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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1903)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1003. KrKsssssssssssxzzacssszszxssxsszsszsszxzsszi? mm , W t M fc V ' w fcJ We make a very strong effort fAR-OFF MANILA ;fhe Reliable Store;; 12 CABLEGRAM FROM Ira F. Powers furniture Co. and we, succeed In Elylng you a better class of optical v work than you can set elsewhere. We have tome unique things In the way of bifocal leases, and thin lenses for those people who have to use those strong Myopic lenses. We also make a specialty of filling oculists' prescrip tions for glasses. I The People of the Island Capi- j i r i -ri r i iai uisDatcn ineir rormai Greetings to the Residents of Portland MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS AND JEWELERS Third and Washington ------- Portland. Or. "It Is Hoped that the-New Cable Will Draw Closer the Two Cities In Their Fraternal Re lations," Our Straw Hats Are Food for. thought. At least the values we are offering will make you wonder how we can do it Are you well hatted? The question is unneces sary if you buy your hats of us; for our styles are guaranteed correct. Prices range frcTT $1.00 up to $5 Comfort and correct styles com bined at the lowest possible price. Buff urn & Pendleton. Sole Agents for the Knox Hat. Third and Stark Sts. From far a way, Manila, the capital of I the Philippine Islands, there came last night tha first official message to Port land sine, tha cabla was finished across the Pacific. It conveyed to Mayor Wil liams and the people of this city tha sincere well wishes of the residents there. Tha message was signed by A. Cms Hertara. President of the Muni cipal Board of Manila, and waa directed to Mayor Williams and the people of Portland. It came via San Francisco and is In reply to tha wire of congratu lations which was dispatched by Mayor Williams Immediately . the cable was completed, on laat Saturday. The message reads as follows: MANILA. P. I., to the Mayor of Port land. Or. The people of Manila greet tha people of Portland, thank them fori their well wishes, and at the, same time congratulate them, aa the new cabla will doubtless draw closer the two cities In their fraternal relations. A. CRUZ HERRARA. President Municipal Board. Hereafter' messagea ran be sent, to I Honolulu and other Pacific ports touched by tha new cable aa readily as to any other portion of the globe which has tel egraphic service. The dispatches upon the completion of the cable announced to the civilised world how easy and conven ient It 4s to send a messaire entirely around the circuit of the earth In a com paratively few minutes. Tha time it took the message last evening to reach Portland Is not known, as the hour of dispatching was not marked in tha form. Much More For the Money Than Ordinarily on This Occasion The Same Reliabte Furniture Displayed as at All Time Previous sw WOODMEN PREPARE FOR OPENING DAY a July tyfj Carnival Sale 3 izzz, Men's $16.50 and $20.00 Suits for. Men's $15.00 Suits for... Men's $9.75 Suits for Men's 50c Shirts for. $15.00 9.75 7.45 .35 IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH WELCH TEe AMERICAN ...CLOTHIER... 221-223 Morrison and First Sts. NEW LINE OF BOATS IS SOON EXPECTED The Dalles People Look.For- -ward to Opposition in Steam , boat Transportation, IournalBpeclaLServlce4 ' THE DALLES, Or., July . Reports , are being circulated that within a month J there will be an opposition steamboat ': Una between this city and Portland. This report Is meeting with the ap- t proval of a good many business men. They realize they are not receiving as i good a service from the Regulator Line a the present time as they did last year, when the White Collar Line waa In operation. The boats arrive at all i times, from 7 p. m. until long after f midnight. It takes twice as long to haul freight from Portland as It did a year ago. With these things in view ,there Is no doubt that an opposition line will receive a hearty support from the business men. ! , The Tots for Quean. Tha only surprising changes in the Contest for queen of the Woodmen Car- ival were today when Ave young ladles 1 Withdrew their names for the honor. There are only three days left to cast , votes and It Is thought the last day a 4 large number will be cast. The vote today was;.' Bessie Snipes ....I.,...-.......,.... 89 Minnie Bartelt . . is Virginia Hi'.Igen ... 13 his resignation Tuesday, to accept ffeputyship Irt the office of , the County School superintendent Superintendent Gilbert finds his private business de mands all his attention and as he Is un able to attend to his school affairs properly he will turn the office- over to Mr. Neff. SEDUCED KATES TO asinou. Oo to Newport on Yaqulna Bay an laeai oeacn. it is Decerning ular with the Portland people. rate of' 13.00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company in connection wltn tne -eorvalils & Eastern Kailroftd for the Sunday round trio from Port land, tickets arood sroln Saturday, re turning iuonaay. A delightful ride through the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up one side of the Willamette Klver, returning the other. Ask any Southern Paclflo Com nan v or Corvallia & Eastern Railroad agent for a Deautiruuy illustrated Booklet describ ing tne seastao resorts at xaquma. Prudence Patterson 12 Xawtoa oa Soad to Beeorsry. ' Mr. C. A. Lawton. who was seriously . burned on the Fourth, Is now able to distinguish people today, and will shortly be on the road of. recovery. devil on a, float In the parade, when it I caught fire suddenly, burning 'him so badly about the head that for a time it , was thought bis eyesight would be lost i Professor Heft Sesifna. ' Prof. 1. T. Wen, who has been princi- r-l of the High School in this city for tha past three rears, and who was re- ; elected for the ensuing year, handed In, "Just try a Parrot Cigar" 5c. I am proving that an acceptable cigar can be bought for 5c - k. - At your Dealer's City Being Gaily Decorated wit.'i Carnival Colors Vote for the Queeru Preparations for the opening of tha woodmen s Carnival are being steadily carried on and already the city is being gaily decorated with the carnival colora red, white and black. Business men have begun to decorate their buildings and by the time tha gates of the car nival are thrown open everything will be in readiness for the thousands of visitors who are expected to attend. The Southern Pacific, the Northern Paclflo and the Oregon Railroad A Navigation companies will In all likeli hood make a special rate of at least one and one-third fare from nearby points during the carnival. 80 far, the North ern Pacific and the O. R. & N. have not decided upon the rate or the places from which the rato will apply. The Southern Pacific will have two sale days, July 14, the opening day, and on the 22d. The tickets will hold good for six days. This line will sell special tickets as far distant as Eugene. The. various candidates for the. posir tion of queen of . the festivals are working like trojans to obtain the ma jority of the votes before the close of the contest this week. Pictures of the candidates have been placed In all of the downtown stores and some of the young ladles have besides themselves regular ward heelers, who are making every endeavor to pool a large vote for their respective candidate. Have no Preference. The Queen voting contest conducted by the Woodmen of the World In Port land is growing intensely exciting, and the most wise can only, hazard a con jecture as to the denouement Mr. J. J. Jennings, the director general of the carnival, speaking for Woodcraft wishes it understood that no candidate is es pecially endorsed by It, nor is any con testant entitled to preference over an other in the electoral conditions. A few of the camps have given complimentary endorsements to certain candidates, but no camp is presumed to be backing any canaiaat nnancia:iy. The Wccdraen are anxious that the best candidate may win. It is a clear field and the election shall be conducted squarely and fairly and without preju- aice or lavoriusm. Kiss Bertha Williams. J A Red Tag denotes 33lA per cent reduction from regular prices ..A FEW ARTICLES ILLUSTRATED TO SHOW THE SUPERB VALUES Beds Elegantly made with massive tubing, scroll design and heavily enameled, they show v all that is modern, and regularly sell at $18.00, but at this event for $12.00 Roman Seats Richly upholstered, very stylish in shape and beautifully carv ed legs, they present a rare offering. They are sold regularly for $12.00, but on this occasion for $8.00 Dis counted to $8 Miss Bertha Williams, although now last in the race for Queen of the Car nival, is said by her friends to have strong hidden support which will be I brought out on the last day otthe vote. Colored Redaction Tags To show price concessions. i YELLOW TAG Showing IO per cent discount on regular selling prices. l PINK TAG Showing IS per cent discount on regular selling prices. . BLUE TAG Showing SO per cent discount on regular selling prices. A GREEN TAG Showing 25 per cent discount on regular selling prices. A RED TAG Showing per cent discount on regular selling prices. Discounted tf 10 to . . Combination Book Case and Writing Desk - A fine specimen of the furniture art, displaying a handsome design in gold oak, with beveled mirror. You should not ponder Idng at this regular $18.00 value, which is reduced to $12.00 REASONS For This Great Event July is a month between seasons and trade is not so active. To cre ate & demand for furnishings wq bare put this sale into operation. This Is very timely for rearrange -tciEana -making- room-f or-Fau deliveries. We do not desire to accumulate last season's goods with the new stock soon to arrive. Hence we are satisfied to let these great discounts prevail on our remaining spring stock. A VERDICT OF APPROVAL At this GREAT TRADE EVENT has been the response of the people. The results since last Monday have been extremely flattering, and the reasons stated have been accepted with great appreciation, for which we are duly thankful. High Grade Furniture Which always prevails at our store, presents opportunities, at this time, that for discounts on regular prices, truly shows how economy can be practiced by the . public for the BEST QUALITIES AND NEWEST STYLES 0 0 0. Ira 0 Powers Firaitore E, ai., IN THE VERY HEART OF THE FURNITURE DISTRICT VVVVwVVVVVVV the fcesult of the Vote. t.'p to noon today tha result of voting stood as follows; Klsie Morgan .....,...4..i.......4,737 Emma Jackson ...............4,394 Kula Bennett ... .1,904 neien sauerman ...... j.... ...1,161 Vera Steinegger ...... ......, 865 Anna Phillips 863 Martha Ieutchenger 410 liertha Williams ................. 826 MAY BUILD BOATS FOR RIVER LIAO If you are contemolatlni a trln V.bkI this month you can avail yourself of very low excursion tickets over the northern Pacific pn July 12 to U. For full details call on or write A. D. Charl ton. Assistant General PassengecAgent, 265 Morrison street, corner, of Third, A. fleet of steamers made In Portland and out of Oregon pine may soon greet the gaae of people living along the River Liao, In China. , As published in The Journal several days ago, Consul Henry B. Miller, at Nlu Chwang. China, addressed a letter to the local Chamber of Commerce stat ing that a Russian, firm was plaoolof to put a new fleet of river steamers on the above-named stream, and , If .. the Portland shipbuilders would "get busy." tha contracts might be awarded to local firms. Copies of this epistle were sent to the shipbuilders In this city, and this morning the secretary of the chamber received a reply from Joseph Supple, aj well-known marina craft hniM.r ' ( Mr. Supple stated that he would at once prepare descriptions and estimates of some of the best stern-wheeler river boats In the Paclflo Northwest, and would forward them to Consul' H. B. Miller, who has already said that ha would do all In his power to have the contracts awarded to Oregon boat bulld- REISIKG BECOMES HUMANE OFFICER Patrolman Joe Relslng was today ap pointed Humans Officer by Chief of Po lice Hunt, . at tha special request of Mayor Williams. Retains: will renort to Chief Hunt, will answer to roll-call each morning aa at present, and will be detailed on all cases that require hia attention. He will also act In conjunction with, and to - soma extent under, the , prdera fit Humans Agent Shanahan. ' Relslng will be furnished! a horse and carriage. In which ha will make trips Into all portions of the city, looking Into the treatment of horses and other dumb animals by their owners. ,Thla is a work to which he Is particularly adanted. i having been Humana Officer in former years, chief Hunt stated this morning that he would have been appointed to the position before but for thr scarcity of men In the department. Preferred snook Canned aoods. Alien A lwla Best Brand. . - - - v . Low excursion rates to all points East U, via tha July 12. IS. 14. 15 and Northern PaclAq XUUwa, a 0 Or C1 W A. I''