I . THE OKEGOK DAILY JOUBNAIV PORTLAND, TUESDAY EYENIKG, V JULY 14, 1003. IS inttrtttt T r t ' MALI HELP WAITTZD. & B. HANSEN ft Cd.. EMPLOYMENT A0TS. , - - . M North Second st J.-. Offleew tn Sea- midm tad' Lot Angeles, Cal. Ogden and Spokane. Help rn to employers. Pre baggage ma lad registration. Work secured lot applicants ' er po coarse. ' : KflTARUsTIED lB7fc u ' ttaiTtnaiuTvua Lvt u uvu tm m ' i AND OTHER OUTBIDS WORK. DAILY ' 1 irJSHJ TO nHVAUA for tU big S. I', " B. B. tunnels; NORTH on the eew Bv . " work la Washington: EAST oa sampan? and . contract workl SOUTH la Oregon, and many , ether points, rail PARK oa alt B. B. work, . e 'C. B. HANSEN CO. S8 North Id at , T bead what the critics say"!: ' Tha brat lot of artlete ao far brought together m law uiuuwui vi in para, w. A. nan, Journal. Thla la tha brat ebow Shields haa given. Thar u any amtsot or. variety, ana tbe bill raui carl three bourn. John W. Kelly, Telegram. Mr. Shields baa never placed aucb a diversified , offering before bla patrons. Joa. McQueen, Or sjvniaa. OZRZRAL ADMISSION 10 CENTS. . Go to Curdrsy'a la case of rain. 1 GOOD BK1DPKB, I.1.T5: I suckers, I cbuta builder. 12.001 BilUwrlgbta. 11.80 .00 1 moulding machine man, fS.OO; etlrkerman. s.uu, eieaay won; man for mill. 3.00 nouss rem rrea; cook Dotal, (03.00, do pastry; milker, rluee In, $35.00 i man for Dill, city, 2.00 to 12.50. Pioneer Emptor- meai i., zin Morrison, puone ciay.lsaz; UT1IH b eioc UDO vouco. WANTED Traveling men; salary $A0.00 par vonm, an expenses; fzo.uv eaea eecurity re quired. Call or addreae L. D. Abbott Co., jempieron, M nret Bt Boom 4. WANTED Bojld or over: wnndvauceTeteaay. i 40 North Kmnt at., cor Davie. . DOO AlfO HORSE HOSPITAL.. DR. B. J. CAENEY. veterinary snrreon. ISO H 16tb. Phone Main 1484. Baa. phone. Front 100. BATHS. NATURAL Bnaalan hot-air hatha 23c and (Wet open dally, except -Monday and Tueeday, U a. m. to II p. m. 'Bl Kaet Twenty-eighth at., err. Everett. Phone. Scott 2241. WANTED. WANTBD Good furnlabed room In exchange ror maaic lessons, piano ana vocal culture, br a irentleman teacher and compoaer of blah - ability: rapid Improvement gusrsateed la every Instance; only Interested and faithful acbolara a boa Id anawer tbla adTertlaemant. J 44, rare Journal. LOST. LOHT Black purse containing email change and two cnecae. rieaae return to joamal olllca or phone to Alblna 14. If You Want A partner la roar buetaeea; If yon waat aay thing adrartlaa for. It la TBI JOUBNAL. fUBJIMHta B00MB, LOOAN BUILDINO, 10SH Unloa aea. - Klegaat roeaoa fat hoaaaheeplng or tranaleat, faraUbed er anrermeoea; ratee reaaonabie. AB0IN0 AND UQHTEJUNO. OREOON BOUND LDMBBBS GO B1 Bom- aioe at. raoae Brant 1171. CASH BXOISTIBB X0X BALK. ONI HALL WOOD caah reglatar at half prica. IAUIIBTBT. ATTENTION. Tony Eery One of Ton. It la Absolutely and PwiitlTal rsEi ritBB t make a aolema oath tn tell mi mM mh. aolnte facta In relatloa to oat only the put but tha nreaent and future of tonr life, mm weu aa every nope, rear or amniuon or your Ufa Without aaklna rou iwiMtbin. Thla I will do for you. and mora than any other cUlr- mini. h m nr HwinM urruiurinw In tha world can da for you. I giro special advice oa mining, boalneea transaction of an iinoa la fact there la nothing that yon n'W wani ra snow loac I can not tall yon. Ask Other elalrvoranta and nalmlata to da aa 1 free to do. If they cao I wlU gladly forfeit eu,vw. SKDDCBD FEEB BEVEN PAYS ONLY. maw. BWTTTIOK TBI CORM08." cor. Fourth and Morrtaoa at. Bnome 7. j. 20 and SO. TOE SALE B.XAL ESTATE. WE BUILD BOUBB oa easy monthly pa rants; wm ion wani see our plana, way are FOB BENT. BTOBB. SS0 Union are.. $19 per month; good lureiioa. rortiana 1TBSI tympany ot ore- goo, iw inirq at. 204 H 8TABK ST., nloely furnished rooma; rea vu.www rvaii, inDMNu eouciieu. t'oow rront 10W. BOOMS WTTK B0ABD. ROOMS WITH BOABD, well furnished; all moderta coavealaneea; table board alaa, 227 -mirteentn. WELL FUKNI8HED, moderamvenlencea: Uble ooaro sieo; pricea raasonsble. at 221 13th at. FOB SALE. FOB BALE Broom house, lot 681IOO1 laws sua trail rrees. 01s. Ktsc TwfntT-elltb St., near Clinton Kelly School; Woodstock car. roil BALE A few high-grade typewriters, $30 earn. l ana M. Alexander, 1X1 Tblrd at. KINGSBURY PIANO for aala, cheap. vTPWriD ies ATT0BNXTB. EMMONS A EMMONS, attoraeya at Uw, 644 w m mater aiqg. B. BI00EN, Attorney aad OmnaeUor-a. Law; Notary, Soo-SOS AMogtoa bldg. PAXTON. BEACH A SIMON 010 Chamber of Damn area. T. TAU0HER Boom IS. Alnaworth alining. . B. DICKINSON, Attaraayt-Law aad No tary Public. 60S Commercial bldg. ZZZ2SZ During the month of June The Journal printed 189240 INCHES of paid advertising, which is 1,689 inches more than the previous month. There was a notable increase in nearly every classification. Every Journal advertiser is getting splendid returns, and those who give it a trial almost invariably become regular patrons. :SaaSXslaaasXaaa3anSaUS3Sa CABPINTEB. I. r. LUCY, successor ta Gordon Mfg. Co., carpenter, builder, central contractor, house remodellag. attentions, etc.: cabinet work ana joooing a apeclaltr; counter abelvtng, lea beiea, ate.i store and office Sxtnree; op-to-date and original carpenter work of all kinds; nothing too large or toe email for ear Immediate attention; no fllea an aa; we make and pat op tha beet By ecreena la Portland. Shop, font of Yamhill at; phone, Black 2W7; residence. T4T Eaat Stark I reside e phone. White Tit. CI0AKS AND TOBACCO. aiSBKBGmUNBT UOAB CO. Dlatribatarg ef rnts- CIO A KB. Portlaad. Orego. CATXS. YATES' PLACE, 2WI Washington at., Phona 8. staia T71. i. W. lalDott, prop, roruaaa. ur. CASK. BXaiSTEBS. UAiXWOODCABH BBOIBTEM. 9M "tark at. 0AUUIIXBS AND BUILDEBB. JoBN A. MELTON. eariMBter and builder. SOT Stark at; offlce aad store Bituree built and remodeled; altsrlag aaa repair aooaea. raoaa Main T4T. AUTHORS MABTIN, carpenters aad bull are; repairing and Jobbing; store and office Bitorea built. Shop Su Colombia. Phona Clay 18Bit H. P, CLABK, carpenter and ballder; repairing Weat TW2; shop. Msln 141. 4MJ, Wash, at. X0TXLS. WBLL VENTILATED alngU rooms, 16c, 20a and toe a night; bade, 10c. The Everett House, ear Second aad Davla. COAL AND WOOD. 00BNICX SKYLIGHTS. METAL BKYLI0HT8. galvanised Iron nice. 1. c. Bayer, tflO Second at. CHIB0P0DY AND kf-AXICTUB.IXO, THE D2VENY8. tha only adentlfle chlropodteta n ina city; parlors sui-3, Ausay oiug.; thla la the long-haired gentleman yon want to eee. Grant 10. MITCHELL, CblroiMdbit, bldM Phona Black 28S1. T02 Marqaaa CBXAK AND CBEAKZBT BuTTXB. BEST creamary butter and pure cream promptly aeuvereo to an parra or tne eicy irom ssouo tain View Farm, Gresham, Oregon. Apply ta W. W. Cotton. 814 Worcester Bldg. Tele phone, Main SM. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Dealers In all klnda at eoeL coke ehareoaL Phona 1018. and VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers bawl sos Is; foundry and smelter coke. ELECTRICAL W0XZ. L. PRIOR, electric light and bell wiring. 140 Washington at. Phone Clay 000. PORTLAND ELECTBIOAL WORKS Oooa SOS Stark at. Weetera Electric Works. ( V, Washing toe at. SYETKO AND CLEANINO. CITY TBAM DYKING A CLEANINO WORKS. Herman Enkla, proprietor. Phone Main 1713. No. 60 0th at., near Pine, Portland. Or. BKV0OISTS. k'UANK i. BTRKIHia. druge, toilet articles. OEBEAL KILLS. ACM a) MILLS CO., Manufacturers KaUtoa Acme rvreals. 7n end 22 North Front st fEWXLEKS. TUB (1. HE1TKEMPEU CO.. maaatacturlag )ewelere. gta Horrlaon St. FKATEBHAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON or. moat frater nal society of Northwest; protecU the liv ing. J. L Mitchell, supreai. aecretary. Oil ana aio atarqnani wag., rortuu, ur. is epboue Mala MS. FREE SHINES. CLOTHES CLEANED and preeeed $1 per month. Onlqaa Tailoring Co., S47 Washing ton St. MSrEABCK. i. PHILIP KENNEDY, Insurance; realdenl agent Norwich Union sirs Inaaranre Society. fnone Boatn inai. 44 Hamlitun bldg JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employera' liability aad tn- oiviauai aocinent; anrety ocnoa oc au a in as. Phone 4T. Censor d bldg. II. F. B ARTELS COMPANY. Fire Insnranc. aaa aoerioca Dldg. Oregon pbooe, l lay 020. ISAAO L. WHITE, flre .Insure ore, 220 Bberlock aiog. Oregon phone. Mela arm. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS SIMPSON, raining aad mine pro moters. Koom z, insmoer or uommerca. LOCKSMITH. A. L. Tii.itETT8. Zi3 Yambl!!. bear Second; II years with J. Harbey. MONEY TO LOAN, PR ED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. Na commission. I am la a position ta make Immediate tpaae ea Improved real aetata or for building par pases; any amount; moderate Interest, Wa approve loana from plana and advance mosey aa building pcogreeeee wbea desired. Option la repaying after one year. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 108 Second at. Bear Stark. THB STAR LOAN CO., 210 M'KAT BLDO.. 102H Third St.. Is tha recognised bask of tha wage-earner. We advenes money to tea miters, trainmen, shopmen, motormon. eondurtore, ate., without mortgage, endorser or collateral. Amount Month Iv U Monthly. Weeklv repay izn o or SO repsy 118 or 2S renev S O flfi nr Baelceaa confldenttal. No nhpleaaant Inquiry. eionrniy. wwiit fn.no or ffl.n.1 S 4 or) or J B $ t SS or II AS MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and ml lateral aecuiity; special attention tn chattle mortgagee; aotee nought. 0. W. Pallet 13 Commercial blk. Phone Orant MAO YOI'R OPPORTUNITY tn borrow $1,000. long time: no Intereet; small monthly pa 7 men te; Investigate don't delay. Lock ' ux 40. Portland. MONEY TO LOAN, small smounts. abort or uns now. 4. 11. uawiey, a inem. ot uin. MONEY TO LOAN on city lota snd I in proved farma. W. A. Shaw Co.. 848 Stark at. Lodotvo Honrs, THB COSMOS gourtk aad Muniae. furui.i-4 boaaekeeplaa; aaltaa, ajllt aad aUigaa reuaai $8 per week ' and en. THB CAtTLB 2T2vVaabkngUHl all ro-ma ' reatlemeni trsnslent. Tel. Snetb Tl. R- a in 1 1 1 0TXBAX18. BOM OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad aaecbaa. Ira' alutblng. Union rnsoex MeuataaitN Broa Mfgra.. PerUaod, Or. (,., . REMOVAL. DR. FRANK B. FERRIS, DR. ORBTRUDB B. Lamberaos. DanUau. reaeved ta Mae leaf bldg., flftk Soar. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.. aor. roartaaatS aad Northrop sts.. Portland. Or. ' PIANO LESSONS. W. GirrORD NASH. I8 10th atfj ter aaa. ape appllrattnn. Besinnera taken. PLTMBERS. DONNERftBRO A RADEMACnER. phimaera removed to 4 Fourth et. Roth pbonee. STORAGE AND TRANSFER, LOANS on suburban mortgagee; low raise. nara, Aiisty rung. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST "LAftS REPAIRING go tn Andy mil mscntnist and model maker. 110 atb. PERSONAL. MR. ELMORE RICE Violinist and teacher: also piano harmony; room I. i.U.l'.W. Bldg ; boors 8 to B:S0dally; phone. Union. 048. YOUR PRRHCRII'TIONS are more accurately and reasonably oiled at Evseell e Pharmacy, OT Moniec.a at., bet. r'lret and Second ate. iiioll STORIES and novels for anmmer read ing. 10 ceats. Jonea' Book Store. 2W1 Alder CAKE KRATE. 122 BllU at A Sna lunch served at all hour. REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE FARMS-- Improved farma for aala In all parte of Oregon and Washington; paymenta made to anlt purchasers. For full particulars aa ta various propertlee apply I) Wa. MacMaeter, 811 Woreeeter bldg. C. o. PICK, athce HM tint at., between fUera and Oak ata.) nnone 504; plaaoa aad fare, tore moved and packed for shipping; semi modlooa Oreproot brick warebouee. Front aad CIs r ata. SAFES. BUY TOUR SAFES of J. . pairs and lockouts safely done Davis; yooe rae M Tklrd at. BLOT MACHINES. THAN SCONTINEN1AL MACUlNM CO. Slot machlnaa, B. B. Park aad Oak. I'bonea. Mala IM. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 8U0H Ws.b. ' Ingtoo st. Phones. Or.. Mala 0O2. Ool.. Sal. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. i. K. I1AMELTINE CO.. Iron, steel, c hleckjmltJeiniHe 3 WHERE TO DINE. MAXWELL A KNAPP BRAL ESTATE. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAS8A0K. MDMB. H. B. ELY, dermatologist, massage. electric treatments !l First at NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; 88,88 par day Bommera Hotel, La Sranda; travelers' heme. Belvedere 1 Karopoan plaa ; 4tk and Alder ata. St. Charlee, First aad Mcrrlaen ata., Portland STROUSE'S RESTAURANT; Brat-eJaaa beat service. 220 Weahlngtno st WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. IS4-1WS st. bet. Yamhill snd Taylor. Portlaad. Or. WHOLESALE SR0CER8. WADHAU8 A CO., wholesale grocers, aaaaa. faeturera and commlaalon saerckaata, 04 and OS Front at ALLEN A LEWIS, wholesale grocera. Per. Und. Or. MASON. EI1RMAN A CO.. wholesale N. W. cor. Second aad Pine ata. LA NO CO.. First end Ankenv ata. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GIA88WARR. Prael Hegele A Co.-, 100 to 10S Cth. cor. SUr BRIDGE COLLAPSES AND INJURES MANY Without Warning a Party Is Precipitated Into Waters Thirty Feet Below One May Die and Others Are Badly Injured CITY NOTICES. (Journal Special Service.) OREOON. CITY. July 14. Sunday, afternoon about S 0 clock a terrible ac cident occurred on tbe bridge spanning the north fork of Che Molalla River In the southeastern part of this county. A party of Ave people, consisting of Gil bert Noe and wife. Miss Mary Mitts and brother . and Aaron Miller, were rroaalng the' brldgre In a 'farm wagon, when suddenly and without warning the tmheraof the bridge began cracking and the 'structure collapsed, precipitat ing the team, wagon and occupant a into the waters of the ntream 80 feet be low. Mrs. Noe received Injuries that will probably prove fatal, while all of the other occupants of the wagon were more or less Injured and all are yet under the treatment of a doctor, though none save Mrs. Noe is fatally hurt. Mrs. Noe's Injuries are of an internal nature and her physician says that they re likely mortal. One of the horses In the team was instantly killed by the fall while the other was badly crippled. The place of the catastrophe 1s lo cated about eight miles from Molalla Corners, a thriving village 17 miles from Oregon City. The whole party are from near Needy, this county, and were returning from a picnicking trip to the Molalla River. The bridge was an old structure but was not supposed to be unsafe. Judge Thpmaa F. Ryan left this morn ing at an early hour to inspect the fallen bridge. It cannot be learned whether this bridge haa been inspected and pronounced safe or not. OREGON CITY. July 14. Orlmel Jonos, the lS-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones of Canemah, who died yesterday morning of spinal menin gitis, superinduced by whooping cough, ill be burled this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Interment will be at Canemah Cemetery. The funeral will be held from the family residence. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX' PBOVEXEXT OF FAILING BTEEIT. Notice ta hereby given that William C. Rl Uott City Engineer, haa Bled In the office f tha aaderelgjied. notice that Bechlll Broa contractors tor tbe Improvement of Falling street, under tha provlslona or ordinance No. 18.012, have completed aaid struct, from the center line of Missouri avenue to tha weat Una of Miaalaalnpl avenue. Bald acceptance will be considered by tha Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the lTth day of Jul, 1003, and objections to tbe sc ceptance of aald street or any part thereof. may be flled la the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July 11. 1008. NOT A CITIZEN BUT A PRINCE John Anderson of Seattle Be comes Karl Christian Fred erick Vascen Turdenjuld, the bon ot a King, Declares Himself Next Heir to Throne of Denmark Had Lived for Decades Under an Assumed Name, OF UNSOUND MIND SHE WANDERS AWAY ( Sad Case of Young Girl Who Believing that She 11 Is to Be Taken to Asylum Suddenly Disap pears and Diligent Search Being Blade. (Journal Speolal 8eVvice.) . OREGON CITY. July 1 4. Yesterday afternoon Ora Wataon, a pretty girl of 17. disappeared from her ftome and haa not since been neen. The girl vu of unsound mind and her slater had gone to the authorities to ask ttiat ah In quest of lunacy be held, and when ahe returnod to the house the Insane girl hud disappeared. A search was imme diately instituted but no track or trace of the missing child could be found. All last niatht tho girl's anxious rela tives kept looking for her, but to no avail, and this morning she is still missing. It is believed that she was aware of the fact that Bhe was to be sent to the asylum and ran away There Is a rumor afloat to the eltect that the mlHRlna- arlrl was seen in the neighbor hood of Clackamas Heights yesterday. It is claimed by those who know ner that Miss Watson was at times violent. and that she had been known to be or unsound mind for quite a while. Her parents are dead and the two sisters lived with their grandparents. , A riffMlng- Collector. OREGON CITY, July 14. A. Lemay- hleu collect bills for (livers parties tn this city. Last week he took a stock of bills of the Arm of Vaughan & Gross and went out collecting. He ran across a man named Walker, who works In the W & P. Co.'s mills. He presented w.ilkei a bill - and walker" began to abuse 'htm. Lemnyhieu talked back and Walker assaulted him. Lemayhleu had Walker arrested and the trial will come up today. As a result of the "scrap" Lemayhleu's services are In demand. One physician hunted him up and" gave him bills to the amount of $500 to col' lect. Lemayhleii says that a man to be a DUl collector in Oregon City has to be a "scrapper. Bvadlnsr Br aw Xsw. OREGON CITY. July 14. Alonzo Wlckham was arrested yesterday for not having proper sewer connections In District No. 3. He was taken before City Recorder Bruce Curry, where he was held in bond to await his trial the 29th of this month. Wlckham is the second party to be arrested for not (Journal Special Service.) SEATTLE, July 14. John Anderson walked Into Superior Judge Tall man's court yesterday afternoon. . When he walked out he was no longer plain John Anderson, but Karl Christian Frederick Vascen Turdenjuld, the self-confessed son of the late Frederick VII, King of Denmark. Where the "Prince of Denmark" came from or whither he has gone is as yet mystery. The first heard of him in this neck of the woods was on last Fri day when ha walked Into the efflee-ef Attorney A. J. Balllet and announced his name and his mission. 'I am,", he said, "the son of Frederick VII of Denmark. For years I have been known as John Anderson. Now I am ready to be known by my real name and I want you to help me to do so." Prince Was Baticant. When questioned as to the details of his parentage and the history of his past life the man was very reticent. giving only such alleged , facts as he deemed would be necessary to bring about the legality of the proposed change of name. He said he had assumed the name of Anderson to protect his life, as enemies were following him around the coun try. During the civil war. the alleged prince stated that he had held commis sions in the United States army and navy and at that time was known as Com mander Vascan. He claimed to have been born In 1S44 on the estate of Kraprup, in the state of Scand, Swe den. ' Mr. Balllet. according to his distin guished client's instructions, drew up a petition for a change of name from Karl Anderson to Karl Christian Freder ick Vascen Turdensjuld. The "Prince of Denmark is well sup OITT NOTICES. Mary Elanor j." and 6! U Wyuknop. ... Elisabeth inmnlvtnff with thtt iu law T tm ra ported that a number of other arrests I,Ile1 w,th "toney apparently, and told will be made before long. COMMITTEE FAVORS ADDITIONAL FERRY Will Abolish Use of Cables and Secure Landings at Pres ent Terminal Sites, favor. Tho Alblna Improvement Association wss well represented and A. L. Mohler, president, and W. W. Cotton, attorney, for the O. R. & N.. were also In at tendance. A communication was read from the waterfront Interests entering a protest against the ferry scheme, but Mr. Balltot thfct he would want a cer tlfled copy of the court's order, which was signed by Judge Tallman yester day. RESTJOXB TEE BZA- The additional Alblna ferry seems to be an assured .thing now, notwithstand ing the vigorous protests which were made against the proposed Improvement from various sources. The committee from the Executive Board met yesterday nd heard arguments, prp and con, from the interested officials and citlsena and tbe suggestion that both ferries operate) from the old terminals' on : tha Eaat 6ide and from Wilson street on the op posite side, dispensing with the use of cables, seemed ta meet with general BATHS TO SHOBB. Go to Newport on Yaqulna Bay an Ideal beach. It Is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rata nt f A OA ham heen rnnrlA hv the City Attorney McNary held that under Southern Pacific : Company In connection the provisions of the special act passed r1" ,""c.r"J . r i" ii . h th. Tr.1t..r. Ik. ... . puimo-jr .uuiiu u.u. i i uiu run- - - - - land, tickets good going aaturday, r obligation to establish the ferry, and turning: Monday. i under the circumstances It was felt that - A delightful ride through the beau the complaints could be taken only so tif ul Willamette Valley, with privilege far as tiwy atrectea its location and K,n V"" "!u" "A "f " FKOrOKD AB5E8BH.EHT FOB SEWZB III XAsT DAVIS BIRXET, Notice la hereby given tbtt the Council of tha City of Portland propoeee to aaaeea tbe following described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts aet opposite tbe nsuios and descriptions tbereor by tbe construction of a sewer In East Davla street, from the eaat Una of Hawthorne's First Addition to East Portland to a connection with tbe sewer In Eaat Twenty-elith street If extended northerly, ss nrovlded br ordinance No. 13.171. Any objections to. tbs apportionment of cost for said aewer must be made In writing to tbe Council and Died with tbe Auditor within fifteen dava from the date of the first pub II cation of tbla notice, and aald objections will be heardk and determined by tbe Council be fore the passsae of the ordinance assessing the cost for aald aewer. Hawthorne'a Klrst Addition to East Portland Blk 13, lot T, Tbe Hawthorne Estate... f 37.76 Blk 13. lot 8, A. T. Myrea 8T.75 Blk 18, lot 9. Tbe Hawthorne EsUte... 8T.75 Blk 13, lot 10, Tbe Hawthorne Kstate.. ' 8T 75 Blk 13, lot 11, H. t,. Powers, Trustee.. 37.75 Blk 13. lot 12. The Hawtborne Estate.. 117.75 Blk 14. lot 7. The Hawtborne Estate... 87.75 Blk 14, lot 8. H. L, Powera, Trustee.. 87.75 Blk 14, lot 9, The Hawtberne Estate... 87.75 Blk 14. lot 10. H. Li. Powers. Trustee.. 87.76 Blk 14, lot 11. The Hawthorne Estate.. 87.75 Blk 14. lot 12. Tbe Hawthorne Kstate.. 87.75 Blk 15. lot 7. Frank A. Heltkcmper. . .. 87.75 Blk 1ft. lot 8, Frank A. Hcltkemper. . .. 87.75 Blk 15. lot 9. G. 11. Heltkemper 87.75 Blk 15, lot 10.-(1. 11. Heltkemper 87.75 Blk 16. lot II. Henry 8wlut 87.75 Blk 15. lot V2. Mrs. (J. A. Taylor 87.75 Blk 18, lot 7. J. M. Hodsnn 87.75 Blk 10. lot 8. Uracc II. Hlmea 87.75 Blk 16, lot 9. ,Jno. P. Sharkey 87.75 Blk 18. lot lOj K. C. Brooks 87.75 Blk 16, north H lot 11, Mary Elaner Tresham Blk 16, north H lot 12. Tresham Blk 16, south H lot 42. A Klrker Blk 16, sou lb lot 11, A. J. aud P. L. Klrker Wynkoon Villa Blk 5. lot 4. Elisabeth K Blk 6. south 33.74 fort lot 3 K. Wynkoon Blk 6, south 33.89 feet lot 6, Ellubcth K. Wynkoon Blk 6. lot 5. Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.. Blk 6. lot 4. Mary G. Martin... Blk 6. south 34,34 fret lot 3. Msry O. Martin .-. ... A Irsct of land lying between the weat lute or diocs a. wnaoop una ana a vine 100 feet east ot snd parallel with the east line of East Twenty-sixth street extended northerly In Its present course and between tbe south Una of block 6, Wynkoop Villa extended weat erly In Its present course snd a Una 100 feet north of and parallel there with. Isaiah Buckman Hawthorne'a First Addition to East Portland Blk 20. lot 6, Tha Hawthorne Estate.. Blk , lot S, Tbe Hawtliurue Betate., Blk 20, lot 4, H. L. Powera, Trustee.. Blk 20, lot 3, The Hawtborne Estate.. Blk 20, lot 2, Tbe Hawtborne Kstate.. Blk 20. lot 1. II. L. Powers. Trustee.. Blk 19. lot 6, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 19, lot 5. H. L. Powers, Trustee.. Blk 19, lot 4, Tbe Hawthorne Kstate.. Blk 19, lot 3. The Hawtborne Estate.. Blk 19, lot 2, H. L. Powers, Trustee.. Blk 19. lot 1. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 18, lot 6, Wendel Escbelbaeber. . , . Blk lis, lot 5, Wendel Eschelhacber Blk IN, lot 4, Wendel Eschelhacber.... Blk 18, lot 3, Wendel Esrbelbacher. . .. Blk 18. lot 2. Mary A. Heltkemper.... Blk 18. Jot L Mary A. lleltkewpej-, ttl Hlk 17. lot 6. E. L. Hand Blk 17, lot 5, Ernest Uasenmeyer Blk 17, lot 4, Susan 8. Samuels Blk 17. lot 3, Bertha Jensen Bit 17, lot 2, Mike and Rose Henrlok son , Blk 17, lot 1. The Hawthorne Estate.. A tract of land lying between the west line of East Twenty -eighth street and the west line of block 6. Wynkoop Villa If extended southerly Id Its prea ent course and between the south Hue of Kant KnvlK street If extended east erly In Its present course and a line 100 feet south of and parallel there with. Agnes O. Beach 204.80 A tract of land lying between the west line of block 0, Wynkoop Villa If ex tended southerly In Its present course and a line 100 feet eaat of and -parallel with tbe east line of East Twenty sixth" street If extended northerly In Its present course and between the south line of Esst Pavls street If ex tended essterlv In Its present course and a line 101 feet eonth of and parallel therewith, Isaiah Buckman... 23.40 CITY HOTIOES. 15.10 7.48 14.90 22.66 61.75 15.23 13.10 60.40 49.80 10.10 28.70 30.75 80-. T6 80.75 30.76 80.75 30.74 80.76 80.75 80.75 80.73 30.78 30.75 30.75 311.75 30.75 80.75 30.75 30.73 30.73 30.75 30.75 80.75 80.75 18 25 Blk 1, south 16.76 feet lot 1. K. Davla Hewitt 2.00 Blk 1, lot 2, Standard till Company.... 27.43 Blk 1, lot 8. Standard Oil Company.... 41.40 Blk 2, south 17.26 feet lot 1. alary L. Woodcock 8 00 Blk 2, lot 2, Mary L. Woodcock 29.10 Blk 2, lot 8, Mary U Woodcock 41.60 A tract Of land lying between the west line of block 2, Cameron's Addition to Eaat Portland and the eaat line of Esst Twenty-eighth street, and be tween the north line of Eaat Plue street and a line lOu feet north of aud parallel therewith. Anna Hchmeer. . . . 146.10 Pleasant Home Addition to the City of East Portland, Multnomah County, state or Oregon CITY NOTICEB. Blk 3. lot , Portland Trust Company of Oregon Blk 8. lot 2. Portlaud Trust Comosnr of Oregon 23.85 Blk 3, lot 7, Portland Trust Company of Oregon 23.20 Blk 8, lot 8, Portlsnd Trust Company ot Oregon 40.20 Blk 6, lot 1, Lucy Mercer.... 40.2ii BIIT6, lot 2. Fred F. Smith 26.20 Blk 6, lot 7, Nathan B. and Samuel P. Low 25.20 Blk 6, lot 8. William M. Ladd 40.20 Mayor Qatee' Addition to East Port land Blk 5, lot 7. Cooper A Cox t oo Blk 3, lot 6, Kobert UllJan 83.76 Blk 6, lot 6, Beat ft Cllnatenaon 3.S.75 Blk 6. lot 4. Adolnh Kroner 83.76 Blk 6, lot 3, Anna II llrlmer 33.76 Blk 6. lot 2. F. I). Smith 83.73 Blk 6, lot 1. F. D. Smith 83.75 Blk 2, lot 9, Emma V. Nellwood 24.50 Blk 2. lot 8. Emma V. Sellwood 9.00 Blk 1, lot 9, Frances J. Plerson 44.4i Blk 1. lot 8, Frank I). Khosds 20.40 Cameron's Addition to East Portland Blk 4, lot 1, Standard Oil Company.... 44.63 Blk 4. lot 2, Standard Oil Company 30.30 Blk 3. lot 1, P. ('. Sebwarsman 44.40 Blk 3. lot 2. Mary E. Kruae 29.40 A tract of land lying between the south line of Esst i'lna Street and a line loo feet south of and parallel therewith and between the east line of Esst Twenty-eighth street and tbe west line of block 3. Cameron's Addition to East Portland, Anna Sehmeer 146.10 Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Eaat Portland, Multnomah County, State of Oregon Blk 2, lot 4, Walter B. Vivian 46.60 Blk 2, lot 3, John E. Bennett 31.30 Blk 2, lot 3. James and Jane McKlnley. 48.60 Blk 2. lot 6. Catherine M. Cully. H.Tflu Blk 7. lot 4. John II. Hall 48.110 40.06 PROPOSALS FOR STKEET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at tha office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port laud until Friday. July 17, 1903, st 4 o'clock ?. ui. fur tbe Improvement of Sixth atreet, rom the north line of Morrison street to the north line ot Irving street. In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 18,418, subject to tbe prnvtslnus of the charter and ordlnancoe of the City of Portland, and tha eatlmate of the City Engineer, on 21e. Blda must be strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnished on application at the offlce of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improve ment must be completed on or before 90 daya from the data of the signing of the contract by tbe partlea thereto. No proposals ur blda will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to tbe order of tha Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a responalble bank for an amount eiiual to ten per cent ot tbe aggregate proposal. The right to reject any ,.nd all blda la hereby reserved. By order ut tbe Executive Board. THOS. r. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July 11, 1903. riiTAjrcxAT Ladd & Tilton, Bankers Established la 1839. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made at all polnta oa favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available) an Europe and all polnta In tie United BtaUa. " .,,,1 M"H , IT HSIII'I SI aold In New York. Washington. Cfclraaro, 8W Inula, Denver. Omaha. Baa Francisco aaa Mas' isus ana anuan uoiumoia. Exchange aold on London, Palis, Berlta, Frsnkfnrt. Hong Kong, Yokohama. Ma alia and Honolulu. Blk 7, lot 3, John H. Mall 33.60 Total 11.611.63 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July 14. 1903. Total 12.086.40 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. July 14. 1903. 1 River, returning the other. Ask any S. P. Co. or C ft E. R. R. narent for a beautifully Illustrated book- flet describing the seaside resorts at Yaqulna. Low excursion rates to all points Eaat will again be placed In .effect by the Northern Pacific on July 12. IS. 14. IS and 1. and again on August IS. 1. 26 and 16. Full particulars In person or bv letter can be had tr calling on or addressing A. D. Charlton operation. It was learned that suitable landings at the foot Of "Wilson 'Street could b procured for reasonable sums. Presi dent Mohler was not averse to an ad ditional ferry if It should operate from the old landings and without cables, and as his company has such valuable Interests In the Immediate vicinity, this statement carried great weight It Is almost certain viai tne memDerr-wui .ddreaaln A. D. Charlton. Assistant favor such a course In their report to General Passenger Agent, !S5 Morrison tne DOftra. - r - . - i street, rortiana. ur, PROPOSES. ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST PINE STREET AKD . OjOODBELL AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland prOpoaea to asaeaa the following described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite tbe names and descriptions thereof by the con struction of a sewer In East Pine and Ooodsell avenue, from 270 feet north of the north line of East Pine atreet In (loodsell avenue to a connection with the sewer In East Pine street at East Twentv-slxth street, aa provided by ordi nance No. 13.243.. Any objection to tbe apportionment of coat for aald sewer must be made In writing to the Coo noli and flled with the Andttor within fifteen days from "the date of the first publica tion of this notice, and aald objections will he beard and .determined by the Council before the oaasage of tbe ordinance assessing the coat for said sewer. Mayor Gates' Addition to Eaat Port land - Blk 6. lot 7. R,lchsrd Price... .$ Blk . lot 6. Mary N. Morrell Blk 6, lot 4, Catherine A. Coburn Blk 6, lot 8, Andrew M. Hanfen Blk . lot 2. Christen Cbrlstensen Blk 6, lot 1. John and Margaret Todd.. Cameron's Adtllf on to East Portland PROPOSALS TOR STREET WOLK. Sealed proposals will be received at tha offlce of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port land until Friday. July 17, 1903. at 4 o'clock m. for tbe Improvement of Park ave nue, rrom tne east une or city rark to tne set line of Ford street. In the msnner provided by ordinance No. iH.ilT, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and tbe estimate of tbe city engineer, on nie. Bias must be strictly in accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnished on application at tbe offlce of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improve. ment must be completed on or before 00 days from the date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or blda will lie considered unless aceomoanled br a certified cheek dst able to tbe order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, cert men by a responsible bsnk for an amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aire regate propose t. - - The right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. By order of tba Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. Jnlv 11. iwi8. PROPOSALS rOR SEWER WORX. Sealed proposals will be received at tba office of the Auditor ' tbe City of Port land until Friday. July .. 1908, at 4 -o'clock p. m. for tba construction of a aewer In East Eighth atreet. frum 100 feet south of tbe south line of Thompson street to the aewer In Tillamook atreet. In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13.427. subject to the pro visions of the charter and ordinances of the city or rortiana, ana tne estimate or the city Engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland. And aald aewer must be completed on or before 43 dsya from tbe date of the signing ot tha contract by tha partlea thereto. No proposala or bids will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check payable to tbe order of tba Mayor of tba City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent ot tbe ag gregate prnpoaal. The right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. By order of tba Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. July 11, 1908. NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Midway Oil Company will be held at the offlce of Ladd 4 Tilton, oaukera, at Portland, Ore gon, at 8 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, the 15th day of July, 1003, for tbe purpose of electing a board of directors and the trans action of auch other business aa may come before tbe meeting. H. C. 8TBATTON,. Secretary. Three Dollars Per Month NOTHING DOWN Buys nice lot 40x100 on good car line, 5 -cent fare, high and perfectly level, all cleared and ready for building, water piped in front of each lot. The Best Bargain in Portland. POTTER. & CHAPIN, PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will - be received at the offlce of the Auditor of tbe City of Port land until Friday. July 17. 1903, at 4 o'clock p m. for tha Improvement cf First street. rrom 30 feet soutu or the south Hue of Arthur street to 35u feet north of the north line of Arthur street, tn tbe manner provided by ordi nance .No. 13,42", subject to tne provisions or tbe charter and ordinances uf tbe City of Portlsnd. snd tbo estimate ot tha City Eugl neer. on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanka. which will . lm furnished . on application at tbo office of tbe Auditor of the city ot rortianu. Ana ssia improve ment must be completed on or before 210 days from tbe I'ate of the signing of tha contract by the -partlea thereto. No oronosals or blda will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of tbe Mayor of tha City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount euual to tea per cent of tbe aggregate proposal. Tbe right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. By ordei of tbe Executive Board. THOS. , C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Jnly 11. 1003. - - United States Nat'l Bank OF PORTLAND ORIOOsT. KORTHw-EBT COR. THIRD AND Oi tlsV TRANSACTS A OUTER AX BAXXIXS) -BUSINESS, DRAFTS ISSUED Available la all eltlea sf tha Taitee States aad Europe, Hons- Xoag and Manila. Collections Made oa Favorable Terms President J. C aINSWORTH Vice-President w. n. iTltk Assistant Cashier R. W. SCfTMEER Aaaletaat Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. Read Offlce 65 Old Bread atreet, London. This bank transacts a general bauklnf busi ness, makes loans, discounts Mils aaJ banes) ' letters of credit available for travelers and for tha purchase of merchandise In ear rlty of tba world. Deals 'a ,orlga and aotmaDe exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MAOilAn. tlassgcr. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OdjeOOlt. PROPOSALS FOR 8TREET WORK. Sealed nroposals will be received at the offlce of the Auditor of the City of Port laud until 1 rljur. July 17. 1U03, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of East Thirty fourth street, from tbe couth line of Haw thorne avenue to the north line of Division street. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,419, subject to tbe provlslona of the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland, and the estimate of tha City EDglueer, on file. Dlds mint be strictly In aeeordnuce with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of tot city or i'ortiami. Ana bhio improve ment must be completed on or before 120 days from the date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or blue will be considered unless accompanied by a certified cbeek par able to tbe order or tne Mayor or tba City of Portia nd. certified by a responsible bank fur sn amount equsl to ten oer ceut of tba aggregate proposal. Joe rignt to reject any and an Dlda la hereby reserved-. Ky order ot tne Executive isosrd. THUS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July 11. 103. Prank Watson. L. Durham W. Hoyt Geo. W. Hoyt. arealdent Vlce-Preei.l-t Cashier ,. Assistant Caahlet Transacts a General Banking pnc&Msht... Drafts and letere of credit Issued available to all parts of tba world. Collectlona a apectalty. Gold ut booatjt. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN r.ncceaaora to MORRIS ft WHITEHEAD, BAJTRtRR. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND, OR. msrBSjssrcss. Ladd ft Tilton. Portland; U. 8. National Baal, Portland; Bank of California. San Cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National m Bank, San Frsnclaeo. Bolton, deRuyter & Co. MXMBEBS. Chicago Board of Trado, San Prandaeo duca Exchange, San Francisco BtocS snd Bond Exchange. Pra- GRAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS. " BONDS and COTTON. Tim 1T.n.h,Ml TIImV.mm i.!,.!- Especially In old cases where doctors tali. na vegetabia CURB for ulceration i .. i. .. .,..-..n. .na 246 STARK STREET, and Inflammation of the m-ivna me'jnrsne of tuo Every Woman a ana snoaia eevw about lbs wyadarfol 5pfy KilCTSWS MARVEL sfe3rXa! ItOeaesss Isstsstln 7 HAV it., norepi no 1. W;iTV- aL" 40.(15 other, but send auunp for ft- , fL!Xs I OV I ff. luatreted book-WW.lt gives m - f AiTA 40.ft.1 full parUcaiaraand Hrc-tlnnsln- -CXjif V I CI Q j- 1 TsL'rmHW ti.Ml Reom KH. Tines Bid r.. New Tsrk. v'U' laac aaia k WOODAJU). CLJUQS ft CO.-I nretaa, all private nrlaary ue m aad weakneea of men and worjr . ZT-MO la e VARA TIED to cnu or Momnr lKitnrDxs. o fa see tn 41 hoars wlthoa. pais. Eapax'ally ad vised for eld, obetlnste esaas. Draggiata, or sent pot tpaia, fi. Aaaraea nr. vay ss w. ne iusj Warer bids Roato. Mass, free medical ad vice Jlvem. Write for oa-at seat eeaieo i nast. T-MO aold la Portia 4 by The Laaa-Darii lama- Oa,, Tiurfl i4 jmiu bis . San Francisco Offlce 490 California St. lot THIRD ST. PORTLAND OS K0BTOAOE &OABS at Iiowes. Batata. nrSUBABOB XH AM ZOJTSS. BEAX. Z ST ATB. A. H. BIRRELL Formerly of MaoaXaater a BlrraU. REAL ESTATE. OBNEIUL INSURAWCB AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. tOS-4 McKay Buildiag, Third and Stark. Phona, Btaia 133. MORTGAQE LOANS On Portlsnd real estate af lowest rare. Titles Insured. AUHncts (uralaaa-i. , Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber ot Cemmerca. ' "' TXBAjrCXAX. New York Loan Ofllce N- Third 8t.. 14.- Miller, Prop, oana an collaterals: low. ra tea: aa- redeemed pledges for sale: wa tea anl Jewelry repalrla. Phona, Sad WJ7 :-v.5.v-:. '..,;- VOTXOB BATjABXBP P80rS Do you need money before say dayf Call en na- We can advaaea awoev ea ynar erase an abort notice. Yea bay sack atoathty. ee- monthly or weekly.- . TKB TAX' X.OAB CO -10 McKsy Bldg.. Third and Sum, stay MORTBT AJTABCRP. Salaried eeopte. taamatera. ievr vrrrbosjt Ity. saury peysseL'.s, . largest salusse Is 4 priactpal dtlee. - ' ' , TOT.MA1T. r3 Atlnrtvi T ' . MOmTOAOE XOA, i. Oil lea peeved eitr aod furta froitf. st I . eat current rales; build. u Vmna, l... .;.... 4 ffA ir-Mataater, . . sat Vir -I t! r s