A 8 TITE OBEGON DAILY JODHKAI PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. J ULY 15, 1 903. CHICKENS CAUSE A TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD POUND CRAZE IN : CITY'S MARKETS 'Change in Selling System of v Fresh Fruits Is Gradually Be ring Made-Watermelons Arc Last to Join List. ' MASaej Java, food, 20025c; Java, ordinary ISO; Costa Klca. fauey. 19t20c; CmU Idea. good, lWlr: Coal Ulca, ordinary. 1041 1 in m IH. 1..1.....1.I. ...- IIAAV. A..l...nLIMr tit. II llat: Llun. til. 1.1 list: Cordova, tl I. IS. TEAS Oolong. dl(Trol grade. 2flQ63e Ounpowdac 2Man23ft; English Breakfa.t, different grade, HHiiffe: Solder Lag, oa colore Jama, aOQOuci fraaa Japan, very scare. JOdfOc. SALT Halee. 2a. He. 4a. Be. 10a. $2.10 Una rani, dairy, imm, ases lutie. 74c; imw'ed u erpooi. otia. 4oc; imie. HKc; ZZ4B, fi.so. BAl.T I toil, Ocirw. bait f round, 100a, tia.w: ooe. Dff ton. I 4.00: UTeroool. rock. 23.o0 per too; Ao-lD rock, $14.00; 100a, $13(10. GRAIN BAOft Calcatta, S.TBOdOO par 100 for Anauat dnllTery. hub I Commission Men Still Agitating - the Sale of Eggs by Weight v Future Tomato Prices Are Now Named. nzxxma bt txs pouitd. - Th. recent ruling' by th Califor nia froltmaiui' oombLne to hereafter all Marl all it. product by th. yoand Baa forced looaU wholesalers to adopt th .ajo principle. He: ineral J.oan. No. 1. fittc: No. 3. rnw urieane neaa. Be. BREAKFAST FOOD Malta flta. 14.80: FIi. i;nui. ax.ou: tore. .4.00; 11 -O oata, 13.10. SALMON Columbia Rlrr. 1-ltj talla. 11.70 2 It) tails. 15.40; fancy Ml Data. $1.8.1: H-lb tancy nan. ai.io: rancy " oval, .2.0": Alaska lain, pink. 80c; no, II. COAL OIK Caa, 22e per tanka: Water Whit. Iron nbla. itttt. wooden. I"! Head light caaee. 24c, Iron tibia, lHc; raaollna, Iron vutm, r. es, ZHe. LIK8KEI) Oil Pur. raw. In Mils. 40! aann laa kMI linllcd. eaa Bflc. bbla Die; par raw, In rear. Mr; eenula kttl. In caaee, Mr. BKNZINB eS dec caaM 22o. Iron bbla l&Ue. OA80L1KK .4 org caaea 28Vc. Iron bbla 22c. TUBPE.NTINB In eaaee TO, wood 'bbla 004e. Iron bbla 04c. 10-lb cam lota AOe. BKAKS Small whit 4H4U l.n whit f.i.tn4.00, pink $3.T6yS.90. bayou $4.73, Llroaa ao.uu. Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES 41.10; buyere' price, 7; aew, ti.Dorrci.Yo: oreffon. fl.KUl.oO. ONIONS California, n-w reda, POcl.OO; allreraklna. (I.2S: aarlle. SAlOr. I'KESH FRl'ITS Applpa. fanry Hreron. t.B0 eooaiDf. ooe3ii.oo per hoi; new, (l.BU per boi; oramrea, late, VaLafll.. f AAA A M. I 1 1 , Selllnc fruit by the Dound la now 3.0U: baoanaa. ia.2sa3.ao per bunch rerular feature of the Portland whole- ! ... J' . "i charriea. .bnm. ooc; Ml. market, and today for the nr.t t.me SSliio 'TX: in the history of Portland watermelons fancy, 4 0034.60; Umea, Mexican, osc aAJ .w t.U tuairainil a I ua 1fiA u..kai fi-. KK.a.avlu I WVI B WIU UT UVU1IU WUIKI1V liwirau VVa I I"; raw, jiiurauim, f ... . . . . - . I ill Aft A J flfl' 1 an hl.b lllli ethUa f fkflfiri Kulln, quotation, are 1 cent, a pound, g-,? "aSfiStT Vi""; The Tit em Of selling produce by the cantaloupee. TV doa: watermelon. lUc dot m. nntinrl atartorl when the truat arobbled uo I $3.50 doaen: Hartlett Deara. $1.TR box: black- mil the .mailer banana dealer, and prices IjjJfiJ ( """" fiaracap., were advanced to such an extent that veOkta'blks Tornlpi, li.oo aaek; carrota, local commission men In order to come $l.BO: beela, $1.50 -per aack; radlahea, 12H41 out on the proper side of their ledger J8 P ; eabhaga. naiifornhi. lHe 1J; let- wera tnrcA in .All the nroduct at E I a". "e.Pef ooa: BoTBoaae. si.jo Pox; cent, a pound Instead of at so much a bunch as heretofore. To BU EfT. y Found. NEW YORK STOCKS DESCRIPTION. rraen Deouera. 40 rh knnradlJi a Ih: We. $1.00 per dna; beana, etrtac, yellow, ftiffoc lb; rreen. ohm id; aaparagna. l.ln a m noi; rbnbarb, Ac. lb; tomatnea, Mlaalealppi, $1.o0(il 1.T5: California, ner hnr ll.lui; Orraon. 12.00: ah enon nas ptei nam dv some oi nomonae. ai.uu: paranipa. 11.7&: peaa. soc: the mo.t influential men on Front street ratr"vl'.('0J51?0 ? ": .86c. tvl) I npl amis aeaCa a ,t. h.v th. aont th. avatem of I . ' "HJ. rtrnvia. eT.por.ien. ... ' apncoia, iwrtioc re; peaenra, 0 euing eggs at o nracn a pouna. inia, I pea re. gie m: prnnaa. Italian SATe 4H i peare. SWe tb: prnnaa. hw v I. nanMBarv In order to n-lva I French. HUB4Ue rh: flea. Callfnriila hlarka ... r.v... - , mr 10 caae. stc pag; aeenea, -z-oa earrnna, .present System is unsatisfactory. Inas-lTHc; looaa Maacateflea. no-m boxea, SHOT Vie n for raw, PQloe wal muoh a. the farmer, who tt-P the .mall L5! lay, jr7R2.oo. . j I NUTS Peanuta, 8W7c per It ya ""- """" " for roaated: eoeoannta. RAooe per doa the one whose hens lay egg. of larger Buta. iQte per lb: pin nnu, ioJi2He 'atsea. . Just What effect this would have Pr &: birkory oata, IS per R; cbeatoata. caarern, logcise per ID; lb; alberta. ISitfldV per lb be even .on the retail -trade cannot 1 guessed at at this time. California Steamm Arrives. 'The regular liner arrived from the South last nlrht and this mornlnar a falr- alsed cargo of fruit, and vegetables was ta2B"A-SrrT??l;T ! distributed among the various dealers. A car of bananaa which had been de layod for several day. arrived this morn ing. , One car of watermelon, also ar rived today, lb; Braall nnta. 16c per r m: fancy pecans, 14 (a e par id; aimonda, Mttl&c per id. Meats aad rrovUions. FRKSn MEATS Beef. Brim. TUc: eowa. 7a7Hc; veal, 7fte; mutton, drtaaed, 6c; FKESU MEATS front atrt Beef, crime. 7c; bulla. 8Hi4Hc; cowa, fliftevtr; pork, T& jc; real, 7U8c; mutton, dreaaed, 6V4U0c lamba. dreaaed. AUft7c. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland Dark floral) nama, iu 10 14 ma. Ac: 14 to is ma. louc breakfaat bacon, 16Ul20c; plcnlca, 10V4c; cot- tea aiaea. li'Ae id: amoaea 13V4c; dry aalt.d backa. II V; bacon moxea. lOVsa In the produce market small fruits tare, nc; aaited aidea ar. arrivlna- In ahurwlanr and neachea I aldea, lSVic: dry aaited trom the Southern and Ea.tem portion. 12ci butu- " ,nK1 or tne state are now coming m regular eastern packed hams Doder 14 It. supply. lflc; oter 14 Ibn. lRV4c; fancy, 15(gl6Hc; plc- . ' . Mm of lntnr Tomatoee. nice, HHc; ahouldera. 11 He; dry aaited aldea, ' .'.-. . . . . 1 unaoioxea, izc; teart I After several months of anxiety fBcy. aoc: butta. nvii2tfe. among the local wholesaler and the re- local lard Kettle leaf. ioa, littc; Br, .taller, the quotations for the coming c: . ,J'D-.?L,Mml': 10' eaaon'. pack of tomatoes In thto city j.s B0' 10c; compound tierc... jiu a men miuw puuirc. diiuiiub EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. 10-tb tlna, reported in the crop, in all section. Of llUc; Aa, HHr; 50-rb tlna, UHc, ateam rend the country are responsible for the de- " "-?c: oa, iuc; o. ivc ' lay, .The price, quoted today are: Two and one-half 60-case lots, 91 c: larger lots, 95c; gallon slaes, 2.0 a doaen. ..--. Vo rnture Corn Offered. ' Although earlier In the season the quotation, on future packed, corn were announced, now all offer, have been withdrawn by, the canner. on account of th. uncertain condition of the growing crop, throughout the country. Corn fu ture, opened at 90c, but the last quota tion made was for $1.02 H. The spot Sept orn market i. firm with $1.26 a. the rul Above Dacklna honaa orlcea ara net eaah. IB oaya. FISH Rock cod. Te: flonndera. Be: hallbnt. ovfcc: unc cod. Tc: craoa. si.ou doa: raaor eiama. claroa, ftc per doa: atrlped nam. 12V4c: salmon, rhlnonk, 8c; aummer ateelbeada, 7c: aolea. sc: anrimoa. punt Hound, l&c: eatnaB. bc: abad, 3c; allrer amelt Be Rk. 34, Open. Wheat .$00.7714 Dec .76H lnr price and the market showing every 1 g,.. rok Tenaency ror an eariy advance on ac-1 Dec v count of the light stocks. Xarg Seoeipt. of Meat. The receipt, of fresh meat. In the lo cal market, yesterday afternoon and to day were extra large but the demand wa. liberal for everything received and top prices and in some cases higher quo tations ruled. Veal receipt, were, how ever, not so plentiful and the market la firm ' with price, .lightly above those printed. Rolled barley is quoted lower today. Today", quotations, as revised, are a. follows: Kant of Cbioa.o Market!. CHICAGO. July 15. The marketa ransed to' day aa follower High. $00.7814 .78 Low. $00.78. .70 Cloa. $00.77 .77 OBTLAirD WHOLESALE PRICES. J. Grain, Flour aad Feed. ' WHEAT Walla Walla, T6c; blueetem, 80Q (Jc: valley. 77e78c. BARLEY Feed. $21.00: rolled. $2O.5021.00. OATS No. 1 white, $L17Vai.20; gray, $1.18 CI 17M. FLOl-B Raatern re.;'- Patenta.- $4.10(2 .45; atralgbta, $3.50; Valley, $3.60(3.80; gra kam. Ua. $3.15; 10a. $3 55. MILLS TTJFF8 Bran, $23.00 per ton; mid dllnira, $27.00; eborre, $22.50; chop, $18.00. ', HT Timothy. $16.0c(ii 17.00; elorer. $10.00 .J17.00; California, .rain ($17.50. Hope, Wool and Hides. HOPS 17H184e for choice- 1803 contract.. ieitl7c .i ' WOOL Valley, 1516c. eoarae: medium to fair, 16ffil6jc; Una. 18Ql7c; Eaatern Ore gon. 10(313c: ktobalr, Bomloal. 35337c. 6HEEP8KINS Sbearlnf, 14W10c; abort wool, 22l3'23e; media m wool, 80c; long wooL eoc&$1.44 each. TALLOW Prima, per lb, 4Q5c: No. 2 and ""greaae;-tS2'& HIDES Dry hldea, No. 1, 10 pounds and a. 15c per lb; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 16 Iba, 12c: dry calf. No. 1. under 5 Iba. 1.V-: .irr aaited, bulla and atari, 1-3 leaa than dry Clot; aaited hldea, ateer, sound, 60 poanda or , 78c; 50 to 60 Iba, 7Sc: under 50 Iba aad cow. 67e; ataaa and bulla, aound. Sc; kip, aound, 15 to 30 Iba. 7c; aound. 10 to xa ioa. it; caii, eounn. nnaer 10 ma, 8c; rreen tanaalted), le per lb lean; culla. lc per m aeaa; norae Diaea, aaitea. eacn. I.aHtJl.T.".; dry, each, $ljMC1.60; colta' bldea, each, 2550c; . goat skins, common, each. 10(2 15c; Angora, with wool. on. each. 25c(391.00. Butter, Egga and Poultry. BUTTER Extra a, 22Vac; creamery, 210 dairy, 18ij?20c; atore. 1 7c. EGOS Freeh Oregon, 2020Hc ' CHEESE Full cream, twin, 14e;; Tonne Cimertra. 15e. PODLTBT Chlckena, mixed, ll12V4c per lb was, 12(g-13c; rooatera. J10c per lb; broil era. 166)17e per lb: fryers, 1617c per lb; ducks, Iltt$12Me -per lb; geeee, 7Hc per lb; tarkeya, lire. 1012c per lb; dreaaed, list 16c per lb. ' Oraceriea, Kuta, Xto. SnQArW-Eack baala:" Cube. $5.77; pow 4)ered. $.62H; dry granulated, $5.S2Vs; extra O. 5.02Hi Golden C $4,624; barrel.. 10c; fearrela. Jloe; baxea, 60s advance on aack baala. Vs gte par ewt. for eaab, 1 daya; maple, HQ 26c lb. , HONEY loffllflc per frame. COFFEE Green Mocha. 21i23c; Jara, fancy Oata Bept Dec. . r.. Pork- July 14 22 Sept..... 14.25 Lard Inly 7.62 Sept.... 7.60 Klba July 8.40 fiept 8.35 .51H .6094 .84 84 14.70 15.00 8.62 8.72 8.65 8.72 .83 14.22 14.25 7.60 TOO 8.40 8.85 . J0 .834 14.70 14.80 8.62 8.70 8.65 8.70 Chioago Hogs Steady. CHICAGO, July 15. Becelpta of llreatork In the principal packing centera of the country today were: Hoga. Cattle. 8beep. Chicago 2S.OO0 18,000 12,000 Kama. City 8.000 6.000 2.000 Omaha 10,000 , 2.200 6.000 Hoga Opened - ateady with 7,700 left oror irom yeateraay. tueeipta or nog. a year ago were 25,000. Ruling prlcee are: Mixed and butcher.'. $5.10(25.50; good heavy, I5.20W3.35 rough beary, $4.75(5.15; Ught, $5.80(35.60. Cattle Steady to strong. 8hvp--iltaady.. . -- Anaconda Mining Co Amal. Copper Co Atrblaon, com.. do preferred Am. Car At Found., com. ao prererred Am. Sugar, com Am. Rnielt., com do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com. do preferred Brooklyn Ranld Traualt Canadian PaclAc, com... ipieago Alton, com.. do preferred Chi. aV )t. Weak, com. ( hi.. Mil. A St. P t'hl. It North., com.... Chi. Terminal Rr Cbeaapeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. Colo, Southern, com .... do 2d preferred do let Dref erred Delaware A liudaon.... Dela., Lacka. A West.. D. A R. ).. com do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred ...... do let preferrviL .... Illlnola Central Loulavlll A Naahrllle.. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated... Mexican Central Ry.... Meilcan National Minn., Bt. P. A St. M. do preferred Mlaapiu-l faclftc . K. A T.. com lo preferred , New York Central Norfolk A Weatern, com. do preferred North American I. Y., Out. A Weat enn.rlT.Dla Ry P. O.. L. AC. Co Preaaed Steel Car. com . . do preferred Parine Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, com 1 do 2n preferred do lat preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com . . do preferred Rork Ieland, com do preferred Southern Ry., com do preferred I Southern Pacific S. U A 8. F.. 2d pfd.. St. L. A 8. W., com... do preferred Texaa A Pacific Tenn. Coal A Iron T., St. L. A W., com.. do preferred Union Paeiflc, com do preferred 17. S. Leather, com. . . . do preferred V. 8. Rubber, corn do preferred.' V. 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel. A L. E.. com.. do 2d preferred Wlaconeln Central, com do preferred Weatern I'nlon Tele.... Wahaah, com do preferred Total eairi. 012,800. j I l r i t 80 71 HI T 48 40 V, 4NHl 40 Wij t 62t4 i 8U M i7U Hl 84U 85 84 85 86H 86 86 I H6 116 11H 1144 1154 43 43 42 48 111 Bl (Hi 914 81 H 80 804 Hl 1 02 51 52 40 60 118 12(1 118 120 24 25 24 24 08 06 66U 17 17 16l i 140 141 13V 140 163 163 161l62 12 12 12 I 12 35 80 14 32 t 50 00 H 56 60 15 15 18 14 22 23 22 22 631 53 62 62 Ail' X. L.JItT (.- x .Jfc HI r 41 - J y NO EVIDENCE THAT FARMERS PURCHASE Chicago Dealer Says. That They Are Not in the Market for Wheat. E P. Ca!dwellra Wealthy Res!- aenrot iNortn McKenzie,, In Hands of the Law . , 24 78 54 044 126 166 118 25 7H 30 54 60 24 78 80 62 166V16l"rt5 . z.m 24 78 30 62 631 4u 1211 125 126 1081106 106 118117 117 m'ijiiuiiai! 20 SO' , 20l 18 ft.4M.f HA I KOL I U 1231JU121HJZ1 88 88 20; 43 114 H2 87 82 '1 uw 84 48 86 24 47 0 82 12 V 80 W 21 (Ml 45 56 J4 83 47 23 44 76 86 8 81 12 12 27 77 18 32 18 38 83 22 38 I 114 63 87 82 23 118 85 40 86 24 48! 82 13 72 80 on 22 45 68 14 H4 26 7 44 77 86 8 81 12 12 27 78 18 32 18 38 83 22 88 00 87 80 22 118 84 47 83 24 47 67 81 12 71 28 68 21 85 44 66 18 B2 25 45 24 42 70 85 7 T8 11 11 26 75 18 81 1T 88 82 21 87 87 20 42 114 62 H7 62 22 118 Rn tin 24 48 V. 67 81 13 71 22 86 45 00 14 82 46 24 42 76 85 7 Money, 8 per cent. RAILWAY PROJECT CAUSES SURPRISE (Journal BjJeclal Service.) EUGENE. Or.. July IS. rv.n.t.v.1. Jack Bmlth went to th home of XL P, Cad well, 11 mile, above Water .ilia, yesterday morning after that Derson. on m warrant .worn to by J. A. Thomaa. a neighbor, charging- him with DOintlne- (Speeial Pennlsslon of Bolton, da Royter A en.) riua ana mreatening to kill him in CHICAGO, July 18. The Kecord-Her. county nignway. aid say.? 1 ln trouble i. .aid . to have atarted There la no evidence that farmer, over m ai.putea PO.seawion Of lomt have been buylnr wheat hei," aaid cmcKena. Thoma. Accused Cad well of , Harry Avery. ' "The large.t part of th. having; some chickens on hla place that miscellaneous buylnr has been by th. aia not oeiong to mm, ana Mid that h. professional .peculator at New York, St. oiaimea tnem ana waa coming after Loula. In the Northwest and here. From them. It I. alleged that Cadwell told all I can ae the farmer haa generally him that If they were hla to com. and been a seller. He is aettlna- a good price f t tnem. for hla wheat and knowa It. and I be-1 Thomaa .aid that h. called at the lieve that when once the new wheat be-1 Cadwell bom. and was In th. county gin. to move It will com. forward In a I road when th. latter appeared and told tremendou. volume, and It will require mm to mora on. a whole lot of money to take care of I I will not," waa th. answer. It. Another Important point ha. been I Hot word. cam. thick and fast and overlooked by th. grain trade 1. that I Thomaa .wear, that Cadwell ran Into nobody I. paying any attention to th. I hi. house and returned with a Wlnchea- Canadlan crop, which will ln a year or I ter rifle, and, drawing It on- htmr cocked two d. even larger man tne Argentine, ana reaay to .hoot, .aid: In fact, I believe It la nearly aa large I "Now, will you move onT" thi. year. It will be fair for ua If we Thomaa very meeklr aava that he would take the tariff off thl. wheat and moved on. He moved on to Eurene and iaae care or it inrougn our rearuiar .wore out the warrant. trade sources than to force it into com- Cadwell did not return with Constable petition witn us among our only roreign Smith yesterday, a somewhat unuaual customers a. we aro doing now. Such proceeding on th. part of the officer. II. a move ha. been advocated by the came ta the dtv thla muniine nA an. nuiiuwreurn urain iraua xor several pearea before Justice Wlnterm.l.r and ycttre. i wa. examined. . The chara-ea were auffl. ranaoiaa wimh crop. clently sustained that a relimlnarv Minneapolis wired Bartlett from B. trial wa. ordered bv th luetic, before P. Clark at Winnipeg.- "Crop prospect I him On July 30. Cadwell was allowed in Manitoba indicate, a yield of II to 14 to go without bonds. bushel, per acre a. against 24 last E. P. Cadwell 1. a Aromtnent resident year. The territories .re some better of the North McKansi district. He Is than last year, but very weedy and late, a farmer and own. at least A thousand ininn unaer most favorable weather acres of various kind, of land. He haa conouion. our total crop will be about been admitted to the bar and I. a law $0,000,000 bu.hel. against 65,0041.000 yer. He will,. ln all probability, defend bushel, laat year. Lack of rainfall In hla own r.a Hla daua-htar. a vnnti. " v "l "" tn. cause. lady, la said to be the prettiest arlrl In mere ib a, general impression oown I that n.rt nf th. ommtw TT. ,k. . t. . . " r-- ' ' Mi uuii uw crop, uut west are in a dates, of Harrla Oat. A m 'Th. T0 ,M - ernera are Dartlcularlv anxious aa to EUGENE. Or., July 16. The District corn and do not beneve that the .mall ralr committee, consisting or uessrs. grain crop, will be large. Our own re- 11 Thayer, S. M. Dougla. and George port, do not cotnclde with .uch be- Fl.her. canva.sed the city thl. morning lief. Personally I think we will have to see what .upport th. town would good crops of everything. The yield of ",v t0 the officer, of the association for small grains will certainly be larae. al- .xpenw.. They were more than .uc- though it 1. possible that some of the cessful ln their canvass, and Eugene late corn may be nipped by frost If I can aepenaea upon to ao wnat la ex the crop keeps on sninm at its nreaent I pectea or ner in tnis matter, rate the frost will have to come earlier Tne surplua left from the receipta of than usual if there is to be more dam- the street fair last fall will be devoted ge than we always expect from thl. to th. District Fair, by consent of all cause.-' tne directors or tne rormer organisation. The amount 1. something over $450, and will be a considerable help to the work. Eugene expect, to put up one of the best fair, ever held ln the Willamette Valley. People of The Dalles Guessing What Is Meant by Certain Company's Industry, Baa Franelsoe Stocks. 8 AN FRANCISCO, July 15.-10:30 a. m.: Bid. Aaked. Contra Costs 68 Spring Valley 83 83 nan rrencieeo uaa tiecinc i tw Bank of California 635 Honoka Plantation 10 11 : Onomea Plantation 23 Alanka Packer.' Aaaodatlon 150 Oceanic 7 .. CHICAGO. July 15. anotVa : Wheat urn Oata Chicago Car Lota. Thecnrrecord for today Care. 58 ....183 ....188 Grade. 18 10 29 Eat. 85 180 140 Clearinghouaa Report, The report of the Portlaud Clearinghouse for yesterday waa aa follows: Exchanges $581,459.77 Balances 88,114.43 Ban Francl.oo Grain. SAN FRNCI8CO, July 1511:30 a. m. Cloee: Wheat December, $1.38. Barley December, t3c. ror 1 O'clock Closing-. An effort Is being made by some of the larger commission men and whole sale merchants on Front street to pre sent a 1 o'clock Saturday closing prop osition to the various commercial bod ies. It Is argued that business on Front street in the afternoon of Saturday is nominal and what few sales are made during that time can just as easily be transacted early in the day when busl ness is life-lit. (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES, Or.. July 15. For the past year the Columbia River Valley Railroad Company ha. had an office in this city, also a party of surveyor, i the field on the north side of the Co lumblu River What this company is and their object no one "seems to be able to tell. Thlf company was formerly the old Pcul Mohr portage between Celllo and the Big Eddy, but went bankrupt sev eral years ago when hi. associate, re' fused to furnish more money to com plete the work. Shortly afterwards it wa. reported the Northern Pacific Railroad had pur chased all rights 'and title of the com pany. Judging .from the way the office is spending money there 1. no doubt some large railroad 1. behind the Co lumbla River Valley Railroad who want, a water grade to the sea. Since the company opened an office here it has had a large party of en gineers surveying a railroad from Van' couver to Pasco, and 1. now completing a final survey. During this time the company has had an agent buying up all old debts, paying cash ln full when necessary, and the rest. . whatever the holder thinks his bill worfli. The late.t doing, of- this company which ha. caused considerable sur prise here, IS that duriftg IB past few week. It has had a right-of-way agent in tho field between Grand Dalle, and Pasco asking the owners of the land what their price is, and he accept. It, paying cash and buying In the name of the Columbia River Valley-' Railroad. One large owner ha. Just received $5,500 for .five mile, of right-of-way through Grand Dalle, and several .others have already received their money. At pres ent the agent is buying- right-of-way over Indian land about Celllo. That this !.. the . Northern . Pacific Railroad trying toget,a track down the north bank of the Columbia is not doubted here, and It is thought before long actual work will commence. DEUQOUS Short-Cake at small expente f Norisk no delay no worry, If youH only use PRESTO " quick - flour, and follow tho simple recipes in the package. ', PRESTO is full flavored Indiana WheaL nxmnd to - , ( such unusual fineness, and uniformity, ; that it absorbs fluids evenly, r works quickly, and bakes properly, every time at a given heat. . ; ' f :' -' t : - Fresh Cream of Tartar, and Soda, are already blended Into it T.kM. "Shortening" than usual is needed, quick ac- Hon, and sure results, are obtainable with it, even by a child. , Observe below, that PRESTO ShortaCake costs actually . less than when made from common flour.'' t Cup. PRESTO ..........3lf Mo Baking Powder...... t teaspoon. Sugar KCapMnk li U Cup Botter JA 0 t Cup FLOUR .1 ! 4 Teaapna Baking Pdr ....Uf t Teaapoea. Sugar .....ld fa CitpBgllk..B.....M,....i,d H Cap Butter 4JJ 0 - 8: 'w - Quick- FOR CAKES BISCUITS iPUDDINGS (DUMPLINGS PIE-CRUST SHORT-CAKE MUFFINS DOUGHNUTS Of all good Oreeer. (or TheH-O. Co, BarTWlo,) in 13 and 10. package. Wew York Bumxuary. NEW YORK. July 16. Americans In London are weak. to 1 per cent be low parity. Harder money and easier exenange make further arold exDorta Improbable. A hardening of time money is expectea. a report that the Vander- The Indication, are that foreign travel thi. summer will exceed that of any bilts are leaving Europe for New Tork Prev,ou8 on. Sixty-seven sailing, a Is contradicted F!tht-ir. r..A. I month of first-class passenger .team- May show an average net Increase of hiV wU1 b raads from New Tork for 7.65 per cent: 42 roads for the rlr.t European puna. mi. i. prvvisiua iot $6,000 passenger, between April and Mrs. Drew. Get. $3,000. Mr.-Fred Drews, who was murdered a short time ago ln Portland by his son-in-law, carried $2,000 insurance in the Woodmen of the World." At the time of his death some question arose as to whether his : widow could ' collect this insurance when death was caused by murder, but today she was, handed the money by the lodge, which removes all doubt. ... KING PETE i week of Julv show an Increase of 16.8 per cent Burlington September. An expert estimate puts paid equal to per cent for $5,000,000 tne "mount Pa,a ,or steamship fares at ror one.. year. Kock Island crop outlook "."' "Q jiihhuihi. in ap points to enormous traffic. All Western rope at $70,000,000. This weighs heav- roads report business and crops good. M'r" salnet ur rour to nve minion bal- An eariy settlement of the International an or traae. paper atriKe 1. expected. The bank. ost to the sub-treasury since ' Friday $3,703,000. Twelve industrial, decreased 20 per cent, and 20 active rails have decreased 1.69 per cent Amerloaa Stocks In london. 1A1NDON. July 15, 2 p. m. Anaconda Copper advanced Atchison declined . preferred advanced : Baltimore & umo declined ; Chicago & Alton ad vanced ; Chesapeake & Ohio, advanced unicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul de cllned ; Denver & Rio Grande com mon advanced , first declined ; Illi nois Central advanced ; Louisville A nasnvuie aecnned ; Missouri, Kansas ft Texas advanced ; New York Central advanced ; Norfolk A Western declined ; Pennsylvania advanced hi; Reading ucjimeu nrst aecimea HI Southern racinc aecnned ; union Pacific de clined , preferred declined ; United Dtates Bteei declined nrefen-Mt h. cllned ; Wabash declined U. nr.. ferred advanced . Consols A244. un. ciiBiigeu. Haw Tork Cotton. (Special Permlaalon of Bolton, de Rnrtr A Crvl .NEW YORK. Jo It 1. Th. .u.to iuu. mm loiitnra Open. Jan... Feb... Mar.. July.. Aug.., Sept.. trt. ... , Not.. , Dec. . . , .$ 8.45 . 0.45 . 8.40 . 11.80 . 11.85 . 10.38 . 0.68 . 8.40 . 8.51 High. $ S.65 0.61 0.58 .'JUKI 11.7B 10.45 8.76 8.55 8.57 tow. $ 0.48 9.43 0.45 11.80 11.65 10.25 8.65 9.48 9.46 Clna. f 9.61Q52 .ouroi 9.60052 11. 86 (ft 80 11.70lffl71 10.88(337 9.7172 ,9.6657 ' 9.54(56 Ohloaro Cash Wheat CHICAGO. July IS The o.h ket at noon stood: No. 2 red. 78ufin. No. 3 red. 78jc; No. 2 hard winter, 79c No. 8 hard winter, 7778c; No. 1 north ern spring. 83c; No. 2 northern spring, .tw. 0 By tva i SC. GOING TO BE LIVELY NOW IS THE TIME While your family Is away enjoying their vacation, to have your home wired and etruipped with ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to be prepared for the loni Whiter nights. ' REMEMBER, WE ONLY CHARGE ; YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE..... Pbrddnd General Electric Co. SIVXNTM AND ALDER STREETS x Hew Tork eiMwaaoes. ir,VV lUKtl. JU1V 16 Th. l clearances loaay were: Wheat 92,000 uurjipiiB, nour, 01.000 DUShels: nnrn si 000 bushels; oats, 26,000 bushel.; whea't arm nour, 4,uuo DUShels. Liverpool Grain Close. LIVERPOOL, July 15. Close: Txrv..t V71, 7B IUB"5I. Corn September. 4-6. down- n vciiiudi, i-v7k. uncnanged. Pari wheat and nour. i-AKis, juiy 15. ODenlno-: m..t weak to 80 centimes lower; flour, weak! m iu u centimes lower. ijvTHEPURE VJ " THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE , Even children drink Grsin-O . a. 1 - . " .i t , 9 a. ij. i . . uecKuse; mcy vie it Hiring aoc- tOTTMiClS frood for themr; Why , . not ! It eontalns all of tbo souri-h. mentvof tho pure jjaln and sono oiTpoisoosweooeo. '-s- -jTIIY IT TO.DAy. v Pall Grain Looking- Good. LA GRANDE, Or., July 15. Accord lug to reports from- throughout the Grande Ronde Valley the fall grain ln that section will show an average yield this season of about 45 bushels to the acre. When the fact that the country had no ram between April 1 and June 21 is considered the present showing 1. con sidered remarkable. The spring crop win, nowever. De xignt ln weight but the yield will be fair. Local Stock Receipt. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, July 15. Receipt, of livestock in the local yards today consisted of 100 hogs, 200 cattle and 1.000 sheep. Ruling price, are as follows: j Cattle Best, $4; medium, $3.253.50.' Bogs 56c. Sheep 23c Lambs Jt4. "V " Peter Karageorgevttch. Ere you iro to take the crown Ll.ten to three pointer te-hlcb With good wl.hea we Hand down: Hare a aafe In which to fleep. Hare a bulldog watching there; Choose the company you keep .' With the rreateat. keeneat care; Wear a ahlrt 6f mall, and cook With your own bands What you eat. Ere you 1nk to slumber look Underneath the bed. King Pet. Peter KarageorgevlWb. t: Glorious and great, when yon Don your purple rohee and rich These are things you ought to do: Keep a knife atuck In yonr boot And a raanr up your sleeve: Practice till you learn; to shoot. To yonr borne suroundlnga cleave; Alwaya look for botnba and thlnga I'nderneath the royal aeat. . When among eartb'a aplendld kings Yon aaswnte your place, Oh, peta. Peter Karageorgevltrh. ' Raieed ttt gWy and -renown, - -Ilere are pointer, for yon which Ton abould paste within your crown; Do not run to area, atay i Far away from places where Innocent hyatandera may -Stop such thlnga aa whit la atr; ... Find, a thousand miles or more From your aubjecta, aom retreat And when yon bare barred the ' door Self a and rale from there, King Pete. "-Chicago Record-Herald, Police Commissioner Greene of n York City predicts that in no long time n per cent or mo people, or the United State, will live ln great cities built along three general lines radiating to tne soutn to Baltimore, to the east as far as Boston ami posslbly,tprtland ann to the west to Buffalo. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslmr's Soothing Syrup n been ued for over BTXTT VSA&S by MIT, U0NS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN while TEETHING, with PERFECT 6CCCB8S It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS th OTJMS, ALLAYS all PAJN j CURES WINP COUC, and Is th. beat remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drvstfa In every part of th world. Be ear indsk for"Mr. Winatows Soothing Syrarp," Our announcement in yester day's papers that we were going to offer a very lib eral discount on nine of our fine pianos, created immediate interest Numerous callers at our store yesterday wanted a chance , to have their selection in- j the contest opens today and everybody is free to try for the prizes. There are axe. ln .ome of our piano.. but they only cut the price. Even If you are not quite ready to buy,' you will be glad you have done it now if you save the twenty-five dollars additional. FOr this sum. taken ln, connection with our uniformly low prices, , brings the , pplce or a piano way aown, ana it is a wen- established fact that Ellers Piano House always saves its purchasers from $15.00 to iibo.uo, according- to tne maice. - How to Get the $25 ij Out of our twenty-six makes of.'flbe f lanos, we "have carefully selected nl tie hat .are representative and popular.' The first persons who select their piano from any one of these specially selected llnds. will be ahead Just $35. In one piano it eacn or tnese manes we nave piaeea n ax. After your selection. 1. finally iriade, If you are the first one to hit upon J a piano Deiongmg to any one or tne make, which contains an 1 ax,' you will receive a clear receipt from us for $25, , as every piano we carry marked with. Its retail price easily convince yourself that making a. bona fide saving. necessary for you to choose the d which contains the ax: only that it We long, to any one of the -lines having' a Dlano with an ax ln it Thus you can suit yourself in style and case flnlaU.y To-New; Warehouses,;. Shops and: Offices, Corne Nineteenth and i Wilson .Streets. Take : ,..ri..'...; r; ;. Sixteenth Street -Car. " " Painless Extracting! ' We do' Crow snd-Brdfa Work without pain.' I our: ig yara-xpenenc.iB Piatt WQtr taauu-a oa to nt jour mouth comfortably. i We bare feeling as well aa yon. T.' W: A. ., Wist. ' manager, haa found a ear. , H Dr. T..P. Wis la. an expert at Gold Filling and crown ana- Brioga wort. DR. W.5A. 'WISH. Extracting tfrat' when elates or bridges . ara trdered. 1 ,K k i 0..: -m .1 i WISEj BROS., Dentists DR. T. P. WISE. 208-213 FAILING BLDC.i Cor.'Sd tnd Wash. Stt Opts ' evtnlnga 1 till 8. Sunday a . from 8 to 12. Or, -Main 2020. Iri.dc 1 1 WW tit. SI TPWELVE GOLD WATCHES It IS npt ' , - U "' . ! - the pitfio h.,'t::. , , : '.."..." , .; . The Pianos Twenty-five dollars off the price, of these elegant new 1903 .instruments! is an important consideration and Well Were taken from passengers on the Sell- wood car last night probably worth nins hundred dollars. Let us sell you 25 A MNi4ht Watch," one that keeps perfect time, for $1 worth trying for. The pianos we havs you tan then afford to laugh at the "gentlemen" who hold up cars. We sell all Aberidroth Bros., i34 sh ington St. PUPILS IN SCHOOLS highest standard ln every respect. - Here is a full list of the pianos we carry: The Weber Dlano. of New York: the Chickerina-. of Boston; the Kimball.; of Chlcaarrj the three finest pianos ln the world: -Hobart M. Cablefiush &Gerta,J Vose, Victor, Haddorff. Iiecker, Jacob I Don, pease, Hteger, crown, Hcnumann, Milton, uraoer riinze. Leicnt. Jester. Marshall. Stuyvesant, Sherwood. Ricca. Blnger, Wheeler, Whitney, Miller and ' It is a curious : fact that, according to weser.. ini. is me superD ust irpm the latest school' censuses. Chicago, Bal whlch we have made the selection., and j m J' ,...v. th ..rlv K.,vr h. nine chnn. ,i. e vmiyrw nu ew.vrnaBi n,ve me oouui.-. twentv-eiB-ht " " honor of ,having: a smaller proportion r . va. uicum:uvvi -fiuvumiiuii 'iu;.vnuui iiiau For the Carnival important cities in the country.! The , ' . . f' percentage of school , population, from This offer Is only (rood durlnr the car- h.,a m .i.nin. .,ni . nival. ' and from the interest' alrea'dv l.zr.CijZ.Z" ,J n,.nir..i nr.tlt if win ,n..V.7,'ir' 't-a . w-inor.tiiiiiu wui rh. entire t New ' Yora. ... .ou. Newark .s...... 50. 8 Washington . ,60.6 Pittsburg: .,...49. Philadelphia w.. 49.6 Cleveland . A . .63.6-LoulsvUle - . . . .47.7 Ban ' Fr.nclsco ... 52. 8 IChloago . . . i . . 4 7. 2 Detroit . . . 81.7Baltlmore . . . . . 4 4 Jerse; Clty , ,6L(NeW. Orleaua 4 . 1 . you come Remember you can- have Just as : lone time and just as easy payments as any of our buyers. -Ellers Piano House, Washington street, corner Park. . Right i' tne entrance to tne carnival grounds. Other larg. stores, San Francisco. Cal.; Spokane, Wash., and Sacramento, Cat, . Minneapolis t . , .9.8 Buffalo . . . .65.1 MUwaukiej ... . .64.7 Cincinnati.... .68.8 BRIGHT-BUT FLIPPANT. . A (Western department store recently published the following original ' but rather flippant "ad", of a "white goods" sale; "One of these nights & mouse will gnaw a match on your -pantry .helf, dear sister, and the fire, will spread till It reaches your room and you will escape : with your life clad -only-ln your -nlgh't - garments. Such a ' spectacular s op portunity, to create A sensation doesn't' occur of tener than once in a lifetime. , and how will you meet.it, dear elsterT Will your night clothes be such that the 1 " firemen "will want to plunge into the " flames and die; or wilt you look like the ' pictures on' the billboardsT" Young. -town, TeleTa , - r 4t BNaBfr