The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 11, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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;rravels'j from 'Illinois On 'Ad- Miss i Bessie Snipes, 4 Ydung, Em li ' Byars : a Farm Laborer .
4a iiii
'. a i n . '' 1 ' .1 in i n' .... ' I n 1 1 i i .
cures nign nonor,
u o lakhi t al uuccn ; dui ill ur ir uioiv i
cafes . the Missing, ".
to March of til son, WUIlam, from
whom ho had received no mas sags sine
last Maroh. 1. T. Bhepard arrived In
Portland thla morning from Mount Ver
sion, 111!," and without waiting to teg'.
, later at a. hotel, walked rapidly to. tho
bollc atatlon whero ha mad anxloua
.inquiry of Capt Oritsmacher. Ha waa
told, that nothing waa known of Ma
son. but that If he would return In an
hour, an "officer would be detailed to go
with htm, and aid him In the search.
Hardly had . the hour elapsed, whan
rjo aged father walked Into the atatlon.
, and told the captain that ha had located
Me boy. 'He la working In a cannery
Annlta, Wash.." said tho father. '1
a young fellow on the street, who
told me where he la." Before I would
-believe him. I took him to the Sheriff
office, whore they knew him. . They aay
mat my son la slightly mentally un
balanced; and that probably aocounta
for the fact ,tnat be baa failed to writ
.f-Vr - .''
. To Capt , Qrltamacher the father
stated that It waa through a fortune
; teller that he and hla wife were made
aware that their aon waa not right He
aid that, when they failed to hear from
blra, hla wife went to a medium, who
told him that tho boy waa In sore dis
tress. After the-' medium finished. It
waa quickly decided, that the father
Should eome . West to seek the lost boy.
The detective ability displayed by the
old man waa the',' subject of much
favorable comment, today.
THE! DALLES. Or.. July It Mlsa
Bessie Snipes wag last . night - elected
queen of the Portland' W. O. W. Car
nival by a vote .of. 1,180. Miss Ella
I abeth Scherer, her, nearest competitor,
Because He Loses Liquor,
' . gALEM, July 11. Emll Byars. a I
farm laborer residing about seven miles
north of Salem, waa arrested at .mid
night . laat night -by Conatable J. . H.
Lewi and lodged In the county jail here
Pendleton Blanket Manufactory
' linn n. o! r i
w in ce uiyen wimpieie ana
- General Overhauling in the
Month of August, 1
crease and Agency Has Been
Established at Osaka, Japan
4wibv emuu uugc ill nitj cuuui) jail aiciv . m ' . s
at o'olock thla morning, on the charge SaleS TOf Year ShOW Gfeat m
pr .. aaaauii wiu . aangerous weapon.
The warrant waa Issued at 11 o'clock
I laat night on complaint of John' Ham-
mack, a farmer realding at Clear Lake,
aevn miles north of Salem. He charges
defendant with coming to the Ham-
mack homo laat night armed with a re
volver,., and threatening to kill Sin ford
Hamaiack, a brother of the complaining
wltnosa, unleaa a bottle of whisky, be
lieved by biro bidden by the Ham
macks, was produced. The fellow waa
pacified when the whisky was pro
duced, -and be went off bappy, but the
neighborhood had In the Mat suffered
from Byars' actions when Intoxicated,
and Mr. Hammaclc decided to put a stop
to It. benoe the prosecution of the ease.
Byars frequently cornea to Salem, when.
It is stated by tboae who know him, he
alwaya bttcomes Intoxicated, and while
In that condition makes himself a gen
eral nuisance nd frequently causes
trouble. -He was In Salem yesterday,
became Intoxicated, and armed with a
bottle of whlaky left for home, hiding
the liquor in the Ham mack barn, and
when later he could not And it started
out "gunning."
received l.tSI. Miss Snlpea la a young
lady of wide acquaintance,' pretty and
popular. Sbe takes her suocees very
modestly and will go to -Portland with
only that feeling of pride that should
go with the knowledge that aha la
worthy of the honor of being queeq of
too uaiiee.
(Journal Special Service.)
PENDLETON, July 11. The Pendle
ton Woolen Mills will ahut down on Au
gust t and will remain idle until Septem
ber 1. This la done for the primary pur
pose of making some general repairs to
the mllla tbat could hot be done were
they In operation, and secondarily that
the operators may have a vacation after
the busy and successful run of the past
The sales of the mill have Increased
100 per cent during the paat 12 month
and indication are that the increase will
be as great during the year to come.
During the year just closed the mills
paid 120.000 for repairs, 135.000 for wool
ana 11,000 for. dye and coloring matter,
The mllla here use far more dye than
He will have a preliminary hearing any other like institution on the Pacific
this afternoon or Monday next. . I Coast from the fact that they make a
specialty of the highly Colored Indian
WOl Try to Save Veaeook. robe for which they are famous. Tb
SALKM. July 11. District Attorney mills employ 40 people the year round
J. N. Hart came over from his borne at and during 'the aummer months and the
Dallas laat evening to attend to bust- wool season the list will run to twice
t&lSM 0pe,rate JUNIOR DAY AT THE
ness before the Circuit court wnicn
convenes here on Monday morning for
tho July term. Yesterday Mr. Hart had
notice served on him by Oscar Hayter,
ou of the attorneys for W. P. Peacock,
that amount for there are 10 men uaed
In the wool sorting department alone.
In the laat few months the mills have
secured an agency for their goods at
Osaka, Japan through the work of H. EL
now under sentence at the Penitentiary Dosch and they are rapidly building up
Spencer of Portland
ng over. the field to see what encour
agement there la toward another line
f boats on the Columbia. In an inter
view he said:
"I am seriously thinking of placing
tny steamer, the Charles W. Spencer,
on the run between Portland and The
Dalles, and have received k encourage
ment enough from business- men here to
Warrant me visiting The Dalle to as
certain the actual outlook.. There Is
enough business at present for two
lines, and when the portage railroad Is
completed a heavy Increase of business
Will result causing Immense traffic on
the river."
The captain. In company with James
Crlchton, former agent in thia city of
the White Collar line, made a canvass
of the city, and they report to have re
ceived such encouragement that within
for murder . In. the first degree, and
whoso execution Is fixed for August 7.
The notice Is to tho effect that the con
demned man's attorneys will appeal to
the Governor for a commutation of the
death sentence of Peacock to life Im
prisonment. Mr. Hart will probably op-
a good trade with the islands for their
blankets. Shawls and other specialty
July 11. Capt Phnetlon FnAaounrarc' Ur,UJr ocse the effort to secure a commutation,
la In this city look- vniiuuuii iiiuvauicio Having jn B0 far ,t wJ
Successful Meeting at
Denver, Colo,
DENVER. Colo.. July 11. The Junior, bad
Uwlr lanlnc tort at tbe CbrUtlan KndeaTor
Natlootl conri-ntlon. Under the direction of
Mlaa Nellie M. William. inprrlntriideDt of
junior "worn, aided by Mra. France H. Clark
ana iTor. A mo K. Well, a niomter demon-
tritloo of the. young folk wtt beld In Tent
snai-avor. in tba rhorcbe also peclil meet
Inf were beld and tbe papers, addrees end
dlsciiMlon had particular reference to tbe
work of the Junior department of the great
No Mloua of the oonrentlon -will be held
tomorrow, but tho day will be one of great
actlTlty for tbe delegates, nererthelen. Tbe
pulpit or tbe cbnrrbea of all erangellral de
nominations bare been placed at the dUpoaal of
ine coDTennon ana in Dow morning aad eren-
111 be necessary for him
to show that the condemned man had a
fair trial and was found guilty or mur
der In the first degree under the testi
mony of hla neighbors and friends.
Should the Governor commute the
sentence It will be a matter of con
siderable relief to tho prison authorities,
whn are not yet prepared for executions,
as the execution chamber has not been
completed, and until it is finished and
fitted ud. it will be a difficult matter to
conduct an execution with the order,
dfcorum and privacy prescribed by the
law, under which executlone are to be
conducted at the prison.
Veadleton Sohools.
PENDLETON. July 11. The school
report for the past, year shows the Pen
dleton schools to be in debt to the sum
of $2,111.60. There are 1.620 children
la the dlatrict between the ages of four
and 20 years and of this number 1,036
are enrolled as pupils. Some of the re
mainder are attending the private
schools and academies and some under
the age of six and over the age of 18
are not attending any place.
The school buildings of the city are
badly cramped and it is expected to
make some arrangement during the sum
mer whereby the congested condition
may be relieved. In view of the fact
that the district I slightly in debt no
material addltlona will bo made to the
school buildings this year.
Woodmen ZastaTL
AT.EM. Julv 11. Salem Camp No.
118, Woodmen of the World, the largest
lodge organisation In tne i apuai my,
instulled its officers lor tne term enu-
s ow wru mo opsncer will DO man- "":r" " eruiop Dy ieauipg amne lng December 31. nexi, ai inc. two years and a
fng three trip a wek between here and ,od "atta who are among the TUltora. meeting held last night. Past Consul Rry He anfbJ
"yJn5.r ,n .ine 00 mrMMT ,a,N... a . . . . e- A' .' rraBer w" '"."-V" the Institution .
e-uiiuiay.. mr. opencer aiso secured an UlUVi l KNUW M iS NAMh ana he waa aamsiea y horaea from the
viuuo, iiu BULHJiniea jimH i:nrnron i i rieai nnviior. i'hhi vuimui . ,
bis agent
Deputy Game Warden Frits ha re
ceived 20,000 trout from the state
liatohery. which he will turn in, in
V fifteen-Mile Creek, Mosler and Mill
i7 Creeks. .
Simmerman Was Honplussed to rind
Himself la PoUoe Court After
a Wight Out
J. L. Zimmerman didn't know any
thing about himself this morning when
brought before Municipal Judge Hogue
on a charge of drunkenness.
"What' your name?" queried City
Attorney Fitzgerald.
Zimmerman scratched his head and
thought hard for a moment
"It's Zlmrrierhdrn, or something like
that," he replied. .
"Ia If Zimmerman" asked Fitzgerald.
'Oh, yes, I believe It Is," waa the re-
Toovs as head esoort and Past Consul
J. P. Boulllard as head sentry, j ne of
ficers installed are among the best cltl
enna of Salem, and a credit to any
organization. They are:
Corsul commander, J. D. Lee; adviser
nontenant. 1'. L. Frazier; eacori. .
nnson. wntrhmAii E. F. Capper: C. J.
Carlton: musician, H. D. St. Helen;
tr.r is months. J. L. Freeland.
The banker and clerk of the camp hold
over until December 21 next
Bd Weston Beateaoed.
PENDLETON, July 11. Ed Weton,
who has been in the county Jail some
time awaiting the outcome of a motion
for a new trial, has been nanlpnrivl t
half in the Penitenti
brother. who is now at
at Salem, stole some
pasture of Hua-h Roll
near Athena, about the first of the
are all of them now contracted for by
tho merchant of the town who carry
perishable good. ' Before vthe . concern
was running steadily half of tb rooms
were used, and In a short time their ca
parity will be taxed.
The tearoom ha a capacity of (00
ton, and tb dally output of the Ice
vat is 15 tons.- This dally product will
about furnish the local demand, and
during the cold month the storeroom
will be filled foe the out-of-town trade,
Walla Walla attempted to close a con
tract with the company for all of the
1c that the Washington city could uae.
but the people here declined, telling
them that they could have all of the Ice
tbat Pendleton did not want If there
waa a surplus, but that the plant had
been planned a a local Institution In
answer to the local demand, and that
the local trade would be considered first
The plant 1 equipped with it own
electric lights, and 1 up-to-date In all
Maney Disappeared.
PENDLETON. Or.r July 11. Ed. H.
ney, who 1 wanted here for forgery,
failed to put In an appearance Thur
day when he waa to have pleaded before
the Circuit Court, and it waa ordered
that hla bond of 1260 be forfeited and
turned .over to the school fund. Haney
passed a forged check for 120 on the
branch of the People' Warehouse about
a month ago.
Trout Shipment
PENDLETON, Or.. July 11. Twenty
thousand young trout sre on their way
to Pendleton from the Clackamas hatch
ery. When they reacn nere tney win
be taken charge of by the Sportsman's
Club. Milton will get 4,000 of the num
ber for the streams adjacent to that
place, and the remaining It, 000 will be
put In a pond at Bingham 8prlngs un
til they are large enough to care for
themselves and keep out of the clutches
of the bull trout In the streams. The
consignment Is from the State Fish and
Oam Association.
Policeman Asaested.
PENDLETON, Or.. July 11. John
Armstrong, a policeman, waa arreated
today on complaint of W. F. Earnhart, a
local Insurance man and bill collector,
who charged him with disorderly con
duct. Monday night Armstrong ar
rested a man for aome offense and Earn
hart remonstrated, offering to put up
boll for the man. The officer refused
to entertain the proposition and the
two had trouble. Earnhart alleges that
Armstrong called him a vile name and
pushed him off the sidewalk.
m... ... .n, ,,.., Ti".y;.A-'y ,. ....... ...,... -
...... ..-v vv-v. n-ii-i- n- Mi I,,-- c --r'T n -i, n n ,
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beer'.
in use ror orcr UO years, has borne the signature of -
' and has been made under his per-
thA 8na supervision since its Infancy.
ft 6CCAiiQ Allow no nnA tndpoHva von (n tritsu
AI1 Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are butr ' .
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health off
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fererlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
m ecwraua eonsaam r? vmut micrr. in vom err.
fears of His Aced Parent ply.
. vv nai nave you to say aDOut tnis
charger asked Judge Hogue.
PniilH Mat Qouo ri UU
f vvuiu nui uavc 1110 IIUIU"
. up from Prison,
Bert Stacey. who was recently con-
-ciea or navmg held up and robbed W.
L Copeland, was sentenced to. two year
in the penitentiary by Ciroult Judge
Oeorgs jate yesterday afternoon. Stacey
naa movea ror a new trial on the ground
Of errors made when hi case waa first
before the court, but the motion was
overruled, and the prisoner accepted hi ;
Sentence with stolid Indifference.
Stacey case, while It smacked" of the
svorn or the hold-up man In all It in-
"t's all Greek to ma." said Zlmmer
man, facing the court. "I have no'
recollection of how I cam here. ' I can't
understand it at all. I would like' to have
it explained V me. I - guesa
have been drunk." - -
"Have you ever been drunk beforef"
"Never --waa never In my. mortal ex
istence." "Have you any money to your credit
"You can search 'me I don't know
what I've got"
An officer inquired below.
"lle'a got 9' cents." was the report
"Put him in Jail until Monday," said
tho Judge. ' "At that time we'll see what
we'll do with him." --.----- '
Ice Cream Boolal. '
.SALEM. July 11. The ladle of the
Vfpl..n Hnuare Improvement League
gave ah - Ice cream social In the park
last evening, while the Salem Military
Wand rendered a choice musical pro-
.1,4 inrre crowd of cltlsena
attendance. The proceeds of
the entertainment were $69. netting the
ladles about $4. The affair was a suc-
aa in win viv and was "greatly en-
I must I invMt w- tne .ociety people of the city,
J who turned out en masae.
Xoe riant Bnnnlng.
PENDLETON, Or.. July 11. The Ross
ioe and cold storage plant is now in run
ning order, and has been In operation
for some time at its full capacity. The
plant is one of the largeat in Oregon,
and will turn out a much ice as any
one plant In the state when it is run
ning to the limit.
It has nine storage rooms, aad they I
Ooe to Beppner.
PENDLETON. Or.. July 11. Rev.
John Warren, who has been associated
with W. E. Potwlne in the care of the
combined pastorates under the charge
of the Episcopal Church in this section,
has been appointed to take the church
t Heppner. and will leave for mat city
the first of the week. Tne Heppne
church wa entirely destroyed hy the
flood, and is now to be rebuilt. The
Rev. Dr. Warren Is given the task of
getting the diocese once more In order.
Perhaps our correspondent who pro
tests apalnst the ridiculous incompe
tence which permits him and tho rest of
s to be choked with dust would be more
righteously indignant than ever if he
were to aee the three lungs that lie next
one another in the Anatomical Museum
at Edinburgh University. The first is
that of an Eskimo, and is snow white.
(In life this woulda,of course, be ruddy
! from the presence of blood.) The third
is that of a coal miner, and is coal black. ,
The intermediate one Is that of a totvn J
dweller, and Is a dirty slate gray, as are
the lungs of all of us at this moment.;
In this country It Is scarcely possible
in plain words to say what London dust, I
and that portion of it brought by j
women's skirts into houses, consists of.
London Daily Chronicle. I
.! ) I
' i
The Purest
Comes from the
Your grocer may offer you "Something Just
as Good," but If you insist upon it you will
wili get ours.
Cldent. was not without a symoathetlo
feature toward ita close in the Criminal
rjrourt An-aged Talbot anq.roothae, whot ZimmermanAgr4ajtaiai.wItlitbe
I . nave In Seattle, pleaded for htm lay maiL ballir, and that -ended the case until
I w waa an only son. ; They could not atonaay,
ItVfve him guilty of the crime or of
an JTcrime, and although- they were poor,
mey contrived xront their scant mean
to end $50 for hla -defense. But their
tear availed nothing, for the evidence
iwas direct and the law inexorable.
SPOKANE, July 11. Charles Sweeney
of this city Is how completing arrange
ments in New York' for a consolidation
. Marin Vote
The George W. Elder will sail for San
Tx..inn. X n'rlocK mis evening wjhi
her usual outward cargo and a good pas
pwr. Hat.
The steamer Robert Dollar sailed tor
Portland yesterday from San Francisco.
Xhe Stanley Dollar, lumber-laden for
tha Driont left down the river this
morning. She ha on board only about
three-fourths of the amount that It was
nrlo-lnallv Intended" tttlt BheT ehOUld
The steamship Tottenham will sail
north from Los Angeles the first of the
week. She Is coming to Portland for
a cargo of lumber, and is under charter
to the Pacific Export iiumDer torn
The schooner John A. is on her way
the river In tow of the Harvest
To which we give our personal supervision in the conception and
execution of all orders entrusted to our care. We solicit orders
for illustrated catalogues, price lists, etc. ' . .. .v .
DfiDlll AO VAliM MAM RTAh :? e n.mpire maie, DMnaara, tiecia. ana Q' gh wU, ,oa(1 lumber for Ban
f VI ULrtU UUIIU IVimi UCAU Mammotn mine in me youer : a Aiene
Cranaton Walker, Well Known in iank
:i ine n -Bootat 01le, Sno-
onmbed Today.
'. Cranston Stewart Walker, aged 35
years, died at the family residence, 82
East Twenty-seventh street, thla morn
ing at 6:30 o'clock, 'from spinal trouble.
The funeral arrangements have not as
yet been completed. ' The body Is at
the Holman undertaking parlors.
1 Cranston Walker was one of the most
popular young men of the city. Three
years ago today he entered the Ladd
& Tllton Bank as a clerk. At the time
Of hi death he occupied the position of
ac4ktant general bookkeeper of that in
tutlon, and was held In high esteem
f all members of the firm. '
In social circles the late Mr. Walker
wa very prominent. He wa recog
nised a an expert golf player, and took
a leading part In all affairs concerning
the Waverly Golf Link.
A New Tork church that keeps si
lence respecting its wealth Is the Dutch
Collegiate, which is reputed to have an
Income from lnveatment of 1400,000 a
year. Trinity church has an Income
''from its investment of over l,000,p00
per annum.
I district. These . mines produce 40 per
cent or ' tne ieaa ore in tne unitea
SUte9Iberftnsactlonlnvpiye8: 1 15.
000.000. The new company will fight
the trust
Al Kroner of La Grande is 111 at St
Vincent's Hospital. It i thought he
has appendicitis and it is probable than
an operation will be performed in a fw
days. At present the patient is resting
easy and is getting along quite well,
under the circumstances.
The Rhuddin Castle has shifted from
the sand dpek to Montgomery No. 8.
at thea mills. Her cargo will be com
pleted about Tuesday.
.No Dessert
More Attractive
Why use gelatin and
spend noun soaking,
sweetening, , flavoring
and coloring whan ,
produce better result in two minutes?
rerfulag la tbe package.- Simply add hot
water and set to oooL It's perfection. A sur
prise to the hotise wife. No trouble, leas ex
- penae, Tjy it to-dar. In Four Fruit Fl.
vorsr Imon, Orange, Strawberry, Basp
ferry, .ttffrocera. joo . v -
The late Rev. Dr. Boardman of Phila
delphia used to relate the following on
himself: . "I preached a funeral sermon
at one time and spoke on the resurrec
tion., I am sure I spoke longer than was
my custom.. .--. .-; '
. "The nndertaker was a man of nervous
temperament, and as the afternoon was
going he began to be anxloua to be on
the way to the cemetery. He finally
whispered to -one 'or my members: T)oe
your minister always preach aa long a
that-at--- uner "
Portland People Are Pleased to
Learn How It Is Done.
'Well.' aaia tne nrotner. - this is a
rood sermon.
"Tea,' said the undertaker, the ser
mon Is all right, and I believe in the res
urrection, but I am afraid if he doe not
stop pretty soon I will not get thla man
buried in - tlme,' "rPhiladelphia Led
ger. '' ' . ,t
Teasel 3nartM4L
The American schooner I. H. Luns
man, now at "Ban Francisco, has been
chartered by the Paclflo Export Lum
ber Company to load lumber at Portland
for Shanghai. l r " , .
, Bafflna Ttoadlng Honday.
The Rhuddan Caatl will begin taking
on a wheat cargo Monday at Montgom
ery dock No. 1. She will finish loading
at Greenwich No. 1. Th vessel goes to
Algoa Bay, and th cargo 1 being dis
patched by X. M. Stevana Co
It's pretty hard to attend to duties
With a constantly aching back;
With annoying urinary disorder;
Doan'a Kidney Pills make work easier.
They cure backache.
- They eura every-kldney lit
George Rutter. who is employed with
the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co..
and reside at 2I Second street; says:
"I had more , or less 'trouble with my
kidney for a year or more. My back
bothered me with sore, irritating pain.
Doan's Kidney Pill -were recommended
to me and I got -a box at the Laue
Davis Drug Co.' store, corner of Yam
hill and Third streets. I commenced to
uae them a directed and to my surprise
when I had taken about half the box
th pain left my back. Every kidney
sufferer should know about Doan's Kid
ney Pill." . .-t'
For sal by all dealers, price 80c
Mailed by Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Tw sole agents for tbe' United States.
Remember th name, Doan's, and take
no. substitute. - - - "-- - .p.- i
f""""""" 11 1 ' ! I I II l H. I. , .111.111 MliMII I I) H.ID.III ,1,11.11. ILI.Ijlllll.. Ill I , .11,111, (,111.1m
EASIER fe?S5rtrW I r - m I;3pH Qqfeinf- '
"'"' ' '""" r.i..,r,..,.- ,., , .i..-. ..-..-.....J ....,vv- -v ' - - ,. " -r-tnj "'I '