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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1903)
4 I . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY ETENINGT, JULY 0, 1003. linn usly Injured, by being Jerked from hsr feet In a train at Albany, Or., laat Fri day. She vi on her way to Newport when the accident occurred. ee IV Abrahams at the Valle- Land Company'a officer 4 m Tlret street, oor ner A eh, If you want to buy or aell real estats." established IB yea re. Whether row printing be plain or Items of Local Interest for Busy J. I ' , " a ' . . . journal neaders, ' : ' WTATHX rOMOAiT. .. dlat urbane or aligM eaersr ecetinlea a wig oi eoamry ,itnamg train Houtbara If, fad aortheaat to Kasters Montana. Light ralu nave fa lieu In Weeur' Oregon, wit iWto'SSB:. in id.., we have the artists and we have CtUfornia and Northers kad. .ml th. t.m. 1 the material to do the work. Bee ua ftrtur in the North PaeiHo States are from about It. Metropolitan Printing Cora- ww winnifwwmwraiii, oany. Ill Front, near Morrison. watbr in this dictrict tonight mil TuMdar, I Breaksrs' Hotel la now open and with probably light bow.n u Morthweouri receiving; guests. For Information about rates, reservations, eta, can upon J. m. Arthur A Co.. 40 Klrst street, thle city. OTIL A11TT1TI - I 'r.Un,. Main SKI Af wHta tnmt Hraakt Mmtmrmt kj v. Drown. i. w. wniu if. am t nr UAan wiah "i nun Mr, aupp ana i rt . rim Plane, J.poKane: w. B. t ook. Mrs. Cook,. I , stwvmm, iu uiciuh vhj " Aihoi; Ed. r. Vaight, Kaiuu: kuth Eobbiiw, MamettVFalls excursion boat, lesves foot ef.tKSdi grainard, irMi Brinard, Bert. 1 0f Taylor atreet dally at 1:10 and 11:10 I ', . t UlEiey. Vlil- tlckata. 41 centa; Interchangeable with I km kile, rioroiMoi A, K. t'aon. Klunitoi Mm. I el ec trio care, coins? or coming. The boom of the bomb la now over, T '.!". OnVL . . Mwd, tta Fran grMi; W. H. Adam. Cottaga Orarii H. Iletid-J the ekyrOcket'a Bhot Ha laat ahot, but 7" iJBVi J'' "T?1 ,V' rn-, our pollaher etlll la in clover, cauae Tsacuarvi ; e.. n. Lam bain, Wlnlock. Mra BIMrt. HiUm' M (f Tatar. ajr, Taroma; Hmm Witt, Han Kranrlaco: t rinrano; F. f. Graham, Mra. Ora- the ataam-heated follow that doea not burn the flbM- of the linen and the only one in Oregon, union ia unary, ueo- ). n. vi mum. r snuiaiun : . Mra. T. T. Ooor. HaUm: J. D. Brown. Han on na Oiumoia Franclaro: L. k N.iU.ra Maw Ynrk- T T I a la Mmlla mliiitaJ ISl-,ate. S: .'."..r,"frJi"anA:1 from the Union School of Psychology L. Harria. uiaa 17 v.,.. a v ( I in the rooma of the People a Chrlatlan S-ts g. C. Talbot. Mra. Talhof Mr. and Mra Umw. I t'nlon. llakv BullJlna. laat evening. ulbirn Carnlal Company; H. O. Lumber, Jte. V, a Coulter. Paator of the- Peo. pie's Chiiatlan Church, deliver! tne f r. Kowi-r, Mr, eowiw. Aatoriaj tuud, graduation addreea and a carefuiiy-ar uurnard. Indiana; C. K. Edirarda, Bpokana; I ranged program was carriea OUT. u. jonnaon, Mra. jnnnaon, Altar (Irani U ixm-1 , . . .n n.4.a U hrraton: (Jrara laaaoa. T. V. El lot t. nixrt Hunt, Mra. Hunt. Walla Walla; u. W. for Caacade Loaka and return aauy tex Krff, Kattloi 0. M. Wfrbooth, Port Townaaod; 1 cept Monday). Excellent opportunity to ra. r. uihm. Hama Ana- Mra. i' i' iteamer leavea Alder-atreet wharf weelt- daya 8:10 a. mM Bunoayg a. m.. reiurn Ing 7 p. m. Mualo and meal a on Doara. Round-trio fare. 11.80. 'Phone Main 014. Partland f. B. alrUarnar. New York: I. I a .... . a m. Sana. klra. H. B. H,lna: Q. I'.t.raon. ia, B O'a ,w.-, ' an Kranriaro; O. O. Onlid, .Ntw York; Mia Interrupted the regular Sunday arter- E. uoiden, or-goa City: A. Holdcn, Ora- J noon band concert at Ine Ulty farn. A liit: u. u. Birwitn. Han rranoiaro: B. a, niunaon, raw i ora : w. j. urnaon. Ban rran- I - , . . . .aa k. i.w,. i st D t...A i . . .. mm. nowovtir. nnu unn , chu.i iu w WV, W - a. 4. I . HJ V. U1IMH,, At 1 rid . I w ... . . R. Brand and wlfa, Han Kranolico; II. 1. fore the molature began to Tall. A large k and wlf, Aberdeen, B. D.j J. W. lr. I crowd fathered to hear the music. AMONG THE FLAYERS V"",.1" 7 1 nell, the lady mentioned In Saturday's Journal aa having had the amajlpox plttlnga removed from her faoe by Mad ame Vaughn'a wonderful ay a tern of treat ment for the humiliating affliction. Only one aide -of Mra. O'Donnell'e face waa treated thle time. Thla waa done ao that ahe might be exhibited aa convinc ing proof that Madame Vaughn has not made any claim that may be deemed a iritis m a An dlaflgurement of the countenance that wo,1"d what fha 51?rt"e! ki.i. ifk I ago with the ravlaed veralon of th e(f v-aae e w "v n w a . Maarirai . A hlal ttnfi lei triiak I CianHlQ JLli. JYIUIV. IMv av areaa eiiim e Wkviuvu ej a aw I , . . . . . . . ,. . ... ,, , ... I wneiner ne ci,ror ana niuuiuua ui-i City AudJior Serin la at hla offlce I k-m h. unHr th muu again today after a month's abaence In ment of tn- rMri ,treet h0Ulle ,r u. me nasi, wnere ne waa viBiung roia- ,, PnPt.rf . rahearaal fleld In " A ve "Xaei J,yane." ' "Eaat Lynns? by the Baker Company Is meritorious to such a degree that In reviewing It one feela like aklpplng the Idea, or rather fact, that theae player folk are In a aenae local. Had Mia Moulton been done by the cherished Clara Morris yeeterday at the Marquam It is a question whether better work would have been demonatrated all the way down the line. The reference to Mlas Morris Is made with hate off and lives. PERSONALS. which to so augment their repu.tatlona that la the future national and interna ttonal atars may scintillate, mattere very little to thoee who now pay Port land money becauee of good entertain mente. but In connection with thla thought It la prophetic to aay that at E. Q. Loom la of Ilwaco is at the Per kins. J. O. Booth. Mayor of Grants Pa, leli.... .hM. nr four of the Deraone who at the Imperial. clayed laat week are deetlned to see A. H. Alford, a Lew I ton newapaper I greater and more renowned day. . man. la st the Perkins. It is not saying one word too much John L Sharpsteln, a Walla Walla at- In psnygerio when Mine catnrine twnv torney, Is at the Perklna. Robert A. Foeter, a Caatle Rock mine owner, la registered at the Perkina. Arthur H. Sauls, a atockralaer of Llv lngatone, Mont., la reglatered M the Imperial. lea ia mentioned as a Lady Isabella not i remembered to have been excelled from an artlatlo aundpolnt. Ml Countla la taking rapid strides toward wormy fame, and of this there Is no miitaae, A mors powerful moral waa never written than "East Lynne." Mans vh- Monacha blrffl-r. lal Adama. Loa Annlra: J. O. tilts, Uraota Paaai T. W. 1'otter, Cbvaiwa. nfaTrif UrrSd SSL Z?:'B frown'. . Band I. highly complimented on Kfw York; II. Junea, Toprka; W. W. Wood and Us work. family, Han Kranrlaco; K. A.' Cohorn, New , York: U M. KpIIihcc. nan anrlaco: Mra. M. I. Kallngg. Ban Kranrlaco; O. K. Hfttdrt, Nrw lork: . A. Baldwin. Ban Kranrlaco: f. King, Chlt-agoi W. W. Hryjnoar. Tacoma; J. Boaflrld, lw xork; R, A. HodnId and wHa, Mr. W Wall., Kngland; Mlaa B. Hutrhtna. California O. A. Lomrrman. Hiokano; I. 8. Tlln-r, T. W, rx-Mutt. Iblldplphla; ). W. Kiln. Man Kran claro: K. J. Kobargo. Chicago; H. Jacuba. H. B. Boaford, Ban Kranrlaro; J. Wataon and wife, VancoiiTrr; W. T. Hlalop. Prndli-tou; J. Herr- Bian Han Kranclaro; W. Blmona and family. Bola; C. W. Thomnaon and wife, Caacada LorkH; . Dr. N. Cbiirrhman, city; Mra. A. K. llH'liirc, Mlaa M. MH'lur. Maalrr li. Mot'lnra, Mra. M. I. I ndorwooU. Tarooia; A. U. Hbru If von will give ms m ohanoe we will speedily ahow .you that the Wheeler A Wilson aewlng machine sold by ua has no superior on esrth, snd that we Bell at Jobber' rates, becauee we buy for cash from the manufacturera We will convince you of this If you will call at our etore. 136 Morrison, Marquam Build ing. Sigel A Smith. . If won have a disease of long stand ing you will And that it Is quite prob able that we can at least greatly benefit you. If we cannot you wui nno us ard, -Ban Krancbwo; c. W. -Lawrence and wife, fre.nt In so atattng and It wllL coat you eit.; Mr. N. I'axtnn; Mra: H. Mvwgnod, Loa Aiiir-toa; r. II. Tharmr, Kt. Paul; i. A. Walkor, N. V. K. It.: Dr. L. Buck and wlfo. San An tonio; J. R. Stfftt and wife. New York; Mra. ('. L. Ilovey and daughter. Han Kranciaeo; W. Oakea and wife. Heattle: W. Vigor. Taroma; Mra. E. J. Ihillemel, Heattle; F. W. I'etty- froTe, Han Kranrlaco; E. W. CIIt. Heattle; . A. McClelland and wife. Clementine Mather. Napa; K. Broa, rlty; Mlaa B. Carl, city; K. B. Dunn. L. K. Htone. Eugene; E. J. Batler and wife, Bonton: Mlas Halatead, Honolulu: IIIM Kill Ion, Han J oar; K. L. Rnaentbal, New York; K. T. I'uary and wife. Philadelphia; i. C. Fulton. Aatirla; Miiw M. Htewart, Han Kran rlaco; F. II. CnrtU. Aatorla, K. Wortraan, Mc Mlnnrtlle; C. I Wllllama, Tb Ialle; Mr. and Mra. r. A. Hpencer. 1'ortland; 11. H b . WTMUSTR wearing bandage at moderate prlc nothing t6 interview us. Our treat ments are entirely different from thoee generally used. We uee no The Portland Institute of Psychology, 00 The Marquam. Of latereat to gentlemen Nothing is o conducive to a man's safety and com fort aa a well-fitting auspensory band age. Albert Beral, the oruggiat. second and Washington, makes a specialty of a large and Well-selected stock of the moat popular brands, and gentlemen will find It to their advantage to see him when they want a satisfactory and easy- l --------- . . . . IT. P. Sobers- of Watertown. B. TV. la lalnv. overriding a good woman a ouiy In the city with a view of making his to her Ood and famuy waa never more home here. pathetically told. Lady Isabelle. the lov- F. E. Chamberlain and James L. Hens- Ing wife, devoted ner n, ley.. Manistee. Mich., timber men, sre succumbs to the laaclylous whisper ng. registered at the Imoerial. of a tempter who plies his nefarious Mrs. C. B. W.d. is in th. city fH h&f. Pendleton. Mrs. Wads Is prominent ?"m Tfv love are heir. Poor Isa- among the women a clubB of the stats. wM t0 Deleve that Archibald C. W. Thompson of Caacada Ijocks, ac- carlyle, her husband eared for another; companled by his wife, la at the Port- then to wreak revenge she wrecke her land. Mr. Thompson is a wealthy lum- ,oui. berman. Miss Countla Is Lady Isabelle Mr. Judge J. W. Swsnwlek of Los Angeles William Bernard plays Sir Francis Levl Is st the Perkins, accompanied by hla aOn, the betrayer and George Alison is wife. They leave tonight for Seattle and the husband, wronged beyond reason Vancouver. B. C. and "not guilty." Of these three per- Mayor Gilbert Hunt and family of sons a host of P""" CM Walla Walla are In the city on their way Juatly said, for the rnanner "h,ch to Seaside. T. C. Elliott and family of they carry out the theme. Walla Walla are also on their way to There waa grace P'm g the Coast. All are registered at the Im- tuoe. ana aoove "- made nerial neas of else but the play whlcn maaa erent In merit to thoee of a score of On and after Thursday. July 0, the ye"r"- rd about Mr Barnard's 8lr Levl nnter Garden, Third and Morrison, will WJ, JJ artUral. There was no Winter Garden, Third and Morrison, win " natural There was no serve a merchant.' lunch. 11:S0 to I "n f "IJKi il . maks his vile Ine I f. j.-n tie was the cnaracier wuci p. m., flrst-claas In every respect. price will be 25 and 35 cents. BUI of fare will be changed dally and a musical program will be rendered. MRS. ODOVsTSZ.1V. Beckman and wife, Heattle; R. A. Badger and I aire. Korkeater, K. X.; I wm iiaTentxirt, Helena; A. R. Morrow. R. Walah. Han Fraudat-o: K. Re'nker. New York: A. Hi-nrnlah, W. Bene- Ths grand ball given in the Grand Army Hall, on Saturday evening, by the Social Club, was well attended and dirt. Hlduer I. Ackerman. ('. H. Tnilllnc.r and proved a delightful affair. Unusual in- wife H. Brlggs and wife, San Francisco B. X. ICoorshonse u Co, at Seventh nd Alder. Telephone, Main 1313. The Portland, Lorfg Beach. Wash. Open for guests. European plan. . Xiong Beach and view Provisions at rouftcnable ratea. Strauhal Broa. Tor Sal Finely equipped job print ing offlce. Enquire 106 M First atreet. Pins Say! Buy Meredith's umbrellaa. Repairing, recovering. Waah. and Sixth. The Portland Woman's Vnion will meet thla afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at 610 Flandera street. About July 10, James R. Ewlng, the bookseller, will remove to the corner of Fourth and Yamhill. Portland Club, 130 Fifth street A palataMe lunch aerved every evening from I until 11 p. m. Beantlfnl rugs and art -square made from worn-out carpets. Wo do the cleaning. S06 East Morrison street; 'Phone white 971. i Otto Schumann, 804 Third street, next door to Taylor-Street Church. Marble cutter, monumental and building work. First-class work only. "Whits Spray" is the best flour In the City. Made at Walla Walla by Dement -Brosr Cw O; Wr etitrrch, wtroresale .agent. 254 Front atreet. .Mrs. Oleland, a resident of Portland terent was taken In the prise dances, about 60 couples contesting for tho honors. Gilbert Costello and Mlaa Mable Staley were declared winners of the prise waits, the trophy being a hand some lacquered tea set. while D. Shea and Misa Peterson csrrled off the prise for tho achottlsche. , John Xnndstrum, a resldnet of Scholl's Ferry1, where he had for several months been employed in a shingle mill, dropped dead yesterday as a result of alcohol Ism. Lundstrum had been celebrating the Fourth of July and at the time of his death was returning on a load of hay to his home from this city. It Is claimed he hsd been drinking heavily. Coroner Flnley was summoned snd had the body removed to the Flnley under taking parlors. No Inquest will be held. Mors than 40 boys, under the care of Prof. M. M. Rlngler. will leave Portland on the steamer Bailey Gatsert tomor row morning, bound for the annual out ing of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, whtoh -is to be held this year on the Washington side of the Columbia, near Cascade Locks. "Camp Cascadla" Is the name of the place - where the youths will spend two weeks in the pur suit of pleasure. Besides fishing, bath ing and boating, games and sports will be provided. Strict discipline will be maintained. : 1 - Vow on Exhibition at the Parlors of Madam Tanghn, MS and 310 Pall ing Building. The abore la a portrait of Mra. O'Ponnell of LoTeJoy atreet, who, when a child of T. waa afflicted with amallpoi, the annoying and hu miliating marka of which njarred the ap pearauce of her otherwlae comely faoa for 82 reara. A month ago ahe took treatment from Madame Vaughn, th, celebrated dermatologlat. now at the Falling Building, thla rlty. and that Dart of her fare operated upon la now aa month and freak aa when ahe waa an Infant. Tb parlors of Madams Taugha, SOS. 309 and 310 Falling Building, were i more than 76 years of age, was se- thronged today with men and women verely brulaed. although not danger- anxious to see and chat with Mrs. O'Don- o The entire face could hao been operated oa at one time, but Madams Vaughn dealrrd that thla woman might be abown to other sufferer, that they might be convinced of the efficacy of tho treatment ahe offer to all In like con dition. Madame Vaughn la the only perann In the Weatern State authorized to employ Madame Irene La I'ere'a wonderful French dis covery for the rerooral of amallKx plttlnga, birthmark. nnOneaa nnder the crce, wrinkle. frecklea. moth apota every dlaflrurement of I u...u vi..,j tn.anli fmiln Rlrh the human face also the eradication of ecsema, I "' " , r'hriatia Tanhol dandniff, etc. rd Chawnor and Louis Christie, Isobel uau ft'Tiovvpi r wui. pi" n v ctiiioi. I TInll. Marie DorO. Violet J-aie, oaaie TIOS. EVEBY.iuY THIS WEEK FHOM a TO I Klrbv and Julia Howard. In addition 12 AND 1 TO 5 P. M. MEN AND WOMEN J there Is a hew of very pretty show girls BUFFERING FROM ANY DISKIQl REMENt 1 ln ,-f OF THE FACE ARE INVITEI TO CALL AND l"B u , " . SEE THE LADY AND HEAR THE STOliv The scenic productions for Doth plays OF HER LIBERATION FROM HER TORMENT will be complete, and as they were at sllurlng, selfish villain tnai iru. i-. hut unfortunately, rarely discovered. ' Of the heartbroken Car- lvle. It can be said that ueorgo ....,. capably played the part Barbara nare ir.v,.i., P.,imr1 Is the same sweet confiding heroine tbat alwaya happens In periods of great woe vv. made an excellent lra " ' and as Miss Canyie, Minn. humorous and true. ol",n made up her portrayal nnu w..- - not an attempt to overdo un..rH Rnaaell's Richard. Hare is a capable piece of work and nothing more need be said. Of the others of the com pany it should be said they entered with the scheme to make "East Lynne by the Baker people about the best which can be remembered. Finally Madam Vine, tne nean-nevei wife and mother, returning to her for mer happy home, her children, and the arena of remorse, manes a senoo i dramatic situations which for P"108 cannot well be surpassed, mis koum iss is Madam Vine and compliments of high order are due. As a whole kbsi Lynne" at the Baker Theatre is an at traction of great worthiness. It will be given this week and no more. It is a final setting of a most successful and gratifying season. 'The Olrous OirL" . The Circus Girl." which will be pre sented at the Marquam Grand Theatre nn Frlrlav. Saturday afternoon and nla-ht. Julv 10 and II, by the famou Auaruatln Daly Company that made such a decided hit at this theatre last Satur day night. Is considered the funniest of all the Dalv pieces. At the same time Its music la Just es tuneful and catohy as that of "A Runaway Girl." More attention; however, has been paid to the comedy end of the piece and aa a result there is a continual supply of delightful fun from nrst to last. The wrestling scene between Biggs, the waiter, and the "Terrible Turk," including an or me incidents leading up to it, Is about the funniest the stage has to give. Tho principals of the company include inch well known artists aa John K. Slavin. George Fortescue. Alfred Hlck- . XxoslUnt TauderUls. - Whether the highest encomiums are due Mr. Shields for getting them to gether, or to the artists for putting up such a good show, is a question that Is passed up by those who attended the vaudeville) st Cordray's Theatre last night It rained and Shields' Park was closed Bag snd baggage were transferred to Cordrsy A Russell's house and big things happened. Standing room only was announoed about the time the cur tain went up and those present .settled into their seats with mors or less ex pectancy. Tbey wished to know, many of them, whether Mr. Shields would keep his promise and give the best entertain ment he has so far offered. Aa a mat mar of fact the show last night was of a quality that exceeded in merit any thing th&t was expected. There was vim and go from start to finish. Not lagging moment, but two or three, which Is rare in vaudeville. Musle, mirth and contentment seemed to permeate the house, and while It drlssled and rained without there was good cheer within Beginning with the clever people who were responsible for the happy condl tlon Of things the first to be mentioned Is Marls Llsslng ss "The Arkansas Rube." This young lsdy is a comedienne with no chance of dispute. Four times was she called back to satisfy another longing. It has been announced that ahs can dance, and after aeelng her it can be said that not since the daya of the lamenteo Kitty O'Neill has cleverer work been dons by woman. Miss Lesslng fills the bill and she i'j worth all the money ever paid for her. In reviewing-Mr. Shield' entertain ment it Is not neceasary to begin at the first number on the program; it is more ust to ten the story an the most allur ing polnta present themselves. Hugh Emmett Is called the world's famous ventriloquist snd comedian. It is be lleved that he has no peer. As a matter of fact hla 20 minutes' occupancy of the stsge last night waa as enjoyable a time aa has happened In a local house ln msny a day. Mr. Emmett's work ia smooth and polished. He could stay before an audience, it is believed, for n hour' and never grow tiresome. The three Millards are top-notchers In their work. Baby Millard the little tot does most pleaaing character work and her delineation of cakewalk artiste la really excellent Mr. Millard ln his Willie Green's Visit" gives a creditable portrayal of the foolish country lout. Hla work savors of the early days or Sol Smith Russell, and where ever hap pened better than he. Most pleasing was "The Furniture Man." by the Athon-Wllson-Clark Com pany. Mr. Athon la a high-class come dian who can sing-- A half dosen tlmea last night waa he called upon to repeat. His singing the verae backward la a new nd catching feature. , Charles Gardner, the musical eome- : dlan,. is very capable. He eomes with an excellent reputation and what he did last night was highly appreciated. It is due to such people as Gardner and hla like that snap galna headway in vaudeville productions. Miss Jessie Orr in her excelfent danc ing and comedy work, and the Pslomas are not mentioned lat because they are least on the other hand. It is believed a better feature did not appear on the bill last night than when the two pretty Pnloma girls sang from Kl Capttan. Three times were they called, upon, and even then the audience tka not enough Jessie Orr la picturesque. She dances well, kirks high and Is nice looking to boot. People liked her laat night and will do ao all this week, without a doubt Two new illustrated songs well sung and excellent moving pictures of Columbia River scent ry concludes a mighty fine show to be given this week by Mr. Shields at. hla park when It is good weather and at Cordray'a when It la not r "The Different Stpre" Olds,Wortman&King Fifth and t Washington g aUiTCUa fi The Great Sale of Shoes continue all thh week CR.AND DEMONSTRATION AND SALE ofths Celebrated Kara Diamonds and YV.L. t Co. Wnjs, (First Floor.) , ' . ; ra in 5 i 2w iwrnn 4 IvOCY ) 1 Mtte25!i 5c SPECIALS Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Stick Pins, Hair Hetalnsrs. Values to 60c 10c SPECIALS Stick Pins, value 26c. sterling Sliver Lace Pins. Belt Pln. Hrooch Pins, values to 76c. i'narl Fin Hets, I pins to set. Shirtwaist Seta. Hat Pins, Stick Pins, values to 60c. Neck-tie Clasps. Souvenir Pins. Cross Guns. Violet Pins. I5c SPECIALS Sterling Silver Hearts. Shirt Stud Sets S to set. Stick Pins. Ice Flna. Belt Pins and Brooch Pins, values to 96c. Coral Waist Sets, value 83c. 2-Pln Net Beauty Pins, Cuff Link, regularly 26c and 86c. Goggles, Chatelaine Watch Pins. Bohemian Gluss Vinaigrette, value to 76c. Belt Pins. Necktie Clasps. Hat Pins, .-piece Waist Seta. 19c SPECIALS Stick Pin Sets, I to Bet. Sterling Stiver Hearts. Pearl Waist Pin Sets, 4 to Bet Friendship Hearts, value 40c. Lockets. Sterling Sliver Lace Pins, value 15c. Pearl Lacs Plna. Pearl Belt Pins. Jet Brooch Pins, values to SI. Initial Shirtwaist Sets, t and 4 pieces, value 86c. Beauty Pin Sets, to aet. Elk Stick Pins. Chain Purses, value 60c. Gilt and Oxide Bag Top. Silver, Turquoise and Jet Brace lets. Grand Clearance Sale of Every thing in the Jewelry Section 1 25c SPECIALS Sterling Silver licit Buckles, value 12. Lace mid Hrooch Pins, values to "5c. f'narl Cuff Pins, value 50c. Jet Hrooch Pin, values to J2.00. Jeweled and Knameled Waist Hets. Fancy peg Topa. Pearl Vest Button Bets. Fancy Belt Buckles, value to 75c. Portland Souvenir Pins. 35c SPECIALS Stick Pins, regular 6o. snd 75c. Pearl and Enamel Waist Sets, value 75c. Belt Plna, value 66c. Men's Watch Fobs, value "9c. Iac, and Brooch Plna, value 75c. Pearl Ijice Plna, value 75c. Shirtwaist Set, value 6!)c. 50c SPECIALS Pearl Waist Sets, 8 and 4 but tons to set. value $1 00 Sterling Sliver Pocket Knives, value $1.00. Lockets, value 85c. 75c SPECIALS Me'e Oold-F..led Watch Chains, value to $2.00. Chatelaine Chain Purses, value $1.29. Opera Glasses, Nickel barrel. Bterltg Silver Chain Bracelets, value $1.60, special 85c each. Ster ling Sliver Serpent Bracelets, value $1.79; special $1.00 each. All Fancy Beaded Lorgnette Chains reduced. jf Grand Clearance sf Decks-Cleaa Sweep Sales all ever the Store te make reem for Fan Coeds ,AessasA ft ww a.. Msrwwwwwwww We are not shouting' Very loudly in the newspapers. You may do the shouting when your teeth ache. Then come to us, and we'll stop the aching painlessly stop it mil set beet teeth, tT nest waity. 4 (and thejl good ones, too) gold erowns, aa-karat, $3 fold flllUgs, small. SI; Urge, $3; nil other Illings. 79 cents each. ALBA DENTISTS Over EHers Piano House, opp. Cordray's Theatre. Phone Main 2796 f ROM HER OWN MI'S. THE STORE NOTED FOR BEST GOODS AT ' LOWEST PRICES. LUCKY CATCH table Linen Event We were fortunate In securing a few odd pieces, 35 in all, of bleached and half-bleached Table Linens for less than manufactur ers' cost ;' also a few broken numbers In Napkins. The Linens are mostly the medium grades heavy Just the kind for hard wear. Prices range from 35c up to 65c yard. You can save from 35c to 75c on your table cloth. We have no competition at arty time In Table Linens NEVER. IRVVO.'w!! (CarnivaW Are you aware that we sell a hand loom table linen, made from flax, at 13c yard? We do. The kind of table linens that we sell are not to be picked up in the average junk shop. On Monday Morning, July 6, This odd lot of Table Linens and Napkins will be placed on sale AND WE WILL SELL THEM. WE ARE NOTED FOR TABLE LINENS. HERE ARE3 A FEW of the wonders that we have no competition on: Our 7J-lnch double-warp bleached damask at 65c cannot be dupli cated for x.00 yard. The grade we sell for 60c 66 Inch will coat you not less than 76c; and our 35c grade you pay 60c for anywhere. In extra fine satin damask, we show a grade 5 at $1.66 that you cannot match for. lesa than $2.60 yard. Our large Napkins at SOc, $1.13, $1.60, $1.7$, $!.00, $2.26 and $2.60 do, are wonders. ' mcAllen. & McDonnell Dnlv's Theatre. New York, at the time of the original productions. The organ isation numbers 60 people, ine navance sale of seats will open Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. For forty years Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has been curing summer complaint, dyentery, diarrhoea, bloody ftux,'pAln in the stomatrh;and"lt has never yet failed to do everything claimed for it. "A Bunaway airf V "A Runaway Girl," presented yUatur day night at the Marquam Vy t,he Augustln Daly Musical Comedy Com pany, was as laughable an entertainment as could be deelred. The company is e large and very talented one and every thing done by Its members carries "great merit. "A Runaway Girl" gained great popu larity ln New Tork and London as long Poultry Netting WHOI.BIAU, Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barked Wire. Wire and Lawn Venelng. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS aJattfoaTrs. X0S W. TXXBO ST, OOB. rXJUrSBBI. Painless Extracting! Wp'do Crown and Brldga Work without tails. Oar 16 7arf' aiperlenoa In plat work aaabla ua to fit roar mouth comfortably. W have feeling a wall yoa. Dt, W. A. Wlaa. manager, ha found a af war to extract teth abaolutelr without pain.' - Dr. T. P. Wlaa I an eiport at Gold rilling ad Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting free wbea plates or bridge are ordered. h0 DR. W. A. WISE. WISE BROS., Dentists Opea avenlngs till t. Oft, T. P. WISH, 208-213 FAILING BLDC, Cer. 3d ni Wssh, fa. Sanders from to 12. Or. Halo 1029. . jav yye-y s-y-w f Our former location not bclrj jNV-w M. IVsV I large enough to accommodate our growing business, we have re ft'Ar 15 Nor)h N"e!"th Strict. Our The music Is excellent, original and well down town" Office Will remain ai our lorraer location, 47 rini 01. arranged. Such catching songs aa "Sly . W. Q. McPIifcKSUIN UJ. Portland, Oregon Claarette." "Listen . to the Band." "Fol low the Man From Coogs," "The Boy Guessed Right," and othsrs, win favor by no means stinted. Winnlfred Gray, the runaway girl. Is played this season by Marie Doro, who does her work with pleasing color. She sings well and happens to have a beau tlful face and form. When the com pany was here something more than a year ago the leading comedy role was taken by Arthur punn, wno nas a worm wide reputation. This season John Slavin Is Flipper and It can be said he Is eaual If not better than Mr. Dunn, Another favorite appearing with the company Is Beulah Dodge, who appeared In Portland as the Belle of New York two years ago. Taking it all together Heating and Ventilating Engineers AmrsBicEjrrg. I1PI THEATRE 12th and Morrison Northwest Vaaderllle Co.. Prop. . George h. Baker, Resident Manager. Pbone, Main 78. vcw mr.i. TONIOHT. the company is much superior to the one LOOK THE GOOD ACTS over TONIGHT. The memDers Sing roauiTery ine greaim '' ' .......- latent .tw uii wiiw seen here before, better and surely they Invest their work with more dash and spirit. Friday wight. Saturday matinee and vpntnar the company will be at the Mar quam again, giving three performances of "The Circus -uiri. POSTOFFICE BIDS SOON TO BE OPENED United States Marshal Author ized to Act in Regard to New Structure. The I nlted States Marshal, as cus- t.-wiiBn of lhe nostofflce building, re ceived a telegram from the Treasury Department today authorlxlng him to advertise for bids for the construction of the, proposed addition to the post office structure.. Plans and specifications for tho structure will bo received by the Marshal within four or five days. They will include the electric wiring of the building, but will exclude the heating apparatus. Bids for the work will bo opened on August 16. ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS 1,001 chamber of Oommeree Honors the Memory of the tat Joseph A. Strowbrldge. ( The foil iwing resolutions were adopted this morning by the Chamber of Commerce in honor of th- late Joseph A. 8trowbrldge: - "Whereas, It has pleased , Divine Providence to remove from this com munity Joseph A. Strawbridge, and "Whereaa, By- his death the City of Portland end the-State of Oregon have suffered an Irreparable loss; therefore be It ' "Resolved, That the Chamber of Com merce of the City of Portland expresses Ua sorrow for tho event, end that It DELPH1NO AND DELMOBA. DEVANY AND ALLEN. THE WALTONS. WOODFORD AND MALBOKO. WEXIAS AND MEXIAS- ARTHUR ITAHN. Bl'DD BROTHERS. RAYMOND AND CLARK. pay tribute to the sterling qualities of the deceased, ana do 11 runner "Resolved. That a copy of these reso lutions bo spread upon the records of the Chamber of Commerce, and that a copy bo sent the family of our late la-. mented cltlsen. "ROBKRT LIVINGSTON, President. "SAMUEL. CONNELL, Secretary." Prlca Matlneoa. 20c. 10c: erenlng, 80c. 30c, 10c; boxen and loge aeata, ouc. EDUCBD KATES TO SHOBX. THE SUA- Go to Newport on Yanuina Bay an f " eHo tho doora I 1 Te la hainmlnir VSPV Tr r"W ' SHIELDS' PARK 18th and Washington 8,200 seats. Summer Vaudeville It rained Sunday night and Cordray'a waa SOLD BY THE SHERIFF Two sales of property by the Sheriff were made this morning. Two lots be longing te Paul Lewits in South Pert land were sold to the mortgagee, Dora, Lowlts, for the amount of the mort-. gage, 3,800. Lots 2 snd 8, Abram's addition to Albino, were sold for delinquent taxes amounting to 12.49. The lots brought 145. " . AMUSEMENTS. CONCERT BALL BLAE1 ER BROS. CONCERT rVEBT JCIGHT. 342-248 BURNSIPB. SPECIALTIES for tna LADIES of PORTLAND. All klnda FEATHERS snd BOAS CLEAVED and CTTESD, MBS. sl. BUSur, iran tenaon. lROH Flrat. tear corner. Phone. Bail 81S1. Mm I beach. It Is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. Tho low rate of $3.00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company ln connection with the Corvallls & Eastern Kauroaa for the Sunday round trip, rrom fon tanel, tickets good going Saturday, re- turning MondflV. A delightful ride through the beau flnl Vlll!imtt Vallev. with privilege or going Up one sine or me wuiaraeue Klver, returning tne otner. Auk anv 8. P. Co. or C. B R R. aerent for a beautifully Illustrated book let describing the seaside resorts at Ynnulna. ' Vvarrnna nrpAPnf aa id It waa tha beet raudc- Tllle abQW ercr preacuted In Portland. 10-Big StarActs-10 A lATOHIWO COMEDY SHOW IROM START TO liciiaii. SEVERAL ADMISSION TEN CENTS, Go to Cordray'a ln case of rain. CEDAR PARK Second Annual Session Begins Jane 29 Prepares teachers for county August ex aminations; also city and state. GBAMXAX OKADE8 Pupils taken for review rrom tne Din to tn graaes, in clusive. , tTBOXAXi STUDIES Outdoor Sketch ing, Physical Training, Manual Train ing. Penmanship Plain or ornamental, Book-Keeping and , Shorthand. For further information addreas Holmes Business Eleventh snd Yamhill Streets, Under new management. Portland's most beautiful pleasure resort. Band concert, vaude ville ahows and other attractions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Largeat Boor on the Pacific Coaat. Refreahnients atrred on the ground. Ten acre of beantlfnl grove, fire hundred electric light. Admission to ground. 10 centa. The Baker Theatre George L. Baker. Manager. PosltlTelr last week f&ta season of tha Baker Theatre Company la "IAST ITinrE." 7 1 - "EAST LYNNE." . . "EAST LYNME." '. - Evening. 15c. 25c. 35c. 60ei sjatlaefciOC. 15c, 25c " : ,,v.-. Henry Weinhard Proprietor of The Gity Brewery Largest a n d Most Com plet e Brewery in the Northwest BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY Telephone No. 7. 1 nPFirP 13th and Bnroid Streets. UrMV,CH FOTX.AJr. OB. EXPERT OPTICIANS Save your eyes by consulting us. No charge for thorough examina tion. Glasses furnished at very Jow prices. PHILLIPS BROS. . ; 141 Sixth St, Cor. Alder. ,:. v With White Sewing Machine Co. st w I