The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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items' of Local Interest for Busy
:' V - Journal Readers, , '
Shower and thunderstorm. bar occurred In
Montana, North Dakota, MInueeot, Eaatern
Febraeka, Iowa and Northern Illinois. Fair
reatber preralla In tb PaelOo Co it States,
with aeaoabt tru)Derur.
Th. bot weather continue. . In th. central
vall.rat th. tentmrstiu at St. Loots tbl.
Morning at T o'clock was 82 defreea.
The Indication are (or lair weather la tbl.
flatrlct Saturday. - -r T- , -
oftlasd Nellie Y. French, it. Paul; Mr.
W. C. Uerbrlch. F. 1. Bradr. J. S. Mnodr.
v O. M. Cornwall, rltr; t. P. Timber . gaa
i,'Vrraiielwo; M. .W., w. I Sutherland.
i A-Nebraak.; Mr. W. J. rower, Ulnnea nulla; W.
I t let O twiMU, Gladstone, Mich; J. H. Kohr,
V Raff York: L. A. Knox. - Oentrallet N. H.
I Tarn, and wife. New York; Mr. K. Par-1
rna, I. II. Uagulre, Washington, U. C. Mr.
T. Peseta, San Franclaco; F. D. Newberry,
rsiiaaeipiua; s. A. Sawyer and wire, Vic-
rla; 11. Koaenhaam, city; 1. 8. Kara, Taeoms;
A. Clarke, Han Francises; A. J. Hunron,
a anil l 1I , . W V
and wife, Los Anele W. F. peters and
re. Jtr. Paul: W. Oake and wife. Brattle: 8.
Blnatrflmer, Cbleao; VY. 0. Hall, A.' Hat
Bald, Jr., New York; A. Dcmanseon. Seattle!
C. W. Fulton, Aatnria: Adam 8. f'olllna. Han
rrsnclaco; W. C. Randall. New York; 8.. C.
Oppenbeimer and wtf, Mr. B. Opneubcltner,
an Franrtacoi F, B. Halftbt. Denver; W. C.
I rem. Lo Aoselea: A. D. Or bam. Detroit:
J. S. Torrent, .New YurkV C. P. Brlgsa. Baa
Franclaoc; W. II. Kent, Waehliiftnn, D. Ci
D. H. Bibb. Ban Franchwet Mle B. H. Hooker.
Boa ton; Uears J. Lanibley, New York; VY 8.
Thorn. Grace Thorn. Han Francisco! A. F.
Luring and wife, Milwaukee; W. 1. Oahlll.
New York; Len D. Oweita, Thomaa H. B.
arney, Ran Franclecn; E. VI. Tell, New York;
Hre. E. B. Morton, Milwaukee: Mlaa F. i. M.
WeCarry, Marsaret M. Par, ludlanapolle; R.
PatanhnDr. uermanr: Mr. and Mr. A. B.
Monuromerj, Saginaw; Howard Klmbrooah,
.Sacramento; f). D. Roeenhaum, New York; Lee
fierce, Reno; N. B. Llnaley, Spokane; F. J.
Bowltr, fit. Panl; Mr. Irrlne, child and maid,
Imperial T. W. Keen. Med ford; Rev. 0. H.
Lake. The Dalle; J. VT. Bcrlber, La Urande;
O. R. Initli. KanuaClty: L. Meackmon, Baker
CttMi M. K. ntlllnx. Kalama; Mr... C. 8. Wot.
(me; 0. C. Moore and family. Colorado; T.
Allen. Mr. Allen. Llncolu: B. M. Tbomp-
Tu Augueta. fla.; J. O. Storey, Lorka;
.'. Mernell. Buffalo; N. K. Aab. Caacade Lock;
J. N. Wllltamon. PrlneTille; C. B. Lytle,
rmaniko; i. s. done, Maine; i. w. ounn. 8ol
tle; 0. B. Johnaon, Delia; B. C. Hayward,
torriii; Mr.. Hayward and cbimrea. Cor
T.lll.: B. B. Paddock, Indlanapolla; E. E.
Day. Seattle: 8. 8. Huahea. Olj-mnla: B.
Carting. Ralem; Mra. La Foreat. Albany; Mlaa.
Barnea, H. B. Prtemon. nan Franclaco; Mr.
R. W. Clark, Mlaa H. Clark. Granta Pa; J.
B. More, Mr. Morce. Mies More. 8. Plnkertnn,
San Franclnco; Cbarlea C. Rledy. Baa Fran
clacoi H. 0. Van Duaen, Albert Rrlx. Aetorta;
t. B. Lyman, Mra. L. A. Rice. Walla Walla;
Martin Botb. Rainier; G. T. Bartlett. W. C.
Rupert, Th Dalle: W. A. Robb. Sadie Mc
Donald. Glady L. McDonald; Minnie' Dlrkeraon.
cltr: 8. M. Parrr. San Franclaco: John J one.
Tacoma; C. Getcbel and wife. San Jne; Walter
10111. Baiem: Hlnjrer Hermann. Koeebur; u. M.
Iddl. Aqule; W. F. Matulr. Kalama; Mr.
i. Harama. urac A. Hardin. Mr. O. c.
See re, Baiem; N. P. Cooper, Independence.
flre-haated pollahera do. W have
th only i ataam-heated fellow In tha
town. Union Laundry, Second and Co
Tout rrooar will brlnr you Pill. bury'
Baat flour -If you aak him. It'i tha
only flour In thla market roada from No.
1 hard wheaL . It'a tha only flour that
"Tha Beat On Earth." It makes bread
that's light, whlta and luaoloua. Not
tlngham V Co. dlatrlbutera. f
Ta axeuraloa of tha year wlfl be
given by the Oregon Camera Club
Cap Horn on Sunday. July 12. 1 Steamer
Bailey Qatsert. RMpectabia people can
b aaaured that thla will be a quiet, or
derly, enjoyable ezcuralon. Tickets
Adulta, 11.00; children, SOo.
Beanttf! ram and art aquarea made
from old. 'worn-out carpet a. We take
the earpeta juat a they com from the
floor and thoroughly renovate before
making up. Mall order given careful
attention. The Northweat Rug Worka,
tot Eaat Morrison street 'Phone White
It tnurJit to mak th Xioa awaat
carrying panaengera to Oregon City and
Willamette Fall-theae hot day. Kvery
body ought to go, Boat leavea foot of
Taylor street at t:80. 11:80, t and :16
o'clock each day. Round trip, 46 cent
and on way by electric cars. If deal red.
Sundays' it cants, r
Tae Taxpayer' Xim now haa the
following officer: F. W. Mulkey, preal
dent; Leo Frieda, vic-prldent; L. J,
Goldsmith, aecretary; W. M. Ladd. trea
urer. Th following will act as direc
tors: W. M. Ladd. F. W. Mulkey, Rod
ney Ollsan. I earn White. S. A. Brown.
L. J. Goldsmith and Leo Frlede.
Th gultor LU. ateaama? "Dalle
City" will make the round trip to Caa
cade Locks and return on Sunday In
place of the' "Bailey GatserL" Mu.lo
and excellent meala on board. Steamer
leavea Alder-street wharf at 0 a. m.
returning, arrives st 7:S0 p. m. Special
round-trip ticket, 11.00. 'Phone Main
Th Saa-ulator Lin ataamer "Da II
City" will make the round trip to Caa
cade Lock and return on Sunday In
place of the "Bailey GatserL" Music
and excellent meala on board. Steamer
leaves Alder-street wharf at 8 a. m
returning, arrives at 7:30 p. m. Special
round trip ticket, $1.00. 'Phone Mala
Thar, will b
Big crowda
At the ball game
Portland Browna
Los Angeles. '
Don't miss It.
All your friends
Will be there.
. Game starts
Ball Park,
Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. ,
The Los Anfeles
Are the top-notchers
And play good ball.
Don't forget.
The Sunday game
Itarta at 2:30.
E. O. MoOalllstar, an employe of the
City Suburban Railway Company, fell
from a sprinkler at th comer of
Sixteenth and Marshall streets this
morning, and sustained bruises about
his face sufficient to cause him to walk
to the Good Samaritan Hospital to re
celve attention. The injuries were not
at all serious.
Chief of Polio Kant haa aecured a
book, which la to be kept at police
headquarter for the purpose of keeping
the naqjea of people all over the city
who are going to the Coast for the sea
son. All who notify the police win be
written there, and the officers on their
beat will be instructed to take special
car of their house in their absence.
Reports may be made by mail or tele
phone. Many have been received al
" Th roof of the Union Depot 1 being
Cloud Cap Inn opened July 1.
8, Jittngllle, manager.
Dont forget the Camera Club excur
sion to Cape Horn on Sunday.
Suit haa begun in the State Circuit
Court by P. Burgduft against E. W. Bell.
ssklng to be declared a partner with
Bell in a restaurant known as the
Popular Kitchen. The plaintiff allege.
that he held an option for a lease on the
premises at 156 tt Fourth atreet last
January. This ha turned over to Bell
and one Brown In consideration of a one-
third Interest in the establishment.
Brown retired from the bualneas In
February, and Bell refused longer to
recognize Burgduff as a partner.
S. X. Koorahonae at Co., at 8eventh
and Alder. Telephone, Main 1143.
Mia SVn-tlasd.
) Open for-guest.
Long Beach, Wash.
European plan.
Long Beacn and Bearirw Pro via Ions
at reasonable rates. Strauhal Bros.
Tin Say I Huy Meredith's umbrellas.
Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth.
D. K. Band returned, (02 Th De
Telephone: Office, 356; residence.
Take ta Bailey Oatsert and g with
th Camera Club to Cape Horn on Sunday.
tad!' har yom vr thought that
you can buy your dry goods and crock
ery cheaper st my store on th East
Side of the river than you can procure
like material for on the West Side,
where rents are eight times greater
than I hav to pay? And have you
thought that you can step out of my
store onto a car and thua aave th pres
ent, st least, harrowing experience of
those who have to "pack" bundle from
West Side store to the car at the foot
of Morrison street? My expenses sre
so low that I can afford to give lower
prices than can those in the high-rent
regions of the city. Baumer. Union
avenue and East Morrison street.
Rev. Father F. C. Lak of Th Palle
l in Portland. . - , 1 ,
. JT. O. Storey, a Cascade Lock a sawmill
man. 1 at th Imperial, '
M. Kelly of Duluth i at th Portland.
Mr. Kelly I a lumberman.
L.' A. Loom Is, a prominent Long
Beacn business nun, I in Portland.
-E. E. Paddock, an Independence
merchant, I registered at th Imperial
Congressman J. N. Williamson of th
Second Oregon District, Is Jn th city.
United Ststes Senator C. W. Fulton
of Astoria Is registered at th' Portland
W. J. Plymal, a well-known Jack
qnvlll Justice of th Pac, 1 in Portland.
General Passenger Agent C. E. Lytle
of th Columbia Southern, I In th city
from Bhanlko.
Congressman-elect Blnger Hermann is
in th,clty from Roseburg. H 1 regis at th Imperial. '
Mrs. Austin Rlcs, wife of a prominent
Walla Walla minister, accompanied by
her rather. D. E. Lyman, I registered at
th Imperial. 1
H. R. Johnson, assistant cashier of th
Baker-Boyer Bank at Walla Walla, ac
companled by his wife, Is In th city on
th way to the Coast.
Superintendent F. A. Dryden of th
Waahlngton Stat Penitentiary passed
through Portlsnd this morning enroute
to Walla Walla from Albany.
Martha Hand Bokar.y loaves rinmiaer
Kesld.nos la Anger llw4l
Bn Wast Xoaa.
Martha Maud Schevey, aged 18 year,
and aaid to be very much of a brunette.
left the residence of Dr. and Mra. O.
P. S. Plummer, where she was em
ployed, early yesterday morning about
8 o'clock and haa not been aeen atnee, to
the knowledge of any on In thl city.
It I thought, however, that she went
away from tha Plummer residence In
snger because she was 4iot permitted to
go out on the streets at night, and that
he went home to her mother, who live
at Starford, a distance of sbout 12
There sre some who believe that the
young girl met with foul plsy, and tho
police have been requested Jo investi
gate. All that could be learned was
that she left the Plummer home In
anger, after th family had gone away
for a visit She had been employed
there but on day.
The Job printing house of Mann A
Beach, 82 Second street, has turned out
piece of printing for the Willamette
University that for neatneas of compo
sition, excellence of presswork and
quality of halftones, would be difficult
to equal anywhere In the United States.
The book might well be termed a work
of art, tc berut l?l are Its pages.
The concern haa recently done similar
work for the Bishop Scott Academy,
Pacific University at Forest Orove, St.
Helens Hall, this city, and other educa
tional Institutions.
These gentlemen have made large ad
ditions to their plant, enabling them to
produce a class of printing that is not
surpassed by anyone, and the floor room
haa been expanded so as to afford an
entrance at 233 Stark street as well as
at 92 Second. In keeping with this In
cresse of work room, the firm's business
Is three-fold greater now than on Janu-
ry 1, and constantly enlarging. Ita su
perior stock of stationery and paper.
bought directly from Eastern manu
facturers, enables the Institution to turn
out the best Jobs at a less cost than can
be afforded by those- buying locally and
in small quantities. "Progression" la
the watchword with Messrs. Mann A
Beach. They find It paya.
AH Those Failing to Pay Thsir
License l-ees Are to Bef aced
Under 'Arrest ' Commencing
Besides the ' Regular Amount
Due They; Will, Be Assessed
an Extra "Fine at the Option of
the Court, .
There are many people In Portland
who failed to pay their licenses today
that will probably be surprised at a
summons of arrest tomorrow or Monday.
Tho llcens officer hav their Instruc
tion to apprehend all the delinquent
and gtv them a chance to explain be
fore th Municipal Judge why they were
o forgetful. The city officials are more
determined than ever to see the lsw
strictly enforced.
The announcement mane yesterday
that this wa the last day of grace for
those owing license fees for the quar
ter resulted In a large rush at the ll
cens department today, but at that
there are fully one-fourth or more of
those on the books who have failed to
take out their quarterly permits and
Instead of th regular fee these people
111 hav to pay an additional fin of
from IS up. That wa the average fin
assessed upon the delinquents last quar
ter, and if it falls to remedy the evil
this time It will be .doubled for the next
A stated yeaterday, an Investigation
will probably be made as to why there
are ao few lawyer and practicing at
torneys paying license fees. It Is said
that from the average total there ap
pears to be about on In five complying
with the law In that regard. The phy
sicians are much better In this respect,
but still there sre thought to be a num
ber who have taken advantage of the
laxity of tha officials, snd these sre to
be proceeded against. In short, those
of every class who have not secured
their licenses by tonight will not only
be compelled to disgorge the regular
fees, but also an extra fine to maks them
remember better the next time. The law
covering violations of the statute Is ss
'Section 10. Any person, firm, corpor
ation or Joint stock compsny who vlo-
stes sny of the provisions or this ordi
nance shall, upon conviction thereof be
fore the Municipal Court, be punished by
a fine of not leas than S6 nor more than
1300, or by Imprisonment not to exceed
80 days, or both.
,.m. 1
i ii..iniii
. ' Salslda' vw Sbw. -
Shields' Park I everything that could
be desired the. night, ! crowded
house would not b th record. It I an
event of atlfaction when a coupl of
thousand theatre patron can alt In tha
open air and enjoy an entertainment
mad up of sets that are believed to b
aa good as wr ever given in Portland.
J Such ia th case this week, and for tha
weeic beginning Sunday night Mr. Shield
announcea a program made up of en
tirely new faces. There Is not a specialty
on th bill but what I a "top-notcher."
Hign-ein work Is th reputation. which
th people enjoy who have been en
gaged by Mr. Shields. Above sll
th other merits of the show It can be
understood thnt there will be no two
features alike. Such an arrangement
or a program is whst make, it of 10
fold more value then one on which three
or four teams sppear. each one doing
about th same class of work. Sunday
nignt new snow begins and It will
be th greatest one of the season.
Freparlng to Oo Sows on th
rotter Saturday.
Th DoruUr T. J. Potter leaves for
Astoria and North (Long) Beach. Sat
urday forenoon at :40. The trip la one
long to be remembered. A Jolly, big
crowd goes down Saturday. Join them.
Particulars at city tlcaet omce, Third
About July 10, Jamea R. Ewlng, th
bookseller, will remove to th corner of
Fourth and Yamhill.
pa la i
Fortlaad Club, 130 Fifth gtreet A
taSle lunch- served every evening
until 11 p.
Bchnmana, gQ4 Third trt, next
door to Taylor-treet Church. Marble
cutter, monumental and building work.
First-class work only..
WkiUJpry-Uan bt flour in the
city. Made at Walla WaNa by Dement
Bros. Co. G. W. Church, wholesale
agent. 264 Front street.
Be r. Abrahams at th Vail" Land
Comp a n r offl cey4 S H First street. x;or-1
bug map of Josephine County,
executed in colors by William P. Wright
of Granta Psss, la on exhibition at th
rooms of th Oregon Bureau of Informa
tion. The map 1 only loaned to th
bureau, but It Is Intended that a blue
print be made from it for the benefit of
patrons of the placer. The map-is -4x0
inches In size and the mineral deposits.
agricultural and timber lands, water
courses and elevatlona are indicated. "A
glance at the map." said A. LeRoy of the
bureau, "will show the prospective set
tler, miner or timber man Jost what th
county contains and. where and how
such can be reached. - A neat folder, con
taining a copy of. this) map would be sn
excellent thing to give visitors." The
bureau slso contains a smaller map of
Baker County In which every mineral
claim I Indicated and its name given.
ner Ash. if you want, to buy or sell real
estate. Established 15 years.
Ws hav th best printing onto in the
world- we believe. Jou 11 think SO. too.
If you 11 try our work. Metropolitan
Printing Co.. 147 Front, near Morrison.
Oa July 19, 13, 14, 13, IS, tickets at
low rates will be on sale. Apply at th
omce of the Chicago. Milwaukee & Bt. I
Paul Ry. Co., 134 Third street, corner)
or Aider.
Bora, at Coos Bay. to Mr. and Mrs. j
FaA. Raymond, a son. Mr. Raymond is
ellng passenger agent for the North-
'tt Pacific, yvrith headquarters In this
Xtovsjoy Unco In good same. And
they do good bookbinding and make
good blank books at 12 S First, next to.
t irst National Bank. You'll know if
Ttnt trthem. " - - v
7orty-nin. entm sach ought to move
blanket, even if it is hot. The Whit
Corner has. them labeled at that price
and mean it. This ought to be a good
2.11m to prepare for a rcptton to Mi
zero. : 'A
Tn Breakers Hotel ts now open and
receiving guests. For information about
. rate, reservations, etc.. call upon T. M.
Arthur es Ck. 40 First street, this city.
phoue Main 662. -or writ Hotel Break
er. .Long Beach. Wash.
T4 Orsgoa Casaara Club excursion.
Th Bailer Gatsert is allowed only S&
xrslonits.' Tickets are celling rap.
Idly. - Boat leaves a. to., Sunday. July
12. Alder-atreet dock. Tickets: Adults.
Jt.08; children. 50c. . No tickets sold to
objectionable parties. . -
'.,.-:- - s-.i v ' V ' .'Si. '
WMUM-rmmt need "whit treat
ment from the laundry- Oar steam
boated polisher -doesn't do linen np
"brown" -or .yellow, either. And it
doesn't weaken th fiber by burning
Thar will b
Big crowds " vt
At th ball game
Portland Browns
Lo Angeles.
Don't mis It.
All your friends
Will b titer. .
Game start "
:3o.- :
BallPark. .
Twenty-fourth and Vaughn.
The Lo Angel
Ar th top-notehr
And play good ball. r
Don't forget. . l . '
The' Sunday gam
Starts at Z:J9.
The camera; flend will be la their
glory on Sunday next and those who ac
company 'them will hav spent a most
enjoyable day. The Oregon Camera
Club has chartered the Bailey Gatsert
a nd will gtv-their annual -excursion 4o
Cap Horn Sunday. J uly 12. and from
11 reports the weather promises to be
good by that time. Excursions . given
by the Camera Club ar always pop
ular Inasmuch as they are conducted In
the most orderly - way possible, and
great car is exereisad in selecting
most suitable place at a suitable time of
the year. Cap Horn is their destina
tion, and a few people touch, at that
point on their way np th Columbia. I
1 expected many will avail themselves
of the opportunity to see w the great
basaltic cliff that ria perpendicularly
from the water's edge. ' The committee
visited the place about a month, or so
ago' ob a special steamer and found it to
be an ideal spot for a pirate.
t" r "x '
-' Lew excursloa rate to all point East
July 13. II. 14, li and It. via.. the
Northera PaclAo. Rallwajn ; ,
Brown's Park Band will give a con
cert tonight at" S o'clock In the Plas
block, opposite the County Courthouse.
The program follows:
March. "The Boya of the Old Bri
gade" Chambers
Walts, "Ma Bell Adoree" Roy
Overture, "Bohemian Girl" Balfe
Piece di Salon, "Simplicity" Moses
Potpourri of popular songs DeWltt
Descriptive, "Patrol of the Phan-
toma" .Chambers
Scenes, from "The Daughter of the
Regiment" ..Donisettl
Caprice Elegante, "Donee, . Promt,
esses" . Laurendea n
Selection from "The Serenade". .Herbert
Two-tep, "Captain O. N. Steel". .Carlton
"Star-Spangled Banner." , ..Key
CHARLES L. BROWN- Conductor.
'- 4 i LnriJ '
Tbl Wk at Shields'.
Two more nights of the old nro
gram st Shields' Park. Thla week haa
been one or great encouragement for
outdoor vaudeville and the 10 features of
tne snow now running at the nsrk have
msde great hits. It will be tha last week
when Hugh Eramett can be seen and
neard. He Is considered th world's
greatest ventriloquist, and the comedy
worn ne saos to nis set is most ac
ceptable to the patrons of the park.
Moving pictures of Multnomah Falls
sre also shown this week, besides the
otner attrsctlons. Ita a clever show and
there I no mistake.
Beat Week at Umpire.
Tho bill announced for next week at
the Kmplr Theatre, commencing Mon
day, July 18, Is fully up to the high
rtandard set by the management of this
fashionable reort. A duo of minstrels,
whose very names will attract atten
tion, top th program. McTntyre and
lrlmroso Is the title of the team whose
melodious mirth will please Kmplr
patrons all next week. Marsh Craig,
the marvelous equilibrist, has no
superior in his line of work snd the
team of Christy and Willis, In their
sketch entitled "Th Trsmp Juggler and
tho Dancing Soubrette," will entertain
the most exacting playgcer in Port
land. World and Kingston, a comedian
and souhrette who made good when they
first appeared In Portland some weeks
ago, will return and present an entirely
new act. Haywood and Haywood and
Conroy and Pearl ar new sketch teams
who are also on the list.
Th Umpire.
The Empire Theatre continue on It
career of success this week. The
heavy bass singing of Arthur Hshn Is
a feature whose excellence makes It
perpetually new. Tho grotesque act of
Delphlno snd Del mora Is sn entire
novelty, while the colored comicalities
of Devaney and Allen should be ml seed
by no one. Matinee tomorrow afternoon.
"Bast lynne."
Only three more performance of
"Kast Lynne" remain to be given at th
Bak'T Theatre. Judging from the ad
vance sale for tonight, tomorrow after
noon and evening, the multitude of
frlenJs which the Baker Stock Com
pany have made, are determined that
no seat shall remain vacant at sny of
the three Innt presentations. As a fare
well offering, "Eset Lynne," one, of the
most powerful of modern dramss. Is
most satisfactory.
35? Olds. Vortman k King Nj!
Saturday the Last Day
of These Great Silk and
Dress Goods Specials
Mil 25
(Ftrtt Floor Annx)
Fine Dress Goods
Thinking of buying cool stuffs t
A good many people ar saving
thlr money for vacation trip
Well, the dress good will help
you to do both.
1st All of our 90. and 60e value
in An French Challi, including
omi of th handsomest design
and color w hav vr shown.
8pecial today at per 3Q
2d Lot. All-wool French Challi
with silk stripes, th nwat and
moat novel patterns, slso plain
color, regular price 75c and 13c.
Special today at per 63 C
3d. Our antlr lln of 3&-ln. all
wool Serge, good, rellabl ma
terial, for outing and s.aaide
dresses; alio for making up th
children' dreises; regular 30c val
ue. Special today at per
son's good, for, yard.
Today's SilR News
8om of our finest llks which ar
till unsold ar going to be hurrUd"
out by a change of prices today
(First Floor Annex)
Oreat new of seasonsbl silk
light weight; all of them. Noth
ing mors cool and dainty. A bint
of prices:
36-Inch, regular valu f A 5
$1.25, now PI.UU
36-Inch, regular valu M )fi
$1.30, now Pl.sVy
Foulard Silk, our ntlr stock
vary beat $1.25 good, very choice
patterns and all thl sea- 70
.1 7s
Joss's Klnstrals.
When Richard J. Jose, the wonderful
contra-tenor, who Is st the head of his
aUttf. 0'iOBfEl.Xb
Come this evening or tomorrow and
aee Mrs. O'Donnell. the lady from one
side of whoa face the smallpox plttlngs
have been removed. She Is exhibited
merely to demonstrate to the Incredu
lous that facial disfigurements may bs
obliterated. This woman Is living evi
dence of thi. She will be with me only
one day more. Open evenings.
Madame Vaughn
Parlors 308, 30 and 310, Tailing Bldg,
Slaughter Sale
Mt. Hood Shirts !
THE NEW GOL1 soft fronts, separate cuffs, OCp
redoced to. :..Ou
The $1.00 grades cut to 50c
And the $1.50 line cut to .75c
Men, btre is your chance to secure bargains before alterations
own minstrel organisation that Is com
ing to ths Msrqusm Orsnd Theatre next
Monday and Tuesday nights, July 11-14,
first msde his appearance In New York
City, with Denman Thompson's "Old
Homestead" company, the orltlcs of ths
metropolis were unanimous In their
praise of his wonderful voice. One critic.
n oommentlng on the Performance ths
following morning, devoted slmost his
entire space to the singing of this phe
nomenon, snd wrots thusly: 'The slng-
ng last night wss th best that ever
accomapnled an "Old Momestesd" com
pany. The double mats quartet was
headed by that peerless contra-tenor.
Richard J. Jose. Around the old well
n the first set they sang "Ths Old
Oaken Ducket." and "Fifty Tears Ago."
later they sang Bhattuck's arrangement
of "In Old Madrid" snd "Where Is My
Wsndering Boy Tonight." In the Grace
Church scene, 'The Palms" wss sung be
hind the scenes. In all of the num
bers, Mr. Jose's voles wss given an
opportunity to be heard. Me stsnds
without an equal today upon tha Ameri
can stsge ss a contra-tenor. Th qual
ity of ,hls voice ts perhaps the sweetest
thst ever Issued from the throat of msn.
His enunciation is perfect. Every word
s so distinct and ao Intelligible that It Is
quite evident thst Mr. Jose's voice has
never been spoiled by a teacher.
Tick Jose, ss h wa known In
Itsno, Nev., when he wa a Jolly young
blacksmith. Is a living example of the
absurdity of stage traditions. In all
comlo operas, ths blacksmith Is slwsys
a haaso-prorundo. Th assumption thst
a deep, gruff voice I th Indication of
physical strength I a popular fnllsc
ss exemplified by Mr. Jose. He wss
blacksmith when Frill man. ths well
known minstrel ha .so, found him st th
forge at Reno, but he happen to po
sess the highest tinging vole of any
man In America.
"Mr. Jose looks ss though he could
fell an ox with a single blow, snd th
disparaging remarks about th effemi
nacy of tenors promulgated by envious
bsssos Is not liksiy to find any serious
expression in his presence. Inconspicu
ously dressed In his plain blue overall,
ilr. Jo wss recognised last night by
many of his admirers and wss given
the best reception of th evening.
12th and Morrison
Korfheeat Van1vl1 Co.. Prop.
Oaorg h. Hkr, Reddest H.a.fer.
I'Ihmm, Main 7.
a ciuckino good mow. bkpletb with
PricesMatin.. Joe. 10e: evralng, Ms, SOe,
tOr; boa and inf. ets, BOe.
13th ssd W.ahlngtos 1.900 seats.
Summer Vaudeville
Oreateat murine; plrtor eter
lA-inch Oven, 6 Hole.
For one week we will sen the
8-18 Royal Rival Steel Range for
"Th Cireas Olrt" Tonight
Tonight at Marquam Grand Theatre
will be given the first performance of
"The Circus Olrt" by th Augustln Daly
Musical Company, to be followed by
performances tomorrow afternoon and
evening. Th cast of character which
Is given below shows th full strength
of this excellent company:
RI(S. an Americas bartender John Marin
Sir Tito WeysMM
mm rapei
Ir1elll. proprietor of elrene
ilnn. Reginald Oower
A rbertrtnl, rl ne mter
Comlwalr of Pollee ,
Vleomte Gron
..Harold Vlstrd
. .Alfred Hiram
f). rorleaqne
. ...Lenta I. Mint
Prank Resla
..Henry 8t. Clair
.Richard dawner
...A. W. Plemlna
Jooenb Cto
Toothl"t Pah. the Terrible Turk.. II. Tsrptn
Kadoipn. tne cannon kins Frank Pent arm
Proprietor Cafe d la itefenee I,. Cbrtotr
Plohert Cecil HHmphrey
Corhe Ales William
Sargent Prank Resla
vaniano Willi Nonre
Walter W. smith
I. Parnrita. the firm 0h-I...MIs leohel Hal)
Dora Wemraa Ml Marl lro
r.u.-1II. a lark-wlre walker.. Ml Violet Ile
Mr. Prlrelll Ml dl KM.
Ijid.r Diana Wemraa Ml Pannl !. Rail
Mrl. a maid Ml Jtill Millard
Eatellc ..Mlaa Mia1 Wrsae
Lonle , .....Ml Engenle Hmel
Uane Ml Incite Mr"
F.mlll Ml. Pearl RnMnaoa
( Aitnte d Epern Ml Imdse
Marrrnlae de Vlllrll.or ..Ml Hallet
Madame de Oronchy .....Mlw Wlnand
Mile. Oompwm uta Mallrn
Student. Sower slrla. lanndre. model. t.
tendaot at elren. ete.. by members of eompany.
Art 1 On tb boalerard. oatalde th Tafe
de la Rrgene.
Art II Seen 1 In tbe rln t ftrlrelll'
Clrrn. Scene S Biireao of the Commbtsalr of
Pollr. Srene il Tbe artist' ball.
Time Tb Tete of Ml-Careme.
Women's Section
nnnizB tbt t ioc im
Th IS line cut to '. ,.TV4
The 3Se tin cut tb UM
Here . 1 where you get twe garment
price ot OBB
TfBfJCEB COBSSTS The SOc and T.'.c
grsdes cut to 25e
Standard makes In black, drab and
white, 75c and 11.09 grades, cut
to 36e
The $1.50 grade cut to....
Here is where you get bargains any day
or any hour.
XtAinrs worth 19c and eut to
Sc Yard
ZOTJBB WBAJPTZBAV worth $1.00 cut to
SO Cents
Here Is the place o get yetiP
tabu uirsBB, ;
QTXXTS and . M
IVlcAllen & McDonnell
EstiUnshed IS54 Bazar Palterru Reduced to 10c Phon Main 732
The regular price is $39.00,
but as we have more of this par
ticular range than the others, we
will sell it at the reduced price.
All Royal Rival Ranges are
made of double annealed, leveled
steeL The lower bottom plates
are double asbestos lined. The
grates are removable and can be
replaced at any tune, and can be
used either for wood or coaL
There is nothing better made.
Our guarantee goes with every
As time goes on we hav been won
dering if the ocean would claim Its
usual victims this season. None hav?
mrt fate far. but many people have
troubles almost ss harrowing. If It
were not for tbe fact that Cylead cures
ecaema and all forms of Itching, skin
trouble, these afflictions . would be
equally hopeless. Cylead, the great
kin cure, sold by 3. A. Clemen son, th
druggist on Beeond and Yamhill streets.
I costs only ?5e pj.r Jarg poi, MaA ha no
equal in troubles of this kind.
Kntlr eb.nge of program. Ererf far and
.very aet- sew.
0EVZ1A1 ACMISilOlir fW OIVTL " "
Qo to Cordray'. In eaae of rain.
Marquam CrandTheatrec&r2r!..
Tonlsht at :1S o'rlork, tomorrow afternoon St
a: 18, and nigbt at 8 in,
the famoss
Anstln Pelrrostpany 1
Tag ciatTus eimi,,"
The am btg eomnaar that mad s bit lf
Ratnrdar nlabt, Ju)T , In "A Runaway Ulrl:'
at thla theatre.
Krenlns prlres fxwur floor, fl.tO snd 1J
baleon. l, 7 Br and DOe; g.llery, Jfie snd IM)
bote and (o-ea, $10.
ft perl I SMtlne prire Lower floor. $1 ; bt
eoay, 7Se and "; fillery, We sn Be. Rwat '
ar sow llls.
Marqoam Grand Theatre ,rl'
Mosday and Tneaday Nlht. Uf U ssd 14,
in rmon vontrs-Tener, .
And bis own MINflTREL t'OMPAHY of M
Manaaement Relbr P. Oopenbel tner.
Watrh for masnlnrent atreet snrads Mosdsf
Prlree tower goer, eieept lt row. SI!
lat S few. Tfte: baleonr, flrt row., Tflr lt
row., nne: taller, Afle .nd Vit; boae ssd
log., fT.60. Seat, ar now elHnf, -
The Baker Theatre JJ!"'
last three nun performaae of tbe Rakef
Theatre tempenr Is
tAUT tYTnr.M
"IAf tYgl." 4
"1AT lYUVX."
ltc, 3Ce.
19; , . "SOef " ,-,-
CcSar Park" Athletic (JuF
i rem en t or Mr, Charl
Smith, rhrtmpion middleweight wrU
ler of the Northwest, of th Taoomai
Athletic Club. .
' 172-174 FUIST ST. -
TfTTd ITtoeli Oansiwi dreed.
Allen A Lewis' ttest Brand.
i i.s
trough tasteatly tste a:, Wni tua
aayoa aa rwlnt v Ro. Bapports
from M 8S9 yevmd. WSZOBB 9
OS. . 1 ' ' ' '
r Cor. rinrt M Tsylo Btft Tortlaad.
TOrY" of Tvower Alblna vs.
BURKE rotmds.
BRAUNX of Turnma I rounds,
H. Bl.'TTfl of Portland vs. BACiC
CLARK of Albin rmmds.
BILLY lA ROSB. "the Otympis VfrJ-
vlnd. ' vs. JACK MfilERRI OT H(K
q ii lam (Gray's Hsrbor) 4 round.
Xld" Boy of settle . "Itid Xafte
o atiie ronaa.
Kld' Ksrter ts willing to meet any man
in the United States at Ji pouno
MAIir BTBBT. '''rpli
BZSTOir of BoTtleaA. W ehroe-ter of
tvf Albtnav VS. CXA). gkUTB.
- eateb-s-catob-ea, B best eat ef
pfa fsJXs, a hold hewed, "iVfy
Mijslrt hy Carnival Rand.
SPECIALTIES for the f. A I1 Eg f PVSTLA SI l.
All kind
rXATVtX end BOAg ClAlTt sa CtTWO.
MRA U OUBXRt, frees bwlM, - i
i Th rmsln ef Mr. Kate WJ Bork ,
harVwhe died Wednesday at the Rome
of WBHarn JU Webster, wej-e shlppei iet
Albany. Or., last night, at wblcw piare
th funeral wUl be held tomorrow. 1- '
eeAd,,who ws well known tnriti'!
out Oregon, ws 19 years of Sir sr.
sister of Henry F. Conrfrr. a weil known
attorney. Th lt John Conner
hf' fUiP.-;-:.--i ' : . ..