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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1903)
10 TOE OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL, rORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING,: JULY i 11; ; 1903. TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD EASTERN MEATS ARE HIGH AGAIN Light Hams Advanced l-Cent 1 ill, 11 , . . ., i 10 Mc; genuine kettle. Id eases. M vvnue me meaium bizes Are l-Cent Higher Lard Is Quoted Some Lower, ' n rui RICK Imperial Japan. No. t 87e; No. OUc: New Orlean head. He. BREAKFAST KOOD Malta fit. $4.50; n?. Minute, iz.ou; tore. hou; U-o oats, SALMON Columbia Kim. 1-lb talla. II. TO: 8-tD talla. $2.40; fancy 1-lb Bate. II. US; H-fb raney nat. raney i-m oral. M.oo; a ism tall. nlnb lll. i n. Q IK .. 1 1- MM COAL OfL Cisea, 22 per gal. tank; Water vvnite, iron nni, id',.!-, wnoaen, iec; ueao light, esses. He, iron bbkt, 1754c; gsaollu. Iroo DUia. Tie, ram. ZMttc LINHKKI) OIL I'ur raw. In bbla, 48c; nn r rw. fc4e: cenulne kettle, id eases. 00c, PENZINK 63 deg eases 22c. Iron bbla 15Ue GASOLINU 8d de cases 28V4C. Iron bbla 22c. TURPENTINE In ease 70. wood bbla on '(.. Iron hbs 04c. 10-Ib case lota 9e. BKAN8 Small whit 4G4UC. large whit $.1 W.yi.uo, pluk I3.75U3.60, barou $4.76. Llmaa Fruit sad Ysa-aUela. POTATOES $1.10; buyers' prices, Tjc; new. (i.. -Mini i. 7a; Oregon, fi.zata i&o. O.MONS California, Dew red. SOcOl.CO; HOC. ney Oregon, $1.60 nox; or an era. lata. Vslenclis. $.1. 50(2 4.00: Merilterrsnesn weta. f.l.w; bananaa. $2 2Aiua.Su nor bunch 6e per lb: cherries, balk. 64s Ac: pecxed. Terse; gonaeberilea. 3Ht4c lb; aprl rota. $1.00f2l. 10 crate; lemona. itandarda. $3.00; fancy, l. 00414. 50; llnics, Mexican. 65c rw 1(p0; peaches. Mc; ploespplea, 15034.00; fla. black, $1.50; wblta. $1.001 1.2.'.: plums. OOcdfl.OO; raapberrlea, $1.75 crate; grape. Yuma. $2.30: currants. $2.00 box: rantcloupea, 51,0 HUe; watermelons, $.1 dux: Ilnrllclt pears. $1.75 box: blackberries. Dcr crste. $1.75jin0; hUckeapa. $l.76U2.O0. V Efi KTA HLK8 Turnips, $1.00 aack; arrota, $1.50: barta, $I.A0 par aack; ratllabca, 12Wi 15c per dua; cabbaja, California, lHe lb; let tuca, haad, 15e par doa; hnthmiae. $1.25 box: fTwn poppcra. 40c rb: bnraaradUb. He lb; calarr, $1.(0 pff dna; hrana. atrlnf, yellow. B0e In; rM.n KfftttA It.' mmnmwumttm 1 IK OK ft. Wr. Packing I rbnharb. He lb; 'tomatooa, Mlaalaalppl. $l.Mi Eaatern I 1-7r: (.'alirornla, par box. $1.50: Oregon. $2.00; brands of Portland amokM ham. were .ra, $i boxi TWrn 85c do..' advanced today on account of the higher DBIKD ruiilTH Applca, arapnratad. 8Te price, ruling In the Eaatern market.. JWJfiftbiffc S Medium weight, are up U-cent a pound, rrencb. 8V4i94Hd lb: Dm, California blacki, t while the lighter le are advanced w m:piuma. pittea. bj ,i k.i,..t n. I ralalna. areded. fancf l ib cartona. 60 pack- Warmer Weather in the East n o i i, o.m LilUbtb OUUIl III LeillUII IVIdl- ll'cr.kma. $1.28; garlic. 8 ((1 10c. ii I I n! A. FBKSU FK( ITS Applea. fancf Kci anu. Luuai riiteb tt e ..,"'. bocen.oo per n ii i "rw- 'W . Vt BOX tiimDing upwara. TODAT KAXXZT CKAHOIS. E a. tarn ham. of all weight, ad Taaoed. Eaatara lard declined 4j-)mt Engllah baooa adranoed H-cent. Lemona avdvaaoe SO oenta . for Choice graden. According to the Cudahy Company the quotatlona on H"'"1- E.niu vir ui UHU" mm to caa,.,ai4 Tk: aeetlad. .2-ot cartona, re up H-cent, while bacon peine, are tc; kmae Mnacateliea. 50-rb boxea, $HQ7He tbe aame amount higher. ft; London larara, $1.7582.00. i . , . NITS Pfinuta, 8lTc per lb for raw. BffllOc Zaatecn iHUrd X. Lower. for roaated; cocoahuU. KCBBOc per dos: wal- " Lower ruling price, and a weaker nu.14V8i5e per n; pine ante, joauc market In the Ea.t for lard has cauaedlL" -7 "L.P" "X"0; m; ninerta. jbxioc per m: ra the same concern to decline quotation. 4-ent. a pound today. Tht. wa. pre dicted In The Journal aeyeral day, ago. When the quotation, oh the local product Went down the aame amount. Xemon. Show Sharp Advaao. T The quotation, on lemona showed a harp advance in the local market, as a Con.equence of the higher prices now per lb: fancy Parana. 1441 ioe per id; aimonda, jauioc per m. Maata aad ProTliloaa. FRESH MEATS Beef, prime, Tic: coira 7(U7c; real, 7c; mutton, dreaaed, 6c; lamna. areeaea, tc. KBESH MEATS Front itreet Beef, prime. 7c: bulla. 3Hr4ic: cowa, 6iHc; pork, T'tt ic; real. mncton, areaaea, ouac; laniha, dreaaed. Hj7c HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland nark i1ocalt ruling In California. The hot weather hauia, 10 to 14. rna. 1.c: u to 18 iba. 15c: In the Eastern State, ha. caused a larger break rant bacon. i6o-: pirnice. loe; cot demand for .tock and in New York City JfR Ue.i i..Aiy lone the demand wa. .ufflclent to cause backa, 12Je; butta, aaltad, Hc; smoked, lOViC prices to fluctuate. A report of the lb. produce exchange of that city shows ,.Ft"LM"iVE?, """ISif'iif. that during the week ending July 4 iK, 'liuVi .boulder. ilHc; dry aalted aldea, there were 80,000 cases of foreign iem- nnamoked. 12Vic; breakfaat bacon. lflVitilSc; CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSES STRONG Dealers Are' Inclined to Think that Threshing Returns Show Larger Shortage Than the Government, Corn Market Was a Little Nervous with Crops Still Backward Oats Maintain Same Steady Tone, en. sold there. The changa In the local quotations will amount to 25 cents for the cheaper grades and 50 cents a case for the finer stock. The marketa here are well supplied today with cheap stock. the demand being rather small on ac count ef the coolness of the weather. onthera Oreaoa Peaches. fancy. 20c: butta. HUftll2Uc. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. lle; 6a. ll'c; 50-Ib tlna. llc; ateam rendered, loa, 11c; 6a. J lc; 50a, 10Hpi compound tlercea, 8r; tube. He, EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tlna. llV,c; fte, I1c; 50-Ib tlna, 104c; ateamrend- area, ioe, i(ic; oa. lur; oua, joc. A bora pack lug houaa price are net caab. 15 oaya. riSH Rock cod. 7c; flounder, 5c f baltbnt, f Southern Oregon peaches are In and 6Hc; line cod. 7c; craba, $1.50 dox: raaor clam are selling at published quotations. A ear of fancy and choice Valencia oranges Is due tomorrow night from the- South. A few late apricots are arriving from the northern districts of California, but the fruit Is not of the best quality. Two cars of watermelons are now enroute clama, tte per dox; atrlped baaa, 12Hr; salmon. rninooa. sc; aummer ateeineaaa. tc: soiea, Be; ibrlmpa. Put Bound. 15c; cat flab, 6o: auaa, c; aiirer (men. oc id. Local Btook Arrlrals PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, Jlllv 1 L-TlnnAlnti nf llva-att-xplr In th to this city from California, A car of local yirAa t0(Jay consigted of 200 cattle and 300 sheeps. Ruling price, are as follows: Cattle Best, $4; medium, t3.60$4 Hogs bit me. Sheep 1 Sc. Lambs 3 ($3 He ted onions is in from the South, and were easily cleaned up at top quotations, as the street was about bare of this ' grade of stock. Tli. Butter Situation, i Just at present the butter situation Is rather a weak one the cooler weather having the effect of heavily increasing the receipts. In the advent of very warm weather, arrivals would show a remark able falling off. and then, perhaps, the market might show a better tone. Store and dairy are both very weak, but the steamer now due to leave will take out a small amount for San Francisco, which was purchased at-tower prices, i reed. Prlcea Arc Weaker. '". 'All feed prices show a weakness to day on account of the smaller demand and the too-high quotations now ruling. .Although the local dealers have ' not ' mi iii ii chanra ' In then ntiotatlnrm. till most of the stock is being sold Qulet Prevails Just at present among Slightly lower. sheep men. owing to the fact that the Poultry and Eggs Pinner. flocks are on the summer ranges in the There seems to be no letup In the mountains, and as a consequence many demand for poultry and even with the of the wool growers are Just now catch heavy receipts of yesterday the markets ing a short vacation. A. Smythe of At on Front street today were about bare, lington, a prominent sheep man. accom and there was a scramble among the panled by his son. Dan Smythe, Just retailers to get supplies quotations graduated from the Minnesota Law cutting very little figure with the de- School, is at the Perkins Hotel in this mand. Egg stocks as they are how ar- cjty, riving are not in the very best of con- ..The woo crop has bout all been dition and many seconds, or bakers, are disposed of," said Mr. Smythe, "and the xouna. neceipis are aim nvy, ui prices have been better than ever be- PROFITABLE YEAR FOR WOOL GROWERS A. Smythe of Arlington Says bheep Men Are Satisfied with Conditions, no stocks are ullowed to remain long unsold. follows : . i POBTIAND WHOLESALE PRICES. Grata, Flour and Feed. WHEAT Walla Walla. 78c; blueatem, 80J S2c: rallcr, 77'78c. BARLEV Ked. $21.00: rolled. $22.00. OATS No. 1 white, $1.17(81.20; gray, $1.18 ratenta. $4.0 CI. 17. r LOU K Eastern OrcRon: ratenta. 1 4.45; tralghta. $3.50; Valley, f3.eoQil.BO; gra ham. V.. $3.15: 10. $1.55. M1LL8TITFS Iirau. $23.00 per tnn; mid- - llrT- $27.0O! abort,- $,0O-,-Bop, $18.00 HAV Timothy. $18.00(17.00; cloyor, $16.00 817.00; California, pralii ,$17.50. Hops. Wool and Hide. HOPS 17HStl8'!ic for choice' 1903 contract. 184tl7c WOOL Valley, 1516c. eoaree: medium to fair, 16$18ViC: fine, 16f17c: EaatRrn Ore gon, 10tal3c; Mnhalr, nuiulnal. WVJ37C. BHEf-PSKINS Shearing. 14Slc; ahort wool, 02 " 2.1c: medium wool, 30c; long wool, Oc($1.44 each. TALLOW Prime, per ft, 405c; No. 2 and greaee. 2&2c. HIDES Dry hide, No. 1, 10 pound and op, 15c per R; dry kip. No. 1, 5 jto 15 Iba, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 rtia. 15c; dry aalted, bull oud stago, 1-3 lens than dry Olnt; aalted hides, steer, aound, 00 pound or over. 7lc; 50 to 60 lbs. 7(sc: under 50 lb and eoa Odile: ataxs and bulla, fconnd. 5c: kip, sound, 15 to 'M Tbs. 7c; a.MJud. 10 to 14 Rm, 7c; calf, aound, under 10 Ids, 8c; green 4unslted. 1c per lb leaa; cnlla. 1c per ft lesa: home hides, aalted. each. $1.25ftl.75; dry each. $1.001.60: colts' bides, earb. 25650c; goat (kin, common, each. lO&lac; Angora, with wool on, cacn, xscvai.uu. Butter. Egg and Poultry, - BUTTER Extras. 22Vs'c; creamery, 21 Q talry. 18420c; atore. 17c. . EGAS T'resh Oreon. 20ii20,c. CHEESE Full ' cream, twin, 14c; Toung Anwrlca. Inc. POULTRY Chickens, mixed. 9 10c per lb; ken, 12'9'13c; roosters. BdilOc per ft; broil "era.. lSfiJloc per lb; fryers, lCC17c per -ft: duck. l'lH12V4e per lb: iteese. 7&8c r lbr turkeya, Ure, 104il2c per lb; dressed, 10Q 18e pec ID. ; Orooariea, Hut, Etc eUOAR "Sack-baal:" Cube, $5.77H; pow dered. $6.62; dry granulated. $5.62; extra C $5.02; Golden C. $4.92; barrel, 10c; barrels, 25c; boxes. 60c adrsnce on sack basis, teas i'K per ewt, for caab, 15 days; maple. ltt lc lb. . noNEY 150160 per frame. C)f r EE ireu Mocba. 2l(fi2Sc; Jar, fancy, 96fa3ac; Jar, good.' 20226c; Jars, ordinary, ln(20c; Cost Hic, fancy, lB(g20c: Coau Rlea. good, 16018c; Ooata Blc. ordinary, 10 y -12a per ft; ColumW roast $10.83; Ar buck lea7, $11.13 list;-Lion. $11.13 list; Cordora, $11.13. TEAS Oolon. different grade, 25365e; Ciiiiuowder. 38632S35c; English Breakfast, different grade, 12i85e: Solder Leg, no colored .spaa. 80&00c; green - Jap, very scam, aottetm. f P ALT Hs lea, I," U. 4. 6. 10a, $2.10; fln table, dslry, 60. SAc: loo. 74c: ImooetAd lir eriwol bob, 45c; 100. S8c: 224a, $1.86. SALT oars, half ground, 100a, per, ton, 414.00: 60. per ton.i, $14.60; Urerpool. lamp. , rrk. I2S.0O. net- ton; 60-lb rock, $14.00; 100. J1S.60, - CAAJTS KACS CalcntU. $3.T618S-00 per 100 fore. A great many mutton and stock sheep are being sold off at the present time and prices are" grood. Vtt sheep men have passed a very profitable year, and there are no complaints." Speaking of the recent order of the Department of the Interior concerning the removal of fences from Government land, Mr. Smythe said the order af fected his section of the country but little, and that no complaints had been heard because or the ruling. The weather in the Arlington country has been pleasant for the past week but a trifle cool. Mr. Smythe and his son wilL return Jiome Jn a day.ox two. The son has- not yet decided where he will begin ills professional career. (Special permission of Bolton, d Ruytrr k Co.) CHICAGO, July 11. Logan & llfyan advise: The wheat market 1 again active and strong. We are Inclined to think that the threshing returns which have Op vcloped since the 1st Inst., and since the report was made, Justine a still further shrinkage In the estimate. The northwe.t crop 1. at the moment having desirable weather, but Is still In danger, Stocks of wheat n.-e practically ex hausted, and there is every indication that th. movement of winter wheat will, as compared with laxt year nnd the year before, be ll-ht. Ve -look for ultimately much higher price, and think wheat should be bought on the breaks. Corn Wei ITerTous. The corn market is a little nervous, but on the whole steady. The weather throughout the entire corn belt since the 1st Inst has been most unfavorable and the crop has made rapid progress. This market Is almost wholly a spec ulative one at the moment. The cash position is poor, with liberal receipts, fair stocks and a poor demand. We do not look for higher prices. Oat. Snow Staadj Tone, The oat market also maintains Its previous steady tone. The government Indicate, a crop6 of about 725.000,000 bushels. This was about as expected. Weather condition, are on the whole very favorable. The cash demand Is poor, and prices In this market are sus tained by manipulation for the July option. Unless something new comes Into the condition, we are inclined to think oat. are high enough. o Chang la Provisions. The provision market Is dull and without material change. The large packing interests are pretty much the whole thing. Outside speculative In terest Is small; receipts of hog. are still liberal and the demand Is poor. rears oi manipulation prevent any excessive snort selling. SHOWERS AND WARM, WEATHER FOR CORN Indications Are Now More Fa vorable for Crop Gov ernment Reports, INLAND EMPIRE CROPS ARE POOR CHICAGO. July 11. The weather mcp show, ahowers and warm weather through the corn belt and showery and cool In the Northwe.t Thn.e are favor able condition, for the crop. The gov ernment report Indicate, a crop of about $70,000,000 bushels. It I. regarded a. a bullish report. The quality of the win ter wheat crop. a. far a. thrashed, seem, to be good. Thl. 1. alio bullish. The movement i. .low and It ts thought will continue so a. compared win, iaai year, iremiums on casn wheat are well maintained. General condition, do not seem bearish.' An active scalping market Is likely. The government report Indicates a corn crop of about 2.000,000.000 bushels. It Is no worse than has been expected. The crop has made rapid progress since these reports were mane, and th. pres ent conditions are very favorable. A good many of the besf holders of corn have gone out of the market and there Is a considerable scattered long Interest The cash situation Is good. Oats Indicates a crop of about 725. 000,000 bushels. This is no, worse than hnd been expected. Th. movement of new Qts Is not far oft and the cash situation Is poor. Tho dragging tendency In provision, continues. Wheat Yield Reduced at' Least 60Per;Cent by Drought, Hot Winds and Weeds Out look Is Not Bright. e w.' wa cajt jlmv i HELP THE BLIND by charity but the Innumerable num ber of people . ? PARTIALLY; BLIND KflniW f.nlintv W Ra F thor (by reason- of Imperfect vlslonr we can "r.WV. " J TV" "v -Hve narfact ala-ht with accuratslv.fltt.u1 ' QLASSCS w; Whitman or Lincoln Har vest Has Begun In Some Sec tions of Washington, 1 1 a i i i e harvest American Btoeke la London. LONDON, July 11. 2 p. m. session. Anaconda Copper advanced ; Atchison advanced H, common advanced M; Bal timore & Ohio advanced H; Chicago A Alton advanced ; Chesapeake & Ohio unchanged; Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul advanced ; Denver & Rio Grande unchanged: Erie unchanged, firsts un changed; Illinois Central advanced H; Louisville & Nashville unchanged; Mexi can Central advanced : Mexican Na tional unchanged; Missouri, Kansas A Texas advanced ; New York Central advanced ; Ontario & Western ad vanced. ; Norfolk & Western un-i changed; Pennsylvania advanced ; Ken a ing declined . firsts declined southern Pacific unchanged, preferred declined ; Union Pacific unchanged, preferred declined ? : United States Steel declined . preferred declined 14 Wabash unchanged, preferred declined ?4. Consuls, 93; declined WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Julr 11 ine wneat crop ot outheastern Wash ington will not run over f 0 tier cant thl. harvest For the entire state it la estimated at I0,00,000 bushels, or more than $,000,000 bushels below an. aver age crop, - ; - i Walla Walla f County wfll vvui i.iev.vvv susohsi, - I st a fwr aw maiaf Columbia Count will harvest about I GUHQ DUVS 11 JUUlUliU 1 urn aha i. . . i. I A v . . . I w 1 - '.'. vuaueis w uavriwy sou ibv.uuu i r mmmlr bushels Of WhsaL IVI , WUO WTCe Franklin County will have about half hnnu f llv hv rrrinr. Or. a crop, or 600,000 bushels. - V ,7 , rJ'' 1 ; The banner county will either be Lin- CXCr II.1. V V coin or wimman. Wheat in Southeastern Washlnston naa aurrerea greatly tnia rear from dry, not winds, weeds and lack Muoh or tne rail-sown land had to be I mens Walta are. . A. rwnai. If TZ71 ' i I O SPICESe. ,jQ :C0FFEE,Ta DAinNGPOVfDER; Crtarirf5rmh,tefVkh CLOSSET 0 DVBS ; PORTLAND, Cr7IQ0N. Phillips Bros. 141 Sixth treet, with WhlU ewlnAT Maonue company. TWO; NICKELS QEE W Make one ilme, and a Utile ? T; IB A 1 1 4f a NEW YORK STOCKS DESCRIPTION. BEGINNING TOO SOON Mrs. Potter Palmer Is a friend of An drew Lang, the essayist and poet. Mrs. Potter Palmer was talking about Lang one day and said: "He is profoundly learned in the his tory of Scotland, and there are a number of Scottish stories that he tells exceed ingly well. I remember an instance, somewhat exaggerated, that he once gave me of the rigorous and ascetic life of the Scots of the ;iast. "It seems that a laird. In this year 1766, set out t Join the pretender, tak ing with him his son, a youth of 16 or so. One night this laird and his little troop were compelled to sleep In the open, though It was snowing, and spow lay deep upon the ground. Father and son kept together, and together they prepared to turn In for the night. The son, having wrapped his plaid about him, made himself a pillow of snow and was about to lay his head on it when his father kicked the little cold, white cound away. ' 'This is too soon, truly,' he growled, 'for you to indulge In luxuries.' " De troit News-Tribune. Anaconda Mining Co... Anial. Copper Co Atcblson, cow do preferred Am. Car Found., com.. do preferred Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., coin do ure f erred. .: Baltimore A Ohio, cum. oo prererred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. lanaaiau facinc. com. Chicago A Alton, com... oo preferred Chi. A Ot. West., com.. I ill.. Mil. a St. p Chi. A West., com cm. Terminal Hr Chesapeake A Ohio Colo. Kuel A Iron, com.. Colo. Southern, com do xa prererred do lat nrefeired Dela A Hudson Del.. Lacka. A West... 1). A R. O.. com do preferred Erie, com do Zd preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central LouUrille A Nashville.. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated.... Mexican Central Hr Mexican National Minn., St. P. A 8te. M. do Drererred Missouri Pacific M., K. A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Western, com. do. wunnu...... North American N. Y Ont. A Weat.... Pennsylvania Ry P. O.. L. A C. Co Pressed Steel Car, com.. do Dref erred Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Beading, com do 21 preferred I do 1st Dref erred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Rock Island, -com do preferred Southern Ry.. com do preferred Southern. I'aciflc. St. L. A H. P., com... do 2d preferred , do 1st preferred , St. L. & 8. W., com.... do preferred.. Texas A Pacific Tenn. Coal A Iron T.. St. L. ft W.. com.,.. do preferred Union Pacific, com do preferred V. S. Leather, com do preferred U. S. Rubber, cum do preferred V. S. Steel Co., pfd.... do preferred Wheel. A L. K. . com . . . do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred Weat. Union Telegraph. Wabash, com.' do preferred SI 61V. 86 oo JO 02 44 ii 02 122 20 V 67 IX 14 167 12 Ho 00 10 U, 20 67 iK wo 81 52 104 38 2V SO 50 IK) :5 80 44 'A I 44 U3 I Ml. !M 2'.S t4 65 V4 54 (4 80H OO 04 M, IHL .TO 80 44 28H N4 ill 55 'A 6tH 87 IK 14S 107 13 80 18 25 Vi 07 1(18 V B4 31 65 WIV, 131141131V, ion 1.15K ) 67 101 Vi 'V4 46 111) 05 V4! m. - H3 24 122 07 H 50, 80 OHt 120 135 2iW 67 101 Vt 20 Vj 46 111) 85 MO 24 8H 17 144 l3Vj 12 50 ievj 25 58 188 26 83 30 DO 05 131 108 110 134 20 58 W) 20 46 V 114 64 00 88 24 40 00 82 13 74 ai M 23 87 123ll21 1)7 07 to 88 61 88 4ULU 60 73 15 35 48 49 til) 82 13 74 82 70 23 87 00 73 15 38 27 48 .1. 48 00 81 13 72 II ' e4 22 no 'A -45 58 73 15 :i5 2(i',k 48 92 82 1)3 64 12)i 24 ' 86 171. 144 187 12 1 80 16 23 66 188 245 25 88 30 66 85 131 107 119 134 20 20 56 V. 125 1100 20 46 115 64 m , 84 24 121 87 60 M 25 48 CO 81 13 72 31 00 22 86 0 57 73 15 35 20 48 23 )- Hew Tork Summary. NSW YORK. July 11. Bradstceefs report says the weather continues per fect ana the labor situation .how. moderate improvement. Dun's review says that I'litlrcss responds to Ira proved conditions. Eighty-one roads for May show an average net Increase of 1 8.26 per cent: six roads for the flr.t week of July show an average gross In crease of 15.70 per cent. Pittsburg de nles the cut In steel billets. A reduc tion in foundry Iron from $14.60 to $11 has been recorded. The light currency movement may help the bank statement. The banks lost on the curency move ment $484,100; $2,850,000 In gold goes toduy. All flood damage to Atchison has proved less than $360,000. Wiscon sin Central will earn 1.7 per cent on common for the year. Illinois Central will Bhow ii surplus equal to 10.8 per cent on stock. Twelve industrials have declined .36 per cent; JO roads declined 1.30 per cent. Receipts end Shipments. NEW YORK. July 11. Primary re colpts today were: . Wheat, 332.000 bushels against 608,000 bushels last year; corn, 474.000 bushels against 298,- 000 bushels last year. Shipments were: Wheat. 273.000 bushels, against 316,000 bushels last year; corn, 332,000 bushels, against 42, 000 bushels lust year. Selling Steel Stocks. CHICAGO, July 11. The Record-Her aid says: We hear that the selling of United States Steel stocks the last few days -waa for Schwab. It says Rocke fellec loaned 8chwah money and he put up steel stocks as collateral. They had to be sold. The selling of steel bonds by W. C. Randolph was for the same account. 7S Tll 77 I 77 87 K7 ,87 87 8 8 K m; 82 83 82 82 12 12 12 12 40 40 48 4S'.. 28 28 28 28 71) 70 T9 70 20 20 10 IIP... 80 31 8ii I 53 54 63 53 " 10 2D lii 1:1 41 41 40 I 40 83 84 83 I 83 22 22 21 22 41tj 41 4Q 4Q Liverpool Cotton Zower. LIVERPOOL, July 11. Cotton opened easy from 7 to 10 ?olns lower and closed 7 to 11 points lower. Spot, 14 points lower at 636. Sales were 4,000 bales; American. 3,000 bales; receipts were 2,000 fialesT American hone. The port look like 1.800 bales. The weather, map is jxcellerit. Chicago Cash Wheat. CHICAGO July 11. Cash prices of wheat at noon were: No. 3 red, 80 - 81c; No. 8 red new, 79e; No. 2 hard winter, 80c: No. 3 hard winter, 7677c; No. 1 northern spring. 82 70.; No, 2 northern spring, 78 79c; No. 3 spring, 757Sc. f New York Grain Clearanoea. NEW YORK, July 31. The grain clearances today were: Wheat, 82,000 bushels; flour, 21,000 barrels; corn, 32, 000 bushels; oats, 39,000 bushels; wheat and flour 132,000 bushels. reseeded. the frost killing the wheat in large treat a - - The crop will be about three week. late In almost all part, of thl. dl.trlot Heading haa commenced on-a few farms. but the ru.h of harve.t 1. .till far off, The heavy landa thla year will yield the largeet crop, the light landg.auffer Inavbadly from drouth.' The. yield on Eureka Flat, 10 mllea; northwe.t of Walla walla, haa been out down about 30 per cent In the heavy landa eaat of Walt.burg tbe yield will be aa large as ever. On the foothlua near Walla Walla the crop haa been out It - per cent Wheat near Touchet, weat of Walla Walla, suffered the most of any In thla county from tarweed. Acres and acre. will not yield enough to pay for head ing. ' Tarweed made It. appearance on Eu reka Flat, but for some unexplalnable reason the wheat grew faster and choked the weed out. Russian thistle ha. again proved troublesome, and an active campaign will soon be started agalnat it OLD EAST.PORTLAND W "of mouturi FENCE & WIRE WORKS a had to be rnoae white m. i. Oartaea. mil I ifanuf aotuaer. at WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING your i v I E W lBW ff 1 araat cause hie wonderful curea ar'' so well known throughout the United Btalsa, . and because ao many people are thankful to him for eavlafl their uvea (rem - OPERATIONS He treate any ana! all disease. wlU t .powerful- Chinese I ' herbo. raota, buds, barka and vegetable that are entirety an - read the Universal Oeutblaatlen ' raneJ known to medical aclenoe In thla oeum .?T TJnr. through .theuwotthtoa. lee'i KUTVblFfamoM dootor know, the action of over 500 different rmd!e. ih.t h k aiisAeaafullv used In different nissassa. Ha s-uecaateea to our catarrh. asthma, lung trouble.. rheumeU.m. net vouenesa. atomaoh, lrver. Jtldneya. female trouble ana au crivmv aisaasss. dreda el testlmonlala. Chargaa mod Call aad see him. COaTSUT.TATXOW XHS. ratients out or uie tuj wras r dbuv and oirenlert Inoleae ataastx .Addreea "V t8-ie r ncn wrt 1 I IL Wa VII-.U TTU CHINESE MEDICINE CO, a Aiuet eueet Portland. Oj. Men tlon thle peper. Hun blank JS - Xnnaway la "Wanted." WALLA WALLA. Wash., July 11. If he Is found by an officer of the law, L. E. Nolan will be arrested on a charge of kidnaping his stepdaughter, with whom he recently eloped. A warrant was Issued to that effect yesterday and the authorltlea of Eastern Oregon and Southeastern Washington are watching for the ex-con vlct, and hi. paramour, Bessie Sffms. When last heard from they were In Adams, Or., but that wa. Thursday. Since then they have disappeared. The warrant was sworn out by O. W. Sams, father of the girl, upon advice from Prosecuting Attorney Lester 8. Wilson, who, it la aald, told Bam a he could not bring a charge of criminal in timacy against Nolan, as he waa Bessie Sams' stepfather. Roof Cresting, Whety w Guards - BTBBIT4UJIO XX wuB. tSt X. Xerrlaea Stw , Vorelaad. Or. ATTENTION ! Bang of Chicago Markets, (Special Permission of Helton, de Huyter A Co.) CHICAGO. July 11. Tbe nmrketa raneed aa follow today: High. UBIQUITOUS REPORTER When Mr. Chamberlain wa. about to begin the speech which he made from the balcony of the Marine Hotel at Durban, he was startled by the sudden apparition or a reporter who slid down a pillar from the roof and arrlved- breathless and dusty, but notebook in band. Mr. Chamberlain was astonished. "Whom do you represent T' he said. "The .entire press of the empire," wae the reply. Open. wneat . Sept $00.78 Dec Ccrn Sept Dec,.,,, Oats Sept Pec Pork- July 14.72 Sept 14.05 Lard July Sent 7.87 Ribs July..... Sept 8.60 1.78 -77 .61 ,50 .34 j35 $00.70 .78 .51 . .51 .85 .35 14.72 16.05 8.00 8.65 Low. $00.78 -77 .51 .oo .34 .35 14.50 14.75 7.82 8.6S Close. $00. 70 A .78 .61 -61 .34 .85 'l4.50 14.75 7.65 7.85 8.52 8.55 Low excursion rates to all nolnts TTaat July 12. 13. 14. 16 and 16. via the Northern Pacific Railway. Chicago Hog Steady. CHICAGO," July 11. Receipt of livestock In the principal picking center of the country today were: Hoga. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 0.000 800 1,000 Kansas City 4.000 1,000 ..... Omaha 7,500 800 Hogs Opened - steady with 4.000 left over from yesterday. Receipts year ago were 13. 000. Ruling bog price are: Mixed and butch er', $6.50iS5.85; good beavy. 5. 2505.60; rough neavy, to.iiu; ngnt, f3.uui0O.zu, vnie raieaay. Sheep Steady. 4 Wheat Etooks Oeoreaae. MINNEAPOLIS, July 11. Vheat shows a decrease of 468,009 bushels for the week, making a total of 4,416,000 bushels In stock. ' Liverpool Grain Clo.e. LIVERPOOL, July 11. Wheat Sep tember unchanged. Corn September, c lower. Car. for Monday. CHICAGO, July 11. The estimated number of cars lor Monday are: Wheat, 60; corn, 400; oats, 190. STEAM AND JUICE Competitive tests of steam and elec tricity for traction purposes are about to be, under the auspices of the German government, on lines extending westward from Berlin to Hamburg and to Hanover. Each of these Is about '200 miles' long. The approaching trial, are virtually a continuation of those con ducted nearly two years ago on the short military road running southward from Berlin to Zossen. It la highly probable that time enough has been afforded bp the interruption for the lessons, already learned to prove fruit ful In several Ways. Contractor, have been invited, to suddIv both .team and electric .locomotive, capable of develop ing a speed of 90 miles an. hoar in ordinary traffic and 100 with light loads, Buch. as would be furnished by single cars.' If the competitors make the :nosl.of. the opportunity the out coma of the experiments will be highly Instructive. . It is to be hoped that it will be prac ticable to ascertain -more fully than has ever been done , before the . possibility of maintaining a speed of 80 or 90 mile. an hour for several hours with steam, With the best locomotive, now In ser vice such velocities can be attained for a few minutes, but the boiler pressure falls off too rapidly for long contlnu- anoe, - .-The.-AbleatdealgniEfa -gravely doubt whether any material gain can be effected In this respect, because the limits of the firebox seem to have been nearly reached. Perhaps they are too pessimistic. Probably some improve ment la yet feasible, but where must development along this line eventually stop? That is a question which the most progressive railway men : In the world have begun to consider and want to have cleared up. No such difficulty is encountered by an electric motor. With the power of a properly equipped rentral-stnt Ion -tr-dra w- on, -4 t-ean a ve all It wants. It can be built for any prescribed speed, and keep it up end lessly. Indeed, while It may be neces sary to change motormen every ', few ; hours, it is hard to see why , one elec tric motor may not run through from Chicago to New York, and maintain a sueed of ICO miles or more all the way. If external conditions are So for as the electric engine is concerned, no experiment In either Germany or America Is needed to demonstrate that fact. Art and Science " SIGN0R G. FERRARI Formerly of illlatn, Italy, Cure. Catarrh and Aathma simply by kl. method of voice culture. Singing taught from foundation te irtistlo finish. Testimonials open to Inspection at hla itudlo. MULKEY BlILDINQ, BOB. SB OPTO AJTD MOSJtiaOg 8T8, n,m , ! .1 i ii nn'si , ii is nmn , inaj '"lip giit",!' -TFSai ll l l ajMaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaiaaa. Simpson & Co. House and Sign PAINTING - -. . Paper Hanging. Kalsomining STRICTLY UNION WORK Mtt rZKST ST. none. Clay Bad. las . Tho larjest and most complete un -dertaklosrestablishmenton the Coast. F. 5.' Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East 5lxth. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. , , r Woman J Evory vftsii HL&f-cjTr r'mly tiuaaaa.iasMa la buareaud and abonld knew ' aboat the wonderfa) MARVEL Whirling Spray To new vaauai syn Ham mna ttueHM. aa-soai venvMiand 11 If be'eaminpplytbe M AKVKIi, aoeept no Other, bat nd aaama for fl. Inacratad hook alvsa full Murtfeaian and direction In. vaJnable to ladlae. nAatKLC... ftoMi 16 H. TlnaMSIds.. VnrTerk. ami kv WOODAED, CLAlgJ A CO. WB CURE MEN! New York Cotton. (Speelal Permission ef Iloltnn. de Ilnytci ft Oo.) CHICAGO. July 11. Tho cottoa market ranged today follow sxnus CTxaz worn ftxes. - Itching pile, produce moisture and cause itching, thl. form, as well aa Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng , Pile, are cured by Dr.. Bo-san-ko's Pile .Remedy. Stop. Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. SOo a Jar. at druggists, or nt by mail. Treatise free. Write me about voiir raw Hr nnnlt Phil's.. Pa. ' ) by IB . lot r. I. TALC0TT. K. O. 00NTEACTXD DISORDERS. Every contracted dlsrau 1 attended grave danger tnat notblns las than a thorough and absolute en re ca remove. To take even the (lighteat chance ia uch caae 1 to Invite life. long misery. Men do not realise Ufa- aa tney anooia. A partial cure la fol lowed by a chronic stage, with all Ira horror, th asm though th dis ease bad not been treated at all. We positively win .not dismiss a patient until every possibility of relapse la re moved. By our ytem of treatment very patient Is aonndly i eared, ana made a free from disease taint aa he wa before th ailment w! contracted. SR. TALCOTT CO., 50 Alder It.. HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of the' , CITY BREWERY; Xtargest and Most Complete Brewery la the Worth wee. Bottled Beer a Specialty. TBZdBPXOSrfl Xfo. 78. Offloe istn and Brnmslde BUeeea, roBTXsAjnt, OBaoosf. Mann & Beach 92 SKCOND STREET Bet STARK and OAK PRINTERS TELEPHONE 444 DOINT BUY A QASOUNB EINQIN UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR ENOINES ANQ OPT OUR PRICES We give a written euarantee with every enzlne for one year, and we are right here to back It up. Patron ize home industry by buying; from the manufacturers, i A. J. GILL SCO. 330 and 3 Oak St, Portland, Or F. W. Baltes & Co. PRINTERS Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES Open. Jan. '04.$ 0.54 Feb. '04. 0.60 Mar. '04. 0.54 July.... 13 2-. Ann.... 11. HO Sept.... 10.61 Oct.'. . . . 0.83 Nov. Dec .. ft. 63 0.50 Hlch. $ 0.63 8.61 ft.fll , 12 25 11.07 10.72 9.00 W 8.07 Low. , $ 0.64 e.6o 0.64 10.56 S.82 0.55 8.60 Clone. $ 0.63rd64 .80(a62 0.6OM61 ::.l2.ts it , 11.95(098 10.71 (fi72 - 9.8ft 00 8.S7U69 0.6667 - 'New Tork Bank Statement, NEW YORK. July 11. Th bank statement for the week Issued today wa follows: .: Decrease. Reserve, less United States 888,375 Reserve 8H0.2O0 Loan .k 7,816,200 Specie 3,828.200 lgais ..v 877,400 Deposit ,..11,748,800 circulation increased i,uoo, . . , Northwest Grata Car. " ' CHICAGO. Jnly 11. The gralo- ear t the serersl point today were: MiDneapolU, 16S; Diiluth, 25. , ...... Tbe car lot in th city today were; Cars. Grade. Eati. Wheat 14 2 15 Corn .................. ...2f " .' "2d ' 285 Oat , 173 . 19 .180 : -. .7, V-.7V7,: n.;.;-:,s7v.' a . USE , , . 7i 1 TTiTXT TnP J. .' -: -f- ' -; xjn. i o :'7vj7'- There is nothing better -rhade will be y-f -.V - . V