x"m bvic mite the teflon Ylbaoastnc; Section PORTLAND,' OREGON, SATtlUU AY KVK.VIXU; 1V-hY 11; 1003. LIGHT-FINGERED P ETE 8HR I KES A KNOTTY C RIB '3 Hflff PP 3'fh ihY ' wrAV retired 17 rSSEfete. yrV; s-1? mJK? ffu f i " T fe f "Blow me, if I ever see such a ladder afore!" "Kind of a business, an' I don't like It fer nuthink." W W9Mif Y(Ml, ''PH'f' J.pff 5 pgi J j 'S Light-fingered Pete- 'Dis is a new one to me. but here goes." "Gee! dis is a razzle-dazzle milk-shake merry go-round-' "Some odder mug kin have dis crib if I ever get ' "Hey, dere! .Vouse can't 'rest me fer gettin' tangled loose." up In a ladder I" WILLIE WESTINGHOUSE INDUCES A TRAMP TO WORK AND BATHE "Dear Papa The tramps are awful fresh out here; they sass Auntie - But I fixed one so heMVemember this place. We made a big trap on "And run him to the woodpile "and made him saw all the'wood.wot and make her give 'em everything when Uncle Tom and the hired wheels .like a pincers, and.caught the next one that scared Auntie Uncle gave us to cut. He swore fearful when we made him work worse-' man's away,. - fThan-our ashman does when the can'i pretty full but we encour- "Werave film a bath .fa the pond. You ought to heard him thenf . "Guessed thered be different kind of marks on the ratix?,: Laged him with a sharp besnpole whm M$toppe? andjmen uncJUncle cm chased him dowathe road with a pctchjorfe and said -ti , J:; sajd i was a smart coy, wwcouia stay xu scnc c4