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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
,2 THE OltEOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY .15. 1003. BIG CROWDS ATTEND CHAUTAUQUA MEETING Excellent Results of First Day Interest Taken in Events Causes Expressions of Gratifi cation 4,000 Present Yesterday . Tlita morning's session at th Chau tauqua wai devoted principally to the Portland ministerial hour. Among tUo promltient divines present were Its. J. H Gibon. 1). D., president of the Portland Ministerial Association; Rv. J. R. T. Uithrnp, also of Portland, and m larr number of eminent divines from many part of the state. Senator lol llvar will deliver another lecture this afternoon at t oVlook. His subject Will "The Working Man of N'aasreth." Today' crowds nr larger than yes terday's. The receipts yesterday were over 11.000, showing that there were more than 4.00 paid admissions, be sides the large number of complimen tary tickets Issued and those held by stockholders. The weather Is Ideal. Not a cloud sp- rears In the sky. Altogether the meet ing promise to be great one. The program for tomorrow' session , follows: I to 11 a. m. Classes; Portland Mln ' Inaterlal hour, leader. Rev. P. J. Orcen; address, "Doe the Church Fulfill Her Mission With the Laboring Classes' Jt. Aleianrier Blackburn, D. P.. fol . lowed by open parliament ! 1:19 p. en. Band eonoert, I p. m. W. C- T. IT. program. Solo. 'Invocation. Address. "Wll! Tour Chirk f ana Come Home U Rooetr Rev. Hiram ( Gou.ld of Kewburg. Grand gold modal contest Contestants from Lea. Linn, 4 Marlon. Multnomah, Polk, Sherman. Washington and Tamhlll Counties will compete. Solo. Summary, Mra. Helen IX Harford, state president W. C. T. V. 1:10 p. m. -Baseball 7:10 p. m. Band concert. t p. tn. Lecture, "A Twlre-Told Tale; or the Rise and Tall of the Muetaohe, by Robert J. IJurdette. Yesterday's Session. OREGON. CITT July ll The making of the Declaration of Independ enee wss the subject of a lecture by president W. C. Hawley at the Chautau qua yesterday afternoon. He apoke of the progress and development of th Chautauqua to element. At tha etoso of the lecture a gentleman of unmis takable English sncestry arose snd asked: "What have we gained by our eeperstlon from England? Consider how she Is the bulwark of liberty, clr Ulsatlon and law; consider ths character Of her public men. th ability with which she maintains order and deal Justice to all races under her control whether whit or black. In what are we superior? Where have we gained T" "I will answer your question by ask Ing another," said President Hawley. "Who shall say that America has not aught England all thss thlngsT" A great shout t applause arose In answer to the ready snswer. President Hawley concluded with: "Wi admire England nd respect her for many things, but we didn't like som of her ways In T, and we don't Ilk them yet" POLICE ARE MAKING ' HARD EFFORT (Continued. From first Par) . .thieves took their time going through the men and women. Each that had gun. "The holdup men boarded ths car as ,.'jwe slowed up for th Southern Psclflc .tracks. I saw three of them get on the rir platform. I saw only flv of ihem ' myself, but other who were In a bet ,ter position say there were six. All were masked with handkerchiefs over their faces, on of them wearing 'white cloth, while ths other bad black 'masks. I did not get a good look at two of them on ths f rontxnd. Two of " them wore overalls and one had Jumper. They wars not well dressed. 'Th men wars all of medium sis, tout jhscau'of their being masked I could .not tell new. tney looseo. PRISONERS SAW BARS . AT THF rnilNITV I All f, i Hire prisoners escaped front the Vounty jail about 11 o'clock last night by sawing through ths bars of ths window leading to Fifth street, ami had, It Is supposed, safely distanced ths ..Sheriff and bad tlma to rob th Sell i wood car before their unlooked-for lea re r wss discovered. Tks three were short-term prisoners sent up front th Municipal Court They t wrere Charles Hows, convicted of lar 7 ceny, sentenced to four months, May IT; "William Nelson, six months for burg Jlary, and James Murphy, larceny la a ,tcre, l month. Each of the three hsd but HtUs Utns to serve, but they apparently wanted to make tks most of that time and they took leave of Jailor t Jackson without notice. All three were 'confined In the last seU on th left tide of Corridor I, ths so of a number of ''escapes In past years. As they had .but a short time longer to serve, sn ' attempt to escape wss not thought of by the jail officials. This morning they were surprised to learn of the escape, but nons more, so than Sheriff Storey, 4 who was so astonished at the temerity jof his prisoners thst h gave osiers that i all news of ths jallbrsak be suppress! ;for fear that the prisoners would learn 1 something sbout It and learn that the mM.ah a iima alanflr nhrui. "wised up" to it- The escapes were far away iron atr. oiorey wnrn in uraaa i was discovered, but at the sane time Tabor. Montavtlla. Portland - Heirhts. th Sheriff gave positive orders to' hJ-trmsmWteTirmanf "Bouth Port- deputies to have nothing to say to re porters. Tb Bsoaped Prisoners. William Kelson, aged 10 years, burg lary) black or dark hair, brown eye, round chin, long face, short fingers, wears a No, t shoe, ruddy complexion; flv feet sight Inches tall; wslghs 111 pounds; slim build; forehead and. ears medium, snd is lately from Kansas. Charles Howe, aged 10 years, larceny; has gray eyes, round chin and face, me dium fingers; wears No. f shoo; dark completion; Ave feet four snd one-half lnohes in height; atocky build; high fore head; large ears, was formerly a mem ber of the Forty-third Regiment, V. 0. A., and Is a natlvs of Masssehusetts. James Murphy, sged 18, larceny In a store; looks much older than his age; has gray ayes, yellow balr and a round chin snd fees, full and reddish; wears a No, t shoe; common walk; height five feet nine and one-hair inches; wslght 186 pounds; large ears, medium fore head; has sear on Ilttls linger and hand; earn from Minnesota and has a slate? living' in Pssoedals, Idaho. Lata this afternoon Rev. p. Muest, of Mt Angel, and Rev. Mr. Durrer of East Milwsukls, called at polios headquar ters and notified the officials that thsy were among the victims of th holdup. Rev. Mr. Muest stated that his loss was 12 In cash, while his brother clergy man ! minus a timepiece. Neither min ister could add to the known deserlp tlons of ths criminals. CITIZENS OF PORTLAND SAY CRIME MUST CEASE Th cruel and brutal shooting down of Fred Day ; by tb highwaymen has caused a wave or indignation to sweep over the city and the expressions of Cttlsens ss to what should be done in the matter of putting a stop to the era of crime, carries sufficient weight to warrant their reproduction. Her are few or the most prominent citizens' views: c William B.' Fen ton In my judgment the frequent recurrence of robberies and assaults, in some instancee leading to murder. Indicate the necessity of a con siderable increase in the police force of the city or else Its present absolute Inefficiency. In my judgment the force Should be Increased. At the present time policemen are rarely seen th the residence districts of the slty or upon ths lines of travel leading to .ths resi dence districts or populous suburbs. It Is well enough to patrol the saloon dis trict, but highwaymen do not ordinarily commit murder and robhery along the public street in the heart of the city. Th haavy travel leading to Oregon City, Mllwnukle. Sellwood. woodlawn, Mt. ''Ladles' sn4 Oents Bathing Suit fee Rant Reasonable Family Rates, rins View of the Oceao, Excellent Cuisine. k fix. a i . -., v ,. . ,1 JUJiSBigST Tj THE NEWTON KOWTOW STATIOW. Vew Improvements Wew MaaagemaBtf KAtBB 91.00 mm DAT. 3. O. WIcMiam, Proprietor. W. H. Kenslt Hostess. Isnd is pVactcally without proteotlon. uitisens are being murdered, and de tectives and emcars of ths law ars ap parently unable to locate or arrest ths criminal. If a reward of 11,000 for th street and conviction of any on of these highwaymen, where life has been assaulted or taken, will secure such a result,-no taxpayer would hesitate to Justify its offer at once. At a practical suggestion, way noc create a aeiau ox 10 or th beat officers to be had to patrol these svenues of travel from o'clock until 1 o'clock at night for the hxt 40 days. Ex -City Attorney J. K. fcosspwrhesc hnid-up are usually epidemical; a series of them sre made and then they cease for a time. But the frequency of hold ups In Portland and Seattle leads one to belle v that th pollc force ought , to b increased, and that the ponce de partment should bs In Closer touch with the hotels and boarding and rooming house frequented by this class, and when such: places are discovered. should be mads so warm for those who harbor these toughs that they will bs run out of bnslness. Mr observation is thst during ths last few years that all ths hold-up man who have been caught huve usually roomed In one of three dis tricts, it doss seem to me that a few extra policemen should be sdded to the force, end a few mors or tn men wun- out apparent means of livelihood pre sented before Judge Hoajue, the hold ups would be reduced to a minimum. Kail K. Sknieek The law against carrying, concealed weapons should be suspended, snd every oltlsen requested to arm to the teeth. As the police de partment Is unable to protect life and property, the cltlsens should have this rtsht Whn I believe that a reward for th highwaymen's capture be offered, t do not think it should go to any mem ber tt ihe police department. If the polls of Portland cannot capture thugs without a reward, there la no reason to believe thev esn with a bounty offered, as thev ars auDooaed to do their full dutv at all ttmee. reward or no reward. MV Oak The president or tne Commercial Club said: Drastic mess ures will hats to be adopted to stop these hold-up. It is esrtalnly a reflec tion on the efficiency of our police de partment. The continued outrage enow an utter inability of th pollc to cop with th lawless element In th com munity. I am unabls to ssy whether k. utnui consists la ths laek of efficiency of the police or tn their lack of numbers. I am Inclined to the Utter belief. a I have high regard for those now In charg ef th pollc department of our city. City Attorney x . aaaawy im nrla of crises In th wsy OI hlghwsyshlp Is unprecedented. It seems thst ths ordlnsry criminal class has reinforced by tne ouwae com munities. Perhaps all has neeti oone posstbl by ths suthorttie to ewteh the robbers, put I nave m o " - sltustlon very difficult to cop wnn. And perbsps it is njet to too severely erttlclse th pollc. Tb rJn ' reward is. for soms reasons, Inedvisa- hf. It la my belief tnai u . . ism- Aeku. eswaaw naWMsll I dlretd to th apprhnslon of these lawless snd murderous offenders, to the partial elusion of othr work tor some time, tneae crimes bii - arrests mad. ,M. . r St. lytJS TS prei-w v. lumbla Southern J:.. eannot sea where the Po oe Department I. to oiame. an officer on every m. -think holdups eould be prevented. Get the drop on a man and as k. m mvm nn For on thing, there are too many hoboes allowed to remain In Pdrtland. Every man noi .. visible means of support snd frequenting resorts in ths North EM snouia ub "-.- miA n I doubt then if you mnil stria rohberiea They are evils that have existed for all time and no matter what is dons they cannot oe en iir.iv nrevanted. No matter how watch ful you way be. If two or three men de cided to hold you up in your own nuiuw sooner or later they will get the drop on you and accomplish their purpose, ine holding up of a streetcar full of pas sengers In a lonely locality seems to ms would be very easily accompnsnea I. for one. do not car to carry a gun. 1 would b in as much danger from It as the robber." O. F. wlgert The manager of the City & Suburban Railway company says: "Catch the men before they commit the crimes Is about th only way I mow or. I believe our police force is doing sll it can and I think the matter should be left entirely rn the hsnds of that de partment. It 1 easy enough to talk. but that won't catch th robbers." S. Keehler The manager of . the Southern Pacific Railway In Oregon: "It Is the duty of the police to stop such outrages. I don't know whether It Is lack of numbers or what, but one thing Is certain, they should be more vigilant" fph;free:advice; : Ev7 Woman Should - Write Or. V B. Hartmtni fresfdent of The ' .ffartmaji.$nitar!um. MRS. JOSEPH LACELLK. II. C. EDSELL IS 1r Portland Newspaper Man Ad- ' pointed Chinese Inspector and Assigned v to uuty- at Pott lownsend, Wash,-; . Appointment Came as Com plete Surprise, Having , Been Delayed Almost I wo - Years Ago May, Not Accept. . ; Hi C Bdsell. -for years telegraph edi tor of ths Portland Evening Telegram. today received notification from ths De partment of Commeree and Labor, at WaabVigton. D. C. that bs had been appointed to the federal office of Chinese Inspector at Port Townsend. wssh. Mr. Busell has not as yst made up his mind whether to acoept of deollne ths offer. The position to which Mr. Edsell has been named Is ons of the most Im portant Commerce snd Labor Depart ment billets- on ths Paelfla Coast, Port Townsend handling more Chlness Immi grants than any other point except San Francisco. Ths sppolntment as Chinese Inspector Is made tinder the Civil Service rules and the salary varies from 11,100 to VOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Largest Retail and Wholesale Drug Store In America BssWsBSBBsWssasasBBSBBBBBwW 'i i AbsssWsMbssbbbw f THE' KIND That Rings, r ' '" : THlt MAKE Which Keeps Correct Tipic, - THE STYI-E Yc Never Tire o t, ' f:: EVERY ONE GUARANTEED REGULAR rti.nt ' SPECIAL V V Mrs. Joseph Lacallof Ottawa, East. OnU Canada, writes i Pwnraa la batter by far than saw other medlclna sold la ib Dominion for ths troubles peculiar to th sex. I auf- fered with backache, headache' and j tS.COO a year. monins, ua nouiuig "u'ito ihv ji- , to Mr Kdssll as a surprise and in a Uclanntll I took Parana. A few bottles strange snd roundabout way. m.1 nlnf si ntaape.hi hftlfvlaut. I cav M. T.Mln&llrtm. half-alive condition. I am SOW In good I More than two years ago Mr. Edsell L..I.V..4 v... .!,-.. .,. took the Olvll Service examination in , . ... ... . thla city. He wss then notified that nor hare I had any for ths past year. h had b-n pUwd on th, el,r,bli Urt 9 swaaisejp awasidVaWSwtview fVAmATl WOTtf1 f B VaTs ....IWU iu4itaa aTkaAaSA iHBinsMfAP Parana they would soon know Its valua This terra of sllglblllty saplred at the MontfiZUma. thft OrefiTOn WOn- wttt,nt t fr. Jnunh end of a year and Mr. Edsell waa quite I ol 0 bum mrv , ..J NOTED HORSE OF PENDLETON SOLD Laceila. VrM Bom Advlo. In view of th great mulUtud of women suffering from soms form of fsmais diseasa and yet unable to find tnr cure. Dr. HMrtmaa. tb naowmed tpelJJt oa female catarrhal Alt- ca$ei, baa aoaouacea an wuuagnea to tfrsvf tb tntmtt of ma many cates an maka application to blm during tb auattaer montba wit bout ebarge. . . Tbosa wishing to bsoomg patients should address Th Pernn Modici- unexpectedly notified that be bad been retained on the list for another 11 months, having been granted an exten sion. Late last svening he received a eall from a Seattle newspaper for a history of his life and upon his making tele graphic inquiry regarding the caues for Such der, Changes Owners "Em bezzler uontesses identity BITTNER DID NOT SEE FACE (Continued Prom First Page.) Mrs. XjONO BZACH, WASX. Centrally located with eautlful Barron idlngs. TU gurf BathlaV- Ue Hackney Cottag'e Home Comforts, Excellent Table Board snd a Most Deeirabls Place for Families, gpanlous 8ittlriK-room. SEA VIEW, WASH. Second stop after leaving Ilwaco. Posteftee address. ZZ.WAOO. WAsTB. McQuire's Hotel Mrs. O. McQulre, Prop. Open All the Year 'Round Rate Reasonable. This Popular Hotel Is new and clean and beautifully '"-aJ2 on the tanks of the Keconlcum. within Ave minutes' walk of CLATSOP BSAOX. The Most Pleasant Seaside Besort oa s s Northwest Pacific Coast. M. Grimes, Proprietor. THa New firirnes Hotel E, frte Bus to and From Hotel. Rates Furnished on Application CUATSOP BEACH Onlv lintel overlook! n the ocean. View of the sea from nearly every room. SEASIPE, OREQON S.J.HUBBARD REAL ESTATE DEALER sale, 1 good eottage t exchange for unimproved CHICKEN' Cottaa-e for tent and lots In s-aborbs of .rortlaad. A few rsrs nargslns iM ACTTEAGE, TIMBER LAXD8, RANCHES, CITT FROPERTT AND SCMSrERCOTTAQES. S. JT. XVBBABS. ISASIDB, OBBOOB. SQUABBLE OVER A QUEEN OF CARNIVAL Forest Grove Wilt Not Be Rep resented by Royal Person at Woodmen's Celebration. .4. .. .... (Jouraal Special Service,) PORKST OJtOVB, Ox aty li.Aftar heated dlseusslon and several, days profound excltetaent, it was decided to day at noon, that Porest orovs should not bs represented by a queen at the Woodmen's carnival at Portland. The two prlnotpal candidates were Miss Kats Strlbblck and Mtss Jessie Buxton. Miss Stribblck seems to have had ths lead at the beginning, as she waa amply sup ported by the members of the lodge. As all the tickets that were sent here were bought up in the heated oontest, Mrs. Buxton, who waa determined that her daughter should win, telephoned to Portland for 500 mora tickets and voted them all in the last minute for her daughter. Clerk John Anderson, how ever, ruled that those BOO tickets should be counted out, because Mrs. Buxton did not put up the money vto pay for same claiming he had 170 on hand in favor of Miss Strlbblck, that he was unable to vote on account of absence of tickets. After two days' wrangling over the matter, the lodge decided not to send any queen at all. POLICEMEN RESCUE INMATES OF HOTEL and waited until I had taken down my hands. After giving them to me he said I had better run aa fast as could. As I trotted in one direction he ran in the other, disappearing In th darkness toward the north, from wbsr repeated calls had come to him to hurry. "I went down to a drugstore and no-r tided ths police. I cannot tell which way the robbers went after they got outside the glare of the electric light After the police had been notmecL went home and went to bed." Blttner says that he is certain there were sit men engaged in the robbery, Atthoorh two of them did not com very near him he distinctly saw them. He says he did not feel any fear, be lievlng that if he offered no resistance he would not be harmed. Although b could not have been far away when the shooting occurred on the Selrwood csr, Blttner did not hesr the reDOrt of the robber's pistol. He says that after he had been stopped by the highwaymen, he heard the Selrwood csr start away from the spot where it had been robbed. LICENSE RECEIPTS SHOW AN INCREASE City Treasurer Reports an Ex- - cess uver tasi-vuaneHn Business Done. (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 16Flre in the Ash worth Hotel at :0 o'clock this morning, gave opportunity for Police men Fennel and Davis to show their wonderful presence of mind bravery. The fire escaDe was burned a outbreak and the policemen climbed in from the roof, awakened the occupants and lowered the women and children from the second story by a rope. All were rescued. The fire loss is 14,000. and it the OFFICER 1$ FINED IAN FBANCISCP. July jTlsVCapt Hart of the United States Army has paid a fine of 11,108 for bringing la dutiable goods on a transport without declaring them. City Treasurer Werlefn reports this morning that for the first 11 days of the present uarter ths sale of general business and liquor licenses amounted to stl.3Sl. In ths sans period tb r ents for vehicle licenses reached the sum of I3.7S7. Th receipts tbls quarter so lar are ahead of those of last Quarter, ths sx cess In general business and liquor de- nartments amounting to more man sz, 000, and in tne venicie aeparuneni w 1131. The Treasurer states tnai witnin a day or two, or as soon as the books can be nxed up. the officers will get out warrants for the arrest of the dean quents. This would have neen aone me first of the week had the books been in shape. MARINE NOTES "' Advices from Shanghai state that the schooner Carrier Dove, which sailed from Hastings Mills on April 10 with a cargo of lumber, has been wrecked near the mouth of the Yangste-klang River. The government dredge will begin work today Improving the Olympia har bor. At the last session of Congress 128,000 was appropriated for this pur pose, - 1 . The German ship Alenda, now at Port Townsend, has received orders from her owners to proceed to Kaltal and load nitrates for Europe. LOCOMOTIVE BURSTS (Journal Special Service.) CHETENNE. July 16. A Union Pa cific locomotive exploded 16 miles west of here this morning. Fireman Carlson was fatally injured. Engineer Sweeny was terribly scalded and Brakeman W haley was dangerously hurt. (Journal Special Service.) PENDLETON. Or, July II Monte- . rennest he was informed that uma. or the Oregon Wonder, th big he had been appointed Chinese Inspector sorrel stallion wall known over ths st Port Townsend. I state, was sold bare this afternoon to Telegrams direct from Washington Tumor OlHver. ths attornsy of La today confirmed this round-about an-1 Grande, for 1260. This Is ths horse nouncement. that has been exhibited all over tb f never was more surprised in my fCeast by th owners en account of th Kfe." said Mr. Edsell this morning, enormous length of bis mans and tall. than when that telegram cam from 1 Ths mane will reach to th haras's Seattle telling me that I had beea knees and below, whll th taH is meas named to a lucrative federal position, ured at 10 feet, sweeping the around It bad been nearly a year since I beard far behind hfm when he walks. Both anything regarding any eligibility and tits ans and tall ars kept braided and I had ceased to regsrd an appointment tied up in a cloth easing all ths tlms even in the ngnt or a posbiduitt. i to prevent being switcnea out. cannot tell as yet whether I ehall ac- The horse was owned by Frank eeot the - proffered place, it wmjia Bergen and X B. Huffman and waa neither be Justice to myself nor to the taken to all of ths fairs and exhibitions I government to taks snap Judgment I for th last mix or seven years. He is must know something more aooui tne at this time is years old. some time position and its requirements before ago Bergen, sued bis partner Huffman. make up my mind.- for 11,580 alleged to be due mm, ana tnAUA '(ThtnMe 1 Judgment was secured and the hores tta.-m v .. rtn n.rlM a, oroerea soia o sansiy me ciaim. ims WOODMEN CARNIVAL j -IS WIDE OPEN NOW Nearly 10,000 People Attended . th initial Display last Night, amlnstton for sn Inspectorship in th Chlness "lookout" servlea on Apri n. 101. Ha had mads a study of the Chines lanauaae and some time be fore- had consulted friends of bis at the national capital concerning an appoint ment into ths American consular ser vice in China, He was by them advised to take the examination, for an m waa dons today by -tb sheriff and the prtea realised was only fill. Ths Ore gon Wonder is the son of th Oregon Peauty. a horse famous In ths early days for Its beauty and its long mans snd tail. Absconder Confessed. A. Doherty, the painter who Fell speetorship, that department being then j wss arrested her on Information from under the Secretary or tne Treasury, a Franklin. Pa., that be waa wanted there condition which is now altered. I fur ambesalenaant, has oonfessed to On the morning of April 11, ioi, tne being the maa that the officers want Civil Ssrvfes examinatlona began in and will go back to the Eastern state Portland at 1 o'clock. Mr. Edsell did and stand trial. Hs wss ths treasurer not receive his notification to parttei-i0f K jocaj union at Franklin and left pate until 10 a. m. He was violently with all of the funds In his charge, 111 at ths time, but -was eonspelred, 1 rMns to New York and from ther to though thus nanaieappea, xo go mrousn Oregon. He has been tn tnia city twice with th prescribed test. Altitougn nsind on this last trip baa been employed did not expect to. under tne aavers iKt his trad for aom time without mo conditions to which hs was sunieotaa, testation. . v Mr. Edsell successfully passed the ex-1 When Doherty was places under ar amlnatlon. Now the reward has corafc ji, admitted that b had been In H. C. Edsell. S3 years of age, waa I the nlaca named in th nansrs. but de- born in the town of Delaware, O.. and j nicj that he knew any cause for ths received til training ana eaueaiien ai t arrest. Later in tail he admitted that Kenton In the same state. At th aga ns waa the msn wanted and told of of 17 rears bs founded in th Utter city It be anntenriaMon of the funds. Ha has a dally and weekly newspapsr which. In j wife and seven children In th East nartnerahln with another, ne success-I an(t has written them of his nllaht. The fully operated for nine years. He cams J sheriff of Venango County has been to tne racinc i-oaai in nu wb iwr i notified that the msn is nere ana jn- a year ana a nair associated wun ine structlons are awaited. Times and the Express, SKwepaper published at Los Angeles, CaL He then came to Portland and has sines that time been with the Evening Telegram. In addition to being telegraph editor of the Telegram, Mr, Edssll la pro prietor and editor of the Paelfla Drug Review, published in tnvs city, FARMER BRAWN IS AHEAD OF ATHLETE Harvard Strong Man Unable to Withstand pigors of the Harvest Field. ( JourrfaV Special Service.) 1 , SAN FRANCISCO, July-IB, Cc eaaa la the arbitration of tbs carmen's controversy with the company, reserv ing ths right to later present additional statements regarding the cost or living. He also announced his Intention to bring up the matter of manipulation of the stock market by the organisers ef th company. - '. - Attorney Moore opened th case for tbs united Kau roads tat aitsraoon. (Journal Special Service.) KANSAS CITT, Jly -16. Reports from Pawnee and Ness Counties, Kansas, say that the Harvard students wbo ars passing their vacation aa harvest nands are not standing the weather. Several have been overcome by heat. - Even the athletes prove unable to stand the long hours of work to which the harvest bands are subjected. INDIAN VETERANS' MUST WAIT AGAIN (journal Special Service) SALEM, July 16. Secretary of State Dunbar this morning decided to pay no more claims of Indian War veterans sfter the appropriation' of 1100,000 haa been exhausted, and no claims will be audited after that time. They will be filed and referred to the next Legisla ture for action." This step Was taken upon the advice of the Attorney-General,, who holds that the appropriation was the only author ity for thrTayment of claims, andhat the Secretary haa no authority to lasue certificates of indebtedness unless ths Legislature further provision for payment. . r This win enact ioo claims aggregating about 160,000-. The appropriation Is nowl exhausted. Over 60 miles of railway, mostly single line, ar ewnad and worked by the Natal Government s THE CARMEN REST THEIR EVIDENCE TELEPHONES ARE ORDERED REMOVED (Journal Special Service. X' SPOKANE, July 18. Th Trades Council boycott on telephones went into effect today; The council presented 1,000 removal orders to ths company. Ths matter has . been telegraphed to President Sabln and the local managers are awaiting his reply, when another conference will be held. ASK MILLER'S BELEASE . (Journal Special Servieei) NEW YORK, July 16. Jerome J. Jer ome has petitioned the Governor to com mute the sentence of Miller, of Frank lin syndicate rame, on the ground, that the latter nas rendered valuable serv ice in the Ammon trial and has relin quished all claim to his share of the Franklin assets. There is also a ques tion whether Miller was properly con victed. - With an attendance of slightly under 10,000 people, the summer carnival of the Woodmen of the World was opened last sight ' Inside tbs grounds, located In th Park blocks between Ankeny and Flan ders streets, a solid mass of polsy hu manity Jostled against ons anothsr In their efforts to take In all the fun in sight. The vaiioua sideshows and attractions were very well patronised snd all agreed that tb ntsrtalnments given war with out sxcsptlon well worth ths amount paid for admission. Parads Before tbs Opening. . A magnificent parade of the Woodmen of th World and Women of the Wood craft waa started irora near the carni val grouada at 730 o'oloek laat evening and after proceeding through the busi ness section of the elty, returned on the homeward march and dlstwnded Inside the fair grounds. Tb throne of tb 11 Queen were beautifully illuminated with thousands ef sisctrio lights and presented a mag nlfloeat appearance. Tb Stadium, in which the thrones sre located, was on of th principal attrac tions of th earnlval Th vaudvlle features eomparod favorably with any of the first-class traveling shows. Mat Gay mads a 100-foot hack somer sault dive which was loudly applauded by the spectators. A drill by tbs team of Prospect Camp. Woodmen of the World, waa given and was votsd ons of the best ever seen Hi this city. Captain Beach while smoking A plpo and performing other functions under the water wss loudly cheered by the as semblage. ' Ross snd Lemon made a sensational rids on a bleyrl down a 10-foot Illumi nated stairway. t Tbs dog and pony show bad several pleasing and instructive features and es pecially pleased the young folks. , Today is children's day and a largo number of Young Americana were In at tendance during the afternoon. Tomorrow has been set apart for the Women of Woodcraft and that organi sation haa arranged for special features. ROCKEFELLER IS FORCING MARKET Offered Large Quantities of New York Central to Keduce .. the-Prices. ST" (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK. July 16. Bemi-aemrsy lixation on the stock exchange contlnugV this forenoon and many low records h5e been established. Th belief still pre vails that Rockefeller is at the head of the bear movement, dumping vast quantities of bis own stocks on the market in order to gain ultimata eontrol. Nsw York Central Is th lowest in five years.. It is reported that Morgan caused 'a meeting of the leading financiers this TtemooTr with a view to mrmoniETng certain difficulties which sndanger not so much the market as the railway situation generally. Shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon the market again broke, smashing further, the low records made this morn ing. The Union Pacific today borrowed 110.000,000 at 6 per cent for one add one-half, years, with the s vowed pur pose of financing the requirements of affiliated companies. USSVOXD BATHS TO THX BBASKOKB. do to Newport on Yaqulna Bay- ideal beach. It ia becoming very dou : ular with the Portland people. The low rate of (J.uo nas oeen mass by the Southern Pacific Company In connection with the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad for the Bandar round trio from Port land, tickets good going Saturday. rnmg Monaay, A dellchtful ride throue-h the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of Soing up one side of the Willamette ilver, returning the other. Ask any Southern Pacific Comoanv or Corvallls A Eastern Railroad sgent for beautifully illustrated booklet descrlb- ing the sen slrt resort ef Ywoulnn. - OHEMAM Psr. Pol ami SpttkSag. tde4lhgBrwWgyto4lrf$. -.","' Oreiar from Fleekenstelm Mayev Company -v - I. W "VI TTv TT T efV A CURBS rPIUES OR SSO.OO PAID ; CURES THE WORST CASES r r CONTAINS ISO MERCURY V? . The Only Non-Poisonous Pile.- CURB 4