0 ! j TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY ' EVENING, JULY 1, 1003. j gTRANS ACTIONS IN m r- - : 1 " 7 "n : , . ' . . . , . j , i . LOCAL markets:: CHARGE IN TONE ; Broom Prices Show an Advance . of 25 Cents a Dozen with the Higher Prices for Raw Aerials. - Egg Quotations Held StiffeY a 7 20 - Cents Potatoes Are on thfl N limn with Kma er Da w w w far " w iv W mand from South, V TODAY? XXBXXT CHASM. . Ouut nti U(kn. Condensed ima tlnMM.' , Cowboy yop to up. Ouud mate firm wltk p tntd tendency. Potato ar lowvr. gg ! im at to Mate. Poultry yrtog adraa. ' Th local wholesale market ahow a number of quotation change today, tbe more Important being" the advance of 3t cent a dosen In all grade and else of local manufactured broom. Higher price for atock is tbe only cause. Xrr Tina at 80 Cent. 'I, Egg price are being held firm at SO cent a dosen today on account of the slightly smaller receipt and the larger demand. Although there might be a wry alight falling off In receipts, stilt there la about enough of the stock ar- I riyinf to suit all demands, in egg I JefTrket haa been held firm for several I - 7 ki and the tightening of quotations IOtoday la caused solely by former events. a Chicken Are Signer. W Tmi 1 . niliiM mw .r. ffh 1 1 , M A vm nrA J V .......... today on account of smaller Receipts and a heavier demand. Arrivals of poul try stock on the street are quite liberal, but the extra heavy demand and the cleaning up of the markets each day caused the commission men to bold for higher figure. Some turkeys ar rived on the street this morning, but as the stock Is not of the best quality the demand Is off and prices are lower. Condensed Cream X TTp. The manufacturer of Borden's brand of Pony condensed cream have notified local wholesalers of an advance of 15 cents a case In ' quotations. The rise in price was caused by advances made lately by other manufacturers. ... Bop lrloe Take Tump. , , The Portland Cordage Works an nounces that beginning with July It the present quotations on Cowboy rope will be advanced cents a pound over the present basis caused by higher ruling prices for raw material. Potato Begin to Drop. It Is not very likely that the quota tions on last year's crop " of Oregon Burbanks will show another advance during the present season. The mar let In San Francisco, although noml naMr fceldvup "to- Its former- elght ty Uie who- had- bought stock Is really lower,, and by tbe Arrival of the -next steamer quotations will most likely go down with a bang. According to one or the larger, buyer on the . street,, potato men in this city have cold reet and are carrying around a little Japanese poclfet stove to keep up their circulation. ' Steamer Leave Potato Ob Dock. On account of the press of other freight, the steamer Columbia which is next to leave for the Bay City, will not take the full amount Of potatoes of fered for shipment to the South. In all about 1,600 sacks were' offered and are on the dock, but It Is not thought that more., than 1,000 sacka. will be carried on this trip. ; Potato price In this city hav already begun to slump, some buys being made yesterday a low as 88 cents. New stock Is being held firm at top quotations. . Canned Meat Are Higher. The manufacturer of Llbby's brands of fancy canned meat have announced a large advance In quotations to take effect at once. The fresh meat market is rather alow, arrivals being small and demand about the same for most stocks. . Veal is still in fair call and the call for block hogs I fairly good at quotations, Prime beef Is in some demand, but bulls and cows are weaker. " , Ifo Advano On Steelheaa. In the lower river the run of Steel t head salmon-was some what better ye- rday and the attempt of the combine .advance quotations waa lost the re ceipt being too great to aamit or sucn a move at this time, bmau nan are scarce, Wotting Doing- tn Wheat There Is nothing doing In the wheat market at this time, the buys being nominal as well as the supplies. Flour prices are being held firm, but the market has no tendency either for higher or lower prices. Feed is not held quite so stiff on aoteount6fthe shutting off' In .the heavy -demand for stocks from the California markets. Today's quotations, as revised, are a follows: 0, IS.02U; Ooldea C. M OSm barrels, 10e H barrel. 2Ao; bole. 60e adTanc M nek Seal, Ima 2&t par ewt. tor cub, It say maple, la0 Me ft. t . , - HONRT 15Jle per (rem. COrTgE Oreaa Mocha. lJ23o lava, faery, S032c; Jara, good, 2uft3fos Jara, ordinary, WittlWet Coata Rlc. fauer. 16 (it 20c I Coata Rica, good, ld'JlKc; Coata Hlca. ordinary, 1U ll.fi list: Liou, 11. IS list; Cordora, $I1.1S. TEAS Colon. different T mdM. S&fdOftei Gunpowder, SM0S2iaaSet EiiKllsn Braakfaet, eiourrnt mdM. 12Wftiasal Huldn La, ha I colored Jinan, 80(iiKo; grets Japan. rj pcarov, ouf( cuo. ' , ' . 8ALT Halea. Si. 8a, 4a, Ba. 10S, IllOt Bne laWa, dairy, o, 8c; Jut. He; lmmu4 lit. COLD WEATHER II Ai UUC RAN rpuol, 60a, 4ftc; looa, 88e TH: 11.80. SALT i)ar. half around. 100a. Bat 814.00; (Ma, pt ton, I14.B0; Liverpool, lump, Is 'extra good yield; gardens In excel lent condition. Kcho, Umatilla County, John Dorn Weather generally favorable for matur ing grain; om harvesting being done high wind Wednesday and Friday; first crop alfalfa . harvested; garden , and orchard doing well. Pendleton. Umatilla County, H, Taylor Soma rain early part of week heavy wind of two days' duration war hard on wheat and barley, but did not do much damage a far a I can see haying ' In progress; ' - -potatoes doing rock. 2a.0() pee ton; bo-ft rock. 114.001 10U. 818.60. . OKaIN BA08 Calcutta, 8S.TBO8.00 pae 100 . BlC'lJ loparial Japan. No. ,1. N. IMe: Nw 6rleana heed. ke. . BBBAK f A 8T K(K)I Malu Vita, 84.80: 1 lilnuta. 82 0: Forea, 84 60 H O oata, S.1B. 8ALMON Columbia River. I.lh talla. 11. TO! 8-ft talla. 8140; fancy l it tats. 81 Wi H-H) ffatai Aai ret ft 1 la aanAM -Ha, . I Q Ini llaka Ulla. pink. 8001 red. il.80: 8ft talla. lloo. t UAi, uiu caaa. tc per sal. tankei water llsht. riaae, t4e. iron bt, 174cj giwllB. tro vow. xjr-, eaaee, wug, . LINHUEn niLPnra raar. In hMa. dOol MU. Ine kettle boiled, eaaea Mc, bbla file: pur raw. In eaara. 8e: renulsa kattle. In eaaae. 58e. rsui. K 08 de eaaea Z3c. Iroa bhla UH. Past Week , Has Been Cloudy :vand Damp, but . Very Benefi- - i an i r f . m . . ,,. , uitti iu nil uaio OUWII VIUH' in two weeks; wheat promises a first- class grain, but the crop will be short. Plateau Xegloa. Deschutes. Crook County, John Atkin on 'Weather, warm and pleasant; crop growing well and indication are for a good crop of wild hay and a fair crop of ry hy. ' Prairie City, iflrant County,- John W. HallWeek generally warm; crop are growing nicely, with propect ravor able for good yield; strawberrte and cherrlo "are ripe. Burn. Harney County. Mel. Fenwlck Weather cool, windy ana ciouay: ram badly needed; In th Irrigated districts rrowing ow th Spring Grain Gains, Sunshine Is Needed for Having, ! Although but Little Damage Has Been Done as Yet Harvest Nearing, (Br Sdwar A. BeaU.) Tha past week ha been cloudy, with dee rim 22e. Iroa bbla lAUa. I .k..H i .... I . ... i... k... . UAIOL1NB-M i aw WILe. leoo uLm I .TH I gruin SHU run aw u i aoiy cooi. j ne rainraii waa iignt in th ranidiv. hay crew will if neioi TCRPKNTTNE la etaee TOe, wood bls I eastern part of th state, but good rln average, except alfalfa, which 1 heavier tfAK-a!jl!iii!2"Jl .Mta f.eU ln western and southern sec-1 than usual; potato are in excellent M.oj4,00, Pink 8Xti8.8o7 bao ifB. Uiaas r. " ' w r' "17 "na';li " condltioa . iioa. 7 late sown crop, such aa aprlng grain. Klamath Fall. Klamath County, ..a wui.vi j potatoe and corn, and ther also did I Vmioia 1. nowne Llaht rain th first POTATOES-ii.io: tmera' prices, 88cC81.00; rat ood to th range, which have 0f week and light frot th morning f sew. 81.Tfttl.60 rwt. OSiONS California, aew reda. BOeAl.OO: tllTerakln. 11.29: farllc, 8Q10o. FBESU rSUlTS Applaa. fancy Onto. 81-BO OX0U: . cooking. fciveil.OO per bo new. 11.00 - per boi: orancas, late. 83 00; bananas, 82 299 83.60 bnncb. Be ft: straw berries, Oregon, 31. 60 crate; rharrlas, TBe ia n. . 1 tk.. n.. eoU, $1.00(31.10 crate; lemons, sUndarda, 2.TB; lancy, .i.oy(8a.iXP; umea. aieiiean. 00c per 100; peacbea, HSe; plneapplea, 13(1004.00; 8m, black. 81.50; white, $1.00 1.28; pluma, $1.2B; raspberries, 82 80 crate) trapes, Yuma, $2.50; currants. $2.00 box; cantHonoee. 6V4RIIH4o: watermelons. 85 doa. VKOKTABLEH Turnlna. 81.00 aaek: carrots. si.oo; Deeta, fl.oo par aaek; radlehea,. heretofore been short for th secn of th Id; stock doing nicely, but th range in year. - general I poor; alfaira naying na Many meaaowa are now over-ripe I jUst commenced, na origni, warm weainer is neeaea lor DESCRIPTION. 15 per doa; cabbage, California, 1 haying. Some clover hay ha been cut, and tli rain hav damaged It, but the amount spoiled In this way is small, as the farmer generally have put off haying until th weather become more settled. Tbe condition of wheat continue to Improve. Fall wheat la ripening nicely, and its harvest will become general In about two week. The head of spring Anarouda Mining Co wneet are or good site and they are w filling under favorable condition. The preferred" '. '. oat crop Is In even better condition than Am. Car A round.', com wheat In Southern Oregon the rains do preferred Mini. lAA let Ia heln r. (n .n mn.a Am. Bufar, COB aaiDpt. $2.00 4-baaket than the usual amount will te cut for Am: fiT &?&?!SSZT- WP- oMn- making good ad- BaHlnSrVTohU,; ' com do DIYfefTM 8.1.. u-i $ air uaialajl AS rak I as-linAa inr1 htwaal an tiniiaiinl 1 ir ham nnrUK IJ IMViu NEW YORK.STOCKS V"i vva, . 12HKJ He ft: let tuce, bead.' 15c per doa; hothouse. $1.28 box trees peppers, 4O0 lb; bnrseradlah. 8c ft; celery, ii. 00 per 00a: neaaa. atrmc. r el low. so m: 1 5o ft; laparafua, 81.15 2fi-fb box; rhubarl rTS; tnmatoea, Ulaal erate: Waahlnston hotbonae, aoe ana. DBIED FBUlT Apple, evaporated, 6O70 ; apricots. TttClOc ft: peacbea, e ft; Islnr. mierrlaa have hMn harlW Inli.rl VJ"a,,B rj. KSk 8!J5L-JlKJX&tSi by the rains. lU-pberrl.. are plentlfulT 7.:.. aew;' doTwhire. Tviaso'ft: pluma. pitted. 84) and the outlook for applea 1 good. rbj. aV Ot. Weat. com. . . I Ul.i JB B7W, a a w mam ette T auey. mi. North., com 6c; ralalna, aeeded. fancy 1-ft cartons, 50 pack- ate to ease, sue nka: aeeflea. .aoa cartona. 7 He; looe Mnaeateilea. 50-ft boxes, tM1t id; ionoon ujera, fi.Tat2Z.oo. NUTS Peanuts, (3Te per ft for raw. 810e for roaated: racoannta. 85990e per dot: wal noU. 14Vij IRe per ft; pine outa, 10Q12HC per ft; blrkorr nuta, 18c per ft; cbeatnuts, Eaatero. 15TlAc per ft; Bra all nuta, 16c per lb; Alberta. Maine per ft; faney peeana, 140 15c per ft; almonda, 14Q1&C per ft. Kaata and rrorialons. FRE8II MEATS Beef, prima, 84c; cowi, W 17 We; eeal, Te; mutton, dreaaed, c; lamba. dreaaed. 7 He. , KHEPH MEATS Front atreet Beef, prime, 8c. bulla, 4Vi5c; cowa. eHifi7,c; pork. 70 Hie; veal. 7&Ac; mutton, dieaaad. SVieoc; lamba, dreeaed. 74t7Se. . HAMS, BACON. ETO. Portland nark (local) nama. 10 to 14 fta. 15c; 14 to 16 (ba. 14c; break fat bacon, 1520c; plrnlca, 11c; cot tage. llKc; aalted aldea, 12c ft; smoked Idea. ISc; dry aalted barka. SH4ic: bacon backa, l'ic; batta, aalted, wc; imoked, lOVko EASTERN-PACKED HAMS Under 14 fta, 16c::OTer. 14 'fta, 35c: fancy. lc; plc- -Rlc. 11 "Ac; abouldera, llHc; dry talted aldi-a. unimoxea, izc; DreaKiant nacon, jonniiot. fa ncj. 20c: butt, UtoWl2Kc. LOCAL LA RIV Kettle leaf, 10. 12ttc; 8a, 12H; 50-ft tin. llc; ateam rendered. 10a, llfic: 5a. llVac: 50a. lie; compound tierce. oc Ooble, Columbia C.unty. Frank Welter SLTe!" Snlo'::! -teen; lavoraDie; some nay na oeen rylo. Pnel A Iron., eom cut; cherries and strawberries ripening I Oolo. doutbem, com fast; rain did some damage to berries: 00 prererrea. garden vegetables plentiful; pasture fair; stock looks fine. Dllley. Washington County, William II. Stephens Cool and cloudy, with showers; very little hay cut on account of constant showers; fruit la growing fArt and will bea splendid crop; there will be a larger pear crop than usual. Mllwaukle. Clackamas County, R. Scott Grain needs dry, warm weather soon or else it will not fill, as the con tinued war weather Ytmm a t.nH.niv fn lrwWa tnln r,t all Vlnda- w.ath.r fln. MiaBOUrl raclflC ui iiiBiuiuK ksiv ana rape tor winter do preferred feed; corn and grass doing well; cherries badly crncked. Amity, Yamhill County, M. F. Corri gan Week rlondy and showery, damag ing hay considerably; wheat Oiling well, lse of htsada above average; tndlcatlona now point ' to fafl-s6wn grain , making do lat preferred. Delaware A Hodaon ... b. R. O., eom do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred do lat preferred Illlnola Central LotilaTllle A Kaahrllle. Metropolitan True. Co. Manhattan Ele rated ... Mexican Central Ky... Mexican National Minn., 8t. P. Ste. M. do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Weat.. com. do preferred North American N. Y.. Ont. A Weat... Pennaylranla By P. O., L. AC. Co Preued Steel Car, com do preferred 'A llHc; 6a, 11c; 50-ft tlna, 11 c;' ateam rend' ered, 10a, UM,e;- 5a,imc; 10. Abor packlnc Boua price are net caan, 10 dat. FISH Rock cod, Tc; flounder. 5c: halibnt, BHc; Ung cod, Tc; craba, 81.50 doa; raaor clama. en ma. Be per doa; atrlpea Daea. .nc;,Mtfraii eainooii 8c; nvfarly an aveVnge yield; . oatf - hotter p.eiflii mii steam.' Co. more surshino; some lice on hops, and Eastern Iartv-Kettle "eaf, 'lo-tb "tint, than at this time, last year; corrr need Reading, com do 2d preferred . 1.1.. .. .. u-iu 00 lat prererrea. rJ v, i , ." 'LV ,r ' B'P- Iron Steel, eom. eiufiBuiy akmaxeui who vjacKoerries 1 do preferred .. ripe, crop light. . Rort Inland, eom. Monmouth, Polk County, A. O. Adklns a prererre . HVith.r r-nnt mnA nlnrnlv with llo-h ooumern J... com 1 do Drererred aiimroer aceeioeaoa, ic; mvir-m, . , - t .. he: ehflmne. Pnaet Sound. 15c; catflan. He; inuw, urain is neaaea wen ana me I Southern Ptcldc . had, 3c; ailrer smelt. 60 ft. prospects are more favorable for late St. L. ft s. t. com... sown grain; green apnis have made their pr'r"r2""J but have done no damage r "' " do preferred Hew Tork gumma ry. appearance NEW YORK. July 7. Americans in so fnr; clover hay Is nearly all cut and London are heavy.. " to points below of an excellent yield; potatoes look well; Texas Pacific Darlty. 12.750,000 was engaged for ex port today. Seventy-three roads for May show, an average net Increase of 18.14 per cenWt Twenty-flve roads for the fourth week of June show an aver age gross increase 'of 29.97 per cent. The break 4n cotton speculation is ex- pected to favorably Influence the stock market. ..The movement or .grain on Western roads Indicate no sign of falling off. The export to Canada for 1903 will be larger than in any pre vious year. The bank gained from the sub-treaury since Friday - $367,000. Money is in good demand at Western points and is expected to rule firm all this- year. Norfolk earnings? for 11 month show 8tt per cent on common and the probability 1 that 714 Pr cent will be earned for the year. Erie earn ings for June will compare favorably with those ofMay; Twelve Industrials declined .13 per cent; 20 active railroads show an advance of .01 per cent. fruit prospects good, especially Bartlett pears and prunes; applea will be about half a crop. . PeHountaln. Benton County, A. If. HurUinfrham Weather cloudy, with cool nights ai.1 occasional showers: haying Is in progress; grain of all kind will be shorter, than usual, but of good quality. . Aurora. Marlon County. C. D. F. Wll- sorv Haying Is still waiting for good weather; there is a lot of. good clover that Is spoiling while waiting for veather in which It can be cured; fall grain l.'i heading and looking well; spring grain is making good growth; rain has ruined a large quantity of cherries; potatoes and hops doing nicely. Tenn. Coal A Iron T., St. L. AW., com.. Union Pacific com do preferred V. 8. Leather, com do preferred V. S. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wlnconaln Central, com, do preferred Weatern Union Tele.... Wabaah, com do preferred ft iiiinnH 122H 122 137 22 Vi 22k MONEY FOR THE WYOMING MINERS HepDner Relief Committee, . Suggestion of Sheriff Shutt o .Morrow, Donates $1,000 the' Sufferers. People of the Stricken Oregon Town Say" that They Have runds tnough to Aid Ail o' Those. Who Need Assistant 2U 62 T2 2Vi 4fS TO Total aalea, 236,000. Money, 8 per cent. . 10BXLAKD WHOLISAXE TBICZS. Oraln Flour aad Feed. WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c; blueatem, 80 82c: ralley. 77f78c. BARLEY Feed. 821.00: rolled. 822.00. OATS No. 1 wblte, 81.17Hitfl.2U; gray, 81.15 Eastern Oreson ; Valley, 83.00QS.80; gra- Patent. 84.10Q ton; mld-. 816.00 FLO 4.45: itratcht. 83.50 bast. Via. 88.16: 10a. 83.55. 51LI.STUKF8 Bran, 828.00 per nca. 827.00: aborts. 823.O0e. chop. 818.00. 'rriiA at aimoioy, lu.wxi.w ciorer. UiT.uo; uiiirornia. grain .i.oo. v Hop, Wool and Hid. BOPS 17fcl8a tor choice; 103 ' eontracts, ' l8tl7e. ... WOOTj Valley, ISQISc. coarse; tnedtnm to rir, iraio,c: nne, lost'vc: Eastern Or, goo, 1018c; Mnhalr, nominal, ST.i37c. SHEEPSiaNS Bbearln. -14418b; hor. want, mimjuxi meuium wool, ituc; long wool, a81.44eacn. - . TALLOW Prima, per lb, 45c; No. S aad greaae. SaJHe. ' HIDES Dry bide, No. I. 16 pound and Ofy,15e per lb;, dry kip, No. 1, 0 to 15 lb. 12c; dry calf, No. 1. under 0 rba, 15c; dry aalted, bull and itar. 1-S lea than dry : flint; . aalted btdea, steer, sonnd, 90 pound or orer, .TfflSot 50 to 60 lb. ,7Sc: under 60 .lbs and' cowa. erne; stars and bull. sound, 6c; kip! sonnd, 16 to 80 To. 7ci aound. 10 to 14 lbs, 7c; calf, onnd. andsr 10 tta, 8c; areen (nnaalted), - le per lb leaa; culla. 1o per lb leH- kre- hide, aalted. each, l.Soil.7S; dry. eacb, 81.00til,60; colta' hide, eacb. 2650c; toat akin, common, each. 1015c; Anjora, wltb wool vv ch, 26cQ$1.00. - Butter, Egss sad Poultry. BUTTER Extra a, 22H: creamery, ' 21 Q dairy; 1718cj tor. 16(317e. . , . KKOS Freab Oregon. 20c. . CHEESE Full cream, twin, laet rn America. 15c; California. 15c. . POULTRY Cblcken, mixed. ll&llHc pee lb; hens, - ltHU2ct roeeteraj 10Ve per lb; broil . era, lSffl 17 He per lb; frrer, lBQISe per lb; duck. 11H012MC per ft); geeu. TQSe per i, lb: twrkeyv. Ure.. 18(jl4 per lb; dreaaed. ISO lOe per lb. . -' Srseerlss, Vsts, Zta, Bt qab "Sack basis:" Cube, dered. 85 62H; dry granulated Cotton X ft Mystery. NEW YORK. July 7. It is difficult to tell what the near future of the, cot ton market may develop, but undoubt edly the spot holder will refuse to sell I g-oodj corn fair. until rorcea- to. li - is , possjoie mai weather news may be favorable and that speculation on the long side will hold put of market. On any approach Ooen. Albany, Linn County, 3. W. Propst Sept 800.7BJ Week favorable, but not good for cur- Dec 75 lng clover; the ahowery weather ha In jured the Royal Ann and Waterhouse cherries to some extent; fall sown grain Is ripening; grass is still green. Cottage Grove, Lane County, Richard Tepp Weather ahowery, - Interfering l-julr. with haying; hay crop will be light; Sept 16.65 oat headed out, but not ripening yet; wheat heeding; fruit good; strawberries gone; blackberries ripening; gardens i Xante of Cnloaa-e Market. (feclal Permiaalon of Bolton, de Ruyter A Co.) iniLAwr, wniy i. jne market ranged to Corn ept Doc Oats- Sept Dec Pork 50 Vfc 34 88 ept Lard- July 8.05 Sept 8.25 Coast District. Knappa, Clatsop County, W. It Rad- cllffe Cloudy, with frequent rains; July... Sept... 8.60 8.65 HlfS. Low, Close. 800.77H 800.764 800.77H .77 .75 .77 .52 .514 ,B2H 51i .50i? .614 .854 , .MJt .86V4 .36$ .35J .33b .... " io.20 """ 15.75 15.50 16.60 2i2 TP- 7.B6 827 8.13 8.12 8.82 8.62 8.52 8.67 8.62 8.62 steadiness In the winter positions. Eon Stead? to 8tmn. CnirAOO Julr T n1n. e u ... . to 914 cents we are inclined to look for biuwih. "W" I t"'"i' icain center or tn country ltuiiiiif aume, vnvrrivai luruinsi, raop- I ' ' hfrrloa arirl current will anon tie rln . J!"- Cttle. Sbeep. : ' J I .11 ii.mnr 0, m Mf Week cloudy and showery: a heavy Omaba 10,000 8,600 crop of hay is ready to cut a soon as , "of opened teady to atrons with S.000 the weather permits; truck gardens In 1 1 -"''TVy- : " - as j x ;i a bsk u w t-rt- I n. innl. T-ocaTBtocl oIpt. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, July 7. Receipts of livestock In the lo cal yards today consisted of 50 hogs, 30 cattle and 200 sheep. Ruling prices are as follows: Cattle Best. 84; medium, S3.604. Hogs 6)5ttc ' 8heepitt3c. Lambs S$Hc Close of Xiiverpool Oraln. LIVERPOOL,' July 7. Close Wheat, July, 6-H, unchanged;- September, 8-314, H up. Corn July, 4-8, H up; September, 4-6, up. .... I tw rirac Mtr.vnr, nuiiiig nrinM 8M nne condition. Mixed aad butcbera', 85.608.0; good beaT- Tldewater, Lincoln County, James fMJifrlS.sS; rough heavy) 85.5085.70; llabt Monroe csnowery nrsi oi weea; ail 85.66416.00. Cattle Steady. Sbeep Strong. Liverpool Cotton Sown, . LIVERPOOL, July 7." Cotton closed weak at 22 points down on the old crop, and 12 points down on' far months. ' --- Paris Wheat Higher, PARIS, . July 7. Opening Wheat steady, 10 centime's higher; flour quiet and unchanged in price;. ; pow extra Amarioaa Btooka' In ILondon. LONDON. July 7. 2 p. m. Anaconda Cop per declined 114; A tcbtson declined ; Balti more A Ohio declined 14; -Canadian Paclflc declined HI Cnkrago ft Alton declined H; Chi cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul declined 4; Den ver A Hlo Urande. preferred, adranced 14 ; Erie declined 14. ftrats declined 4;v IlUwda Central declined 14; Louisville Naahrllle de clined : Mexican Central declined 14; Mexi can National unchanged; Mlasourl, Kansas ft Texss, uncbsnyed; New York Central, un changed; Ontario A Western, declined' 14 ; Nor folk A Western declined 14 Pennaylranla ad vanced 14; Heading declined' 14, Orata tin-chanaed;- Soothern Padsc declined- 14, pre ferred uncbansed: 1'nlop Pacific declined . nrriiT-y u ,,v un.t. v, , i ,,, irI nusiPi. meet OP dined 4, preferred declined ; Wahaab de clined, tarred declined. 14. Consols, 8214, Olearing Rous Beport. : . Tbe report of tbe Portland t'lcsrlng Hme for yesterday shows! .... v " Excbankes v. 8664. 000. 13 Balances . M.Wu.81 STEAMERS LEAVE (Journal Special Service.) ASTORIA. July 7. The steamers Co- vegetation doing well; hay ready to cut; some nss been damaged by the rain. Totnpleton, Coos County, Andrew Olson Cool, cloudy and rainy; haying delayed; growth of plant requiring sunshine and warmth retarded; pastures in excellent condition. . Denmnrk. Curry County, C. W. Zum- lumbla and Centennial sailed this morn wait Weather fine; plenty of moisture, lng for San Francisco. dui not lavoraDie ior naying; nay crop nr .. Z -.n. IDUOED BATUB TO range stock taking on fat yery fast; . ' BBAjtO1. pastures good. Oo to Newport on Yaquina Bay an Minerva. Lane County, L. C. Ackerley weal beach. It Is becoming very pop- Week showery and cool; grass, which ular with the Portland people. Th low is very heavy, Is falling down badly; L9.,.0' S 0(L ha" been mad bF thit cut the very few fair days last Srirji iirrvuir p i?.-00 Sn?.etl02 week r.htllnrr,tf.r ni rlnU . 1 3v,rfvH-. . r! Railroad -r , r-, . ii im ounaay rouna trip rrora rort- Southern Oregon. Jf' t,ctt QoA oing Saturday, r- Kerby, Josephine County. E. F.I A delia-htrm rin ti.M.irs i Melssner Weather very dry; hay and I ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of grain on umrngaiea iana nearly a total 9', oi' me Willamette failure: irrlaated crons are Innklna- Ryr- returning the other. Stricken Heppner ha bravely recov red. from th aad dlsaater that caused misery among her people and swept away many happy homes and destroyed nearly 100 precious lives. This morn lng at th meeting of the Heppner Re lief Commltte of Portland the Exec utlv Commute of the Heppner General Committee appeared before the Port land body and presented th following resolution: Whereas, Th peopi or th entire country, and especially of Oregon and th neighboring states, have responded most readily and generously to the as sistance or in people or Heppner; ana "Whereas, Sufficient fund are now on hand to enable us to successfully cope with the situation her; therefore, be it "Resolved. That our deep and abiding gratitude be conveyed through the press to those who have ao kindly and gener ously assisted us in this time of sor row snd need, and that notice be given to the world that no further assistance Is needed by us. "FRANK GILLIAM, "GEORGE CONSER, "B. M. SHUTT. "Executive Committee. The Joint committees met at the offlce of R. L. Babln In the Bank of British Columbia Building. J. N. Davis pre sented hi report on relief work. Sher Iff E. M. Shutt of Morrow County then ubmitted th resolutions mentioned and a few earnest words thanked the people of Portland for their liberal re none to Heppner' call for aid. "HenDner I aa a cnppiea cnna, n aid. "and Portland la her father. On behalf of the clttsens of Heppner I am officially requested to give praise to Portland for her efforts in the Inter ests of our people." Sheriff Shutt announced that Heppner was in possession of ample funds and would not need the Portland surplus which will amount to about 814.500 when the profits of the Sham Battle are added to the fund. Mr. I. N. Flelschner of the Portland Relief Commute says that his com mittee has under consideration the sug gestion made by A. H. Devera that this fund be msde the nucleus of perma nent fund for the relief of persons who suffer from calamities wherever they may happen. At the suggestion of Sheriff Shutt 11.000 of the Portland money wa ent to the committee In charge of the relief work at Hanna, Wyo., where over ZOO miners lost tneir lives In the recent disaster there. The following members of the Port- Isnd Heppner Relief Committee were present at the meeting: I. N. Flelsch ner, L. A. Lewis, J. N. Teal. Hermann Wittenberg. Mr. Chapln, A. H. Devers and R. L. Sabln. TARANTULAS ARE COMING IN FAVOR Smalt Boys Catch These Formidable Spiders at the Rate of Two for a Nickel Gathering of , ; Annual Crop Is Now In Progress. 5 " On of th oddest Industries In the United States Is that of the tarantula collector of 'California. . Thousands of the formidable spld er are caught each year and sold to curio dealers, who find a ready market among tourists for them at 25 to 50 cent apiece. The collectors are usually boys who get 214 cents apiece for their quarry Tbe hoodquarters of the industry are In Pasadena, near which pUce the spid ers are fairly plentiful. Their numbers have been greatly reduced throughout the stat In the last few years, how ever. Th methods employed In gathering th annual tarantula crop are Interest ing. From June until October, when the sun- burn hot and the sea breeses are pulverising the dry earth Into velvety dust, the great spiders crawl from their subterranean burrows Into the upper world and promenade sedately In minia ture forests of cacti, sagebrush and dry grasses. Their usual headquarters are In adobe fields, quite Isolated from the haunts of man, where the soil In dark and corresponds to their dusky hue. The collector's outfit consists of a large water, bucket, a pair of pincers and a large number of tin cans or glass Jars with covers. All the social and do mestic affections of the spiders resolve themselves into hatred when they are placed together In. captivity, and they kill and eat one another with the most the same receptacle. For' this reason many cans are needed, ao that each spider may be relegated to Individual quarters. When In localities where tarantulas are known to be numerous the boys search diligently for the entrances to the spider homes, which are always designated by a white, silken web that outlines the rim of the hole snd gives a smooth and elegant finish to the walls for an Inch or two below th surface. Tarantulas are notoriously lasy and sel dom dredge out their domestic estab lishments, being quite content to oc cupy some deserted gopher hole, making no alterations In the general arrange ment of the place, except to hang the higher wall with arausy drapery. When the boys find a promlstng-look- ng hole they pour in a quantity of. cold water, for which tarantulas have n lntenae aversion. Their black, hnlry , coats are well oiled, and water slips from them as it doe from a duck' back, but nevertheless they don't like uch treatment, and come forth In re sponse to the deluge, all blustering and bristling and primed for battle. But they are unable to cope with the enemy and his pincers, and are Immediately grabbed and placed in cans, where in defeat and anguish they clash their mandibles together. The spiders are killed by Immersion gasoline and turpentine, and a tub full of the writhing creatures presents an original and startling appearance. ometlmes In their death struggle they grapple with one another, getting thelf . 10 legs Irreparably entangled with those . of their combatants, but usually death . comes too quickly to permit of such oo- .", currences. ' ." ' Chloroform Is sometimes used to kill the bugs, but It Is objectionable be cause it loosens the fuss of the spider, whkh, If dropped on tha hands of thu taxidermist, aorncttmes causes an lrrl ' '' ' tatlnn of the skin. ' .'',; The process of curing in simple, only arsenic and white cotton batting being T used. After blng embalmed, th taran-' . v tula' legs, which curled tight under them during their final geetlculstlon. . , are stretched out Into natural angle. ' pinned Into position on boards and left to dry. When ready for the market , they arc mounted on cards. ;V: ; In spite of the extensive trade In th venomous goods, no one I known to ' have been bitten, both men and boyi. taking the greatest precautions. California tarantulas are of th p i cles Mygale avlcularta, and In six ars) - Immense, sometimes covering a apnea -- - as large as a man's hand. The body 1 .' In two divisions, each one being a large as a small bird's egg. while th t four-Jointed legs, five on each aide, and ' ' ranging from two to three Inches In length, stretch out from the body In symmetrical angles. Just above th mandibles, which look Ilka two fat, hairy toes with sharp-pointed nails, are eight tiny eyes placed close together. , .' - The corselet Is hard and hairless, but delightful ferocity If they sre put in Nhe rest of the bug Is covered with. hair. The males are black and hav . sharp claws on their forelegs, which In fight, are murderous weapons. Th males are never seen except in breeding; time, and then they are scarce. The fe males are' In color a light brown and have no claws on their forelegs. Their maternal Instincts are strong. The Mygale mother carries her egg Inclosed In a cocoon of white silk of very close tissue, forming two rounded pieces united at their border. She sup port the cocoon underneath her corselet by means of the antennulae, and trana ports It along with her. When pressed by enemies, the cocoon is- temporarily abandoned, but the mother is faithful and if she survives the battle, always returns to her babies. The little ones are disclosed In rapid Succession snd are white, the first chango In their apearance being a trU angular hairy spot which forms on top of the abdomen. Sometimes 2,000 spid ers issue from the same cocoon, and to one who witnesses a mother spider cov ered. over with clinging progeny th; question arises, "Why is the earth not overrun with spiders If each femal brings Into the world so large a fanv Uy?" Entomologists claim that there being; no substitute food provided for th spider children, they are compelled to eat one another. Thus in a family of 2,000. only six or 10 of the stronger ones -survive. By that time they can catch flies and Insects and therefor give up canlballstlc habits. DEATHS July 1 Id Hill Hieketnler. ed 85 N. P. Sanltortum; cancer of tbe breaet. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. July 8, Olb Oons, Cblneae, ased 65. Ponrth and Pine streets; banging, salcld. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. July 5. Jobn Latin trom. aged 60, of Scboll'a Ferry; heart dleeaee. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. July 8. Ma dee Angnst norxner, iirea i year. 744 Second atreet; pneumonia. inter ment Lone Fir Cemetery. July 4. Joseph A. Osborn. area 7n, ariiwood; beart failure. Remain (hipped to Salem, Or., I for burial. - July 8. Lewis Love, a red 86, 206 Market street; old are. Interment In Lore Cemetery. March 2n. Mr. I). K. aommerman. ased ex. Spokane, Waab.; apoplexy. Bemaln brought here for cremation. July a. Mrs. Ellen Shorten, seed 7.1. St. Tin- cent's Hospital; old age. Interment St. Mary':, Cemetery. July z. Martna uoiiis, acea si. at eist Micni- ran avenue; old age- interment i,on rir Cemetery. Th Hdward Xolmaa Undertaking1 Co roner! director aad embaltaars, B80 Yamhill. Phone 807. J. 9. Tinier and Son. funeral director and embalmcr. hav removed to their new estabUaament, corner Third and Madlaea streets. Both phone zfo. t. Crsmatoriam, on Oregon City ear near gall wood; modern, soieanno, aamniet. Cnanres Aavuts. (3si onu Aran, $28. Ylsltors to p. m. Portland Cremation Association, roruano, vr. """" tvteb View cbjcbtiibt. " Inrl rrave. $10. Taxnily lot from 878 to l.OOO. The only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and ear for lot, for full Information apply to W. R. Mackensie, Worcester Block, city, W. M. I, add. president. Clark Bros, for tower, 889 KonrUon street. fiEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Percr H. Birth and wife to A. H. Ber- rell. lota s and 4. Willamette Heignrs.f z,ouu , B. Kin and husband to William II Planann. kits 1. 8. to 16. block 15. North Irrlnston 17,200 Title Guarantee A Trust Company to C. B. Kins, lota 1. 9, 14. 16, 16, block 15, North Irvlngton ho worthy (by Sheriff) to II. . M. Kenworthr. west lots 7 snd 8. block 380. Aiken's Add 2,617 Jarae McLlndln to A. K. Zeller, lot 6, block 29. Albina Marcaret Storey and husband to II. P. Anderson, lot 7, block a, cook s Add. B. Shs to Napoleon Doris, 205 acres, section 27, township l north, range 8 east; also part lota 3 and 4, aectlon 27, township 1 tiorth, range 8 east 10,000 715 400 rOB CrTjABAJTTEEB TTTX.ZB, 8e Pacific Coast Abstract, Ouaranty 4k Trust Co.. -Z04-6-8-7 Falling Building. failure; irrigated crops are looking spienuia; raspberries are. ripening; applea on sprayed tree are In fine con dition. Table Rock, Jackson County, 8. M. Nealon Weather seasonable; barley ready to harvest; the grain crop In this Ask any Southern Pacific Company or Corvaills St Eastern Kallroad agent for a bsaiiflfiillv lil.t., .-i.i-rBj " .tr ma in sruaiue resorts at xaqulna. Not all the bulla com from Ireland Th London News savs Mr. ChamK.,. county will be mostly cut for hay. as ,s trying "to break down th open the hay eron of volunteer araln Is verv door." Chicago Tribune. short; corn looking, well; apple cropfA gelnus up In Tpstlantl very good. unco sculptured a dancing Bacchantl. coiamou bit n.r. . RMcv Wo.M T.. . .. 1, . xen I uecau its apparel was scantL Weather cloudr. with hih mtnAm-1 . . w cherries and raspberries rlnenlns -Kansa City Star, rapidly; fall sown rye and barlev belna Be still, sad heart, anri ..ni.t cut for hay; crop rather light; but Behind the olouds the-sun i ar,inin.' quality good. - ' Whan lurnat enma fn h Condon. Gilliam County. F. B. Steven TOUTI make a roar 'cauaetft doesn't rain. eathcr cool and partly cloudy; crop And you'll long for mud and dampness. Lincoln (Neb.) New. growing finely; wheat and barley prom- Oet your title Insurance and abstracts to real estate from the X le Guarantee V, Trust Co., Chamber or Commerce, BUILDING PERMITS To A. Strong, constrnct two-etory dwelling on East rtarle, between Kast Eievenm and East Twelfth atreet; 82,000. To Fidelity Trust . Company, construct two two-atory resldeocea on Twenty-first street be tween Wilson and Vaughn ; f 3,200. To R. 8. Ullaan. construct two-stort dwelling at Thurmao and Twenty-ftrat atreeu: 81.630. To Aane Bolph Hlxon. eonetract four two- story flats oa Firth, .between Columbia aad CJy streete; ,oo. To K. Snow, erect two-atory dwelling en Kleventh. botweea. Tillamook and Thompson atreeta: 82.8SO. : '; To 1L C. Wolfe, erect one-etnry dweillnc oa Lrknnu . between More 'and Wymoaa atreeu; 81.200. .- , - , . - . - to J. re roe, repawn orr suiuias at niaeteenta and Ralelgb streets; 8300. .. To A. tinman, eoastraet one-atorr - eottan en East Fourteenth street, between Jutvtelo and TVrrart atreeu: 8wO. ' ; To J. Ms thereon, repair building oa Madisoa, 4Mil liHpal mwui hnnt aOA between First and Front atreeta; 00. Many a man mistake hi dysnectld Idea for moral , convlctlon.--Chlcago nws. , ' - : ... i ... NOW IS THE TIME While your fam ly Is away enjoying tbelr vacation; to have your home wired and equipped with ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to he prepared for the long Winter nights. REMEMBER, WE ONLY CHARGE YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE Portland General Electric Co. SIVINTH AND ALDER STREETS J' . AgfcgfcpajjCA, at- at, A .fg. sBibBi A sBi sfcsfcsfcstisfc AsVsfc A A - A A ' k AH n n a a TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTtTTTT TTTTTTnTTTTxTTTTTTTTTTT Imperial Persian Trading Co. 347 ALDER STREET. Art Lovers Must Not FOrget the Bar gains of Rare Gems of PERSIAN RUGS and CARPETS . . . 347 ALDER. CORNER SEVENTH STREET t The OREGON DAILY JOURNAL AN IWSPAPI R F O R. AI t TH t PtOH