T1TE OTIEGON DAILY JOUKtfA JJ, PORTLAND, Til UltSDAY ; EVENING, JULY 1 0, ; 1003. TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD I BETTER MARKET !: IKPACKED HEAT ad con. 64!Tfl! ' Man aad bans, eonad. Bel tip, ton no, 10 to ao roe, Tc; 10000. U no, To; calf, eeoiid, nada 10 lb, 0a lunealtedl. le nor lb law: valla, la Dor !; ewe bid, salted, atca. Sl.SOOl.TB; dry oood. 10 to lbs, to; green AH' Brands,' Are; Being Held i Firmer Today Lard Quota-1 ITi&IFrzrir Mlons Are Looking Some Betr ttrk.J?W!ol,Kr: .4 r 0(..t. 1H pa, fc. . . . , M'raew uiurn. Breiivj( vara, ay tfMiiiit. ii ui ( arh, 81.0Q1.60; eolta" hides, each. JtttJftOci foot (kino, commoa. each. 10 16c J Aufora, wit W0OI OQ, MOD, JDCQIl.W. BstUr, Xnt aad foul try. BUTME Bttrea, 320) eraaaiery, tlQ salry, 18ti20ci store. ITc. -EGOS hnk Oraaoa.. 21a. CHKKSB .-nil, creaaa, twin, 14ej Teaag ammo, toe. . POULTRY Chlckena. mlted. Utftl2tte not lb bona, MOlSe; rooatere. tl0c par tt! broil' yrra, lotsiTo par ; . itja, par dretaad, 15) darad.-t5.OM; 0, 6.oh; OoK barrala. XSo; bo: 'oultry Shows Advance with Larger; Demand 7-Valley M Woo s Are Hieher wJth Stnftksl iMSS! 'xsl s ln'..Ur,r,t n" nAlArr ood.-WOltel Oaata III liunuo ui Ubul&iai I lae par n: coiumnis scabxsts or a wsex. Packed meats ojpaj looking- up. Bars stiff at II santa. Fonltry prloM maok better. Jrospcts of large hop deal, Vallay wool high a. Demand fo fresh meats. Tint Jipu ta aurlTts Comb honey out of slffct, -a 1 FHONT STREET. July is. There tome noticeable strength In tha packed taiia. pink, soc: rd, Orooariaf. JTut. Eta. B0OA11 "Sack baala:" Cab. M.TTUi ; dry granulated, ao.oztt; ettra Idas C. 84.82U: barrala. lOei boxee. 60a ad ranee aa sack baiia. baa tOt par cart, for cub, lb daft; mapla, 140 100 ID. frama. ocha. 21123e: Java, fa off. Java, food. 2092&o; Java, ordinary, uoaia itica. laoer. uowc voaia oaU Rlra. ordinary, lou 12o par n: Columbia root: llO.SSi Arhaekloa'. fit. is iiai; Moaj, fii.ia tut; voraora, TEAS Oolong, dllTaraat (ride. 2ft36ftei Oanpowdar, 28aS23o; Bncllab Braaktaat dlaTaraot trad,. imc! Buldar L, colorad Japan, OQuOo; grbaa Japan, vary aearca, SOoeOe. ALT Balr. S. la, 4a, Ba. 10a, $110; Ana labia, dairy, 50a SXri 100a. 74; tmod Uf arpuoi, av. aoe; iwa, (uw; zaa. ai.oo. ALT Ccaraa, balf troani. lona, par tarn, 114.00: BOa, par ton. 114.00; LlTarpmil, lamp, rock, 121.00 par ton; io-lb rock, 14.00; 100a, GRAIN BAHK nabntta. S TR 00 Bar 100 iut aiianai oaiirary. BICB Imparlal Japan. Ho. t, 8 Ha. S, lUe: Naw Orlaana brad, He. BREAKFAST FOOD Malta VIU. 84.80: 1a- aiinuia. m.bo: rara. H oo; n-u oat. aa.io. SALMON Anlumhla Iliu l.lh talla. 81. TO t-lb tall. 13.40; fancy l ib lata. I1.8B; H- fancy Oat. 81.10: faory l ib ral. 8180; Alaaka 1.80; l-lb talla. 82 00. tkaaMa MaaWaia tnl aa 11 K M a Katlnaf I f4 A f . ItT aVt.au. ail .abai Wtbtaaaf f3ama, Allaai ,VAJS u wia.uua asvaaaaj -,vmV vf K mwrrm, mM ym tMai - both-lard and packad maata li looked J LIN'hked oil Par raw. in bbla. 8c. fano. for Within a Bhort parlOd. Tha atrencth 'M kttla, hollad. caaa, B8 bbla 48c: port raw, a- --... i i m i . I In caani, Ble: aenotna kattla. la caaaa. 6 Sc. ,u .n ""'""'- BENZINE As d caar 22c. Iron bbla IB He. tendency to atranahen tha market for GASOLINE M of caaaa SSHo. Iron bob ttaoklnc hoaa. which haa been ao In- etc. - " Hv. f i.tavrT , TuBPENTTNB la eaaea TOe. wood bbla active or lata. . . osu. lroB bbli 9A. -o. Teal Demand Splrltad. I BEANS Small wblte 4eHe. iaraa whit ha demand for vea! will outatrlp all fi S4 00- lDk tsji.9o. bayoa $4.fo. U era In tha local fresh meat market ru. ..a vi.vii. acalDta durUiaT the week being ahorter potatofi in- hnvapa' nrlrwaal T flaW. han tha prevalllifr demand. Beef, dur- fl.boai.es; Oregon, ii.asai.wi. ln the. week, waa lowered In price on 1,0N'?,N-f"'ornU11 "d- 0eO-: aocount of the , larrer rec.Ipt. and the MSshnkI"flSS! Orr-, $1.80 amaller demand brought about by the 4j2.no; cooking, noci&li.oo per boi; nw warmer wefether. Hon are not aulte (California. 81.8002.00 hoi: oranaea. late. 80 active today the weather condltlona i','ncl": M-0J4.00: Mediterranean awaeta, being conaldered nnfavorle for very pwb"".- j&Stf"' n& aztenalva buya except for the block nacked tot- m,h.iH u.et n,- .nri. BOga. welgbtng from 100 to 160 pounda. rota. ll.OOgl.lO crate; lemona, atandarda, 83.00; Prlcca in tha freali meat market are un- "n7- .f w J lla?-.. Mexican, one change today. X"',,, XgTa StttT at BO Oeata. I 1-2S; pluma. OOc$1.00; raapherrlea, 81.75 crate; . , , . , i arair, igon. ,4 i,i currant, aa.w doe; Recelpta of egga were not liberal ., 7,, .,.,. 1u. enough for the prevailing demand dur-1 m. 83.50 doa; Rartictt pear. 81.75 boi; buck ing tne week and consequently an ar- nerrtee. per crate. ii.T32.O0; bUckcapa. rivala are berng held firmer at tl centa I1-!52; Loganberrle. per crate, 82.00 today. The weather haa been allghtly vfenrrim iri -iw.. i no k. .f " " '"" ai. ou; oeeia. ai.ou per aaca: raciianea. izmu not cettlna the eraa that thev were ' J": cabbage, Oregon. H4lHc lb; let ... i wrVm an neao, loc per aot: notnouae. ai.xa nox ae verai weena ago. - ,rn,n ,nn.m oAi n.- k.r..,.,n.v, c rh. Ponltry Bbowa Advance. 81.00 per doa; beana, atrlng, yellow, 35c lb A iar ana auirnca uemana lur in l rhnh.rh itr. m- nn.. ui..i..inni inna Bjrmuca vi puuury siutu nuu uio inuu 11. id; uaiirnrnia, per Dox. fl.oo: Oregon, aZ.OU recelDta during the week have caused botheuae, 83.oo: paranlna, 81.75: peaa. sa4c , m u ,. nicumnrn, i.u(i.20 per oox corn, boc uoa. yiciwu rnv.ii i ifii in iuii bwiiib aim id; apnoosa, tiHUKX m; peacnr. flfxve in m Wl0 1IUII1IVI VI VillVMU DID UVI1 I t . w r-- 1 " i. . i-. ,uma. -V'uuv w. tieod for lnnr-hea "rP"- iWHc lb; Or. California blacka. C I Hail,,! .hit. , l( aa. . 1 u ...I 8c; ralaloa, aeeded. fancy l-lb cartona. 80 oack- Rumnrl nf a. lara-a hnn daa.1 for the I Sf ? 8e P! eeded. -2-o cartona. Kumorg or a large nop aeaj ror ne T IooM UojlclltelMI 50-tn box. 8H07He r., future were floating along Front m: London larera. 81. 7502.00. atreat today and unleaa all present-signs NUtrs Peanuts. amTe per m for raw. OfJlOe cocoanni. aorauut per lona: waj 5c per Jb;- pto pot,:, in012V tt nnta, 10c per id; earetaom, CHICAGO HOGS ARE SHOWING SHORTAGE Receipts Fall Off In Year Cut- . ting New Oats in North ern Illinois. COAST SECTIONS GET NO CREDIT Livestock Shipments from Ora- qn, Washington and Idaho m cm in to-, uvlth Tki. i w vvuiiMU II u I 1 IWaH UI 1 iini,i HmmImIam a i 1 r. 1 OtherStateSi CHICAaO, July 16.1-Tha Record- Herald aaya: Tha bog recelpta In Chicago thla year Hlo-nnoee f D!l i P-A- UP t0 "r 600.000 lesa than fos iiiftnuvgo ui liaillUUU nHl8 the first half of last year, and the lard 1 . . 1 - A II ... . LaUS0S 1.3TT ft in Ha (IravaM "took in Chicago la leaa than It waa a n . c .1 1 , 7, I year ago. "i ao not mow wnat tne ror- . rail OT tne JOUmeV find then ,rner w'r thinking about when they rreignted v 1 1 do not know where they are going to got tna property lr tney attempt to cover. .T 1. 1 1L.I ... I ...A ..A. tmmm . I i-vew uiub mil aiiw giinia; uui tm waia , ibiv VMiiuaiu, 111 limit una KANSAS CITT. Mo.. July II. It la atartad aa vet. hut we will all be bld- an odd thing that tha remark g often 1ng for standard In a day or two." aald hoard around the atockyard markets of H- n.'Wetmore. th Central West that th tU.a An Mni "They are Juat cutting the new oata Show moro rattl. mA .1, -hi a In Northern Illinois and Iowa and will from tha ki ii.,.i, . Z ba ahlpplng aoon. Everybody haa atopped VorTh!r n llVMt0 VfU" ' th bidding for old No. 4 white and thla Northwest Oregon, Waahlngton and de la off to 10 centa to 33 centa at Ida no Send many Cattle and Sheen to tha river and aa-nlnat 88 centa 10 dava all theaa rnarketa, and Montana and ago. Last la the only year I can re Colorado get tha benefit of their own,nmber when the bids In the country shlpmente and thoee of tha other atataa, wer tor N- 4 oat"- 11 wa" "'nipjy that too. Wyoming should ba Included In the srav.1 or "5th.!"?- rhfr ll I".1!" Hat of states which alao get credit for ?utt"tjr ana " no. w"nd8r .that many ahlpmenta of livestock that really Z.. .l .rvn Tr ttlt u 1. Lidinw come from atata. r.rth.. . ri.il than Is necessary, or that It la holding 18J mil fill Ana 4VU. .Vt.W i- aa. nwn v ' " '"" . V.J ,Vf i:"c " " "on la to make the oata trade very dull. CHICAGO 1EAT WAS UNSETTLED Pit In- Windy City Was Irregu lar and bhowed No Pro nounced Tendencies Prices Knock About Much, Oats and Corn Are Heavy and" Lower Uash Situation on Former Is Obscured by the July Manipulation, near. iuture were ., noaung aiong Toni London Uyera. fi.75Q2.oo. atreat today and unleaa all present-signs N litre Peanut, eatie per 1 fail a malority of tha atocka now being ' ',A;;cocoaiit. 85ffl90 per firm-, wi held hrttrta aUte; by the growers will t disposed at wlthtfi the next, few daya at aatlafactory prices. T allay wool Za JElglier. With moat of this year's valley wool out of the handa of the aheepmen. note. 14 per Eastern. 16ef 10c: Per Tb: Braall nuta. Isc Dr lb; Albert. IS ft I He per lb; fancy pecana, lQ tae pr n; aimooaa, liqxioe per id. Keata and Prorisloas. rRKSn MEATS Beef, orlme. TUc: TWTkl- V.a t TUn tnnttnn ArA a. aeaiers nave announcea engntiy nigner lamba. dreaaed. 7c. nrevnlllnar Quotations on all aradcs. The I KBESH MEATS Front street Beef, prime, yield thla year In the atate will be an led:,WfyeL??' ?5.8f : J n.,r,nao vim, bmv. B .. .... v ianiDB, areaaeo, n (0. been above the average of former years. hams, bacon. ETC. Portland park (local) There are still some fair-sized lota re- bama. 10 to 14 Tha. Iflc; 14 to 16 Iba, lBfcc; ..,. . . , xr0.,. n. break fait bacon, 15"W20c; plcnlca, 10Ve; cot- malnlng In firat handa in Eastern Ore- tI nut; taited aldca. 12e lb; amoked ton. but It la said that aome Important aldea. l.lCe: dry aalted backa. 11-ac: bacon deals are about to ba cloaad at allghtly backa, 1240; bane, aalted, lc; amoked, loftc higher figures. eastern-p asked ttamji nnder 14 iha. 16c; orer 14 lbs, 15c; fancy, 15(g16Uc; nlc 1 1 tea aiaea, 1 li A 1 11. . nipmem 01 hub jmi kiujj ui jou 1 fancy. )c: butta. ll4ll2Uc. teas In thla city. The stocks are In ex- LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. imc; 5a. celleftt condition and Drlcea allghtly over H5c! P0-.0' .,0fi. steamenderd. 10. those of the last season are about to "V??0' " ffiPUBa er; prevail. The coffee market, although fa a STERN LARP Kettle leaf, io-lb 'tina. now at bedrock, la picking up, prices I lliic; 5a, llc; 50-rt tlna, llftc; ateam rend especially on 'the cheaper, grades for J.A.e; J.L ir. ,0J4F- ..w .. package manufacture being quoted ,tTi- , " firmer. I FISH Rack cod. 7c; flonndera. Be; ballbnt. oarcltr of Comb Koaer. 0.,c un 7C crana. bi.bu aoa; raaor eiame. w J ' I 1 si ma Uo rwap inat attrlnAl rsiai 1 y La. just at preaent mere la a aeciaea chlnook. c: auminer ateelbeada. 7e: aolea. Scarcity of comb honey In the local mar- 8c; ahrlmpa. Paget Sound, ,15c; cattiab, 8c: Beta and thoae who are able to obtain i "' " afriwlra ara enmnnlleil tn nav cilintfltlnna that are several centa In advance of liooal Stock Arrivals. those of the prevloua -season. San Fran- PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, clSco merchants .report conditions In July 16. The receipts of livestock in First Jinan Teas of Season. Allan AV ImIi hava received tha Initial "?ci.."??orar"' "'i."7 at I tea . ' . . . i anamotea,- iic; iyearnt bacon. that territory to be tha aame aa In thia the local yards today consisted of 136 caiua ana. iuu aneap. juing pricea xr as. follows: Cattle Best, $4; medium, 3.25f 3.60. Hogs 66Hc Sheep 2 gi3c. La mbs 3 fi3t4c. Oltv, Wheat WUl Ba Xlgn. That local millers are not expecting ny material lowering of prices to pre- 1 on the coming wheat crop dur- the early part of the season in evident by the fact that a large number of them are making contracts for sup plies at about the same quotations as OlaaurlnaT House Xeport, The report of the Portland Clearing are now prevailing. Stocks or wheat In House. for yesterday shows: all centers are lighter than In many Exchanges 3613,33331 yea re and aa this season'a coming yield Balances 66,829.52 Is not. expected to be quite aa large aa former ones, higher prices are quite Favorable Crop Weather. uiy- : I CHlCAaOJuly. JL6-.Prlc-Curreflt Plenty of rralt says: The week was favorable for fiar- The fruit markets are well supplied vesting and crop progressing. Corn Is on Front street and business with ,the Improving. Oats are maturing" bnd are warmer turn of the weather Is fair. A favorable, with yield - moderately less car of watermelons, a car of fancy lem- than last year, but the quality Is bet- ons and acar of oranges were the re- ter. celpts per rail from the South today Overlooked, especially by those who ara compiling statistics. Transportation Za jTlrb. Oregon. Washington, and Idaho alao. are very far weat and the transporta tion bills are high. Tha country be tween Colorado, Wyoming and Montana and Oregon and Waahlngton la good grating land and the stock is grated as rar aa central Colorado. Eastern Wvom- lng or Nebraska before put Into cattle or sheep care. When tha care arrive t the yards the atock Is credited to the state from which It la shipped and not from the state in which It waa raised. The Kansas City stockyards are a re In in a nape and the Stockyards Company is sending circulars to shippers to sand their livestock without fear of a crip pled market. The Exchange la again crowded with buyers, speculators and commission men. Convention Rate Aanoanoed. The livestock men In this city have been advised that the railroads have made a rate of 350 for the round trip to Portland, Or., from all Missouri River points on the occasion of the meeting of the National Livestock Asso ciation, January 12 to 16 inclusive, 1904. The association- will hold its seventh annual convention at Portland. The farmers of the West are not hav ing all the trouble this year. Up In Michigan there was a heavy drouth early this spring which haa been broken only recently by the heavy rains. No' that the drouth Is ended, the farmers are running Into another discouraging Eastern shippers and local consumera are all waiting for the new oats." NEW YORK STOCKS DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. topper Co Atcblaon. com do preferred Am. Car A Found, com. do preturred Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com , do ore f erred Baltimore A Oblo, com. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Canffdlan Pacific com.. Chicago It Alton, com.., do preferred Chi. A Ot. Woet., com.. Chi.. Mil. ft St. P Chi. A North., com Cbl. Terminal Ry Cbeeapeake ft Oblo Colo. Fuel ft Iron, com.. Colo. Southern, com do 2d preferred do lat preferred Delaware t: Hudson.... Dela., Laei. ft Weat... U. It. com do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred do lat p forred Illlnola Central Loularllle A Naahrtlle.. Metropolitan Trac. Co... Manhattan Eleratcd proposition, and that Is the marketing Mexlran Central Uy nf the r "17" rnftle I,at fall tha Mlrhl- wieiH-an nauwin ran ouyers lonaen up urriiy ncuviiy uu An expensive 15 to 15.60 feeders, securing MUsourl Pacific. them at the time cattle were booming M.. K. ft T., com. iiul urhon avurvhnrtv "Man red them that o prererrea At , , i a i . u . i 1 iney wouiti receive i lur l"vr J 1 I Norfolk A Wetern. com. a rT- . . ..... . n. ftBtnai. I . . ' iceru. i nm whpi a yrai brw mm uiwn i iorrn American.... cattle have been eating their heads off N. v.. Ont. ft Weat ritlnr fnr tha market to roach tha 17 Penneylranla Ry " - - - - ti i a. r 1 1 . U . fTK. . nriM mn 9m III'1 w ' ' " liuu:il. j lie " " Prsaaml Rfn,.l Imr rmm Will not pay 10 nuiu iiiem luiiKer. b i do nreOrrcrt the feeders are beginning to cut loose. Pacific Mall Steam. 'o A tralnlond left yesterdAy for Buffalo p""f. com from lower Michigan. The feeders do noi nope 10 urenn even un iiiu ucrui. i Ufn. There Is great newa for the raisers of I do 50 0414 Ha 84H iio 43 S2 H2 6IU 12H 17 141H 1U4 12H 3H 60 15 2.1 52 4 1A5 244 25 7H 3" 54 Vi 05 127 1(16 5"H no 35 117 43 88 H K2(4 r2 124 25 6614 17 V, M2H 105 12S ;o 60 1BU 2.1 16714 244 25 70U 1H MIS 6614 12P1, 1H7H 1171411111 do 2d preferred. do lat preferred... Iron A Steel, com. preferred cattle coming out of the big grain states Rock laland. com these days ' It has been only a short C'tnXm.V.V.-. time since It was predicted that cattle no preferred feeders would be scarce this year and Southern Pacific that for thnt account cattle would sell St. L. ft 8. F., 2d pfd.. U Jii freii'rmi lower this fall. St. L. 8. W.. com. . do preferred Texaa A Pacific Tenn. Coal ft Iron T.. St. L. A W.. pfd L'nlon Pacific, com do preferred 132 2014 20 52 121 88 Vj 42 11514 621 M 23 12.1 9514 4 M14 25 41) 66 81 13 714 2214 8514 46 56 ft. 1514 33 26 4714 42 7614 86 8 80 1114 264 7714 20 .31 3 1814 3H 82H 22 38 1324 21 20 57 122 "4 4314 Urtia 63 H 84K, 23'A 12014 48 14 8414 25 41114 07 81 13 7114 3014 6 22 86 46 56 6S14 1514 33 2614 4 42 7714 86 8V4 8014 12 28 20 32 64 1814 83 2214 814 46H 63 H t7 84 11514 41 5 8214 02 60 14 1IU 2414 6614 16'A 14014 10314 12 83 58 1414 2214 62 loo 243 24 78 '4 3oi4 6314 64 12614 105 4 11714 131 20 1014 on 121 97 2014 41 114H 6214 M4 22 11014 06 47 84 24 4814 on 81 12 70S 28 67 2214 86 45 55 68 32 26 IJi 46 30 '4 75 85 S 8 79 11 26 75 10 31 53 18 38 82 21 3814 80 46 64 87 34 86 41 91 82 Ul 50 122 24 66 16 140 164 12 84 8H14 14 23 62 166 244 25 78 30 68 6514 1Z7 106 118 131 18 54 124 97 If 1 41 115 "4 B314 83 23 48 84 24 48 67l 81 13 76 2914 07 22 841 451 5 68 14 82 20 47 30 76 'ft 70 11 i5 78 19 3144 63 18 S8 83 2m 3814 Peaches are plentiful, the supplies from , Oregon, and especially from the vicinity 1 Of 'The Dalles, showing a large Increase, i The first Oregon peach-plums were re i ceived today by Bell & Co,, from The 1 Dalles, usual quotations prevail. Better Butter Demand. fhere Is. a better demand now prevail ig for store and dairy butter, and k rices which a week ago were consid ered excessive are now being freely of fered for stocks. Warmer weather in the South land a "fall lng off In cream ; ara the principal -cauaes. Today's quotations, aa revised, are as ( follows:, ! PORTLAND WHOLESALE PRICES. taaani, Flour and Faed. " WHEAT Walla Walla. 78c; blueatam. 80 82c: raller. 7778c. BARLEY Feed. 821.00: rolled. S20.R6iff21 on. OATS No. 1 white, 81.lTV4ill.a0i (ray, 81.15 OUT. FLOUR Eaatern Oregon 1 4.45: atralgbt.. 13.60: Valley. (3.00Q3.S0; gra- Patenta, : ham. 14 a. 83.16: -J MILLPTrFFS Bran, 823.00 nef ton: mid oungn. ii.iiu; anorta, aka.oo; chop 84.1013 10. 83.53. pan. 193 0) ahorta, 822.50; chon. 818.00. . , na a imwiur. iv.wiiuii.oo; ciorvr, ain.00 i C17-00; California, grain 817.80, I r - Hop. Wool and Ridaa. ' V HOPS 1T18C for ebole. 1903 contract, I617c ' :' WOOL Valley, 1616e. coarae: medium to loir. 1016c; fine, 17tl7e; Eaatern Or. fgun, liliSlSc; Mohair, nominal. 868ic 8HEKP8KINS- bearing. 14Q10c; ahort wool. 22323c; medium wool. 80c; long wool. earn. TALLOW-I'rluia. ' areiiHe. 2r2Uc. j, miiikji in ninca-i no. l. lu pnnooa and per m. 4Q5c: Ko. J and np. 15c per n: dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 fna. -12c; iry calf. No. 1. under 5 Iha, 15c: dry anlted.- bull and atata. '1 -a leaa than dry Bint: mlted fctar. ateer. annnd. 60 nmioda or pT1T.T4.8c; 60, to .Xl On, JtJSc; nnder 50 that Chicago Eogt Lower. . CHIT AfiO. Jnlr 16. The receipt of .llreatock In the principal packing center of the country today were: '' ' Hog. ' Cattle. Sheeo. Chicago 19.01X1 7,000 8,000 Kanaaa City...,, 12.000 , 4. (XXI 1.000 Omaha 8.000 ,8.000 5,000 Hogs Opened from 10 to 15 cent lower with 4.500 left oTer from yesterday. 'ihe esti mated number for tomorrow la 15.000, Rnllng bog prlcea are: Mixed and Butchera', .Y20tf 6.65: good hetTy. 85.35(85.55; rough beary, 84.85(a5.30; light. 35.40(55.80. Cattle Steady to itrong. . , Sbcep Steady to strong. Chicago Car Lett. CHICAGO, July 16. The car record for today anowa : Car. Grade. Eat. Wheat 27 8 35 Corn 104 8 310 Oata 150 T 155 Tbe wbent record ahowa for today: Min neapolis, 144 car; Duluth. 159 cars. JTew Tork Bnmmary, NEW TORK, July 16. Liquidation by reducing apeculatlve accounts haa made accounta sounder. It la believed that the Secretary of the Treaeury will take the r. 8. Leather, com $26,000,000 Panama canal payment out ,,biier com' or tne treasury ana ortw on aepoeuury v B gtwl C(, com banks for the remainder. High Interest, do preferred rates are being paid for loana by aub- Wheel, ft L. E . com stantial rallroada emphasise the defecta J" J p", or tne present nnanuiai ayaiem winuu wion,,,, ccntral .com. Permits wiae nuciuauona in iniereai. ,a0 preferred Although currency legislation cannot be I Western V'"n Tele. In time to effect direct Denem tnia ran. "ZTtA ,v,. frrt m.v ha ennaMpr- Preferred w.a .......w... , , .1.1. T-.l 1 1.. 1n. I... lAnb 1 mni vain.. I , i" no.B. .iw.r,,.,.m.v. Money. 2 per cent action on first preferred dividend. United States Bteei iniereeiB in iiriuu oiobi rhlo.m w.rk.. reduces the amount of outside Steel gneclal Permission of Bolton, de Rurter A Co. I available. There is no revival in pig CHICAGO, July 15. The market ranged iron activity notwitnstanaing tne re- toaay a iouowa duction in price of Southern iron. m.K,t ,Mn Twelve industrials decreased .66 per , oo 7au cent ana zu active raua uecreaeu .1 ppo 77 ner cent I Corn cn-,..... .0'7 Ii.f- .41ai Amarloan Stocks la Xiondon, Oata LONDON. July 16, 2 p. m. Anaconda Sept 33 .,i,ti( li Atchlann advancail -Va wffv. , . a , r rort 4, prererrea aavancea ;.. Baltimore July.. Ohio advanced 1: Chicago A Alton aa- Sept.. tnpail H - fhrnnnpalrn OrHfT ndTrnnrert ba H; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ad vanced V4 ; Denver & Rio Orande common advanced ; Erie advanced , first ad vanced ; Illinois Central advanced ; Louisville & -Nashville advanced 1; Mexi can Central declined ; Missouri, Kan sas. Texas advanced ; New Tork Central advanced 1 ; Ontario & West ern advanced V.; Norfolk & Western advanced Pennsylvania advanced 1; Reading advanced V. first, declined ; Southern Pacific advanced ; Union Pa cific advanced ?(. preferred advanced ; United States Steel advanced , pre- Sept. ferred advanced 1 14 : Wabash advanced 'V'1- . preferred advnnced . Consols un changed. High. 800.77 .77 .33 .50 .33 .34 Low. 800. 7614 .70 .3314 .49 .331; .33 Close. 300.76 761i .33 .49 B .83 .83 i flraWf A I raa4trilaiaalra n iLtllnal ata. Daa..a. JL a-la. -'-- 1 " VB WW UUI TT ajg w. I CHICAGO, July 18. Logan Bryan advlae: The wheat market waa a little unaettled and Irregular. It aeama to hava no pronounced tendency at tha moment and tha price knocks about largely on pit condltlona. There la an active general trade, however, and tha proapect of a continued good acalplng market There la no important chaaga In the preaent condltlona. Cablea ara dull. The ylelde of winter wheat, with tha exception of the extreme South west, continue to ba disappointing and to a considerable extent are sensation ally aa The weather in the Northweat la on tha whole favorable to tha crop. and the trade la coming to the conclu sion that tha aprlng wheat crop will be lass than laat year. The movement of wheat to primary markets Is very small. Tha Indications ara that It will continue so. ' Export demand la moderate. On the other hand, domestic millers are ur gent buyera of wheat in tha Southwest rnarketa, and to aoma extent In thla mar ket. The premiums for desirable wheat are stiff and wall maintained. The world'a atocka are extremely email, and the accumulation la likely to be vary email. Corn Bleary aad to-war. The corn market la alao heavy and lower. The weather la an Important factor, and in respect to It there Is nothing of which to complain. The crop must necessarily be making rapid progress, and is regaining much loat time. In tha cash situation, there ia very little to juatlfy high prices. Re alpts are fair, and with a tendency to Increase, and demand la at best but moderate. There la atlll a good deal of bullish sentiment here and there among active traders, but on the other hand aome of the best have deserted tha long side for the time being. With continued favorable weather, we are In clined to think prices will drag lower. Cash Oats Ara Obscured. The oat market is heavy and lower. The cash situation has been obscured by the July manipulation, but thla lat ter seema to be losing Its grip on the market. At the best,, cash demand la poor. The new crop" la beginning to move, and there is nothing to indicate the movement will not be a fair one, and that stocks will not materially In crease. We still think current prices discount for any shortage there may be in the crop, and that oata should bo sold on the rallies. Lard At a BtaadatllL The wild advance In lard at yester day's clone waa an accident. It came through the execution of large atop or ders, which only became operative within the laat five minutea of the ses sion, and when it waa too late for "would-be aellers" to get their orders Into the pit. Generally speaking, there is no Improvement In the legitimate sit uation in provisions. Receipts of hogs are liberal and the demand poor. Primary Reoeipts of Grain. CHICAGO, July 16. The primary re. celpts are: Wheat, 426,000 bushels, against 768.000 bushels last, year; corn. 387.000 bushels, against 541,000 bushels last year. Shipments were: Wheat, 349,000 bushels, against 607,000 bushels last year. ' Traders Mora Confidant. NEW YORK, July 16. The atock market opened confidently, with a gen eral advance In prlcea all along the line. ird 8ept Klba July Sept 14 25 14.15 14.75 14.90 14.37 14.40 9.75 7.85 8.20 8.45 8.00 8.02 . . . . . 8.42 8.00 8.7S 8.47 8.47 Hew Tork Cotton. (Sneclnl Permission of Ilolton. de Ruyter ft Co.) new VUUK. July 16. The cottou market ranged today as roiiotra Open. Jan S 0.6.'i Feb... 11.62 Mar . July... Aug. . . Not . Dec... 0.64 12.10 11.00 10.55 0.78 0.53 High. Low. Close, t 9.(10 $ 0.53 $ 9.54 0.53 9.53 9.53 9.69 0.64 9.58 12.35 12.10 12.35 12.40 11.89 n.25 10.67 10.46 10.52 0.81 0 72 0.73 9.70 0 04 9.62 0.50 No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine and spend hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring and coloring when JelS-O irodnces better ' results in two ruinates? Srerything in tbe package.-Simply add hot water and act to cool. It's perfection. A snr- risetotho honsewife.- Nrrtroublr, less exs pense. Try it to-dajU In Fonr Fruit Fla vors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Sasp berry. At grocers. 10c A r W1 Close of llvarpool Grain. LIVERPOOL. July 16. Close: Wheat. July. 6-7 higher; September. 6-3, higher; December, 6-3 ft, higher. Corn July. 4-6. higher; Septem ber, 4-6, unchanged. Chicago Cash Wheat. CHICAGO, July 16. Te cash mar ket at noon was: No. 2 red, new, 79c; No. 3 red, new 78c; No. 2 hard winter, new, 78H79c: No. 3 hard winter, new 7778c: No 1 Northern spring, 82c: No. 2 Northern spring, 82c; No. 3 spring. 76 80c. SB. GTJHW BLOOD AB9 BXBTB TO.ilO. There ia not a woman In this land but at some time in her life would hava been the better for the use of this Tonic. For diseaaes peculiar to women a better medicine was never made. It ia com posed of the Ingredients from which the system has been deprived by disease, overwork or. dissipation. It enters at once into the circulation, building up the tissues that have wasted, ana making ure, rich blood In the moat direct way. 'or weak, nervous and unsteady people. pimply, pale or fleshiest people, it will make strong, steady nervea and glva the -complexion 4hat - wholesome leek that Indicates health. We have hun dreds of letters that people have writ ten us, saying they had gained In good, solid flesh at the rate of 1 to 8 lbs. per week while using Dr. Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. Jt should be taken after meals, one or two taoieis eacn time. Druggists sell it for 76 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 32, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price. Wo are glad to make re-pl- to letters ot Inquiry. The advice we give you is plain, and easily understood. Address Dr. Bosanko Co.. Philadelphia, Pn, JaTBW- tod at. Liverpool .Cotton. , LIVERPOOL. July 16. 2 p. m. Cotton, unchanged to S points higher than yes terday. 2:28 p. m. Cotton is 10 points up on near and 2 to 6 points up on far months. Paris Wheat and riour. PARIS, July 16. Wheat, steady to 6 centimes higher; flour, steady, un changed to 30 centimes higher. San Traneiaco Stocka. SAX FRANCISCO, July 16.-11:80 a. m, tee- eaalon. Llcae: Spring Valley San Franclaco Gaa ft Electric... Bank of California . Giant Powder Vlgorlt Powder . Hana Plantation Hawaiian Shcw-t rrrrnrr-. Hntchlnaon Plantation ; Onemea Plantation Paanht Plantation Alaaka Packer' Association Mutual Electric , ' . '- . ' Bid. Aaked. 4 85 67 as , 62 ..' 72 73 ..23 BO rro- rr- .. 1SU .. .. 22 .. 14 ..149 -.. 1214 23 IT '13 Hers! Mothers!! t Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ftu been uaed for orer 8IXTY TEAES by MIL UONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN while TEBTVfNO, with PERFECT 6CCCB8& tt 800TTS ES rate CHILD, SOFTEWStb OTJMS, ALLAYS aU P.VJN; CURBS WIND COUC aad it the beat remedy for DIARRHCRA. . Bold by DrnggWta ia every part of tbe world. Be tore tad ask for "Mrs. WiasloWg Soothing 8yrap taMltateaaotharklnd. TwyUy-veciabotU8 Here Are Some of Our Bargains 8-BOOM 2-story house, with all modern appointments; 32,050, part cash. A KITS KODEZi BBW KOMB, all con veniences; 32,650. Pay what you can down, balance to' suit. A MODEL STOCK: FABM, with fine out side range. A GOOD 7 ASM in Clarke County, Wash. The price, 36,000, paya for farm and stock and implements and crop. WB BATE MA BY KOBE. COMB AWD 8EB TJS. 8-BOOM 2-story house; 32,250, part cash. A MODEL 6-room house, I2.6S0, Tills is perfect in every particular. Our timber man ara atlll In tha field and will locate you on timber claims or ' homesteads. In bargains. In atock and : fruit ranches and timber landa wo ara headquarters. J0HS LAMQNT & CO. raraar im i a 1 iraaai 11 immf u' timniii 1 ................ ,.J-..J...,. w.fc-w ,,- .....nr - - 1 OA The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which has been , In use for orer 30 years has borne the sigrn&tnre of ' - and has been made under his per a4r sonal saperrislon since it Infancy. ftt'CCCCA44q Allow no one to deceive ron In this. All Counterfeits. Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle .with and endanger the health of Infants and Children fexperlenco against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of I The Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. NOW IS THE TIME While your family b away enjoying their vacation, to have your home wired and etroipped with ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to be prepared for the long Winter nights. REMEMBER, WE ONLY CHARGE YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE..... Portland General Electric Co. SEVXNTH AND ALDER STREETS j Shoe Repairing Done Right KZiri SEWED SOX.ES 76o XvADZBS' SBWED 80X.ES BOO California oak-tannad sole leather need. All atltohlng dona on tha eelebrated Goodyear Kaehlna. Goodyear ; Shpe . J?epai r Co, , AXiDEB, BETWEEB TXXBD ABB rOTJBTX. i i none, attain S031. lre Delivery, mm: ! , Poultry Netting WKOX.XSAX.E, BJBTAXXh Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire. Wire and Laws Tenclng. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS kzajiiifactarars. I0S ST. TBTBD ST., COB. TCvABDEBS. TITUTt KEELEY INS FIRST and MONTGOMERY STS. ... PORTLAND, OR. Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits lite only authorized Keeley Institute In Oregon. Elegant quarters aad everj tonvenience. Correspondence strictly confidential. Phone Mala zqj. $1250, Savier St. Bear Twentieth, Couch's Addition Two lots, 50x100, facing south. Very easy terms. - BEBO BAJUIS, ' .04 l-ront Street. t ItCSAA, t Stl'HwSlltwtit $1150 Couch's Addition Two lots, 80x100, on Thurman atreat, neaiwentyratrfrolnBrTJOTUirlnuai lng new cement walk; naw street Im provements; very easy terraa. Inquire BXBO BAtliTS, ' M front Straet. Drink the Old and Renowned Gambrinus Lager Beer j Send orders for Bottled Beer to OFFICE. 793 WAS.IKJ'JTON STREET Telephone No. Main 49 l Both Phones j t M 4 A NE YfSP APU rO R. ALL t HE P EOF Lt V it-