TIIE OIIEGON DAILY JOUHNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1003. TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD HAMS QUOTED A TRIFLE HIGHER 'Both Local and Eastern. Brands ' Are 1; AffectedLard ; Prices k Fail to Break Their Down ... ward Night, Many Sates of Hops Are Made at Varying FiguresFirs Car of. Watermelons Arrives . and Sells Lower. Chang la tMk4 KHk Sarin the Ant tan days ot in business, WMk th cjaotatloaa oa ptekid UMti have shows iom inaterlal advances wall those ea lard hare goae lower. JBoth tha local ana tat Barters prodaets ara affected. , FRONT STREET, July The many changes In the .quotations on packed meats aunnr tn first three days of the week have been the sole attraction In the local market. Ham prices have- enown some wonderful advances when the fact of bogs being so weak In the Bast la taken Into consideration. Today ootn the union Meat Company and the Cudahy Packing Company save notlflca tlon of another advance on both the light and heavier slses of hams. XVard doing- Sown Again. Tho present prospects of ths lard market are not very bright and during I tb fore part of the week quotations on f th the local and the Eastern products f At shown some decline nearly every Vlay. Today the Union Meat Company yr announces a decline of cent on kettle f leaf and k cent on ateam-ranrlarerl larrl. The Cudahy concern drops the quota tions on kettle leaf cent and steam rendered the same amount. Trash Meats Are Lively. ' With the possible exception of beef, Which Is a too large supply and quota tions are dropping, the fresh meat market during the first three days of the week was somewhat Improved over the same period a week ago. Hogs especially show a stimulated tone and all the product received was sold at the trip quotation and the very choicest stock brought a trifle higher prices. Veal receipts although very large were not too heavy for the demand now prevail ing and- top quotations are still ruling for n arrivals. Mutton demand Is still eft with receipts about the same. - Tint Oa of Melons. The first car of watermelons arrived early- today and this morning the fruit was distributed among several of the dealers. Prices have dropped from $5 to 13.25 and 13.50 a dosen. All fresh fruits are In large supply with the de mand not as activo as had been ex pected. Tomato supplies are growing constantly larger apd some declines In quotations may be expected within the next few days. Activity In Bop Market. The hop market shows Improvement as far as sales are concerned, many fair deals being reported within the half V week. On Saturday Horst, Larkmund & r Co. purchased the Hall lot at Woodburn .ales. Ss, 8s, 4a. Ba, joa, 12.10s fla r, AOs, Met 100. T4! Iraonet-d Ur- am T r 114.00; BOs. par ton, 814.50: Liverpool, lamp. 123,00 par tool SO-lb rock,, S14.0QJ 100a, dairy. 18ff30ej Iter, lTe. 1 r OaaFreeh Omron. floasftUe. . CHKBSB inH ereso, twin, let) Teaag America, ine. . . POULTRY Thlckena. antral. fiifMoe Bar hY hens, 12ftlBa; roosters, 810c per lb; broil- ar joraioe per n) errors, iS'aUTV per vroj ducks, 11H1H par It( geeee. TCe par lt: turkeys, JIts, 1013e par a; dressed, ISO ereoerlaa. Vote. Eta " ' - BnOAR "R-k taaaUi" Cube. BB.TTUl SOW oered. t5.83tti dry granulated, 85. 52 11 extra u, ao.iw i uoioaa v, S4H oerreia, iuoi n barrel, 25c; bos, BOa advance ea aaek beats, ls 85s par twt, for cash, 15 Sara; maple, UV OV ID. HO NETIS Alas nae frame. : ' Oorrgg Orau Mocba. SlzVi lava. feney, 6ft32c; Java, good, 3002501 Javs, ordinary. S20c;- Coata Rica, finer, 18 20c I Ooefce Klea, good, 184Hlci Ooata Blee. ordinary, 10J 18e ear B: Columbia rout. 810.63: Ar buckles'. ,11. is it: (Jon, an. is net; cxtraora, su.is. TEAS Oolong, different grsdes, SSeeflei ainaroot gradaa. IXUttdooi guldar Lag, aa colurad Janan. BOfaiUUc: araan la nan. verr acarm, sviacuo. aaiT Hal table, dilrr. arpool. Boa. 4&i looa, sbci a34a. 41. SO. saLY-caraa, . nau groaoa, loua, par 4.00: BOa. oar ton. 114.60! LtTeroool. I rock, iia.sa ORAIN BAOS Calcutta, $3.TBO00 per 100 i or Auraii eaiirarr. B1CK Imoarial JaDan. Ho. 1. Bttai Mo. 9. BUc: Naw Orltana head. Se. BREAK FAST roOU Malta VIU. B4.B0! flTS HiDuca. xao: rorea, B4 BO; H-O oaU. 3.io. SALMON Oolnmhl. Rlr 1-lt. talla. l.TO Mb talla, ta.40j fancy l ib flata. I1.8S; H- nocr nara. ai.io: rane l-ro oval, aj.ix): Aiaaaa Ulla. pink. 80c: rod. II.SO; t-lb talla. IS.00. uual OIL, Taiea. Tie par gal. unkat waiar Wblta. Iron hhkt. lDUi. raodaa. lScl Bead- light, ciaaa, Se, Iron bbl. ITiko; gaaoUse, Iron LINBRED OK Pan mo. In hhla. 4Sei rtml Ina kattla boiled, eaaea Bee. bbla 61: ear raw, la eawa. Be) ranulna kattla. Id eaaea, 6Sc. ctsimn-w aec eaaea Tie, iron bnia uwa OABOLIMB Arm caaa Hli(. iroa bbla 23c. ' TuRPBlfTTNB ti eaaaa TOe. (mod bbla 8V. Iron' bbla Sao. ' 10-tb eaaa lots afro, BEANS' Small wblta 4ll4Ua.- laraa wblta I S S3.T0Qfa.SO, bajos M ia, uou Traits end Yaeretablea. POTATOES II. lot biiTara' nrlMa Ts! saw. ai.Doiai.7D; uragoo, l.ai.OO. ONIONS California. n.v nan. PXV31.00: FHI.B11 rHUlTS Applea. fancy Oregoa, fl.NI ua.uui aooaing. eucuai.uu par doki naw, 11.60 par boi; oraogea, lata, ValvncUa. tS.S0Q4.0O: Madltarranaaa tweata. s.w; Daoaoaa, 12 88(83.60 per bancb, 6o per lb; cbarrtea, balk, 60e; Darken. TdtSc: arooaabanlaa. SUalae Ibi aort- coU, ll.00Sl.10 crate: lemons, atkndarna, $3.00; lancy, aa.uottaoo; Iimee, Mexican, eoc per 1(H): oeacbaa. BSci Dlnaannlea. 3 6OG4.0O; flga. black, 41.60; wblta, li.OOU 25; pluma, OOcCfl.OO; raapbarrtaa, (l.TS crate; SX.uu ooz ; irnlpa. 11.00 aark: carrot, per aack; radlahea, 12Ua a. California. lUe lb; let doe: bothouae. 11.96 box; if rnuun Appn, erapuraieu. od Icota, 7H310e lb; peacbra. 60e lb; SWc lt; prnnea. Italian. 4H05c lb; H04Hc lb; flara. California blacks, t and the Crosby stocks at Gervals, aggre gating about 78 bales of choice, at 18 cents a pound. The J. M. Russell Com pany during the week cleaned- up the entire Sherwood district of about 114 bale at 15 cents on consignment. Mrs. Gallagher of North Yamhill, together with Miller of Gaston, sold their stocks, consisting of abput 108 bales, to H. KJaver & Co. read Hot so Strong. All grades of mill feed are quoted lower on account of the lighter demand now prevailing. Shorts lias dropped 80 rents and other declines are looked for dally. Flour Is quoted firm with the stronger tons of the wheat market and the market now shows every tendency for an early advance. Poultry and Egg1 Market. ' The poultry and egg markets on the Street have fared well during the fore part of the week, quotations on both lines being held very- firm. Poultry re ceipts were not quite so liberal as they should pave been under present clrcum Stances and prices are showing an ad vance. Egg -receipts are Just a little Short of the demand and prices are V aroivt grapes. Ytuna. 12.60: curranta. canleloupea, 6HHc; watermelon), 3.S6d 3.60 oosen; Bartlett peer. 11.75 box: black beirlee. per crate. 41. TTi 22.00: blackcaps. 41.T6M2 0O. VEGETABLE Turnip. 11.00 aack: carrot 11.60; twota, fl.60 par sack; ioe per ooi; cabbage, toe, bead, 16c Par i Jroeo peppers, 40c lb; bomeradleb. Be lb; celery, 1.00 per doa; beane, atrlng, yellow, 6a&c lb; green, 6fi9c lb; ' aaparagu. 11.16 26-ft) box; rhubarb, Sc lb; tomatoee, Mleelealppl. $1.50(3 1.T6: California, dot box. (1.60: Oreron. 12.00: bothonae. 8 00: "paranlpe, 41.75; paaa. t4c; curamtxra, 1. 001.26 per box; corn. SSc doa. imir.u rttuiin Appiea, eraporatea. effTa id; apricots pears, s French Ct6Uc: do. wblta. TUaSo tti: oluma. nltted. 6(3 oc; raislne. aeeded. fancy l ib rartona. 60 paek- rea to case, WH Pag; aeedaa. .2-os cartona, He; looaa Unacatellea. 60-ITi boxas, HQ7He ; ixnnon layera. si.TDax.uo. NUTS Peanuts. 6iH7e ner lb for raw. BffllOc for roaated: encoanuta. SRlitSOc per doa' wal nuts, 14Hfl(Vc per lb; pine nnu. 10(j)12Hc per lb: blrkorr nnta, 10c per Tb; cbPttnuta, aatrn, lotclflc per lb; Bra all nuta, lee per ; Albert. 6ai6c per lb: fancr pecans. 14Q 13c per lb; almooda, 14Q15c per lb. Maata and Provisions, FRESn MEATS Beef. Drime. 7tte: cows. 74l7Hc; real, 74c; mutton, dreaaed. Be; lumba, dreaaed, 7c. FKKNH MEATS Froot street Beef, prime. : bulls: &V,(TC4ie: cow. AffiSUc: nork. 742 7Hc; real, VaSr.; mutton, dressed, 6"4ji5c; lamli. dreaaed. aHWTc . .- . uamh. BAvon. etc. rortiana pscx iiocai) ami, 10 to 14 lb. 18c: 14 to 16 The. 15Uc: breakfast bacon, 15H(320c; picnics, lOVic; cot taxe. 11 14c; salted aides, 12Uc Tb; sotokad sides, dry salted backs. 11 c: bacon backs, 12c; butts, sslted, c; smoked, 10c Tb. EASTERN-PACKKTV HAMS Tinder 14 lb. 16c; over 14 lbs. lSV4c; fancy, lSH16c; pic nics. HHc; sboulders. HMc: drr aalted aldea. unamoked, 12V4c; b'eakfaKt bacon, 16MQlSc; fancr. 20c; butts. 1 1 "a t 124c. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10. lltie; 6s, ll4c; 60-lb ttns, 104c; stcam-renderod, 10a, 10kc; 6s, 10'c; 60a. lOUc: compound tierce. So; tuba, 8 '4c. - EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tin. lOlbc; ra. 10c; 60-Th tins, 10-c: a team rend ered. 10a. lc: 6a. 10lc; 60a. 9c. A bore packiug bouse prices are net cask, 19 days. ITSn Rock cod. 7c: flounders. 6c r halibut. 6Hc: llpg cod, 7c; crabs. 11.60 dos; rsaor clams,' clnuia. 8c per dos; striped baas. 12Hc:' salmon. Chinook, 8c; summer teelheads, 7c: soles. Be; sbrlmps. puget Sound. 16e; estflsb. Be: sbsd. 3c; sllrer smelt. 6c tb. CORN CONDITION HAS LOW LEVEL Prospects Are Lighter Than for Many Years July Showing Breaks Kecord tor About I wo Decades. Provisions Are Off and It Now Seems that the Market Has No Bottom Packers to Adopt a New System. A HEAVY DECLINE IN CHICAGO WHEAT ANOTHER STUINNINQ RECORD laV List f fane rUna RsJas Without XhttalUl la This or Aa Otaar rtaao tors oft us Coast. Windy City Pit Closes With Quotations 2jr Cents Low er Than Saturday Two Xondred and TwaBty-nlas Xastro msnts trianos, Plaao riajrsra, Organs and Blsotris llaos Sold, at Xilara wu ao Xouss Durlnf Jons, ot La Twsstj six saja. Comment Is scarcely necssssry. Ths supremacy of Ellers Piano House has again bean demonstrated. Ths list of sales fflren below Is the largest ever fWI.1 tilalan nf Roltnn H. A "wil UJ a, ailiais nousg west OI IDS) ruicinn ri i r.. a. Rocky Mountains for the month of Juna advise: The wheat market Is about 3 T.h,' 1,ith,w!,.i!kn ,rom our r,eport ! cenu lower than Saturday. It is to "l'''c.h n " ' f." some extent a natural reaotlon after .rraa tn v.rifv o.. i.fm th. four days Of advancing prices. July record is .a creditable one. not only In wheat Is at a dlsoount. It is still a point of numbers, but also for the high broad and active market. Weakness to- trade of Instruments which predominate, day comes from Indifferent cables and ur ?ree 1ad"r,i h Weber piano of fine weather throughout the AV'eet and I i Northwest Ths latter section 1. h.v- Vorth"y "and popular nVmball "nianV" of lug- sunshine and low temperatures, Chicago, besides the Hobart M. Cable wnicn are wnat is neeaea. i ne nortn- piano, uusn uerfc. Vose. and the numer- west has been a good seller In this mar- ous other fine makes recorded. ket today. The Southwest reports good Miss Aanes IJalbgewschs. Kimball pi tnltllnn- ri.manrf arM Ih. nr.mlum. Mr. F. N. Smith, lister piano: MlSS ",. Z ii ....T rrZHhUy Stehmsn, Burdette organ: Messrs, , " wc'" -"- Harris A Reed. Kimball piano; F, Indications Still are that the early movo- Hauma-artnnr nlannla- Mr. n. ment of the winter crop will be slow, Meacham, pianola: Captain F". H. 8ar particularly of the soft variety. There leant, pianola; A. F. Biles. Weber piano (Special Permission of Bolton, da starter Oo.) CHICAGO, July II. The Record-Her- aid says: One can go back to the 80s in search of a July corn condition as low as that announced Friday lasf-witn Julv eonSmor , ot Yl d in 1S7 of angs In general crop reports. A. U McCully. Jscob Doll piano; Mrs. July condition of U.o and in im or m.Tm ,X R. B. Belt. Hobart M. Cab e duo: Mr. 12.9. But the corn experience tms year "-rr. T";:" .7. ' a A. Hlara. Holiart M. Cable Dlano: has been peculiar, cold weather at plant- .J.ZXUn. Straw. Kimball Dlano; Mr. J. A. Ing, and It Is not certain what the plant Stocks are very light, and are not likely Baker. Licht pUno; Mr. Edward Evans. wlli do in ths way of revival. In ) K "ccumu,at. Tf!3f T.'dL..T"t.' r"lkrhff .PlnoL.J- ,B. W.- ..Hb.art id... .,n.ri.n lib tha nna Ibli """"is uemanu win quna imeiy aoauru i m. aula piano air. it. c. nail, new ?wP.i! i.J.r.rC percentage of the movement of England organ; Mr. R. B. May, Chicago year, and that year considerable im- ... " I Cottaae oraan: Mr. W. R Kemarv. . . I r'h Kir.. n non. a m , . I .. 1 r-r n a n.. rroruioa. Are OV. orala on raasatra. I and organ; M r. F. Clements. Victor pi- Provisions reached a new ww ew iukk, juiy is. urain on pas- s no- Mrs. y. a. huh. Bradhury; Mr. Uu.i i.a .i tnr tha aaannn and the I ana record shows: Wheat todav. J.-1 J. J. Henry, faclnc Uunen organ: Mrs. market aeema to be almost beyond any 600.000 bushels, a decrease of 100,000 ,bb, Richardson. Leicht piano: Miss control. Pork last week was tl. Laird about U-cent a pound oft about Va-cent a pound. Lard Is off sgo. l, 104,000 bushels, a decrease of ,Pp Ha1 Association. Kimball piano; over 1 cent from the high price of June X. 228,000 bushels. Corn today. 1,80,000 E. E. Kellogg. Leicht piano; A. M. and ribs are off almost as much. There bushels, a decrease of 1,170,000 bushels; Cult, Kimball piano; George Hartneas, la nothlna- .xt ranrrtln.rv about hog sup- a week ago, 18.179,000 bushols, an in- Ch ristle piano :C.E. Baker, pianola and nliea Thav hava had a break of over crease of 1,344.000 bushels; a year ago. cents a pound from the high point. 16,120,000 bushels, a decrease of 1,048,- There Is a sort of a crate to sen me uv Droduct. but hoars are paying a profit to pack and from time Immemorial It has JTorthwestern Orala, been the rule to sell provisions short CHICAGO, July 18. The Northwest eyunu u ouu.vvu uuaiivin, av ukimh ui ivv.vvv , r , off about bushels; a week ago. 81.600.000 bushels, rlIv.hiPi.!8 .'If.'n .PMj?0Wmi-m . . . - - ..... k..-v..i. . . .rA ueroysnlre. Kimball piano; Mr. vuilam d and ribs a decrease of 1.040.00 bushels; a year ounther, Paclflo Queen organ; Mlssls- Rlcca piano: E. J. McClure, Estey or gan; A. J. Enrenberg. Oreat Western or Jan; Mr. Cunningham, Kimball organ; esse Fletcher, Newman Bros, organ; Miss Anna E. Munts. Guild organ: C. E. Banows, Victor piano; J. M. Dunlap, Ho- Dart M. cable piano; Mrs. Lilssle Kerley, ieloht piano , . . I.' I ... . . , i. i - . . . . .... . i . 1 1 v uiaiiu, min. . Aliuriaviii, v 1 1 1 1 wnen tne nogs snow a proni in i":- em stock oi wneai sianua: wneai. o,- all organ' Mr Will H See, Hlnse pl lng. There Is now under way a notable 680,000 bushels; last year, 9,823,000 ano; Mr. H. A. Sylvester, Stuyvesant contest In the provision market The bushels. piano; Mra. 8. A. Chllds, Pacific Queen great packers are trying to establish organ; Mrs. h. r. Mcuuire. weDer piano; their hn.lnoa. on the basis aif other n r I roriTr Tnaiorrno iM May A. Banett. Woods organ; Mr, : ' I MsWfii r- I 11 I r- rXUIU-vrrMX if Issa lid I unrsan His nwsw no r M manufacturing Industries. They are nunu LO.mLM.nnu, uuo - BJd'-CetuVy 0'rg-7-"Mr , BVrB.11111 W XnaillLtaSIl a uianuaavtHi tm profit to pack their hogu and diiUribute Bhtrmn V. Short ai wlf- to B. C them without being compelled to all the oTt:. tJ.OO ttmepeculate In the market for profits. Arthur How)tt ,n1 vite to A. A. and T. II. Pitta, uortb 10 acres lot w, llssalwood It remains to be seen whether the effort ....-. k. hll.lnUM will succeed or fall. The principal difficulty Bos. 8u , ssd huab.nd to C. Canip- or control lies in me iaru. ui . i diuon In h a.tuatlrvn nf all the fata Meats Colluae Kndowment Asa'n to R. E can easllv be keot within bounds, but Tsrpley, psreel of land 87T feet . . V .- x annnrtv Dorm snd 1X1 reet west Dla a urn can DC int&uo tnov n ' j J j . . ... 1 1 oi , . and a superabundance of beef fats makes ?nK jf.,- Bank'to'Eri"c.''BroDugh the lard situation as dltncult as n tnere hit 4, bik it. lot l. bin 20, 1'ort was a superabundance of lard. , cJSr' ' i.'' 'i.' w It is reany an enon id gei ihb ij- n. w i hik iui r.in tik. lnr Industry out of reach of the speeu- bet s Addition lator Although there Is small amount Mar r, h inert to Julia T. Mcnaniel. of wheat moving .. 7wm" Tr.et ' "T." ot il. - Pattoo's maaeB plain nuw iiisn n llro 3 , xyaet Is to be this year. There were oniy oonrsd Rlndlaub to R. E. Haworth three ears of new wheat in nere uat urdav. but 14 graded Wo. 2 red and 17 No. 1 hard winter. 680.00 NEW YORK STOCKS r. E. N. Bould. Paclflo Queen organ; Mr. J. R. Hammer, racinc Queen organ; w. li. Kestner. Kimball organ; Adam A. Sauer, Burdette organ; Mrs. Flora Chllds, Pa cific Queen organ; Gardner Bros., tono phone; Captain J. 8. Cochran,' Weber pi ano; Mrs. L. H. Calame, Bentley organ; Miss M. Neugebauer, Singer piano; Mr. 225.00 C. V. Anderson, Hlnse piano, Mr. 11. M. Cushman. Hobart M. Cable; Miss D. I)elnos. Leicht piano; Mrs. E. Llndsey, Lester Dlano: M. Calof. Jacob Don Diano: 150.00 1 Mr. William Ouenther, Kimball organ; Mr. u. naciie. Lurana organ; Mrs. T..KK1 Vrhv V.varmtt n.nnn' Mlua Plln MO. 00 Btlnaon, Leicht piano; Mr. M. M. Fran cis. Hobart M. Cable piano; Mr. M. F. Jonea, Ueatty organ; M. E. Jarmon, Licht piano; Miss Ruby K. Mohr, Hlnze piano; Miss Leonora A. Leeds, McCam mon organ: Mr. George Hall. Mason A 290.00 Hamlin organ; Miss ftutiy Matschek, Hteinway piano; b. it. cogna, jr.. cor- earenl land William Caple I). L. C. 400.00 nish orean. Miss Edna Forbes. Decker Title Uuarantee & Trust Co. to T. J. piano; Mrs. A. H. Tocxman. Ceclllan pl- Berger, lot T, blk 13, North Irrlng- ano-player: R. H.Wood, Needham organ; ion . ... ... lou.uu miss Ida lien, Kimball organ; Mrs. O. H 400.00 Totsl DESCRIPTION. O t Oct your title Insurance and abstracts to real estate from the 'i le Guarantee & Trust Co Chamber of Commeroe. BUILDING PERMITS Plenty of Wsh. Bteelhead salmon from the Lower Co rn bla are in larger supplies and the lJcelpts of stocks from the Sound are tUia heavy. Other fish are unchanged. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: POETLAJTS WHOLESALE PEICEB, Oraln, Flour and Fsad. WHEAT Walla Walla. TOc; bluestsm, 80fl B2c: rsller, T7iT8r.. BARLEY Feed. 821.00; rolled. 322.00. OATS No. 1 wbltu, $1.17Vjitfl.2o; grsy, IMS jjll7ii.. FLO u B Eastern Oregon: Patents. 34. 10 4.46; strslgbts, 3.S0; Val.er. s.0U(aa.au; gra fcam. Us. 1T15; 10s. 8.TS9. MILL8TUFTS Bran, 323.00 par ton: mid. dllngn, 127.00; shorts. $22. SO; chop, 118.00. HAY Ttroothjr. 18.0ujlT.O0; clorer. $10.00 C17.00; California, grain 117. rW. Hops, Wool snd Hides. HOPS 1TH4j18c for choice' 1003 contracts, 16aiTc n WOOL Valley, lB18e. rosrse: medium to fair, 16lBiic: flue. 18lTc: Eastern Ors. gon, lOtilSc; Mohair, nominal, 3M37o. SHBKPSKINS ShearinB, UViUWc; short wool, 22 '3 23c; medium wool, Due; long wool, 80C&I1.44 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, 4Sc; No. 3 sod grease. 22V4c. a.iM yrj niua, nu, ji, u iwuuu. nnu 10e per Tb; dry kip, No, 1, S to 15 Ths, : drv calf. No. 1. under 5 Tim. 15c: drr alted. bulls snd stars. 1-3 leaa than dry Bint: sslted hides, steer, snnnd. 00 pounds or erer, T8c; BO to 00 lbs, 7 He; under Bo lbs snd cows. eaTe: atnrs and bulls, sound. Be: kip,' sound, Ts to 80 lbs. Tc; sound, 10 to 14 lbs. Tc; calf, sound, under 10 lbs, 8c; green iunsslted), lc per, lb less: calls, 1c per tb less; borse bides, salted, eseh. fl.23Ql.TB; Car, eseh. tl.OO&Dl.BO: colt' hide, each. ittfiSOc; goat skins, common, eseh. lOgglBc; Angora, trltb Wsol on, each, 25cQ1.00. , Butter, If ta and Poultry. , BUTTER Eitras, z2Vic; creamery. S1Q f no Tin ria m H i l as IX It! f it -li THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE The coffee habit is quickly over come by those who let Grain-0 take its place. If properly miado it tastes like the best of coffee. No grain coffee compares with it in flavor or healthful ness. , j TRY IT TO-OAYa , -atfroesrs STarywhsrs jlc. sad ISO, per package. HONOR WITH "IXC ITEM EN' At a recent fraternity dinner John Kendrick Pangs told this story as one of his political experiences: "At the time I was running for mayor of Yonkers I saw a laborer digging In a trench, and I thought I would try to cap ture his Vote. I went up to him and said: "Hello, Pat." "He looked at me without recognising me and said: 'Good mornln.' sor.' "I said it was a fine day and. asked him if he ha4" made up his mind how he would vote at the election. " 'Ol don't know, sor; but wan thing is sure, Ol'll not vote for that dahm fule Bang's.' " "Why notr " 'Well,' said he, "he's a swell and a 'roostercrat and a dood.' "I explained to him as best I could that Mr. Bangs was none of these things, and, even If he was It was because ho couldn't help It. I Invited him to come and have a drink with me; he accepted, and after having taken two or three drinks we -became-very, friendly .While he was in a seemingly affable mood I confessed that I was Bnngs. I had In my pocket a cigar, and as It was tht last of a box that Robert Louis Stevenson had sent me from Samoa prized it highly. But much as I prised it I thought It well spent if I could clinch Pat's vote with it. I asked Pat if he would smoke and he said he would. lie took the cigar, bit off the end, put it in his mouth and lit It. Then suddenly he grasped the cigar and threw it violently to the ground. "In astonishment I asked him: 'Isn't It a good cigar?" " "Yes. sor,' he said, 'the seegar Is good enough, but in me excitement in meetin' you Ol forgot Oi nlvir smoke.' " New york Times. Why not make the trip to the famous Yellowstone National Park? Tou can do so at a very moderate expense. Spe cial excursion tickets are on sale dally at the Northern Pacific ticket office, No. 2S5 Morrison srtreet. This Is the best month In the year to visit the Park and the Park Association are fully prepared to take care of all tourists desiring to make the trip. Call at the office. No. 256 Morrison street, , tor Park literature and full particularJ. All arrangements will be made for you prior to starting on the trip. Low excursion rates to all points East will again be placed In effect by the Northern Pacific on July 12. IS, 14, n and 1. and again on August 18, 19. 28 and 28. Full particulars in person or by letter can be had by calling on or addressing A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 265 Morrison street Portland, Or. Journal friends and readers when traveling on trains to and from 'Port land should ask news agents for Ths Journal and insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures in obtaining It to tha office of publication, addressing Ths Journal. Portland. Ore. Anaconda Mining Co. .. Amal. Copper Co. . ... Atchison, common . ... Atchison, pfd Amer Csr. Found com Amer. Car A Found, pfd Amer. sugar, cola . Amer. Rmelt., com Amer. Smelt., pfd . B. A O., com Brooklyn Rap. Tran. Can. Par., com . . . Cbl. A Alton, com . Chi. A Alton, pfd . Chi. A O. W.. com . C, M. St. P C. A W., com Chi. Term. Rsllwsy Ches. A Ohio .. ... Col. Fuel A Iron, com Colo. Southern, com Colo. Southern, 2d pfd Colo. Southern, 1st pro Del. A Hudson . P. A R. (i., com I. A R. 0., pfd Erie, com . . , Erie. 2d pfd . . . Erie, 1st pfd . . Ilk Central . . Louis. A Naah. . Met. Traction Co. Manhattan EIpt. , tei,. Centrsl R7. Mexlrsn National Minn.. St. P. A 8te. M. M.. St. P. A file. M. pfd Missouri I'scine M. K A T., com . t v. M. K. A T.. pfd New York Centrsl ... Nor. A West, com . Nor. A Western, pfd North American . . N. X.. Ont. A West. Penn. Rr P. O., L. A Coke Co.. I"reseed Steel Car, com. Pressed Steel Csr, pfd Prc. Mall Steam. Reading, com . . . Reading. 2d pfd ( . Readtns. 1st pfd . Rep. Iron A Steel, com. Kep. iron Bioei, via. kock isisna, com . Rock Island, pfd . South. Rr., com South. Hy. pfd t Soutbern Paclflc . . St L. A S. F., com. . . St. L. A H. P., 2d pfd St. L. A S. r.. 1st pfd St. L. a 8. w., com St. L. A 8. W pfd . Texas ft rscinc . . . Tenu. Coal A Iron , . I'nlon Psclflc, com . . Union Pacific, pfd . . V. 8. Lesther, com . II. S. Steel Co., com.. V. S- I-esther, pfd . IT. S. 'Steel Co.. pfd . Wis. Centrsl, com . . Wis. Centrsl, pfd . . Weat. Union Tel. . . . Wabash, com . . . Wsbssh. pfd . . . 88 DOT. eoft 80 68H sit 3Si 84 88 118 H3 OO 122 I 06 17 145 160 81 Si 68H 180 108 . I Hlatt .1 & c WliAAler nlimn- Mra flora ....... 4,0T6. 00 Morser. Draper piano; Miss Jennie O. vanhoy, Klcea piano; Mr. L.. J. John son, Brlnkerhoff piano; Rev. Grosscup, Milton piano; Mr. G. M. Peddlcord, Vose & Son piano; Mr. R. W. Robinson. Brlnk erhoff piano; Do Lance Wallace, B1L horn organ; J. H. Brown, Victor piano; Mrs. M. E. Combellc. Kimball organ; Mr. F. A. Durham. Steger piano: Bancroft To W. F. Edwsrds. construct two-story if?' xJ,.L.FJLlanHUMrA Vp . R' r dwelling st Twentr-thlrd snd PettrgroTe Sewell, Marshall piano; Hicks & Peter u. streets costlns? 82 840. son, Leicht piano; Miss Amy Rudolph, To Columbia Engine Work, alter two-atory ivnnimu vignn, mr. jumi 1. orami, brick at Ninth and Johnaon, coating S4,oon. Beatty organ; Mr. J. C. Davis, Klm To Dr. Kunn. construct two-stnrr dwelllna ball organ: Mr. K. Olson. Sherwood nl- at Marsbsll snd Twenty-first street, coating ano: M. A. Shanklln, Weber piano; J. P. 4.000. Carlyle, Hlnze piano; Miss Pauline In Mia U. Flrnn. reoatr one-atorr eottaara Rnumex K'lmhnll ntnnn' O P Pnahnv 8i at East Ann ana Kaat renin, coating zso. Btlhorn organ; Mr. W. II. Savage, Klm 3 T? S' Kser, nmetriict one-torr cottage at ball organ; Mrs. A. O. Stout. Haddorff o4 B" Fourteenth and Going, coating piano; Mrs. M. S. DoDDold. Jacob Doll 121 jl "i..i'?mDrl: I?0- Dn " Piano: Mrs. Bertha G. Hugh. Hardman S$ To V LsVoue! ncTone-story 1 ??5 on Eugene between Rodney snd Union. etlS g- 4??? I v if t . . I Dennle O'Connell. Weher nlsnn: Mr on Third snd Ysmhlll. costing 5,O00. George C. 8nlder, Kimball organ, $46; To H. Boyson, cona tract one-atory eottsge OB Mr. W. C. Cable, Miller: G. W. Wisdom, Main sod Esst Twenty-drst. costing 11.200. Hlnze piano; Mrs. M. J. Gerrltse, Klm- naii organ; oir. nj. jvu aanuers, iiooart M. Cable piano: Mr. F. H. Kllboume, nlannla- Xv IP XT Urnnwapl Qt ami rrA Piano; Mr. W.' H." Glafke, pianola; Wll- . . , lllam H. McEwan, pianola; Mr. George July 10. to Mr. snd Mrs. P. Shea of 428 1 OnihQth uinu n(unn Mr c V Moi. Beech atreet, a daughter. aon Jnrtnh Drill nlann; Mr P Hi. Preatnn June 80, to Mr. and Mra. E. A. Oleaa of ij.h a nr.a r.Tann- Mra Vu w ata. U-eet, B on. I TI,,.,t rfra n . VIntn. IT Vnllalv man. Kimball piano; John Stanley, Wesar piano; w. M - inorapson. iioDart M. Cable piano: Mrs. A. Klssell. Burdett or gan; jars. w. r. uurreii, wener piano; L. J. Rich, Burdett organ; J. A. Mo Adams, Kimball piano; J. O. Toung, Kimball piano; Mrs. H. 8. Green. Hlnse piano; John P. Anderson, Kimball piano; F. M. Lof tie, Kimball organ; George Stephenson Parker piano; E. E. Snow, Kimball piano; A. Jarren, Leicht piano. This list comprises sales made in our rortiana store sione, jcuers r lano House, wasnington street, oorner rara, fort land, Or. Other large stores. San Fran elaco, Calj Spokane, Wash., and Sac ramento, uai. World's Orals VbJpmeots. NEW TORK, July II. The world's grain shipments were: Wheat, lsst week, 1,184,000 bushels; previous week, 9.446. 000 bushels: last year, 7.701.000 bushels. Corn, (.1(4,000 bushels, against 6,223,000 bushels last week, and 4,084,000 bushels last year. Amsvloaa OnUa Visible. CHICAGO. July II. The visible sup ply Is: Wheat, decrease of 1.669,000 bushels; corn. Increase of 230,000 bush els; oats, decrease of 8,000 bushels. Orala Clearances. NEW YORK. July 18. Ths grain clearances are: Wheat 842.000 bush els; flour 12.000 barrels; corn, 686.000 bushels: oats. 29,000 bushels. Wheat snd flour 299.000 barrels. LOW BATHS TO TatB BAIT. The Canadian Paclflo will again place on sale excursion tickets good for stop overs, with long-time limit These tick ets will be on sale July 12, II. 14, 16 and 16. and again on August 18, 19, 25 and 26. For full particulars, call on or address F. K. Johnson. F. 4k P. A., 142 Third street, Portland. Or. HENRY WEINHARD 2rof rletor of the CITY BREWERY fcarreart a4 afosr OotnplsAa Srewery ta tha Boartkwatra. Bottled Beer a Specialty TBaVBTXOn Bo. TS. Ofloe lMh aad Bamatda UseAs, roBTzajn, omBOOV. 3 citt oncM. rtorotio Aiiiiaxxirr xo iuthoix- BUT Or XA1T TKIKIKXXf H ITtUI, Notice la hereby given that th Coowll nf tha City -of Portland pmpoSe te aaeeaa the fal lowing deserllted proiierty sad eww and own ers ss being specially and peculiarly baneflted in the araounra set opposite the saaiee sM Oscrtptloaa thereof for the ImproTeoieal et Bast Thirteenth atreet, froot the snath line et East Morrison street to the north line of Haw. vraiw, aa vwv,uw WW awiM 18,279. Any objeetlons to the spportkiameat ef enet for ssld impronmant mnat be made Is writing tn tha Council and Sled with the Auditor wlthta fifteen dajra from the data ef tha Rrat publics tlon of this notice, lU said objection will be beard snd determined by the (Vwncll before tha pssaags of tb ordinance assecslag the east of said Improvement. Eat Portland Blk 2M. lot 8, Edward 0. Jones ,. 100 Of Rlk 2VI. lot 1. Edward (1. Junaa SO 44 Blk ar8. lot . Josephine M. fowgtll... Blk V. lot 5, Josephine M. Cowgtll... ' Blk 2oT, eaat H lot 8. Martin Oamld.. Blk 7, aaat H kt T. Martin tMeold.. Blk T, weat H lot 8. Klrlda A. Bur neaa Blk 26T, weat H lot T, Klrlda A. Bur- coot eo.M 81 M M.M 4M I.M inn 115,83 F. W. Bakes & Co. PRINTERS Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES CITT V0TI0ZS. BIRTHS haiI 828 Flan den street. I v..-a ar a. M July 8. to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Shsnklsnd of 710 Ellsworth street, s son. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Harry Senler, 828 College street Msble Collard, 823 Hood street I S'i'ri 1194 BOU 50 8fil MM 26 8" 72 H 80 V, SB 21 ail , Hlnse nlsno: Dr. W. J. Rns-are. Ilcht piano: Miss Lutle Emmons, Kimball pi ano; E. J. Btanard, Victor piano; Mr Thnmfls Schoolcraft. Crown niano: Thomas Jones, Singer piano; Arthur Duete. Ieicht piano; Mrs. K. M. Pray. Bchulz organ: Miss Angle Hollett, 'Kim ball piano; Miss Mabel Rlddell. Bush & Oerts piano; Mr. C. J. Lisle, Kimball or gan; Sirs. M F, Hill, Kimball organ; Miss Iner Hall, Ceclllan piano player; Mrs. Emma Allen, Whitney phuio; Jacob Uuchele. Hcnulz organ; miss l.uella flnrlf. Jllnio nlano: Mr. F. 1. Derhv JnlT 10. Onlts aare McLcod. 284 Eaat Milton Diano: Mrs. F. P. David. Kimball Thirty-serenth street, of pneumonls. Inter- piano; Epiphany Episcopal Church, Che- Hwui L n nr i-cuiri,,. , nans. wasn.. KimDau organ: ennsuan July 11. Kate Psrmelee, aged 27. at .gt. Endeavor Society, Hillsdale, Or., Crown I llt-ii i p Airmyi ii , ui auaicuii;. gXWUlH 1IT 8.S8 11. 48 18.70 4.19 8.29 18.70 42.38 July 8. measles. JnlT 10, diphtheria. DEATHS hipped to Alexandria, Neb., for interment. t fsFTVav Vls1wa1 VrMloMakeai TTSb A . Wis. a. A).. f. aaW aVUWsMU aSH li I S IJ If II 11 TTI If I IIH We I t oaeral dlreotors aad embaLmem, Bud Tarn hill, rhone 507. 884 22! 22 4l 88 Sales. 944.000. piano; Miss A. M. Bunting. Hlnze piano; Mr. George Gears, Weber piano; Miss Eva M Kyan, nun & uerts piano; Mr. John Chalstrom, Weser piano; Miss Lois Wetle, Kimball piano; Mr. A. M. Stearns, Victor piano; Lizzie Klrke. Brlnkerhoff piano; Miss Nellie Hennessy, Weber piano; Miss Pearl Tlce, Whitney piano; Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Hobart M. Cable pi anordr. -George Housman, Weser piano; J. O. Stearns. Kimball organ; Mrs. Jen nie Barnes, Kimball organ; Miss Rose Bukosky, Whitney piano; Rev. L A. To hnrgian, Kimball organ; Trinity M. E. Church. Hobart M. Cable piano; F. W. Goheke, Kimball piano; L. O. Jones, Hlnze piano; L- Green, Victor piano; W. A. Evans, Hlnze piano; Miss Emma G. DnMninn Unllott Jk Davia nl.nn - I T. BZWSB VXBW OE1CBTEBT. Calvert. Jacob Doll Dlano: Oeofre' b! Ingle graves, 110. Family lota from Weaver. Weber Dlano: J. H. Marks. An- $76 to $1,000. The only oemetery la gelus; H. J. Davts. Smith piano; Rev. Portland which perpetually maintains II. Whlttrack, Chickerlng; A. Mlnnlcke, and cares for lots. Por Jul! Information Marshall piano; Mrs. Z. Peterson, Kim apply lo W, a Maokensle, Woroester ball piano; C. W. McCoy, Vose & Son Block, city. W. SC. Ladd, president. piano; R.W. Robinson, Brlnkerhoff piano; Mrs. C. J. Nassa, Hobart M. Cable piano; Orala Primary Becelpts. Willie Williamson. Kimball plnno; C. C. T. P. Flnley and Boa. funeral directors ad embalmers, hare removed to their new establishment, oorner Third and Madison streets. Both phones Bo. . Orematorlom. oa Oregoa City ear line, neaur Bell wood: modern, solentlflo. complete. Ohargea Adults, A3S ; ohil dren, $115. Visitors 9 to 6p. m. Portland Cremation Association, Portland, Or. "LADY" SWEEPS -The primary re- Lester piano; Miss Anna Stewart, Leicht CHICAGO July IS eelpts are: wneai oih.ooo Dusneis piano; N. H. Schledol. Kimball piano; aKuinm o.uuo uubikjib iiui year, cum, josepn Hi. rjnnis, ninie piano; . it, S42 000 bushels, asrainst 418.000 bushels Wolf. Weber Dlano: Ed O'Learv. Kim- t- ahinmanta ' wha ball oraan: F. P. Kendall. Marshall & For startling innovations, especially m,000 bushels, against 257.000 bushels Traver; B; K. Wolff, pianola; Thomas PROPOSES ABBE88MEHT TOE TXPB0VX- MEVT Or DEVTES ATEVTX. Notice I hereby siren that the Connrll of the City of Portland propose to aaaess the fol lowla described DroDertr and owner or own er a being pcllly and peculiarly benefited in toe amount et oppoalte the name and description thereof for the Improrement of Denrer arenue, rrom tne aouin line oi mi llnaworth arenue to the south line of Webster street, a prorlded by ordinance No. 18,078. Any objection to tne apportionment oi coat for aald lmproTement must be made In writing to tne ouoou ana niea witn me Aunitor within fifteen day from the date of tha flrat publication of this notice, snd said object Ion will be heard and determined by tbe Council before the passage of tha ordinance assessing tbe coat or aalfl improrement. Terminus Addition, near Alblna Rlk B. lot 1. Bamuel B and Ellis C Drown $ 23.81 Blk fi. lot 2, Samuel B and Ellis V Brown Bik 6, lot 14, Ralph B Smith Blk B, lot 13, Halph B Smith Bralnard Tract, near Alblsa Blk 1. lot 1, John Bread! Blk 1, kt 2, John Bresell' , .... Blk 1. lot 14. Jennie E Bnrnfasm ...... Blk 1, lot 13, William E Bralnard Blk 3, lot 1. Pacific Coast Abetract Guarantee A Trust t'o Blk 3. lot 2. Pacific Coast Abstract vusrante A Trust Co 869 Blk 3, lot 14, William (' Noon 42.66 Blk 3. lot 18, William C Noon 1S2 21 Blk 6, lot 1. C J Smith 23.61 Blk 6. lot 2. C J Smith 11.68 Itlrenlde Addition Blk 6, weit 100 feet lot 1, Charles O Olsea Blk B. wet 100 feet lot 2. Charles O Olaea Blk B. weat 100 feet lot 23, Andrew Johnson , Blk 6 west 100 feet lot 34, Andrew Johnson Blk 6, west 100 feet lot 1, Anna B Bernard Blk 8. west 100 feet lot 2, Anna 8 Barnard Blk fl. west 100 feet lot 23, Anna 8 Bernard Blk 6, west 100 test lot 24, Anna 8 Bernard Blk 7, west 100 feet lot 1. M P Brig- bam et al Blk 7, weat 100 feet lot 2, M P Brig ham et si Blk 7. weat 100 feet lot 23. Edgsr E snd Annie F Coursen 103.82 Blk 7. west 100 feet lot 24. Edgsr E and Annie F Coarsen 189.43 Brk . west 190 feet let 1, EeAer E and Annie F Coursen 76 88 Blk 8. weat 47.5 feet lot 2. Edgar and Annie F Couraen 27.83 Blk 2fi7, lot 6. Central Truat A Inreat ment Compsny Blk 2BT, lot B. Centrsl Trust A Israel- tnent Company Hawthorn Park Blk 2M, lot 9, Catherine H. Beck . 118 M Blk 2ft. lot 7. Catherine 11. Berk 121 -4 ma mb, west mi n, Urals n. Bolae snd Catherine 11. Berk 10.9t Blk 2B6, west H lot B, Louise H. Bolae snd Catherine H. Beck 11.04 Blk 2M, esst H lot 6. Alice M. Barnes, 100 M Rlk 2o6, east H lot A, Alice M. Barnes, JIB kVI Blk 2M. lot K A. M. Oskee 78.S4 Blk 2KB. lot 7, A. M. Oake 7S.0ft Blk 2A6, west H lot 8, Catbernlne H. Beck ATI Blk 2fiA. waat H lot 7, Catherine H. Berk T4J Blk 2M, weat U lot 6, Ogleabr Toung, A TO Blk 2KB. weat Vi lot ft, Ogleaby Toung, 4.TJ Blk 2T.B. eaat Vi lot , 11. B. Smith... TS.B Blk 2M, esst H lot fi. H. 8. Smith 78.44 Blk 254, lot 8, Louise II. Bolae and Cstherlna FI. Beck 88.88 Blk 2A4. lot T. Lonlae II. Bolae and Catherine H. Beck 84.0) Blk 254. lot 6, Ixwls II. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck 84 tT Blk 254. lot S. Uwlse II. Bote ssd Cstherlne II. Beck 86. H Blk 258. lot 8, Uwlse II. Boise sad Cstherlne FI. Back 84 Blk 258, lot 7. I Mine H. Boise ssd Catherine H. Beck 83. Tl Blk 258. lot 6. Urals II. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck 84.BT Blk 253. lot B, Ixrntse H. Bolae sad Cstherlne H. Beck B1JU Blk 25X lot 8. ImIn II. Bolae snd Cstherlne II. Beck B7.ll Blk 252. lot T, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne B. Berk 84.02 Blk 252. lot 6, Louise H. Boise and Cstherlne H. Beck 80.31 Blk 252, lot B, Louise fi. Boise sod Cstherlne H. Beck 72.40 Kaat Portland Blk 25, lot 1. Cbarlee Oanler 83.47 Blk 2MS. lot 2, Charlea Oanler 81.27 Blk 2X5, eaat H lot 8, Oeorge Shearer. , 3.11 Blk 2x6, eaat L lot 4. George Shearer.. 3.2S Blk 2S5. weat V lot 8, John I. fg.. T6.IM Blk 2M. west H lot 4. John P. Osgs.. 7T.KJ1 Blk 2X6, lot 1. P. O. Ixindln 80.67 Blk 2X6. lot 2, P. O. Lundln T 28 Blk 2X6. eaat H lot 8, Henrietta Kern.. 17.50 Blk 1x6, eat hi lot 4. Henrietta Kern.. 16.81 Blk 6. weat lot 8, Anna Stock 10.. 101.73 Blk 2X6. weat H lot 4, Anna Btocklen.. 8A2B Hawthorne Park - Blk 2X7. kit 1, Louise H. Boise snd ' Cstherlne H. Beck 121.18 Blk 287, lot 2, Lonlse U. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck 134.0 12 4 1A0O Blk 2X7. wt H lot 8. C. E. McDonnell 124.08 Blk 2ST, west V, lot 4, C. 126.34 Blk 2X7. east H lot 8. Edward B. Miller. ins jui, east h lot . sowsra a. miiht. McDonnell McDonneU. Rlk 9X8. WMt U lot 1. Catherine II. Beck and Loolae H. Boise 78.84 Blk 2X8, west H lot 2. Catharine B. Beck and Louise H. Bolae 78.84 Blk 2x8, eaat lot 1. Bobt. Gardner.. 4.78 Blk 2HH, east ' lot 2, Bobt. Osrdner.. 4.T8 Blk 2X8, eaat lot 3, J. L. Wallln.... 4.88 Blk 2H8. east V4 lot 4. J. L Wallln.... 4.81 Blk 2N8. wast H lot 3, Louise H. Boise sod Cstherlne H.' Beck 78.3 Blk 2X8. west H lot 4, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne II. Beck 78.03 Blk 280, west H kt 1. Ids Lello Wst- aon 79.27 Blk 2S. west lot 2, Ids Leila Wat son sii.ro 8.75 21.96 41.85 48.11 18.59 18.56 14.04 24.67 81.94 86.09 Blk 2X9. east M, lot 1. P. L. Clous Blk 2X9. esst lot 2. D, L. Clooae Blk 2X9. lot 3, Louis Q. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 2X9, lot 4. Louise II. Bolae snd Cstherlne II. Beck Blk 280, lot 1, Louise II. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 2o, lot 2, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 290. lot 8. Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Ills 290. lot 4, Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 291. west H lot 1. Louise II. Boise snd Cstherlne n. Berk Blk 291. west H lot 2. Louise H. Boise snd Cstherlne H. Beck Blk 291, sat H lot 1. B. L. Cste ...... Blk 291. esst li lot 2. B. L. Cste b 291. lot 3. Lonlse H. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck Blk 291, lot 4, Ix)ulse H. Bole snd Cstherlne H. Beck T.eo Total 18.319.53 4.ST 1.03 84.34 87.10 83.96 86.28 90.00 90.BT 79.83 79. 3 4.96 4.96 82.11 July 13, THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. 1903. PB0P08ZD ASSESSMENT JOB ZXPBOTX. MXKT OF EAST 8ETEJTTH 8TB EXT, Notice Is hereby siren that the Council ef the city of Portland propose to asaess the rniinwlnr drlhed nronertr and owner or own ers as being specially snd pecullsrly benefited In the smounta set opposite the names snd descrlDtions thereof for ths lmproTement ot Esst Seventh street, from tbe south line ef Hoi- Totsl 11,058.00 THUS. C. DBVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Jnly 13, 1903. In the woman's sphere of activity. Bus ala runs America very hard. The lat est move In this direction is chronicled In the St Petersburg Press. The dar ing Innovator is the widow of a chim ney sweep who died recently, leaving half a dosen olive branches, all of them glfls. Necessity, whlcn is the mother of Invention, has how inspired this thoughtful woman to take to her hus band's calling, and In order to do the thing thoroughly while she Is about it she means to form a whole guild of female sweeps. If the police grant the needed permission. By way of assist ants, or, as Lamb termed them, "un edged practitioners," she professes to last year; corn, 383.000 bushels, against 2R6.000 bushels last year. Hers I Mothers!! Mothers!!! Roberts. Weser Diano: Mrs. G. C. DemD- sey, weDer piano; mibs Lm. urossen, Kim bail orsran: Mr. w. u. urossen. .K.inv ball organ; Mr. W. O. Johnson. Leicht piano; J. H. L. Mack. Kimball piano; George B. Barsee. Peerless organ: Miss Dollte Finn. Fischer piano; Orient Lodge. I. O. O. F., Grand avenue. City, pianola; j. c. Wilson. Kimoaii organ; Mrs. c J. Nassa. KimbalL piano; Miss Edith Fos ter. Brlnkerhoff piano; Henry Backer, Whitney & Holmes organ; M. F. Painter. Kimball organ; E. D. Bummers, Kimball organ: .John Brown, Leicht piano; R. R. Fraser. Hobart M. Cable piano; L. M. Ligg, Hobart M. Cable piano; Mrs. Delia Bennett, Newby & Evans piano; Bishop Earl Cranston, pianola; H. B. Hunting ton. Kimball organ; The Haywood Club. Chickerlng piano; F. W. Stahlman. Kim ball organ; Mrs. in. jonnson, Kimball Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syiud . 1 ... U.. .i. m m .. a V"L?'."" '"l I Sea been aed for or BETTY THABB l ifTT. niano: Amelia C. Wilson. Kimball or ;v' w7" ln tB"-'own , men,oer uowa of mothers for thtWctmjMJtH an; Miss Agnes Thompson, Sherwood the guild would Include girls and women UONa 01 MOTHERS, for their CHUDBSM g.an'n. Mr- P A. Church. Kimhen or. from 14 to 38. The first. appearance of while TEBTJnNG, wlta PERFECT 8TJCCBB j gan; L. C. Weik. Kimball piano; R. A. these novel sweeps Is fixed for August 1. H SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the OTJlfS, Jackson. Chickerlng piano; Huntley Tne reduced nomeseekers rates, afree. I a the best remedy for SIAR&HCEA. Bald tnr I r Martin Paoinn n..n nrnn ui.. r i! 5iJJI v apply via the Denver Druggists fq. ercry part of the world. Be sore B. Johnson. Kimball piano; Nelson Hur, Bio Grande. Have your friends come .k Msieeaohiw sev. McCammon piano; Alva Harch. Pa through Salt Lake City, over the scenio "d ak for Mrfc Winslowjs Soothlag Syrtrp,- c orV,; WlllUm Frederick lina of the world. sad take ao other kind. Twenty-aTecta.abatUa, .or. Kimball organ: Mrs. P. J. Stadel. PB0P08ES AS8ES8XEBT FOR IMPE0VE- XEBT Or EAST TWEVTT-aTIKTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst the Council of the City of Portland proposes to ssses the following described property snd owner or owners a being apeflallr and peculiarly bene- filed In the amounte set opposite tbe nsmes snd descriptions thereof for the lmproTement of East Twenty-ninth street from the north line of Eaat Burnalde atreet to the south line of East Paris street, as proriuea by ordinance No, 13.2.TO. Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for aald Improrement must be nude In writing to the Council and filed with the' Auditor within fifteen dar a from tbe date of the first publica tion of this notice, and ssld objections will be heard and determined by tbe Council before the paeasge of the ordinance sssesslng the cost of aald improvement. Hawthorne s t lrst Addition to East Portland Blk 17, lot 6. E. L. Hand ....$ 101.09 Blk 17, lot 5, Ernest Hssenmayer 8.74 Blk 17, lot 8. H. M. McBUlowney 5.27 Blk 17, lot T, H. M. McEldowney 78.N4 Rlk 24. lot A. Kara A. McOowan IS. 2ti Blk 24, lot 5. Sara A. McOowan 2il9 Blk 24. lot 8. Mary J. Graham 8.33 Rlk 24. lot 7. Mary J. Graham 98.19 Blk 18, lot 1. Mary A. Heltkemper .... 97.60 H k IK. lot X Mary A. Meitaemper.... H.Z4 Blk IN, lot il, Margaretta Bernl 6.88 Blk 18. lot 12. Margaretta Bernl 88,04 Blk 2.1. lot 1, Mluerra A. and Henry H. Pierce 180.59 Blk 23. lot 2. Minerva A. and Henry H. Plercev 30.10 Blk 23. lot 11. Thomas Mulr 7.78 Blk 23, lot 12, Thomas W. Psreott.... 94.3T ladae arenue to the north line of Paclflc street.' as provided by ordinance No. 12,929. Any objections to tbe apportionment ef cost for ssld Improrement must be made in writing to tbe Council snd filed with the Auditor within fifteen dsys from the dste of tbe first publica tion nf tha notice, snd ssld objections will be hesrd and determined by the Council before tbe passsge of the ordinance assessing tbe cost of ssld Improrement. , Hollsday's Addition to East Portland Blk 82, lot 8, Marths Cogswell $ 54.88 Blk 82. lot 8, Msrtbs Cogswell 53.81 Blk 82. weat lot 6, Sophie Harr 6.82 Blk 82. west Vi BIK 82, esst Blk 82. east Blk 91. lot lot 5. Sooble Harr .... lot a. S1STJ D TOOTS '. i' lot 5. Mary E Thorn .... 48.74 Ths Oregon Seal Estate 6.96 4f.8- Company 78.81 Blk 91, lot 2, Tbe Oregon Beal Estate Company 73.81 Blk 91. lot b The Oregon Beal Estate Company T8.81 Blk 91. lot 4, Tbe Oregon Best. Estate Company . .... ... T4.33 Total .....8512.S THOS. C. PEVMN, Auditor ot the City of Portland. July IS, 1903. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR IKPEOTE. MEVT OF BHERatisT STREET. Total . . M. July 18. 1903. TflOB. C. Auditor of The City of Portland, IEV r'lLN ,003.51 POWDXABTER'S B0TICE. Notice is hereby gfren that en the 11th dsy of July. 1903, I took up and enipounded at ths City Pound, at No. 381 Sixteenth street, lo tbe City of Portlsnd, Oregon, the following described animal: Bay pony two bind 'feet white, brand B on left shoulder and 5 In a circle on right ahoulder) white noae and spot on forehead, sod bsd hob bles on; and anless tbe owner, or other person or persons baring sn interest therein, shsll claim possession of tbe same, and pay all coat and charges of tbe keeping and advertising them, together with tbe pound fees on said animal, as provided by ordinance No. B,92fi ss amended, of ssld City ot Portlsnd I will oo tha 18th dsr of July. 1908. at the hnnr nf in a. m.. at the City Pound, at No. 361 Sixteenth, in ssld city, sell tha a bora described animal at public section to the highest bidder to pay tbe costs snd charges for taking up, keeping snd advertising ssld animal. Dated tbla Mtb dar or Jnly. 1908. , , F. W. EED, reoadmsftac Notice is hereby given tbst the Council of the City of Portlsnd proposee to sssess ths following described property snd owner or own ers s being specially snd pecullsrly benefited In tbe amounta set opposite the nsmes sad descrlotions thereof for the Improrement of Sherman atreet, from the west line of Sixth street to 800 feet west of west line of Sixth street, aa prorlded by ordinance No. 12,935. Any objections to the spuortlonment of cost for said Improvement roust be -made In writing to the Council snd filed with the Auditor with in fifteen dsys from tbe date ot the first pub lication of this notice, snd said objections will be besrd snd determined by tbe Council before the passsge of the ordinance sssesslng the east of ssid Improvement. .... Csrutber's Addition to isrutner s Aaaiuen to the City of Portland ' Blk 33, lot o, James 1. airvowan. ...... . o j Blk 88, lot 6, James L McCowsn ...... 1.21 Blk 86. esst lot 3. A B snd Ada R . Fsnno Blk 86, sast H lot 4, A R and Ada B Fanno 81.48 Blk 86, east 87.95 feet of west H lot 5, Rncranla R Tarirart 4.83 Blk 36, esst 87.95 feet of west Vi lot 4, Kiutenla H Taggart w Blk 84. lot 1. John Barbey 6.41 Blk 84, north l-34 feet lot. 2, Elisabeth li Master -. .77 Blk 84, south 8.66 feet lot 2. Isssc Ge vurta Jf A tract of lnnd lying between two line respectively 106.026 feet snd 167.025 " ' feet west of snd parallel with tie west Use of Sixth street snd between ths south line of Sherman street snd a , line 99 feet south of ssd parallel ; . therewith, James II Taggart 4.08 , A tract of land lying between two lines . .,: reepectlTSly 157.02S feet and 224.4 feet , weat of and parallel with ibe west line of. Sixth street and between tbe aouth line of Sherman street and a line 100 feet south of and parajel , . ' therewith, Bruno B Gunther 8.81 1 A tract of land lying between a line 224.4 feet west of snd parallel with , - . the west line of Sixth street snd tbe easterly line of blk 84, Caruther'a. sddltlon to Csrutber's Addition to ,. the City ef Portland, snd twtweea the south tine ef . Baermsa street and a -, line 100 feet seats of snd H'sil! therewith. Annie U aUkwey 1W 8S Total . . .. I ' i ' ........... 31 1 . ft : : TU08. ft. KEVtIN, , - Asdltac of the City ef Portland, ..July 13, 1903. : .,,,. c