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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1903)
1 1; ! THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 0, 1903. CITIZENS SAY A HOSPITAL .'. IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY THEATRICAL OFFERINGS OFFICIALS GIVE THEIR OPINIONS Chiefs of Police and Fire De partment Recognize Impor tance of Having Place to Care for Injured, Expense Would Be Very Light but Some Contend City Must Have It Under Any Circumstances. The article In The Journal yesterday howlng the absolute necessity of an emergency hoapttal being eatabliahed In Portland haa met with the approbation .of every official and citlsen who wu questioned on the subject. The Journal haa shown, by citing canes, how essen tial such an Institution Is In a city the else of Fortland. This paper haa also sailed attention to the fact that there would be no necessity of constructing a building, especially for the care of the Injured. One or two rooms In the City Hall or police headquarter can be fit ted up at very slight cost and the serv ices of some competent surgeon se cured at nominal figure. V The police patrol wagon Is at present Btted with stretcher and straps and the wagon Is subject to call at any moment of the day or night. There will be no expense in the way of aa ambulance. Another illustration of the necessity of the establishing of an emergency hos pital occurred yestereay wnen an old pian felt from the approach of one of the city bridges and had his leg broken. - It waa almost an hour .before he was .under the care of a surgeon at one of the hill hospitals, whereas he would Have .had .his Injuries treated. In an emergency hospital within a few mln- The following are a few of the onln , Ions of officiate and citlsens gathered by : ine journal toaay; .... ' Chief Hunt's, flew. , "I think the establishment of an emer gency hospital- Is a wise suggestion," ; oald Chief Mmt, 'that some means x ohould be provided for Immediate care and attention for many who are taken suddenly sick,; or Injured by accident. The slow- process many times that these cases are met with is many times by such delay dangerous to the patient. It la possible that there have been cases where life might have beeq saved, if Immediate attention could have been . given to the patient. At least much . suffering could be avoided If persons In jured could be cared for and made ss comfortable as possible, without being subjected to .being conveyed In the patrol wagon to one or the other of the hospi tals in this city. -It-would not be neces sary to have extravagant arrangements for this, but a place might be provided witn au tne appliances to meet immedl- ate demands, before being transferred to. the regular hospitals) In most of the large dues' there is a surgeon attached to the Police Department and this class jOf.ease.s art .taken to the police station. .wnere attention Js given them. In all the wellrappolnted - Police Departments provision is made for, this. In large cities the Police Department is provided :with an ambulance and the police sur- , geon attends the calls. These ambu lances are provided and equipped with "all the necessary paraphernalia. . "Some months ago the Police Com mittee of the Executive Board prepared , plans to remodel our city station and Jail. In these plans provision was made for room for accident cases. There can be no question as to the need of a place of this kind. It can easily ba arranged .for, if money is provided for It." Tire Chief Campbell's Tiews. Chief Campbell of the Fire Depart ment heartily endorses the project of establishing an emergency hospital in Portland, or at least securing rooms and medical attendants for the renderlnn- of i jmmiaiaie aia to tne injured. He was : greatly interested in the story published -In The Journal yesterday, advocating ,ine scneme ana containing Interviews witn prominent officials concerning it -I tnmic it is just what the city neeus, ns explained, and then con- tinned: "An emergency hosottal la municipal feature which every city of any size recognises as sn absolute neces slty. As to whether we can afford one Just now Is another question. However, it does not require any great expense -room witn mien appliances aa are needed and appoint a competent police surgeon, or surgeons, to remain in eharre constantly, ever ready to answer . a suckien can in caseo of accident from fire, disaster or other ways. It Is too tbd to be compelled to leave a person who Is takgn violently 111 or suffering from sudden accident, lying on the uniii me pairot wagon or ambu lance can be summoned and then re move him to the hospital before he can receive any medical attendance. "In connection with the work of the Pe department (hie feature would . toi incalculable value. As it is, there Is grave danger of the fire boys suffering from an Bceident. the business being extremely hazardous at the beat, and when such happens there Is no way of Biienmng to tnem immediately. The flre men as a rule are not able to perform such services as are required from a regular practitioner, or are needed at the work of lighting the fire. Neither is It possible for them to spare the time attending wounded or injured peo ple, for their ronntant endeavor must be given to the task of subduing the flames. t am merely voicing my personal views on this subject of an emergency ' hospital and from my experience be - lieve that It will be of vast bepefH to the city if adopted. As to its establish ment, thiit appears to be entirely a '. question of whether the city can spend the money in that way.' I don't know ""' whether there 1 any -fund from 'w'Tifch' ... it could be secured or whether it would .he possible to devote the needed amount ifrom iany existing supply, but I can ' heartily endorse the idea if the city I ; omcisis see nt to carry it out. ;The best plan, I believe. Is to have 'the surgeons or physicians directly em- ployed by tha city, and have them sta ; tinned at a certain point where they can answer an alarm with dispatch and promptness and always be available ' Then when a fire alarm came In both 'he fire-fighters and the medical at tendants could be on har,d at the same -time. Their duties could le extended ' to taking car of all of the city's slclr or wounded." City Auditor's Opinion. "While I do not think the city could 1 go to any very heavy expense in the N ' matter, I fully appreciate the flct that thi Immediate securing pf aldffor tha .victim of accident or dlssstr Is a , -'"highly necessary feature." Thlis spoke City Auditor T. Q-Devlin, wbefc bo HJLS I approached u port "the emergency hospital quepuon. "However," lie continued, "I will say that the securing of a separate hospital, merely for emergency cases, is out of the question for the present. If ws can secure the neoessary room and appli ances at moderate cost, where they could always be available, well and good. That would meet with my ap probation. But Jt does not seem likely that the City of Portland could go to any great expense to Incorporate such a feature at this time." Treasurer Werleln's Idea. "The question of cost Is a laere baga telle," said City Treasurer,?. E. Wer' leln this morning, dlncusag the prop- iton of an emergency hospital, I don't believe that feature should even enter Into the consideration, because in the first place It Is not at all likely that any enormpus or even excessive sura of money would be required. Such an In stitution Is needed and should "be sup plied. There ought to be a place where emergency cases can be attended to and where work requiring Immediate atten tion could be performed with dispatch. "Another thing . we need and which should be supplied and operated in con nection with ifa proposed hospital quar ters. Is a public ambulance, that would always be ready for servloe. I noticed particularly in the Eastern Cities, Chi cago, Detroit and other places, how quickly the corps of physicians and am bulances were always at the scene of sny disaster or accident where people were maimed or badly hurt. It should be a cause of rejoicing that the merciful aid can be extended to those unfortun atea without any red tape or delay. You take It In one of those cities I men tioned and It won't be many" minutes after an accident occurs until the help Is at nana ror moss neeaing 11. xno wounded and maimed are already being looked' to even before the hospital Is reached end their term of suffering without attendance Is shortened to that period required for the appliances to reach the scot. Borne disaster occurs, the gong rings at headquarters, and it Is only a few seconds until the rubber tired ambulances are gliding swiftly away to pick ud the helpless. "Of course, practically speaking, this does not exactly apply In the case of Portland. This city is not as large as those Eastern places, but when It comes to the Idea of properly caring for the unfortunate victims of accident, the scheme, on a smaller scale, is just as necessary. I favor the Idea first, last and always, and hope to see It succeed. The city should be prepared, anyway. The plan advocated meets with my en tire approbation." County Clerk Yields. F. 8. Fields. County Clerk. While I am not personally acquainted with the workings of receiving hospitals, I .be lieve such an Institution is needed here. To my own knowledge there hava bean accidents, in which the Injured persons were removed to the hospitals and 'there was some delay, unavoidable however, under the present system. In sending word to relatives, who were kept In suspense until they were notified by the police. Buch troubles and much anx iety would be obviated by the estab lishment of a receiving hospital. Other Opinions. Penumbra Kelly. I believe a city of Portland's slxe and commercial Impor tance should have a receiving hospital. J. M. Stott. Chief Deputy 8herlff. A receiving hospital would certainly be a very good thing for the City. D. D. Jackson, County Jailer. My ex perience In the police department dem onstrated to my satisfaction mat many a victim of an accident requires Im mediate attention, and this cannot be given him under the present system. A receiving hospital is a necessity. Herbert C: Smith, Deputy County Clerk. Without having given the mat ter much consideration. it occurs to me that the Idea of establishing a receiv ing hnanltal Is an excellent one, and should be carried out John F, Logan, Attorney. Establish p receiving nosouai r i.ertmniy, o should. Every city of Portland s else has such an Institution. Why, Oakland, Cal., with only 90,000 Inhabitants, or a little over one-half of our population, boasts of a receiving hospital. Major Charles E. McDonnell, County Assessor. A receiving hospital wouia be a very good Institution to have. If the city has enough money to establish and support one. NEW RULING ON CITY LICENSES Vast treek at Umpire, The show to bo given at the Empire Theatre for the week commencing Mon day, July IS. is of a vary attractive character, abounding In comedy acta. The headllnera are Molntyre and Prim rose, a pair of minstrels who will un doubtedly aoore a lasting success at the Empire with their mirth and melody. Mclntyre la a brother of Jim Mclntyre, who made the team of Mclntyre and Heath famous In the world of tambour ine and bones. Marsh Craig is a marvel ous equilibrist of whose work the ad vance reports apeak in glowing terms. Conroy and Pearl appear in a little bit of "coon ism." while Christy and Willis are billed as "the tramp juggler and f, , f, i r -'the dancing aouDrettev nay ward and I I TIC I L CenSeS 10 DeCOme Hayward are two novelty entertainers. world and Kingston, whose first engage-1 ment at the Empire put them high on the list of favorites, will celebrate their return by presenting a new act. Many Special Officers Have OrderS tO be retainndwM appeaTinnHMly See that Backward Citizens IVUiKf Are More Prompt in Paying dlnCM nxt w,ek Hngh thwnM,vM to I heir Dues. Officials Intend to Stop Practice ot Many People in Allowing Delinquent, Jim Dumps had In his neighborhood , A man who ne'er would try new food.. " Buy Just one box of 'Force,1 twill cost So little that there's not much lost. . You'll keep on, tho your purse be slim, Twill force, you to," said r Sunny Jim." r ' . t i . , . -1' 4Ji ' V.. ..... .Vl.. . Ib Be47.tirf Canal ... 71 WAS INFORMED OF A FRAUDULENT DEED Toe naapire. One of the acta at the Empire Thea- It was announced at the office of the tre thla week proves that a dog can be City Auditor today that persons who almost aa amusing as a human being. fall to pay their license fees before to- The canine comedian which appears as morrow night will at once be proceeded a member of the team Mexlas and Mex- against. The license officers have their las, brings shouts of laughter from rues to take Immediate action, com- the audience. The novel electrical ef- menclng Saturday morning, and all de- fects introduced in the grotesque mu- llnquents will be prosecuted. sical act . Of Delphlno and Delmora are Heretofore officials have been quite deserving of much credit, and the fun- lenient In the matter of delinquent nlness of Budd Brothers, the gymnastlo licenses, but from a privilege It Is said jesters, Is Irresistible. To every tlover to have become an abuse. But It will I of really good singing the aongs of stop. alter tomorrow wgnt. Arthur Hahn will prove a great attrao- The cltlsens under the law have 10 I tlon. Mr. Hahn's voice Is of the basso days from the first of the quarter month nrofundo order and It is a treat to hear uniii me iimi in wnicn xo pay. curing him sing the famous bass eong, "Rocked mat uma aoout one-tnira nave in xne in the Cradle of the Deep." The rest past managed to forget. This month it 0f the program Is equally Interest- may or wen m greater perceniaR i inv iuuuv innro nan Dprn movui t,vuv re- AMlt.toH tnr mnA thji tntal imAlint rfttlA reaches somewhere around 150,000. It " - is not considered likely that morethan Only four more times will the famous 16,000 or $6,000 will come In tomorrow play, "East Le-nne," be presented at the and that will leave the balance delln-1 Baker Theatre, and with the fall of the quent, and under the law delinquency curtain on the last performance next means a further penalty. If this should Saturday .night the Baker Stock Com be strictly applied It is claimed that pany will bid farewell to the theatre- next quarter the fad of leaving licensee goers of Portland for some time. This go until the collector comes' around will cosy and popular playhouse will then not be quite so popular. I be closed ' for extensive Improvements Xn InvMHMHin Af th. 1 (Ainu TA ! A kiH -kt.t will m.Va If m books revoals many curious things, but the more attractive when ft opens next In wlu- whien was niea ror proDaie none more Interesting than the com- season. In the meantime it behooves this morning, the late Capt, Lewis Love parlson between licensed doctors and every admirer of good drama to attend declares that forged deeds to a portion lawyers, m one instance paysicians one of the remaining presentations or I of his estate are extant and he pro paid for licenses tho sum or 1104. wmie i!'..t Lvnue." i m,nn. thm fnuHuUnt and directs r1" "IS. "J that they be not recognised. rrti I." Stained w"h. Shlrtd.' Oood T.ud The will dispose, of property having .v.. ..." . --a - , w Bright, Interesting vaudeville is tne - BDBeulatlve value of more than tl oil ill iiftRi IB B la I 7U uyt ea, aa uu- i . .4 V .h 17.. . . . . , , , , . lem before the officers is why there are 1 V k. ooo uuo' ana r- x' BlruD,e- r"uo so few lawyers and so many physicians, iud,;ln Jl0T.I.h !t?d,n !JA .VI .n Holbrook nd H- c- Breeden as cutors comparatively. The officials think J. "na lruBler" " V . ,u j.ii. that can be desired. Mr. Shields an- Sn-nVlnir of the deda the will aava: l 1 1 ' I C H niKHCI 111 HIV WUUVIIV, "VI . , , , , . , , . I ' - . . .... to sneak and may Institute an lnoulry. "Ounces a bill for next week which win j ma(je five deeds to my children and The man who haa a desire to avoid carry nwnj -w granacnnaren oepiemoer i. , a..i.i. .kn..ii ..i,. t . n M I be unlike the other and In thlsway about which were executed and acknowledged his license tomorrow, is the advice shows will be given. This week before T. T. Strube. I made eight deeds ine mosi encouraging wui 10 my cnuaren, granacnnaren ana great done at the Park, and witn warm grandchildren, December 18, 1898, which weather, which is almost sure to nappen were also acknowledged before T, during the next few weeks, a place of gtruble, notary public. Other than these comfort will be found at the open inea- mentioned deeds, I have made none tre. Hugh Emmett will appear for the since the first-mentioned ones of date last time Saturday night and It is be- September 21, 1894. I am the owner lleved that many will take advantage absolute of the following real property of the three remaining performances jn the city of Portland: Lot 142, block and see him In hie marvelous feats of 117. city, lot 4. block 11. city; lot 8 comedy ventriloquism. Every night at block 10. city; north V, lot 2, block 10, the park with the very pest aurac- city; lot s. diock 111, cuy; soutn h or Is its own best recoxaaendfttloii. Always Wevntg Mere. v ' ' Force1 struck the right spot The more I eat, the more 1 Want. Mr family Is as well pleased with It aa I am. T, RBaisT," Ptarflinrr Statement Marta hv IMI VII I I 3 WiWIVI I I VI I t III WMW J the Late Captain Love in Will Filed Today, DEATHS existence of another fraudulent deed. I pronounce and declare any and all such deed or deeda aa fraudulent, and all claims or any person or persona of hav I ?nly 4. Kdwis v. Rchirk. sent 80, Belred-re Ing genuine deeda or title to any of the Pnt'l "' snipped to Henry, in., ana villainous, ana 1 dcmbv matrunt mv 1 mM m . - - - 1 mam uwwm guaw vwinuuf vi executors and trustees to contest any I MaereJ dlreotora and embalmera, 880 sucn ciaims to tne uttermost, mat my 1 xamiiiu. none 007. property may be kept Intact and saved for my lawful heirs and devisees. The will Is dated January I, 1199, and was witnessed by Dr. O. P. S. Plummer and Edward Holman. and T REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS given at the City Hall today. LINEMEN QUIT JOBS AT. SALEM Non-Union Workmen Deserted Telephone Company and Joined the Ranks of the Strikers Last Night, tions is what is offered. "1 WANTS HER TRUNK Mrs. II. M. Remo has filed suit In Justice William Reld'a court against one Holson for the recovery of a certain trunk and Its contents which the plain tiff alleges belongs to her and is unlaw fully held by the defendant. Plaintiff wants the trunk returned, or damages amounting to $26. ' MISS TRAVIS-rtONORED- (Journal Special Service.) ETTGENE, Or., July 9. Miss Ella Travis, a graduate of the University of Oregon, Class of 1908, has been selected preceptress of Sherman College, New York City. 8he was a prominent student here and won the Falling oratorical prise at last commencement. CORRECTION The BAILEf QATZERT will take the Oregon Cnmc-ra Club on rext Sunday's excursion, and not the Harvest Queen. The excursion leaves Alder-street dock at 8 a. m. W. RS Healis, chairman of the local board of the striking linemen, received the following dispatch last evening from Salem: "Salem is all O. K. Will write par ticulars." Shortly after the regular linemen had gone out In the Capital City In response to the request from the West ern Conference, the company secured non-unionists to take their plaoes. "Now they have also gone out," says Mr. Healis, "and the wire I received haa reference to this fact." The men state that everything Is pro gressing smoothly, and every unionist is standing firm. The following Infor mation has been received from head quarters at San Francisco: "Spokane reports that pickets got three switchboard men off and seven in experienced men. The operators got four off yesterday. "Everett Trades Council declared Sun set Company unfair and will place boy cott against It. Three non-union men came In, but they got them off. Outside Towns "Redding reports only one apprentice working. "Tacoma reports that two men were pulled off and three have promised to quit. The pickets are doing splendid work. "Oakland has only two men working and the pickets see that they do not cause any 'trouble.- "San Francisco Is holding the sltua tlon down pat. No new men are going to work. "San Jose has pulled oft three lnex perlenced men, and the boys are confl dent lot 2, block 4, city; the east 75 feet of south V lot 4, block I, city; north Minstrels Coming. of lot 4, block 8, city; south H lot The advance sale of seats will open block 3, city; south of lot 6, block 8 cuy, I have never made a deed to any per tomorrow (Friday) morning at iu o'clock for Richard J. Jose's Minstrels which come to the Marquam Grand on or persons of any part or pleoe of SPECIAL 8ATTTBDAT A1TS91TOOV SERVICE, TBOM POXTIiADTD TO THE BEACHES VIA THE A. & C. S. k., Bsonramra jtjxt h. The Portland-Seaside Flyer leaves t'nion Depot Saturday, July 11. and very Saturday thereafter during the season at z:ao p. m., ror Astoria, jriavel. G-earhart and Seaside, running through direct without transfer at Astoria, ar riving at Gearhart at 6:40 p. m. and Seaside at 6:60 p. in., making direct con nection at Warrenton for Fiavel. Sat urday special round-trip excursion tick ets between Portland and all Clatsop and North Beach points, good for re turn passage Sunday evening, sold for SZ.bU. TK'Kets on sale at zm Alder street ana tlnfon Depot. - A Tamons Remedy for Sick Headache. The cause of this complaint is not In the head at all. It comes from the stom ach. A stomach that has been become clogged by overeating, drinking or abuse In any manner, will warn you by bring ing on sick neaaacne. uure me pains and dietress In the stomach, and the headache stops of itself. And bilious attacks, dyspepsia, belching, bad taste in the mouth, muddy complexion and rellow eyes, are cured by this remedy, t Is called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills, and Is sold by druggists all over the United 8tates for 25c per box. One Dill for a dose, or sent by mall on re ceipt of price, samples rr Dr. Bosanko Co, Samples Philadelphia, Pa. free. Address LOW BATES TO THE EAST. The Canadian Pacific will again place on sale excursion tickets good for stop overs, with long-time limit. These tick ets will be on sale July 13, 13, 14, IS and 1 and again on August IS. 18, 26 and 26. For full particulars, call on or address F. R. Johnson, P, 4 JV A, 142 Third street, Portland, Or. 'Fresno reports gaining ground every day. Federated Trades and Building Trades Councils have levied a boycott to take effect at once. "Bakersneld reports only one appren tice switchboard man at worK. "Los Angeles reports that things sre looking much better In Southern Cali fornia. "San Diego reports men standing firm." . Labor Day Celebration. The committee appointed by the Fed prated Trades Council to make prepara tions for ; the Labor Day celebration met last night and reported progress Harry Gurr was elected treasurer of the committee. H. A. Duke was Instructed to communicate with Samuel Gompers and invite him to attend the celebration and deliver an address. Grant McDon ald was requested to write to Frank Morrison, secretary of the A. F. of L., for the same purpose. There was a disposition among the committee to dispense with the usual parade feature of the celebration and convert it Into a picnic, although no official action was taken in this re spect. A committee composed of A. R. Law- ton, Grant McDonald and Horace A. Duke was appointed to procure appropri ate badges or buttons for the occasion. Walkout at Salem. SALEM, July The linemen in the employ of the local manager of the Pacific States, Telephope & Telegraph Company's office went on a strike last night, in sympathy with the striking linemen on the system, the demand for higher -wages and -shorter hours having remained unsettled. It is expected that th "Central" girls will follow in the lead, of the linemen, though denied . by the 'operators here. There were - only three linemen here, and Managr- W. Hi Daney say he will goon fill their places. Theatre next Monday and Tuesday mights, July IS and 14. Mlnstrely is Illustrated In the enter tainment which Mr. Richard J. Jose and his company will present It will be minstrelsy at its verV best, very different from the minstrelsy of 30 years ago, but losing no point of quality shown to be .of virtue In long experience. ' In the first place Mr. Jose and his company aim at musical excel lence and get it; there are other ingred ients In the receipt for a first-class minstrel show; among these may be In cluded star soloists, both vocal and In strumentalists, elaborate settings, ab solute refinement, unmatched smooth ness of general movemenf, high class quality of specialties and finished as well as unique detail from curtain rise to curtain fall. Richard J, Jose, the great contra-tenor will sing for the first time on any stage the very latest pub lications "Dear Old Gtrl, and "Boys Are Comlnsr Home Today," with a voice meant, for a Pattl. William McDonald, late Basso of the Bostonlans, will ren der in his own inimitable way some choice selections, Frank -Cushman, the twentieth century minstrel and succes sor of the late Billy Emerson, will minstrelise in his up-to-date fashion WlUlam Keller Mack, the- star of all black face comedians will also vocalise his very late success, "I Am a Jonah Man," and "I Belong to the Government Now." Over 40 stars are with this stellar attraction and a pleasant even ing's entertainment Is assurea The Clrous Olrl. The Augustin Daly Musical Company returns to this city tomorrow and will be at Marquam Grand Theatre for three performances before leaving lor JNew York C4ty The Circus Girl,", which will be pre sented on Friday and Saturday evenings, and at the Saturday matinee, is consid ered the funniest of all the Daly pieces. At the same time its music is Just as tuneful and catchy as that of "A Run away Girl." More attention, however, has been paid to the comedy end of the piece and as a result tnere is a com tlnual supply of delightful fun from first to last. The wrestling scene be tween Biggs the waiter and the "Ter rlbleTurk," including all of the In cidents leading up to it, is about the funniest the stage has to give. The production is characteristic of Paris, in which city the action of the play is supposed to take place, and is complete In every detail. "ARMEN IS CHARTERED Balfour, Guthrie & Co., have chartered the French ship Armen. The vessel la now loading at Antwerp, and will bring a cargo of rails, cement and "general" to Portland direct She has not yet been chartered for ber outward passage. MONEY FOR HANNA, WYO, , 1 " 1 Treasurer R. L. Sabin late yesterday afternoon sent a draft for 11,000 to the mine sufferers at Hanna, Wyo. This money was taken from the subscription collected for the benefit of the Heppner flood victims. this property whatsoever. I also own 767 acres, more or less, or land In sections 10, 11, 14 and 16, town ship 1 north, range 1 east A portion of . the land Is outside and a portion in side the city limits of Portland; I have made no deed to any of this acreage to any person or persons at any time, ex cepting for Columbia Cemetery, My will is, and I direct that my estate be divided Into six shares or parts of equal value, to be disposed of In the fol lowing manner: First, to my son, Fred D. Love, one of said shares or parts, To my son, Green C. Love, one share or part. To my son, Lewis P. Love, one of said shares or parts To my grandson, William King, son of deceased daughter, Meilnda J. Hliep- herd, one-third part of said shares or parts. To Matilda Shepherd, daughter of Meilnda J. Shepherd, one-third part of one share or part. To Haxel King, a great-granddaughter of Albion King, deceased, who was a son of Meilnda Shepherd, one-third of one share or part. To my daughter, Mary C. Stafford, one of said shares or parts. I give, devise and bequeath to the evhlldren of mv deceased son. William Lev -ene ef-aatd - shares r- farts fo be divided among the children ' fol lows: Lewis W., John A Ulysses G., Charles W. and Frank P, Love, one- fifth each. . It is my will and purpose that my estate shall be kept intact and not dis tributed to my, devisees until January 1. 1907. Three codicils provide that the lega cies of Mary C. Stafford and Fred D. and Green C. Love shall bo only a life estate and shall be Independent of their husband or wives. Of randnlentdecdrt?iewllT gayar Reference to the faot In this Will that I am the owner of and have Uada no deed to certain properties Is bvause I have been Informed reliably of one fraudulent deed to certain Valuable prop erty purporting to have been made by me, and also have heard rumors of the 836 I C. A. Gardner to Charles Olesoa and wife. lots 12 and 13, block 15, Lincoln Park . .$ 160 I n . ju rarrrii ana wire 10 John H. wilk ln and wtft, lots 8, 4, 6, block 4, fit rell'a Hecond Add Sheriff (for M. Rybke) to B. Let Barnes, troatee, lots 10 and 11, block 34, Ml. Tabor Villa K. f. and 8. J. Chadwlok to Sarah B. Cor. Iota and 10. block 1. Psrd Add. to Alblna 800 I Slnora i'eonlngton and nnaband to Oeorse H. Beynolda, lot 6. block 10. TroutdaU. ITS Maria 1. Baker to Jobn W. Baker, kite 1 and 2, block 266; lot S, block 116, Port land I. M. and N. M. Daris to Mrs. Chrlatlna Wetteratea, lot 8, block T. Central Al- hlna x 600 Tne western Lota m Having Conanany to iu, aii. jr. 9. rinlev and Son. funeral dlreetoJ sad embalmars, have removed to thai new establishment, oornor Third and acadieoa streets. Both phones He, Crematorium, on Oregon . City oat line, near Ball wood) modern, solentl&o, complete. Charges) Adults, $35) chil dren, ssa. Visitors t to 5p. m. Portland Cremation Association, Portland, Or. ; ' BXTXB YISW OEMBTEBT. Single rravea. SIO. Pamllr lets from 76 to $1,000. The only oemeterr la Portland which perpetually maintains 160 end earee) for lots. Por fall information apply to w, at. Haecensie, wore ester Block, city. W. la. Zadd. president. Clark Xros, for sowers, 889 Morrison street. BSATX VOTICZ. R. J. Johneoo. lot 48. block -jaoor vuia Joaepb Hlrach et al. to Amoa Bolrsy et al.. lot T and 8, block 248. city John Lawrence to Alice O. Whipple, eaat 7! iota i ana s, block 281, saat Port- 825 8.T30 1.000 DIED. July 0, 1803. at 111 North Thirteenth atreet. Mrs. R. Tnltiip ncie " T George Franklin and mother ef Charles A land H. A. Rhartle to John Oradr and -wife. acre lot 11 and 13, DeLaabmott A Oattnan's Little Home anbdlvlaloa No. . 8....... ............................ 700 i. a. uaraner ana onDna 10 K. A. nr tle, acre lota 11 and 18, DeLaebmutt A Oatman's Llttla Homes aubdlTlatoa No. S 1 Barbara A. Bailey to John Gates, lots 8 to 6, block 830, Eaat Portland D0Q m. opoaj ana wire 10 Andrew u. Ol son and Witt, lot 12. block 1. North Irvlngton 1,150 Moeri a. cnirue 10 a or am inuey, 101 a In acre lot 13, DeLaahmutt A Oatmaa's Little Holmes aubdletalmi No. 9 1 Benry Kloaternun and wife to J. H. Car son, lota T and 8. block 17, Highland.. l.TKO yv. i. zimmermaa sua wire to Hwlfht r. nnaup, ion ana iu, diock d. Ltinn a Add .... aan a. i cats ana wire to I). B. HCBrlde. all weat H lota 7 and 8. block 2A1 Hawthorne Park 4,49,1 POB OTTAJtAWTBBD TTTUBS. flee Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty A mi w, ut-s-i-i railing Bunding. Get your title lnaurarlp mnA ahtrai. to real estate from the '1 le Guarantee as irusi uo.. cnamoer or commerce. BUILDING PERMITS To J. Touns. alter dwallln. Knrth iwmi. treot, between Irving and Johnson; 8800. TO L. U. Hnwil. cfmatmift tmrn-atn,. 4lt I Ing, Hoyt. between Twenty-first and Twenty. To Trimble A Rn.. renalr IralMIn m.tA To Enterprise Inreatment Company, atruct tbroe-atory dwelling, Larrabee and 1 day streets: 86.800. To Willamette Boiler Worka, alter foundry To J. D. Treabam, eonatruct twonitory brick. Third and Burnslde. To 8. D. Weat. eonetrnct fuiMtim AmvMlttmm Wgmina, between Dekum and Clarnaont atreeta; To' 0. Kern,' eonatruct barn, Xaat Fifteenth HILL MILITARY 1 ACADEMY Dr. J. W. Hill, Principal, 24 th A Marshall Stsr, Fortland. Or. A PRIVATE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. New buildings, modern and com plete. Manual training, military, disci pline. Boys successfully', fitted for, all colleges or for business life. Principal of twenty-five years' ex perience in Portland. Boys of any age admitted at any time. t. Write for catalogue. Fall term opens September 15.. ( eon- Holla- :Wm.ft::Pay7 i4 Washington atreeta: 8400. To W. A. Little, renalr bullrtlnr. Henilricbe arenne and Praaeott atreeta; 80S. To O. F. Pearson, eonatruct two-story dwell cat Marshall and Nineteenth atreehi A hoa Inf at Mrahll and Nineteenth atreeta j 84,000. BIRTHS CERTAINLY. I Oar Employment Department Has more calls for competent 'A July 2. to Mr. and Mrs. L. fl. Wrttrhf &aa BVN BUtTl, WH CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Hood snd Arthur JnlT 9. Dalar Lewla. latreeta: dlnhUieruu-..iJ.L Julr 9. Mrs. A. J. Lewis. Hood anil Arthn. eireeie; aipninenn. jqiy m, Mrj. Minnie rrlna, 445 East Sal mon atreet: dlnhtherla. July 8, 8. Godry. Bt. Vincent HanltaHnm. BOOK-KEEPERS and STENOGRAPHERS Thsn it can supply ENTER NOW. a referred SJtook Oanned troods. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. CONCERT TO BE GIVEN Brown's Park Band will give a con cert in the plana opposite the court house tomorrow. Friday evening. Con siderable Interest is being taken In these concerts which are enjoyed in the open lr o moonlight evenings I 1? - " J; f.682 Beats Putting Money m:a savings mm And so easy that lian, Woman or Child should have one. You ava the exorbitant oharging specialty Jewelry' houses' profits and get the world's famous best ..n gin tr- tiampoen movements in a uoss or tays-case, guaranteed i or 20 years ana pay only ' $1.00 A WEEK WB XATB A OOOD 14-ZABAT ools watox warn azx XOTZKZ1TE A $12. OO I. GEVURTZ & SONS "SS?-h. 173-175 FIRST STREET. 319-327 YAMHIIJL Holmes Business College TAMMTXL AITO ZX.ETKNTB 8TS. OXSaOK POKTXAITD ST. HELEN'S HALL Has a normal kindergarten training elaas in connection with its aeademio department. Separate residence. Two year' course. Model kindergarten Mor ldes practice work. For details, ad dress BLIAHOI TSBBETTS, v frincipai, ' PORTLAND ACADEMY AV tlfOLIBH AKD CLASSICAL SCHOOt TQt JIWXB M.nU I IB.1L.B. . Hits both for Eastern dollegea. Prlniarr and Oitammar Grades included. A hull tor. atria. with tbe spptitstmenta and anpervlaloa of. a Mrefnl - home. Location in one ot the moat beantlful reslons of the Pacific Coaat. Climate mild and - henlthfnU : For eatalosue srtrtreas Auaucax, ronisna, uregon, EXPERT. OPTICIANS Save your, eyes.'by.eonsujtlng "' i No charge lor thorough examiner , ;: tion. . Glasses, furnished st very ' low prices. -,.,.,-'. PHIIUUPS BROS. 141. Sixth St, Cor. Alder.! . . With Whits Sewing JWachks Co. ' : . V A lx - ... ,