THE OBEGON , BAlLYi JOtTTlNAL, POUTIAND, TnUHSDAY - EVENING, JULY 1G, 1903. - -. ,- n' .it -- .--,ri wbeja 1ru,"'wc,w a ' as a n 11 a" "The.;1- ?. Different Store? OEUS;WORTMAN.KINC Fifth and ii wasmngtoa Streets ii MilOTii t Items of Local .Interest for Busy Journal Readers. WEATHER 'FORECAST . Light showers and tbsadarstorms have oe furred Id the Lower Mtaaourl Valley,' Kiiuu, Colorado, Northern- IHah, Arlanna, New Mexico 04 tba Red River Valley of tba North. Bbow. erf rondltlone alao continue In portloua of tba Canadian Northwest. It la Morn warmer tbla nmrnlnl la Enatern Tot hard or soft oorns, Hedgtn's Corn Cur, prepared only by Albert Bern!, the druggist, corner Second and Washing ton, la the only real Tamed after all. l6o a bottle. M. Batuner'e store, corner of Union avenue and East Morrison street, was robbed yesterday mornlna-. The bed men entered the store '. by climbing oouiuern t-acinc is in ine uaues. through the transom. 'A. gold-washed A. D, Bornle, postmaster at Cathla- watcb and fl.tO In cash were taken. - , 1 met, Is registered at the Imperial. Take Segalator line steamer, for The w.. dnit. 1. registered et the PERSONALS. Seymour Bell, a Sumpter mining man. is in rortiana. C. W. Nlbley. a Baker City capitalist, is registered at the Portland. Superintendent I R. Fields of the pragoa. Jtaatare Wa.hlngioo and Idebo. Vjom- bailee and all way landings, connecting irial! Inf and Northern Nevada. Temperaturea la the I vi i.h rylumhl River A North-I tSSH V'lW" re from T to 11 degree, Zlh ""l Clark E. low normal. Tba Indication, are for fair weather In thta dlitrlct rrtday. - It will be cooler tbla afternoon la Weetara Oreeon and Weetern Waablnstoe and cooler tenlfbt in tba inter-mountala regloa. em Railway for Ooldendale and KUckl tat Valley points. Alderstreet wharf dally (except Sunday) 7 a. m. Phone, Main 14. HOTEL ARRIVALS,.. . Imperial A. A. Fountain., Beattlet A. B. mer, new loraj c. b. Meieon, We ton: Mra. tralf, Pullman; J. N.. Wllllaniaon, PrlneTllle; H. Tat. Ontario: W. T.- Burna. Condon! Merer Abraham, city; A. Uanaw, Pandletuu; K. W. Halnea, roreat City; J. . Jonea. city; R. A. Booth. Kutena: C. t. Btarr,, Cklraaiii C. W. Parrott, K. B. Dlion, U. K. Kooa. Kw bora: R. W. Btanfeld, H. T. Hill.- Pendleton; 0. H. Boree, Coldwater; W. O. Duvall, Llrv eoln; J. 1. Whlapen, Newport; T. H. Aveny, Mra. Areny, Htarenaon; Mra.' Lansdon, Al bany; Roae I. Parrla, St. Paul; U M. Hlmee, Kalamat J. Keating, Aatorla; T. H. Horna, La Grande; Dr. g. H. Bura. Waaeo; Mildred Kltto, Jennie Kltto. Baker t'ltyi W. C. Ml lea, W. 0. Potta, fleattle; Mlaa 8. Bowman, Hllla boro; I. H. Coat, California; ., I. t'bambw lain, Mlaa Chamberlain, Mlaa Cbamberlaln, Virginia; J. O. Daabar, Mlaa Dunbar. Mlea Owyane, Stockton; H. B. Peterson. A. M. Orll ley, Mra. Orllley. Bolae; A. M. Monree. Mra. Moorea, Salem; Nellie Hamplln, Stella Brown. Kugana; S. H. Hunt, Mra. Hunt, Jt. Droaa, Bloni ralla; W. L. Cbeoahlra, Enrena; a. A. Bofaott, San Pranrlaco; Mkta Btewart. Hood BItw; D. J. Cooper. Tba Dallee; Mra. Ma Anley, C. McAuler, Lee Angalea; Edna Bob bard. Salem; A.- L. rbambare. Hana, lad.; P. H. Bncbanaa and wife, Nawharg; A. 8. Proa lid, Basalda; Frank Pattnn, Charles 'V. Brown, Aatorla; . B. Jonee and friend, Eugene; W. J. Bard. H. B. Oetee, New York; A. D. Rlrare, Catblamet; C. W. Mount and wife. L3wlaton, Idaho; Mra. Jobn Green, Walla Walla; Mra. I. W. Myera. KltirllK Waah.: Mlea Carrie Abraham, dty; Cbarlee 1. Bllaa, Han Franclaeo; Warn, and wife, P. J. Moaaley. Mil- kee. : "Tomorrow ebmaa another of the White Corner's great Friday reduction sales. And these are "absolute" reduction sales, too. Readers of The Journal will find this statement tnfa. It Is not catchpenny announcement by a long shot The store Is at Second and Yam hill. The Begalator Una Steamer HBega lator will make the round trip to cas cade Iiocka and return on - Sunday In place of the "Bailey Oatsert" Muslo and excellent meals on board. Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf at t a. m.. returning, arrives at 7:10 p. m. Special round-trip ticket tl-00. 'Phone Main Trout sTo. 1 Sard Wheat la made the flour that feeds the Rockefellers, Van- derbllts, Ooulds, Morgana, etc. The humblest cltisen of Portland may have the eame kind of bread. Ask for "Pills- bury's Best" flour and take no other. Nottingham A Co., distributors, Front and Alder. J. W. Bailey, President of the Ore gon State Dairy and Food Department, leaves tonight to attend the seventn an nual convention of the National Associa tion of State Dairy and Food Depart ments to be held at St Paul, Minn.. July Nelson, manager of the Wes ton Brick Yard at Weston, Or., Is In the city on business. Miss Aline M. Rogers left last night for Minneapolis. Philadelphia and New York, where she will visit relatives. General Paasenger Agent A. L, Craig of the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company has returned from a few days' business trip to the Sound cities. AH. Gattis. chief clerk at the Im perial, will leave In the morning for a two weeks' vacation at Eugene. "I own a macraronl farm at Eugene," said Mr. Gattis. P. W. OlwelL father of the famous orchardists, Olwell Brothers of Jackson County, is visiting In Portland. Mr. Ol well arrived from Central Point yester day and will be here several days. Otto A. Sendllnger, chief of the en- gravera' department of Poole Brothers of Chicago, la In the city on his way to Richland, Or., where hla brother re sides. F. A Menses, traveling freight agent and O. W. Baker, traveling passenger agent for the hock Island system, with headquarters In Portland, are In East ern Oregon on business. J. S. Howard, one of the oldest sur veyors In Oregon, is In the city from Medford. Mr. Howard la in charge of the construction of the Gold Hill High Line Ditch, a waterway from Rogue River Falls to Gold Hill. Theodore Hardee, secretary for the 1 3th Grand Friday Economy Sale Tomorrow!; 10-.BIG SPECIALS FOR THE LUCKY 13th-10 ... - a 'f - " The natural trading center for the thrifty Friday bargain seeker is at Olds, Wortman King's. Aside from the v convenience of location, comfortable shopping facilities, and courteous treatment, we have provided for this occa sion in every department, wonderful bargains marked at prices unmistakably lower than elsewhere. One Friday visit makes you an 'everyday friend -come down tomorrow. rmZDAT "SOOHOKT SAX.B' 25c Crash Suitings ' grxcxAi. o. i. . (Slmestlo Aisle First Floor.) FOR SUMMER DRESSES I0f HALF PRICE, PER YARD iXl Here's a pleasant surprise What's more to be desired, daintier, cooler in reeling and looks than this good, staple summer material r i in nm we have too much that we specialise this for tomorrow, but merely to carry out the principle of ouf great Friday "Economy Bale" vis.: To give people bargains in good, meritorious, staple, aeasonable mer chandise, at the time of most need and at a price which makes It In deed a REAL bargain. We expect some cheap stores to copy (his yMtern, but there's '"crash" and craah. Ours Is the beat 20c and 25c lvalue of the kind of Crash you'd expect to And In THIS store. Btronjr waahable, stylish, linen color fabric n comparison with carried bv the "cheap stores" but priced here tomorrow with the same guarantee as tnougn you a oougnt yeeier day at 26c, but half that tomorrow, per yard the 12Kc FBXOAT "XOOaTOMT iAiB"-snoiiL vo. a. (Second Floor, Millinery Salon.) Fertland Josephine Crowley. Pearl Houeton. label Hopkins. Vaneourer: 8. Merrill. Bait Lake: Mra. 1. I. Roaa, Mlaa M. Boaa, Aatorla; W. Porae, U. 8. A.: 8. B. Nr.. New York: Mra. E. J. Jaekaon. Mra. Hayea. Klate Lork wood, Helen Horkman. Berth! Taylor, city; Etbel Bed well. Kae Prldewell. Monmouth; Adah Alartrh, Monmouth; A. J. Badger and eon, Chleaso; Bllaa be th Btlper. Edith Randall. May Barrett, The Da I lea; R. M. Hart. h. W. New man, St. Loula; M. Prankel and wife, St. Paul; W. H. Bone, wife and daughter. South Bend: L. Prend, Chicago; Mra. M. H. Allen and daughter. Mra. E. A. Hull and eon, Phlla delphla; Mra. P. N. Lamb. Hoqnlam: B. D. Merrill. Seattle; E. T. Halaon. Tillamook; i. A. Walker. N. P. R. R. ; Elinor Wllllanm, Evelyn Dempater, Oregon City; J. Hlalop, dty; V. M. C. Rllra, VancmtTar; L. Brown. Spokane; B. Burkhardt. Jr., Vincouw Barraeka; Mlaa Peart Henderehott. Mlaa Edith Uetera, Mlaa Ella Harrla, McMlnnTllle; M. Rnaenbaum, city; R. C. Dollar, San Pranelaco: P. 8. BelL L. Bell. Winder; P. B. Thayer, Bt. Paul; M. Har rla, Olympla; C. W. Keene. Mra, Keene, Med ford; Nellie Bonney, Lottie Black, Myrtle Traak, Woo1hurn: D. H. Clark. Chicago: L. C. Oerney, Indlanapolla; D. R. McGlnnta, Montana; U P. Rohertaon, San Pranrlaco; J. 8. Baum- rtner and wife, Mlaa Palmer. Paeadena; W. Brewer, New York : Mra. M. R. Howard, Chippewa; Mlaa E. Varney. Philadelphia ; P. P. Burna, Brltlun Columbia: O. L. Caaaady, British Columbia; W. R. Krerett. C. P. Belt, St. Paul; H. B. McCullougb. San Pranelaco; J. P. Nlrheleon and wife. Chicago; O. E. Moulton and wife. New York; P. D. Globe, Spokane; K. B. Dyer, Aatorla; H. P. Prael. J. J. Pnater, W. P. J co be, San Pranelaco; P. B. Brooke, Wallace. the annual address. Il-l-S-4. 1901. Mr. Bailey will deliver paBt two year, tor john Barrett, Com mlssloner-General to the World's Fair for Asia and Australia, has been ap pointed in charge of all Oriental fields at the St. Louis Exposition. Mr. Bar rett has received an appointment as U. 8. Minister to the Argentine Republic. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE While working In a new house at Twenty-fourth and Multnomah streets Tuesday John Shldell, residing at Eighteenth and Salmon streets, was the victim of a sneak thief. The workman left his wateh hanging In his vest which he had temporarily discarded. The timepiece, costing $80, was stolen by some unknown thief. $2.50 Value, New Stylish Sailor Straws, . 42c Oh, what fun! Tou know and all the town knows now that the Sailor Hat la the rage with the. Eastern summer resort girl and we re not a whit behind here. 8o confident are we of their popularity that we bought the entire remaining stock of a large wholesale house and. mind you, ALL THIS season's make. They only arrived Monday we placed them In the window Tuesday, marked "68c for Friday Just for fun, to see the "cheap stores ' get a move on to gather up their old relics of bygone years and trail along at "any old price for their heirlooms. The bait was good the foolish trout grabbed the hook. Now the time has come, we'll announce our price for these new beau ties. All the lending Sailor shapes, Mllans or rough braids, In Infinite variety a mammoth stock for choosing. We Include the triple-braid brims, values to 12.50: some stores might say 13 were con servative 12.50; and at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning they're To first choosers first choice. Ho telling what may happen later. 42c rSIDAT "ECONOMY BALD " SPECIAL Ho. 3. (Second Floor Millinery Salon.) Zt waant worth while for thieves to enter my store, where goods are sold so cheap. I sell dry goods, boots and shoes and crockery at figures so low that any man ought to be ashamed to steal my merchandise. There Is no other concern In the'eity that touches me on small prices.- H. Baumer. Union avenue and East Morrison. If Chairman Baker, of the Repub lican State Central Committee, desires "clean polities," he resembles hun dreds of cltlsens who desire Illy white collars and cuffs. Ironed by our steam- heated collar and cuff polisher that does not "yellow" or scorch the linen. It's the only one In Portland and the best machine on earth, union Laundry, Second and Columbia. The Portland Browns Are playing great balL See them . Wallop -Pete Lohman's Pets Tomorrow. It will be another Ladles' Day And they will be Admitted free. Oakland has a Good club. Game starts 8:80, Professional grounds. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Don't miss the game. you'll be sorry If you do. Remember. It Is Ladles Day. And Cheap Excursion Btes via th A. , fa C. B B. Highly Appreciated by the Public, Seaside travel has commenced In earn est and Clatsop Beach is the scene of great activity among campers as well aa proprietors of summer resorts who are preparing to care for the Influx of this season's guests, and all are now running in full blast. Excellent treln service between Port land and all beach points in connection with cheap round trip excursion rates, assure a good time for everybody, and by leaving Union Depot at 8:00 a. m. I daily, one arrives at Astoria 11:30 a. m., , Gearhart 12:20 p. m., and -Seaside 12:80 p. m., and returning leave Seaside 6:00 p. m., without transfer In either di rection. The Portland-Seaside Saturday after noon flyer leaves Union Depot every Saturday at 2:80 p. m. and runs through for 19c 60c Caps, Ladies' and Children's, at 19c Money In these Caps not the place one generally looks for money but never mind that. Portland people carry their money in queer places now after dark. There's money In buying these peat, pretty. Vlaor funs here tomorrow. Fine for traveling, school and dosens of occa- alnna: In fact -a Cnn is aulte indispensable In the summer time "knocking sbout." These are in neat, plain colors, or fancy mixtures, prettily trimmed; the values are as stated above, 40c, but choice tomorrow at rmXDAY "ECOHOMT BAUE" SPECIAL Ho. 4. (Tlrst Ploor.) Best 25c Patent Leather Belts, Ladies', . . 15c These are new and pretty Belts, hard to do without for those ldles who vnr fiennrate waist and SKirt. enienaia lor nuiingn mm u,.-r,o7 enough to wear anywhere Indeed a summer needful as an adjunct to the wardrobe, patent leather, with nickel harness buckle, very pretty; 25c values, tomorrow for 15c FXXDAY "ECONOMY Th Syxnfino saloon. Seventh and ftl1an .tnuita. mn hnrnfwl to the around to. Tt ... n.nmi hv Kriwitnl direct without transfer, arriving at As Byrne, who stated that there was no in- i0, P-m" 4:40 P-,n- ano- .rtiniHi on It. the loss beinsr nearlv Seaside 6:60 p. m. Modern parlor cars ii Knn Th. hiinriinr w nwnnl hv run in connection with all trains. ALE" SPECIAL Ho. 6. (Tlrst Ploor.) Handsome $5 Parasols, at $1.19 The weather has Just come for these dainty requisites for women s toilet f and comfort. Old pol has deigned to favor us at last with his hot summer ravs. so now comes me reiKn 01 me rmnm. ncir ni o $1.19 wonrtBrful beraalns. white and fancy colors, in sukb, some of the very prettiest, handsomest creations, i ne values are real to 15, but tomo rrow choice at TBXDAT "ECONOMY SALE" PICIAZ, Ho. 9. (Third Ploor.) Excellent Copper Bottom Wash Boilers . . 70c These are the excellent kind of Wash Boilers that go with the excellent kind of houseware that our third-floor chief la noted for selecting. He Is a particular fellow and all the guarantee you need or we need la for him to say It's "RIGHT." He says these are, and ha thinks more of his word than he does of all the Waah Boilers between hers and Port land. Me. They're worth much more than tomorrow's price, and whan you're through with the Wash Boiler Just knock off the cop- Fer oot torn sna take it to the junk man ne 11 pay you near, m Birr f nnt milt what th Tl n 1 1 a r a aam AmnrvAf .. . W If not quite, what the Rollers cost you tomorrow TBXDAT 'ECONOMY SALE" gPECXAZi No. T. (Towth Ploor.) 25c Catcher's Mitts, for the Boys 15c ten now 15c PLAT BALL! We never forget the boys we're selling the men now who were boys when this "OLD HOMESTEAD' 8TORH opened. Tomorrow, boys, we'll sell you those good "TWO- BIT" (!6c) CATCHERS' MITTS for PBXDAT "ECOHOMT BAXB" SPBOIAX, Ho. S. (Seeomd Ploor Art Seetlon.) 50c Cushion Covers, for 39c Jolly summer days, these, for making the little, fancy things that brighten the home. "Coty Corners" snd "Dens" are "It now !n the pretty homes of Portland folk. Then there's hammocks and porch chairs need Cushions. Buy the Covers here tomorrow Lithograph Covers choice of twelve newest designs; tha 60o kind, at PBXDAT "ECOHOMT SALE" SPECXaX Ho. . (Tlrst Ploor.) Hen's 25c lace, open work effect Half-hose, I7c Tell you what we've got a lot of men, who work with and for this "Different Store," that know a good thing when they see it, and If you're In doubt Just drop In and watch them stock up when the "boss' of our men's shop announces a "special." Pretty good "proof of the pudding" when they eat It don't you think? Here, tomorrow, we offer a splendid line of Men's Half-Hose, in open work, lace effect latest fad for men have fads as well as women seamless, 1 0f colors or black, gray, tan and blue the best 26c value In I fj America, tomorrow only at, per pair PBXDAT "ECOHOMT SALE" IPBCZAX Ho. 10. (Tlrst Ploor.) i Men's 75c Night Robes, for 47i' Here's sleep-lnducers for men in a double sense. The Night Robes are pretty and "comfy," and the price Is one that won't keep a man awake with worry or bring on nightmare in the sleep. Another triumph for our men s shop, prettily trimmed, in fancy colors and neat designs; good. strong muslin and worm an or me oc we asK tor mem; choose as many as you like here tomorrow at, each , i us, a,F"u. 47c Round trip season excursion tickets from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points sold at 14.00 for round trip. Saturday round trip excursion tickets between same points, good to re turn Sunday evening $2.60. Special sea son commutation tickets good for five round trips from Portland to all Clat- On aooonnt of being In special service P North Beach points, 216. Beach E. H. Wemme and was valued at $2,000, fully Insured. The origin of the fire is said to be a mystery. The Wilson lodg ing house, located next door to the burned saloon, was saved by the quick work of the firemen. Some 20 lodgers were in the house last night. OMIT BULLETS; BALLOTS USED The most delicious ooffee In Portland Max Smith's Savoy, 1(6 Fifth, B. X. Moorehoase k Oo, at Seventh end Alder. Telephone, Main 1843. Long Beach. Wash. European plan. The Portland, Open for guests. Max Smith's Savoy Coffee House, 188 Fifth street. Is open day and night. the steamer Bailey Oatsert will not make the Cascade Locks trip next Sat urday and Sunday. Any one desiring to make the round trip to Cascade Locks Saturday will leave at 7 a. m. on steamer Dalles City to the Locks, and return on steamer Regulator, arriving in Portland 7 p. m. Steamer Regulator will leave Sunday morning at 8 a. m. for Cascade Locks and return. Special round trip tickets Sunday $1.00. Music and excellent Sunday dinner. Phone, Main 814. excursion tickets issued by the O. R N. Co.' and Vancouver Transportation Co., will be honored on trains of this company in either direction r between Portland and Astoria. Tickets on sale at 248 Alder street and Union Depot. Highest-class monument and marble work. Otto Schumann. 204 Third street,. Tina Day t Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth. Br. B. K. Band Returned. 602 The De- kum. Telephone: Office, 858; residence. . Aided by Detectives Joe Day and Frank Snow, Detective Thomas L. Ryan of San Francisco slipped through Port land with his prisoner, Oeorge Rob erts, alias Kid Cunningham, escaping being served with habeas corpus papers which had been made out here. Detec- THEATRICAL OFFERINGS Tha Empire. A gilt-edge contortionist at the Em pire Theatre Is nightly charming big audiences at this cool and pleasant play house. Marsh Craig, the human lisard, goes far to prove that some human beings have nd bones, and his work, un like many contortionists, is pleasant to look at. Christy and Willis also do an Christy is a EL Utile Qgk TO! Portland Club, 180 Fifth street A 'stable lunch served every evening rwn i until ii p. m. tlve Day met the Bay City officer and his prisoner at Kalama Here they got Lxceptonal)y KooA sketch tTraJT i-, tti. i-. ee Jl,ler of Kreat merlt' hta manipulation tured In Seattle, rowed across the river nt .tnV.nin. iir h.t. mA ., f.'?-.5milel..t J.7 W . most attraetir feature. Miss "" ' "- jmu.. wim.v. Willls. his partner, is a dancing TTarA rtatfntlvA RYirtw mitt tVi naptv tint ... . R V . itViiiZt .-I- . i a i souDretie, wno really can dance. In l lu,u"a' " ' iHnvwurd end Hnvvard'a alrotxh Begnlator Lisa of steamers for Tha Dalles and all way landings leave Alder Street wharf at 7 a. m. 'Phone Main 14. Tha Inventory of the estate of John B rugger, deceased, which has been filed In the County Court, shows property valued at $7,801. From Midway the Calif ornian and the confidence operator went to Canemah Park, where they took the southbound train. the lady gives some remarkable imitations on a piano and the remainder of the pro gram is also clever. . "White Spray" is the best flour In the city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement Bros. Co. O. W. Church, wholesale agent, 264 Front street ' tost Probably on Washington Street, heavy leather wallet, containing papers of value only to owner. Return to Journal office. Reward. Day v Sea T. Abrahams at the Valle - Land Company's office, 48H First street cor ner Ash, if you want to buy or sell real estate. Established 16 years. !letrJ able or rent Second story of building Front street, near Morrison, 26x76. etropolltan Printing Company. Suit able for light manufacturing. - Thlel Detective Service , Co Estab lished 30 ye? re, 206 Cham, of Commerce, Portland, N. Y.. Chic. St. Louis. St. Paul. Kansas City, Denver. City of Mexico. Montreal. Seattle. Spokane, San Fran. Grand W. O. W. Carnival hall, Satur day evening. O. A. R. Hall., First and Taylor. Large, cool ballroom. Magnifi cent orchestra. Prise waits, twostep. Gentlemen, $8cr ladies," 16eV" Committee. Tha Portland Browns Are playing great ball. See them ' . Wallop Peto Lohman's Pets Tomorrow. It will be another Ladles' And they will be Admitted free. Oakland has a Good club. Oame starts 8:30, Professional grounds. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Don't miss the game.' t You'll be sorry If 'you do. Remember, it ft Ladies' Day. JOHN IVE-Y CLUB Members Meet Harmoniously and Elect Officers for Ensuing Tear aad Set Hext Meeting. The John Ivey Water Color Club met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. W. Simpson, 303 Fourteenth street. The president. Mrs. J. P. Wages, presided. The constitution was sustained in full and the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President Mrs. Frank Bruhn; first vice-president Mrs. T. T. Geer; second vice-president, Mrs. Delia oudraecretary-Mra. A, B. Manly: , treasurer, ' Mrs. Flora O. Whlrple; custodian, Mrs. Martin Rapp; Shields' Summer Time Show. Shields' vaudeville is a ringer this week and the blx crowds nightly in at tendance testify to that fact. The great est show of the season and of the town at present Mr. Shields has arranged that an entire new bill will be given cacn weeKr antt aireaayis th program for next week being prepared. It's sood old summer time weather and neonle do not like to swelter indoors. To this reason a large amount of popularity of Shields' Park is due. More polyscope pictures of Columbia River scenery will be shown next week, besides there will be 10 special acts given by high-class artists. Where strong men ones have wishes. have' wills weak Hot Contest Is Being Waged in Oregon National Guard Over the Election ot New com manding Officer, Gantenbein, Summers and Voories the Principal Candi dates, but Dark Horse Is Prophesied by Several In the contest of ballrfts Instead of bullets now on In the Oregon National Guard, the question of who is to be chosen Colonel Is the chief matter of In terest. As the date of election ap proaches tHe fight waxes hotter and tt is understood that already the time-worn machinations so common to general poli tics have been put Into play. Just what will be the result it is impossible at the present time to prophesy with certainty, but It is understood that C. U. Ganten bein. present Adjutant-General, is the probable winner. However. Mr. Gantenbein will have no walk-over. The position of Colonel will be the highest office in the reorgan ized Oregon Guard and there are at least two others who desire the place with as fervent longing as that of Mr. Gantenbein, aeeordtng tor National Guard gossip. These are Brevet Brigadier General Owen Summers, who commanded the 8econd Oregon Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish-American War. and Lieut. Gordon Voories, for some time prominent In military circles. Bunch of Bark Horses. In addition to these candidates sev eral dark horses have been hinted at. The records of these indistinct equines Is not known here hut there is a well defined rumor that some candidate whose name has not yet been mentioned publicly will receive a strong vote when the biillot Is counted. There Is strong talk of a slate having been Drenared. destined if not broken, to maintain regimental headquarters at Portland. On July 26 the ballot will be taken all line officers of the regiment being allowed to vote. A Lieutenant-colonel and three Majors besides the regimental commander, are to be selected and 36 officers have the right of suffrage in the election. About one half this voting strength is located in Portland and it is they who are accused of having rormeu the combine and drawn up the slate. The question of who is to be appointed by Governor Chamberlain to succeed C. U. Gantenbein as Adjutant-General of the Orea-on Guard is also a troublesome one in military circles and the guards men are beginning to wonder how much longer announcement of the selection will be delayed. CHARITY THAT GOES ON FOREVER The Cnited Artisans is the only fra ternal insurance society doing business Oil this coast that receives any benefits from those who lapse. Its large reserve fund Is partly derived from lapses. Each member, at the time of Joining the so ciety, places a small sum or money on Interest , in the reserve fund to meet the Increasing cost of the members' increas ing ncre. When such member drops out ot the society he leaves thaj money in th roxerve fund to draw interest in favor of the members who remain in the society. This shows the secret of the I'nlted Artisans' great weaiin. Ann person once uecomes an xiubb" m. is no possible way for him to cease con trlbudng to its wealth. If he die, the amount he placed In the reserve fund will continue to draw Interest, yes. a thousand years after he has been for gotten. The amount ne piaceu reserve fund will contribute to the sup port of the widows - and orphans, and thereby render assistance to those In need. This is charity that, truly, goes on forever. Once an Artisan, no powei on earth or In heaven can wholly sever your connection 'Representative Henry M. Goldfogle of New York sailed for Europe and win make a study of the conditions of He brews at Klshineff for the Information of the Chinese of New York City. Ha Is the special envoy of the Chinese Empire Reform Association. Just Think How much warmer Old Bol Is than you are. Tnen tninK or tnose summer u inrs vou were told to drder at Dayton's, Leave your list on the way home and we'll send them to you on first morning delivery. Ioe Cream Praesers, a quarts tLM Ioa Chisels -"5 Korean Doors, oomplete 1.00 AAtnatAbla window Screens. 36 la. . ..38 Bubber Hose, warranted, 50 fast. . . . 4.00 Bnrlnklers. revolving- xaiv Uvb Mowers, 14 Inohes S-60 oil Stoves, a burner 8.50 Dayton Hardware Co., - Cor. Plrst and Taylor Sts. SIGH OP TKB BIO PADLOCX. Ayvafc(gftVgtep Mgng W. M. MARKELL & CO. Grand Avenue and East Alder Great Sport in the Water AYVAP'S WATER WINGS can b brought Inataotljr Into uw. With them anyone eas swim or float. Supporta from 50 to 250 pounds. WEIGHS 3 OZ. DAYTON HARDWARE CO. Agts. Cor. Firat and Taylor Bta., Portland. V Aivam, .-il WtllmmaMa Valla Four excursions daily Leona, leaves assistant custodian. Mrs. H. G. Clark. foot of Taylor street at 8:30, 11:30, S and 4:16 o'clock. Fare, round trip, 45 cants, Interchangeable , , with electric cars. - . The Portland Trust Company has be gun a- suit against the Portland Tan nery Company for $160 on a promis sory note executed by the Oregon Lum ber Company and assigned t6 the plain tiff In 1802. . ' . Earl O. Bronaugh has begun a suit against Multnomah County to ulet 4ltle to lots 1 to it inclusive. Subdivision 4, block 14. South Portland. . Tha eounty has a tax claim against th land, and Bronaugh asks to have It set aside. : Mrs. Bruhn. the new president was formerly second vice-president and "Mrs. Geer and Mrs. Rapp were re-elected.,All ! past differences of the club were amicably 'settled arid yesterday's meet ing passed off without ' any unpleasant Incidents. .;, j, , . ,? Mrs. Simpson had her rooms beauti fully decorated ' with Ivy, ferns and flowers. There were. about 46 members present All the new officers are char ter members. The next meeting will, be held in the Manly piocg, juiy 18. JT. E. Lagdameo, a cousin of Aguln- aldo, and a protege of Gov. Taft of the Philippines, la In New Haven preparing for a course in forestry at Tale. 9) Excuse me For calling your attention to the B. B. RICH CIGAR STORES, but I want to impress upon you that we" only sell full factory sixes and first selections in all B. B. RICH 'CIGAR STORES? ParchuiRl Power toes it Scvea Stores Great Sale of Wrappers For Friday and Saturday EVERY WRAPPER IN THE STORE AT REDUCED PRICE Every Wrapper well-made, with .flounce; neatly trimmed, good full width and splendid fitting. t Newest patterns and good quality of percales 75c Wrappers at 39c $1.00 Wrappers at 76c $1.50 Wrappers at $1.18 $1.25 Wrappers at... 90c $1.15 Wrappers at 98c $1.35 Wrappers at 98c 65c 4-4 Chenille Table Spreads at 49c . Beautiful new patterns., . Heavy fringe. Special Values In Bathing Suits Boys' Bathing Tights at 15c sap? As to Eyes At the first mdloatlon of troubled sight consult our Optloian. He has had long experience and can give you expert advice. Tha proper adjustment of spec tacle frames Is an Important fao tor In securing eye comfort If our Optical Department per forms the work' It will be cor rectly done. rfflififlfiiittWii Merchants' XrtUMfc. Served at the Winter Garden, Third and Morrison, dally 11:10 to I p. m. Price. 26 to 15 cents. Bill of far changed dally and a musical program: rendered. ' THEATRE Cth and Morrison Phont. Main 78 Northwesters Vaudeville Co., Props. , George L. Bakar, Beeldent Manager. Tba Only Ilrat-Ciaaa Vaudeville Theatre la Portland. ' A real vaadertlle ahow: all-atar abow tealaht. Mrlntyre and Prlmroae. tha arret Craur. Con- ror and Pearl, World and Klnanton, Harvard and Hayward. Cbrlaty and Wlllla. Dolphin and Dcbnora, Dcranay and Allen, and the Bio aeope. Craning. 90c. SOe, 10c; aaatlnea. SOe. lOe. Matinee wadnaeday, Saturday and Bandar. SHIELD'S PARK 13th sod Waahlngton S.J00 seat. "- Summer Vaudeville Bead -vwaat the erlties- sayr" Thla la tha beat abow Shields has sfvea. There ia aoy amount of variety, aad tha bill runa nearly three houra John w. Kally, Tele gram. Mr. Bblelda never Dlaeed aocb s dlvaratssd offering before hla patrons Jos. McQueen. Orrgonlan. Tba beat lot of artlata so far bronght to tber by tha management of the Park. W. A, journal. , 10 BIO STAB ACTS W. OEMZBAT ADMISSION 10 lEHTS. Go to Cordray'a In caae of rain. rather Dart, CONCERT HA14 blaiieb"bros. - concert kvert night. 14! 28 burnsidb. SPECIALTIES for the LADIES of PORTLAND. All klnda HEATHERS and B0A1 CLEAVZB sad CtriX9." MRS.- M. oujiui, from Lead on. v- 150H Ftnt. ntar corner. Pnone. Rod S161. soo noma JEFFERSON GARDENS gunday, July 1 d 86. Parachute Leap on Ram bler Bicycle. High Dive, with Fireworks. BY MARS Band Concert Dancing WE WANT MSO. Wa dtslre to reeatve ft eaamla.tlc. WSS of ail ktada, abort atorias prftftrrad. We will gin a frwe, art t Ira I resort ea ewtbing sub. mtttad to ear editors. .i ' We are aaarrtlnr foe tt Great A merit Nevat'J-Ha 40U got -lf an, Uviii ones. We will peMMi it foe r. A poatal brlara ear beautiful circular act MUWu af sw boeka. AiWr-. - BROADWAY PI'BIMIIVJ I'AT. ' , (14 Sis Bf !. MOXTBIAL. W iOkii.