TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND' SATUltDAT -VXTOENXNG." JtTLT 11, 1003. A CABLE FERRY IS NOT WANTED WALLA WALLA IS ' BED HOT TOWN PRESIDENT NOT '. . 4 '' ' AS YET NAMED Navigation Committee of the Chamber of Commerce So ' Reported at Yesterday's Meeting of that Body. , Political Battle for Municipal Stockholders of the Lewis and Clark Fair Will Settle the Control Has Assumed Grave Form and Law Is Called in to Aid, Question Later on in the Month, Says Wire Across the River i Dangerous and Will Inter fere with the Safety Handling. Shipping, Tle following la the report made at yesterday's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce by the Navigation Commit tec of that body regarding the proposed new Alblna ferry: Portland Chamber of Commerce. Port land: Gentlemen Tour Navigation Committee, to whom you referred the matter of the extra Alblna ferry, beg to report a follows: The committee la unanimously and strongly averse to anything which will Interfere with the facility und safety of handling shipping, and therefore Is gainst any ferry which must .be run on a cable, as taking np necessary room for anchorage of ships, as when any cable is laid serosa the river on which to run a ferryboat, it requires a clear space of too feet on each side of the cable, to be kept clear of iihtps, so tha there Is no ehano t their fouling the cable; room for anchorage, which is al ways required during the lowest stage of water, Is by reason of said low water, very limited, and at best will Dot ac commodate more than six, eight at the most, ship No vessels are allowed to anchor south of the present table ferry to the steel bridge, consequently It is to be presumed that no vessels would be al lowed to anchor south of any other Able, and therefore the anchorage woaW be very BdHCh curtailed. Also, tn cases of high water, the cable la more or less. ea;ths tep of the river, except when "the ferryboat Is right at her dock, which la a menace to passing boats "fend 'Vessels. , . All - lessens- or tf not every vessel, 'pretty nearly so, are required by the 'owners of docks to leave said dock. . and going into the stream, as soon as ! i they complete their ilsading. during the sassy season, which s the season or low water as stated above, and it frequently happens that vessels Inward bound have to lay In the stream until their dock may be ready ta receive them From all of which, we think you will see that another cable ferry below the pres ent one, and In too neighborhood of Al bins, would very seriously Interfere with shipping. ; Recognising that another ferry to the 'north, of the present one might be of . eun enlence (although we are Informed ion the best authority by parties who are In favor of another ferry that there is no immediate necessity for It), to a number of people, your committee has i inquired Into tht feasibility of running ' a ferry across, the river without a cablet and from the very best Informs ... tlc-n which we can get. this seems to be Vqulte possible without Interfering un duly with shipping. Therefore your committee, after the moat careful consideration, strongly , condemns another, or any, ferry across the Willamette River run on a cable, bat if it is thought best to hav an other ferry, running without a cable. bad especially If it be on condition that the present cable be removed, the com mittee is of the opinion that this can be done without any harm to shipping . interests, at the same time the commit tee toes not find that there is any gen eral demand for another ferry immedi ately. Respectfully submitted, QEOROK TAYLOR. JR., Chairman. , " . ' X. TUCKER. W. S. 8IB80N, K. T. WJlXIAilS. Navigation Com. Chamber of Commerce. A letter was read before the chamber from W. EL Coman. general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pa cine requesting that many more thou sand copies of the booklet entitled "Ore gon And Its. Resources'' be issued. He Stated that Seattle people had gotten out a book booming Washington and was scattering it broadcast over the United States. Th following new members were elected: Doernbecher Manufacturing Company, Huber & Maxwell, F. B. Porter. Northwest Baking Company. Columbia Engineering Company, West Coast Bash & Door Company and the Portland Rice Mills. Ruler of '"Little Russia" Ar rested for Perjury, but Sen ator Ankeny Went His Bond Election on Monday WALLA WALLA, Wash.. July 11. Most aeiittiUorutl complications hsve arlnen as a result of tlie bitter political flglit now sving on here tvr control of the municipal government for the en suing year. Adam Schmidt, the ruler of "Little KutiRta," has Iwen arrested on a charge of perjury on a warrant Issued by United Bute Commissioner H. P. Strong and upon his waiving preliminary ex amination today wn bound over to ap pear before the gaand Jury at Spokane In January. 1904. Schmidt has for years had complete control of the RussStn vote in this city snd is known to be a political sympa thiser with the "Ankeny mnchlne. which is being fought most bitterly by the boxer" Republican. Recently Schmidt engaged in a fistic encounter with Emll Sanderson, an antl-Ankrny partisan, and It is claimed his arrest has followed as a means of retaliation. Senator Levi Ankeny' went Schmidt's bond. JBattle Is Bitter. The campaign has become a contest In which personal feelings sway the ao tions of the candidates and their hench men. Both sides are leaving no stone unturned to have their men put Into office. Extreme measures! are being used nd the outlook for Monday- election day Is very dark. It is generally eonoeded that Gilbert Hunt, the present incumbent, will be re elected Mayor by about lit mapority. The tight on the raarshalthlp has been so hard that it is not know which way it will go. Jerry Drown, the "boxer candidate, is ssld to have' a little the best Of It so far, howewr. Local sporting men are betting hoavlly on the result, over 16,000 being wagered in the past two days. Several Names Have Been Pre sented, but W, D, Wheel wright Is Considered the Man Most Apt to Be Chpsen. JUSTICE COURT SUITS In Justice Reld's court trds. afternoon the Portland Credit Association brought suit against J. C. Froeachle for the re- recovery of $8-83, alleged to be due for the payment of goods said to have been sold the defendant by A. R. Zeller. The ssme association also filed suit against W. H. Reeves for the recovery of 1X8.45 for the payment of merchan dise said to have been purchased from Oodfrey Brothers & Co. BIRTHS July 2. to Mr. and Mr. John L. Starr, 948 F. C. F-erron. 288 Columbia it reft, a daughter. Ui Julr t. to Mr. and ftrnahv atrat. a Bun. Julr a. to Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mclntyre, 304W Tillamook, a daurhtar. July 4, to Mr. and Mr. 0. B. Hobaon, 414 Bawtborae arenoe, a aou. Julr 8. to Mr. and Mra. Lara BJorklund. 406 Factory atreef, a aaucnter. July 8. to Mr. and Mra. B. J. Miller, a dang-hter. Julr T. to Mr. and Mra. J. L. Andaraon. 340 l axgo irrri, a pud. . CONTAGIOUS DISEASES July . Willi Andaraon, 4S2 Eait Seventh atreat. north; typhoid" fevar. July 8. Huiiaell Sewall, Eaat Thirtieth atreet, 8outb. and Hawthorne; typhoid far. July 9, Tbcadora Tbnburn, 071 Eaat Plna; raeaalta. DEATHS PAY NO BONUS Local commission men have received the following notice, issued by Southern Washington fruitgrowers under date of July 8: "We. the fruitgrowers of Fruit Val ley and Lake Shore, in meeting as sembled this, the 8th day of July, 1903. agree that we will .not pay any firm or person to purchase our dried prunes, "Either irrthe" shapeTrf norms "or-commis Ion. J. M. HOFF. "Secretary of the Asaoolation." July in, field We Chlneae), a red 43. 18TV4 Second atreet; tuberraloala. Interment Lone Kir Cemetery. Jnly 8. John T. Hanlon, asad BT, Good Sa maritan Boapltal; asthma. Kemalna ahlpped to Ona. Or., for Interment July ft. A Hurt W. Hunter, aged S, La Junto, Cal. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. July 8. Adolph Bantarhl. aged 24. Columbia Slough; drowning. Interment Lore Cemetery. July 2, Clement C. McContier. Good 8a marltan Hospital; hemorrhage. Kemalna hipped to Roaeburf. Or., for Interment. The Edward Xolman Undertaking Co funeral directors and embalmers, 880 YamniU. nous 007. Th all-important question among the stockholders of the Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation seems to be, "Who la to be made president V This question was not decided at yesterday's meeting of the directors, nor will It be settled until the latter part of this month. In the meantime the members of the board of directors are discussing among them selves the men whom they think would 1111 the plsce In a manner most proper. It Is reported that T. B. Wilcox, president of the Portland Flouring Mills Company, was not only offered the position, but that many of the directors of the Fair corporation urged him very strongly to accept. The conference be tween Mr. Wilcox and the several di rectors held last Thuraday lasted until 3 p. m., when he finally decided that it would be impossible for him to accept the position. It Is reported that Mr. Wilcox was offered a salary of 1600 per month and was to be allowed the same amount monthly for expenses. Other business will not permit his taking the presidency of the 1906 Fair, hence he declined the offer. X. X. rielacaner Mentioned. Among the other prominent men men ttoned for the office of president Is I. N Flelschner. at present a member of the board of directors and chairman of the press and publicity committee. HI friends urge that he Is not only an active buslnesa man. but that he has the time to attend to th work as it should be at tended to. They say that Mr. Flelschner has always taken a most active part In the pushing of the Lewis and Clark Fair, and that he Is familiar with almost every detail of the work already done or proposed.- "And, say these friends, "Mr. Flelschner is a rustler, possesses great executive ability and is an honest worker. Paul Wesslnger, also a member of the board of directors, and Acting President IL W. Scott, have also been mentioned as good men for the place. It is said that Mr. Wesslnger has stated that he has too much outside work to attend to, and could not accept the position. It Is also said that Mr. Scott told several of hti friends some time ago that he would rather have someone other than himself elected to the office. But it seems to be the general opinion that the new president will be a Port land man. In this connection W. D Wheelwright has been urged to accept the position and it Is the opinion of many who are versed In the duties de volvlng upon the active head of such an Important commtsslon that he is the man above all others who would fill the bill to perfection. CROPS RUN AHEAD OF EXPECTATIONS From Junction City Comes ravorable Reports Other Items of Interest, JUNCTION CITY. Or.. July 11. Hay- time is here again in all its glory, and the amount of the new-mown grass which Is Just now being cared for la far ahead of all expectations. The yield is due to the late rains and is prabably double the amount which would have been cut had not the June rains fallen. This week will see many- tons of fodder In the barns and under cover, so that the prospects of plenty of feed for the coming winter are very bright J. 9. rinly and on, funeral directors and embalmers, hav removed to their new establishment, corner Third and Madison streets. Both phones Wo. . Crematorium, on Oregon City car line, near 811 wood; modern, soientlflo, complete. Charges Adults, 3S; chil dren, gas. Visitors 9 to 6 p. nx. Portland Cremation Association, Portland, Or, BXTSB TZSW OEUTZIT. Blnrls rravea. a 10. ramllv lota from 976 to $1,000. The only cemetery In Portland whioh perpetually maintains and car as for lots. For fall Information apply to W. B. Maoksnsls. Worcester Block, city, w. M. JjadiL- president, , Clark Bros, for flowers. 989 Morrison street. Th Dog Mouse. JUNCTION CITY, July 11. Superin tendent Fields of the Southern Pacific Company arrived here yesterday in his private car on a trip of inspection. In his rounds he visited the employes' lounging rooms here, familiarly known as "The Dog House," and remarked that it was the cosiest and neatest he had seen on the entire system. NEW STORE-NEW GOODS I (Not Like the Goods in Cut) But NEW GOODS in JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, Etc, Etc. 334 WASHINGTON STREET JSrSS: H Soma Qood Oamesters. JUNCTION CITY, July 11. Game and Ann in the vicinity of Pine Opening, a famous pleasure resort in the Cascade Mountains, are keeping themselves on the move, since Harvey Linder, Thur man Berry' and Byron Mllliorn of this city are headed for that place with the expectation of securing several speci mens of the Inhabitants of that locality. , -and the NEW STORE is...- Personal Vote. JUNCTION CITY. July 11. Mra Bona Lemon of Grass Valley, Or., is here with her son 'Irwin, and expeots to make sn extended visit. She has many relatives in this and Benton Counties. Somewhat a Koodoo. ' Walkers' Station is somewhat hoo dooed so far as the railroad boys are concerned. Yesterday Conductor Al Veatch had his right forearm, broken while at that place, and later A. L. Ryan had his ankle seriously sprained while walking at Walkers. Both men are laid up for repairs. 130 SIXTH STREET, OPPOSJTE THE OREGONIAN BUILDING ! f 1 1 Felt Center; 311k Floaa All Around Id (Ird'i Eye Mi pi The Lowest Priced Furniture Store in the City A LARGE STOCK OF ALL NEW AND UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CEILING FAN. Tine Emmersoim Alteraatiimg Cyrremit CEILING DESK and EXHAUST FANS. .. a a For cooling and ventilating purposes and the standard the world over and these many points of excellence have made their popularity fully appreciated by the Port land public and, as evidence of this fact, you will find twenty Emerson fans in the business houses and homes of Portland to one of any etber manufacture. o a BIMC ortBnwest Electric . , . . 25c Hardwood Campstool . 7.' i I $5.00 Itopt'o'nChair 1 J DESK FAN. Why not Investigate these broad claims by calling at our salesrooms 309 Stark street before the extreme heated season Is upon you and place your order with us for anything In the fan. line you may desire, for you can keep cool at home at small cost per month by using Emerson Fans, Emgimieeriinig-Co 309 STARK STREET Between Fifth And Sixth Streets. .....GET OUR PRICES..... and You Will Be Surprised ABENDROTH BROS. Established 1894. 5a5J55saiE3255 Formerly 311 Morrison and 207 First Street fi ss uzaczszxszzzssuzxszsxszBSEscasi PAID HEAVY TAX TODAY Western Loan ft Havings Co. Compiles with the Vew Corpora tion Law. The above company today paid the State of Oregon the sura of 200, being the annual license under the . new law on Its capital of $5,000,000, being the maxi mum amount paid by any corporation. This company is doing a very large business irr this state, and Is steadily growing In popularity with the masses. as affording a safe and profitable deposi tory ror savings, which are received in suma of )1 and upward. Interest Is paid semi-annually, January and July 1, at the rate Of 6 per cent perannum. $100,000 has been deposited In trust for the security of depositors, and th com pany has a record of 12 years of suc cessful business. Those seeking profita ble investments for large or small sums with absolute security will do well to call or address Ralston Cox, manager, 6S5 Chamber of Commerce. HAD MONEY IN A BANK OF PORTLAND Arthur McCartney, a Railroad Contractor Had Plenty of Funds Was Despondent, . TO REMOVE-PHQNES -1 . SPOKANEf. July ll. T-iie striking teU ephone operators have secured over 1.500 signstures to a telephone-removal order which la to be useqi a" their , phief J weapoj- .... , - j. (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISfTO Pal Jnlw 11 Arinur McCartney, railroad contractor, shot himself through the head last night. The cause so far as is known is drink. He had plenty of money and bet freelv on the doa races, hut wm despondent for some time. In his ef fects were found certificates of deposit In a local bank of 1806. and In a. hanlr tn Portland for the anmn amount Ha d a brother in Ohio. The" dead man was about 40 years of age. SMITH APPOINTED (Journal Special Service.) WILMINGTON. July 11 The official appointment of James Smith as re ceiver for the Mutual States Shipbuild ing Company was issued by the court this jnornlng, y -, SAYS HARD THINGS OF MAYOR SCHMIDT A Civil Service Commissioner Makes Charges of a Strong Character, SAN FRANCISCO. Jnlv 11 rtiMi Service. Commissioner Mershon claims that Mayor Schmidt asked for and re ceived copies oi an questions to be used in the recent examinations. The Mayor says what Mershon has tn aav la nnt worth contradicting, as his animus Is self-evident. MURDER AT STOCKTON - STOCKTON. - Cal.. Jul ll nr.mi Oranres. tin engineer tmnlmai local tanuery, ahot and probably fatally wuunueu a. u. muncn mis morning In the Avenue stable, jrard finh to sold Oranaes a horae Tko lott... lieved be had been cheated and .crept up on jnuncn as me latter was sleeping In his wagon He shot hirh twice with out warn Inc. Orana-ea vi himaoif n to the police a "' -t -w 5 EXHAUST FAN. VaBBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBBaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaal BURSTING PIPE IS CAUSE OF DEATHS PITTSBURG. Julv 11. A ateam main connected with five engines burst at the i nomnson ISreel Wnrlra thla mnm i John Roahkoah nraa Irlllot WMhinMn. Luito and George Buillo were seriously ana proDSDiy rataily scalded and En gineer oanaretiow had his Rip broken. David Goodfellow was alsa aerlnualv scaiaea. NEWSPAPER MAN. DIES ; SAN FRANCISCO, July 11. William J. Allen, a reporter on the Oakland Tribune, fell from, a car when return lng from Berkeley last night and died from the Injuries sustained. The dead man was afflicted with partial blind ness and it Is supposed, he missed bis footing while standing on the rear plat form smoking. , " ; , , GOLD FROM NORTH SEATTLE. July : 31.- The stsame llnmboWt arrived this afternoon from Fkagway with a bait jnllllon M Klon-J RID MANILA OF .CHOLERjfe I WASHINGTON, July 11. Officers of l in jxuwuue nuByiiai vorpB ac Manila think the cholera In that city comes from Infected water on the shallow side of the Paslg River, where tt is O.. T - . . . . experiments and an Investigation which l! it is believed will ultimately .free Ma nila entirely from this scourge. Low excursion rates to all points East wtlrngam Ijb placed In effect by the Northern Pacific on Joly 12. IS, 14. 15 and 16, and again on Adgust 18, 19, 25 and 28. Full particulars in person or by letter can be had. bv cnlllnc- on or addressing A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison street Portland. Or. ' . . rUTTERAL ' NOTICE. The fnberal aorrlcea of tha lata Bllaa. IriU.. men will be eoDdncted from the home of M. J. Myeta,. Sonth Uonat Tabor, on Bandar, Jul 12. at S p. m. STOOKHOLDEKft' ItEETIXO. PORTLAND, Or., Jnly 11, 1003. To the stock. . numrrvt vi A " rvnciau K"PPr aisning uom panyi Too are hereby ootided that a meet in of the atooktinldrra will b held at rooin S2n Palllnir Buildlnf, Portland, Oregon, ea July 23. 190S. eonnmnwlnf at e:S0 a'clork n. m. for the parpoae of rednclof tha eapltallaa. tlon and to prorlde s way, by naklnir aa. . aefiainenta, to meet the liabilities ot the coi pany. - 'f; . u It order of tha board of directors. : ' , t .W. H.SWASBB8, ajtarg, 1- s '