8 to 8:80 dally; phone. Union. M6. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and receooably filled at BreecU'i Pharmacy. 127 Morrlacn at., bet, flrat and Second at. H00 STORIES and oovele tor eummcr read- Ing. 10 cent. Jenea' Book Store, t Aioet CAFB KRATZ. 188 Slitt It A fine lunch aerred at all bonra. REAL ESTATE. t)H 8ALB FAKMB Improved farm for aale la all parte of Oregon and Waahlngton; par menu made to celt porchaeera. For full particular aa to rarlouB proprrtle apply to Wm. MacMaater, 811 Worceater bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATB. Room t. Chamber of Commerce bldg. MASBAQK. ML) MB. a E. ELY, derma tologlat maaaage. eleeriic treatments. 183 H Ftretet BOBTHWIBT HOTELS. Hotel Portland, Amerloaa plaai M,l per any Bomaaera Hotel. La Oread i trawler' heme. J8lTdre; Inropeaa plan; 4t aad Alder etc. St Charlei, Flrat and Morrlaoa ate., Portland tOPOIBB HOtTBEB, - TH 8CX is at ( igCTr Mr t ha nTMo7rtaB7"friai4 boaaekeeplng aeltea. 'aotta aad ataga roo4 83 per week. end Bp. . . . THB CA8Tli378 Waebl-Mitea atl roerao M jentlee)raMtent 0 VI RALLS. B08S OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad eaeebaa lea' eluthlna. Ualoa made. Ncuetadtee gtreav Mfgra.. Portland,. Or. REMOVAL. DR. FRANK R. FERRIS. DR. RBTRUD8) R. Lamheraoa, DcatUta, remeTed Jo. MaeUeg hldg.. 6fth Boor. BOFE, TuHTLAND COHDAGR CO.. ear. Feortooote) na nortnrop eta., rortiana. w. PIANO LEBSOBS. W. GIFFORD NASH. H 10th atl terma application. Berinnera taken. PLUMBEBB. DONNERBBRO A RADF.MACHGR. aloml remored to 84 fourth t. Both phonea STORAGE ABD TRABSTXR. C. O. PICK, olBce M llmt at. hetweea Star and Oak ata.; phone 606; planoa and for at tore moved and perked for ehlpplngi ee modlou Breproof brick warebooaa. Freat aad Cley ata. SAFEB. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Darla; near re pair and lookout eafely done. 86 Third at BLOT MACMTNEB. TRANSCONTINKNIAL MACUlNB CO. SW4 marhlnea. 8. B. Park and Oak. Phone. Main 188. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 800V Week Ugtoa at Phone, Or.. Mala 862. OaL. Be). WHOLESALE HARDWARE. 1. E. HA8KLTINB A CO.. Iron, ateel. coal lrmlthanrj2leij4Mla eai WHERE TO DINE. STROL'SB'S RESTAURANT; 8rat-la heat aervtce. 228 Waahlngtoa at WHOLESALE WALL PAPBB. MORGAN WALL PAPfcR CO.. 184-188 at., bet Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or. WHOLISALE BBOCZBB. WADHAMS A CO.. wholeeale gracera, eaaoo. facrnrera and eommlaaloa merkoa. M o4 66 Front et ALLEN A LEWIS, wholeaale grooera. Und. Or. Foe. MASON, EHRMAN A CO.. wholeeale grecora, N. W. cor. Second aad Pine eta. LA KG A CO.. Flrat and Ankenv ata. WHOLESALE CROCKERY ABD BLABBWABB, WHOLERALB CROCKERY AND GLA88WAR& Prael Hegele A Co.. 100 to 106 , ror. Btarg raah Banoh Srra, 8 doaaiv dfto Butter! Butter! 400 AJTS 4So fraah ranob area, a doaen Beat creamery Beat auger-cured hama ... Picnic ham 6-lk. pall lard, compound . . 60 lba. lard, compound Full cream cheese Cream brick , Bwlea cheeae Llmburger cheeae 45o BOo and (6c 16c , ,12c , SOC 84.911 .17Hc zoo 2 25c 26c and J Go r Bamacaber, Saturday la Cbiokaa d7, la Grande Creamery 184 Tantbiil Street. F. DRESSER & Co PORTLAND'S GREATEST GROCERY We cater to thoae who demand the best. :i Both Phones 227. Cor. Seventh and Washington Sts CITY jTOTTCZS. FOR SUNDAY DINNER TRY A NICE CUT . of Spring Lamb, a Roast ; of Veal, a tender Chick en or a Columbia River Salmon. We have everything In meats, fish and poultry. Market alwaya neat and clean. Kindorf Bros. 130 Grand Are., bet. Aider and Morrlaoa. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jefferson. You can save 20 per cent by dealing With me. cana Blue Ribbon peaches i lba. soft-shelled walnuts .. :l lbi aoft-ahelled almonds .. I package Scotch .Oats 3 pkgs. Grape Nuts 1 pkg. Shred Wheat Biscuit , 2-pkKS. Mnlta Vita 8 I4- 10 ...260 ...26c ...16o . . .10c ...25o . . .10c ...26o -2 TkgBrt;Bro rru?T7 r7726d i PKg. r orce , iuo 1 pkg. Pastum or Fig Prune 20o 1 box macaroni 36o 1-lb. Shilling's. Baking Powder 36c 1. lb. Royal Baking Powder 40o 1 lb. Arm & Hammer Soda 6o , 1 bar Naphtha Soap 6o 8 bars Santa Claus Snap 25o 12 iiara Royal Savon Soap 26c 3 cans Carnation Cream 26c 1-lb. can pork and beans 6c S pkgs. Acorn Matches 28c 1 can Alaska salmon 6c 60 lbs. lard, compound ..24.60 8 bars Diamond C. SoaD 26c 9 lbs. broken Java coffee 26c lb. good English breakfast tea ....16o est sugar-cured hams, lb -...15c 4-gal. jacket table syrup $1.60 10 lbs. No. 1 Head Rice 60c . .26c $6.40 . .860 SOc 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea I HArlr hnat TV ft aiie-nr i brck gooa nara-wneat nour 10-lb. box crackers 1 eack good Valley flour 90o 1 Little liady Broom 86c 1 doaen Dev. Ham ....40c Deliveries on East Side, Tueadaya and Frldaya, ESPICS CIGARETTES OR POWDER vVCV.VtX4 I .aw-AW. .BBi H eav em aV ek V" B PROFOBEB A8SE88MZVT FOB BEWXR IN EAST TWXLITH STREET. Notice, la hereby glren that the Council of the City of Portland propoaca to aaaeea the following. deacHbed propcrtr and owner or own ers aa being apeelally and peculiarly benefited In the amoonta et oppoelt the names and description thereof by the conetrnctlon at a eewer In Eaat Twelfth atreet, from a point 25 feet south ot tba louth line of Eaat Gllaan atreet to a connection with the cewer In Eaat Iarla street a prorlded by ordloaoee No. 18,812. Any objection! to the apportionment of coat for aald aewer moat be made In writing to the Council and Bled with the Auditor within fif teen daya from the date of the flrat publication of thla notice, and aald otijecttona will be beard and determined by the Council before the pace age of the ordinance aaeeealng the coat for said aewer. Eaat Portland Blk 233, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd Batata, belre of Tr.. .... f BB.28 Blk 232. lot T, W. 8. Ladd Eetata, belre of Blk 232. lot 6, W. 8. Ladd Eetate, heir oX , Blk 232. lot 6, W. 8. Ladd Eetate, belra or Blk 238, lot 8, W. 8. belra ot Blk 238, lot T, W. S. belre of Blk 238, lot 6, W. 8. heira of Blk 238. lot B, W. 8. belra of Blk 284, eaat kit 8. Blrdell Strow- bridge Blk 234, weet ft lot B, aire. B. J. Dean Blk 2iu. Int T. J. H ' Cereon Lydla Buckman'l Addition to the City of Portland Blk 1, lot 1, Isaiah Buckman . Blk 1. lot 2. Iaalah Buckman Blk 1. lot 8, Iaalah Buckman Blk 1, lot 4, Iaalah Buckman Blk 1. lot 6, Iaalah Buckman Blk i lot 1. Iaalah Buckman Blk a. lot 8, Iaalah Buckman Blk 2. lot 8. Iaalah Buckman Blk 2, lot 4, Iaalah Buckman Blk 8. lot 1. Iaalah Buckman Blk 8, lot 2, Iaalah Buckman Total .. Ladd Estate, Ladd Eatlte, 'iedd ' Estate, Ladd Eatate, 84.10 84.10 84.10 84.10 84.10 84.10 84.10 24.6S 9.60 84.10 16.85 2S.T0 28.70 2(i.T0 2B.T0 25 70 2S.T0 28.70 25.70 25.70 26.70 CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR IMPB0YE MXBT OT ZABT TWXNTT-NIlfTH BTBEZT. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propnoee to aaaeea the following described property and owner or owner aa being epectailr and peculiarly bene. 8 ted In the amounts set opposite the names aad descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Eaat Twenty-ninth street from the north line of Eaat Burnelde street to the south lias of Eaat Darla atreet, as prorideA tr ordinance No. 13,288. Any objections to the apportionment of Cost for aald Improvement muat be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen dava from the date of the Brat publica tion of thla notice, and aald objection will be heard and determined by the Council before the paaaage of the ordinance aaaeselng the coat of aald improvement. Hawthorne's rtnt Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 17. lot 6. E. L. Hand Blk 17, lot 6. Erneat Haaenmayer Blk 17, lot 8. H. M. MrBldowney Blk IT. lot 7. H. M. MeEldowney Blk 24, lot 6. Sara A. McGowan Blk 24. lot 8. Sara A. McGowan Blk 24. lot S, Mary J. Graham Blk 24, lot T, Mary J. Graham Blk 18, lot 1. Mary A. Heltkemper .... Blk 18, lot 2. Mary A. Heltkemper. . . . HIS JO, lot JI, m.iiAirii. nnw Blk 18, lot 12. Margaretta Bernl.' Blk 28. lot 1. Minerva A. and Henry H. Pierce Blk 28, lot 2, Minerva A. aad Henry H. Pierce Blk 28, lot II. Tbomaa Mulr Blk 23, lot 12, Tbomaa W. Parrott.... I 101.08 8 74 B27 , 76.84 , 181.26 20.18 8.83 9.l 87 60 8.24 6.88 88.04 180.88 20 10 7.78 84.37 CITY BOTI0ES. Total . . 81,008.51 TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July IS. 1808. , 1635.10 TH0S. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July 14. 1008. , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. IN THB COUNTY COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Muitnomah. In the matter of the eatate of Iaaac J. Stratton, deceaaed. Notice 1) hereby given that the hnderalgned haa been duly appointed by the above -en titled court executor of the laat will and testament of Iaaac J. Stratton. deceaaed, and has qualified aa auch. All person baring clr.ma agalnat aald eatate arc hereby notified and mulrad to. present the aama .with, proper vouchers sad duly verified to the undersigned executor at the offlce of T. H. Ward, rooms 406 snd 408 McKay Building. Portland. Mult nomah County, Oregon, within six monthi from the date of tbla notice. Dated Portland, Oregon, July 8, 1008. H. A. Bl'FFINTON, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Iaaac J. Stratton, Deceased. T. II. Ward. Attorney. LE0AL B0TI0E. FREDERICK K I.I NO ESTATE. Notice la hereby given that the underalgned, aa ad ministrator of the eatate of Frederick Kling, deceaaed. haa filed hla final account in the County. - Court- for -Multnomah-County, Ore gon, spa taat Monday, juiy i, iuua, at 9:80 a. m., at the courtroom of said court, baa been set by aald court aa the time snd place for the bearing of objections thereto snd the settlement thereof. Dated snd flrat published June 26, 1003. FRED H. NOLTNBR. Admlnlatrator of the Eatate of Frederick Kllng, .Deceaaed.' Robt. 1. O'Neil, Attorney for Etate! PROPOSED ASSESSMENT rOR IMPROVE- MINT OF EAST SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby riven that the Council of the city of Portland pro poeee to aaaeea tbs following dearlbed DroDertv and owner or own. era as being specially and peculiarly benefited In the amounta aet ooooalta the name and descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Eaat Seventh atreet. from the aouth line of Hot laday avenue to the north line of Pacific street ea Drovlded bv ordinance No. 12.929. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement mnat be made In writing to the Council and niea witn tne Aonuor witnin fifteen dava from the date of the flrat publica tion of the notice, and aald objections will be beard and determined by the Council before the paaaage of the ordinance ssseaalng the cost of aald improvement. Hnlladav'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 82, lot 8, Martha Cogswell $ 54.85 Blk 82. lot 8. Martha Cor well 53.81 Blk 82, .west H lot 6, Sophie Harr .... 6.82 Blk 82, weat H lot 6. Sophie Harr .... 6.06 Blk 82. eaat H lot 6, Mary E Thorn .... 47.88 Blk 82, eaat H lot 5. Mary E Thorn .... 48.74 Blk 91. lot 1. The Oreron Besl Estate Company ; ': ; : '7. ...... 73 87 Blk 91. lot 2, The Oregon Real Eatate Company 72.81 Blk 91. lot It, Tbs Oregon Real Estate Company T2.81 Blk 91. lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate Company 74.29 Total ... July IS. 1908. $512.88 CFrTS r TMTTTT I V Auditor of tha City ot Portland. LEGAL KOTICK. $ 1 1 50 Couch's 'Addition Two lots, 50x100, on Thurraan atreet, near Twenty-first, facing "north. Includ ing new cement walk; new atreet im provements; very eaay terma.. Inquire : VJilffi ft BAUIB, '--. ' . 64 rronl Btreet. pa SECOND STREfcT , Sa in THE CaavCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon, .for the County of Multnomah. Jamea E. Page, plaintiff, va. Johu A. Ben. son and F. A. Hyde, defendants. To John A Beuaoti and F. A. Hyde, defendants: In the name, of the State of Oregon You and each of you are hereby commanded to be and appear In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregqn, for Multnomah County, on or be- rore tne itn any ot nepiemoer, iiw., ana make answer to the complaint filed by the plaintiff In tbla action,-snd In default thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment agalnat you for the inn of 88,550.00, with intereat thereon at 6 per cent per annum, and alao for the further aura of 12.410.00, with Interest thereon st 6 per cent per annum, snd for the coats and disbursements of this sctlon. as demanded in the aald complaint. The relief demanded In the t-omplalnt la to recover the laid eume of money snd Interest sad costs and disburse ments of the action. This summons la published once s week, for s period of six weeks successively, prior to the I4tn aay oi Bepiomner, in accordance with the- order of the -said -Cireolt Omirt, Hon. John B. Cleland, Judge, mads snd en tered ou the 17th day of July. 1908, requiring you. and each of yoa to appear and anewer the aald comDlalnt on or before the laat dev. of tb time prescribed in the said order for publication, to-wlt;. tbs said 14th day of September, 1903. The aay ot tne nrac puDlicatlOB or tbla summons Is July 17, 1903. CAREY A MATS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB 8EWZB IN EAST FOURTEENTH STREET. Noflce la herebr alven that the Council of the 1tT nf Portland oronoses to ssseas the Touowing aeacrioea-propen.7 ana owner w uwu era aa being apeelally and peculiarly benefited in the amounta aet opposite the namea and description thereof by the construction of a aewer In Eaat Fourteenth atreet, from a point 75 feet south of Thompson atreet to a connec tion with the aewer In Tillamook atreet, as pro vided by ordinance No. 13,309. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for aald aewer muat bo made In writing to the Council aud filed with 'be Auditor within fif teen daya from the date of the first publication of tbla notice, and said objection will be heard and determined by the Council before the psaa age of the ordinance assessing the cost for said sewer. Map ot Blocks 77, 78, 01. 92, 106, 106 sad 110. West Irvlnaton- Blk 77. lot 2. Ceorgs L. Bees $ 18.60 Blk 7T, lot 3, Lucy A. strsunai Blk 77, lot 4, George H. Watt Blk 77, lot 5, Msry J. Colllnson Blk 77, lot 6, Loyal E. Kern Blk 77, lot T, Thomas aud Laura M. MoCerty Blk 77, kit 8. Montana Metalurgical ...... .... 13.60 13.00 13.60 13.00 13.60 13.60 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB BEWIR IB EAST DAVIS STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propose to sssees tb following described property snd owner or owners ss being speclslly and peculiarly bene fited In the amounta set opposite the names snd descriptions thereof by tbe construction of a sewer In Esst Dart street from tbs esat Una of Hawthorno'e Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland to a' connection with the sewer in East Twenty-sixth street If extended northerly, ss provided by ordinance No. 18,171. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said aewer muat be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen daya from the date of tbe flrat publi cation of this notice, snd ssld objections will be heardk and determined by tbe Council he fore the psasage of tbe ordinance assessing the coat for said sewer. Hawthorne's First Addition to Esst Portland Blk 13. lot T, The Hawthorne Batata... I Blk 18, lot 8, A. T. Myree Blk 18. lot 9. The Hawthorne Eatate... Blk IS, lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 18. lot 11. H. L. Powers. Truatea.. Blk 18. lot 12, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 14. lot 7. The Hawthorne Eatate... Blk 14. lot 8, H. L. Powers. Trust.. Blk 14. lot 9. Tbe Hawthorne Eatate... Blk 14. lot 10, H. L. Power, Truete.. Blk 14. lot 11, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 14, lot 11 The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 16. lot 7, Frank A. Heltkemper.... Blk 15, lot 8, Frank A. Heltkemper.... Blk 15. lot 9. O. H. Heltkemper Blk 15, lot 10, O. H. Heltkemper Blk 15, lot 11, Henry Swint Blk 15, lot 12, Mr. O. A. Taylor Blk 18. lot T. J. M. Hod non Blk 16. lot 8, Grace H. Hlmes Bis 16, lot a, J no. r. Hbarsey Blk 16. lot 10. B. C. Arooke Blk 16. north H lot 11, Mary Elanor Treeham Blk 16. north H kt 12, Mary Elanor Treaham Blk 16, aouth H lot 12, A. J. and D. L. Klrker Blk 16. sooth H lot 11, A. J. snd D. L. Kirser Wrnkoon Villa Blk 5. lot 4. Elisabeth K. Wrnkoon Blk B, aouth 88.74 feet lot 8, Elisabeth K. Wrnkoon . .- Blk B. south 83.89 feet lot 6, Elisabeth K. Wrnkoon Blk 5, lot 5, Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.. 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 87.75 15.10 T.45 14.90 22.68 Bl.TB 15.2S CITY NOTICES. Mary 16.10 60.40 49.80 Worka Irvington Blk 64. lot 10. Charles H. Prescott trustee 22.00 Blk 64. lot 18. Cbsrles II. Prescott trustee 22.00 Blk 64. lot 17. Charles H. Prescott trustee 22.00 Blk 64. lot 16. Cbsrles H. Prescott trustee 22.00 Blk 64. lot 15. Doernbecher Manufactur Ing Company 22.00 Blk 64. lot 14. Doernbecher Manufsctur liif Company .... S.00 Blk 64. lot 13, O. Anderson 22.00 Total July 14. 8240.20 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the City ot Portland. 1903. LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-. "HE ANNTaL aTEKTf.VO of thstwlholder of Tbe Title Guarantee A Trout Company will be held at the offices of tbe company, in ths Chamber of Commerce' Building. Portland. - Oregon, oa Tuesday, July 8A, 1908. at 8:80 p. m. . T. T. BCBK.HART, " r . Secretary. If You Want a partner In fear business; ff yeej mat .any. thing advertise for It ia TUB JOURNAL. . SEALED proposals for removing two 60,000 gal lon wooden stsvs wstertsnks from tbe elevated wooden structure at Wlllisms avenue ' and Russell street and erecting them near Union avenue and Going Btreet will be received at the Water Offlce, City Hall, Portland, Or., until Wednesday, July 22. ar 4 p. m. Plana, specifications and forms of proposals msy be obtained at the offlce of tbe Engineer of tbe Wster Department in the City Hall. The Water Board reserves tbe right to ac cept or reject any or all propossTs er any part thereof. Proposals should be addressed to ths ender lgned and Indorsed ' "Proposals for moving tanks." - By order ef the Water Board.' I, .FRANK T. DODGE, Buperlntaodent ' Blk A lot 4. M.rjr O. Martin. Blk 6. south 84.84 feet lot 8. G. Msrtln 10.10 A tract of land lying between the weat line or block 6. Wynkoop villa and s line 100 feet east of and parallel with the eaat line of East Twenty-sixth street extended northerly in Its present course snd between tbe south line of block 6, Wynkoop Villa extended west erly In Its present course snd a line 100 feet north of and parallel there with. Iaalah Buckman 28.70 Uawihowo's First Addition - Bast Portland Blk 20, lot 6, The Hawthorne Estate.. 80.75 IK 20, lot D, Tne liawtnorue itstate.. 80.75 Ik 20. lot 4. H. L. Powers. Trustee.. 80.75 Blk 20, lot 8, The Hawthorne Eatate.. 80.75 Blk 20, lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.. 80.75 Blk 20, lot 1. 1- Li. power. Trmte. . 80.75 Blk 19. lot 6. Tbe Hswtborne Estate.. 80.7IS Blk 19, lot 5, H. L. Powers, Trustee.. 80.75 Blk 19, lot 4, The Hawthorne Estate.. 80.75 Blk 19, lot 8, The Hawthorne Batata.. 80.75 nlK 19. lot 2. tl. iv. rowera. Trustee.. 30.75 Blk 19, kit 1. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. 80.75 Blk 18. lot 6. Wendcl Rscnelhacher 80.75 Blk 18, lot 5, Wendel Eachelhacber.... 80.75 Blk 18, lot 4, Wendel Eect-elbacber.... 80.75 Blk IN. lot S. wenoel Becnelnacner.... 80.75 Blk '18." lot T. Mary A. Heltkemper.... 80.75 Blk 18. lot 1, Mary A. Heltkemper.... 80.75 Blk 17. lot 6. K L. Hand 80.75 Blk 17, lot 5, Erneat Haaenmeyer..... 80.75 Blk 17, lot 4. Hnaan S. Snmuela 80.75 Blk 17. lot 8. Bertha Jensen 80.75 Blk 17. lot 2. Mike snd Rose Heniick- son B0.7B Blk 17. lot 1. The Hswthorne Estate.. 19.25 A tract of land lying between tbe west line of East Twenty-eighth street and the west line of block 6, Wynkoop Villa If extended southerly In Its pres ent eon roe snd between the south line of East Davjs street If extended east erly In Its present course snd s line 100 feet south of snd parallel there with. Arnea O. Beach 204.80 A tract of land lying between the weat line of block 6. v ynkoop villa if ex tended southerly In Its present course end s Hue 100 feet east of and parallel with the eant line of East Twenty alxth street If extended northerly in i its present course snd between the south line of Eat Davis street if ex tended easterly In Ita present course snd s line 100 feet south of snd parallel therewith, Isaiah Buckman... 23.40 Blk 1. aouth 16.76 feet lot 1, R. Davis Hewitt .' Blk 1, lot 2. Standard Oil Company.... Blk 1, lot 8, Standard Oil Company.... Blk 2, aouth 17.20 feet lot 1. Mary L. Woodcock I Blk 2. lot 2. Mary L. Woodcock Blk 2. lot 8, Mary L. Woodcock A tract of land lying between the weat line of block 2, Cameron's Addition to Eaat Portland snd tbs esst line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, and be tween ths north line of Eaat Pins street and a line 100 feet north of snd parallel therewith, Anna Scbmeer.... Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Eaat Portland, Multnomah County, State of Oregon Blk 8, lot 1, Portland Trust Company of Oregon Blk 8, lot 2. Portland Trait Company ot Oregon Blk 8. lot T, Portland Trut Company of Oregon Blk 8, lot 8, Portland Trust Company of Oregon : Blk 6, lot 1, Lucy Mercer Blk 6. lot 2. Fred V. Smith Blk 6, lot 7, Nathan B. and Samuel P. Low Blk 6, lot 8, William M. Ladd Mayor Gates' Addition to Esst Port land Blk 5. lot 7, Cooper ft Cox Blk 6, lot 8, Robert ("I Ulan Blk 6. lot 5,Beate Cllnstenson Blk 6. lot 4. Adolnh Kroner Blk 5, lot 8. Anns B. Helmer Blk 5. lot 2, F. I), Smith Blk 5. lot 1. F. D. Smith Blk 2, lot 8, Emma V. Sell wood Blk 2, lot 8. Emma V. Be II wood Blk 1, kit 9, Frances J. Plersou Blk 1. lot 8, Frank D. Bhoada Cameron's Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 4, lot 1, Standard Oil Company.... Blk 4, lot 2, Standard OH Company.... Blk 8, lot 1, P. C. Schwaraman Blk 8. lot 2, Mary E. Kruse. A tract ot land lying between tbe south line of Eaat Pine Street and a line 100 feet south of snd parallel therewith and between tbe eaat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and the west line of block 8, Cameron Addition to Eaat Portland, Anna Scbmeer Pleaaant Home Addition to the City of Eaat Portland, Multnomah County, State of Oregon Blk 2. lot 4. Walter B. Vivian Blk 2, lot 8, John E. Bennett Blk 2, lot 5, James snd Jsne McKlnlsy. Blk 2, lot 8. Catherine M. Cully Blk 7, lot 4. John H. Hall Blk 7, lot 3, John H. Mall 2.00 27.45 41.40 8.00 29.10 41.60 146.10 40.05 88.86 25.20 40.20 40.2D 25.2U 25.20 40.20 200 83.70 88.75 88.75 83.75 83.75 83.75 24.80 8.00 44.40 29.40 44.65 80.80 44.40 29.40 CITY B0TICXS. 146.10 4660 81.60 48.60 83.60 48.60 83.00 Total 81.611.63 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. Jnly 14, 1908. Total 12.086,40 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City of Portland. July 14, 1903. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR BEWXR IN EAST PINE STBSET AND O00DSELL A VENT2. , Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to sssees the following described property snd . owner or owners ss being speclslly snd peculiarly benefited in the amounta aet opposite the namea and descrintlons thereof bv the non- stroctlon of a sewer In Eaat Pins and GoodseU svenue, from 270 feet north of tbe north llns of Esat Pine street In GoodseU avenue to a connection with the aewer In Esst Pine street st Esst Twenty-sixth street, ss provided by ordi nance No. 13.243. Any objection to the apportionment oB cost for ssld sewer must be made In writing to tbs Council snd filed with the Auditor within fifteen dsys from ths dsts of the flrat publica tion of thla notice, and ssld objections will be besrd and determined by' ths Council before the pssssge of ths ordlnsnce assessing tbe cost for ssld sewer. V Maror Gates' Addition to Bast Port- land Blk 6. lot T. Blrhard Price B Blk 6. lot 6. Mary N.- Morrell Blk 6. lot 4, Catherine A. Cotmrn Blk a. lot 3. -Andrew M. Hansen...... Blk B. lot 2. Christen Chrlstensen Blk 6, lot 1. John snd Margaret Todd;.. Cameron'! Addition to East Portland-l . PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT OT B HERMAN STREET. . Stttlcs la hereby gisea- that 4he- Coosctl ef the City of Portland proposes to sssess ths following described property snd owner or own ers sa being apeelally and peculiarly benefited In the amounta aet opposite the nemo snd descriptions thereof for the improvement of Sherman atreet, from the weat llns of 8Ixth Weet to 800 feet west ot west 'line of Sixth street, ss provided by ordlnsnce No. 12.036. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said Improvement most be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor with in fifteen daya from the date of the flrat pub lication of this notice, snd ssld objections will be besrd snd determined by tbs Council before the pssssge of the ordinance aaaeaslng ths cost of said improvement. Csrntber's Addition to Caruther's Addition to the City of Portland " Blk 83, lot 5. Jamea L McCowan S 8.45 Blk 83, lot 6, Jamea L McCoisan 1.21 Blk 36, east lot 3, A B snd Ada B Fan no Blk 36. east y, lot 4, A B snd Ada R Fanno Blk 36. eaat 87.95 feet ot weat H lot 8, Eugenia 41 Taggart Blk 86, east 87.95 feet of west H lot 4, Eugenia H Taggart Blk 84, lot 1, John Barbey Blk 84. north 41.34 feet lot 2, Elisabeth M Master Blk 34. south 8.66 feet lot 2, Isaac Ge vurta A tract of land lying between two lines respectively 106.025 feet snd 157.025 feet weat of snd parallel with tbe west line of Sixth street snd between the south line of Sherman atreet and a line 90 feet , south of snd parallel therewith, Jamea 11 Taggart A tract of land lying between two lines respectively 157.025 feet and 224.4 feet west of and parallel with the weat line of Sixth atreet and between tbe south line of Sherman street snd a line 100 feet south of snd parallel therewith, Bruno R Guntber A tract of land lying between a line 224.4 feet west of and parallel with tbe weat llns of Sixth atreet snd tbe essterlv line of blk 84, Caruther'a addition to Caruther's Addition to the City of Portland, and between tbe south line of Sherman street snd s llns 100 feet south of snd Darallel uerewiio, Annie a uaioney Total .. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MEVT OF EAST THIRTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland propose to assess tbe fol lowing described property snd owner snd own ers ss being speclslly snd pecullsrly benefited In the smounts set opposite tbe names and descriptions thereof for ths Improvement ef Esat Thirteenth atreet. from the south llns of Esat Morrison street to the north line of Hsw thorne svenue, ss prorlded by ordlnsnce No. 13.279. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for ssld Improvement must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor wltblu fifteen day from tbe date of the flrat publica tion ot thla notice, snd sssd objections will be beard and determined by tbe Council before the passage of the ordinance assessing tb coat ot aald improvement East Portland Blk 258, lot 8, Edward G. Jones I 100.07 Blk M, lot 7, Edward U. Jone 89 46 Blk 258. lot 6. Jueeohlne M. i'owsill... W01 Blk 2TN. lot 5. Josephine M. CowsIU... 80.54 Blk 257, eaat V lot 8, Martin Oarold.. 81.88 Blk 257. eaat lot 7. Martin Oavold.. 86.83 Blk 257. west U lot 8. Elvlds A. Bar nes 4.64 Blk 257, west Vi lot 7, Elvlds A. Bur- neea B.86 Blk 257, lot 6. Central Trust A Invest ment Company 112.77 Blk 257, lot 5. Central Truat A Invest ment Company 115.56 Hawthorne Park Blk 256. lot 8, Catherine H. Beck 115.54 Blk 256. lot 7. Catherine H. Heck 121.93 Blk 256, west H lot 6, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne II. Beck 1DM Blk 256. west U lot 6. Louise Boise and Catherine II. Beck 1Z.( Blk 256. eaat lot 6, Alice M. Barnes, 109 90 Blk 256, esst V, lot 6. Alice M. Bsraes, 119 90 Blk 255. lot 8. A. M. Oakea 78.84 Blk 255, lot 7. A. M. Oakea 78.68 Blk SM. weat 14. Int ft t'atharntna H. necs: s.io Blk 255. west U Int 7. 'therln IL necs s o Blk 255, weat H lot 6, Oglesby Young, 4.70 Blk 255. weet V. lot 6. Oitlesby Young, 4.72 Blk 255, esst H ot 6, H. S. Smith... 78.29 Blk 256. esst lot 6. Ii. 8. Smith.... 78.48 Blk 254. lot 8, Louise H. rTRTAsTCIALt Ladd & Tilton, Bankers Bjtabllabed la ISO, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections mads at all points on f vnrthte . term. Letter of credit lued available la Europe and all potnta In tire United States. Sight exchange and telegrsphle trans fere sold In New York. Wsablnrton, Chicago, St, Louts, Denver. Omaha. San Frsaclsco aad Moa tana snd British Columbia. Exrbsngs sold on London. Paris, Frankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohsms. snd Honolulu. Bsrltn, Msnlla United States Nat'I Bank OF PORTLAND 0RI00W. NORTHWEST COB. THIRD ABB 0AX BTB. 2.24 81.46 4.03 47.93 6.41 .77 .16 4.03 8.81 105.23 B311.33 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. July 13, 10O8. T.25 40.08 40.(0 40.06 40.08 44.40 POTNDMASTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given tbst on tbs 18th day ox 4uiy, ivuo, i toos up ana empoanaea at the City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth street in the City of Portland, Oregon, the follow ing described snlmsl: Brown mule roached mens, branded L on left hip snd hsd halter on. And unlesa the owner, or other persons hav ing sn Interest therein shall claim posses sion of tbs ssme, and pay all costs and charges of the keeping sad advertising ssme, together with the pound feea ea said anlmaL aa provided by ordinance No. 6,925, as amended, of ssld City of Portland, I will oa the 20th day ot July. 1903, at tbe boor of 10 a. m., at the City Pound, at No. 261 Six teentb. In aald city, sell tbe above-describee animsl at public auction to the highest bid der, to pay the coats snd ehsrgee for tak ing up, keeping and sdrsr tiling end eat- lsted thla 15th day of July. 190S. ' J aV. , ,Wt HEED, PewdjMststv j Boise and Cstherlne II. Beck Blk 254. lot 7, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 254. lot 6. Louise H. Boise and Catherine H. Beck Blk 254. lot 6, Louis H. Boise and Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 253. lot 8. Louise H. Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 253. lot T. Louies H. Boise snd Cstherlne II. Beck Blk 253. lot 6, Loulaa H. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck Blk 253. lot 5, Louise H. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck Blk 252. lot 8. Louise H. Boise and Catherine u. Beck Blk 252, lot f , Louise H. BoUe IftU cstherlne H. Berk Blk 252, lot 6, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 252. lot 5, Louise H. Boise and Catherine XI. Beck East Portland Blk 2X5, lot 1. Charles Gsntere Blk 2K5. lot 2.-Charles Gsnlere Blk 2N5, esst H lot 3, George Sheerer.. Bit 285, east U lot 4, George Shearer.. Blk 2S5. went H lot 8. John P. Gage.. Blk 25. west M, lot 4. John P. Gage.. Blk 2S6. lot 1. P. O. Lnndln Blk 2S0, lot 2. P. O. Lnndln Blk 26. east H lot 8, Henrietta Kern.. Blk 2X6, eaat V, lot 4. Henrietta Kern.. Blk 2x, west V, lot 3, Anna 8tocklen, Blk 2X0, west h, lot 4. Anna Stockien.. Hawthorne Park Blk 27. lot 1, Louise H. Boise and Catherine H. Beck Blk 2N7. lot 2. Louise H. Boise and Cstherlne II. Beck Blk 287. ent U lot 3. Edward E. Ml Hit. Blk 27. east V, lot 4. Kdward E. Miller, Blk 27. weat 14 lot 3. C. E. McDonnell 124.03 Blk 27. weat i lot 4. C. E. McDonnell. 126.50 Blk 2S8. weat H lot 1. Catherine H. Beck and LouUe II. Boise Rlk 28. went H lot 2. Catherine H. . Berk and Louise II. Bnlne Blk 28, east Vt lot 1, Boot. Gardner.. Blk 2S8, east ' lot 2, Robt. Gardner.. Blk 28. ent V, lot 3. J. L. WaHln.... Blk 28. eaHt'H lot 4. J. L. Wnllln.... Blk 28. west H lot 3. Louise H. Boise and Catherine H. Beck Blk 2S. nest U Int 4. Louise H. Boise ami CaU..-rlue II. Beck Blk 289. west V lot 1, Ida Lello Wnt- son . . Blk 2S9, weat lot 2, Ida Lelle Wat son lflk 20, eaat H lot I, P. L. Clonse Blk 2H. es.t i., lot 2. D. I- Clotue Blk 20. lot 3, LouUe II. Boise and Catherine n. Beck Blk 20. lot 4. Loulao II. Boise snd Catherine II. Beck B1K 2U0, lot 1. Ixmlse II. Boise and Cnthorino II. Beck Blk 210. lot 2. Ixulse It. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 280. lot 3. Louise II. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck BiK 2D0, lot 4, Louise II. Boise and Catherine H, Beck Blk 201. weat lot 1. Louise II. Boise and Catherine H. Keck Blk 201. weat H lot 2. Louise H. Boise and Catherine H. Beck Rlk 201, sat 4 lot 1. R. L. Cste Blk 291, esat H lot 2. R. L. Cate bi 281. lot 3, Louise H. Boise sod Catherine H. Peck , Blk 291. lot 4, Louise H. Boise and lainerioe ii. oeca 85.85 84.96 84.07 66.16 84.69 83.71 84 07 81.51 87.11 84.02 80.22 72.46 88.47 81.27 3.11 8.23 76 90 77.8.1 80 67 97.23 17.59 16.81 101,72 96.23 121.18 134.09 12 64 13.00 78.84 7184 4.78 4.78 4.80 4.81 70.80 79.02 70.27 80. 38 4.87 6,03 84.34 87.10 83. 90 86.23 80.00 90.87 70.82 T9.82 4.96 4.90 82.11 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAHEDfO) BUSINESS. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la all cities ef the United ftsteS and Europe, Hong Kong aad Manila. Collections Made on favorable Terms - President J. 0. AlNSWORTH Vlce-Preaident ...W. B. S.YKR Assistant Csb1er B, W. SCrTMEEH ' Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, UMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BTlXSnit), THIRD AND STARK STREETS. Bead Offlce 68 Old Broad street Londnvw This bsok transacts a general banking boat. Dees, makes loans, dlaeoant bills and las nee letters of credit available for travelers aad for the purchase of merchandise In nnv rltw of the world. Deals 'a .ertga and domes tie exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREOOlf. 7. Frank. Watson. B, . L. -Durban , , , . E. W. Hoyt Geo. W. Hoyt Presldaat .'.'.'."..'.'.'. Cashier Assistant Caahle Tranaaets a General Banking Buatneaa. Drafts snd leters of credit Issued srallsbla to all parte of tbe world. Conectkma a specialty. Gold 1m t boncht " MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN facceasors to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. - FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OB. BSrBBSKCXS. Ladd A Tilton. Portlsnd; U. 8. National Bank. rortiana; Bans or caiirorm. sao rraa Cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National . f Bank, San Franclaco. Boltoo, deRuyter & Co. . MEMBERS. Chicago Board of Trade, San Frsnclsco Pro duce Exchange. San r ranclsco Blocs and Bond Kxchkng. Q RAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. 8sn Frsnctsee OAce 490 California St 108 THIRD ST. PORTLAND Oft UOBTOAOB IOAXf S at lowest Bataaw XNSUBAITCE IN ALX. LXIfBS. RXAX. ESTATE. A. H. BIRRELL Formerly of MacMaater BlrrelL REAL ESTATE, GENKUAL IVSURAh'CB AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. 103-4 McKay Building, Third and Btarg, Phons, Mala 832. Total . 7S.40 .85.219.53 THOS. C. DBVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portland. July 18. 1903. riHAHCIAS. New York Loan Office N. Third St.. M. Miller. Proa. Loans oa collaterals: low rate; un redeemed Bledaea for sale; watch and J.wairr repairing,) i'aone., Ked KoiV Mqp.TaAOE LOANS On Portland real estate st lowest ratea. Title I nan red. Abstracts (urnlshs-L Title Quarant.ee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. .. hotzob saXaAxxed PEorxA Do you need awooy before pay dr t fan ea ne. We esa advance mooey oa yoar ersgea ea short notice, torn pay Back amiUily. sa loon thly er weekly. TKB BTAVB TaOAIT OO 210 McKay Bldg.t Third and Sir H. "s.;'.'-v;' X0BXT JJDTAJTCED. - -Salaried aeople. teamsters, etc., wlthont seen-' tty, easy paymair'-Si largest emluess iu it prioclnai cities, -.. ,. TQZMXW, P?3 AMnytow T " " -, . - MOBTOA G K Z'-) i: 4." 0a rrJinreveU city n,l (rsa iwmk, tl ! est eurreut rite.) bullusue tu La.!... Wans. I r- " wm. KAy