k 1 , THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND OREGON.. 5S-5S WTTIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIirillTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rmmiimiiimnTnmiiTnniiiiiiiiiiiiimm r? POPULAR NEWSPAPER. OF THE OREGON COUNTRY 4 -iu. i V 4 i' I ' r OWN WINS JILSO.... Weekly, and Semi -Weekly H. m IV A IV Trl III E I H THE DAILY JOURNAL TO ANY ADDRESS. BY MAIL One year . $4.00 Six months. $125 Three months. $1.25 The Semi-Weekly Journal 104 Copies during the year, all the new of the week, full mar ket reports, special fljl CA articles, per annum.. ,.HI.UU The Weekly Journal A splendid paper, sixteen to twenty pages, all the news of the week; full market reports; special articles; per AA annum .. v vU ALL OF THE NEWS AND- PLENTY OF SNAP! fpSj BaapiCOtoBaBtf (3131 Vbi, ii. no. ... PonxAWBi i)iHiii.mTllBAr Bvtmwn, may . irw. rvrca ive ctwn. TQDiYjMARKS AN ERA.1N,HISTQRY0KI0URNALISM,IN.0REG0N swRrpFJM RAmpRm'prTMEjj.oMRmk Hundreds of Subscrib- crs Write x "I like The Journal" "I am pleased with your paper." "Never saw a better looking paper, or a more interesting one." "Delighted with The Journal; It is dean, bright, newsy. My wife and daughter enjoy it, too, and I want it always." "My young son has demanded of fne that I subscribe to The Oregon Daily Journal. He likes your children's page and the colored comic pages, and so do I they are 'healthy reading.' ' "I enclose money for The Journal Your fashion page and social news are worth the price of the paper to any woman." "To a farmer or merchant, your mar ket page ia worth its weight in gold, so I want The Journal, every issue of it." "Please - And enclosed my check Send me The Daily Journal for one year. The 'sporting news' of your paper is reliable, complete and com prehensive. Until The Journal came underUta present management, no Port land newspaper supplied the 'sporting news.' The Journal sets the pace." "As a taxpayer, a bualdess man and a burden carrier, I like the stand of The Journal on public matters. X like its tone, its spirit of fairness, but I enjoy its fearlessness. and independence better, than all, for it DOES HEW TO THE LIME, and lets' the chips take care of themselves." s Such are the expressions of semt ef these who have subscribed for and read The Journal. Suppose yon try the paper! ' Take h, sap rt it, and The Journal "swears by the TtwA NmMMf'Ru -,Seon4tiUBisiA Write the News,' fertee Spent la Getttog! m kr rm lasHB r ew an jpawt t k !) ttmm swiwu im Mh I Mi tai ( wsm iihii nt Iwm. - mm 'ea i . r i whim (JJCm( -PRINTING M&c r'rwissyzr . iv .v outfit bbl - cev jc i syM a ' a m m s ua.ha. v eaaravBBV v at . ii x r m. ii i v rff I" 7V r- v. Jer v m v & , Tk.' m ... "sw. m FJRSTCEXSSEQUlfMENTZ yMRROVED:NEWSSERVIOE Y 0C Or TNC JOURNALr haShsWjaiUaAeaaBaBail h ast M XI t bja ba wMfta a MMsawa lit amw afta m afcav m aw maa. an M bmm b4 MAYOR OF BOISE MUSTg WALKJ5AYS ROOSEVELT rM4rtM PmtHH tm KtHfg t AIH (f wKm mm lawiMCfM., d ll Imal J Begardcd jTbdrkW ffljfrtB" HEIRM IlllOSS ItOMMl'iaJ MtrfsMk.ia. wan i Vte tt si an aMeoafl I ' w baM Hna M Tia. Ma aaa mbw "V u. 4iMa ! , vaa a 1 aa dt iwuim mh I Jl,'JL,'aa tJimH w a i-i f a Ida ! wv' ' rt aaftaafli ka - A DAILY NEWSPAPER PER YEAR BY MAIL rm m rm a w a 111 $4.00 Te DAILY JOURNAL, ON SATURDAYS Carries a "Children's Page," by famous writers; a Fashion Page, coptain ing the latest news of interest to women; two Comic Pages, carrying the productions of thq wits of "newspaperdom," printed in colors and superbly illustrated; as well as containing the general news, editorial comment, society news, the latest sporting news, news of the stores and shops, crowded in twenty-four pages .... ettrnal'Ms be tree to orejonte the masses eopie -equality ALL men I at mtnhelltvlni in thrvoice of the peool ol opportunity tqou ngna to The D&ily Journal of other days of the week is a newspaper of the modern sort in make-up and interest, carrying full press reports of general news, specials from The Journal's special writers and correspondents, full reports of home and' foreign markets; the "sporting news," specially edited and written; coast news, and state news. ALL POSTMASTERS AND NEWS DEALERS ARE AGENTS Agents deliver The Daily Journal by carrier in all towns within the boundaries of "Where Rolls the Oregon;" and in towns where there are no agents already. The Journal desires an agent, to whom liberal terms are given. Address, " V - THE JOURNAL, V P. 0. Box J2I. Phone Main 500. Fifth and Yarahia Sts., -Portias Or, a 1 ' '.. aaaaaaaaaawL.-,aaiaawaaattHttWttlteiiHtlltl fTiiTTTTiyrTTiTiTyiriTiiiiynininiiyiiiTiniiiiiniiiiriiiiiiiziiiiiiiJ minmnniiiiamiiuy - " ll I ' I'