TOE OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 0. 1003. 4V . ., : aa, i t. ' i II ' " ' ' I ., " Items of Local Interest for vBgsy a.yVJlJt2 WEATHER FORECAST ' .' Light ' ikfwi Bad' thundamtorm bur o aarrad In Minnesota and tb Dakota and r- wwr 1101 mtu raina wr reportea era Waahlngtoti and.North.ra Idaho, It It warmer this morning la Eaal Portland could sot Bk it" vary well now without a itMn-htiM polisher such aa ours. ' People demand It- be eauaa tt does not scorch or "yellow tlia varment. . It preeerves tha fiber of in linen, too, union Laundry, second ana Columbia,' , ,..-, r ,.,",r Jure la the Paclflc Coaat Stat la llgbtly b. I flour OR ' aartn There la one, and only one, ."Beef It la made In Mln low normal, and the bang. tloce yt.rday I napolis from North Dakota No. 1 hard "'17. i a, r. "DU "'"""" t I wneat the only wtieat in the world too J2ict,nd.rJ"' W,,thfl,thl corded that grade,' Jf your grocer dSfrt . a. .11 . uu l iiimii.w..ui : . HOTEL ARRIVALS . 1 Imperial B. . KUy. . K. Watktal. Cithla. ael) O. P. Ualarkejr, city O. O. Barlow, Hill- Doro, aim miraio, r. r. nurdie, uenewie; i. Anoeraoa, uatar City; r.- Stephana, Fern!! K. McGreror. Bneoda: Un. n. P.tra,ia. oeallt J. S. McCbeeney, Taeoma K. A. Yallle, . Sterena; . t. Leek, Fall Oltyi , ThoaijH T. Sard, London; H. E. Smith. Mr. Smith, Stay on, aaleia; W, K. Usee. Seattle! Mr. W Cbntter. AatorlM A. a Stoddard. Mrs. fltod ton L. B. French. Lne Ancelea: B. K. Ha . W. Hanaford. lira. Han. ford. Ja 0. Morton and wife, Mr. W. ia the name It bear, -, Nottingham . Co., aaloa agenta, Front and Alder. Tie fcernlatoy time ateane "Dallea City", will make the round trip to Caa- I eade Locka and return on Sunday In plaoa of the "Bailey Oataert" Mualo and excellent meala on board. Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf at I a. m.i returnin;, arnveaal 7:30 a. m. Bpeclal round trip ticket, f fTvv 'Phone ,Maln tie. " '.he Ooaaty Clerk haa made an order requiring- cara coming- acroaa brldgea over the Willamette River to move at no greater a peed than Ave mllea an iw. a. Brown ire, wire end family, gpnkanet I. N. Cnmpton, Chicago; H. I. Ollnert and -ir. Htainaw lira. i. Kerrtck and dauehtcr. 4 BcbBlnS, 1. Q. A. Bowellr. Amor la; rk Hutch tnft, gaa rranclaeo: r, A. Mi Uonaall. Bortnc. Or. I L A. Whh. OolU,1U: llanrra A. Ink UmmIhIm nIIII.H. v.. li a ....... . u Smith, Atorii j. Hctt. at.' louU; k. 1. Sit hour. 1 They must be brought to a full Ah'.d: &TiiJSrZ .t.ih! r.M! 5i,. W ? TSTI IMlleai Mr. A. K. AHen, Mia AlleB!. Irta- ' ' f ' ton. Idaho; lira. T. C. Killott. Walla Walla. when croaalng brldgea are prohibited ex- - ruaad-j. w. BMbor. iiwaco; o. B. Ba- cept by order of the court. fniiic, iwvoiii i. Mf, iww '."rVuriZl raaob, of the St Johns achool Bt J. LiBdaer. t. c. roll! non. eitti W. H. I dlatrlct haa tiled an application for watt and wife, Haller, t. H. Lewi. Chlcet; I wr: of mandamua requiring Paachol &x?!uliZ..l'Z.Jii?l:Hlll n-crk of the district, to deliver Ear L. w! BiHn-r! Ban 'ZZZ&i; "v.. : UP aecount booka. Hill haa refuaed ludhomme and wife, citr; Mr, r. B. Rei. I to turn over either the booka or the Walla Walla; p. o. iiolund. Walla Walla: money of the district to his successor frenS'. hi hmi o'.' b. iiTiTma: rhll I ,D offlce, and he haa been cited to an- eaio; J. renton and wife. Mia U. A. fen- Par In the State Circuit Court and ex ton, Baffalo; lira. H. A. Hpenldlnx, Baffalo; I plain his actions. v. . a. loti, wirv una rniio, unm Anaei, K. K. Bterena, Beaten t klla . W. Sterena, Lowell; 0. W. McCald and wife. Log a, U. mre. aoeeie, neiene; Mr. ' rornee, spokaaei ' SamnUe Zilad, a boy 14 year a of ago and a resident of Alblna. was ahot while riding hia wheel along Sacramento atreet yesterday afternoon. The bullet. Which waa from a It rifle, lodged In hia right arm, but the wound Inflicted la net serious. He reported the matter to wire. Baa-maw Mr. J. Kerrtck and daujrl Illlnola; Mr, f. McN'teraej, New York; Lieut. U. a. Kerrtck. Fort Caaer. Wab.; B. B. Drer, Aitorla; C. Row, St. Lnula; I. 0. Mmrr. Rt. Leal; . B. Wtlaoa, Ran rranclaeo; K. g, Mo the nollre and efflrera wre .ent nut ord, B. B. Hlcka, "cattle; D. M. Hoffman, . . i "V .7. 'ZZ Z'l .CJl hlcatto: W. W. Darta. Joaenh Thleber. u I '"' i""" uui, uui inwir inatoo. h. natnee. r. L. Whittoa. a. Mc. I efforta were unaucceaaful Oi namara, mi fTtncwco; uavia Brown, Mra. Y. If Welcn and family. M. J. Ooodnn, Spokane; r, j v. urown, new ji New York; J. A. Bbaneenr. at. Fanl! W. M. V. Hchomerhora. Chlcaan: H. n. at Cable and wife, Lebanon. Pa. I Jamee Corraa and wife. New York; Mlaa Mary 8. Prer, 0k land; A. L. Aurlll and wife. Madlaon, Wla.; J. W. Spencer, John W. Colllna, Cblcago; a. P. rUna, Bay City, Mich. i Baseball Baaeball Tomorrow. It will be the third Of the Los Angeles series. Everybody will tVnt to see the Top notchera. Van Buren haa promised To bunt and hit. Phil Nadeau will Field is he never Did before. Oame starts 3:80. Professional grounds, Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Baaeball Baseball Tomorrow. Street ear trafflo on the Morrlaon- street bridge ia now abominable. Have to walk all the way up town. Stop at Baunter's, East Morrison and Union avenue, the largest dry goods and crockery atore east of the Willamette, aava annoyance and get your gooda cheaper than you can buy them any where elae In Oregon. Our rents are about one-eighth of West Side mer chant a. That's why. T-riday open all day IS dosen ladles' fine cambrlo muslin underakirta, deep ruffle with six rows of tucking, regu lar U.25, but If you will cut out thia ad and bring tt to our store with 9o you may have one of these skirts. Thl weather means that you want a ham mock auch aa we have from 9c to $5.00. Beat, machine six-cord thread, six spool for 25c. It's a fact at the big Eaat Side Department Store. Kennard & Adams, fits Williams avenue. Alblna. PERSONALS. Cloud Cap lna opened- Jaly 1, 8. Langllle, manager. Mra. The Water Board at Its meeting last evening decided to tear down the Rub aell street water tower and remove the tank to Highland. It waa stated that bias for the work would soon be called X. xoorehooae S Oo at Seventh IOV.. n"ola l.cluro ' 10 . nY In danger of falling down. The removal na ' Tn- n.h w..h of the tank to the new location will Ten for guests. European plan. I Inaure the resldenta a better supply of " I water than they now enjoy, -"in vayi ituy Mereaitn a umbrellas. Impairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth. and Alder. Alterations are being made at police hea.daua.rtsr. which will a-lve Chief ABOU1 Uiy .0, jamea K. Swing. Uie Hunt a better nrtvata nfflre n4 uxh bookseller, will remove to the corner of of the defective wlilc h vti a. titflk in FoiMTth and YamhilL themsvefl. Thu nrMnt mom mA hv r Vtaa fYtmf av(11 Kj ritinlav1 Kv Tri1 IaA m V7 Hmta vawata w A i OH VW A ri.tV A Mhla TaAnaarl mrsA will .Tea. .a. ?rH,U.1!. JSn .'rVd tvtry ven,n make more room for "the station-duty will be upstairs, in the rooms uaed by the police commission, before It waa abolished under the new charter. Grand moonlight exourslon this even ing. Harvest Queen and Klickitat leave Ash-street dock at i p. m. Tlcketa 76c. I Patrolman Welok reported to the po door to Taylor-street Church. Marble station tnie morning tnat ror two cutter, monumental and building work, weeaa tne ice cneat m in, reaiaenoa Firat-ciaaa work oniv. of Mra. Wesslnger at tha corner of . , Seventeenth and Davla streets, haa been "White Spray" ia the beet flour In the entered by a thief, and butter,' eggs and city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement otner provisions aioien. ine bum ining, Broa. Co. O. W. Church, whoicania he reporta. has occurred at another res- agent, 254 Front street. I ldence on West Park street. The moat I peculiar thing in the report Is that the ee r. Aorabama at the Valle- Land cheat ia robbed only on Thursday and Company's office, iS First street, cor- Friday nights. No trace of the herein- ner Ash. if you want to buy or sell real before mentioned thief. estate. Established 15 years. On July IS, 13, 14, IS, 16, tloketa at I jowjaus- wm ta on-sai, Apply at -the offlce of the Chicago. Milwaukee sk St. iui Ky. to., 13 mira atreet, comer Aiaer. Fhiel Deteotlve Service CoEatab- Shed 30 yearr, 206 Cham, of Commerce. Portland. N. Y., Chic. St. Louis. St Paul. Kansas City, Denver, City of Mexico, Montreal, Seattle. Spokane, San Fran. C. 0. rowle of Oakland, Cel.. who has been soliciting membership for the Order of Pendo, has filed a suit against the order for 1229, alleged to be due him ror commissions. J. B. X4 allay, who is In the Internal Revenue service at San Francisco, ar rived in the city yesterday on official business, lie expects to remain here about two weeks. The Breakers' Hotel is now open and receiving g-uests. For information about rates, reservations, etc., call upon J. M. Arthur A Co.. 40 First street, this city, 'phone Main 652, or write Hotel Break ers, Long Beach, Waah. Phone us and we will send our hired ma to teil you what tnat jod or print- will ciotit vmi. We do nice work- id you'll find our prices right. Metro politan Printing Company, 147 Front, near Morrison. Tomorrow Baseball Baseball " r It will be the third Of the Los Angelea aeries. Everybody will Want to aee the Top notchera. Van Buren haa promised To bunt and hit. Phil N'adeau will Field as he never ' Did before. Came starts 9:30. Professional grounds, Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. Bn wehall. Baseball " Tomorrow. FOUR INSANE MEN FOR STATE ASYLUM Brown's Military Band rendered an excellent concert last evening at Hol laday Park, on the East Side. About 2.000 people listened to the music. A handsomer new bandstand has recently been erected in the Holladay Park. Zdgar X. feasants, the Well-known ar- i chitect, waa operated on by Dr. Kenneth Mackenzie at the Oood Samaritan. Hos pital Wednesday morning, for appendici tis. Mr. Latarua condition is very favorable, although his sufferings have been severe. The sals of property for delinquent taxea advertised for this morning was atonned owiha to-the discovery that the i tax claim was xouna wortmeas. it waa 1 a mortcaae tax for "IH.72 upon lot '1. j block 26S. Aiken's addition, owned by ( Mrs.. Sarah Bond. When. the property was offered J. J. Johnson, sttorney for Four insane prisoners from Juneau, Alaska, under the charge i of United States Marshal James P. Shoup, have been received at- the Oregon Hospital fur the Insane at Salem, thus bringing up the total number of Alaska Insane In the Salem asylum to 28. Steadily the government ward is filling 'with' pa tients, Marshal Shoup having brought three demented- men to the hospital about a month ago. The, new arrivals are A. W. Randall, Sent Foster, August Kolm and Charles. O. Mataon, all -.eem-mitted from Juneau. .-.; Mr. Shoup, who is In the city today on hia way home, stated that the per centage of Insane, from Alaska was greater than' from the states. ,.;,, ,:.'. "How do you account for his?" was aaked. -;: v "I hardly know." said the Marshal. "I presume it is because of tha solitary existence of many and of tha urrusually hard llfe'they live. I bad three deputies with me but we experienced no trouble In bringing the men and the trip was mode without Incident." ''- The State of Oregon entered Into a ' contract with the government about 13 months ago to care for tha Alaska in sane. . ISining Outlook Crood. T Mr, Shoup said the mining Outlook I Mrs; Bond, warned prospective bidders nnt tA'ttiii it the tax waa on a. sec ond ' mortgage which had before fore? I thla year waa excellent and that bual- closure by a flrat iroortgage prior to tse nea conmnon ""'"" ""y"- time the tax was levied. Investigation e haa been United States Marshal for showed, that' Mr. Johnson's - sUtement the First Dlvtaion. District of Alaska, was correct and ao there were no bid- for tha "past six yeara. having been ap- ders. Tha tax does, not stand aa a lien painted from tha State of Idaho, ,.. Judge J. Q. A. Bowlby, of Astoria, Is In Portland., , .-,; . .-" James M. Shoup is registered at the Portland from Juneau, Alaaka. Ex-Congressman W. R. Ellis of Fen dleton Is at tha Imperial., State Representative B. F. Jonea of Linooin county is m me city on ousi. H. E. Bickers, euperlntendent of tha Stat Reform School at . Salem, Is In town. . . "Dr. 'A wrTapa," accompanied by his wife, la In the city from Hot Leae, Oregon. , , Frank P. Medina of tha Postal Tele graph Company Is In tha city from San Francisco. , . Mrs. A; J. Fellows and children have gone to MoiTet'a Springs to be absent lx weeks. W. H. Ha neon, a' San Franclsoo lum ber dealer, accompanied by his wife, la In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ralaton of Spokane are at the Portland. Mr, Ralston Is mining engineer. Re-ent W. E. Tates of the State Agri cultural College is registered at tha Perkins from Corvallls. Miss Sadie Burr of Walla Walla Is via- Itina- In Portland. Miss Burr is a teacher In tha city schools. C. C. Trior of Wadhant ft Kerr Broa. haa gone to Washington, la., to at tond the funeral of hia father. W. H. Wehrung. state senator from Washington County. Is st the Perkins. Mr. Wehrung Is prominent in iemo cratic circles. Manaaer W. J. Burns of Balfour, Outhrle V Co., accompanied by nia daughter, haa deoarted for a two months' visit to Europe. mi Jaaaie Martin, a society leader of Walla Walla, Is In Portland today on her way home after having apent some time In San Francleco. franklin H. Polk, recently engaged In nawananer work In Portland, departed thla mornina- for Salt Lake City and the Eaat Mrs. Polk accompanied mm. aora-e Stevenson and Senator "Link Davla of Taeoma, Waah.. are In Port i.r,H nurn H. Baker of Ooldendale. another Waahlngton politician, la with them. a Stewart, district freight and pas senger agent for the Chicago A Alton Railway Company, is in me Qy Man Francisco on bis way to the Sound. Mr. Stewart will return to Portland In about 10 daya. Cnmlnar from Chicago. 111., and vialt- inw tha Pacific Coaat in the Interest of 'B w-- - . a proposed railroad wnicn is to iunn under Behrlng Straight and traverse Aalatic Russia aa well aa the United States and Canada. J. Hamilton Lwie, t one time Congreaaman from the state of Washington, spent a few hours in Portland yesterday afternoon. Mr. Lewis was on his wsy to San Francisco. He Is one of the best Known men in Amer lea and a prominent Democratic poll tlclan. having Identified himaelf In Chi cago with the same party which elected him to a high office during hia residence In the West Kerehaata)' fcnaoh. Berved at the Winter Garden, Third and Morrison, dally 11:20 to 2 p. m. Price. 25 to Si centa. Bill of fare changed dally and a musical program i rendered. "Strengyi and vigor eome of good food, duly digested. 'Force.' a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds ne burden, but sustains, nourianea, invigor- atea. I2th--GRAND FRIDAY "ECONOMY SALE" Tomorrow-l2lh 9 BIG SPECIALS 9 Nine of the same kind of extraordinary values that have made our great Eriday M Economy Sales " famous that made last Friday a record-breaker, not the kind that are cheap in print only, but the kind that offer In reality an exceptional opportunity to save money. This is a sale of reliable foods, not only at the lowest prices asked by any tore, but at Speclafredaced prices which afford even a greater saving. Persons who in sist upon the equivalent of every dollar they spend, cent for cent, and who are looking for genuine bargains in trustworthy merchandise should make it a point to attend "this sale. "" Ho, 1 Special. Children's $1 Tams 37c (24 Floor) A splendid lot of sirls' Tarn Ohantars all this season's make vary prett and needed for Coast wear. In all the leadjng colors and materials of wool, linen, crash, leather and pique. Wa have bunched our entire stock and placed on a counter In tha millinery' section, valuea that have been selling at SOc, 78c and $1. Friday's "Econ omy Sale" price, for tomorrow 1 y only, will be ..,,. ... No. 2 Special. Muslin Skirts and Chemise, $1 values, 49c (2d floor Annex) Tour choice of a largo lot of cambrlo or mus lin cbamlae, yokea of wide embroidery In sertion or embroidery bet wen tucks, and embroidery edging at yoke and arm holes, or a choice of a lot of muslin Skirts with deep Spanish flounce and trimmed with cluster of tucks and embroidery edging or plain tucked lawn flounce. These undermuslins are the usual 85c and 11 values, but tomorrow's price for A t7v either will be No. 3 Special. Men's 25c Lace Lisle Half-Hose lOc (1st Floor) Here's the best men's news yet. This store is popular with men on account of its splendid values and careful selections. Today's offer for tomorrow is the grandest special yet offered to our patrons in this section. A large lot of men's stockings in the popular open work effect and lace lisle material. The colorlnga are the latest In reds, greys, tans, blues and blacks all fast. They sell regularly over our count ers at 26c, but tomorrow's sale price will be, per pair 10c No. 4 Special. Boys' "Mother's Friend M $1 Shirt waists, 29 c ( 1st Floor) Thank the prolonged cool days for thesa bar gains in Boy's Waists. Tha maker stacked up a big lot to await customary re-orders. Orders didn't coma for tha weather's been too cool for boys to go without coats, so the goods were) offered to us at an under price, aa they are offered now to you here, tomorrow the celebrated Mother's Friend, , Boy's Shirtwaists In percale or lawn, white or In pretty colorings and pat terns; the 75c and $1 values are laundered; the 50c grades are unlaundered. Tou may choose from them all tomorrow only, at Here are a lot of very pretty, new tapestry the never before quoted on thesa Q price of W7C No. 5 Special. Tapestry Table Cover Bargain (4th Floor) Tablecovera, nice for the summer cottage or tha all-year-round homes. They are fringed all around In rich, select colors beauties and our word for It, great bar gains. In quantities and priced aa fol lows for tomorrow only 3 Dos. 8-4 Tapestry Table Covers, 1 AC value $2, for-.. $ I 040 4 Dos. 8-4 Tspestry Table Covers, C 1 QC value $2.75, for 1 ,Oj 3 Dos. 8-4 Taprstry Table Covers, O C value $3.30, for aaWeevJ 4 Dos. 6-4 Tspestry Table Covers, C! 1 L C value $2.30. for f 1 No. 6 Special. 30c Box Papeterie 19 c (1st Floor) Going on your vacation? Tou'll need to write home to your friends. Going to stay home? Well, you'll certainly want to write to the dear onea who are more fortunate and could get away, so we've provided for both. Tomorrow we'll sell Parisian Paptrle in latest, modish tints, boxes con taining 60 sheets of paper and SO en velopes, which we retail dally at Q 80c, for only .. J ZfC No. 7 Special. , . 20c "Monarch" Tooth Brushes 12c (1st Floor) We really ought to say a "twa-blt" or a iW tooth-brush for 12c, for we are very pos itiva no store In the city sells a better one for that money. However, exaggeration Is not In our line. In fact against this store's strict rules, and so we'll just tell the plain unstinted truth and say that tha "Mon arch" la our own special brand of tooth brush, aoft bristles, firmly set form elthef Straight or concave, equal to any aold In Portland for 25c. Our price Is 20c, but tomorrow It goes on as special 1 . 1 Afi- at i s a s No. 0 Special. Ladies $35 Street or Pedestrian Suits $6.87 (2d Floor) About a hundred suits- not a big lot, but too many to let hang around when we're making room for fall goods. We'll admit we're paying a heavy price to effect a prompt clearance, but our loaa goes straight Into your pockets, on the principle of "What's saved la earned." Materials of cheviots, novelty goods, basket weaves and corduroy; the colors are bluea, royals, grays, blue mixed, blacka and corduroy, the valuea run up to $35, but the pries , tomorrow Is, for choice $6.87 No. 9 S pedal. 25c Mercerized Etamine Suitings 12cyard (1st Floor) fto. there's no mistake in the price. Ws . have been selling- the same beautiful goods -over our counters right along at 25c a yard. Some other storea we know of have been getting SOc a yard for goods wonder fully like It. It is beautiful, out-of-the-ordinary material, cool, clean, dainty. Wa expect another day tomorrow like a week ago, when our alalea were blocked to tha Impassable point These goods are new and fashionable thus worthy of attention. Why a man whose life has been wrapped up In dresa fabrics for nearly 30 yeara said today: "Probably I've Been mora klnda In my life than almost any body else In Portland, but I never saw a lot of such handsome dress stuffs so cheap aa these." And he's right. Sea If he isn't. Such beautiful silk finish, In dainty colors of light blue, pink, reseda,, tan, gray and black; but there's only 1,000 yards In tha ' lot so you'll have to come early to morrow to get these at, per 11 yard ... . let5C . II I I I I I Mll.ll. , - - 1 "".aaaaMaaaMaaMaaaaaMjMM,MMa T??? aam . ' mmm -7-j- . . , , V WHENEVER an Eye finds relief In s shaded or clouded Glass something is wrong; with the interior of that Eye. It needs attention. If it were not so the light would not irritate. Seek advice, the kind wa can five you the kind that only can be given after a thorough and intelligent ex amination. No charge for teats. AURORA MAN HAS MANY SNAKE YARNS (Journal Special Service.) AURORA. Or., July 9. Henry Hurst the St Patrick of Aurora, killed an other rare anake at Barlow yesterday. This time it waa a blue racer, possibly the first one ever killed in this section. It measured 40 inches in length and waa a line specimen. Mr. Hurst has placed It in a Jar of alcohol and given u a place In his large collections or curioe. Soma years ago -he Klliea a Dig raiue snake on the railroad track Just east of this city, and this, too, figures In his collection. There is some speculation as to how the snakes got here, but the moat plausible theory seems to be that they were brought here from Eastern Oregon in cars loaded with hay or grain. Jtetnra of Wedded Pair. A large reception will be tendered Mr. and Mra. H. A. Snyder tonight on their return home from Newport, where they spent their honeymoon. They were mar rted at Butte viae, July 1. LOW BATES TO THE BAST. Tha O. B. Sj ST. CMves Xionf Time limit ana stopovsr. July 16 and IS and August 25 and 26, the O. R- A N. against sella long-time limit tickets to points in the Eaat, with stopover privileges. Particulars at c ticket office. Third and Washington. The elevated railroads of Manhattan are now maintaining a service represent ing 44S.A0O:;!aj4j EXCITES XXTESEST. t-1 f mm Ho Abatement In the Zfumber of Callers at Madame Vaugaa'a to Sea Mrs. ODo&nell, fThoss race Was "Cleaned." The can of Mra. O'Ponnell, who had'ftnr- forert humiliation for .'12 .reara oa account of mallpox pitting that bad annoyed hr all tnu time, continue 10 octrn.iou a niir.m vi Just Think How much warmer Old Sol la than-yo are. Then tninK or tnose summer lngs you were told to order at Dayton's. Leave your list on the wsy home aud we'll aend them to you on first morning deltVery. Zoa Cream Frees era, S qaarts $130 Zoo Chisels Soreea Boors, somplete 1.00 a A in ataxia window Screens. 38 la. . ..35 Blubber Hose, warranted, 50 feet. . . . 4.00 Sprinklers, revolving w Lavs Mowers, 14 inches .SO Oil Stoves. S banter 6.50 s n wV- ! Dayton Hardware Co.. . Cor, rint aad Taylor Sta. sxow or Txa bio padlock. - 3 1 o AMTTSEMEWTS, THEATRE 12th and Morrison North we. t VaodeTllle Co.. Prop. Oeorg h. Baker, Realdent Uanacer. Pbon. Main 78. A CHACKINO OOOD SHOW. REPLETE WITH .. NOVELTIES ., DELPHINO AND DELMOBA. DEVANY AND ALLEN. THE WALTON'S. WOODrORD AND MALBOBO. MEXIAS AND MEXIAS. VKTHt B HAHN. Bt'DD BROTHERS. . RAYMOND AND CLARK. Price Matinee. 20c. 10c: .renin. Hoc. 20e. 10c; boxea and lof eU, BOc. SHIELDS' PARK 13th and - Whlnf ton 8,200 aeats. S ummer Vau deville It rained Snndar nbtht and Cordrar'a wa packed to tn door. Ererrone present (aid It waa th beat vaud- rlll ahqw crer presented In Portland. 10-Big Star Acts-10 A LATOKIVa C0MXST SHOW TtOX START TO rifllBK. OINEBAL ASxaSSIOV TIN CENTS. Go to Cordrajr'a in caae of rain. CEDAR PARK Under new manacemant. Portland' moat beautiful pleaaure reaort. Band concert, raude Ttll bow and other attractlona. Dandns afternoon and erenlng. Lrget floor on the Pacific Coaat. Befreahment aerred oa th (round. Ten acrea of beantlfn! grove. Plre bnndred electric llfbta. Admlnlon to ground 10 cent. MRS. O'SOmfEZJk caller at Madame Vanghn's parkin, ana, JOG ad lift Tallin Bulldlna. - The pittliur bar eeea reaiored from on aide of the lady's face as that tbe public ma ee bow completely uia work haa bro don. Mra. O'Donn.ll will b oa hiblttoa tbe remainder rt thla weak. The Baker Theatre Juat four Gorge L. Bak.r, Manager. more performance of the Baker Theatre company in "EAST LTWKE." "EAST LYNKE." "EAST LYNME." . Evening, 15c, 35c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 60c; matinee, 10c, CONCERT BALL B LAZIER BROS. CONCERT EVERY NI0HT. S42-S4S BUBNSIDE. SPECIALTIES for the LADIES of PORTLAND. All kind rZATHEKB and BOAS CLEAVED and CTBED. MRS. K. OILBERT, from London. 100H Flrat. star corner. Pbon. Bd S1S1. WE WANT M S W desire to recelre for examination MBS. of all klnda. abort atorle preferred. We wOl glr a free, critical report on ererxthlng aub uiltted to onr editor. W are (aarcblng for "Tb Great Amerlcaa Norel." Har YOU got it? If o. forward at onea. Wa will pubHah tt for you. A poatal brings our beanttful eireslar and catalogue of aw book. AddrenJ BROADWAY PVBISHINO COMPANY. . tL; e uroaaway, MONTREAL, NW Y0BK. LONDON. CAMP MEETING IS STILL IN SESSION Ministers Have Completed Work, but Preaching Still Continues Near Sellwood, Although ths work of tha ministerial convention In connection with the Evangelical Campmeetlng now in pro gress at Sellwood, haa been concluded, there are still many prominent church workers at that place and the religious services are being carried on without interruption. Rev. N. Shupp, presiding elder of the Portland District, was chairman of the convention and Rev. W. E. Simpson was elected secretary. Many valuable pa pers were read and discussed. Partici pants were; Rev. R. F. Jameson. Jefferson. Or.: Rev. N. Shupp, of Portland; Rev. P. J. Oreen, of Portland;- Rev. J. J. Langen stlne, of Sweet Home; Rev. E. O. Eaton. of Harmony; Rev. Morris Haverllng, of veronia; Rev. E. I Jones, of Taeoma. Wash.; Rev. O. W. Plumer. of Portland: Rev. A A Englebart, of Oregon City, and Rev. J. E-mlth, presiding elder of the J Salem district BEAT HIS WIFE Johfi Schumantn: by occupation a long shoreman, and by reputation one of the most brutal husbanda on record, was ar rested this morning on a charge of as sault and battery, preferred against him by his wife, a frail little woman. The alleged wlfe-beater put up ball, and was released. He will have a hearing tomor row morning. MINING COMPANY ASKS NEW TRIAL Motion Argued in Damage Case of Jorres Against : Bunker Hill Mine. A motion for a new trial io the case of Jonea against the Bunker Hill A Rocky Mountain Mining Concentrate lng Company was argued and aubmltted before Judge Bellinger in the United ' States District Court this morning. This Is a auit for damages, the plaintiff seeking to recover $20,000 damagea for injuries sustained by a cave-In ia the company's mine. , The case waa tried last year and the plaintiff obtained a Judgment for 11.000, nd tbe defendant moved for a new trlak THE GIRL WAS NOT LOS f t Earnest Ehlen of 171 Sherman atreet reported to the police last night that hia sister, Eva, aged II years, had sud denly disappeared. It waa reported that she had gone away with a man. ' Inves- tlgatlon thla morning developed the fact that the girl waa not missing at all, but that it was another girl who waa aeen to leave a near-by corner wlthj, man Miss Eva Was at her next-door neigh bor's residence, visiting. In the brief space of time intervening between her disappearance from her home; and the time she was found, a searching party had been formed, and vigorous steps taken to Intercept or overtake tha supposed villain who had walked away with her. ; W. H. MARKELL & CO. Grand Avenue and East Alder. r- c:i for Friday i uui uiy ojciiai; and Saturday 75c White Batiste' Corsets, 38c Splendid fitting corsets, ex tended hip, blaa cut, lace trim med. Splendid value at 75c. Special for Friday and Sat- 5Q. urdav onlv at .....wOC 75c Hammocks, at Special, 49c Good quality hammocks, with ; spreader, tn variety of color, at : special prices, for two daya AQf only, of., .....,'.""v $1.00 Rugs, Very . Special, 69c Splendid! patterns and colors la Jute Bugs with fringe. Siseg 20x60 inches. Extra 4100 XQr values, at , Men's 35c Ribbed Underwear -atiScisSI Fine Jersey ribbed underwear. In blue or eeru. colors, summer weight, drawers with doubia seat. Extra value at 28a. Special for , Friday and Saturday "JC only ..... ........ . SBB SPBCIAUS IN WINDOW itv .; &i r a If -it i Vn. - V c- v-' J,