THE ' OREGON '.DAILY .JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, T1TURSDAY EVENING, . JULY 9, 1903. 0 T K 'm L BBBBBWasl J. i i - .-' UK VMirS HARKET.S SHOW INCREASE - I. . CI!L1.. 11 Than Previous -SYear, ' Al- W''.n .U' ... as Heavy as txpe.cted, ; HAY Tlmothr. 81.o0llT.00r elovar. ilAOO Hii.wj vaiiroraia, (run. ifii.oo. Hop. WM aac Bides. HOPS lT4fll8io (or cholc 1808 contract. WOOL Tailor. 15G16e, cora: medium to fair, lsaiettc: Am, 16tfl7e; Btera Ore gon. lowiac; atobalr, oouilnaL HHEKt'HKINI Sb.arlug, 1 WooL 224li3oi medium wooL sack. TALLOW Prime, (or m, f $So , Ko, I ana I uiuKB wy niaes, no. 1, 10 poaaas ana 16c per ftf dry kip. No. 1, B to Iff Bw, ary can, wo, i. onoer o id. is ury j-o ima , uig ary i sound, 00 Boaixtoiar IERN ITe: fcaetera. Ore. InaL 8687c. Ulteitol Short 1, 90s; loog wool, Union Meat Company Reduces Quotations on ic Hams over, TftSo; 50 to 60 lbs, TQSet nodr 69 llw and, eowa, fl&Tc; itan and balb, aoaad. Sol klpi aoaad, 15 to -10 Iba, Te; aoand, 10 to 14 Dm. To: calf, aonud. uader 10 Iba. Set ri (ooaalted), par lb kaa: mil, lo par 0)1 www, Bwif man. Hiiru, vbi 11, fiau 1 w i w ft I aarn, fj.ouwi.ov; eoiu man, nn, wttjoucj . I HI MEAT IS 111 Now Selling at a Premium Better Than 3 Cents Over Old July Total of 963,000 . busneis in btock, r n - J -X I I Oalrr. lttuaoe: a tor a. 17c. Manufactured, 4r toil :akloa. common, mcb. lp15e; Angora, wit a ArrpaTA nf WhD?lt Thlc Vfls wool OO, eaca, H&cajfi.uo. iriwiwuwv vi imivui lilt I V(j - - - Batter, tggt and realtry. ' BCTTER Kitraa, taei . creamery, 1 MaURKXTS 07 rienic Jiauna doc Una H Z,ooal larl Aropa H con' rotatooa roach lop lamp. Mtn la rmmi a eolpta laAdoaata. X as torn packed moata Balk pleklM mum AdTsao on fane crokv, Wont. uaM than aid- B aUaTUor. UUEE8E roll craam. twin, laet Toana aaierira, toe. POULTRY Chickens, mlifel. 910o dot lb: bans, M'ltlHc; rooatara, OtflOc x-r lb; broil. era,, jdi lor per id; rrrare, lotaiic per id; ducks, li H(t 13 lie par lb; feeae. TO So par Ibi'tarker. lire, 10til3c per lb; dreaeed, lit too per ra. Orooories, Vutt, Zta. RL'QAR K' baala:" Cuba, tft T7U! now. Iqeran, aa.szwi arr era bo i tea, aa.ozMl sitra 0, 15.02$; Ooldea O, t4.02; barrela, 0c H barrel, 23e; aoira, 50c adraore oa sack baala. leaa xuo pev cwt. lor caab, 19 dat; maple, la IOC ID. HONET ISfliac oer frame. TOrriE Oraan Nucha. 21 titter laea. fanrr. aow.ic; vara, gooa, juoxm; jit, orainarr, lHiauc; Coala Rica, faocr. UiaOc; Coata nica, foon, jsgriBc; Ho per lb; Columbia III fl . V I ft, r- uvni 911.1a iiaii lAJruuva, eil.ia is,AB uoione. oiirerent trade, aDtjsooi Will Show a Decrease o About 4,000,000 Winte Movement Slow, Rica, faocr. 18i20c; Coata a lw commiaaion peopi 18c; Coata Ulca, ordlnarr. 10t Armour is supposed to mhla roaat, 10.8 Aj-backlea', h) jin) Th(4 Nn . K , 111.18 ll.t; Cordova, IH.1S. nI" V . . , different rradeaT ls5eoi movlna; Into conaumptloi (Special permlaalon of Bolton, de Barter A Co, CHICAGO, July .Th Becord-Her aid aayn: Tho No. I Northern wheat la now selling at a premium over old July of oeuer than three centa. Tha total hara. 3,000 bushels, la partly' held by mill- era, and not over 800,000 buahela la on tha market. Thla la distributed anions a rew commiaaion people and ablppera. have marketed Northern haa been ptlon rapidly of lata. , . ' I ,. . Ouopowrter, 2SS2(i35c! Xoallub Braakraat, S4S.000 bushels being shipped Out In , ITtONT STREET. July .--The weea? different cradea. nuttOBe: Holder La(, an- three days this week. It looks as If L ..- Portland wholeaala dlatrlct la folored lanan. 80lo.; pw, Jap.., evy I" 'l?' l,AtW .1",2?:f .".if in me roniami --- - 0ieoc. not -lust what had been expajciea. u" SALT Bale. 3s, tha supply might be entirely exhausted Ha, ea, 5a, 10s. 12.10; Una I here within a few weka, with no proa- UT' Pt r a speedy renewal. Duluth haa only 381,000 bushels of No. 1 Northern .85, ... I . at I ..! ai nn . a. a a . a when compared witn tne !' vSL'iSi 'a'lL year ago tha DUSineon raui.v SALT Ooarae. half rrodnd, 100a, per tea. ""' .'""' wuauoiai oi o. i urwiera Ihow a allaht advance. tbor i troubles IM.00; BOa. per too. IU.50; trrerpool, lump, and the demand is very sharp there, now. . J d n Jg rock. IM.oo per too; Jo-lb rock, $14.00; 100. There la a stock of 579,000 bushel a of T JLB.l.B. nr.taa - SIaiw ..n, k-c . No. 1 hard winter atlU left at Duluth. iniB raci i.wieviioi , . . - , - : -r. TV.lwww.w a- - i 1". .v.. .ummer from Showing a Aagnst dellrery. . a. . UJCIt i iperial Japan, No. 1, BTtCI No. X. uri neaa or mo aumu"" ,. ------ loan auch aa the Street encouniereu oiii- u.: j.w ft,!--. 1,.. Ineithe previoua year. s hkkarfaht rK)l Mali Tita. 4.BO; fito. eo. iu. 'win ha noma Improvement atlong business horlson during the next two whht iron bDuf.' The winter wheat movement is already considerably behind the normal date. There hes been one car of new No. S red wheat .in here so far and there haa been a car or two of St. Louis and Kansas City. A year ago yeaterday there were 49 cara of new winter wKeat here COAL OIL Caaaa! 43c r'er "gal. tsnk;' Water at Chicago. Advicea from Kansas City mii.,Um. -- J . in, iron bbla. l8Hc. wooden, 18c; Head- yesterday were that the wheat people wftKi. ainiij u, . ' ''"'i caaea, c, iron dom, 11 w, faaoiuie, iron on Front street stocked up hea.vily with lemons in anticipation of a larif-e demand but so far business in that irne la in active. Changes in Packed Mea.ta. The Union Meat Company -announces decline of M cent a poulnd in its quotations on picnic hams, th new quo tation to take effect at once. A decline Of Cent ia also made by Una aame company on its quotations olf various grades of lard. During the wSeek East bbla. 22c. caara. HU.e ii.i rr.tu i niy rtire raw. In bbla. B: sena. In kettle boiled, eaaea Boc, bbla Blc; pore raw, in raara. oc; genuine kettle. In caaee. D8C. BENZINE 3 deg eaaea 22c, Iran bbla 18Uj OASOLINR HA Aar mm 4J1U.. In,, 22c. TURPKNTINE In eaao TOc, wood bbU WHc, iron bbl Bee. 10-lb raae lota 89c. BBANR Small whlln AMAU l,rn mhitm an.noiKi.uu, pini J. (an,3.ij, baron i. 70. Lima e.w. T5c; new. Trulti and Teaetablet. POTATOES 81.10: bnvara' nrlcaa 1.7BI.II cwt. im men advanced their quotalona aarkad mAata U rertt In order a o meet I Fw pun ru r i-ro . .' nu the advance made a rew aaya oeiore vy w.uu; cooaing, oocrasi.oo per box; the local neonle. Ird waa also dtecllned ?.?" . II 80. ..PT? b?: . orange, lato. by the Eastern agents during t,e fore jia'aKTft; T.' part of the week on account of th? weak- berrlea, Or;on, $l.BO crate; rberrle. bulk, neaa at tha market , Packed. Tie; gooaeberrlr. SKiUe lb: aprl . . . . . i I 'Twy craie: ifmona. aianaara. az.Ta rotatoaa Kaaon Top ana aiasap. ranrji S.6H.UO: Umce. Mexican. 65o During the early hours of the, week K' .'if peche. 8.V; pineapple. h. tirl.. f not.tnea went heavenward I "-i"""''"' l w "niie. l.uuJ . . t pnuoar ai.zi there were getting no acceptances on their bids, and SL Louis was telling the same story. - toss la Aoreage. There waa the popular "Point" that July figures would show a condition around 74 per cent with the area about 90.000,000 acres, or 4.000,000 acres under last year. This will suggest a crop of about 2,000,000,000 bushels. The general sentiment is dividing so far as corn is concerned at around thla prospect of a 2,000,000,000 buahel yield. Some believe a result of 500,000,000,000 bushels under last year means higher prices to a certainty. Oftiers take tha view that a 2.000,000,000 bushel crop with all the reserves filled up by tha big crop of 1902 will not necessarily mean a high corn price. There was yesterday even from Mani toba complaint in regard to wheat con dition. It has been supposed up to within the past two days that Manitoba and the Northwest British provinces were the one territory which had es caped the troubles which had become 81.50: white and in the middle or tne ween ine wen- grann, Turn. 82.50: currant. 82.00 boxi oning Of the demand frdm the South cnte!mipe. 5H04c; watermelon, 85 doe. caused tha market to slump. Quotations ai.6?1!, at the fnra nart of the week Wre as lirL-.: V5?.?rf.C.ll.?dl,',b,'? .2 Mo-h aa ii xr a ancle hut tortnv thie umf tuce. bead. 'lBc ner Ant- .hnthmi'u i vi'twiT? so general this side of the boundary armde of stock is being quoted very weak 1"" PPPrs. 40o lb; horiaradlab, 8o lb; celery, That Manitoba was corAplalnlng yester ?t 70 and 76 cents. During te next J;. gr-j. .eemed to stir weeK runner owniBi, ir Mimeira-'iu w; lomatoe, Mlealaainpl. 82.00 4-baikct the potato market unless fhe new stock fl.'1 rc"v ,z o: hothouse. 83.00; parsnip, fenwa too lura-e a ahortasr. ' ill'ai cucumnera, oo70c do; corn, - " - - i aoc no. DRIED FBl'ITS Apple, evaporated lb; apricot. 7Wil(1c lb: peacbr. 0t pear. gUt IT,; prunea. Italian. 4U(25Uc lb; French, 3H4Hc lb; flea. California black. C 0Vc; oo, wblte. 7HSc lb; pluma. pitted. 5fl vc, raiaioa. aeeoea. rancj l-m carton, oo para 9 rgg PTioes Soar. "With a greater demand than (ever I Jthe hlatory of Front street, egg( prices Jra Just now showing Just how hlgfh they can aoar without being called wea'K. Ke celpta during the week were rathier lib eral but the demand was too lare for tha supply and besides the arrlvnl of some eggs from the outside some a-tooks were taken from the cold storage in atituttona during the week. - Ruling prices are ranging from 20 centa fair the uncandled stock to 20 cents for tha guaranteed variety. Poultry Also Piles Hlahsr. Higher eggs haa caused higher poul try and during the week the quotations on the latter were advanced several times on account of the Inability of, tha merchants to supply the heavy prevail ing demand.. Receipts of stocks were liberal during the period. Small springs and turkeys are off although they 'are arriving in large supplies. Old hens and large springs are , bringing top quota tions. Advance in Orooories. ' Bulk pickles are quoted 5 cents a gal Ion higher, a rise very unusual for thii time of the year. Scarcity of stocks and th prospects for a smalt crop dur ing the next year constitutes the reason tor the rise in prices. , The raclfio Coast Biscuit Company nnnunced today an advance , of 1 cent a und in Its quotations on lady fingers. her quotations on flour, eggs and ofW material is the cause. he Portland Cordage Company an nounced during the week that cowboy rope of the various grades would be ad vanced 2 cents a pound over the present basis on July IS. Llbby's brands of canned meats were also- advanced during tho week. S ine aup Diiuauuo. AVVUiUIIIS ,U i , V l Ul ACI D, muiu ' vit ft large hop dealer of that-state, who is how Jn thla city. Is not just now In the business for the fun of the thing. Mr. Fox's Arm Is reported to have sold quite short on both the 1902 snd 1903 crops of ...hops and his present trip to the Coast is said to be for the purpose of bearing the market in an endeavor to fill his orders without a loss. . , . Lice Affects Tarda. Locally the prospects for hops are not o bright as they were several weeks ago on account of the1 large number of lice that are infesting the Valley yards, Spraying is being carried on continually tnjapVearly all of the yards but it is ught that the crop will be considera- y damaged as a result of the insects visit. . Reports from other hop centers are to the same effect Soma Salsa Made. Som few hop sales were made during tha week at quotations averaging about . J7.H,, cents the largest buy being that of Henry Miller who purchased a 100 bale lot at Aurora at 1 84 cents. OnAl la aolllns alnw ... -..v." " .... s . i v tt n v yk avcil. Daita at regular ruling quotations. Presh Moats Are Weak. , .Tresh meats of all kinds are weak al though there ia Still some demand for veal with . a alight improvement. In the call for block hogs. Mutton Is slow seller, while beef Is about u rant lower than last week on account of larger supplies and smaller demand. Today s quotations, as revised, are as much as if It were having new troubles of its own. This spreading of wheat trouble has completely disconcerted the wheat speculator here. He cannot de clde whether there Is really some mys terlous trouble with the wheat this year. which appears first In one quarter and then another, or whether crop complatn- ace to caae. Hu.t oka: amilml. .2-oa cartnna I Ina- has become a sort or an epidemic TUe: loo Mnscatefie. Bo-tb boxes, SttWMelTh ordinary wheat speculator haa been ""Vt""' Z'J?'-? .-.A. comrjletely demoralised by for-ronti! nmunuri. AAtoiv tr An w.i. croD troubles, he iTt lirst rrom CHICAGO WHEAT IS HIGHER AT CLOSE Market Today Was Broad, Ac- , tive and bpeculative Moderate- Shipping Demand, , (Special permieaien of Boltoa, de Rujtr A Co.) CHICAGO, July I. Logan & Bryan advlae: The wheat market closed higher: It Is a broad,, active speculative market. Tbsre Is a moderate shipping demand partly for export, and exporters are taking fair amount of wheat for fu ture delivery. While the cash position cannot do canea an urgent one, auu with tha small stocks. It is sufficiently strong to keep the cash property at a good, round premium. There la no change In tha general crop advicea. It seems conceded by the authorities In tho Northwest that the outlook la dls appointing compared with a few weeks ago. Tha Southweat may have a free movement of new wheat, but we rather expect tha movement- from the other winter wheat sections will be small. if o Material Com Change. The corn market la without material change, from yesterday'a close. It ahowed soma strength early, but there la enough profit-taking from good sources, to supply the demand. Cash position Is not a good one. Receipts are fair and the demand is poor. We think the general expectation of the trade ia that the government report to morrow will show a condition not much better than 76 per cent. Aa reports on which the government bases its esti mate are made up during the latter days of June, and all the good growing weather has come since that time, we are Inclined to think the trade will con clude that whichever the condition the government reports it, - haa been ma terially Improved during the past two weeks. We feel much the same in reapect ofjaj well mue and In that respect, it differs from corn, but a good deal of the deficiency, wa think. Is discounted by the prices. The present situation is largely a speculative one and the cash position Is dulL There is a disposi tion on the 'part of some of the best holders to take profits at current prices and aelling the past day or two has, we think, been better than the buying. Provisions Again Staler. The provision market is again easier. There is no question but that the pack ing interesta have been expecting rather better prices this month and have been operating" with that end In view. No marked improvement in the demand ap peared and they find it difficult to sup port any advance. We do not our selves see where the market is going to get any permanent help, unless condi tions on the corn crops should get ma terially worse, and even In that event, it would tend to rush a lot of hogs to market. We think the outlook is for lower prices for the products, and ad vise selling them on Hie hard spots. STOCK MARKETS Holiday Has Effect oft Receipts and f rices in Large LivestocK Centers Arrivals During the Week bmaii. In Spite of Damage to Yards by Floods Receipts Show a Vas Increase Over that of Pre vious Year, nut, 14H15e per lb; pine nut, 100124c crop one direction and then from another, Kn. bite pmiVJi DVhreenn&l"P8ettln " hU crP notloni- lb: Alberta. IBiffltfe ner lb: fancr Decani. 140 NEW YOnK SIUUKS DESCRIPTION. 15c per lb; almond, 14915c per lb. Meats and Proyiaion. f HK.SH HEATH Hl-ef. Or me. cntr 77Mic; real, THc; mutton, dresaed, 8c; inmna. nrcaacn, 7C. FKESH MEATS Rront atrit Ref. nrttno Tc; bulla, SUfti4C; eowa, 8fl?ic; pork, 7(9 i-c; real, vwac; mutton, Or eaaea, 5Kl5c; lnmli, ilremed. SH'i'Tc. . HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pjick (local) ha mil. 10 to 14 lb. 184c: 14 to 18 IT. 14.r: brcakfaat bacon, aseanc; picnic, lOfcc: cot- it. ii',,r; an lira iaes. l"c id; smoked sides, l.l&c: drr caltcd hack a 1Ik' h back. 12fcc; butts, salted, V feci, smoked, lufte EASTERN-PACKED HA MR rTn1pi" 14 rh. lBc: OTfr 14 lb. 1514c: fancr. lSUc: nto. nlc. llc; shoulders. 11 He; dry salted sides, nnamoketl, 12Kc; breskfast -bacon, iBMfjlHc; hdcj, sue mini, lltlliut. XX 'Al, LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. llVe: Urn UUc; BO-Ib tin, llftc: atcam nendered. 10a. lie: on. iittc:. ou. juiac: romnnunn tierce 7V h- 8Vc. EASTERN I.ARn Kettla loaf lO-th tin. llic; 6. 1114c; Bo-m tlu, llHc; steam rend- Hi1.- i"L 8t- P- i Amal. Copper Co Atchlaun. com do preferred Am. Car A Found., com do preferred Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com , do preferred Baltimore A Oblo, com., do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Traualt Canadian Pacific, com.., Chicago A Alton, com.. do preterrea Chi. Ut. West., com.. Chi. A North., com ered. 10s. 11 tic: Ra.llUc: BOa. 1WU. . I LI.' 1 1 . L ..." . ' . 7 . ..lilhl,. I It w Am,, vavaiua House price are net csin. io r u" -.,u, - tWf.annAl.A r fkkl Amvm FISH Rock cod. Tct Aonnder. R! hallhnt BV4c; ling cod, 7c; orsba, 81.50 dox; razor clam, clnma, Do per dof striped basa, 12Vic; salmon, cblnoolc. 8c: summer ateelheada. Tc: antra 8c; shrimp. Puget Soand, 15c; catflah. Oc; ansa, ac; surer smtlt. bo ID, Portland's Btook Bacolpt. PORTLAND UNION 8T0CKTARDS, July 9. Receipts of livestock In the local yards today consisted of 200 hogs and boo cattle. Ruling prices are as follows: " Cattle Best, $4-00; medium, S3. 60 and Atm. Hogs 5 and 6tyc. Sheep 2 and Sc. Lambs 3 and 3 Vic. follows: X POBTtAM.WHOIESAlI PBICIS, v . Gealn, Ploar aad jTood, WHBAT Walla Walla, ?c; bJueatem, gofi 2c: Tsller. nT8. : . BARLET Feed. $2L00; rolled, $22.00, OATS Ho. 1 wbito. $l.l7l,20i gray, $t.l8. Ol.lTH.' ' . , FLOUR Eastern Oregnnt ; Patents.' 84.1011 4.45; atralgbta, (8.60; Valley, $3.0028.80; gra ham. Va $8.15: 10s. $8.65. . ' . MILLS TTJr PS Bran, $23.00 ' per ton: aid dllnga, $27.00; aborts, . $211.00; chop,' $18.00. ; Prnit Votes. Within the past week or two, says the Santa Rosa; Cal., Press-Democrat, seven carlonds of prunes have been shipped from the warehouse of M. L. McDonald, Jr, to France. The prunes were all neatly packed in 12 V4 kilo boxes and left here- in splendid condition. Owing to tho recent hot weather In the East the apple crop is npt going to be as large as predicted a few weeks ago. There should be a good market at profitable prices for Oregon apples this ssason.-' , Reports from Santa Barbara County, Cal.. are to the effect that Bell-flower and Penrmain apple trees will not bear more hin half a crop. "- Other varieties of apples are not up tp their usual yields. Prune reports, according to the Los Outos, Oal News, are rather conflict ing. Where one- orchard Has a .good crop the next oruhard is light. Probably the tonnage .of the. state will approach 110,000,000 pounds, but under favorable conditions will pass thla point. There is little or no Interest in future prunes. Some packers are' offering a I-cerrt bag basis with little or no success. . Clearing House Report. The report of the Portland Clearing House for -yesterday shows: Exchanges .........$614,459.36 Balances ................... 32,960.14 How Tork Clearanoea. NEWAOKier July SWToday-s clear.. ahces ware; ? Wheat, 6(,000 bushels: flour, 18,000 bushels; corn, 215,000 bush-- els; . oats, 11,000 bushels; wheat and flour, 160,000 bushels, . " - Chrsapeakc & Ohio. . Colo. Fuel ft Iron, com Colo. Southern, com... do lat preferred .... Delaware A Hudson .. D. A R. O., com do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred do lat preferred...., Illinois Central Louisville A Naahrille, Metro. Traction Co.... Manhattan Elevated..., Mexican Central By . . . Mexican National . . . . Minn., St. I'. A Ste. M. d preferred Mlaaoiirl Pacific M.. K. A T.. com do preferred New York Centre 1 .... Norfolk A Western.... North American ....... N. Y.. Ont. A West... Pennsylvania Rr P. G.. h- A C. Co Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred Reading, com ' do lat preferred Ren. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Rock Island, com do preferred Southern Ilr.. com do preferred Southern TactAc St. L. A ft. V.. 2d pfd. . do 1st preferred St. L. A 8. W., com do preferred . . , Texas A Pacific Tenn. Coal A Iron T., St. L. W.. pfd... Union Pacific, com do preferred V. S. Leather, com .... do- preferred U. S. Steel Co., com do preferred Wheel. A L. E com. .. do lt preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do ' preferred Western Union " Tele Wabaab. com do preferred 63 62 31 90 iiW 45 02 88H 95 67 125 264 874 19UI 151 28 82 88 66 68fc 1834k 111 122 138 50. 69f BO 86 52 ft American Stocks la London. LONDON. July 9. t p. m. Anaconda Copper, unchanged; Atchison, advanced ; preferred, advanced ; Baltimore & Ohio, advanced ; Chicago & Alton, advanced ; Chesapeake & Ohio, un changed; Chicago, Mllwaukle & St Paul, advanced ; Denver A Rio Grande, pre ferred, advanced ; Krie. advanced ; nrst. advanced ; Illinois Central, de clined ; Louisville & Nashville, ad vanced ; Mexican Central, declined Vs.- Mexican National, unchanged; Mis sourl, Kansas. & Texas, unchanged; New York Central, advanced ; Ontario A Western, advanced : Norfolk A West em, advanced H ; Pennsylvania, ad vanced ; Reading, declined ; first, unchanged; Southern Pacific, advanced ; preferred, unchanged; Union Pacific, advanced ; preferred, unchanged; Uni ted States Steel, unchanged: preferred. advanced ; Wabash, advanced ; pre ferred, unchanged; Consols, 92, un changed. Total Sale. 440.000. Money, 3 per cent. Vow Tork Cotton. (Special Permission of Bolton, de Rnrter A Co.) NEW YORK. July . The cotton market ranged today as follows Open. Hurh. Jan. '01$ 0.57 $ 0.70 ren. in. .oa Mar. '04. .0 July.... 11.60 11.51 10.52 9.80 8. 88 9.83 Auc ... Sept... Oct..,. Nov.... Dee. . i . 9.80 A.6S 12.56 12.85 10.80 9.98 9 75 9.74 Low. $ 9.52 9.52 9.80 11.82 11.40 10.41 9.7S 9.85 9.56 Cloee. $ 9.8788 9.8416 86 9.6S&65 12.40&50 12.26412. 11.77618 10.96697 7476 0.71B t Hear pool Oraln lower. LIVERPOOL. Julr B. Wheat Jnlr. 1.1U si lower; September.' 8-8. lower. . Cpra July, 4-8, lower; September, t-6. 7 mwaai Haw Tork Summary. NEW TORK, July 9. The Bank of England rate is unchanged. Manhattan reported earnings of 9 per cent on stock during the past year. Seventy-six roads for May enow average net increase of 17.94 per cent. Sixty-two roads for the fourth week of June show average gross Increase of 24.05 per cent. Lake copper Is now offered at 13 cents with light demand. There is small demand for stocks in loan crowd, but Atchison Is still scarce. London la more bullish , on Americans. There will be no action on the Erie dividend until July 21. . Most estimates now figure tho corn condition around 75 per cent. Seventy-five Indus tries advanced 11 per cent. Twenty active roads show an advance of 13 per cent. (By Ooorgo B. Xiongan, Jr.) KANSAS CITV. Mo., July 9. The Fourth of July holiday which closed all the marketa of the Middle West to live stock knocked a hole In the receipts of last wook as waa to be expected. Snip pets don't like to take chanres of hav lng their cattle and sheep left in yards on a holiday by shipping Friday and hence the supplies at all markets on that day were small. Saturday being a holi day there were no cattle at all received except a few cars that were going to certain buyers and atopped off at one of the Middle Western markets for feed and water. Booelpts Show Znoroase. In spite of the fact that the Kaunas City atockyards were out of business the first half of the month of June, and were were running under only about half ateam the latter half of the month, four railroads touching this market show un increase of business during the month aa compared to a year ago. The other marketa of the Central West show a cor responding Increase. This would Indi cate that the livestock Industry Is grow ing rapidly and that the rat Her of cat tie. sheep and hogs are more prosper ous than formerly. Receipts for Omaha for the month of June were 100,600 cattle. 277,100 hogs and 40,100 sheep. Receipts of cattle and hogs broke the record for the month, but receipts for sheep were only nomi nal. Receipts for the year at Omaha for 1903 were 499,100 cattle, 1.264.100 hogs, and B58.600 sheep. This was an Increase over the same time last year of 134.000 cattle and 135,700 hogs and a de crease of 23,000 sheep. Figures rfn the other Centra! West market would be hardly valuable on account of th? flood In the Middle West. Kansas City and St. Louis were disabled and their sup plies went to Chicago and St. Joeteph, while a great number of cattle, sheep mid hogs, which would otherwise have been marketed were not shipped at all. " Cattle Closed Lower. Average prices In the cattle market here for fat corn-fed steers last week were $4.50. to $4.75 a hundred. The market closed from 15 to 25 cehts lower for the week. Prices at Chicago ruled about 60 cents higher for fat cattle. The stocker and feeder market was sell ing on an average all week at $3.50 to XI a hundred. The prices were scarcely better any place. The run of cattle for the week was about 26.000. There was a good run of hogs hers last week wlUi average prices from $5.60 to $5.75 for common fnt kinds. Pigs sold on an average 10 cents higher than anything In the hog line. Outside markets were quoted from Ave to 10 cents higher. Week Bad for Sheep Shippers. The week may be called a poor one for sheep shippers. The Eastern buy ers have been slaughtering prices ami the market during several days was al most demoralised. The packers were not killing as many sheop as usual, which fact helped to keep prices down. The local buyers took advantage of tho lull In competition to head off big slices jpt ooth mutton and lambs, it is probable that another wrek will see the sheep market In a better condition. There seems to be a scarcity of cars In the East and a lack of necessary refrigerat ing cars. Mutton 60 Cents Off. The market for mutton closed fully 50 cents off and the market for lambs could scarcely be called better. Oood to choice native lambs brought S5 to $5.26 on rip average throughout tho week rind mutton brought $3.26 to $..7C. Shorn yerllngs brought $4 50 to $J.uO. while stockers and feeders brought $2.50 to $?.00 V7 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ' and has been made under his per GtrJfrAA sonal supervision sinco its Infancy. '"GAt Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bub Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare fforic, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. We are not shouting' . Very loudly in the newspapers. You may do .the shouting when your teeth ache. Then come to us, and we'll stop the aching painlessly stop it Pail set best tooth, 97; next qnallty, 4 (and they're good ones, too); fold crowns, 82-karat, 93; gold fillings, small, $1; largo, S3; all other flUings, 76 cents oaoh. ALBA DENTISTS Over tiler Piano House, opp. Cordray's Theatre. Phone Main 2796 1 1 Zilvorpool Cotton. LIVERPOOL, July 9, 2 p. m. Spot cotton sales today were 7,000, of which 6,600 bales were American at 10 points up. Futures are now quiet and steady at 9 points advance on the' summer, Rang of Chicago Market. (Special Permission of Rollnn. de Ruyter A Co.) CHICAtiO. Julr 9. The marketa nmnl t,.rlni as follow: Open. nigh. Wheat- Sept 800. 77 Dec Tsijj Corn- Sept 514 lec 60 Oat Sep. 34 lec. .... -.34. Pork July 15.00 8cpt... 15,40. Lord July 7.85 Sent 8.15 Ribs July 8.70 Sept 8.T5 $1)0.78 .77' B2 .51 3B',i 15 17 15.50 7. on 8.15 8.70 8.75 Low. $00.77 .76 .51 .50 .84 .34 14 75 15. (X) 7.8(1 7.95 Close. $00.78sA .77A .51 A .51$,A .34 .SStfA 14 75 15.00 7.80 7.05 Drink the Old and Renowned F Gambrinus Lager Beer Send orders for Bottled Beer to OFFICE, 793 WASIIKIGTON STREET Telephone No. Main 49- Both Phones ii $ IHHHi 1 1 11.111 1 1 1 4 PHXX. MSTSCKAX, Pres. O. w. nrowxais, afgr. ie IMPERIAL HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON Bates from SI to 93-00 per day. Seventh and Washington Sts. KxWixotAl.v.-, 'j'-3jrlg i i 1 1 1 8.50 8.55 8 60 8.67 Chicago Cash Wheat. CHICAGO, July 9. Noon. Tiu; cash quotations on wheat are: No. 2 red, 80Uc: No. 3 red. 79c: No 5 hirH winter 3o -pontnidvae on tha next -eroprfrSr-ico.-3 TinTd wrnterT7577cf on' The ports look like 700 bales against 2.SO0 bales last week and 900 bales last year. 3:08 p. m. Cotton Is 2 points down now and atands 5 points higher for near and 2 pointB higher on far com pared with yesterday's close. Best Weak for Harvest. CHICAGO, July 9. Price Current says: This will be the best week of the season for harvest and crop growth. Reports of disappointing wheat yields In Central States continue; elsewhere favorable. Quality Is averaging fairly well. Com la growing rapidly and im proving. Oats progress Is favorable. northern spring, 82 e; No. 2 northern spring, 78c; No. 8 spring, 76 78c. San Pranolsoo Stocks. BAH FRANCISCO. July 9.-11:30 close Contra Costa, 69 (ft 60; Spring Valley... 86 asked; San Francisco Oas and Electric, 88(g'69; Giant. 73V4 aksed; Vigorit. 45: Hana, 40c bid; Haw, 4042; Honokaa, 1012; Hutch, 12 -bid; Makawf-11. 25 asked; Onomea, 23 asked; Alaska, 121154; Oceanic, bid; 8 asked. Booeipta and Shipments. CHICAGO. July 9 The primary re ceipts were: Wheat, 237.000 bushels gainst 423,000 bushels last year; corn.- 324,000 bushels. 'against 218 bushels last year. Shipments were: Wheat, 185,000 bushels, against 227,000 bushels last year; corn. 254.000 bushels, against 340, 000 buahela last year. Paris Wnoat and Plonr. PARIS, July 9. Opening Wheat Is quiet, unchanged to 6 centimes lower; flour, dull, 6 to 10 centimes lower. San Pranclaco Oraln. SAN i FRANCISCO, July 9. m. close, December wheat. December barley, 93 11:80 a. Hogs Opa Steady, Close Sown. CHICAGO, July 0. Receipt of livestock In too principal packing centers of tho country IUUUJI WtTUi Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. cincago an.otjo 7,500 tt.uOO IvansHa city 7.000 2.000 2,000 Ouiahu 9,000 2.500 3.500 Itoga opened steady, but closed 6 cents lower, with 4,500 left otit from reaterday. Receipt year ago were 22.000. Ruling prices are: Mixed and butchers', g5.40iii5.7o: good heavy, $5.fiO;5.80; rough heavy, 85.204i5.4O: Ught. $5.0oilf56. Cattle Strong. Shei'ii Strong. , . Poultry Netting WBOX.E0AX.X, SJBTAXL. Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire, Wire and Z,awn Pane lng. PORTLAND WIRE 5 IRON WORKS WUuwfaetnrere. ios sr. Txxxa st cob. r&AJTOEBS. Chicago Car Receipts. CHICAGO, July 9 The cur record today shows; Wheat ... Corn .... Oats Cam. .270 .131 Grndc. 2 27 0 Eat. as J7( 130 The camera fiends will be in their glory on Sunday next and those who ac company them will have spent a most enjoyable oay. The Oregon Camera Club has chartered the Bailey Gatzert and will give their annual excursion to Cape Horn Sunday, July 12. and from all re ports the weather pYdrntses to be good by that time. Excursions given by the Camera Club are always popular, inas much as they are conducted in the moat orderly way possible, and great core Is exercised in selecting a most suitable place at a suitable time of the vear. Cape Horn Is their destination and as few people touch at that point on their way -up' the Columbia It is expectctl many will avail themselves of the op portunity to sec the great basaltic cliffs that rise perpendicularly from the waiter's edge. The committee visited the place about a month or so ago on special Hteamer ana rouna it to be an Ideal spot 'for a picnic. Pit. V. A. WISE. Painless Extracting! We do Crown and Bridge WorS wIttbtpin7 Our 10 years' experience in plate work enable ua to fit your mouth comfortably. W havo feellug a well as you. Dr. W. A. Wise, manager, has found a afe way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Pr. T. P. Wise la an expert at Gold rilling and Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting free when plate or bridge ar ordered. , i J DR. T. P. WISH. WISE BROS., Dentists 208-2l3 FAILING BLDG., Cor. 3d and Wash. St$. Open Toalnga till 9. Sunday $ from 9 to 12. Or. Main 2029. 4H4'r"iH- Shoe Repairing: Done Right f MEW'S SEWED SOUS . . XjADXES' SEWED SOLES .750 eoo California oak-taunod sole leather used. All stitching dona on the- oolobrated Goodyear Machine. Goodyear Shoe Repair Co., ALDER. BETWEEN TBZBD ASH FOUKTR. Phone, Main 2031. Tree Delivery. X M'), Preferred Stock Canned (roods. Allen tt Lewis' Best Brand, Phoenix jron Works ENGINEERS Manufacturers of Marine, Mining. Logging and Saw Mill Machinery. PROMPT ATTENTION CJVEN.TO KXPABl WORK. l" i, (; , Pboim East 29.' XAWTBOBJTB AYBTOS AMX BAST TBZBD STBMT. 1 3 V