TOE OREGON DAILY JOURNAX, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JTOT 0, 1903. 11 HALE BZ1V WANTED. (IX REASONS KTHT TOT BHOVLD ?NTXSTI '. , , , BATE . . . '. ?' . V-. . Tb ,: 'v ': ' ' FIOHEEH'B IKPLOTKENT 00. - lt.--BecuB yoa fit good treatment. ' ' . td. Rru you got good bslp. J Sd.Becaus you got whit run pay for. . 4tb. Bmiuh w ar tb laborer' friend. to. uevaus we ara yiour h thl sous try. - stn. ScauM Bl orden promptly and correctly. . ' . forty years la-thli country, w know aom. wwf ih news ana want or tn aiployr. ' ' PIONEKR'S EMPLOYMENT CO. . tin Morris Stmt. - I'hona Clsr 1M1 Branch -Offlc, 2o8 Couch Street, corner of M. C R. IIANSEN A CO., EMPLOYMENT AOTB. -). jto Mrm necona St. ,nV Jn San Francisco and Log AngaU, v.i?i vniuco ana nposano, 1116 fre to employer. FT kimn to and rejl.tratloa. Work eured for applicant ,11)1 .CUlffl. f - f7 miRMiintn iat . hKADQTTA HTEHK KIR MEN FOR H. R. kSU- Otiikr uiiTMinu wnnir BMir.HJtniB tu nkvaua for tb big s. I. H.R. tunnel: NORTH an tha mm B kv work la TVashloaton; EAST oa company and kcoirtract work; Hoi TH lu Oregon, and many pinrr, pots l. rjtKI IAKI oa all K. . wora. C U. HANSEN CO. M Kortb Id at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TOUNO GIRL for housework, from till ; Bunder free; wares, 1)0, 65 1 Kosrnov at. FALXTSTRT.- I ATTENTION. ' Turn, Every Oum. of Toa. 7. . .It la Absolutely and Positively i FREE FHEU (If 1 Fall to Do aa I Claim.) ' I fnaka a solemn oatb to toll you aMr ah olut facta In' relation to not only tb paat but tu present' and fntur of your lift, aa Wo 11 aa very bop, fear or ambition of jour Hfa without asking you a question. Tbla I will do for rou, and mora than an other clair voyant, palmist or o-calld fortuneteller tn tha world ran da for voa. I air special adrlr on mining, bualnna tranaactlona of all klnda In fact tber la nothing that Too anif want to know that I can not toll Aak othr clalrmjranta and palmlata to do aa T ajroto do. tbajr can I will gladly forfeit B EDITED TT.F.H BKVEJf DAYS ONLT. nor. SKILD0K, "THE COSMOti," cor. t-'wirtb and Morrlaon ata. Ronm 27, , 20 and SO. I PEE80KAL. MOULD VOU MAKRY IF SUITED T If ao, aond for N-itlatrlinuulal faoor Dubllnhed. klallrd FRFR. L. O. hunnola, Tnlo1o. Obl.o BAEOIMO AMP L1QHTEAMMO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO,, ISt Bom aid at Phon Grant 1171. 100KS WITH BOARD. ROOMS WITH BOARD, wall ' furnUhed;- all v niodorn coornUuta; tiki board alao, , til WELL El RMHHED, modern conronlenc: fable uoara aaui prioe raaaonaoia, at nil ism it. FOB SALE, MODERN 10-room realdent bouae: would h , food Inreatment aa roonitugboua. , Addrcaa ' Boa K, Jouraal. -- fOR SALE 10 acrea of nnlmnrortd Innd in Allak 1 autwrba of rortlauit SIS Bldg. t"OR SALE A few blfk-grad tpewrltrra, 30 arn. i ana u. Aiexaaaer, in mira bu LOST ABD rOUBD. FOUND Pnrae. Uondar Bornlnc. June SO, cor Koortoeutb and Aider ata. t owner call at 676 paimon at., near tnapman at,; cuj LOSTPnre at Old, Wortman Klng'a atora Mat nignt; return to zu waat rare ana rv cel reward. - ' FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. 41060 Neat B-room cottaaa. Eaat Ninth at. , lortn: 4 nwcaa from union ar. car; k SS 1-8x100; fruit, Sowera and ontbooaea; bair eaan: owner muat leave town. 11250 Una of the beat ournar lota, aoilOO In ' Hnlladay'a Addition; Inald lot fl.OUO, $ 460 aab takea S of tb beat lota at Porta. monu. Dioca rrom car una. uiihu rain. I ITS Caab take lot 60x100, Kaat Nlatb, Dear Baecb at. f SiV) Caab, on of tha flnest la Irrlngtoo, oa oo-toot a tree! ; Tweat-orat, star xuia mook at O. 0. K. ELLIH. room tl, 884 Morrlaon at WB BUILD IIOU8R oa aar monthly parmaata; juat wnat yoa want; a our plane, may ara not apenlT. 613 Commercial blue. nrRBTSHID BOOMS. LOO AN BUILDINO, I08H Dnlon ar. Elegant (oome i of aonaeaaepiog or iranaiant, inrnuoea or uorarnianaa; rata reaeonaDia. ATTOBBETS. EMMONS A EMMONS, attoroeya at Uw, 644 worceater Bldg. S. B. RIGOKN, Attorn ' and Oanaollor-at- mi woiary. nuo-aua jtmegwiB dwi- PAXTON. BEACH A SIMON BIO Cbamoar ot uommerc. T. TAUOHIB - Room IS, Alnaworth Bnlldlnf. tl. B. DICKINSON. Attarnf-at-Lw a Ma tary Public. 601 Commercial 'bid. BATHS, NATURAL Ruaalan bot-alr tatba (Ac and 60CJ open dally, airept Monday and Tueaday, 11 a. m. to it p. m. 81 Eaat Twenty-l(btb at., err. Ererett. Phone, Scott 2241. LOconra houses. TBS COSMOS roerth and Morrlaon, farntabed boaaekeeping aaltea, anlta and atogla raom; a per week and a p. THE CASTLE 278 Waablngtoa at; rooma tor gentlemen; tranalent Tel. South TtU. M if , NO MAnEH WHERE YOU LIVE SELLWOOD,ALBINA, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, BROOK ; LYN OR ANYWHERE. IT IS EASY TO INSERT AN ADVERTISEMENT IN THE JOURNAL ' Telephone Them In. Yoa Will Be Told the Price and Yoo Can Send the Money Later 'Jf V' . . . IP 'YOU x WANT.-A SITUATION. . It Will Cost You Nothln.? for Two-Tlrtie Ad. ' , If You Havo Room to Rentj If You Want Someone to Fill a Position I v ' If You Want to Soil 5omethlnz If You Want Boards -J 1 Ji ' 1 : V ' If You Want a Partner In Your Business) MOVZT TO 10AB, Sc. If You Want Anything IFo Journal The rate is only ONE CENT A WORD. iizzzzsszzsziizzzzzsxzzzzzzicrr: Phone, Mala 00. CABPXBTER. 9. r. LUCT. anoaaaor to Oordoa Mfg. Co., . . carpenter, . builder, general anatraotoe, boa.a remooeiing. aitaranona, ta.i caoinei wors ' and Jobbing apecUltr; counter abalrlng, Ic box, to. ator and oAc tztarea; np-to-da to and original carpenter work of all kind! nothing too larg r to amall for oar Immedlat attention; no (lea ea aai w . nuke and pnt np tba beat Br acreen In : Portland. Shop, foot of famhlll at; phone, Black 2807; residence. 747 Eaat Stark: relrir-e phone. Whit 712. . 0I0ARS ABB TOBACCO. BttBBRO-UUNST ciOAB CO. DU tribe tera of riNB CI0AR8. Portland. Oreaoa. CAPES. TATE8' PLACE. BBS Waablngtoa at, Pbon S. , Mala 771. J. W. Talbott prop. PortUad, Or. CASK REOIBTEBB. UAtXWOOD CASH BKOISTFRR. 284 Start at 0ABPEBTEB4 ABD BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, aot Stark at. I oQca add tor flxtnn built aad retnodol.d; altering and repair kouaaa. Pbon Mala 747. AUTHORS A MARTIN, carpenter aad bnllV era; repairing and Jobbing.; atora and offlo Sxtnr bnUt Shop 2W Ooluaibla. I' boo CUy 1861. U. P. CLARK, m Waak., pboaaa Wt 72, Kortb 111. K.w and repair work, icompt attention. HOTELS. DRtJOOISTS. "RANK J. STREfBia. drnga, toilet' artioleaT perfume. IM2 Waahlnreton t. - i CEREAL BULLS. ACMR MILLS CO., Manufacturer Balatoa Aom Cereala, 20 and 22 North Front at. fEWXLEBB. TUB a. HE1TKEMPEB OD aaaaufacturlag EBATEABAL XBSUBABOB. ORDER r WASUINOTON Toremoat f rater pa 1 aoeUty of Northwaatt protecta tha U Ing. i. L. Mltebnll, aupreme aecretarr, 612 aad 616 Maroaam bldg., Portlaad. Or. Tl- pboa Mala tu. WELL VENTILATED Ingle rooma, 1A, 20 and S6 a alght; bed., 10s. Tb Brrtt Hon, cor Second and Daela. OOAX ABD WOOD. . V0BB10X SKTLIOHTS. METAL 6KYLIUUTS, galeanlaed Iran alee. J. O. Bayer. Son Becona at. 0KIR0P0DT ABD MABICUBIBO). - THE DEVE.NYS, tha only aclentlSc chlropodlata In tba city; parlor atu-z, Aiuay uiag.; tbla la tba long-haired gentleman you want to ee. Grant 16. MITCHELL, Chlronodtat, 702 Marquan bldg., Pbon Black 2861. CBEAM ABD CBEAMEBT BUTTER. J1F.HT creamery butter and pur cream promptly delivered to an parte oi me cny iruiu biuuu tain View Tarm, Oreeham, Oregon. Apply to W. W. Cotton, 314 Worceater Bldg. Tele phone, Main 658. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO Dealera In all, klnda of coal, cok and charcoaL Pbon 1018. VULCAN COAL CO.. wboleaal dealera beat coala; foundry and ameltar cok. ELECTRICAL WORK. O. U PRIOR, alectrle llabt and ball Airing. 440 Waahlngtoa at Phone Clay 000. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Offlo 86 Stark at Weetero Electric Worka, 60BH Waablngtoa at DTEIBO ABD CLEABTBO. CITT STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS. Herman Enkle, proprietor. Pbon Main 1713. No. 66 8th at., near Pin. Portland. Or. FREB SHIBES. CLOTHES CLEANED and prad II par month. TJalqu Tailoring Co.. 647 Waahlng- ton ai. IBSURABOZ. J. PHILIP KENNEDY, Ineuranoe; realdent agent Norwich Union Fir iMurane Society. Phone Sontk 1681. 44 Hamilton bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, mployra' liability and In dividual accident! attrety bcoda of all klnda. Pbon 47. Concord bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fir Inaarance, 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 626. ISAAC L. WHITE. Bra Inaurance, 226 Sherlock bldg. Ore ron phone. Main 868. . KIVIRO ABD MIVE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mln pro- moiera. Koom a. ( Damoer or Oomnierca. LOCKSMITH. A. L. TiaDETTS, 238 Tamhlll. near Beooud; 12 yeara with J. Barbey. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. - Money to loan. No rommlaalon. . I am in a poaltloa to make lmro.dl.te loan a lmproed real aatato ar. for building par. poi any a mount; modarat Intereat W , appror loaoa from plana and adranc money I a building pmcreaaea wba dlrd. Option a repaying after on rear. FRED H. STRONG, Floanolal Agent ' 108 Second at, no r Stark. THB STAR LOAN CO.. 210, M'KAY BLDO.. I02U Third at. la tb reeoenlatd bank nt 4 tba wag.rner. W adranc money to toamatera, trainmen. abonmea. motormeu. aondurtora. etc., without mortgaga, andoraer ROPE. PORTLAND .CORDAGB X. tor. rartoeaU oia tari iit-ut axkl. , B'OVI 167 nn, 4 T. - - -e E. , PIANO LE8B0NS. W. OirroRD NA8H. XW loth at I urma apva apfilloatloni Beelnner4 take. ! . 1 J 1J i FL1TMBEBB, or collateral Amount. 8100. rTr I 60 repay S 2A renar Ro.lno conBdmtlaL kfonthle U Monthly. -Week It 8288 or 818.00 W 88 .85 SI8.K1 or S 8 88 or SI M 6.6S or 8.66 or II .86 Ifp unpaant Inquiry, MONET TO LOAN on real, naraoaal and col , lateral emiiity; apodal attentlog to cbattla 1 anortgagoei ante bntight. C. W pallet, 212 Commercial blk. Phon Grant 860 MONET TO LOAN, email amonnta. abort r long time. J. H. H.wUy. 1 Cham, nf Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city Iota and Improved ' farm. W. A. Shaw A Co.. 648 Stork at. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Aady Frlta. marhlnlat and model maker. 110 6th. OVERALLS. BOSH OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ic' clothing. I'nloa mad. Netadtr Bra., PXASORAL. MR. ELMORB RICE Vlollnlat and toachor; abm piano harmony t room 1. A.O.U.W, Bldg.; boo re S to 6:80 da I ly; pbon. Colon. P46. XOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ar mora accurately and reasonably filled at ErU Pharmacy, tV7 Morrlaoa at., bet. Ftrat and Seonnd ata. v.iol STORIES and nonlt for aummer rl- Ing, 10 ceata. Jon' Book 8 tore. 201 Alder CAFB KRATfL 122 Sixth at A Ba lunch eereed at all bonra. REAL ESTATE, FOR 8ALB TARUS Improead farm, for aale la nil parte of Oregon and Waahlngton; paymenta mad to ult purahuer. For full partlculare aa to vartona pronertlea apply to Win. MacMaator. Ill Worceater bldg. MAXWELL KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room t. Cham her of Commere bldg. REMOVAL. Dr. frank a ferris, dr. geItRudb B. Lambernn, DentlxU, ramored to Mael bldg.. Sftb Boor. MAIIAOE. MDMB. H B. ELY, dermatologtot maaaag. lectrle tre.tmento. 168t Flrat t B0BTHWE6T HOTELS. Hotel Fartlaad, Amerlean nlaai ,l par day Somm.ra Hotel, La Grand traeaUr' hem. BlTdr Enropeaa plan; 6th aad Aider ata. St. Oharla. rirat and Marruma ata., rortiana DONNERBERG RADEMACHER, plnmbera, remoeed to 84 Fourth -at Both phone. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Foil SALE One 70i 100-foot Wt. email bnuae, city water, nicely fenced with poultry netting even foot high; nlc plar tor tioultry, U. V. McAffarty, owner, geaeral delleery. PUBLIC 8TEN0ORAPHIB. MISS AGNES LAND, trabU atoaograpkor aad trpewiitor, 416 Chamber f Cammerca. Htop ny 880. STOEAOE ABD TRANSFER. " C. O. PICK, afflc 88 Pint at, between Star and Oak ata.; phone 6IM; piano and rural, tur moved and parked for .hipping! coax Biodloua Ore proof brick waraou Front aad riev era. " SAFES. BUT YOUR SAPES of J. B. Davie; your r. SLOT MACHINES. 4 TRANSCONTINENIaL MACilINU CO. Slot machine. 6. R. Park and Oak. Rot I I'hooes. Main 1X8. SPECIAL DELIVERY. I POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 2001, Wa.h Ington at Phone. Or., Main 042. Cot., Ml. WH0LE8ALK HARDWARE, J. B. HA8RLT1NB A CO., Iron, atoel, coal a4) bUHimlurmijn WHERE TO SIBR. STROUSES RESTAURANT; flrat-cU beet aervlce. 220 Waablngtoa at WHOLESALE WALL PATER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 184-188 at., hot. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or, WALL PAPEB ABD FAIMTIBO. STR1RB doea not dlay aa, aa wa ar able M All all order wltboot delay. Plrat-claM work. A. A. Church A Co.. No. 274 Taylof t. Phone ri 171. WHOLESAXB OROCERB. WADHAMS A CO.. wbohMal grocera, au factor era aad ommlloa merchant, 64 aa4 66 Front at ALLEN A LEWIS, whole grooera. Port, land. Or. MASON. EHRMAN A CO.. wboleaal N. W. cor. Second and Pin ata. LANG A CO.. Flrat and Ankanv eta. WHOLESALE CROCKERY ABD GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Prael Hagela A Co., 100 to 106 Cta. cor. Star CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED ORDINANCE GRAHTIMO A FRAN CHISE TO THE UNION MARKET COX PANT. ' An ordinance granting to Union Market Com pany, . Ita auccnaora and aaalgna, tbe right and privilege to have the uo of block No. 132 tn tb t'lty of Portland for a, prl.d of twenty -nv yeara, on wnicn to ereol vuiuiinga, and to" b uid exclualvely a market nlaee. Tbo City of Portland doe ordain-aa fol- Hiwe. Section 1. Tbat there be and la hereby granted, aubject to tbe terma, roetrlctloua and uroviaiona lu tala ordinance contained, to union Market Company, a corporation, organlard under tbe law of tbe State of Oregou, baring Ha principal office and place of nuilncaa at the 4 llty of Portland, County of Multnomah In aald atate, and Ita aucccaaora and aaalgna, tbe francblae, right and prtvlleg to occupy and uae block 132 of the City of Portland for the period of twenty -Br year from, tha data of the approval of thle ordinance ' by tba Mayor, and to erect butldlna tbereoa accord Ing to plana heroine fter apcclSedV and far nee a. a market plan for the reeldenta of aald city and county. Sec. X Said Union' Market Company, 4t aurcraaora and aaalana. ahall erect a brick Building an eald block 6.x2ou feet In dlmrnaloua frovldcd with, waiting rooma, otflree for food napectora and ottlct-a (or managcra of tbe market, eald bolldlna to be nroncrly nrovlued wltb beating apparatua and lighting by proper wlitdowa and urtinriai ngnt, -ana tn uuua Inge, abrda and drtvenaya to be properly i drained wltb plpoa having Iron grata Inlet, and . with adeotiate acner eonncctlona; the 8oora of both building and eheda to bo eon ttrurted of aapha It concrete or other equally eraloaabl parement; aald company .hall aUo erect two abed ar pcn atructurra &0x2U0 feet for tbe uh of marketer of produce, and ao comtructed aa to furnlab protection from weather, and In accordance with the plana lubmltted by tbe Union Market Compaay and pa file In tbe office of the Auditor of (be I'lty of Portland aud aubject to tb approval nf tn Executive Board of tbe City of Port land. 1 Sec. 3. The aald Union Market Company hall keep open and conduct aald hualnea con tinuously during the term of tbla franchinu on all bualncaa daya of tbe year during tbe market hour, of each day, and tbe aald property aball be uaed exclualvely for market purpoeea. Sec. 4. The aald Union Market Company ball begin tb construction of aald market hulldluge within atxty uaj a rrom tna nuai paaaage and approval of tkla ordinance, and ball have the aame completed for commence n.ent of buetneaa withlu alx month from and after the Bnul pnaaage anil approval of tbla romance, toe diet or conatruciion or aaiu building, and Improvementa to be the aum of 130 000.00. It ahall Im lawful for tbe Council of the City of 1'ortlnnd to regulate in tbe- public lutereat the cxerclae of aald fran chise lu a rraaouablc and lawful mauner, and the acbedulo of ratoa to lit' charged ahall bo object to rcvUlon by a board of commlaalonera appointed in tbe manner provided lu acctloa even hereof. Sec' 6. At all convenient time during the term of tbla francblae the City of Portland lhall have the . Drlvllene. through Ita Auditor ay ' other pepper officer, of eaamlnliig tb nap or account or aiu union Mamet loiupany. aucccaaors aim aaaigu., iu uruer iu eam may aacertaiu tue ouamca aon ny Mia any. !". 3. The aald Union Market Company lhall within thirty data after the nual approval If tbla ordinance Die wltb the Auditor of tha' City of Portland Ita written acceptance vf the terma of tbla ordinance and tbe franchlac, rlghta and privilege granted to and conferred upon It, Ita aucceaaora and aa algna. Failure of aald grantee, to ao file Ita (craptancw of thla ordinance . within aald period of thirty dare from tbe final approval thereof ahull be Ueomeu ana neiu to oc a CITY NOTICES. :VAt a WB 18 right at Ita election and upon payment there for of the fair valuation thereof to be made and determined aa hereinafter provided to our rhaae and take over to ltaelf all of th property of aald Union Market Company con atructed or being upon aald block 132 'In th City of Portland; provided, however, that be fore tbe city ahall have th authority to our rbaa or take over each plant and property tbe duration whether or not the city ahall acoulr-and take each plant and property ahall ftrat be submitted to th voter of aald city in accordance with and aubject to tha umita tlona contained In Article V of tb charter of tba City of Portland bow In force, and pro vided, further, that th queetlon of a-hotber or not tbe city aball acquire or tace ancn plant or property muat b aubmltted to the voter. or the city aa above provided wnrnever a peu -loo aball be Bled with th Council auhecrlbed by a number of elector equal to fifteen per cent of the vote cant at lb laat preceding election aaklng that aucb queatlon aball be aubmltted for approval or rejection to tb rot of tbe people. Tb price or valuation to be nid by tb City of Portland for tbe aald jalant and property shall be Bxd and determined by three arbitratora, one appointed by the .Unloa Market-Company, Its euceeaaora and aa- signs, anetnee py tne city or t-ortiana ana a tnira oy tn two o cooeen, ana a aecuuoo in writing by the' aald three arbitratora or a majority af them, on delivered to tbe Mayor or tb city and tb otnef u ania margot com nany. ita aucceasor and aeairne. anall ne nnai and binding upon tb partle, and aald prlc and valuatloa aball b paid to aald Union Market Company, Ita aucceaaora and aaalgna. before tba aame aball be deprived or tbe oua eeealon or right to maintain and operate aald plant and property, and npoa payment by aald city to aald company, ita ucceaaora ana aa algna. of said price and valuation aa determined aa atoreaaia earn plant ana property ao vaiuea, purchased and paid for ahall become tbe prop erty of th Cltr of Portland without tbe elocution nf any Instrument of conveyance. Should aald Union Market Company, Ita auc ceaaora or aaalgna, neglect for a reasonable time after It baa been determined by tba aald city to purchase and take over aald plant and property after du notice to that effect rrom aaia city, to select an aroitraior, or in can the two arbitrator chosen by tbe city and by the aald Union Market Company, re spectively, neglect for a reaaonable time after their appointment to select third arbitrator, then and In either of (aid case, th city aball appoint three arbitratora to determine tbo nrloe np valuation tn lm nall hw the eltv for aald plant and property, and the decision of aald thre arbitratora, or majority of them ao choaen by the city, made lu writing In duplicate and delivered to tbe aald partle aforeaald aball be final and binding upon tb parties Sec. 9. If tbe City of Portland ahall elect not to acquire aald plant and property or ahall not purchase the aame, and the city ahall elect and grant a new and' additional francblae In lieu of tbe expiring or expired franchise granted by tbla ordinance, and an application be made bf tb Union Market Company, Ita rejection by it of the aame. and upon th .xnlr4tlon uf aui.h timet . without - such - to K ptance. tbla ordlnanco shall become aud bo old and Inoperative. Sec. 7. The grantee ahall pay aa com penratlon for the rights aud privilege herein (ranted a monthly rental at 6100.00 In ad rance, for the period of ten year, eoinmenelng lornwry 1, 1004, and ending December 31, int:i; for tbe suceecdlng ten yeara, beginning Jiinu iry 1, 1D14, and ending December 81, 102.1. Inch compeuaation. In addition to aald fluO.OO ber month,, aa aball be determined by soard of comnitHHinuera to bo appointed aa aereliufter provided, and for the remalnlug J period, commencing January 1, 1024, and con tinuing - to tbe end of aald franchlac, aucb oqipensatlon in addition to aald 8100.00 per aionth. as ahall be determined by a board of commlaalonera almllarly appointed. Iu ad- lltlon to tbe foregoing compenaatiou the Union llfgAut Company, ita successors or assigns, IT provide not to exceed throe rooma in ' buUdlns to be constructed nuruaut to fUm JtlrH.anw ' tn. Iha ima tit tllM foilt In. Aieetnr. Market Inspector and Milk InstieVtor If .tba , City of Portland or their respective gents or asaiatanta witnout enarge or com kenaatlou "'nnd upon demand by tha Mayor of lb-City of Portland. The Union - Market Company, ita s ucceaaora r assign, aa additional compensation tot Ihe right nml prlvllegea, herein granted, shall bmatruct wlthid six niputhfcj after tba final,, " lAsssge of this ordinance, and Ita approval if. .the Mayor, and maintain during the full aerlod of the life of tbla franchise artificial Itoue sidewalks mid curbs abuttlua- noon the four aide of aald .block 182, and ahall at all Hmos maintain the aald? walk and eurb In rood repair ana in . accordance wltb tba in' ttructlona ami to the satisfaction of th Executive Board of the City. of Portland, and Ei failure of -the aald Union Market Company. successor or aaalgna, to construct aald (rtifiolal . atone sidewalks and curb within Ihe- time provided In thla ordinance or to h-patr the aame- wltbin a period of sixty lays after notice to make aucb repairs baa leen given by th Knglneor of th City of Portland, or the failure-to pay the monthly mmpensatlon as herein provided for a. period If sixty dare, ahall render all right ubder thla franchise aubject to forfeiture and tbe lame mar be declared forfeited by resolution If th Council of th City of Portland by Ind with the approval of tb Mayor. Tb board of commissioner referred to In mla section shall constat of three men to be f leeted, 1 one by tb Council of the City of orrland. on - by th Union Market Com . any. Its aucceaaora and aaalgna, and tbo third j th two o chosen. Sets. 8. That upon the expiration of th - period for which this franchise l granted, or inon tn' surrenoer or esnceusuon or anca trsachie, th Cit of Portland reserve ,th . ' r.. ... ('. ' ...---'?,'? ' , aucceaaora and aaalgna. for aucb new or ad dltional franchise, then and tn that event, the aald Union Market Company, Ita luceessora and aaslgns. shall have first right to take and receive aucb new or additional franchise, aud If It shall not take aucb new or- additional franrbla, but -4h-asm- la, aftr-tb aom- pany a election to take the same, (ranted by tue city tn Any other corporation, association or In dividual, then and In tbat case, such other corporation, association or Individual taking anch new or additional francblae shall. In ad dition to tbo compensation to be paid to tbe city for such new or additional franchise, pay to aald Union Market Company, It successors ana assigns, or to tntf city or r-oruana in S, . i . a. A I... ...M .ks lm. nU n ., ... or additional franchise takes effect and before said Union . Market Company, its aucceasor and aeKlgns, shall be dejirlved of tbe right to Doasess. maintain, operate and enjoy aald plant and property, tbe ralr and equitable valuation of aald plant and property which the City ot Portland by 4hl aeotbm- eerve th-elght to purchase and take over, the valuation thereof and tba price to be paid therefor to aald Union atariet uonipauy, ua encceaeor ana assigns, to be fixed and determined In tbe aame manner a above provided for pxlng and determining tbe rirlcc and valuation of said plant aud property n case tbe city aball purchase and take over tno same. The foreroina proposed ordinance la published by direction of the Couucll and In pursuance of the provlaions of Section 87 of tbe charter of the city of 1'ortianu. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. June 29, 1903. CITY NOTICES. NOTICE OF FILING OF REPORT OF VIEWERS ON THE PROPOSED OPENING, LAYING OUT AND ESTABLISHING OF REED STREET. Notice Is hereby given that tho report of tbe vlewera heretofore appointed to asseaa the benefits and damage la tbe matter of the pro posed opening, laying out and establishing of Itcca siren, in tne ;iiy or rortinna, irom the westerly 11 uo of Sherlock'. Addition to tbo easterly line of Twenty-fourth atreet, have filed with tbe tmderalrncd their report of as sessment for benefit that will be derived and damagea tbat will bo sustained by reason of tbo opening, laying out and eatttbllahlng of Reed atreet. aa above described. The district a as eased by tbe vlewera in tno nronoscd onenluar. laying ont ana establlsblug of Reed street will be all the lots, parte of lot snor p Fee II oi land, tawiti . t . - - lxt 8, 4, S and 6, In Mock 1, Verstrog's Addition to the t'lty of Portland: Iota 1. 2. 8 and 4, In block 21; lots 2 and S In block 22; lot 11 In block 88. and a parcel of land west thereof and east of Twenty-fourth street; lot 12 In block 38. Rberlnck' Addition to the City of Portland; lot 7, ft. 10, 11 and 12. In block 121; lota 8 and 9. In block 18; lots 10 and 11 in block 11. Doachrr' Second Addition to tbe City of Portland; am a tract of land lying between the north line of tbe proposed openlLg, laying out and establishing of Reed street and a line 66 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith and between tbe west line of Bbory lock 'a Addlttoa aad tho eaat, Una of Twenty fonrth atreet. Tbe Council of the City of Portland will eon alder said report at tb regular meeting to be held Wednesday. July 16. 1008. - at 2 o'clock p. m. All persons Interested ara hereby noti fied to preeent their objection to aald re- Krt, In writing. If any they have, at aald ne and place, that tba aame mar ba Beard and determined by tb Council. ' - U1U3. IV lln ill , EXTENSION OF CROWN AVENUE. Where. Th Council of tb City of Port land, deeming it expedient to open, lay out and establish Crown Avenue In the City of Portland. Tbe center line of tbe proposed atreet la de crtlied ss follows: Beglunlng at a point on the center line of Crown avenue 100 feet easterly from tha easterly Una of Alpine (ve nue; thence by curve to tbe left having a radiua nf 325 feet and which radlua la parallel wltb. aald Alpine avenue, a distance or 807.00 feet; thence by reverse curve to tb right bsv Ing a radlua of 220 feet, a dlatanro of 4UH.H5 feet; thence by reverie curv to left having a radlua of 800 feet a dlatanc of '440.4 feet; thence bv reverae rurv to right having a radlua of 2i0 feet, a distance of 10H.15 feet; thence by reverae curve to left having s radlua of 08.0 feet a distance of 63.25 feet: thence by tangent to- last named curve a distance ot .11.1 feet to an Intersection with the westerly line of a tract of land owned by tho City of Portland produced northerly to ita intersection with tha center line of Ilsvenport street. The side linos of tbe proposed Crown avenue are 20 feet dis tant from and parallel with th above-described center line, did on the 2th day of May, 1903, direct the City Engineer to aur vey tha aamo and to mark the boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of each earvey, od a- written report containing a-full and perfect description of snrb proposed street and boundaries thereof, and of tbe portion of each lot. tract or part ot either, tn be ap propriated for aurh atreet, snd the City Engi neer having made aucb eurvey, plat and re port, and filed aucb plat and report In the office. of tbe Auditor on the 2d day of June, 100.1. and said report having been adopted liy oidiiianee No. 13.308, entitled: "An ordinance adopting the report of the City Engineer In tbe matter of th proposed opening, laylug out nd establishing of Crewn avemie. The center line of the proposed street lyarscrlbod s fol lows: Beginning at a poBWBn the center line of Crown avenue 100 feet easterly from tho easterly line of Alpine avonne; thence by curve to the left having a radlua of .125 feet and which radlua Is parallel with aald Alpine avenue, a diatance of 357.93 feet; thence by rovers curve to the right hsvlng a radius of 220 feet, a diatance of 408.85 feet; thence by reverae curve to left having a tadlua or 600 feet, a diatance of 440.4 feet: thence by reverse curve to right having a radlua of 200 feet, a distance of 108.16 feet: thence by reverse curve to left hsvlng a ratline of 66.0 feet, a distance of 63.23 feet: thence by tangent tn laat named curve a diatance of 81.1 feet to an Intersection with the westerly line of tract or laud owned by tbe ity oi I'oruand produced northerly to Ita Intersection with the center Hue of Davenport atreet. Tbe aide lines of the proposed Crown avenue ar 20 feet distant from and parallel with the abov described center line. Now. tborcforo. all persons interested are hereby notified that the Council of tbe City of Portland baa appointed W. F. White, r. Ha choney and G. J. Cameron viewers, to view said proposed extension of ssld street and make an estimate of the benefits and damages occasioned by the owning, laying out una eatab Hsning the same,' in uccoraance wltb aoction 840 of the charter of the City of Portland. aald viewers to meet st the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on Thuraday. the lflth day of July. 1003. at the hour ot llu.ojilQck la. the forenoon or asm day pro!im(i upi-uiiix. i.iua vul anu raiail- llshlnjf of Crown avenue la more particularly bounded and described aa follows: The center line of the proposed street la de schlbed a follow: Beginning at a point on the center line of Crown avenue 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of Alpine ave nue: thence by curve to the left having a rndlna cf 323 feet and which radius la parallel with aald Alpine avenue, a dlatsnca of 357.05 feet; thence by reverse curve to tbe right hav ing a radius of 220 feet, a distance of 408.85 feet: thence by reverae enrvt to left having a radina of 600 feet, a distance of 440.4 feet; thence by reverae curve to right, having a radina of 200 feet, a distance of 108.16 foot: thence-fey roverae curve to eft-having'-a 'radina of 08.0 fent. a distance of 63.25 feet: thence by tangent to last named curve a distance nf 81. 1 feet to an Intersection with th westerly line of a tract of laud owned by tba City of Portland produced northerly to ita Intersec tion with the center line of Psvenport street. The side lines of the proposed Crown svenue are 20 feet distent from and parallel wltb tbe ahnve-dcscrlbed center line. Tbe proposed opening, laying out and estab lishing nf Crown avemie will include and necessitate tho appropriation to pnbllc use of tbe following described parcels or tract of land, tn wit: All that part of lot P. block 10. Seventh Street Terraces, lying northerly of the south erly side line of the proposed Crown avenue containing 61 square feet. All tnat part or lot n. nines: i nnvemn Street Terrace, lylne northerly from the southerly side line f the proposed Crown avenue, containing z&i square reer. All that part of lot 10. block 17. Seventh Street Terraces, lrlng southerly of tbe north line or tbe proposed crown avenue, contain Ing B87.6 antlare foot.' All that nart of lot 9. block 17. Seventh Street TVrreeca. lylnj between tjjo northerly ana eoumeriy lines or rne pmnoseq trown avenue, containing 8.438 sqnare feet. All that nart nf lot 7. hlnrk 17. Seventh Stceet Terraces, lying northerly of'th south- erly line of the pro nosed crown avenue, contain ing l.i ni square root. All that parcel or tract of land lying be twecn the northerly and southerly line of the . proposed .Crown avenue. - and hatWeon th weirir line or nevemu rrreer lerracea ana a line - 860 feet westerly therefrom, containing 80.THU sous re rent. All that parcel or tract nf land ivlna be. tween the northerly and antitherlv lino of the proposed Crown avenue and between the west erly line of tract ot land owned by the Cltv of Portland and a line 2A1.38 feet easterly therefrom, containing 12,444 square feet. All persona claiming damages by reason of th approprlstlon nf the nronerty above described, or any part thereof. In the proposed opening, laying ont and establishing nf said street are hereby specUIl notified to file their claim for such da mares with tbe Auditor of the Cltv of Portland before the lflth day of July, 100.1, the time annotated for the meet- Ins or tn viewer therein. By order ot tbe Council. 'THOP. C. DEVL7W. ' Auditor of tb City of Portland. . July 8. 1603. CITT NOTICES. aon, held on tbe 1st day of July, following resolution was adopted: 1903, the Auditor of tb Cltv pf Portland. July oyjnea. -r--""- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF 8ETEN- - TEEHTH STREET. - - Korlce 1 hereby given that at tb meeting ot tba Council of th City of Portland. Or. Resolved. Tht tbe Couucll of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and Rroposea to Improve Seventeenth street from HI feet north of the north line of Vaughn atreet to the aouth Una of Marahall atreet aa followa: Flrat On all that portion of aald atreet lying between a line 60 feet north ot and parallel wltb the north line-of Marshall atreet snd s line 10 feet north of the south line of Pettygrove street snd also all that portion of aald atreet lying between a line 10 feet outh of the north line of Pettygrove atreet and a lino AO feet north of the unrtb Una ef Qulmby street, aa follows: a). By grading the street to the proper sub-grade to a width equal to the plank road way aa shown by the City Engineer' plana, peel Ilea tlona and eatlmates. (b) . By nlanklng on all that portion of the above-described atreet In-accordance with the City Engineer' plana, spedficatlona and esti mates. (c) . By constructing atdewalka In acoordanc with the City Engineer s plana, apeclflcatlona and estimates. dl. By constructing crosswslka. Second By improving all tbat portion of aald Seventeenth street lying between a line 68H feet north of tbe north line of Vaughn atreet and the south line of Marahall atreet. ssve snd except all that portion of aald street lying between s line 60 feet north of the north line of Msrshall street and a line 10 foot north of tho south line of Pettygrove street, nd also all that portion lying between a line 10 foot onth of th north line of Pottygrov j street snd a line 50 feet north of tbe north line of Qulmby street, aa follows: (al. By removing from the snrfsco of tho street full width with full Intersections all loose earth, mud and debris of all kinds. (b). By bringing the surface or tnr arreei full width with full Intersections to proper s-rsdo with crushed rock and crushed rocx i ti eon. tern-tins' .rtlflrlaf atone aid. Walks on tbe eaat aide of all tbat portion of aald Seventeenth street lying between a line 12 feet aoutb of the north line of Marshall street and a line 12 feet north of th south Una of Northrup street. In aceordane with th City Engineer' plans, apeclflcatlona and estimates, and also on both side of all tbst portion of ssld Seventeenth street lying between tine 00 reel north 01 me norm imr u street and a line 68 V, feet north of th north line of Vaughn street. d). By constructing crosswslks. Th. .aid Improvements to be msde. in SC eordanoe with the charter and ordinances of th City of Portlsnd and the puna, specinca ami uaHm.tea nf the Cltv Engineer filed In tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the lat day or July. iwiw. inuorea: "Cltv Engineer' plaos snd specifics tlona for the Improvement of Seventeenth atreet from 68 feet north of the north line of Vaughn atreet to the south line of Marshall atreet and the estlmatea of the work to b dona and th. ri.nh.hln total coat thereof. The cost of said Improvement to be assessed as provided bv the City Chsrter upon the propertv specially benefited thereby and which la declared to be all the lota, part of lots and psrcels of land lying between a liue . 10ft Jtcet !!lh fit. and parallel with the aoutb line of Marshall street and a line 58 Vi fe.t north nf the north line of Vaughn atreet. and between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line nf Seventeenth street aud a Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel wltb tbe east line of Seventeenth street. The Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of the Improvement of aald Seventeenth atret la 8S.318.0O. Th above Improvement on all that portion of said atreet lying between a line 60 feet north of the north lino of Marshall atreet and a line 10 feet north of the aouth line of Petty . stroAt and all tbat portion of aaid atreet lying between a line 10 feet south of tbe north line . .nf I'nrtvrrove sireei ano a line ou iei north- ft -4he- worth - line -of -Onlmhy street. ( shall be classed as a pmnx roadway improve ment and shall bo maintained by tbe city for a period of two yeara, and also on all that portion or saia Bcvemeemn sireei ijiu w tru. a lino 58U feet north of tb north line of Vaughn treet nd th onth Una of Marshall treef. ssvo and except all that por tion nf aald Reventeenth street lying between a line 60 feet north of the north line of Mar shall street and a line 10 feet north of the aouth line of Pettygrove atreet, and also all that portion nf aald street lyUig between a line 10 feet south of the north line of Petty grove sjreet and a line 60 feet north of the north line of Qulmby street ahall be classed a. a macadam Improvement and shall be maintained by the city for a period of 2 years. provided, tbat the owners 01 a majority or th. nronertv benefited bv ald Improvement or any portion rnoreoi .nan 1101 iuuh yr new or different Improvement before th expiration of ueh period. - Tbe plans, apecincations snu esiirasie 01 me Cltv Engineer for the Improvement of aald Seventeenth atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of th Cltjr of Portland bo apd h la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said street a 'provided by the city ensrter. Remonstrance aftalnst the abov Improvement mav be filed In writing with th undersigned within 20 days front 'the date of the flrat pub lication of thla notice. By order of the CounolU " , ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Julr 8. 1803. - - - CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF UNION AVENUE. Notice I hereby given that at th meeting of tbe Council of tho (ity of Portland, Ore gon, held on the lat da of July, 1003, the billowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That tb Cooncll of tb City of Portland, Oregon, derma It expedient and pro pose to Impruv Union (venue from the aouth line of Alberta street to 100 feet south of tbe south line of th Lewi Love Donation Land Claim, In th following mauner, to-wlt: lira t By grading th street full width Wltb full Intersections to tbe proper sub-grade. Seoond By bringing tho aurfaea of the atreet full width wltb full Intersection to proper grade with upland bank gravel. Third By couatrucUng gravel aldewalki with wooden curbs. Fourth By constructing wooden cronwilki six feet In width. Sixth By constructing box gutter. Hald improvement to be made lu aceordane wltb tbe charter and ordinance of th City ot Irtland and the Plans, permeations and estimates of tb City Engineer Bled la tb office of the Auditor of tbe City ot Portland on the lat day of July, 1003, indorsed: "City Engl beer'a plans and spedflcstlous tor the Improve ment of Union avenue from the aouth line of Alberta atreet to 100 feet south of the aouth line of Lewla Love Donation Land Claim, and tbe eatlmstes of tbe work to be don and the probable totsl cost thereof. " Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed a. nenvlHoil hv ttiu eltv .hart., nnnn th. Croperty specially benefited thereby aud which 1 hereby declared to be all the lota, carta of lots ana parcel, or land lying between a lln 100 feet south of and parallel wltb the south line of the Lewis Love Donation Land Claim and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the south line or Alberta street and between a line or 100 feet west of and parallel with th west lln ot Union svenue and a lln 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tb eaat line of Union avenu. Tb Engineer' estimate of the probable total coat of tb Improvement of aald Union avenue la f.ifllO.OO. Tbe abov Improvement 1 to be claaaod a a gravel Improvement and aball be maintained by tb city for a period of 4 year, provided that the owner of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion tnereor aneu not petition tor a new or oirrerent Improvement before the expiration of aucb period. Tb plana, apeciBcatlon and estimates of the City Engineer fur the Improvement ot aald Union avenu ar hereby adonted. Resolved, That tbe Auditor of tb City of Portland and be la hereby directed to giro notic or tb proposed improvement of salu avenu aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement may be filed In writing with the undersigned within SO day from th eat of the flrat pub lication of tbla notice. By order- of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July 6, 1903. CITT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FIRE- POUNDHASTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 4th day of July. 1003. I took up and empounded at the City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth street tn tbe City of Portland, Oregon, the fol lowing described snimsls: - Dary bay mare, branded Y. on left hip and baa halter on: One amall sorrel mare; And unleaa the owner, or other per aon or persona having an Interest therein, aball claim possession of tho same, and pay all eoste and charges of the keeping and advertlalng them, together with tbe pound fe on said animal, as provided by ordinance No. 5.925. a amended, of ssld City nf Portland. I will on tbe 11th day of July. 1903, at th hoar nf 10 a. m.. at the City Pound, at No. 881 Six teenth. In aald city, sell the above-deecHhed animal at public auction to tbe highest bid der, to pay the cost and charge for taking bp, keeping and advertising such animal. Dated thll 6th day of Julyy 1908. F. W. SEED, rouadjaaatat. NOTICE OF FILING OF REPORT OF VIEWERS ON THE PROPOSED OPENING, LAYING OUT AND ESTABLISHING OF WHITAXER STREET. -: Notice I hereby given tbat th report of the viewer heretofore appointed to aaaosa tho benefits and damagea In tbe matter of tbe firopoaod opening, laying out and establish njt of Whlfaker street, In th City of Port land, rrom the east lino or necona street to the west line of block 130, Carutbera' Addition to Carutbera' Addition, aa laid ont by the South Portland Real Estate Association, have filed wltb the undersigned their report of assessment for benefits thst will be derived and damagea that will be sustained by reason of the open ing, laying ont and establishing of Whltakcr atreet. aa above described. The district assessed by the viewers In the proposed npoplnr( laying nut and aalabllah. ing or wniiancr street win do an ton iota, parte or lota and parcela or una, tn-wit: A tract of land lying between the sooth line of Whltakcr atreet extended westerly In Ita preaent course and line 200 feet southerly therefrom and parallel therewith, and between tbe eaat line or Mecood atreet extended southerly In Its present course and a line 30 feet westerly therefrom and parallel therewith; a tract of land lvlna- between tho aouth line of Wbltaker atreet, , extended westerly In Ita present course, snd a line 200 feet southerly therefrom and parallel therewith, and between two line re BDectively 30 feet and 260 feet west of and parallel with tbe east line of Second atreet extended eoumeriy in 11s present course; 101s 2, 3, 4, 5 snd 6. In block 130. Csrutbers' Addi tion to Carutbera' Addition, as laid ont by tbo South Portland Real Estate Association. The Council of tho City or Portland win consider said report at toe rczuiar meet Ins to be held Wednesday. July 15. 1008. al 2 o'clock D. m. All persona Interested ara hereby notified to present their objection to ssld report, in writing, ir any rney nave, at aald tlm and place, tbat the aame mar be heard ana aeterminea D,v tno toooni. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor Of tb Cltr of Portland. Jnly . 1903. FOR CONSTRUCTING BOAT. Sealed proposals will b received at tb flic of the Auditor ot the Cltr of Portland, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m., on Friday, July 17, 1W03, for tb construction of a fireboat In accordance with tb following condition: Flrat For tb construction ot a flrboat wltb steel bull and twin screw propellers ac cording to plana and apaclficatlona prepared by Mr. Kred Ballln and filed in tbe offlc of th Auditor of th City of Portland. Copies of said plana and spoclflcstlons will ba fur nished upon application being mad there for. Second For tbe construction of a fireboat wltb either a steel bull or a wood bull and wltb either single screw or twin screw pro peller according to plana and apecltlcatloni. to b lubmltted by the bidder with hi bid. General condition which apply to all blda: First No bid will be entertained by wblcb the cost of fireboat ready for use, aball xceed 610,000.00. Second Th maximum draft ot a fireboat for tbe City of Portland must not exceed six feet under propeller when fully equipped. mirn no ma win ue coniaeru ror a fireboat with It capacity than 6,000 gallon per minute. Fourth Separate bida will be received for pumpa and In any award for the construction of a fireboat tbe Executive Board reserve to the city of Portland the right to furnish th fump. said pumpa to b placed in position In he boat by th party constructing th boat ana as a part or aucn construction. Fifth Each hid must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a responsible bsnk In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, for th sum of Thre. Thousand Dollars, or by a bond for a Ilk amount, to b approved br th Ma ror of th city, a guarant, to tb'clTct that If tb contract for th construction of a Id fireboat be awarded to inch bidder, h Will enter Into contract therefor and furnish to th City of Portland, Oregon, a good and suffi cient bond, to be approved by the Mayor, In the mm of 40,000.00, for the faithful execu tion of laid contract. . Tb rlxbt Is reserved to relect anv and all blda. Blda should be addressed to th Executive Board, care of Thos. C. Devlin, Auditor, Port land, Oregon. Trios, (i. hevliiv. Auditor of the City of Portland. Dated June 1. 1003. riHAHCIAX. L'add & Tilton, Bankers Established In 185B. , , INTEREST ALLOWED" " ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections mad at all points oa favorabla terms. Letter of credit issued available la Europe and all polnte in U United Stat. Sight exchange and telegraphic: transfer old- In New York. Washington, Chicago, St Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco aad Mon tana and British Columbia. Exrhangu sold Frankfort, Hong and Honolulu. oa London. Paris, Kong, Yokohama, Berlin, Manila POUNDMASTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on tho lat day or JUiy. im, 1 tout up ana emponndea at the City Pound, at 201 Sixteenth atreet In the (ity of Portland, Oregon, tha following described animals: liea-bltton grey mare, shod all around; Bay horse, right hind snd left front feet White and ahod all arouud; One black mule: Brown mare, white spot on forehead: And unluss tbe owner, or other person or persons having an Interest therein, shall claim possession of the same, and pay all cots and cbargea of the keeping and ad vertlalng tbem, together with tbe pound feea on aald anlmala, as proylfled hv ardlnanc no. o.ii.u, aa amenueti, ot earn 1 iry 01 i-ort-land, I will on tbe 8th day of July. 1003. at the hour nf 10 a. m.. at th City Pound. t No. 201 Sixteenth. In said city, sell the above described nnlmala at public aur tlon to the highest bidder, to nay tbn costs and charged for taking up, keeping aud advertising auch animals. Dated tbla 3d day of Jnly. 1908. F. W. REED. Pouudmaatcr. United States Nat'l Bank OF PORTLAND OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK ITS, (TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING : BUSINESS. DRAFTS ISSUED - - Available la all eltis. of th United flat and Europ, Hong Kong and Manila. , Collections Made on Favorable Terms President . , ,7. a AINSWORTH Vle-Pre!dent .W, B. A YBBJ Assistant Cashier R. W. BCfTMEFR Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGB LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. THIRD AND STARK STREETS. Head Offlc 66 Old Broad itrt London. Thl bank transact a general banking bual. Dees, maksa loan, discounts bills and Issue letter of credit available for travelers and for th purchase of merchandl In snv cliy of th world. Deals u .orvlga and domi-st! exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.' W. A. MACRAE), Manager. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND. 0AE00N. NOTICE. The Tonlo Par Excellence. 08000 aw A t mm (A Wine OortfraM ' Tbe beat ipecific remedy for A" .Malarial and Typhoid rovers. vColda, Influenza, to. A.n uuam SkJi.T. Read The Journal NOTICE I hereby glveir. that th annual meeting of th stockholder of tb Midway Oil Company will be held at the office of Ijiaa Ttitoo, ,Bnxers. at rortiana, tire fon. at 3 o'clock p. m., 011 Weduesday, tbo 5th day of -July, 1903, for the purpose of elect ine a board or directors ana toe trans action of such other business a may coma be ror in meeting. II. C. 8TRATTON, Secretary. LEGAL NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tbe stnek- noiiier or tne rarmera co-operaiiva uom mlnalon Company, held June 18, the enmu of said corporation wan changed to 'hatter ton A Co., to take effect July 15, 1908. MILLIONS IN CANDY Candy and confectionery to the amount of $100,000,000 are sold in the Ameri can homo, market every year, and to this total of manufacture New York con tributes $20,000,000, or one-fifth. Penn slyvania, Massachusetts and Illinois are the three other states which contribute largely to the total, which is constantly increasing;, for three reasons. The oandy-making; interest of tha United -States, now centering In and about New Tork. where there are nearly 900 candy- maklng establishments, shows steady and constant increase, and it is a no ticeable fact that In localities In which foreign-born residents are " numerous there la leas candy eaten than in those neighborhoods which are inhabited by those of American nativity. Tears of suffering- relieved in a night. Itching piles yield at once to the cura tive rjronertie of Doan's Ointment, Never fails. At any Urur store.- 60 cents. . i Frank Watson. L. Dc.rham W. Hoyt. 00. W. Hoyt.. Preside Vlo.Presldnt Caabler ......... Assistant Cashlar Transacts, jt Gnra4 Banktstf BnslSMS.-Drata- and later af credit Issued arallabb) to all parte of tb world. Collection! a specialty. Gold dust boenrht. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN Successor to f MORRIS WHITEHEAD. BANXZRJ. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND. OR. RErsHEiicra. Lidd A Tilton, Portland; IT. S. National Bank. Portland; Rank of California. Sao Fran- , Cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National Bank. Sau Francisco. Bolton, deRuyter & Co. avrxKBsms. ''i Chicago Board, of Trade, San Francisco Pro duce Excbnge, San Francisco Stock . ; and Bond Exchange. !' GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. B0ND5 and COTTON. San Francisco Offlo 60 California St. 10 THIRD ST. PORTLAND OB) MOBTOAOE X.OAHB t lowest XatlS. INSURANCE INf ALL XOHEB. ' XEAI. ESTATE. ' A. H. BIRRELL formerly of KfccXafftar BlrralL " REAL ESTATB. GENERAL "INSUKANCI AND FINANCIAL AtJENCi. JOS-4 McKay Building, Third aad Stark. . Phone, Main S38. - MORTGAGE L.OA1NS Oa Portland real estate at lowest rate. - . Title insured. A 1m tn eta furnished. Title Guarantee & Triut Co. ' t Chamber of Commereo; ' ' HOTICB SALARIED I07I,B Do yoa need mouey before ray aayi ran on ue. W can advance money oa yoar wa en abort notice. You pay. back monthly. avtuK monthly or weekly. -? ; .. ; r TATE BTAJR Z.OAJT CO, , t MO McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark it. riHAjrciAx. On New iorK Loan Office & O QT N. Third St.r XL -UlUiuvrrea. " Loan on collaterals: low rate: un redeemed pledge for aale; watcti and. Ivwelry repairing. Phon, Red IfeT. ' . X0 VEY ATAlfffJX;' Salaried neopl. teams tors, stc, wltboot aecur. Ity, esy psyavw-t! Urgset buless. la 4 priacipal dtie. -i - . v ,; - tolmAx. tas AYoiBrtc tei-i. - , KORTOAOB Z.OAJTS. Oa Improved city nd faraa property, at n. eat current- rates; i kul Idtin 4od, -iuM.ii . . ti tueas,. -a, . . .; . - -.':;-. Wa. Kcraa. v.- ;.,, VVvfCvutt-r t!'.t-