JO TOE OREGON DAILY JOUHNAL, rORTLAim FJUBAY ETETOG, JULY 17, , 1903. 'ctTriroTici. riofOBio mrxoisKzxT or Marshall STSEET. Notice I hereby given thst st tbs meeting . Of tbe Cbencll of lb Cltr of Portland. Ore an. held all the 15th day nf Jill, 1103, tbe loilowliig resolution h adopted: Resolved. That tbe Council nf tbe City irf INs-tlaod, Oregon, deems II expedient and propioee to lmprnn Marshall street from the weet line of Twenty-second street to the east Una of Twenty -fifth lrt Id I ha following unnrr, to-wlt: First All that portion of ald street except that portion occupied hy the I' or t land Hall war Company's right of war at Twenty-third Urrt In tb following manner: (a) By grsdlug the street full width with fall Interscrtlor to tha proper eub-grsde. ib Br bringing the street full wldlb with I Intersections to tbe proper grade br per iuf with Warren's bltullthlc pavement, let Br eorttructtiis artificial atone curbs. ' di Br eonelractlng etims block header enable row CITT HOTICES. line of Kaat Ollaan street, of vl trifled aewer pip with all necessary catch baaln. manholes. lanipholra and branches. Maid aewer to be of tbe following dlmenaiona: Of eight Inches clear Inalde disniuter frun a point lu Kaat Twenty eighth afreet KM feet auutb of tbe aouth line of the, Handy road to a point In Esst Tweutr eighth atreet at Kaat Irving atreeti thence of IS lurbea clear Inalde diameter te a point lu Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet at Kaat lloyt atreet. and thence of 30 Incbea clear Inalde diameter to a connection with tbe aewer In Kaat Ollaan atreet at Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet, and to he constructed In a coord nee with plana and eperiflratluna and the eatlmatea tberefor pre pared by the 1tr Engineer and Died In tbe office of the Auditor of the CUT of Portland on the 77 lb day of June, 1008, Indorsed; "City Engineer's plana and apecltlcatloua for a aewer In Kaal Twentr-clsbtb atreet from uw leet aouth of the Sandy road to aewer at 18 feet aouth of the north line of Kaat Gllaan atreet. and the eatlmatea of the work to be dona and tbe Probable total coat thereof." The met of aald aewer to be aeaeeaed aa pro elded br tha eltr charter upon the property eperlally benefited thereby and which la hereby 1 ' CITT aTOTICES. fv ft , cat ' vouch. & v I . city CITT KOTICES. sUIHOAD TTHITABtM. a point at Ita Intersection with tbe westerly line at block No. 88, Garathera' Addition to I i arutnere' Addition to the city or fort la do : thence aoutnerly along the west line of aald Second All that portion of aald atreet at Twenty-third atreet occupied br the 1'nrtlaud Hallway tompauy right of way aball be Im- dH.uired to be all tbe lota, part of lota and . proved aa follows: parrela of land lying between a line UN) feet a Br replacluf the rail, now In oae wth I of nd par,)lp, wtB th q, Um ot rajia ot not area man aeyeu wenes in uepiu i nr Handy road at and weighing uot less than ality pounds to the yard. (h) By pavtnr tbe apace between tbe ralla. between the track", and for a iHatsnce of one foot on tbe outside of the outer ralla with atone blorka. Said Improvement to te made In accordance with tbe charter and ordinance of tbe Cltr of Portland and the plana, aiieclllcatlona and eatl matea of tbe Illy Knglnccr died In the office f (he Auditor of the City of Portland on the 1Mb day of Jnly. 1W03. Indorsed: "OUr Ku- glneer'a plana and aneclflcatlona for Ibe Im provement of Marahall atreet from tbe weat line of Twentr-aerond atreet to the eaat line of Tweoty-flfth atreet. and tbe eerlroatee of the work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." ' The mat of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaedl a aroTlded br the rttv charter upon the prop erty apectallr benefited tberehr and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of lota and p recta of land lying between a line JIM feet north of and parallel with the north line of Marshall atreet and a line 1(K feet aontb of and parallel with tbe aouth line of Marahall atreet and between the weet line of Twentr ecnnd atreet and tbe eaat Hue of Twenty- aiiii. wi" . I ITie eetlmate of tbe City Engineer for the ' nd the aouth line of lot 1. block 1. VVTiikoop Villa, and a Hue lm) feet north of and parallel with tbe north Hue of Kaat (Jliean atreet. and between a line 1 ret weat of and parallel with tha weat line of Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat Una of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet. The Englneer'a eatlmate of the probable total coat ror tne construction or aaia aewer la ai, lB.vOU. The plan. apeclBcatlona and eatlmatea of the i ny Engineer ror the construction or tne aewer In Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet are hereby adopted. Keeolred, That the Auditor nf the City of fortiand be and he la hereby directed to giro notice or the pronaaed construction or aald aewer aa provided by the city charter. Ilemouatrauee agalnat the above aewer may be filed In writing with tbe underatgned within aaye rrom tbe date or tbe oral publication tnia notice. order of the Council. THOU. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. July IT. 1903. neer Died In tha) office of tha Auditor of tha t'ltr of Portland on lha 87th dy of June, 1913, Indorsed: "Cltr Enaineer'a Plana and a peri nea rlona for aewer lu Kaat Twenty-seventh and Lawrenc street from loo feet aouth of the Bandy road to sewer In Eaat Hverett atreet and tbe eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald aewer to be asaeeecd aa provided br tha cltr charter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parta of lota aod parcels of land lying between a Hue UK) feet south of the aouth Hoe of Randy road and line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Eaat Krerett atreet, and between Hue 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line or Kaat Twenty-aeventn ana Law rence treets and a line 100 feet wast nf and parallel with the weat Hue of Eaat Twenty aeventh and Lawrence atreeta. Tbe Englneer'a eetlmate of tbe probable total coat of constructing aald aewer la II. Sol. 00. Ibe plana, apeclBcatlona and estimates of the City Engineer for the construction ot aewer In aald streets are berebr adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of tbe City of tbe place of beginning Cortland Da and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of aald sewer aa provided by the city charter. atreet la fl0.R30.0O. Kemonatrance aaalnet tbe above aewer may I The above Imnrov be died In writing wlrh the underelgned within I plank roadway Improvement and ahaU be main vi aaye rrom tna data of tbe nrat puniicauoo i tainea nr tne cltr for the period or nve rears KOrOSED XXHOTUCIVT OT ZAJT TWIXJTK ITBSXT. . Notice Is berebr given that at the meeting rtoroszo or . HAXJZT r block No. HA in m n.inl at Its Inlenaetlna wlrh I of tbe Council of? the Cltr of Portland. Ore the north line of block No. 38, Carntbers' Ad-1 ton, held on the 10th da of Jul, UKO, tbs dltlon to Caratbere' Addition to the' City of I following resolution was adopted: Portland at the westerly Una of slid block I Heaolred, That Us Council of tbe City of 3D; theoco south easterly la straight line to I Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- a poin i in ins sou in una or r mice tsro inera 1 w mprurv mwmi i wviiia eirset sroui donation land claim, when UiV asms If Inter-1 point It feet north of tbs south 11ns of Kaat aected by dlvlalon line between sections B and I Taylor to point 13 feet south of tbe north IMPaOTEatlMT . .. i . ITJIIXT. . Notice Is hereby given that it the meeting of the Council ot the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on tha loth day of July, 1U08, the following reenlntlon waa adopted: " Heaolred. That the Council of tbe City of t'ortiana, uregon, OA-ems it eipeaiem sua pro Pose to Improve Ilalaey atreet from the seat line of Kaat Klsventh street to tne west tins of llolladar Park Addition to Portland, Oregon, 10. townahlp 1 south, range 1 eaat, Wills matte line of Hawthorns avenue by constructing LD',f ''".i Meridian: thence aouttorlv a Ions tbs division I arUflclal stone aldewalks In ccordanos with "rtlona to tbs pr.Mer aub-grade, the apace of the .. . ' . . . . - . . . . . i maflwa v rn u raaf in wiiiih inn , t.a MiriMiii line twtwMn aMtijMis u iiui in. in man in ai i ine Diana, aoeancationa ana aaEimstea or ins i ' - " - and 23, townahlp 1 south, range 1 eaat. Will- Uity unilinear. amette Meridian, to the southern bouadry line dald Improvement to bo made fa accord of the City of PortUud; thence eaaterly along ance with the charter and ordinances of tbs the southern boundary line of tbe City of Cltr of Portland and the plana, epedncatlona Portland to a point at Its Intersection with and eatlmatea of the City Engineer flled la tbe western bank of the Willamette Hirer at the office of tbe Auditor of the lily of Port low water mark: thence northerly along the land on tbe 18th day of July, 1003, Indorsed! -m" "A", "i ,"?."."",rV"T!7. 7.Z .irfr.'JTl." -S-,."' LTrV'- .Ineeer i blana and aoeVlflcatlona for tie Im the aouth lino of Harrison street extended I Point II feet north of the sooth Una of Kaat ro7.,"'V. ?J"I"1? 'fl? ibV U?J eaaterly In lu present course, tbs asms being Tarior atreet to a point 13 feet south of ths Iiii,.T" S"i "1,:, J r..- L.iT. T? e piece of beginning. . norm line or uawtAorno avenue, and tbs estl- IIL V" T ' " k. . . V.J. f -V The Engineer's estimate of tbe probable total mates of tbe work to bs done and tha probable b aong D0 Probbl toUl cost mat ror tne improvement or aaia voroeii wai coai inereoi." i ---.j-' . . . . v - in coat or saia improvement to no aa- i . . " -'- " . .... .-. . i liil a ft l aparo to be 18 feet la width, oa each aide of aaia atreet. Ha Id improvement to be ma da In accordance with the charter and ordinances of tha Cltr of t'ortiana and tbe plana, apeclncauona and. esti mator of the Cltv Kualneer died In ths office or ins Auditor or the city or Portland oa tna I S7tb day of Juue, 1003. imloraed 1 "City Kit 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY ' Tbreogh Pallmaa aUadard and Toorist alee Ing ears dally to Omaha, Chicago, tpokanoi tourist sleeping oars dally to Kansas Otrl Kemonatrance against tbe above aewer may The above Improvement Is to be classed aa a I sensed as provided by tbe city charter Boon " P"" '"J rnarter upon tne prop- through Pullmaa touriei sleeping ears (pareoa pertr specially, benefited .thereby ! rTT.',, 'ZT.. ?i ' . T,' -vT."?. -"ir". 77 PROPOSED lEWEE IM EAST VIXTB tTKEET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting I'll of the Cltr of Portland, lre- 1903, tbe probable total cost of the Improvement of aald f- o" , 1" 1 ilaraball atreet la $1T.OB3.00. ,"1u,'w',u.rTLu,.'01uWV'do:t',-: , Tbe above Improvement la to be rlaaaed aa Krn,TH,; That the tncll of the I bltullthlc pavement Improvement and shall be lortland. Oregon, deems It expedient s oalHtalaed by the ctty for the period of 10 P? ",";trJ"'t. "1 J? K,,t yeam provided, that the owner of a majority uw ,ron M "t Thomtnimi 1 tk. h.eii yw ..iri innnnnni to a connection with tbe aewer In Til or anv portion thereof, ahall not petition for atreet of ritrlded aewer pipe with all neceaaary new or different Improvement before tbe ca chbaslna. manholes, lamphnlee and branches, xnlratloa cf such period. ? L Of eight Inrbea clear lusld. The Diana. e:eflflctliina and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the lmroveroent of aald Marshall atreet are hereby adopted. Keeolved. That tbe Auditor nf the City of . Portland be and be la hereby directed to give ajotlce of tbe proposed .Improvement of said Street aa provided by the city charter. Krmonatiance agalnat the above Improve ment mar he filed In writing with the under signed within 20 daya from tha data of the tret publication nf this notice. By order of the Council, i THO. C. DEVLIN. ; Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1WO. K0P08ED DfPSOTZXEVT OF HAWTH0RME , . ATEHXTE. ' Notice Is hereby given that at tbe meeting f the Council of the City of Portland, Ore- diameter and constructed In accordance with the plana and aneclflcatlona and the eatlmatea tneretor prepared by tbe City Kualneer and filed In the office of the Auditor of the City or iwtiann on tne zrtn nay or June, 1003. In dnraed: "City Englneer'a plana and apeclfl cations for a aewer In East Ninth atreet from To feet aontb of Tbomiaon atreet to aewer In Tillamook atreet. and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and the prolmble total coat thereof. The coat of aald aewer to be asaesaed aa provided hy tbe city charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lota and parcel of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Tillamook atreet and a line no feet aouth of and parallel with tbe south line of Thompaon atreet and between a line 100 feet weat nf and parallel with the weat line nf Kaat Nintb- gon, held en the lStb day or July, luos, the I atreet and a line 100 feet east -of and parallel joiiiiwinn mMiiuiiun was sieniivu . Heaolved. That tbe Council of the City of T'ortland, Oregon, deems It expedient aud Tiropoaea to Improve Hawthorne avenue from the west 'line of Kaat Eleventh street to tbe east line of the Stephens Donation Laud Claim, lu the following manner to-wlt: First By grading the street to the proper sub-grade for a width of Sve feet between the south curb line and a line five feet north erly therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween the north curb line and a line live feet Southerly therefrom end parallel therewith. with the eaat line of Eaat Ninth atreet The Englneer'a eetlmate of the probable total coat for the construction of aald aewer la Ko.00. The plana, aneclflcatlona and estimates of the Cltr Engineer for the construction of a aewer In aald Kaat Ninth atreet are berebr adopted. Heaolved, That the Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland be and he la berebr directed to giro notice of the proposed construction of aald aewer aa provided by tbe cltr charter. Remonstrance against the above aewer lnav be flled In writing with the undersigned within Necond Br bringing tbe street full width 30 dara from the date of the first,,,, K.IA .. I - . ...J -A l. .A..kl(al.aJ I ' . . I - .... Willi lull iiiuiwTMUlu lu uic iviauiiBum I n nils nonce. grade with gravel. Third By constructing artificial atone aide walk. Fourth By constructing wooden sidewalk on ths north aide of block 121. Stephen' Addition to Eaat Portland, lying hetwen two II nee re spectively 95 feet and 125 feet easterly .from snd parallel with .tbe eaat line of Kas , Eleventh atreet. Ha id Improvement to be made In accordance With the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland and the plana, eprclncatlone and estimates of tbe City Engineer filed In the Or- of tho Auditor ot the City of Portland on the loth day of July, lfX3, Indorsed: "City Englneer'a plana and apecldcatloiia for the Im- Iirerement nf Hawthorne avenue from tbe weet Ine ef Kaat Eleventh atreet to tbe eaat line or FJtepbeua' Donation Land Claim, By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT. 1003. eatlmatea of tbe work to be done aud probable total coat thereof. The coat of aald Improvement Seaacd aa provided br tbe cltr charter the property epectally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet weet nf and parallel with tha west line of Eaet Eleventh atreet and tha eaat line of Btephen' Donation Land Claim, and PROPOSED SEVER MIB80VRI AVEMOTJ. Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting of the Council of the Cltr of Portland, Oro- ?on, held on tbe 15th lay of July, 1903, tbe ollnwlng resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the City of Port land. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro mises to roustroct a sewer In Missouri avenue from 25 fvet south of the south Hue of Prna rott atreet to a connection with the aewer lu Heech atreet of vitrified aewer pipe with all neceaaary ratchbaalna, manbolea, lauipholea and hesnehea Ha 1,1 awof tn ,kA All..wln and tbe I dlmenaiona: Of 10 Inches clear Inside diameter of thla notice, By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland Jnly IT, 1903. PROPOSED EAST r for the Period of flvs rears: which to berebr declared to bo all tbe lots; Peru br.eb . ! tb? oU- PmJrta..ot ?.' provided, that the owners of a majority of of lota and parcels of Isnd lying between a 5 ZVt i' 11 ft li !3 ii. the property benefited br said Improvement or I Una IS feet north of and parallel with tha rth .f na P!ru wt. the Borth Uns any portlnn thereof aball not petltlonror a aontb Una of Kaat Tarior street snd tbs north Ia VItii.i.,.. iiCT.k ii-lTe.iJii new or different Improvement before tha at- Una of Hawthorns avenue and between a Una ,P"""1J SL,Lb,.fcrH,IS.U "if.0 ""iStl? nir.tinn r I ion fi t ..a n...!!.! i,h ik. u, I street, and between the saat Una of Kaat The nlans .neele.tlnna and eatlmatea of tha Us of Rest T..ifth .iJZt ,A s inn . Eleventh atreet and the west lino of Uolladay IRVIITO city Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald Ooc eaat of and parallel with tha saat Una ( ilJfl!!.'. SlllWftkJ,l. hhl net i atreet are Hereby aaoptea. i a,aar Tweirtn street. ,t r , rj:; ,i Resolved. That the Auditor nf the City of . Tha Engineer s eetlmate of the probable total 'f 'JZ'LT.lii Portland be and he la hereby directed to give cost of ths Improvement of aald Kast Twelfth I ? h P'"'. aneclflcatlona and ostlmatea pf notice or tne proposed improvement oi said i street la 1X777.00. I i, ' .-.,. r, ... - street as provided by tbe City Charter. . The Plana, peel Scat ions and eatlmatea of tho ,I,,l'A7.hrb!!, - rn,. , Kemonatrance aga nat tne aneve ' Provem?nt ty Kng neor for. tbe Improvement of aald rwTTE. .V.r . i. Z"7 MVZt tX Ueanlvied Tkit th i iii kTrrir -e of the proposed Improvement of aald street Portland be and he la hereb? directed to glvi pJnS.bjL 1 h' il'ttX? Imnrnve. notlce of tha nronosad imnmi or Z.M I Kemonatrance agslust the above Improve- atreet u nmiliM ht thi Tflt jhu I ment mar bo Died In writing with tbs under- minaffnaaTlnX ?h-' '.t'lnw. .'. ra. fronT tha data of tha meat mar be flled In wrttliuj with tha under- i0 rZi!.!!00 alaned within ao dsvs fms h. rf.t. ,h- order of tha Council. THOS. C. WEYLIS, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Cltr I reclining ebalr ran (aaata Xros) te tb' tat daily. EWES IV STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting or tne council or tne t ity or rortiana. ore ron. held on the 15th dar of July, 1003, the following resolution waa adopted : Heaolred. That the Council of the City of t'ortland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro peace to construct a sewer In East Irving atreet from tbe eaat Une of Kaat Twenty-ninth atreet to a connection with the proposed aewer in Beat Twenty-eighth atreet of vltnned aewer pipe with all neceaaary catrhbaalna. manhole, lanipbolee and branches. Maid aewer to be of 10 lurbea clear Inside diameter and to be con atrurted In accordance with the plana and aneclflcatlona and the eatlmatea therefor pre pared by the Cltr Engineer aud flled In tbe omce nr tbe Auditor nf tbe Cltr or Portland on lh 97h riMV nt Jim, lOJLV. lnl,irse' - "flte Englneer'a plana and apeclncatlone fiw a sewer lowing described property and owner or owners In East Irving atreet from the eaat Una of " "'" apeciauy and peculiarly oenented in may be Bled In writing with tbe undersigned I East Twelfth street are hereh adnnted. wunin 9f osys from im uaie ok u bisi iuo licet loo of thla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbs City of Portland. July IT. 1003. CWIO.t DEPOT. - Laarea. Arrlvaa. CHIGAOO P0RTLAMB 1:30 a. ga, 4:30 p, Bs, SPECIAL. Dally, I Dally; far tha Kaat via Baal- a . tagtoo, '. ' M SPOKANE PLTER. :00 p. a. f:M a. f Kastara Washing- Pally, , Daily, toa. Walla Waila. Lew. ' Iston, Coear .'Aleno aad Great Nor there . points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 3:19 a, ag. 10:80 a. Ba, ror tha Kaat vU Huat- Daily; Daily. . ' tngtoa. . ., OCEAJf AWD RITXR SOHIDTTLR, PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR IMPROVE MENT OP DENVER AVENUE. Notice la berebr given that ths Council of tne cur or rortiana proposes to assess me roi- Kaat Twenty-ninth atreet to prnpoet! aewer at East Twenty-eighth atreet and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof. Tbe coat of aald aewer to be assessed aa pro vided br tbe cltr charter upon the propertr specially benefited thereby aud which la hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parts nf lots and parcels of land lying between a Hue 50 feet eaat or and parallel witb tne eaat line or Eaat Twenty-ninth etreet and a line lis) feet eaat nf and parallel with tbe eaat line of Eaat Tweuty- eighth atreet and between a line loo feet north of and parallel wltb the north line of Kaat Irving atreet and s line inn feet south of and parallel wltb ths south line of Kaat Irving atreet. Tbe Engineer a estimate of the probable total coat for ths construction of aald aewer la 1317.00. Tbe plana, aneclflcatlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the construction of a aewer In aald Eaat Irving atreet are hereby adopted. Heaolved. That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of aald aener aa provided by tbe city charter. Kemonatrance against tbe above aewer may be Bled In writing with the undersigned within 20 dara from the date of tbe first publication or this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July 17. Ilea signed within 30 days from tha data of tha Drat publication of thla notice. ny order of tha council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Jnly IT, 1003. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of OHTTLZK STREET. July IT, 1003. PROPOSED EAST COUCH the amounts aet onpoalte the names and descrip tions thereof for the Improvement of Denver avenue, from the South Una of Webster street Notice Is berebr riven that at ths meetlnr to tbe south line of Brslnsrd Tract, near Al-1 nf ,k. rn...u' ,v, . d.i...i . uiuw, mm iwfiuni VJ viuiimikv i-u. iaiiv. Anr objections to the apportionment or cost EWER IV TRXXT. Notice Is berebr given that at tha meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland, Or., held on the isth dar or July. jwos. toa following reenintion waa adopted: FOR SAN FRANCISCO, S. S. Oeo, W. Rider-. Jur 1. 11. ft. sl S. S. ' Columbia July o, id, aa. rrom Alaaka V Dorh. 3:0t P. aa. SlOQ av Oolmrhla River Dlrlawa. gon, held en the 15th day of July, Xltot, tha louowing resolution wss adopted Resolved, That tbe C Portland, Oregon, deems for aald Improvement muat be made In writing to the t loo net I and flled with tbe Auditor within 15 daya from the date of the Brat pub Uratlon of this notice, and aald objections will be beard and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance ssseeslng tha cost following manner, to-wlt rirat ny grading ths street full width wltb ueiiy. is Buodar Saturday iu:uu p. nv. 3:00 p. BL ex. Sunday, Aboat PROPOSED the I from a point in Missouri aveone 35 feet aouth I of the aouth line of Preacott atreet to a point to be aa-I n Missouri avenue at Mason atreet; thence of arter upon 12 luchee clear Inalde diameter In Missouri ave nue to a point In Falling atreet; thence of 14 incbea clear Inalde diameter to a connection with the aewer In Beech atreet, and to be con atructed In accordance with tbe plana and aneclflcatlona and the eatlmatea therefor pre- n.r. h. tk. t 'It m I? I ........ I . , Sr.!!?' ''yj Ji00 'TtI.""rt!) of ai '"'' o be Auditor of the city of Portland on tor 2 id aay or June, liaia. Indorsed: "City with the north . line of Hawthorne avenue and A line lot) feet aouth of snd parallel wltb tbe aouth line nf Hawthorne avenue. The Engineer's estimate of the probable total Coat of the Improvement of aald Hawthorne avenue Is t8.WW.00. Tbe above Improvement la to lie rlaaaed aa a r-ngineer s pinna and epecincartona for a sewer In Missouri avenue from 2ft feet south of Preacott atreet to a sewer In Beech street and tbe estimates of tbe work to ba done and the probable total coat thereof." Th mat 9 mmA tn k. gravel Improeenjeut- aiKl ahsll be maintained vided hy tbe city charter upon the property -LlX ft. Z !C Period of fnn, years; ; pro-1 specially benefited thereby and which la hereby uecmreu 10 oe an toe iota, parta or lota anil parcels of laud, lying between tbe aouth line of Prescott street and a line 100 feet north of and tiarauel with tbe north line of Beech atreet and between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel wiiu me west une oi Missouri avenue and a Hue 100 feet eaat of and parallel wltb tbe eaat line of Missouri avenne. Tk. Vn.lnu,1. I i i , ii a , V. . . . . v. - . . - - - -- , - ... .. . . . . . - , "....I. ir i . mr ini.iiMiitr 11 i ai Portland be and be la berebr directed to etve mi nt tha Mninu nf ..1.1 ...... i. . potlce of the propoaed Improvement of aald 1 nam on. ' armiue as provided by tbe city charter. The plana, apeclflratlnus and estimates of Bemonstrance agalnat the above Improve-1 the City Rugineer for the construction of aald ment mar be flled In writing with the under- sewer In Miumul i,iu ... h...i.. ..i..n,. Bigned within 20 daya from the date of the J Heaolved. That the Auditor of the City' of vlded. that tbe owners of a majority of the propertr benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof ahall ant petition for a new or different Improvement before the ex ..Plratlon of auch period. Tbe plan, specification and estimates of ths City Engineer for tbe Improvement of said Hawthorne avenue are hereby adopted. neaoivea, inat tne Auditor or the t'lty of first publication of this ' notice. uy order of tbe Council. - --" THOP. J; DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT, 1903. eVXOPOBED IMPROVEMENT OF OVERTON STREET. Nottcw-1w -wtrf-BtvviraT-ir-rR'mWflnS f tbe Council of the Cltr of Portland, Ore gon, held on the 15th dar nf July, 1003, the following resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Overton street from tbe west line nf Front atreet to the east line of Cornell - road In the following manner, to-wlt: First By grading the etreet full width with full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. ReeoodrBy brluglng the atreet full width "with full Intersect lone to proper grade with macadam. Third Br constructing sidewalks, atone enrba and atone guttera in accordance with the City Englneer'a plana, specifications and estimates fourth By constructing and relaying the rrcs walks In accordance wrth the City En gineer's plana, specifications and eatlmatea. Bald improvement to be made In ac.-ordanec with the charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and the plana, apeclflriitlona and estimate of the City Knglneer flled in the office nf the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 13th day of July. 1803. indorsed: "Cltv Englneer'a plana and specifications for the Improvement of Overton street from tbe weat line of Front atroct to tbe east line of Cur- Bell road, and the eetlmate of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." . The coat of said Improvement to be ns cased a provided by the cltv charter U!n the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tbe Iota, parts of lota and parcel nf land lying between the westerly1 Title of Front atreet and the easterly line of the Cornell road and between a line Portland be and he la hereby directed tn el to notice of the propoaed construction of aald aewer as provided by the city charter. Remonatrane-'. agalnat tbe above aewer may be filed In writing with tbe undersigned within 20 daya from tbe date of the nrat publics Hon of this notice. Br order of the Council. July IT. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. 1003. PROPOSED SEWER IN STREET. TWENTY-THIRD Kntlee Is herehv Hnn , h . , K . ....... I .. of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held on tbe 16th dav of Jnlv lanJL ths following resolutloq waa adopted: icesoirea, 'mat the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses i construct a - sewer in Twenty-third street from 150 feet north of the north Une of Thurmau atreet to a connection with the sewer In Vaughn atreet, of vitrified aewer pipe with all necessary catchbaalne, manholes, lanip ho U- .and -branches, aald- sewer -to- be of eight incbea clear Inalde diameter and to lie eon. atructed in accordance with the plana, specifics tlona and eatlmatea tberefor prepared by tbe (Ity Knglneer end flled lu the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 27th day of June, 1003, indorsed: "City Englneer'a pinna and seclflcatlona for a aewer In Twenty third street from 150 feet north of Thurman atreet to aewer lp Vaughn street, and the eatlmatea of the work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald aewer to be aenesaed as pro vided by the city charter -upon the property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lota and parcels of land lrlnar between a linn Inn f.,..t north of and parallel with the north line of Thurman stret and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth line of Vaughn street and between a line 100 feet west of and psmiiei un me west line or Twenty-third IMPROVEMENT OF C0RBETT STREET. Notice Is hereby riven that at the meetlnr . .. J .T .... " oi tne i outlet i or tne city nr rortiami. ore- ron, held on the lot h day or July, 1003, tbe ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the Cltr of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- poeee to Improve Corbett atreet from H5 feet north of the north line nf (irnver atreet tn 230 feet ncrth of the north line of Urorer atreet. In the following manner, to-wlt: First By bringing the afreet full width with full Intersections to the proper grade with earth, gravel, rock, eaud or other suitable material. Second Hy constructing a plank roadway full tilth with full Intersection. Third By constructing 12-foot wooden sldu- alka. Held Improvement to be made In accordance 1th the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and tbe plana, sperlficatlona and eatl matea of tbe Cltr Kna-lneer flled In the ofttce of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the I4tn nay or July. 1003, Indorsed: "City En g I neer a plana and specifications for the Im pruvement of Corbett etreet from 85 feet north of the north line of Urover atreet to 230 feet north of the north line of urover atreet and the eatlmatea or the work to be done and tbe prob able total coat thereof." The eoet of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided hy tbe city charter uoon the Droo- ertr epeclally benefited thereby and which la berebr declared to be all the lots, parts of iih ana parcels or is no lying within tbe die trlct bounded and described aa followa: Com menclng at a point In the west bank of the Willamette River at low-water mark where the same would be Intersected hy the south line of Harrison- street extended easterly In Its present course; thence weaterly along the aontb line of Harrison atreet and sold extension to a point at Ita iiiteraectlon with the eaat line or Moronth street and thence southerlr along the east line of Heventh street to a point at Ita Intersection wltb the dlvlalon line between Flnlce Carntbers and Stephen CoBln Donation Laud Claims; thence west along auch dlvlalon line net wen nnlce caruthera and Htepben Coffin Donation Land Claims, to a point at Ita intersection with tbe westerly line of block No. 38. Csrnthers' Addition to Caruthera Addition to the Cltr of Port and: thence aouth erly along the weat line of aald block No. 38 to a point at Ita Intersection with the north line of block No. 38, Caruthera' Addition to carntnera' Addition to the city of Portland at the weaterly line, of aald block No. 30; thence southeasterly In a atralght line to a point In tbe aouth line of Flnlce Caruthera Donation Land Claim where the same Is Intersected by uiTisou une iNMw-ecn sections w ana in, town ahlp 1 south, range 1 eaat. Willamette Meridian: thence southerly along the division line between sections 0 and 10. In and In, 21 and 22. town ahlp 1 south, range 1 . eaat. Willamette Me ridian, to tbe southern boundary line of the City of Portland; thence easterly along the soutnern ooniinary une or tne city or Portland to a point at Its Intersection wltb tbe western hank of theWIUarnotte RJvor gt low-water mars mence norineriy aionir tde western hank of tbe Willamette River at low-water mark tn a point at Ita Intersection with the South line of Harrison street extended easterlr In ita present course, the same belnr the place of he. ginning. The Englneer'a eetlmate of the probable total cost of tbe Improvement of said Corbett street IB SlU.DllM.IAI. Tbe above Improvement la tn he classed aa a plank roadway Improvement and shnll lie main tallied by the city for the period of five veara provided, that the owners of a ninlorltr of the property nenenteu ny saiu improvement or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of such period. i The plana, aneclflcatlona and estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of said Corbett street are hereby adopted: Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland bfl-ami he la hereby directed to give notice rtl the proposed improvement of said atreet aa provided by the city charter. Kemonatrance against the above Improve ment may be flled In writing with the under elgned within 20 days from the date of the first publication of thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July 17, 100,'i. PROPOSES line of Overton etreet and a line Inn feet south wlh tSe caV line of Twenty-third" atfTet 4f and paralltl with the south line of Overton The Engineer's estimate of the .Irohshl. total coat of the construction of aald aewer la 'street. The Englneer'a estimate of the probable total coat of the Improvement of said Overton atreet Is 44.2o4.00. The above improvement Is to be classed as a jnacadam Improvement and shall be main tained by the city for a period of five years, provided that the owners of a majority of -the property benefited by aald improvement or in? pnn inereur. snau nor petition for a new HJ !5frt,i?lproT'n"'"t bPfor' tbe "P'rstton be flled In writing with the undersigned withlh 1!7.00. The plana, aneclflcatlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the construction of a aewer In said Twenty-third atreet are herebr adopted Reaolvcd, Thst tbe Auditor of "the City of Portland be and be ia hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of said sewer aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above aewer may of such period Tbe plana, specification and estimates of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of said Over- Ion street are hereby adopted. Resolved, That the Auditor of the Cltv of i ivuituii us sou pb is uereny directed to give f notice of tbe proposed improvement of said Street as provided by the city charter. Remonstrance 'against the above Improve ment may be Bled In writing with the under signed within 20 dare from the date of the flrst publication of tbia notice. i By order of the Council. t , ,.,, . THOS. C. DEVLIN, 1 . Auditor of the City of Portland. . - Jnly IT, lna. ' PROPOSED SEVER n, EAST TWZJTTT- , EI0HTH STREET. 1 Notice Is bereby given that at 'the meeting of tha Council of the City of .Portland, Os.beld ' oa tbe 15th dsy of July, WOS. the following . resolution was adopted: , Resolved. That tha Council cf the City of . Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient snd pro poses to construct a aevrer; In Kast Tweuty eighth street from a point 108 feet south of 'i the sooth line of tho Kahdy -road to a con neettoa with tho aewer la test Twenty-eighth " street at a point IS fart south of tha ioth 20 daya from the date of the flrat oubllcstlnn of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City bf Portland. Jnly IT. 18o3. PROPOSED SEWER IN EAST TWENTY. SEVENTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS. Notice la berebr given that at tbe meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 15th day of July," 1903, the following resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That the Council of tbe City of runiBDu, urrmm, oeema ( it . expedient and pro poses to construct a aewer In Eaat Twentv. seventh and Lawrence atreeta from a point 100 feet aouth of the south Une of Sandy road to a connection witb the sewer In East Everett street, of vitrified sewer pipe, witb sll neces ssry catcbhaatos. manholes. lampboles and branches, of the following dlmenaiona: Of 10 Inches clear Inalde diameter from a point 100 feet south of the south line of Ksndy road to a point In Lawrence street at the south line of Logana Addition to East Portland; thence of 12 Inches clesr inalde diameter to a connec tion with the sewer In East Everett street, tn accordance with the Diana, aneelllestlnns .a eatlmatea tbrfor prepared by- tha City Engl-1 improvement op corbett Street. Notice Is hereby given that at tho mooting of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, bold on the 15th day of July, 1003, the following resolution was adopted. Heaolred, That the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and nro. poses to Improve Corbett street from 31.4 feet south of the south line of Pennoyer atreet to mi leet norm oi toe norm line or Pennoyer atreet In the following manner, to-wlt: First By bringing the street full width with full Intersections to the proier grade with earth, gravel, rock, aaud or other aultable material. Second By constructing a plank roadway full width with full Intersections. Third By constructing 12-foot wooden slde walka. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter aud ordlnancea of the City of Portland, and the plans, specification and eatlmatea of the City Engineer, flled In the otltce of b:tr Auditor of the tlty of Portland on the 11th day of July, 1003. lndnraed: "City Engineer's plana and apeclflcationa for the Improvement of Corbett atreet from 31.4 feet south of the aouth line of Pennoyer street to no reel norm or tne nortn une of Pennoyer atreet, and tbe estimates of the work to be done snd tbe probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed as provided by the city charter upon the prop ertr specially benefited thereby and which. Is berebr declare to be all the lots, parta of lota and parcels of bind lying within tbe dls-1 trlct hounded and described aa follows: Pom. menclng.' st s point -in the west hank of tbe Willamette River at low water mark where the aame would he Intersected by tbe south line of Hsrrtson street extended, eaaterly In Ita present course: thence westerly along the aouth Une of Harrison atreet and said extenalon to a point at, its Intersection with tho eaat Une ofr Seventh atreet and thence southerly along the Eaat line of Srconfn ' atreet to a point at Its Intersection with the division line between Flnlce Csrnthers and Btephen Coffin donation land clalma; thence weat along such . dlvlalon line, between Flnlce ; Carntbers and Btephen Coffin donation land claims to. of ssld Improvement. Terminus Addition, near Alblna Blk 6. lot 1, Samuel B and Ellis C Brown S Z3.S1 Blk ft. lot 2, Samuel R and Ellla 0 Brown 8.SS Blk 5, lot 14. Ralph B Smith 11.45 Blk 6. lot 13. Ralph B Smith b.5 Hralnard Tract, near Alblna Blk 1. lot 1. John Bresell Blk 1, lot 2. John Bresell Blk 1, lot 1, Jennie E Burnham Blk 1. lot 13, William E Bralnard Blk S. lot 1. Pacific Coast Abstract Ouarsntee at Truat Co Blk 3, lot 2. Pacific Coast Abstract Guarantee A Tnt Co Blk 3, lot 14. William C Noon Blk 3, lot 13, William C Noon nix n. lot 1. C J smith Blk 5, lot 2. C J Smith Hlveralde Addition Blk 5, weat 100 feet lot 1, Charles 0 Olaeo Blk 5, weat 100 feet lot 2, Charles a Olaen Blk 5. weet 100 feet lot 23, Johnson Blk 5 weat 100 feet lot 24, Joensos Blk 6, weat 100 feet lot 1. Bernard Blk 6. weat 100 feet lot 2. Bernard Blk 6. weat 100 feet lot 23. nernara Blk . weat 100 feet lot 24, Bernard Blk 7. weat 100 feet lot 1, M ham et al Blk T, weat 100 feet lot 2, M ham et al Blk 7. west 100 feet lot 23, and Annie r couraen Blk T, weat 100 feet lot 24, and Annie F Couraen Blk 8, west 100 feet lot 1, ana Annie r couraen Blk 8, weat 47.5 feet lot 2. Edgar and Aunle r Couraen 27.88 Total FOR ASTORIA aad war points. Conner tins with Heaolved: Thst the Council of tha Cltr of ?!n,r: ' Uwseo sad fort land. Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro-I - poses to construct a sewer In East Conch street POTTER SAIL1NO DATES Jnlv 14 l m . m.i juir jo. o:uu a. m.i juiv in. a:m s. m i 1JJ!VX -VMwer'Tn lrtkBVTt 0MO '! " (Saturd ,). l:i as lav? VI BtslalE IBlTlJ'Dril. luff I 14) LJJt? WMI HIM I ... . & ID. HI. or tne county road eaat of Ferawood, In the r7" VJZ.""'." Andrew Andrew Anna S Anna 8 Anna 8 Anna 8 P ' Br'lg V Brig- Edgar Edgar' Edgar 18.70 42.35 8. 59 42.60 182.21 23.61 11.58 8. TO 21.06 41.89 48.11 13.59 13.58 14.64 24.67 81.94 83.09 103.82 130.43 full Intersections to the eatabllabed grade. Second By conatructlng wooden sidewalks 10 feet In width with alx-foot coverlnr nlsnks. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordlnancea of the city of Portland and tbe plans, apeclficatlona and eatlmatea of the City Knglneer Bled In the oHlce of the Auditor of the Cltr of 1903, Indorsed: specifications for Improvement of Hchuvler street from tha Esst line of East Thirty-first street to tbe west une or county road eaat or Feriiwood. and tbe eatlmatea of tbe work- to be dona and tha prob able total coat thereof." The coat of said Improvement to be assessed ss provided by tbe cltr charter upon the prop ertr specially benefited thereby and which Is bereby declared to be all tbe lots, parta ot lota ln omce nr tbe Auditor of J io P0""1"! " the 27th day of June, eon "City Engineer's plana and ap S'Sf tB Improvement of Schuyler al tie constructed of the following dimensions; of eight Inches clesr Inside diameter from a point In Kaat Onticu street st the west lino of lots 1 and 6, In blocks 6 and ft, Bnckman's Second Ad dition, to a point to Kaat nineteenth street; snd thence of ten Inches clesr inalde diameter to a connection with the sewer In Eighteenth street at East Conch street, and to be constructed In accordance wltb tbe plana. speclficettons and estimates tberefor prepared by the City Engineer and filed In the office of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on the 27th dar of Jane. In3. Indorsed: "City Engineer's Plana and specifications .for a aewer In East Conch atreet from tbe weat line of lots 1 snd 10, blocks 6 snd ft. Buck man Second Addition, to aewer In Kaat Couch Street at Eaat Eighteenth atreet, and tbe estimates of be work to ba dona and tbe probable total coat thereof." The cost of ssld sewer to be sssesaed aa pro vided br the cltr charter upon tha property Yamhill River Route. FOB DAYTON, Oregon Cltr aad Yamhill Ulvar points. str. Blmors, Asn-Bt. dock. i water permitting.) 7:00 a. a. Tneadar, . Thursday. Saturday. nana River Rests. FOR LEWI8T0N. Ida.. ind way loU, from Hloaria. Wash., stasisa- ers Spoksao and Law-Istoa. 4:09 a. an. Dally, ix. Sab :00 pvjs. Mondayfsi Wednes&rX Friday. ajX Aboat - 6 oe p. av uau, sx. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Tela. poose ataiu ill. Kt h of and n. a 3 h"7he "north U ?. of Schurler atreet. and a Una 100 feet aouth of ii J?' r;h" and parallel with the aouth line of Schuv- P"-?. Ji' th.'-r"."tJln?J' ler street, and between tbe eaat line ."2 '..,w,;"V . V" i . ".J" toT'Eit'TrJS UM l,h 't line of riat Eighteenth street." nH L.e-lSW.,K.Ki. nd between a line 100 feet north of and parallel coat for the Improvement of ssld Schnyler street Is $1. 347.00. The plana apeclflcationa and estlmstss of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of said Schuyler atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he Is herebr directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by the city .charter. Remonstrance agalnat tbe above improvement may be flled In writing with the underatgned within 20 daya from tbe date of tbe flrat pub lication of tbla notice. By order of the Council. STH0S. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July 17, 1903. 76.68 PROPOSED OP WIIDLER tl.06S.00 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT. 1003. PROPOSED OP HAMC0CX IMPROVEMENT . STREET. Notice Is herebr given that at the meeting of the Council of the Cltr of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 15th day of July, 1903, tbe following resolution wss adopted: Reeolved. That the Council of tha City of Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro poses o improve rteiaier street rrom tne cen ter line of East Twenty-eighth atreet to the west line of of Eaat Thlrty-flrat street ln tbe with the north line of Eaat Conch atreet, and a line 100 feet sontb nf snd parsllrl with tbs aontb Une of Esst Couch street. The Engineer's estimate of the probable total coat for the construction of said aewer Is 1720.00. Tne plans, apeclflcationa and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the construction of sewer In ssld Esst Couch street sre hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the Cltr nf Portland. Oregon, be and be la herebr directed to give notice of the proposed construction of ssld sewer ss provided by the city charter. agalnat the above sewer msy be flled In writing wltb tbe underatgned within 20 daya from the data of tbe first publication of tbls notice. - By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT. 1903. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. for Yokohama and Tfone Knnm Mfi!u .a Robe. Nagaaakl and Shanahal. tsklns rrtk via ronnectlns steamers for klanlla. Ina a,C snd Vladlvostock. INDRASAMHA SAILS ABOUT JULY It, For rates snd fall Inmeenseintt mii -.. .- . jk . dross offlclsls or agent of tha 0. it. A K. Co. IMPROVEMENT STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting I following manner, to-wlt: of the Council of the City of Portlsnd, Ore- First By grading the atreet full width with ?on. held on the 15th day of July, 1908, the full Intersections to proper grsde. ollowlng resolution wss sdopted: Second By constructing sldewslkf ten feet Resolved. That tbe Council of ths City of wide with six-foot covering planka and wooden Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- curbs. poaea to Improve -Hancock atreet . from the east Third By constructing wooden crosswalks line of Eaat Twenty-fourth street to a point 200 six feet lu width. feet eaat of the eaat line of tbe county road Said Improvement to be made ln accordance in the following mannner, to-wit: with the charter and ordinances of tbe City of First By grading the street full width with Portland and the plans, speclflcstlons and esti- full Intersections to the proper grade. mates of the City Engineer flled In the office Second By conatructlng woooden aldewalks of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland an tbe ... . . '" " niTenng pianxa. zYtn aay or June, j03, Indoraed: "City En- inira uy conatructlng wooaen cross wa Ike I eineer's nlans and aneHflestlnns for th. lm. alx feet lu width. Said Improvement tn he made In accordance provement of Weldler atreet from the center line or eaat Twenty-eighth atreet to tbe Weat Une with the charter and ordlnancea of the City of of East Thlrty-flrat street, snd tbe eatlmatea Portland and the plane, apeclflcationa and estl- of the work to be dona and the probable total ui. no? .iu E.iuonn;r niru iu me omce i coat tnprsnr " of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the The coat of ssld Improvement to be assessed 27th dsy of June. 1903, Indorsed: "City En- as provided by the city chsrter upon the pro gineer s plsns snd speclflcstlons for the Im-I ertr sneeiaitv k,n.m.H th.h ,. hi, ; i. provement of Hancock atreet from tbe eaat Une bereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots of hsst Twenty-fourth street to a point 300 and parcels of land lrlng between the east line " ' easi one oi me couniy roan, or Bast Twentr-elghth atreet and the west Una snd tbe eatlmatea of the work to be dona and the probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost of aald Improvement to be assessed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be Sll the lots, psrts of iois ana parcels or land tying between tbe east of Eaat Thlrty-flrat atreet snd between a line 100 feet north or and parallel with tbe north lino of Weldler street and s line 100 feet south of and parallel wltb the south line of Weldles Street. The plans, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of salt line of Enat Twenty-fourth atreet and t. Une 200 Weldler street sre hereby adopted feet east of and para lei with the eaat line of the I stuirf Th.t ,k. i ,.Hi.n. . .t,. n. county road, and between a Une 100 feet north 1 rw,!.t nr.n k. i. h.i.. of snd parallel witb the north line of Hancock I taueet aad- a. Uue 400 seat south -of and oeraHrf aald atreet m-nvtruui ttirvhs intJ With the aouth line Of Hancock Strset. The Kmrlneer's esttmats nf th. nnhihl. The Engineer's estimate of the probable enat for the nf uM .,... I. ent of the Improvement of ssld street Is X.Y- 46tt.00. Tbe plana, speclflcstlons snd estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of said Hancock atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of tha City cf Portland be and he la herebr directed to arive nonce oi tne proposed improvement Of said atreet as provided br the city charter. Kemonatrance agalnat tbe above lmnmve- ment may be filed in writing with the under signed within 20 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. " THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor -of tbo-Cltr-of Portland. - July IT, 1903. tl.872.00. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment may be flled In writing with the under signed within 20 days from tbe dste of tha first publication of tbla notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July IT, 1903. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST HAS , SET STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting Of . tbe Council of the - City - -of r PartlandfOrc- ?on, held on tbe 16th day of July, 1903, tbe ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Heaolved. That tne council or the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to improve Kaat Marset atreet rrom the PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST STARK STREET. Notice la hereby siren that at the meetlnir I west line of East Third street to the west line oi tne louncn or tne city or rortiana. Ore-I oi assi. iweuui street iu me loiiowiag man gon. neiu on tne loth dav or Juir. ibos. th. ner io-wii: following resolution waa adopted: I Flrat By grading tbe street full width wltb Resolved. Thst tbe Council of the City of Intersections to 4 be proper sub-grade. Portland. Oree-on. deema it exnedlent and nrn. I Second By bringing the surface of the street psea to Improve Eaat Stark atreet from tha weat I full width with full intersections to proper grade ne or Beat Water street to the west wiin upiann pang grave. ne nf Union avenue by redecklng tbe road-1 Third By constructing artificial stona aide- ay full width with full Intersections snd re placing atrlugers where necessary and repairing bents, ln accordance, wltb the City Engineer's pian. sitecincations ana estimates. i siiki improvement to be made ln accordance walks Fourth Br constructing stone enrbs. Flftb By constructing wooden crosswalks six leet in wiatn. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter snd ordinances of the Cltr of with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and tho plans, speclflcstlons and estl- Portland and the plans, apeclflcationa and eatl matea of the City Engineer flled In the office of mates of the City Engineer flled ln the office the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 29th of the Auditor or the City of Portland on the any or June. iwu. indorsed: "City Engineer's I "in aay or j uue, iuu.i, indorsed: "City En plans and speclflcstlons for the Improvement nf I ggineer's plana and apeclficatlona for the-im. Kaat Stark street from the weat Une of East I provement of East Market atreet from the west Water atreet to the west line of Union Avenue. ne of Eaat Third atreet to the west Une of and the estimates of the work to be done and I Ea8t Twelfth street and the eatlmstes of the the1 probable total cost thereof." I work to be done and tbe probable total coat me coat or saia improvement to be aesessed tnereor." ss provided by the city charter npon the prop- The cost of said Improvement to be assessed erty specially benefited thereby and wblcb la ss provided by the city charter upon the prop hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots erty specially benefited thereby and which is snd parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet hereby declared to be all the lots, parta of lots west of and parallel with the weat line of 'nd parcela of land lying between a Une 100 Eaat Water atreet and tbe west line of Union feet west of and parallel with the west line of avenue and between a line 100 feet north of and East Third street and tho west line of Eaat parallel with the north line of East Stark atreet Twelfth trest and between a line 100 feet north end a line 100 feel eoulh of and parallel with of and parallel with tbe north of Eaat Market tbe south line of East Stark street. atreet and a line 100 feet eonth of and parallel The Engineer's estimate of the probable total with the south line of East Market atreet. rot for tbe improvement of ssld streeet Is The Engineer's estimate of the probable total tlsd.OO.- enat of tbe Improvement of said street is tlO- The above Improvement Is to be classed as 287.00. an elevated roadway and aball be maintained The above Improvement Is to be classed ss a by the cltr for the period of three years, pro vided thst the owners of a ma tori tv nf th. propertr benefited br said improvement nr nv i"" "wu .nn mi peiiuon ror a new br ainereni improvement oerore-tbe expiration of auch period. The plans, speclflcstlons snd estimates of tne ny engineer ror tne improvement of ssld Eaat Stark atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he ia bereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the- above Improve ment may be flled In writing with the under signed, within 20 days frpm tba date of the flrat jhibUcatlon of this notice. . By order of the Council. THOS. " C. DEVLIN, . Jul IT. ' 1903HtOr Cl t.1" pavel improvement and shall be maintained by the city for tho period of fonr years, pro vided, thst tbe owners of a majority of the property benefited by said Improvement ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration nf aneh nerfivi. . The Dlans. sneclflcatlona and MtlmafM e .. City Engineer for the Improvement of Bast Market atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of tbe City of . viiutuu w sou sv as nereoxa directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald street ss provided by tha city chsrter. Remonstrance agalnat the above improve ment msy be filed In writing witb the under signed within 20 days from the data of tho first publication of this notice. -... By order of tha Council. - THOS. C. DEVLIN, ,t 3vlj . lt, ISO tha City of rortland. ' - V ' ' .. THC K ST Of IVHtYTHlPlQ ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO tia the 0. ft. R. & N. Co, Oregon Short line, Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). V ' connects at Granger. jrithLthe famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. ' Ba anra your tickets read over tha) Chicago & North-Weitem. A. 0. BARKER. Otter L AOT, 0. St N-W. Rv, IM TMMD ST., PosjTLANIl, OU fiJsuitatTiis I Q (OGbf H. frUSTAl "J I Us yes. I TOI0 BITOT. Arrives. I EAST via. SOUTH t 'M a. av l-.iNf.BL I'M a. av 4:S0 p. to. OVERLAND EXFBESS! trains, for Salem. Uose-I her i.. A ah land. ftso-.J toento, Ogdeo, Baa rrsa-lTriO a. (s CISCO, Mo is vs. Los AsH gales. El taeo,'New Or-j leans ana ua Kaat. At Wood bur a dailyi (except Sunday!, morn-j '. iur sal. AHHM . gel Slliertoe, Browosj"100 P. rills, Springfield, Wsnd-i tug sou oatroo. Albany passenger, eon-! necta st Wooburn with! lit. Angel and SUnti w sucsi. Corvallls passenger. Sherldaa passenger. t. i 10:10 a. 8:80 p. a, IIS JS a. Dally. Dally except Sunday. tsrUaad-Oswege Suburban Serviee aad TiamalU Division. Depot root of Jefferson Street. ..leave Portlsnd daily for Oswego T:80 a. xa.i 11:60, 2.00, 8 JO, 60, 0:35, 8:80. 10:10 p. m. DsUly (except Sunday I 8:30. 8:80. 8:8B. 10 l m.l 4.00, 11:80 p. m. Sundar only. B:(s m. Heturnlnjr from Oeween. arrtvs Pneti.Hil Atim $:B0 a. m.; 1:68, J.06. 4:88. 8:18. T:88. 8:88. 11:10 D. m. Daily lazceDt Snndavl aurf I M 8:80, 10:20, 11:46 a. m. Except hlooday, BJ:2f a. m. Sunday ouly, 10:00 ss m. Leave from asms depot for Dalit end Inter mediate points daily (except Sunday) 4j00 p. Sk Arrive Portland 10:SO a. m. The Independence-lionmonth Motor tine peratse dally to Uonmonth and Alrlls. eoa. nectlng with Southern Padfle Company a traeha t Dallaa and Independence. First-class rebate tickets An asl hnm tw. land to Sacramento and Ban Francisco. Net rate lir.OO, berth $5; Bscond-eUss fare 818, I rtthettt-TSbate or berth ( second-cUas - berta ops, ee Jf 3.60. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe, eapsn, mina. iionoium sno Ansirsiia. city Ticket once corner Third and has streets. Pbone, Main TL2. aw. STINQEB, W. R. OOUAJI, Hty ncset Agent. uea. fas. BALTIMORE, C- OHIO R. R. AUL, TRAINS VIAWASHLNGTON JUST TWO NICKELS Make one dime, and a little dime boys UTe JOURNAL for one week, at- your house daily by carrier. Or der : Km? ft Hs TIME CARD I i TRAINS PORTLAND i Puret Bound Limited. for Tacoma, Beattle, Olympla. Sooth Bend and Gray's . Harbor points. North Coast -Limited. for Tacoma. Seattle, Butte. St Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago, New York, Boston snd points cast snd Boutbesst, Twin-City Express, for Tacoma. Seattle. 8po- ane. uniena. sc. t'aui. Minneapolis Chlcsa-o. New York, Boston and an poinu fcait aod noutneast, S?.g,L .8onnd ' Ksnaas Clt-8t. Louis Special for Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane. Butts, ninin.. Denver, Omaha, Kansas viiy. oi. uniia and all points East and Sontb east. Departs. 8:30 a. a. 8:00 p. m, 11:49 p.,m 8:80 a. a. Arrivee. 8:80 p. sx. T:00 a. a. n?4 J II 7:bQp. TiOO a. All trains oraneo. daily except on South V S3S Morrill al Genel Psssongsr Ageat "orison 6L, corner Third, PortUnd, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 8:00 a. as. Daily. 2:80. p. ra. Sat. only. T b n. bl CNIOW DEPOT, ror .Mergers, Balnter. yismkaBle, Wsetport, vunon, Astoria, . War-I ronton Flavel, Ham- inono sort Stevens. Bear hart Park. Seaaida: Astoria and Beaehorel atzprssa, uaiiy. V ' Astoria Xxpresa. Dally. Daily, ,'H U:10a.i 'e :8a. i'i